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RTW Shipping & Logistics - SMC LTD

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Incorporated this _____ day of ___________ 2020


1. The Name of the Company is “RTW SHIPPING & LOGISTICS - SMC LTD”.
2. The Registered office of the Company shall be situated in the Republic of Uganda.
3. The objects for which the Company is established are to engage in any act or activity
that is not prohibited under the Law for the time being in force in Uganda including
but is not limited to carrying on any business within and outside the country. The
main objects include the following:



1) To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle,

own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, in all its branches on
land, air, water, & space, for transporting goods, in all modes including bulk and
containers, articles, or things or heavy and over dimensional cargo, on all routes and
lines on National and International level subject to law in force through all sorts of
carries like trucks, lorries, trawlers, dumpers, coaches, tankers, tractors, haulers, jeeps,
trailers, motor buses, omnibuses, motor taxies, railways, tramways, aircrafts,
hovercrafts, rockers, space shuttles, ships, vessels, boats, barges and so on whether
propelled by petrol, diesel, electricity, steam oil, atomic power or any other form of
power. To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop,
handle, own operate material Handling equipments.

2) To carry on the business of clearing and forwarding agents, courier and cargo
handlers, handling and haulage contractors, warehousemen, common carriers by land,
rail, water and air, container agents, to handle goods and passengers within the
country and outside and to carry on the business of tour and travel operators and to act
as customs agents, wharfingers, landing agents, stevedores and longshoremen. To
carry on the business of providing Logistics Services, material management,
transportation, warehousing distribution and marketing of goods and to provide
storage and protection of goods against rain, fire and other natural or manmade

3) To act as representative, Agent, Sub Agent, Commission Agent of Uganda and

foreign Companies, Firms, persons, states and other bodies Corporates and to
represent them before the different authorities Corporates and bodies and to act as
their Sales, purchase representatives and to render services to them for transporting
warehousing, distributing, and maintaining all types of goods and Equipments in good
conditions supplied by the Principals.
4) To carry on Agency business including that of freight agents, steamer agents,
chartering agents, clearing and forwarding agents, commission agents and bunkering
agents and to work as Ship Broker and Charterers



1) To acquire by purchase, exchange or otherwise any movable or immovable property

any rights or privileges which the Company may deem necessary or convenient for
the purpose of its main business.

2) To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interest,
Joint venture, reciprocal concession or co-operation with persons or Companies
carrying on or engaged in the main business or transaction of this Company.

3) To import, change, alter, improve and manipulate in all kinds of plants, machinery
apparatus, tools and things necessary or convenient for carrying on the main business
of the Company.

4) To vest any movable property, rights or interests required by or received or belonging

to the Company in any person or Company on behalf of or for the benefits of the
Company and with or without any declared trust in favor of the Company

5) To purchase or otherwise acquire, build, carry out, equip, maintain, alter, improve,
develop, manage, work, control and superintend any plats, warehouse, sheds, office,
shops stores, buildings, machinery, apparatus, labour lines and houses, warehouses,
and such other works and conveniences necessary for carrying on the main business
of the Company.

6) To undertake or promote scientific research relating to the main business or class of

business of the Company.

7) To acquire and take over the whole or any part of the business, goodwill, trade-marks
properties and liabilities of any person or persons, firm, Companies or undertakings
either existing or new, engaged in or carrying on or proposing to carry on business,
this Company is authorized to carry on possession of any property of rights suitable
for the purpose of the Company and to pay for the same either in cash or in shares of
partly in cash and partly in shares or otherwise.

8) To negotiate and enter into agreements and contracts with Ugandan and foreign
individuals, Companies, corporations and such other organizations for technical
financial or any other such assistance for carrying out ail or any of the main objects of
the Company or for the purpose of activity research and development of
manufacturing projects on the basis of know-how, financial participation or technical
collaboration and acquire necessary formulas and patent rights for furthering the main
objects of the Company.
9) Amalgamate with any other Company of which all or any of their objects Companies
having similar to the objects of the Company in any manner whether with or without
the liquidation.

