Nursing Case Study Apale
Nursing Case Study Apale
Nursing Case Study Apale
Patient’s name is Elma Caldosa, 35 years old and is single. She lives in San Miguel, Leyte and was born on
May 21, 1984. She is a Filipino and is a roman catholic. She was diagnosed gravida 6 para 6 (G6P6) pregnancy full-
term 37 weeks, cephalic presentation by normal delivery to an alive baby boy, Apgar score 9, clear amniotic fluid.
Birthweight: 2520g: Birth length: 49cm. Patient’s baby boy was diagnosed with hematuria on November 20, 2019.
Also, last November 22, 2019 the baby was positive on jaundice.
Neonatal proteinuria and hematuria while not common can be detrimental to the health of the neonate.
Although nephrogenesis is complete in humans by 36 weeks of gestation, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is
approximately 10-20 ml/min/1.73m. Demonstrating the immaturity of the kidney. Premature infants have an even
lower GFR. Can be due to genetic causes, structural abnormalities, infections or immune mediated. Severity of
proteinuria can vary based on the etiology and will determine the clinical presentation in the neonate. Normal protein
excretion in a full term neonate is 68-309 mg/m/24hrs [ 2-4]
Newborn jaundice is a yellowing of a baby’s skin and eyes. Newborn jaundice is a very common and can
occur when babies have a high level of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced during normal breakdown of red blood
cells. New born jaundice goes away on its own as a newborn jaundice goes away on the baby begins to feed, which
helps bilirubin pass through the body. In most cases, jaundice will disappear within 2-3 weeks. Jaundice that
persists longer than 3 weeks may be a symptoms of an underlying condition.
G. Environmental History
Patient’s house is owned their drainage system is close. Their toilet type is water sealed. Their water supply
is through an artesian well and they disposed their garbage through city collection.
8am 12 noon
Temperature (°C) 37.6 36.1
Pulse Rate ( bpm) 125 115
Respiratory Rate (cpm) 60 51
Vital Signs:
1. Integument- The patient’s skin is yellow on the upper and lower extremities. Hair is evenly distributed and
upon palpation there were no nodules, masses noted. Patient’s skin is warm to touch and skin turgor is
2. Head- patient’s eyes were round and the color of the eyes were black but the sclera was yellow. Nose is in
the midline between the eyes and upon palpation sinuses were not palpable. NO cleft palate
3. Neck- is symmetric and upon palpation no bulging masses noted. The thyroid cartilage and corticoid cartilage
moved upward symmetrically as the client swallows. Trachea is in the midline. No tenderness and
enlargement noted
A. Urinalysis Result
Advised To prevent
mother not to injury on the
withdraw nipple.
her nipple
or ongoing
Report to the
doctor any To be able to
anomalies order a
noted medication to
To reduce
Administered infection
129mg IM
To reduce
Administered jaundice
13mg IM
ASSESMENT NURSING OUTCOME Planning Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Interventions Rationale
Subjective: Breastfeeding After 8 hours of duty Independent: GOAL
“ okay man la Enhancement patient will be able Encouraged Advise mother PARTIALLY MET
pag dede ng to: breastfeeding to incorporate Patient was able to
bata” a. Patient’s for 6 months breastfeeding demonstrate good
mother will rooting reflex and
understand was acknowledged
Objective: the Demonstrate by the mother.
importance of different holds To provide
breastfeeding in giving comfort and
breastfeeding lessen energy
b. Patient will such as consumption
demonstrate football hold,
good rooting cross cradle
hold, lying
cradle hold.
: To lessen the
If engorgement
engorgement of the breast
of breast is
observed , call
the attention of
milk bank
Dependent: Should be
Doctor’s order continue until 6
for months for
continuation of nutrient
breastfeeding consumption
Environment: Upon discharge, patient should be in a safe and sound environment. Should not stay in a very
unsterile place. Significant others should be advised to lower the patient’s risk for further fracture by assessing home
hazards. Must continue early morning sunlight exposure
Treatment Must continue early morning sunlight exposure
Health Teaching: Advise mother to continue breastfeeding until 6 months without water or any food or
OPD: Patient is advised to attend his follow up check-up and bring the tagubililin form in order for the physician to
see progress and advise her on what to do.
Diet: Continue BF
Doctor’s Order:
Mother: Elma Caldosa
G6P5 (5005) DU 36 ½
11-20-19 (-) BM (-) flatus Cont.medication
(-) freely voiding Monitor VS
BP: 110/70 Perineal hygiene
HR: 88 Encourage BF
T:36.7 DR: Tolentino
11-21-19 (-) BM (+) flatus May go home
(+) freely voiding (-) Belding Cont. medication
Cephalexin 500mg QID
Bp:100/70 Mefenamic Acid 500 mg TID
HR:89 Ascorbic Acid 500mg OD
RR:20 FeSO4+ Folic Acid 500mg BID
T:36.6 For discharge
Follow up: 11-27-19
Dr. Jordan
11-20-21 (4pm) (+) hematuria For UA
Refer PRN
Dr. Jordan
11-21-19 Hold Discharge
11-21-19 S/F U/A refer facility
Dr. Jordan
11-22-19 (11:20 am) Start ampicillin 129mg IVTT every
12hrs x 7 days
Gentamycin 13mg IVTT every 24hrs
x 7 days
Encourage sunlight Exposure
BF per demand
Refer PRN
Dr. Jordan
11-23-19 ( 10:50AM) (+) jaundice For CPT with eye shield
Dr. Jordan