Nursing Case Study Apale

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John Andrew Semeno BSN II BLOCK 1

Patient’s name is Elma Caldosa, 35 years old and is single. She lives in San Miguel, Leyte and was born on
May 21, 1984. She is a Filipino and is a roman catholic. She was diagnosed gravida 6 para 6 (G6P6) pregnancy full-
term 37 weeks, cephalic presentation by normal delivery to an alive baby boy, Apgar score 9, clear amniotic fluid.
Birthweight: 2520g: Birth length: 49cm. Patient’s baby boy was diagnosed with hematuria on November 20, 2019.
Also, last November 22, 2019 the baby was positive on jaundice.

Neonatal proteinuria and hematuria while not common can be detrimental to the health of the neonate.
Although nephrogenesis is complete in humans by 36 weeks of gestation, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is
approximately 10-20 ml/min/1.73m. Demonstrating the immaturity of the kidney. Premature infants have an even
lower GFR. Can be due to genetic causes, structural abnormalities, infections or immune mediated. Severity of
proteinuria can vary based on the etiology and will determine the clinical presentation in the neonate. Normal protein
excretion in a full term neonate is 68-309 mg/m/24hrs [ 2-4]
Newborn jaundice is a yellowing of a baby’s skin and eyes. Newborn jaundice is a very common and can
occur when babies have a high level of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced during normal breakdown of red blood
cells. New born jaundice goes away on its own as a newborn jaundice goes away on the baby begins to feed, which
helps bilirubin pass through the body. In most cases, jaundice will disappear within 2-3 weeks. Jaundice that
persists longer than 3 weeks may be a symptoms of an underlying condition.


A. Generial Data
Name: Caldos Baby Boy
Address: San Miguel, Leyte
Age: NB Sex: Male Date of birth: November 19, 2019
Nationality: Filipino Religion:
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Date of Admission: November 19, 2019
Hospital: Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Diagnosis: gravida 6 para 6 (G6P6) pregnancy full-term 37 weeks, cephalic presentation by normal delivery to an
alive baby boy, Apgar score 9, clear amniotic fluid. Birthweight: 2520g: Birth length: 49cm
B. Reason for Admission
Patient was admitted due to her pregnancy and no illnesses or diseases noted.
C. Obstetric History
Patient stated that she had experienced her first menstruation when she was till 15 years old and lasted for 4
days. Patient also stated that the flow is moderate and experienced it regularly and never experienced
dysmenorrhea. Patient take pills prior to family planning.

Year Pregnanc Duration Mode of Live Sex/ Birth Place of Status of TT

y of Labor Delivery Birth/Still Weight Delivery immunization
2004 1 NSVD Live Birth Female Home Complete
2005 2 NSVD Live Birth Female Home Complete
2008 3 NSVD Live Birth Female Home Complete
2010 4 NSVD Live Birth Female Home Complete
2013 5 NSVD Live Birth Male RHU Complete
2019 6 NSVD Live Birth Male EVRMC Incomplete

D. History of Present Illness:

Patient was admitted due to her pregnancy and no illnesses or diseases noted.
E. Past Health History- Patient’s childhood diseases were cough, cold and fever. She had an BCG, Hepatitis
B, Vitamin K immunization and no allergies identified. Patient did not experienced surgeries, accidents and
blood transfusion and is not taking any maintenance medication.
F. Family History
Patient’s father died on the age of 40 because Schistosomiasis while patient’s mother alive at the age of
60. Patient’s type of family is cohabiting. Patient’s spouse is Aljon Ceminieho but they are not legally
married. They have no heredofamilial diseases.

G. Environmental History
Patient’s house is owned their drainage system is close. Their toilet type is water sealed. Their water supply
is through an artesian well and they disposed their garbage through city collection.