10) Subject to any law for the time being in force, to undertake or take part in the
formation supervision or control of the business or operations of any person, firm,
body corporate association undertaking carrying on the main business of the

11) To apply for obtain, purchase or otherwise acquire and prolong and renew any
patents, patent-rights, brevets, inventions, processes scientific technical or other
assistance manufacturing processes know and other incarnation, designs, patterns,
copyrights, trade mark, licenses concessions and the like rights or benefits, conferring
an exclusive or non-exclusive or limited or unlimited rights or use hereof, which may
seem capable of being used for or in connection with the main objects of the
Company of the acquisition or use of which may seem calculate directly to benefit
the Company on payment of any free royalty or other consideration and to use,
exercise of develop the same under or grant licenses in respect thereof of otherwise
deal with same and to spend money in experimenting upon testing or improving any
such patents, inventions, right or concessions.

12) To apply for and obtain any order under any Act or Legislature, Charter, Privilege
license or authorization of any Government, State or other Authority for enabling the
Company to carry on any of its main objects into effect or for extending any of the
powers of the Company or for effecting and modification of the constitution of the
Company or for any other such purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose;
any precluding or applications which may seem expedient or calculated directly or
indirectly to prejudice the interest of the Company.

13) To enter into any arrangements with any Government or Authorities or any persons or
Companies that may seem conducive to the main objects of the Company or any of
them and to obtain from any such Government, authority, person or Company any
rights, charters contracts, licenses and concessions which the Company may think
desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply therewith.

14) To procure the Company to be registered or recognized in or under the laws of any
place outside Uganda and to do all act necessary for carrying on in any foreign
country for the business or profession of the Company.

15) To draw, make, accept discount, execute and issue bills of exchanges, promissory
notes, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and such other negotiable or transferable
instruments, of all types or securities and to open Accounts of any type and to operate
the same in the ordinary course of the Company.

16) To receive money on loan and borrow or raise money in such manner and at such time
or time as the Company thinks fit and in particular by the issue of debentures,
debentures, stock, perpetual or otherwise and to secure the repayment of any money
borrowed, raised or owing by mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the
properties or assets a revenue and profits o the Company both present and future,
including its uncalled capital and also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure
and guarantee the performance by other person or Company of any obligation
undertaken by the Company or Company to give the lenders the power to sale and
such other expedient and purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities.

17) To undertake and execute any busts, the undertaking of which may seem to the
Company desirable, either gratuitously or otherwise.

18) To establish, or promote or concur in establishing or promote any Company for the
purpose of acquiring all or any of the properties, rights and liabilities of the Company.

19) To sell, mortgage, exchange, grant licenses and other rights improve, manage,
develop and dispose of undertakings, properties, assets and effects of the Company or
any part thereof for such consideration a may be expedient and in particular for any
shares, stocks, debentures of other securities of any other such Company having main
objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Company.

21) To distribute as dividend or bonus among the member or to place to reserve or

otherwise to apply, as the Company may, from time to time, determine any money
received by way of premium on debentures issued at a premium by the Company and
any money received in respect of forfeited shares, money arising from the sale by the
Company of forfeited shares.

22) To employ agents or experts to Investigate end examine into the condition, prospects,
value, character and circumstances of any business concern an undertakings and
generally of any assets, properties or rights which the Company propose to acquire.

23) To accept gifts, bequests, devisers or donations of any movable or immovable

property or any right or interests therein from members or others.

24) To create any reserve fund, sinking fund, or any other such special funds whether for
depreciation, repairing, improving, research, extending or maintaining any of the
properties of the Company or for any other such purpose conducive to the interest of
the Company.

