The Effect of Learning With Abductive-Deductive Strategy On High School Students' Reasoning Ability
The Effect of Learning With Abductive-Deductive Strategy On High School Students' Reasoning Ability
The Effect of Learning With Abductive-Deductive Strategy On High School Students' Reasoning Ability
Ali Shodikin
Mathematics Education, Indonesia University of Education
[email protected]
First draft received: 24 July 2016 Final proof received: 20 August 2017
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of learning with abductive-deductive strategy on
the achievement of mathematical reasoning abilities of high school students. It employed the
experimental pretest-posttest with non-randomized control group design to the eleventh grade students
of one high school in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. Data were collected in the form of early
mathematical ability categories (EMA) and overall. The results showed that the achievement of
mathematical reasoning abilities that students acquire through learning with abductive-deductive
strategy was better than that of the students who received were taught with expository learning. In more
detail, only students in the medium category of EMA showed better achievement in mathematical
reasoning abilities. Meanwhile, students of the upper and lower categories had the same achievements
in their reasoning abilities. Based on the findings of the research, it is expected that teachers can
encourage students to apply abduction and deduction strategy in order to achieve in mathematical
reasoning abilities.
Shodikin, A.
The effect of learning with abductive-deductive strategy on high school students’ reasoning ability
(2005) for the problem of reasoning and problem deductive strategy has effects on high school
solving ability. The possibility of applying this students’ reasoning ability.
framework to the wide range of problems Based on the notion of learning with
(mathematical literacy) for students in secondary abductive-deductive strategy, in this study a more
schools has also been studied theoretically (Shodikin, operational learning syntax of abductive-deductive
2013), but not at the practical level. Herein, the strategy is developed as shown in Figure 1.
present study attempts to find out whether abductive-
Key Process
Analyze and evaluate
Abductive Process
Generalize the
Deductive Process
Phase 5 Discussion • Teachers assist students in finding more strategies for the
strategies to more
problems • Teachers provide training and evaluation
Based on the background and formulation of
To be involved in transactive discussion, students’ the problem described above, this study aims to
early mathematics ability (EMA) plays a very investigate the effect of learning with abductive-
important role, by which the idea that appears to deductive strategy on the achievement of high
develop gradually so as to build a comprehensive school students’ mathematical reasoning abilities.
mathematical concept of information is obtained.
Students’ EMA are divided into three categories:
upper, middle, and lower levels. This grouping is METHODOLOGY
used to see if there is mutual effect between the The method applied in this study was the
learning done and students’ early mathematics experimental with pretest-posttest with non-
ability and reasoning abilities. Besides that, the randomized control group design. With this design,
effects of learning in each category of early subjects initially performed pretest, and then treated
mathematical ability can be explained. with a form of learning with abductive-deductive
strategy and subsequently performed post-test to
International Journal of Education ©2017 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Vol. 10 No. 1, August 2017, pp. 67-72 doi:
30 30
25.81 24.53
15.88 17
13.67 12.83
Experimental Control
Figure 3. Achievement Score Bar Chart
To find out which students achieved better
Reasoning Ability reasoning ability, mean difference test was
Figure 3 shows that the students who learned with conducted. Before the mean difference test was
abductive-deductive strategy (experimental class) carried out, the normality test and homogeneity
had the overall average score of achievement of tests were undertaken. Then, t-test was used for
mathematical reasoning abilities greater than the normally distributed and homogeneous data, while
students who received the expository learning for non-normally distributed data Mann-Whitney U
(control class). Judging from EMA category, the non-parametric test was employed. The results of
students with upper level EMA had the greatest mean difference test are presented in Table 3.
average score of achievement of mathematical
reasoning ability.
Table 3
Test Results Mean Difference of Post-test Scores in Mathematical Reasoning Ability
EMA Comparison of t Mann- Sig. Sig. Ho
average (E:C) Whitney U (2 tailed) (1 tailed)
Upper 30.00 : 30.00 0.000 - 1.000 0.500 Accepted
Middle 25.81 : 15.88 - 130.5 0.006 0.003 Rejected
Lower 13.67 : 12.83 0.166 - 0.871 0.435 Accepted
Overall 24.53 : 17.00 - 304.5 0.001 0.000 Rejected
Shodikin, A.
The effect of learning with abductive-deductive strategy on high school students’ reasoning ability
Ho: The average achievement of reasoning ability of the experimental class was lower or equal to that of the
control class in terms of EMA (upper, middle, lower) as well as overall.
Table 3 shows that the mathematical reasoning ability abductive-deductive is still less than optimal. The
of the students who learned with abductive-deductive reason for this is related to adjustments in thought
strategy (experimental class) was better than that of that are relatively difficult for students. In fact, thinking
the students who used expository learning (control hard is vital in constructing knowledge in the view of
class). Seen more detail in terms of EMA categories, constructivism-based learning (Ormrod, 2008).
only the mathematical reasoning ability of students Another reason is the test used in this study was
whose EMA at the middle category and learning with relatively difficult. It was revealed during the
abductive-deductive strategy that was better than that interviews that the test items in this study were more
of the students used expository learning. However, difficult than the normal questions given by the
for students of the upper and lower categories of teacher prior to the study. The test results also
EMA who learned with abductive-deductive strategy indicate that the questions used were in the “most
(experimental class), the achievement of difficult” category.
mathematical reasoning ability was lower or equal to It is clear then that higher order mathematical
that of the students who employed expository thinking ability (reasoning) is not easy to achieve.
learning (control class). Based on the average However, it is undeniable that the students learning
achievement, the experimental class students in the with abductive-deductive strategy demonstrate better
upper and lower categories of EMA gained an achievement than the students taught with expository
average score that was greater than the average learning. This finding indicates that if abductive-
score of the control class. Hence, it can be concluded deductive strategy is consistently applied, it is
that the achievement of mathematical reasoning possible to increase students’ reasoning ability
ability of the students learning with abductive- optimally.
deductive strategy (experimental class) was equal to Reviewed in more detail by categories of EMA,
that of the students who used the expository learning only students in the middle category show learning
(control class). with abductive-deductive strategy had better
achievement of mathematical reasoning ability than
students who were taught with expository learning.