H. Functional Health Pattern.

A. Health Perception and Maintenance Management Pattern
The patient’s general health has been okay and experienced colds in the past. According to the patient
the things that make a body healthy is through eating vegetables and fruits. Patient never had
experienced using tobacco and drinking alcohol. Patient does not perform breast self-examination and
stated that it has been easy for her to follow nurses/doctors suggestions. Patient stated that she believes
that after giving birth taking a bath is prohibited also eating “dinuguan.”
B. Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern.
Patient’s daily food intake are fruits, fish and vegetables with rice and drinks 6-8 glasses of water every
day. Patient experienced weight gain from 50kg and is now on 55kg her appetite is normal and has no
eating discomfort. Patient also stated that she heals well and has no skin but experienced dental
C. Elimination Pattern
Patient eliminate waste every other day and stated that stool is not watery and is color brown. Patient
also urinate every day mostly 4x a day depends on the water intake and the color is yellow. Patient has
no odor problems.
D. Activity Exercise Pattern
Patient stated that she sometimes has enough energy to complete desired activities. Patient stated the
she do not exercise and during her leisure time she cleans the house, watching television and sleeps.
E. Sleep-Rest Pattern
Patient sleeps for 8 hours and do not have difficulty in sleeping. Patients sleep is continuous and do take
naps in the afternoon. She watch television and also taking naps after cleaning the house to relax herself.

F. Cognitive Perceptual Manner

Patient does not wear any eyeglasses or hearing aids and do not have a problem when it comes to
hearing and vison. Sometimes, patient forgot to do what she is going to do and according to her the
easiest way of learning is through teaching. To manage pain, patient stated that she uses “banyos” to
ease the pain.
G. Self-perception and Self-concept Pattern
Patient describe herself as kind, patient and loving and she has no problem with the changes at her
body. Patient stated that she get annoyed because of her children.
H. Role Relationship Pattern
Patient lives with her family and stated that there is no difficulty in handling a problem. Patient stated that
to solve a problem each member of the family should talk to each other. Patient’s family does depends
on her and feels worried about her pregnancy. Patient stated that she do not have a problem in handling
her children and her family feels part of the neighborhood they are in.
I. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
Patient stated that there is no change in terms of sexual relationship with her partner. Patient had two sex
partner and she was only 20 years old when she had her first sexual contact. Patient is sexually active
and uses pills as a contraceptive.
J. Coping-Stress Pattern
Patient does not get tense and. Patient stated that her live in partner is the most helpful in talking things
and is available anytime. There was no changed in her life for the last two years. She handles problem
through praying.
K. Value-Belief Pattern
Patient do not generally get things that she like out of life. Patient stated that religion is really important
and being hospitalized does not interfere with any religious practices.

8am 12 noon
Temperature (°C) 37.6 36.1
Pulse Rate ( bpm) 125 115
Respiratory Rate (cpm) 60 51
Vital Signs:
1. Integument- The patient’s skin is yellow on the upper and lower extremities. Hair is evenly distributed and
upon palpation there were no nodules, masses noted. Patient’s skin is warm to touch and skin turgor is
2. Head- patient’s eyes were round and the color of the eyes were black but the sclera was yellow. Nose is in
the midline between the eyes and upon palpation sinuses were not palpable. NO cleft palate
3. Neck- is symmetric and upon palpation no bulging masses noted. The thyroid cartilage and corticoid cartilage
moved upward symmetrically as the client swallows. Trachea is in the midline. No tenderness and
enlargement noted
A. Urinalysis Result

Parameters Results SI unit Reference Conventional

Range Result Unit Reference
Macroscopic 0.0000
Color Yellow 0.0000
Clarity Turbid 0.00
Chemical 0.000
pH 6.0 0.00
Specific Gravity 1.026 0.00
Leukocyte Negative <trace 0.00
Blood Trace <trace 0.00
Glucose Negative <trace 0.00
Nitrate + <trace 0.00
Protein ++ <trace 0.00
Urobilinogen Normal <trace 0.00
Ketone Negative <trace 0.00
Biluribin + <trace 0.00
Creatinine 50.00 mg/dL 10-300 0.0000
Albumin Over mg/dL 10-150
Flow Cytometry
PLUS cells 114.9 /uL 0-17 20.89 /HPF 0-3
Red Cells 554.5 /uL 0-11 100.82 /HPF 0-2
Squamous 23.8 /uL 0-17 4.33 /HPF 0-3
Epithelial Cells
Bacteria 1148 /uL 0-278 263.37 /HPF 0-50
Mucus Threads 3.37 < moderate 0.00
Hyaline Casts - 0.00


