Cooperative Play Expanded Rules
Cooperative Play Expanded Rules
Cooperative Play Expanded Rules
Hello and welcome to our latest Harry Potter fan made expansion
I ran a poll in the HP Hobby group recently and the vast majority of members said they would like to see
more options for cooperative play. I’ve already written quite a lot of new solo and coop scenarios, but
these are quite narrative and quirky. Therefore, I decided that what I wanted to do here was keep it simple
and just look to expand the cooperative rules in the HP Rulebook.
When I started playing this game, I really enjoyed the coop rules/game in the rulebook. However, this
enjoyment faded quite quickly when I realised that there was actually only 1 coop scenario! 2 years later
and there is still only 1 official coop scenario
Also, I found the official rules included to be a bit vague and not always that well thought through.
So, this is my attempt to expand upon the official coop rules and hopefully make a few improvements
I hope you enjoy this system if you try it. If you do please leave me some feedback in the “Harry Potter
miniatures game and Hobby Group” on Facebook
The first big change I have made is to standardize the points for this system regardless of the number of
players. I felt this was important to help give some balance to the creation of the monster deck (covered
In this system, all games are 60 Galleons. You can have between 1-6 players and this determines how
many Galleons each player has to spend on their group. I would suggest that all players design their
groups together as this is firstly more fun and it will also allow you to build a more tactical group
(especially if you are playing hard mode!!!).
I also find this system works better if you have no single model worth more than 15 Galleons in total.
Your group must all be of the same affiliation, so either Hogwarts, Deatheaters of Followers of
Grindelwald. You cannot take the Gringotts Goblin or Gnarlak to gain extra Galleons.
1 60
2 30
3 20
4 15
5 12
6 10
All normal rules apply for designing your group. Regardless of the number of players your group is
technically one large group.
Abilities that you take can affect other members of the group. If one player has a Professor, then this
model can influence another players model with the Apprentice trait. If someone takes a Prefect model
than that model affects ALL models of the same house in any players group.
The additional Wizarding War Rules also apply to group creation regarding spells:
Wingardium Leviosa: use to move a Swarm model 3 spaces. Use to move a Marker or Totem 1 space.
Expelliarmus: can be used against Centaur bows or any creature that comes with an actual weapon. It can
also be simply used against a creature to reduce its attack bonus by 1 for the rest of the Turn (you can
increase the casting difficulty to 1 and if successful reduce attack bonus by 1d3)
Obliviate: combat spell, difficulty 1. The model gets confused, it will only activate in its next activation
on the d6 roll of 4+ (roll when about to activate it).
Finite Incantatem: allow this spell to negate affects created by magical creatures such as poison or the
Dementors kiss.
Silencio: increase the difficulty to 1. This can now be used on any creature that requires its mouth to
attack! So any creature that uses a “Bite” attack (or Fluffy’s “Roar” attack) will lose the ability to attack
for a Turn.
Counter Spell obviously has no use in this game. Therefore, if you
want to take Hermione (HP002) in your group then allow her
to swap her innate “Counter spell” with the “Lumos Solem” spell that
her 1st year version card has (HP135).
This game does involve the use of a lot of tokens and cards, so it is important to be organised and tidy ☺
You will need all the tokens and other bits that you normally need for a game of Harry Potter.
Adventure cards are used as normal. Obviously, the enemy deck does not get to use these cards.
Event Deck
The event deck is used this in this system, but I felt that certain cards needed additional clarification and
slight changes.
Decisive Movement: choose an enemy model as normal, for your team the first model to activate gets
the +1 movement
Boggart; A Dark Presence; Bludgers: these are now placed using random rules.
For each marker you have to place for these cards roll a dice: on a 1-3 they are placed near one of your
models, on a 4-6 they are placed near an enemy model.
Next randomize which model the marker is placed nearest to. Bludgers and the Boggart are placed
adjacent to this model (you choose which square) and the Dark Prescence is placed 4 spaces away from
this model (again, you choose where this is). A d12 is useful here for the potential number of creatures.
Scurrying Acromuntula: If this card is drawn any Acromuntula model (including large and swarm) on
the board receives +1 movement and poison/1 this turn.
Acromuntula Swarm: any Acromuntula swarm on the board receives +1 bonus to attack this turn
This is an area that I felt needed a lot of change. In the rulebook the only guidance you are given for
creating this deck is put in as many creatures as you have! Well, how can that be balanced?
Another slight issue I have with this game is that only certain Magical Creatures are given a sickle cost!?
