Dominnace in Dogs
Dominnace in Dogs
Dominnace in Dogs
Dominance is well defined in ethology, debated in psychology, and is often unclear
among the dog owning public and in the press. However, to date, no study has examined
how owners perceive dominance in dogs, and what different behaviours and personality
types are used to describe dominant and subordinate individuals. A questionnaire
study was launched to investigate the external validity of owner-derived estimates of
dominance in dog dyads sharing the same household (N = 1,151). According to the
owners, dogs rated as dominant (87%) have priority access to resources (resting place,
food, and rewards), undertake certain tasks (defend and lead the group, bark more),
display dominance (win fights, lick the other’s mouth less, and mark over the other’s
urine), share certain personality traits (smarter, more aggressive and impulsive), and
are older than their partner dog (all p < 0.0001). An age-related hypothesis has been
suggested to explain dominance in dogs; but we found that dog age did not explain the
occurrence of dominance related behaviours over the owners’ estimate of dominance
status. Results suggest that owner-derived reports of dominance ranks of dogs living
in multi-dog households correspond to ethologically valid behavioural markers of
dominance. Size and physical condition were unrelated to the perceived dominance.
Surprisingly, in mixed-sex dyads, females were more frequently rated as dominant
than males, which might correspond to a higher proportion of neutered females in
this subgroup. For future studies that wish to allocate dominance status using owner
report, we offer a novel survey.
Submitted 21 November 2018
Accepted 24 March 2019
Published 9 May 2019
Subjects Animal Behavior
Corresponding author Keywords Dominance, Domestic dog, Animal personality, Submission, Agonistic behavior,
Enikő Kubinyi,
Ageing, Leadership
[email protected]
Academic editor
Additional Information and The term dominant is often used by dog owners to describe dogs; however, there may be
Declarations can be found on
page 16 little agreement regarding its meaning, as dominance is defined differently in ethology,
psychology, and among the public. In ethology, dominance describes long-term dominant-
DOI 10.7717/peerj.6838
subordinate social relationships within a dyad or group (Clutton-Brock et al., 1979; Drews,
Copyright 1993). Dominant individuals usually have priority access to key resources such as food and
2019 Kubinyi and Wallis
reproductive partners, due to the consistent winning of agonistic interactions or deference,
Distributed under during which one individual consistently gives way to another (Lorenz, 1966; Smith &
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Price, 1973). However, in psychology, dominance is often referred to as a personality trait
OPEN ACCESS (Gosling & John, 1999) and describes the disposition of an individual to assert control in
How to cite this article Kubinyi E, Wallis LJ. 2019. Dominance in dogs as rated by owners corresponds to ethologically valid markers of
dominance. PeerJ 7:e6838
dealing with others. Finally, the word ‘‘dominance’’ is defined as having control, authority,
and power or influence over others (Westgarth, 2016), and the general public may use this
word to describe individuals who are more powerful, successful, or important than others.
When we consider these three definitions, it is not surprising it is unclear what dog owners
mean when they use the term ‘dominance’ in reference to their dogs.
In the next paragraphs we summarize the current knowledge about dominance in dogs
and then we examine how scientific findings are related to the perception of dominance in
the dog owning public. Although dominance hierarchies have previously been described in
free-ranging dogs (Bonanni et al., 2010; Cafazzo et al., 2010; Bonanni & Cafazzo, 2014), in
dogs living in packs in enclosures (Range, Ritter & Viranyi, 2015; Van Der Borg et al., 2015;
Dale et al., 2017), and in neutered pet dogs at a dog day care centre (Trisko & Smuts, 2015;
Trisko, Smuts & Sandel, 2016), the existence and validity of linear dominance hierarchies
in these animals is highly debated both by the public and some researchers, mainly because
agonistic interactions are rare and contextual (Schilder, Vinke & Van der Borg, 2014). Data
on kennelled dogs suggest that dominance is based on submission (signalled mostly by
body tail wag and low posture) rather than on aggression (Van Der Borg et al., 2015).