DISCUSSION Meanwhile, experimental class students in the upper
Specifically, the indicators of mathematical reasoning and lower EMA categories had the same
ability in this research are focused on three skills, achievement same ability. This suggests that learning
namely: (1) making logical conclusions; (2) estimating with abductive-deductive strategy has facilitated
answers and solution processes; and (3) using students with middle category of EMA to improve
patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical mathematical reasoning ability. On the other hand,
situations. the students with upper category of EMA had similar
It has been shown that the students who learned results in their reasoning ability, possibly because the
with abductive-deductive strategy and expository students have great motivation and are able to accept
learning had no difference in their early mathematical the learning materials, so despite the lack of
ability, both as a whole and in terms of each category supporting learning method they were still able to
of Early Mathematical Ability/EMA (upper, middle, obtain good results. The fact that the increase in the
lower). This finding is understandable because both reasoning ability of the students learning with
classes were not subjected to different learning abductive-deductive strategy was not greater than
methods. that of the students with expository learning does not
The achievement of mathematical reasoning mean that the former students did not improve or
ability of the students learning with abductive- facilitated, but with both of learning strategies have
deductive strategy was better than that of the increased the students’ ability. Similarly, the students
students who used expository learning. These results with lower category of EMA did not optimally improve
are consistent with the hypothesis proposed their reasoning ability through learning with
previously and showed that indeed the phases of abductive-deductive strategy and expository learning
learning with abductive-deductive strategy support because the students with have low motivation.
and facilitate the improvement of students’ reasoning Based on these arguments, in general learning with
ability. The results are also in line with those of abductive-deductive strategy has been able to
Mayadiana’s (2011) which show that students who facilitate the achievement of better reasoning ability.
learned with mathematical process thinking had The following arguments reinforce the notion
reasoning ability (inductive and deductive) better than that learning with abductive-deductive strategy has
that of the students taught with conventional learning. been able to facilitate the achievement of
Although the research was conducted to students mathematical reasoning ability of students better than
with different levels of early mathematical ability and expository learning.
using inductive approach, the similarity to learning For indicator (1), making logical conclusions,
with abductive-deductive strategy lies in the emphasis learning with abductive-deductive strategy facilitates
on mathematical thinking process. the phase of generalizing the findings obtained.
The average achievement score (post-test) on Learning activities encourage students to generalize
the reasoning ability of students learning with the findings obtained from the problems or the data.
abductive-deductive strategy was 24.53 of the ideal The activities also familiarize and help students in
40. From this finding, it can be concluded that the understanding the problems or data so as to be able
reasoning ability of the students learning with to make conclusions from a logical statement. This
International Journal of Education ©2017 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Vol. 10 No. 1, August 2017, pp. 67-72 doi:
argument is in accordance with the opinion of mathematical reasoning ability as described above
Vygotsky (John & Thornton, 1993) who said that the reinforce that learning with abductive-deductive
process of improving the understanding and strategy is better than expository learning in the
reasoning of students occurs as a result of learning. achievement and improvement of students’ reasoning
In other words, the phase of generalizing the findings abilities.
obtained in learning with abductive-deductive strategy
has been able to facilitate the indicator of making
logical conclusions. Meanwhile, in expository CONCLUSION
learning, students have fewer opportunities to do Based on the research findings and discussion, it can
such activities. be concluded that the in general the achievements of
The second indicator of estimating answers and mathematical reasoning ability of the students
solutions in learning with abductive-deductive learning with abductive-deductive strategy was better
strategy greatly facilitates the analysis and evaluation than those with expository learning. In terms of EMA
phase. In this phase, the teacher first directs students category, only students in the middle category
to find their own solutions of the information that has showed better achievements of mathematical
been gained by the students. The teacher then reasoning ability. Meanwhile, students in the upper
encourages students to do transactive reasoning as and lower categories demonstrated similar
to criticize, explain, clarify, justify and elaborate a achievements of mathematical reasoning ability.
proposed idea, either initiated by the students or Teachers are recommended to use learning with
teacher. Next, the teacher assists students in abductive-deductive strategy with learning materials
planning and preparing materials for presentations that possess abductive-deductive characteristics to
and discussions. The teacher then helps students to improve mathematical reasoning ability. Further
reflect on the investigation process and other research needs to be done for the development of
processes used in solving the problem to give learning with abductive-deductive strategy for other
students the ability to estimate answers and solution. materials in accordance with the characteristics of
Compared to expository learning, in which the abductive-deductive strategy, such linear program,
teacher presents the material through lecture or logarithmic, and trigonometric. The research should
reading materials from a textbook or instructional also be extended to the level vocational schools and
material, students cannot optimally develop the ability junior high schools. Research on the improvement of
to estimate answers and solution processes. This is other mathematical abilities using learning with
supported by the learning theories expressed by abductive-deductive strategy can also be done. For
Piaget, where knowledge is not passively received. comparison, it is also necessary to do research on
Mathematical knowledge is constructed by the the comparison of the strategy to the inductive,
children themselves; should not be given. Students deductive, inductive-deductive or other strategies.
should become active seekers and processors of
information, not a passive recipient (Schunk, 1986; REFERENCES
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Shodikin, A.
The effect of learning with abductive-deductive strategy on high school students’ reasoning ability