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The First Hundred Years
and Beyond
Fourth Edition

Derek C. Hulme

The Scarecrow Press, Inc.

Lanham • Toronto • Plymouth, UK
Published by Scarecrow Press, Inc.
A wholly owned subsidiary of
The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706

Estover Road
Plymouth PL6 7PY
United Kingdom

Copyright © 2010 by Derek C. Hulme

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher,
except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hulme, Derek C.
Dmitri Shostakovich catalogue : the first hundred years and beyond / Derek C. Hulme.
— 4th ed.
p. cm.
Revised ed. of: Dmitri Shostakovich. 3rd ed. 2002.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8108-7264-6 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8108-7265-3 (ebook)
1. Shostakovich, Dmitri Dmitrievich, 1906–1975—Bibliography. I. Hulme, Derek C.
Dmitri Shostakovich. II. Title. ML134.S485H8 2010
016.78092—dc22 2009037017

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of

American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of
Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48—1992.

Printed in the United States of America

For my wife Helen Killoran and three sons
Kyle Bonskeid, Robin Ronan, and Nevis Craig.
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Foreword to the Second Edition vii

Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Abbreviations xiii
Introduction xv
The First Hundred Years (Chronological Charts of Main Works
and Historical Events), Introduction by Rob Ainsley xvii

Catalogue of Works, Juvenilia to Opus 147 1

I. Collections of Shostakovich’s Music, Arrangements,
and Music Publishers 565
II. Film, Radio, Television and Theatre Productions 571
III. Recordings 577
IV. Four Special USSR Recordings 579
V. The Composer on Records 581
VI. Samplers and Box Sets 583
VII. Abandoned Projects and Obscure Works 587
VIII. DSCH—the Composer’s Monogram; Compositions
based on DSCH by Other Hands and Tributes 593
vi C O N T E N TS

IX. Spellings 603

X. The Russian Alphabet and Russian Titles of Compositions 605
Bibliography 609
Name Index 647
Composition Index 773
About the Author 783
Foreword to the
Second Edition
By Irina Shostakovich

I take particular pleasure in writing a few words to introduce this new edition.
Derek Hulme has invested in this book a colossal amount of work, not from
obligation or necessity, but for love of Shostakovich’s music—for his own satis-
faction, as it were. This feeling is most movingly reflected in the immense and
solicitous care he has lavished on every detail: nothing has been allowed to escape.
This same feeling caused Mr. Hulme to study the Russian language and to make
numerous visits to Leningrad and Moscow in the course of his researches.
The book is in the form of a catalogue of Shostakovich’s music, greatly
expanded for this new edition in comprehensiveness and circumstantial informa-
tion. I hope that it will be of use, not only to scholars, publishers, and performers,
but will also appeal to the ever-increasing circle of lovers of Shostakovich’s music,
collectors of his recordings, all those who are interested in the personality of the
man and who acknowledge a common response to the power of his music.
The book tells one much about Shostakovich’s compositions, gives what
amounts to a ‘biography’ of each of them, and outlines the ‘path of life’ along
which they have been destined to travel through succeeding generations.
The author undertook the publication of the first edition at his own expense,
and in consequence it could not achieve a wide distribution. The present, second,
edition has been realized by Oxford University Press—the University that hon-
oured Shostakovich with an Honorary Doctorate during his lifetime—and will
be accessible to far more people. It makes a significant contribution to the study
of Shostakovich’s art, and I salute it as a tribute to his memory and heritage.

Irina Shostakovich
Moscow, October 1990
Conductor Mark Fitz-Gerald reconstructed the film scores of Alone (Odna) Opus 26
and The Girlfriends Opus 41(ii); a number of pieces for theatre scores Rule, Britannia!
Opus 28 and Salute to Spain Opus 44; and eight bars of music to close the symphonic
fragment of Shostakovich’s first draft of the Ninth Symphony Opus 70. To his left is
Irina Shostakovich, who provided pre-publication copies of many scores, holding a copy
of the Naxos CD of Alone, and Peter Bromley, the Production Manager of the Naxos
and Marco Polo recording company. (Taken by Laurent Hili/ Naxos at the Association
Internationale ‘Dimitri Chostakovitch’, Paris on 20 November 2007.)

Composer Gerard McBurney made a reduction

for piano trio of The Bedbug Opus 19 in a suite
seven of pieces; a ten-piece arrangement Suite
from the film score Alone Opus 26; orchestrated
Hypothetically Murdered Opus 31a for small
orchestra and pieces for Hamlet Opus 32;
adaption for small mixed ensemble of Suite
for Jazz Orchestra Sans op. E; completion of
the orchestration of Four Romances on Poems of Pushkin Opus 46a; reconstruction of
the Original Jazz Suite No. 2 Sans op. G(i); new text in English doggerel of The Silly
Little Mouse Opus 56; and a major revision for small orchestra of the operetta Moscow,
Cheryomushki Opus 105. Gerald is now working on the newly discovered abandoned
opera Orango. (Photograph from Chicago Symphony Orchestra.)

The Vermont typesetters made a praiseworthy job of the layout of the Third
Edition manuscript. However, many curious deviations (fully detailed in DSCH
Journal, No. 20, January 2004, 33–34) occurred in the process of the scanning
of the thousand plus photocopied typewritten ‘scissor-and-paste’ manuscript
pages. Most of these typos were spotted at the proof-reading stage, though some
were noticed too late for correction.
In June 2004 the compiler decided to correct these errors and update
the catalogue in a concise, cheaper paperback edition. With the large amount
of recent research published in scholarly books and DSCH Journal, and the
increase in recordings for the centenary of the composer’s birth, this proved to
be impractical.
The catalogue was thoroughly revised on computer. This will be the final
edition in its present form. The compiler will definitely not be around for ‘The
Second Hundred Years’ volume! As mentioned in the previous three versions
of 1982, 1991, and 2002, the work was always intended as provisional—not as
a BWV—(for J. S. Bach), Köchel—(for Mozart), Deutsch—(for Schubert), or
Kirkpatrick—(for D. Scarlatti) type catalogue.
This rewarding pursuit is never ending with monthly releases of new and
reissued compact discs and digital versatile discs. Also, previously unknown
and suspected compositions by Shostakovich continue to materialize from the
DSCH offices in Moscow. It is the compiler’s ardent wish that in the next
decade or so a professional musicologist will compile a definitive annotated cata-
logue of all known works in strict chronological order, eliminating the necessity
of the temporary Sans op. listings.
As the world of the genius Shostakovich continues to expand during the
21st century it will, no doubt, require a separate volume to include the record-
ings, videos, DVDs, and films.

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The compiler is pleased that he was able to thank Dmitri Shostakovich for his
inspired compositions before his untimely death and is indebted to his wife,
Irina Antonovna, for her considerable encouragement by telephone and letter.
See the top photo on page viii of the Foreword.
The following individuals provided invaluable assistance in compiling the
present edition of this catalogue:

Kenzo Amoh (gramophile of Tokyo, Japan)

Gerald Bishop (musicological statistician, of Cambridge)
Peter Bromley (gramophile of Bicester, Oxfordshire)
David J. Fanning (lecturer in music, Manchester University)
Laurel E. Fay (writer on Shostakovich’s music, Staten Island, New York)
Frank van Hoof (cellist of Vrouwenpolder, Netherlands)
Theodore van Houten (biographer, Haamstede, Netherlands)
Gerard McBurney (composer, London and Achanalt, Ross-shire)
Don H. MacLeod (concert-goer of Sydney, Australia)
Robert Matthew-Walker (musicologist of London)
Alan Mercer (Editor of the DSCH Journal, Chambost-Allières, France)
Lewis Owens (President, UK Shostakovich Society)
W. Mark Roberts (gramophile of Montreal, Canada)
John Riley (film historian, British Universities Film and Video Council)
Emmanuel Utwiller (Director, Centre Chostakovitch, Paris)
Andrew Walton (record producer)
Manashir Abramovich Yakubov (Editor New Collected Works, DSCH Publishers,

Thanks to both Professor Aleksandr Ivashkin, whose ‘Shostakovich 100’

festival (London, September 2006) gave the compiler the idea of making

31 December 2006 the cut-off date for this Fourth Edition of the Catalogue,
and to Rob Ainsley for permission to quote his introductory note ‘Shostak-
ovich’s Century’ in the programme which makes an apt preface to the Chrono-
logical Chart.
Since 2002 Peter Bromley has continued, with the help of his many
world-wide contacts in the recording industry, to post his regular ‘Bulletins’ of
information on recent and historic Shostakovich releases. This contribution has
considerably eased the task of selecting material for inclusion in the Record-
ing sections. Coincidentally, his ‘Bulletins’ also reached their century in early
Gerald Bishop has made an exhaustive study of the timings of different
performances of Shostakovich’s works, at live concerts, on compact disc and
BBC Radio Three, and tabulated the duration of each opus and their individual
movements. The results have been added up and divided by the number of
performances to give an interesting—and useful—average. These average times
are probably of more help in planning concerts than the range of durations
given in this Catalogue. As examples: the average of 157 samples of Sym-
phony No. 5 is calculated at 46' 26" and 72 samples of String Quartet No. 8
works out at 21' 11". His detailed computer spreadsheets of Comparative Perfor-
mance Times are published in the DSCH Journal No. 29, pages 46–53. Contact
[email protected] for updated information.
Sincere thanks to Reńee Camus and Kellie Hagan for their attentive care in
seeing this complicated book through to publication.
Finally, to my youngest son Nevis for suggesting and purchasing an Apple
iBook laptop and to middle son Robin for his patience in showing me how to
master the intricacies of this machine.

FEKS Factory of the Eccentric Actor

G The Gramophone (date of review which will be found on
Gramofile at www.gram.co.uk)
GATOB State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after S. M.
Kirov and now known as the Mariinsky Academic Theatre of
Opera and Ballet, St Petersburg
GTsMMK Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow
I Date or year of issue of recording
MALEGOT State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after
M. P. Mussorgsky
NBGCOK Sheet-music Library of State Symphony Orchestra of
NKVD People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs
P Date of original recording
PGALI Russian State Academy of Literature and Art, Moscow [NB.
Fay transliterates this as RGALI and Yakubov as RGALA.]
PGCOK Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography
PGALI(SPb) Russian State Academy of Literature and Art, St Petersburg
SPbGITMK St Petersburg State Institute of Theatre, Music, and
TRAM Theatre of Working-class Youth, Leningrad

TsGALI Central State Archive of Literature and Art, St Petersburg

formerly LGAI Leningrad State Archive of Literature and Art
VAAP The Copyright Agency of the USSR
VOKS All-Union Society for Cultural Contact with Foreign
WERM The World’s Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music, Clough and
Cuming (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, revised edition, 1966)

Dates have been homogenized in the form 25 September 1906 (or abbreviated
25 Sept.1906).

The main section of the catalogue covers the compositions work by work.
Discrepancies in the guise of earlier or incorrect numeration are noted under the
Music heading. Dated works without opus numbers are allotted a provisional
letter designation (e.g. Sans op. A) and inserted where appropriate. These carry
no official endorsement and are used solely to facilitate indexing in this guide.
Rather than slotting in certain undated and minor works in somewhat arbitrary
positions, these have been assembled, for the time being, under Sans op. X.
Where full information is known about a composition, details are presented
under up to twelve headings: Form (sufficient for positive identification);
Instrumentation (precise instrumentation of orchestral works is furnished
where known. A selection of instruments not conventionally featured in sym-
phonic writing is given below. To avoid confusion and to clarify doubling,
abbreviations are not used though it should be understood that ‘horn’ refers
to the French horn in F and, unless otherwise stated, ‘trumpets’ are in B flat);
Composed (the occasion for which the work was written can be added in certain
cases); Dedication (the dedicatee’s full name followed by a note of his or her
profession or standing); Premières (first performances listed in order of date,
venue and artists); Arrangements (reduction for piano(s) of orchestral com-
positions and accompaniments to concertos and vocal works. Suites assembled
from film and stage productions by the composer and fellow musicians); Music
(former opus numbers designated by the composer and errors in previous num-
bering are indicated); Duration (timings as specified in the printed score and/or
a range taken from recordings and broadcast performances); Ballets and Films
(credits given for ballets and films in addition to those based on the original
score); Recordings (see Appendix III for explanation of the coverage); Notes
(references to the literature and additional information).


Unusual instruments used by Shostakovich (not including balalaika, domra

and other Russian instruments): factory siren in F sharp––Op. 14; flexatone–
–Opp. 15, 18, 19, 23, 31, Sans op. D(iv); guitar––Sans op. G(ii), Op. 97
(duet); harpsichord––Op. 116; Hawaiian guitar––Op. 30, Sans op. E (or banjo);
metallophone––Op. 94; Theremin––Opp. 26, 41(ii).

Film, Radio, Television, and Theatre Productions

Talks and Revues broadcast on BBC Radio 3 are covered, as are world-wide
public performances of stage productions that have been featured in the DSCH
Journal. The full history of sound recording in the Soviet Union and world-
wide from 1925 to 2001 is repeated from the Third Edition and the paragraphs
on the four special USSR issues, along with details of the works recorded by
the composer, are retained. The entries are listed chronologically. Those that
were included in the Third Edition are abbreviated by omitting coupling works
of Shostakovich and/or names of other composers, and considerable pruning
of reissues. Mention is made, however, of all performances reviewed in The
Gramophone magazine. Recordings not listed in the Third Edition are indicated
by asterisks––one * for each release if issued prior to 2001 and two ** at the
start of the added section of new issues if dated after 2001. These new entries do
mention couplings in square brackets as in the Third Edition.
The First Hundred Years

One hundred years is a long time. But not that long. Dmitri Shostakovich was
a man very much of our era, uncannily able to express the fears of an age in the
elusive language of music. He gave us the soundtrack to the 20th century, in all
its excitement and terror, brilliance and banality, optimism and tragedy.
It is a remarkable body of music. Two operas, 15 symphonies, 15 string
quartets, six concertos; chamber masterpieces, major piano works; and a sub-
stantial theatre, film and functional output. There is everything from mighty,
enduring concert favourites of unlimited depth, to bright throwaway theme—
tunes so immediate that few prime-time listeners realise this is ‘the work of a
classical composer.’
Highbrow and lowbrow; simplicity and complexity; beauty and ugliness;
obvious and hidden. High spirits and, more usually, despair. Few composers
have combined opposites so dramatically, or effectively.
Perhaps these paradoxes are part of his remarkable appeal. We can always
find a reflection of ourselves and our times in his music. Like life, wherever and
whenever it is lived, that music can be uncomfortable, unpredictable, and self-
contradictory. He articulates our anxiety, our grief, our rage. Hence, perhaps,
the intensity of debate that Shostakovich’s music always generates.
We now know far more about the composer, his times and his music, than
ever before. Yet in many ways we are only beginning to understand Shostakovich’s
achievements. One hundred years is a long time. But not that long.

—Rob Ainsley, [email protected]


Chronological Chart
Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1905 (9)22 Jan.: ‘Bloody Sunday’—c.1,000

killed in Palace Square, St
(7–13) 20–26 Dec.: abortive
1906 0 25 Feb.: death of Arensky.
18 Apr. San Francisco earthquake.
(12)25 Sept.: born in St Petersburg.
1907 0–1 Triple Entente (France/Russia/Britain)
1908 1–2 21 June: death of Rimsky-Korsakov.
28 Aug.: sister Zoya born.
1909 2–3 25 July: Blériot flew across the English
1910 3–4 29 May: death of Balakirev.
1911 4–5 18 May: death of Mahler.
14 Dec.: Amundsen reached the South
1912 5–6 First issue of Pravda.
15 Apr.: loss of the Titanic.
1913 6–7 29 May: riot at The Rite of Spring
première in Paris.
1914 7–8 31 July: full mobilization in Russia.
4 Aug.: Britain declared war on
1915 8–9 22 Apr.: German gas attack at
22 Apr.: death of Skryabin.
Summer: started piano lessons
with mother and commenced
1916 9–10 Battles of Verdun and the Somme.
Autumn: Entered Glyasser’s School of
Music, Petrograd.
17 Dec.: Rasputin murdered.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1917 10–11 Could play the whole of Bach’s

Well-tempered Clavier. Spring:
performed before Petrograd
Conservatory professor, Aleksandra
Petrograd workers’ strike and army
mutinies lead to Tsar Nicholas II’s
(25 Oct.) 7 Nov.: the October
1918 11–12 10 Feb.: Trotsky announced war with
Germany over. Summer 1918–20:
Civil War in Russia.
28 Apr.: played Beethoven’s Fifth
Sonata at class concert. Spring–
summer: improvisation lessons with
Georgi Bruni.
11 Nov. Armistice Day.
1919 12–13 Op. 1, Scherzo in F 17 May: Red Army victory in Crimea.
sharp minor 28 June: Versailles Treaty.
Autumn: passed entrance
examination at Petrograd
Conservatory. Studying pianoforte
under Professor Rozanova. Aug.:
pupil of Aleksei Petrov for theory
and solfeggio.
1920 13–14 Op. 5, Three Studying composition under
Fantastic Dances Maksimlian Shteinberg.
Autumn: transferred to Professor
Leonid Nikolayev’s piano class.
Communist victory.
14 Dec.: League of Nations 1st
assembly opened.
1921 14–15 16 Mar.: Anglo-Russian trade
agreement signed in London.
Famine in Russia.
27 Sept.: first published opinion
of Shostakovich (in Petrograd Art

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1922 15–16 Op. 3, Theme and 24 Feb.: father died.

Variations Lenin suffered a stroke.
Op. 4, Two Fables Oct.: Fascists came to power in Italy.
by Krylov
Op. 6, Suite Two
1923 16–17 Op. 8, Piano Trio 11 Jan.: French and Belgian troops
No. 1 entered the Ruhr.
Spring: completed piano course and
gave concerts of Bach, Beethoven,
Chopin, Liszt, Mozart et al.
Summer: ill—sent to sanatorium in the
6 July: Constitution of USSR adopted.
Oct./Nov.: played piano in Petrograd
cinemas ‘Harlequinade’ and ‘Bright
1924 17–18 21 Jan.: death of Lenin.
1 Feb.: Britain recognized the Soviet
Oct.: played piano in Leningrad
cinema ‘Splendid Palace.’
1925 18-19 Op. 10, Symphony Feb.: played piano in Leningrad
No. 1 cinema ‘Piccadilly.’
Op. 11, Prelude and 20 Mar.; shared a concert with
Scherzo Shebalin at Moscow Conservatory
performing Opp. 8, 5, and 6.
16 Oct.: Treaties of Locarno.
1926 19–20 Op. 12, Piano 12 May: première of Symphony No. 1.
Sonata No. 1 12 July: soloist in Tchaikovsky’s Piano
Concerto No. 1 in Kharkov.
8 Sept.: Germany admitted to the
League of Nations.
1927 20–21 Op. 13, Aphorisms 30 Jan.: won certificate of merit at 1st
Op. 14, Symphony Chopin Pianoforte contest, Warsaw,
No. 2 though ill with appendicitis.
24 May: diplomatic relations
between Britain and Soviet Union

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1928 21–22 Op. l5, The Nose 8 Jan.: accepted Meyerhold’s offer
of post of musical director at his
Moscow theatre.
10 Oct.: first of Stalin’s Five-Year Plans,
collective farming intensified.
2 Nov.: Stokowski conducted
Symphony No. 1 in Philadelphia.
25 Nov.: Malko’s Moscow concert of
Opp. 15a, 16, and 17.
1929 22–23 Op. 18, New Liquidation of Ukrainian kulaks.
Babylon Composed first film score.
Op. 20, Symphony 3 Feb.: soloist in Prokofiev’s Piano
No. 3 Concerto No. 1 in Leningrad.
1930 23–24 Op. 22, The Golden 18 Jan.: première of The Nose.
Age 30 Mar.: offer to write opera for Bolshoi
Performed Tchaikovsky’s Piano
Concerto No. 1 for the last time in
Depression in Britain and Germany.
Amy Johnson flew solo from London to
1931 24–25 Op. 27, The Bolt Statute of Westminster—British Empire
in decline. Composing music for
stage production and sound films.
1932 25–26 Op. 29, Lady 23 Apr.: Union of Soviet Composers
Macbeth of formed.
Mtsensk District 13 May: married Nina Varsar.
Op. 32, Hamlet
1933 26–27 Op. 34, Twenty-four Jan.: Hitler became Chancellor of
Preludes Germany.
Op. 35, Piano Nov.: elected Deputy to the
Concerto No. 1 Oktyabrsky district of Leningrad.
1934 27–28 Op. 40, Cello 22 Jan.: première of Lady Macbeth of
Sonata Mtsensk District.
23 Feb.: death of Elgar.
18 Sept.: USSR entered the League of
1 Dec.: Kirov assassinated in his
Leningrad office.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1935 28–29 Op. 39, The Limpid Expansion of Soviet economy under
Stream 2nd Five-Year Plan.
1935–47: film scores mainly for Lenfilm.
1936 29–30 Op. 43, Symphony 28 Jan.: and 6 Feb.: Pravda attacks
No. 4 (withdrawn on Lady Macbeth and The Limpid
until 1961) Stream.
21 Mar.: death of Glazunov in Paris.
30 May: daughter born.
Spanish Civil War started.
Aug.: trials of prominent Russian
1937 30–31 Op. 47, Symphony Jan.: political elimination of ‘Old
No. 5 Bolsheviks’.
Spring 1937–41: teacher of
Instrumentation and Composition at
Leningrad Conservatory.
June: Red Army Marshal Tukhachevsky
and seven generals shot.
1938 31–32 Op. 49, Quartet Mar.: Stalin’s purges continue.
No. 1 10 May: son Maksim born.
Sept.: Munich pact.
1939 32–33 Op. 54, Symphony Mar.: elected Deputy to the Leningrad
No. 6 city council.
23 May: confirmed as professor—pupils
include Veniamin Fleishman, Kara
Karayev, Karen Khachatuyan, Yuri
Sviridov, and Orest Yevlakhov.
23 Aug.: Stalin and Hitler signed a pact
of non-aggression.
3 Sept.: outbreak of Second World
17 Sept.: Soviet troops crossed Polish
30 Nov.: USSR attacked Finland.
1940 33–34 Op. 57, Piano 12 Mar.: USSR signed peace treaty with
Quintet Finland.
20 May: Order of the Red Banner of
Late May/June: evacuation of Dunkirk
and fall of France.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1941 34–35 Op. 60, Symphony 22 June: Germany attacked USSR—

No. 7 start of Great Patriotic War.
Attempted to join the People’s
Volunteer Corps.
30 Aug.: Leningrad siege began.
1 Oct.: left Leningrad for Kuibyshev.
State Prize for Piano Quintet.
7 Dec.: Pearl Harbour attacked by
1942 35–36 The Gamblers Feb.: Singapore overrun.
(abandoned) State Prize for Symphony No. 7.
Op. 62, Six Honoured Artist of the RSFSR.
12 Sept.: start of Battle of Stalingrad.
1943 36–37 Op. 61, Piano 15 Jan: Leningrad blockade ended.
Sonata No. 2 7 Feb.: German troops surrendered at
Op. 65, Symphony Stalingrad.
No. 8 28 Mar.: death of Rakhmaninov.
Moved to Moscow—post of Professor
of Composition.
Honorary member of American
Institute of Art and Literature.
13 Oct.: Italy declared war on
1944 37–38 Op. 67, Piano Trio 26 Jan.: Leningrad siege ended after
No. 2 880 days.
Op. 68, Quartet 11 Feb.: closest friend, Ivan Sollertinsky,
No. 2 died of starvation.
6 June: D Day—‘Operation Overlord.’
1945 38–39 Op. 70, Symphony Feb.: Yalta Conference and bombing
No. 9 of Dresden.
2 May: Berlin surrendered to Soviet
8 May: VE Day.
6 Aug.: Hiroshima.
Celebrated victory with a ‘merry, light-
hearted scherzo-symphony.’
1945–48: Zhdanov Era.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1946 39–40 Op. 73, Quartet First Soviet monograph published

No. 3 to mark the composer’s 40th
Order of Lenin.
State Prize for Piano Trio No. 2.
United Nations took over from the
League of Nations.
1947 40–41 1946–47 winter: severe weather in
Europe—food and fuel shortages.
9 Feb.: Deputy of Supreme Soviet
May: took part in Prague Spring
International Festival.
1948 41–42 Op. 77, Violin 10 Feb.: Central Committee’s vicious
Concerto No. 1 attack on Soviet composers.
Op. 79, From Jewish 23 June–May 1949: Berlin blockade.
Folk Poetry (both 31 Aug.: death of Zhdanov.
withheld until
People’s Artist of RSFSR.

1949 42–43 Op. 81, The Song of 25–28 Mar.: visit to New York for
the Forests Congress of Peace.
Op. 83, Quartet 4 Apr.: NATO came into being.
No. 4 Autumn: Stalin’s purges restart,
beginning with persecution of Jews.
1950 43–44 June: North Korea attacked South
July: attended the Bach bicentenary
celebrations as one of the three
soloists in a Bach concerto.
8 Aug.: death of Myaskovsky.
Nov.: Second World Peace Congress
in Warsaw.
State Prize for The Song of the Forests.
1951 44–45 Op. 87, Twenty-four May–Oct.: Festival of Britain.
Preludes and 13 July: death of Schoenberg.
Continued composing safe ‘realistic’
Op. 88, Ten Poems works.
on Texts by

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1952 45–46 Op. 90, The Sun 6 Feb.: death of King George VI.
Shines over our Mar.–Apr.: attended East German
Motherland Beethoven Festival.
Op. 92, Quartet Dec.: Congress in Defence of Peace
No. 5 in Vienna.
State Prize for Ten Poems.
1953 46–47 Op. 93, Symphony 5 Mar.: deaths of Stalin and Prokofiev.
No. 10 29 May: conquest of Everest.
Op. 94, Concertino 2 June: Queen Elizabeth II crowned.
Resumed role as a symphonic
1954 47–48 Op. 96, Festive 27 Mar. People’s Artist of USSR.
Overture 6 May: Bannister’s under four-minute
4 Sept.: awarded International Peace
4 Dec.: wife Nina died after volvulus
operation in Yerevan.
9 Dec.: honoured by Swedish Royal
Music Academy.
1955 48–49 Op. 97, The Gadfly Nov.: attended opening of rebuilt
Vienna Opera House.
9 Nov.: mother died aged 67.
Restoration of friendly relations with
the West—‘The Thaw.’
1956 49–50 Op. 101, Quartet 15 Jan.: Diploma of St Cecilia, Rome.
No. 6 14–25 Feb.: Stalin denounced by
Khrushchev at 20 th Party Congress.
Remarried—to Margarita Andreyevna
Lenin Prize on 50th birthday.
Oct.–Nov.: Hungarian uprising and
Suez crisis.
1957 50–51 Op. 102, Piano 1957–75: Secretary of Union of Soviet
Concerto No. 2 Composers.
Op. 103, Symphony Guest of Prague Spring International
No. 11 Festival.
2 Sept.: death of Sibelius.
4 Oct.: first Sputnik launched.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1958 51–52 Op. 105, Moscow, 22 Apr.: Lenin Prize for Symphony No. 11.
Cheryomushki 9–12 May: visit to Italy.
Late May: French Commander Order
of Art and Literature.
28 May: Central Committee adopted
a resolution ‘On rectifying errors of
1948 decisions.’
25 June: honorary doctorate Oxford.
26 Aug.: death of Vaughan Williams.
Sept.–Nov.: hospital treatment for right
9 Oct.: Sibelius Prize.
1959 52–53 Op. 107, Cello Beginning of Sino-Soviet conflict.
Concerto No. 1 Fidel Castro became premier of Cuba.
Sept: attended Warsaw Festival of
Contemporary Music.
Late Oct.: visit to USA.
Honoured by American Academy
of Sciences and Mexican
Divorced Margarita Kainova.
1960 53–54 Op. 108, Quartet Hospital treatment for painful right
No. 7 hand in Feb. and broken left leg in
Op. 110, Quartet Oct.
No. 8 9 Apr.: First Secretary of Union of
Op. 111, Five Days, Composers of RSFSR.
Five Nights May: U-2 spy plane incident.
Sept.–Oct.: visited Britain, Belgium,
France, Italy, Switzerland, and
1961 54–55 Op. 112, Symphony 12 Apr.: Yuri Gagarin the first man in
No. 12 space.
13 Aug.: construction of Berlin Wall.
Sept.: accepted as full member of the
Communist Party.
Mid-Oct.: attended Budapest Liszt and
Bartók Festival.
Oct.: Stalin’s body removed from the
Lenin Mausoleum.
30 Dec.: première of Symphony No. 4.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1962 55–56 Op. 113, Symphony 11 Feb.: U-2 pilot Powers returned
No. 13 to USA in exchange for Soviet
20 June: hospital treatment for right
15 Aug.: flew to Scotland for the 19th
Edinburgh Festival where 22 of his
works played.
1 Oct.: meeting with Stravinsky.
Oct.: Cuban missile crisis.
1962–75: Delegate of Supreme Soviet
Nov.: remarried—to Irina Antonovna
12 Nov.: conducted Festive Overture
and Cello Concerto No. 1 (soloist
Mstislav Rostropovich) at Gorky
1963 56–57 Op. 115, Overture 8 Jan.: opera Katerina Izmailova
on Russian and performed.
Kirghiz Folksongs 16 June: Valentina Tereshkova
becomes first woman cosmonaut.
22 Nov.: US President John Kennedy
1963–67: Honorary member of
International Music Committee
1964 57–58 Op. 116, Hamlet 15–23 Feb.: the Second
(film) Contemporary Music Festival, held
Op. 117, Quartet in Gorky, devoted entirely to his
No. 9 compositions.
Op. 118, Quartet Apr.: planted oak saplings in
No. 10 Tashkent’s Victory Square.
Op. 119, The 15 Oct.: fall of Khrushchev—
Execution of succeeded by Brezhnev.
Stepan Razin
1965 58–59 Op. 121, Five Jan.: 20 days in Moscow neurological
Romances unit.
on Texts from Feb.: deterioration in USA/USSR
‘Krokodil’ relations over bombing of North

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1966 59–60 Op. 122, Quartet 20 Apr.: entered Crimean sanatorium,

No. 11 with severe respiratory complaint.
Op. 126, Cello 28 May: heart attack.
Concerto No. 2 Aug.: Royal Philharmonic Gold
5 Oct.: Order of Lenin and Hero of
Socialist Labour.
Worsening of Sino-Soviet relations.
1967 60–61 Op. 127, Seven 6 Mar.: death of Kodály.
Romances Sept.: right leg broken in Moscow car
on Poems of accident.
Aleksandr Blok
Film of Katerina Izmailova shown at
Op. 129, Violin Aldeburgh Festival.
Concerto No. 2
50th anniversary of the October
1968 61–62 Op. 133, Quartet 15 July: honoured by Bavarian
No. 12 Academy of Fine Arts.
Op. 134, Violin 20–21 Aug.: invasion of
Sonata Czechoslovakia.
5 Nov.: Glinka State Prize for The
Execution of Stepan Razin.
1968–75: Member of International
Committee in Defence of Peace.
1969 62–63 Op. 135, Symphony 16 Jan.: docking of Soyuz 4 and 5
No. 14 manned space vehicles.
20 July: astronauts Armstrong and
Aldrin’s moonwalk.
1–23 Aug.: at Lake Baikal sanatorium.
Son Maksim’s conducting début in
1970 63–64 Op. 136, Loyalty Feb.: Mozart Society of Vienna
Op. 138, Quartet medal.
No. 13 Over 170 days spent at Kurgan
hospital complex.
Honorary member of Finnish Society of
Break up of The Beatles group.
10 Nov.: awarded 1st prize at All-Union
Literature and Art Contest for March
Soviet Militia.

Year Age Main compositions Personal events ~ Historical pointers

1971 64–65 Op. 141, Symphony 4 Feb.: Rolls-Royce collapse.

No. 15 6 Apr.: death of Stravinsky.
11 Sept.: death of Khrushchev.
17 Sept.: second heart attack.
Order of the October Revolution.
1972 65–66 May: Golden Order ‘Friends of the
People,’ GDR.
Italian Prize: ‘Golden Lira 1972.’
6 July: Doctor of Music, College of
5 Sept.: terrorist outrage in Munich
Olympic Village.
1973 66–67 Op. 142, Quartet 16 Jan.: Levon Atovmyan died.
No. 14 27 Jan.: Vietnam peace agreement
Op. 143, Six Songs signed in Paris.
on Poems Honoured in Denmark (26 May) and
of Marina at the Northwestern University,
Tsvetayeva Evanston, USA (16 June).
6 Oct.: death of sister Mariya.
1974 67–68 Op. 144, Quartet 13 Feb.: Solshenitsyn expelled from
No. 15 USSR.
Op. 145, Suite 8 Aug.: President Nixon resigned after
on Verses of Watergate scandal.
Michelangelo 24 Oct.: David Oistrakh died.
Nov.: Glinka State Prize for Quartet No.
14 and Loyalty.
1975 68 Op. 147, Viola 5 June: Suez Canal reopened.
Sonata 17 July: link-up of Apollo and Soyuz
Honoured by French Academy of Fine
3 Aug.: entered hospital for the last
9 Aug.: died in Moscow at 18.30.
14 Aug.: buried in Moscow’s
Novodevichy Cemetery to strains of
Schubert’s Symphony No. 8.

Note: Ian MacDonald and John Riley provided similar chronological charts
in their studies of 1990 and 2005 respectively; the former useful for covering
contemporary Soviet music, culture, and life, and the latter, with emphasis on
the composition of Shostakovich’s scores for films.

1976 Commemorative Shostakovich stamp issued in the USSR on 25 September.

(See Photo 4).
Benjamin Britten died on 4 December.
1977 First edition of Malcolm Macdonald’s Dmitri ShostakovichA Complete
Catalogue published.
1978 Aram Khachaturyan died on 1 May.
1979 TestimonyThe Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich by Solomon Volkov
Publication of Collected Works in 42 volumes commenced.
1980 Shostakovich’s Festive Overture adopted as the musical emblem for the
22nd Olympic Games held in Moscow.
1981 An English version of Dmitry ShostakovichAbout Himself and His Times
printed by Progress Publishers, Moscow.
Kirill Kondrashin died on 7 March.
1982 The Falklands Conflict from 1 April to 14 June.
Leonid Brezhnev died on 10 November.
1983 The enlarged second edition of Boris Schwarz’s Music and Musical Life in
Soviet Russia published.
1984 Soviet President Yuri Andropov succeeded by Konstantin Chernenko on
9 February.
1985 Update of Macdonald’s Shostakovich Catalogue published.
Mikhail Gorbachev became President of the USSR on 10 March.
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl on 26 April.
1987 First issue of the Shostakovich Society’s DSCH Newsletter dated June.
Première of the film Testimony shown at the Empire Cinema, Leicester
Square, London on 15 November.
1988 Yevgeni Mravinsky died on 20 January.
Shostakovich: ‘Music from the Flames.’ A series of events (concerts, semi-
nars, and the showing of seven Soviet and four British films) presented
throughout the year in London.

The French edition of Malcolm Macdonald’s Catalogue published in

1989 World première of Antiformalist Rayok at Kennedy Center, Washington
on 12 January.
1990 Ian MacDonald’s The New Shostakovich published.
1991 Boris Yeltsin elected acting President. Communist Party of Soviet Union
dissolved in August, ending a 74-year rule and formal resignation of
Mikhail Gorbachev as President.
1992 ‘A Shostakovich Experience.’ The Brodsky Quartet performed the
fifteen quartets in chronological order at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire,
2–4 October.
Sale of 150 letters written by Shostakovich to Tatyana Glivenko auctioned
at Sotherby’s, London.
Dmitri Tsyganov, the leader of the Beethoven Quartet and arranger of
Opus 34 Preludes, died.
1993 Letters.to a Friend by Isaak Glikman appeared in Russian from DSCH
Publishers, Moscow.
1994 ‘Shostakovich: The Man and His Age 1906–1975.’ The University of
Michigan Musical Society presented concerts (including the complete
cycle of quartets performed by the Borodin Quartet), lectures, and exhibi-
tion of photographs and music scores prepared by Manashir Yakubov.
1995 Elizabeth Wilson’s ShostakovichA Life Remembered published.
1996 Boris Chaikovsky died on 7 February and Mieczysław Weinberg died on
26 February.
90th Anniversary concert, exhibition and lectures at La Scala, Milan,
25 September.
Boris Yeltsin secured victory in the Presidential election.
1997 Svyatoslav Richter died on 1 August.
Diana, Princess of Wales, killed in a Paris car crash on 31 August.
1998 ‘Shostakovich 1906–1975’a series of London Symphony Orchestra con-
certs conducted by Mstislav Rostropovich in two phases, 19 February–8
March and 10–28 October, at the Barbican Centre, London.
Alfred Schnittke died on 3 August.
1999 DSCH Publishers of Moscow announced a New Collected Works of 150
Yeltsin resigned from the Presidency in December.

2000 Publication of Laurel E. Fay’s authoritative biography Shostakovich: A life.

‘Shostakovich 25 Years On’ International Symposium held in Glasgow,
27–29 October.
Vladimir Putin took office as the Russian President.
2001 The English translation of Letters to a Friend (the letters of the composer
to Isaak Glikman) published under the title Story of a Friendship.
The ‘9/11’ terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York on
11 September.
2002 Yevgeni Svetlanov, the conductor, died.
2003 Isaak Glikman died aged 91 in late summer.
The United Kingdom Shostakovich Society, based at the Fitzwilliam
College, Cambridge, founded in September.
2004 ‘Shostakovich and His World,’ Bard Music Festival, Annandale-on-
Hudson, New York, 13–15 August.
2005 The ‘7/7’ terrorist attack on the London Underground and city bus service
on 7 July.
2006 World-wide festivals and conferences took place in this Centenary Year,
including in USA, St Petersburg, Netherlands and Denmark.
The Association International ‘Dimitri Chostakovitch’ moved to 19 bis
rue des saints Pères, 75006 Paris in August and the UK Shostakovich
Society moved to the Centre for Russian Studies, Goldsmith College,
University of London on 1 October.
The Shostakovich Museum, 9 Nikolayevskaya Street, opened by Mstislav
Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya in the presence of Irina and Mak-
sim Shostakovich on 25 November.
2007 Mstislav Rostropovich died on 27 April.
Tikhon Khrennikov died on 14 August
2008 Valentin Berlinsky, the cellist of the Borodin Quartet, died on
15 December.

An extended descriptive piano ‘poem’ composed in his tenth year was subtitled
‘Ode to Liberty.’

A piano piece written in 1915–16.

A piano composition written in 1917 with the dedication ‘In Memory of the
fallen heroes of the October Revolution’.

An opera after the long dramatic poem written by Aleksandr Pushkin in
1827. A theme from this opera was utilized in Suite on Verses of Michelangelo,
Opus 145.


A ballet based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale ‘The Little Mermaid’.

A trilogy for piano. Fragments, included in the composer’s notebook dated
1919, preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.



This work was dedicated to the Petrograd Conservatory’s principal, Aleksandr
Konstantinovich Glazunov.

Notes: The first five juvenilia were stated to have been destroyed after the
composer’s graduation in 1925, though, according to Bogdanova (1979), three
numbers from The Gipsies are preserved in the Central State Archive of Litera-
ture and Art, St Petersburg (TsGALI). Namely these are a duet of Zemfira and
Aleko, the Old Man’s arietta, and a vocal trio. In 1984 a manuscript of the
Funeral March was found in the archive of a pianist relative, Nina Kokoulina.
The Soldier, Funeral March, and In the Forest together with a Polka and two
Mazurkas will be published in Volume 109 and fragments of The Gipsies opera
will appear in Volumes 54 (full score) and 55 (piano score) of the New Collected

Sans op. A: Early Piano Pieces

Form: Three brief pieces for piano:
1. Minuet—Allegretto
2. Prelude—Lento, ma non troppo
3. Intermezzo—Allegretto
Composed: 1919–20, at Petrograd.
Arrangement: Intermezzo completed by Robert Matthew-Walker in 1989.
Music: The three pieces were found among the papers of Professor Aleksandra
Rozanova and are now preserved at the State Central Museum of Musical
Culture named after M. I. Glinka (GTsMMK). The autograph of the
Intermezzo is incomplete.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in the supplement to Volume 39 of Collected
Works), 1983, 30 cm. DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 109 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: 2' 36"–3' 16"; with completion of No. 3—4' 23".
Recordings: LP—Russia: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Viktoria POSTNIKOVA. P 1983-86, I
CD—AVM Classics AVZ 3020 (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’). Nos. 1–3
twice with No. 3 completed by R. Matthew-Walker in first set. Martin
JONES. P London 1–2 June 1989.
**Naxos 8.570092. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Sans opp. B and S(ii);
Opp. 39, 61, and 69.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 27–28 Nov. 2005, I July

2006. Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 12, 61,

and 69; Sans opp. S(ii) and T.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20
Apr. 2006.

Opus 1: Scherzo in F sharp minor

Form: A piece for full orchestra marked ‘[Allegretto]—Meno mosso—[Tempo
I]’. Originally for piano (Rabinovich 1959).
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 A clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns,
2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, cymbals, bass drum ~
Composed: Autumn or early winter (not later than December) 1919, at
Dedication: ‘Dedicated to my teacher Maksimilian Oseyevich Shteinberg’
(composer/music teacher).
Première: UK: 17 February 1996, Royal Festival Hall, London; BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Mark Elder. (Broadcast on BBC Radio 3, 16 May
Music: Autograph score preserved at the Russian State Archive of Music and
Art (PGALI), also a fair copy by the composer stored at the Shteinberg fund,
St Petersburg State Institute of the Theatre, Music, and Cinematography
(SPbGITMK). The first page of the former is reproduced in Volume 10 of
Collected Works. The first theme later utilized as a basis for the ‘Clockwork
Doll’, Op. 69 No. 6.
Muzyka, No. 11678 (in Volume 10 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm. DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 31 and piano
reduction in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 5 minutes in score; 4' 53".
Recordings: LP and CD—Russia: Melodiya C10 19103 004 (Album 2
of ‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 22 Mar. 1982, I 1983d.
Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 194. G June 1988 ~ BMG Melodiya
74321 59058-2 (two-disc set). G Mar. 1999.

Opus 2: Eight Preludes

Form: Eight short pieces for piano:
1. G minor 5. A minor—Allegro
2. G major 6. F minor
3. E flat minor 7. D flat major
4. B flat major 8. D flat major

Composed: Autumn 1919—prior to 8 May 1920, at Petrograd.

Dedication: 1. Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (artist)
2, 3, 4, and 5. Mariya Dmitrievna Shostakovich (elder sister)
6, 7, and 8. ‘N.K.’ = Natalya Kube (first girl friend)
Première: 15 July 1926, Kharkov; Dmitri Shostakovich.
Music: Manuscript lost. The beginning of No. 5 is illustrated on a plate, after
page 64, in Khentova (1975).
Recordings: See Sans op. B.
Note: The key signature of No. 3 is given as E flat minor by Sadovnikov and
E minor in Volume 39 of Collected Works.

Sans op. B: Five Preludes

Form: Five preludes for piano, selected by the composer from eight contributed
to a projected collection of twenty-four written in collaboration with fellow-
students Pavel Feldt and Georgi Klements:
1. No. 2 in A minor—Allegro moderato e scherzando major (Opus 2
No. 5)
2. No. 3 in G major—Andante (Opus 2 No. 2)
3. No. 4 in E minor—Allegro moderato
4. No. 15 in D flat major—Moderato (Opus 2 No. 7 or 8)
5. No. 18 in F minor—Andantino (Opus 2 No. 6)
Composed: at Petrograd
Arrangements: Nos. 1 and 2 transcribed for wind orchestra by Alfred Schnittke.
Music: The original notebook containing the eighteen completed Preludes
preserved at the PGALI and the GTsMMK, and of the set in the Gavriil
Yudin family archive.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2184, 1966, 31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5717 (plate no. 12524), 1970, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in the supplement to Volume 39 of Collected
Works), 1983, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 5' 40"–6' 39".
Recordings: LP—USA: Orion ORS 6915. Nos. 1–5. Vladimir PLESHAKOV.
P 1969
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 10294. Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Krasimir GATEV.
P early 1980s?
Russia: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’). Nos. 1–5. Rimma
BOBRITSKAYA (piano). P 1983, I 1984d.

LP and CD—AVM Classics 1003A and released on CD—AVMCD

1003. Nos. 1–5. Martin JONES (piano). P not stated, G Oct 1988.
CD—France: Accord 20281-2. Nos. 1–5. Caroline WEICHERT (piano).
P Radio Svizzera Italiana Studio, Lugano Sept. 1993, I 1993 ~ *Accord 442
8213 (on third of four-disc set). [Sans op. S(i); Opp. 34. and 13.] I Jan.
Olympia OCD 574. Nos. 1–5. Colin STONE (piano). P London Sept.
1995, G June 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9792 (‘The Unknown Shostakovich’). Nos. 1 and 2
arr. Schnittke. Russian Symphony Orchestra, Valery POLYANSKY. P Mosfilm
Studio Jan 1998, I Jan. 2000.
**The Divine Art CD 25018. Nos. 1–5. Raymond CLARKE (piano). [Opp.
5 and 13; and Panufnik.] P Newcastle upon Tyne University 2 Sept. and 16
Dec. 2001, G Jan. 2003.
Italy: Frame CD FR0348-2 (two-disc set). Nos. 1–5. Maurizio BAGLINI (piano).
[Malipiero, Casella, Roussel et al.] P Greve in Chianti, Italy 2002.
Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Nos. 1–5. Vladimir ASHKENAZY(piano).
[Opp. 61, 5, 97, 39, 13, and 22; Sans op. S(i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk
11–12 Sept. 2003, I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Nos. 1–5.
Boris PETRUSHANSKY (piano). Opp. 5, 13, 22, 34; Sans op. S (i).] P Bartók
Studio, Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
Naxos 8.570092. Nos. 1–5. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Sans opp. A and
S(ii); Opp. 39, 61, and 69.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 27–28 Nov. 2005, I July
Note: In 1975 Sofya Khentova wrote that the Five Preludes include four from
the former Preludes of Opus 2, which were the most popular at the Con-
servatory: ‘the A minor (No. 2) with its scherzo character, G major (No.3),
F minor (No. 18) which approaches the poetical perfection of the Opus 34
No. 10 Prelude in C sharp minor and, in the same laconic vein, of a mere
19 bars, the D flat major (No. 15)’.

Sans op. C: I Waited for Thee in

the Grotto (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Form: Transcription of the fourth and last song of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Opus
40 cycle, to texts of Mikhail Lermontov and Apollon Maikov, composed in
1897. Maikov’s poem ‘I waited for thee in the grotto at the appointed hour’,
is scored for full orchestra with harp.
Composed: 1921, at Petrograd.
Arrangement: English translation of the text by Joan Pemberton Smith.

Music: Manuscript. DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 146 of New

Collected Works.
Duration: 2' 30".
Recordings: LP and CD—Russia: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘Man-
uscripts of Different Years’). Alla ABLABERDYEVA (soprano), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 1650331. G July 1983. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321
59058-2 (two-disc set). G Mar. 1999.

Opus 3: Theme and Variations in B flat minor

Form: Theme, eleven variations and finale for full orchestra:
Theme—Andantino and Variations:
1. Andantino
2. Più mosso (Vivace)
3. Andante
4. Allegretto
5. Andante
6. Allegro
7. Moderato—Allegro—Moderato
8. Largo
9. [Allegro]
10. Allegro molto
11. Appassionato
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ triangle, cymbals,
bass drum ~ optional celesta and piano in Variation 5 (a suggestion marked
on the manuscript by Maksimilian Shteinberg) ~ strings.
Composed: 1921–22, at Petrograd.
Dedication: ‘To the bright memory of Nikolia Aleksandrovich Sokolov’
(music teacher—counterpoint and fugue).
Arrangement: Opus 3a—a reduction for piano by the composer.
Music: Autograph score preserved at PGALI; manuscript score and parts at
NBGSOK; piano score lost.
Muzyka, No 11678 (in Volume 10 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 31 and piano reduction
in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 15' 30" in score; 15' 15"–15' 37".

Recordings: LP and CD—Russia: Melodiya C10 19103 004 (Album 2 of

‘Manuscripts of Different Years’). USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 22 Mar. 1982, I 1983d. Reissued
on CD—UK: Olympia OCD 194. G June 1988~ BMG Melodiya 74321
59058-2 (two-disc set). G Mar. 1999.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’). Opus 3a.
Rimma BOBRITSKAYA (piano). P 1983, I 1984d.
**CD—Telarc CD 80642 and SACD 80642 (Hybrid SACD). London
Symphony Orchestra, Leon BOTSTEIN. [Popov.] P Watford Town Hall 5–8
Apr. 2004, I Dec. 2004, G Awards (Sept.) 2005.

Opus 4: Two Fables of Krylov

Form: Two songs for mezzo-soprano (or female chorus in No. 2) and orchestra
with harp and celesta, to texts by fabulist Ivan Krylov—Nos. 12 and 23 of
Book 2 of Fables:
1. The Dragonfly and the Ant—Con moto
2 The Ass and the Nightingale—Moderato
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute II), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and
A), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, cymbals ~ celesta, harp ~ strings. The composer states that
the mezzo-soprano soloist in No. 2 may be replaced by a choir of preferably
fewer than twelve alto voices.
Composed: 1922, at Petrograd.
Dedication: Mikhail Vladimirovich Kvadri (fellow student—one of his circle
of friends, ‘The Moscow Six’).
Premières: 2 February 1977, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn; Moscow Conser-
vatory Students' Chorus (female section) and Symphony Orchestra.
UK: 22 June 1944, Almeida Theatre, Islington, London; Helen Lawrence
(soprano), Contemporary Chamber Orchestra, Odaline de la Martinez.
Arrangements: Reduction for voice and piano by the composer (tempo indi-
cations of both songs given as Allegro: No. 2 differs materially from the
orchestral version). English translations of the texts by Joan Pemberton
Smith and David Fanning and German translation by Jörg Morgener.
Music: Autograph score of the original orchestral version preserved at PGALI
and that of the reduction, at GTsMMK.
Muzyka, in Musical Heritage, Volume 2, Part 1, 1966, piano reduction.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, reduction,
30 cm.

Hans Sikorski, No. 2322, 1986, reduction with Russian and German
texts—the latter by J. Morgener, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works Volume 87, full
score, 30 cm. The piano reduction will be published in Volume 92.
Duration: No. 1: 2' 37"–3' 18" and No. 2: 4' 20"–5' 28". [The Collected
Works scores give an excessive total duration of approx. 15 minutes.]
Recordings: LP and CD—Russia: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). No. 1—Galina Borisova (mezzo-soprano),
USSR Symphony Orchestra; No. 2—Moscow Conservatory Chamber
Choir, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra; both conducted by Gennadi
ROZHDENTVENSKY. P 1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 1650331. G July
1983. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya (two-disc set). G Mar. 1999.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 439 860-2GH (‘The Orchestral Songs’,
Volume 1). No. 1—Larissa Dyadkova (mezzo-soprano), No. 2—Women’s
Voices of Gothenberg Opera, Gothenberg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme
JÄRVI. P Gothenberg Aug. 1993, I June 1994.
Germany: Capriccio 10 780. Tamara Sinyavskaya (mezzo-soprano),
Cologne Radio Chorus, Helmuth Froschauer (chorus-master), Cologne
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne 12–14 Feb.
1996, G Dec. 1999.
**France: Mandala MAN 5039/Harmonia Mundi HMCD 78. Yelena
VASSILIEVA (mezzo-soprano), Republican Guard Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir Ponkin. [Sans opp. G(ii) and D(ix); Opp. 56 and 31; Sans
op. G(i).] P Sorbonne University, Paris concert 16 Jan. 2002, I 2002.
USA: Delos DE 3309 (‘Complete Songs, Volume Three’). Lyudmila
SHKIRTIL (mezzo-soprano), and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 21, 46, 32, 58a,
and 62.] P St Petersburg 25 Jan, 2002, I 2003.
Italy: Bongiovanni GB 2542-2. Sylvia Marini VADIMOVA (soprano)
and Alberto Galletti (piano). [Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, and Prokofiev.]
P Nanterre concert 5 May 2002, I Feb. 2003.

Opus 5: Three Fantastic Dances

Form: Three short pieces for piano:
1. March in C major—Allegretto
2. Waltz in C major—Andantino
3. Polka in C major—Allegretto
Composed: 4 December 1920 (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 29 July 1984) to 1922, at
Dedication: Iosif Zakharovich Shvarts (fellow student pianist).

Première: 20 March 1925, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Dmitri

Arrangements: Transcriptions of Nos. 1–3 for violin and piano by Harry
Glickman, trombone and piano by Quinto Maganini, trumpet and piano by
Timofei Dokshitser and also Jouko Harjanne, saxophone and piano by Marc
Chisson (duration 5' 50"), and bayan ensemble. No. 2 arranged for organ
by Willard Nevins. Nos. 2 and 3 for string quartet by Konstantin Mostras,
orchestra by Grzegorz Fitelberg, and piano four hands by Geoffrey Carroll.
No. 3 for viola and piano by Georgi Bezrukov.
Music: Originally published as Opus 1. Two autograph copies are in exis-
tence, both marked Opus 5; the earlier version preserved at SPbGITMK
and the definitive score at the PGALI.
Muzgiz, No. 7078, 1926, numbered Op. 1, 35.5 cm.
International Music, No. 2252, 1941, 30.5 cm.
H. W. Gray/Novello, 1943, No. 2 arr. for organ by W. Nevins.
Leeds Music, 1945, arr. for violin and piano by H. Glickman, 31 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. 23, 1945, 33.5 cm.
Edition Musicus, No. 707, no date, arr. for trombone and piano by
Q. Maganini, 31 cm.
Soyuz Sovetskikh kompozitorov, 1946, numbered Op. 1, 31 cm.
Russian–American Music, New York, 1946, Nos. 2 and 3 arr. for orches-
tra by G. Fitelberg, piano-conductor scores and parts, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1947, Nos. 2 and for string quartet by K. Mostras.
Muzgiz, No. 29138 (in Collection of Pieces by Soviet Composers for viola
and piano), 1961, No. 3 arr. G. Bezrukov, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, numbered Op. 1, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5717 (plate no. 12524), 1970, numbered Op. 1,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
Willis Music, Cincinnati, c.1989, Nos. 2 and 3 for piano four hands by
G. Carroll, separate editions, 31 cm.
DSCH Publisher, Moscow, in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 3' 30" in score; 2' 44"–4' 14"; 2' 50"–3' 45" (BBC Piano
and Organ Catalogue).
Recordings: 78 rpm and CD—Parlophone E 11391. Labelled ‘Trois Danses
Fantastiques’. Eileen JOYCE. P 1938. Reissued on CD—Pearl GEMM 9022.
I 1995.
CD—USA: MCA Records MCAD 4211 (‘The Legendary Decca/Brunswick
masters, Volume 1’, mono). Nos. 1 and 2 arr. Glickman. Jascha HEIFETZ (violin)
and Emanuel Bay (piano). P 29 Nov. 1945, I 1988.

LP and CD—USA: Mercury MG 10035 (‘David Oistrakh plays violin

favorites’, mono). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (piano). P Prague 26 May1947 (not
1946 as previously stated) ~ USSR: Melodiya M10 39075-6 (in four-record
set ‘Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, Leningrad, 125th Anniversary’, mono).
I 1977b. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 008 (‘The Shostakovich CD’).
I Oct. 1989 ~ Revelation RV 70008 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich,
Volume 7’, mono). G Feb. 1999 ~ *Symposium 1314 (mono). [Opp. 34,
22, 67, 73, and 69.] I Jan. 2004.
RCA Victor RB 16243 (mono). Waltz arr. Glickman. J. HEIFETZ and
E. Bay. P 18 Dec. 1947, G June 1961 ~ USSR: Melodiya D17429-30 (in
set ‘The Heifetz Collection’, Volume 35 of 65, 10" mono). I 1966. Reissued
on CD—RCA Gold Seal 09026 61766-2 (mono). G Nov. 1994.
*78 rpm—France: Le Chant du Monde 5058. Gisèle KUHN. [Khachaturyan.]
P Paris 1950.
78 rpm and LP—HMV C4071. Moura LYMPANY. P 12 Dec. 1950, G Mar.
1951. Reissued on LP—Cambridge Imprimatur DIMP 2 (in double album
‘The Lympany Legend’, mono). G Mar. 1982.
LP and CD—Canada: Turnabout TV 34792X (‘The Young Glenn
Gould’, mono). Nos. 1–3 arr. Glickman. Albert PRATZ (violin) and Glenn
Gould (piano). P originally given as1951, now stated to be 4 and 6 Nov.
1953, I 1982. Reissued on CD— Canada: VAI Audio 1198 (mono). I
LP—HMV CLP 1057 (mono). Gina BACHAUER. P 29 Sept. 1954, G Nov.
USA: Classics Editions 1026 (‘Piano Miniatures, Volume 3’, mono).
Eldin BURTON. P 1950s.
France: Pathé DTX 269. Lívia RÉV. I 1959.
LP and CD—Columbia FCX 769 (mono). D. SHOSTAKOVICH. P Paris not
12 Sept. 1958; now stated to be 30 May 1958, G Oct. 1961 ~ France: Pathé
Marconi 2C 061 12114 (electronic stereo). I 1972. Reissued on CD—EMI
Classics CDC7 54606-2 (‘Composers in Person’ series, mono). G Apr.
1993 ~ Revelation RV 70003 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume
3’). P not c.1956 as stated, G Feb. 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D013489-90 (mono). Viktor MERZHANOV. P 1964.
France: Erato EFM 42074 (mono). György SZEBÖK. P 1964.
East Germany: Eterna 820 307 (mono). Dieter ZECHLIN. P 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D16213-4 (10" mono). Arr. Glickman. Valeriya VILKER
(violin) and Bella Rakova (piano). P 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D17593-4 (10" mono). Arr. Glickman. Grigori FEIGIN
(violin) and Yuliya Gushanskaya (piano). P 1966.
USA: Musical Heritage Society MHS 1147Y. Hans-Helmut SCHWARZ.
P 1966.

USA: Orion ORS 6915. Vladimir PLESHAKOV. P 1969.

USSR: Melodiya C04635-6. Arr. Dokshitser and original piano version.
Timofei DOKSHITSER (trumpet) and Abram Zhak (piano). P and I 1974.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3081. Cristina ORTIZ. P 4 Jan. 1974, G June 1975.
Reissued on CD—EMI CDS7 47790-8 (in two-disc set). G May 1988.
LP—Hungary: Hungaroton SLPX 11825. Arr. Glickman. Leila RÁSONY
(violin) and György Miklos (piano). P 1976.
USSR: Melodiya C10 08265-6. Arr. Glickman. Aleksandr MELNIKOV
(violin) and Boris Levantovich (piano). P 1977, I 1977d.
LP and CD—Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. Inger WIKSTRÖM. P Stockholm
26 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Sweden: Swedish Society
Discofil SCD 1031. I 1988.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 10294. Krasimir GATEV. P early 1980s?
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 11338. Nikolai EVROV. P 1980s.
LP and CD—Norway: Simax PS 1014. Jens Harald BRATLIE. P near Oslo
17 Nov. and 21 Dec. 1981, and 2 Jan. 1982. Reissued on CD—Norway:
Simax PSC 1014. G Oct. 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C20 17171007. Arr. for bayan ensemble.
Tembrovoe Bayan Ensemble, Valeri SOMOROV. I 1982d.
Apollo Sound AS 1027. Arr. for violin and piano. Katherine
SWEENEY (violin) and Albert Alan (piano). I 1982.
LP and CD—Sweden: BIS LP 276 (DMM) and released on CD 276.
Ronald PÖNTINEN. P Djursholm 18–21 June 1984, G Sept. 1985.
LP—France: Arion ARN33 787 (‘La Danse par le Disque, Volume 15’).
Sofia MATKOWSKA. P 1985.
Germany: Eterna DMM7 25 193 (‘Cantabile’). Arr. not named.
Christian FUNKE (violin) and Herbert Kaliga (piano). P Leipzig 1986.
LP and CD—AVM Classics AVM 1003 and released on CD— AVMCD
1003. Martin JONES. P not stated, G Oct. 1988.
CD—Cambria 1029. Arr. Glickmann. Mischa LEFKOWITZ (violin) and
Brent McMunn (piano). P Los Angeles 19–20 Jan. 1987.
France: Accord 20025-2. Caroline WEICHERT. P Jan. 1988, G June
1990 ~ *Accord 442 8213 (on fourth of four-disc set). [Opp. 12, 61, and
22.] I Jan. 2007.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1012. Elena VARVAROVA. P Paris
Sept. 1989, I Feb. 1990.
USA: MCA Classics Art and Electronics AED 10107. Aleksandr
SLOBODYANIK. P Moscow Conservatory (date not stated), I 1990.
Hyperion CDA 66620. Tatyana NIKOLAYEVA. P Hampstead 17–19 Apr.
1992, G Sept. 1992.
France: Erol Records 7014. Arr. for saxophone. Marc CHISSON (soprano
saxophone) and Alain Perez (piano). P Bordeaux 14 June 1992.

Koch International Classics 3 7159-2HI. Israel MARGALIT. P Moscow

Conservatory Sept. 1992, G Sept. 1993.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051 0022. Anna MALIKOVA. P Wesel, Germany Apr.
1997 ~ *Russia: Classical Records CR 056. [Op. 34; and Sans op. S(i).] I
France: Suoni e Colori SC 53009. Mikhail MARKOV. P Paris Nov. 1998.
**Channel Classics CCS 16398. Arr. Glickman. Ilya GRUBERT (violin) and
Vladimir Tropp (piano). [Opp. 34 and 134.] P Eindhoven, Netherlands
Apr. 2000, I Oct. 2001.
Naxos 8.555781. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Opp. 34, 13, and 12.]
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 12 and 13 Feb. 2001, I Aug. 2003.
The Divine Art 25018. Raymond CLARKE. [Sans op. B and Op. 13;
Panufnik.] P Newcastle upon Tyne University 2 Sept. and 16 Dec. 2001,
G Jan. 2003.
Finland: Finlandia 2564 60762-2. Arr. by Harjanne. Jouko HARJANNE
(trumpet) and Kari Hänninen (piano). [Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Arutyunyan
et al.] P Finnish Broadcasting Studio 11 Jan. 2003, G Oct. 2004.
Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Vladimir ASHKENAZY. [Opp. 61, 97,
39, 13, and 22; Sans opp. B and S(i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 11–12 Sept.
2003, I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Boris
PETRUSHANSKY. [Sans opp. B and S(i); Opp. 13, 22, and 34.] P Bernareggio,
Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Pyotr LAUL. [Opp. 6, 22, 61, 94; Sans
op. O(i & ii)]. P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 30 Nov. and
2 Dec 2006, I 2006.
Chandos CHAN 10493. ‘Dance’. Kathryn STOTT. [Bartók, Albéniz,
Brahms et al.] P Potton Hall, Dunwich, Suffolk 14–15 Apr. 2008, G Jan.

Opus 6: Suite for Two Pianos

Form: A Suite of four pieces for two pianos:
1. Prelude in F sharp minor—Andantino
2. Fantastique Dance in A minor—Allegro vivo
3. Nocturne in D major—Andante
4. Finale in F sharp minor—Adagio—Allegro molto
Composed: March 1922, at Petrograd.
Dedication: ‘To the memory of Dmitri Boleslavovich Shostakovich’ (father).
Première: 20 March 1925, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Dmitri
Shostakovich and Lev Oborin.

Music: In the autograph, preserved at PGALI, the titles of Nos. 1, 2, and 4 are
given in the French language; No. 3 in Russian.
Muzyka, No 11214 (in Volume 13 of Collected Works), prepared for first
publication by Nikolai Kopchevsky, 1983, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2338, 1984, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 113 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 22' 50"–27' 20".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18471-2. Viktoria POSTNIKOVA and
Nikolai PETROV. P 1982, I 1983c.
LP and CD—Chandos ARBD 1175 (‘Russian Music for Two Pianos’,
digital). Seta TANYEL and Jeremy BROWN. P London July 1985, G Nov. 1986.
Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8466. I May 1987.
CD—Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 049. Folke GRÄSBECK and Alexander
ZELYAKOV. P Åbo 22 and 24 Jan. 1992, I Mar. 1993.
*Greece: Orato ML 183. Anni and Lola TOTSIU. [Rakhmaninov and
Skryabin.] I 1996.
USA: Audiofon 72053. Valentina LISITSA and Aleksei KUZNETSOV.
P Miami Aug. 1995.
France: Suoni è Colori SC 13008 (‘Hommage à Dmitri Chostakovitch,
Volume 2’). Incorrectly labelled Op. 61. Thérèse DUSSAUT and Serge
POLUSMIAK. P Espace Fazioli, Paris Oct.–Nov. 1997.
Germany: CPO 999 599-2. GENOVA & DIMITROV PIANO DUO. P Hans
Rosbaud Studio 4–5 May 1998, I Apr. 1999.
**Germany: Capriccio 71 087 (Hybrid SACD, on disc one of two-disc
set). Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH. [Opp. 12 and 61.] P Universität
für Musik, Vienna 2002 and 2005, I July 2006.
Argentina: EMI Classics 3 43914 2. Fernanda MORELLO and Patricia
VILA. [Opp. 94 and 97a; Debussy.] P Buenos Aires Dec. 2003 and
July 2005.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Pyotr LAUL and Aleksandr SANDLER.
[Opp. 5, 22, 61, 94; Sans op. O(i & ii).] St Catherine Lutheran Church, St
Petersburg 13 and 15 Apr. 2006, I 2006.
Japan: Jasrac R 0720132 (CDR). Tetsu MASHIKO and Masaki NISHIHARA.
[B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.] P Piano Art Salon, Tsukishima, Tokyo
concert 4 Feb. 2007, I 2007.

Opus 7: Scherzo in E flat major

Form: A composition for full orchestra (with piano) marked ‘Allegro’.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals ~
piano ~ strings.

Composed: Spring–Autumn 1923 and completed on 15 October 1924, at

Dedication: Pyotr Borisovich Ryazanov (professor of composition at Leningrad
Premières: 11 February 1981, Leningrad; Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
UK: 17 February 1996, Royal Festival Hall, London; BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Mark Elder. (Broadcast on BBC Radio 3, 16 May 1996).
Arrangement: Reduction for piano by the composer.
Music: Autograph score preserved at PGALI. This composition used later in
the film score New Babylon, Op. 18.
Muzyka, No. 11678 (in Volume 10 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 31 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 3' 30" in score; 3' 26"–3' 28".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 19103 004 (Album 2
of ‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1982, I 1983d. Reissued
on CD—Olympia OCD 194. G June 1988 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321
59058-2 (two-disc set). G Mar. 1999.

Opus 8: Piano Trio No. 1 in C minor

Form: A single-movement composition for violin, violoncello, and fortepiano:
Composed: August to October 1923. Started at Gaspra, near Yalta.
Dedication: Tatyana Ivanovna Glivenko (girl friend), who was told of the
dedication in the composer’s letter to her dated 11 September 1923.
Premières: [First performance in public given during the screening of a silent
film: 25 October 1923, ‘Harlequinade’ Cinema, Petrograd; Veniamen Sher
(violin), Grigori Pekker (cello), and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano)].
13 December 1923, Petrograd Conservatory; the composer at the piano.
20 March 1925, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Nikolas Fyodorov
(violin), Anatoli Yegorov (cello), and Lev Oborin (piano).
UK: 29 June 1984, Almeida Theatre, Islington, London; Haroutune
Bedelian (violin), Elizabeth Wilson (cello), and Niel Immelman (piano).
Arrangement: Parts prepared for performance and missing bars 257 to 278 in
the piano part supplied by Boris Tishchenko in 1981.
Music: The first movement of a Quintet was completed on 9 April 1923. This
composition was abandoned and the music incorporated in the Piano Trio
No. 1 (Khentova 1985). The Trio was originally titled ‘Poem for Violin,

Violoncello, and Fortepiano’. Sketch to bar 130, autograph score and parts
preserved at PGALI.
Muzgiz, 1924 (according to Leonid Sabaneyev).
Muzyka, No. 10794 (in Volume 37 of Collected Works), 1983, score and
parts, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2337, 1984, score and parts, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 98 of New Collected
Duration: 9' 40"–14' 18".
Recordings: LP and CD—Simax PS 1014. OSLO TRIO (Stig Nilsson, Aage
Kvalbein, Jens Harald Bratlie). P near Oslo 17 Nov. and 21 Dec., and 2 Jan.
1982; G July 1982. Reissued on CD—Simax PSC 1014. G Oct. 1988.
*CD—Live Classics LCL 110 (‘Oleg Kagan Edition, Volume 30’). Oleg
Kagan (violin), Natalya Gutman (cello), and Elisso WIRSSALADZA (piano).
[Op. 144.] P Kuhmo Chamber Festival, Finland concert 27 July 1982, I
Oct. 2004.
LP and CD—Germany: Signum SIG 013-00 (DMM).
SERAPHIN TRIO (Wilhelm F. Walz, Jörg Metzger, Arne Torger). P 1986. Reissued
on CD—Germany: Christophorus entreé CHE 0700-2. I Aug. 1995.
LP—Pan 170 012 (digital). VIENNA SCHUBERT TRIO (Boris Kuschnir,
Martin Hornstein, Claus-Christian Schuster). G Dec. 1987.
CD—Germany: Largo 4112. CLEMENTI TRIO of Cologne (Daniel Spektor,
Manuel Gerstner, Deborah Richards). P Munich 2 Dec. 1986 and
28–30 Sept. 1987.
LP and CD—Finland: Finlandia FACD 364 (‘Contemporary Piano
Trios’). TRIO FINNICO (Nachum Erlich, Hanna Kiiski, Risto Lauriala).
P Järvenpää Aug. 1988, I 1989. Reissued on CD—Finlandia Ultima 8573
81969-2 (two-disc set). G June 2000.
CD—Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MD+GL 3334.
MÜNCHNER KLAVIERTRIO (Ilona Then-Bergh, Gerhard Zank, Michael Schäfer).
P not stated, I 1989.
EMI CDC7 49865-2. CHUNG TRIO (Kyung-Wha Chung, Myung-Wha
Chung, Myung-Whun Chung). P New York Dec. 1988. G Mar. 1990.
Denmark: Kontrapunkt 32131. COPENHAGEN TRIO (Søreh Elbaek, Troels
Hermansen, Morten Mogensen). P Lungbye 1992.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288 088.
MOSCOW TRIO (Vladimir Ivanov, Mikhail Utkin, Aleksandr Bonduryansky).
P Moscow Conservatory Sept.–Nov. 1993, I Sept. 1994.
Japan: Meldec MECC 28004. Aleksandr Melnikov, Natalya Sabinova,
and Viktor YAMPOLSKY. P Mosfilm Studio, Moscow 1–10 Oct. 1994, I June

Naxos 8.553297. STOCKHOLM ARTS TRIO (Dan Almgren, Torleif Thedéen,

Stefan Bojsten). P Stockholm 13–15 Mar. 1995, G July 1997.
Germany: Ars Musici AMP 5057-2. Christian Ludwig, Johann Ludwig,
and Carl WOLF. P Erlangen ‘Jugend musiziert’ concert 5 June 1995.
*Australia: Move Records MD 31276. TRIO MELBOURNE (Isin Cakmakcioglu,
Rachael Atkinson, Roger Heagney). [Sculthorpe, Yu, Baran, and Copland.]
P Eaglemont Studio, Victoria 7 August 1995–11 June 1996, I 1997.
Germany: Crescendi CR 33621. TRIO TRE MONDI. (Carlos Johnson,
Clemens Krieger, Reiko Yoshizumi). P Detmold, Germany Feb. 1996, I
Italy: Real Sound RS 051-0176. TRIO DI TORINO (Sergio Lamberto, Dario
Destefano, Giacomo Fuga). P Wesel, Germany Apr. 1996, I May 2000.
USA: Arabesque Z 6698 (two-disc set). Jaime Laredo, Sharon Robinson,
and Joseph KALICHSTEIN. P Purchase, New York 17–18 Dec 1995 or 12–13
Sept. 1996, G Jan. 1998.
Hungary: Hungaroton Classics HCD 31780. BARTOS TRIO (Galina
Danilova, Csaba Bartos, Irina Ivanickaia). P Hungaroton Studio 29 May–2
June 1997.
Nimbus NI 5572. VIENNA PIANO TRIO (Wolfgang Redik, Marcus Trefny,
Stefan Mendl). P Nimbus Foundation Hall 6–9 Apr. 1998, G Dec.
Norway: Simax PSC 1147. GRIEG TRIO (Sølve Sigerland, Ellen Margrete
Flesjø, Vebjørn Anvik). P Lommedalen Kirke, Norway, 12–18 June 1998,
I Oct. 1999.
Germany: Thorofon CTH 2397. TRIO BAMBERG (Yevgeni Schuk, Stephan
Gerlinghaus, Robert Benz). P Nuremberg June 1998.
Orfeo C 465 991A. MUNICH TRIO (Rudolf J. Koeckert, Gerhard Zank,
Hermann Lechler). P Bavarian Radio Studio 4–5 May and 4–7 June 1999,
I Mar. 2001.
**Praga Digitals PRD 250162. GUARNERI TRIO (Čeněk Pavlik, Marek
Jerie, Ivan Klánský). [Opp. 67 and 40.] P Prague 15–17 June 2001,
I Nov. 2001.
Germany: Beaux BEAUX 2003. ST PETERS TRIO (Ilya Ioff, Sergei
Slovachesky, Igor Uryash). [Tishchenko and Ustvolskaya.] P not traced, I
June 2002.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1825. TRIO WANDERER (Jean-Marc
Phillips-Varjabédian, Raphaël Pidoux, Vincent Coq). [Op. 67; Copland.]
P Paris May 2003, G June 2004.
Germany: Musicaphon M56872. TRIO KAIROS (Solveigh Rose, Bettina
Bertsch, and Christiane Behn). [Martin, Bloch, Copland et al.] P NDR
Hamburg studio 15–18 Sept. 2003.

Germany: Coviello Classics COV 50502 (Hybrid SACD).

