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Applications for Empanelment of Valuers

IFCI Limited invites applications from interested valuers for empanelment for asset classes viz.
‘Land & Building’, ‘Plant & Machinery’ and ‘Equity Shares, quasi-equity and similar securities’.
The applicants, who intend to participate in the empanelment process, may submit their
application in the prescribed format. The application formats and other terms and conditions,
can be downloaded from our website www.ifciltd.com. Any further updates shall be uploaded
on the website.

General Manager
IFCI Limited
IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi – 110019
Ph: 011-4172000
Terms and Conditions for Empanelment of Valuers

1. Purpose
IFCI Limited proposes to empanel valuers for carrying out valuation of following classes of assets:
(i) Land & Building (LB);
(ii) Plant & Machinery (PM); and
(iii) Equity shares, quasi-equity & similar securities (ES)

2. Minimum Eligibility Criteria & Requisite Documentary Proof

The minimum eligibility criteria for various classes of asset are provided at Annexure-A. The
Documentary Proof acceptable against each eligibility criteria is provided at Annexure–B.

3. Application Submission Guidelines

The application shall be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines:
(i) One Applicant shall submit only a single application and cannot be a constituent to any other
(ii) Application shall be strictly submitted in the format prescribed at Annexure-C. Non-compliance
of the prescribed format may lead to rejection of the application.
(iii) The applicant shall make a payment of non-refundable application fee amounting to INR
10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) by way of Demand Draft in favour of IFCI Limited
payable at par along with the application. (Please see Note 1 below)
(iv) The application shall be unconditional; otherwise it would be liable for rejection.
(v) All the information/details are to be supported by authentic documents duly certified by the
(vi) Applications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope titled ‘Application For Empanelment of
Valuer’ to any one of the Regional Offices (the empanelment may be used across the Regional
Offices irrespective of the regional office to which the application has been addressed). The list of
regional office is enclosed at Annexure-D.

4. Empanelment Period
The Valuer shall be empaneled for a period of 5 years. However, a review exercise may be made
periodically based on performance along with necessary information. IFCI reserves its right to de-list
the name of the consultant at any stage, if found unsatisfactory or does not comply with the IFCI’s

Enclosed Annexures:
 Annexure A: Eligibility Criteria for each Asset Class – LB / PM / ES
 Annexure B: Acceptable Documentary Proof
 Annexure C: Application Format
 Annexure D: List of the Regional Offices of IFCI

Note 1: Clarification – Service Tax on the application fee is payable.

Annexure-A: Eligibility Criteria

SN Criteria Asset Class

Land & Building Plant & Machinery Equity shares, quasi-equity & similar

1) Who may Individual/Sole Proprietorship Firm, Individual/Sole Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm/Limited Liability
apply Partnership Firm/Limited Liability Partnership Firm/Limited Liability Partnership, Company
Partnership, Company Partnership, Company

2) Qualificati (i) Graduate in civil engineering, (i) Graduate in mechanical or electrical Applicant should be a member of
on architecture or town planning of a engineering of a recognized university, Institute of Chartered Accountants of
recognized university, India (ICAI); In case of partnership firm,
any one of the active partners should
(ii) Post graduate in valuation of machinery possess such membership; In case of
(ii) Post graduate in valuation of real and plant from a recognized university, Company any one of the executive
estate from a recognized university, directors should possess such
or membership
(iii) Possess a qualification recognized by or
(iii) Possess a qualification the Central Government for recruitment to
recognized by the Central superior services or posts under the A Merchant Banker registered with SEBI
Government for recruitment to Central Government in the field of and which has Chartered Accountants
superior services or posts under the mechanical or electrical engineering as full time employees.
Central Government in the field of besides holding other qualification and
Membership of Registration with (ICAI)
civil engineering, architecture or experience as detailed below*.
or registration as merchant banker with
town planning besides holding other
In case of partnership firm, any one of the SEBI, shall be 5 years old at the time of
qualification and experience as
active partners should possess such submission of application
detailed below*.
qualification; In case of Company any one
SN Criteria Asset Class

Land & Building Plant & Machinery Equity shares, quasi-equity & similar

In case of partnership firm, any one of the directors should possess such
of the active partners should possess qualification.
such qualification; In case of
Company any one of the directors
should possess such qualification.

3) No. of The applicant must have experience The applicant must have experience of The applicant must have experience of
Years of of valuation of land and building for valuation of plant and machinery for a valuation of ‘Equity shares, quasi-equity
Experience a period not less than 5 years. period not less than 5 years. and similar securities’ for a period not
less than 5 years.

4) Gross The average gross receipts of the The average gross receipts of the applicant The average gross receipts of the
Receipts applicant from the valuation services from the valuation services should be applicant from the valuation services
should be more than Rs. 5 Lacs, in the more than Rs. 5 Lacs, in the preceding 3 should be more than Rs.5 Lacs, in the
preceding 3 financial years. financial years. preceding 3 financial years.