Sign 0 1 2 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes

Heart Rate Absent Below 100 Above 100 2
Respiration Absent Slow Irregular Crying 2
Muscle Tone Flaccid Weak Cry Flexion 2
Hypoventilate Active
d some flexion
Reflex No Grimace Cough or cry 1
Color Blue, Pale Baby Pink Completely 2
Extremeties Pink


Drug Name Drug Class Mechanism Indications Contraindi Side Nursing

of Action cations effects/Adverse Consideration
Generic: Therapeuti Bacteriacidal: Patient’s Contraindic Side Effects/ Before:
Cephalexin c: Inhibits Indication: ated with Adverse History: Penicillin
Bactericidal synthesis of Treatment allergy to Reaction: or cephalosporin
Pharmacol bacterial cell for infection. cephalospor CNS: headache, allergy, pregnancy,
Brand: ogic: wall, causing General: in or dizziness, or lactation
Cephalospo Antibiotic cell death Respiratory penicillin. lethargy, Physical: Renal
rins tract paresthesiasis function tests,
infections Use respiratory status,
Complete caused cautiously GI: Nausea, skin status; culture
Prescriptio by Streptoc with renal vomiting, and sensitivity tests
n: occus failure, diarrhea, of infected area
500mg QID pneumonia lactation, anorexia, During:
PO e, group A pregnancy abdominal pain, Arrange for culture
beta- flatulence and sensitivity tests
hemolytic Pregnancy pseudomembran of infection before
streptococci Category: ous colitis, and during therapy
Skin and B hepatotoxicity if infection does not
skin Hematologic: Bo resolve.
structure ne marrow Give drug with
infections depression meals; arrange for
caused Hypersensitivity small, frequent
by staphyl : Ranging from meals if GI
ococcus, rash to fever to complications
streptococ anaphylaxis; occur.
cus serum sickness Refrigerate
Otitis reaction suspension,
media Other: Superinfec discard after 14
caused tions days
by S.
pneumoni After:
ae, Instructed patient
Haemophil to Report severe
us diarrhea with
influenzae, blood, pus, or
streptococ mucus; rash or
cus, hives; difficulty
staphyloco breathing; unusual
ccus, tiredness, fatigue;
Moraxella unusual bleeding
catarrhalis or bruising.
Bone Advised patient to
infections avoid alcohol while
caused taking cephalexin.
by staphyl
by Escheri
chia coli,

Drug Name Drug Class Mechanism of Indications Contraindi Side Nursing

Action cations effects/Adver Consideration
se Reaction
Generic: Therapeuti Increases Patient’s Contraindic Side Effects: Before:
Ascorbic c: protection Indication: to ated in Transient mild Lab tests:
Acid Supplement mechanism of support wound those soreness may
al the immune healing persons occur at the Periodic Hct &
Pharmacol system, thus General: who have site Hgb, serum
Brand: ogic: supporting Vitamin C is shown of intramuscul
Vitamin C wound healing. recommende hypersensiti ar or subcutan electrolytes.
d for the vity to any eous injection. Monitor for S&S
Complete prevention component Too-rapid intra
of acute
Prescriptio and treatment of this venous admini
n: of scurvy. preparation stration of the Hemolytic
Ascorbic Its parenteral  solution may anemia, sickle
Acid 500mg administration Pregnancy cause
OD is desirable Category: temporary cell crisis.
for patients C faintness or
with dizziness During: Give
an acute defic medication on the
iency or for Adverse right timing
those Reaction:
whose absorp After: Patient &
tion of orally Family
ingested asco Education
rbic acid
(vitamin c) is High doses of
uncertain vitamin C are not
during pregnancy.