TRIO PAIAN (Carl-Magnus Helling, Marin Smesnoi, Alexandra Neumann).
[Op. 67.] P Villa Berg, Stuttgart Aug. 2004, I 2006.
Czech: Arco Diva UP 0069-2 131. ARTEMISS TRIO (Adéla Štajnochrová,
Alžběta Vlčkova, Jana Holmanová). [Opp. 67 and 127.] P Lichtenstein
Palace, Prague Sept.–Nov. 2004, I 2005.
Stradivarius STR 33706 (‘Complete works for pianoforte trio’).
TRIO DI PARMA (Ivan Rabaglia, Enrico Bronzi, Albert Miodini). [Opp.
67 and 127.] P Auditorium Paganini, Parma, Italy 3, 4, 7, 8 Jan. 2005,
I Oct. 2008.
Switzerland: Claves 50-2605. ZURICH PIANO TRIO (Gabriel Adorján, Joël
Marosi, Christaine Frucht). [Opp. 67 and 127.] P Bavaria Studio, Munich
22–3 Apr. 2005, I July 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62512-2. BEAUX ARTS TRIO (Daniel Hope, Antonio
Meneses, Menahem Pressler). [Opp. 67 and 127.] P Indiana University,
Bloomington 8–12 July 2005, I Nov. 2005, G Jan. 2006.
Switzerland: Tudor 7138 (Hybrid SACD). RACHMANINOV QUARTET (Viktor
Yampolsky, Mikhail Tsinman, Natalya Sabinova). [Opp. 40 and 67.]
P Mosfilm Studios Moscow Aug. 2005, I Oct. 2006.
Italy: Amadeus-Paragon AM 201-2. ARS TRIO DI ROMA (Marco Fiorentini,
Michele Chiapperino, Laura Pietrocini). [Opp. 67 and 127.] P Aula Magna
del Seminario di Ivrea, Italy 2–5 May 2006, I Aug. 2006 with Amadeus
magazine No. 201.
Canada: Analekta AN 2 9854. GRYPHON TRIO (Annalee Patipatanakoon,
Roman Borys, Jamie Parker). [Opp. 67 and 127; Silvestrov.] P Willowdale
United Church, Toronto 13–16 June 2006, G July 2007.
Onyx ONYX 4026. Julian Rachlin, Mischa Maisky, and Itamar GOLAN.
[Op. 57 and Sans op. P(iii).] P Musikverein, Vienna 11 Dec. 2006,
I Nov. 2007, G Jan. 2008.
Spain: Columna Música 1CM 0180. I.O.M. TRIO (Joan Orpella, José
Mor, Daniel Liorio). [Opp. 67 and 127.] P l’Auditori Paper de Música de
Capellades, Barcelona 13, 15, 16 Dec. 2006 and 15 Jan. 2007.
Germany: Profil Günter Hänssler PH 08014. TRIO OPUS 8 (Eckhard
Fischer, Mario De Secondi, Michael Hauber). [Opp. 141a and 67.]
P Bayerischer Rundfunk Studio 2006, G Mar. 2008.
Czech: Arco Diva UP 0103-2131. PUELLA TRIO ( Eva Karová, Markéta
Vrbková, Terezie Fialová). [Martinů and Schnittke.] P Convent of the
Brothers of Mercy, Brno 10–11 Aug. 2007, G Apr. 2008.
Austria: Gramola 98837. EGGNER TRIO (Christoph, Georg, and Florian
Eggner). [Opp. 67; and Eröd.] P Franz Liszt Zentrum, Raiding, Austria
26–28 May.

Opus 9: Three Pieces

Form: Three short pieces for cello and piano:
1. Fantasia in F sharp minor
2. Prelude in A minor
3. Scherzo in C major
Composed: 30 December 1923 in two hours; 6 January and before 11 January
1924 respectively, at Petrograd. A fourth piece written but destroyed a few
days later.
1. Zoya Dmitrievna Shostakovich (younger sister)
2. Valerian Mikhailovich Bogdanova-Berezovsky (critic/composer)
3. Volodya I. Kurchavov (poet friend)
Premières: 20 March 1925, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall, Anatoli
Yegorov (cello) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
Music: Manuscript lost.
Recordings: ––
Note: The 1996 German Orfeo C 443 961A recording claims that the opening
track ‘Romance’ is one of the above pieces dedicated to the composer’s
sister. See Opus 97.

Opus 10: Symphony No. 1 in F minor

Form: Symphony for full orchestra (with piano) in four movements:
1. Allegretto—Allegro non troppo
2. Allegro
3. Lento—Largo attaca
4. Lento—Allegro molto—Adagio—Largo—Presto
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes (II = piccolo II), 2 oboes,
2 clarinets (B flat and A), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets (I and II B
flat, III F), 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass
drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, piano ~ strings. Glockenspiel used in four bars
of fourth movement and piano employed extensively in second and fourth
movements. String ensemble much divided at times and numerous solos
required, particularly of the leader and first desk cellist.
Composed: September 1924–1 or 2 July 1925, at Petrograd/Leningrad.
Began with the second movement. Piano score of the third movement com-
pleted in February 1925. Final alterations to the orchestration made in June
1926 after the première.

Dedication: Mikhail Vladimirovich Kvadri (composer). This dedication

appeared on Yevgeni Slavinsky’s piano four hands score published in 1928
but is missing from later publications though restored in New Collected
Works Volume 1.
Premières: 7 February 1926, Moscow Conservatory; piano reduction played
by the composer at a sitting of the State Scientific Council of the People's
Commissariat for Education. 6 May 1925, Leningrad Conservatory; the
two-piano four-handed version played by the composer and Pavel Feldt
before Aleksandr Glazunov and board of examiners.
12 May 1926, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Nikolai Malko. The second movement encored.
Germany: 6 February 1928, Berlin; Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bruno Walter.
USA: 2 November 1928, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold
UK: 1931–32 Hallé Season; 21 January 1932, Free Trade Hall,
Manchester, Hallé Orchestra, Sir Hamilton Harty.
USA: Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium; during his tenure as
music director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 1933–39, Otto
Klemperer conducted Opus 10 on 20, 21 February and 18 April 1936 and
again on 9, 10 and 14 February 1939.
Australia: 14 June 1946, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Walter
Arrangements: Reduction for piano by the composer and for piano four
hands by Yevgeni Slavinsky (the latter completed on 1 December 1925).
Music: Two author’s manuscripts preserved at the PGALI and a rough draft
kept in GTsMMK. A page of the first movement is reproduced in Collected
Works Volume 1.
Muzgiz, No. 7671, 1927, 30.5 cm.; reduced reprints with same plate
number issued as miniature scores, 19 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 7999, 1928, arr. for piano four hands by Ye. Slavinsky.
Muzyka, No. 8610, 1975, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10713 (in Volume 1 of Collected Works), 1987, full score,
30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2224, 1987, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2002, New Collected Works Volume 1, full
score, 152, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works Volume 16,
Y. Slavinsky’s arr. for piano four hands, 216 including 45 in facsimile, 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 33 minutes in score; 27' 00"–35' 42"; 26' 45" (Toscanini).
Ballets: Rouge et Noir (L’Étrange Farandole). Léonide Massine, Ballet Russe de
Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo; designer Henri Matisse, 11 May 1939. Same

company, New York, 28 October 1939. The four movements of the one-act
ballet represent: Aggression, City and Country, Loneliness, Fate. Tamara
Toumanova danced the slow movement.
Symphony. Kenneth MacMillan, Royal Ballet, Covent Garden; designer
Yolanda Sonnabend, 15 February 1962.
Remember. Oleg Sokolov, an anti-war ballet in four acts with epilogue,
Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, summer 1981.
Films: *DVD—EMI Classic Archives DVD Video 4901109 (mono). ORTF
National Orchestra, I. MARKEVITCH. [Wagner and Stravinsky.] P INA
concert Paris 15 June 1963, G Sept. 2003.
*DVD—Festival Orchester, Leonard BERNSTEIN. Part 1: Introduction
and Rehearsal filmed at Salzau Castle, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany in July
1988; Part 2: Introduction and Concert Performance at Holstein-Halle,
Neumünster, 16 July 1988. G Aug. 2008.
Recordings: 78 rpm and CD—USA: Victor 7884-8S in Set M 192.
Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P Camden, New Jersey 18
Nov. 1933 ~ HMV DB 2203-7. G Sept. 1934 ~ HMV DB 3847-51S.
G Nov. 1940. Reissued on CD—Pearl GEMM CDS 9044 (two-disc set,
mono). G Jan. 1994.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—USA: Columbia 11622-5D in Set M 472. Cleveland
Orchestra, Artur RODZINSKI. P 14 April 1941. Reissued on LP—USA:
Columbia ML 4881 (mono). I 1954. Reissued on CD—Cleveland 75th
Anniversary Edition TC 093-75. I Oct. 1993, G Jan. 1995.
LP and CD—USA: RCA LM 6711 (transfer from radio broadcast, mono).
NBC Symphony Orchestra, Arturo TOSCANINI. P 12 Mar. 1944, I 1976 ~
RCA Victrola VICS 6038 1-2 (electronic stereo). G July 1970 ~ USSR:
Melodiya D 034359-62. I 1974. Reissued on CD—RCA Victor Gold Seal
GD 60323 (Toscanini Edition 28, mono). I July 1992, G Nov. 1992.
LP—USSR: MK HD 2689-90 (10" transfer from 78 rpm, mono).
All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestra, Constantin SILVESTRI.. P 1951, I
1956 ~ USA: Monitor MC 2077 (mono). I c.1965.
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 020617-24. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Kirill
KONDRASHIN. P 1951. Reissued on LP—USSR: MK HD 0408-9 (mono). I
1952 ~ Monarch MLW 318 (mono). G Jan. 1955.
LP—USA: Urania URLP 7128 (mono). Leipzig Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Gerhard PLFÜGER. P 1954.
LP and CD—Westminster WL 5319 (mono). National Symphony
Orchestra, of Washington, Howard MITCHELL. P Dec. 1953 ~ Nixa WLP
5319 (mono). G Mar. 1955. Reissued on CD—MCA Millennium Classics
MCD 80112 (mono). G Jan. 1997.
Columbia 33 CX 1440 (mono). French National Radio Orchestra,
Igor MARKEVITCH. P c.1956, G May 1957 ~ Music for Pleasure MFP 2080

(mono). G Nov. 1967. Reissued on CD—EMI CZS5 69212-2 (‘Les

introuvables d’Igor Markevitch’). G Mar. 1996.
LP—USA: Columbia ML 5152 (mono). St Louis Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir GOLSCHMANN. I 1956 ~ Philips ABL 3176 (mono). G July 1957.
Pye CCL 30105 (mono). National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain,
Walter SUSSKIND. P Colston Hall, Bristol Jan. 1957, G June 1957.
LP and CD—HMV ALP 1554 (mono). Philharmonia Orchestra,
Efrem KURTZ. P 4 Mar. 1957, G Mar. 1958 ~ HMV ASD 263. G Jan 1959
~ World Record Club ST 995. G Sept. 1970 ~ Classics for Pleasure CFP
40004. G Sept. 1974. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics CZS7 67729-2
(‘Kurtz Profile’). G Sept. 1993 ~ *HMV 5 86764-2. [Op. 47.] G Oct.
LP—RCA Red Seal SB 2051. London Symphony Orchestra, Jean
MARTINON. P 9–11 Dec. 1957, G Dec. 1959 ~ RCA Victrola VICS
1184. G July 1967 ~ Decca Eclipse ECS 580. G Feb. 1971. *Reissued on
CD—USA: Classic Compact Discs LSCCD 2322. [Op. 22a.] I 2001.
LP and CD—United Artists UAS 8004. Symphony of the Air, L.
STOKOWSKI. P New York 15–19 Dec. 1958. Reissued on CD—USA: EMI
Classics ZDMB5 6542723. I Nov. 1994.
LP—Columbia C90541 (mono). French National Symphony Orchestra,
André CLUYTENS. I c.Aug. 1959.
LP and CD—Columbia MS 6124. Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
ORMANDY. P 8 Nov. 1959 ~ Philips SABL 165. G July 1960 ~ CBS SBRC
72081. G Sept. 1960. Reissued on CD—Sony Classical SBK 62642. G
June 1997.
Netherlands: Philips 875 044 FY. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Witold
ROWICKI. P 1960 (not 1965 as stated). Reissued on CD—Philips 466
571-2PM. I Sept. 1996.
*CD—Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0098. USSR (State) Symphony
Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Prokofiev and Khachaturyan.] P 23 May
1962, I May 2003.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 720 188 (10" mono). Siegfried
Stöckigt (piano), György Garay (violin), Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Herbert KEGEL. P Kongreßhalle, Leipzig 13–17 Nov. 1962, I 1964. Reissued
on CD—Edel Classics 0001842 CCC. I 2001.
LP—USSR: Melodiya M10 47571 008 (mono). Isaak Zhuk (violin),
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Igor MARKEVITCH. P Moscow concert 28 Feb.
1963, I 1987d.
LP and CD—Czech: Supraphon SUA 50576. Czech Philharmonic
Orchestra, Karel ANČERL. P Rudolfinum, Prague 7–10 Apr. 1964, G Nov.
1965. Reissued on CD—Czech: Supraphon Crystal SUP 006072. I Sept.
1989 ~ *Supraphon Gold Edition SU 3699. [Op. 47.] I Feb. 2005.

*Boston Symphony Orchestra BSO CB 100 (‘Symphony Hall Centennial

Celebration’, twelve-disc set). Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich LEINSDORF.
[Janácek, Wagner, and Smetana.] P Boston concert 26 Sept. 1964, G Dec.
LP—USA: Turnabout TV 34223. Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra,
Milan HORVAT. P c.1965.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4188-2 (mono). BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Rudolf KEMPE. P Maida Vale Studios, London 29 May 1965,
I Oct. 2006.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 12543-4. USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Moscow concert 30 Dec. 1968, I 1980b.
Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 188. P date given incor-
rectly as 30 Dec. 1966, G Jan. 1994.
*CD—Japan: Altus ALT 129. NHK Symphony Orchestra, Lovro von
MATAČIĆ. [Op. 70.]. Tokyo Cultural Hall concert 20 May 1969, I 2006.
Command CCSD 11042. Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra, William
CD—BBC Radio Classics 15656 91542. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,
Jascha HORENSTEIN. P Albert Hall, Nottingham concert 18 July 1970,
G May 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02581-2. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Yuri ARANOVICH. P 1971 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2765. G Apr.
Decca SXL 6563. Suisse Romande Orchestra, Walter WELLER. P 4–6
Sept. 1971, G Jan. 1973.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia M 31307. New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Leonard BERNSTEIN. P 14 Dec. 1971. Reissued on CD—Sony
Classical SX4K 64206. I Dec. 1995.
USSR: Melodiya CM 03625-6. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. P 1972, I 1973 (and same number in first box of Part 1 of
Collected Works on Records), I 1980) ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502501 in Set
SLS5025. G Dec. 1975. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde
LDC 278 1001-2. G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19848-2.
G Nov. 1994.
CD—Italy: Originals SH 863 (‘The Unpublished Celibidache’). Danish
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu CELIBIDACHE. P concert 1973, I Oct
LP—Czech: Panton 11 0604 H. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Jiři
KOUT. P Prague 1976, G Dec. 1977.
Germany: Stadt Gelsenkirchen F 666 494. Gelsenkirchen Municipal
Orchestra, Uwe MUND. P 1977–79.

LP and CD—USA: Vox Cum Laude 9003. Cincinnati Symphony

Orchestra, Walter SUSSKIND. I 1981. Reissued on CD—USA: Voxbox CDX
5139. I June 1995.
Decca SXDL 7515 (digital). London Philharmonic Orchestra, Bernard
HAITINK. P Jan. 1979, G May 1981. Reissued on CD—Decca 414
677-2DH. G June 1986 and Feb. 1988 ~ Decca Ovation 425 063-2DM,
G Nov. 1993.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 30485 002. USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Gavriil YUDIN. P Moscow concert 1 Feb. 1980, I 1990d.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 7 29 221 (DMM). Berlin City
Symphony Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. P 8–10 June 1983. Reissued on
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0021812BC. I Jan. 1995.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00101 005 (digital). USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1985d. Reissued on
CD—Olympia OCD 161. G May 1989 ~ *USA: Moscow Studio Archives
MOS 19061. [Op. 20.] I 2004.
Chandos ABRD 1148 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8411.
Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI.. P Glasgow 1 Aug. 1984, G Apr.
1986, June 1986 and Feb. 1988.
USA: Sheffield Labs TDC 26 (digital) and released on CD—CD 26
(‘The Moscow Sessions’). Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Lawrence
SMITH. P Moscow 9–18 Aug. 1986, G Feb. 1988.
CD—Naxos 8.550623. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 20—5 Nov. 1986, G Nov. 1993.
LP and CD—BBC Records REN 637X (digital) and released on
CD—CD 637X. BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Swansea Nov. 1986, G Aug. 1987 and Feb. 1988.
CD—Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation SMCD 5074.
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P not stated, I 1988.
Deutsche Grammophon 427 632-2GH2. Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
L. BERNSTEIN. P Chicago concert June 1988, G Jan. 1990 ~ *Deutsche
Grammophon Panorama 469 316-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 47, 122, 35,
G(ii), 16, and 97.] I 2001.
Decca 425 609-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Nov. 1988, G June 1990.
USA: Arabesque Z 6610. Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra, Gilbert
LEVINE. P Kraków 26–29 May 1989, G Jan. 1990.
Spain: Cepsa Line CACD 9 00804 P (‘Festival de Musica de Canarias’).
Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, Victor Pablo PÉREZ. P Tenerife concert
29 Jan 1990.
Collins Classics 1192-2. English Chamber Orchestra, Steuart BEDFORD.
P London June–July 1990, G Apr.1992.

Decca 436 469-2DH. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Georg SOLTI.

P Amsterdam concert 18–21 Sept. 1991, I Sept. 1992.
Austria: Musica Classics 780003-2. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Bratislava Jan. 1992, I Jan. 1996.
Decca 436 838-2DH. Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Charles DUTOIT.
P Montreal 15–22 May 1992, G Oct. 1994.
Denon CO 78948. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P 12–15
Oct. 1992, G Dec. 1995.
Teldec 4509 90849-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Jan. 1993, G Oct. 1994 ~ Teldec 0630-17046-2.
G Oct. 1997.
*EMI Classics ‘Celibidache Edition’ 5 57855-2 or in fifteen-CD set
5 57861-2. Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, S. CELIBIDACHE. [Op. 70.]
P Munich concert 31 May, 2 and 3 June 1994, G Jan. 2004.
EMI Classics CDC5 55361-2. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss
JANSONS. P Berlin 15–20 June 1994, I Oct. 1995, G Dec. 1995.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on first of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Opp. 14 and 20.] P Cologne
30 Sept.–3 Oct.1994, I Dec. 2001.
RCA Red Seal 09026 68844-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P St Petersburg 3–4 Jan. 1996, I July 1999.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00351. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Radio Bolshoi Hall 15–16 Apr.
1996 ~ *Japan: Exton OVCL 00173 (Hybrid SACD). [Op. 141.] I 2004.
*Hallé CD HLL 7506. Hallé Orchestra, Stanislaw SKROWACZEWSKI.
P Bridgewater Hall studio, Manchester 1 Nov. 1996, I 2004, G Oct. 2004
and Feb. 2005.
*Cleveland Orchestra MAA 01032-C (on third of ten-disc set). Cleveland
Orchestra, Christoph von DOHNÁNYI. [Tchaikovsky.] P Cleveland concert
17 Sept. 1998, I 2002.
*Supraphon SU 38902 (on first of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 112.] P Smetana Hall, Prague
concert 1 Dec. 1999, G Nov. 2006.
*Angelok1 ANG-CD 9916. Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang
JORDANIA. P Moscow Feb. 2000, I 2002.
*Germany: Edition Zeitklang ze-70005. Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester,
Stefan Anton RECK. P Lucerne concert 11 Apr. 2000, I 2001.
Telarc CD 80572. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Jesús LÓPEZ-COBOS.
P Cincinnati 24–25 Sept. 2000, G Oct. 2001.
**New York Philharmonic NYPT 0106 (‘Kurt Masur at the New York
Philharmonic’). New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Kurt MASUR. P concerts
31 May; 1, 2, and 5 June 2001.

Germany: Nishimura CDON 001. Würzburg Philharmonic Orchestra,

Daniel KLAJNER. P Würzburg concert 11–12 Oct. 2001.
Germany: Ars Musici AMP 5102-2. Bundesjugenorchester, Andrei
BOREYKO. [Bernd Franke.] P Oetkerhalle, Bielefeld, Germany 1–4 Apr.
2002, I 2004.
LPO Live 0001 (Hybrid SACD). London Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. MASUR. [Op. 47.] P Royal Festival Hall concert 31 Jan.–3 Feb. 2004,
I May 2004, G July 2005.
Arts 47706-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 141.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert
Mar. 2004, I 2006.
Germany: Capriccio 71 030 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 20.] P Cologne Philharmonie concert
3–7 July 2004, I Aug. 2005.
Switzerland: Relief CR 991077. Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. [Op. 20.] Moscow Conservatory concert 21 Aug.
2004, I Oct. 2005.
Netherlands: PentaTone classics PTC 5186 068 (Hybrid SACD).
Russian National Orchestra, Vladimir JUROWSKI. [Op. 54.] P DZZ Studio
Moscow 14–15, 19–21, 25 and 27 Oct. 2004, G July 2006.
EMI Classics 3580772 (two-disc set). Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Simon RATTLE. [Op. 135.] P Philharmonie, Berlin concert 15–17 June
2005, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 37 1207-2 and
MDG 937 1207-6 (Hybrid SACD). Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn, Roman
KOFMAN. [Op. 54.] P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
24–26 Jan. 2006, I 2007.
Japan: Denon COCQ 84575. Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra,
Stanislaw SKROWACZEWSKI. [R. Strauss.] P Suntory Hall, Tokyo 10 Sept.
Note: The Temirkanov 1996 recording respects Shostakovich’s apparent later
rejection of the side drum crescendo into the last movement as ‘a somewhat
vulgar effect’.

Opus 11: Prelude and Scherzo

Form: Two pieces for string octet (double string quartet):
1. Prelude in D minor—Adagio
2. Scherzo in G minor—Allegro molto—Moderato—Allegro
Composed: (1) December 1924, at Leningrad; (2) July 1925, at Oranienbaum
Slavyansk (west of Leningrad)—now named Lomonosov.

Dedication: To the memory of Volodya I. Kurchavov (poet friend)

Premières: 7 February 1926, Circle of Friends of Chamber Music concert,
Leningrad, Dmitri Shostakovich (piano reduction).
9 January 1927, Stanislavsky Art Theatre Mozart Hall, Moscow;
combined Glière and Stradivari Quartets (Yakov and A. Targonsky,
A. Vabich, K. Blok; Boris Simsky, Boris Vitkin, Grigori Gamburg, Viktor
Scotland: 28 August 1962, Edinburgh Usher Hall; members of the Polish
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jan Krenz.
Arrangements: Piano arrangement by the composer in 1926. The Prelude
alone arranged for piano four hands by Yevgeni Slavinsky (not published).
Parts augmented for string orchestra, including a version with double-basses
by Lazar Gozman. The Scherzo transcribed for two pianos eight hands by
Ed de Boer in 1981.
Music: Rough and clean copies of the two pieces preserved at PGALI. The
former contains drafts for a third piece—a Fugue.
Muzgiz, No. 7902, 1928, 27.5 cm.
Universal Edition, No. 9055, 1928, 27.5 cm.
Edition Musicus, c.1947, Prelude arr. for string orchestra by Quinto
Maganini, 27 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 603 (A.S.M.P. No. 29), c.1950, 19 cm.
Muzka, No. 10794 (in Volume 37 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2269, score and No. 2270, parts; 1998, 29.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 100 of New Collected
Duration: (1) 4' 55"–6' 25" and (2) 3' 45"–4' 45"; approx. 10 minutes in
score; 10' 40" (Plaistow).
Recordings: 78 rpm—USA: General Timely 1300A. New York String
Orchestra, Max GOBERMAN. P prior to 1950.
LP—USA: Columbia ML 2121 (‘Modern Music for Strings’, 10" mono).
Stuyvesant Sinfonietta, Sylvan SHULMAN. P 1950.
USA: MGM E 3684 (mono). Members of the MGM Studio Orchestra
(Max Hollander, Leonard Posner, Paul Gershman, Paul Bellams/Emanuel
Vardi, Walter Trampler, Charles McCracken, Claus Adam), Arthur
Oriole Eurodisc SMG 20097. London Soloists’ Ensemble, Nicholas
ROTH. G July and Dec. 1964.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C01459-60. BORODIN and PROKOFIEV
QUARTETS (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin,
Valentin Berlinsky/Ella Brakker, Nadezhda Baikova, Galina Odinets, Kira
Tsvetkova). P 1964, I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3072. G May 1975.
Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 40713-2. I Dec. 1997.

Philips Vanguard VSL 11025. Scherzo only arr. for string orchestra.
I Solisti di Zagreb, Antonio JANIGRO. G July 1968. Reissued on CD—Imp
Classics 30367 0228-2. I Sept. 1997.
LP—Melodiya C01769-70. BEETHOVEN and KOMITAS QUARTETS. (Dmitri
Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabavnikov, Fyodor Druzhinin, Sergei Shirinsky/Avet
Gabrielyan, Rafael Davidyan, Genrikh Talayan, Armen Georgian). P 1969,
G Oct. 1971.
USSR: Melodiya C10 05191-2. Arr. for string orchestra. Kiev Chamber
Orchestra, Igor BLAZHKOV. P 1974, I 1975c.
*Canada: CBC Radio Canada SM 304. PURCELL and BRUNSWICK
QUARTETS (Norman and Frederick Nelson, Philippe Etter, Ian Hampton/
Joseph Pach, Paul Campbell, James Pataki, Richard Naill). [Mendelssohn.]
P First Baptist Church, Nova Scotia c. Jan./Feb. 1976, I 1977.
USSR: Melodiya C10 09181-2 (in second box of Part 2 of Collected
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky/Yevgeniya Alikhanova,
Valentina Alykova, Tatyana Kokhanovskaya, Marina Yanushevskaya).
P 1977, I 1978.
Czech: Panton 8111 0195 G. SUK and DOLEŽAL QUARTETS (Ivan Štraus,
Vojěch Jouza, Karel Ř ehák, Jan Štros/Bohuslav Matoušek, Josef Kekula,
Karel Doležal, Vladimir Leiner). P Prague 1981.
LP and CD—Germany: ECM New Series 1-25037. HAGEN QUARTET
(Lukas Hagen, Annette Bik, Veronika Hagen, Clemens Hagen) with
Thomas Zehetmair, Daniel Phillips, Hatto Beyerle, and Markus Stocker.
P Lockenhaus Festival concert 1984. Reissued on CD—ECM New Series
827 024-2.
LP—Germany: Schwann Musica Mundi VMS 1046 (DMM).
DORNBUSCH and BUCHBERGER QUARTETS (personnel not stated). P 1985.
LP and CD—USA: Musicmasters MMD 20109Z (digital). Arr Gozman.
Soviet Émigré Orchestra. Lazar GOZMAN. P 1986. Reissued on CD—Olympia
OCD 196. G Aug. 1989.
CD—Nimbus NI 5140. MEDICI and ALBERNI QUARTETS (Paul Robertson,
David Matthews, Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Anthony Lewis/Howard Davis,
Peter Pople, Roger Best, David Smith). P 10 May 1988, I Oct. 1988.
Pickwick IMP Classics PCD 1000. Scherzo only, arr. for string orchestra.
I Solisti di Zagreb, Tonko NINIC. P Zagreb 22–28 June 1991, G Nov. 1992.
RCA Victor 09026 61189-2. Arr. for string orchestra. Moscow Virtuosi,
Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Munich 10–13 Dec. 1991, I Apr. 1998.
ENSEMBLE (Kenneth Sillito, Malcolm Latchem, Josef Frohlich, Robert
Heard; Robert Smissen, Stephen Tees, Stephen Orton, Roger Smith).
P Snape, Suffolk Mar. 1992, G May 1993.

France: Forlane UCD 16693. Scherzo, arr. for string orchestra. Moscow
Conservatory Orchestra, Yuri BASHMET. P concert 1992, I 1993.
Germany: Pink 10294. SUDDEUTSCHES STREICHOKTETT. P Winterbach,
Germany 1993.
Sweden: Intim Musik IMCD 041. CAMERATA ROMAN. P Påskallavik
Church, Småland, Sweden 24 Jan. 1996.
USA: New Albion NA 08B CD (‘Written with the Heart’s Blood’).
New Century Chamber Orchestra, Stuart CANIN. P Tiburon, California
Apr. 1996, I Jan. 1997.
France: Suoni é Colori Collection SC 53006 (‘DSCH Aphorismes’).
Ricercata de Paris Ensemble, Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY. P Hautes-Alpes,
France concert Aug. 1996, I 1997.
*Hänssler Classic 98.488. New European Strings, Dmitri SITKOVETSKY.
P Neumarkt, Oberpfalz, Germany 13–15 Nov. 1996, I 2005.
Korea: Sony Classical CCK 7772. Korean Chamber Ensemble, Min KIM.
P Seoul 7–13 Feb. 1998.
Linn Records CKD 095. BT Scottish Ensemble, Clio GOULD. P Glasgow
4–5 Mar. 1998, G June 2000.
France: Syrius SYR 141345. European Camerata, Laurent QUÉNELLE.
P Alpes-Maritimes, France Aug. 1998.
Georgia 2000.
Netherlands: Challenge Classics CC 72093. Labelled Op. 1 No. 1 (sic).
BRODSKY QUARTET (Andrew Haveron, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline
Thomas) with Jacqueline Shave and Ray Theaker (violins), Jane Atkins
(viola), and Alexander Baille (cello). [Op. 57, Sans opp. P(iii) and D(i).]
P Snape, Aldeburgh 5–7 Mar. 2001, G May 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 67 115. Moscow Virtuosi, Valadimir SPIVAKOV.
[Opp. 110a, Sans op. X(ii); Schnittke—Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich.]
P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall 15–17 May 2003, I 2004.
Germany: ACD 6089. JADE and LEONOR QUARTETS (Annelie (Han-Lin)
Liang, Lisa (Hyun-Ji) You, Eric (Wen-Bo) Xu, Gina (Shih-Yu) Yu/Delphine
Caserta, Enrique Rivas, Jaime Huertas, Alvaro Huertas). P Katholische
Pfarrkirche St Johannes Baptist, Oberstdorf, Germany concert 30 July 2005.
Note: The DSCH motif is quoted in this work—probably unintentionally
considering the date of composition. See Appendix VIII.

Opus 12: Piano Sonata No. 1

Form: Sonata for solo piano in one movement, marked ‘Allegro—Lento—
Allegro’. Originally known as ‘October’ and ‘October Symphony’ (Ilya
Ehrenburg quoting Maksimilian Shteinberg—see Schwarz (1972,79–80).
OP U S 12: P IAN O SON AT A N O. 1 29

Composed: September–20 October 1926, at Leningrad.

Premières: 12 December 1926, Leningrad Philharmonic Malyi Hall and
9 January 1927, Stanislavsky Art Theatre Mozart Hall, Moscow, Dmitri
Shostakovich. The sonata was played twice at the latter venue.
Music: Autograph score preserved at PGALI
Muzgiz, No. 7374, 1927, 38 cm. (and same no. with added metronome
marks), 1935, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, A.S.M.P. No. 66, 1947, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for Fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 7775, 1973, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2187, 1975, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1998, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 111 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 13 minutes in score; 10' 22"–15' 37".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: D025805-6 (in second box of Part 2 of
Collected Works on Records, mono). Anatoli VEDERNIKOV. P 1968, I 1969 ~
USSR: Melodiya C10 09547-8 (in second box of Collected Works on Records).
I 1978. *Reissued on CD—Japan: Denon COCQ 83067 (mono). [Op. 61;
Stravinsky and Karenetnikov.] I 2005.
USA: Orion ORS 6915. Vladimir PLESHAKOV. P 1969.
LP and CD—Netherlands: BV Haast 025. Geoffrey MADGE. P Amsterdam
Oct. 1978. Reissued on CD—Netherlands: BV Haast CD 9602,
I Mar. 1997.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 17985-6. Viktoria POSTNIKOVA. P 1982, I
USSR: Melodiya C10 18977 007. Igor KHUDOLEI. P 1982, I 1983d.
LP and CD—AVM Classics AVM 1003 and AVMCD 1003. Labelled as
‘October Symphony’. Martin JONES. P not stated, G Oct. 1988.
CD—Italy: Nuova Era 6757. Lilya ZILBERSTEIN (‘Winner of the 1987
Busoni International Piano Competition’). P concert 1987, I 1989.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 30205 000. Oleg VOLKOV. P 1987, I 1991.
CD—France: Accord 20025-2. Caroline WEICHERT. P Jan. 1988, G June
1990 ~ *Accord 442 8213 (four-disc set on CD4). [Opp. 5, 61, and 22.]
I Jan. 2007.
Deutsche Grammophon 427 766-2GH. Lilya ZILBERSTEIN. P Berlin
Nov. 1988. G Dec. 1989.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1012. Elena VARVAROVA. P Paris
Sept.1989, I Feb. 1990.
*Germany: Animato ACD 6094. Christaine KLONZ. [Bach, Mozart, and
Chopin.] P Johanniter-Kircher, Goß Eichsen, Germany July 1997.

Olympia OCD 574. Colin STONE. P London Sept. 1995, G June 1996.
Athene-Minerva ATH CD18. Raymond CLARKE. P Nottingham University
7 Jan. and 7 Sept. 1998, G Oct. 1999.
Australia: ABC Classics 461 651-2 (‘Sydney International Piano
Competition 2000, Volume 1, Solo Highlights’). Ayako UEHARA. P 29
June–9 July 2000.
**Naxos 8.555781. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Opp. 34, 13, and 5.]
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 12 and 13 Feb. 2001, I Sept. 2003.
Japan: Exton OVCT 00006. Ayako UEHARA. [Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovsky,
and Schumann.] P International Tchaikovsky Competition, Moscow
Conservatory concert June 2002, I 2003.
Capriccio 71087 (Hybrid SACD, on disc one of two-disc set). Margarete
BABINSKY. [Opp. 6 and 61.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and
2005, I July 2006.
Australia: Move Records MD 3308. Michael Kieran HARVEY. [Op. 34;
and Messiaen.] P Eaglemont, Victoria several dates in 2005.
Dunelm Records DRD 0264 (‘Shostakovich and his Comrades’). Murray
MCLACHLAN. [Kabalevsky, Myaskovsky, Shchedrin, and Ronald Stevenson
(Recitative and Air for Shostakovich).] P Whiteley Hall, Chetham’s School
of Music, Manchester concert 26–27 Aug. 2006, G Jan. 2007.

Opus 13: Aphorisms

Form: Ten miniatures for piano:
1. Recitative  = 104
2. Serenade  = 208 sempre  = 
3. Nocturne  = 92
4. Elegy  = 44
5. Marche Funèbre  = 152
6. Étude  = 88
7. Dance of Death  = 132–144
8. Canon  = 144
9. Legend  = 116
10. Lullaby  = 63

Composed: 25 February–7 April 1927, at Leningrad.

Première: Autumn 1927, Leningrad; Dmitri Shostakovich.
Arrangements: Transcription for violin, bassoon, piano, and percussion
made in 1971 by Boris Bekhterev and Vladimir Spivakov. Transcription of
No. 10 for violin and piano by Sergei Sapozhnikov.
Music: The autograph score was presented on 6 May 1927 to the composer
Boleslav Yavorsky, who had suggested the general title Aphorisms, with the

inscription ‘To dear Boleslav Leopolovich Yavorsky from Shostakovich with

love’. The complete score is preserved at the Glinka Museum. Another
autograph copy of the first four pieces, which is subtitled ‘Suite’, preserved
Triton, Leningrad, 1927.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5717 (plate no. 12524), 1970, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3087, 1974, No. 10 only (in Russian works for
violin and piano, arr. by S. Sapozhnikov), 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3988, 1977, transcription for violin, bassoon,
piano, and percussion, score and parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 12' 00"–14' 51"; transcription 13' 30"–14' 44".
Recordings: LP—USA: Orion ORS 6915. Vladimir PLESHAKOV. P 1969.
USSR: Melodiya CM 03945-6. Transcription. Vladimir SPIVAKOV
(violin), Valeri Popov (bassoon), Boris Bekhterev (piano), and Valentin
Snegiryov (percussion). P 1971, I 1973.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 1767. Zheni ZAHARIEVA. P early 1980s.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 30205 000. Oleg VOLKOV. P 1987,
I 1991. Reissued on CD—Brioso BR 105 (‘All Russian’). I Feb. 1995.
CD—AVM Classics VZ 3020 (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’). Martin JONES.
P London 1–2 June 1989.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1012. Elena VARVAROVA. P Paris
Sept. 1989,1 Feb. 1990.
France: Accord 20281-2. Caroline WEICHERT. P Sept. 1993, 1994 ~
*Accord: 442 8213 (on third of four-disc set). [Sans opp. S(i) and B;
Op. 34.] I Jan. 2007.
Japan: Meldec MECC 28004. Transcription. Aleksandr MELNIKOV (violin),
Valeri Popov (bassoon), Viktor Yampolsky (piano), and Sergei Ampleyev
(percussion). P Mosfilm Studio, Moscow 1–10 Oct. 1994, I June 1995.
Italy: Nuova Era NE 7263. Jean-Pierre AMENGAUD. P Ivrea, Italy Jan. 1995.
France: Suoni é Colori Collection SC 53006 (‘DSCH Aphorismes’).
Transcription. Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY (violin), Amaury Wallez (bassoon),
Paul Godart (piano), and Dominique Probst (percussion). P Hautes-Alpes,
France concert Aug. 1996, I 1997.
**Naxos 8.555781. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Opp. 34, 12, and 5.]
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 12–13 Feb. 2001, I Aug. 2001.
The Divine Art CD 25018. Raymond CLARKE. [Sans op. B and Op. 5;
Panufnik.] P Newcastle upon Tyne University 2 Sept. and 16 Dec. 2001,
G Jan. 2003.

Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Vladimir ASHKENAZY. [Opp. 61, 5, 97,
39, and 22; Sans opp. B and S(i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 11–12 Sept. 2003,
I Apr. 2004, G June 2004
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Boris
PETRUSHANSKY. [Sans opp. B and S(i); Opp. 5, 22, and 34.] P Bartók Studio,
Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 61 and 69; Sans
opp. S(ii), A, and T.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20 Apr. 2006.

Opus 14: Symphony No. 2 in B major

Form: Symphony in one movement, of five continuous sections, for full
orchestra (plus factory siren in F sharp) and S.A.T.B. chorus: Largo,  = 152,
Allegro molto, Meno mosso, and choral finale setting of Aleksandr Bezy-
mensky’s poem ‘To October’.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ F sharp siren, glockenspiel ~ S.A.T.B.
chorus ~ strings. The composer provides a low brass option for the four
sustained blasts on the factory hooter.
Composed: April–June 1927, at Leningrad. A state commission received
in late March 1927 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the October
Dedication: ‘Dedication to October’ and inscribed ‘Proletarians of the World,
Premières: 5 and 6 November 1927, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall;
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and Academy Capella Choir, Nikolai
4 December 1927, The House of the Soviets Hall of Columns, Moscow;
conducted by Konstantin Saradzhev.
UK: 22 October 1969, Festival Hall, London; BBC Symphony Orchestra,
Colin Davis.
2 February 2006, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester; Hallé and Hallé Choir,
Mark Elder (first British concert use of a factory siren in F sharp).
Arrangements: Reduction for two pianos four hands by the Tatyana Sergeyeva
and reduction of the choral section for voices and piano by Yuri Olenev.
Translations of the poem in English by Myron Morris and Andrew Huth
and in German by Jörg Morgener.
Not an arrangement though inspired by this work and Testimony, a pop
song entitled ‘My October Symphony’ achieved hit status in 1990. It was
written by the Pet Shop Boys, duo Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, with
acoustic string quartet, electric guitar, and keyboard accompaniment.

Music: The first of Shostakovich’s orchestral works to be published (New

Collected Works Volume 17, 66). The autograph score preserved at the
Muzgiz, No. 7971, 1927, full score, 35 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 1457, c.1970, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8998, 1975, full score, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2225,1984, score with Russian and German texts—
the latter by J. Morgener, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11688 (in Volume 9 of Collected Works), 1984, vocal score
of choral section by Yuri Olenev, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10713 (in Volume 1 of Collected Works), 1987, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2001, New Collected Works Volume 2, full
score, 112, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works, Volume 17,
piano score by T. Sergeyeva, 222 including 31 pages of facsimile in colour,
30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 20 minutes in score; 15' 25"–21' 21".
Ballet: Second Symphony. Igor Belsky, one-act ballet performed at the
Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre in the 1970s.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D017953-4 (mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Krupskaya Institute Chorus, Ivan Poltavtsev
(chorus-master), Igor BLAZHKOV (conductor). P Leningrad concert 1 Nov.
1965, I 1966. Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 195. I Oct.
1993, G Jan. 1994.
*LP—USSR: Melodiya D023831-2 (mono) and CM 01883-4. [Op. 107.]
Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Students of the Krupskaya
Institute Chorus, Ivan Poltavtsev (chorus-master), I. BLAZHKOV. P Leningrad
studio c.1968 (the conductor cannot recall the exact date—as per Kenzo
Amoh) ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2747 (stereo). [Op. 27a.] I 1971, G Sept.
Czech: Supraphon ST 50958. Slovák Philharmonic Orchestra and
Chorus, Ladislav SLOVÁK. P June 1967, G July 1969.
RCA Victor Red Seal SB 6755. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and
Chorus, John McCarthy (chorus-master), Igor Buketoff (chorus-director),
Morton GOULD (conductor). P 1968, G Oct. 1968. ~ USA: RCA Victor
LSC 3044. P 1968, G Oct. 1968.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 03625-6. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Aleksandr Yurlov
(chorus-master), Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1972, I 1973 ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 3060. G May 1975 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502501 in Set SLS
5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 03625–6 (in first box of

Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873

(DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde
LDC 278 1001-2. G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19844-2.
I July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
Decca SXDL 7535 (digital). London Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir,
John Alldis (chorus-master), Bernard HAITINK. P Jan. 1981, G July 1982.
Reissued on CD—Decca 421 131-2DH. G June 1988 ~ Decca Ovation
425 064-2DM. G Nov. 1993.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00119 002 (digital). USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Yurlov Republican Russian Choir, Rozaliya Peregudova
(chorus-master), Stanislav Gusev (chorus-director), Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P 1984, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 200. G Apr. 1988.
CD—Decca 436 762-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Brighton
Festival Chorus, Laszlo Heltay (chorus-master), Vladimir ASHKENAZY.
P Walthamstow Jan. 1989, I June 1994, G Aug. 1994.
Naxos 8.550624. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 8–10 Jan. 1990, G Nov. 1993.
Denon CO 75719. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Chorus Viennesis—
Guido Mancusi (chorus-master) and Damenchor des Wiener Singvereins—
Johannes Prinz (chorus-master), Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna concert 16–18 Oct.
1992, G Aug. 1994.
Teldec 4509 90853-2. London Symphony Orchestra, London Voices,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P London 8–9 Feb. 1993, I Sept. 1994, G Oct.
1994 ~ Teldec 0630-17-46-2. G Oct. 1997 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus 2564
61374-2. [Op. 135.] I 2004.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6274 (on first of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Opp. 10 and 20.]
P Cologne 23 Jan. 1995, I Dec. 2001.
BBC Music BBC MM50. BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Geoffrey
Mitchell Choir, Stephen Jackson (chorus-master), Mark ELDER. P Royal
Festival Hall, London concert 17 Feb. 1996, I Oct. 1996 magazine.
Deutsche Grammophon 469 525-2GH. Gothenburg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Aug. 2000, G May 2001.
**Germany: Capriccio 71 031 (Hybrid SACD). Prague Philharmonic
Chorus, Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 47.]
P Cologne studio 20–24 Jan. and 13–17 July 2004, I Aug. 2005.
EMI Classics 3 35994-2. Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and
Chorus, Mariss JANSONS. [Op. 112.] P Munich 29–30 June 2004 and
10 Jan. 2005, I Nov. 2005, G Feb. 2006. NB. Stated to be the first
recording with a factory siren.
Germany: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1206-2
(CD) and MDG 937 1206-6 (SACD). Beethoven Orchestra, National
O PUS 15: T H E N OSE 35

Ukrainian Choir ‘Dumka’, Roman KOFMAN. [Op. 112.] P Heilig-Kreuz-

Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany 16 and 17 Sept. 2004, I Feb. 2007.
Arts 47705-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di
Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium di Milano concert
July 2005, I 2006.
Supraphon SU 38902 (on second of ten-disc set). Prague Sym-
phony Orchestra and Philharmonic Choir, Jan Svejkovský (chorus-master),
Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 93.] P Smetana Hall, Prague concert 6–7 Dec.
2005, G Nov. 2006.
Note: Received the first prize in a Leningrad Philharmonic competition for
the best symphonic score on the tenth anniversary of the October Socialist

Opus 15: The Nose

Form: A satirical opera in three acts, for chamber orchestra (with 2 harps,
piano, flexatone, domras, and balalaikas), S.A.T.B. chorus, and 82 singing/
speaking parts. Libretto by Yevgeni Zamyatin, Georgi Ionin, Aleksandr
Preis, and the composer, based on the short story Nose by Nikolai Gogol.
The opera falls into sixteen sections:

1. Introduction (Overture)—Allegro attacca
Scene 1: 2. The barber Ivan Yakovlevich—Adagio attacca
Scene 2: 3. The Embankment—Presto
4. Entr’acte for percussion instruments—Allegro molto
Scene 3: 5. The bedroom of Kovalyov—Adagio attacca
6. Galop—Allegro molto attacca
Scene 4: 7. Kazan Cathedral—Largo
8. Introduction Allegro attacca
Scene 5: 9. In the newspaper dispatch office—Allegro non troppo
10. Entr’acte—Largo attacca
Scene 6: 11. In Kovalyov’s apartment—Allegretto
Scene 7: 12. On the outskirts of St Petersburg—Allegretto attacca
Scene 8: 13. In the apartments of Kovalyov and Podtochina—
Allegretto attacca
14. Intermezzo—Moderato attacca

Scene 9: 15. In Kovalyov’s apartment—Allegro attacca
Scene 10: 16. Nevsky Prospect—Andante
Instrumentation: flute (= piccolo), oboe (= cor anglais), B flat clarinet
(= E flat, A, and bass clarinet), bassoon (= contrabassoon) ~ horn, trumpet
(= cornet), trombone (tenor and bass) ~ triangle, tambourine, castanets, side
drum, tom-tom, rattle, cymbals (2 players—colla bacchetta and ordinario),
bass drum, gong ~ whistle, orchestral bells, glockenspiel, xylophone,
flexatone ~ small and alto domras, 2 balalaikas ~ 2 harps, piano ~ reduced
string section with five-string double basses specified.
Composed: Between the summers of 1927 and 1928. Act 1 was written
within a month and Act 2 within a fortnight in January 1928, mostly at
Moscow; Act 3 completed in three weeks at Leningrad.
Premières: Suite: 25 November 1928, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
Sovphil Orchestra, Nikolai Malko; Ivan Burlak (soloist in Nos. 2 and 6) and
N. Barishev (soloist in No. 5).
26 May 1929, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra.
19 October 1929, Prague.
Opera: 16 June 1929, Malyi Opera Theatre, Leningrad; concert version.
14 January 1930, Moscow-Narva House of Culture, Leningrad; three
scenes performed with comments by the composer and musicologists,
Yulian Vainkop and Ivan Sollertinsky. Complete opera on 18 January 1930,
Malyi Opera Theatre, Leningrad; décor by Vladimir Dmitriev, produced by
Nikolai Smolich, and conducted by Samuil Samosud; principal roles—Pavel
Zhuravlenko, (Kovalyov), V. Raikov (Ivan Yakovlevich), Pyotr Zasetsky
(Ivan), and Ivan Nechayev (Nose).
UK broadcast: 21 October 1972, BBC Radio 3 presentation in Edward
Downes’s English translation; BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra and
Singers, E. Downes; principal roles—Geoffrey Chard (Kovalyov), Michael
Langdon (Ivan Yakovlevich), and Nigel Rogers (Ivan and Nose).
UK: 4 April 1973, Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London; New Opera
Company, Leon Lovett; principal roles—Alan Opie (Kovalyov), Bryan
Drake (Ivan Yakovlevich), Neville Williams (Ivan), and Bernard Dickerson
(Nose). Performed in Downes’s English translation.
USSR revival: 12 September 1974, Moscow Chamber Opera’s
Youth Group, produced by Boris Pokrovsky, conducted by Gennadi
Rozhdestvensky. Principal roles as on the Melodiya recording.
UK: 26 February 2005, Barbican Hall, London; Mariinsky Theatre
Orchestra, Chorus, and Soloists, Valery Gergiev.
O PUS 15: T H E N OSE 37

Arrangements: Reduction of the accompaniment for piano by the composer.

English translations of the libretto by Merle and Deena Puffer, B. Vierne,
and Edward Downes; German translation by Helmut Wagner and Karl
Heinz Füssl; Italian version by Fedele D’Amico and Angelo Maria Ripellino;
French, anonymously. Overture arranged for piano by Quinto Maganini.
Arias Nos. 2, 5, and 6 from Opus 15a in Italian translation.
Opus 15a—Suite of seven excerpts for chamber orchestra, tenor and
baritone soloists, assembled by the composer in May and June 1928. Instru-
mentation as opera less bells and domras.
1. Overture—Allegro
2. Kovalyov’s aria from Scene 5—Largo con moto
3. Percussion Interlude to Scene 3—Allegro molto
4. Interlude to Scene 6—Adagio attacca
5. Ivan’s aria from Scene 6—Allegretto attacca
6. Kovlayov’s monologue from Scene 6—Andante
7. Galop from Scene 3—Allegro
Words of No. 5 traditional: Smerdyakov’s song from Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s
novel The Brothers Karamazov of 1880.
Music: The autograph full score is the property of the Universal Edition
publishing house, Vienna but the whereabouts of the autograph vocal score
is not known. A portion of Scene 1 and fig. 504 with start of Epilogue of
the autograph scores are reproduced in Volumes 18 and 19 of Collected
Works respectively. Autograph score of the Suite Opus 15a preserved in the
Shostakovich Family Archive.
Sokol, Leningrad, mimeographed format, 1929.
Universal Edition, English translation by Merle Puffer, vocal score.
Universal Edition, No. 13439, 1962, vocal score with piano reduction
by Karl Götz, and German text by Helmut Wagner and Karl Heinz Füssl,
30.5 cm.
Edition Musicus, No. 228, c.1964, Overture arr. by Q. Maganini with
additional parts and cross-cueing, though employing the original instru-
mentation, 31 cm.
Santa Fe Opera, c.1965, libretto in English translation by Merle and
Deena Puffer, 23 pages, 27 cm.
Muzyka, No. 7544, 1974, vocal score in composer’s piano reduction,
30 cm.
G. Schirmer, No. 47700, c.1977, percussion interlude No. 3 of Suite for
triangle, tambourine, castanets, side drum, tom-tom, 3 cymbals, bass drum,
and gong; 3 scores.
Muzyka, No. 8392 (Volume 18 of Collected Works), 1981, full score, 30 cm.

Muzyka, No. 10714 (Volume 19 of Collected Works), 1981, vocal score,

30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11935 (in Volume 23 of Collected Works), 1986, full score
of Suite Op. 15a, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow: full score in Volume 50, piano score in
Volume 51, and Suite Opus 15a in Volume 68 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Opera: 1 hr 43 mins. and Suite Op. 15a: 22' 22"–25' 31".
Film: The Composer Shostakovich. A Soviet film, produced by Yuri Belyankin,
recorded the final rehearsals of the 1974 Moscow revival. For details see
under the Appendix.
Recordings: LP—USA: Aries LP 1601. Suite Opus 15a. Arias sung in Italian.
Tommaso Frascati (tenor), Paolo Pedani (baritone), Rome RAI Symphony
Orchestra, Franco MANNINO. P Rome concert 13 Apr. 1963. NB. Record
label states ‘Massimo Freccia conducting Italian Radio Orchestra’.
Italy: Fonit Centra Doc 83 (mono). Italian version by Fedele D’Amico
and Angelo Maria Ripellino. Renato Capecchi (Kovalkov), Italo Tajo (Ivan
Yakovlevich), Tommaso Frascati (District Inspector), Dino Formichini
(Ivan), Antonio Pirino (Nose), Cesy Broggini (Pelageya Podtochina), Jolanda
Meneguzzer (Podtochina’s daughter), Donatella Rosa (Barber’s wife);
singers, actors, and instrumentalists of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino,
Adolfo Fanfani (chorus-master), Bruno BARTOLETTI. P Firenze concert
23 May 1964.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 07007-10. Eduard Akimov
(Kovalkov), Valeri Belykh (Ivan Yakovlevich), Boris Tarkhov (District
Inspector), Boris Druzhinin (Ivan), Aleksandr Lomonosov (Nose), Lyudmila
Sapegina (Pelageya Podtochina), Lyudmila Ukolova (Podtochina’s daughter),
Nina Zazulova (Barber’s wife); singers, actors, and instrumentalists of the
Moscow Chamber Music Theatre, Vladimir Agronsky (chorus-master),
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY (conductor). P 1974, I 1977a ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 3359-60 in Set SLS 5088. G Sept. 1977 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10
07007-10 (in joint first and second box of Part 3 of Collected Works on
Records). I 1978 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 60319-2. G May 1999 ~ *Russia:
Melodiya MELCD10 01192 (two-disc set). [Sans op. K(i)], G Awards
(Oct.) 2007.
LP—Germany: Thorofon Capella MTH 149 (‘Drums in Concert’).
Suite No. 3 only. Percussion Ensemble, Siegfried FINK. P c.1979.
CD—France: Praga PR 250 003. Suite Opus 15a. Luděk Löbl
(tenor), Jindřich Jindrák (baritone), Boris Avkensentive (balalaika), Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Prague concert 12 Jan.
1979, I June 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28481 006. Suite No. 3 only. Ritmo Ensemble,
Mark PEKARSKY. P 1989, I 1989d.
OP US 16: T AH IT I T ROT 39

LaserDisc—Japan: Toshiba EMI TOWL 3747-8. Eduard Akimov

(Kovalkov), Aleksei Mochalov (Ivan Yakovlevich), Boris Tarkhov (District
Inspector), Boris Druzhinin (Ivan), Nikolai Kurpe (Nose), Viktor
Borovkov (Newspaper man), Lyudmila Sokolenko (Girl), Ashot Sarkisov
(Doctor), Lyudmila Kolmakova (Pelageya Podtochina), Elesna Andreyeva
(Podtochina’s daughter), Mariya Lemesheva (Barber’s wife); singers, actors,
and instrumentalists of the Moscow Chamber Music Theatre, Vladimir
AGRONSKY. P 9 Aug. 1995, I 1996.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 779. Suite Opus 15a. Vladimir Katschuk
(tenor), Stanislav Suleimanov (baritone), Cologne Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne 3–8 June 1996, I July 1999.
**Switzerland: Cascavelle Radio Suisse Romande RSR 6183 (two-disc
set). Andrew Schroeder (Kovalkov), Vladimir Matorin (Ivan Yakovlevich),
Aleksandr Kravetz (District Inspector), Ivan Matiakh (Ivan), Beau
Palmer (Nose), Linda Ormiston (Pelageya Podtochina), Jeannette Fischer
(Podtochina’s daughter), Lausanne Opera Chorus, Véronique Carrot
(chorus-master), Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Armin JORDAN. P Opéra de
Lausanne concert 11 and 13 Nov. 2001, I 2004.
Note: Levon Hakobian’s article in Shostakovich and His World (Laurel E. Fay
ed., Princeton University Press, 2004, 117–61) discusses the opera’s content
in detail and has five music examples.

Opus 16: Tahiti Trot

Form: Transcription for orchestra of Vincent Youman’s song ‘Tea for
Two’, from the 1925 operetta No, No, Nanette, in A flat major marked
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, bassoon ~ 4 horns, 2
trumpets, trombone ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals ~ glockenspiel/
xylophone (one player), celesta, harp ~ strings.
Composed: 1 October 1927, from memory in 45 minutes, as a wager that he
could orchestrate the number in an hour, at Nikolai Malko’s home.
Dedication: ‘To dear Nikolai Andreyevich Malko as a token of my best
Premières: 25 November 1928, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Sovphil
Orchestra, Nikolai Malko.
UK: 14 August 1981, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. Also broadcast on BBC
Radio 3 simultaneously with BBC2 TV.
Arrangements: The piece was included in the ballet music for The Golden
Age, Opus 22, at the request of Aleksandr Gauk, with slight changes to the
orchestration (including the addition of wood block and saxophone).

Rearrangement of Shostakovich’s transcription for brass band (featur-

ing two xylophones plus flexatone and two tuned Minton teacups) by
Howard Snell. Performed in the ‘Best of Brass 1984’ final on BBC2 TV,
9 November 1984, by the Desford Colliery Dowty Band, conducted by
H. Snell. Another brass band transcription by David Purser.
Reduction for organ by Mariya Makarova.
Music: The first 16 bars from the then unpublished manuscript are reproduced
in Malko (1966). Full score reconstructed by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky
from orchestral parts in Mrs Malko’s possession.
[Chappell, No. 28568, 1924, song ‘Tea for Two’ by Vincent Youmans
with lyrics by Irving Caesar, 31 cm.]
Muzyka, No. 11678 (as a supplement to Volume 10 of Collected Works),
full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow: 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score, 30 cm.
Duration: 2' 26"–4' 17"; 4' 58" in Bolshoi Ballet production of Opus 22,
London, July 1986 and 4' 23" as arranged for organ.
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—USSR: 13266-7 (10"). All-Union Radio Stage
Symphony Orchestra, Leonid YURIEV. P 1945. Reissued on LP—USA:
Colosseum CRLP 167 (‘Footlight Favorites from behind the Iron
Curtain’—concert, mono) I 1954.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D005704-5 (8" mono). Labelled as ‘Plyaska’ (‘Folk
Dance’). All-Union Radio Stage Symphony Orchestra, Yuri SILANTIEV. P
USSR: Melodiya C10 10399-400. USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P 1978, I 1978d.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘From Manu-
scripts of Different Years’). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 1650331. G July
1983. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G Mar. 1999.
CD—BBC Radio Classics DMCD 98 (‘BBC Proms Centenary 1895–
1995’). BBC Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Proms concert
14 Aug. 1981, G Oct. 1995 ~ *BBC Legends BBCL 4242-2. [Opp. 112,
54, and Sans op. H(ii).] I Aug. 2008 G Nov. 2008.
LP—Polyphonic PRL 024D (‘Best of Brass’, digital). Arr. H. Snell.
Desford Colliery Dowty Band, Howard SNELL. P Derby July and August
1984, G Aug. 1985.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1279 (digital) and CHAN 8587.
Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 14–17 Apr. 1987,
G July 1988.
CD—Teldec 8 44136. Arr. D. Purser. London Brass, David PURSER.
P May 1988, I 1988.
OP US 16: T AH IT I T ROT 41

USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 551 (‘Shostakovich Film Festival’). Chicago

Sinfonietta, Paul FREEMAN. P Oak Park, Illinois May 1990, I Aug. 1991.
Bandleader BNA5061 (‘Sugar and Spice’). Arr. H. Snell. Kneller Hall
Band, Colonel Frank RENTON. P Islington 1–2 May 1991, G Dec. 1992.
Decca 433 702-2DH. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY.
P Amsterdam 3 May 1991, G Mar. 1993 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon
Panorama 469 316-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 10, 47, 122, 35, G(ii), and 97.]
I 2001.
*Australia: ABC Classics 476 160-2. Queensland Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir VERBITSKY. [‘Elegance—Beautiful Music for Dancing’.] P ABC
Studio, Brisbane 1–5 Mar. 1993, I 2004.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Arr. for organ. Mariya
MAKAROVA (organ). P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995, 1 Mar. 1997.
EMI Classics CDC5 55601-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Collingswood, New Jersey 8, 9, and 11 Mar. 1996, G Sept. 1997.
USA: Pope Music PMG 2015-2 (‘Russian Pops’). Russian Symphony
Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Moscow Conservatory Sept. 1996.
USA: DE 3257 (‘Waltzes’). Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine
ORBELIAN. P Moscow Conservatory 12–14 July 1999, G Dec. 1999.
**CD and DVD—Naxos 8.555949. Russian State Symphony Orchestra,
Dmitri YABLONSKY. [Op. 27, Sans op. G(ii) and E.] P Moscow Oct. 2001,
G July 2002. *Reissued on DVD—Naxos Audio 5.110006. [As CD.]
I Mar. 2003.
Australia: ABC Classics 472 831-2. Queensland Symphony Orchestra,
Michel SWIERCZEWSKI. [‘Music for Sundays’] P Brisbane Concert Hall
concert 4 Nov. 2001, I 2003.
CD—Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2003 9 (‘Russian Film Music
II’). Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergei SKRIPKA. [Opp. 45, 97, Sans
op. E; Petrov, Khachaturyan, Lebedev et al.] P Moscow Radio Studio
Mar. 2002, I 2002.
Virgin Classics 54 5069-2 (‘Ballet Russe’). Radio France Philharmonic
Orchestra, Paavo JÄRVI. [Op. 22, Sans op. G(ii); Tchaikovsky, Khachaturyan,
Prokofiev et al.] P Auditorium Messiaen, Radio France, Paris 16–21 Dec.
2002 and 2–6 June 2003, G July 2004.
Germany: Sony Classical SXP 130082 (‘Who is Afraid of 20th Century
Music? IV’). Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra, Ingo METZMACHER.
[Ibert, Revueltas, Lutoslawski et al.] P Hamburg 31 Dec. 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 096 (Hybrid SACD). Berlin Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Steven SLOANE. [Op. 105; Sans opp. E and G(ii).] P Jesus-Christus-
Kirke, Berlin 28. Sept.–2 Oct. 2004, I Oct. 2006.
Note: See the article by Solomon Volkov in The Musical Quarterly, April
1978, 223–8.

Opus 17: Two Pieces by Scarlatti

Form: Transcription for wind ensemble and timpani of two harpsichord
pieces by Domenico Scarlatti:
1. Pastorale (Longo catalogue No. 413)—Allegro non tanto
2. Capriccio (Longo catalogue No. 375)—Presto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
2 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone ~ timpani. The brass instruments are not
employed in No. 1.
Composed: Autumn 1928.
Premières: 25 November 1928, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Sovphil
Orchestra, Nikolai Malko.
UK: 22 June 1984, Almeida Theatre, Islington, London; Contemporary
Chamber Orchestra, Odaline de la Martinez.
Music: Location of the autograph score not discovered but handwritten scores
and parts found, after the composer’s death, by Igor Blazhkov in the library
of the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
Muzyka, No. 27, 1983, photocopied manuscript score numbered Opus
16, 36 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score, 30 cm.
Duration: No. 1: 3' 35" and No. 2: 3' 30".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Soviet wind ensemble under Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 1650331.
G July 1983 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G Mar. 1999 ~ France:
Le Chant du Monde PR 7250 090. P given as Czech Radio concert 7 July
1981, G Feb. 2001.
**USA: Equilibrium EQ 59. University of Michigan Symphony Band,
Michael HAITHCOCK. [Persichetti, Tchaikovsky, Russell Bennett et al.]
P University of Michigan 1 Nov. 2001, I 2003.

Opus 18: New Babylon

Form: Music for small orchestra (including flexatone and piano) for the silent
black-and-white film New Babylon, directed by Grigori Kozintsev and
Leonid Trauberg and produced by the FEKS Group, for the Leningrad
Sovkino Studio. Screenplay by Kozintsev and Trauberg based on an idea
by Pavel Blyakhin (after the writings of Karl Marx and Ěmile Zola). Art
direction by Yevgeni Enei. The shop girl Louise was played by Yelana
Kuzmina and the soldier Jean, by her husband Pyotr Sobolevsky. Provisional
OP U S 18: N EW BABY L ON 43

titles: ‘The Assault on Heaven’ [or ‘Storming the Skies’] and ‘Episodes of
the Paris Commune in 1871’.
Instrumentation: flute, oboe, B flat clarinet, bassoon ~ 2 horns, trumpet,
trombone ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum,
gong, flexatone, xylophone (3 percussionists) ~ piano ~ strings. Tam-tam
and orchestral bells in restored end fragment.
Fitz-Gerald’s instrumentation reduces the percussion to timpani and a
single performer and the strings to two violins, single viola, cello and bass.
Composed: 28 December 1928 (signing of contract) to early March 1929, at
Leningrad. Piano score written in two weeks with completion on 31 January
Premières: The eight-reel Sovkino film was first shown at the Piccadilly
cinema in Leningrad on 18 March 1929, with the music conducted by
Mikhail Vladimirov, but the score was replaced by simpler mood pieces
after about three screenings and not used habitually until the film was
released in a Moscow cinema, where the pit orchestra was conducted by
Ferdinand Krish.
Film revival: 21 November 1975, Paris Film Festival; the film shown
with the score played by the Ensemble Ars Nova under the direction of
Marius Constant.
UK broadcast: 13 March 1978, BBC Northern Ireland Orchestra,
Havelock Nelson; Suite Nos. 1, 5, and 6.
UK film revival: 22 September 1982, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London;
the film shown with the original accompanying score played by the London
Lyric Orchestra, under conductor Omri Hadari.
Netherlands film revival: 21 November 1982, Eindhoven; Brabant
Orchestra, O. Hadari (in the presence of Leonid Trauberg, who was seeing
his film for the first time in 50 years).
USA film revival: 3 October 1983, Radio City Music Hall, New York;
a Corinth Films Release, presented for the first time with a live symphony
orchestra, as a special event at the 21st New York Film Festival; Radio City
Music Hall Chamber Orchestra, O. Hadari.
BBC Television: 11 January 1985, the first TV screening introduced by
Lindsay Anderson; London Lyric Orchestra, O. Hadari.
Australia: 9 November 2008, City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney,
NSW; film presented by Russian Resurrection; SBS Youth Orchestra,
Matthew Krel.
UK restoration of the original print: 16 and 17 May 2009, Opera North,
Howard Assembly Room, Victorian Grand Theatre, Leeds; realised by
Marek Pytel and conducted by Mark Fitz-Gerald. All originally cut filmic
material, including censored ending, restored at constant 24 frames per

Arrangement: Suite restored from orchestral parts by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky:

1. War—Allegro non troppo
2. Paris—Allegro moderato attacca
3. The Siege of Paris—Largo
4. Operetta—Moderato—Allegretto
5. Paris has stood for centuries—Allegretto
6. Versailles—Adagio—Allegretto [attacca]
7. Finale—Andante—Allegro (this item, banded separately on the 1975
recording, is the coda of No. 6 in the printed score)
No. 1 includes the main theme of Scherzo in E flat major, Opus 7 and
No. 6 quotes the solo piano piece ‘Old French Song’, No. 16 from Pyotr
Tchaikovsky’s Album for Children, Opus 39. The score introduces several
other themes, notably the round dance ‘La Carmagnole’ and the chant ‘Ça
Ira!’ of the French Revolution; Rouget de l’Isle’s ‘La Marseillaise’; and the
waltz and can-can, respectively, from Jacques Offenbach’s operettas La Belle
Héllène and Orphée aux Enfers.
Music: The autograph score is preserved at GTsMMK though the composer
thought that the music was lost. On 27 January 1976 Pravda reported that
the orchestral parts had been discovered in a storeroom at the Lenin Library,
Moscow by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Sovkino, Leningrad, 1929, 14 orchestral parts and piano score, numbered
Opus 17 as originally designated by the composer, 34 cm. [The piano part
of the Library of Congress copy of ten parts (strings missing) has film cues
marked in English in red ink.]
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4191, 1976, Suite from Music to the Film,
restored by Rozhdestvensky, full score numbered Opus 17 (see Plate 6),
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works, Volume 122,
full score, 576 pp., 30 cm.
Duration: Film: 94–106 minutes (2200 metres, seven reels). Complete film
score: 84' 23"– 91' 30". Restored version: (2580 metres). Suite: given as
50 minutes in score; the 1975 recording, which has three cuts in No. 4,
timed at 41 minutes; 44' 19".
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 07381-2. Suite. Soloist
Ensemble of the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P 1975, I 1977b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3381. G Dec. 1977. Reissued on
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 064. I Feb. 1995.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 341/42. Complete film score in eight
parts. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, James JUDD. P Berlin 1–12 Oct.
1989 and 7–8 Feb. 1989 (sic), I Oct. 1990.

Chandos CHAN 9600. Suite. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri

POLYANSKY. P Mosfilm Studio Jan. 1995, G June 1998.
Germany: Hänssler Classic SWR Music CD 93.188 (two-disc set).
Original score in eight parts. Kai Adomeit (piano), SWR Rundfunkorchester
Kaiserslautern, Frank STROBEL. [Op. 120.] P SWR Studio 8–13 and 17 June
Notes: The movements were given the following titles in the première
programme: 1. General Sale, 2. Head over Heels, 3. The Siege of Paris, 4.
18 March 1871, 5. Versailles against Paris, 6. The Barricade, 7. To the Firing
Squad, and 8. Death.
See Chapter VIII in Leonid Trauberg and His Films by Theodore van
Houten (Art & Research/Graduate Press, s-Hertogenbosch, Buren, 1989)
and Shostakovich and FEKS by Dr Hélène Bernatchez (Munich, 2006); and
the articles ‘Nothing but Trouble’ by Alan Mercer in DSCH Journal No. 1
(summer 1994), 29–35; ‘Myth, Parisity and Found Music’ by John Riley
in DSCH Journal No. 4 (winter 1995), 27–31 and the original 1929 print
restored by Marek Pytel and conductor Mark Fitz-Gerald in DSCH Journal
No. 30 (January 2009), 61–64.

Opus 19: The Bedbug

Form: Incidental music to the comedy The Bedbug by Vladimir Mayakovsky.
The score for small orchestra with bass-baritone and chorus (in No. 8) and
orchestra (in Nos. 19–20) consists of 23 items numbered as follows:
Part One—The Year 1929
1–3. March—Tempo di marcia (No. 1 in the Suite)

5. Galop—Allegro (No. 2 in the Suite)
6. Foxtrot—Allegro non troppo (No. 3 in the Suite)
7. Foxtrot (Wedding [‘Intermezzo’ is an unknown person’s title]—
Allegretto* (No. 5 in the Suite)
8. [Wedding Scene]—Allegro
9. Waltz—Andante (No. 4 in the Suite)
10. Dance (Foxtrot)
11. (Symphonic Entr’acte—a combination of Nos. 4 and 7)
12. Fire—[Vivo]* and Fire Signals*
13. Fireman’s Chorus [The full score inscribed ‘Finale of Part 1’ by an
unknown person]—[Marciale]*
Part Two—Fifty Years Later
14–18. Scene in the Public Garden (or Boulevard)—[Allegretto moderato]—
(No. 6 in the Suite)

19. March of the Pioneers—Allegretto*

20. March of the City Elders—[Tempo di marcia]*
21. Flourish—Allegro*
22. Waltz from Act 2—[Moderato]*
23. [Closing March]—[Giocoso] (No. 7 in the Suite)
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 soprano saxophones ~ horn,
2 trumpets, trombone, tuba ~ E flat alto, B flat baritone, and bass saxhorns
~ triangle, tom-tom, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ flexatone, balalaika,
guitar ~ strings. Nos. 4–6 inscribed ‘for two accordions’ though played by a
trio in the production.
Composed: January–February 1929, in less than a month at Moscow and
Premières: 13 February 1929, Meyerhold Theatre, Moscow; directed by
Meyerhold; décor by Kukryniksky and Aleksandr Rodchenko.
UK suite: 10 July 1982, Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London;
Haroutune Bedelian (violin), Elizabeth Wilson (cello), and Kathron
Sturrock (piano).
USA suite: 12 January 1987, Merkin Concert Hall, New York; De Capo
Chamber Players (Joel Lester, André Emelianoff, and Sarah Rothenberg).
USA surviving published score (Nos. 1, 7, 8, 12–13/14–18, 19–23):
25 January 2008, Lincoln Center, New York; American Symphony
Orchestra, Leon Botstein; Joshua Winograde (bass-baritone, Concert
Chorale of New York (James Bagwell (chorus-master), and four speakers.
Arrangements: Suite of seven numbers from the score:

1. March—Tempo di marcia
2. Galop—Allegro
3. Foxtrot—Allegro non troppo
4. Waltz—Andante
5. Intermezzo—Allegretto
6. Scene in the Boulevard—[Allegretto moderato]
7. Closing March—[Giocoso]

Nos. 2 and 4 taken from New Babylon, Opus 18 (‘War’ and ‘Versailles’
Reduction for piano of the Suite: Nos. 1–4 arranged by the composer and
Nos. 5–7 by Lev Solin; and eight items from the incidental music (marked*)
by V. Samarin.
Suite (Nos. 1–7) transcribed for piano trio by Gerard McBurney.
Music: Autograph score, numbered Opus 18, preserved at the Bakhrushin
State Central Theatrical Museum. Autograph vocal and piano scores of
the March, the Waltz for solo piano, ‘March of the Pioneers’, and other

incomplete items preserved at PGALI. A page of the autograph full score

of ‘Wedding Scene’ at the first flexatone entry reproduced in Volume 27 of
collected works. A page of the autograph socre of ‘March of the Pioneers’ is
reproduced on page 78 of Roseberry (1982).
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to Plays),
1977, seven pieces arr. for piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, vocal and
piano scores of fifteen items, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, eleven items
(Nos. 1–3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14–18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23) in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 116 and piano score in
Volume 120 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Suite: Nos. 1–7: 19' 00".
Ballet: The Bedbug. Leonid Yakobson, Kirov Theatre, Leningrad, 24 July 1962. A
one-act ballet-buffa reworked for the Leningrad Ballet Troupe ‘Choreographic
Miniatures’, 20 July 1974. UK première of Yakobson’s ballet: 25 July 2006,
Coliseum Theatre, London; Mariinsky Opera and Ballet under its Artistic
Director Valery Gergiev; Boris Messerer (designer), Andrei Ivanov (Prisypkin,
the Clown), Ekaterina Osmolkina (Zoya), Nikolai Naumov (Mayakovsky, the
Poet), Mariinsky Orchestra, Tugan Sokhiev (conductor).
Recordings: LP and CD—Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. Suite Nos. 3, 4, and 2.
Inger WIKSTRÖM (piano). P Stockholm 28 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Sweden: Swedish Society Discofil SCO 1031. I 1988.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00107 009 (Album 3 of ‘From Manuscripts of
Different Years’, digital). Suite Nos. 1, 5, 6, and 7. USSR Ministry of
Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1982, I 1985d.
Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G Mar. 1999.
Cassette—Whitetower Records Ensemble ENS 132 (‘Music and Revolution,
Volume 1’, digital real time). Suite Nos. 1, 2, 4–7 arr. G. McBurney.
Alexander BALANESCU (violin), Elizabeth WILSON, (cello), and Andrew BALL
(piano). Volume 1). I 1985.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28379 002. Suite No. 5 arr. L. Solin.
Vladimir VIARDO (piano). P1986, I 1990a.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Suite. Nos. 5, 6, 4, 1,
3, 2, and 7 arr. composer and L. Solin. Rustem HAYROUDINOFF (piano).
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I Apr. 2001.

