6 Chua v. Court of Appeals
6 Chua v. Court of Appeals
6 Chua v. Court of Appeals
In this case, the ling by the private prosecutor of the motion to discharge accused
Enriquez was done with the conformity of the public prosecutor to apprise the trial court
of the role and participation of petitioner in the commission of the crime charged.
Furthermore, the trial court was informed that, if accused Enriquez was discharged as a
state witness, he would testify:
"1. About the middle of February 1989, he was approached at his o ce in
Tolong, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental, by respondent Chua, who engaged
him in conversation . . . Respondent Chua inquired into his work with TAC,
his duties and responsibilities, salary, problems and di culties, and then
offered to help him out of his financial difficulties.
2. Respondent Chua induced and persuaded him to alter the DEURs, EORs,
and logbooks that were under his control and possession, and to convert
the idle hours to utilization hours so that respondent Chua could collect
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larger payments than he was lawfully entitled for the use of his leased
equipment by TAC. Respondent Chua offered him a 50/50 cut of all
monies received from TAC by reason of such conversion of idle hours into
utilization hours.
4. When he arrived at the TAC prawn farm about mid-January 1989, he had
only about P50.00 left in his possession. He applied for a job with Arnulfo
Ilustre and Fernando Juanitez, both of whom he had met before during
several construction projects of ECCO, the last of which was the
construction of the NPC Angat Project in Bulacan in 1986. He pleaded with
Ilustre and Juanitez to give him a job because he had no money at all, no
work during the previous two years, and his family and children were
suffering, especially his eldest son who was seriously ill and in and out of
the hospital. Ilustre and Juanitez took pity on him and hired him.
xxx xxx xxx
6. The falsi cation he made in the records for the rentals of respondent
Chua's equipment between February 16 and February 28, 1989, illegally
increased by P50,150 from the amount properly due respondent Chua. This
"bloated amount" was received on March 4, 1989 by respondent Chua, who
gave him on March 9, 1989 his "50/50 share" in the amount of P25,000.
7. Aside from the P25,000 he received on March 9, 1989, he had also received
from respondent Chua the sums of P10,000, P5,000, P5,000, and P10,000,
as his share in the loot extracted by respondent Chua from TAC by means
of the falsi cations the latter had induced him to make. He had sent to his
wife immediately P15,000 out of the rst P25,000 he received, and P2,000
to his sick son, who sadly died anyway.
8. Aside from these amounts, he had also received from respondent Chua
several thousands of pesos for so-called commissions from the rentals
paid by TAC for another bulldozer that he and Mr. Ilustre had been
instrumental in convincing TAC to rent from respondent Chua.
9. Although the amounts he received from respondent Chua for the
falsi cations of the DEURs and other documents were less than the 50/50
share promised him, respondent Chua compensated for it by taking him,
Juanitez, and Ilustre out drinking, night-clubbing, and womanizing on
various occasions, all at respondent Chua's expense. 1 2
Based on the foregoing allegations, only accused Enriquez can testify on its
truthfulness as the said facts are based on his personal knowledge. Thus, there is absolute
necessity for his testimony in order to provide direct evidence to petitioner's guilt.
The denial of the motion to discharge by the trial court is tantamount to grave abuse
of discretion which this Court must correct.
On the contention of petitioner that respondent court failed to consider the motion
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to discharge as fatally inadequate as it states only three elements of discharge, viz: (1)
that Enriquez is the least guilty; (2) that there is absolute necessity for his testimony; and
(3) that Enriquez has not been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude,
petitioner seems to confuse a motion to discharge to that of an information or complaint.
In an information or a complaint, all the elements necessary to constitute an offense or to
state a cause of action must be alleged and failure to do so will constitute a ground for the
other party to le a motion to quash, in the case of an information, or a motion to dismiss,
in the case of a complaint. The motion to discharge will su ce if the allegations contained
therein adequately inform the adverse party and the court a quo what relief the movant is
praying for. The only requirement therefor was that a hearing on the motion be had. 13 It is
at the hearing where the movant should show the presence of all the elements required by
the rule for the discharge of an accused to be a state witness. In this particular case, we
can state that this duty was complied with by the movant, as petitioner never claimed that
he was ill-informed of the nature of the motion. In fact, he was given the opportunity to
oppose it and he did so vehemently.
What then is the meaning of "absolute necessity" for the testimony of the accused
whose discharge is sought?
The expedient should be availed of only when there is absolute necessity for the
testimony of the accused whose discharge is requested, as when he alone has knowledge
of the crime, and not when his testimony would simply corroborate or otherwise
strengthen the evidence in the hands of the prosecution. 14
When there is a conspiracy for example, and the crime is committed clandestinely,
then the discharge of a conspirator is necessary to testify against the other conspirator. A
conspiracy can be established by the testimony of a co-conspirator. 1 5 In a conspiracy
which was done in secret, there is a necessity to discharge one of the accused to provide
direct evidence of the commission of the crime. 1 6 For who else outside the conspiracy
can testify on what was concocted between the conspirators, but they themselves?