Take large doses

of vitamin C in
divided amounts
because the body
uses only what is
needed at a
particular time
and excretes the
rest in urine.
Megadoses can
interfere with
absorption of
vitamin B12.
Note: Vitamin
C increases the
absorption of iron
when taken at the
same time as
iron-rich foods.
Do not breast
feed while taking
this drug without

Drug Drug Mechanism Indications Contraindication Side Nursing

Name Class of Action s effects/Advers Consideration
e Reaction
Generic: Therapeu Anthralinic Patient’s Contraindicated Side Effects: Before:
Mefena- tic: acid Indication: It in those persons Stomach pain Secure Doctor’s
mic Acid Analgesic derivative. is used to who have shown or diarrhea. order
, anti- Like ease pain. hypersensitivity to
inflammat ibuprofen General: any component of Heartburn.Upse Asses patient’s
Brand: ory, and inhibits Short term this preparation t stomach or condition
Ponstel antipyretic prostaglandin relief of mild throwing up. Inform patient
action synthesis to moderate Pregnancy about the
Complet and affects pain Category: C Constipation. possible side
e Pharmac platelet including effects
Prescrip ologic: function. No primary Gas.
tion: CNS evidence that dysmenorrhe During:
500mg agent is superior to a Dizziness. Give medication
QID aspirin on the right timing
Mefena Headache.
mic Acid After:
500 mg Instruct patient to
TID be cautious of the
Mild tiredness,
of the drugs
faintness with
rapid IV

Drug Name Drug Class Mechanis Indications Contraindi Side Nursing

m of cations effects/Adver Consideration
Action se Reaction
Generic: Therapeutic: Elevates Patient’s Hyper- Side Effects: Before:
 ferrous Supplement the serum Indication:Die sensitivity constipation; Secure Doctor’s
sulfate al of iron tary Severe upset order
Pharmacolo concentrat supplement for hypotension stomach;
Brand: gic: ion in iron black or dark- Asses patient’s
Feosol, Fer which then colored stools; condition
Iron, Fer- helps to General: Temporary
Gen-Sol, form high To prevent and staining of the Inform patient about
Fer-in-Sol, or trapped treat iron teeth. the possible side
Fer-Iron, in the deficiency effects
Feratab, reticuloen anemia Adverse
FeroSul, dothelial Pregnancy Reaction: During:
Ferra-TD, cells for Category: Dizziness, Give medication on
Ferro-Bob, storage C nausea and the right timing
Lydia E. and vomiting, nasal
Pinkham, eventual congestion, After:
MyKidz Iron conversio dyspnea, Instruct patient to be
10, Slow Fe n to hypotension cautious of the
Complete usable contraindications of
Prescriptio form of the drugs
n: iron
Folic Acid
500mg BID
(Baby’s drug)

Drug Name Drug Class Mechanis Indications Contraindi Side Nursing

m of cations effects/Adver Consideration
Action se Reaction
Generic: Therapeutic: To Patient’s Hypersensit Side Before:
 Gentamyci Anti-infective reduce the Indication: ivity Effects/Adver Secure Doctor’s
n Pharmacolo developm treatment of to gentami se Reaction: order
Brand: gic: ent of serious cin and CNS:
Aminoglycosi drug- infections myasthenia ototoxicity, Asses patient’s
Prescriptio des resistant b related to gravis is dizziness, condition
n: acteria an jaundice a contraind deafness, Avoid long term use
13 mg IVTT d maintain General: ication to headache.
IM OD the To reduce the its use. CV: Inform patient about
effectiven development Patients palpitation, the possible side
ess of of drug- should be hypotension, effects
Gentamici resistant bacte well hypertension.
n ria and hydrated GI: nausea, During:
Injection, maintain the during vomiting, Give medication on
USP effectiveness therapy, anorexia, the right timing
(gentamici of Gentamicin and renal weight loss.
n injection Injection, USP function After:
pediatric) (gentamicin should be Instruct patient to be
and injection monitored. cautious of the
other antib pediatric) and Dose contraindications of
acterial dr other antibacte adjustment the drugs
ugs, rial drugs, is required Ensure adequate
Gentamici Gentamicin in impaired breastfeeding,
n Injection, USP renal Report any unusual
Injection, (gentamicin function ties
USP injection
(gentamici pediatric)
n injection should be Pregnancy
pediatric) used only to Category:
should be treat or D
used only prevent
to treat or infections that
prevent are proven or
infections strongly
that are suspected to
proven or be caused by
strongly susceptible
suspected bacteria. When
to be culture and
caused by susceptibility
bacteria. information are
available, they
should be
considered in
selecting or
antibacterial th
erapy. In the
absence of
such data,
patterns may
contribute to
the empiric
selection of

