The Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle

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The mass-energy-information equivalence

Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019);
Submitted: 09 August 2019 . Accepted: 22 August 2019 . Published Online: 06 September 2019

Melvin M. Vopson


Paper published as part of the special topic on Chemical Physics, Energy, Fluids and Plasmas, Materials Science
and Mathematical Physics

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AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); 9, 095206

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The mass-energy-information
equivalence principle
Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5123794
Submitted: 9 August 2019 • Accepted: 22 August 2019 •
Published Online: 6 September 2019

Melvin M. Vopsona)

University of Portsmouth, School of Mathematics and Physics, PO1 3QL Portsmouth, UK

Formerly known as Vopsaroiu. E-mail: [email protected]

Landauer’s principle formulated in 1961 states that logical irreversibility implies physical irreversibility and demonstrated that information is
physical. Here we formulate a new principle of mass-energy-information equivalence proposing that a bit of information is not just physical,
as already demonstrated, but it has a finite and quantifiable mass while it stores information. In this framework, it is shown that the mass of a
bit of information at room temperature (300K) is 3.19 × 10-38 Kg. To test the hypothesis we propose here an experiment, predicting that the
mass of a data storage device would increase by a small amount when is full of digital information relative to its mass in erased state. For 1Tb
device the estimated mass change is 2.5 × 10-25 Kg.
© 2019 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
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I. INTRODUCTION AND THEORY independent and distinctive events X = {x1 , x2 ,. . .,xn } having a prob-
Shannon gave the mathematical formulation of the amount of ability distribution P = {p1 , p2 ,. . .,pn } on X, so that each event xi has a
information extracted from observing the occurrence of an event probability of occurring pi = p(xi ), where pi ≥ 0 and Σpi =1. Accord-
in his 1948 seminal paper.1 Ignoring any particular features of the ing to Shannon,1 the average information per event, or the number
event, the observer or the observation method, Shannon devel- of bits of information per event, one can extract when observing the
oped his theory using an axiomatic approach in which he defined set of events X once is:
information (I) extracted from observing an event as a function of H(X) = − ∑j=1 pj ⋅ logb pj (2)
the probability (p) of the event to occur or not, I(p). The second
axiomatic property is that the information measure is a continuous The function H(X) resembles an information entropy function and
positive function of the probability I(p) ≥ 0. An event that is cer- it is maximum when the events xj have equal probabilities of occur-
tain, i.e. p = 1, gives therefore no information from its occurrence, ring, pj = 1/n, so H(X) = log b n. When observing N sets of events X,
so I(1) = 0. Assuming that for n independent events of individual or equivalently observing N times the set of events X, the number of
probabilities pi the joint probability p is the product of their individ- bits of information extracted from the observation is N⋅H(X). The
ual probabilities, then the information we get from observing the set number of possible states, also known as distinct messages in Shan-
of n events is the sum of the individual event’s information, I(p) = non’s original formalism, is equivalent to the number of information
I(p1 ⋅p2 ⋅. . .⋅pn ) = I(p1 ) + I(p2 ) + . . . + I(pn ). Shannon identified that bearing microstates, Ω, compatible with the macro-state:
the only function satisfying these axiomatic properties is a logarith-
mic function and, for an event whose probability of occurring is p, Ω = 2N⋅H(X) (3)
the information extracted from observing the event is: This allows the introduction of an entropy of the information
I(p) = −logb p = logb (1/p) (1) bearing states, using Boltzmann thermodynamic entropy:
S = kb ⋅ ln(Ω) = N ⋅ kb ⋅ H(X) ⋅ ln(2) (4)
where b is an arbitrary base, which gives the units of information,
i.e. for binary bits of information, b = 2. Let us assume a set of n where kb = 1.38064 × 10 -23
J/K is the Boltzmann constant.

AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5123794 9, 095206-1

© Author(s) 2019

Let us examine the specific case of digital information, imply-

ing b = 2, and two possible distinctive events/states occurring, so
n = 2 and X = {0,1}. If we assume no biasing or external work on the
system, then the two events/states have equal probabilities of occur-
ring, so that pj = 1/n = 1/2 and p = {p1 ,p2 } = {1/2,1/2}, then using (2)
it can be shown that:
1 1 1 1
H(X) = −( log2 ( ) + log2 ( )) = log2 2 = 1 (5)
2 2 2 2
The meaning of H(X) = 1 is that 1 bit of information is required to
encode one letter message, or conversely, observing the above event
generates 1 bit of information. Using this result in (4) we obtain the
information entropy of one bit S = kb ⋅ln(Ω) = kb ⋅ln(2). A compu-
tational process creates digital information via some sort of physi-
cal process, which obeys physical laws, including thermodynamics.
Hence, there must be a direct connection between the process of cre-
ating, manipulating or erasing information and thermodynamics. In
1961, Landauer first proposed a link between thermodynamics and
information by postulating that logical irreversibility of a compu-
tational process implies physical irreversibility.2 Since irreversible
processes are dissipative, it results that logical irreversibility is also
a dissipative process and, by extrapolation, information is physical.3
An example of logical irreversible process is the operation “erase”
of a memory device. A memory device is a distinct finite array of
N binary elements, which can hold information without dissipa-
tion. Let us consider an isolated physical system that works as a FIG. 1. a) Byte in a random recorded memory micro-state; b) Byte after erase
digital memory device consisting of an array of N bits. Using (3) operation resetting all bits to 1 state; c) Byte after true erase operation with all bits
we can calculate that there are 2N possible microstates and the ini- in neither 0, nor 1 state; d) Byte after erase operation resetting all bits to 0 state.
tial information entropy of the system is Si info = Nkb ⋅ln(2). The total
entropy of the system consists of the physical entropy, Si phys related
to the non-information bearing states, and the information entropy, it, and we refer the reader to the recent experimental confirmation of
characteristic to the information bearing states. Performing an irre- the Landauer’s principle,4–7 as well as various theoretical arguments
versible logical operation like “erase” brings the system into one of in its support.8
the three equivalent erased states as exemplified in Figure 1 for an
array of 8 bits, also known as a byte. The initial byte in this exam- II. LANDAUERS’S EXTENDED PRINCIPLE
ple is randomly selected as 01101001, which represents the letter “i” We established that the process of creating information
codded binary (Fig. 1a). The erased state defined by Landauer is in requires W ≥ kb ⋅T⋅ln(2) work externally applied to modify the phys-
fact a reset operation with all bits in 1 (Fig. 1b) or 0 (Fig. 1d) state, ical system and to create a bit of information, while the process of
but they are equivalent to a true “erased” state that is neither 0, nor erasing a bit of information generates ΔQ ≤ kb ⋅T⋅ln(2) heat energy
1 as in Fig. 1c. An example of true erased state would be an array of released to the environment, and this has been already determined
bits in a magnetic data storage memory, in which the erase opera- and confirmed experimentally.6,7 However, once a bit of informa-
tion does not imply reset of all bits to identical magnetized state, but tion is created, assuming no external perturbations, it can stay like
total demagnetization of each bit, so neither 1, nor 0 could be iden- this indefinitely without any energy dissipation. In this paper a rad-
tified in any of the bits. This implies that the system has only one ical idea is proposed, in which the process of holding information
possible information state, n = 1, so using (2) we get H(X) = 0 and indefinitely without energy dissipation can be explained by the fact
Sinfo (erased) = S f info = 0. Hence, the “erase” operation decreases the that once a bit of information is created, it acquires a finite mass,
information entropy of the system, ΔSinfo = S f info - Si info = - Nkb ⋅ln2. mbit . This is the equivalent mass of the excess energy created in the
Since the second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy process of lowering the information entropy when a bit of informa-
change cannot decrease over time, ΔStot = ΔSphys + ΔSinfo ≥ 0, then tion is erased. Using the mass-energy equivalence principle, the mass
the irreversible computation must reduce the information entropy of of a bit of information is:
the information bearing states by increasing the entropy of the non- kb T ⋅ ln(2)
information bearing states via a thermal dissipation of energy, ΔQ/T mbit = (6)
= ΔSphys ≤ Nkb ⋅ln(2). For one bit of information lost irreversibly,
then the entropy of the system must increase with an absolute value where c is the speed of light and T is temperature at which the bit
of heat released per bit lost, ΔQ = kb ⋅T⋅ln(2), known as Landauer’s of information is stored. Having the information content stored in a
principle.2,3 Although the Landauer’s principle has been the matter physical mass allows holding the information without energy dissi-
of some controversy, today the scientific community widely accepts pation indefinitely. Erasing the information requires input external

AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5123794 9, 095206-2

© Author(s) 2019

FIG. 3. Energy cycle of the digital bit creation and erasure indicating the energies
transferred in the process and the equivalent concept in terms of a mechanical
balance as a memory device. The bit holds information without energy dissipation
because the abstract digital bit has a finite mass.

