Road Registration 2. Routine Inspection (Mandatory and Optional) 3. Feedback (For Departmental Users)
Road Registration 2. Routine Inspection (Mandatory and Optional) 3. Feedback (For Departmental Users)
Road Registration 2. Routine Inspection (Mandatory and Optional) 3. Feedback (For Departmental Users)
1. Road Registration
2. Routine Inspection (Mandatory and Optional)
3. Feedback (for departmental users)
3. Uninstall the older version of eMARG mobile app. Before un-installation upload locally saved data.
1. Uninstall the older version of eMARG mobile app. Before un-installation upload locally saved data.
Please download the apk file from eMARG web application through Inspection Services>>eMARG
Mobile App>>eMARG Inspection App and install it. Apk link is also provided on eMARG Support
whatsapp group.
Process for Routine Inspection (Mandatory) is as similar as routine inspection (Optional) above while in
this case system generated chainages are appear for inspection.
Click on next and rest of the process is as similar as routine inspection (optional).
4. Feedback
(i) Select feedback from the below dashboard .This facility is provided for every
inspecting officer.
(ii) Select State, District, Package no. and Road name and take images while clicking on
camera icon and save.