Drug Name Drug Class Mechanis Indications Contraindi

Side Nursing
m of cations effects/Adver Consideration
Action se Reaction
Generic: Therapeutic: Inhibits Patient’s Hypersensit Side Before:
Ampicillin Antibiotic cell-wall Indication: ivity Effects/Adver Secure Doctor’s
Brand: Pharmacolo synthesis treatment of to ampicillin se Reaction: order
gic: during serious CNS:
Prescriptio penicillin bacterial infection Patients agitation, Asses patient’s
n: multiplicati related to should be dizziness, condition
129 mg on jaundice well headache. Avoid long term use
IVTT causing General: hydrated CV: heart
IM OD cell death Treatment of during failure Inform patient about
infections therapy, GI: nausea, the possible side
caused by and renal vomiting, effects
susceptible function anorexia, Inspect the injection
strains of should be weight loss. site.
shigella monitored. Diarrhea, During:
salmonella. Dose abdominal Give medication on
adjustment pain the right timing
Meningitis is required
caused by in impaired After:
neisserai renal Instruct patient to be
function cautious of the
contraindications of
Prevention of the drugs
bacterial Pregnancy Ensure adequate
growth and Category: breastfeeding,
eliminating B Report any unusual
invading ties


ASSESMENT NURSING OUTCOME Planning Nursing Intervention Evaluation

Interventions Rationale
Subjective: Risk for After 8 hours of Independent: Sufficient fluid Goal Partially
“Dire pa ak naka constipation duty the patient will Encourage the is needed to Met
uro sukad sa pag related to be able to: patient to take in keep the fecal After 8 hours of
anak” post-partum fluid 2000 to 3000 mass soft. duty
for 2 days Patient identifies mL/day the patient
measures that verbalized
prevent or treat Encourage patient Movement acknowledgement
constipation. for some physical promotes and understands
activity and peristalsis. about the need to
Patient verbalizes exercise. increase of oral
measures that will fluid intake and eat
prevent recurrence A balanced diet food with rich in
of constipation. that comprises fiber
adequate fiber,
fresh fruits,
vegetables, and
Interventions Rationale
Objective: Effective After 8 hours of Independent: Goal Partially
Patient is able breastfeeding duty the patient Met
position properly the will be able to: Encourage Adequate After 8 hours of
infant client to drink hydration is duty the patient
Verbalize at least 2000 must, to showed
understanding of ml of fluid per provide understanding
breastfeeding day. enough milk and responses to
techniques. always
Review To help breastfeed the
Promotes techniques for sustain baby.
effective expression breastfeeding
breastfeeding and storage of activity.
behaviors breast milk.

Advised To prevent
mother not to injury on the
withdraw nipple.
her nipple
or ongoing

Instruct client To promote

to maintain good nutrition
breastfeeding and growth of
to at least 6 the baby.
months without
water or food

(Baby’s nursing care plan)

ASSESMENT NURSING OUTCOME Planning Nursing Evaluation

Interventions Rationale
Objective: Risk for After 8 hours of duty Independent: GOAL MET
Cord showed infection the patient will be Note for risk Identifying the
greenish in related to able to: factors for area of which After 8 hours of
color; dry inadequate occurrence of serves as duty the patient’s
intact without primary Giving proper infection beneficial mother was able to :
any infection defenses hygiene method of environment
(exposed cleaning the for bacterial Note for the risk of
umbilical cord) remaining umbilical growth will occurrence of
cord help the client infection
areas that will Able to understood
need thorough the importance of
cleaning. cord care

Encouraged To save her

mother to time and
clean it as she energy
baths the baby
Instructed the To able to
mother to stop
report spreading the
abnormalities. infection

Report to the
doctor any To be able to
anomalies order a
noted medication to

ASSESMENT NURSING OUTCOME Planning Nursing Intervention Evaluation

Interventions Rationale
Subjective: Jaundice After 8 hours of Independent: GOAL PARTIALLY
related to duty patient will be Encourage To improve MET
disease able to: early morning skin color.
process as a. Will not sunlight Patient did not
Objective: evidenced by exhibit cold jaundice. exhibit cold stress
(+) jaundice yellowish stress
Yellow eyes discoloration of
eyes. b. Patient’s Collaborative Patient’
mother will : To eliminate
be able to Encouraged factors of
understand mother for jaundice
the breastfeeding because
importance per demand or nutrients are
of exposing at least every lacking
the baby to hour.