Therefore, it has been suggested that domestication has altered the social behaviour of
dogs compared to wolves, and submissive behaviour is used to defuse conflicts (Bradshaw,
Blackwell & Casey, 2009).
In addition, as Van Kerkhove (2004) notes, although dominance hierarchies in dogs are
often described through access to resources (or ‘‘competitive ability’’, (De Waal, 1986)),
not all individuals are equally motivated (or physically able) to obtain them. Therefore the
subjective resource value, in combination with associative learning (Bradshaw, Blackwell
& Casey, 2009; Bradshaw, Blackwell & Casey, 2016) and personality (McGreevy et al., 2012)
can explain interactions between dogs more simply than dominance theory. Moreover, if
researchers do not assume the existence of a dominance hierarchy, they seldom identify
one, thus a more dynamic approach is needed in order to understand social organizations
(Overall, 2016).
However, when a hierarchy was detected in a dog group, several parameters have been
shown to covary with dominance status, such as age, sex, and personality. Older dogs were
found to be more often dominant than young individuals (Mech, 1999; Peterson et al.,
2002; Bonanni et al., 2010; Bonanni et al., 2017; Cafazzo et al., 2010; Trisko & Smuts, 2015).
Therefore Bradshaw, Blackwell & Casey (2016) suggested that a simple rule of thumb could
help to explain formal dominance in dogs: ‘‘in order to be allowed to stay in the group,
perform affiliative behaviour towards all the members of the group older than you are’’.
However, in a group of domestic dogs, van der Borg and colleagues (2015) did not find
correlations of rank with age, and it remains unexplored whether the age related hypothesis
is a better predictor of formal dominance than dominance displays.
Concerning sex as a potential confounding factor of dominance, conflicts between
dogs living in the same household are more common between dogs of the same sex, and
female–female pairs are most often affected (Sherman et al., 1996; Wrubel et al., 2011).
Mixed-sex dyads are more likely to affiliate and less likely to show unidirectional displays
of submissiveness and aggression than same-sex pairs (Trisko & Smuts, 2015). In wolves,
Between 25th June and 13th August 2017, 1156 owners of at least two dogs filled in a
questionnaire in Hungarian, which was advertised in a social media Dog Ethology group.
We identified the dogs using their given names, to ensure that no duplicate entries were
included in the analysis. After data cleaning and deleting of duplicate entries, 1151 responses
remained, which detailed owners’ responses for unique individual pairs of dogs. Owners
indicated the sex and reproductive status of each dog in the dyad, after allocating them
to either Dog A or Dog B (based on their own choice). We have no information on how
owners chose which dogs to compare if they had more than two dogs. Twenty three percent
The questionnaire consisted of 21 items (Table 1). In the case of items 1–19, owners
indicated which of the two dogs best fitted the description: Dog A, or Dog B. Owners
could also select ‘‘Similar’’ if both dogs fitted the description, or ‘‘N/A’’. When the owners
marked ‘‘N/A’’ we assumed that they could not answer the question as the dog/dogs did
not display that behaviour, or that situation did not occur (e.g., the dogs never fight with
each other or they do not go for walks together), or owners were unsure/did not fully
understand the question, or the answer was not known to them (e.g., they could not assess
which of the dogs was in better physical condition). We chose the behaviours based on
previous studies (Pongrácz et al., 2008; Pongrácz, Bánhegyi & Miklósi, 2012), and included
markers of agonistic (i.e., winner of fights) and formal dominance (i.e., licking the mouth
of the partner, usually during greeting ceremonies (signalling the acceptance of lower
social status) (Bonanni et al., 2010), as well as resource-holding potential (obtains more
food, (Vervaecke, De Vries & Van Elsacker, 2000), better resting places, etc.). In addition,
we included other factors, which have previously been proposed to be relevant when
measuring leadership and dominance, such as age, sex, size, physical condition, leadership
and specific behavioural characteristics, including intelligence, obedience, aggressiveness
and impulsiveness (Drews, 1993; Conradt & Roper, 2003; Conradt & Roper, 2005; Cafazzo
et al., 2010). Items 2–4 and 6 were the same as those used in Pongrácz et al. (2008). In the
case of items 20 and 21, the owner could also indicate ‘‘both’’ or ‘‘neither’’ dogs (Table 1).
