Practical Research 2: Quarter 1-Module 1
Practical Research 2: Quarter 1-Module 1
Practical Research 2: Quarter 1-Module 1
Practical Research 2
Quarter 1- Module 1
Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, and
Kinds of Quantitative Research
Moreover, in this lesson, you will learn concepts and do practice activities
that will help you do the following:
What I Know
Before you proceed to the different activities inside the module, answer
first the short pre-assessment activity below.
Select your answer from the options provided after each item. Choose
and encircle the letter of the correct answer. If there are no options provided,
do as directed.
1. Which of the following best defines a quantitative research?
A. It is a research design in which findings are based on observations.
B. It is a simple investigation which hardly uses statistical treatment in
stating generalizations.
C. It is a step-by-step process of investigation without quantifiable
D. It is a systematic investigation of something that exists by gathering
quantifiable data and performing statistical techniques.
What’s In
In your Practical Research 1, you have studied about the differences
between qualitative and quantitative research. Can you still remember
the differences of these two research methods?
Below is a table of the two research methods. The characteristics of
qualitative research method are given, whereas, some characteristics of
quantitative research method are not given. Fill in the blank with the
characteristic of quantitative research based on the given characteristics of
qualitative research method.
Is analyzed by summarizing,
categorizing and interpreting
Open-ended questions
What’s New
Let us start our lesson on the characteristics of quantitative research
by analyzing the sample research titles below.
Let’s Analyze:
2. What key words in the title give you the idea that the research is
quantitative? Explain.
What is It
One of the given research titles above is an example of a quantitative
A quantitative research is a research design that uses numbers in
stating generalizations about a given problem or inquiry. These numbers are
the results of objective scales of measurements of the units of analysis called
variables. Furthermore, research findings are subjected to statistical
treatment to determine significant relationships or differences between
variables, the results of which are the bases for generalization about the
Let us look at the sample titles above. Which is qualitative, and which
is quantitative?
In the given sample titles, Research Title A is qualitative while
Research Title B is quantitative. If you look at the key words, you would
easily find out that a title is quantitative or not. In the given quantitative
research title, we have the key words _________________________________ that
help us determine that the research is quantitative.
The characteristics of quantitative research according to Prieto, et al.
are as follows:
1. Methods or procedures of data gathering include items like age,
gender, educational status, among others, that call for measurable
characteristics of the population.
2. Standardized instruments guide data collection, thus, ensuring the
accuracy, reliability and validity of data.
3. Figures, tables or graphs showcase summarized data collected in
order to show trends, relationships or differences among variables. The charts
and tables allow you to see the evidence collected.
What’s More
Answer the activities that will follow to practice your knowledge and
skill about the characteristics of quantitative research.
Activity 1
Answer the questions below about quantitative research and its
characteristics. Use your own words in answering the questions and do not
copy word for word from the lecture above.
Activity 2
Study the quantitative research title below.
Title: Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic in the Shoe Industry of
Marikina City
What makes it a quantitative research?
What I Can Do
Put the statement in each proper column. If the statement
describes qualitative research, put it in Column A, if it describes
quantitative research, put it in Column B.
Additional Activities
What’s In
In the previous lesson, you studied about the characteristics of
quantitative research.
Using the table below, complete each column with the needed
information. Write at least 5 strengths and 5 weaknesses of yours as a
Strengths Weaknesses
What’s New
Let us start our lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research by doing the activity below. On the space before each number, write
S if the statement is a strength of quantitative research, write W if it is a
weakness. Then, explain your answer.
What is It
The given statements above describe the strengths and weaknesses of
quantitative research.
A lot of authors describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research. In the internet, you could read these descriptions of the strengths
of quantitative research by Better Thesis:
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Quantitative research design is 1. Quantitative research can be
the most reliable and valid way of costly, difficult and time-consuming
concluding results, giving way to a because most researchers are non-
new hypothesis or to disproving it. mathematicians.
2. Quantitative experiments filter 2. Quantitative studies require
out external factors, if properly extensive statistical treatment,
designed, and so the results gained requiring stringent standards, more
can be seen, as real and unbiased. so with confirmation of results. When
What’s More
Answer the activities that follow to practice your knowledge and skill
about the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.
Activity 1
Activity 2
Review the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research given
by Prieto et al. then make the statements short by paraphrasing each.
Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
Activity 3
Go back to the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research by
Better Thesis and Prieto et al. Using your own words, compare and contrast
these by writing a paragraph of at least 10 sentences.
News Title:
Network ____________ Network _____________
Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.
Showcase the knowledge and skills you have learned in this
lesson by answering the assessment activity.
4.Only someone with a firm grasp of how they should use and interpret
quantitative statistics should conduct quantitative study.
Additional Activities
Title 2:
Source: _________________________________________________________________
Additional Information:
Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Kinds of Quantitative Research
What’s In
In the previous lessons, you have studied about the characteristics,
strengths and weakness of quantitative research. Can you still remember
the characteristics, strengths and, weaknesses of quantitative research
without turning the pages and looking back at the lessons?
What is quantitative research? Quantitative research is
What’s New
Let us start our lesson on the kinds of quantitative research design by
doing the activity below. Inside the box are key terms. Read these key terms
and put them under the proper column.
Discourse analysis Evaluative Experimental Focus group discussion
Grounded theory Participant observation Phenomenology
Pre-test design Quasi-experimental True experimental
What is It
The key terms above are terms used in research designs. We have two
research designs, namely, quantitative design and qualitative design. We will
focus our lesson on the quantitative design.
Let us first define research design. What is research design? Do you
have an idea?
Research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose in order
to integrate or put together the different components or parts of the study in
a coherent and logical way. This will ensure you to effectively address the
research problem. Just like constructing a building in which the architect
needs to have a blueprint of the project, research design constitutes the
blueprint for the selection, measurement and analysis of data. The research
design that you use should be determined from the research problem.
You also need to remember that design of experiments involves: 1.) The
systematic collection of data, 2.) A focus on the design itself, rather than the
results, 3.) Planning changes to independent (input) variables and the effect
on dependent variables or response variables, and 4.) Ensuring results are
valid, easily interpreted, and definitive.
1. Pre-post-test design.
2. Treatment and control groups.
3. Random assignment of subjects to groups.
You may want to deliberately leave out one of these key components.
This could be for ethical or methodological reasons. For example:
Some experiments naturally fall into groups. For example, you might
want to compare educational experiences of first, middle and last born
children. Random assignment isn’t possible, so these experiments are quasi-
experimental by nature.
Note that it would be unethical for you to randomly give one group of
In this study, you use a pre-post- test design and multiple classrooms
to show how technology can be successfully implemented in schools.
I hope that you are getting the points now. Let us then tackle pre
experimental research design.
Pre-experiment research design are of three types. These are: 1.) One-
shot case study design, 2.) One-group pretest-posttest design, and 3.) Static-
group comparison.
Aside from the experimental research design, we also have the non-
experimental research design.
1. Survey
This is a research design that you use when you intend to provide
a quantitative or numerical description of trends, attitudes or opinions of
a population by studying a sample of the population
For example: What are the effects of home schooling on the social
skills of adolescents? As a researcher, you want to find out in this study
the effects of schooling to the social skills, like communication, using
good manners, being assertive, and the likes, to the student.
5. Evaluative Research
You use this kind of research design when you seek to assess or
judge in some way providing information about something other than
what might be gleaned or seen in mere observation or investigation of
6. Methodological
Activity 1
Answer the following questions.
Activity 2
Go over the lesson on types of descriptive research designs. Using the
table below, write the salient points of each.
Activity 3
Answer the following questions below. Select your answers from the
options provided after each item. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct
answer. If there are no options provided, do as directed.
What I Can Do
On the space provided, write Survey or Experiment, indicating the
kind of quantitative research you will use as a researcher on the given problem
inquiries below.
__________ 1. How many senior high school students use the school
library in a week.
__________ 2. How many hours adolescents do Facebook in a day?
__________ 3. The results of a prescribed daily diet on the sugar count
of diabetic patients.
__________ 4. The impact of blended learning on senior high school
students during the Covid-19 pandemic.
__________ 5. The top 3 academic tracks chosen by senior high school
students in your school.
Additional Activities
Do an online survey of how many senior high school enrollees there are
in the following academic tracks in one private school and in one public
a. ABM
b. Arts and Design
c. General Academic Strand (GAS)
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on this and be ready to present it
through video call. You can also have it written and have it submitted to your
Prieto, Nelia G. et al, Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing House, Inc., 2017
Internet Sources:
Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Janet S. Cajuguiran