Team Charter For Team # 6
Team Charter For Team # 6
Team Charter For Team # 6
(Used with permission from The George Washington University, Graduate School of
Education & Human Development) Revised 5_31_2019
You may change the format as the team decides but please do make sure that the key issues
are addressed. Be specific!
You should think critically about what you should be addressing in each section, making
notes in preparation for this assignment meeting. During the meeting, your team will write
the policies and procedures you all plan to follow. This is an important document that will,
through the discussion you have about it, as well as what you end up writing down,
establish the ways in which your team will operate. The goal is not to rush through to get it
done but to use the assignment to establish the team norms.
The purpose of our team is to successfully complete this course, and learn to
manage a virtual team environment. Ultimately our goal is to learn the material,
receive a grade, and make connections! Throughout this course we should learn
how to work together and develop our team skills and understand the dynamics
of a team.
III. Roles: clearly identify, define, and delineate roles and responsibilities (both task
and process)
Roles will be assigned out at the end of the meeting, if there are any necessary
changes they will be discussed through text message and changed in an
appropriate manner. Each person should not have the same role they had the
week prior. The positions we offer are the Facilitator, Host, Jokester/Enforcer,
Submitter/Reporter, and Scribe. The Facilitator is responsible for focusing on
making sure that the meeting is run in an efficient way while the Host works on
providing the meeting link through Zoom. The Jokester/Enforcer is there to
lighten the mood as well as ensure the charter/ASU policies are met, and the
Scribe is there to make sure that we have notes on the meeting to make it easier
than watching the whole recorded video meeting. Reporter is used to make sure
that the critiques from the previous week are stated at the meeting as well as
holding the Submitter role when needed in submitting assignments.
Everyone must participate and answer questions fully and to the best of their
knowledge and make sacrifices as needed. Each member should experience all
roles at least once throughout the time period of our team.
We will take notes ahead of the meeting and inform team mates if anything
needs to be changed. Everyone will be responsible for having agendas, notes,
and the course pulled up for the meetings. The Facilitator will have read the
agenda ahead of time while the Reporter will have the critiques from the
meeting before prepared.
We will need to use notes, provide input and ideas in a constructive way as well
as have the assignments and learning materials prepared. In order to stay
productive team members will want to have ideas and any questions prepared
ahead of the meeting.
V. Policies: define policies as well as corrective actions for failing to meet expectations
including missed meetings, inadequate preparation for meetings, and inadequate or
inappropriate participation in meetings. You can also include rewards for going
above and beyond duties.
NOTE: The limitations on what you can put in the team charter are in the instructions for
Module 2, Assignment 2.3
If a meeting is missed, the team member should be sent the zoom recording
link and answer the questions asked in the meeting/agenda questions. Missing
two meetings for the course is acceptable, the person should still get full
possible points if they turn in the work after. Two meetings in the fifth and
sixth modules are required and we have agreed and understand that
We should follow the ASU Code of Conduct as well as the ASU Code of Conduct
in reference to online behavior.
VI. Procedures: define how the team will take action, enforce policies, reward
excellence and manage performance
The Jokester will also be responsible for being the Enforcer to ensure that the
charter is being followed and to provide further responsibility to the Jokester
i. Decision Making: indicate when and how the team will make decisions
The team will make decisions via text and in group meetings, it makes for a
smoother meeting if we already have an idea of when our next one will be
prior to starting the meeting. Decisions will be made collectively and must be
agreed upon by everyone. Focus on making sure we are able to come to a
consensus and adapt to the changes as we approach them.
ii. Conflict Resolution: explain how the team will handle internal conflict
The team will remain open-minded with scheduling, and understand that
everyone is moving their schedule around to accommodate. If something
works for the majority of the group, the minority should make plans around
that option. We need to remain supportive of each other and be willing to help
all team members if a conflict arises personally or professionally. The team
needs to make sure if we’re in need of assistance, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask
questions and play our own advocate. Being patient with one another in
scheduling and being supportive allows the team to move forward in a
positive manner. Team should have empathy for other team members and
their lives outside of the course.
iv. Process Improvement Procedures: explain how the team will monitor,
implement, and track improvements to team process
Improvements will be tracked based off feedback from the team and professor
as well as grades. Keeping the Facilitator focused on team meetings and
staying in line with the agenda will make sure that everyone is providing their
input. The Enforcer to make sure we are following the policies of the charter
and ASU standards.
We will monitor by looking forward at the agenda for the next week and make
sure there is a balance in the roles for each week. Understanding that
adjustments and flexibility are needed. Review the self/team evaluation
document (on Canvas) and set the goals needed for the evaluations. Team
will review of these goals at the end of meeting. Team is open to adding a
suggestion section to the end of the agenda for the next week.
Team to add in the role of a Scribe, Reporter and an Enforcer. The Scribe
ensures that everything is noted during the meetings and to capture important
points discussed. The Enforcer will monitor the meetings to see that we cover
all items of the agenda and are adhering to the charter /rubrics.
Team will make improvements based on feedback from other teams as well as
Dr. Chanley.
v. Changes to the Charter: indicate how revisions will be made as the team
VIII. Timeline and Project Plan: detailed timeline, completion dates, and process
checks for each task/stage of the project assigned to specific team members
IX. Shared Accountability: “sign” and date agreement (each team member).
Name Signature Date