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed in SPSS 22.0 and R 3.3.2. Descriptive statistics were calculated
for the sample and summarised in the results section. Note that we did not have the
opportunity to use dominance rating (dominant vs subordinate) as a response variable in
a model directly, due to the design of the questionnaire, which collected information for
dyads (resulting in one line of data per dyad), and not individual dogs. Therefore individual
binomial analyses were the best way to answer our question, ‘‘Do dogs which the owners
classify as ‘‘dominant’’ show certain behaviours more or less often than their subordinate
partner?’’ and to deal with missing values.
is the boss/dominant). We did not consider dyads where owners indicated that their dogs
were ‘‘Similar’’ in dominance status, or where they marked ‘‘N/A’’ (N = 148). (Sample
sizes are indicated in Fig. 1 for each item). We lowered the p level to 0.0023 from 0.05 as
suggested by a Bonferroni correction for the 22 comparisons.
Binomial tests using Age Status on the full sample and comparison
with Dominance Status
We tested the age related hypothesis suggested by Bradshaw, Blackwell & Casey (2016),
by using the response of the owner to Age (item 19, ‘‘Which of your dogs is older?’’),
to assess differences between dogs allocated an ‘‘older’’ or ‘‘younger’’ status (dogs which
were ‘‘Similar’’ in age, or that were marked ‘‘N/A’’, N = 72, were excluded). Next, we
used two-sample tests for equality of proportions with continuity correction in order to
Figure 1 Differences between characteristics in dog dyads. Colours: orange: dogs in a dyad differ in the
characteristic, yellow: dogs are similar, green: N/A. Sample sizes are indicated on the columns, item num-
bers are in brackets. Seven items, highlighted by *, are suggested for future work based on both their sig-
nificant link with dominance status (independently from the sex of the dogs) and their occurrence (% of
’Similar’ responses were lower than 24.7 and % of ’N/A’ responses were lower than 16.1, see Descriptive
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6838/fig-1
determine which factor (Dominance status or Age status) best explained the behavioural
and demographic differences between the dogs. This test is used to compare two observed
independent proportions. The test statistics analysed by this procedure assume that the
difference between the two proportions is zero under the null hypothesis.
Descriptive statistics
Eighty-seven percent of owners indicated that their dogs differed in social status, 10%
perceived them as similar, and 3% marked the question as ‘‘N/A’’ (Fig. 1). Some items
were unreliable for differentiating between the dogs. For example, 30.1–35.1% of the dyads
were reported to be similar in greeting the owner, smartness, and physical condition. Other
items were relatively difficult for the owners to assess; 16.2–24.3% of owners did not specify
a particular dog for the items lick mouth, fight, overmark, and aggressive, Fig. 1).
Binomial tests using Age Status on the full sample and comparison
with Dominance Status
When we tested the age related hypothesis suggested by Bradshaw, Blackwell & Casey (2016)
we found that twelve items were associated with Age status. Six in the same direction as
the ‘‘dominance’’ status (bark, lick mouth, fight, resting place, defend group, and smart),
Figure 2 Percentages with which each characteristic was associated with ‘‘dominant’’ status (numbers
in white at the top of each column). The * next to the item name and blue columns indicate that "dom-
inant’’ status was associated with the item after Bonferroni correction (for the Binomial tests all p val-
ues are ≤0.0022), and red columns indicate that the characteristic was not associated with the item. Item
numbers are in brackets. See Table 2 for more statistical results.
