EE303 Linear Control Systems, May 2019
EE303 Linear Control Systems, May 2019
EE303 Linear Control Systems, May 2019
(s + r)
Using dynamic error coefficients, find an expression for an error if the
inputr (t): I +2t+1.5 C.
4 (s)
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is
Find the closed loop poles when k:0, 1,2,3.....10 and mark it on the s- plane.
Hence draw the root locus of the system.
Explain Gain mmgin and Phase margin with the help of bode plot. Mark gain (5)
crosses over frequency and phase cross over frequency.
With the help of suitable figure explain frequency domain specifications? (5)
Give two examples of non-minimum phase transfer function. Explain why they (5)
are called non-minimum phase system?
Answer any twofull questions, each carriesl| marks.
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i] E1131 Pages:3
9a) Consider the block diagram given in figure below. Draw the signal flow graph (6)
conesponding to the block diagram. Find the overall transfer function using
Masons Gain Formula.
b) What are the advantages of stepper motor? List two applications of the stepper (5)
of (6)
11 a) Find the step response a system with transfer function
GW4 If b=4 and b:5. Also find the effect of b on damping ratio?
b) Wjth the help of a circuit diagram explain Force - Voltage and Force - Current (4)
i ,..' ' Answer any two full questions, each caniesT0 morks'
12 a) Consider the system given in figure below. Given Ko, = 2 and T*: 1. (7 )
If Kn=l find steady state error to step, ramp and acceleration input'
'b) lrYhat will happen to steady state errors if Ifu is increased to l0? (3)
13 a) Explain the significance of angle and magnitude criterion in root locus? (5)
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B E1131
given all coefficients are positive. Derive a sufficient condition for stabi[ty.
1.r '
14 a) The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is ={-., ..-
-.r:'. (z)
10r -''--
s(sr +2s + 2) p6d the open loop poles?
b) Draw the root locus. Find the mnge of values of K for which the ryatem is stable. (8)
Find all the closed loop poles cprresponding to a dutnpittg ratio of 0.7
Answer any twofulI questions, each canies 70 marks-
15 a) Sketch the bode plot and find the gain crossover frequency for grven (6)
G{s)f/(s) =s(s + 5)
b) Given (4)
6(s):fu t
16 (6)
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is
SEGE Draw the Bode plot and find Gain margin and phase margin?
L7 (10)
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback sptem is
S;EGE Investigate the stability of the system if K =l using Nyquist
stability sriteria. Find the mnge of values of K for which the system is stable
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