5) No. of The valuer should have completed The valuer should have completed atleast The valuer should have completed
assignmen atleast 10 assignments of valuation 10 assignments of valuation of P&M atleast 10 assignments of valuation of
ts with of L&B successfully for public sector successfully for public sector ‘Equity shares, quasi-equity and similar
Public banks/financial institutions or banks/financial institutions or carried out securities’ successfully for public sector
Sector carried out for clients for meeting for clients for meeting legal and regulatory banks/financial institutions or carried
Banks legal and regulatory compliances compliances (such as required by out for clients for meeting legal and
(such as required by SEBI/RBI/DRT/High Court/Supreme Court) regulatory compliances (such as
in last 5 years.
SN Criteria Asset Class

Land & Building Plant & Machinery Equity shares, quasi-equity & similar

SEBI/RBI/DRT/High Court/Supreme required by SEBI/RBI/DRT/High

Court) in last 5 years. Court/Supreme Court)

6) PAN The Applicant shall possess a PAN The Applicant shall possess a PAN The Applicant shall possess a PAN

7) Age Limit The person whose credentials is The person whose credentials is being The person whose credentials is being
being considered for satisfaction of considered for satisfaction of Qualification considered for satisfaction of
Qualification criteria, the age of that criteria, the age of that person shall not be Qualification criteria, the age of that
person shall not be more than 70 more than 70 years as on date of person shall not be more than 70 years
years as on date of application. application. as on date of application.
ANNEXURE B: Acceptable Documentary Proof

Documentary Proof
S.No. Eligibility Criteria

Self attested copy of Proof of Identity/Existence viz.

Passport/ Election Card/ Aadhar Card/ Partnership
1 Who may apply Deed/ Registration Certificate, Certificate of
Incorporation, Articles of Association, Memorandum
of Association as applicable for respective entities
a) Degree
a) University Degree – of the course as specified
b) Minimum experience
in the eligibility criteria
c) Membership with
2 b) Proof of practicing as a consulting engineer,
Institution of Valuers
surveyor or architect
and Registration with
c) Certificate of membership / registration
Completion certificate from the appointing entity
client - One recent assignment (preferably latest) and
one assignment of at least 5 years old in the said
3 No of Years of Experience valuation category or letter of appointment from
client for assignment along with invoice raised and
proof of receipt of payment against the completed
CA certificate for last 3 financial years i.e. 2013-14,
2014-15 and 2015-16. In case the same is not available
4 Gross Receipts for 2015-16, provisional certificate may be furnished,
in which case CA certificate for the year 2012-13 is also
required to be submitted.
Completion certificate of the assignments in the said
category of valuation or letter of appointment from
5 No. of Assignments with PSBs client for assignment along with invoice raised and
proof of receipt of payment against the completed
6 PAN Self attested copy PAN card copy of the applicant
Passport/ Election Card/ Aadhar Card / any other
acceptable proof
7 Age Limit (To be furnished in respect of the same person as
considered for eligibility criteria 2 above i.e.
Qualification )
(To be submitted on the Applicant’s Letter Head)

The General Manager
(Address of the Concerned Regional Office)

I. General Information

SNo Particulars
(Enclose Supporting Documents, wherever required)

1) Asset Class

2) Name of Applicant
Constitution of
Date of Birth/ Date
of Incorporation
5) Office Address

6) Telephone

7) Email-id
8) TAN (if applicable)
Service Tax No.
General Profile of
the Applicant
Recent Photograph
of the key persons©
along with names
whose credentials is
being considered for * Paste photo here
10) satisfaction of To be signed across

Qualification criteria
© key person: Name
of proprietor/
Name of key
Name & Age Qualification Year of
persons, Age,
& Institution Qualification
(May be attached as
Membership of key
with professional
Registration of key
13) with various
authorities for
No. of full time
professionals in the
firm and the
composition of the
professionals –
engineers, MBAs,
Accountants, etc.
Presence by way of
15) regional offices in
how many states
List of Financial Name of Bank/FI Date of Period of
Institutions/Banks Empanelment Letter Empanelment
16) with which the
Applicant is already

II. Eligibility Criteria [Name of the class of asset]*

* The information for ‘Eligibility Criteria’ to be submitted separately for each class of asset applied as per Annexure - A

Particulars Whether meets

Documentary Proof
SNo Eligibility criteria eligibility criteria Details
As per Annexure B
as per Annexure A (Yes/No)
Constitution of


No. of Years of
3) Experience

Gross Receipts

No. of valuation
assignments with
PSBs/FIs, etc
Account Number

Age Limit

(If Required Separate Sheet May Be Used As Enclosure for providing the details for any above columns)