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6838/fig-2
and one in the opposite direction, owners found older dogs to be less impulsive, but
‘‘dominant’’ dogs more impulsive. Age but not dominance was associated with five items.
Older dogs bark more, play with the ball less, greet the owner less, are in worse physical
condition, are larger, and are less often intact than their younger partner dog, according
to the owners (p < 0.001). Dominance status was more strongly linked with 11 items in
comparison to age status (for statistical details see Table 2).
Table 2 Results of the binomial tests using (A) the owners’ allocation of the dogs to ‘‘dominant’’ or subordinate status (item 1) and (B) ‘‘older’’ or ‘‘younger’’ status
(item 19) as the predicted variables and the 21 items. Bold type indicates that status was associated with the characteristic after Bonferroni correction (for the Bino-
mial tests all p values are ≥ 0.0022). Two-proportion z-tests were used to determine whether the proportion of ‘‘dominant’’ and ‘‘older’’ dogs were equal for each item.
(C) Two-sample tests for equality of proportions with continuity correction in order to determine which factor (Dominance status or Age status) best explained the be-
havioural and demographic differences between the dogs.
A. Dominance Status B. Age Status Prop. diff C. 2-sample test for equality of
Item Count Total Prop Z P Count Total Prop Z P X2 P 95% CI
Bark 547 884 0.619 7.03 <0.0001 512 920 0.557 3.40 <0.0001 0.062 6.953 0.008 0.016 0.109
Lick mouth 259 737 0.351 −8.03 <0.0001 218 779 0.280 −12.25 <0.0001 0.071 8.669 0.003 0.024 0.120
Eat first 473 717 0.660 8.51 <0.0001 400 746 0.536 1.94 0.0261 0.124 22.662 <0.0001 0.072 0.175
Reward 497 684 0.727 11.81 <0.0001 386 714 0.541 2.13 0.0164 0.186 51.141 <0.0001 0.135 0.237
Fight 606 700 0.866 19.31 <0.0001 443 703 0.630 6.86 <0.0001 0.236 101.920 <0.0001 0.190 0.281
Play ball 404 793 0.509 0.50 0.7150 349 835 0.418 −4.71 <0.0001 0.091 13.330 <0.0001 0.042 0.141
Greet owner 352 644 0.547 2.32 0.0100 295 674 0.438 −3.20 <0.0001 0.109 15.194 <0.0001 0.054 0.164
Walk first 532 795 0.669 9.50 <0.0001 430 824 0.522 1.22 0.1114 0.147 35.819 <0.0001 0.099 0.196
Resting place 517 716 0.722 11.85 <0.0001 425 754 0.564 3.46 <0.0001 0.158 39.352 <0.0001 0.109 0.208
Pee 400 669 0.598 5.03 <0.0001 372 697 0.534 1.74 0.0407 0.064 5.465 0.019 0.010 0.118
Defend group 527 739 0.713 11.55 <0.0001 437 760 0.575 4.10 <0.0001 0.138 30.545 <0.0001 0.089 0.187
Smart 433 665 0.651 7.76 <0.0001 410 692 0.592 4.83 <0.0001 0.059 4.710 0.030 0.651 0.593
Obedient 415 838 0.495 −0.24 0.6221 477 879 0.543 2.50 0.0063 −0.048 3.679 0.055 −0.096 0.001
Aggressive 524 762 0.688 10.32 <0.0001 392 780 0.503 0.11 0.4572 0.185 53.997 <0.0001 0.136 0.235
Impulsive 512 908 0.564 3.82 <0.0001 313 952 0.329 −10.53 <0.0001 0.235 103.120 <0.0001 0.190 0.280
Size: heavier 497 929 0.535 2.10 0.0178 575 999 0.567 5.43 <0.0001 −0.032 3.051 0.081 −0.086 0.005
P Cond: Better 353 687 0.514 0.69 0.2461 209 734 0.285 −11.63 <0.0001 0.229 76.941 <0.0001 0.175 0.280
Age: Older 615 931 0.661 9.77 <0.0001
Sex: Male 427 927 0.461 −2.36 0.0090 503 990 0.508 0.48 0.3168 −0.047 4.128 0.042 −0.093 −0.002
Sex: Female 576 1078 0.534 2.22 0.0131 556 1128 0.493 −0.45 0.6936 0.041 3.621 0.057 −0.001 0.080
Neutered 580 1073 0.541 2.63 0.0043 613 1133 0.541 2.73 0.0031 0 0.000 1.000 −0.043 0.042
Intact 423 933 0.453 −2.82 0.0024 446 985 0.453 −2.93 0.0017 0 0.000 1.000 −0.045 0.046
P Cond, Physical condition; Prop, Proportion; Prop Diff, Proportion difference; 95% CI, 95% Confidence intervals.
