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Kritisi Jurnal Internasional Infark Miokard Akut: Kelompok: 1

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KHANSA KHALISA (201811029)
M. ABDILA DIREZA (201811032)
RENI ANGGRAENI (201811056)
SELLY SELFIANA (201811061)
SITI HOFIPAH (201811064)




Tipe materi/artikel : Jurnal Reading

Informasi Sitasi
Pengarang : Chau TT Tran MSc, Douglas S Lee MD, Virginia F Flintoft BScN, MSc, Lyall Higginson
MD, F Curry Grant MD MSc, Jack V Tu MD, PhD, and the Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes
Research Team/Canadian Cardiovascular Society Acute Myocardial Infarction Quality Indicator Panel,
Jafna Cox MD, Doug Holder MD, Cynthia Jackevicius BScPharm, Louise Pilote MD PhD MPh, Paul
Tanser MD, Christopher Thompson MD, Edward Tsoi MBBCh MRCPUK, Wayne Warnica MD,
Andreas Wielgosz MD MSc PhD
Judul : CCORT/CCS quality indicators for acute myocardial infarction care
Publikasi : Can J Cardiol
Tahun : 2003 Volume : 19 No : 1 Halaman : 38-45
Tipe Studi : Riset
Desain Studi : Descriptive Analitik
Metode Pengumpulan Data : Dengan studi dokumen dan observasi
Latar Belakang Penelitian
Although quality indicators for the care of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients have been
described for other countries, there are none specifically designed for the Canadian health care system.
The authors’ goal was to develop a set of Canadian quality indicators for AMI care.
Tujuan penelitian/pertanyaan penelitian
Was to develop a set of Canadian quality indicators for AMI care.
a. Metode Sampling (Tidak ada)
b. Kriteria Inklusi (Ada)
c. Kriteria Eksklusi (Ada)
d. Jumlah Responden = responden
e. Lokasi Penelitian = Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Toronto, Ontaria, Canada
Profesi (Bidang yang diteliti)
Penderita penyakit jantung koroner
Metode penelitian yang digunakan
a. Deskriptif Analitik Dengan rancangan cross sectional
To identify an AMI cohort, case definition criteria were developed, using a hospital discharge
diagnosis for AMI of International Classification of Diseases-Ninth revision (ICD-9) code 410.x.
Thirty-seven indicators for AMI care were established. Pharmacological process of care indicators
included administration of acetylsalicylic acid, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, thrombolytics and statins. Mortality and readmissions for AMI, unstable angina and
congestive heart failure were recommended as outcome indicators. Nonpharmacological indicators
included median length of stay in the emergency department, and median waiting times for cardiac
catheterization, percutaneous coronary intervention and/or coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Sixty-four potential process of care and outcome indicators were assembled for the initial round of
rating. Thirty-four indicators satisfied the “overall value of inclusion” criterion and underwent a second
round of discussion by the panel at a national meeting. Revisions to the indicators were made at this
meeting and at the teleconference, which led to the inclusion of additional indicators to cover relevant
topics in AMI care in Canada. This resulted in 37 indicators for AMI care (Table 1). With regard to
structural indicators, 10 potential test indicators were identified by the panel (Table 2).
The selection of AMI quality indicators tailored to the Canadian environment is a critical first step
toward the goal of improving the quality of AMI care in Canada. These indicators are distinct from
previously published indicators in the United States (1) and Australia (8,14), which have focused
primarily on processes of care as opposed to outcome indicators. These indicators also reflect the
unique population-based, administrative data available in Canada that permits more detailed quality
measurements. Other notable differences can be seen with the eligibility and exclusion criteria for each
individual indicator (data not shown). In particular, physiciandocumented reason for nonuse of a
therapy was adopted for many of these indicators to capture other reasons why a particular therapy may
not be given. Realizing that there are a large number of Canadian indicators, an attempt was made to
strike a balance between the comprehensive eligibility and exclusion criteria established by the
Cooperative Cardiovascular Project (CCP) (1) in the United States and the less comprehensive West
Moreton Coronary Outcomes Program (WESTCOP) indicators developed in Australia (8). This will
lead to more efficient data abstraction processes for clinicians and hospitals who wish to use these
indicators for quality improvement initiatives. Users of these indicators will likely want to apply a
subset of the indicators depending on their particular interests. For example, for local hospitals,
clinicians may want to focus on measuring thrombolytic or beta-blocker use in ideal patients. In
contrast, researchers comparing AMI care across regions may want to use the administrative data-based
indicators if the data are available. A few caveats about these indicators should be noted. Although the
indicators were intended to reflect care provided in the community setting, the panelists recognized that
all possible valid reasons for not performing an intervention as identified in the exclusion criteria may
not be documented in the charts. Thus, target benchmarks were set for less than 100% among ‘ideal
candidates’ for an intervention. There is still uncertainty regarding the optimal achievable level for
many of these outcomes; therefore, outcome benchmark targets are not defined. It is also recognized
that suggested ‘target’ levels may not be achievable at all hospitals in the country. For example,
barriers such as lack of access to echocardiography, cardiac catheterization facilities or reimbursement,
may limit the performance of some hospitals for some indicators. Thus, the application of the
indicators and the benchmarks can be tailored to local or regional conditions. Nevertheless, the panel
believed that the indicator targets should reflect ‘optimal’ care for patients as opposed to setting lower
standards that may encourage suboptimal care. It is anticipated that once these indicators are employed
and benchmarks are measured, a review of the target levels will take place to determine whether they
are feasible. As well, ongoing revisions to indicator definitions will need to take place with the
publication of new scientific data or practice guidelines.

We have identified a unique Canadian set of quality indicators for the care of AMI patients. We hope
these indicators will prove to be useful in highlighting opportunities for improving the treatment and
outcomes of AMI patients throughout Canada.
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan penelitian
a. Kelebihan
1. Peneliti mampu memaparkan dengan jelas hasil penelitian
2. Peneliti mampu memaparkan identifikasi dari indikator kualitas perawatan pasien AMI di
3. Penulisan jurnal teratur dan sesuai dengan kaidah pembuatan penulisan jurnal
b. Kekurangan
1. Peneliti kurang sistematis dalam penyusunan jurnal

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