Opus 20: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major

Form: Symphony, subtitled ‘The First of May’ or ‘May Day’, in one movement
marked ‘Allegretto’, with four or five subdivisions, for full orchestra and
S.A.T.B. chorus (for the choral hymn finale setting of a poem by Semyon

Kirsanov). Originally called ‘A May Symphony’ and this subtitle preserved

in the piano reduction.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone ~ S.A.T.B. chorus ~
strings. Five-string double-basses required in the symphony; their use is not
stipulated in the list of instruments.
Composed: July onwards 1929, at Leningrad.
Premières: 21 January 1930, Moscow-Narva House of Culture, Leningrad;
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and Academy Capella Choir, Aleksandr
Gauk. [Official première given in Leningrad on 6 November 1931 under
the same conductor.]
USA: 30 December 1932, Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski.
[Without the choral finale (replaced by an instrumental arrangement?).]
USSR revival: 12 May 1964, Leningrad; Igor Blazhkov.
Arrangements: Reduction for voices and two pianos four hands by the
composer. English translation of the poem by Valeria Vlazinskaya.
Music: The autograph score preserved at PGALI.
Muzgiz, No. 13064, 1932, with Russian and German texts (the latter by
D. Ussov), 33 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1946, with Russian and German texts, 21.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9000, 1975, full score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10778 (in Volume 2 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11688 (in Volume 9 of Collected Works), 1984, the com-
poser’s vocal score of the choral section, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2226, 1993, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2002, New Collected Works Volume 3, full
score including 6 pages of facsimile in colour, with Opus 43 fragment,
224 pages, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2003, New Collected Works Volume 18, the
composer’s reduction for voice and two pianos four hands, 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in score; 26' 12"–33' 20"; 25 minutes
(M. MacDonald); 28 minutes (Schirmer).
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya D017953-4 (mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Krupskaya Institute Chorus, Ivan Poltavtsev
(chorus-master), Igor BLAZHKOV. P Leningrad concert 12 Nov. 1964.
RCA Victor Red Seal SB 6755. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and
Chorus, John McCarthy (chorus-master), Igor Buketoff (chorus-director),
Morton GOULD (conductor). P 1968, G Oct. 1968.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 04237-8. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Aleksandr Yurlov

(chorus-master), Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1972, I 1974c. ~ HMV Melodiya

ASD 3045. G Feb. 1975 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502502 in Set SLS 5025.
G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 04237-8 (in first box of Part 1 of
Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (DMM).
G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278
1001-2. G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 7432119845-2, I July
1994, G Nov. 1994.
CD—France: Praga PR 254 055. Czech (Prague) Radio Symphony
Orchestra Vacláv SMETÁČEK. P Czech Radio 1974,1 July 1994.
LP and CD—Decca SXDL 7535 (digital). London Philharmonic
Orchestra and Choir, John Alldis (chorus-master), Bernard HAITINK. P Jan.
1981, G July 1982. Reissued on CD—Decca 421 131-2DH. I Mar. 1988,
G June 1988 ~ Decca Ovation 425 063-2DM. I Aug. 1993, G Nov. 1993.
I Aug. 1993, G Nov. 1993.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00129 006 (digital). USSR Ministry of Cul-
ture Symphony Orchestra, Yurlov Republican Russian Choir, Rozaliya
Peregudova (chorus-master), Stanislav Gusev (chorus-director), Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 161.
I Nov. 1988, G May 1989 ~ *USA: Moscow Studio Archives MOS 19061.
[Op. 10.] I 2004.
Naxos 8.550623. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Slovák
Philharmonic Chorus, Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 20–26 Jan. 1990,
I Jan. 1993, G Nov. 1993.
Decca 436 760–2. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Bach Choir, David
Willcocks (chorus-master), Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow May 1992,
I Oct. 1994.
CD—Denon CO 75444. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Vienna Youth
Choir, Giinther Theuring (chorus-master), Schola Cantorum, Eliahu INBAL.
P Vienna concert 13–15 Oct. 1992, I Nov. 1993, G Feb. 1994.
Teldec 4509 90853-2. London Symphony Orchestra, London
Voices, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P London 8–9 Feb. 1993, I Sept. 1994,
G Oct. 1994 ~ Teldec 0630-17046-2. G Oct. 1997.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on first of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Opp 10 and 14.]
P Cologne 30 Sept.–3 Oct. 1994.
BBC Proms BBCP 1005-2. London Symphony Chorus, BBC Scottish
Symphony Orchestra, Osmo VÄNSKÄ. P Proms concert 19 Aug. 1998,
I Aug. 1999, G Nov. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 469 525-2GH. Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra,
Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Dec. 1996, I Mar. 2001, G May 2001.
**Switzerland: Relief CR 991077. Moscow State Academic Choir,
Vladimir Mini (chorus-master), Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra,

Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. [Op.10.] P Moscow Conservatory concert 5 May

2003, I Oct. 2005.
Germany: Capriccio 71 030 (Hybrid SACD). Prague Philharmonic
Chorus, Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 10.]
P Cologne studio 20–24 Jan. and 13–17 July 2004, I Aug. 2005.
EMI Classics 356 830-2. Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and
Chorus, Marriss JANSONS. [Op. 135.] P Herkulessaal, Müncher Residenz
10–12 Jan. 2005, I July 2006, G Oct. 2006.
Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 937 1210-6 (Hybrid
SACD) and MDG 332 1210-2 (CD). Czech Philharmonic Choir, Beethoven
Orchestra of Bonn, Roman KOFMAN. [Op. 141.] P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad
Godesburg, Germany 28 Nov. and 6 Dec. 2005, I Aug. 2008.
Supraphon SU 38902 (on third of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra and Philharmonic Choir, Jan Rozehnal (chorus-master), Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 135.] P Smetana Hall, Prague concert 28 Feb. and
1 Mar. 2006, G Nov. 2006.
Arts 47723-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di
Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Erina Gambani and Ruben Jais (chorus-masters),
Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium di Milano concert Apr. 2006, I Oct. 2006.

Opus 21: Six Romances by Japanese Poets

Form: Suite of six songs for tenor and full orchestra (with two harps):
1. Love (An Epitaph)—Andante
2. Before Suicide—Adagio
3. Immodest Glance—Allegretto
4. For the First and Last Time—Andante
5. Hopeless Love—Adagio
6. Death—Largo
Texts by Japanese poets: No. 1 of unknown antiquity; No. 2 by the
seventh-century poet Prince Ootsu; No. 3 known to be eighteenth century.
Nos. 1–3 from Japanese Lyric Poetry collection published in St Petersburg in
1912 in a translation by A. Brandt. No. 4 written by Aleksandr Preis and
Nos. 5 and 6 anonymous.
Instrumentation: 2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 B flat
clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets,
3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, cymbals, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone,
2 harps ~ strings. [The early score lists reduced woodwind with single oboe,
B flat clarinet, and bassoon.]
Composed: Nos. 1–3 in 1928 (and originally designated Three Excerpts from
Japanese Poetry for Voice and Piano) (No. 1 dated 7 October); 4 in late 1931;
5 and 6 in April 1932. Written at Leningrad.

Dedication: Nina Vasilievna Varzar (fiancée).

Premières: 24 April 1966, Concert Hall of the Academic Glinka Choir,
Leningrad; Anatoli Manukhov (tenor), Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Igor Blazhkov.
UK broadcast: 28 August 1980, Maldwyn Davies (tenor, singing in
Russian), Orchestra of the National Centre for Orchestral Studies, Gennadi
Opus 21a: 30 March 1977, All-Union House of Composers, Moscow;
Aleksei Maslennikov (tenor) and Liya Mogilevskaya (piano).
Arrangements: Accompaniment arranged for piano by the composer (Opus
21a). German translation by Jorg Morgener.
Music: Autograph full and piano scores preserved at PGALI though the
orchestral parts and piano score are incomplete.
Russian printed edition of manuscript not in the composer’s hand, unnum-
bered and undated, full score, 35 cm. Copy in the BBC Music Library.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, reduction,
30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2296, 1987, reduction with Russian and German
texts—the latter by J. Morgener, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 87,
full score, 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 13 minutes in score; 11' 35"–14' 03".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 10617-8 (in third box of Part 3 of
Collected Works on Records). Opus 21a. Aleksei MASLENNIKOV (tenor) and
Liya Mogilevskaya (piano). P and I 1978.
LP and CD–USSR: Melodiya C10 19103 004. (Album 2 of ‘From Man-
uscripts of Different Years’). A. MASLENNIKOV (tenor), USSR Ministry of
Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1982, I 1983d.
Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59057-2. I Feb. 1999.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 447 085-2GH. (‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 2’). Ilya LEVINSKY (tenor), Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra,
Neeme Järvi. P Gothenburg May 1994, G Jan. 1996.
Germany: Capriccio 10 777. Vladimir KASATSCHUK (tenor), Cologne
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail Yurovsky. P Cologne 22–27 May
1995, I 1998.
Japan: Meister Music MM 1005. (‘Ernst Haefliger sings Waka’). Opus
21a, sung in German. Ernst HAEFLIGER (tenor) and Tomoko Okada (piano).
P Kusatu Ongaku-no-mori Concert Hall Sept. 1994.
Classic FM 75605 57004-2. Mark TUCKER (tenor), Yomiuri Nippon
Symphony Orchestra, Tadaaki Otaka. P Kamakura 3–6 June 1996, G Jan.

**USA: Delos DE 3309 (‘Complete Songs, Volume Three’). Opus 21a.

Viktoria YEVTODIEVA (soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 4, 46, 32,
58a, and 62.] P St Petersburg 10 May 2001, I 2003.
Note: The text of No. 2, given as by Oxotsuno Otsi on Russian recordings and
Otsuno Odzi in Collected Works Volumes 31 and 32, should read Ootsu no
ooji (= Ootsu called Prince). Prince Ootsu, son of Emperor Temmu, was
famous as the poet who wrote four Japanese short poems in Man yoo shuu
(the oldest Japanese book of poetry, published in 20 volumes around the 8th
century). He was executed in 686 on suspicion of conspiracy.

Opus 22: The Golden Age

Form: Ballet in three acts, also translated as The Age of Gold and known
under the French title of L’Age d’Or. Original working title ‘Fashlandiya’
and later, ‘Dinamiada’. Presented in Odessa in 1931 as ‘Dinamiada or The
Days of Europe’. Libretto by Aleksandr Ivanovsky, choreography by Vladimir
Chesnakov, Leonid Yakobson, and Vasili Vainomen, with designs by Valentina
Khodasevich. The augmented orchestra includes two saxophones, additional
brass, banjo, accordions, harmonium, and flexatone. The complete Ballet
scenario consists of thirty–seven numbers, given here as List 1, following the
titles and order in Sadovnikov (1965) and Meskhisvili (1995):


1. Introduction
Scene 1: ‘The Golden Age Industrial Exhibition’
2. Procession of Guests of Honour
3. Review of Window Displays
4. Demonstration of ‘Important’ Exhibits
5. Prestidigitator––Barker: Hindu Dance
6. Prize fighting for publicity
7. Scandal at the Boxing Match
Scene 2: ‘Exhibition Hall’
8. Foxtrot: Dance of the Golden Youths
9. Exhibition Director’s appearance with Diva
10. Adagio of Diva and the Fascist
11. Arrival of Soviet Football Team
12. Variation of Diva and the Fascist
13. Soviet Dance
14. Scene: Soviet Worker invites Diva to a dance
15. Dance of Diva and the Fascist
16. Dance of the Negro and two Soviet football players

17. Waltz: Alleged Bomb Plotter—‘The Hand of Moscow’

18. Confusion among the Fascists
19. A Rare Case of Mass Hysteria
20. Foxtrot...foxtrot...foxtrot
Scene 3: ‘Street in the City’
21. Pantomime: Sleuthing by an Agent Provocateur and an
Scene 4: ‘Workers’ Stadium’
22. Workers’ Procession to the Stadium
23. Pioneers’ Dance—Dances: Boxing, Discus-throwing,
Tennis, English Hockey, and Fencing
24. Reception of the Soviet Football Team
25. The Football Match
26. Interlude: Everybody amuses oneself in one’s own way
27. Sportive Dance of Western Komsomol members and four
28. General Sportive Dance
29. ‘The Red Front’ [pre-war anti-fascist organization]
Scene 5: ‘Music Hall (Divertissement)’
30. Introduction
31. Tap-dance: Shoe Shine of the Best Quality
32. Tango
33. Polka: Once Upon a Time in Geneva—‘Angel Of Peace’
34. Touching Coalition of Classes, slightly fraudulent
35. Can-can
Scene 6: ‘Outside the Prison’
36. Liberation of Prisoners. General Exposure
37. Finale: Solidarity Dance of Western Workers and the
Soviet Team

NB. For performance the order of the numbers was slightly rearranged
and the staging titles altered from the composer’s musical score of spring
1930, here tabulated as List 2:

1. Prelude—Allegro non troppo attacca
2. Dance of the Maitre d’Hotel and the Aristocrats—Allegretto
3. Sportsmen’s Training Session—Allegro vivace attacca

4. Entrance of the Maitre d’Hotel and the Aristocrats—Allegretto attacca

5. Dance of the Tennis Players and Training Session—Allegro attacca
6. The Maitre d’Hotel reports . . . —Moderato non troppo attacca
7. Preparations for Diva’s Visit—Moderato—Andante
8. Dance of the Golden Youths—Allegro
9. Adagio
10. Dance of Diva and Tanya—Andantino
11. Dance—Allegro
12. Conversation between Diva and the Hero—Allegretto attacca
13. Dance of Diva and the Hero—Andantino—Allegro
14. Dance of the Negro and the White Man—Allegro
15. General Dance—Andantino attacca
16. General Confusion—Adagio
17. Diva’s Despair—Allegretto
18. Conversation between the VIP and . . . —Andante
19. Foxtrot—Allegro non troppo
20. Galop—Allegro
21. March—Allegretto
22. Football—Allegro
23. Interlude—Andantino
24. Dance of Tanya and Sportsmen from U-Town—Andantino
25. Sports Contest—Allegro
26. Scene and Exit of the Soviet—Allegro
27. Interlude—Allegretto
28. Tap-dance—Allegretto
29. Tango—Largo
30. Polka—Allegretto
31. Eccentric Dance—Presto—Andante—Presto
32. Andante
33. Allegro vivace
34. Adagio
35. Adagio—Allegro—Andantino attacca
36. Allegro attacca
37. Finale—Allegro con brio

Tahiti Trot included as an Entr’acte, No. 27—see Opus 16. Nos. 20 and
33 were later reorchestrated as the Actors’ Pantomime, Opus 32a No. 5.
Diva is the first name of a dancer. She is not an operatic prima donna.

NB. The piano score of the ballet (DSCH, Moscow, 1995) is stated to be
the composer’s final version of the work though this differs in the nomen-
clature of several numbers and their sequence. Generally the titles agree
with the ballet (List 1) under ‘Form’ and not the musical score as given on
Rozhdestvensky’s recording of the complete ballet (List 2). The full titles
and their order are clarified in the following table with the tempo indica-
tions unaltered from List 2:

1. Overture—Allegro non troppo attacca

2. Procession of the Guests of Honour—Allegretto
3. Review of Window Displays—Allegro vivace attacca
4. Demonstration of ‘Important’ Exhibits. Arrival of the Soviet Football
Team—Allegretto attacca
5. Prestidigitator-Barker. Dance of the Hindu—Allegro attacca
6. Prize fighting for publicity—Moderato non troppo attacca
7. Scandal at the Boxing Match—Moderato. Entrance of the
8. Foxtrot: Dance of the Golden Youths—Allegro. Appearance of the
Director of the Exhibition with Diva—Meno mosso—Andante attacca
9. Dance of Diva (Adagio)—Adagio
10. Appearance of the Soviet Football Team and Diva’s Variations—
11. Soviet Dance—Allegro
12. Diva asks the Leader of the Soviet Team to Dance with Her—
Allegretto attacca
13. Dance and Scene of Diva and the Fascist—Andantino—Allegro
14. Dance of the Negro and Two Soviet Footballers—Allegro—
15. Waltz: Alleged Bomb Plotter (‘The Hand of Moscow’)—Andantino
[See Notes.]
16. General Confusion among the Fascists—Adagio
17. A Rare Case of Mass Hysteria—Allegretto
18. Conversation between the Exhibition Director and the
19. Foxtrot...foxtrot...foxtrot—Allegro non troppo [Bacchanalia]
20. Pantomime: Sleuthing of the Agent Provocateurs and an Arrest
21. Workers’ Procession to the Stadium. Dance of the Young
Pioneers (Boxing, Discus-throwing, Tennis, English Hockey, and
22. Football Match—Allegro
23. Intermezzo: ‘Everybody amuses oneself in one’s own way’—Andantino

24. Dance of the Western Komsomol Girl and Four Sportsmen—

Andantino—Allegro non troppo—Andantino poco allegretto
25. Sports Contests:—Allegro
26. Scene and Exit of the Soviet Team—Allegro
27. Entr’acte: (‘Tea for Two’)—Allegro—Andantino
28. Chechotka (Tap-Dance): ‘Shoe Shine of the Highest Grade’—Allegretto
29. Tango—Largo
30. Polka ‘Once Upon a Time in Geneva’ (Angel of Peace)—
31. Touching Coalition of Classes, slightly fraudulent—Presto—
32. Entrance of Diva and the Fascist; Their Dance—Allegro—Andante
33. Can-can—Allegro vivace
34. Prelude—Adagio
35. Scene of the Liberation of the Prisoners—Adagio—Allegro attacca
36. General Exposure. The Bourgeoisie in Panic—Allegro attacca
37. Finale: Solidarity Dance of Western Workers and the Soviet Team—
Allegro con brio

New libretto provided for the 206th Bolshoi Theatre season with
choreography by Yuri Grigorovich. Score adapted by several of Shostakovich’s
pupils, notably Veniamin Basner and Isaak Glikman. In this version Zolotoi
Vek (‘The Golden Age’) is the name of a Black Sea coast restaurant and set
in the year 1923. The slow movements of Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2
are incorporated to provide lyrical Adagio scenes. Tahiti Trot appears in the
Night Club scene at the start of Act 2. The Opus 22a Suite (with the Adagio
shortened) is included, along with the following familiar items: Interlude
from The Bolt, Op. 27; Actors’ Pantomime from Hamlet, Op. 32; Elegy
from The Human Comedy, Op. 37 (also Ballet Suite No. 3, No. 4), and
Blues from Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 1, Sans op. E.

Scene 1: The Young Workers’ Theatre performs led by Boris, a
Scene 2: The search for Rita leads Boris to ‘The Golden Age’
Scene 3: Yashka, the bandit, plans a robbery
Scene 4: Rita and Boris dance. Yashka fights for Rita
Scene 5: Boris and Rita declare their love for each other
Scene 1: Rita rejects Yashka’s advances
Scene 2: Robbery by Yashka and his gang

Scene 3: Rita finds Boris by the sea. Fight between the bandits and
Scene 1: Merry-making at the bandit’s camp
Scene 2: Rita performs her last dance at ‘The Golden Age’
Scene 3: Yashka kills former girl-friend Lyushka
Scene 4: Yashka takes Rita hostage but is captured. Happy ending

Items appear in the following order (NB. Numbers refer to List 1, i.e.,
the composer’s score of 1930): Act 1—1, 2, 24, 2, 5, 21, 11, 23, 18, 8, 30,
32, Op. 32a No. 5, 35, 15, 16, Op. 35 Lento.
Act 2—27, 13, 27, 28/35, 25, 24, 9, 20, Sans op. P(i) No. 3 Elegy,
Act 3—14/31/14/35, 22, 36, Sans op. E No. 3, 19, 17/35, 33, Op. 102
Andante, and 37.
The following nine numbers were not incorporated: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12,
26, 29, and 34.
Composed: Autumn 1929 to spring 1930, at Leningrad. Composed as a result
of a competition for new ballet librettos.
Premières: Suite: 19 March 1930, Philharmonic Hall, Leningrad; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Aleksandr Gauk.
Ballet: 26/27 October 1930, Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (Kirov
Theatre), Leningrad; produced by Emmanuil Kaplan and conducted by
Aleksandr Gauk. The role of Komsomolka (Komsomol member) was
danced initially by Galina Ulanova. Number of performances: ten in 1930
and eight in 1931.
Ballet revival: 14 October 1982, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow; resurrected
at the suggestion of Shostakovich’s widow, Irina; new choreography by
Yuri Grigorovich, artistic direction by Simon Virsaladze, directed by Yuri
Simonov, and conducted by Dmitri Kotov.
UK: 30 July 1986, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London;
Bolshoi Ballet; Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet Orchestra conducted by
Aleksandr Lavrenyuk.
USA: 30 June 1987, Metropolitan Opera House, New York; Bolshoi
Ballet, A. Lavrenyuk.
UK: 25 July 2006, Coliseum Theatre, London; Mariinsky Theatre
and Ballet under its Artistic Director Valery Gergiev; a new produc-
tion choreographed by Noah Gelber with décor by Zinovi Margolin and
Mariinsky Orchestra conducted by Tugan Sokhiev.
Arrangements: Opus 22a—Suite for full orchestra (with soprano saxophone,
B flat baritone saxhorn, and harmonium), assembled by the composer. The

first version of the Suite in 1929 consisted of seven items: Introduction,

Waltz, Tap-dance, Adagio, Foxtrot, Polka, and Dance. In preparing the
Suite for publication in 1932, the composer unified the first two items and
discarded the Tap-dance and Foxtrot.
1. Introduction—Allegro non troppo (Nos. 1 and 2 in ballet and score)
2. Adagio—(No. 10 in ballet; No. 9 in score)
3. Polka—Allegretto (No. 33 in ballet; No. 30 in score)
4. Russian Dance—Allegro (No. 13 in ballet; No. 11 in score)
Suite: variety of transcriptions including piano solo, two pianos, violin and
piano, string quartet, and wind quintet (the last two by Aaron Henry).
Polka—Suite No. 3: reductions by the composer for piano solo in 1935
and piano four hands in 1962; two versions for piano solo by Frederick
Block and György Sandor; two versions for two pianos four hands by
Pierre Luboshutz and Phyllis Gunther; two versions for violin and piano
by Harry Glickman and David J. Grunes; violin duet and piano, also
mandolin quartet, by Sheppard Lehnhoff; arrangements for string quartet
by the composer in 1931 (see Sans op. D(i), Two Pieces for String Quartet),
S. Lehnhoff, and David Ogden; viola ensemble by Georgi Bezrukov;
marimba solo by Anatoli Lyubimov; marimba and piano by Nebojša
Živković; woodwind quintet by Jerry Neil Smith, Roger Smith, and
Adam Lesnick; band transcriptions by Quinto Maganini and P. J. Lang;
brass quintet by R. San Filippo; saxophone quartet by the Aurelia Quartet
(Netherlands concert on 15 November 1993, broadcast five days later) and
by Sergio Drabkine. Transcription for cello and piano recorded 2003. The
Polka is one of the three themes quoted in Alfred Schnittke’s Dedication to
I. Stravinsky, S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich.
Russian Dance—Suite No. 4: reductions for piano solo by F. Block and
G. Sandor; transcribed for band by P. J. Lang.
Instrumentation: Suite Opus 22a—piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais,
E flat clarinet, B flat clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, bassoon,
contra–bassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, B flat baritone
saxhorn ~ harmonium ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, wood
block, gong, cymbals, bass drum, xylophone ~ strings.
Music: A photostat of the 1929 Suite manuscript is in the Shostakovich
Family Archive and the autograph score of the 1932 version preserved at
GTsMMK. A page of the Adagio autograph full score is reproduced in
Volume 26 of Collected Works.
Suite—Muzgiz, No. 14457, 1935, 30.5 cm.
J. Fischer, New York, No. 7803, c.1941, arr. for two pianos by
P. Luboshutz.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 20 (A.S.M.P. No. 37), c.1942, 19 cm.

Muzyka, No. 11695 (in Volume 26 of Collected Works), 1987, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 70 of New Collected
Polka—Suite No. 3: Triton, Leningrad, 1935, arr. for piano by the
Edition Musicus, New York, c.1939, arr. from original score by
Q. Maganini, piano conductor score and 15 parts, 31 cm.
Clayton F. Summy, Chicago, No. 3395, 1940, arr. for string quartet
(with ad lib. bass) or string orchestra by S. Lehnhoff, 31 cm.
Russian American Music, New York, 1941, arr. for violin and piano by
D. J. Grunes.
Edition Musicus, New York, No. 30, 1942, arr. for band by Q. Maganini,
score, 27.5 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. 45, 1942, concert piano transcription by
G. Sandor, 30 cm.
Mills Music, New York, 1943, transcribed for band by P. J. Lang, score
and parts.
Leeds Music, 1945, arr. for violin and piano by H. Glickman, 30.5 cm.
Russian American Music, New York, 1945, arr. for orchestra by Richard
Mohaupt, c.21 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano, Vol-
ume 1), arr. for piano, 29cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in ‘Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular Pieces’),
1967, arr. for piano, 28.5 cm.
Kendor Music, New York, No. 6061B, 1973, transcribed for flute, oboe,
B flat clarinet, French horn (or B flat clarinet substitute), and bassoon by
J. N. Smith (Grade 4—playing time 2' 10"), score and parts, 30.5 cm.
Aaron Henry arr. for wind quartet [publisher and date not stated], score
28 cm. and parts 31 cm.
Belwin Mills, New York, c.1975, arr. for two pianos by P. Gunther,
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 6680 (in Works by Soviet Composers for
Viola Ensemble), 1984, arr. for 4 violas and double-bass by G. Bezrukov,
29 cm.
International Opus, Richmond, Virginia, c.1995, transcribed for wind
quintet (bassoon, clarinet, flute, French horn, and oboe) by A. Lesnick,
score and parts, 28 cm.
Russian Dance—Suite No. 4: Mills Music, New York, 1943, transcribed
for band by P. J. Lang, score and parts.
Russian American Music, New York, 1946, arr. for orchestra by
R. Mohaupt, c.21 cm.

Anglo–Soviet Music Press, 1955, concert piano transcription by

G. Sandor, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, 1957, arr. by Cyril Watters, piano conductor score
and 21 parts, c.32 cm. [Also Anglo–Soviet Music Press, 1958, c.21 cm.]
Complete score—DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1995,
complete piano score as List 3, with article on the history of the ballet by
Manashir Yakubov in Russian and English, 232 pages, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 60 and piano score in
Volume 61 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Complete 1930 score: 2 hrs 13 mins. Suite Opus 22a: 16 minutes
in score; 15' 49"–19' 08"; 18' 30" (Plaistow). Polka: 1' 34"–2' 35". 2' 30"
(Aronowsky). Ballet (new version): 1 hr 53 mins.
Additional Ballets: Pas de trois. A divertissement choreographed by Vladimir
Dokoudovsky to the Polka from The Golden Age; Cuerpo de Baile del
Teatro Colón (‘Original Ballet Russe’, director general Colonel W. de
Basil), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1943.
The Dreamers: score adapted in 1975 for this four-act ballet by Viktor
Smirnov-Golovanov, Sergei Sapozhnikov, and G. E. Yungvald-Khilkevich
from The Golden Age and The Bolt, choreographed by Natalya Ryzhenko;
Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre, Moscow,
19 January 1976.
Film: USSR National TV, 1986, a film of the revised ballet. The Bolshoi
Ballet production (in association with BBC TV) available on videocassette:
National Video, Home Vision, ‘The World of Dance No. 18’. A television
presentation of this performance introduced by Michael Berkeley, shown
on BBC2 TV on 21 November 1987. Released June 1989 on Castle Vision
video CVI2046.
Recordings: 78 rpm—Columbia LB 16 (10"). Polka and Russian Dance.
Orchestre Symphonique de Paris, Julius EHRLICH. G Sept. 1934.
USA: Victor 11 8239. Polka only, arr. Q. Maganini. National Symphony
Orchestra of America, Hans KINDLER. P 28–29 Jan. 1941.
78 rpm, LP and CD—USA: Columbia 17404 D in set M 660. Polka
arr. Grunes. Zino FRANCESCATTI (violin) and Max Lanner (piano). P 12 Apr.
1946. Reissued on LP—Philips NBL 5010 (mono). G June 1955. Reissued
on CD—Pearl GEMM CD 9250 (mono). I Apr. 1997.
LP and CD—USA: Mercury MG 10035 (mono). Polka only. Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH (piano). P Prague 26 May 1947 (not 1946 as previously
stated) ~ USSR: Melodiya M10 39075-6 (‘Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono).
Polka only. I 1997b. Reissued on CD—Revelation RV 70008 (‘Shostakovich
plays Shostakovich’, Volume 7, mono). Polka. I Sept. 1998, G Feb.
1999 ~ *Symposium 1314 (mono). Polka. [Opp. 34, 5, 67, 73, and 69.]
I Jan. 2004.

78 rpm and LP—USA: Columbia 17335 D. Polka only. Oscar LEVANT

(piano). P pre-1949. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia ML 5324 (‘Some
Pleasant Moments in the 20th Century’, mono). Polka. I 1950s.
Columbia DX 1860. Polka. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Efrem
KURTZ. P c.1949, G Jan. 1953. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia Special
Products P 14153 (electronic stereo). I 1977.
USA: Victor 2214. Polka arr. Luboshutz. Pierre LUBOSHUTZ and Genia
NEMENOFF (piano duo). P c.1950. Reissued on LP—USA: Vanguard VSD
2128 (7" 45 rpm).
*CD—USA: Biddulph 80218-2 (mono). Polka arr. Grunes. Camilla
WICKS (violin) and Sixten Ehrling (piano). [Op. 34; Sibelius, Valen,
Kabelevsky et al.] P Stockholm 1950, I 2006, originally on Swedish EMI
78 rpm in 1950.
LP—USA: Westminster WL 5319 (mono). Suite. National Symphony
Orchestra of Washington, Howard MITCHELL. I 1954 ~ Nixa WLP 5319
(mono). G Mar. 1955.
LP and CD—RCA LSC 2294. Polka only. Boston Pops Orchestra,
Arthur FIEDLER. P 1954, I Sept. 1959. Reissued on CD—RCA Gold Seal
09026 62577-2 (‘Fiedler at the Ballet’). I Feb. 1995.
LP—USA: RCA Bluebird LBC 1086. Polka arr. S. Lehnhoff.
AMERICAN ART QUARTET (Edice Shapiro, Robert Sushel, Virginia Majewski,
Victor Gottlieb). P 1954, I 1955.
LP and CD—HMV BLP 1080 (10" mono). Suite. Philharmonia
Orchestra, Efrem KURTZ. P London 25 Mar. 1955, G Apr. 1956 ~ HMV
HQM 1026 (12" mono) G Sept. 1966. Reissued on CD—USA: Testament
SBT 1078 (mono). Suite. G Feb. 1997.
LP—USA: Capitol SFP 4 8413 (‘Popular Pieces’, 7" 45 rpm). Polka.
Capitol Symphony Orchestra, Carmen DRAGON. G May 1959.
LP and CD—USA: Everest SDBR 3027. Polka only. Stadium Symphony
Orchestra of New York, Raymond PAIGE. P New York late 1950s, I July
1959. Reissued on CD—Everest EVC 9047. I 1997.
RCA Red Seal SR 2051. Suite. London Symphony Orchestra, Jean
MARTINON. P 9–11 Dec. 1957, G Dec. 1959 ~ RCA Victrola VICS
1184. G July 1967 ~ Decca Eclipse ECS 580. G Feb. 1971. Reissued on
CD—Polygram POCL 9439. I Oct. 1992. Limited LP reissue on 180g.
vinyl—Germany: Audiophile/RCA Victor LSC 2322. I 1995. *Reissued on
CD—USA: Classic Compact Discs LSCCD 2322. [Op. 10.] I 2001.
USA: Mercury AMS 16041 (‘Popovers’). Polka. Eastman-Rochester
Pops Orchestra, Frederick FENNELL. P 1960. Same performance available on
Mercury SEX 15008 (7" 45 rpm). G July 1960. Reissued on CD—Mercury
434 349-2MM. G Jan. 1995.

USA: Capitol SP 8576. Suite. Philharmonia Orchestra, Robert IRVING.

P 20 June 1961, G Sept. 1962. Reissued on CD—HMV 5 73047-2. Suite.
I Oct. 1998.
LP—USSR: MK D9501-2 (10" mono). Polka. Viola Ensemble of
the Central Home of Art Workers, Georgi BEZRUKOV (violist leader).
P 1962.
USA: Capitol P 8391 (‘Keyboard Fantasias’, mono). Polka. Leonard
PENNARIO (piano). P 1964 ~ RCA VICS 1238. Polka. G July 1968.
*France: La Voix de Son Maître FALP 479 mono). Polka. Orchestre
de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Pierre DERVAUX. [Stravinsky,
Prokofiev, Kabalevsky et al.] P 1964.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia MS 6867. Andre KOSTELANETZ and his
Orchestra. P New York 23 and 29 Nov. 1965. Reissued on CD—Sony
Classical SBK 62642. G June 1997.
USSR: Melodiya C01387-8. Suite. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH; soloists in No. 2—Aleksandr Stepanov (soprano saxophone),
Ivan Butirsky (clarinet), Pyotr Grigoriev (B flat baritone saxhorn), and Leon
Zaks (violin); soloist in No. 3—Vladimir Fedin (xylophone). P and I 1966
~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2763. Suite. G Apr. 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya
BOX 50213 in Set SLS 5025. Nos. 1, 3, and 4. G Dec. 1975. Reissued
on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 2090. I 1989 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 66981-2. Suite. I Dec. 1999.
CD—USA: Russian RCD 16238 (‘Russian Piano School’). Polka.
Nataliya GAVRILOVA (piano). P 1976-90, I 1998.
LP and CD—CBS SS 63127 (‘Russian Dances’). Polka. Philadelphia
Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY. P 1967, G Mar. 1968. Reissued on CD—Sony
Essential Classics SBK 53261. G July 1994.
USA: RCA Red Seal LSC 3133. Suite. Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
Leopold STOKOWSKI. 20–22 Feb. 1968 ~ RCA Red Seal SB 6839. G Oct.
1970 ~ RCA Gold Seal GL 42916. G Oct. 1981. Reissued on CD—RCA
74321 70931-2 (‘Stokowski the Magician’). G Mar. 2000.
LP—France: EMI 2 C 061-80696 (‘Klassik O’Tilt’). Polka arr. White.
Ruth WHITE (electronic keyboard). P Paris post-1968.
CBS Classics 61781. Polka. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonard
BERNSTEIN. P 22 Oct. 1970, G July 1977.
USA: Turnabout TVS 34644. Suite. Seattle Symphony Orchestra,
Milton KATIMS; soloists in No. 2—John Budelman (soprano saxophone),
Ronald Phillips (clarinet), Dennis Smith (B flat baritone saxhorn), Henry
Siegl (violin), and Scott Goff (flute); soloist in No. 3—Randolph Bauuton
(xylophone). P 1976, G Mar. 1980.
USA: Kendor Music (number not stated). Polka arr. J. N. Smith.
FREDONIA WOODWIND QUINTET—Donald Hartman (flute), John Maier

(oboe), James East (clarinet), William Hoyt (horn), and John Gillette
(bassoon). P 1970s.
Lyntone (Haydn) DEL 100. Polka arr. D. Ogden. DELMÉ QUARTET (Galina
Solodchin, David Ogden, John Underwood, Stephen Orton). I 1977.
Sweden: BIS LP149. Polka arr. A. Lyubimov. Rainer KUISMA (marimba).
P Wik Castle, Sweden 11 Aug. 1979.
LP and CD—Decca D 213D 2 (digital). Suite. London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P Nov. 1979, G Nov. 1980. Reissued on
CD—Decca 421 131-2DH. G June 1988 ~ Decca 430 727-2DM.
G Dec. 1991.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA11338. Polka. Nikolai EVROV (piano). P1980?
Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. Polka. Inger WIKSTRÖM (piano). P Stockholm
28 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1981.
CD—Germany: Live Classics LCL 192 (‘Oleg Kagan Edition’, Volume
20). Polka. Oleg KAGAN (violin) and Vladimir Skanavi (piano). P Moscow
concert 9 Jan. 1982, I 1999.
Decca 433 651-2DH (‘Shura Cherkassy Live, Volume 4’). Polka. Shura
CHERKASSY (piano). P Wigmore Hall, London concert 20 Feb. 1982, G June
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 009 (two-disc set). Complete score of
Grigorovich’s 1982 revival. Bolshol Theatre Orchestra, Yuri SIMONOV.
P Bolshoi Theatre ballet performances 1982, 1 Sept. 1996.
LP—Belgium: Pavane ADW 7152 (‘Three Centuriesof the Woodwind
Quintet’, DMM). Polka arr. J. N. Smith. BELGIAN WOODWIND QUINTET—
Jean-Michel Tanquy (flute), Louis Op’t Eynde (oboe), Hedwig Swimberghe
(clarinet), Herman Lemahieu (horn), and Yves Bomont (bassoon). P1983,
G Feb. 1985.
CD—Germany: CAD D 878-8 (‘Marimba and Percussion Solo’). Polka
arr. N. Živković. Nebojsa ŽIVKOVIĆ (marimba) and Iris Kobal (piano).
P Stuttgart 1987, I 1989.
USA: Philips 426 247-2 (‘Pops a la Russe’). Polka. Boston Pops
Orchestra, John WILLIAMS. P Boston 4–7 June 1988, I 1990.
*Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0130. Polka. Nikolai PETROV. P 19 Feb.
1989, I Apr.2002.
USA: Arabesque Z 6610. Suite Nos. 1, 3, and 4. Kraków Philharmonic
Orchestra, Gilbert LEVINE. P Kraków 26–29 May 1989, G Jan. 1990.
AVM Classics AVZ 3020 (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’). Polka arr.
composer and Russian Dance arr. G. Sandor. Martin JONES (piano).
P London 1–2 June 1989.
USA: Windham Hill Records WD-1091 (‘Intermezzo’). Polka arr.
S. Lehnhoff. MODERN MANDOLIN QUARTET (John Imholz, Dana Rath, Paul
Binkley, Mike Marshall). P c.1989.

Deutsche Grammophon 431 688-2GH. Suite. Gothenburg Symphony

Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Dec. 1989, G Sept. 1991.
Germany: Signum SIG Xll-00 (‘Brassissimo’). Polka arr. Filippo.
USA: Newport Classic NPT 85583. Polka. Michael PERLOWIN (pedal steel
guitar) with backing of bass, guitar, drums, and percussion. P home studio
of performer 1991, I Feb. 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9251/2 (two-disc set). Complete score of 37 numbers
in the order of List 2: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY; soloists in the Adagio No. 9—Karl Ove Mannberg
(violin) and Sven Westerholm (soprano saxophone). P Stockholm 4–5 and
7–11 June 1993, G May 1994.
Italy: Phoenix PH 00602. Suite. Byelorussian Symphony Orchestra,
Antonello GOTTA. P Minsk 9–11 Dec. 1993, I Jan. 2001.
Naxos 8.553126. Suite. New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Christopher
LYNDON-gee. P Wellington 2–4 Nov. 1994, I Sept. 1995.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3278-2 031. Suite. Prague Symphony Orchestra,
Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 14 Nov. 1996, G Dec. 1997 ~
Czech: Supraphon SU 3415-2. G Awards (Oct.) 1999.
Finland: Ondine ODE 894-2 (‘Earquake’). Can-Can. Helsinki
Philharmonic Orchestra, Leif SEGERSTAM. P Finlandia Hall Jan. 1997, Issued
with ear-plugs! Nov. 1997.
Switzerland: Dynamic CDS 195 (‘Fun Time with the String Quartet’).
Polka. VENICE QUARTET (Andrea Vio, Alberto Battiston, Luca Morassuti,
Angelo Zanin). P Genoa 15–17 Sept. 1997.
*France: Accord 442 8213 (on fourth of four-disc set). Polka. Caroline
WEICHERT (piano). [Opp. 5, 12, and 61.] P NDR Funkhaus, Hamburg
1997, I Jan. 2007.
EMI CDC5 56970-2 (‘Who is Afraid of 20th Century Music?’). Polka.
Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra, Ingo METZMACHER. P Hamburg
New Year concert 31 Dec. 1999–1 Jan. 2000, G Aug. 2000.
Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Polka. Rustem HAYROUDINOFF
(piano). P Potton Hall, Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I Apr. 2001.
**Virgin Classics 54 5609-2 (‘Ballet Russe’). Polka. Radio France
Philharmonic Orchestra, Paavo JÄRVI. [Sans op. G(ii), Op. 16; Tchaikovsky,
Khachaturyan, Prokofiev et al.] P Auditorium Oliver Messiaen, Radio
France, Paris 16–21 Dec. 2002 and 2–6 June 2003, G July 2004.
USA: Angelok1 ANG-CD 9914. Suite Op. 22a. Russian Federal
Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA. [Op. 141.] P Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall, Moscow 18–19 Jan. 2003, I 2005.
France: Lyrinx LYR 2229 (Hybrid SACD). Polka. Borislav STRULEV
(cello) and Sergei Yerkhin (piano). [Op. 40; Rakhmaninov.] P Centre
Guillaume Farel, Marseilles Jan. 2003, I May 2005.

Germany: Amphion Records amph 20467 and Russia: Manchester

CDMAN 211-04. Polka arr. S. Drabkine. RASTELLI SAXOPHONE QUARTET (Kira
Kraftzof, Kira Timofejeff, Sergio Drabkine, Misha Degtjareff). [Transcrip-
tions by Drabkine.] P Bad Mergentheim Studio, Germany Jan. 2003,
I 2003 and 2004 respectively.
Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Polka. Vladimir ASHKENAZY (piano).
[Opp. 61, 5, 97, 39, and 13; Sans opp. B and S(i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk
11–12 Sept. 2003, I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Polka.
Boris PETRUSHANSKY (piano). [Sans opp. B and S(i); Opp. 5, 13, and 34.]
P Bartók Studio, Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
Telarc CD-80625 and SACD-80625 (Hybrid SACD). Polka. Cincinnati
Pops Orchestra, Erich kunzel. [Delibes, Tchaikovsky, Dukas et al.]
P Cincinnati Music Hall 1 Nov. 2004.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film Music’,
on second of three-disc set). Suite Op. 22a. National Symphony Orchestra
of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Opp. 27a and 39a.] P National Radio
Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 71 097 (Hybrid SACD). Suite Op. 22a.
MDR Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Opp. 27a and 36.]
P Augustusplatz, Leipzig 17–20 May 2005, I 2006.
EMI Classics 341682-2 (‘Horizons’ encores). Polka. Leif Ove ANDSNESS
(piano). [Albéniz, Anrheil, Bach/Busoni et al.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk
1–5 Sept. 2005, G Nov. 2006.
USA: Artek AR-0037-2. Seattle Symphony, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Op. 47.]
P Benaroya Hall, Seattle Sept. 2005.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Polka. Pyotr LAUL (piano). [Opp. 5,
6, 61, 94; Sans op. O (i & ii).] St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg
30 Nov. and 2 Dec. 2005, I Oct. 2006.
Naxos 8.570217-18 (two-disc set). Complete score of 37 numbers in the
original 1930 order. Royal Scottish National Orchestra, José SEREBRIER; soloists
in No. 9—Edwin Paling (violin) and Simon Haram (soprano saxophone).
P Henry Wood Hall, Glasgow 23–26 May 2006, I Nov. 2006, G Feb. 2007.
Notes: A scholarly source-study of this ballet score by Manashir Yakubov
appears in Shostakovich Studies (David Fanning ed., Cambridge University
Press, 1995).
The ‘general confusion’ arising from the titles of Nos. 15–17 (DSCH
1995 list) is caused when the captain of the Soviet football team lifts the ball
high in the air and the Fascists throw themselves onto the ground believing
it to be a bomb about to be exploded. The captain places the ball at the head
of the Exhibition Director who is lying on the ground with the Fascists. The
frightened and embarassed Fascists realise their mistake and gradually regain
their composure.

Shostakovich composed two pieces about the game of football: No. 25

in this ballet score entitled ‘The Football Match,’ commencing with a
whistle blast, in 5/4 and 4/4 time marked Allegro and a choreographic
divertissement ‘Football’ in 2/4 time—a Presto galop in Russian River
Opus 66.

Opus 23: Entr’acte and Finale

Form: Two compositions for orchestra (including a flexatone), contributed
to an epilogue entitled ‘What is modern America like?’ for Erwin Dressel’s
opera Der arme Columbus (alternatively known as Armer Columbus—‘The
Poor Columbus’), with libretto by Arthur Zweiniger:
1. Entr’acte in C minor (also known as the ‘Overture’ although it appears
before the sixth scene of the opera)—Allegretto poco moderato
2. Finale in C major—Moderato—Andantino—Allegro
The main theme from the Finale utilized in The Golden Age, Opus 22
No. 19 (Foxtrot), Declared Dead, Opus 31 No. 34 (The Archangel Gabriel’s
Number), and the fourth movement of Piano Concerto No. 1, Opus 35.
This number accompanied an interpolated animated film projected onto a
stage screen.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes (II = piccolo II), 2 oboes, cor anglais,
E flat clarinet, 2 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet, 3 bassoons, contrabassoon ~
4 horns, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
tom-tom, castanets, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone (in
No. 1), flexatone ~ S.A.T.B. chorus (in Finale) ~ strings.
Composed: Early 1929 (January or February) at the request of the musical
director Samuil Samosud, at Leningrad.
Premières: Opera: 14 March 1929, Malyi Opera Theatre, Leningrad; Samuil
Overture: 10 February 1977, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Moscow
Conservatory Students’ Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
UK concert and broadcast: 4 April 1979, Royal Festival Hall, London;
BBC Symphony Orchestra, G. Rozhdestvensky.
Finale: 11 February 1981, Leningrad Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, G. Rozhdestvensky.
Music: The autograph scores of both pieces, long believed lost, were discov-
ered in the music libraries of (MALEGOT) the State Academy of Theatre
and Ballet (Entr’acte in late 1970s) and (GATOB) the Leningrad Kirov
Opera and Ballet Theatre (Finale in early 1980s).
Muzyka, No. 11935 (in Volume 23 of Collected Works), 1986, full scores
of both pieces, 30 cm.
O PUS 24: T H E SH OT 67

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 31 of New Collected

Duration: Overture: 3' 16"– 3' 41". Finale: 4' 15".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 12547-50. Overture. Moscow
Conservatory Students’ Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P Moscow concert 10 Feb. 1977, 1 1980b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3633.
Overture, labelled as ‘Christopher Columbus’. G Mar. 1979.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Overture. Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P1980, I 1981 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
1650331. G July 1983. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 63462-2.
I Mar. 1999.
USSR: Melodiya C10 23081 001 (Album 5 of ‘From Manuscripts of
Different Years’). Finale. USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra
and Chamber Choir, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1986c. Reissued on
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 63461-2. I Mar. 1999.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9792 (‘The Unknown Shostakovich’ (sic).
Overture. Russian Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. P Mosfilm
Studio Jan. 1998, I Jan. 2000.

Opus 24: The Shot

Form: Incidental music to a verse play comedy The Shot by Aleksandr
Bezymensky, comprising eleven mainly untitled episodes:
1. Dundee’s Romance—[Allegro moderato]
2. Choir—[Moderato]
3. Third Episode
4. Fourth Episode—[Con moto]
5. [Entry of the Heads of Departments]—[Marciale]
6. [Exeunt the Heads of Departments]—inscribed ‘Same as No. 5’
7. [Entry of the Secretaries]—six-bar introduction attacca
8. [Entry of the Secretaries]—[Tempo ad libitum]
9. Ninth Episode—Allegro
10. Tenth Episode—Allegro
11. Eleventh Episode—Allegretto
Instrumentation: flute, B flat clarinet, bassoon ~ horn, trumpet, trombone,
tuba ~ 2 cornets; E flat alto, B flat tenor, and baritone saxhorns ~ timpani,
wood block, rattle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~
2 balalaikas, piano ~ violins. In the Ninth Episode a four-part chorus shouts
(not sings) revolutionary words.
Composed: 1929, at Leningrad.

Première: 14 December 1929, Theatre of Working-class Youth, Leningrad

(TRAM); directed by Mikhail Sokolovsky and R. Suslovich.
Arrangements: Piano reductions of Nos. 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11 made from the
full score by V. Samarin.
Music: Autograph vocal and full scores, discovered in 1984, preserved at
GTsMMK. ‘Dundee’s Romance’ song taken from the programme booklet
of TRAM’s 1930 tour of the USSR.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, vocal and
piano scores of Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7–11, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Nos. 4, 5, and 7–11, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 116 and piano score in
Volume 120 of New Collected Works.
Duration: ‘Dundee’s Romance’: 2' 47".
Recording: ‘Dundee’s Romance’—[BBC tape: Konstantin PLUZHNIKO (tenor)
and Larissa Gergieva (piano). P specially recorded in St Petersburg for BBC
Broadcast on 31 May 1995.]

Opus 25: Virgin Soil

Form: Incidental music to a stage play drama Soil by Arkadi Gorbenko and
Nikolai Lvov.
Composed: April 1930, at Leningrad.
Première: 9 May 1930, Leningrad Working Youth Theatre (TRAM); directed
by Mikhail Sokolovsky and Nikolai Lebedyev.
Music: Manuscript lost.
Recordings: —
Notes: This production was not based on Mikhail Sholokhov’s novel
Virgin Soil Upturned, the first part of which was published in 1932. The
subject-matter—the socialist collectivization of the countryside—however,
was similar.
In 1932–33 Shostakovich, in conjunction with Fedodosi Rubtsov, also wrote
incidental music for the four-act stage play Combative Course by A. Gorbenko,
N. Lvov, and Mikhail Sokolovsky staged by TRAM. The original music is lost
though a typed text is preserved in the Glinka Museum.

Opus 26: Alone

Form: Music for the black-and-white sound film Alone, with screenplay (based
on a true newspaper story of the suicide of a teacher named Lapshina) and
direction by Grigori Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg, for the Leningrad
Soyuzkino Studio. A song dictated to the composer by Trauberg ‘How
OPUS 26: AL ON E 69

beautiful life will be’ (also translated as ‘Happy Days are Coming’) provides
a leitmotiv for the film. The sound-track carried music only; no human
voices apart from scraps of insignificant phrases and fragments of speech
introduced by chance. The orchestra is augmented by a brass band, organ,
and Theremin.
Reel 6 was destroyed by fire in the Leningrad Siege. The film, apart
from Reel 6, was restored from several sources in the mid-1960s by
Reel 1 (Leningrad episodes)
No. 4. March: The Street—Allegro
No. 7. Galop: How beautiful life will be!—Allegro
No. 9. Choral conclusion: Stop! Don’t go away—Andante— Andantino
Reel 2 —March —Allegretto
Reel 3 (The Altai region of Siberia)
No. 1. The Altai—Andantino
No. 1a. The Steppe of Altai—Andante
No. 2. The Altai—Adagio
No. 3. [Teacher in the peasant’s hut]—Largo—[Allegro]
No. 6. Barrel-organ [Kuzmina waits for Sobolevsky]—Andantino
Reel 4
No. 1. [In the school]—Allegro
No. 2. [Bey (a rich Central Asian landowner) takes the children to sheep
No. 3. [Largo]
No. 7. [Village soviet chairman at sleep and arising]—Adagio
No. 8. [Arrival of Kuzmina]—Allegro
No. 9. [Village soviet chairman drinks tea with his wife]—Allegro
Reel 5
No. 1. [School-children]—Adagio—Allegretto
No. 2. Adagio
No. 3. Allegro
No. 4. Moderato
Reel 6
No. 2. Allegretto—Presto
No. 2a. Snowstorm—Presto
No. 3. [Calm after the storm]—Largo
No. 4. The Storm in the Steppe—Allegro
Finale: [(The teacher played by Yelena) Kuzmina left to die in the
Reel 7 (Rescue by aeroplane)
No. 3. Aeroplane—Allegro
No. 4. Allegro

No. 5. [School-children with Kuzmina]—Adagio

No. 6. Andante
No. 8. Andante
No. 18. Allegro
Also three fragments existing in piano arrangements: ‘The Beginning’,
‘The Dream’ (later used as No. 34 in Hamlet, Opus 32), and ‘March’.
The opening numbers depict a day-dreaming sequence ending with a tram
taking off into the clouds. ‘Barrel-organ’ Reel 3 No. 6 is based on ‘The
Dance’ (Moderato quasi Allegretto) for piano dedicated to the composer’s
younger sister Zoya.
The full score consists of 44 numbers: Nos. 1 to 13 and 15 to 45 (No. 14
being a recording of a Mongolian overtone singer). Five of the 44 belong
to the missing Reel 6. All but five of the remaining 39 numbers are played
differently on the soundtrack to those corresponding items published in
Volume 41 of Collected Works. The restoration of the score was prepared
initially by Theodore van Houten of the Film in Concert Foundation,
Haamstede and realized by Mark Fitz-Gerald in 2003, assisted by Nic Raine
who notated some fragments by ear from the soundtrack; the whole opera-
tion being supervised by Krzystof Meyer.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat clarinet, 2 B flat
clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
3 trombones, 3 tubas ~ timpani, triangle, wood block, side drum, cymbals,
bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, Theremin ~ harp, organ ~
soprano and tenor soloists, S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings. An eight-piece band is
employed in Reels 1, 6, and 7; the organ in Reel 3 No. 3 and the theremin
in Reel 6 No. 4.
Composed: early autumn 1930 to the summer of 1931, at Leningrad.
Premières: The Soyuzkino film first shown on 10 October 1931 at
the Leningrad ‘Splendid Palace’ cinema. Score conducted by Nikolai
Suite: 11 February 1981, Leningrad; Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
Restored score: 12 April 2003, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and 15 April 2003,
Vredenberg Music Centre, Utrecht; Amsterdam Conservatory Orchestra
and Chorus, M. Fitz-Gerald.
UK reconstructed score: 26 February 2006, Barbican Centre, London;
BBC Symphony Orchestra, M. Fitz-Gerald. Broadcast on BBC Radio 3
on 21 April 2006, introduced by Gerard McBurney with a Reel by Reel
description of the action shown on the film.
Arrangements: Suite of three untitled movements compiled by Gennadi
Part 1—Reel 1 No. 4 and Reel 3 No. 3.
Part 2—Reel 4 No. 9, Reel 3 No. 6, and Reel 4 No. 9.
OPUS 26: AL ON E 71

Part 3—Reel 4 No. 1 attacca, Reel 3 No. 2, Reel 5 No. 2, and Reel 2
Gerard McBurney has arranged a ten-piece Suite from the score: Reel 1
No. 7; Reels 3 Nos. 2 and 6; Reel 4 Nos. 2, 7, and 9; Reel 5 Nos. 3 and 4;
Reel 6 No. 4 and Finale.
A ten-movement cycle selected from the film score and transcribed in
2000 by Dmitri Smirnov for wind ensemble (flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, alto
saxophone, 2 bassoons, 2 French horns, trumpet, trombone, percussion,
and double bass).
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK, apart from Nos. 2a, 3, and a
fragment of 4 from Reel 6 which are preserved at the SPbGITMK. A page
of No. 2 from Reel 5 is reproduced in Volume 41 of Collected Works.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, 29 items
in full score plus a fragment of ‘The Storm in the Steppe’ and 3 items in
piano arrangement, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works, Volume 123,
revised full score including 4 pages of facsimile in colour, 392, 30 cm.
Duration: Film: c. 90 minutes (2200 metres, seven reels). Complete Score:
70' 41"–74' 13". Restoration 2003: 79' 56". Suite: 12' 12".
Film: Germany: Arte Edition 868-6. Complete score in 2003 reconstruction.
Adil Abdulayev (tenor), Anna Azernikova (soprano), Natalya Filimonova
(mezzo-soprano), Christian Zehnder (overtone singer), Chamber Choir
Notabene, Basil Sinfonietta, Mark FITZ-GERALD. P Theater aan de Parade,
‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands (film in concert) 12 Apr. 2007, I 2007.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 19103 004 (Album 2 of
‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Suite. Ensemble of soloists from the
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 30 Sept. 1982,
I 1983d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 194. G June 1988 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G Mar. 1999.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 562. Complete score. Svetlana Katchur
(soprano), Vladimir Kazatchouk (tenor), Berlin Radio Choir, Sigurd Brauns
(chorus-master), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P
Berlin 19–22 Sept. 1995,1 Oct. 1996. NB. This recording comprises all the
items in Collected Works Volume 41, 4–114, with the following additions:
Reel 4—an unaccompanied soprano folksong solo interrupted by the tenor
song ‘How beautiful life will be’ between Nos. 3 and 7; Reel 6—No. 4 (with
Theremin, 471–74) leading attacca into No. 2; Reel 7—No. 3 repeated
after No. 4 and Reel 4 No. 1 introduced after No. 6 (played softly with
oboes replacing trumpets and entitled ‘Nightmare’ in the liner note).
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 007. Complete score. Minsk Chamber
Choir, Igor Matukhov (chorus-master), Byelorussian Radio and TV
Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Nov. 1995, I1997.

NB. This recording comprises the 29 items in Collected Works Volume 41,
4–114, with no additional numbers.
Decca 460 792-2DH11 (‘The Film Album’). Reel 1 Nos. 1 and 7 (non-
vocal); Reel 3 No. 6; Reel 2 March; Reel 3 Nos. 2 and 3; Reel 5 No. 1;
Reel 6 Nos. 4, 2a, and 3. Fay Lovsky (theremin in Reel 6 No. 4), Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 6,19, and
22 May 1998, G Apr. 1999.
*Chandos Movies CHAN 10023 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 1’). Titled A Girl Alone. Reel 3 Nos. 2 and 3; and
Reel 1 No. 7 (non-vocal). Jennifer Galloway (oboist in Reel 4 No. 2), BBC
Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. P Manchester BBC Studio 16 and 17 May
2002, G Jan. 2003.
Naxos 8.570316. Complete score, including material not used in the film,
reconstructed by M. Fitz-Gerald. Irina Matayeva (soprano), Anna Kiknadze
(mezzo-soprano), Dmitri Voropayev (tenor), Mark van Tongeren (overtone
singer), Ulrich Edelman (solo violin in track 12—see Notes below), Barbara
Buchholz (theremin in track 38), Vokalensemble der HfMDK (Frankfurt
University of Music Choir), Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra,
M. FITZ-GERALD. P HR-Sendesaal, Frankfurt studio 29 Nov.–1 Dec. and part
concert 1 Dec. 2006 (evening), G Feb. 2008.
Notes: Yelena Kuzmina is not only the name of the actress but also that of the
young teacher she plays. ‘That was our realism!’ (Trauberg). Her lover was
played by her husband Pyotr Sobolevsky. Restoration of the film in 2003
shows that the heroine does not die in the snow after being thrown off a
sledge, as thought as late as 1996 (e.g., Meskhishvili gives the Finale of Reel
6 as ‘Death of Kuzmina’), but is rescued by villagers.
For first-hand information on this film see Chapter X of Leonid Trauberg
and His Films by Theodore van Houten (Art & Research/Graduate Press,
s-Hertogenbosch, Buren, 1989). The original film presented a short colour-
sequence during the tram-ride. Trauberg reported that ‘the flowers on the
tram were hand-tinted yellow, red, and blue’ and when ‘the colours changed
it was such a nice, joyous effect’.
See also Shostakovich and FEKS by Dr Hélène Bernatchez (Munich, 2006).
Reviews of the two premières of the restored film by Henny van der Groep
and John Riley are given in DSCH Journal No. 19 (July 2003), 43–45.
For an understanding of the film’s story line the English titles of the six
reel numbers and their cues in the booklet with the Naxos 2006 recording
are a great improvement on those given in the Muzyka (1987) and DSCH
Publishers (2004) scores.
The solo violin plays the Andantino by Fritz Kreisler during the ‘Music
from loudspeakers during telephone box scene ’. Kreisler ascribed this piece
to Padre Martini and admitted that it was one of his own compositions
OPUS 27: T H E BOL T 73

in 1935. Shostakovich, of course, would not have known of this hoax in


Opus 27: The Bolt

Form: Ballet in three acts and seven scenes, with libretto by Viktor Fyodorovich
Smirnov, decor by Tatyana Bruni and Georgi Korshikov, and choreography
by Fyodor Lopukhov. The original working title was At the New Machine.


Scene 1: ‘In the cloakroom’
1. Gymnastics. Radio announcement 1
2. Drinking bout
Scene 2: ‘In the workshop’
1. Checking the installation of the machines
2. The Charwomen. Radio-announcement 2
3. March: Scene of the filling workshop
4. Workshop concert: (a) The Wreckers. Interlude, (b) The
Bureaucrat, (c) The Blacksmith, and (d ) Industrial March.
Dance of the Komsomol Members and Pioneers
5. Starting up the workshop
Scene 3: ‘In the cloakroom’
1. Drinking bout
2. The indignant workers
Scene 4: ‘In the workshop’
1. At work
Scene: ‘In the Factory Village’
1. Scene of the Sexton, Lad, Cloaked Women, Priest,
Pioneers, and Pilgrims
2. Dance of the Priest
3. The Pilgrims
4. Dance: Komsomol Circle
5. Dance of Kozelkov
6. Dance of the Cloaked Women
7. Dance of the Lad
8. Quadrille of the Komsomol Members and dance of the Sexton
9. Scene: Priest with the Sexton; departure of the Pilgrims
and Komsomol Members

10. Dance pantomime: from the beer-house

11. Scene: vodka and sabotage
12. Kozelkov’s Dance with Friends
13. Kozelkov’s Dance (in his absence); Waltz-scherzo
(doll-like dance mocking secretary Olga)
Scene 1: ‘At the door of the workshop’
1. Musical action and Scene: departure of the workers
2. Scene with the bolt. Pantomime and Dance
3. Scene: exposure of the provocation
4. Musical Entr’acte
Scene 2: ‘The Club’
1. March: Red Army
2. Appearance of the agitator-brigade: (a) maritime
conference, (b) the aesthetic Young Lady, (c) The
Conciliator, (d ) Textile Workers, (e) The Drayman, and
( f ) the female Colonial Slave
3. Komsomol Dance
4. Red Army. Dance performance; (a) infantry and artillery,
(b) Society of Assistance to Defence, Aviation, and Chemical
Protection, (c) bicyclists, (d) Red Army, Red Navy and
sailors, (e) aviators, and ( f ) the Budyonny Mounted Army
5. Final Dance and Apotheosis

The order and titles of the items in Acts 1 and 3 of the composer’s score,
as recorded by Rozhdestvensky differ slightly from the ballet as detailed
above, while Act 2 is identical apart from the transposition of the last two
numbers. The musical numbers in the piano score, compiled by Manashir
Yakubov on the basis of the première programme booklet and archival
material, appear as follows:
1. Overture—Adagio—Allegro

2. Gymnastics—Moderato
3. Leaving for work—Allegretto attacca
4. Lyonka Tippler (off to work after a drinking bout)—Adagio attacca
5. Mime of the installation of the machines (aka The Destruction of the
6. Mime of the Chief Engineer, technicians, and workers—Allegro non
OPUS 27: T H E BOL T 75

7. Entry of Kozelkov—Moderato attacca

8. Mime Dance of the Charwomen (Tidying up the workshop)— Allegro
9. The workers arrive—Allegretto
10. The Saboteurs (Intermezzo)—Allegretto
11. The Bureaucrat—Allegretto—Allegro
12. The Blacksmith—Allegretto
13. Entry of the Komsomol Members, and Dance of the Pioneers—
14. Commissioning of the workshop (First Dance of the Machines)—
15. The Hooligan’s Mime Dance (Carousing)—Adagio—Allegro
16. Mime Dance of the Hooligans and Workers (The workers’
17. The Workshop in operation (Second Dance of the Machines)—Allegro
18. Introduction. Scene with the Sexton, Lad, Beggar Women, Priest, and
19. Mime and Dance of the Priest—Adagio—Allegro vivo attacca
20. Entry of the Pilgrims—Andantino
21. Dance of the Komosol Members (a Russian, Georgian, and an
22. Dance of Kozelkov—Andantino
23. Dance of the Beggar Woman—Andantino
24. Dance of the Lad—Allegro
25. Dance of Komosol Members, Dance of the Sexton, and Scene with
the Pilgrims—Allegro—Andantino
26. Dance of the Hooligans—Largo—Allegro
27. Mime of the Hooligans and Scene with Lyonka and the Priest—
28. Mime of Kozelkov, Boris, and Olga—Allegretto—Allegro
29. Dance of Kozelkov and his Friends—Allegretto—Andante—
30. Entr’acte—Lento
31. The end of the working day—Allegro
32. Scene with the bolt—Andante—Allegro—Adagio
33. March—Allegretto
34. The Naval Disarmament Conference—Allegretto
35. Dance of the aesthetic Young Lady—Allegro—Andantino
36. The Yes-Man—Andantino

37. Dance of the Mill Girls—Allegro

38. Dance of the Drayman—Moderato non troppo
39. Dance of the Colonial Slave Girl—Andante—Allegro
40. Dance of the Komsomol Members—Allegro
41. The conspiracy exposed (The Tale of the Lad)—Andante—
42. Red Army Dances (infantrymen and artillerymen; Association
for Defence, Aviation, and Chemical Protection; motorcyclists; a
Red Army soldier and sailor; airmen; and the Budyonny Cavalry
43. Final Dance and Apotheosis—Allegro

The Closing March from The Bedbug, Opus 19, utilized for ‘The Char-
women’ of Act 1, Scene 2:2 (or No. 8 in the score). The introductory March
from The Bedbug, along with Reel 3 No. 3 [Allegro] from Alone, Opus 26,
appear in ‘Scene of the filling workshop’ of Act 1, Scene 2:3 (or No. 9 in
the score). ‘The Wreckers’ of Act 1, Scene 2:4a (or No. 10 in the score) is
taken from No. 18 of the composer’s original score of The Golden Age, Opus
22. The ‘Komsomol Circle’ dance of Act 2 No. 4 (or No. 21 in the score)
quotes from the Finale of New Babylon, Opus 18.
Several numbers of the ballet score were later reused in The Limpid
Stream (see table under Opus 39).
Composed: 1930–31, at Leningrad. The commission was received in
February 1930.
Premières: Ballet: 8 April 1931, Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (Kirov
Theatre), Leningrad; Aleksandr Gauk. NB. This was the only staged perfor-
mance (see Yakubov, 269 of the complete piano score) though, apparently,
it appeared on theatre posters until mid-June 1931.
USSR revival: Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) Theatre of Opera and
Ballet in April 1976.
Russian revival: February 2005, Moscow, Bolshoi Theatre; Aleksei
Ratmansky (director/choreographer).
Suite: 17 January 1933, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, A. Gauk.
UK: 28 August 1977, Usher Hall, Edinburgh; Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Kirill Kondrashin.
Arrangements: Opus 27a—Suite for full orchestra (augmented by a military
band in the final number), also known as Ballet Suite No. 5 (see Sans op.
P(i), assembled by the composer in 1931):
1. Overture (Introduction)—Adagio—Allegro
2. The Bureaucrat (Polka)—Allegretto (Act 1, Scene 2:4b)
OPUS 27: T H E BOL T 77

3. The Drayman’s Dance (Variations)—Moderato non troppo (Act 3, 2: 2e)

4. Tango: Kozelkov’s Dance with Friends (Tango)—Allegretto—Andante—
Allegro (Act 2 No. 12)
5. Intermezzo [also Interlude]—Allegretto (Act 1, 2: 4a)
6. The Dance of the Colonial Slave (Act 3, 2: 2f )
7. The Conciliator (Act 3, 2: 2c)
8. General Dance of Enthusiasm and Apotheosis (Finale)—Presto (Act 3,
2: 5)
Reduction of Nos. 2 and 5 for piano bv Levon Atovmyan.
No. 2 transcribed for band by Donald Hunsberger; retitled ‘Satiri-
cal Dance’ (Polka) as a piano solo for clarinet and piano, small and large
orchestra by Quinto Maganini; for brass ensemble by Alan Raph; for two
pianos four hands by Maxwell Powers; and saxophone and piano by Marc
No. 7 arranged for marimba and piano by Nebojša Živković.
Waltz-scherzo (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 5, and Four Waltzes, Sans op.
P No. 2) variously transcribed, including for accordion by Z. Semyonova,
violin and piano by Gotsdener, balalaika by A. Tikhonov, domra and piano
by Rudolf Belov; and in a piano reduction by Bronislava Rozengauz and as
an organ solo by Mariya Makarova from Score No. 28.
Scherzo (Ballet Suite No. 4, No. 3) reworked by Levon Atovmyan from
Score No. 37.
Intermezzo (or Interlude), No. 5 appears in Moscow, Cheryomushki, Opus
105 No. 21. Also arranged for wind band and organ solo from Score No. 10.
Overture arranged for wind ensemble by Hans van der Heide.
Suite Opus 27a (1934 version) transcribed for wind band by Yoshihiro
Kimura and Nos, 3–5 and 8, by Steven Verhaert.
See also Dances of the Dolls, Sans op. S(i).
Instrumentation: Suite Opus 27a—piccolo, 2 flutes (II = piccolo II), 2 oboes,
cor anglais, E flat clarinet (= bass clarinet), 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 6 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone
~ strings. Separate band in Finale: E flat and 2 B flat cornets, 2 trombones,
and 2 each of alto, tenor, baritone, and bass saxhorns. The xylophone is
employed in the 1931 Suite (in No. 7) and not in the 1934 version.
Music: The autograph piano score and authorised manuscripts of the
orchestral score are preserved at PGALI. A manuscript score of the original
Suite is preserved at GTsMMK. In 1934 the composer discarded Nos. 6 and
7 and substituted less explicit titles as indicated above in parentheses. The
manuscript score of this version, inscribed ‘To be regarded as the original.
D. Shostakovich’, is also kept at PGALI. The score and instrumental parts

of the Suite, prepared for publication by Muzgiz in 1934, reached the proof-
reading stage but was not published.
Edition Musicus, Satirical Dance arr. by Q. Maganini, 1940, for small
orchestra, 31 cm.; 1940, for piano; c.1943, for large orchestra, parts,
31 cm.; c.1958, for clarinet and piano; c.1946, for two pianos four hands
by M. Powers; for brass ensemble by A. Raph.
Muzyka, 1959, Waltz-scherzo arr. for violin and piano by Gotsdener.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular Pieces),
1967, Nos. 2 and 5 arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
Boston Music, USA, 1971, No. 2 transcribed for band by D. Hunsberger,
score and parts, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2473 (in Young Pieces—Pieces, Etudes &
Ensembles, Class VI–VII), 1975, Waltz-scherzo for piano, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of Children’s
Piano Pieces), 1979, Waltz-scherzo arr. by B. Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11695 (in Volume 26 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Suite (1934 version), 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score of Suite in Volume 71 of New
Collected Works.
Complete score—DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1996,
complete piano score with article on the history of the ballet by Manashir
Yakubov in Russian and English, 284, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 62 and piano score in
Volume 63 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Suite (1931 version): 27' 44"–28' 59"; 27 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Suite (1934 version): 24' 52". Complete score: 145' 20".
Additional ballets: The Young Lady and the Hooligan. Numbers from The
Bolt, Opus 27 used, along with items from Opp. 39, 40, 50a, 95, and 97
in a one-act ballet of seven episodes created for Valeri Panov by Konstantin
Boyarsky, with libretto by Aleksandr Belinsky (after a film script by Vladimir
Mayakovsky, based on the novel The Workers’ Lady-Teacher by Edmondo De
Amicis) and designs by Valeri Dorrer. Premièred at the Leningrad Malyi
Theatre, 28 December 1962, under the conductor Yevgeni Kornblit.
The UK première was performed at the Coliseum Theatre, London on
25 July 2006 by the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet under its Artistic Director
Valery Gergiev, the named parts danced by Svetlana Ivanova and Igor
Zelensky, with the Mariinsky Orchestra conducted by Tugan Sokhiev.
The score of thirteen numbers (duration: 50' 48"–52' 20") assembled by
Levon Atovmyan:
1. Introduction. Adagio—Opus 50a (‘Maxim Trilogy’ Suite—Death of
the old worker) and Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 3—Romance)
OPUS 27: T H E BOL T 79

2. The Street—Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 6—Galop)

3. The Hooligan—Opus 27 (The Bolt, Act 3—The Drayman)
4. The Young Lady—Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 3—Romance)
5. The School—Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 4—Polka)
6. The Prayer—Opus 40 (Cello Sonata, 1st movement, 2nd theme orch.
7. The Cabaret—Opus 27 (The Bolt, Act 2—Kozelkov’s Dance with
8. Visions—Opus 97a (The Gadfly, No. 8—Romance arr. Atovmyan)
9. Scene—Opp. 27 and 40 (reprise of numbers 7 and 6)
10. In the Park—Opp. 95 and 27 (Ballet Suite No. 4, No. 2 and reprise
of number 3)
11. Adagio—Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 2, No. 2—Adagio)
12. The Brawl—Opus 39 (Ballet Suite No. 4, No. 1—Prelude)
13. Finale—Opus 50a (‘Maxim Trilogy’ Suite—Death of the old worker)
NB. A shortened version under the title The Young Girl and the Hooligan,
televised by the BBC on 26 March 1975, was danced by Valeri and Galina
Panov with the orchestra conducted by Ashley Lawrence. As the heroine is a
young schoolmistress, the word ‘Lady’ is more appropriate in the title. The
scenario is given in Goltsman.
The Dreamers. Score adapted by Viktor Smirnov-Golovanov, Sergei
Sapozhnikov, and G. E. Yungvald-Kilkhevich from The Bolt and The
Golden Age, choreographed by Natalya Ryzhenko; Stanislavsky and
Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre, Moscow, 19 January 1976.
Paillettes. Norbert Schmucki, Paris Opera Ballet; danced to ‘Kozelkov’s
Dance with Friends’, 1986. Available on View Video Dance Series NTSC
1204 videocassette (orchestra and conductor uncredited).
Brian Orsar, representing Canada, skated to excerpts from this ballet suite
(the first six bars of No. 1, followed by Nos. 3 and 4) in the 1988 Winter
Olympics, Calgary and his farewell routine at the World Figure Skating
Championships, Budapest.
Film: DVD—France: BelAir classiques BAC 020. Bolshoi Ballet; principal
re-named roles danced by Anastasia Yatsenko, Andrei Merkuryev, Denis
Savin, and Morikhiro Iwat; choreography by Aleksei Ratmansky; Viktor
Smirnov’s 1931 libretto revised into a two-Act/four-Scene ballet by Viktor
Smirnov-Golovanov; costumes by Galina Solovyov; Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra conducted by Pavel SOROKIN. P Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow concert
Sept. 2006, I June 2007.
Recordings: 78 rpm—USA: V-Disc 776 (‘V-Disc Pops Concert’). Satirical
Dance. Norwalk Symphony Orchestra, Quinto MAGANINI. P NBC Studio,
New York 17 May 1947.