So, this system allows you to include additional Magical Creatures. This led to a slight problem that most
of the current creatures that I wanted to add in, fell into a different cost category that didn’t feel like
sickle cost 2 or 3. So, to get round this I have put these creatures as sickle cost 3 and increased the current
sickle 3 monsters to a new sickle 4 group
You can add the following new models into this game:
Sickle 2: centaurs (with reinforced bows), Nagini, Thestral (profile included in Appendix i)
Sickle 3: Magorian (with reinforced bow), Firenze, Phoenix (Fawkes profile). Also change Werewolf
(Lupin) to sickle 3 as I’ve tweaked the rules (see pg 17)
Sickle 4: This new rating is for the previous sickle 3 creatures; Aragog and the Basilisk
I have also designed some new magical creatures! These are included in appendix i.
In creating this system, I wanted to have more structure and balance with regards to the what goes into
the Magical Creatures Deck. By coming up with a system for doing this it has also allowed me to create
different difficulty levels for this game: easy, normal, and hard.
The Basilisk and Aragog are printed on extra large cards! For more excitement I would take an ordinary
magical creatures card ( with a galleon cost) and put a sticker on it and write the name of the
sickle 4 on it, this will help maintain suspense when drawing new creatures each turn. Alternatively, in
the appendix there are some smaller cards that you can print out. It should exciting to see what creature
is coming out next
If you do not have any of the new sickle 3 models, then add additional sickle 2 models to make up the
points. * Keep your highest Galleon 2 model to one side
Also, I would avoid putting too many “Acromuntula Swarm” cards in the deck, they can seriously
congest the board!!!
Rather than create a few set games I’ve decided to use the concept of my “Wizard War Duels” book to
allow for a system that creates random scenarios
By now you should have designed your groups, got everything set up, chosen the difficulty level and
built the Magical creature’s deck
There are 12 board layouts for each type of area. You can either pick one or roll d12 to choose randomly.
These layouts show you where to place the overlays and also show where the deployment zones are
(deployment zones are shaded blue for indoors or green for outdoors).
Whether your board is indoors or outdoors will also have other affects on the game, these are discussed
Where a board has multiple deployment zones the players must spread their groups out as evenly as
possible. Other than this it is up to them who they deploy where.
There are 5 overlays on each map. These are important as these are now used as a reference point for
where magical creatures arrive.
Refer to the HP Rulebook for the rules on how to interact with overlays.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
There are 4 types of scenario that I have designed for this game. You can either choose one of these or
roll randomly
Place 6 Markers/Tokens on the board. These must be more than 6 squares from a deployment zone and
more than 3 squares from each other.
To win the game the group must solve all the challenges!
To win this game the group must kill the sickle 4 Creature (or the sickle 3 if playing easy mode)
In this game do not add “the Beast” into the Magical creature’s deck until the start of turn 3 (normally
turn 2).
To find the Beast you have had to travel deep into its Lair. In its natural environment this creature
receives a lucky dice on all its defence rolls!!!
Place 4 Markers on the board, these are impassable terrain and represent 4 evil structures that the group
needs to destroy. Place these markers more than 5 spaces from your deployment zones and more than 5
spaces away from each other.
Each Totem has a defence of 4 but do not roll defence dice for it when attacking. When a totem has
taken its 4th point of damage it is destroyed, remove it from the board. A Totem cannot be poisoned or
petrified but all other damage types will work. A Totems defence cannot be modified.
The group is surrounded and must fight for their lives. To win this game the group must kill 15 sickles
worth of creatures.
In this game you are given 3 lucky dice, these can be used at any time by a model in your group during
the game (following normal restrictions i.e. Apprentice limitation).
Special rules add additional flavour to game and can have a fun and sometimes dramatic effect on your
game. For these rules I have created 2 tables of special rules, 1 for indoor games and 1 for outdoor games.
Now we have designed the scenario it is time to deploy your models. Your combined group should be
deployed in the highlighted areas on the map. Where you have a map with more than 1 deployment area
you must spread your group as evenly as possible, just like placing houses in Monopoly! You cannot
have 2 models in one area whilst having none in a different area.
The board is set, the objectives are in place, it’s time to roll some dice!!!!!!!!
At the “Start Phase” of each turn you must draw creatures from the Magical Creatures Deck. To
determine the number of cards to draw make a standard roll and for each success draw a monster (max 5
per turn). Remember that the highest sickle cost monster is not placed in this deck until the start of Turn
2 (or turn 3 if playing the “Kill the Beast” scenario”).