FIG. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the mass – energy – information equiva-

This is the “write” process of the memory. However, having the mass
present allows a digital “1” or “0” state to be maintained indefinitely
without energy dissipation. The memory erase process is equivalent
to external work done to remove the mass from the balance. In this
work and the mass mbit is converted back into energy/heat. The
process the mass is converted back into heat, as described in the
implications of this rationale are that the equivalence mass – energy
Landauer principle and confirmed experimentally (Figure 3).
principle inferred from the special relativity can be extrapolated to
The balance memory device thought experiment described in
the mass – energy – information equivalence principle as depicted
Figure 3, also shows the energy cycles corresponding to transitions
in Figure 2, which essentially represents an extension of the original
from erased state to a “1” or “0” bit of information states and back
Landauer’s principle.
from a bit of information to erased state. Minimum energy input or
Furthermore, the information depends on the temperature at
output is required to transition a bit in or out of erased state. How-
which the information bit exists. From (6), mbit = 0 at T = 0K, so as
ever, once a bit of information is created, transitions from “1” to
expected, no information can exist at zero absolute. Using relation
“0” and vice versa can take place without dissipation associated to
(6) at room temperature (T = 300K), the estimated mass of a bit is
his process. This is equivalent to moving the mass from the left of
∼ 3.19×10-38 Kg.
the balance to the right, directly without going through the erased
It is important to point out that external work or forces applied
to any kind of digital bits of information, could result in perturba-
The mass – energy – information equivalence principle pro-
tions of the memory states and even self-erasure. In this article, we
posed here is strictly applicable only to classical digital memory
restrict the approach to digital memory states at equilibrium, at a
states at equilibrium. Information carried by relativistic media, mov-
given temperature. Any deviations from these conditions are per-
ing waves or photons require a quantum relativistic information
mitted, assuming that the system is maintained at equilibrium. If this
theory approach and it is outside the applicability framework of
is condition is broken, then memory self-erasure could occur and the
this article. Similarly, other forms of information including analogue
mass of a bit is dissipated back into heat energy, proportional to the
information, or information embedded in biological living systems
temperature at which this perturbation occurs.
such as DNA are not within the scope of this work.
To understand this concept, let us imagine a balance as a mem-
ory device (see Figure 3). When the balance has no left or right tilt,
i.e. it is fully balanced, the device is in erased memory state storing III. PROPOSED EXPERIMENT
no information. By convention, when it tilts to the left, the device is In what follows, we propose a simple experiment capable of
in memory state “1”, and when it tilts to the right is in memory state testing this theory by physically measuring the mass of digital
“0”. The balance will tilt only when some mechanical work is per- information.
formed against it, and it will always revert to erased state when the This consists of an ultra accurate mass measurement of a dig-
perturbing force is cancelled. In order to make the device to hold a ital data storage device, when all its memory bits are in fully erased
bit of information, a permanent force/work must be present. How- state. This is then followed by the operation of recording digital data
ever, digital information requires an initial input energy to create on all of its memory bits until is at full capacity, followed by another
a bit, but then this is stored indefinitely without energy dissipa- accurate mass measurement. If the proposed mass – energy – infor-
tion. The equivalent of this process in terms of our thought balance mation equivalence principle is correct, then the data storage device
memory device experiment is when external work is performed to should be heavier when information is stored on it than when it is
place an object of finite mass on the left or right side of the balance. in fully erased state. One could easily estimate the mass difference,

AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5123794 9, 095206-3

© Author(s) 2019

Δm in this experiment. Let us assume a memory device of 1Tb stor- solid, liquid, gas, and plasma states of matter. It is expected that this
age capacity, then the total number of memory bits is 1012 bytes work will stimulate further theoretical and experimental research,
= 8×1012 bits, as 1 byte = 8 bits. Hence the predicted mass change bringing the scientific community one-step closer to understand-
in this experiment is Δm = 2.5×10-25 Kg. The proposed experiment ing the abstract nature of matter, energy and information in the
is simple in terms of physical complexity, but very challenging over- Universe.
all as the success depends on one’s ability to measure accurately mass
changes in the order of ∼10-25 Kg. The required measurement sen-
sitivity could be reduced by a factor f if the amount of data storage ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
under test is increased from 1Tb to f × 1Tb. Since the measurement This work was stimulated while performing research on a
is in fact not the absolute mass, but rather the mass change Δm, one closely related digital data storage research grant funded by EPSRC
measurement option would be a sensitive interferometer similar to (EP/R028656/1). The author would like to acknowledge the support
the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO),9 received from the School of Mathematics and Physics, University of
although smaller sizes and sensitivities would be probably sufficient Portsmouth, to undertake this research.
for the proposed measurement. Another possible option to test the
proposed principle could be using an ultra-sensitive Kibble balance REFERENCES
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AIP Advances 9, 095206 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5123794 9, 095206-4

© Author(s) 2019

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