LP—Germany: Electrola Odeon 0 80610 (mono). Satirical Dance. Hugo

KOLBERG (violin) and Felix Schroder (piano). P Berlin 19 May 1960 ~ USA:
Mace MXX 9089 (stereo). I 1965.
78 rpm—USSR: 0039857-8 (8"). Waltz-scherzo arr. Semyonova.
Z. SEMYONOV (accordion), V. Budkin and V. Parkhomov (guitars). P 1963.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C01387-8. Suite (1931 version). Bolshoi
Theatre Orchestra and Zhukovsky Military Air Academy Band, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVIC; soloists in Nos. 2 and 7 respectively— Romuald Vladimirov
(bassoon) and Leonid Redkin (xylophone). P and I 1966 ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 2747. G Sept. 1971 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 50251 in Set SLS 5025.
Nos. 2, 7, and 8 only. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya C 01387-8 (in fourth
box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1978 ~ Italy: EMI 065 94484.
I 1978. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 66981-2 (two-disc set).
I Dec. 1999.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02849-50. Waltz-scherzo arr. Tikhonov.
A. Tikhonov (balalaika), Osipov Academic Russian Folk Orchestra, Viktor
DUBROVSKY. P 1971, I 1972.
USSR: Melodiya C20 06529-30. Waltz-scherzo arr. Belov. Rudolf BELOV
(domra) and Eleonora Kirillovskaya (piano). P 1975, I 1976c.
Germany: Colosseum SM 631 (‘Virtuoso Wind Music’). Satirical Dance arr.
for brass ensemble. MUNICH BRASS SOLOISTS (Willi Bauer, Werner Binder, Karl
Hertel—trumpets; Olaf Klamand—French horn; Klaus Renk—trombone;
Manfred Hoppert—tuba). P date not stated but after 1975.
CD—USA: Russian RCD 16238 (‘Russian Piano School’). Waltz-scherzo
arr. for piano by M. Sagradova. Nataliya GAVRILOVA (piano). P 1976–90, I
LP—Sweden: Swedish Society Discofil SLT 33254. Satirical Dance arr.
Gunnar Schmidt—trumpets; John Petersen and Rune Bodin—trombones;
Ib Lanzky-Otto—French horn; Michael Lind—tuba). P Rasunda, Sweden
21–23 Mar. 1977.
USSR: Melodiya C10 13297-300. Suite Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7, and 3. Stockholm
Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Leningrad concert
9–10 Feb. 1979, I 1980c.
CD—Denon 38C37 7238. Satirical Dance arr. A. Raph. ENSEMBLE DE
CUIVRES GUY TOUVRON (Guy Touvron and Serge Boisson—trumpets; Michel
Molinaro—horn; Philippe Cauchy—trombone; Christian Delange—tuba).
P Japan July 1982.
France: Praga PR 250 053. Suite Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 3. Czech Philharmonic
Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Prague concert broadcast 7 Jan. 1983, I
Nov. 1994, G Sept. 1995 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde PR 7250 083. G
Feb. 2001.
OPUS 27: T H E BOL T 81

LP—USA: Orion ORS 83462. Waltz-scherzo. Zoe ERISMAN (piano). P

USSR: Melodiya C10 21335 006. Intermezzo arr. for wind band. USSR
Ministry of Home Affairs Army Orchestra, Vladimir TARASOV. I 1985b.
CD—Germany: Cadenza CAD 800 878 (‘Marimba and Percussion
Solo’). The Conciliator, labelled as ‘Opportunist’, arr. N. Živković. Nebojša
ŽIVKOVIĆ (marimba) and Iris Kobal (piano). P Stuttgart 1987, I 1989.
*BBC Legends BBCL 4204-2. Suite Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 3. BBC Symphony
Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky.] P Royal
Albert Hall Prom concert 18 Aug. 1987, I Jan. 2007, G Apr. 2007.
Chandos CHAN 8650. Suite Nos. 1–8. Scottish National Orchestra,
Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 14 May 1988, G Apr. 1990 ~ Chandos Compact
CHAN 7000/1 (two-disc set). G May 1995.
*DVD—USA: Pioneer Classics DVD PC 11524-D. The Drayman’s
Dance, labelled ‘Parody from Ballet Music’. Moscow State Symphony
Orchestra, Pavel KOGAN. [Op. 93; Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner.] P
Munich concert 1990, I Mar. 2001.
CD—France: Erol Records 7014. Arr. for saxophone. Marc CHISSON
(soprano saxophone) and Alain Perez (piano). P Bordeaux 14 June 1992.
Chandos CHAN 9343-4 (two-disc set). Complete score of 43 numbers.
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Stockholm Transport Band, G.
ROZHDESTVENSKY (conductor, pianist in No. 1, narrator in Nos. 1 and 7). P
Stockholm 6–11 June 1994, G June 1995.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288 105. The Young
Lady and the Hooligan—complete ballet. Andrei Kolokolov (trumpet
in No. 7), Nikolai Kvitko (trumpet in No. 8), Nazar Dzhurin (cello),
Mikhail Spivak (violin), Andrei Skorobogatko (oboe), Mikhail Purizhensky
(clarinet); Russian Symphony Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Mosfilm
Studios, Moscow 28 June–1 July 1994, I May 1995 ~ France: Le Chant du
Monde Russian Season RUS 788164. Nos. 2–5 and 7–10. G Nov. 1999.
USA: Pope Music PM 1002-2 (‘Unlikely Silhouettes’). Suite Nos. 1–8.
Russian Symphony Orchestra (‘Young Russia’), Mark GORENSTEIN. P Moscow
Conservatory Sept. 1994, I Nov. 1995.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 033 (‘Untrodden Paths’). The Young Lady
and the Hooligan—complete ballet. Minsk Symphony Orchestra, Walter
MNATSAKANOV. P Byelorussian Radio Studio Oct. 1994, , July 1995. NB.
‘In the Park’ split on two tracks—Nos. 10 and 11.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Waltz-scherzo and Inter-
mezzo arr. for organ. Mariya MAKAROVA (organ) P Moscow Conservatory
Jan. 1995, 1 Mar. 1997.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00292. Suite Nos. 1–8. Czech Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kazushi ONO. P Prague 28 Mar. 1995, I Sept. 1995.

Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 129. Suite Nos. 2 and 3. Copenhagen

Philharmonic Orchestra, Okko KAMU. P Tivoli concert, Copenhagen 2 July
1995, G Oct. 1996.
Decca 452 597-2DH (‘The Dance Album’). Suite (1934) Nos. 1–5 and
8. Philadelphia Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P New Jersey Dec. 1995, G
Dec. 1996.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC778 1124. Nos. 10 and 28 arr. for
organ. Hervé DÉSARBRE (organ). NB. Couplings include Tishchenko Portrait
of D. D. Shostakovich—No. 12 of Twelve Portraits, Op. 113. P Glinka
Museum, Moscow concert 24 May 1999, G Aug. 2000.
Deutsche Grammophon 469 525-2GH. Suite Nos. 1–8. Gothenburg
Symphony Orchestra, Neemi JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Aug. 1999, G May 2001.
**Netherlands: NBELIVE NBECD 005. Overture arr. Heide.
NEDERLANDS BLAZERS ENSEMBLE. [Burgers, Andriessen, Goebbels et al.]
P Concertgebouw, Amsterdam concert 1 Jan. 2001.
CD and DVD—Naxos 8.555949. Suite Nos. 1–8. Russian State
Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri YABLONSKY. [Sans opp. G and E, Op. 16.]
P Moscow Oct. 2001, G July 2002. Reissued on DVD—Naxos 5.110006.
[As CD.] I Mar. 2003.
Germany: perc.pro 10022002. Suite Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 8 arr. S. Verhaert.
WORLD BRASS. [Sans op. G(ii); and Ellington.] P Sender Freies Berlin Studios
Nov. 2002, I Dec. 2002.
CD—Japan: Fontec FOCD 9196. Suite 1934 version arr. Kimura.
Hiroshima Wind Orchestra, Yoshihiro KIMURA. [Opp. 82 and 97.]
P Phoenix Hall, Hiroshima 30 Nov. 2002.
Netherlands: PentaTone PTC 5186 032 (SACD). Suite 1934 version–
Nos. 1–5 and 8. Russian National Orchestra, Aleksandr VEDERNIKOV.
[Prokofiev and Khachaturyan.] P Russian Television and Broadcasting
Studio, Moscow 30 Jan.–1 Feb. 2003.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites —Film Music’,
on second of three-disc set). Suite 1934 version. National Symphony
Orchestra of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Opp. 39a and 22a.] P National
Radio Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 71 097 (Hybrid SACD). Suite 1934 version.
MDR Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Opp. 22a and 36.]
P Augustusplatz, Leipzig 17–20 May 2005, I Oct. 2006.
Notes: In the second edition No. 2 (e), ‘The Goblin’, of Act 3 Scene 2, was
translated from the ‘Domovoi’ listed by Sadovnikov in his 1965 Catalogue.
‘Domovoi’ is a printer’s error which should read ‘Lomovoi’, Russian for
‘The Drayman’ or ‘The Carter’.
The Budyonny Mounted Army, featured in Act 3 of the ballet, named
after the legendary Semyon Budyonny who began his career as a cavalryman
OP U S 28: RUL E, BRIT AN N IA! 83

and became a Marshal of the Soviet Army. According to Volkov (1979)

he was ‘famed for his huge moustache and outstanding stupidity’. The
Budyonovka, a pointed helmet worn by the Red Army from 1918, was
named after him.
For ‘Observations on The Bolt’ see Simon Morrison’s article ‘Shostakovich
as Industrial Saboteur’ in Shostakovich and His World (Laurel E. Fay ed.,
Princeton University Press, 2004, 117–61 with five illustrations of costumes
by Tatyana Bruni).
The drunken characters Ivan Corkscrew, Fyodor Beer, Manka Fart (sic) et
al. named in the première booklet and in Sadovnikov’s Catalogue (1965) do
not appear in the story of the ballet in the booklet nor in any musical texts.
Strangely, they reappear in the BelAir DVD booklet (2007). Manka Fart is
spelt thus ‘v»ËÍ’ in Cyrillic but is actually slang for the word ‘Luck’.
See also the Note under Declared Dead Opus 31.

Opus 28: Rule, Britannia!

Form: Incidental music to the stage play Rule, Britannia! by Adrian
1. The Internationale—Allegro—Meno mosso (choral portion)
2. Infantry March—Allegretto
3. [Along the Soviet Route]—Allegro non troppo (choral words not found)
4. [Protest]—Allegro
5. [Raising the Banner]—Allegretto
6. [The Banners are Making a Noise]—Allegro (choral number)
No. 1 concludes with the opening eight bars of Pierre Degeyter’s melody
with Russian text by Arkadi Kots.
Instrumentation: flute (= piccolo), B flat clarinet, bassoon ~ horn, 2 trum-
pets, trombone, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~
piano ~ strings.
Composed: April 1931, at Leningrad.
Première: 9 May 1931, Theatre of Working-class Youth, Leningrad (TRAM),
directed by Mikhail Sokolovsky and R. Suslovich, and conducted by
N. Dvorikov.
Arrangements: Piano reduction of Nos. 1–3, 5, and 6 by Yuri Olenev. No. 2
modified and reorchestrated by the composer for use in the ‘Night Watch’
number of Hamlet, Opus 32. No 4 [Protest] reconstructed from piano score
by Mark Fitz-Gerald.
Music: Autograph piano score of [Protest], complete with prose text to be
spoken against the musical background, and three fragmentary items from
Act 4 in piano reduction (‘The Cannon’, ‘Transition to the Little House’,

and [‘Dynamiada’]) preserved at PGALI. Manuscript copies of Nos. 1–3, 5,

and 6 in full score discovered in the mid-1980s in the Shostakovich Family
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, piano and
vocal scores of six items, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Nos. 1–3, 5, and 6, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 116 of New Collected
Recording: **CD—Naxos 8.572138. Nos. 1–6. National Polish Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Camerata Silesia, Anna Szostak (chorus-director in
Nos. 1 and 6), Mark FITZ-GERALD.
[Opp. 41(ii), 44, and 70.] P Grzegorz Fitelberg Concert Hall Katowice,
Poland 27–30 Aug. and 20–22 Sept. 2008, I May G Sept., 2009.

Opus 29: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District

Form: Opera in four acts for full orchestra, chorus and 17 principals, with
libretto by Aleksandr Preis and the composer, based on the novel-sketch
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District written in 1865 by Nikolai Leskov:

Scene 1: In the Izmailovs’ house
Scene 2: The Izmailovs’ courtyard
Scene 3: Katerina’s bedroom
Scene 4: The Izmailovs’ courtyard at night
Scene 5: Katerina’s bedroom
Scene 6: The Izmailovs’ garden before the wedding
Scene 7: In the police station
Scene 8: The wedding feast in the Izmailovs’ garden
Scene 9: Convicts’ camp on the road to Siberia

Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes (II = piccolo II and flute in G), 2 oboes, cor
anglais, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
wood block, tambourine, side drum, side drum militare, whip, cymbals,

bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, 2 harps, celesta ~ strings. An

optional brass band of 2 B flat cornets, 2 E flat cornets, 2 B flat trumpets,
2 E flat alto saxhorns, 2 B flat tenor saxhorns, 2 E flat baritone saxhorns,
and 2 bass horns is specified in the 1932 version. String strength specified
at 16–18, 14–16, 12–14, 12–14, and 10–12 with the double-basses not to
be muted throughout the opera.
Composed: 14 October 1930–17 December 1932. The first part of the opera
was begun in Leningrad and continued in the Caucasus in autumn 1931. Act
1 was finished in Tbilisi on 5 November 1931. Act 2 was begun in Leningrad
on 19 November 1931 and completed in Moscow on 8 March 1932. Act 3
was started in Leningrad on 5 April 1932 and continued in Gaspra, Crimea,
with completion on 15 August 1932. Act 4 written in Leningrad.
Dedication: Nina Vasilievna Varzar (fiancee).
Premières: 22 January 1934, Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre; produced by
Nikolai Smolich and Vladimir Dmitriev, under the direction of the conduc-
tor, Samuil Samosud; principal roles—Agrippina Sokolova (Katerina), Pyotr
Zasetsky (Sergei), Georgi Orlov (Boris), and Stepan Balashov (Zinovi).
24 January 1934, Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre, Moscow; produced
under the title Katerina Izmailova by Boris Mordvinov and conducted by
Grigori Stolyarov; principal roles—A. Tulubeva (Katerina), S. Ostroumov
(Sergei), Vladimir Kandelaki (Boris), and Sergei Tsenin (Zinovi).
USA: 31 January 1935, Cleveland Metropolitan Opera House; Art of
Musical Russia singers under Artur Rodzinski.
New production: 26 December 1935, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow; con-
ducted by Aleksandr Melik-Pashayev.
UK: 18 March 1936, Queen’s Hall, London; Oda Slobodskaya, Hughes
Macklin, and Harold Williams in a concert performance (in Michel
Calvocoressi’s English translation revised by other hands), conducted by
Albert Coates.
USA revivals: September 1981, War Memorial Opera House, San
Francisco; San Francisco Opera Company, Anja Silja in the title role, pro-
duced by Gerald Freedman and conducted by Calvin Simmons.
Australia: 29 February 1984, Festival Theatre, Adelaide; State Opera of
South Australia production in Edward Downes’s English translation; John
Tasker (director), Peter Cooke (designer), Beverley Bergen (Katerina), Ron
Stevens (Sergei), Gregory Dempsey (Boris), Adelaide Symphony Orchestra,
conducted by Patrick Thomas.
UK: 22 May 1987, London Coliseum; English National Opera produc-
tion in David Pountney’s English translation; Stefanos Lazaridis (designer),
Josephine Barstow (Katerina), Jacque Trussel (Sergei), Willard White
(Boris), Stuart Kale (Zinovi), Mark Elder (conductor). The conductor
accepted the 1987 Lawrence Olivier Award for the most outstanding

achievement of the year in opera at London’s Victoria Palace on 24 January

1988. This ENO production was revived on 15 June 2001 at the Coliseum
with Vivian Tierney (Katerina), Robert Brubaker (Sergei), Pavlo Hunka
(Boris), Rhys Meirion (Zinovi), and Mark Wigglesworth (conductor).
East Germany: 7 May 1988, Deutsche Oper, Berlin; produced by Günter
Kramer and conducted by Jiří Kout; principal roles—Karan Armstrong
(Katerina), Jan Blinkhof (Sergei), Dimiter Petkov (Boris), and William Pell
US: 10 December 1994, New York, Metropolitan Opera House; Maria
Ewing (Katerina), Vladinir Galusin (Sergei), Sergei Koptchak (Boris), James
Conlon (conductor)/18 March 2000, Catherine Malfitano (Katerina),
V. Galusin (Sergei), S. Koptchak (Boris), Valery Gergeiev (conductor). Both
performances broadcast ‘Live from the Met’ on BBC Radio 3.
Australia: 11 June 2002, Sydney Opera House; Opera Australia pro-
duction in David Pountney’s English translation; Francesco Zambello
(director), Hildegard Bechtler (designer), Elizabeth Whitehouse (Katerina),
Kurt Schreibmayer (Sergei), Donald Shanks (Boris), Australian Opera and
Ballet Orchestra, conducted by Richard Hickox. Newspaper advertisements
for this production carried the warning: ‘Suitable for adult audiences only’.
UK: 1 April 2004, Royal Opera House, London; Richard Jones (director),
John Macfarlane (designer), Katarina Dalayman (Katerina), Christopher
Ventris (Sergei), John Tomlinson (Boris), Stefan Margita (Zinovi), Royal
Opera Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Antonio Pappano. Broadcast
on BBC Radio 3 on 8 May 2004.
Arrangements: Opus 29a: Suite of Three Interludes compiled by the com-
poser in 1932:
1. Entr’acte between 2nd and 3rd Scenes—Allegro
2. Entr’acte between 7th and 8th Scenes—Presto
3. Entr’acte between 6th and 7th Scenes—Allegretto
Opuses 29/114b: Five Interludes (initially Four: between scenes 1 and
2, 2 and 3, 7 and 8, and 6 and 7) in versions compiled by the composer in
1956 and 1963. See Opus 114.
Three fragments—‘Burying the corpse in the cellar’, ‘The ghost disap-
pears’, and ‘The drunks at the wedding’—arranged for small and full
orchestra and piano solo by Quinto Maganini. Three extracts—‘Dance’,
‘Interlude’, and ‘Grotesque Dance’—arranged for piano by Frederick
English translations of the libretto by L. Soudakova, Vladimir Lakond,
Sonia Benderoff, Merle Puffer, Michel Calvocoressi, Edward Downes,
and David Pountney. German text jointly by Jörg Morgener and Siegfried

The first published editions of 1935 show many changes in the text,
mainly elimination of vulgarisms, including Katerina’s aria and Sergei’s
recitative in Scene 3. The ‘pornophony’ interlude at the end of Scene 3 was
considerably shortened.
The opera was restored in 1963 in an expurgated version, Katerina
Izmailova, Opus 114.
See also Two Pieces for String Quartet, Sans op. D(i).
Music: The autograph full score preserved at PGALI and manuscripts of
the Suite and Five Interludes, executed in copyists’ hands, kept in the
Shostakovich Family Archive.
J. & W. Chester, London, no number, 1933, crudely mimeographed
copy from USSR rehearsal score in the British Museum, oblong format 29
by 19 cm. (Photocopied missing pages supplied by William Crawford of
New York, whose vocal score came from the estate of V. Lakond). Each Act
paginated separately: 1–74, 1–97, 1–82, and 1–66.
Muzgiz, No. 14346, 1935, vocal score with Russian and English texts
(the latter by L. Soudakova), portrait and plates, 321, 30 cm.
Universal Edition, Vienna, No. 10740, 1935, vocal score with German
Kalmus, New York, 1935, libretto only with authorized English synchro-
nized translation by V. Lakond, 23 cm.
A. S. Gilman, Cleveland, 1935, libretto only in English translation by
Sonia Benderoff.
Edition Musicus, 1940, three fragments arr. for piano by Q. Maganini,
31 cm.; also for small and full orchestras, score and parts.
Edition Musicus, No. 144, 1942, ‘The Road to Siberia’, bass solo with
piano accompaniment by Q. Maganini and English text by Walter Lake
(pseudonym of V. Lakond), 26.5 cm.
Southern Music, New York, 1964, Katerina’s Aria—‘Oh, I don’t feel like
sleep anymore’, for voice and piano, with English lyric by John Klein and
V. Lakond, 31 cm.
Southern Music, New York, 1965, ‘The Road to Siberia’, bass solo with
S.A.T.B. chorus and piano, with English lyric by J. Klein and V. Lakond,
score, c.19 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5750 (in collection Organ Works by Soviet Composers),
1976, Passacaglia arr. for organ by Leonid Roizman [with preface dated
Moscow 1973 by the arranger—spelt Roisman in German], horizontal
format 30 cm. NB. Music gives Op. 29; recording Op. 114.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2313, 1979, vocal score with Russian and German
texts—the latter by Jörg Morgener and Siegfried Schoenbohm, 320,
31.5 cm. Full score of this version available only on rental.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2329, 1979, Passacaglia arr. for organ, 31.5 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1998, facsimile of piano-vocal

score, 1935 edition, text in Russian and English, 323, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2002, New Collected Works Volume 69,
Suite Opus 29a and Five Interludes Opp. 29/114a, 193, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow: full score in Volume 52 and piano score in
Volume 53 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 3 hrs in score; 2 hrs 36 mins–2 hrs 40 mins. Films:
2 hrs 40 mins (Pountney—without excisions); 3 hrs 7 mins (Winge—
including a four-minute interlude taken from the first movement of the
Sixth Symphony Op. 54 inserted before the beginning of Act 4); 1 hr 36
mins (Weigl—abridged: 13 cuts). Three fragments: 10 minutes (Musicus).
Passacaglia for organ: 6' 25"–8' 35".
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Films: The English National Opera’s production, introduced by Michael
Berkeley, televised on BBC2 TV on 8 November 1987.
RCA Victor Red Seal Laser Disc 781202 and VHS Video 791202 (‘Concert
in Berlin’). Entr’actes from Scenes 2–5 and 7–8. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Mstislav Rostropovich. P Philharmonie, Berlin 31 Dec. 1990, I 1992.
Lady Macbeth von Mzensk. A Czechoslovakian colour film of the opera pro-
duced by Petr Weigl in 1992, screened on ZDF (Second German Television),
7 March 1993. The cast mimed to the Russian voices on Rostropovich’s
1978 HMV recording and crucial German subtitles were provided. Principal
acting roles—Markéta Hrubešová (Katerina), Michal Dlouhý (Sergei), Petr
Haničinec (Boris), and Václav Neckář (Zinovi). There are thirteen cuts in
Scenes 1–4, only the start of Scene 5 is shown, and the whole of Scenes 6 and
7 to the last part of Scene 8 is omitted. This 100-minute version is available
on Carlton Entertainment Digital Versatile Disc ID 5655 CLDVD. Reviews
G Nov. 2000 and by John Riley in DSCH Journal No. 15, 57–59.
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk. EMI 599730-9. A two DVD set, stage directed
by Stein Winge, recorded at concerts on stage at the Gran Teatre del
Liceu, Barcelona in May 2002. Principal roles: Nadine Secunde (Katerina),
Christopher Ventris (Sergei), Anatoli Kotcherga (Boris), Francisco Vas
(Zinovi), with Yevgeni Nesterenko as the Old Convict. The Palau de
la Música Catalana Chamber Choir, Liceu Grand Theatre Chorus and
Symphony Orchestra conducted by Aleksandr Anisimov. This three-hour
presentation reviewed by David Fanning in G Apr. 2005 and by Fiona Ford
in DSCH Journal No. 22, 64–66.
DVD—Netherlands: Opus Arte OA 0965D. Principal roles—Eva-Maria
Westbrook (Katerina), Christopher Ventris (Sergei), Vladimir Vaneyev
(Boris), Ludovit Ludha (Zinovi); Netherlands Opera Chorus, Royal Con-
certgebouw Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Het Muiektheater, Amsterdam
concert June 2006, G Feb. 2007.

Recordings: 78 rpm: USA: Decca Capitol CK 51004. Orchestral excerpts:

‘Burying the corpse in the cellar’, ‘The ghost disappears’, and ‘The drunks
at the wedding’. Janssen Symphony Orchestra of Los Angeles, Werner
JANSSEN. G Apr. 1951.
LP and CD—USA: United Artists UAS 8004. Entr’acte between Scenes
6 and 7. Symphony of the Air, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P New York 15–19 Dec.
1958. Reissued on CD—USA: EMI Classics ZDMB5 6542723 (in two-
disc set). I 1994.
LP—East Germany; Eterna 8 20 476. Excerpts. Philine Fischer (soprano),
Dresden Philharmonic, Carl von GARAGULY. P 23–25 June 1964, I 1965.
*CD—Portugal: Gala GL 100805 (in two-disc set, mono, sung in
Italian). Interlude; Act 1 Scene 3: ‘Time for bed. The day is over’, ‘The
foal runs after the filly’, ‘Who’s there? Who’s that knocking?’. Inge Borkh
(Katerina), Dino Dondi (Boris), Giovanni Gibin (Sergei); Orchestra del
Teatro alla Scala, Nino SANZOGNO. [Schumann and R. Strauss.] P Milan
concert 5 Oct. 1964.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 04469-70. Passacaglia arr. for organ (listed
under Op. 114). Leonid ROIZMAN (organ of Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi
Hall). P 1973, I 1974.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3664-6 in Set SLS 5157 (box set com-
plete on six sides with libretto; sung in Russian). Galina Vishnevskaya
(Katerina), Nicolai Gedda (Sergei), Dimiter Petkov (Boris), Werner
Krenn (Zinovi), Robert Tear (shabby peasant), Taru Valjakka (Aksinya),
Martyn Hill (teacher), Leonard Mróz (priest), Aage Haugland (sergeant),
Birgit Finnilä (Sonyetka), Alexander Malta (old convict), Leslie Fyson
(mill-hand and officer), Steven Emmerson (porter), John Noble (steward),
Colin Appleton (1st foreman and coachman), Alan Byers (2nd foreman),
James Lewington (3rd foreman), Oliver Broome (policeman), Edgar Fleet
(drunken guest), David Beavan (sentry), Lynda Richardson (woman
convict); Ambrosian Opera Chorus, John McCarthy (chorus-master),
London Philharmonic Orchestra, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P London
1–22 Apr. 1978, G
May 1979. Prix Mondail du Disque de Montreux 1980 and the 1980
International Record Critics Award. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics Great
Recordings of the Century 5 67776-2 and USA: Angel Records 5-67779-7
(two-disc sets) ~ EMI CDS7 49955-2 (two-disc set). G May 1990 ~ *EMI
Great Artists of the 20th Century 5 62829-2. Act 1 Scene 3. [Opp. 127,
109, and Sans op. V.] I 2004 ~ *EMI Great Recordings of the Century
3712342 (two-disc set with bonus interview DVD). I 2006.
LP—Czech: Supraphon 1116 2843. Katerina’s aria from Act 1. Gabriel
BENACKOVA (soprano), Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Vaclav Neumann. P
1–3 Sept. 1981, G July 1982.

Czech: Panton 81 0681. Passacaglia. Luksaite MRAZKOVA (organ). P

Dvorak House, Prague 1986.
CD—Priory Compact Disc PRCD 370 (‘Great Organs No. 26’).
Passacaglia. Keith JOHN (organ). P Gloucester 3–4 Apr. 1991, G Nov. 1992.
Germany: Arts Compact Disc 47273-2 (‘Organ History—The Russian
School’). Passacaglia. Arturo SACCHETTI (organ). P Rome May 1991.
*Etcetera KTC 2012 (disc two of two-disc set). Passacaglia. Aleksandr
FISEISKY (organ). [Glazunov, Gedike, Nirenburg et al.] P Tallinn Cathedral,
Estonia Nov. 1991 and June 1992, I 1992.
Hyperion CD A 66605. Passacaglia (‘Organ Fireworks, Volume 4’).
Christopher HERRICK (organ). P St Bartholomew’s Church, New York
27–28 Feb. 1992, G Oct. and Dec. 1992.
Deutsche Grammophon 437 511-2CH (two-disc set with libretto,
4D audio; sung in Russian). Maria Ewing (Katerina), Sergei Larin
(Sergei), Aage Haugland (Boris), Philip Langridge (Zinovi), Heinz Zednik
(shabby peasant), Kristine Ciesinski (Aksinya), Ilya Levinsky (teacher),
Romuald Tesarowicz (priest), Anatoli Kotcherga (sergeant), Eléna Zaremba
(Sonyetka), Kurt Moll (old convict), Grigory Gritziuk (mill-hand), Carlos
Alvarez (officer), Guillaume Petitot (porter), Jean-Pierre Mazaloubaud
(steward), Alan Woodrow (coachman), Jean-Claude Costa (1st foreman),
Jean Savignol (2nd foreman), José Ochagavia (3rd foreman), Philippe
Duminy (policeman), Mario Agnetti (drunken guest), Johann Tilli
(sentry), Margaret Jane Wray (woman convict); Chorus and Orchestra of
the Opéra-Bastille, Paris; Myung-Whun chung CHUNG. P Paris Feb. 1992,
G Dec. 1993.
Russia: a-ram ACD 005. Passacaglia. Aleksei PARSHIN (organ). P Moscow
Conservatory c.1994.
Olympia OCD 554 (‘Russian and Ukrainian Organ Music’). Passacaglia.
Valeri RUBACHA (organ). P 1995, I Sept. 1995.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Passacaglia. Mariya MAKAROVA
(organ). P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995, I Mar. 1997.
Germany: Antes Edition BM-CD 15.9001 (three-disc set with synopsis
but no libretto; sung in the Morgener/Schoenbohm German translation).
Anna-Katharina Behnke (Katerina), Stephen Ibbotson (Sergei), Oleg Bryjak
(Boris), Janson Alexander (Zinovi), Stefan Vinke (shabby peasant), Christine
Rösch (Aksinya/woman convict), Günter Nowark (teacher), Markku Tervo
(priest), Werner-Heiner Adam (steward / sergeant), Wilja Ernst-Mosuraitis
(Sonyetka), Christian Rieger (old convict), Almas Svilpa (mill-hand),
Edward Gauntt (officer), Dieter Rell (porter/policeman), Doru Cepreaga
(coachman/drunken guest), Lomon de Jager (1st foreman), Johannes
Eidloth (2nd foreman), Thomas Krause (3rd foreman), Karl-Heinz Haak
(sentry); Baden State Opera Choir, Herwig Saffert (chorus-master), Baden

State Orchestra, Wolfgang HEINZ. P Baden State Theatre performances June

1996, G Sept. 1997.
Olympia OCD 679 (‘White Music’). Passacaglia. Friedemann HERZ
(organ). P Rheda, Germany Sept. 1999, G May 2000.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC778 1124. Passacaglia. Hervé DÉSARBRE
(organ). P Glinka Museum, Moscow concert 24 May 1999, G Aug. 2000.
**France: Natives CDNAT 02 (‘Russian Music for Organ’, two-disc set).
Passacaglia (listed under Op. 114). [On second disc with Prokofiev, Kikta,
Butsko et al.] P St Sulpice, Paris 9–11 Apr. 2003.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6112GH. Suite Op. 29a. Russian
Philharmonic Orchestra, Thomas SANDERLING. [Op. 36.] Kultura Russian
State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006, G Sept. 2006.
Germany: Hänssler Classic SWR Music 93.193. Suite Opus 29a.
SWR Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart, Andrei BOREIKO. [Op. 43.]
P Liederhalle, Stuttgart 8–10 June 2005, G June 2007. NB. Stated to be
the world première recording (sic).
Phoenix Edition 143. (‘Trumpet and Organ’). Passacaglia. Iveta APKALNA
(Kuhn Organ). [Messiaen, Zbinden, Eben et al.] P Alfried Krupp Saal,
Philharmonie, Essen, Germany 17 Oct. 2007, G Feb. 2009.
Notes: Mtsensk is a city 280 kilometres south of Moscow, on the main rail-
way line to Kursk. The title of the opera is frequently given with one or
two unnecessary definite articles—e.g. The Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk
District as in Kennedy 1980—though it is quite acceptable to use a shorter
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk as is the case with Rostropovich’s pioneering
The instrumentation given above refers to the 1935 score which states that
the Passacaglia was replaced by a moderated version played by the organ and
the optional band was deleted. However, Laurel E. Fay (in Fanning 1995)
has discovered that the instrumentation of 1932 and 1935 is identical. From
her research it appears ‘Shostakovich envisaged the organ passacaglia, as a
self-contained excerpt... But there is no indication that he ever intended the
organ version to replace the orchestral in a staged production’. The organ
passacaglia was performed at the Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall on
17 January 1933 and entered the repertoire of Mikhail Starokadomsky.
David Fanning discusses the use of leitmotiv in the opera in Kovnatskaya
(1996) and Fay contributes a 28-page article on the versions and revisions
from Lady Macbeth to Katerina [Opus 114.] in Fanning 1995. See also the
entry in Volume 2 of The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992).
The opera was severely attacked in an unsigned editorial ‘Muddle instead
of music’ in the issue of Pravda dated 28 January 1936. The author of the
article was probably a political journalist, David Zaslavsky (Wilson 1994).
An English translation appears in DSCH Newsletter XII.

Opus 30: The Golden Mountains

Form: Music for the black-and-white film The Golden Mountains (sub-
titled ‘Happy Street’) with screenplay by Andrei Mikhailovsky, Vladimir
Nedobrovo, Sergei Yutkevich, and Leo Arnshtam, directed by S. Yutkevich
for the Leningrad Soyuzkino Studio. A song ‘If only I had those mountains
of gold’ provides a leitmotiv for the score. Another song is based on the
urban song ‘There Used to be Merry Days’ and was later used in Moscow,
Cheryomushki, Opus 105.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, 2 B flat clarinets, bass
clarinet, 3 saxophones (soprano, alto, and tenor), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
~ 8 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 2 tubas ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals,
bass drum ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, Hawaiian guitar in Waltz, 2 harps ~
organ in Fugue ~ strings.
Composed: Summer–Autumn 1931, at Leningrad.
Premières: The Soyuzkino film first shown on 6 November 1931 in the
Khudozhestvenny (Artistic) Cinema, Leningrad and, in a revised form, cut
by a third (losing the scene accompanied by the Fugue), on 14 August 1936.
Score conducted by Nikolai Rabinovich; organ soloist—Isai Braudo.
Suite: Autumn 1931, Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Aleksandr
Arrangements: Opus 30a—Suite for large orchestra (with triple wood-
wind, doubled brass, 3 saxophones, harmonium, 2 harps, Hawaiian guitar,
and organ) assembled by the composer:
1. Introduction—Moderato
2. Waltz—Andante
3. Fugue—Largo—Allegro
4. Intermezzo—Andante attacca
5. Funeral March—Largo attacca
6. Finale—Largo
The closing bars of the Third Symphony, Opus 20, were used for the
film’s final scene and as a coda to the Finale of the Suite.
The Waltz arranged for wind band by Sergei Gorchakov and V. Udalov;
folk instrument orchestra by Yuri Chernov; two pianos; trumpet and piano;
piano solo; also several other combinations. Instrumentation of Udalov’s
arrangement: flute, 3 B flat clarinets ~ 2 E flat tenor horns, 2 trumpets,
3 trombones ~ glockenspiel and side drum, cymbals and bass drum ~ 2 B
flat cornets, 2 E flat alto saxhorns, 2 B flat tenor saxhorns, B flat baritone
saxhorn, 2 double-bass trombones in C.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved at PGALI (full score) and
GTsMMK (full and vocal scores, along with a copy of the Suite in full

score). Autograph score of the Suite items Nos. 1 and 2 preserved at

Suite: Muzgiz, No. 14509, 1935, full score, 29 cm.
Waltz: Leeds Music, 1945. arr. for two pianos by Pierre Luboshutz,
31 cm.
Muzyka, 1958, arr. for wind band by S. Gorchakov, score and parts,
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, Leningrad, No. 1999, 1960, arr. for piano four hands by
Mikhail Nyurnberg, 26 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular Pieces),
1967, arr. for piano by Levon Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2035 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Pieces for trumpet
and piano), 1976, arr. by Sergei Bolotin, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9249, 1976, arr. for wind band by V. Udalov, score and
parts, 21.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10899 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), full score of the
Suite, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers. Moscow, full score in Volume 124 of New Collected
Film: Concert Waltz. In 1940 a short musical film by Ilya Trauberg was
released. The Waltz from The Golden Mountain was featured, performed by
a large orchestra (including four harps) under Aleksandr Melik-Pashayev.
Shostakovich played the harp part on a grand piano. A jazz version of Johann
Strauss’s Tales from the Vienna Woods was part of the filmed concert.
Duration: Film original version: 131 minutes; revised form: 92 minutes.
Suite: 14' 00"–23' 26". Waltz: 3' 40" (film); 4' 23"–5' 30" (recordings).
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—USSR: 13266-7 (10"). Waltz. All-Union Radio
Stage Symphony Orchestra, Leonid YURIEV. P 1945. Reissued on LP—USA:
Colosseum CRLP 167 (‘Footlight Favorites from behind the Iron Curtain’).
I 1954.
USA: Columbia 12881 D. Waltz. New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Efrem KURTZ. P c.1950. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia Records
ML 4233 (mono).
78 and 45 rpm—USA: Victor 12-3079. Waltz arr. for two pianos. Pierre
LUBOSHUTZ and Genia NEMENOFF. P c.1950. Reissued on 45 rpm—USA:
Vanguard VSD 2128 (7" 45 rpm).
*CD—Russia: Vista Vera VVCD. Waltz. USSR TV and Radio Large
Symphony Orchestra, Samuil SAMOSUD. [Glinka, Glazunov, Tchaikovsky
et al.] P Moscow, House of the Soviets Hall of the Columns concert 11 Feb.
1953, I 2007.

LP—USSR: MK D1556-7 (10" mono). Funeral March. Moscow Radio

Band, Leonid KATS. P 1953.
USSR: Melodiya C12 16719009 (‘Fanfares by Soviet Composers’).
Fanfare. Bolshoi Theatre Wind Orchestra, Vladimir ANDROPOV. I 1982c.
USSR: Melodiya C20 20973 007. Waltz arr. Chernov. Academic Russian
Folk Orchestra, Nikolai KALININ. I 1985a.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 31619 002 (Album 7 of ‘From Man-
uscripts of Different Years’). Complete Suite. Nikolai Stepanov (Hawaiian
guitar in No. 2), Lyudmila Golub (organ in No. 3), USSR Ministry of
Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P1985, I 1991c.
Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 064. I Feb. 1995 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G Mar. 1999.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60226 (‘Film Music of Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Suite Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 6. Karol Goleblowsky (organ in No. 3),
Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra, José SEREBRIER. P c.1988, G Mar.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C20 31183 008. Waltz arr. Chernov. Smolensk
Russian Folk Orchestra, Viktor DUBROVSKY. P1990, I 1991b.
CD—Switzerland: Claves 50-9623. Waltz arr. Chernov. Osipov Balalaika
Orchestra, Nikolai KALININ. P Moscow 8–11 Dec. 1992, I Oct. 1996.
Germany: Capriccio 10 561. Complete Suite. Organist in No. 3 not
named, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P 13–14
June 1994, G Jan. 1996.
Russia: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Cinema
Music’). Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
USA: Citadel CTD 88129. Complete Suite. Aleksandr Nazaruk (organ
in No. 3), Belarus State Cinematographic Symphony Orchestra, Walter
MNATSAKANOV. P Mosfilm Studios, Moscow Apr. 1997, I 1998.
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10183 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 2’). Suite Nos. 1–2 and 4–6. BBC Philharmonic,
Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 97 and 48.] P New Broadcasting House, Manchester
8–9 Apr. 2003, G June 2004.

Opus 31: Declared Dead

Form: Incidental music for a three-act stage revue Declared Dead, by Vsevolod
Voevodin and Yevgeni Ryss, containing sequences choreographed by
Fyodor Lopukhov. Of the thirty-five numbers composed, eleven or so are
missing, twenty-five purely instrumental, four very brief choral items, three
vocal, and one, ‘Beiburzhuyev’s [Mr Beat-the-Bourgeois] Monologue’, a
long episode spoken to music.

3. Mashenka’s First Song—Andantino

4. Mashenka’s Second Song—‘Oh, how pleasant it is in the evening’
6. Transition to the Field Hospital
7. [Galop]—Allegro
8. Transition to the Field—Allegro
9. The Field [A Landscape]—Andantino
11. Polka—[Con moto]
12. March [Camouflage]—Allegretto
15. River-bed—[Moderato—Piu mosso]
16. Finale to Act 1 (Dance of the Temporary Conquerors)—Moderato
16a. Introduction to Act 2: Petrushka—Allegro attacca
17. Petrushka (Garmoshka)—Allegro
17a. Chorus: ‘Look! Look! How quick and nifty we are!’—Allegretto
I7b. The Storm—Allegro
18a. Dance—Andante—Allegro
19. The Arrival of the Lorry
21. Transition to the Kitchen: Jugglers and Waitresses—Allegretto
21a. The Waitresses—Allegro
24. [Beiburzhuyev’s Monologue]—[Allegretto]
26. Paradise—1. Flight of the Cherubs—[Allegretto]
2. Flight of the Angels—[Allegro non troppo]
28. Adagio—[Adagio]
29. Bacchanalia of John of Kronstadt and Paraskeva Pyatnitsa—Presto
29a. Waltz—[Allegretto moderato]
30, 31 and 32. Chorus: ‘Holy! Holy!’ (S.A.T.B. choir)
33. Chorus: ‘On the sea and on the land’, (S.A.T.B. choir)—[Allegretto]
33a. The Twelve Apostles (including vocal solo of the Devil)—[Allegretto]
34. The Archangel Gabriel’s Number—[Allegretto]
[35. International Peace!]
The March No. 12 is identical to Hamlet, Opus 32 No. 43. ‘The
Archangel Gabriel’s Number’ No. 34, foreshadowed in The Golden Age,
Opus 22 No. 19 (score) or No. 20 (ballet), is quoted in the Finale of Piano
Concerto No. 1, Opus 35. Bacchanalia No. 29 is a reworking of the sexual
harassment of Aksinya episode in Lady Macbeth, Opus 29 (NB. John of
Kronstadt was a late nineteenth-century priest, who did good work among
the very poor of St Petersburg, and Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was a female Greek
saint in the early church, whose Orthodox Church feast-day is celebrated
on 28 October though only when it occurs on a Friday). ‘The Jugglers’
No. 21 reappears as ‘Balda’s Work’ No. 12 in The Tale of a Priest and His
Servant Balda, Opus 36. The text of No. 4 satirizes Mikhail Lermontov’s
poem Borodino and No. 33a is a brief parody of ‘Song of the Golden Calf’
from Gounod’s Faust. Petrushka No. 17 uses a well-known chatushka,

originally a tune with indecent lyrics (see Gerard McBurney’s letter in

Tempo No. 189, June 1994).
Instrumentation: Not known precisely though the composer made over
twenty marginal lists of instruments on the piano score.
Composed: Summer–Autumn 1931, at Leningrad.
Premières: 2 October 1931, Leningrad Music Hall; Klavdia Shulzhenko
(singer), Leonid Utyosov’s jazz band; directed by Nikolai Petrov and con-
ducted by Isaak Dunayevsky.
UK: Suite Opus 31a: Nos. 1, 4, 7, 18, 9/10, 13, 14, 15/16, 17, 8, and 19.
20 November 1991, Symphony Hall, Birmingham; City of Birmingham
Symphony Orchestra, Mark Elder and 27 August 1992, Royal Albert Hall
(Prom); BBC Symphony Orchestra, M. Elder.
Scotland: music-theatre version Opus 31b; main performance at Eden
Court Theatre, Inverness, 4 March 2003, Tartan Chameleon.
Arrangements: Piano reduction of the orchestral score by the composer.
Hypothetically Murdered, Opus 31a: Suite for small orchestra (with two
saxophones, piano, accordion, and large percussion battery), reconstructed,
orchestrated, and retitled by Gerard McBurney in 1991:
1. Bacchanalia (Score No. 29)
2. Polka (11)
3. Transition to the Field (8)
4. The Field (9)
5. Dance (18a)
6. Transition to the Field Hospital (6)
7. Galop (7)
8. The Bottom of the River (15)
9. Introduction to Act 2: Petrushka attacca (16a)
10. Petrushka (Garmoshka) (17)
11. The Storm (I7b)
12. The Jugglers (21)
13. Adagio (28)
14. Waitresses (21a)
15. Paradise I: Flight of the Cherubim attacca (26)
16. Paradise II: Flight of the Angels (27)
17. The Archangel Gabriel’s Number (34)
18. Waltz (29a)
19. Finale to Act I: Dance of the Temporary Victors (16)
Instrumentation of Opus 31a: piccolo, flute, oboe, B flat clarinet, bass
clarinet, 2 bassoons, soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone ~ horn, 2 trum-
pets, 2 trombones, tuba ~ out-of-tune upright piano, accordion ~ timpani
and percussion (5 players—triangle, tambourine, wood block, police whistle,

whip, lion’s roar, thunder-sheet, siren, klaxon, side drum, tenor drum,
bass drum; suspended, ordinary, and large cymbals; gong, glockenspiel,
xylophone, flexatone) ~ strings (suggested strength 8, 6, 4, 4, 3).
Hypothetically Murdered, Opus 31b. A music-theatre version devised and
choreographed by Eric Tessier-Lavigne for the Tartan Chameleon company.
Items from Shostakovich’s score adapted by John Kenny for five instrumen-
talists. The United compact disc recording of tracks 15 Bacchanalia and
16 Waltz of the Opus 31a score used with G. McBurney’s permission.
The main characters Gravedigger, Party Boss, Columbine, and Harlequin
were supported by four female players. Projected film and graphics by John
McGeoch and Dave Smith. Text by John Harvey.
Instrumentation of Opus 31b: alto flute, clarinet, basset horn, recorders ~
2 tenor and 1 bass trombone ~ accordion ~ 2 violins (five instrumentalists).
Music: Autograph piano score preserved at TsGALI(SPb). The whereabouts
of the full score is not known.
Sovetskii kompositor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to Plays),
1977, ‘The Field’, Polka, Dance, and ‘The Jugglers’ in the composer’s
reduction, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, piano and
vocal scores of 21 items, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of Opus 31a in G.
McBurney’s reconstruction available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score of G. McBurneys reconstruc-
tion in Volume 54 and piano score in Volume 44 of New Collected Works.
Volume 54 with Sans op. D(iv), 2007, 30 cm.
Duration of Suite: 23' 26"–26' 46" (11 numbers); 39' 12" (21 numbers).
Film: BBC1 TV, 4 October 1992, a television presentation of the 1992 Proms
performance, introduced by James Naughtie, preceded by a fifteen-minute
interval film showing the Leningrad Music Hall in course of restoration; an
interview with Boris Bychkov who had seen the original revue in 1931; a
mealtime discussion on the music by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Mark Elder,
and Gerard McBurney; and clips of Leonid Utyosov conducting his thirties
‘jazz band’, dancing in a 1925 film, and reminiscing in 1970.
Recordings: LP—Bluebell Bell 126. ‘The Jugglers’ only. Inger WIKSTRÖM
(piano). P 28 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1981.
LP and CD—United 88001. Suite Opus 31a arr. G. McBurney; score
Nos. 6–9, 16a, 17b, 19, 18a, 21, 21a, 26–29a, 34, 11, 12, 15, and 16. City
of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mark ELDER. P Birmingham 16–18
Dec. 1992, G Jan. 1994. *Reissued on CD—Signum Classics SIGCD 051.
[As original release.] I Sept. 2004.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde RUS 288170. Suite Opus 31a Nos.
3, 4, 9–10, 14–16, 13, 1, 18, 17, 8, and 19. Tchaikovsky Symphony

Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Radio Studio 6–10 June 2000,

I 2001.
Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Score Nos. 9, 11, 16, 12, 18a,
and 1 arr. composer. Rustem HAYROUDINOFF (piano). P Potton Hall, Suffolk
7–8 Aug 2000, I Apr. 2001.
**France: Mandala MAN 5039/Harmonia Mundi HMCD 78. Nos. 10
and 17 of McBurney’s Suite Opus 31a; the Overture and ‘The Destruction
of the City’ in Shostakovich’s orchestration announced as world premières.
Republican Guard Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir PONKIN. [Sans opp. G(ii)
and D(ix); Opp. 4 and 56; Sans op. G(i).] P Sorbonne University, Paris
concert 16 Jan. 2002, I 2002. NB. See the second paragraph below.
Notes: This work has been named in the English language as Allegedly Mur-
dered, Conditional Death, and Conditionally Dead–Killed–Murdered. Nicolas
Slonimsky offers Technically Killed as yet another variation. Recent research
by G. McBurney favours a buzz-word of the 1930s, Hypothetically Murdered
(see the CBSO Society Ltd. programme note, 20 November 1991 and in
Edmunds 2004) and this title is retained for the arrangements Opp. 31a and
31b. Elizabeth Wilson (1994, page 101, note 93) argues that all these trans-
lations are misleading and Declared Dead would be a more accurate title.
The two numbers Overture and a dance called ‘The Destruction (or
Ruination) of the City’, stated to have been discovered as belonging to
Declared Dead in 1999, originate from the score of the ballet The Bolt and
are not world premières. The Overture has been recorded many times in The
Bolt Suite (Opus 27a) and ‘The Destruction of the City’ in Rozhdestvensky’s
two-disc set of the complete score in 1994 (titled ‘The Installation of the
Machines Pantomime’); joined recently by the BelAir DVD of 2007 (titled
‘Checking the machines’). It is likely Shostakovich considered salvaging
these two numbers from his failed ballet for the stage revue. The Overture on
the Mandala recording is cut from figs. 13 to 19 and continues from fig. 23
to the final bar then attacca to the complete ‘The Destruction of the City’.

Sans op. D: Unnumbered Works 1930s–40s

Form: Two short transcriptions for string quartet:
1. Elegy—Adagio (Katerina’s Aria, ‘The foal runs after the filly’, from Act
1, Scene 3 of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District, Opus 29, figs. 140–52
2. Polka—Allegretto (The Golden Age, Opus 22a No. 3)
Composed: During the night of 31 October/1 November 1931, at Batumi,
Georgia. The score and parts were presented on the following morning

at 06.00 as a surprise gift to the touring Vuillaume Quartet before they

departed from the same hotel where Shostakovich, on a two-month
‘working holiday’, was composing Act 1 of Lady Macbeth. See Yakubov
(1986) and Hulme in DSCH Newsletter No. 6 (Mar./Apr. 1988).
Dedication: To the Jean Vuillaume Quartet of Kharkov.
Performances: Date of première not known but dates of its revival as
20 September 1984, Israel Musical Festival, Tel-Aviv and five days later,
Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Borodin Quartet (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, Dmitri Shebalin, and Valentin Berlinsky).
UK: 26 February 1986, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; Borodin
UK broadcast: 13 July 1986, Fitzwilliam Quartet (Daniel Zisman,
Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, and Ioan Davies).
Arrangements: String orchestra arrangements by Christian Sikorski and
Alexandre Brussilovsky (both pieces) and Elegy by Misha Rachlevsky. Both
pieces transcribed for saxophone quartet and Polka for guitar quartet. The
Elegy alone for oboe and strings by Mikhail Utkin.
Music: The composer’s original designation of Opus 36 subsequently used for
The Tale of a Priest and His Servant Balda. Autograph score was kept in the
archive of A. O. Staroselsky (2nd violinist of the Vuillaume Quartet) and
transferred to the Shostakovich Family Archive in the late 1980s.
Russian photocopied scores, no number, c.1984, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2349, 1984, score and parts, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 100 of New Collected Works.
Duration: (1) 3' 48"–6' 31" and (2) 2' 00"–2' 47".
Recordings: CD—Olympia OCD 531 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
Labelled as Opus 36. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pish-
chugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1985, G Sept.
LP and CD—Decca 411 940-1DH (digital) and released on CD—411
940-2DH. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET. (personnel as at première—not stated on
label or sleeve). P London Feb. 1986; G Feb., May, and Oct. 1987. *Reis-
sued on CD—Decca Double Decca 473 807-2 (two-disc set). [Sans op.
D(vi), Opp. 40 and 57; Rakhmaninov, Prokofiev et al.] I May 2003.
Germany: IMS Polygram ECM New Series 1347 and released on
CD—833506-2 (Edition Lockenhaus,Volumes 4 and 5). Gidon KREMER
and Annette Bik (violins), Veronica Hagen (viola), and Thomas Demenga
(cello). P 1986, I Apr. 1988.
CD—Nimbus NI 5140. MEDICI QUARTET (Paul Robertson, David
Matthews, Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Anthony Lewis). P 11 May 1988 (Elegy)
and 8 June 1988 (Polka), I Oct. 1988.

LP and CD—Philips 432 252-2. Polka only. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel

as at première). P Lockenhaus concert 15 July 1989. Reissued on
CD—Philips 432 252-2 in 456 077-2 (eleven-disc set). I 1997. NB. Origi-
nally issued as a free promotional sampler.
CD—RCA Victor 09026 61189-2. Arr. for string orchestra. Moscow
Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Munich 10–13 Dec. 1991, I Apr. 1998.
USA: Russian RDCD 11 087. Elegy only. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel
as at première). P St Petersburg concert 12 Dec. 1991, G Oct. 1993.
Switzerland: Claves CD50 9325 (‘Elegy: Masterpieces for String
Orchestra’). Elegy arr. for string orchestra. Kremlin Chamber Orchestra,
Misha RACHLEVSKY. P Mosfilm Studio May–June 1993, I Sept. 1993.
*Czech: Panton 710120-2 (‘Select Encores for String Quartet’).
KOCIAN QUARTET (Pavel Hula, Jan Odstreil, Jirí Najnar, Vaclav Bernasek).
[Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Suk et al.] P Prague 1993, I 1994.
Netherlands: Etcetera KTC 1182. ELEONORA QUARTET (Eleonora
Yakubova, Irina Pavlikhina, Anton Yaroshenko, Mikhail Shumsky). P Mos-
cow Jan. 1994, I Sept. 1994.
*Australia: ABC Classics 442 508-2. Arr. T. Kain. Polka only.
GUITAR TREK (Timothy Kain—treble guitar, Carolyn Kidd and Mark
Norton—standard guitars, and Peter Constant—bass guitar). [‘Guitar Trek
II’.] P ABC Studio, Sydney 7 Mar. 1994, I 1994.
Netherlands: Vanguard Classics 99154. Arr. for saxophone quartet.
AURELIA SAXOPHONE QUARTET (Johan van der Linden, André Avends, Arno
Bornkamp, and Willem van Merwijk). P Zwolle 10–12 Mar. 1994 ~
*Challenge Classics 72039. [As original issue.] I 2005.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 27759-2. Arr. for string orchestra.
Hamburg Soloists, Emil KLEIN. P Munich 11–13 Apr. 1994, I 1996.
Teldec 4509 94572-2 (‘Russian Miniatures’). BORODIN QUARTET (personnel
as at première). P Berlin Nov. 1994, 1 Mar. 1995.
Finland: Ondine ODE 845-2. Arr. for string orchestra by C. Sikorski.
Tapiola Sinfonietta, Joseph SWENSEN. P Espoo Mar. 1995, G Apr. 1996.
France: Suoni e Colori Collection SC 53006 (‘DSCH Aphorismes’).
Labelled Op. 36. Arr. for string orchestra by A. Brussilovsky. Ricercata de
Paris Ensemble, Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY. P Hautes-Alpes, France concert
Aug. 1996, I 1997.
Discipline Global Mobile 9809 (‘Like the Milk’). MR MCFALL’S CHAMBER.
P producer Rick Bamford’s front room, Edinburgh Oct. 1997, I June
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume
4’, five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer,
Lawrence Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998,
G June 2000.
S A NS OP . D: U NNU M BERED WORKS 1930S–40S 101

Germany: Eigen Art 10230. Arr. for string orchestra by C. Sikorski.

Bartholdy-Ensemble Rheinfelden, Christian SIKORSKI. P Germany 1 Nov.
**Netherlands: Challenge Classics CC 72093. BRODSKY QUARTET (Andrew
Haveron, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). [Opp. 11 and 57;
Sans op. P(iii).] P Snape, Aldeburgh 5–7 Mar. 2001, G May 2002.
Russia: Caro Mitis CM 008 2004. Elegy arr. M. Utkin. Aleksei UTKIN
(oboe) and strings. [Opp. 34, 87, and 39.] P Russian Television and Radio
Studio, Moscow 2 and 24 Oct. 2004, 11 Feb. 2005; I 2006.
Oehm Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on fourth of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 118, 133, and 138.] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.


Form: Orchestration of the overture to Ivan Dzerzhinsky’s spectacle-play
The Green Guild, commissioned by the Leningrad Working Youth Theatre
(TRAM) in 1931. Score not published.
Première: March 1932, Leningrad.


Form: Symphonic Poem, with text by Nikolai Aseyev, for solo voices, chorus,
and orchestra.
Composed: The first of the projected five sections was completed in February
Music: Manuscript.
Recordings: —


Form: An operetta The Big (or Great) Lightning, with libretto by Nikolai
Aseyev, abandoned after the completion of nine numbers. Score prepared
for performance by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky:
1. Overture—Allegro attacca
2. Scene—Tommy and the Manager—Allegro
3. Architect’s Song—Allegretto
4. Scene—An American—Allegro
5. Maiofel’s Song—Andantino
6. Telephone call—Allegretto
7. Semyon’s Song—Andantino
8. Duet of Yegor and Semyon—Allegro
9. Models’ Procession—Allegro

Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat clarinet, 2 B flat

clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, soprano saxophone ~ 4 horns, 3 trum-
pets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, wood block, side drum, cym-
bals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, flexatone, harp ~ strings ~
soprano, 4 tenor, baritone, and 3 bass soloists, S.A.T.B. chorus.
Composed: 1932 [Collected Works states 1933.]
Première: 11 February 1981, Leningrad Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; concert
version under G. Rozhdestvensky.
Music: In 1980 two thick autograph scores, orchestral and vocal, were discovered
by Rozhdestvensky in the Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre Library. Autograph
full and vocal scores preserved in TsGALI and orchestral parts in GATOB.
Muzyka, No. 11935 (in Volume 23 of Collected Works), 1986, full score
of nine numbers, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in the supplement to Volume 28 of Collected
Works), 1986, piano and vocal score of nine numbers, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 54 and piano score in
Volume 55 of New Collected Works. Volume 54 with Op. 31, 2007, 408,
30 cm.
Duration: Suite of eight numbers (1–5 and 7–9): 16' 10"; Nos. 1–9: 17' 32".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 23081 001 (Album 5 of
‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Suite with No. 6 omitted. Viktor
Gusev (Tommy), Anatoli Obraztsov (Manager), Viktor Rumyantsev
(Architect), Nikolai Myasoyedev (Maiofel), Nikolai Konovalov (Semyon),
Yuri Frolov (Yegor), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra and
Chamber Choir, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1986c. Reissued on
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2. G. Mar. 1999.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9522. Suite Nos. 1–9. Vsevold Grivnov (Yegor/
Tommy), Dmitri Fadeyev (Semyon/manager), Oleg Dolgov (Architect),
Andrei Baturin (Maiofel), Tatyana Sharova (Old Woman), Anatoli Safiulin
(voice), Russian State Cappella, Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri
POLYANSKY. P Moscow Conservatory Apr. 2000, G Mar. 2001.
Notes: ‘Molniya’ of the Russian title can also be translated as ‘zip-fastener’—or
‘express telegram’ (hence the erroneous title of, ‘The Long Telegram’ that
appeared in DSCH Newsletter No. 15, 6).
On the Melodiya recording the characters Maiofel and Semyon are given
as Matofel and Selyan.


Form: A four-hand piano transcription of Stravinsky’s three-movement work:
Part 1.  = 92. Psalm 38, Verses 13 and 14
Part 2.  = 60. Psalm 39, Verses 2, 3, and 4
Part 3.  = 48. Psalm 150 complete
S A NS OP . D: U NNU M BERED WORKS 1930S–40S 103

Composed: In an introductory tribute to I. F. Stravinsky (Sovetskii kompozitor,

1973) Shostakovich disclosed that ‘soon after the publication [in 1930]
I made a four-hand arrangement for fortepiano of Symphony of Psalms’.
Music: Autograph found among the composer’s papers after his death.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, Shostakovich’s arrangement in Volume 114
of New Collected Works.
Duration: 20' 14".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’) . Viktoria POSTNIKOVA and Irina SCHNITTKE
(piano). P 1983-86, I 1988d.


Form: A short piece for cello and piano.
Composed: In the 1930s.
Première: 24 October 1986, Hamburg, at a chamber music concert marking
the eightieth anniversary of Shostakovich’s birth; David Geringas (cello)
and Yevgeni Korolyov (piano).
Music: The manuscript discovered with that of the Cello Sonata at PGALI
and first published by Manashir Yakubov as a supplement to the journal
Sovetskaya muzyka, September 1986.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2283, 1986, parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
parts, 29 cm.
Duration: 2' 13"–3' 57".
Recordings: CD—Decca 421 774-2DH. Lynn HARRELL and Vladimir
Ashkenazy. P Chicago 6 May 1988, I Oct. 1989 ~ *Decca Double Decca
473 807-2 (two-disc set). [Sans op. D(i), Opp. 40 and 57; Rakhmaninov,
Prokofiev et al.] I May 2003.
Germany: FSM Fono FCD 97721. DUO POSTIGLIONE—Wolfgang Schultz
and Ginette Kostenbader. P Stuttgart 29 Oct. 1988, I 1990.
New Zealand: Manu Classic 1426 (‘Russian Elegy’). Aleksandr IVASHKIN
and Ingrid Wahlberg. P Auckland 10–11 Sept. 1992.
Germany: Es-Dur/Con Brio 2021. David GERINGAS and Tatyana Schatz.
P Hamburg 1994.
Iceland: SkrE/f 952776. Sigurdur HALLDÓRSSON and Daniel Thorsteinsson.
P Fella- and Hólakirkja Church, Reykjavik June–July 1995.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278112. Gary HOFFMAN and Philippe
Bianconi. P Grenoble 13 and 16 Dec. 1998.
**Black Box BBM 1032. Raphael WALLFISCH and John York. [Opp. 147
and 39; Schnittke.] P Champs Hill, Pulborough 28 June 2000, G Awards
(Nov.) 2002 ~ Nimbus NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello and piano’,
two-disc set). [Opp. 39, 40, and 147.] I June 2006.

Form: Arrangement of folksong, with Vasili Bogdanov’s revised revolutionary
text of 1865, for bass voice and orchestra. Tempo not marked. The English
title given as ‘Cudgel’.
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns,
2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani ~ strings.
Composed: In the late 1930s.
Music: Autograph found by Manashir Yakubov among the composer’s papers
after his death.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 146 of New Collected
Note: See also Album of Cello and Piano Pieces, Sans op. P(iv) No. 1.


Form: A four-hand piano transcription of Arthur Honegger’s Symphony No. 3:
1. Dies irae—Allegro moderato
2. De profundis clamavi—Adagio
3. Dona nobis pacem—Andante
Composed: Presumably in the late 1940s.
Music: [Muzyka, Leningrad published a piano four hands reduction by
B. Berezovsky and N. Khotuntsov in 1976 (No. 1920, 80, 28.5 cm., edition
of 1640 copies).]
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, Shostakovich’s arrangement in Volume 115
of New Collected Works.


Form: A suite of seven transcriptions of Finnish folksongs for a chamber group
and two singers:
1. Feast days are for lads like these (Polka)—Energico in C minor
2. One Summer Night—Giocoso in E minor
3. The Sky is Blue and White—Lento ma non troppo in F sharp minor
4. The Girls of this Village—Andante in E minor
5. The Strawberry is a Red Berry—(Moderato, tempo gusto) in E minor
6. If I could be Idle—Allegretto in F minor
7. My Sweetheart is Beautiful—Allegretto in B minor
Nos. 1 and 3 are instrumental numbers; Nos. 2 and 5 for one singer and
Nos. 4, 6, and 7 for vocal duo. Nos. 3 and 7 are from a collection of Finnish
songs compiled by Ilmari Krohn in the 1880s.
OPUS 32: H AML ET 105

Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet (B flat and A) ~ trumpet ~ tambourine,

triangle, side drum ~ piano ~ string quintet ~ two singers.
Composed: Commissioned by the Political Department of the Leningrad
Military District. Completed prior to 5 December 1939.
Première: 1 September 2001, Kaustinen, western Finland; Anu Komsi
(soprano), Tom Nyman (tenor), Ostrobothian Chamber Orchestra con-
ducted by Juha Kangas.
Music: Manuscript of eleven instrumental parts and score lacking lyrics.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2002, full score, text of lyrics in Finnish and
Russian and commentary in Russian only, 60, 29 cm.
Duration: 11' 38"–15' 04".
Recordings: **CD—BIS CD-1256. Texts in Finnish and English. Anu Komsi
(soprano in No. 2), Tom Nyman (tenor in No. 5), and (soprano and tenor in
Nos. 4, 6, and 7). Ostrobothian Chamber Orchestra, Juha KANGAS. [Opp. 118a
and 110a.] P Kaustinen Folk Art Centre Oct. 2001, I Mar. 2002.
France: Mandala MAN 5039/Harmonia Mundi HMCD 78. Yelena
Vassilieva (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Martynov (tenor), Republican Guard
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir PONKIN. [Sans op. G(ii); Opp. 4, 56, and 31;
Sans op. G(i).] P Sorbonne University, Paris concert 16 Jan. 2002, I 2002.
Note: See ‘Rediscovered: a forgotten composition by Shostakovich’ by Viktor
Dvortsov in DSCH Journal No. 15, based on an 18-page article by Arkadi

Opus 32: Hamlet

Form: Incidental music to a stage production of the tragedy Hamlet, Prince of
Denmark, by William Shakespeare, for small orchestra. Russian translation by
Mikhail Lozinsky, with interpolations from the works of Desiderius Erasmus.

1. Introduction—Allegro non troppo

(No. 1 in the Suite)

2. Night Watch—Moderato, Poco allegretto
3. Shepherd’s Pipe—Moderato
4. Funeral March—Adagio (No. 2 in the Suite)
5. Exeunt King and Queen—Allegro
6. Dinner Music—Allegretto
9. Finale of First Act—Allegro
10. Entry of Hamlet with the Urchins—Allegro
11. Galop: Ophelia and Polonius—Allegro
12. Scene: Hamlet and Rosencrantz (2 fragments)—Allegretto

13. Arrival of the Players—Allegro

14. Exeunt Polonius, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern—Allegretto
15. Dialogue of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern—Allegretto
16. Hunting [The Chase]—Allegro assai (No. 4 in the Suite)
17. Finale of Second Act (repeat of last 11 bars of Hunting)
18. [Music for the rehearsal of the Strolling Player’s spectacle] (8 fragments)
19. Entry of the Guests—Moderato (No. 6 in the Suite)
20. Scene with Recorder—Allegro
21. Episode after the Scene with Recorder—Presto
22. Pantomime—Allegro (No. 7 in the Suite)
23. Hamlet dragging out the corpse of Polonius—Allegretto
24. Hamlet dragging out the corpse of Polonius (variant)—Allegretto
25. The King distracts the Queen—Allegro
26. After the word ‘Heroic’: the Combat—Allegro
27. Removal of the dead Player King—Allegro
28. Monologue of [the King] Claudius—Andante
29. Signals to start the Combat (3 fragments)—Allegro
30. Romance at the Banquet (song)—Allegretto
31. The Banquet—Presto (No. 5 in the Suite)
32. Can-can—Allegro (No. 8 in the Suite)
33. Ophelia’s Song (vocal)—Allegro (No. 9—instrumental in the Suite)
34. Lullaby—Andantino (No. 10 in the Suite)
35. Introduction to the Churchyard Scene—Moderato
36. Song of the Gravedigger (unaccompanied)—[Moderato]
37. Requiem (choral)—Adagio (No. 11—instrumental in the Suite)
38. Tournament—Allegro (No. 12 in the Suite)
39. Flourish—[Allegro non troppo]
40. Heavy Combat—Allegro
41. Slack Combat—Allegro
42. End of the Tournament—Allegro
43. The March of Fortinbras—Allegretto (No. 13 in the Suite)
44. The Beggars passing by—Moderato con moto
45. Song of Horatio (unaccompanied vocal line)

The text of No. 30 is the Boy’s song (‘Take, O take those lips away’) from
Act 4 Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. Two versions of No.43
OPUS 32: H AML ET 107

‘The March of Fortinbras’ composed—one rejected. No. 36 appears to be

based on the Scottish air ‘Coming thro’ the Rye’.
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet (B flat and A), bassoon ~
2 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side
drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ strings.
Composed: December 1931 to spring 1932, at Leningrad and Moscow.
Premières: Play: 19 May 1932, Vakhtangov Theatre, Moscow; produced by
Nikolai Akimov.
Suite UK broadcast (Nos. 3–7, 9–11, and 13): 25 October 1975, BBC
Northern Ireland Orchestra, Havelok Nelson.
Suite UK concert: 19 January 1981, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London;
Young Musicians’ Symphony Orchestra, James Blair.
Arrangements: Opus 32a—Suite for small orchestra (instrumentation as
above) compiled by the composer in 1932:
1. Introduction and Night Watch—Allegro non troppo—Moderato,
Poco allegretto
2. Funeral March—Adagio
3. Flourish and Dance Music—Allegro—Allegretto
4. Hunting—Allegro
5. Actors’ Pantomime—Presto
6. Procession—Moderato
7. Musical Pantomime—Allegro
8. The Banquet—Allegro
9. Ophelia’s Song—Allegro—Meno mosso—Presto
10. Lullaby—Andantino
11. Requiem—Adagio
12. Tournament—Allegro
13. The March of Fortinbras—Allegretto
‘Night Watch’ [or ‘Night Patrol’] is derived from the ‘Infantry March’ of
Opus 28; ‘Actors’ Pantomime’ is a clarified version of the Galop No. 20 and
Allegro vivace No. 33 of the composer’s original score of Opus 22; ‘Lullaby’
is taken from ‘The Dream’ item of Opus 26, and ‘The March of Fortinbras’,
from No. 12 of Opus 31.
Piano reduction of the complete Suite Opus 32a by Levon Atovmyan;
and Nos. 1 (without the ‘Introduction’), 2, 3 (without the ‘Flourish’), 4,
5, 10, and 13 by Lev Solin. No. 13 transcribed under the title ‘Marche
Sarcastique’ by Frederick Block, Robert Cray, and Benjamin Suchoff.
Nos. 5 and 10 transcribed for string quartet by Viktor Yekimovsky.
Nos. 18(i) ‘The tuning of the instruments’ (strings alone), 24, 30, 35, and
44 orchestrated by Gerard McBurney, 27–30 May 1994. Instrumentation
as the composer’s plus a flexatone.

Concert scenario: Hamlet. Opus 32a Nos. 3, 5, and 11 appear in Gennadi

Rozhdestvensky’s suite. See under Opus 116.
Music: Autograph piano scores of twenty items preserved at PGALI and
thirteen items in vocal score, along with a complete manuscript copy of the
Hamlet vocal score and a conductor’s list of all the musical items, preserved
at the Vakhtangov Theatre Museum. Five fragments of the autograph piano
score are reproduced in Volume 28 of Collected Works. The whereabouts of
the autograph full score is not known, apart from Nos. 22 and 33 which are
preserved at PGALI.
Edward B. Marks, New York, No. 11881, 1943, No. 13 of the Suite arr.
for piano by F. Block, 23 cm.
Edward B. Marks, New York, 1945, No. 13 arr. for full symphonic band
by R. Cray, conductor’s score, c.30 cm.
Muzfond, 1946, Suite arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1777, 1960, full score of Suite, 29 cm.
MCA, 1967, No. 13 arr. for concert band by B. Suchoff, condensed
conductor’s score, c.19 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular Pieces),
1967, Nos. 2 and 3 arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to Plays),
1977, seven pieces arr. for piano by L. Solin, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 6638 (in Pieces by Soviet Composers for String
Quartet), 1983, Nos. 10 and 5 of the Suite arr. by V. Yekimovsky, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), vocal and piano
scores, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score of
the Suite and all the other orchestral items except Nos. 30 and 35, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 117 and piano score in
Volume 120 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Suite: 19' 40"–31' 47"; 21 minutes (Schirmer); 25 minutes
(Sadovnikov). Complete incidental music: 44' 56".
Ballet: The Overcoat. A 90-minute ballet, freely based on Nikolai Gogol’s
novella, created for Rudolf Nureyev by the Danish choreographer Flemming
Flindt. The music by Shostakovich, mainly from stage and film scores, was
selected and arranged by Rubens Tedeschi with additional orchestrations
by Irwin Kostal. Premières at the Maggio Musicale, Italy, on 8 June 1989;
Edinburgh Festival, at the Playhouse, 28–30 August 1990, by the San
Jose Cleveland Ballet (a joint company from the two cities); and by the
same company at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, California,
28–30 September 1990. The musical items derive from Hamlet, Op. 32
(Suite No. 10 Lullaby used as the Overture and in three of the twelve scenes,
No. 5 ‘Actors’ Pantomime’, and No. 11 Requiem); New Babylon, Op. 18
OPUS 32: H AML ET 109

(Suite No. 3 ‘The Siege of Paris’); Lady Macbeth, Op. 29 (‘Katerina’s bed-
room’, Interlude); The Human Comedy, Op. 37 (‘The Panorama of Paris’);
Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 1, Sans op. E (Polka and Waltz); The Adven-
tures of Korzinkina, Op. 59 (Suite No. 3 ‘The Chase’, No. 5 Intermezzo, and
No. 4 ‘Music in the Restaurant’); Pirogo, Op. 76 (Scherzo and Waltz); The
Fall of Berlin, Op. 82 (Suite No. 4 ‘In the garden’, No. 5 ‘Storming of the
Seelow Heights’, and No. 6 ‘In the destroyed village’); Ballet Suites, Sans
op. P (No. 1/2 Pizzicato Dance, No. 2/4 ‘Sentimental Romance’, No. 2/2
Adagio, No. 3/2 Gavotte, and No. 3/3 Dance); The Gadfly, Op. 97 (Suite
No. 8 Romance); Chamber Symphony, Op. 110a (Allegro molto); A Year
as Long as a Lifetime, Op. 120 (‘Morning’ and ‘Farewell’); and King Lear,
Op. 137 (No. 56 ‘Vocalise’).
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 14057-8 (10"). Suite Nos. 4 and 13. Bolshoi
Theatre Orchestra, Yuri FAIER. P 1946.
USSR: 14087-8 (10"). Suite Nos. 3 and 5. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra,
Y. FAIER. P 1946.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D09807-10 (mono) and C0295-8 (stereo). Suite
Nos. 1–13. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P 1961, I 1962 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3381. G Dec. 1977. Reissued on
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 63462-2 (two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
LP—USA: Louisville First Edition Records LOU 683 (mono) and LS
683. Order of the numbers rearranged: Nos. 1, 3, 12, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 10,
11, 8, and 4. Louisville Orchestra, Jorge MESTER. I 1968.
LP and CD—USA: RCA Red Seal LSC 3130. Suite Nos. 1–13. Boston
Pops Orchestra, Arthur FIEDLER. P 28–29 May 1968 ~ RCA Red Seal LSB
4017. G May 1971. Reissued on CD—RCA Red Seal ‘High Performance’
09026 63308-2. I July 1999.
USSR: Melodiya C10 22365 004 (‘Music for Theatre’). Suite Nos. 1,
3–5, 9–11, and 13. Leningrad Chamber Orchestra of Old and Modern
Music, Eduard SEROV. P 1984, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD
131. Suite Nos. as Russian release. I Sept. 1988 ~ Russia: Manchester
CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Cinema Music’). Suite Nos. as
Melodiya. I 1998.
LP and CD—Deutsche Grammophon 431 688-2GH. Suite Nos. 1–13.
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Dec. 1989,
G Sept. 1991. Reissued on CD— Deutsche Grammophon 459 415-2GTA2
(two-disc set). I Jan. 1999.
United 88050-2. Complete score with order of Acts IV and V
slightly rearranged and Nos. 18(i), 24, 30, 35, and 44 orchestrated by
G. McBurney. Luba Stuchevskaya (Player Queen), Igor Khokhlovin (Player
King), Louise Winter (mezzo-soprano), David Wilson-Johnson (baritone),
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mark ELDER. P Birmingham

Town Hall 13–15 June 1994 ~ Cala CACD 1021. G Jan. 1996 ~ *Signum
SIGCD 052. [Op. 58a.] I Nov. 2004.
Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Suite Nos. 1–5, 10, and 13
in piano reduction. Rustem HAYKOUDINOFF (piano). P Potton Hall, Suffolk
7–8 Aug. 2000, 1 Apr. 2001.
**USA: Delos DE 3309 (‘Complete Songs, Volume 3’). Score No. 33.
Lyudmila SHKIRTIL (mezzo-soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 4, 21,
46, 58a, and 62.]. P St Petersburg 24 Jan. 2002.
Note: Grigori Kozintsev’s 1954 stage production of Hamlet used numbers
from the score to King Lear, Opus 58a with two additional numbers ‘Jig’
and Finale.