25) To subscribe contribute, gift or donate any money, rights or assets for any national
educational, religious, charitable, scientific, public, general w usual objects or to make
gifts or donations of money or such other assets to any institutions, clubs, societies,
associations, trust, scientific research associations, funds, universities, college or any
Individual, body of Individuals or bodies corporate

26) To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any
contributory or non-contributory pensions or superannuation, provident or gratuity
funds, for the benefit of and give or procure the giving of the donations, gratuities,
pensions, allowances, bonuses or emoluments of any perms who are or were at any
time in the employment or service of the Company or any Company which is a
subsidiary of the Company or is allied to or associated with the Company or with any
such subsidiary Company or who are or went at any lime Directors or officers of the
Company or any other Company as aforesaid and the wives, widows, families and
dependents of any such persons and also to establish and subsidies and subscribe to
any institutions, associations, club or funds calceolate to be for the benefit of or
advance aforesaid and made payments to or towards the aforesaid and to do any of the
matters aforesaid, either alone or in conjunction with any such other Company as

27) To establish for any of the main object of the Company, branches or to establish any
firm or firms at paces in or outside Uganda as the Company may deem expedient.

28) To pay for any property or rights acquired by or for any services rendered to the
Company and in particular to remunerate any persons, firm or Company introducing
business to the Company either in cash or fully or partly-paid up shares with or
without preferred deferred rights in respect of dividend or repayment of capital or
otherwise or by any securities which the Company has power to issue or by the grant
of any rights or options or partly in one mode and partly in another and generally on
such terms and the Company may determine, Subject to the provisions of section 314
of Act.

29) To pay out of the funds of the Company all costs, charges and expenses of and
incidental to the formation and registration of the Company and any Company
promoted by the Company and also all costs, charges, duties, impositions and
expenses of and expenses and incidental to the acquisition by the Company of any
property or assets.

30) To send out to foreign countries, its directors, employees or any other person or
persons for investigation possibilities of main business or trade procuring and buying
any machinery or establishing trade and business connections or for promoting the
interest of the Company and to pay ail expenses incurred in this connection.

31) To compensate for loss of office of any Managing Director or Directors or other
officers of the Company within the limitations prescribed under the Companies Act,
1956 or such other status or rule having the force of law and to make payments to any
persons whose office of. Employment or duties may be determined by virtue of any
transaction in which the Company is engaged

32) To agree to refer to arbitration any dispute, present or future between the Company &
any other Company, firm, individual or any other body and to submit the same to
arbitration in India or abroad either in accordance with Indian or any foreign system
of law.

33) To appoint agents, sub-agents, dealers, managers canvassers, sales representatives or

salesmen for transacting ail or any kind of the main business of which this Company
is authorized to carry on and to constitute agencies of the Company in Uganda or in
any other country and establish depots and agencies in different parts of the work.

1. Any provision of the Companies Act or rules and regulations made hereunder which
apply in relation to a private company limited by shares incorporated under the
Companies Act to be specific Table “A” shall, in the absence of any express provision
to the contrary, apply in relation to a single member company as it applies in relation
to such a company which is formed by two or more persons or which has two or more
persons as members.

2. In the interpretation of these articles the following expressions shall have the
Following meanings unless repugnant to or inconsistent with the subject articles, -
(a) “Alternate nominee director” means an individual nominated by the single member to
act as nominee director in case of non-availability of nominee director;
(b) “Nominee director” means an individual nominated by the single member to act as
director in case of death of single member;
(c) “Sole director” means the director of the company who is for the time being the only
director and the single member of the company.
(d) “Company” or “this company” means “RTW SHIPPING & LOGISTICS - SMC
(e) “Directors” or “board of directors” means board of directors so that it may consist of
only the sole director or more than one directors if so appointed under the relevant
provisions of the Companies Act;
(f) “In writing” means written or printed or partly written and partly printed or
lithographed or typewritten or other substitute for writing;
(g) “Member director” means an individual becoming director due to membership of the
company in terms of sections of the Companies Act;
(h) “Private company” means a private company other than a single member company;
(j) “Section” means section of the Companies Act No.1 of 2012
(k) “ACT” means the Companies Act No. 1 of 2012


