FINMAR Chapter 1 (Reviewer)
FINMAR Chapter 1 (Reviewer)
FINMAR Chapter 1 (Reviewer)
Financial Management – an important process to ensure Information Asymmetry – one stakeholder to a transaction
maximization of profit and wealth. holds superior information than the other party which causes
inefficient allocation of financial resources as one party may
Sources of Wealth (Origin) be in a better negotiating position
2. Land – rent
3. Capital (financial/industrial) – interest 1) Lenders and Borrowers
4. Entrepreneurial skills – profit - Who are the players?
- Most essential stakeholders that make up the
Finance – also known as financial economics foundation of a transaction
- Application of economic principles to decision-making - Lenders: have excess funds that they lend for a return
that involves the allocation of money under conditions of - Borrowers: willing to pay the return for additional
uncertainty. funds
- Provides the framework for making decisions as to how 2) Financial Intermediaries
those funds should be obtained and then invested - How will the exchange occur?
- Life-blood of the company - Special type of financial entity that acts as a third
- “finer” (French): to end and settle a debt party to facilitate the borrowing activity
- Gathers funds from lenders and redistribute it to
Study of Capital Markets (key areas) borrowers through an investment vehicle like loans
1. Financial system 3) Financial Instruments
2. Structure of interest rates - What will be used?
3. Pricing of assets - Medium of exchange of contractual obligation of a
party, where such contract can be traded (tangible or
- Provides the platform by which funds are transferred from - A contract where a party recognize it as an asset and
those entities that have funds to invest to those entities another is as liability (IFRS 32)
that need funds to invest. - Types: cash/derivatives
- Composed of network of inter-related systems of 4) Financial Markets
financial markets, intermediaries and services. - Where will it be traded?
- Main reason for existence: matching the difference - Where suppliers and buyers of financial instruments
between the spending of fund providers and fund meet
demanders. - money market – cash; capital markets – derivative
- Regular, time-efficient and cost-effective link between 5) Regulatory Environment
fund demanders and fund providers. - How is it controlled?
- Households: primary fund provider - Governance body to ensure that the transactions that
- Business Firms & Government: main fund demander occur within the financial systems complies with the
laws and regulations imposed to the actors as well as
Faure’s definition of financial system:
the elements that plays within the system
Set of arrangements/conventions embracing the lending and - Financial systems are normally regulated by Central
borrowing of funds by non-financial economic units and the Banks
intermediation of this function by financial intermediaries in 6) Money Creation
order to facilitate the transfer of funds, to create additional - What is the value it creates?
money when required, and to create markets in debt and - Money is used to either be reinvested or earned out
equity instruments (and their derivatives) so that the price from the system flows
and allocation of funds are determined efficiently. - May be converted into another form
Flow of Funds (two routes) 7) Price Discovery
- How much is created?
1. Direct Financing – borrower-spenders borrow and - Process of determining or valuing the financial
deal directly with lenders through selling financial instrument in the market
instruments - Price is normally driven by the level of risk on how
o Financial Instruments – claims on the future the issuer of the financial instruments
income or assets of the borrower
o Borrowers – liabilities; Lenders- assets THE FINANCIAL MARKETS
o Ex: buying stocks directly from a company - Channels or places where funds and financial instruments
2. Indirect Financing – happens through the are exchanged. (e.g. NYSE, PSE)
intervention of a financial intermediary - Intend to establish a consistent, efficient, and cost-
FINANCIAL MARKETS effective bridge between lenders and borrowers.
- Participants (e.g. household, gov’t, businesses, financial
- Help in creating more efficient allocation of capital intermediaries, broker and dealers, regulators, fund
(physical/financial) managers and financial exchanges)
1) Broker Market
- buyer and seller of the securities are brought together
by a broker and the trade occurs at that point
- usually composed of national and regional securities
- Philippine Stock Exchange – sole broker market in
the Philippines
2) Dealer Market
- buyer and seller are not brought directly together by
a third party
- market makers execute the sell or buy orders
- Two distinct trades: (a) seller sells his securities to a
dealer and (b) buyer buys his securities from a dealer
- ask price – lowest price of a security offered a sale
- bid price – highest proposed price in order for
investors to buy a security
- Investors pay the ask price when purchasing
securities and receives the bid price when selling
- Dealers earn profit through spread between bid and
ask prices
- Do not have centralized trading floors
- Consist of many market makers
- Market maker: dealers who create market by
offering to sell/buy securities at ask/bid prices)