Opus 33: Counterplan

Form: Music for the black-and-white film Counterplan, with screenplay by
Leo Arnshtam, D. Del, and the two directors—Fridrikh Ermler and Sergei
Yutkevich—for the Leningrad Rosfilm Studio. Two songs are featured in
the score: ‘Song of the Counterplan’ for solo voice and, in the finale, for
chorus; and ‘How Long will my Heart Ache?’, with traditional words, for
unaccompanied women’s chorus. Three orchestral excerpts are known:
1. Presto attacca
2. Andante
3. Andante—‘Song of the Counterplan’ orchestral version
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
side drum, cymbals ~ glockenspiel, 2 xylophones, 2 harps ~ strings.
Composed: Autumn 1932, at Leningrad.
Première: The Soyuzkino film first shown on 7 November 1932 in Leningrad.
Score conducted by Nikolai Rabinovich. Screened at the National Film
Theatre, London, in May 1956.
Arrangements: A popular song from the score, ‘Song of the Counterplan’, in vari-
ous arrangements, including for mixed chorus by Isaak Dunayevsky, an adapta-
tion as the ‘United Nations’ Hymn’ [given as Opus 59 by Slonimsky (1942)],
and as a piano piece. An overblown concert version ‘United Nations on the
March’, was featured as the closing tableau to MGM’s revue Thousands Cheer,
directed in colour by George Sidney and released in 1943. Kathryn Grayson
and multinational choir were accompanied by a massive orchestra conducted
by José Iturbi. Harold Rome’s English lyric revised by Edgar Yip Harburg.
A symphonic transcription of ‘United Nations March’, marked ‘Alert and
Confident’, made by Leopold Stokowski in 1943 (the conductor’s unpub-
lished manuscript score, 33 cm.).
OP U S 3 3: COUN T ERPL AN 111

Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais, 2 B flat clarinets, bass

clarinet, 2 bassoons ~ 2 or 4 horns, 2 or 4 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ strings.
First UK recording, entitled ‘Salute to Life’, arranged for balalaika
sextet followed by version for singers and string orchestra by Will Sahnow
German text of the lyric and arrangement for symphony orchestra and
children’s choir by Gerd Schlotter.
Shostakovich included ‘Song of the Counterplan’ in his Opp. 74, 78,
and 105.
Music: Autograph copy of the film score preserved in the Music Department
of Lenfilm. The whereabouts of the autograph of ‘Song of the Counter-
plan’ not known; that of the song ‘How Long will my Heart Ache?’ stored
GTsMMK, with a Scherzo in piano score and three sketches for the ‘Song
of the Counterplan’. Autograph scores of the three excerpts preserved at the
St Petersburg State Institute of the Theatre, Music, and Cinematography
Muzyka, No. 10839 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, three
excerpts in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 125 of New Collected
‘Song of the Counterplan’ (five stanzas by Boris Kornilov):
Muzgiz, No. 13933, 1933, for voice and piano, 18 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, 29cm.
Muzyka, No. 2983 (in Russian–English Songs by Soviet Composer), 2nd
ed. paperback compiled by L. Shturman; the first of nineteen songs with
English translation by Zelikov, 1966, words and melody, 21.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4120, 1967, included in a bound volume of patriotic songs,
22 cm.
Muzichna Ukraina, Kiev, No. 42 (with three other Shostakovich songs),
1976, 26 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘Song of
the Counterplan’ for two-part chorus and ‘How Long will my Heart Ache?’
for S.A. chorus, 30 cm. Sketches for the former and a Scherzo in piano score
are published as a supplement to Volume 41.
‘Song of the Counterpan’ arrangements:
Workers’ Music Association, London, c.1939, entitled ‘Salute to Life’
with English lyric by Nancy Head, for unison choirs of children and
adults, 24 cm. Priced at two old pence. Reissued in Popular Soviet Songs by
Workers’ Music Association, 1941, 10–11, 25 cm. Priced at one shilling.
Leeds Music, 1942, entitled ‘United Nations’ Hymn’, words by Harold

Leo Feist Inc., New York, No. 7408-2, 1942, entitled ‘United Nations
on the March’ with English lyric by Harold Rome (from the MGM film
Thousands Cheer), 31 cm.
Charles Brendler orchestration of ‘The United Nations’ [publisher not
stated, 1940s.], piano-conductor score and parts, 32 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565, 1967 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular
Pieces), arr. for solo piano by Levon Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Duration: Film: 115 minutes (3170 metres).
Music: Nos. 1–3: 8' 10"–8' 51".
Recordings: ‘Song of the Counterplan’ only:
*78 rpm—Topic TRC6. ‘Salute to Life’. Arr. and played by the
MEDVEDEFF BALALAIKA SEXTET. [Rawsthorne.] I c.1939/40.
*Topic TRC10. ‘Salute to Life’. [Alan Bush.] Topic Singers, Unity String
Orchestra, Will SAHNOW. I c.1939/40.
LP—USA: Hollywood Soundstage 409 (Thousands Cheer soundtrack,
mono). ‘United Nations on the March’. Kathryn GRAYSON (soprano), MGM
Studio Orchestra and UN Chorus, José Iturbi. P 1943.
78 rpm and CD—USA: Victor Red Seal 11-8250 (10"). Orch. by
O’Connell. ‘The United Nations’. Igor GORIN (baritone), Victor Symphony
Orchestra, Charles O’Connell. P 8 June 1942 ~ *Reissued on CD—Nimbus
Prima Voce NI 7951. [Mainly operatic arias.]
USA: Keynote K 1200 (10"). Sung in English. ‘The United Nations’
(Rome). Paul ROBESON (bass), Keynote Chorus and Orchestra, Charles
Lichter. P 1944. Reissued on CD—Pearl GEMM 9264 (‘Songs for Free
Men’, mono), I 1997.
78 rpm—USSR: 15018-9 (10"). Chorus and Orchestra conducted by
Viktor KNUSHEVITSKY. P 1947.
*NB. Ernst Busch recorded this song on 78 rpm in 1948 under
unknown conductor. Reissued on CD—Germany: BARBArossa EdBa
01385. I 2000.
LP—USSR: 21043-22819 (10"). All-Union Radio Song Ensemble. P 1952–53.
LP—USSR: MK D5062-3 (10" mono). All-Union Radio Song Ensemble.
Possibly a reissue from 78 rpm ~ USSR: Melodiya C60 22119 005 and C60
22121 003. Both I 1985d ~ USSR: Melodiya C60 24293 007. (‘Songs of
Struggle and Solidarity’). I 1987b.
78 rpm—France: Le Chant du Monde 504 (10"). Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Roger DÉSORMIÉRE. P c.1957.
LP—USA: Artistic Enterprises B 109 (‘Concert of Russian Music’).
Translated as ‘Morning Light’. Sidor BELARSKY (bass) and unnamed pianist.
P 1960.
LP and CD—East Germany: Aurora 8 15 109. Sung in German. Leipzig
Radio Symphony Orchestra and Children’s Choir, Adolf Fritz GUHL.
OP U S 3 3: COUN T ERPL AN 113

P Leipzig Oct. 1967. *Reissued on CD—Germany: BARBArossa Aurora

EdBa 01402-2. [Op. 80, Nos. 2 and 8.] I 2002.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9349 (‘Stokowski Encores’). ‘United Nations
March’ arr. Stokowski. BBC Philharmonic, Matthias BAMBERT. P Manchester
13 Oct. 1994, G June 1995.
**Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9912 (‘Unknown Vocal Cycles’).
Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 58a, 46; Sans
op. R; Opp. 100, 80; Sans op. X (ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St
Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and 16 Feb. 2002, I 2003 ~ USA: Delos DE 3313
(‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume Four—1932–68: The Unknown
Shostakovich’). [Opp. 99, 80, 72, 128, 109; Sans op. X(i & ii)).] I 2003.
Orchestral excerpts:
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 018. Nos. 1–3. Byelorussian Radio
and TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Nov. 1995.
Decca 460 792-2DH11 (‘The Film Album’). Nos. 1–3. Alexander Kerr
(violin in No. 2), Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY.
P Amsterdam 6–22 May (No. 3) and 10–11 Sept. 1998, G Apr. 1999.
Notes: The film has been given alternative titles including Passer-by, Encounter,
Turbine No. 50,000, and Coming your way. The working title of the film was
Greeting the Future and a further alternative title was Shame. Vstrechnyi in its
various translations gives the title to the film’s most popular song: ‘The Song of
the Counterplan’, ‘Song of the Passer–by’, ‘Song About the First Comer’, and
‘Song of the On-Coming’ (sic). Rabinovich (1959) gives ‘Song of the Young
Workers’ which was followed by Zelikov, Collected Works Volume 34, and
other translators. Martynov (1962) has ‘We’re Met by the Breezes of Morn-
ing’, Malcolm MacDonald lists ‘We Meet this Morning’, Volkov (2004) offers
‘The Morning Greets Us’ and also ‘The Morning Greets Us with Coolness’ all
four of which derive from the first line of the lyric in English translation—‘The
cool of the dawn greets us early’. ‘Song of the Meeting’, adopted in the 1st and
2nd editions of this catalogue, is a simple amalgam of these sources. (DCH).
In honour of Stalin’s birthday, ‘Salute to Life’ was performed by Sir Henry
Wood and the BBC Symphony Orchestra in a Bedford studio concert of
Russian and Soviet music on 21 December 1941. The invited audience
included Agnes Maisky, wife of the Soviet Ambassador, and Russian sol-
diers and sailors. The composer was unaware of this version listed on the
compiler’s query sheet.
‘The United Nations March’, arranged by Langendoen, was played by the
Boston Symphony Orchestra and The Collegiate Chorale, under Leonard
Bernstein, at the first Human Rights Day concert on 10 December 1949, in
the Carnegie Hall, New York (recorded privately in USA on 8" acetate disc).
Leopold Stokowski’s transcription, with an added choral conclusion, was
performed by the Symphony of the Air and the Schola Cantorum conducted

by Hugh Ross, at a concert on the first United Nations Day, 24 October 1954,
in the newly finished UN Headquarters, New York. The ‘United Nations
Hymn’, published in 1942, refers to the topical theme of nations being
united in the fight against Nazi Germany and Japan. The United Nations
was founded in 1946 but there was not an official ‘hymn’ of the organisation
until one was commissioned by U Thant, then Secretary–General, from
Pablo Casals in 1970 to text by W.H. Auden (Edward Johnson in litt.).
See the article ‘From the Factory to the Flat: Thirty years of the Song of
the Counterplan’ by John Riley in Edmunds 2004.

Opus 34: Twenty-four Preludes

Form: A collection of piano pieces round the whole cycle of ascending fifths:
1. C major—Moderato
2. A minor—Allegretto
3. G major—Andante
4. E minor—Moderato
5. D major—Allegro vivace
6. B minor—Allegretto
7. A major—Andante
8. F sharp minor—Allegretto
9. E major—Presto
10. C sharp minor—Moderato non troppo
11. B major—Allegretto
12. G sharp minor—Allegro non troppo
13. F sharp major—Moderato
14. E flat minor—Adagio
15. D flat major—Allegretto
16. B flat minor—Andantino
17. A flat major—Largo
18. F minor—Allegretto
19. E flat major—Andantino
20. C minor—Allegretto furioso
21. B flat major—Allegro poco moderato
22. G minor—Adagio
23. F major—Moderato
24. D minor—Allegretto
Composed: 30 December 1932 to 2 March 1933, in Leningrad apart from
No. 8 in Moscow.
Premières: Nos. 1–8: 17 January 1933, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi
Hall; Dmitri Shostakovich.

Complete cycle: 24 May 1933, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall;

D. Shostakovich.
No. 14 transcription: 27 December 1935, Philadelphia; Philadelphia
Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski.
Arrangements: Nineteen duo transcriptions for violin and piano assembled
into three suites by Dmitri Tsyganov and published in 1937, 1961, and
1963 respectively:
Suite No. 1: 10, 15, 16, and 24
Suite No. 2: 2, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 20
Suite No. 3: 1, 3, 8, 11, and 5
The remaining Preludes arranged by Aleksandr Blok prior to 2000, Lara
Auerbach in 2000, and Timor Sergeyenya in 2003:
Suite No. 4: 4, 7, 9, 14, and 24
Suite No. 1 also transcribed for violin and piano by Quinto Maganini
and in extended arrangements for two violins and piano by Albert Markov
in the 1980s.
Transcription for viola and piano of Nos. 10, 14–18, and 24 by
Ye. Strakov and also Vadim Borisovsky (the latter broadcast on BBC Radio
3 on 5 March 2004 by Lawrence Power and Simon Crawford-Phillips).
For flute and piano: No. 10 by Gleb Nikitin; Nos. 10, 15, 16, and 24
by Q. Maganini.
For saxophone and piano: Nos. 10, 13, and 15–18 by Marc Chisson.
Nos. 10 and 16 for trombone by Mikhail Dubirny.
No. 14 transcribed for full orchestra by Leopold Stokowski (1935) and
Levon Atovmyan (in 1944 for the film Zoya Suite, Opus 64a); and for band
by George Donald Mairs, Gene Chenoweth, and H. Robert Reynolds.
Nos. 6, 13, 14, and 20 arranged for brass and percussion by Brian Buerkle.
Nos. 14, 17, and 20 transcribed for wind orchestra and titled ‘Three
Symphonic Preludes’ by Alfred Reed.
No. 15 in an extended transcription for string orchestra by G. Zaborov.
Nos. 13, 14, and 15 for trombone and organ by Jean Douay/Christian
No. 17 for clarinet and orchestra by Hershy Kay.
No. 19 for symphonic band by Gene Chenoweth.
Four arranged for two trombones or two bassoons by Allen Ostrander.
Suite of Nos. 7, 10, 22, 8, 14, 24, 17, and 5 orchestrated for small orchestra
of single woodwind and brass, piano/celesta, and strings by Milko Kelemen.
Suite of Nos. 1, 10, 8, 16, 19, 6, 22, 13, 14, and 15 orchestrated for
symphony orchestra by Ed de Boer.
Suite of Nos. 10, 17, 24, 14, 13, 6, and 5 transcribed for string orchestra
by Viktor Poltoratsky.
No. 1 used as a theme for a jazz ensemble arrangement by V. Karminsky.

Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8, and 11 transcribed for wind quintet by Bruce Smeaton.

Nos. 1, 3, 8, 11, 16–19, and 21–22 transcribed for oboe and strings by
Mikhail Utkin.
Nos. 6, 15, 17, and 19 transcribed for string quartet by Michael Thomas.
Tsyganov’s second suite—Nos. 2, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 20—
transcribed tor violin and strings by Ilmar Lapinsch.
Nos. 1. 2, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 23 arranged by accordionist Evan
Harlan for jazz/folk group; the pieces given subtitles such as ‘Mimi Goes
Me(n)tal’, ‘Fireman’s Waltz’, and No. 14 ‘Gulag’.
Suite of Nos. 3, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, and 24 arranged for tenor and bass
trombone duet by Douglas Yeo.
Nos. 6, 7, 10, 13–17, 19–21, and 24 arranged for trombone quartet by
Hans Peter Gaiswinkler.
No. 17 arranged for strings and piano by Mikhail Turich.
Nos. 16, 15, 13, 6, 17, 10, 24, 22, and 20 orchestrated for chamber
orchestra by Rudolf Barshai.
Instrumentation: Stokowski’s version of No. 14—piccolo, 3 flutes, 2 oboes, cor
anglais, E flat clarinet, 3 B flat clarinets, 3 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns,
4 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, bass drum, gong ~ harp ~ strings.
Ed de Boer’s suite—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A;
clarinet II = E flat clarinet), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 2 horns, 2 trumpets
(C), 2 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, cymbals, bass drum, side drum, tom-tom
~ xylophone, marimba, celesta ~ strings.
Music: Two autograph copies are in existence: one preserved at GTsMMK;
the other, with the composer’s erroneous date of ‘1933–1934’ on the title-
page and the last two Preludes missing, preserved at PGALI. The first page
of Prelude No. 1 of the former copy is reproduced in Volume 39 of Collected
Piano: Muzgiz, No. 14215, 1935, 31 cm.
Providence, Axelrod, No. 159, c.1939, Nos. 13, 17, 7, and 24, 31 cm.
Boston Music, 1943, 30 cm.
International Music, No. 583, 1943, 30.5 cm.
Soyuz sovetskikh kompozitorov, 1945, 30 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. 65, c.1945, 30.5 cm.
Soyuz sovetskikh kompozitorov, 1946, in four volumes, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2124, c.1955, in two volumes, 31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, Nos. 4773a and b, 1962, in two volumes, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, 29 cm.
G. Schirmer, No. 3047, 1976, VAAP authorized edition, ed. György
Sandor, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.

Yorktown Music Press, New York, 1984, No. 17 only in album The Joy
of Russian Music assembled by Dénes Agay, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 110 of New Collected
Violin and piano: Muzgiz, 1937 and 1953, Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1 (10,
15, 16, and 24), 30 cm.
Edition Musicus, 1939, Nos. 10, 15, 16, and 24 arr. Q. Maganini, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1961, Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2 (2, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22,
and 20 in that order), 29 cm.
MCA, 1966, Nos. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 24 arr. Tsyganov and
ed. Carl Rosenthal, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6365, 1969, the nineteen Preludes arr. Tsyganov grouped
into three suites as listed above, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2323, 1981, the nineteen Preludes as above, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2392, 2005, Tsyganov’s Suite Nos. 1, 2, and 3 with
Auerbach’s Suite No. 4, 30 cm.
Other transcriptions: Affiliated Music, New York, 1939, Nos. 10, 15, 16,
and 24 for flute and piano by Q. Maganini (with violin and piano arrange-
ments of same), 31 cm.
Edition Musicus, No. 290, c.1941, No. 14 for symphonic band by
G. Chenoweth, 27.5 cm.
G. Schirmer, 1944, No. 14 arr. for band by G. D. Mairs, score and
Broude Bros., New York, 1948, No. B.B. 180, No. 14 orchestrated by
Stokowski, score, 31 cm.
Wheeling, USA, no date, Nos. 4 [or No. 6 transposed to E minor] and
24 for wind quintet by A. Henry, 28 and 30 cm. respectively.
Edition Musicus, c.1954, four arr. for two trombones (or bassoons) by
A. Ostrander, 31 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 8072 (Litolff plate no. 30518), 1971, Nos. 7, 10, 22,
8, 14, 24, 17, and 5 arr. for small orchestra by M. Kelemen, score, 19 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8854, 1975, Nos. 10, 14–18, and 24 for viola and piano
by Ye. Strakov, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2169 (in Pieces by Soviet Composers for flute and
piano), 1977, No. 10 arr. G. Nikitin, 28 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1981, Ed de Boer and V. Poltoratsky’s transcriptions
available on hire.
G. Schirmer, No. ED 4019, August 1997, Eight Preludes Nos. 3, 6, 10,
11, 15, 16, 19, and 24 for tenor and bass trombone duet by Douglas Yeo
(duration 12' 25"), 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 31' 30" in score; 25' 19"–36' 54". String Ensemble
version: 33' 22". No. 14 orchestral version: 2' 16 "–3' 11".

Film: Ever Decreasing Circles. No. 15 played by Ronnie Price used as a

signature tune for this comedy series shown on BBC TV in 1983, 1984,
1986, and 1987, with a final special edition on 24 December 1989.
Recordings: 78 rpm and CD—USA: Victor 7888 in Set M 192. No. 14
orchestrated by Stokowski. Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI.
P 30 Dec. 1935 ~ HMV DB 2884. Labelled as ‘Prelude in A flat’.
G Feb. 1937. Reissued on CD—Dutton Laboratories CD AX 8002
(mono). G May 1993 ~ Pearl GEMM CDS 9044 (mono), G Jan. 1994.
78 rpm—USA: Columbia 11524 D in Set M 446. No. 14 orch.
Stokowski. All-American Orchestra, L. STOKOWSKI. P 14 Nov. 1940.
Columbia DX 1066. No. 14 only. Harriet COHEN (piano). G Feb. 1942.
78 rpm and CD—USSR: 11992-3 (10"). Nos. 22, 8, 14, and 15. Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH. P and I 1944. Reissued on CD—Revelation RV 70007
(‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 6’, mono). Nos. 8 and 22.
G Feb. 1999.
USA: Victor 11-8824. Nos. 5, 10, and 24. William KAPELL. P 11 Dec.
1944. Reissued on CD—Pearl GEMM CD 9277 (mono). Nos. 5, 10, and
24. I 1997 ~ RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 6844-2 (‘William Kapell Edition’,
nine-disc set, mono). Nos. 5, 10, and 24, with alternative takes of Nos. 5
and 10 plus 1944 recording of No. 14). G Jan. 1999 and Jan. 2001 ~ Naxos
Historical 8.110673. Nos. 24, 10, and 5. I 2001.
LP and CD—USA: International Piano Archives at Maryland IPAM
1101 (mono). Nos. 24, 10, and 5. W. KAPELL. P Carnegie Hall concert 28
Feb. 1945, I 1983. Reissued on CD—Dutton CDBP 9701 (mono). I Oct.
*78 rpm—USA: Decca A 592 (10"). Nos. 10 and 15 arr. for violin and
piano. Jascha HEIFETZ (violin) and Emanuel Bay (piano). [Debussy, Grasse,
R. R. Bennett et al.] P l945.
LP and CD—USA: Mercury MG 10035 (‘David Oistrakh plays violin
favorites’, mono). Nos. 8, 14–19, and 24. D. SHOSTAKOVICH (piano). P Prague
26 May 1947 ~ USSR: Melodiya M10 39075-6 (in four-record box set
‘D. Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono). Nos. 14, 15, 24, 8, 17–19—not No. 16
as stated on label and sleeve. I 1977b. Reissued on CD—Revelation RV
70007 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 6’, mono). Nos. 14–19
and 24 with No. 16 included; also Nos. 8 and 22, stated to be P 1946 and
separately-tracked extra versions of Nos. 8 and 22 , with No. 23, stated to
be P July 1950. I Sept. 1998 ~ *Symposium 1314 (mono). Nos. 8, 14–19,
23–24. [Opp. 5, 22, 67, 73, and 69.] I Jan. 2004.
78 rpm and LP—USA: Columbia MM 856 17597-17600 D (10").
No. 17 arr. H. Kay. Artie SHAW (clarinet), orchestra conducted by Walter
Hendl. P 1948. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia ML 4260 (‘Modern
Music for Clarinet’, mono). I 1950s.

78 rpm—USA: Columbia 17335 D. No. 2 only. Oscar LEVANT.

P pre-1949.
*CD—Biddulph 80218-2 (mono). Suite No. 1 arr. Tsyganov. Camilla WICKS
(violin) and Sixten Ehrling (piano). [Op. 22; Sibelius, Valen, Kabalevsky et al.]
P Stockholm 1950, I 2006, originally on Swedish EMI 78 rpm in 1950.
78 rpm and CD—USA: Vox 16023 in Album 165. Nos. 10 and 24.
Shura CHERKASSKY. P c.1950. Reissued on CD—Pearl GE 0138. P now
thought to be New York or Los Angeles 1946, I 2000.
LP—USA: MCM E 3070 (mono). Complete cycle. Menahem PRESSLER.
P 1953, I 1955.
LP—USA: Decca FST 153515 (mono). Complete cycle. Robert
CORNMAN. P 1955.
USA: RCA Victor LM 1975 (mono). Nos. 2, 14, and 24. Amparo ITURBI.
P 1955.
Philips NBE 11014 (7" 45 rpm, mono). Nos. 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 21, and 24.
Daniel BARENBOIM. G Feb. 1956.
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 24485-6 (10"). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Yulian
SITKOVETSKY (violin) and Naum Valter (piano). P 1955. Reissued on
LP—USSR: MK D6089-90 (10" mono). I 1960 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10
06831-2 (‘The Art of Yulian Sitkovetsky’, electronic stereo?). I 1976.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—USSR: 26316-7 (10"). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1.
Leonid KOGAN (violin) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano). P 2 Feb. 1956,
I 1956. Reissued on LP—USSR: MK D3036-7 (10" mono). I 1956 ~
HMV Melodiya HLM 7096 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976 ~
USSR: Melodiya M10 39077-8 (‘Shostakovich—Pianist’, in four-record
box set, mono). I 1977b. Reissued on CD—Czech: Multisonic MU 31
0179-2 (‘Russian Treasure’, mono). I Sept. 1993 ~ Revelation RV 70002
(‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 2’, mono). I Oct. 1997, G Feb.
1998 ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0164 (mono). [Opp. 93 and 97.]
I 2002 ~ *USA: Eclectra ECCD 2067 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich,
Volume 2’, mono). [Opp. 57, 79, and 97.] I Oct. 2004.
LP—USSR: Melodiya M10 48767 000 (‘The Complete Neuhaus,
Volume 2’, in four-record box set, mono). Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16,
18, 19, 22, and 23. Heinrich NEUHAUS. P 1957, I 1990a.
78 rpm—USSR: 27878-9 (10"). Nos. 1, 2, 18, and 19. H. NEUHAUS.
P most probably from the above session.
LP—USSR: HD4292-3 (10", mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Valentin
ZHUK (violin) and Ye. Fuks (piano). I 1958.
USA: RCA LM 2250 (mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. L. KOGAN (violin)
and Andrei Mytnik (piano). P New York 1958.
LP and CD—USA: United Artists UAL 7004 (mono) and UAS 8004.
No. 14 orch. Stokowski. Symphony of the Air, L. STOKOWSKI. P New York

15–19 Dec. 1958 ~ Japan: King Records K18C 9333. I 1982. Reissued on
CD—USA: EMI Classics ZDMB5 6542723. I Nov. 1994.
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 0032522-3 (8"). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Valeri
KLIMOV (violin) and Inna Kollegorskaya (piano). P 1959. Reissued on
LP—USSR: MK D 05054-5 (mono). I 1959.
CD—France: Vogue VG 672 009. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. L. KOGAN
(violin) and A. Mytnik (piano). P Paris concert 26 Nov. 1959, I 1988.
LP—Czech: Supraphon SUF 20004 (10" mono). Nos. 1 and 4 arr. for
violin and piano. Valeri KLIMOV (violin) and Inna Kollegorskaya (piano).
G Apr. 1961.
USSR: MK D010223-4 (mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Boris GUTNIKOV
(violin) and Lydia Pecherskaya (piano). P 1962.
*DVD Video—EMI Classics DVB 4928359 (black and white, mono).
Tsyanov’s Suite No. 1. L. KOGAN (violin) and A. Mytnik (piano). [Handel,
Debussy, Bach et al.] P London concert 26 Mar. 1962, I 2003.
[France: EMI unissued stereo recording. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2.
L. KOGAN (violin) and Georges Solchany (piano). P Paris studio 24 July
1962. Apparently this recording does not exist.]
LP—USSR: Melodiya D013383-4 (mono). Nos. 17, 10, 13, 14, and 15.
Gleb AKHELROD. P 1964.
USSR: Melodiya D05353-4 (10" mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 3. Aleksei
MIKHLIN (violin) and Yelena Seidel (piano). P 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D016139-40 (mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2. Vladimir
MALININ (violin) and M. Shteri (piano). P 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D16333-4 (10" mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2. Boris
GUTNIKOV (violin) and Lydia Pecherskaya (piano). P 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D16681-2 (10" mono). Nos. 13, 8, 11, and 5 arr.
Tsyganov. Vladimir LANTSMAN (violin) and A. Levina (piano). P 1965.
Czech: Supraphon SUA 50890 (mono). Complete cycle. Klára HAVLÍKOVÁ.
P Apr. 1966, I 1968.
USSR: Melodiya D17527-30 (4 sides 10" mono). Complete cycle dis-
cussed and performed by Ye. LIBERMAN. P 1966.
USSR: Melodiya D18345-6 (10" mono). Nos. 10 and 16 arr. for
trombone. Mikhail DUBIRN (trombone). P 1966.
*CD—Brilliant Classics 93005 (‘Viktor Tretiakov Edition’, on third of
ten-disc set, stereo). Nos. 15 and 24 arr. Tsyganov. Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin)
and Mikhail Erokhin (piano). [Peiko, Wagner, Saraste et al.] P concert 16
Feb. 1967, I May 2006.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019331-2 (mono). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. A.
MIKHLIN (violin) and Y. Seidel (piano). P 1967.
USSR: Melodiya D022047-8 (mono). Tsyganov’s Suites Nos. 1, 2, and
3. Rafail SOBOLOVSKY (violin) and E. Epstein (piano—Suites Nos. 1 and 3)
and Yelena Livshits (piano—Suite No. 2). P 1968.

CD—USA: Music & Arts CD 847 (‘Stokowski conducts Music from

Russia, Volume 3’). No. 14 orch. Stokowski. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,
L. STOKOWSKI. P 24 June 1969, I Jan. 1995.
LP—Italy: Fratelli Fabbri Editori mm-1092 (10" stereo). Complete
cycle. Albert COLOMBO. I c.1969.
USSR: Melodiya D0281034 (mono).Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Andrei
KORSAKOV (violin) and unnamed pianist. P Fourth International Tchaikovsky
Competiton Moscow concert, 1970.
*Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation SM 159. Tsyganov’s
Suites Nos. 1 and 3. Albert PRATZ (violin) and Elyakin Taussig (piano).
[Bloch, Falla, and Debussy.] P Toronto 7 Dec. 1970.
Belgium: Melodiya 562 241. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. A. KORSAKOV
(violin) and Elizaveta Ginzburg (piano). P Brussels 26 May 1971.
LP and CD—Sweden: Swedish Society Discofil SLT 33221. Complete
cycle. Inger WIKSTRÖM. P Stockholm 12 Sept. 1973 ~ RCA Gold Seal GL
25003. G Nov. 1976. Reissued on CD—Sweden: Swedish Society Discofil
SCO 1031. I 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM04263-4. Complete cycle. Vera GORNOSTAYEVA.
P 1973, I 1974.
Czech: Panton 11 0488 F. Complete cycle. Dagmar BALOGHOVA.
P Prague 1974.
USSR: Melodiya C10 05023-4. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Vadim BRODSKY
(violin) and unnamed pianist. P Fifth International Tchaikovsky Competi-
tion Moscow concert 1974, I 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C10 05565-6. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Ruben
AGARONYAN (violin) and Svetlana Navasardyan (piano). P 1975, I 1975d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 07163-4 (‘Romantic miniatures’). No. 17 arr.
Tsyganov. Gidon KREMER (violin) and Oleg Maizenberg (piano). P 1976,
I 1977a.
CD—Belgium: Cyprès CYP 9612 (twelve-disc set). Tsyganov’s Suite
No. 1. Mikhail BEZVERKHNY (violin) and Bella Rakova (piano). P Brussels
Queen Elisabeth Competition concert 29 May 1976, I 2001.
LP and CD—CBS 73589. No. 14 orch. Stokowski. National Philharmonic
Orchestra, L. STOKOWSKI. P 12–13 and 16 July 1976, G June 1977. Reis-
sued on CD—Cala 0529 (‘Stokowski Encores’). G Jan. 2002.
CD—USA: Russian RCD 16238 (‘Russian Piano School’). Nos. 9, 10,
15, and 24. Nataliya GAVRILOVA. P 1976–90, I 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 09843-4. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2. Nelli
SHKOLNIKOVA (violin) and Yuliya Gushanskaya (piano). P 1977, I 1978c.
Polydor 2531 096. Nos. 1, 4, 10, 12, 14–16, 19, 22, and 24. Lazar
BERMAN. P Hamburg 1977, G Mar. 1979. Music Trades Association Awards
1979—winner of Solo Instrumental category. ~ USSR; Melodiya C10
16615-6. I 1982c.

USSR: Melodiya C10 10993-4. Nineteen not as listed on label and

sleeve but grouped as follows: Tsyganov’s Suites Nos. 3, 1, and 2. Zarius
SHIKHMURZAYEVA (violin) and Mikhail Muntyan (piano). P 1978, I 1979b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11163-4. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 3. Irina MEDVEDEVA
(violin) and Margarita Kravchenko (piano). P Moscow concert 1978,
I 1979b.
France: Corelia CC 78 030. Nos. 13–15 arr. for trombone and organ.
Jean DOUAY (trombone) and Christian Gouinguené (organ). P 1978.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 11216. Complete cycle. Marta DEYANOVA.
P 1980?
USSR: Melodiya C10 14323-4. No. 15 arr. for string orchestra by
G. Zaborov—not Op. 87 No. 15 as stated on label and sleeve. String
Ensemble of Siberia (members of the Tyumen State Philharmonic Orchestra),
Tatyana Abramova (piano), Mikhail PARKHOMOVSKY. P 1980, I 1981b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17555003. Nos. 12, 6, and 17 arr. Tsyganov.
Vladimir SPIVAKOV (violin) and Boris Bekhterev (piano). P 1982, I 1983a.
USA: Orion ORS 83462. Complete cycle. Zoe ERISMAN. P 1983.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00043 004 (digital). Nos. 7, 10,
22, 8, 14, 24, 17, and 9 orch. M. Kelemen. USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1983, I 1984c. Reissued
on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 63460-2 (two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C60 22481 008. No. 1 arr. for jazz ensemble.
Metronom Ensemble, Mikhail YAKON. P Ninth Moscow Festival of Jazz
Music, 1984, I 1986a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 28379 002. Complete cycle. Vladimir VIARDO.
P 1984, I 1990a.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 11424. Nos. 10, 14–18, and 24 arr. Ye.
Strakov. Ognyan STANCHEV (viola) and Ivan Evtimov (piano). I 1984.
Cassette—Whitetower Records Ensemble ENS 132 (‘Music and
Revolution, Volume 1’, digital real time). Nos. 6 and 17 arr. Tsyganov—
not Atovmyan as stated. Alexander BALANESCU (violin) and Andrew Ball
(piano). I 1985.
CD—Nimbus NIM 5026. Complete cycle. Marta DEYANOVA. P 8–9 Jan.
*USA: Rondo Music Society RMS 2238. Suite No. 1 in the order Nos. 10,
16, 24, and 15 arr. A. Markov. Albert and Aleksandr MARKOV (violin duo
and Dmitri Cogan (piano—not Andrei Mytnik as listed in the booklet and
on the disc). [Sarasate, Mozart, Wieniawski, and Godard.] P LPR Studios,
New York c.1985, I 2006. NB. Previously released in the late 1980s on an
American LP—LRP 8831.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 23079 003. Complete cycle. Anait NERSESYAN.
P 1985, I 1986c.

USSR: Melodiya A10 20101 000 (digital). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2.

Maksim VENGEROV (violin) and Irina Vinogradova (piano). P opening of the
Eighth International Tchaikovsky Competition 11 June 1986, I 1987c. NB.
Soloist aged eleven years.
USSR: Melodiya C10 24625 006. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 3. Ilya
KALER (violin) and Anna Balakerskaya (piano). P Eighth International
Tchaikovsky Competition 23 June 1986, I 1987c ~*Russia: Russian
Disc RDCD 00377 (‘Competition Laureates 1958–1990, Volume 2’.
[Tchaikovsky, Wieniawski, Paganini et al.] I 1994.
LP and CD—Chandos ARBD 1261 (digital) and CHAN 8555.
Tsyganov’s Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Eleonora TUROVSKY (violin) and Peter
Pettinger (piano). P Aldeburgh 13–14 Nov. 1986, G Apr. 1988.
CD—Belgium: Empire Master Sound SBCD 7400. Tsyganov’s
Suite No. 3. Michael GUTTMAN (violin) and Simone Guttman (piano).
P Sandhausen, West Germany 21–22 Mar. 1988.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87947. Nos. 10, 17, 24, 14, 13, 6, and 5 arr.
Poltoratsky. Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Paris 30 July 1988,
G Dec. 1989.
France: Rodolphe RFC 32600. Nos. 2, 6, 10, 16, 17, and 24. Vladimir
STOUPEL. P 3–4 Jan. 1989, G Oct, 1990.
Poland: Polmusic 1-1989-1014. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2. Grigori ZHISLIN
(violin) and Frida Bauer (piano). P Warsaw 1989.
Japan: Kosei KOCD 3010 (‘Guest Conductor Series 9—Reed’). Nos. 14,
17, and 20 arr. Reed, labelled as ‘Three Symphonic Preludes’. Tokyo Kosei
Wind Orchestra, Alfred REED. P Tokyo 16–17 Mar. 1989.
AVM Classics AVZ 3020 (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’). Complete cycle.
Martin JONES. P London 1–2 June 1989.
USA: Elektra Nonesuch/Warner Classics 7559-79234-2ZK. Complete
cycle . Vladimir VIARDO. P New York June 1989, G Oct. 1991.
Netherlands: Partridge 1127-2. Complete cycle advertised as ‘First
recording of the Opus 34 Preludes by Shostakovich’ (sic). Evgenii
SOIFERTIS-LUKJANENKO. P Veenendaal Aug. 1989, I UK June 1991.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1011. Complete cycle. Elena
VARVAROVA. P Paris Sept. 1989.
Chandos CHAN 8748. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Lydia MORDKOVITCH
(violin) and Marina Gusak-Grin (piano). P Snape 12–14 Feb. 1990,
G Nov. 1990.
Decca 433 055-2DH. Complete cycle. Olli MUSTONEN. P Blackheath
Oct. 1990, G Oct. 1991. Gramophone Record Awards 1992—winner of
Instrumental category.
Teldec 2292 46015-2 (‘Brodsky Quartet Unlimited’). Nos. 15, 19, 17,
and 6 arr. M. Thomas. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas, Ian Belton,

Paul Casssidy Jacquelin Thomas). P Berlin Oct.–Nov. 1990, I Feb. 1992,

G Apr. 1992.
Germany: Sound-Star-Ton SST 31109. Complete cycle. Alexander
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60861 (‘It Ain’t Necessarily So’). Nos. 24,
12, and 6 arr. Tsyganov. Vladimir SPIVAKOV (violin) and Sergei Bezrodny
(piano). P Bristol 11–13 Jan. 1991.
EMI Classics CDC7 54352-2 (‘Debut’). Nos. 10 and 15 arr. Tsyganov.
Sarah CHANG (on ¼ size violin) and Sandra Rivers (piano). P New York
16 Mar.–16 Apr. 1991, Jan. 1993. NB. Soloist aged 9 years.
Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 039. Complete cycle. Folke GRÄSBECK.
P Stockholm 16 May 1991.
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga MK 417030. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Aleksandr
SHIRINSKY (violin) and Natalya Rozova (piano). P Moscow 1991.
Hyperion CDA 66620. Complete cycle. Tatyana NIKOLAYEVA.
P Hampstead 17–19 Apr. 1992, G Sept. 1992.
France: Erol Records 7014. Nos. 10, 13, and 15–18 arr. for saxophone.
Marc CHISSON (soprano and sopranino saxophones) and Alain Perez (piano).
P Bordeaux 14 June 1992.
Sony Classical SK 52568 (‘Encore’). Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. MIDORI
(violin) and Robert McDonald (piano). P 17–24 Aug. 1992, G June 1993.
USA: Cembal D’Amour CD 106. Tsyganov’s Suite No. 1. Berl SENOPSKY
(violin) and Julian Martin (piano). P Peabody Institute, Baltimore 1992.
Denmark: Danacord DACOCD 419 (‘Rarities of Piano Music’).
Nos. 10 and 14. Nina KAVTARADZE. P Husum Festival concert Aug. 1993,
I Sept. 1994.
USA: Russian Disc 10 015. Nos. 1–3, 10, 14, 16, 17, and 24. Vladimir
YURIGEN-KLEVKE. P Moscow Feb.–Mar. 1994, I June 1995.
France: Accord 20281-2. Complete cycle. Caroline WEICHERT. P Radio
Svizzera Italiana Studio, Lugano Sept. 1993, I 1994 ~ *Accord: 442-8213
(on third of four-disc set). [Sans op. S(i) and B; Op. 13.] I Jan. 2007.
Japan: Camerata 28CM 573. Nos. 15, 19, 20, 24, 14, 16, 17, 7, 13,
21, 10, and 6 arr. Gaiswinkler. VIENNA TROMBONE QUARTET (Hans Strocker,
Deitner Kublock, Erik Hainzl, Otmar Gaiswinkler). P Vienna 22–24 Sept.
USA: Pyramid 13510. Complete cycle. Adrienne KRAUSZ. P Budapest
Oct. 1994, I Feb. 1995.
Sweden: BIS CD 717. Tsyganov’s three suites adapted for guitar and
piano. Franz HALÁSZ (guitar) and Débora Halász (piano). P Stockholm
22–25 Jan. 1995.
Italy: Dynamic CDS 137. Nos. 10 and 15 arr. Tsyganov. Salvatore
ACCARDO (violin) and Laura Manzini (piano). P Genoa Mar. 1995. NB.

Played on Paganini’s Guarneri del Gesu 1742 instrument under police

USA: Mark Set Go MSG 101 (‘Declassified’). Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 14,
15, 17, 18, and 23 arr. Harlan. EXCELSIOR (Evan Harlan—accordion, Mimi
Rabson—electric violin, Claudio Ragazzi—electric guitar, James Gray— tuba
in No. 15, and Grant Smith—drums). P Apr.–May 1995 and Apr. 1996.
Olympia OCD 574. Complete cycle. Colin STONE. P London Sept.
1995, G June 1996.
USA: Boston Brass BB 1004 (‘In the Family’). Eight Preludes arr. Yeo.
Ronald BARRON (tenor trombone) and Douglas YEO (bass trombone).
P Boston University 13 Dec. 1995.
Germany: Beaux BEAU 2022. No. 17 arr. Turich. Novosibirsk Chamber
Orchestra, Mikhail TURICH. P 1995, I Sept. 2001.
USA: Klavier KCD 11077. No. 14 arr. Reynolds. North Texas College of
Music Wind Symphony, Eugene CORPORON. P Texas Woman’s University,
Denton 9–11 Feb. 1996.
Japan: Toshiba EMI TOCE 9079. No, 10 only. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji
Arai, Takashi Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 25–27 Mar. 1996.
France: Suoni e Colori Collection SC 53006 (‘DSCH Aphorismes’).
Tsyganov’s Suite No. 2 arr. for violin and strings by Ilmar Lapinsch.
Ricercata de Paris Ensemble, Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY (violin and conduc-
tor). [Including Schnittke—Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich, and Steven
Gerber—Elegy on the name ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’.] P Hautes-Alpes, France
concert Aug. 1996, I 1997.
Japan: ALM Records ALCD 7041 (‘A Forest of Preludes’). Complete
cycle. Izumi SHIMURA. P Mitaka City Hall, Tokyo 9–10 Sept. 1996.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051 0022. Complete cycle. Anna MALKOVA. P Wesel,
Germany Apr. 1997.
Collins Classics 1496-2. Complete cycle. Artur PIZARRO. P Rusthall, Kent
20–23 Mar. 1997, G Nov. 1997.
Belgium: Cyprès CYP 2622. Complete cycle. Johan SCHMIDT. P Liège
23–24 Feb. 1998.
Athene-Minerva ATH CD18. Complete cycle. Raymond CLARKE.
P Nottingham University 10 July 1998, G Oct. 1999.
France: Suoni e Colori SC 53009. Complete cycle. Mikhail MARKOV.
P Paris Nov. 1998.
**Russia: Divertissement DSE 0001. Complete cycle arr. G. Korchmar,
Ilya IOFF. [Bartók and Schnittke.] P Melody Studio, St Petersburg 3–4 Nov.
1999, I 2002.
Channel Classics CCS 16398. Complete cycle arr. by Tsyganov and
Aleksandr Blok. Ilya GRUBERT (violin) and Vladimir Tropp (piano). [Opp. 5
and 134.] P Eindhoven, Netherlands Apr. 2000, I Oct. 2001.

Belgium: De Rode Pomp Gents Muzikaal Arcief RP/GMA 009. Nos.

1, 11, 10, and 24 arr. Tsyganov. Lidia KOVALENKO (violin) and Yuri Serov
(piano). [Op. 134; and Schnittke.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church,
St Petersburg 18 Apr. and 2 May 2000, I 2004.
Germany: Live Classics LCL 306. Complete cycle. Elisso WIRSSALADZE.
[Liszt.] P Verdi Conservatory concert, Milan 5 Feb. 2001.
Naxos 8.555781. Complete cycle. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Opp. 13,
12, and 5.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 12 and 13 Feb. 2001, I Sept. 2003.
Harmonia Mundi HMN 91 16398. Complete cycle. Elena ROZANOVA.
[Prokofiev and Ravel.] P Paris May 2001, I Oct. 2001, G May 2002.
Germany: Valve-Hearts CD 3002. Complete cycle. Alena CHERNY.
[Hindemith.] P Zürich studio Aug. 2001, I 2003.
Meridan CDE 84468. Nos. 2, 17, 10, 13, 16, 14, 19, and 24. Semyon
KRUCHIN. [Mussorgsky and Prokofiev.] P St John’s Smith Square, London
4–5 Dec. 2001, I Dec. 2002, G Sept. 2003.
Czech: Arco Diva UP 0075-2 131. Complete cycle. Banu SÖZÜAR
[Rakhmaninov.] P Herrenhaus, Borstel, Germany 19–20 Apr. 2002, I
Centaur CRC 2636, Complete cycle arr. by Tsyganov and Lera Auerbach.
Grigory KALINOVSKY (violin) and Tatyana Goncharova (piano). [Op. 134.]
P Staten Island, New York 10–12 May 2002, I May 2004.
Danacord DACOCD 601. Complete cycle. Oleg MARSHEV. [Opp. 35 and
102.] P Helsingborg 29 July to 2 Aug. 2002, I Feb. 2003, G Sept. 2003.
Avie AV 0023. Tsyganov’s Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Kai GLEUSTEEN (violin)
and Catherine Ordronneau (piano). [Janáček and Prokofiev.] P Crear,
Argyll, Scotland 2–4 Sept. 2002, G Jan. 2004.
Capriccio 71087 (Hybrid SACD, on second of two-disc set). Complete
cycle. Margarete BABINSKY. [Sans op. O(ii & i); Opp. 95 and 94.]
P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and 2005, I July 2006.
USA: Summit Records DCD 380. Nos. 6, 13, 14, and 20 arr. for brass
by Brian Buerkle. SUMMIT BRASS. [R. Strauss, Bach et al.] P Arizona concert
14 June 2003.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Com-
plete cycle. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Sans opp. B and S(i); Opp. 5, 13, and 22.]
P Bartók Studio, Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
Japan: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9921-22 (two-disc set). Com-
plete cycle. Timur SERGEYENYA (piano) and complete cycle of the four
suites arr. for violin and piano by Tsyganov and Sergeyenya. Mikhail
BEZVERKHNY (violin) and Timur Sergeyenya (piano). [Opp. 134 and 147.]
P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 3–6 Nov. 2003, I 2004 ~
Belgium: De Rode Pomp Gents Muzikaal Arcief RP/GMA 041 [Opp. 134
and 147.] I 2004.

Japan: Deutsche Grammophon UCCG 1183. Nos. 4 and 10, both

stated to be arr. Tsyganov. Sayaka SHOJI (violin) and Itamar Golan (piano).
[Prokofiev.] P Teldex Studio, Berlin Dec. 2003.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 92383 (on second of two-disc set), Suite
No. 1 arr. Tsyganov. Liza FERSCHTMAN (violin) and Bas Verheijden (piano).
[Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Poulenc et al.] P Remonstrante Doopsgezinde
Kerk, Deventer 17 Dec. 2003–19 Feb. 2004.
France: Lyrinx LYR 237. Nos. 2, 10, 12, 20, and 21 arr. for violin
and piano. Julien DIEUDEGARD (violin) and Jonas Vitaud (piano). [Saraste,
Britten, Hubay et al.] P Centre Guillaume Farel, Marseille Oct. 2004.
Russia: Caro Mitis CM008 2004. Nos. 1, 16, 3, 8, 11, 17–19, and 21–22
arr. M. Utkin. Aleksei UTKIN (oboe) and strings. [Sans op. D(i); Opp. 87
and 39.] P Russian Television and Radio Studio, Moscow 2 and 24 Oct.
2004, 11 Feb. 2005; I 2006.
Japan: Altus ALT 099. Reiko AIZAWA. [Schoenberg.] P Sakira Hall, Ritto,
Japan 17–18 Nov. 2004, I 2005.
Warner Classics 2564-61949-2 (two-disc set). Suite No. 2 arr. Tsyganov.
Julian RACHLIN (violin) and Itamar Golan (piano). [Op. 147; Beethoven.]
P Telex Studio Berlin 25–28 Nov. 2004, I Sept. 2005.
Japan: Live Notes WWCC 7526. Kyoko HASHIMOTO. Complete cycle.
[Skryabin.] P Takane Bunka Hall, Yamanshi 24–25 Dec. 2004.
Move Records MD 3308. Complete cycle. Michael Kieran HARVEY.
[Op. 12; and Messiaen.] P Eaglemont, Victoria studio several dates in 2005.
Germany: Hessischer Rundfunk Hr-musik. 033-06. Nos. 1, 2, 6, 10,
12, 14–18, 22, and 24. Yevgeni KOROLYOV. P HR-Sendesaal, Frankfurt
2–3 Nov. and 19–21 Dec. 2005.
Delos DE 3366. Nine orchestrated by Barshai as listed under Arrange-
ments. Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine ORBELIAN. [Opp. 35 aand
102.] P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall Dec. 2005, I 2007.
Belgium: Fuga Libera FUG 517. Plamena MANGOVA. Complete cycle.
[Op. 61.] P Flagey, Brussels 10–12 and 16 Apr. 2006.
Germany: Cavi-music Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr 42 6008 553053
3 on second of six-disc set). Nos. 1, 2, 21, 9, 19, 20, 13, 24, and 5.
David KADOUCH (piano). P Kulturzentrum August Everding, Bottrop,
Germany 22 May 2006.
Berlin Classics 0016342BC (‘Souvenirs’). No. 17 arr. for clarinet. Sharon
KAM (clarinet) and Itamar Golan (piano). [Massenet, Kreisler, Granados
et al.] P Beethovensaal, Congress-Centrum, Hannover 2–4 June 2008,
G Mar. 2009.
Notes: Tsyganov considered Nos. 4, 7, 9, 14, and 23 were too ‘piano-
orientated’ and unfavourable for duo transcription.
No. 5 in D major named ‘Velocity Etudé’ by David Rabinovich in 1959.

Aleksandr Alekseyev covers this cycle with 9 music examples in Sovetskaya

fortepiannaya muzyka 1917–1945 (Muzyka, Moscow, 1974), 124–33.
The ABCs of Shostakovich’s compositional style are described in
Dr Bernatchez’s article in DSCH Journal No. 28 with 32 music examples.

Opus 35: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor

Form: Concerto for piano, B flat trumpet, and string orchestra in four linked
1. Allegro moderato [or Allegretto] attacca
2. Lento [or Largo] attacca
3. Moderato attacca
4. Allegro con brio
The fourth movement introduces the street tune ‘O, du lieber Augustin’
on trumpet and quotes from Haydn’s Sonata in D major Hob xvi /37 and
Beethoven’s Rondo a capriccio in G major, Opus 129 (‘Rage over a lost
Penny’) in the piano cadenza.
Composed: 6 March–20 July 1933. Begun in Leningrad and completed in
Premières: 15 and 17 October 1933, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall;
Dmitri Shostakovich (piano), Aleksandr Shmidt (trumpet), Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Fritz Stiedry.
USA: 15 December 1934, Philadelphia Hall; Eugene List (piano),
Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski.
UK: 4 January 1936, Queen’s Hall, London, ‘Winter Prom’; Eileen Joyce
(piano), Herbert Barr (trumpet), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Henry
Arrangements: A two-piano reduction by the composer. The Lento adapted for
string orchestra by Grzegorz Fitelberg. The Concerto adapted by trumpeter
Timofei Dokshitser to feature more involvment for his instrument.
Music: Autograph scores preserved at PGALI (full score) and GTsMMK
(reduction). The first page of the autograph full score is reproduced in
Volume 12 of Collected Works.
Muzgiz, No. 14332, 1934, score, 30 cm. (and same number, 1963,
21 cm.)
Muzgiz, No. 14333, 1934 (also 1935 and 1969), the composer’s reduc-
tion for two pianos, 30 cm.
Longmans, Green and Co., New York, Longman’s Miniature Arrow
Score Series of Romantic and Modern Piano Concertos, Volume 9
(Schumann—Shostakovich), 1940, score ed. A. E. Wier, 30 cm.
International Music, No. 2158, 1942, reduction, 30.5 cm.

Broude Bros., New York, No. 184, 1943, score, 28 cm.

Russian–American Music, New York, 1946, Quasi valse, adaptation of
second movement for string orchestra by Grzegorz Fitelberg, score and
parts, 30 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 644 (A.S.M.P. No. 52), 1948, score ed. Hans
Swarsenski, 19 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. 53, 1948, reduction, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5947 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 3), 1970, reduction, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2126, 1972, reduction, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8866, 1975, reduction, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11208 (in Volume 12 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11214 (in Volume 13 of Collected Works), 1983, reduction,
30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2361, 1989, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 38 and reduction in
Volume 39 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 20 and approx. 21 minutes in scores; 19' 54"–25' 27"; 23' 00"–23'
30" (Plaistow).
Ballets: The Wise Monkeys. Norman Morrice, Ballet Rambert, Sadler’s Wells,
18 July 1960.
The Catalyst. John Cranko, Stuttgart Ballet, 8 November 1961.
In Concert. Simon Mottram, Northern Dance Theatre, Manchester,
26 March 1974.
The Dance House. David Bintley, San Francisco Ballet. UK première:
Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh Playhouse, Scottish Chamber Orchestra,
Emil de Cou (conductor), 20 August 1997. Revived by the Birmingham
Royal Ballet. Hippodrome, Birmingham, May 1999. The ballet is a
response to the death of a colleague from AIDS.
Mercurial Manoeuvres. Christopher Wheeldon, New York City Ballet,
Edinburgh Playhouse, 31 August 2001.
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP, and CD—Columbia DX 1049-51 (5 sides).
Eileen JOYCE (piano), Arthur Lockwood (trumpet), Hallé Orchestra,
Leslie Heward. P Manchester 24 Oct. 1941, G Dec. 1941. Reissued
on LP—USA: Columbia ML 4389 (mono) ~ HMV EM 29 0462 3
(‘The Art of Leslie Howard’, DMM mono). G Aug. 1985. Reissued on
CD—Dutton Laboratories CDAX 8010 (‘Hallé Russian Festival’, mono).
G Feb. 1995.
LP and CD—USA: Opus MLG 71 (mono). William KAPELL (piano),
Samuel Krauss (trumpet), Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy.
P private recording 1 Dec. 1945, I 1971. Reissued on CD—USA: Arbiter
108 (mono). G May 1998.

USA: Concert Hall Society H 4 (mono). Noel MEWTON-WOOD (piano),

Harry Sevenstern (trumpet), Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter
Goehr. P 1953, I 1954. *Reissued on CD—Australia: ABC Classics ‘Heritage
Series’ 461 900-2 (on second of three-disc set, mono). [Tchaikovsky and
Schumann.] I 2001 ~ British Music Society BMS 101 CDH (mono). [Bliss
and Stravinsky.] G Nov. 2003, Dec. 2009.
LP—USA: Capitol L 8229 (10" mono). Victor ALLER (piano), Mannie
Klein (trumpet), Concert Arts String Orchestra, Felix Slatkin. P 5 May
1953 ~ Capitol CGL 7520 (10" mono). G Feb. 1954.
USA: MGM E 3079 (mono). Menahem PRESSLER (piano), Harry Glantz
(trumpet), MGM Studio Orchestra, Theodore Bloomfield. P 1954 ~
Parlophone PMC 1023 (mono). G Sept. 1955.
USA: Urania URLP 7119 (mono). Margot PINTER (piano), Kurt Bauer
(trumpet), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Gunter Wand. P 1954.
LP and CD—HMV ALP 1349 (mono). Shura CHERKASSY (piano), Harold
Jackson (trumpet), Philharmonia Orchestra, Herbert Menges. P Abbey
Road Studio No. 1, London, 16 Nov. 1954, G Apr. 1956. Reissued on
CD—Medici Masters MM 013-2 (mono). [Prokofiev, Beethoven, Poulenc
et al.] I Sept. 2007, G Dec. 2007.
USSR: Melodiya M10 39073-4 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’,
mono). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (piano), Iosif Volovnik (trumpet), Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Samuil Samosud. P Moscow concert 27 Nov.
1954 (not 1957 as given in booklet), I 1977b. This performance also
appears on cine-film ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 14089-90 (in third box of
Part 1 of Collected Works on Records, electronic stereo). I 1980. Reissued
on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 15 005 (‘Great Russian Artists:
Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’, mono). G Dec. 1993 ~ Revelation
RV 70006 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 5’, mono). P date
given as 1955, I May 1998.
Columbia PCX 769 (mono). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (piano), Ludovic
Vaillant (trumpet), French National Radio Orchestra, André Cluytens.
P Paris 24–6 May 1958, G Oct. 1961 and July 1964 ~ France: Pathé
Marconi 2C 061 12114 (electronic stereo). I 1972 ~ World Records
Retrospect SH 293 (mono). G July 1979. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7
54606-2 (‘Composers in Person’, mono). G Apr. 1993.
France: Erato STU 70477. Annie d’ARCO (piano), Maurice Andrè
(trumpet), Jean-François Paillard Chamber Orchestra, Jean-François
Paillard. P 1959. Reissued on CD—France: Erato WE 839. I 1996.
Westminster WST 14141. Eugene LIST (piano), Fritz Wesenigk (trum-
pet), Berlin Opera Orchestra, Georg Ludwig Jochum. P Vienna Nov. 1960,
G Nov. 1961. Reissued on CD—MCA Millennium Classics MCD 80107.
I Feb. 1997.

CBS BRG SBRG 72350. André PREVIN (piano), William Vacchiano

(trumpet), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein. P 8 Apr.
1962, G Dec. 1965 ~ CBS 73400. G May 1975 ~ CBS S 73441 in Set CBS
77394. G Oct. 1975 ~ CBS Masterworks 60504. G Dec. 1984. Reissued on
CD—CBS Masterworks MPK 44850. G Nov. 1989 ~ Sony Royal Edition
SMK 47618. G Nov. 1993 and June 1994 ~ Philips Classics Compact Discs
456 934-2PM2 (‘Great Pianists of the 20th Century’). G Apr. 1999 ~ *Sony
Classical Theta SMK 89752. [Opp. 102 and 107.] I Sept 2001.
USSR: C0387-8. Mariya GRINBERG (piano), Sergei Popov (trumpet),
Moscow Radio Large Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
P 1962. Reissued on CD—HMV Melodiya ASD 2481. G July 1969.
LP—Netherlands: Philips 835 318 AY. Stepan RADIĆ (piano), Stanko
Selak (trumpet), Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Milan Horvat. P 1966 ~
France: Philips 6598 102 in set 674252 (‘Tribute to Dmitri Shostakovich’).
I post-1975.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 8 26 051. Günter KOOTZ (piano),
Willy Krug (trumpet), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rolf Kleinert.
P 29 Mar. 1966, I 1970. Reissued on CD—Germany: Edel Classics
0001842 CCC. I 2001.
Argo ZRG 674. John OGDON (piano), John Wilbraham (trumpet),
Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields, Neville Marriner. P The Maltings,
Snape 14–16 Dec. 1970, G Feb. 1972. Reissued on CD—Decca 448 577-
2DCS. I June 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02439-40. Pavel SEREBRYAKOV (piano),
Vladimir Vakhtenkov (trumpet), Chamber Orchestra of the Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Serebryakov. P and I 1971.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3081. Cristina ORTIZ (piano), Rodney Senior
(trumpet), Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Paavo Berglund. P 14 June
1974, G June 1975 ~ HMV Greensleeve ED 29 0210 1. G Oct. 1984. Reis-
sued on CD—EMI CDS7 47790-8. I Nov. 1987, G May 1988.
LP—France: Club National du Disque P 394. Dominique MERLET (piano),
Adolf Scherbaum (trumpet), Orchestre Chambre de Paris, Paul Kuentz.
P pre-1975.
LP and CD—Czech: Panton 11 0539 G. Dagmar BALAGHOVA (piano),
Miroslav Kejmar (trumpet), Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Jiří Kout.
P 1975, I 1976. Reissued on CD—Czech: Panton PAN 811309. I 1998.
LP—Germany: RBM 3024. Fany SOLTER (piano), Friedemann
Schnackenberg (trumpet), Orchestra Gelmini, Hortense von Gelmini.
P 1975.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 06763-4. Eugene LIST (piano),
Aleksandr Korolyov (trumpet), All-Union Radio and Television Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 1975, I 1976d ~ CBS Masterworks

76822. G July 1979. Reissued on CD—RCA Navigator (‘Russian Music

No. 73’) 74321 29254-2. G Dec. 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 09743-4. Vladimir KRAINEV (piano),
Aleksandr Korolyov (trumpet), Central Television and All-Union Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 1977, I 1978c ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 3713. G Sept. 1979.
LP and CD—USA: Delos DMS 3008 (digital). Carol ROSENBERGER
(piano), Stephen Burns (trumpet), Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Gerard
Schwarz. P California 10 Dec. 1980. Reissued on CD—USA: Delos 3021.
G Oct. 1984.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28215 004. Viktoria POSTNIKOVA (piano),
Timofei Dokshitser (trumpet), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P Moscow Conservatory concert
10 Apr. 1982, I 1990a.
CD—USA: Sonora SO 22590CD. Mikhail PETUKHOV (piano), Timofei
Dokshitser (trumpet), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Yuri Simonov. P Moscow
Conservatory Bolshoi Hall concert 25 Sept. 1982, I 2000 ~ *Russia: Great
Hall GHCD 10008. [Bach and Prokofiev.] I Apr. 2004.
LP and CD—Classics for Pleasure 4144161 (digital). Dmitri
ALEKSEYEV (piano), Philip Jones (trumpet), English Chamber Orchestra,
Jerzy Maksymiuk. P London May 1983, G Nov. 1983 ~ USSR: Melodiya
A10 00079 002 (digital). I 1985b. Reissued on CD—Classics for Pleasure
CFP 4547. G Jan. 1989 ~ *HMV 5 86765-2. [Op. 102 et al.] G Oct.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 20419 003. Yevgeni MALININ (piano),
Vladimir Goncharov (trumpet), Central Television and All-Union Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Fedoseyev. I 1984c.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1120 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN
8357. Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH junior (piano), James Thompson (trumpet),
I Musici de Montreal, Maksim Shostakovich. P Montreal Aug. 1984, G Jan.
and Apr. 1985 ~ *Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8443. [Opp. 102
and 118a.] G Sept. 2004.
USSR: Melodiya C10 22845 004. Vladimir KRAINEV (piano), Vladimir
Kafelnikov (trumpet), USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Orchestra
(Moscow Virtuosi), Vladimir Spivakov. P concert 1984, I 1986b. Reissued
on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1011. I Jan. 1990.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 1012. Anton DIKOV (piano), Sofia Chamber
Orchestra, Vassil Kazandzhiev (trumpet/conductor). P c.1986. Reissued on
CD—Netherlands: Sound CD 3445. I 1988.
USSR: Melodiya C10 25067 001. Yevgeni KISSIN (piano), Vladimir
Kafelnikov (trumpet), USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Orchestra
(Moscow Virtuosi), Vladimir Spivakov. [Coupled with Mozart Piano

Concerto No. 12—not mentioned in Third edition.] P 27 Apr. 1986,

I 1987d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 179. I Aug. 1988, G May
1989 ~ *Russia: Melodiya MEL CD10 00618. [Shchedrin.] I 2004.
CD—Decca 433 702-2DH. Ronald BRAUTIGAM (piano), Peter Masseurs
(trumpet), Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo Chailly. P Amsterdam
11 Mar. 1988, G Mar. 1993.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87947. Ye. KISSIN (piano), Vasili Kan
(trumpet), Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir Spivakov. P Vienna 12 Aug. 1988,
G Dec. 1989.
*Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0001. Ye. KISSIN (piano), Bernard Sustro
(trumpet), St Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov.
[Tchaikovsky.] P 26 December 1988, I 2002.
Czech: Opus 91 2210-2. Alexander CATTARINO (piano), Miroslav Kejmar
(trumpet), Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bohdan Warchal. P Opus
Studio Mar.–May 1989, I 1991.
USA: Arabesque Z 6610. Garrick OHLSSON (piano), Maurice Murphy
(trumpet), Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra, Gilbert Levine. P Kraków
26–29 May 1989, G Jan. 1990.
USA: Consonance 81 0009. Mikhail PETUKHOV (piano), unnamed
trumpeter, String Group of the USSR Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
Kozhukhar. P 1989, I May 1995.
Finland: Finlandia FACD 393 (‘Piano Concertos with Strings’). Juhani
LAGERSPETZ (piano), Jouko Harjanne (trumpet), Tero Latvala (leader),
Tapiola Sinfonietta, Juhani Lamminimäki. P Espoo Jan. and June 1990, I
July 1991, G Oct. 1991 ~ Finlandia Ultima 8573 81969-2 G June 2000.
Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 039. Folke GRÄSBECK (piano), Aki Valimaki
(trumpet), Minsk Chamber Orchestra, Vitali Katayev. P Esbo, Finland 23
Feb. 1990, I Oct. 1991.
USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 551 (‘Shostakovich Film Festival’). Derek
HAN (piano), John Henes (trumpet), Chicago Sinfonietta, Paul Freeman.
P Oak Park, Illinois May 1990. I Aug. 1991.
Collins Classics CD 1276-2. Vladimir OVCHINIKOV (piano), John Wallace
(trumpet), Philharmonia Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P London
Oct. 1990, I Apr. 1991, G Sept.1991.
Nimbus NI 5308. Martin JONES (piano), Graham Ashton (trumpet),
English Chamber Orchestra, William Boughton. P Leominster 14–15 Nov.
1990, I Oct. 1991.
Decca 436 239-2DH. Peter JABLONSKI (piano), Raymond Simmons
(trumpet), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy. P London
May 1991, G Dec. 1992.
Teldec 9031 73282-2. Elizaveta LEONSKAYA (piano), Gary Bordner
(trumpet), Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Hugh Wolff. P Saint Paul,

Minnesota Sept. 1991, G June 1993 ~ Warner Apex 8573 89092-2. G Oct.
Austria: Musica Classica 780013-2. Paul GULDA (piano), Vladimir
Goncharov (trumpet), Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
Fedoseyev. P Bratislava Jan. 1992, I Jan. 1996.
France: Forlane UCD 16693. Finale only. Aleksandr KOZRINE (piano),
Vladimir Puchetchny (trumpet), Moscow Conservatory Orchestra, Yurl
Bashmet. P concert 1992, I 1993.
*Timofei Dokshitser TD 002 (‘Transcriptions’). Stated to be orchestrated
by Dokshitser. Sergei SOLODOVNIK (piano), T. DOKSHITSER (trumpet),
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Saulyus Sondetskis. [Gershwin, Glière,
Bruch et al.] P Lithuania Recording Studio 1992 ~ Russia: Art Classics
ART-144. I no date.
Koch International Classics 3 7159-2HI. Israela MARGALIT (piano),
Mikhail Khanin (trumpet), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Donald
Barra. P Moscow Conservatory Sept. 1992, G Sept. 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 439 864-2GH (4D Audio). Martha ARGERICH
(piano), Guy Touvron (trumpet), Württemberg Chamber Orchestra, Jörg
Faerber. P Ludwigsburg, Germany Jan. 1993, G Jan. 1995 ~ Deutsche
Grammophon Panorama 469 316-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 10, 47, 122,
G(ii), 16, and 97.] I 2001.
Italy: Phoenix PH 00602. Maurizio BARBARO (piano), Vladimir Davidovsky
(trumpet), Byelorussian Symphony Orchestra, Antonello Gotta. P Minsk
9–11 Dec. 1993, I Jan. 2001.
Medici-Whitehall MQCD 4003 (‘Piano Concertos of Our Time’). Julian
GALLANT (piano), Tim Hawes (trumpet), Oxford Orchestra da Camera,
Stefan Ashbury. P Chalk Farm, London May 1994, I Sept. 1994.
EMI Classics CDC5 55361-2. Mikhail RUDY (piano), Ole Edvard
Antonsen (trumpet), Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss Jansons.
P Berlin 15–22 June 1994, G Dec. 1995 ~ *EMI Encore 5 75886-2.
[Opp. 102 and 10.] I Feb. 2003.
Germany: Hänssler Classic 98 917. Eugene MURSKY (piano), Wolfgang
Bauer (trumpet), Stuttgart Arcata Chamber Orchestra, Patrick Strub. P 31
Oct.–2 Nov. 1994, I May 1995.
Naxos 8.553126. Michael HOUSTOUN (piano), John Taber (trumpet), New
Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Christopher Lyndon-Gee. P Wellington
2–4 Nov. 1994, I Sept. 1995.
USA: Brioso BR 109. Oleg VOLKOV (piano), unnamed trumpeter, Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Vassili Sinaisky. P Moscow June 1995, I Nov. 1995.
Germany: Capriccio 10 575. Thomas DUIS (piano), Reinhold Friedrich
(trumpet), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Lutz Köhler. P Berlin
21–25 Aug. 1995 or 10–11 June 1996, I Oct. 1997.

USA: Audiofon 72060. Valentina LISITSA (piano), Vyacheslav

Chtchennikov (trumpet), Yekaterinburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Sarah
Caldwell. P Yekaterinburg Jan.–Feb. 1996.
South Korea: Samsung Classics SCC 021 SJS. Hae-Jung KIM.(piano),
John Wallace (trumpet), London Chamber Orchestra, Christopher
Warren-Green. P London 11–13 Mar. 1997.
Germany: Arte Nova 74321 63649-2. Jitka ČECHOVA (piano), Johannes
Sondermann (trumpet), SWR Symphony Orchestra, Oswald Sallaberger.
P Freiburg 12–13 Mar. 1997, G Nov. 1999.
Japan: Studio Frohla B-9801. Makiko NAKACHI (piano), Karel Mňuk
(trumpet), Prague Talich Chamber Orchestra, Hideaki Muto. P Sept. 1997.
EMI Classics CDC5 56760-2. Leif Ove ANDSNES (piano), Hakan
Hardenberger (trumpet), City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Paavo
Järvi. P Birmingham concert 21–23 Oct. 1997, I Sept. 1999 ~ EMI Classics
CZS5 74789-2 (‘Leif Ove Andsnes: A Portrait’, two-disc set). G Mar.
Linn Records CKD 095. Sophia RAHMAN (piano), John Wallace
(trumpet), BT Scottish Ensemble, Clio Gould. P Glasgow 4–5 Mar. 1998,
G June 2000.
Sony SK 60677. Yefim BRONFMAN (piano), Thomas Stevens (trumpet),
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, Esa-Pekka Salonen. P Los Angeles 28
Mar. 1999, I Nov. 1999.
France: Calliope CAL 299. Yakov KASMAN (piano), Gennady Nikonov
(trumpet), Kaliningrad Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Emmanuel
Leducq-Barome. P Kaliningrad 1999, I Sept. 2000.
**Monaco: Bel Air Music BAM 2023. Maksim ANIKUSHIN (piano), Yuri
Vlsenko (trumpet), Russian State Orchestra, Dmitri Yablonsky. [Prokofiev
and Stravinsky.] P Moscow Radio Studio Apr. 2001.
Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216. Angela CHENG (piano), Jens
Lindemann (trumpet), CBC Radio Orchestra, Mario Bernardi. [The
Overcoat—Sans opp. E, G(ii), and P(i); Opp. 93 and 102.] P Orpheum
Theatre, Vancouver, B.C. 20–21 June 2001, I Mar. 2002.
USA: Phoenix PHCD 151. Damon DENTON (piano), Fred Mills (trumpet),
ARCO Chamber Orchestra, Levon Ambartsumian. [Opp. 11 and 110.]
P Athens, Georgia 2001.
Dutton CDSA 6804 and CDSA 4804 (SACD). Ingrid JACOBY (piano),
Crispian Steele-Perkins (trumpet), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Charles
Mackerras. [Op. 102; and Ustvolskaya.] P Watford Town Hall 21–23 Jan.
2002, G Mar. 2003.
Danacord DACOCD 601. Oleg MARSHEV (piano), Jan Karlsson (trumpet),
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra, Hannu Lintu. [Opp. 102 and 34.]
P Helsingborg 29 July–2 Aug. 2002, G Sept. 2003.

Music Hanssler Classic SWR Music 93.113. Florian UHLIG (piano), Peter
Leiner (trumpet), Südwestfunk Radio Orchestra, Jiří Stárek. [Opp. 102 and
94.] P Kaiserslautern Studio Oct. 2002, I Mar. 2005.
Hyperion CDA 67425 and released on CD—SA CD 67425. Marc-André
HAMELIN (piano), Mark O’Keeffe (trumpet), BBC Scottish Symphony
Orchestra, Andrew Litton. [Op. 102; and Shchedrin.] P Caird Hall,
Dundee 31 Mar.–1 Apr. 2003, G Jan. 2004.
USA: TNC Recordings CD1515. Angelin CHANG (piano), John Brndiar
(trumpet), Cleveland Chamber Symphony, Edwin London. [Danceanu,
Messiaen, and Ligetti.] P Waetjen Auditorim, Cleveland State University
6 May 2004, I 2006.
Alto ALC 1005. ROSAMUNDE TRIO (Ben Sayervich, Daniel Veis, Martino
Tirimo). [Tchaikovsky.] P Leichtenstein Palace, Prague Feb. 2005, I Feb.
Chandos CHAN 10378. Tatyana POLYANSKAYA (piano), Vladimir
Goncharov (trumpet), Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky.
[Opp. 70, 124, and 59.] P Moscow Conservatory June 2005, I May 2006,
G Aug. 2006.
Russia: Bashmet Records (no number). Ksenia BASHMET (piano), Vladislav
Lavrik (trumpet), Moscow Soloists, Yuri Bashmet. [Schnittke and Bach.]
P Mosfilm Studio, Moscow July 2005.
Germany: Oehms Classics OC 561. Bernd GLEMSER (piano), Reinhold
Friedrich (trumpet), Lucerne Festival Strings, Achim Fiedler. [Op. 87 and
110.] P Tonstudio Gabriel Recording, Stalden, Switzerland 11–14 Oct.
2005, I June 2006.
Delos DE 3366. Andrei GUGNIN (piano), Vladislav Lavrik (trumpet),
Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine Orbelian. [Opp. 102 and 34.]
P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall Dec. 2005, I 2007.
Naïve V 5053. Lise De La SALLE (piano), Gábor Boldoczki (trumpet),
Orchestre de la Fondation Gulbenkian, Lawrence Foster. [Liszt and
Prokofiev.] P Fundaçäo Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon May 2006, I Feb.
EMI Classics 504504-2. Martha ARGERICH (piano), Sergei Nakariakov
(trumpeter), Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Aleksandr Verdernikov.
[Opp. 94 and 57.] P Palazzo del Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland 17 June
2006, G Nov. 2007.
RCA Red Seal 88697-00233-2. Denis MATSUE (piano), Igor Chaparov
(trumpet), St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov.
[Tchaikovsky.] P St Petersburg Philharmonic 3, 5, and 7 July 2006.
Note: Aleksandr Alekseyev gives seven pages of information on this concerto
with 9 music examples in Sovetskaya fortepiannaya muzyka 1917–1945
(Muzyka, Moscow, 1974).