I/we hereby apply for empanelment as valuer in your institution and declare that:
1. I/We declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief,
and any incorrect information furnished may lead to cancellation of my/our application for
empanelment with IFCI.
2. I/We understand and accept that empanelment shall be at the discretion of IFCI as per its requirement
and IFCI has a right to reject our application without assigning any reasons therefore.
3. I/We shall submit the reports as per standard formats prescribed by the professional
institutes/bank/IFCI with correct and full information and without negligence;
4. If my/our application for empanelment in IFCI is considered favorably ,I/we shall abide by all the terms
& conditions stated herein as well as other terms & conditions prescribed by IFCI from time to time;
5. I/We understand that Empanelment as such does not guarantee award of valuation assignments by
6. I/We understand that Entrustment of valuation assignment is subject to periodical review by IFCI;
7. I/We understand that IFCI reserves the right to delete/cancel the empanelment/stop awarding future
assignments without prior notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever;
8. The valuation shall be conducted on the basis of accepted principles as also the criteria/terms of
reference specified by IFCI from time to time;
9. The Valuation report shall reveal true & fair assessment keeping in view the market conditions and
the report shall be submitted in the prescribed format, if any;
10. I/We shall maintain secrecy of the business allotted by IFCI;
11. I/We shall not enter into any financial transaction with IFCI's borrowers to the detriment of IFCI's
12. Under no circumstances, I/we shall use the name or logo of IFCI in our correspondence with other
13. If any wrong certification is detected, I/We hereby consent that IFCI may take steps as deemed fit;
14. I/We undertake to keep IFCI informed of any events or happenings which would make me ineligible
for empanelment as a valuer;
15. I/We have not concealed or suppressed any material information, facts and record and I have made a
complete and full disclosure;
16. I/We shall strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely “Prevention
of Corruption Act 1988”;
17. I/We am/are a citizen/incorporated/registered in India;
18. I/We have not been convicted of any offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment;
19. I/We have not been found guilty of misconduct in professional capacity;
20. I/We am/are not an undischarged insolvent; and
21. I/We have not been convicted of an offence connected with any proceeding under the Income Tax Act
1961, Wealth Tax Act 1957 or Gift Tax Act 1958.

(To be signed by the individual/ authorized signatory of the firm/ company)
Annexure-D: Regional Offices
Ahmedabad: Bengaluru
501 IFCI Bhawan IFCI Bhawan (4th Floor)
Near Lal Bungalow No.2, Cubbonpet Main Road
C G Road, Navrangpura -380006 N.R. Square (Hudson Circle)-560002
Tel: +91-79-26405984, 26445376 Tel: +91-8—22210882, 22211623
Bhopal Chandigarh
Paryawas Bhawan IFCI Bhawan
Block 2 (3rd Floor) 1-C, Sector 27-A, Madhya Marg-160019
Mother Teresa Road-462011 Tel: +71-172-2650878
Tel: +91-755-4279113
Chennai Hyderabad
Continental Chambers Taramandal Complex
(2nd Floor), 142 M G Road- 600034 (8th Floor), 5-9-13, Saifabad- 500004
Tel: +91-44-28334110-12 Tel: +91-40-66623642-44
Jaipur Kolkata
Anand Bhawan (1st Floor) Chatterjee International Center
Sansar Chandra road- 302001 (3rd Floor) 33-A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road-700071
Tel: +91-141-2364684 Tel: +91-33-22653344
Lucknow Mumbai
Regency Plaza Earnest House
5 Park Road- 226001 (8th -9th Floors)
Tel: +91-522-2239057 NCPA Marg, Nariman Point-400021
Tel: +91-22-61293400
Bhubaneswar Guwahati
Office No.4, Block 1 & 2 IFCI Bhawan, Christian Basti
1st Floor, BMC Bhawani Mall Guwahati Shillong Road- 781005
Shaheed Nagar - 751007 Tel: +91-361- 2343757
Tel: +91-0674- 2549166
Kochi Patna
39/5165, Krishna Empire, Maurya Lok commercial complex
1st Floor, Main Avenue Block ’C’(3rd Floor)
Panampilly Nagar- 682036 Dak Bungalow road-800001
Tel: +91-48-44070522 Tel: +91-9903052077
Pune Delhi
307 (3rd Floor) 12th floor
Amar Neptune IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
Near Big Bazaar, Baner – 411045 New Delhi – 110019
Tel: +91-20-27291731 Tel: +91-11-41732571
Raipur Vijayawada
F-6 & 7, Block-1 first floor, Pujari Chambers 54-15-13, BSR hill view ( 2nd floor)
Commercial centre, pachpedi Naka Shrinivasa Nagar Bank colony
Raipur-492001 Vijayawada, -520008
Tel: +91-771-4075005 Tel:+91-7506370351

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