In the case at bar, Judge Jesus Tabilon denied the motion to discharge Arcadio
Enriquez in spite of the fact that there were only two participes criminis in the crime of
falsi cation of private documents as alleged in the information, namely, petitioner and
Enriquez. Moreover, the conspiracy to defraud Tolong Aquaculture Corporation was known
to only two persons and all the other witnesses listed on the Information were not involved
in the conspiracy, as their involvement came only after the end of the conspiracy. Also, it
was petitioner who encashed the padded check payments and who principally bene ted
from the falsification of the private documents.
Thus, in the case of People v. Court of Appeals, 17 we ordered the trial court to allow
the discharge of an accused because his testimony was absolutely necessary to prove
conspiracy among the accused. Specifically, we ruled that:
"The Court therefore overrules respondent court's nding that there is no
absolute necessity for the testimony of Roncesvalles. A careful examination of
the records of the case supports the prosecution's stand to discharge
Roncesvalles in order that he may testify for the government. The testimony of
Roncesvalles is absolutely necessary to prove conspiracy among the accused
who are charged of conspiring and confederating with each other in defrauding
the Lucena Rural Bank in the amount of P30,000.00 under the pretext of an
agricultural loan granted to accused Flavia N. Valdenor. Roncesvalles was the
Assistant Chief Inspector of the Lucena Rural Bank and he was the one who
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signed the investigation report which contained false information as to the credit
standing of accused Flavia Valdenor. Nobody is in a better position to testify and
(sic) prove the existence of conspiracy than accused Roncesvalles, because he is
an o cer of the bank. There is ample basis for the Solicitor General's submittal
that 'considering the foregoing circumstances and inasmuch as the other
accused cannot be compelled to testify, certain facts necessary for the conviction
of the accused would not be revealed unless accused Roncesvalles is allowed to
testify for the State'; 'unless accused Roncesvalles is allowed to testify for the
government, there is no other direct evidence available for the proper prosecution
of the offense charged, i.e., the role or participation of his co-accused in the
preparation and accomplishment of the falsi ed loan application and its
supporting papers. The testimony of accused Roncesvalles will prove conspiracy
among the perpetrators of the crime charged'; and 'unless this petition is given
due course and granted, the accused in Criminal Case No. 0399 may be acquitted
and the State irretrievably prejudiced. Because of the Rule on double jeopardy, the
State has no other remedy except the instant petition.'"
Did the Court of Appeals err, as petitioner contends, in holding that Enriquez appears
to be the least guilty?
The offense charged is falsi cation of private documents, the principal element of
which is the damage, pecuniary or otherwise, caused to the victim. When Arcadio Enriquez
falsi ed the company records of Tolong Aquaculture Corporation (TAC) in order to in ate
the work hours of the equipment of Wilson Chua and allow him to in ate his billings for the
use thereof, there was, as yet, no damage to TAC. Damage was caused when petitioner
received the bloated checks and encashed them.
The testimonies of Steve Psinakis and Metodio Gono, as additional evidence against
Arcadio Enriquez, cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be the basis for concluding
that petitioner is the most guilty. The fact that Arcadio Enriquez was in dire need of money
at the time he falsi ed the records does not eliminate the fact that petitioner was the
mastermind. It only shows that Arcadio Enriquez was then highly vulnerable to the evil
proposition of Wilson Chua.
If one induces another to commit a crime, the in uence is the determining cause of
the crime. Without the inducement, the crime would not have been committed. 1 8 Indeed, it
is the inducer who sets into motion the execution of the criminal act. Without the
inducement, accused Enriquez would not have falsi ed the records of the company. Thus,
on the basis of the speci c acts done by the two accused and bearing in mind the
elements constitutive of the crime of falsi cation of private documents, petitioner is the
"most guilty" as between the two accused.
Moreover, the rules do not disqualify an accused sought to be discharged as
witness for the state based on the ground that he has committed the falsi cation himself
or that he had actually committed the crime charged. The rules merely say that it is
necessary that the said accused appears to be not the most guilty. We can only conclude
that the guilt of an accused of the crime charged is not a basis why he may not be
excluded as a witness for the state. As a matter of fact, the candid admission of the
accused of his participation in a crime is a guaranty that he will testify truthfully in court.
So, even if an accused actually participated in the offense charged in the information, he
still qualifies as a state witness. 1 9
Finally, while petitioner alleges that respondent court erred in holding that Judge
Tabilon abused his discretion when he denied the motion to discharge accused Enriquez,
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our perusal of the records shows that the requirements for the discharge of accused
Enriquez were met. Thus, the denial by Judge Jesus Tabilon of the motion to discharge
appears to be whimsical, capricious and arbitrary.
The Court of Appeals correctly ruled:
"For reasons above indicated and construed in the light of the applicable
law and jurisprudence on the matter, we nd the respondent's refusal to order the
discharge of the accused Enriquez so that he may testify for the prosecution, a
grave abuse of discretion as it amounts to an evasion of a duty enjoined by law.
(See Tavera-Luna vs. Noble, 67 Phil. 341). In refusing to order the discharge of
Enriquez, the trial court is most likely letting a crime committed at the instance or
not using another as a mere tool to perpetrate it, go unpunished." 2 0
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the Decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A.-
G.R. SP No. 25348 is AFFIRMED in toto.
Padilla, Bellosillo, Vitug and Kapunan, JJ ., concur.
1. U.S. v. De Guzman, 30 Phil. 416 (1915).