Opus 36: The Tale of a Priest and His Servant Balda

Form: Music for a full-length black-and-white animated cartoon after the fairy
story written by Aleksandr Pushkin in 1830. The film, directed by Mikhail
Tsekhanovsky was not completed. Only 165 feet of the film survived the
bombing of the Leningrad Film Studio in 1941.
Composed: Prologue commenced on 6 March 1933. The ‘Scene in the
Bazaar’ written on 18 September 1934 in the Crimea and the remainder of
the score composed on 5 November 1934. Part of the score of 15 numbers
was re-orchestrated in 1935. The composer intended reviving his old score
in 1975. Eleven of the original numbers in piano score were discovered in
the 1990s and orchestrated by Vadim Bibergan.
Premières: Film: surviving footage, ‘Scene in the Bazaar’, shown at the Fifth
International Film Festival in Moscow on 9 July 1967.
Suite: spring 1935, Leningrad International Music Festival; conducted by
Aleksandr Melik-Pashayev.
Suite revival: 25 September 1979, Leningrad; Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Opera: 25 (public audition) and 28 September 1980, Leningrad; Malyi
Opera and Ballet Theatre Company, Nikolai Boyarchikov (choreography),
Andrei Petrov (stage-director), Mikhail Travkin (chorus-master), and
Valentin Kozhin (conductor).
Piano suite: February 1983, Kiev, ‘Shostakovich Unknown Pages’ concert.
Restored version: 6 June 1999, Moscow Pushkin Festival, Bolshoi Ballet
staged production.
Arrangements: Suite assembled by the composer:
1. Overture—Allegro non troppo
2. The Procession of the Obscurantists—Allegro moderato
3. Carousel—Moderato
4. Scene in the Bazaar—Allegro
5. The Priest’s Daughter’s Dream—Andante
6. Finale—Allegro non troppo
No. 5, retitled ‘Sentimental Romance’, is included in the Ballet Suite
No. 2, Sans op. P(i). This piece transcribed for trumpet and piano by Jack
Holland. No. 4 quotes ‘The Rushes Sighed’, a sentimental song popularly
sung by drunken Russians. Numbers from the score transcribed for wind
orchestra by Vadim Bibergan.
Opera: Sofya Khentova was commissioned by the RSFSR Ministry of
Culture in 1980 to write the libretto and restore the music for a two-act comic
opera. The opera features mime and dancing as well as singing, and is scored
for a large symphony orchestra (including saxophones, saxhorn, vibraphone,

harp, accordion, bayan, guitar, and balalaika), solo singers, S.A.T.B. chorus, and
narrator. Insufficient volume of original material was compensated by repetition
of certain fragments and some additions. ‘The Priest’s Son Dance’ was lost and
a dance was taken from The Limpid Stream, Opus 39. Shostakovich’s arrange-
ment of three folksongs from Sans op. Q utilized for the ‘Evening Party of the
Peasants’. S. Khentova also assembled a suite for pianoforte.

Overture (Nos. 1 and 6 in the Suite)

Scene 1: ‘The Bazaar’
1. Description of the Bazaar (No. 4 in the Suite)
2. Balda’s entrance
3. The Bear’s Dance
4. Merry-go-round (No. 3 in the Suite)
5. The Meeting of the Priest and Balda
6. Dialogue of the Priest and Balda
7. Scene 1 Finale—Closing of the Bazaar
8. The Devils’ Procession (No. 2 in the Suite)
9. The Bellringer and Devils’ Dance
Scene 2: The Village and the Priest’s Household
10. Description of the Village
11. Balda and the Priest’s Son at Dinner
12. Balda’s Work
13. Balda’s Song
14. The Priest’s Son Dance
15. Balda and the Priest’s Daughter Lullaby
Evening party of the Peasants [Nos. 16, 17, and 18]
16. ‘What a song’
17. ‘Fir-grove, my fir-grove’
18. ‘The splinter’
19. The Priest’s Daughter’s Dream (No. 5 in the Suite)
20. The Priest’s Daughter’s Romance
21. The Priest’s Lament
22. The Metropolitan Priest
23. Balda’s Farewell
Scene 3: ‘At the Devils’
24. Introduction
25. Dialogue of the Old Devil and Balda

26. First Dialogue of the Little Devil and Balda

27. Second Dialogue of the Little Devil and Balda
28. Balda’s Galop
29. The Rent
30. Balda’s Return Epilogue
31. Balda’s Welcome
32. Looking for the Priest
33. Three Flicks [i.e., Three Fillips]
34. Final Chorus

German text prepared by Sigrid Neef for a Berlin revival in 1986.

Instrumentation: 2 piccolos, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat clarinet,
2 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 soprano saxophones, 2 tenor saxophones,
3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, B flat baritone
saxhorn, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, wood block,
cog rattle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, pistol, xylophone, vibraphone,
glockenspiel, orchestral bells ~ harp ~ accordion, bayan, guitar, balalaika ~
S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.
Music: Autograph score of the Suite, found among the composer’s papers
after his death, now preserved at GTsMMK. Autographs of the Overture,
‘Dialogues of the Old Devil and Little Devil’, and ‘The Bell-ringer and
Devils’ Dance’ stored at PGALI. Khentova (1980) gives six music examples
between pages 79 and 87.
MCA, c.1968, ‘Sentimental Romance’ arr. for trumpet and piano by
J. Holland, score and part, 31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, No. 902, 1981, Opera ed. S. Khentova,
full score, 29.5 cm.
Muzichna Ukraina, Kyiv, No. 3012, 1991, Suite for pianoforte by
S. Khentova (Nos. 2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 12, 22, 28/26, 20, and 31), 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2005, New Collected Works, in Volume 126,
full score with Op. 56, 382, 30 cm.
Duration: Suite: 9' 30"–12' 51". Opera: 75 minutes in score; recorded version
44 minutes.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of
‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Suite. USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY P 1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
1650331. G July 1983. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2.
I and G. Mar 1999.
USSR: Melodiya C10 19323 008. Opera—edited and with the addition
of narrated text. Overture and Nos. 1–3, 8–9, 4–7, 10; 13, 12, 15, 19, 20,
22, 25–29, 31–34. Vladimir Pankratov (Balda), Sergei Safenin (Priest),

Yelena Ustinova (Priest’s daughter), Anatoli Manukhov (Bellringer), Mikhail

Kalinovsky (Old Devil), Nina Romanova (Devil’s wife), German Lyudko
(Little Devil), Vladimir Matusov (narrator), Mikhail Senchurov (balalaika),
Leningrad Malyi Opera and Ballet Theatre Choir and Orchestra, Mikhail
Travkin (chorus-master), Valentin KOZHIN. P 1982, I 1984a. Reissued on
CD—Russia: Boheme Music CDBMR 012192. I UK Mar. 2002.
CD—USA: Citadel CTD 88129. Complete Suite plus Score
No. 20. Belarus RTV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk
Feb. 1997, I 1998.
**USA: Klavier Productions K 11145. Arr. V. Bibergan. Eleven numbers
selected and some retitled from the complete score. North Texas Wind
Symphony, Eugene Migliaro CORPORON. [Hindemith, Grantham, and
Godfrey.] P University of North Texas, Murchison Performing Arts Center
4 Apr. 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 71 097 (Hybrid SACD). Suite. MDR Symphony
Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Opp. 27a and 22a.] P Augustusplatz,
Leipzig 17–20 May 2005, I Oct. 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6112GH. Arr. V. Bibergan. Dmitri
Belosesky (Balda), Dmitri Stepanovich (Priest), Evgenia Narskaya (Priest’s
daughter), Dmitri Ulyanov (Old Devil), Irina Narskaya (Devil’s wife),
Andrei Suchkov (Narrator), Dmitri Kalinin (balalaika), Moscow State
Chamber Choir, Aleksandr Soloviev (chorus-master), Russian Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Thomas SANDERLING. [Op. 29a.] P Kultura Russian
State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May–June 2005, I June 2006, G Sept
Note: Alternative English translations of the work’s title include: The Tale of
the Priest and his Blockhead Servant on the score of the opera, Story of the
Priest and His Worker Balda (Volkov), Tale of a Priest and His Dumb Hired
Man (Seroff and Rabinovich), The Tale of the Priest and His Helper, Dolt
(Grigoriev), Tale of the Priest and His Hired Man Balda (Rozhdestvensky),
and A Fairy Tale of the Priest and the Knockhead His Servant (piano suite).

Opus 37: The Human Comedy

Form: Incidental music to a play, subtitled Scenes from Parisian Life, by Pavel
Sukhotin, adapted from Comedie Humaine by Honoré de Balzac. The score
for small orchestra includes at least 27 items of which 23 appear unnum-
bered in the following order in Volumes 27 and 28 of Collected Works.
Known score numbers are added:
Student’s Song—Allegretto

3. Waltz (for solo piano)—Allegro bravuro

2. Elegy (for solo piano)—Moderato
Merry Paris—Allegretto
The Theatre—Allegro con brio
The Theme of Paris—Andantino
Cruel Paris—Moderato
18. Gavotte—Allegretto
Addition to Gavotte (Trio)
Flourish—Allegro molto
The Panorama of Paris—Andantino
Panic on the Exchange—Presto
Barrel Organ—Andantino
Bank of the Seine—Andantino
Casket with Diamonds—Allegretto
Police March—Allegretto
7/27. Sarabande—Moderato
Scandal—Allegro molto
Instrumentation: flute, oboe, B flat clarinet, bassoon ~ 2 horns, 2 trumpets,
trombone, tuba, B flat baritone saxhorn ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals ~ piano ~ strings.
Composed: 1933–4, at Leningrad.
Première: Play: 1 April 1934, Vakhtangov Theatre, Moscow; under the
direction of A. Kozlovsky and Boris Shchukin.
Arrangements: Piano reduction of the Overture (written, presumably, at a
later time to replace the Introduction) by Yuri Olenev.
No. 3—Waltz and No. 18—Gavotte transcribed for small stage orchestra
(violin, piano, B flat clarinet, trumpet, accordion, and percussion; with
optional violin, cello, double-bass). These two numbers appear in Ballet
Suite No. 3, Sans op. P(i).
No. 3—the first Waltz in Ballet Suite No. 3 in piano reduction by Levon
Atovmyan and transcribed for wind band by Samuil Senderei.
No. 7/27—Sarabande arranged for cello and piano by Juozas Chelkauskas.
No. 18—Gavotte transcibed for guitar by Boris Okunev; for two
trombones and piano by K. Serostanov; and used by composer Grigori
Kalinkovich as the theme with variations (duration 10' 32") under the
title Concerto for Wind Orchestra, subtitled ‘Metamorphosis on a theme of
D. Shostakovich’. See also Violin Duets, Sans op. P(iii) No. 2.
The Panorama of Paris (Elegy in Ballet Suite No. 3 No. 4) arranged for
cello and piano by L. Atovmyan; violin and piano by Konstantin Fortunatov;

in piano reductions by Bronislava Rozengauz and Zinaida Vitkind. See also

Violin Duets, Sans op. P(iii) No. 7.
Six numbers arranged for piano from the composer’s score by Lev Solin:
1. March—Allegretto
2. Gavotte—Allegretto
3. The Panorama of Paris—Andantino
4. Police March—Allegretto
5. Sarabande—Moderato
6. Waltz—Allegro bravuro
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI(SPb). Incomplete manuscript
score, differing in instrumentation and sequence of items, preserved in the
Vakhtangov Theatre Museum.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1946, Waltz arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan,
25 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 22203 (with ‘Youth Dance’ by Yuri Sviridov), 1951,
Gavotte arr. for small stage orchestra, parts, 28.5 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 22205 (with Polka from Opus 39), 1951, Waltz arr. for
small stage orchestra, parts, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, Waltz only, full score, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, (with ‘Lyrical Waltz’ by S. Senderei), 1962, Waltz
arr. for wind band by S. Senderei, score and parts, 22 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2718 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and
piano), 1962, Elegy arr. by L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4794 (plate no. 12389—in Shostakovich: Album of
Easy Pieces), 1967, Elegy arr. K. Fortunatov, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano), 1975,
Elegy arr. K. Fortunatov, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to Plays),
1977, six numbers arr. for piano by L. Solin, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9986 (in Easy Pieces for Trombone), 1978, Gavotte arr. for
two trombones and piano by K. Serostanov, score and parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2629 (in S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich:
Selection of Fortepiano Pieces for Children), 1980, Sarabande arr. L. Solin and
Elegy retitled ‘Lullaby’ by Z. Vitkind, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7625 (in Album of the Violinist, Volume 1),
1986, Elegy arr. K. Fortunatov, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, piano
score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score,
30 cm.

Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
Sarabande arr. Yu. Chelkauskas, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 118 and piano score in
Volume 121 of New Collected Works.
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C20 07011-2. Gavotte arr. for guitar.
Boris OKUNEV (guitar). P1976, I 1977a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11391-2. Gavotte arr. G. Kalinkovich. RSFSR
State Wind Orchestra, Nikolai SERGEYEV. P1978, I 1979c.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 22365 004 (‘Music for Theatre’).
‘The Panorama of Paris’ (with ‘The Theme of Paris’), ‘Police March’,
Gavotte, ‘Bank of the Seine’, and March. Leningrad Chamber Orchestra of
Old and Modern Music, Eduard SEROV. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD
194. I Feb. 1988, G June 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28379 002. ‘Police March’ arr. L. Solin.
Vladimir VIARDO (piano). P 1986, I 1990a.
CD—CIS: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and
Cinema Music’). Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Suite Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, and
2 arr. L. Solin and Trio of No. 2 arr. composer. Rustem HAYROUDINOFF
(piano). P Potton Hall, Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I Apr. 2001.
Note: For further recordings see under Ballet Suite No. 3 Sans op. P(i) and
Violin Duets Sans op. P(iii).

Sans op. E: Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 1

Form: Three numbers for dance band:
1. Waltz—Moderato
2. Polka—Allegretto
3. Foxtrot (Blues)—Moderato
Instrumentation: 3 saxophones —soprano (= alto II), alto, and tenor ~
2 trumpets, trombone ~ side drum, wood block, cymbal ~ glockenspiel/
xylophone, banjo/Hawaiian guitar, piano ~ violin, double-bass.
Composed: February 1934, at Leningrad.
Premières: 24 March 1934, Leningrad.
Germany: Berlin Festival 1983 (RIAS Berlin). The Foxtrot was taped from a
performance by the Bolshoi Theatre Ensemble and subsequently broadcast
by Sydney Radio, Australia.
UK: 19 March 1986, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; Chameleon
Ensemble (Nos. 1 and 3).

Arrangements: The Waltz and Polka appear in Ballet Suites Nos. 1 and 2,
Sans op. P respectively. Orchestral parts of Foxtrot arranged by Vladimir
Derzhanovsky in 1939. Reduction of the three numbers for piano by Levon
Atovmyan in 1947 and for accordion by V. Gorokhov. The Suite adapted
for small mixed ensemble with single strings by Gerard McBurney and
for violin and piano by Michael Gluzman in 2005. The Waltz and Polka
arranged for organ by Mariya Makarova. The Waltz and Foxtrot tran-
scribed for brass ensemble by A. Serebrennikov. Piano duo versions of the
Waltz and the Polka have been recorded. The three numbers arranged for
two pianos by Dmitri Alekseyev [performed with Nikolai Demidenko at
‘Shostakovich 100’ on 25 September 2006—see Sans op. J(ii).]
Music: Autograph score numbered Opus 38 preserved at GTsMMK. Origi-
nally published as Opus 38 by the USSR Music Fund in 1941.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1960, Suite arr. by V. Gorokhov in third album
of accordion pieces.
Muzyka, No. 11678 (in Volume 10 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score, 30 cm. (Reduction to be published in Volume 37).
Duration: Approx. 7 minutes in score; 7' 53"–9' 14".
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Recordings: Cassette—Whitetower Records Ensemble ENS 132 (‘Music and
Revolution’, Volume 1, digital real time). Nos. 1 and 3 arr. L. Atovmyan.
Andrew BALL (piano). I 1985.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 23081 001 (Album 5 of ‘From Man-
uscripts of Different Years’). Soloists’ Ensemble of the USSR Ministry of
Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1986c.
Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 156. I Sept. 1988 ~ BMG Melodiya
74321 59058–2. I and G Mar. 1999.
CD—Decca 433 702-2DH. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo
CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 12 Feb. 1990, G Mar. 1993.
United 88001. City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mark ELDER.
P Birmingham 16–18 Jan. 1992, G Jan. 1994 ~ *Signum Classics SIGCD
051. [As original release—Opp. 31a, 46a, and 42.] I Sept. 2004.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Nos. 2 and 1 arr. for organ.
Mariya MAKAROVA (organ). P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995, I Mar. 1997.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 6804-2. Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Frankfurt 2–5 Jan. 1996, G Oct. 1997.
EMI Classics CDC5 55601-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Collingswood, New Jersey 8, 9, and 11 Mar. 1996, G Sept. 1997.
*Germany: Animato ACD 6035. Nos. 3 and 1 arr. Serebrennikov.
UKRAINIAN BRASS (Rosmourat Arnakuliyev and Andriy Ilkiv—trumpets,
Andriy Golovko—trombone; Ivan Yefimov—French horn; Andriy
OP U S 38: L OVE AN D H AT E 145

Demichenko—tuba). [Sans op. G; Khachaturyan, Skorik, Handel et al.]

P Bauer Studio, Ludwigsburg Feb. 1998.
Germany: CPO 999 599-2. No. 2 arr. for piano duo. GENOVA & DIMITROV
PIANO DUO. Hans Rosbaud Studio 4–5 May 1998, I Apr. 1999. NB. Polka
incorrectly labelled as from Op. 22.
**Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216. No. 1. CBC Radio Orchestra,
Mario BERNARDI. [The Overcoat—Sans opp. G(i & ii) and P(i); Opp. 35,
93, and 102.] P Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, B.C. 20–21 June 2001,
I Mar. 2002.
Naxos 8.555959. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri YABLONSKY.
[Opp. 27 and 16; Sans op. G(ii).] P Moscow Oct. 2001, G July 2002. Reis-
sued on DVD Audio 5.110006. [As CD.] I Mar. 2003.
Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2003 (‘Russian Film Music II’). Waltz.
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergi SKRIPKA. [Opp. 16, 45, 97; Petrov,
Khachaturyan, Lebedev et al.] P Moscow Radio Studio Mar. 2002.
Capriccio 71087 (Hybrid SACD, on disc two of two-disc set). Polka arr.
for piano duo. Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH (piano duo). [Sans op.
O(ii & i); Opp. 34, 95. and 94.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and
2005, I July 2006.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film Music’,
on first of three-disc set). National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine,
Theodore KURCHAR. [Sans opp. G(ii) and U; Opp. 96 and 115.] P National
Radio Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004 ~ Brilliant Classics 70962
(Hybrid SACD). [Sans opp. G(ii) and U; Opp. 96 and 115.] I 2005.
Germany: Capriccio 71 096 (Hybrid SACD). Berlin Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Steven SLOANE. [Opp. 105 and 16; Sans op. G(ii).]
P Jesus-Christus-Kirke, Berlin 28 Sept.–2 Oct. 2004, I Oct. 2006.
Sweden: BIS BIS-CD-1592 (‘Ballet for a Lonely Violinist’). Arr.
M. Gluzman. Vadim GLUZMAN (violin) and Angela Yoffe (piano). [Op. 134;
and Auerbach.] P Västerås Concert Hall, Sweden June–July 2005, I June
2006, G Sept. 2006.
Australia: ABC Classics MSOLive 476 836-4. Melbourne Symphony
Orchestra, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 103 and Sans op. H(ii).] P Hamer Hall,
Melbourne concert Aug. 2005.
Note: For further recordings of the Waltz and Polka see under Sans op. P(i)
(Ballet Suites Nos. 1 and 2).

Opus 38: Love and Hate

Form: Music for the black-and-white film Love and Hate, set in the
Donbass during the post-Revolution Civil War, with scenario by Sergei
Yermolinsky and Vasili Pronin and directed by Albert Gendelshtein for the
Mezhrabpomfilm Studio. See Note.

Composed: 1934, at Leningrad.

Première: Film first shown on 3 March 1935.
UK: 8 October 2006, Barbican Centre Cinema, London.
Music: Autograph score of 15 numbers preserved in the Glinka Museum.
Duration: Film: 80 minutes.
Recording: [Meyer (1980) lists a song from the film, performed by choir and
orchestra under Viktor Knushevitsky, on 78 rpm—USSR: 15018.]
Note: Also translated as Love and Hatred as in Fay 2004.

Opus 39: The Limpid Stream

Form: Comedy Ballet in three acts and four scenes, with libretto by Fyodor
Lopukhov and Adrian Piotrovsky, choreography by Lopukhov, and designs
by Mikhail Bobyshov (Leningrad) and Vladimir Dmitriev (Moscow):


Scene 1: ‘The wayside halt in early autumn’
1. Overture
2. Arrival of brigade of artists
3. Scene of the two girl friends (Zina and the Ballerina)
4. Dance-examination
5. Beginning of the intrigue (Zina’s husband, Pyotr, becomes
infatuated with the Ballerina)
6. Musical Entr’acte
Scene 2: ‘The day draws to a close’
7. Termination of the fieldwork and distribution of presents
8. Genre Dances: (a) Russian Dance, (b) Chaconne,
(c) Weaver’s Round Dance, (d) Dance of the Milkmaid
and the Tractor-driver, (e) Waltz of the Classical Dancers,
(f) Comic Dance, and (g) Dance of Gorets and Kubanets
9. The jealousy of Zina
10. Zina reveals she was formerly a ballet student
11. Agreement (between Zina and the Ballerina to change
12. Picnic and invitation to an evening meeting
13. Scene of the disguising of Zina (as the Ballerina)
14. Entrance and Dance of the Accordionist and Galya
15. Joke over the old summer residents: (a) entrance to
the meeting, (b) Variation of the male classical dancer,
(c) Variation of the Ballerina, and (d) Coda

16. Adagio of Pyotr and the disguised Zina: (a) Dance of the
conspirators, (b) Variation of Zina, and (c) Coda
17. Dance: staging of the play ‘Murder’
18. Variation ‘Murder’
19. Finale-Coda
20. Musical interjection and swing
21. March: ‘Harvest Festival’
22. Waltz
23. Scene of the disclosure of the ruse
24. Great Adagio (reconciliation of Pyotr and Zina)
25. Variation of the male classical dancer
26. Variation of the Ballerina
27. Variation of Zina
28. Coda
29. Final Dance

The above order and numbering sequence corresponds to the first

theatrical version as listed in Sadovnikov. The continuous numeration
system of the official ballet music, with tempo indications, as it appears in
the full and piano scores follows:

Scene 1:
1. Overture—Allegro
2. Adagio of Zina and Pyotr—Adagio—Allegro—Allegro
3. March—Allegretto
4. Meeting between Two [Girl] Friends—Allegretto
5. Examination Dance—Allegretto—Tempo di mazurka
6. March—Allegretto
7. Scene and Waltz—Entr’acte—Allegretto
Scene 2:
8. The Celebration—Allegro
9. Russian Dance—Allegro
10. Chaconne—Andantino
11. Young Girls’ Dance—Allegro
12. Dance of the Milkmaid and the Tractor-Driver—Moderato
con moto
13. The Ballerina’s Waltz—Tempo di valse
14. Comic Dance (Galya and the Concertina Player)—Allegro

15. Dance of the Mountain Tribesmen and Men of

16. Departure—Allegro
17. Zina’s Jealousy—Allegretto
18. Revelation of Zina’s Profession—Allegretto—[Tempo di
19. The Plot—Allegro
Scene 3:
20. Invitation to a Rendezvous—Adagio
21. Dressing-up Scene—[Allegro]
22. Entry of the Concertina Player and Galya—Andantino
23. Tango—Allegro—Andante—Allegro
24. Playing Jokes on the Elderly Couple—Allegretto
25. Adagio. Arrival at the Rendezvous—Adagio
26. Waltz. Variation of the Ballet Dancer in Woman’s
27. Variation of the Ballerina in Her Partner’s
28. The Coda—Allegro
29. Adagio. Pyotr and Zina in the Ballerina’s
30. The Plotters’ Dance—[Moderato]
31. Zina’s Variation—Presto
32. The Coda—Allegro
33. Dance. Mise-en-scène ‘The Murder’—Allegretto poco
34. Variation of the ‘Murdered Lady’—Allegro
35. Finale—Coda—Presto
Scene 4:
36. Musical Entr’acte ‘Swings’—Allegro molto
37. March. ‘The Harvest Celebration’—[Tempo di marcia]
38. Waltz—Andantino
39. The Revelation Scene—Andantino—[Adagio]—Presto
40. The Ballet Dancer’s Variation—Allegro
41. The Ballerina’s Variation—Allegretto
42. Zina’s Variation—Allegro
43. The Coda—[Presto]
44. The Final Dance—Allegro

Pieces not included in the Stage Version of the Ballet:

1. After Reviewing Those in Disguise—[Vivo]

2. The Weavers’ Dance—Moderato non troppo
3. After the March and before the Waltz of the Ballet Dancers— [Tempo
di marcia]
4. Zina and Pyotr’s Dance—[Moderato con moto]
5. Folk Dance—Allegretto
6. Adagio
7. The Coda—Presto

Table of material recycled from The Bolt, Opus 27:

1. Overture = 14. First Dance of the Machines

10. Chaconne = 23. The Dance of the Beggar Woman
11. Young Girls’ Dance = 37. The Dance of the Mill Girls
19. The Plot = 13. The Entry of the Komsomol Members
23. Tango = 29. The Dance of Kozelkov and His Friends
24. Playing Jokes on the Elderly Couple and 39. The Revelation
Scene = The Saboteurs (Intermezzo) which in turn is developed from
The Golden Age, Opus 22, No. 18.
43. The Coda = 43. Apotheosis
44. The Final Dance = 21. The Dance of the Komsomol Members.

In addition 7. Waltz-Entr’acte and 38. Waltz = Suite for Jazz Orchestra

No. 1, Sans op. E No. 1. Nos. 6, 17, 18, and 26 are repeats of Nos. 3, 4, 5,
and 7 respectively; No. 16 is a variation of No. 8 and No. 29 is an extended
version of No. 2.
Composed: 1934–35, at Leningrad. Autograph scores and signed copies
Premières: Ballet: 4 June 1935, Malyi Opera House, Leningrad; décor by
Mikhail Bobyshov conducted by Pavel Feldt. Pyotr Gusev danced the part
of Pyotr.
30 November 1935, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow; décor by V. Dmitriev,
produced by Boris Mordvinov, and conducted by Yuri Faier.
Revival: 18 April 2003, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow; May 2003, Washington;
and January 2004, Opéra Garnier Paris; décor by Boris Messerer and
choreography by Aleksei Ratmansky.
UK: 10/11 August 2006, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; title
change to The Bright Stream; dècor by Boris Messerer and chorepgraphy by
Aleksei Ratmansky; Svetlana Lunkina (Zina), Sergei Filin (Sergei), Mariya
Aleksandrova (Ballerina), Gennadi Yanin (Accordionist); Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra conducted by Pavel Sorokin.

Suite Opus 39a: 11 March 1945, at Moscow and UK: 17 May 2002,
Broadcast of Manchester Studio recording, Nos. 2, 5, 4, and 3, BBC
Philharmonic, Barry Wordsworth; cello soloist in Adagio, Peter Dixon.
Arrangements: Score Nos. 7, 12, 13, and 23 in the composer’s piano reduc-
tion recorded in 2005.
Many of the numbers from the ballet score were later salvaged by the
composer, assisted by Levon Atovmyan, and assembled into the Ballet
Suites, Sans op. P(i).
Score Nos. 4, 9, 12, 13, 28, 29, and 41 arranged for organ by Mariya
Ballet Suite of thirteen nunbers compiled for flute, oboe, strings, and
percussion from the ballets The Limpid Stream, The Bolt, and The Golden
Age by Mikhail Utkin.
Romance (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 3) arranged for violin and piano by
Konstantin Fortunatov. Score No. 4 aka Romance in F major.
Polka (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 4) in piano reductions by L. Atovmyan and
Bronislava Rozengauz; transcribed for small stage orchestra (violin, piano,
B flat clarinet, trumpet, accordion, and percussion; with optional violin,
cello, double-bass, B flat clarinet, trumpet, flute, oboe, and trombone) by
the composer; and folk orchestra by Aleksandr Shirokov.
Adagio (Ballet Suite No. 2, No. 2) arranged for piano solo by L. Atovmyan;
cello and piano by both Atovmyan and David Pereira; double-bass and
piano by Rodion Azarkhin; French horn and piano by V. Buyanovsky;
tuba and piano by Roger Bobo; and cello and string orchestra by Saulius
Pizzicato Dance (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 2) and Waltz (Ballet Suite
No. 3, No. 5) transcribed and for string quartet by I. Sirotin.
Nocturne (Original Ballet Suite No. 2, No. 2), Barrel Organ Polka
(Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 4), and Skipping-rope Dance (Ballet Suite No. 3,
No. 3) in piano reduction by B. Rosengauz.
Prelude (Ballet Suite No. 4, No. 1) reworked by L. Atovmyan from Score
No. 33.
See also Dances of the Dolls, Sans op. S(i).
Opus 39a—Suite for full orchestra compiled by the composer in 1945
and prepared for publication by Konstantin Titarenko in 1986:

1. [Lyrical] Waltz—Andantino (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 1)

2. [Russian Popular Dance]—Moderato con moto (Ballet Suite No. 1,
No. 4)
3. Galop—Allegro (Ballet Suite No. 3, No. 6)
4. Adagio—Adagio (Ballet Suite No. 2, No. 2)
5. Pizzicato—Allegretto (Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 2)

No. 2 is untitled and designated No. 10 in the score; the music of the
number in the ballet entitled ‘Russian Dance’ is different. The five items
appear in differing versions and orchestrations in the Ballet Suites Nos. 1–3.
Instrumentation of Suite Opus 39a: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais,
E flat clarinet, 2 B flat clarinets, 3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals ~
glockenspiel, harp ~ strings.
Music: The composer utilized some excerpts from Sans op. E, Opp. 22 and
27. The whereabouts of the score is not known but the Suite reconstructed
from orchestral parts preserved at the Rental Library of the Music Fund,
Muzgiz, No. 22205 (with Waltz from Opus 37), 1951, Polka arr. for
small stage orchestra, parts, 28.5 cm.
Ricordi, No. 129644, 1958 (also Edition Peters, No. 4767, 1962,
30 cm.), Adagio coupled with the Spring Waltz, Opus 78a No. 3; arr. for
cello and piano by L. Atovmyan, 31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2718 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and
piano), 1962, Adagio arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Popular Pieces),
1967, Adagio and Polka arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano), 1975,
Romance arr. K. Fortunatov, 28.5 cm.
Belwin Mills, New York, No. 4446 (Two pieces for cello and piano—with
Op. 78a No. 3) c.1977, Adagio arr. L. Atovmyan, score, 27 cm. Also Boosey
& Hawkes, No. 20616, c.1982.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4643 (in Pieces by Soviet Composers for string
quartet, Book 3), 1978, Pizzicato Dance and Waltz arr. I. Sirotin, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of
Children’s Piano Pieces), 1979, three numbers arr. B. Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9060 (in Anthology for Violin, 5th–6th class children’s
musical schools), 1983, Romance arr. K. Fortunatov, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1984 (in Pieces for French horn and piano, Book 3),
Adagio arr. V. Buyanovsky, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11695 (in Volume 26 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Suite Opus 39a plus additional ‘Russian Popular Dance’, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
Adagio arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score of Suite in Volume 72 of New
Collected Works.
Complete score—DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1997, com-
plete piano score of the composer’s own arrangement, with commentary by
Inna Barsova and Manashir Yakubov in Russian and English, 232, 29 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, Volume 64a,

full score of Acts 1 and 2, 618, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2007, New Collected Works, Volume 64b,
full score of Act 3, 487, 30 cm.
Duration: Piano arrangements of Score Nos. 7, 12, 13, and 23 in the
composer’s piano arrangement 15' 51".
Additional ballets: The Young Lady and the Hooligan. L. Atovmyan used
four numbers from Opus 39 in a ballet of seven episodes created for Valeri
Panov by Konstantin Boyarsky, with libretto by Aleksandr Belinsky (after
a film script by Vladimir Mayakovsky) and designs by Valeri Dormer;
Leningrad Malyi Theatre, 28 December 1962. For further details see
Opus 27.
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D0001217-8 (7" mono). Adagio arr. Azarkhin.
Rodion AZARKHIN (double-bass) and Grigori Zinger (piano). P1963.
Germany: Kaskade D 32 001. Adagio arr. Atovmyan. Günter LÖSCH
(cello) and Siegfried Schubert-Weber (piano). P 1970s.
USSR: Melodiya C20 10671-2. Polka arr. Shirokov. Russian Folk
Orchestra, Aleksandr SHIROKOV. I 1979a.
USA: Orion ORS 83462. Romance and Pizzicato Dance [Waltz-scherzo
refers to Op. 27.] Zoe ERISMAN (piano). P 1983.
USA: Pro Arte PAD 178. Adagio adapted from the cello version. Eugene
LEVINSON (double-bass) and Gina Levinson (piano). I 1984.
CD—Unicorn Kanchana DKP 9069. Adagio arr. Atovmyan. Alexander
BAILLIE (cello) and Piers Lane (piano). P London 6–7 Aug. 1987,
G Oct. 1988.
Germany: FSM Fono FCD 97721. Adagio arr. Atovmyan.
DUO POSTIGLIONE—Wolfgang Schultz (cello) and Ginette Kostenbader
(piano). P Stuttgart 29 Oct. 1988, I 1990.
Philips 434 106-2PH. Adagio in composer’s original version. Julian
LLOYD WEBBER, London Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich.
P London Sept 1991, G May 1992.
Crystal CD 690. Adagio arr. Bobo. Roger BOBO (tuba) and Marie
Condamin (piano). P Jerusalem June 1993, I Nov. 1994.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Nos. 12, 13, 28, 29, 41, 4,
and 9 arr. for organ. Mariya MAKAROVA (organ). P Moscow Conservatory
Jan. 1995, I Mar. 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9423. Complete ballet, apart from Nos. 6, 10–11,
16–19, 23–24, 26, 30, 34, 38–39, and 43 of the composer’s original score,
revised by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. Ib Lanzky-Otto (French horn) and
Laura Stephenson (harp) in No. 25, Elemér Lavotha (cello) in No. 29, Royal
Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Stockholm
9–14 June 1995, I Jan. 1996.

Naxos 8.554381 (‘Romantic Music for Cello and Orchestra’). Adagio

arr. Saulius Sondetskis. Vytautas SONDETSKIS (cello), Lithuanian Chamber
Orchestra, David Geringas. P Vilnius 4 Mar. 1999, G Oct. 2000.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 778 1124. Nos. 4 and 12 arr. for
organ. Hervé DÉSARBRE (organ). [Including Tishchenko Portrait of D. D.
Shostakovich—No. 12 of Twelve Portraits, Op. 113.] P Glinka Museum,
Moscow concert 24 May 1999, G Aug. 2000.
**Black Box BBM 1032. Adagio arr. Atovmyan. Raphael WALLFISCH
(cello) and John York (piano). [Op. 147; Sans op. D(vi); and Schnittke.]
P Champs Hill, Pulborough 28 June 2000, G Awards (Nov.) 2002 ~
Nimbus NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello’, two-disc set). [Opp. 40
and 147; and Sans op. D(vi).] I June 2006.
Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Nocturne arr. Rosengauz. Vladimir
ASHKENAZY (piano). [Opp. 61, 5, 97, 13, and 22; Sans op. B and S(i).]
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 11–12 Sept. 2003, I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film Music’,
on second of three-disc set). Suite Op. 39a. National Symphony Orchestra
of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Opp. 22a and 27a.] P National Radio
Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004.
Naxos 8.570092. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. Score Nos. 7, 12, 13, and 23.
[Sans opp. A, B, and S(ii); Opp. 61 and 69.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 27–8
Nov. 2005, I July 2006.
Russia: Caro Mitis CM008 2004. Ballet Suite arr. M. Utkin. Maria
CHEPURINA (flute), Aleksei Utkin (oboe), Andrei Vinnitsky (percussion) with
strings and Ekaterina Dosina (solo cello in Zina and Pyotr’s Adagio). [Sans
op D(i); Opp. 34 and 87.] P Russian Television and Radio Studio, Moscow
2 and 24 Oct., 11 Feb. 2005; I 2006.
Notes: The ballet was attacked in an unsigned article ‘Falsehood in Ballet’ in
the issue of Pravda dated 6 February 1936.
The original working title for the ballet was ‘Caprices’ (also translated as
‘Whims’). The titles’ ‘Two Sylphes’, ‘Midday’, and ‘Kuban’ were considered.
The Russian name is Svetlyi ruchei. In Russian–English dictionaries the first
word translates as light/bright or lucid/clear, while the second appears as
brook/rill/stream. A surprisingly wide-ranging variety of titles are found in
the English literature. These include The Limpid Brook in early writings (e.g.
Calvocoressi 1944 and Moisenko 1949) and The Bright Stream commonly
in recent works (e.g. MacDonald 1977, Volkov 1979, Kennedy 1980, and
Devlin 1983). Other variants are Clear Water Springs (Moisenko 1942), The
Sparkling Brook (Seroff 1943 and Krebs 1970), Clear Brooks (Boelza 1943),
Bright Rivulet (Martynov/ Guralsky 1947), The Glittering Stream (D. and
I. Sollertinsky 1980), The Clear Well (Khentova, Opus 36 score), Sparkling
Stream (Vishnevskaya 1985), and The Enlighted Brook (Cadenza liner-note).

For further recordings see under Ballet Suites Nos. 1–3, Sans op. P(i) and
Dances of the Dolls, Sans op. S(i).

Opus 40: Cello Sonata in D minor

Form: Sonata for cello and piano in four movements:
1. Allegro non troppo or (in 1st edition) Moderato
2. Allegro Moderato con moto
3. Largo Largo
4. Allegro Allegretto
Composed: 14 August (at Moscow)–19 September 1934 (at Leningrad). First
movement completed in two days.
Dedication: Viktor Lvovich Kubatsky (cellist).
Première: 25 December 1934, Leningrad Conservatory Malyi Hall; Viktor
Kubatsky (cello) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
Arrangements: Cello part arranged for viola by V. Kubatsky(1960), Yevgeni
Strakov (1971), and Annette Batholdy (2001); and also adapted for
Music: The autograph score is in the possession of the Kubatsky family.
Another manuscript is preserved at TsGALI(SPb).
Triton, Leningrad, 1935, 30 cm.
Leeds Music, 1947, cello part ed. Gregor Piatigorsky, 30 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. 50, 1947, cello part ed. G. Piatigorsky,
MCA, No. 05418-022, 1947.
Muzgiz, Moscow, 1960, cello part ed. V. Kubatsky.
International Music, No. 2087, 1962, ed. Leonard Rose, 30.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4748 (plate no. 12065), 1962, 31 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2157, 1969, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6366, 1971, with added viola part edited in parallel ver-
sions by V. Kubatsky and Ye. Strakov, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10927 (in Volume 38 of Collected Works), 1982, including
separate cello part, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1996, with facsimile first page
of autograph score and separate cello part edited by V. Kubatsky (fingering
and bowing by Mstislav Rostropovich), 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 13766, 2004, cello part arr. A. Bartholdy (piano
score unchanged), 30.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 106 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 28 minutes in score; 20' 12" (no first movement
repeat)–31' 57"; 27' 59"–29' 40" (Plaistow).

The Young Lady and the Hooligan. The second theme of the first move-
ment of the Cello Sonata (fig. 6 minus 2 bars to fig. 10), orchestrated by
Levon Atovmyan for the 1962 ballet. See under Opus 27.
Ballets: Vestige. Mark Morris choreographed this work for his Dance
Company; Pepisco Summerfare at Purchase, New York in the summer of
Film: Young Musician of the Year 1990. Steven Isserlis gives a Master Class
on the second movement to Paul Watkins (cello), the string entrant winner
in 1988; screened on BBC TV2 on 19 March 1990.
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP and CD—USA: Columbia 71614-6D in Set M551
(6 sides 78 rpm). Gregor PIATIGORSKY (cello) and Valentin Pavlovsky (piano).
P Feb. 1940. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia RL 3015 (mono). Reis-
sued on CD—Biddulph LAB 117 (mono). I Sept. 1996 ~ Italy: Arlecchino
ARL-A 74. (‘Gregor Piatigorsky Legacy, Volume 2’).
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya M10 42045-6 (mono). Daniil SHAFRAN and
Dmitri Shostakovich. P 12 Nov. 1946, I 1980b. Reissued on CD—Revelation
RV 10017 (mono). I and G Oct. 1996 ~ Revelation RV 70008 (‘Shostakovich
plays Shostakovich, Volume 7’, mono). I Sept. 1998, G Feb. 1999 ~ Canada:
Doremi DHR 7741 (‘Shafran Volume 1’, mono). I 2001.
CD—USA: Musica and Arts CD 644 (mono). G. PIATIGORSKY
and Reginald Stewart. P Library of Congress 21 Mar. 1947, G Oct.
1991 ~ *USA: Pristine Audio CD 644 (CDR). [Brahms and transcriptions.]
I 2007.
LP—Decca LW 5068 (10" mono). Emanuel BRABEC and Franz Holetschek.
P June 1953, G Jan. 1954 ~ Decca Eclipse ECS 706 (electronic stereo).
G Nov. 1973.
Czech: Supraphon LPM 304 (10" mono). D. SHAFRAN and Nina
Musinian. P 1957, G Sept. 1958.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D4102-3 (10" mono). Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH
and Dmitri Shostakovich. P 15 Dec. 1957 ~ Parlophone Odeon PMA
1043 (mono). G Dec. 1958 ~ USA: Monitor Collectors Series MCS 2021
(electronic stereo). I 1958. NB. Bars 84–87 repeated in 2nd movement ~
HMV Melodiya HLM 7095 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976. Reis-
sued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 15 005 (‘Great Russian Artists:
Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’, mono). G Dec. 1993 and Feb. 1995 ~
EMI CZS5 72016-2 (‘Rostropovich: The Russian Years, 1950–74’, mono).
G May 1997 ~ Revelation RV 70005. (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich,
Volume 4’, mono). G Aug. 1998.
LP—USA: Westminster XWN 18791 (mono) and W 9077. Antonio
JANIGRO and Eva Wollmann. I 1959.
*France: Fidsound 21001. Simone PIERRAT and Lucien Kemblinsky.
[Francoeur-Trowell and Fauré.] P 1960s, I 1979.

USA: RCA Victor LM 2553 (mono) and LSC 2553. D. SHAFRAN and
Lydia Pecherskaya. P USA 1961 ~ RCA Victrola VIC 1298 (mono) and
VICS 1298. G Nov. 1968.
France: Pathé Marconi ASTX 123. Leslie PARNAS and Bernard Ringeissen.
P not stated, I post–1957.
USSR: MK D010325-8 (performers at Second International Tchaikovsky
Competition, mono). First movement only. L. PARNAS and Yevgeni
Dyachenko. P 1962, I 1963.
CD—Decca Compact Disc 466 823-2DM (‘Britten at Aldeburgh,
Volume 6’). M. ROSTROPOVICH and Benjamin Britten. P Aldeburgh concert
14 June 1964, G Aug. 2000.
LP—USA: Nonesuch H 1050 (mono) and H 71050. Harvey SHAPIRO and
Jascha Zayde. I 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D018753-4 (mono). Karine GEORGIAN and
A. Amintayeva. I 1966.
CBS BRG 72613 (mono) and SBRG 72613. Pierre FOURNIER and Jean
Fonda. P1967, G Jan. 1968.
LP and CD—USA: Discocorp ‘I Grandi Interpreti’ IGI 321.
M. ROSTROPOVICH and Aleksandr Dedyukhin. P concert 1967, I 1975. Reis-
sued on CD—USA: Music & Arts CD 965. I July 1997.
LP—Canada: CBC Radio Canada RM 181. Helene GAGNE and John
Newmark. P 1970?
USSR: Melodiya CM 02501-2. Ko IWASAKI and Shuku Iwasaki. P 1970,
I 1971.
LP and CD—Unicorn UNS 242. Gwyneth GEORGE and Alberto
Portugheis. P Chelsea 16 Feb. 1971, G Oct. 1971. *Reissued on
CD—Switzerland: Guild GMCD 7219. [Rakhmaninov.] I Oct. 2001.
Finland: Finnlevy SFX 5. Arto NORAS and Tapani Valsta. P Helsinki
17–19 Sept. 1973. Reissued on CD— Finlandia Compact Ultima 8573
81969-2. G June 2000.
LP—USA: Piper CE 3395. Arr. for double-bass. Barry GREEN (double-
bass) and James Cook. P early 1970s.
*East Germany: Eterna 826 140 (stereo). Radu ALDULESCU (cello) and
Albert Guttmann (piano). [Hindemith.] I 1971.
CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 06069-70. Arr. for viola by Kubatsky. Yuri
YUROV (viola) and Mikhail Muntyan. P 1975, I 1976b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 07289-90. Boris PEKGAMENSHCHIKOV (cello) and
Anatoli Ugorsky (piano). P 1976, I 1977a.
*Russia: Talents RCD 16305 (Russian Performing School). Lev
EVGRAFOV and Lýdia Evgrafova. [Prokofiev and Shaporin.] P 1977, I 2004.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09537-07191. Labelled as ‘First
Edition’. D. SHAFRAN and Anton Ginzburg. P 1977, I 1978. Reissued on
CD—Japan: Triton DICCC 20021. I 2003.

LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 10117-8. Mikhail KHOMITSER and

Aleksandr Chaikovsky. P Prague Spring Festival concert 29 May 1977,
I 1978d.
France: Gallo 30 136. Dimitry MARKEVITCH and Paulette Zanlonghi.
P 1970s.
USA: Musical Heritage Society MHS 3829. Harry CLARK and Sandra
Schuldnann. P 1978.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10789-90 (cellists at the Sixth International
Tchaikovsky Competition). Fourth movement only. Michael ERIKSON and
I. Kulikova. P 1978, I 1979a.
Germany: De Camera Magna SM 93716. Erkki RAUTIO and Ralf
Gothóni. P summer 10–13 Sept. 1979.
Czech: Supraphon 1111 2805G. Stanislav APOLIN and Josef Hàla.
P 10–13 Sept. 1979.
Austria: FSM Aulos FSM 53554 AUL. Daniel Robert GRAF and Vivian
Graf-Goergen. P May 1981.
Sweden: Hot News Artemis ARTE 7110. Leo WINLAND and Janos
Solyom. P 1981.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1072 (digital). BORODIN DUO—Yuli Tur-
ovsky and Lyubov Yedlina. P London 11–12 Nov. 1981, G Jan. 1983. Reis-
sued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8340. I Sept. 1984, G Apr. 1985.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18087004 (cellists at the Seventh Interna-
tional Tchaikovsky Competition). First movement only. Antony ROSS (cello).
P 1982, I 1983b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 23837 007 (DMM). Yevgeni ALTMAN and Mikhail
Voskresensky. P radio 1982, I 1987a.
France: Erato STU 71519. Frédéric LODÉON and Daria Hovora. G July
CD—Germany: EMI Electrola CDM7 69514-2. Heinrich SCHIFF and
Aci Bertoncelj. P Eckenhagen 17–18 Nov. 1983, I 1988.
*LP and CD—Mexico: EMI Angel SAM 35087. Carlos PRIETO and Doris
Stevenson. [Op. 107.] P Sala Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico Dec. 1984, I 1985.
Reissued on CD—Imp Classics PCD 1084. [Op. 107; and Saint-Saëns.]
I Aug. 1994.
LP—Czech: Panton 81 0696-1. Michaela FUKAČOVÁ and Ivan Klánský.
P Prague 6–7 June 1985.
CD—Denon C37-7563. Mari FUJIWARA and Jacques Rouvier. G Sept.
Sweden: BIS CD 336 (‘The Russian Cello’). Torlief THEDEÉN and
Ronald Pöntinen. P 1–3 May 1986, I Mar. 1987.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 24637 000 (performers at the Eighth Inter-
national Tchaikovsky Competition). First movement only. Kirill RODIN and
Galina Brykina. P 17–28 June 1986, I 1987c.

CD—CBS Masterworks MK 44664. Yo-Yo MA and Emanuel Ax. P Jordan

Hall, Boston 25–28 May 1987, I Dec. 1988, G June 1989.
Unicorn Kanchana DKP 9069. Alexander BAILLIE and Piers Lane.
P London 6 and 7 Aug. 1987, G Oct. 1988.
Lyrinx LYR 074. Raphael SOMMER and Daniel Adni. I May 1988.
Chandos CHAN 8769 (‘Solo’—Young British Virtuoso Musicians from
the Thames TV series). Second movement only. Richard MAY and Elizabeth
Burley. P Clandon Park, Surrey Mar. 1988.
Philips 422 345-2PH. Julian LLOYD WEBBER and John McCabe. P Snape
Apr. 1988, I June 1988, G Oct. 1989.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00505 006 (digital). Leonid
GOROKHOV and Irina Nikitina. P 1988, I 1990b. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD 11 00304. I 1991c.
USA: Sound-Star-ton SST 0208 and released on CD—SST 30208.
Tanya REMENIKOVA and Alexander Braginsky. P Minneapolis 1988.
CD—Decca 421 774-2DH. Lynn HARRELL and Vladimir Ashkenazy.
P Chicago 6 May 1988, I Oct. 1989, G Mar. 1990 ~ *Decca Double Decca
473 807-2 (two-disc set). [Sans opp. D(i) and (vi), Op. 57; Rakhmaninov,
Prokofiev et al.] I May 2003.
Germany: Cadenza C 8812-8 (‘Russian Chamber Music’). Marek
JERI and Ivan Klánský. P Sept. 1988, I 1989.
Italy: Sipario CS 16C. Anton NICULESCU and Barbara Lolé. P Milan Sept.
1988, I 1990.
Denmark: Kontra Punkt 32018. Erling Blöndal BENGSTON and Nina
Kartardze. P Denmark Jan.1989.
Claudio CR 3911-2. Alfia NAKIPBEKOVA and Eleonora Nakipbekova.
P St John’s Smith Square, London 1–21 May 1989, I Dec. 1989.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1018-19. Ivan MONIGHETTI and
Vasili Lobanov. P 1989?, G June 1990.
Koch 3 7064-2. Anthony ELLIOT and Ruth Tomfohrde. P Houston
16–17 Nov. 1989, I Oct. 1991.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5041. Dmitri FERSHTMAN and Mila Baslavskaya.
P Amsterdam Mar. 1990, I 1991.
USSR: Melodiya SUCD 10 00088 (performers at the Ninth International
Tchaikovsky Competition). Gustav RIVINIUS and Paul Rivinius. P Moscow
concert 30 June 1990, I 1991b.
Belgium: Discover International DICD 920187. Herre-Jan STEGENGA and
Jacob Bogaart. P Brussels concert 1990, I Oct. 1994.
Netherlands: Ars Classicum 1155492. Larissa GROENEVELD and Frank van
de Laar. P 1990.
Academy Sound and Vision CD DCA 756. Bernard GREGOR-SMITH and
Yolande Wrigley. P University of Surrey 28–30 Aug. 1990, I Apr. 1991.

*Russia: a-ram ACD 001. Sergei SUDZILOVSKY and Viktor Yampolsky.

[Op. 67.] P Moscow Gnessin Academy 2–4 Apr. 1991, I 1993.
Pickwick MCD 49. Tim HUGH and Kathron Sturrock. P Highgate,
London 25–26 July 1991.
United 88006-2. Paul MARLEYN and Sarah Morley. P East Woodhay,
Hants 6–8 Nov. 1991, I Nov. 1993.
Australia: Tall Poppies TP 018 (‘The Wild Russians’). David PEREIRA and
Lisa Moore. P Canberra July 1992, I Feb. 1993.
Belgium: Cyprès 2613. Vivian SPANOGHE and Andre De Groote. P Liège
15–17 July 1992, I 1997.
France: Auvidis-Valois V 4666. Sonia WEIDER-ATHERTON and Laurent
Cabasso. P Metz Sept, 1992, I Dec. 1993, G Apr. 1994.
USA: Northeastern NR 245-CD. Ronald THOMAS and Mihae Lee.
P Weston, Mass. Jan. 1993, I Dec. 1994.
Canada: CBC Records MVCD 1093. Desmond HOEBIG and Andrew
Tunis. P Kitchener, Ontario 8 and 9 Feb. 1993, I Nov. 1996.
Koch Schwann 3-1436-2. Andrzej BAUER and Ewa Kupiec. P Lübeck
13–15 Sept. 1993, I May 1996.
Germany: Amp Primavera 5053-2. Jens Peter MAINTZ and Keiko Tamura.
P Hanover 22 Dec. 1993/5 Jan. 1994, I 1995.
Germany: Es-Dur/Con Brio 2021. David GERINGAS and Tatyana Schatz.
P Hamburg 1994.
Norway: Simax PSC 1108. Øystein BIRKELAND and Ian Brown. P Eidsvoll,
Norway 17–18 Sept. or 24–26 Oct. 1994.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 27805-2. Emil KLEIN and Cristian
Beldi. P Hamburg Apr. 1995.
Germany: Cybele 300 101. DUO HALSDORF-HÄNSCHKE—Jean Halsdorf and
Michael Hänschke. P Moers 8–11 Apr. 1995.
Denmark: Kontrapunkt 32216. Michaele FUKAČOVA and Ivan Klánský.
P May 1995, G Aug. 1996.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68437-2. Steven ISSERLIS and Olli
Mustonen. P Blackheath, London May 1995, I and G May 1996.
USA: Sonora SO 22572 CD. Dmitri YABLONSKY and Oksana Yablonskaya.
P Boston Nov. 1995, I June 1996.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3243-2 131. Leonid GOROKHOV and Aleksandr
Melnikov. P Prague 14–17 Nov. 1995, I Sept. 1996.
USA: Arabesque Z 6698. Sharon ROBINSON and Joseph Kalichstein. P Pur-
chase, New York 17–18 Dec. 1995 or 12–13 Sept. 1996, I and G Jan. 1998.
Virgin Classics VC5 45274-2. Truls MØRK and Lars Vogt. P Eidsvoll,
Norway 6–10 May 1996, I July 1997.
USA: Ongaku Records 024-110. Suren BAGRATUNI and Adrian Oetiker. P
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 23 and 25 Sept. 1996, G Oct. 1998.

Harmonia Mundi Les Noveaux Interpretès HMN91 1628. Xavier

PHILLIPS and Hüseyin Sermet. P Nov. 1996, G Feb. 1998.
Germany: Contempora 96 970203. Guido SCHIEFEN and Olaf Drebler.
P Neumarkt 1996, I 1998.
Carlton Classics 30367 0236-2. Ulrich BOECKHLER and Susan Starr.
P Toronto 26–27 Feb. 1997, I Dec. 1997.
Netherlands: AC Classics 1-98038-2. Timora ROSLER and Klára Würtz.
P Kortenhoeve Sept. 1997.
*USA: MSR Classics MS 1024. Evangeline BENEDETTI and Pedja
Muzijevic. [Dvořák.] P St James Episcopal Church, New York 18–19 May
1998, I 1998.
Canada: Disques Pelléas 0109. Yegor DYACHKOV and Jean Saulnier.
P St-Irénée, Quebec Nov. 1998, I July 2000.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278112. Gary HOFFMAN and Philippe
Bianconi. P Grenoble 13 and 16 Dec. 1998, G Apr. 2000.
Germany: Berlin Classics 001706-2 BC. Jan VOGLER and Bruno Canino.
P Berlin 27–29 Oct. 1999.
USA: ArtistLed 19901-2. No first movement exposition repeat. David
FINKEL and Wu Han. P New York 3–8 Dec. 1999, I Aug. 2001.
**USA: TNC Recordings TNC CD 1140. Natalia KHOMA and Adrian
Oetiker. [Brahms.] P Krannert Center, Urbana, Illinois 22–23 Apr. 2000,
I 2004.
Japan: Fontec FOCD 20024. Rtosuka HORI (viola) and Ikuko Nakamichi
(piano). [Franck.] P Art Tower Mito Concert Hall, Japan 27–28 Sept.
2000, I 2001.
Japan: Exton OVCL 000202. Aleksandr KNIAZEV and Mikhail
Voskresensky. [Op. 147.] P Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall 15–16 Feb.
Naxos 8.557231. Arr. A. Bartholdy. Annette BARTHOLDY (viola) and
Julius Drake (piano). [Op. 147.] P Henry Wood Hall, London 10–12 May
2001, I Apr. 2004.
Praga Digitals PRD 250162. Marek JERIE and Ivan Klánský. [Opp. 8 and
67.] P Prague 15–17 June 2001, I Nov. 2001.
Austria: Extraplatte EX 559-2. Miloš MLEJNIK and Erwin Kropfitsch.
[Schnittke and Kogoj.] P RTV-Slovenia Stdudios, Ljubljana 2001.
Calliope CAL 9326. Petr PRAUSE and Yakov Kasman. [Op. 147.] P Studio
Arco Diva, Prague June 2002, I Apr. 2003.
Channel Classics CCS 20098 and CCS SA 20003. Pieter WISPELWEY and
Dejan Lazic. [Prokofiev and Britten.] P Deventer, Netherlands Sept. 2002,
I July 2003, G Sept. 2003 with the Finale featured on the Cover Disc.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051-0099. Dario DESTEFANO and Maurizio Barboro.
[Kabalevsky.] P Gustav Mahler Saal, Toblach 20–21 Nov. 2002, I May 2004.

France: Lyrinx LYR 2229 (Hybrid SACD). Borislav STRULEV and Sergei
Yerokhin. [Op. 22; Rakhmaninov.] P Centre Guillaume Farel, Marseille
Jan. 2003, I May 2005.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 5323GH (‘In Concert’). Mischa MAISKY and
Martha Argerich. [Stravinsky and Prokofiev.] P Flagey Hall Studio concert,
Brussels 20 Apr. 2003, G June 2005.
Germany: Aulos AUL 66114. Katharina GROSS and Maria Panayiotidou.
[Schubert, Falla, and Ligetti.] P Floisdorf Studio 3–5 Nov. 2003,
I 2004.
Somm SOMMCD 030. Arr. V. Kubatsky, edited by Y, Strakov. Lars
Anders TOMTER (viola) and Havard Gimse (piano). [Opp. 97 and 147.]
P Sutton, Surrey 12–13 Dec. 2003, I 2004.
Germany: Ars Produktion ARS 38 003 (Hybrid SACD), Friedrich
KLEINHAPL and Andreas Woyke. [Op. 147.] P Helmut-List- Halle, Graz
14–16 Dec. 2003, I 2004.
ASV Gold Sanctuary Classics GLD 4006. Leonid GOROKHOV and
Nikolai Demidenko. [Rakhmaninov.] P The Music Room, Champs Hill,
Pulborough, Sussex 23–24 Feb. 2004, I Aug. 2004.
Mexico: Urtext JBCC 123. Carlos PRIETO and Doris Stevenson. [Op. 147.]
P American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York 7–8 June 2005.
EMI Classics 3 32422-2. Han-Na CHANG and Antonio Pappano.
[Op. 107.] P St Luke’s, London, 19 June 2005, I Feb. 2006.
Naxos 8. 557722. Dmitri YABLONSKY and Ekaterina Saranceva.
[Opp. 134 and 97.] P Russian State Studio, Moscow 15–30 Nov. 2004,
I Oct. 2006.
Mexico: Urtext JBCC 123. Carlos PRIETO and Doris Stevenson. [Op. 147.]
P New York 7–8 June 2005.
Hänssler Classic SWR Music 93.176. Johannes MOSER and Paul Rivinius.
[B. Chaikovsky and Weinberg.] P SWR Funkstudio, Stuttgart 11–14 July
2005, I July2006.
France: Aeon AEO 636 (two-disc set). Marc COPPEY and Peter Leul.
[Schnittke, Rakhmaninov, and Prokofiev.] P Toulouse, France 24–29 July
Switzerland: Tudor 7138 (Hybid SACD). Natalya SABINOVA and Viktor
Yampolsky. [Opp. 8 and 67.] P Mosfilm Studios Moscow Aug. 2005, I Oct.
Hyperion CDA 67534. Alban GERHARDT and Steven Osborne. [Sans op.
P(iv); and Schnittke.] P Wigmore Hall concert 26–28 Aug. 2005, I May
2006. NB. The cello arrangements are listed under the Music section of
Sans. op. P(iv).
Sweden: Intim Musik IMCD 103. Daniel BLENDULF and Francisca Skoogh.
[Op. 57.] P Studio Isidor, Huaröd, Sweden 27–28 Oct. 2005, I 2007.

Nimbus NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello’, two-disc set). Raphael

WALLFISCH and John York. [Sans op. D(vi); Opp. 39 and 147.] P The Ware-
house, London 5 Dec. 2005, I June 2006, G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Altara ALT 1019. Ralph KIRSHBAUM and Peter Jablonski. [Rakhmaninov.]
P Västerås Concert Hall, Sweden Dec. 2005, I Feb. 2007.
Quartz QTZ 2053. Boris ANDRIANOV and Rem Urasin. [Rakhmaninov.]
P Moscow May 2006, G Sept. 2007.
Japan: Art Union 3106. Adalbert SKOCIC and Kae Nyunoya. [Prokofiev.]
P Mitaka City Arts Center, Tokyo 24–25 Aug. 2006.
Somm SOMM 067. Karine GEORGIAN (cello] and Jeremy Young (piano).
[Britten.] P The Warehouse, London 28–30 Aug. 2006.
France: Saphir Productions LVC 001082. Ksenija JANKOVIC (cello) and
Jacqueline Bourgès-Maunory (piano). [Rakhmaninov.] P Auditorium Edgar
Varèse, Gennevilliers, France concert 4 Nov. 2007, G Jan. 2009.
Note: For Miranda Wilson’s article on this work, with nine music examples,
see DSCH Journal No. 25, 23–31.

Opus 41: (i) The Youth of Maxim

Form: Music for the first film in the ‘Maxim Trilogy’, The Youth of Maxim,
subtitled The Bolshevik, with screenplay and direction by Grigori Kozintsev
and Leonid Trauberg for Lenfilm. The black-and-white film received the
First Prize (Silver Goblet) at the International Film Festival, Moscow, 1935.
The revolutionary songs ‘Warsaw March’ (‘Varshavyanka’) and ‘You Fell
as Victims’ are quoted in the score. Shostakovich wrote a Prologue marked
‘Allegro molto’ for the opening of the film. The part of Maxim was played
throughout the Trilogy by Boris Chirkov. The popular Russian song that
Maxim sings, accompanied by a bayan during the opening credits is ‘A Blue
Balloon is twirling around above my head’ (composer anonymous).
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, E flat and 2 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum,
cymbals ~ xylophone, piano ~ soprano soloist ~ strings.
Composed: 1934–35, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 27 January 1935. Score conducted by Nikolai
Music: Autograph full score preserved at TsGALI(SPb), and the autograph
vocal score at GTsMMK.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, Prologue
in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 127 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 98–100 minutes (2678 metres). Prologue: 2' 26".

Recording: CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 561. Prologue. Svetlana Katchur

(soprano), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P 28–29
Apr. 1994, G Jan. 1996.
Notes: The remainder of the musical items were not composed by Shostakovich
and include songs with bayan and guitar accompaniment, solo voice, and
mixed choir with piano (‘Gaudeamus igitur!’), the Oira Polka, Waltzes for
bayan, and a Flourish.
The Prologue, describing New Year revelry in St Petersburg, combines
three themes: the Oira Polka on woodwind, a Krakowiak (or Cracovienne—a
lively Polish dance) on brass, and the gipsy romance ‘Black Eyes’ on solo
trombone and strings; and also includes a cabaret song ‘I’m a Football-
player’ and ends with a Can-Can.

Opus 41: (ii) The Girlfriends

Form: Music for the black-and-white film The Girlfriends, with screenplay
by Raya Vasilieva and directed by Leo Arnshtam for Lenfilm. During the
film credits the opening pages of the second Moderato of String Quartet
No. 1, Opus 49 were used to replace poor soundtrack in a restored version
of 1965 and Three Preludes for trumpet, string quartet, and piano were
performed as concert pieces prior to the discovery of further material. The
pre-revolutionary funeral anthem Tortured by Grievous Bondage is sung a
capella in four scenes, several fanfares are played by one to three trumpets
and a Theremin is introduced for a train ride scene in the reconstructed
film score:

1. Introduction—Moderato
2. The Year 1914: The workers’ residential block and factory
3. The families wait for the striking workers to return—Allegretto
4. ‘The Inn of the Keys to Happiness’—Allegretto moderato
5. The children attempt to sing their ‘poppy song’—Moderato
6. By the river: Revolutionary song Tortured by Grievous Bondage
7. Fanfare
8. The story of Silych’s son, Ivan—Allegretto
9. Tortured by Grievous Bondage (aka Tormented by a Lack of Freedom)
10. The Year 1919, Russian Civil War: Fanfare and Organ Voluntary
11. Internationale—The girls leave for war
12. The girls attend to the wounded soldiers on the battlefield—Largo,
13. The town of Pushkin taken by the enemy—Alla Marcia
14. Internationale—The girls and wounded soldiers retreat by train

15. Zoya in the snowy forest—Andante sostenuto

16. The Forester’s Hut—Andante
17. Andrei arrives with news from the front—Fanfare
18. Fanfare
19. The girls find a chicken—Allegro
20. Natasha and Zoya sing a nostalgic song ‘Where are those warm
21. Natasha and Zoya are rescued—Allegro molto
22. Fanfare: Andrei and Senka arrive
23. Andrei’s closing words over Asya’s body—Adagio

The following Three Preludes found by Rozhdestvensky:

Allegro in F major (No. 19)
The Forester’s Hut (No. 16)—Andante in A minor
Prelude in D major (No. 8)
Instrumentation: The orchestra utilizes its members in varied instrumental
combinations as follows: Symphony Orchestra ~ Nos. 11, 13, 21, and
23; Ensemble—piccolo, E flat clarinet, 2 violins, cello, trumpet, piano,
xylophone ~ No. 5; Brass Band—2 Wagner tubas, 3 trumpets, euphonium,
2 tubas, percussion (3 players) ~ No. 11; Brass Band—Wagner tuba,
2 trumpets, tuba, percussion (3 players) No. 12; 3 trumpets and organ ~
No. 10; timpani, harp and organ ~ No. 12; 2 trumpets ~ Nos. 18 and 22;
2 trumpets and side drum ~ No. 17; 2 trumpets ~ Nos. 18 and 22; String
Quartet ~ Nos. 1 and 2; plus trumpet and piano ~ Nos. 3 and 4; plus trum-
pet, piano and harp ~ No. 8; plus piano ~ No. 16; String Trio ~ No.14. Solo
Theremin ~ No. 14. Voices—Sopranos ~ Nos. 6 and 20, Alto ~ No. 20,
Bass ~ No.6, Male and Children choruses ~ No. 9.
Composed: 1934–35, at Leningrad.
Dedication: Film dedicated to Romain Rolland (writer).
Premières: Film first shown on 19 February 1936. Released in New York, USA,
under the title Three Women on 11 February (the year not given on the poster).
Shown on 22 October 2006 at the Barbican Centre Cinema, London.
UK Prelude (Allegro): 19 March 1986, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London;
Andrew Crowley (trumpet), Alexander Balanescu and Elisabeth Perry
(violins), Simon Rowland-Jones (viola), Elizabeth Wilson (cello), and
Andrew Ball (piano).
USA Prelude (Allegro): 4 October 2008. Stellar Center for the Perform-
ing Arts, Stony Brook University, New York; Mark Dulin (trumpet),
Emerson Quartet, Christina Dahl (piano).
Arrangements: All items edited (and Nos. 1, 6, 9–13, 15, and 20–22
reconstructed) by Mark Fitz-Gerald with the approval of Irina Shostakovich
and to comply with the original film soundtrack.

Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI(SPb). Three Preludes found

by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky at GTsMMK. Further Preludes found subse-
quently in the Glinka Museum including one for trumpet and organ.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of the Three Preludes in Volume 99
of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 93 minutes. Three Preludes: 7' 35".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Vladimir Pushkarev (trumpet), Aleksandr
Semyannikov and Aleksandr Shanin (violins), Nikolai Makshantsev (viola),
Sergei Mnozhin (cello), and Viktoria POSTNIKOVA (piano). P1983-86,
I 1988d.
**CD—Naxos 8.572138. National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Camerata Silesi––Katowice City Singers’ Ensemble (Men’s Voices), Anna
Szostak (chorus director), Celia Sheen (Theremin player), Mark FITZ-GERALD.
[Opp. 28, 44, 70.] P Grzegorz Fitelberg Concert Hall, Katowice, Poland
27–30 Aug. and 20–22 Sept. 2008; Nos. 6 and 20 on 23 Oct 2008. Theremin
recorded in Oxshott, Surrey, England 23 June 2008. I May, G Sept. 2009.

Opus 42: Five Fragments

Form: Five short pieces for small orchestra (with harp):
1. Moderato
2. Andante
3. Largo
4. Moderato
5. Allegretto
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais, E flat clarinet, B flat clarinet,
bass clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon ~ 2 horns, trumpet, trombone, tuba ~
side drum ~ harp in Nos. 2 and 3 ~ strings.
Composed: 9 June 1935, in one sitting, at Leningrad.
Premières: 26 April 1965, Leningrad: Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Igor Blazhkov.
UK: 24 May 1977, St John’s Smith Square, London; Kensington
Symphony Orchestra, Leslie Head.
Music: Autograph score, numbered Opus 43, preserved at GTsMMK.
Moscow, no number, 1974, full score, c.30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2311, I979, score and 21 parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11678 (in Volume 10 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 31 of New Collected

Duration: Approx. 8' 30" in score; 8' 20"–10' 35".

Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 05191-2. Kiev Chamber Orchestra,
Igor BLAZHKOV. P 1974, I 1975c ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3520. G Aug.
LP and CD—Decca 421 120-1DH (digital) and 421 120-2DH. Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Mar. 1987, G June 1988
and Apr. 1989.
CD—United 88001. City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mark
ELDER. P Birmingham 16–18 Dec. 1992, G Jan. 1994 ~ *Signum Classics
SIGCD 051. [Op. 31a, 46a, and Sans op. E.] I Sept. 2004.
**Andante AN 4090 (three-disc set). London Symphony Orchestra,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. [Opp. 43 and 141; Disc 3—Jon Tolansky inter-
view ‘Rostropovich remembers his life’.] P Barbican, London BBC recorded
concert 26 Feb. 1998, G Jan. 2004.
Naxos 8.557812. Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Opp.
119 and 132.] P Benaroya Hall, Seattle Feb. 2005.

Opus 43: Symphony No. 4 in C minor

1. Allegretto poco moderato
2. Moderato con moto
3. Largo—Allegro
Instrumentation: 2 piccolos, 4 flutes, 4 oboes (IV = cor anglais), E flat clarinet,
4 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 3 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 8 horns,
4 trumpets, 3 trombones, 2 tubas ~ 6 timpani (2 players), triangle, castanets,
wood block, side drum, cymbals (2 players—I with drumsticks and II normal
mode), bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, celesta, 2 harps ~ strings.
Composed: 13 September 1935–26 Apr. 1936, at Leningrad. The existence
of an incomplete first movement mentioned on 5 November 1934 and
of this being discarded in April 1935. Rehearsals under Fritz Stiedry in
autumn 1936 were abandoned on the recommendation of the director of
the Leningrad Philharmonic, Isai Renzin.
Premières: 30 December 1961, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin.
UK: 7 September 1962, Edinburgh; Philharmonia Orchestra, Gennadi
Australia: 12 February 1972, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, John
USA: 15 February 1963, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
OP U S 43: SYM P HONY N O. 4 IN C MIN OR 167

Germany: 23 February 1963, Dresden Staatstheater; Dresden Staatskapella,

Kyril Kondrashin. Concert performance recorded by DDR Rundfunk.
UK concert and broadcast of the original opening pages: 26 February
1998, Barbican Centre, London; London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav
Composer’s reduction: UK: 26 June 2005, Cambridge, West Road
Concert Hall, Rustem Hayroudinoff and Colin Stone. Pre-concert talk
‘Symphony 4: From Silence to Triumph’ by Alan Mercer.
Arrangements: Reductions for two pianos by the composer (1936) and Pavel
Lamm (not published), and for piano four hands by Levon Atovmyan.
Music: Manuscript lost during the siege of Leningrad. Score reconstructed
from parts by Boris Shalman, librarian of the Leningrad Philharmonic.
Fragments of the first and third movements preserved at the PGALI. The
first page of the autograph full score reproduced in Volume 2 of Collected
Works is the first 54 bars of the 1934 fragment. The composer’s autograph
of the reduction kept at GTsMMK.
Russian lithographed edition, 1946, composer’s reduction for two
pianos, 300 copies.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3184, 1962, 29 cm.
Anglo–Soviet Music Press, No. HS 2218, 1962, miniature score.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1969, arr. for piano four hands by L. Atovmyan,
30 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 142, no date, 26.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9132, 1976, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10778 (in Volume 2 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2218, I983, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2000, New Collected Works Volume 19,
composer’s reduction for two pianos four hands, 224, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2003, New Collected Works Volume 4, full
score including 17 facsimile in colour, 320, 30 cm. NB. The 1934 frag-
ment marked ‘Adagio’ is published in New Collected Works Volume 3 with
Symphony No. 3.
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes in score; 58' 22"–69' 04"; 64' 40" (Plaistow).
Discarded opening: 6' 20"–6' 40" and 8' 00".
Film: A BBC TV2 presentation of the Kirov Orchestra under Valery Gergiev,
performing the Fourth Symphony, shown live from the Royal Albert Hall,
Promenade Concert on 25 August 2002.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D09807-10 (3 sides mono) and MK
C0295-8 (3 sides) Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN.
P and I 1962 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2741 (2 sides). G Oct. 1971 ~ HMV
Melodiya BOX 502502-3 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ HMV Melodiya
EX 2903873 (DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant

du Monde LDC 278 1001-2. G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya

74321 19840-2. G Nov. 1994.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4220-2. Philharmonia Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 29/114a and 96.] P Usher Hall, Edinburgh 7 Sept.
1962, G Dec. 2007.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia ML 5859 (mono) and MS 6459.
Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY. P 17 Feb. 1963 ~ CBS BRG
72129 (mono) and SBRG 72129. G Sept. 1963 ~ CBS Classics 61696.
G Aug. 1976. Reissued on CD—Sony Essential Classics SB2K 62409.
G Aug. 1996 and Mar. 1997.
*CD—Germany: Profil Edition Günter Hänssler CD PH06023 (mono).
Dresden Staatskapella, K. KONDRASHIN. P Dresden Staatstheater concert
23 Feb. 1963, I June 2006.
*Netherlands: RCO Live RCO 06004 (first of fourteen-disc set).
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN. [Sibelius on first disc.]
P Concertgebouw Amsterdam concert 10 Jan. 1971, I Jan. 2007.
LP and CD—USA: Angel S 37284 (quad). Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
André PREVIN. P Chicago 1 Feb. 1977 ~ HMV ASD 3440 (quad). G Mar.
1978. Reissued on CD—EMI Forte CZS5 72658-2 (stereo). I June 1998.
CD—Italy: Cin Cin CCCD 1021. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra,
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Vienna concert 16 Apr. 1978, I 1994.
LP and CD—Decca SXL 6927. London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bernard HAITINK. P Jan. 1979, G Nov. 1979. Reissued on CD—Decca 421
348-2DH. G Mar. 1989 ~ Decca Ovation 425 065-2DM. G Nov. 1993.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 190. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra,
ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Moscow concert 28 Mar. 1981, G Jan. 1994.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00319 000 (digital). USSR
Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. [‘My
work on Symphony No. 4’—talk by Rozhdestvensky, recorded in 1986,
with variant passages illustrated on piano and full orchestra, including
the opening 6' 20" of the symphony as autograph reproduced in Collected
Works Volume 2 and the following pages.] P 1985, I 1988d. NB. An
English translation of Rozhdestvenky’s talk, read by Dr John Stratford,
is available on a DSCH Society cassette dated Dec. 1990. Reissued on
CD—Olympia OCD 156. G May 1989 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde
PR 7250 090. P with added audience noise and not Czech Radio concert
28 May 1985, G Feb. 2001.
CD—Japan: Fontec FOCD 3247 (‘Orchestra Works of USSR and
China’). New Symphony Orchestra (of Japan), Yasushi AKUTAGAWA.
P Shinjuku concert 20 July 1986.
Naxos 8.550625. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 2 May–1 June 1988, G Nov. 1993.
OP U S 43: SYM P HONY N O. 4 IN C MIN OR 169

Italy: Nuova Era 6734. European Community Youth Orchestra, James

JUDD. P Bolzano concert 18 Aug. 1988.
Decca 425 693-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Jan. 1989, I and G Dec. 1989.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1328 (digital) and CHAN 8640. Scottish
National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 5–9 Feb. 1989, G Dec. 1989.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60887. Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra,
Leonard SLATKIN. P Saint Louis 3 Oct. 1989, G June 1992.
Denon CO 75330. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna
20–24 Jan. 1992, I June 1993, G July 1993.
Teldec 9031 76261-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Washington 8 and 10 Feb. 1992, G Nov. 1992 ~
Teldec 0630-17046-2. G Oct. 1997 ~ Ultima 8573 87799-2. I Apr. 2001,
G Sept. 2001.
*Germany: Ars Musici AMP 5011-2. German National Youth Orchestra,
Rudolf BARSHAI. P Stuttgart concert 15 Aug. 1992, I May 1995 ~ Regis
Records RRC 1103. I Nov. 2002.
EMI Classics CDC5 55476. City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra,
Simon RATTLE. P Birmingham 23–24 July 1994, G Nov. 1995.
*Deutsche Grammophon 447 759-2. Philadelphia Orchestra,
Myung-Whun CHUNG. P Nov. 1994, I Apr. 2002, G July 2002.
Belgium: Cyprès CYP 2618. Belgian National Orchestra, Yuri SIMONOV.
P Brussels concert 16 Feb. 1996, I June 1997, G Mar. 1998.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (second of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 16–24 Apr. and 24 Oct.
1996, I Dec. 2001.
Switzerland: Musikszene Schweiz MGB CD 6149. Swiss Philharmonic
Orchestra, Mario VENZAGO. P Zurich concert 20 Sept. 1997.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3353-2. Prague Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 3 and 4 Feb. 1998, I and G Jan. 1999 ~
*Supraphon SU 38902 (fourth of ten-disc set). G Nov. 2006.
**Andante AN 4090 (three-disc set). London Symphony Orchestra,
M. ROSTROPOVICH, with spoken introduction and the abandoned opening
eight minutes of 1934. [Opp. 42 and 141; Disc 3—Jon Tolansky interview
‘Rostropovich remembers his life’.] P Barbican, London BBC recorded
concert 26 Feb. 1998, G Jan. 2004.
*Croatia: Orfej/HRT CD ORF 314. Croation Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra, Nikša BAREZA. P Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall
concert 27 Apr. 2000, I 2004.
BBC Music MM 220. BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. P Royal
Albert Hall Proms concert 20 July 2000, I Aug. 2002 magazine cover disc
with synopsis and article.