To reduce
Administered infection
129mg IM
To reduce
Administered jaundice
13mg IM
ASSESMENT NURSING OUTCOME Planning Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Interventions Rationale
Subjective: Breastfeeding After 8 hours of duty Independent: GOAL
“ okay man la Enhancement patient will be able Encouraged Advise mother PARTIALLY MET
pag dede ng to: breastfeeding to incorporate Patient was able to
bata” a. Patient’s for 6 months breastfeeding demonstrate good
mother will rooting reflex and
understand was acknowledged
Objective: the Demonstrate by the mother.
importance of different holds To provide
breastfeeding in giving comfort and
breastfeeding lessen energy
b. Patient will such as consumption
demonstrate football hold,
good rooting cross cradle
hold, lying
cradle hold.

: To lessen the
If engorgement
engorgement of the breast
of breast is
observed , call
the attention of
milk bank
Dependent: Should be
Doctor’s order continue until 6
for months for
continuation of nutrient
breastfeeding consumption

Environment: Upon discharge, patient should be in a safe and sound environment. Should not stay in a very
unsterile place. Significant others should be advised to lower the patient’s risk for further fracture by assessing home
hazards. Must continue early morning sunlight exposure
Treatment Must continue early morning sunlight exposure
Health Teaching: Advise mother to continue breastfeeding until 6 months without water or any food or
OPD: Patient is advised to attend his follow up check-up and bring the tagubililin form in order for the physician to
see progress and advise her on what to do.

Diet: Continue BF

Doctor’s Order:
Mother: Elma Caldosa

11-19-2019 (11:58 am) SOAP: Labor pains Doctor’s Order:

BP:120/80 Admit under DR service
T: 36.3 Secure consent
P:86 TPR every 4 hrs
R:21 DAT
Diagnostic: CBC,PLT,BT,HBSAg,
Anti TP, LA
G6P5 (5005) Cont. IVF @ 20gtts/min
LMP: 03-7-19 Hook to CTG
AOG:36 ½ Monitor FHT and UC every 30 mins
EDC:12-12-19 Monitor progress of labor
FH:29cm To DR
FHT:140-145 VS every 4hrs
Pelvic Exam: E/G normal I and O every shift
I: Refer
SE: Bluish enlarge
IE: 5cm
(+) BOW

G6P5 (5005) DU 36 ½
11-20-19 (-) BM (-) flatus Cont.medication
(-) freely voiding Monitor VS
BP: 110/70 Perineal hygiene
HR: 88 Encourage BF
T:36.7 DR: Tolentino
11-21-19 (-) BM (+) flatus May go home
(+) freely voiding (-) Belding Cont. medication
Cephalexin 500mg QID
Bp:100/70 Mefenamic Acid 500 mg TID
HR:89 Ascorbic Acid 500mg OD
RR:20 FeSO4+ Folic Acid 500mg BID
T:36.6 For discharge
Follow up: 11-27-19


11-20-19 (+) BF May go home anytime after NBS.

Good suck Follow up checkup after 3 days @

Dr. Jordan
11-20-21 (4pm) (+) hematuria For UA
Refer PRN
Dr. Jordan
11-21-19 Hold Discharge
11-21-19 S/F U/A refer facility
Dr. Jordan
11-22-19 (11:20 am) Start ampicillin 129mg IVTT every
12hrs x 7 days
Gentamycin 13mg IVTT every 24hrs
x 7 days
Encourage sunlight Exposure
BF per demand
Refer PRN
Dr. Jordan
11-23-19 ( 10:50AM) (+) jaundice For CPT with eye shield
Dr. Jordan

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