(This random number of creatures can have a massive impact on your game. If you’d prefer a steadier
flow then I would suggest 3 Magical creatures arriving each turn)
In this system the Magical Creatures are placed differently. There are 5 overlays on each board, these need
to be numbered 1-5. For each creature drawn roll a d6 and place it adjacent to the corresponding overlay
(it is up to you where you place them around this overlay). If you roll a 6 then you may choose which
overlay to place them next to. If there is not enough space around an overlay roll again.
New creatures can be placed at the same overlay. All swarms should be placed together (remember that
when moving swarms, they are all moved at the same time in the same activation).
Once all new creatures are placed continue with the turn.
If there are multiple models in range, then simply roll randomly to decide who a creature attacks.
( Whenever a card is added back into the Magical Creature’s Deck always shuffle it )
In the case of Swarms, it can be really tricky to remember which 5 Acromuntula Swarms belong to which
profile. Therefore, whenever any 5 swarm models (of the same type!) are removed treat this as a whole
character card defeated and return it to the Magical Creatures Deck.
Likewise, in the War of Attrition scenario, for every 5 swarm models removed you gain the sickle cost
towards your goal.
In this system the Werewolf will only attack models on your team and will not attack other Magical
creatures from the deck. There is a new card for the werewolf in Appendix I.
The Werewolf is now Sickle 3.
A Niffler will always move towards the nearest model that has an artefact or potion. If there are no such
models on the board then the Niffler will make a full move each turn to get his treasure as far from your
group as possible!
Powerful Magical Creatures have more of a resistance to being petrified. At the end of a turn, roll a d6
for any sickle cost 2,3 or 4 creature that is Petrified. On a roll of 6, they shake off the effect and can
activate normally next turn. Sickle cost 4 creatures get +1 to this dice roll.
Playing a game like this will throw up lots of situations where there simply will not be a rule to tell you
what to do. Whilst it is you against the game, if you are not sure what to do with a creature then try and
do what is tactically best for it and to not try and gain an advantage.
Whilst the rules state that a creature must move towards the nearest enemy, there will often be options
about where this model can be placed. I would discourage players from placing models in front of more
dangerous models just to slow them down in the next turn. If there is an option for placement that
allows other creatures to move, then I would suggest this is used.
Huge creatures such as the Basilisk and Fluffy fit on a 3x3 base. On some maps there will be occasions
where there is only a 2x2 gap. While moving such creatures I feel it works best to allow then to move as
if they were on a 2x2 base, but they must be able to finish their move on a 3x3 area.
I would also allow Huge creatures to be able to move over any swarm model for no movement penalty
(so long as they do not obviously finish their move on top of another model!)
Creatures will always look to attack. However, if they are not in range, they will always choose to move.
There is a lot of scope in these rules for tweaking things and trying new ways of playing. I’ve written
these rules in a day and most if it is not properly tested but rather, I’ve gone with what I think looks fun
and challenging
Change the way the deck is put together to give it a more themed content. For example, I have 5
Dementor models so I quite fancy putting them all in the deck for a more themed game. I would then
probably not put in creatures like the Unicorn or the Centaurs.
Try experimenting by changing numbers that make up the creature deck. I have designed it so that easy,
normal and hard modes have a set number of sickle levels and cards. Change these numbers have
more sickle 2 creatures and less 1s and 3s.
So, here is a quick example of changing things around that’s I’ve designed in about 10 minutes! For these
2 games there are 12 overlays on the board so you will need a D12 for placing the Creatures.
I would then create a custom Creature deck something like this for normal difficulty game (22 Sickles):
Sickle 2: 2 Large Acromuntula, 2 Centaurs (I would use 4 Large Acromuntula models if I had them)
Sickle 4: Aragog
APPENDIX I: New Magical Creatures and cards
I am I the process of writing a Magical Creatures book (with Stuart Hynds) that will introduce lots of
new magical creatures included here are a few examples of what we are working on.
Also included here are smaller card version of Aragog and the Basilisk
Venomous Snake
Blast-Ended Skrewt
A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a
human being who, upon the complete rising of
the full moon, becomes an uncontrollable,
fearsome and deadly wolf.
Three-headed dog
Three-headed dogs are very rare magical beasts.
It is unknown if, like the Runespoor, each head
serves a different purpose.
A Manticore has the head of a human, the
body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion that
will kill anyone instantly.
The more creatures you have the more varied your games will be. This is why I’ve included rules here to
use creatures that don’t currently have a sickle cost. I’ve also included rules for new creatures as variety is
the spice of life ☺