Philips 470 842-2. Kirov Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV. P Mariinsky

Theatre, St Petersburg concert 20–22 Nov. 2001.
Germany: Capriccio 71 032 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Cologne Philharmonie concert 7 Aug. 2002
and 9–11 Feb. 2003, I Aug. 2005.
Dunelm Records DRD 0216B. London Shostakovich Orchestra,
Christopher COX. P St Cyprian’s Church, London concert 8 Nov. 2003,
I May 2004.
EMI Classics 5 57824-2. Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mariss
JANSONS. P Germering 9–12 Feb. 2004, I Oct. 2004.
Germany: Arts Music 47703-2. The performance includes the 1934
Fragment. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI.
P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert Mar. 2004, I Sept. 2004.
Relief CR 991078. Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall, 6 Dec. 2004, I Dec.
Chandos CHAN 10296. Arr. for two pianos four hands by the composer.
Rustem HAYROUDINOFF and Colin STONE (pianos). P Henry Wood Hall,
London 12–14 May 2004, I Mar. 2005, G July 2005.
Germany: Berlin Classics 001611-2BC. Saarbrücken Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Günther HERBIG. P Industriekathedrale, St Ingbert, Saar concert
3 May 2005, G Mar. 2007.
Avie AV 2114 (Hybrid SACD). WDR Sinfonieorchester, Semyon
BYCHOV. P Philharmonie, Cologne 19–23 Sept. 2005, G Feb. 2007.
Germany: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus and Grimm MDG 337
1208-2 (CD) and 937 1208-6 (Hybrid SACD). Beethoven Orchestra of
Bonn, Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
7–9 Mar. 2006, I Jan. 2008.
Japan: Decca UCCD 1191. NHK Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Suntory Hall, Tokyo concert 8–9 Mar. 2006, G Sept. 2007.
Germany: Hänssler Classic SWR Music 93.193. SWR Radio Symphony
Orchestra Stuttgart, Andrei BOREIKO. [Op. 29a.] P Liederhalle, Stuttgart
27–27 Apr 2006, G June 2007.
Spain: Tritó TD 0041. Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra and
Cadaqués Orchestra, Gianandres NOSEDA. P Auditorio, Valladolid, Spain
concert 30 Mar. 2007.
USA: CSO Resound CSOR 901814. Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
Bernard HAITINK. [With Bonus DVD ‘Beyond the Score’ directed by Gerard
McBurney.] P Orchestra Hall, Symphony Center, Chicago concert 8–11
and 13 May 2008, G Nov. 2008.]
Notes: Richard Whitehouse reviews recordings in the September 2002 issue
of Gramophone.

An analytic article by Lyudmila German ‘Contrapuntal features in

the first movement of Symphony No. 4’, with eleven music examples, is
included in DSCH Journal No. 23, 29–55.
Samuel L. Scheib contributed an article ‘The Grandiose and the
Grotesque: Politics in the 4th Symphony’ to DSCH Journal No. 25,
Pauline Fairclough discusses the Fourth Symphony, with 197 music
examples, in A Soviet Credo (University of Bristol, 2006).

Opus 44: Salute to Spain

Form: Incidental music to the play Salute, Spain! by Aleksandr Afinogenov:
1. Fanfare I (solo trumpets)
2. March of the Officers—Allegro non troppo
3. Fanfare II (solo trumpets)
4. ¡A las barricadas! To the Barricades! (music Anon.; text by Valerian
Fernández)—Con spirito
5. Song of Rosita (lyric by Afinogenov)—Moderato
6. Fanfare III (solo trumpets)
7. ‘Along the valleys and over the hills’ (‘The Song of the Far Eastern
8. Reminiscence of Song of Rosita—Andante
9. Lucia’s Funeral March—Andante
Originally published as follows:
1–3. Fanfares—three flourishes
4. The Song of Rosita—Moderato
5. Funeral March—Andante
6. [Fragment]—Andante
7. March—Allegro non troppo
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns,
4 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals ~ glockenspiel
~ strings.
Composed: Commenced on 26 October 1936 and completed in 12 days, at
Première: 23 November 1936, Pushkin Theatre of Drama, Leningrad; designs
by A. Akimov, and produced by Sergei Radlov and Nikolai Petrov.
Arrangements: Reduction of the two Marches for piano and reconstruction of
‘The Song of Rosita’ by Lev Solin. Piano reduction of Three Fanfares and
[Fragment] by V. Samarin, and the two Marches by Konstantin Titarenko.
Nos. 4 and 7 arranged from original sources by M. Fitz-Gerald.

Music: Neither piano nor full scores, apart from ‘The Song of Rosita’, have
been discovered. Score reconstructed from orchestral parts preserved at the
Pushkin Theatre’s Music Department. A page of an autograph of ‘The Song
of Rosita’ with piano accompaniment, written for the composer’s sister Zoya
on 24 August 1939, is reproduced on page 166 of Khentova (1980). This is
in the key of F sharp minor whereas in the parts it is in B minor.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to
Plays), 1977, March and Funeral March arr. for piano by L. Solin, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4235 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Songs from
Plays), 1977, ‘The Song of Rosita’ with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10497 (in album We sing, play and dance, Issue 2), 1979,
‘The Song of the Far Eastern Partisans’ (Po dolinam i po vzgoryam), five
verses, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, piano
reductions of seven pieces by V. Samarin, the composer, and K. Titarenko,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, seven
pieces in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 19 and reductions in
Volume 121 of New Collected Works.
Recordings: CD—Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). March and
Funeral March arr. L. Solin. Rustem HAYROUDINOFF (piano). P Potton Hall,
Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I Apr. 2001.
Naxos 8 572138. Kamil Barczewski (bass) in No. 5, National Polish
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Camerata Silesia––Katowice City Singers’
Ensemble (Men’s Voices) in Nos. 4 and 7, Anna Szostak (chorus director),
Mark FITZ-GERALD. P Grzegorz Fitelberg Concert Hall, Katowice, Poland
27–30 Sept. and 20–22 Sept. 2008; No. 5 re-recorded on 6 Jan. 2009.
I May 2009, G Sept. 2009.
Note: While preparing the music in late July 2008, for the Naxos record-
ing in Poland, Mark Fitz-Gerald discovered that the score contained
Pyotr Parfenov’s ‘The Song of the Far Eastern Partisans’. See also Opp. 48
and 74.

Opus 45: The Return of Maxim

Form: Music for the second film in the ‘Maxim Trilogy’, The Return of
Maxim, directed by Grigori Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg for Lenfilm. The
revolutionary songs ‘Warsaw March’ (‘Varshavyanka’), ‘Boldly, Comrades,
on we March’, and ‘Renunciation of the Old World’ are introduced. The
items of the score are numbered from 1 to 17 with extra isolated numbers
20, 30, and 31.

1. ‘A Blue Balloon’ (popular song of the 1910s)
2. ‘Fourteenth year—running!’ (bayan)—Allegro
3. March—Marciale maestoso
4. ‘Fascinating Eyes’—Tempo di valse (numbered 31 in autograph score)
5. Allegro con brio
6. Waltz—Allegro molto (numbered 9 in autograph)
7. Polka—Allegro
8. Allegretto
9. Waltz (numbered 30 in autograph)
10. Waltz—Allegro (also numbered 6a)
11. Assault—Allegro (con brio)
13. Moderato (bayan)
15. Demonstration—Allegro
16. Funeral March—Maestoso
17. Finale of the film—Allegretto
20. Moderato con moto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum ~ xylophone, glockenspiel, harp ~ strings. Certain
numbers of the film score call for additional instruments: extra woodwind,
celesta, and piano; a separate band of 2 cornets, 2 trumpets and 8 saxhorns
(two each of alto, tenor, baritone, and bass); a folk-instrument orchestra of
7 domras, 6 balalaikas, and a bayan; solo voice with bayan (No. 1), guitar
(No. 4), and male choir/bayan accompaniment (No. 17).
Composed: December 1936–37.
Première: Film first shown on 23 May 1937. Score conducted by Nikolai
Arrangements: The Waltz, transcribed for violin duet and piano by Levon
Atovmyan, appears as the seventh item in Violin Duets, Sans op. P(iii).
Nos. 6 and 11 were later used in Song of the Great Rivers, Opus 95.
Music: Thirteen numbers of the autograph full score, including an incomplete
‘Fight at the Barricades’, are preserved in GTsMMK. Full and piano scores,
compiled by Vladimir Vasiliev for a restoration of the film in 1965 (with
the first page of the former signed by the composer on 6 December 1965),
are preserved in the Music Library of the USSR Cinematograph Symphony
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Scores), 1959, the Waltz in full score, 29 cm.

Boosey & Hawkes, 1960, Waltz [No. 1] arr. Cyril Watters, piano
conductor and 23 parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano),
1975, the Waltz arr. L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 125 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 3082 metres, 95 minutes. Waltz: 3' 10".
Recordings: *The Waltz labelled simply as a ‘Fragment’ by Shostakovich
appears on a Czech: Panton LP (identified from a cassette copy in 1994).
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 561. Waltz in Suite Op. 50a. Berlin Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P 28–29 Apr. 1994, I Oct. 1995,
G Jan. 1996.
Russia: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Cinema
Music’). Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
USA: Citadel CTD 88135. Waltz in Suite Op. 50a. Belarus Radio and
TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Moscow 7 Apr. 1997,
I 1999.
**Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 3003 (‘Russian Film Music II’).
Waltz. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergei SKRIPKA. [Opp. 16, 97, Sans
op. E; Petrov, Khachaturyan, Lebedev et al.] P Moscow Radio Studio Mar.
2002, I 2002.
Note: For further recordings see Sans op. P(iii) Waltz (No. 7 of Violin

Opus 46: Four Romances on Poems of Pushkin

Form: Four songs to verses by Aleksandr Pushkin, of a planned cycle of twelve
for bass voice and piano accompaniment:
1. Renaissance—Moderato
2. A jealous maiden, sobbing bitterly—Allegretto
3. Presentiment—Allegro
4. Stanzas—Adagio
Composed: December 1936–2 January 1937 in commemoration of the 100th
anniversary of the poet’s death. The cycle was begun on 1 August 1936 with
the poem ‘Devils’, set for high voice, though this romance was not included
in Opus 46.
Premières: 8 December 1940, Polytechnic Museum Hall, Moscow; Aleksandr
Baturin (bass) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
UK: 19 March 1986, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; John Shirley-Quirk
(baritone), David White (clarinet), Frances Kelly (harp), Alexander Balanescu

and Elisabeth Perry (violins), Simon Rowland-Jones (viola), Elizabeth

Wilson (cello), and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double-bass).
Arrangements: Opus 46a—accompaniment of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 arranged for
harp and string orchestra, with clarinet in No. 3, by the composer in 1937.
Cycle orchestrated by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky in 1982 and adapted for
single strings, with No. 4 arranged for bass clarinet, harp, and string quintet,
by Gerard McBurney. Translations of the poems in English by G. McBurney
and Joan Pemberton Smith; and German by Christoph Hellmundt.
Music: Autograph scores of Opp. 46 and 46a preserved at GTsMMK. The
first page of the autograph of Opus 46 is reproduced in Volume 32 of
Collected Works.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1943 and 1945.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1790 (in Romances on verses of Pushkin), 1960,
29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4793, 1967, with German and Russian texts—the
former by C. Hellmundt, 27 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, 30 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 1996 (in Romances on verses of Pushkin), 1976,
No. 1 only, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, piano
score, 30 cm
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 87,
chamber score of Nos.1–3, 30 cm. The piano score of Nos. 1–4 will be
published in Volume 94.
Duration: Approx. 12 minutes in score; 8' 10"–14' 00".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya D022363-4 (mono). Askold BESEDIN
(baritone) and Lyubov Yedlina (piano). P 1968.
Czech: Panton 11 0420G. Nos. 1 and 2 only. Jaromír VAVRUSKA (bass)
and Jíří Pokorný (piano). P Prague 1973.
USSR: Melodiya C10 05567-8. Nos. 1, 3, 2, and 4. Sergei YAKOVENKOY
(baritone) and Mariya Grinberg (piano). P 1975.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00043 004 (digital). Orchestrated
by G. Rozhdestvensky. Anatoli SAFIULIN (bass), USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1983, I 1984c.
Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 008. (‘The Shostakovich CD’). I Oct.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 439 860-2GH (‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 1’). Opus 46a Nos. 1–3. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass), Gothenburg
Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Jarvi. P Gothenburg May 1993, I June 1994.

United 88001. Opus 46a Nos. 1–4 (No. 4 orchestrated by G. McBurney).

Dmitri KHARITONOV (bass), City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra,
Mark Elder. P Birmingham 16–18 Dec. 1992, G Jan. 1994 ~ *Signum
Classics SIGCD 051. [Opp. 31a, 42, and Sans op. E.] I Sept. 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 10 777. Opus 46a. Anatoli BABIKIN (bass), Cologne
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail Yurovsky. P Cologne 17–19 June
1994, I 1998.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288089. Nos. 1–4.
Pyotr GLUBOKY (bass) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P Moscow Conserva-
tory 21–29 Sept. 1994, I Apr. 1995.
Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 077. No. 2 only. Nicola GEDDA (tenor) and Eva
Pataki (piano). P Stockholm 18–22 Nov. 1987.
Beulah 1-2RF5. No. 2 only. Helen LAWRENCE (mezzo-soprano) and Julian
Rolton (piano). P BBC Studio, London 17–18 May 1999, I Dec. 2000.
**USA: Delos DE 3309 (‘Complete Songs, Volume Three’). Mikhail
LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 4, 21, 32, 58a, and 62.]
P St Petersburg 10 May 2001, I 2003.
USA: MSR Classics MS 1101. Odekhiren AMAIZE (bass-baritone) and
David Korevaar (piano). [Op. 62; Mussorgsky, Beethoven, Loewe.]
P Purchase College Conservatory of Music, New York Aug. 2002.
Note: The title of No. 1 also translated as ‘Resurrection’, ‘Regeneration’, and
‘Rebirth’; No. 2 appears in some Pushkin anthologies as ‘To a youth’ or
‘Bitterly sobbing’, and even ‘A youth bitterly sobbing’ though it is the maiden
who is crying; No. 3, as ‘Premonition’; while No. 4 is an untitled verse.

Opus 47: Symphony No. 5 in D minor

Form: Symphony for full orchestra (with 2 harps and a piano) in four
1. Moderato
2. Allegretto (Scherzo)
3. Largo
4. Allegro non troppo
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (A and
B flat), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba
~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel,
xylophone, celesta, 2 harps, piano ~ strings. Harps always a2, piano tacet
in second movement, all brass tacet and strings divided into eight parts in
third movement.
Composed: 18 April–20 September 1937, at Leningrad. The Largo written
in three days.

Premières: Early autumn 1937, Leningrad Union of Composers, Dmitri

Shostakovich and Nikita Bogoslovsky (piano duet).
21 November 1937, in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the
October Revolution, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky. According to eyewitnesses the
thunderous applause continued for about half an hour.
28 January 1938, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR State
Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr Gauk. Conducted by Gauk five times
between 28 January and 18 February 1938.
USA broadcast: 9 April 1938, NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur
France: 14 June 1938, Pleyel Hall, Paris; Roger Désormière (conductor).
UK: 13 April 1940, Queen’s Hall, London; Alan Bush (conductor).
USA piano reduction of Scherzo: 27 March 1949, Madison Square
Garden, New York; the composer before an audience of 18,000 on the final
day of the Cultural and Scientific Congress for World Peace.
Arrangements: Whole symphony arranged for piano four hands by Levon
Atovmyan and two pianos four hands by Pavel Lamm (the latter not pub-
lished). The Scherzo in piano reductions by the composer and Frederick
Block, and transcribed for band in two versions by Joseph Paulson and
Roger Smith. The fourth movement transcribed for military band by
Charles B. Righter and whole symphony for wind orchestra by Yasuhide
Ito. A transcription for chamber ensemble of modern and early instruments
by Mizuhiro Tazaki.
Music: Manuscript retained by Aleksandr Gauk and subsequently lost. A few
pages of sketches in piano score for the third and fourth movements are
preserved at the PGALI. A page of the third movement autograph piano
score is reproduced in Volume 3 of Collected Works.
Muzgiz, No. 16313, 1939, 30 cm.; and with the same plate no., Edition
Musicus, New York, no date, 23 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 25550, 1956, foreword by Ivan Martynov; also 1947 and
1961; 1963, parts, 30 cm.
Edward B. Marks, New York, No. 11667, c.1942, Scherzo reduction for
piano by the composer, ed. F. Block, 30.5 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 628 (A.S.M.P. No. 81), c.1942, 19 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc., No. 575, 1944, 26 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 165, c.1944, 24 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. A 2427, no date, 30.5 cm.
G. Schirmer, No. 40770, 1944, Scherzo arr. for band by R. Smith, parts,
Leeds Music, New York/Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1806, c.1945, score
reproduced from the Soviet edition, 23 cm.

Weaner-Levant, New York, 1945, Scherzo arr. for band by J. Paulson,

score and 37 parts, 30.5 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 153, 1947, Finale arr. for military band by
C. B. Righter, score, conductor’s score, and 34 parts, 31 cm.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1948, reduction for piano four hands by
L. Atovmyan with a second edition published by Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 1961.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 579, 1967, score with foreword by Peter Otto
Schneider, 19 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9245 (in Volume 3 of Collected Works), 1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2227,1987, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2003, New Collected Works Volume 20,
composer’s reduction for two pianos four hands, 192, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works Volume 5, full
score, 176, 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 45 minutes in score; 40' 15"–53' 40"; 41' 30" (Aronowsky);
45' 50"–47' 25" (Plaistow); [38' 25"—Rodzinski with 37-bar cut, figs.
119–21, in Finale.]; 41' 01"—Stokowski 1964—58' 29"—Levi 1989
(Gerald Bishop: see note under Acknowlegements).
Films: Rollerball. This film directed by Norman Jewison and released in 1975,
includes excerpts from the Fifth and Eighth Symphonies, along with items
by Bach, Albinoni, Tchaikovsky, and Previn. The film score, recorded
by the London Symphony Orchestra under André Previn, was issued on
LP—United Artists UAS 29865 and reviewed in G Jan. 1976. The ‘Theme
from Rollerball’—the beginning of the Largo to bar 78 appears as the first
item on Trax Classique TRXLP and Compact Disc 131.
A film of Yevgeni Mravinsky conducting the Fifth Symphony, performed
by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra at a Minsk concert on 20
November 1983, was issued in 1992 on a Japanese LaserDisc—Toshiba
TOLW 3667 (colour, mono).
Sounds Magnificent—The Story of the Symphony. A television series
written by Herbert Chappell and presented by André Previn with the
final programme, shown on BBC2 TV on 17 November 1984, devoted to
twentieth-century composers. Excerpts from the symphonies of Vaughan
Williams and Roy Harris, and a complete performance of Shostakovich’s
Fifth performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. This programme
available on videocassette: Nation Video, Home Vision, No. 8339041, and
reissued in 1989 on Stylus Video SV 1406.
*Yevgeni Svetlanov conducted the USSR State Symphony Orchestra
on the first of two Japanese DVDs, numbered NSDS 9488, recorded at a
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan concert on 25 May 1987. The coupling works are by
Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, and Khachaturyan.

Rostropovich—Three Friends. A television documentary, produced by

Peter Maniura, shown on BBC2 TV on 27 November 1988. Extracts of
Rostropovich rehearsing the London Symphony Orchestra in the Largo and
Finale of the Fifth Symphony for the ‘Music from the Flames’ series concert
at the Barbican, London, on 15 November 1988. Also archive film of the
UK première of the Cello Concerto No. 1 in the presence of the composer.
The cellist talks of his personal friendship with Shostakovich, Prokofiev,
and Britten.
Rostropovich Returns to Russia. The Finale of the Fifth Symphony
closing a compilation performed by the National Symphony Orchestra of
Washington under Rostropovich in Moscow on 13 February 1990.
Recordings: 78 rpm and CD—USSR: 06820-33 (14 sides). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P 27 Mar.–3 Apr. 1938. NB.
Mravinsky’s first commercial recording. Reissued on CD—Japan: BMG
Melodiya BOCC3 (bonus disc in four-disc set, mono). I 1998 ~ *Canada:
Doremi DHR 7810-11 (‘Legendary Treasures: Yevgeni Mravinsky’,
Volume 2). [Berlioz and Weber.] I 2002, G Nov. 2007 ~ *Germany:
Artone 222359 (fourth of four-disc set). [Tchaikovsky, Brahms, and
Weber.] I 2005. NB. This performance broadcast on Radio 3 on 15 Nov.
CD—Japan: BMG Melodiya BVCX 8020 (in four-disc set, copied
from optical soundtrack, mono). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad studio late 1938 to early 1939, I 1998.
78 rpm, LP and CD—USA: Victor 15737-42 in Set M 619 (12 sides).
Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P 20 Apr. 1939, I Jan 1940.
Reissued on LP—HMV DB 3991-6 (12 sides). G Sept. 1942. Reissued on
CD—Pearl GEMM CDS 9044. G Jan. 1994 ~ Dutton Laboratories CDAX
8017. G Dec. 1996.
USA: Columbia 11861-5D in Set M 520 (10 sides). Cleveland
Orchestra, Artur RODZINSKI. P 22 Feb. 1942. NB. Figs. 119–21 cut in
Finale. Reissued on LP—USA: Columbia Entre RL 6625 (mono). I 1955 ~
USA: Columbia Special Products P 14128 (electronic stereo). I 1977. Reis-
sued on CD—France: LYS 139 (‘L’Heritage d’Artur Rodzinski, Volume 1’,
mono). I Mar. 1997.
*CD—Symposium SYMP CD 1295. New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Leonard BERNSTEIN. [Carpenter and Gershwin.] P Carnegie Hall broadcast
concert by the American Armed Forces Radio Service 28 Jan. 1945, I Sept.
Italy: AS 631. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, A. RODZINSKI.
P concert 24 Feb. 1946, I 1991.
Italy: AS 571 (mono). Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge KOUSSEVITSKY.
P 24 Feb. 1946, I 1991.

LP and CD—USA: Urania URLP 7098 (mono). Berlin Radio Symphony

Orchestra, Ernest BORSAMSKY. P 1949. Reissued on CD—France: Dante
429–430. I Mar. 1999.
LP—USA: Pierian Sodality XTV 14450-1 (mono). Harvard-Radcliffe
Orchestra, Russell STANGER. P concert 7 Dec. 1950. [Private recording with
matrix numbers from the Columbia Records factory. Radcliffe College =
women’s college affiliated with Harvard University.]
LP and CD—VOX PL 7610 (mono). Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
Jascha HORENSTEIN. P Apr. 1952, G May 1953. Reissued on CD—VOX
Compact Disc 7803 (mono). I July 2000.
USA: Columbia ML 4739 (mono). New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dimitri MITROPOULOS. P New York 1 Dec. 1952, I 1953 ~ USA: Columbia
Special Products P 14185 (electronic stereo). I 1977. Reissued on
CD—Italy: Theorema TH 121.131. I Apr. 1993 ~ *Greece: Sony Classical
S2K 89658. I 2001 (played on BBC Radio 3, 30 Nov. 2001).
USA: Capitol P 8268 (mono). St Louis Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
GOLSCHMANN. P 15 Dec. 1953 ~ Capitol CTL 7077 (mono). G Jan. 1955.
Reissued on CD—USA: EMI Classics CDM5 66557 (mono). I 1997,
G June 1998.
USSR: MK D02283-4 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad studio 3 Apr. 1954, I 1954. Reissued on
CD—Japan: VDC 25004 (mono). I 1988 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321
29404-2 (Mravinsky Edition Volume 15, (mono). P date incorrectly given
as 2 Apr. 1954, I Apr. 1996.
Nixa WLP 20004 (mono). Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, A. RODZINSKI.
P 2–4 Oct. 1954, G Dec. 1955 ~ Whitehall WH 20052 (mono). G May
1961. Reissued on CD—MCA Millennium Classics MCD 80112 (mono).
I Jan. 1995. NB. Previously the orchestra was given, pseudonymously, as
the ‘London Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra’ as Sir Thomas Beecham
would not allow it to record as the RPO.
CD—Italy: Arkadia CDGI 765 1. Turin Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu
CELIBIDACHE. P Turin 22 Feb. 1955, I 1993.
*Brilliant Classics 8866 (on first of ten-disc set), Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. [Rakhmaninov.]. P concert 4 Dec. 1957.
*Japan: Scora Classics scoracd 005 (mono). Philadelphia Orchestra,
Eugene ORMANDY. P Moscow Conservatory concert 29–30 May 1958,
I 2004.
*Russia: Moscow Conservatorie SMC CD 0030. Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, L. STOKOWSKI. P Moscow Conservatory concert
7 June 1958, I 2008.
LP and CD—USA: Everest LPBR 6010 (mono) and SDBR 3010.
Stadium Symphony Orchestra of New York, L. STOKOWSKI. P 1, 3, and

7–8 Oct. 1958, G June 1959 ~ Peerless Classics PC 08. [Issued under the
pseudonyms ‘Cleveland Festival Orchestra, Leopold Wise’.] I 1974? Reis-
sued on CD—Everest EVC 9030. I May 1996.
Deutsche Grammophon LPM 18566 (mono) and SLPM 138031.
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Witold ROWICKI. P Oct. 1958, G Jan
1960. Reissued on CD—Deutsche Grammophon Galleria 453 988-2GGA.
G Oct. 1997.
USA: Columbia ML 5445 (mono) and MS 6115. New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, L. BERNSTEIN. P Boston 20. Oct. 1959 ~ Philips ABL 3322
(mono) and SABL 164. G Dec. 1960 ~ CBS BRG 72172 (mono) and
SBRG 72172. G Dec. 1966 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 18401-2. I 1982. Reis-
sued on CD—CBS Masterworks CD 44711. I Aug. 1988, G Mar. 1989 ~
Sony Royal Edition SMK 47615. G Nov. 1993 and June 1994.
LP—USA: Victor LM 2261 (mono) and LSC 2261. National Symphony
Orchestra of America, Howard MITCHELL. P 1959 ~ RCA Victrola VIC
1280 (mono) and VICS 1280. G Oct. 1967.
CD—Germany: Ode Classics ODCL 1004-2. Hamburg NDR Symphony
Orchestra, Takashi ASAHINA. P Hamburg Jan. 1960, I June 1998.
LP—HMV ALP 1886 (mono) and ASD 445. Vienna Philharmonic
Orchestra, Constantin SILVESTRI. P 10 and 12–14 Dec. 1960, G Sept. 1972
~ World Record Club T 981 (mono) and ST 981. G Aug. 1969.
LP and CD—USA: Mercury SR 90060. Minneapolis Symphony
Orchestra, Stanislaw SKROWACZEWSKI. P 25 Mar. 1961, I 1962 ~ Mercury
MMA 11178 (mono) and AMS 16128. G Feb. 1963. Reissued on
CD—USA: Mercury Living Presence 434 323-2MM. G Aug. 1993.
CD—Switzerland: Preludio PRL 2156. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
L. STOKOWSKI. P Prague Spring concert 1961, I 1991.
Tape—[Finland: Finnish Radio. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
MRAVINSKY. P Helsinki concert 12 June 1961.]
LP and CD—Czech: Supraphon SUA 10423 (mono) and SUA ST
50052). Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel ANĆERL. P Rudolfinum,
Prague 11–14 Nov. 1961, G Jan. 1965 ~ Music for Pleasure SMFP 2114.
G May 1969. Reissued on CD—Japan: Supraphon 2 OCO-2816. I 1990
~ Czech: Supraphon Crystal Collection SUP 11 0676-2. G Aug. 1993 ~
*Supraphon Gold Edition SU 3699-2. [Op. 10.] I Feb. 2005.
CD—France: Praga PR 254 002-3. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Karel ANĆERL. P Prague broadcast 1961, I June 1992, G May 1993.
LP and CD—Decca LXT 6018 (mono) and SXL 6018. L’Orchestre de la
Suisse Romande, István KERTÉSZ. P Geneva 13–14 May 1962, G Dec. 1962
~ Decca Ace of Diamonds ADD 179 (mono) and SDD 179. G Sept. 1968
~ Decca Eclipse ECS 767. G July 1975. Reissued on CD—Polygram POCL
9439. I Oct. 1992 ~ Testament SBT 1290. I Feb. 2003.

*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4193-2. Hallé Orchestra, John BARBIROLLI.

P Free Trade Hall, Manchester with no audience 21 Jan. 1963 (not BBC
Studios, Manchester 22 Feb. 1963 as stated).
*BBC Legends BBCL 4165-2. London Symphony Orchestra,
L. STOKOWSKI. [Vaughan-Williams.] P Royal Albert Hall, London concert
17 Sept. 1964, I Feb. 2005, G May 2005.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C0909-10. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P1964. HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (fourth
in twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France:
Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1003-4. G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics
Melodiya 7432119845-2. G Nov. 1994.
USA: Columbia MS 7279. Philadelphia Orchestra, E. ORMANDY. P 1964,
I 1969 ~ CBS SBRG 72811. G June 1970 ~ CBS Classics 61643. G July
1975. Reissued on CD—Sony Essential Classics SBK 53261. I Jan. 1994,
G July 1994.
CD—Japan: King Record Seven Seas KICC 2076. London Symphony
Orchestra, L. STOKOWSKI. P Proms concert 17 Sept. 1964, I Sept. 1990 ~
BBC Radio Classics 15656 91542. G May 1996.
LP and CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RB 6651 (mono) and SB 6651.
London Symphony Orchestra, André PREVIN. P 21 and 23 Aug. 1965,
G May 1966 ~ RCA Gold Seal GL 42690. G Mar. 1979 ~ RCA Gold Seal
GL 84630 (digital). G Nov. 1986. Reissued on CD—RCA Victor Papillon
CD 86801. I July 1988 ~ RCA Classical Navigator 74321 24212-2. I June
1995 ~ *RCA Red Seal 82876 55493-2 [Op. 116a.] G June 2004.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 910 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 24 Nov. 1965, I 1995.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 023. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 1966, I Jan. 1994 ~ Germany:
Audiophile Classics Compact Disc APL 101 503. I Feb. 1995. NB. This reis-
sue is wrongly dated 1983; the duration of all four movements and the timing
of audience coughs are identical to the 1966 performance (K. Amoh).
*Harmoni Mundi HMX 2905255 (five-disc set). Berlin Symphony
Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. [On first disc with Op. 77.] P Metropoltheater,
Berlin concert 3 Oct. 1966, I Sept. 2002.
LP—USA: Century 28023. California Youth Symphony Orchestra,
Aaron STEN. [Sibelius.] P 1966–67.
LP and CD—Philips SAL 3629. London Symphony Orchestra,
W. ROWICKI. P Feb 1967, G Feb. 1968. Reissued on CD—Philips 446
571-2PM. I Sept. 1996.
CD—Italy: Hunt 2 HUNTCD 714 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Prague Festival concert 26 May 1967 (not
1968), I 1990.

LP—CBS-NEMS 6-64097. Third movement only. Vic Lewis Symphony

Orchestra, Vic LEWIS. P Nov. 1969, G Oct. 1970.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 02353-4. USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1970 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2668.
G May 1971 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 50253-4 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec.
1975. Reissued on CD—RCA Gold Seal 74321 32041-2. I Mar. 1996.
CD—Japan: Altus ALT 094 12004. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Arvid JANSONS. [Wagner.] P Osaka Festival Hall concert 1 July 1970, I Mar.
Italy: Intaglio INCD 7121 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
A. YANSONS. P Royal Albert Hall, London concert 13 Sept. 1971.
*Japan: Altus ALT 127 (nine-disc set). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall, rehearsal and
session recordings made on 25–26 April 1973 (CDs 1–3) and 3 May 1973
(CDs 4 and 7), I 2006.
Tape and CD—[Japan: NHK Radio broadcast 23 June 1973. Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Tokyo Bunka-Kaikan Hall
concert 26 May 1973 on Mravinsky’s first visit to Japan.] Released on
CD—Japan: Altus ALT 002. I 2000.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 180 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 29 June 1973, I Aug. 1994,
G July 1995.
LP—Classics for Pleasure 40080. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Massim
FRECCIA. P Oct. 1973, G Sept. 1974.
*CD—Japan: Weitblick SSS 0059-2. Munich Philharmonic Orchestra,
Klaus TENNSTEDT. [Janáček.] P Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich 20–21
Mar. 1975, I 2006.
Tape—[Japan: Tokyo private archive. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Tokyo concert 21 May 1975.]
LP—HMV BOX 504401 in Set SLS 5044 (quad). Bournemouth Symphony
Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P London 30–31 July 1975, G Mar. 1976 ~
HMV Greensleeve BSD 7029 (quad). G Feb. 1977 ~ Classics for Pleasure
40330. G June 1980 ~ EMI Eminence / Music for Pleasure EMX 2034.
G Aug. 1983. Reissued on CD—EMI Studio CDM7 63119-2. I Aug. 1989.
LP—USA: RCA Red Seal ARD1 1149 (quad) and ARL1 1149 (stereo).
Philadelphia Orchestra, E. ORMANDY. P Feb. 1975 ~ UK: ARL11149 (stereo
only). G Aug. 1976.
USSR: Melodiya C10 06515-6. All-Union Radio and Television Largo
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P 1975, I 1976c ~ Deutsche
Grammophon 2531 361. I 1975.
Czech: Opus 9110 0523. Slovák Philharmonic Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Sept. 1976, I 1977.

Charisma CAS 1128. Excerpts. London Philharmonic Orchestra, Joseph

EGER. P 1977, I Oct. 1977.
LP and CD—USA: Angel S 37285 (quad). Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
A. PREVIN. P 25 Jan. 1977 ~ HMV ASD 3443 (quad). G June 1978 ~ HMV
Greensleeve BSD 2900541 (digitally remastered). G June 1984. Reissued
on CD—EMI Eminence CD-EMX 2163. I Aug. 1990, G Mar. 1991 ~
*HMV 5 86764-2. [Op. 10.] G Oct. 2005.
USSR: Melodiya C10 15321-2. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
MRAVINSKY. P Vienna Festival concert 12 (not 13) June 1978, I 1981d ~
HMV Melodiya ASD 4028 in Set SLS 5212 (four-record box set). G Apr.
1981. Reissued on CD—Japan: JVC VDC 1007. I 1985, G Jan. 1988 ~
France: Praga PR 250 085. P venue and date given as Prague broadcast 26
May 1967, I Feb. 1995 [3rd recording] ~ Russia: Olympia Great Performers
MKM 142. [Schubert and Weber.] I 2004.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10303-4. USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P 1978, I 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3855. G May 1980.
Reissued on CD—Germany: ZYX Russian Art CLA 10011-2 (two-disc
set). I 1998.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 422-6. London Symphony Orchestra,
Y. SVETLANOV. [Rakhmaninov.] P Usher Hall, Edinburgh concert 28 Aug.
1978, I Nov. 2007, G Jan. 2008.
LP and CD—USA and UK: CBS Masterworks 35854 (digital). New
York Philharmonic Orchestra, L. BERNSTEIN. P Tokyo concert 2–3 July
1979, G Dec. 1980. Reissued on CD—CBS 35854. G May 1983 ~ CBS
Maestro MYK 44770 ~ CBS Masterworks/Sony Classical MDK 44903.
I Dec. 1989, G Apr. 1990 ~ *Japan: Sony Classical SICC 10012 (Hybrid
SACD). [Op. 107.] P given as 3–4 July 1979, I 2004 ~ *Sony Classical SK
94733. [Op. 110a.] G Oct. 2005.
LP—*Japan: King Records KICC 3058. NHK Symphony Orchestra,
Herbert KEGEL. [Wagner.] P NHK Hall, Tokyo concert 26 Sept. 1980.
LP and CD—Japan: Victor SJX 9568. Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra,
Takashi ASAHINA. P Osaka Festival Hall concert 16 Feb. 1981, I July 1982.
*Reissued on CD—Victor Entertainment NCS 559-60 (two-disc set).
[Mahler.] I Jan. 2007.
USA: Telarc TE 10067 (digital). Cleveland Orchestra, Lorin MAAZEL.
P 5 Apr. 1981. Reissued on CD—Telarc CD 80067. I Aug. 1983, G Aug.
1985 ~ Telarc Bravo CD 82001. I Aug. 1993, G July 1994.
Decca SXDL 7551 (digital). Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK.
P Amsterdam 25–26 May 1981, G Dec. 1982. Gramophone Record Awards
1983—winner of Engineering and Production category, G Oct. 1983.
Reissued on CD—Decca 410 017-2DH. G Sept. 1983 ~ Decca Ovation
425 066-2DM. G Nov. 1993.

CD—Revelation RV 10025. USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yuri

TEMIRKANOV. P concert 14 June 1981, I and G Oct. 1996.
LP—France: Forlane UM 3567. Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra,
Fernando LOZANO. P Jan. 1982.
*Germany: EMI F 668073. Bundesjugenorchester, Volker WANGENHEIM.
[Prokofiev.] P 1982.
LP and CD—Japan: Deutsche Schallplatten ET 5168. Berlin City
Symphony Orchestra, K. SANDERLING. P East Berlin 19–22 Jan. 1982.
Reissued on CD—Germany: Berlin Classics Eterna BC 2063-2.1 Mar. 1994,
G July 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 2532 076 (digital). National Symphony
Orchestra of Washington, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P July 1982, G June
and Aug. 1983. Reissued on CD—Deutsche Grammophon 410 509-2GH.
G Sept. 1983 ~ Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 439 481-2GCL. G Sept.
1995 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon Panorama 469 316-2 (two-disc set).
[Opp. 10, 122, 35, Sans op. G(ii), Opp. 16, and 97.] I 2001.
*Japan: CD—Scora Classics scoracd 011 (disc two of two-disc set, ste-
reo). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. [Tchaikovsky,
Khachaturyan, Wagner). P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall concert 18
Nov. 1982, I 2004. NB. First release of this performance though it was
broadcast on Japanese radio 27 Dec. 1992.
Japan: Victor Musical Industries VDC 25026. Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 4 Apr. 1984, I 1989 ~
France: Erato 2292 45752-2. G June 1992.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00103 009 (digital). USSR Ministry
of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984,
I 1985d. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor JVC 1012 ~ Olympia OCD 113.
I June 1987, G May 1989.
RCA Red Seal RL 85608 (digital) and RD 85608. Saint Louis Symphony
Orchestra, Leonard SLATKIN. P St Louis 23 Apr. 1986, G May 1987.
Philips 420 069-1PH (digital) and 420 069-2PH. Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, Semyon BYCHHKOV. P 7–8 May 1986, G Mar. 1987 (and article
p.1244) and June 1987.
USSR: Melodiya C10 25185 005. Moscow Conservatory Students’
Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi
Hall concert 17 Nov. 1986, I 1988a. Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc
RDCD 11 188. G Jan. 1994. NB. Orchestra given as Moscow Philharmonic
and P date 17 Nov. 1968.
CD—Sweden: BIS Compact Disc CD 357. Stockholm Philharmonic
Orchestra, Yuri ARANOVICH. P 27 Nov. 1986, I June 1987, G Jan. 1988.
Naxos 8.550632. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, L. SLOVÁK.
P Bratislava 12–18 Feb. 1987, G Nov. 1993.

LP and CD—Decca 421 120-1DH (digital) and Compact Disc 421 120-
2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Mar. 1987,
G June 1988 and Apr. 1989 ~ *Decca 475 8592DB7 (‘Personal Collection’
70th birthday tribute, eight-disc set). I 2007.
EMI EL 7491811 (digital) and CDC7 49181-2. Oslo Philharmonic
Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Oslo 2–5 June 1987, G Jan. and Mar. 1988.
*CD—Switzerland: Cascavelle VEL 3107. Orchestre de la Suisse
Romande, Armin JORDAN. P Royce Hall. UCLA, Los Angeles concert 9
Nov. 1987, I Jan. 2007.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1336 (digital) and CHAN 8650. Scottish
National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 22 Apr. 1988, I Feb. 1989,
G Apr. 1990.
CD—Denon CO 74175. Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu
INBAL. P Frankfurt 23–24 Nov. 1988, G Apr. 1990.
*USA: Opus Magnum CD 80101. Orquesta Sinfónica de Mineria,
Herrera de la FUENTE. P Sala Nezahaulcoyotl, Mexico City 1988,
I 1991.
USA: MCA Classics Art & Electronics AED 10156. Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra, Mark ERMLER. P Moscow concert 1989, I 1990.
USA: Houston Symphony Orchestra—no number. Houston Symphony
Orchestra, Christoph ESCHENBACH. P Houston 26–27 Feb.1989.
France: Ex Libris CD 6101. Swiss Atelier (Workshop) Philharmonic
Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Zurich concert 16 June 1989 ~ Switzerland:
MCB Musikszene Schweiz CD 6101. I Apr. 1995.
Teldec CD 80215. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Yoel LEVI. P Atlanta
5 May, 25–26 Sept., and 2 Dec. 1989; G June 1990.
Collins Classics 1108-2. London Symphony Orchestra, M. SHOSTAKOVICH.
P 4–6 Jan. 1990, G Sept. 1990.
Pickwick IMP Classics PCD 940. Hallé Orchestra, Stanislaw
SKROWACZEWSKI. P Huddersfield 29–30 Jan. 1990, I Sept. 1990, G Aug.
1991 ~ Hallé CDHLL 7511 (two-disc set). [Op. 93.] I 2006.
*Venezia CDVE 04283 (two-disc set). National Symphony Orchestra of
Washington, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. [Op. 135.] P Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall concert 13 Feb. 1990, I 2007.
Academy Sound and Vision CD DCA 707. Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Enrique BÁTIZ. P Morden 1990, G Sept. 1990 ~ IMG Records
IMGCD 1609. I June 1994, G Feb.1995.
Linn CKD 004. Leningrad Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr DMITRIEV.
P Glasgow concert 12 Apr. 1990, I Jan. 1992.
Naxos 8.550427. Belgian Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander
RAHBARI. P Brussels 26–29 Sept. 1990, I Sept. 1991, G Mar. 1992. NB.
Four reviews in Classics May 1992.

Denon CO 75719. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna

concert 26–29 Nov. 1990, I Apr. 1994, G Aug. 1994.
*Japan: ALM Records Kozima Recordings ALD 7026. Arr. Tazaki.
ENSEMBLE ONGAKU-ZAMMAI (Junichi Tanaka—flute, sopranino/alto/contrabass
recorders; Chima Kawahara—violin, bass-gamba; Mizuhiro Tazaki—cello,
viola, bass gamba; Seiji Nishizawa—double-bass, sopranino/alto/contrabass
recorders; Kakuma Tomoko—cembalo, harp). [Prokofiev.]. P Nova Hall,
Tsukuba, Japan 13–15 Aug. 1991. .
Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 74. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, V. FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow concert 18–19 Aug. 1991.
USA: Chicago Youth Symphony CD 5176. Chicago Youth Symphony,
Michael MORGAN. P Japan concert 1992.
EMI Classics CDC7 54803-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Riccardo MUTI.
P Philadelphia 18–20 Apr. 1992, I June 1993, G Dec. 1993.
*Spain: Orquesta Sinfónicade Castilla y León OCL 008. Orchestra’s own
label. Max Bragado DARMAN (conductor). [Liszt.] P Carrión Theatre, Val-
ladolid 28 May 1992, I c.1999.
Japan: Canyon Classics EC 3672-2. Russian Federation Symphony
Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P Moscow 15–16 June 1992, G Oct. 1994.
Finland: Ondine ODE 817-2. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, James
DEPRIEST. P Järvenpää Dec. 1992, I May 1994, G Dec. 1994.
Decca 440 476-2DH. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Georg SOLTI.
P Vienna concert 6–7 Feb. 1993, G Oct. 1994.
Japan: Fun House FHCE 2014. Norrköping Symphony Orchestra,
Junichi HIROKAMI. P Norrköping, Sweden Sept. 1993, I Jan. 1994.
Japan: JVC Victor VICC 163. St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra,
Kazuhiko KOMATSU. P St Petersburg concert 12 Apr. 1994, I Mar. 1995.
Decca 448 122-2DH. Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Charles DUTOIT.
P Montreal May 1994, G Nov. 1995.
Germany: Musicaphon M 56953. Minsk Philharmonic Orchestra,
Pierre-Dominique PONNELLE. P Minsk 1–7 June 1994, I Sept. 1995.
Germany: Deutsche Schallplatten DS 1035-2. Bohuslav Martinů
Philharmonic Orchestra, Elbert Lechtman STEINBERG. P Ziln, Czech June
1994, I Nov. 1995.
Teldec 4509 94557-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
M. ROSTROPOVICH. P 4–5 June 1994, I Oct. 1995, G Nov. 1995 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies.] G Oct. 1997.
Tring TRP 032. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Charles MACKERRAS.
P London July 1994, I May 1995, G Sept. 1995 ~ *RPO 204432201.
[Op. 96.] I 2004 ~ Membran 222 874 (SACD). I May 2005 ~ *Germany:
RPO Classics 222874-203 (Hybrid SACD). [Op. 96.] I 2005 ~ *Germany:
Designo 222521 (on disc 1 of four-disc set). [Op. 96.] I June 2005.

Carlton Classics 30366 0101-2. Boston Philharmonic Orchestra,

Benjamin ZANDER. P Boston 11 Sept. 1994, I Oct. 1998, G Jan. 1999.
Japan: Alfa Music ALCB 3099. Japan Virtuoso Symphony Orchestra,
Naoto OHTOMO. P Tokyo concert 2 Nov. 1994.
Japan: Kosei Shuppan-Sha Compact Disc KOCD 3574. Arr. for wind
orchestra by Y. Ito. Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, Frederick FENNELL.
P Tokyo concert 23–24 Mar. 1995, I Oct. 1995.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00292. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Kazushi ONO. P Prague 1–2 Apr. 1995, I Sept. 1995.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on third of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Op. 54.] P Cologne 3–8 July 1995
and 26 Apr. 1996, I Dec. 2001 ~ Regis RRC 1075. [Op. 54.] I May 2002.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68548-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic
Orchestra, Y. TEMIRKANOV. P 21 Sept. 1995, I Feb. 1997.
USA: Pope Music PM 1009-2 (‘Redemption’, silver). Russian Symphony
Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Moscow Jan. 1996.
USA: Amadis 194. National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Theodore
KUCHAR. P Kyiv 28–30 Apr. 1996, I 2000.
Classic FM 75605 57004-2. Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra,
Tadaaki OTAKA. P Kamakura 3–6 June 1996, G Jan. 1998.
Japan: Live Notes WWCC 7284. Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra.
Taijiro LIMORI. P Tokyo 25 July 1996.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3327-2 031. Prague Symphony Orchestra,
M. SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 13 Nov. 1996, G Jan. 1998 ~
*Supraphon SU 38902 (on fifth of ten-disc set). [Op. 70.] G Nov. 2006.
Sweden: BIS Discs CD 973-4 (‘Complete Symphonies, Volume 2’,
two-disc set). BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Mark WIGGLESWORTH.
P Swansea Dec. 1996, G Aug. 1999. NB. Symphony split between the two
discs; the first movement on disc one.
EMI CDC5 56442-2. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Vienna concert 7–14 Jan. 1997, G Awards (Nov.) 1997.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00401. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, V. FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Conservatory 3–5 Apr. 1997.
Germany: Antes Edition BM-CD 31.9112. Badische Staatskapelle,
Kazushi ONO. P Kalsruhe concert 15–16 June 1997, I 1998.
Japan: Brain OSBR 14068 (‘27th Concert’). Fourth movement arr.
C. B. Righter. Fukuoka Kodai High School Wind Orchestra, Isao YABIKU.
P Fukuoka concert 9 Nov. 1997, I 1998.
USA: Delos DE 3246. Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew LITTON.
P Dallas 19–20 May 1998.
*Japan: Exton OVCL 00001. Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Ken-ichiro
KOBAYASHI. P Aichi, Japan 18 Feb. 1999.

*Hungary: BPO Live BPOL 1006. Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra,

Rico SACCANI. [Rakhmaninov.] P Hungarian State Opera House concert
22 and 23 Feb. 1999, I Oct. 2003.
*Dunelm DRD 0145 (‘Love’s Conflicts’). Royal Holloway Symphony
Orchestra, Peter LIPARI. [Wagner and Webern.] P University of London,
Egham concert 8 Dec. 1999, I 2000.
USA: Well Tempered Productions WTP 5190. Russian National
Orchestra, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Moscow concert 7 and 9 Mar. 2000, I 2001.
**CD and DVD—Germany: Arts 47668-2 and DVD 45001-6. Orchestra
Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 54.] P Milan
concert Jan 2001, G Jan. 2004.
CD—Japan: Exton OVCL 00058 and SACD OVGL 0009. Philharmonia
Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. [Op. 96.] P rehearsal Tokyo 27 July 2001 ~
Signum Classic SIGCD 135. [Op. 96.] I Oct 2008, G Jan. 2009.
Philips CD/SACD 470 651-2PSA. Kirov Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV.
[Op. 70.] P Mikkeli, Finland concert 30 June 2002, G Aug. 2004 ~ Philips
470 841-2PM5 (‘The War Symphonies’, five-disc set). (Opp. 43, 54, 60,
65, and 70.] G Mar. 2006.
Japan: King Records KICC 398. Bolshoi Orchestra, Tomomi NISHIMOTO.
[Tchaikovsky.] P Moscow Conservatory 28 Jan.–2 Feb. 2003.
Germany: Capriccio 71 031 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 14.] P Cologne studio 12, 14–15 Mar.
2003, I Aug 2005.
Japan: Altus ALT 087. Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Yukio
KITAHARA. [Glinka and Lyadov.] P Bunka-kaikan, Tokyo concert 1 Oct. 2003.
CD and DVD—Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1202-2 and MDG
037 1202-5 (DVD-A). Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn, Roman KOFMAN.
[Op. 70.] P Heilig-Kreuze-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany 21–23 Oct.
2003, I July 2004.
CD—LPO Live 0001 (Hybrid SACD). London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Kurt MASUR. [Op. 10.] P Royal Festival Hall concert 31 Jan.–3 Feb. 2004,
I May 2004, G July 2005.
Dunelm Records DRD 0227 (two-disc set). London Shostakovich
Orchestra, Christopher COX. [Op. 107.] P St Cyprian’s Church, London
concert 15 May 2004.
USA: Artek AR-0037-2. Seattle Symphony, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Op. 22a.]
P Benaroya Hall, Seattle June 2004.
Denmark: ClassicO CLASSCD 604. Luxembourg Philharmonia, Martin
ELMQUIST. P Conservatorie du Luxembourg concert 3 July 2004.
LSO Live CD LSO 0058 and SACD LSO 0550 (Hybrid SACD).
London Symphony Orchestra, M. ROSTROPOVICH. P Barbican Hall, London
7 and 8 July 2004, G Mar. 2005.

Germany: Berlin Classics 0017922BC. Saarbrücken Radio Symphony

Orchestra, Günther HERBIG. P Congresshalle Saarbrücken concert 9 Sept.
2005, G May 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62354-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. [Op. 54.] Symphony Hall. Birmingham concert 25 Nov.
2005, I May2006, G Aug. 2006.
PentaTone classics PTC 5186 096 (Hybrid SACD). Russian National
Orchestra, Yakov FREIZBERG. [Op. 70.] P DZZ Studio 5, Moscow Apr. 2006,
I Apr. 2007, G Aug. 2007.
Germany: Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover HMTH 514.
Orchestra as CD label, OUE Eiji. P Hannover concert 26–27 May 2006.
Ambroisie AM 171. Royal Flemish Philharmonic Orchestra, Jaap van
ZEDEN. P deSingel, Antwerp 8–10 Sept. 2006, G Mar. 2009.
Ondine ODE 1109 (Hybrid SACD). Philadelphia Orchestra,
Christoph ESCHENBACH. [Op. 127.] P Verizon Hall, Philadelphia concert
22–23 and 26 Sept. 2006, I June 2008.
Digital download—Deutsche Grammophone 477 657-5 G HD. New
York Philharmonic Orchestra, Lorin MAAZEL. [Op. 107.] P Avery Fischer
Hall, New York concerts 28 and 30 Sept. and 3 Oct. 2006.
Naxos 8.572167. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily
PETRENKO. [Op. 70.] P Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 7–8 July 2008,
I 2009
Japan: The World of Masato Usuki MUCD 026 (two-disc set). Freude
Philharmonie , Masato USUKI. [Grieg and Bach.] P Tokyo Metropolitan Art
Space Main Hall concert 28 Aug. 2008.
Notes: The symphony was given the designation ‘A Soviet artist’s practical
creative answer to just criticism’ by an unidentified musicologist in an article
‘My Creative Answer’, issued over the composer’s signature, in Vechernyaya
Moskva (Moscow evening paper) on 25 January 1938.
There are several instances in Russian books and articles of the Fifth
Symphony being dubbed the ‘Hamlet Symphony’. Rabinovich probably
started this in 1959, followed by Polyokova, Sabinina, and others so the
composer would have known of this nickname. It appears, from Russian
sources, in the Soviet Weekly obituary of 16 August 1975: ‘Shostakovich
was spurred on, not disheartened, by criticism [and] wrote his magnificent
Fifth (‘Hamlet’) Symphony’. This unofficial title is not favoured by Western
For over fifty years Mravinsky played the four notes at the end of bar
284 (fig 38 minus 2 bars) of the fourth movement from the copyist’s manu-
script score and parts as A flat, G, F, C (not A flat, G, A flat, C as in the
printed music). Mrs Mravinsky, who was principal flautist of the Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra from 1962 to 1988, believed the F note to be

correct as Shostakovich never commented on the conductor’s interpretation

of this symphony. Stokowski used a copyist’s score in 1939 but Rodzinski
was able to obtain a printed version in 1942.
Inna Barsova writes about the final movement in Bartlett 2000 and
Richard Taruskin’s essay in Fanning 1995 covers the whole symphony.
In the coda of the symphony Shostakovich repeats the note Lah 252
times in 33 bars as ‘a cry of despair’. ‘Lala’ is a short way of saying ‘Helen’
and linked to ‘Ya’ (‘me’). Helen (Elena Evseyevna Konstantinovskaya), a
woman he loved and who rejected him, left for Spain where she married
Roman Carmen and to Shostakovich she became his Carmen (see DSCH
XXI and Manashir Yakubov).

Opus 48: Volochayevka Days

Form: Music for the film Volochayevka Days for Lenfilm with screenplay and
direction by Georgi and Sergei Vasiliev (who worked together as ‘The
Vasiliev Brothers’ though, in fact, they were unrelated). Also given alterna-
tive titles of Intervention in the Far East and The Far East. Appears translated
as Volchachev Days and Days of Volochayesk in some lists. A song, ‘To the
Partisan’ (or ‘Blue Distances Where the Waves Lap’—words anon.), com-
posed for the film used as a leitmotiv in the Overture, choral numbers, and
Finale. The following material is extant:
1. Overture—Allegretto
14. The Japanese Attack—Allegretto
16. [Fragment]—Allegro—Maestoso
‘Along the valleys and over the hills’ ‘The Song of the Far Eastern
Partisans’ (I. Aturov, text by Pyotr Parfenov)—Moderato con moto
45. (Variant of No. 14)
Russian Folksong No. 1—Moderato
No. 2—Largo
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals, bass
drum ~ male chorus ~ strings.
Composed: 1936–37, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 20 January 1938 and re-released in March
1968. Score conducted by Nikolai Rabinovich. A cut version was released
in America in 1938 under the title The Defense of Volotchayevsk and again
on 26 August 1942 as The Battle for Siberia.

Music: Incomplete autograph score preserved at GTsMMK.

Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), ‘To the Partisan’
in reduction for male chorus and piano by Aleksandr Pirumov, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, Nos. 1,
14, 16, and ‘The Song of the Far Eastern Partisans’ in full score and, in the
supplement, two Russian Folksongs in piano arrangements, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 128 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 112 minutes (cut to 90 minutes in America). Nos. 1, 14, and
16: 9' 16"
Recordings: **CD—Chandos Movies CHAN 10183 (‘The Film Music
of Dmitri Shostakovich, Volume 2’). Score Nos. 1, 14, and 16. BBC
Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 30 and 97.] P New Broadcasting
House, Manchester 8–9 Apr. 2003, I Mar. 2004, G June 2004.
Note: On its first recording the song ‘Along the valleys and over the hills’ (also
translated as ‘Thro’ the dales and o’er the hills’) was attributed to Aleksandr
V. Aleksandrov as arranger with text by S. Ya. Alymov. Subsequently,
the writers were changed to composer I. Aturov and lyricist P. Parfenov.
Anatoli Zhelezny (Nash drug–gramplastinka. ‘Our friend–the gramophone
record’. Muzychna Ukrania, Kiev, 1989, 140–52) argues that Aturov was
not involved and Parfenov, composer of four other patriotic songs, probably
wrote the melody of this song of the Far Eastern Partisans. See also Opp 44
and 74.

Sans op. F: The Internationale

Form: Orchestration commissioned in 1937 for full symphony orchestra,
augmented by cornet and 8 saxophones, of Pierre Degeyter’s song adopted
as the Soviet National Anthem between 1917 and 1944. Text by Eugène
Pottier in Russian translation of Arkadi Kots. The Russian lyric was revised
by A. Gapov in 1932.
Instrumentation: 3 flutes, 3 oboes, 4 B flat clarinets, 3 bassoons ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ additional band of E flat cornet and 2
each of soprano, tenor, baritone, and bass saxophones ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ chimes ~ strings.
Performance: 4 October 1941, Novosibirsk; opening item of inaugural
concert after arrival of Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor
Yevgeni Mravinsky for three-year stay in Siberia.
Music: Muzgiz, No. 693, 1937, 27 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 146 of New Collected
Recordings: —
OP U S 49: QU A RTET N O. 1 IN C MAJ OR 193

Opus 49: Quartet No. 1 in C major

Form: String quartet in four movements:
1. Moderato
2. Moderato
3. Allegro molto
4. Allegro
Composed: 30 May–17 July 1938, at Leningrad.
Premières: 10 October 1938, Leningrad; Glazunov Quartet (Ilya Lukashevsky,
Aleksandr Pechnikov, Aleksandr Ryvkin, and David Mogilevsky).
16 November 1938, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven
Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei
Shirinsky). Encored in its entirety. [Also performed publicly three weeks
UK: 13 December 1941, Aeolian Hall, London; Hirsch Quartet (Leonard
Arrangements: Reductions for pianoforte by the composer, four hands by Yuri
Nikolsky (not published) and Anatoli Dmitriev. First movement arranged
for mandolin quartet. The opening pages of the second Moderato were used
as the main title for the film The Girlfriends, Opus 41 (ii) in the 1960s.
Op. 49a—‘Eine kliene Symphonie’ arranged for string orchestra by
Rudolf Barshai.
Music: Originally entitled ‘Springtime’. Manuscript lost. Autograph piano
score, in which the fourth movement comes first and the first movement
last, preserved at GTsMMK.
Muzgiz, Leningrad, No. 1054, 1939, score, 27 cm. and parts, 32 cm.
International Music, No. 514, 1942, parts, 30.5 cm.
International Music, No. 607, 1942, score, 18 cm.
Edition Musicus, no date, score, 28 cm. and parts, 31 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2242, c.1957, parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 285 (in Volume 1 with Quartets 2–4 arr. for
piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1965, 29.5 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 385, 1968, score, 19 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5751, 1974, parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2265 (with Opp. 68, 73, and 83), 1980, score,
21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 100 and the composer’s
reduction in Volume 105 of New Collected Works.

Duration: 14–16 minutes in scores; 12' 48"–15' 06"; Op. 49a—15' 40";
14–15 minutes (Plaistow).
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP and CD—USSR: 14736-43 (8 sides 10").
BEETHOVEN QUARTET (personnel as at at première). P1947. Reissued on
LP—USSR: MK D08019-20 (mono). I 1961. Reissued on CD—USA:
Consonance Blue Label 81.3005 (mono). I May 1995.
78 rpm—USA: Columbia 71435-6D in Set X 231. STUYVESANT QUARTET.
P pre-1950.
USA: Royale 580-1 in Set 23. YORK QUARTET. P pre-1950.
LP—USA: MGM E 3113 (mono). GUILET QUARTET (Daniel Guliet—
leader). P c.1954.
Columbia 33 CX 1334 (mono). KOMITAS QUARTET (Avet Gabrielyan, Rafael
Davidyan, Genrikh Talayan, Sergei Aslamazyan). P London Dec. 1954,
G Mar. 1956.
CD—Japan: Triton MECC 26018 (mono) BEETHOVEN QUARTET (person-
nel as at première). P Moscow Conservatory concert 1960, I 2000.
LP—USSR: MK D06219-20 (mono). LITHUANIAN QUARTET (Eugeniyus
Paulauskas, Korneliya Kalinauskayte, Yuri Fledzhinskas, and ? Mikhail
Shenderovas). P1960.
France: Harmonia Mundi HMO 34 709. BULGARE QUARTET (Dimon Dimov,
Aleksandr Thomov, Dmitri Tchikov, Dmitri Kosev). P StMaxime,Var l964,
I 1967.
CD—Leningrad Masters LM1325. TANEYEV QUARTET (personnel not
stated). P concert 1966, G Sept. 1996.
France: Praga PR 254 042. TÁLICH QUARTET (Petr Messiereur, Jan Kvapil,
Jan Tálich, Evžen Rattay). P Czech Radio broadcast 1966, I May 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C01447-8. BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky,
Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~
HMV Melodiya ASD 2464. G Apr. 1969 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1319 in
Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
Decca Ace of Diamonds SDD 453. GABRIELI QUARTET (Kenneth Sillito,
Brendan O’Reilly, lan Jewel, Keith Harvey). P Maltings, Snape Dec. 1973,
G Apr. 1975.
Amon-Ra SARB 01 (‘Quartet Cameos’). Scherzo only.
DARTINGTON QUARTET (Colin Sauer, Malcolm Latchem, Keith Lovell,
Michael Evans). I 1975.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 31. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 15–16 Dec. 1977,
G Mar. 1979 ~ Decca 188 Dl in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued
on CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on first of six-disc set). G
June 1992 ~ NB. The six-disc set was reissued Feb. 1998 on London 455
776-2LC6 and reviewed G Apr. 1998.
OP U S 49: QU A RTET N O. 1 IN C MAJ OR 195

USSR: Melodiya C10 10241-2. TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek,

Grigori Lasky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1978, I 1978d. Reis-
sued on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 11 00308. I 1991c.
LP—Czech: Supraphon 111 2484. TÁLICH QUARTET (Petr Messieureur, Jan
Kvapil, Jan Tálich, Evžen Rattay). P Prague 22 Apr. 1978, G Jan. 1981.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 11757-8. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail
Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1978,
I 1979d ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of
15 quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI
CDC7 49266-2. I Nov. 1987 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of
15 Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 14087-8. VILNIUS QUARTET (Audrone
Vainiunaite, Petras Kunca, Donatas Katkus, Augustinas Vasiliauskas).
P 1980, I 1981.
CD—Olympia OCD 531 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1981, I Apr. 1994, G Sept. 1994.
LP—USA: Gasparo GS 223 (DMM). FINE ARTS QUARTET (Ralph Evans,
Efim Boico, Jerry Horner, Wolfgang Laufer). P 1985.
CD—Teldec Classics 2292 46009-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas,
Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin July 1989,
G June 1990 ~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on first of six-disc set). I Nov. 1990,
G June 1992.
USA: Windham Hill Records WD-1091 (‘Intermezzo’). First movement
only, arr. for mandolin quartet. MODERN MANDOLIN QUARTET (John Imholz,
Dana Rath, Paul Binkley, Mike Marshall). P Oct. 1989.
USA: ESS.A.Y CD 1007. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Purchase, New York 27–28 Dec. 1989 ~
Koch Schwann Musica Mundi 310 128. (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
I May 1991.
Naxos Compact Disc 8.550973 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
ÉDER QUARTET (János Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sandor Papp, György Éder).
P Budapest 14–17 Feb. 1994, I Nov. 1994, G Oct. 1995.
Sony Classical St Petersburg Classics SK 64584. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET
(Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya Teplyakov, Andrei Dogadin, Leonid Shukayev).
P Apr. 1994.
Teldec 4509-98417-2. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on Melodiya
C10 11757-8). P Berlin May 1995, G Feb. 1997 ~ Ultima 8573 87820-2
(two-disc set). I Apr. 2001, G Aug. 2001.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5157-0265 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). P Utrecht Aug. 1996.

*Germany: Cultura Viva CuVi 233 96-01. RAKHMANINOV QUARTET (Andrei

Andriev, Aleksandr Bondarenko, Sergei Savrov, Vladimir Shochov).
[Tchaikovsky and Schumann.]P Berlin concert 1996.
Japan: EMI Classics TOCE 9496. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 11–14 Mar. 1997.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets,
Volume 1’). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert June–July 1999, G June
**Arion ARN 68534. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette,
Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Collier). P Lyon Nov. 2000,
I and G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as in 1996 above). P Mullem,
Belgium concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003. NB. Each quartet in this
cycle was performed three times from which the best takes were used.
Chandos CHAN 10329 (‘Complete Quartets’, Volume 6).
SORREL QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley,
Helen Thatcher). [Opp. 57 and 133.] P The Maltings, Snape 6–8 May
2003, I Aug. 2005, G Oct. 2005.
Germany: Capriccio: 67 082. PETERSEN QUARTET. (Conrad Muck, Daniel
Bell, Friedemann Weigle, Henry-David Varema). [Opp. 57 and 83.]
P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 20–23 Oct. 2003.
Hyperion CDA 67158. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya,
Ilya Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 57 and 67.]
P St Petersburg Studio Dec. 2003, G Nov. 2004.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 118 and 144.] P Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich 20–23 Dec. 2004,
I 2005.
Germany: Audite AUD 92.526 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 68 and 83.] P ‘in a very small chapel’, Klingenmünster village,
Germany 25 Feb. 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 8212/2 (‘Chamber Symphonies 1–5’, Op.
49a—arr. Barshai. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milan ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Rudolf
BARSHAI. [Opp. 110a and 118a.] P Auditorium di Verdi, Milan concert
between spring and 17 Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on first of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 68 and 73.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.

Harmonia Mundi HM 901865. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr Pavlovsky,

Sergei Bresler, Amichai Grosz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 83 and 117.]
P Teldex Studio, Berlin 15–18 July 2005, I 2005.
Belgium: Talent DOM 292972 (Hybrid SACD). Opus 49a. Rotterdam
Chamber Orchestra, Conrad van ALPHEN. [Opp. 110a and 118a.]
P Muziekcentrum van de Omroep, Hilversum Studio 28 Feb., 1 and 2 Mar.
2007, G Aug. 2008.
Nimbus NI 5827. KOPELMAN QUARTET ( Mikhail Kopelman, Boris
Kuschnir, Igor Suliga, Mikhail Milman). [Op. 110; and Myaskovsky.]
P Wyastone Concert Hall, Monmouth 26–28 July 007, G Nov. 2008.

Sans op. G: Suites for Jazz Orchestra No. 2

Form: Suite of three numbers at first scored as for Jazz Suite No. 1, Sans op. E
then augmented at the request of the conductor Viktor Knusevitsky.
1. Scherzo
2. Lullaby
3. Serenade
The theme of the Scherzo was used five years later in the second move-
ment of Symphony No. 8, Op. 65 from fig. 48. The Lullaby, which was
written last, is from the Choreographic Miniatures Ballet Suite.
Instrumentation: 2 E flat alto, 2 B flat tenor, and baritone saxophones ~
4 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba ~ percussion ~ ‘large group’ of banjos and
guitars, piano ~ 6 violins, 2 basses. NB. The reconstruction percussion
comprises a dance band drum kit, xylophone, 3 banjos and 3 guitars.
Composed: Between late summer and early autumn of 1938, at Leningrad.
Premières: 20 September (Khentova) or 28 November (Slonimsky) 1938,
Moscow Radio; State Jazz Band of the USSR, Viktor Knushevitsky.
UK: 9 September 2000, Royal Albert Hall (Proms Last Night); BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Davis. Simultaneously broadcast, televised,
and recorded on DVD—BBC WM 8001-9. G Awards (Oct). 2001 (also
available on DVD BBC/Opus Arte OA 0850D [‘The Last Night of the
Proms 2000’.]).
Arrangement: Reconstructed and orchestrated from five pages of piano
sketches by Gerard McBurney in 1999–2000.
Music: Piano score found among the composer’s papers in 1990s. Rough
drafts deposited at GTsMMK.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2022, 1973, Events of a Day No. 20—Lullaby for
piano, 31.5cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,

full score in G. McBurney’s reconstruction, 30 cm.
Duration: 6' 05"–6' 58".
Recordings: **CD—France: Mandala MAN 5039/Harmonia Mundi HMCD
78. Suite Nos. 1–3. Republican Guard Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
PONKIN. [Sans op. D(ix); Opp. 4, 56 and 31; Sans op. G(ii).] P Sorbonne
University, Paris concert 16 Jan. 2002, I 2002.
Note: See the article ‘The Lost Jazz Suite No. 2’ by McBurney in DSCH Jour-
nal No. 14. Advertised as the ‘Lost’ Jazz Suite No. 2 in the Boosey & Hawkes
catalogue. Manashir Yakubov in his extensive notes to NCW Volume 32
does not mention a four-movement ‘Original’ Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.
2, including the Lullaby in an altered form, found in 2000 so this report
may be erroneous.


Form: Performed and recorded since 1988 incorrectly titled as Suite for Jazz
Orchestra No. 2. Suite of eight numbers from Shostakovich’s ballet, incidental,
and film music scores adapted by unknown orchestrators for variety stage
orchestra (including 4 saxophones, harp, 2 pianos, guitar, and accordion):
1. March—Giocoso. Alla marcia—Opus 59a No. 2
2. Dance I—Presto—Opus 97a No. 3
3. Dance II—Allegretto scherzando—Opus 39 No. 20—see Notes
4. Little Polka—Allegretto—[Source not determined]
5. Lyric Waltz—Allegretto—Choreographic Miniatures
6. Waltz I—Sostenuto. Tempo di valse—Choregraphic Miniatures
7. Waltz II—Allegretto poco moderato—Opp. 99a No. 8
8. Finale—Allegro moderato—[Source not determined—see Notes]
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute II in No. 6), flute, oboe, 2 B flat clarinets
(= A in No. 2), 2 E flat alto saxophones and 2 B flat tenor saxophones (I = B
flat soprano), bassoon ~ 3 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, tambourine, side drum and Charleston drum kit, cymbals, bass
drum ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone (in No. 6), guitar, accordion,
harp, piano (two or one four hands in Nos. 2 and 5), celesta (in Nos. 3, 6,
and 7) ~ strings.
Première: UK: 1 December 1988, Barbican Hall, London; London Symphony
Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich. (This performance broadcast three days
Arrangements: The Suite arranged for wind band by both Johan de Meij
(Nos. 1–8), Steven Walker (Nos. 1, 2, and 5), and for brass ensemble by
A. Serebrennikov (Nos. 1 and 2) and 12-piece brass ensemble with three

percussionists by Steven Verhaert (Nos. 1, 3, 3, 5, and 7). Waltz II (No. 7)

transcribed for organ by Jean-Paul Imbert; and guitar by Roni Zucker.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph score not discovered.
Russian edition, no number or date [late 1950s], 8 photocopied full
scores and all parts in copyist’s hand, 35.5 cm.
Muzyka, Moscow, 1967, D. Shostakovich, Simple Pieces: Excerpts from
compositions with simplified arrangements for piano, arr. Levon Atovmyan,
ed. A. Rubbakh, No. 5 titled ‘Sentimental Waltz’, 29 cm. NB. In a 1975
edition by Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, it was erroneously stated to be
‘From the Second Ballet Suite’.
Edition Sikorski, Hamburg, No. 2201, 1970, No. 18 in ‘Roundabout of
Dances’, selected and arranged by L. Atovmyan, No. 5 titled ‘Sentimental
Waltz’, 31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, No. 2618, second edition 1973,
D. Shostakovich, Simple Pieces; Excerpts from compositions with simplified
arrangements for piano, arr. L. Atovmyan, ed. A. Rubbakh, No. 6 titled
‘Lyrical Waltz’ (‘Bivouac’), 29 cm. NB. A first edition was published in
Edition Sikorski, Hamburg, No. 2202, 1973, No. 9 in ‘Events of a Day’,
selected and arranged by L. Atovmyan, No. 6 titled ‘The Break for Rest’,
31 cm.
Bronsheim Muziekuitgeverij, Brunssum, Netherlands, no number, 1995,
3 full scores arr. for wind band by Steven Walker, 29.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2001, New Collected Works Volume 33, full
score, 272, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2309, Waltz No. 2 arr. for guitar by R. Zucker,
30 cm.
Duration: 20' 19"–25' 51"; 20 minutes (M. MacDonald).
Recordings: CD—Decca 433 702-2DH. Labelled as ‘Suite for Promenade
Orchestra’, arranged in the order Nos. 1, 5, 2, 6, 4, 7, 3, and 8. Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 26 Apr. 1991,
G Mar. 1993 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon Panorama 469 316-2 (two-disc
set). [Opp. 10, 47, 122, 35, 16, and 97.] I 2001.
*Switzerland: Tonkühn 002. Suite Nos. 1–8. Basel Sinfonietta, Mark
FITZ-GERALD. [Rakhmaninov and Balakirev.] P Stadtcasino, Basel 5 Sept.
Netherlands: Mercury/Phonogram Single 8561262. No. 7 titled ‘The
Second Waltz’. André RIEU Orchestra. I 1994. NB. This ‘straight’ version
reached Position No. 5 in the Dutch Pop-Top 50 chart in December 1994
with gold disc sales of over 50,000.
Netherlands: Philips 314 522 933 (‘From Holland with Love’).
No. 7 titled ‘The Second Waltz’. Johann Strauss Orchestra, André RIEU.