Kubinyi and Wallis (2019), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.6838
Table 3 Results of the binomial tests using the owners’ allocation of the dogs to ‘‘dominant’’ or ‘‘subordinate’’ status (Item 1) as the predicted variable and the 20
items in (A) mixed-sex and (B) same-sex dyads. Bold type indicates that status was associated with the characteristic after Bonferroni correction (for the Binomial tests
all p values are ≥ 0.0022). Two-proportion z-tests were used to determine whether the proportion of ‘‘dominant’’ dogs in mixed-sex and same-sex groups were equal for
each item. (C) We compared the ‘‘dominants’’ proportion of each item of each group using a z score calculation with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.
Dominant individuals in same-sex dyads mark over subordinate urinations more often than dominants from mixed-sex dyads (same-sex 69% and mixed-sex 51%). Dom-
inant individuals were more often neutered in mixed-sex dyads in comparison to same-sex dyads (mixed-sex 63%, same-sex 53%).
Owner estimates of dominance rank corresponded to previously established behavioural
markers of dominance displays, which supports that dominance relationships are robust
and well-perceivable components of companion dog behaviour and owner-derived reports
about dominance ranks have external validity (in pre-schoolers see Hawley, 2002 for similar
results). However, the results lack convergent validity, because no simultaneous measure
of behaviours were taken, and the data represents only one culture.
We conclude that owners of multiple dogs interpret dominance based on specific
behaviours, obtaining resources and certain personality traits. We suggest that future
studies that wish to allocate dominance status using owner reports should include the
following seven items: which dog starts to bark first, eats first, obtains the reward, walks
at the front, acquires the better resting place, defends the group, and is more aggressive.
Asking which dog wins fights or which dog licks the mouth of the other might also be
useful, as both were highly predictive of owner perceived social status if they did occur, in
approximately 70% of cases.
We thank Borbála Turcsán for her contribution to the design of the questionnaires, and
for her helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Ivaylo B. Iotchev helped
with the literature search and discussions during the manuscript writing. Three anonymous
reviewers provided constructive comments.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement
No. 680040), from the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, and from the Bolyai+ ÚNKP-18-4 New National Excellence Program of the
Ministry of Human Capacities. The funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Grant Disclosures
The following grant information was disclosed by the authors:
European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation program: Grant Agreement No. 680040.
Bolyai+ ÚNKP-18-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human
Competing Interests
The authors declare there are no competing interests.
Author Contributions
• Enikő Kubinyi conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, prepared figures and/or
tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.
• Lisa J. Wallis analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed
drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.
Animal Ethics
The following information was supplied relating to ethical approvals (i.e., approving body
and any reference numbers):
The procedures applied complied with national and EU legislation and institutional
guidelines. Participants were informed about the identity of the researchers, the aim,
procedure, and expected time commitment of filling out the survey. Owners filled out the
survey anonymously; therefore, we did not collect personal data. Participants could at any
point decline to participate (See Supplemental Information S1).
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
The raw data are available in the Supplemental Files.
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at