3. The company is a single member company and as such being a Private Company
limited by shares.
(a) It shall not issue invitation to the public to subscribe for its shares in any manner;
(b) The company shall not register any share(s) in the name of two or more persons to
hold one or more shares individually or jointly; and
(c) Number of the members of the company shall be limited to one.
(d) Right to transfer the shares of the company is restricted in the manner to the extent
herein provided.
4. The company may increase the nominal share capital in accordance with sections of
the Companies Act.
5. Share certificate(s) shall be issued under the seal of the Company and shall be signed
by the member director, and in case of his death, by the nominee director and the
6. The single member may transfer all of his shares to a single person under the authority
of an ordinary resolution whereby the company shall remain a single member
company as it was before such transfer.
7. A person whose name is entered as a member in the register of members shall without
payment be entitled to receive, within ninety days after allotment or within forty-five
days of the application for registration of transfer, a certificate under the seal
specifying the share or shares held by him.


8. Transfer and transmission of shares shall be in accordance with provisions of articles
of Table A of the Companies Act.
9. In case of death of the single member, the power to register or refuse transfer of
shares shall be exercised by the secretary and the nominee director under the Rules.
10. Transmission of shares to the legal heirs shall be recorded in the register of members
by the secretary and the nominee director.
11. The company may convert itself from single member private company to a private
company in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act.

12. A general meeting, to be called annual general meeting, shall be held, in accordance
with the provisions of section 138 and rule 47 of Table A.
13. All general meetings of the company other than an annual general meeting as
specified in article 48 of Table A be called extraordinary general meetings and shall be
deemed to be held in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act.
14. The secretary shall attend all the meetings of the company but shall have no vote.


15. In case where the law specifies time period for giving of notice of any meeting of the
members or of director(s), requirements of the law shall be deemed to have been
complied with if both the secretary and the members are notified of the meeting and
they attend such meeting provided that in case of annual general meeting the time
period for giving of notice to the auditor of the company shall not be less than twenty-
one days.
16. The single member present in person or through proxy shall be the quorum for the
general meeting provided that secretary shall not act as proxy of the single member.

17. The company shall always have the single member as a director but it may have such
number of other director(s) who fulfill the conditions as specified in the Companies
18. The board or the general meeting shall not have the power to remove the member
director but the single member (or member director) shall have the power to remove
any director, chief executive or secretary through a resolution.
19. The director shall have the powers as specified in section 196.
20. The director shall appoint a chief executive in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act.
21. The director(s) shall cause minutes to be made in books as required under the
Companies Act.
22. A single member private limited company shall appoint a secretary in terms of
sections of the Companies Act who shall be responsible for discharge of duties and
functions normally discharged by a secretary under the corporate laws and secretarial
23. The secretary shall be appointed at the time of incorporation and subsequently on the
same day or the day next following his resignation or removal or in case of his death
within fifteen days of the event.
24. The sole director shall not be the secretary of the company. The secretary of the


25. Contract between the company and single member shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of the Companies Act.


26. The company may declare dividends and pay in accordance with the provisions of
sections of the Companies Act.

27. The director shall cause to keep proper books of account in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act and shall, as required by sections of the Companies
Act, cause to be prepared and to be laid before the company in general meeting such
profit and loss accounts or income and expenditure accounts and balance sheets duly
audited and reports as are referred to in those sections. They shall in all respects
comply with the provisions of sections of the Companies Act.
28. So long as the company has only one director, the requirements that shall be deemed
to have been met if the balance sheet and profit and loss account is authenticated by
the sole director.
29. Auditors shall be appointed and their duties regulated in accordance with the
provisions of sections of the Companies Act.

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