P Hilversum 1994, I 1996. NB. This recording released October 1999 in

the UK following Rieu’s version of ‘The Second Waltz’ being featured in
the film Eyes Wide Shut.
Netherlands: Amstel Classics CD 9501. Suite arr. J. de Meij.
Arnhem Symphonic Winds, Johan de MEIJ. P Hilversum Radio Studio
30 Apr.–2 May 1995, I Aug. 1995.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 6830-2. Suite Nos. 1–8. Frankfurt Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Frankfurt 6–8 Mar. 1995,
G Oct. 1997 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon Eloquence 4767918 (‘The popular
Shostakovich’). Suite Nos. 1–8. [See Samplers.] I Aug. 2005.
EMI Classics CDC5 55601-2. No. 7 only, Philadelphia Orchestra,
Mariss JANSONS. P Collingswood, New Jersey 8, 9, and 11 Mar. 1996, G
Sept. 1997.
Hertfordshire County Music Service Compact Disc (no number).
Nos. 1, 6, 4, 5, and 2. Hertfordshire County Youth Orchestra, Peter
STARK. P The Barbirolli Hall, St Clement Danes School, Chorleywood
Apr. 1997.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 788164. Nos. 2. 4, 5,
7, and 8. Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Arnold KATS. P Novosibirsk
June 1997, G Nov. 1999.
**CD—Germany: Animato ACD 6035. Nos. 2 and 1 arr, Serebrennikov.
UKRAINIAN BRASS (Rosmourat Arnakuliyev and Andriy Ilkiv—trumpets;
AndriyGolovko—trombone; Ivan Yefimov–French horn; Andriy
Demichenko–tuba). [Sans op. E; Khachaturyan, Skorik, Handel et al.]
P Bauer Studio, Ludwigsburg Feb. 1998.
DVD—BBC WNDVD 1-9 (‘The Last Night of the Proms 2000’). Suite
Nos. 1–8. BBC Symphony Orchestra, Andrew DAVIS. P Royal Albert Hall,
London 9 Sept. 2000, G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
CD—Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216 (The Overcoat). Nos. 5, 2,
and 7. CBC Radio Orchestra, Mario BERNARDI. [Sans opp. E and P(i); Opp.
35, 93, and 102.] P Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, BC 20 and 21 June
2001, I Mar. 2002.
CD and DVD—Naxos 8.555949. Suite Nos. 1–8 performed in the order 1,
5, 2, 6, 4, 7, 3, and 8. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri YABLONSKY.
[Opp. 27 and 16; Sans op. E.] P Moscow Oct. 2001, G July 2002. Reissued
on DVD—Naxos DVD Audio 5.110006. [As CD.] I Mar. 2003.
CD—Canada: Atma Classique ALCD2 1029 (‘Harmony in Blue’).
Suite Nos. 1–3, 5, 7, and 8 arr. J. de Meij. Ensemble vent et percussion de
Quebéc, René JOLY. [Gershwin and Jan Van der Roost.] P Quebec City 12,
18, and 19 Jan. 2002.
France: Mandala MAN 5039/Harmonia Mundi HMCD 78. Republican
Guard Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir PONKIN. [Sans opp. G(i) and D(ix);

Opp. 4, 56, and 31.] P Sorbonne University, Paris concert 16 Jan. 2002,
I 2002.
Germany: perc.pro 10022002. Nos. 1, 5, 3, 7, and 2 arr. S. Verhaert.
WORLD BRASS. [Op. 27; and Ellington.] P Sender Freis Berlin Studios
Nov. 2002, I Dec 2002.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film Music’,
on first of three-disc set). Suite Nos. 1–8. National Symphony Orchestra
of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Sans opp. E and U; Opp. 96 and 115.]
P National Radio Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004 ~ Brilliant
Classics 7096 (Hybrid SACD). [Sans opp. E and U; Opp. 96 and 115.]
I 2005.
Germany: Capriccio 71096 (Hybrid SACD). Suite Nos. 1–8. Berlin
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Steven SLOANE. [Opp. 105 and 16; Sans op. E.]
P Jesus-Christus-Kirke, Berlin 28 Sept.–2 Oct. 2004, I 2006.
Netherlands: Festivo 6962.012. No. 7 arr. J-P. Imbert. Jean-Paul IMBERT
(organ). [Cochereau, Franck, Widow et al.] P Basilique Notre-Dame du
Perpetuel Secours, Paris Oct. 2004
Notes: The March (No. 1) appears in a shortened and simplified form, scored
for brass band only, in The Adventures of Korzinka Opus 59a. Dance II (No.
3) is an extended version of ‘Pantomine’ and ‘Dance of the Priest’ from
The Bolt Opus 27 score No. 19 and ‘Invitation to a Rendezvous’ from The
Limpid Stream Opus 39 score No. 20. To round off the Suite, the unnamed
compiler quotes the introductory five bars of the Korzinka March as the
Coda to the Finale (No. 8).
There are recordings, in addition to those listed above, of various numbers
and the complete suite in the transcriptions by Johan de Meij.

Opus 50: The Vyborg Side

Form: Music for the final film in the ‘Maxim Trilogy’, The Vyborg Side (or District),
with screenplay and direction by Grigori Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg for
Lenfilm. The black-and-white film trilogy awarded a Stalin Prize First Class
in 1941. The orchestral parts of a few items, including the Overture, ‘The
Looting of the Wine Cellars’, and Finale, have been located.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
~ 4 horns, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals,
bass drum, gong ~ strings.
Composed: Late 1938, at Leningrad.
Premières: Film: 2 February 1939. Score conducted by Nikolai Rabinovich.
Suite: UK: 13 December 2001, BBC Radio 3, BBC Philharmonic, Vassili

Arrangement: Opus 50a—Suite for full orchestra (with two harps and
optional wind band) and S.A.T.B. chorus, assembled by Levon Atovmyan
from Opp. 45 and 89 in 1961:
1. Prelude—‘Be bold, Friends, we go together’—Moderato—Allegro non
2. Attack sequence—Allegro
3. Death of the old worker—Adagio
4. Waltz—Allegro sostenuto
5. Demonstration— ‘Varshavyanka’—Allegretto
6. Fight at the barricades—Allegro con brio—Presto
7. Funeral March—Tempo de marcia funebre attacca
8. Finale—[no tempo indication]
None of the above numbers relate to Opus 50 though listed as ‘Excerpts
from Music to the Maxim Trilogy’ and numbered Opus 50a in Sadovnikov
1965. Nos. 1 and 5 are taken from The Unforgettable Year 1919,
Opus 89.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 50a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, E flat
clarinet, 3 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone, glockenspiel, 2 harps ~ strings.
Optional band in Nos. 7 and 8 (numbers not specified): cornets, trumpets;
alto, tenor, baritone, and bass saxhorns. Chorus in No. 1 (mostly T.B. but
S.A.T.B. in the last 13 bars).
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph full score is not known; the
autograph vocal score preserved at GTsMMK.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2084, 1951, Opus 50a full score [opus no.
not stated], 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, Overture
in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 127 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 103–111 minutes; 3276 metres,12 reels. Suite: 26' 54"–28'
02"; 20 minutes (Sadovnikov). Overture: 1'51"–1'52".
Recordings: CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 561. Complete Suite Op. 50a and
Overture Op. 50. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Mikhail
YUROVSKY. P 28–29 Apr. 1994, I Oct. 1995, G Jan. 1996. NB. On this CD
the Prologue of the first film of the ‘Maxim Trilogy’ Op. 41 (i) is followed
by the complete Suite Op. 50a (with Nos. 7 and 8 not banded separately)
and the Overture to The Vyborg Side Op. 50.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 018. Overture only. Byelorussian Radio
and TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Nov. 1995

USA: Citadel CTD 88135. Complete Suite Op. 50a. Belarus Radio and
TV Symphony Orchestra and State Chorus, W. MNATSAKANOV. P Moscow
7 Apr. 1997, I 1999.
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10023 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 1’). Complete Suite Op. 50a. Sheffield Philharmonic
Chorus and Darius Battiwalla (chorus-master in No. 1), Peter Dixon (cello
in No. 3), BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 53, 26, and 137.] P
Manchester BBC Studio 16 and 17 May 2002, I Nov. 2002, G Jan. 2003.
Notes: Theodore van Houten provides information on the Trilogy in
his monograph on Leonid Trauberg (1989). As Riley (2004) reports
Shostakovich represents ‘an unsavoury alliance of the bourgeoisie and
anarchists with a shabby brass band rendition of the ‘Cannon Song’ from
Die Dreigroschenoper’ (Kurt Weill’s 1928 adaptation of The Threepenny
The scene in the film showing the baptism of a child had to be cut in the
Netherlands because it was considered blasphemy for a child to be baptised
by a layman.

Opus 51: The Friends

Form: Music for the film The Friends (or ‘The Pals’ in VAAP 1977), based on
the story by author Betal Kalmykov, directed by Leo Arnshtam for Lenfilm.
The score introduces Pierre Degeyter’s Internationale.
Composed: August 1938, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 1 October 1938.
Music: Autograph copy of the film score preserved in the Music Department
of Lenfilm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘Vocalise’
for mixed chorus a cappella reconstructed by Boris Tiles, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, ‘Vocalise’ in Volume 86 and full score in
Volume 129 of New Collected Works.
Recordings: —

Opus 52: The Great Citizen (Series 1)

Form: Music for part one of the black-and-white film The Great Citizen, based
on the story of Sergei Kirov, with script by Mikhail Bleiman and directed
by Fridrikh Ermler for Lenfilm. See Opus 55 for part two.
Composed: 1937, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 13 February 1938.
Music: Autograph copy of the film score preserved in the Music Department
of Lenfilm.

Duration: Film: 111 minutes.

Recordings: —
Note: This two-part film presented the official version of the assassination
of the popular Party leader of Leningrad, Sergei Kirov (given the fictional
name of Pyotr Shakov in this production). Kirov helped to establish Soviet
power in the Caucasus after 1917 and was head of the Communist Party in
Leningrad from 1926. He supported Stalin against his rivals but is thought
to have led the opposition to the leader’s personal rule following the 17th
Party Congress in 1934. On 1 December 1934 a young Party member
named Leonid V. Nikolayev walked into Kirov’s Smolny office and shot
him. This assassination triggered the notorious political trials and reign
of terror of the thirties. Thousands were arrested, shot, or sent to labour
camps and in 1937–38 hundreds of leading Party members in Leningrad
were eliminated. Sergei Kirov lives on in the names of numerous places and
institutions, among them the Kirov Theatre of Opera and Ballet (formerly
the Mariinsky) in Leningrad.

Opus 53: The Man with a Gun

Form: Music for the black-and-white film The Man with a Gun (or November)
based on the first part of the Lenin trilogy by Nikolai Pogodin, directed by
Sergei Yutkevich for Lenfilm. The following items were composed for the
1. Overture—Allegretto
2. The October—Allegro moderato—Meno mosso
3. Smolny—Presto
3a. Smolny—Allegretto
4. Finale—Moderato
No. 1 introduces Pyotr Armand’s song ‘Clouds Hang Heavy o’er the
City’ which is also sung in its original form in the film.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ glockenspiel ~ separate band of 2 cornets,
2 trumpets; 2 E flat alto, 2 B flat tenor, 2 B flat baritone, and 2 bass
saxhorns ~ strings.
Composed: September 1938, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 1 November 1938.
Music: The whereabouts of the film score is not known. Manuscript copies
preserved at the TsGALI(SPb).
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, full score,
30 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 128 of New Collected

Duration: Film: 100 minutes. Suite: 10 '20".
Recording: CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 018. Nos. l–3a and 4;
incorrectly labelled Opus 59. Byelorussian Radio and TV Symphony
Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Nov. 1995.
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10023 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 1’). Nos. 1, 2, 3a, and 4. BBC Philharmonic,
Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 50a, 26, and 137.] P Manchester BBC Studio
16 and 17 May 2002, I Nov. 2002, G Jan. 2003.

Sans op. H: J. Strauss II Transcriptions

Form: New orchestration and edition of the Johann Strauss II/Adolf Müller
operetta of 1899 Wiener Blut, with Russian text by V. Tipot.
Composed: 1938, at Leningrad.
Première: 1941, Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre, produced by Grigori Yaron.
Ran for two performances only.


Form: Reorchestration of the schnell-polka Vergnugungszug (aka Excursion Train
Polka), Opus 281 of Johann Strauss II, composed for a 1864 concert during
Strauss’s series of mid-nineteenth-century visits to St Petersburg. Tempi not
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 A clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 2
trumpets, 3 trombones ~ timpani, triangle/tambourine, xylophone,cymbals/
side drum ~ strings.
Composed: 1940, at Leningrad, as a speciality dance for Galina Isayeva
inserted in a production of Der Zigeunerbaron (‘The Gipsy Baron’).
Premières: 1940, Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre.
UK: 14 August 1981, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; BBC Sym-
phony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky (also broadcast on BBC Radio
3 simultaneously with BBC2 TV). NB. The scheduled British première at a
‘Prom’ on 23 July 1980 was delayed by a musicians’ strike.
Music: USSR, no number or date, mimeographed score inscribed ‘To my
dear Gennadi on your birthday 4 May 1969, Mama’ by Nataliya Pyotrovna
Rozhdestvensky (the composer in no way concerned with this dedication). The
English title of ‘Train of Joy’ in the composer’s hand on the Russian score.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 146 of New Collected

Duration: 1' 45 "–2' 35".

Film: Rostropovich: Return to Russia. The video equivalent of the CD
performance appears on Sony VHS cassette SHV 46387 and LaserDisc
SLV 46387.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of
‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Labelled as ‘The Pleasure Train
Polka’. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P
1980, I 1981b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 1650331. G July 1983. Reissued on
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2 (two-disc set). I and G Mar. 1999.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4242-2. BBC Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 112, 54, and 16.] P Royal Albert Hall, London 14
Aug.1981, I Aug. 2008, G Nov. 2008..
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 21335 006. USSR Ministry of Home Affairs
Army Orchestra, Vladimir TARASOV. I 1985b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 21513 003 (‘Music by the Strauss Family’).
Bolshoi Theatre Brass Band, Vladimir ANDROPOV. I 1985c.
CD—Sony Classical CD 45836 (‘Return to Russia’). National Symphony
Orchestra, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Moscow concert 13–14 Feb. 1991, I
and G Sept. 1991.
**Australia: ABC Classics MSO Live 476 836-4. Melbourne Symphony
Orchestra, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 103 and Sans op. E.] P Hamer Hall,
Melbourne concert Aug. 2005.
Notes: As no full score of the original Strauss composition was available in
Leningrad, Shostakovich was asked to orchestrate the polka from a library
copy of the piano score and, as a consequence, omits the representation of the
guard’s whistle and the tooting of the engine’s old-fashioned steam hooter.
The excursion train of the sub-title ran between Vienna and the
vine-growing village of Grinzing, a few kilometres to the north-west.

Opus 54: Symphony No. 6 in B minor

Form: Symphony for full orchestra (with harp) in three movements:
1. Largo
2. Allegro
3. Presto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat clarinet, (= B flat
clarinet III), 2 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
(= bassoon III) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone,
celesta, harp ~ strings.
Composed: Late January to mid-October 1939. First two movements com-
pleted in Leningrad before 27 August.

Premières: 21 November 1939, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad

Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky. The Finale was encored.
3 December 1939, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR State
Symphony Orchestra, Y. Mravinsky.
USA: 29 November 1940, Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski.
UK: 24 October 1953, Adelphi Theatre, London; London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Anatole Fistoulari.
Arrangements: Reductions for piano four hands by Levon Atovmyan (not
published) and Boris Tishchenko. Largo arranged for piano eight hands by
Pavel Lamm (not published). Reductions for two pianos (Largo only?) and
solo piano by the composer.
On 27 November 2005 in the Colston Hall, Bristol the symphony was
transformed into a real-time electronic piece, using digital technology
software, by the Bristol-based band I Am the Mighty Jungulator. Their
metamorphosis was demonstrated from an array of speakers, accompanied
by screen images of the Iraq war, immediately following a main auditorium
concert performance of the symphony by the Philharmonia Orchestra con-
ducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy.
Music: Published as Opus 53 in some editions. Autograph score retained by
Aleksandr Gauk and subsequently lost. A hand-written copy, with the com-
poser’s annotations, preserved at TsGALI. Autograph of the first movement,
arranged for two pianos by the composer, preserved at GTsMMK.
Muzgiz, 1941, 21 cm.; No. 29838, 1962, 30 cm. and 1968, 21 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1946, 23 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 80 (A.S.M.P. No. 3), 1947,19 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 1807, 1975, reduction for piano four hands by
B. Tishchenko, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9245 (in Volume 3 of Collected Works), 1980, 30cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2228, 1984, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2001, New Collected Works Volume 6, full
score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2004, New Collected Works Volume 21,
composer’s reduction for two pianos four hands, 120, 30 cm.
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in score; 25' 42"–37' 45"; 33 minutes
(Schirmer); 29' 10" (Plaistow).
Ballets: Elegia. Jiří Kylián, Dutch Dance Company, Circustheatre,
Scheveningen (Holland Festival), 15 June 1976; danced by six couples to
the music of the Largo, played by the Dutch Ballet Orchestra conducted by
Jan Stulen.
Solitude. Simon Mottram, Stockholm Opera, 29 January 1982.
Film: Bernstein Conducts Shostakovich. Two concert performances of the Sixth
and Ninth Symphonies, filmed at the Musikverein in 1986 with Leonard

Bernstein conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Introduced by

Humphrey Burton and screened on BBC2 TV on 19 August 1995. See also
Opus 70.
Recordings: 78 rpm and CD—USA: Victor 18391-5 (9 sides, last side
blank). Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P 8 and 28 Dec. 1940.
Reissued on CD—Dell’Arte DA 9023 (mono). I Feb. 1992, G June 1992 ~
Dutton Laboratories CD AX 8017. I May 1996, G Dec. 1996.
LP and CD—Italy: AS 628 (mono). New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Fritz REINER. P Carnegie Hall, New York concert 15 Aug. 1943, I 1990.
Reissued on CD—Italy: Legend LGD 122. I June 1994 ~ *Germany:
Artone 222372 (on fourth of four-disc set). [Hindemith.] I 2005.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—USA: Columbia 12199-203D in Set M 585
(9 sides). Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra, Fritz REINER. P Pittsburg 26
Mar. 1945 ~ Columbia LX 998-1002 (9 sides). G June 1947. Reissued
on LP—USA: Columbia ML 4249 (mono). Reissued on CD—Italy:
Arlecchino LYS 093 (mono). I June 1996 ~ Sony Masterworks Heritage
MHK 62343 (mono). I Nov. 1996.
LP—USSR: MK HD 2488-9 (10" mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad studio 4 Nov. 1946, I 1955 ~
USSR: Melodiya D030615-6 (12" mono). I 1972.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 503 (mono). Sofia State Philharmonic
Orchestra, Dobrin PETKOV. P mid-1950s.
LP and CD—World Record Club SCM 28. London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Sir Adrian BOULT. P Walthamstow Town Hall 20–27 and
29–30 Aug. 1958 (not 1960), G Aug. 1962 ~ USA: Everest SDBR 3007.
G May 1968 ~ USA: Peerless Classics PC 06. [Issued under the pseudonyms
‘New York Concert Orchestra, Robert Hornstein’.] I 1974. Reissued on CD
~ Vanguard Classics (Everest Collection). I Sept. 1994, G Apr. 1995
LP—USSR: MK D4894-5 (10" mono). Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. P 1959 ~ USA: Artia ALP 167 (12" mono).
G Jan. 1961 ~ USSR: MK D 09618-9928 (mono). I 1962.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia MS 7221. New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Leonard BERNSTEIN. P 14 Oct. 1963 ~ CBS SBRG 72730.
G Oct. 1969. Reissued on CD—Sony Royal Edition SMK 47614.
G Nov. 1993 and June 1994.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02657-8. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall concert 21 Feb.
1965, I 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2805. G July 1972. Reissued on
CD—Japan: Icone ICN 9404-2. P incorrectly given as Moscow Radio
Concert Hall 12 Mar. 1983, I Aug. 1994.
USSR: Melodiya C01627-8. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill
KONDRASHIN. P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2447. G Mar. 1969

~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502504 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR:
Melodiya CM 04237-8 (in first box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records).
I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued
on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1003-4 (in Box 2 of five
two-disc sets.] G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19847-2. I
July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
*CD—Japan: Altus ALT 046. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. [Op. 77.] P Tokyo Culture Hall concert 18 Apr. 1967,
I 2002.
LP—Philips Universe 6580 042. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Rolf KLEINERT. P 1967, G Dec. 1971.
LP and CD—Philips 412 073 1PH. Concertgebouw Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. P Amsterdam concert 21 Jan. 1968, G Aug. 1984. Reissued
on CD—Philips Collector Series 438 283-2PM. I July 1993, G Sept.
1993 ~ *RCO Live RCO 05001 (‘Anthology of the Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra: Volume 3, 1960–70’—fourteen-disc set). G Aug. 2005.
USA: RCA LSC 3133. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI.
P 20–22 Feb. 1968 ~ RCA Red Seal SB 6839. G Oct. 1970 ~ RCA Gold
Seal GL 42916. G Oct. 1981. Reissued on CD—RCA Gold Seal 09026
62516-2. I 1997 and July 1998, G Aug. 1998.
CD—USA: Philadelphia Orchestra Association POA 100 (‘Philadelphia
Collection 1917–98’, third in twelve-disc set). Philadelphia Orchestra,
Eugene ORMANDY. P radio broadcast 15 May 1969, G Feb. 2000.
BMG Melodiya 74321 25198 (‘Mravinsky Edition, Volume 9’).
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall concert 27 Jan. 1972, I June 1995 ~ France: Praga PR 254
017-8 (two-disc set, mono). P incorrectly given as Prague concert 21 May
1955, I Apr. 1994, G Aug. 1994 ~ USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 910
(mono). P venue incorrectly given as Leningrad, I 1995 ~ France: Le Chant
du Monde PR 7254 017 (mono). P not Prague 1955, G Feb. 2001.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3029. London Symphony Orchestra, André
PREVIN. P 1 Dec. 1973 and 8 May 1974, G Dec. 1974 ~ HMV Master Series
EG 2908591 (digital). G July 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI Studio CDM7
695642. G Dec. 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 06881-2. Moscow Conservatory Students’
Symphony Orchestra, Leonid NIKOLAYEV. P and I 1976.
USSR: Melodiya C10 09675-6. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P 1977, I 1978c ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3706.
G Sept. 1979.
Sweden: BIS LP 332 D (‘Orchestral Music in the Swedish Radio,
1928–79’). Third movement only. Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. P concert 13 Oct. 1977.

LP and CD—HMV ASD 3772 in Set SLS 5177. Bournemouth

Symphony Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P 5–6 June 1978, G Feb. 1980.
Reissued on CD—EMI CDS7 47790-8. I Nov. 1987, G May 1988.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 10212. Plovdiv State Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dobrin PETKOV. P 1978? Reissued on LP and CD—AVM Classics AVM
1019 and AVMCD 1019. I Dec. 1988 and 1994.
East Germany: Eterna 8 27 437. Berlin City Symphony Orchestra,
Kurt SANDERLING. P 25–27 Apr. 1979. Reissued on CD—Germany: Berlin
Classics 0021812 BC. G Jan. 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 14899-900. Labelled Opus 53. USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P 1980, I 1981c.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4242-2. BBC Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 112, 16, and Sans op. H(ii).] P Royal Albert Hall
concert, London 10 Dec. 1980, I Aug. 2008, G Nov. 2008..
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18047-8. USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Vakhtang ZHORDANIYA. P 1981, I 1983b.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya. A10 00075 003 (digital). USSR Ministry
of Culture Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1983, I 1985a.
Reissued on CD—Japan JVC/Target VDC 1044. G May 1986 ~ Olympia
OCD 111. I June 1987, G May 1989.
Decca 414 125-1DH in Set 411 939-1DH2 (digital). Concertgebouw
Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P 19 Dec. 1983, G June 1985. Reissued on
CD—Decca 411 939-2DH2. G Aug. 1985 ~ Decca Ovation 425 067-2DM.
G Nov. 1993.
USA: Schwann Musica, Mundi VMS 002 106 (DMM). Rundfunk-
Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken, Myung-Whun CHUNG. P June 1985,
G June 1987. Reissued on CD— Koch Schwann 311 202 G1. I Oct. 1991,
G Feb. 1992.
Chandos ARBD 1148 (digital). Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme
JÄRVI. P Glasgow 6 May 1985, G Apr. 1986. Reissued on CD—Chandos
CHAN 8411. G June 1986 and Feb. 1988.
Deutsche Grammophon 419 771-1GH (digital) and released on CD—419
771-2GH. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, L. BERNSTEIN. P Großer Saal,
Musikverein, Vienna concert Oct. 1986, G Nov. 1987 and Mar. 1988 ~
*Deutsche Grammophon 477 5193 GB6 (six-disc set). [Op. 60; and Stravinsky.]
I Oct. 2005, G Feb. 2006 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon/Unitel 073 417-0
(DVD-Video, with introductions by Bernstein). [Op. 70.] I 2006.
CD—Italy: Nuova Era 033 6705. Giovanile Italiana Orchestra, Krzysztof
PENDERECKI. P concert 8 June 1987, I Apr. 1988, G Nov. 1988.
Decca 425 609-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Nov. 1988, I Apr. 1990, G June 1990.

Naxos 8.550626. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav

SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 3–12 Dec. 1988, I May 1993, G Nov. 1993.
Denon CO 78968. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P 22–25
Jan. 1991, G Apr. 1996.
EMI CDC7 54339-2. Oslo Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Oslo 25–30 Jan. 1991, G May 1992.
Austria: Musica Classica 780003-2. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Bratislava Jan. 1992, I Jan. 1996.
Teldec 0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). National
Symphony Orchestra of Washington, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P 4–5 June
1994, G Oct. 1997 ~ Teldec 450995070-2. I Aug. 1999.
*Slovenia: SF 995020. Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Aleksander
RUDIN. [Haydn.] P Cultural and Congress Centre, Gallus Hall, Ljubljana
23 and 24 Mar. 1995.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on third of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Op. 47.] P Cologne 17–20 Oct.
1995, I Dec. 2001 ~ Regis RRC 1075. [Op. 47.] I May 2002.
RCA Red Seal 09026 68844-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P St Petersburg 3–4 Jan. 1996, I July 1999.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00401. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Conservatory 3–5 Apr. 1997.
*Russia: Private Edition P-1985 (two-disc set). Bilkent Academic
Symphony Orchestra, Vitali KATAYEV. [Op. 93; Rakhmaninov and
Tchaikovsky.] P Bilkent Concert Hall Ankara concert 21 Oct. 1997.
*Hallé CD HLL 7506. Hallé Orchestra, Stanislaw SKROWACZESKI.
[Op. 10.] P Bridgewater Hall studio, Manchester 7 Nov. 1997, G Oct.
2004 and Feb. 2005.
Sweden: BIS CD 973-4 (‘Complete Symphonies, Volume 2’, two-disc
set). BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. P Swansea
Nov. 1997, I June 1999, G Aug. 1999.
*USA: Artek AR 0017-2. Seattle Symphony, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Op. 77.]
P Benaroya Hall, Seattle 19 Feb. 1999. NB. The first note of the Allegro
and the first two notes of the Presto are missing.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3415-2. Prague Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 2 Mar. 1999, I and G Awards (Oct.) 1999 ~
*Supraphon 38902 (on sixth of ten-disc set). [Op.141.] G Nov. 2006.
*Chandos CHAN 9813. Russian State Symphony Orchestra,
Valeri POLANSKY. [Op. 119.] P Mosfilm Studio 18 June 1999, I Nov. 2001,
G Mar. 2002.
Delos DE 3283 (two-disc set). Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew
LITTON. P Dallas concert 1–2 December 2000, I Oct. 2001.

Dunelm DRD 0173. London Shostakovich Orchestra, Christopher COX.

P Cyprian’s Church, London concert 19 May 2001.
**CD and DVD—Germany: Arts 47668-2 and DVD 45001-6. Orchestra
Symphonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 47.] P Milan
concert Jan. 2002, G Jan. 2004.
CD—Philips 470 841-2PM5 (‘The War Symphonies’, five-disc set).
Kirov Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV. [Opp. 43, 47, 60, 65, and 70.] P
Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg concert 14–15 May 2002, G Mar. 2006.
Germany: Capriccio 71 033-034 (Hybrid SACD, two-disc set). Gürzenich
Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 60 and 70.] P Cologne
studio 16–18 July 2002, I Aug. 2005.
Netherlands: Pentatone PTC 5186 068 (Hybrid SACD). Russian
National Orchestra, Vladimir JUROWSKYI. [Op. 10.] P DZZ Studio, Moscow
14–15, 19–21, 25, and 27 Oct. 2004, G July 2006 with the Allegro featured
on the Cover Disc.
Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1207-2 and
MDG 937 1207-6 (Hybrid SACD). Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn,
Roman KOFMAN. [Op. 10.] P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
9–10 Nov. 2005, I 2007.
Warner Classics 2564 62354-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. [Op. 47.] P Philharmonic Hall, St Petersburg concert
4 Jan. 2006, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
Note: The composer stated that he wanted to convey a mood of spring, joy,
youth, and lyricism in his Sixth Symphony.

Opus 55: The Great Citizen (Series 2)

Form: Music for part two of the black-and-white film The Great Citizen, based
on the story of Sergei Kirov, with script by Mikhail Bleiman and directed by
Fridrikh Ermler for Lenfilm. See Opus 52 for part one. The two-part film
awarded a Stalin Prize First Class in 1941. The revolutionary anthem ‘You
Fell as Victims’ and the refrain of Degeyter’s Internationale are featured in
the film score, of which three items have been discovered: Overture, Funeral
March (marked ‘Largo’), and Finale.
Instrumentation: of Funeral March—2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum,
cymbals ~ harp ~ strings.
Composed: August 1938–39, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 27 November 1939.
Music: Incomplete orchestral parts of the Overture, Funeral March, and
Finale preserved at TsGALI. Autograph score of the Funeral March pre-
served in the Shostakovich Family Archive.

Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, Funeral

March in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow: full score in Volume 127 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 120 minutes. Funeral March: 6' 50"–8' 32".
Recordings: CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 018. Funeral March.
Byelorussian Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV.
P Minsk Nov. 1995.
Decca 460 792-2DG11 (‘The Film Album’). Funeral March. Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 10–11 Sept.
1998, G Apr. 1999.

Opus 56: The Silly Little Mouse

Form: Music for a cartoon colour film, based on the children’s fairy story in
verse The Tale of the Stupid Mouse by Samuil Marshak, directed by Mikhail
Tsekhanovsky for Lenfilm. This continuously evolving composition is
devoid of separate numbers and could be defined as a children’s opera for
the screen, with solo singers and orchestra.
Instrumentation: 2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes (II = cor anglais), 2 B flat
clarinets (II = bass clarinet), 2 bassoons (II = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns,
2 trumpets, 2 trombones ~ timpani, triangle, wood block, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ glockenspiel, xylophone ~ celesta, harp ~
3 female and 4 male vocal soloists ~ strings (1 desk of each).
Composed: March 1939, at Leningrad.
Premières: Film first shown on 13 September 1940. Restoration of the
concert version first performed in Leningrad, 1979.
UK: 18 January 2006, The Place, Victoria Hall, Bolton; staged concert
performance directed by Caroline Clegg, animal costumes and décor by
Alison Clark; Gerard McBurney (narrator of English text); Hallé Orchestra
conducted by André de Ridder.
Arrangements: English translation of the text by Levon Hakopian and new
text in English doggerel verse by G. McBurney for the Narrator. A purely
instrumental version by Andrew Cornall.
Music: Shostakovich stated in litt. that the film was not completed (momen-
tary confusion with Opus 36?) and he had recycled the music for other com-
positions. The whereabouts of the autograph score is not known. The score
has been reconstructed by Boris Tiles from the orchestral parts preserved at
TsGALI and the vocal score in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, concert
version in full score and, in the supplement, the original vocal score for
comparison, 30 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1995, piano-vocal score, text in
Russian and English, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2005, New Collected Works, in Volume 126,
full score with Op.56, 382, 30 cm.
Duration: 14' 02"–15' 10". Cornall’s arrangement 12' 13".
Recordings: LP—[USSR: Melodiya M52 40441-2 (mono). Marshak’s The
Tale of the Stupid Mouse is read on one side by Z. Bokareva. I 1978c.]
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C52 16411-2. Complete children’s opera.
Principal roles—Nina Glinkina (Mouse), Tatyana Sharova, (Cat), and Boris
Ulitin (Narrator); Leningrad Conservatory Opera Studio Orchestra, Boris
TILES. P 1980,11982b. *Reissued on CD—Russia: Boheme Music CDBMR
012192. [Op. 36.] I UK Mar. 2002.
USA: Citadel CTD 88129. Complete children’s opera. Libretto in translit-
erated Russian and English. Yevgeniya Kazantseva (Mouse), Lesliya Liut (Cat),
Nina Tishina (Duck), Sergei Schapov (Horse), Oleg Gordinets (Pig), Mikhail
Druzhina (Toad and Dog), Yevgeniya Ivanova (Narrator), Belarus RTV
Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOVA. P Minsk Feb. 1997, I 1998.
Decca 460 792-2DH11 (‘The Film Album’). Arr. A. Cornall. Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 10–11 Sept.
1998, G Apr. 1999.
**France: Mandala MAN 5059/Harmonia Mundi HMCD 78. Narration
in transliterated French, sung in Russian. Principal roles—Anne-Catherine
Picca (Mouse), Florence Barraeu (Cat), Tatyana Martynova (Duck),
Patrick Nogues (Horse), Mathieu Bulot (Pig), Yelena Vassilieva (Narrator),
Republican Guard Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir PONKIN. [Sans opp. G(ii)
and D(ix); Opp. 4 and 31; Sans op. G(i). P Sorbonne University, Paris
concert 16 Jan. 2002.
Notes: Samuil Marshak wrote a companion story in verse, The Tale of the
Clever Little Mouse, though this was not filmed.
The lullaby theme is used in the fifth song ‘Kreutzer Sonata’ of Satires,
Opus 109.

Opus 57: Piano Quintet in G minor

Form: Quintet for piano, 2 violins, viola, and cello in five movements:
1. Prelude—Lento—Poco più mosso—Lento attacca
2. Fugue—Adagio
3. Scherzo—Allegretto
4. Intermezzo—Lento attacca
5. Finale—Allegretto

Composed: Summer 1940–14 September 1940, at Moscow. Written at the

request of the Beethoven Quartet as a work to perform with the composer.
Premierès: 23 November 1940, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Dmitri
Shostakovich (piano) and the Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili
Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
15 December 1940, Leningrad Conservatory Malyi Hall; Dmitri
Shostakovich and the Glazunov Quartet (Ilya Lukashevsky, G. Ginzburg,
Aleksandr Ryvkin, and David Mogilevsky).
Music: Given as Opus 58 in early Russian record catalogues. Autograph
score preserved at GTsMMK. The autograph score first page of the Finale,
marked ‘Moderate poco  = 72’, reproduced in Volume 37 of Collected Works.
Awarded a Stalin Prize First Class of 100,000 roubles on 16 March 1941.
Muzgiz (Poligrafkniga), No. C 17Ø 0, 1941, score, 35 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1948, score and parts, 31 cm.
International Music, No. 2063, c.1950, score and parts, 30.5 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 25601, 1962, score and parts, 29 cm.
Am-Rus Music Corporation, New York, no number, 1941, score repro-
duced photographically from the Muzgiz edition in plain red cloth boards
with, slipped into a rear pocket, copyist-prepared string parts. [The words
‘bass ad lib’ on title page cancelled by an over-printed area of black ink.]
Edition Peters, No. 4791 (plate no. 25601), 1964, score and parts, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2275, 1964, score and parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, 1968, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10794 (in Volume 37 of Collected Works), 1983, score and
parts, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 99 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 32 minutes in score; 29 minutes (Sadovnikov); 27'
54"–37' 14"; 31' 30" (Plaistow).
Ballet: Sacred Circles. David Drew, Royal Ballet; Royal Shakespeare Theatre,
Stratford-upon-Avon, 3 March 1973.
Recordings: CD—Czech: Multisonic MU 31 0179-2 (‘Russian Treasure’,
mono). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH and Beethoven Quartet (personnel as at pre-
mière). P Moscow from 01.30 to 07.30 on 10 Dec.1940, I Sept. 1993 ~
*France: Dante LYS 369/370 (two-disc set). [Opp. 67, 40, and 73.] I 1998.
78 rpm—USA: Columbia 71296-9D in Set M 483 (8 sides). Vivian
RIVKIN (piano) and Stuyvesant Quartet.
CD—France: Vogue Archives Soviétiques 651023 (mono).
D. SHOSTAKOVICH and Borodin Quartet (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav
Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P possibly Paris 3 Dec.
1949, I 1991.

LP—Decca LXT 2749 (mono). QUINTETTO CHIGIANO (Sergio Lorenzi—

piano; Riccardo Brengola, Mario Benvenutti, Giovanni Leone, Lino
Filippini). P 24 Oct. 1951, G Dec. 1952 ~ Decca Eclipse ECS 592
(electronic stereo). G May 1971.
*CD—USA: Bridge Records 9175. Artur BALSAM (piano) and Budapest
Quartet (Joseph Roisman, Jac Gorodetsky, Boris Kroyt, Mischa Schneider).
[Hindemith and Brahms.] P Coolidge Auditorium at Library of Congress,
Washington concert 18 Dec. 1951, I 2005.
LP—USA: American Federation of Musicians CB 158 (mono). Eunice
NORTON (piano) and Juilliard Quartet (Robert Mann, Robert Koff, Raphael
Hillyer, Arthur Winograd). P Pittsburgh 1952, I 1954.
LP and CD—USA: Capitol CTL 7024 (mono). Victor ALLER (piano) and
Hollywood Quartet (Felix Slatkin, Paul Shure, Paul Robyn, Eleanor Aller).
P Jan. 1952, G Feb. 1953. Reissued on CD—USA: Testament SBT 1077
(mono). I Jan. 1996, G May 1996.
78 rpm, LP and CD—USSR: 15268 (8 sides). D. SHOSTAKOVICH and
Beethoven Quartet (personnel as at première). P Moscow 29 Mar. 1955
(filmed in performance). NB. This initial release not listed in the 1963
Ministry of Culture Catalogue. Reissued on LP—USSR: MK D2620-1
(10" mono). and I 1955 ~ Parlophone Odeon PMA1040 (mono). G Aug.
1958 ~ HMV Melodiya HLM 7095 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976~
USSR: Melodiya M10 39077-8 (in four-record box set ‘D. Shostakovich—
Pianist’, mono). I 1977. Reissued on CD ~ France: Le Chant du Monde
LDC 278 1000 (mono, double-play). I Sept. 1989 ~ Revelation RV 70005
(mono). (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 4’, mono.) P date given
as 14 July 1950, I Mar. 1998, G Aug. 1998 ~ *Canada: Doremi DHR 7787
(mono) [Opp. 67, 34, 69, and 5.] I Feb. 2000 ~ *USA: Eclectra ECCD
2067 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 2’, mono). [Opp. 34, 79,
and 97.). I Oct. 2004 ~ *Germany: Designo 222521 (on third of four-disc
set). [Op. 67.] P given as 1949, I June 2005.
CD—Japan: Triton MECC 26020 (mono). Lev OBORIN (piano) and
Beethoven Quartet (personnel as at première). P Moscow Conservatory
concert 1960, I 2000.
LP—Czech: Supraphon SUA10188 (mono) and SUA ST 50045. Eva
BERNÁTHOVA (piano) and Janáček Quartet (Jiří Travnicek, Adolf Sykora,
Jiří Kratochv’l, Karel Krafka). P 1960 ~ USA: Artia ALP 188 (mono) and
ALPS 188. G Mar. 1962.
CD—Italy: Nuova Era 2273 (mono). Movements 1, 2, and 5. Glen
GOULD (piano) and Symphonia Quartet. P CBC Television Studios,
Toronto 18–19 Sept. 1961, broadcast 14 Jan. 1962, G Dec. 1989. NB.
This performance available on the seventh mono videocassette Sony SHV
48411 ‘A Russian Interlude’ in The Glenn Gould Collection.

LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OL 267 (mono) and SOL 267. Lamar

CROWSON (piano) and the Melos Ensemble (Emanuel Hurwitz, Ivor
McMahon, Cecil Aronowitz, Terence Weil). P 1964, G June 1964. Reis-
sued on CD—Decca 466 437-2 (third of five-disc set). 1999.
LP—Poland: Muza XL 0270 (mono). WARSAW QUINTET (Bronisław
Gimpel, Tadeusz Wroński, Stefan Kamasa, Aleksander Władysław
Szpilman—piano; Ciechańsk’). I 1965.
USA: Prologue Records DL 15-16. Trilby LUNDBERG (piano), Judith
Aller and Alan Stott (violins), Bernard McWilliams (viola), James B. Kreger
(cello). I 1966.
CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7561. Svyatoslav RICHTER (piano) and
Borodin Quartet (R. Dubinsky, Y. Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin
Berlinsky). P Spoleto Festival concert 17 July 1966, I Aug. 1993.
*LP—East Germany: Eterna 8 26 017. Dieter ZECHLIN (piano) and
Novák Quartet (Antonin Novák, Dušan Pandula, Josef Podjuki, Jaroslav
Chovanec). [Op. 122.) P Lukaskirche, Dresden 4 July 1967 or 3 Apr. 1968,
I 1970.
CD—France: Praga PR 254 042. Miroslav LANGER (piano) and Tálich
Quartet (Petr Messieureur, Jan Kvapil, Jan Tálich, Evžen Rattay). P 1967,
I May 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D 022667-8 (mono) and CM 01833-4. Lyubov
YEDLINA (piano) and Borodin Quartet (R. Dubinsky, Y. Aleksandrov, D.
Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1968, I 1969 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3072. G
May 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C10 09181-2. Nikolai PETROV (piano) and Borodin
Quartet (Mikhail Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky).
[In second box of Part 2 of Collected Works on Records] P 1977, I 1978.
Czech: Supraphon 111 2484. Miroslav LANGER (piano) and Tálich
Quartet (Petr Messieureur, Jan Kvapil, Jan Tálich, Evžen Rattay). P Prague
20 Apr. 1978, G Jan. 1981.
LP and CD—Continental Record Distributors CRD 1051. Clifford
BENSON (piano) and Alberni Quartet (Howard Davis, Peter Pople, Roger
Best, David Smith). P Hampstead 24–27 Oct. 1977, G Nov. 1978.
Reissued on CD—CRD 3351. G Mar. 1989.
LP—RCA Red Seal RL 25224. Roger WOODWARD (piano) and Edinburgh
Quartet (Miles Baster, Peter Markham, Michael Beeston, Christopher
Gough). P Edinburgh 21–22 Sept. 1978, G Jan. 1980.
LP and CD—France: Solstice MN 01. PRO ARTE QUINTET of Monte
Carlo (Fernande Laurent-Biancheri—piano; Jean Claude Abraham, Renée
Charnaix-Anderson, Jean-Pierre Pigerre, Lane Anderson). P Monaco
29 Apr. and 2 May 1979. *Reissued on CD—France: Solstice SOCD 188.
[Borodin and Martinů.] I Nov. 2001.

LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 17213-4. Aleksei NASEDKIN (piano) and

Shostakovich Quartet (Andrei Shishlov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1980, I 1982d.
Czech: Opus 91111273. Marian LAPŠANKSÝ (piano) and Janáćek Quartet
(Bohumil Smejkal, Adolf Sykora, Jiří Kratochvíl, Karel Krafka). P 1982.
Academy Sound and Vision ALH 929. MUSIC GROUP OF LONDON (David
Parkhouse—piano; Hugh Bean, Penny Hart, Christopher Wellington,
Eileen Croxford). I Apr. 1983, G July 1983.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1088 (digital). Borodin Trio (R. Dubinsky,
Yuli Turovsky, Lyubov YEDLINA, with Mimi Zweig (2nd violin) and
Jerry Horner (viola). P London June 1983, G Jan. 1984. Reissued on
CD—Chandos CHAN 8342. I Sept. 1984, G Apr. 1985.
LP—USA: Orfeo SO 99 844F. Scherzo only. Vladimir ASHKENAZY (piano),
Gidon Kremer, Cho-Liang Lin, Kim Kashkashian, and Misha Maisky. P
July 1983, I 1984.
LP and CD—Decca 411 940-1DH (digital) and released on CD—411
940-2DH. Vladimir ASHKENAZY (piano) and Fitzwilliam Quartet (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P London Sept.
1983; G Feb., May, and Oct. 1987 ~ *Decca Double Decca 473 807-2
(two-disc set). [Sans opp. D(i) and (v), Op. 40; Rakhmaninov, Prokofiev et
al.] I May 2003.
HMV Melodiya EL 270338-1 (digital). Svyatoslav RICHTER (piano) and
Borodin Quartet (Mikhail Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, Dmitri Shebalin,
Valentin Berlinsky). P Moscow concert 5–6 Dec. 1983, G Nov. 1985 ~
HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets,
DMM). G Mar. 1986 ~ USSR: Melodiya A10 00109 003 (digital). I 1986a.
Reissued on CD—EMI Melodiya CDC7 47507-2. I Nov. 1986, G Oct.
1987 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet). I
Mar. 1994. NB. These releases are of two different edits of the two concert
CD—Nimbus NI 5156. John BINGHAM (piano) and Medici Quartet
(Paul Robertson, David Matthews, Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Anthony Lewis).
P 6–8 June 1988, I Feb. 1989, G May 1989.
Philips 432 079-2PH. Beau Arts Trio (Isidore Cohen, Peter Wiley,
Menahem PRESSLER) with Eugene Drucker (violin) and Lawrence Dutton
(viola). P New York Sept. 1989, I May 1991, G Aug. 1991.
Finland: Ondine ODE 744-2. KUHMO CHAMBER SOLOISTS (Konstantin
Bogino—piano; Pavel Vernikov, Yoshiko Arai, Vladimir Mendelssohn, and
Anatole Liebermann). P Nov. 1989, I June 1990.
Netherlands: Fidelio 8843. REIZEND MUZIEGEZELSCHAP (Christian Bor,
Paul Rosenthal, Marcus Thompson, Godfried Hoogeveen, Edward Auer).
P Amsterdam 21 Mar. and 7 Aug. 1990.

*Australia: Tall Poppies TP 052. AUSTRALIA ENSEMBLE (David Bollard—

piano; Dene Olding, Dmitry Hall, Irena Morozova, and Julian Smiles).
[Op. 67.] P ABC Studio, Sydney 7–8 Feb. 1992, I 1996.
Virgin Classics VC7 59312-2. NASH ENSEMBLE (Ian Brown—piano; Marcia
Crayford, Elizabeth Layton, Roger Chase, and Christopher van Kampen). P
London Nov. 1990, I Aug. 1993.
Conifer Classics CDCF 194. Kathryn STOTT (piano) and London Musici
Quartet (Lyn Fletcher, Jackie Hartley, Edward Vanderspar, Martin Love-
day). P Bristol 3–4 Dec. 1990, I Jan. 1995.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 031. Constantine ORBELIAN (piano)
and Moscow Quartet (Yevgeniya Alikhanova, Valentina Alykova, Tatyana
Kokhanovskaya, Olga Ogranovich). P Moscow Conservatory May 1991, I
June 1994.
France: Auvidis Valois V 4702. PRO ARTE QUINTET of Monte Carlo
(Fernande Laurent-Biancheri—piano; Bojidar Bratoev, Daniel Lagard,
Jean-Pierre Pigerre, and Shigheki Sakuraba). P June 1993, G Oct. 1994.
USA: Greystone Records GS 521. Robert GURALNIK (piano) and
Leontovych Quartet (Yuri Mazurkevich, Yuri Kharenko, Borys Daviatov,
Volodymyr Pantelev). P Purchase, New York May 1994.
Teldec 4509-98414-2. Elizaveta LEONSKAYA (piano) and Borodin Quartet
(M. Kopelman, A. Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P Berlin Apr.
1995, G Feb. 1997 ~ Ultima 8573 87820-2 (two-disc set). I Apr. 2001, G
Aug. 2001.
Canada: Marquis Classics ERAD 183. Lev NATOCHENNY (piano) and
Penderecki Quartet (Piotr Buczek, Jerzy Kaplanek, Dov Scheindlin, Paul
Pulford). P Humbercrest United Church. Toronto 12–13 Oct. 1995, I
June 1997.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051-0176. TRIO DI TORINO (Sergio Lamberto, Dario
Destefano, Giacomo Fuga) with Marina Bertolo (violin) and Gustavo
Fioravanti (viola). P Wesel, Germany Apr. 1996,1 May 2000.
Germany: Edition Abseits EDA 010-2. PIHTIPUDAS QUINTET (Jaako
Untamala—piano; Götz Bernau, Antti Meurman, Ulla Kekko, and Juhu
Malmivaara). P Kuopio, Finland May 1996.
Kalish—piano; Malcolm Lowe, Marylou Speaker Curchill, Steven Ansell,
Jules Eskin). P Tanglewood ‘Summers of 1996–1997’, I and G Mar. 1999.
Germany: Cybele 350 301. Thomas LEANDER (piano) and Minguet
Quartet (Ulrich Isfort, Annette Reisinger, Irene Schwalb, Matthais Diener).
P Viersen 17–19 Dec. 1997.
Linn CKD 065. lan BROWN (piano) and Schidlof Quartet (Ofer Falk,
Rafael Todes, Graham Oppenheimer, Oleg Kogan). P Horsham 3–5 Oct.
1996, G Oct. 1997.

Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 273. ESBJERG ENSEMBLE (Ulrich Stark—

piano; Sakari Tepponen, Niels Christian Øllgaard, Michel Camille, Alexei
Kalatchev). P Mantziusgården, Denmark 31 Mar.–2 Apr. 1998.
Sony SK 60677. Yefim BRONFMAN (piano) and Juilliard Quartet (Joel
Smirnoff, Ronald Copes, Samuel Rhodes, Joel Krosnick). P Florence Gould
Auditorium of Seiji Ozawa Hall, Tanglewood 28–29 June 1999, I Nov.
1999 ~ *Sony Classical 82876 79018-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 73, 142, and
144.] I Nov. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
**Germany: Cultura Viva kr 10 067/Scala Records SR 10001. Vladimir
KRAINEV (piano) and Rakhmaninov Quartet (Andrei Andriev, Aleksandr
Bondarenko, Anton Yaroshenko, Vladimir Shochov). [Op. 110.] P Berlin
Konzerthaus concert 10 May 2000, I 2001.
Naxos 8.554830, Boris BERMAN (piano) and Vermeer Quartet (Shmuel
Ashkenasi, Mathias Tacke, Richard Young, Marc Johnson). [Schnittke.] P Glen
Gould Studio CBC, Toronto 3–6 Dec. 2000, I Sept. 2002, G Jan. 2003.
Netherlands: Challenge Classics CC 72093. Christian BLACKSHAW (piano)
and Brodsky Quartet (Andrew Haveron, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy,
Jacqueline Thomas). [Op. 11; Sans opp. P(iii) and D(i).] P Snape,
Alderburgh 5–7 Mar. 2001, G May 2002.
Calliope CAL 9320. Yakov KASMAN (piano) and Tálich Quartet (Jan
Tálich junior, Petr Maceček, Vladimir Bukač, Petr Prause). [Op. 110.]
P Arco Diva Domovina Studio, Prague Nov. 2001, I June 2002.
(Igor Uryash—piano; Ilya Ioff, Lidiya Kovalenko, Aleksei Lyudevig, Aleksei
Massarsky). [Brahms.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg
12–14 Nov. 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 67 082. Ewa KUPIER (piano) and Petersen Quartet
(Conrad Muck, Daniel Bell, Friedemann Weigle, Henry-David Varema).
[Opp. 49 and 83.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 20–23 Oct. 2003.
Hyperion CDA 67158. Igor URYASH (piano) and St Petersburg Quartet
(Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev).
[Opp. 49 and 67.] P St Petersburg Studio Dec. 2003, G Nov. 2004.
France: Arion ARN 68675. Claire-Marie LEGAY (piano) and Debussy
Quartet (Christophe Collette, Anne Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick
Callier). [Op. 144.] P Cité des arts, Chambéry, France 30 Oct.–2 Nov.
2004, I 2005.
Chandos CHAN 10329 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). Martin
ROSCOE (piano) and Sorrel Quartet (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates,
Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher).[Opp. 49 and 133.] P The Maltings,
Snape 10–12 Jan. 2005, I Aug. 2005, G Oct. 2005.
USA: Foghorn Classics ASQ-1988 (in three disc set). Roger WOODWARD
(piano) and Alexander String Quartet (Zakarias Grafilo, Frederick Lifsitz,

Paul Yarbrough, Sandy Wilson). [Quartets Nos. 1–7 and Op. 87 Nos. 15
and 20.] P American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York City between
25 Sept. and 13 Nov. 2005.
EMI Classics 504504-2. Martha ARGERICH (piano), Renaud Capuçon,
Alissa Margulis, Lyda Chen, and Mischa Maisky. [Opp. 35 and 94.]
P Auditorio Stelio Molo, Lugano, Swizerland 21 June 2006, G Nov.
Sweden: Intim Musik IMCD 103. Francisca SKOOGH {pianist)and Z
Quartet (Mats Zetterqvist, Ulrika Jansson, Pascal Siffert, Daniel Blendulf).
[Op. 40.] P Swedish Radio studio, Stockholm 30 June 2006, I 2007.
Onyx ONYX 4026. Itamar GOLAN (piano), Julian Rachlin, Janine
Jansens, Yuri Bashmet, and Mischa Maisky. [Op. 8 and Sans op. P(iii).] P
Musikverein, Vienna 11 Dec. 2006, I Nov. 2007, G Jan. 2008.

Opus 58: Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky)

Form: Reorchestration of Modest Mussorgsky’s opera Boris Godunov of 1868–72
for stage performance. Opera in four acts with Prologue and ten scenes.
Libretto by Mussorgsky, based on Aleksandr Pushkin’s drama Boris Godunov
and Nikolai Karamazin’s History of the Russian Empire.
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais (= oboe
III), E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon (= bassoon III) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
separate on-stage band of 2–4 B flat cornets, 4 trumpets, 3–6 French horns,
2–4 B flat baritone saxhorns, and 2–4 bass saxhorns ~ timpani, triangle, side
drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, orchestral bells, xylophone,
celesta, 2–4 harps, piano ~ strings. Optional balaikas and domras.
Composed: Edited and orchestrated from 24 November 1939 (negotiations
with the Kirov Theatre, Leningrad) to 10 May 1940. Acts 1, 2, and 3 com-
pleted on 21 January, 4 March, and 1 April respectively, at Leningrad. Act
4 completed at Gaspra, Crimea.
Première: 4 November 1959, Kirov Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Leningrad;
designs by G. Moseyev, directed by I. Shlepyanov and conducted by Sergei
Yeltsin. Title role sung by Boris Shtokolov. [The 1943 première, with
designs by Pavel Williams, was delayed owing to the replacement of Samuil
Samosud as principal conductor of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow.]
Arrangement: German translation of the libretto by Herkunft.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2738, 1963, two volumes, full score, 30 cm.
Duration: 3 hrs 22 mins.
Recordings: LP and CD—USA: Unique Opera UORC 337 (mono).
Excerpts: Monologue, Clock Scene, and Farewell. Aleksander KIPNIS (bass),

New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Fritz Reiner. P radio première 23 July

1944. Reissued on CD—Italy: AS 628. I 1990 ~ USA: Music & Arts
Compact Disc 867 (mono). [Boris Godunov highlights in Rimsky-Korsakov
version.] I 1995 ~ Italy: Arlecchino ARL 121-3 (three-disc set, mono).
Three excerpts on third disc. [Rimsky-Korsakov/Ippolitov-Ivanov version
recorded in Moscow, Mar. 1948.] I 1996.
LP—USSR: MK D9605-6 (10" mono) and C281-2 (10"). Scenes in the
Tsar’s chamber from Act 2. Boris Shtokolov (Boris), Konkordiya Slovtsova
(Kseniya), Taisiya Kuznetsova (Fyodor), Vladimir Ulyanov (Shuisky);
Soloists and Orchestra of the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theatre of Leningrad,
Sergei YELTSIN. P 1959, I 1962.
CD—Italy: Arkadia MP 492-3 (three-disc set with comparative examples
from the original version by Mussorgsky, revision by Rimsky-Korsakov,
and the Kipnis/Reiner recording in Shostakovich’s orchestration). Miroslav
Čangalović (Boris), Olga Djokić (Kseniya), Milivoj Petrović (Fyodor),
Franjo Paulik (Shuisky), Dušan Popović (Pimen); Orchestra, Soloists, and
Chorus of the Belgrade National Opera Theatre, Dragomir Radivojević
(chorus-master), Dušan MILADINOVIČ. P Venice concert 3 Jan. 1967, I May
LP and CD—Germany: Telefunken SAT 22526. Arias and Scenes
from Scenes 2, 5, and 7–9, sung in German. Theo Adam (Boris),
Roswitha Trexier (Fyodor), Karl Friedrich Hölzke (Shuisky), Siegfried
Vogel (Pimen), Martin Ritzmann (False Dmitri), Hanne-Lore Kuhse
(Marina), Wifred Schaal (Rangoni), Peter Schreier (Yurodivy); Dresden
Philharmonic Children’s Choir—Wolfgang Berger (chorus-master), Leipzig
Radio Choir—Horst Neumann (chorus-master), Dresden Staatskapelle,
Herbert KEGEL. P Dresden studio Mar. 1970, G June 1973. Reissued on
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0120 032.
CD—Philips 442 775-2PH (‘Russian Spectacular’). Coronation
Scene—’I am sick at heart’. Kirov Theatre Chorus and Orchestra, Valery
GERGIEV. P Haarlem Apr. 1993, I Feb 1995, G July 1995.
Note: See the essay ‘Mussorgsky and Shostakovich’ by Laurel E. Fay in M. H.
Brown 1982.

Op. 58a: King Lear

Form: Incidental music to Grigori Kozintsev’s stage production of William
Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear, in the Russian translation of Mikhail
Kuzmin and A. Radlova:
1. Introduction and Ballad of Cordelia—’Beyond a dark sea on a cliff
stands a high house’—Moderato (authorship of text not established).
OP. 58A: KIN G L EAR 223

2. Return from the Hunt—Allegretto

3–12. The Fool’s Songs—ten brief songs (text by Shakespeare, translated by
Samuil Marshak) the first to the tune ‘Jingle Bells’:
He who decides to give away his country—Allegro
Fools had ne’er less grace in a year—Allegretto
He that keeps nor crust nor crumb—Allegro
The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long—Moderato
Fathers that wear rags—Allegretto-Allegro
When priests are more in word than matter—Presto
A fox when one has caught her—Moderato
The cod-piece that will house—Moderato
He that has and a little tiny wit—Allegro
That sir which serves and seeks for gain—Allegro
13. Finale of Act One—Andante
14. Approach of the Storm (At Regan’s castle)—Andante
15. Scene on the Steppe [from Act Three] (At the Hut)—Moderato
16. The Blinding of Gloucester [‘Earl of Gloster’ in
17. The Military Camp—Andante
18. March—Allegretto poco moderato
19–23. Fanfares—five flourishes—Allegro
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet (A/B flat), 2 bassoons ~
2 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone, tuba ~ timpani, triangle*, wood block*,
tambourine, side drum*, cymbals, bass drum*, gong* ~ piano* ~ strings.
Instruments marked by an asterisk not used in the two pieces for Hamlet
Composed: Late 1940, at Leningrad.
Premières: 24 March 1941, Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theatre, Leningrad;
designs by Natan Altman and directed by Grigori Kozintsev.
The Fool’s Songs. USA: 10 October 1995, The Sylvia and Danny Kaye
Playhouse, New York; Robert Osborne (bass-baritone) and Norman Krieger
(piano). Osborne’s edition of the ten songs using the original Shakespearean
Arrangements: Three orchestral pieces in the composer’s piano reduction:
2. Return from the Hunt—Allegretto
15. A Scene from Act Three (At the Hut)—Moderato
18. March—Allegretto poco moderato
Material from Shostakovich’s manuscript score restored and arranged for
voice and piano by Lev Solin.
3–12. The Fool’s Songs
1. Ballad of Cordelia—Moderato

English translation of Nos. 1 and 3–12 by Joan Pemberton Smith and

Edition of Nos. 3–12 using the original Shakespearean texts by Robert
Hamlet: Music for stage production of William Shakespeare’s tragedy
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, produced by Grigori Kozintsev in April 1994
at the Leningrad Pushkin Theatre. A large part of Shostakovich’s score to
King Lear, Opus 58a, was utilized with two additional numbers composed
in 1954:
The ‘Jig’ arranged for cello and piano by Yuozas Chelkauskas.
Music: Autograph piano and full scores of King Lear preserved in the
Shostakovich Family Archive and manuscript full score only of the two
items composed for Hamlet (1954) preserved in the Leningrad Pushkin
Theatre’s Music Department.
Published in the journal Muzykalnaya zhizn (‘Musical Life’), 1976,
No. 17; The Fool’s Songs’ Nos. 1, 5, 6, and 10 and ‘Ballad of Cordelia’ for
voice and piano.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to Plays),
1977, three pieces in the composer’s piano reduction and ‘Jig’ for Hamlet
(1954) arr. for piano by L. Solin, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4235 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Songs from
Plays), 1977, The Fool’s Songs’ and ‘Ballad of Cordelia’ for voice and piano,
29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, vocal and
piano scores of 23 pieces and the two pieces from Hamlet (1954), 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
the Hamlet ‘Jig’ arr. Yu. Chelkauskas, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, Hamlet full score in Volume 117 and piano
score in Volume 120; King Lear full score in Volume 118 and piano score
in Volume 121 of New Collected Works.
Duration: No. 1: 2' 24"–3' 57" and Nos. 3–12: 8' 42"–9' 40". Complete
score: 24' 58"–25' 43". Hamlet ‘Jig’: 1' 37" and Finale: 1' 29".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09225-6 (in third box of
Part 3 of Collected Works on Records). Nos. 3–12 and 1 (without the ‘Intro-
duction’). Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass) and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano).
P Jan. 1976, I 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3700. G Sept. 1979. Reissued
on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich
Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00107 009 (Album 3 of ‘From Manuscripts
of Different Years’, digital). Nos. 1 and 3–12. Nataliya BURNASHEVA
OP. 58A: KIN G L EAR 225

(mezzo-soprano) in No. 1; Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass) in Nos. 3–12; USSR

Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
P1984, I 1985d. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 53457-2. I May
USSR: Melodiya C10 22365 004 (‘Music for Theatre’). Nos. 2, 15, 14,
17–23, and 1. Nina Romanova (mezzo-soprano) in No. 1; Leningrad Chamber
Orchestra, Eduard SEROV. P 1984, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia
OCD 182. I Sept. 1988, G Dec. 1988 ~ Russia: Manchester Compact Disc
CDMAN 129. (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Cinema Music’). I 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28379 002. ‘Scene on the Steppe’ only.
Vladimir VIARDO (piano). P 1986, I 1990a.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 397. Nos. 19, 1, 20, 2, 21, 3–12, 22,
13–17, 23, and 18. Elena Zaremba (mezzo-soprano) in No. 1; Stanislav
Suleimanov (bass) in Nos 3–12; Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Berlin 10–13 December 1990, G Sept. 1992. NB.
No. 13 should read ‘Finale 1st Act’.
Koch International Classics 37274-2. Nos. 19, 1, 20, 2, 3–12, 21, 13,
22, 14, 23, and 15–18. KBS Symphony Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA.
P Seoul, Korea Feb. 1994, I Sept. 1994, G Dec. 1994. NB. The ‘Jester’s
Songs’ Nos. 3–12 ‘sung’ by a bassoon.
United 88050-2. Hamlet ‘Jig’ and Finale and King Lear Nos. 1–17, 19–23,
and 18. Louise Winter (mezzo-soprano), David Wilson-Johnson (baritone),
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mark ELDER. P Birmingham
Town Hall 13–15 June 1994, I Nov. 1994 ~ Cala CACD 1021. I Aug.
1995, G Jan. 1996 ~ *Signum SIGCD 052. [Op. 32.] I Nov. 2004.
Japan: Triton 17 008. Nos. 1 and 3–12. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass),
Moscow Chamber Music Theatre Orchestra, Anatoli Levin. P Mosfilm.
Studio Nov. 1995, I Nov. 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). Hamlet ‘Jig’ and King Lear
No. 17 arr. composer. Rustem HAYKOUDINOFF (piano). P Potton Hall,
Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I Apr. 2001.
**Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9912 (‘Unknown Vocal Cycles’).
Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). Nos. 3–12. [Op. 46;
Sans op. R; Opp. 100, 80, 33; Sans op. X.] P St Catherine Lutheran
Church, St Petersburg 25 Jan. 2002, I 2003 ~ USA: Delos DE 3309
(‘Complete Songs, Volume Three’). Nos. 1 and 3–12. Lyudmila SHKIRTIL
(mezzo-soprano) in No. 1 only. [Opp. 4, 21, 46, 32, and 62.] P St Petersburg
25 Jan. 2002, I 2003.
Notes: In Shakespeare’s play the texts of the Fool’s Songs, as arranged in
Shostakovich’s score, appear in the order 1–4, 7, 5, 10, 8, 9, and 6. The
first of The Fool’s Songs is a free translation of the lines ‘That lord that
counsell’d thee to give away thy land’.

Collected Works Volume 28 incorrectly states that the Scene from Act
Three piece in Music to Plays Sovetskii kompozitor No. 4028 is ‘The
Military Camp’.

Opus 59: The Adventures of Korzinkina

Form: Music for the black-and-white film The Adventures of Korzinkina, also
known as Ein Billet V Zone (‘A Ticket to the Fifth Zone’), which was
the first of a projected series of comedies, directed by Klementi Mints for
Lenfilm. The score said to be saturated with humorous music, including
a march, lullaby, and galop; the number ‘On the Boulevard’; fragments
from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet; Mephistopheles aria from Charles
Gounod’s Faust, and the orchestration of Mussorgsky’s Song of the Flea
for bass and symphony orchestra. For the ‘Song of Korzinkina’ Shostak-
ovich used a melody that the clown Musin played on the concertina in the
Leningrad circus. The March is extended for full orchestra in the Suite for
Variety Stage Orchestra, Sans op. G(ii) from the shortened brass band version
of the second number of the Suite Opus 59a .
Composed: Autumn 1940, at Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 11 November 1940.
Arrangement: Opus 59a—Suite of six items assembled by Gennadi
1. Overture—Allegretto
2. March—Allegretto
3. The Chase (for piano four hands)—Presto
4. Music in the Restaurant—Moderato non troppo
5. Intermezzo
6. Finale—Andantino
Instrumentation: Suite—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 B flat
clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ xylophone, harp,
piano (2 players) ~ S.A.T.B. chorus—strings.
Music: Film score lost during the Leningrad Blockade. Song of the Flea
orchestration, along with drafts in piano score, preserved at TsGALI. Ten
numbers preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works). Suite Nos. 1–4
and 6, 30cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 130 and full score of
Song of the Flea in Volume 146 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 38 minutes. Suite: 9' 10" (Nos. l–6)–10' 03" (Nos. 1–4 and 6).
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.

Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 23081 001 (Album 5 of

‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Suite Nos. 1–6. Nataliya Koridalina
and Mikhail Muntyan (piano), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra and Chamber Choir, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1984, I 1986c.
Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 194. I Feb. 1988, G June 1988 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 59058-2 (two-disc set). I and G. Mar 1999.
CD—USA: Citadel CTD 88129. Suite Nos. 1–4 and 6. Irina Kolesnikova
and Nina Kavetskaya (piano), Belarus State Chorus, Belarus RTV Symphony
Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Feb. 1997, I 1998.
**Chandos CHAN 10378. Suite Nos. 1–4 and 6. Tatyana Polyanskaya
and Elena Adamovich (piano), Russian State Symphonic Capella and
Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. [Opp. 35, 70, and 124.] P Moscow
Conservatory June 2003, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.

Sans op. I: Three Pieces for Solo Violin

Form: Music for unaccompanied violin: Prelude, Gavotte, and Waltz.
Composed: 1940, at Leningrad.
Music: Given as Opus 59 by Boelza (1942), Martynov (1947), Slonimsky
(1964) et al.
Recordings: —

Sans op. J: Wartime Concert Party Pieces

Form: A part song for bass soloist, five-part choir, and piano with text by Vis-
sarion Sayanov.
Composed: 12–14 July 1941, at Leningrad.
Arrangements: A second version, ‘The Great Day Has Come’, with new words
also by V. Sayanov. Adaptations for two voices by Levon Atovmyan and for
male voice, entitled ‘The Song of Liberation’ with lyrics by Paula Stone, by
D. J. Grunes. Choral arrangement (T.T.B.B.) of the latter by Hugh Ross.
Music: Manuscript lost. Autograph of the second version preserved in the
Shostakovich Family Archive. The original song, along with war songs by
seven other Leningrad composers won a prize in August 1941. Published
in a collection ‘Songs of the Baltic Red Banner’, Leningrad on 1 September
1941 and by Muzgiz, 1942. The first 24 bars quoted in Khentova (1979b),
Russian-American Music, New York, 1944, adaptation ‘The Song of
Liberation’ for voice and piano, 31 cm. Text translated into 15 languages,
43 x 56 cm. Also choral arrangement with piano by H. Ross.

Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, ‘The

Great Day Has Come’ arrangement for two voices by L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘The Great
Day Has Come’ for bass soloist, S.A.T.B. chorus, and piano), 30 cm.
Recording: 78 rpm—USA: Eterna 30-28 (78 rpm). ‘Oath to Stalin’.
NB. No further details in WERM 3rd Supplement. The title ‘Oath to
Stalin’ heavily scored out by the composer on his reply to the compiler’s
March 1974 query sheet!


Form: Arrangements for performance by vocalist(s), violin, and cello on the
back of a lorry at Leningrad frontline concerts:
1. Ludwig van Beethoven ‘Come fill, fill, my good fellow’ (Trinklied)
from 25 Schottische Lieder, Opus 108 (Russian text by A. Globa).
2. Georges Bizet—‘Habanera’ from Act 1 of Carmen.
3. Zhan Vekerlen—‘Pastorale’.
4. Ruggiero Leoncavallo—‘Harlequin’s Serenade’ from Act 2 of Pagliacci.
5. Gioacchino Rossini—‘Alpine shepherds’ Song’ from Guillaume Tell.
6. Aleksei Vertovsky—‘Gypsy Song’.
7. Semyon Gulak-Artemovsky—duet of Odarka and Karas, ‘From where
did you appear?’, from Act 1 of the first Ukrainian opera (1862) The
Zaporozhian Cossack beyond the Danube.
8. Aleksandr Gurilyov—‘Really, I will tell mama’ (words by N. Berg).
9. Aleksandr Gurilyov—‘The Little Sarafan’ (words by A. Polezhayev).
10. Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky—‘What it is like in our street’ (words by
the composer).
11. Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky—comedy song ‘The Worm’ (words by
Vasili Kurochkin after verses by Pierre Jean de Béranger).
12. Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky—Bolero, ‘The Sierra-Nevada [Granada] is
shrouded in mist’ (words by V. Shirkov).
13. Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky—‘Feverishness’ (words traditional).
14. Modest Mussorgsky—‘Hopak’ (words from ‘Haydamaki’—a Ukrainian
poem by Taras Shevchenko, in a Russian translation of Lev Mey).
15. Modest Mussorgsky—‘Parasya’s Dumka’ from Act 3 of Sorochintsy Fair.
16. Modest Mussorgsky—‘Khivrya’s Aria’ from Sorochintsy Fair.
17. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov—‘Song of the Varangian (Viking)
Merchant’ from Scene 4 of Sadko.
18. Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov—‘I am sitting on a little rock’.
19. Matvei Blanter—‘Song about Shchors’ (words by Mikhail Golodny).
20. Isaak Dunayevsky—‘Song of the Sea’.

21. Isaak Dunayevsky—‘Anyuta’s Song’, from the film The Merry Lads.
22. Isaak Dunayevsky—‘Sing to us, wind’ (words by Vasili Lebedev-Kumach).
23. Isaak Dunayevsky—‘Oh, good’.
24. Georgi Milyutin—‘Do not touch us’.
25. Dmitri and Daniil Pokrass—‘Those are not storm clouds’ (words by
Aleksei Surkov).
26. Daniil Pokrass—‘Farewell—He was given an Order to go to the
West’ (words by Mikhail Isakovsky).
27. David Pritsker—‘Song of the Young Girl’.
Composed: 12, 13, and 14 July 1941, at Leningrad.
Première: France: 2 June 2004, Association International D. Chostakovitch
concert, Paris; Nos. 3, 6, 15, 9, and 21; Natalya Bobrova (soprano),
Aleksandra Belyakova (violin), and Sergei Antonov (cello).
UK: 24 September 2006, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; Nos. 9, 13, 12,
6, 18, 21, and 27 sung in Russian; Marina Poplavskaya (soprano), Dmitri
Sitkovetsky (violin), and Aleksandr Ivashkin (cello and artistic director of
the ‘Shostakovich 100’ two-day event).
Music: Autograph score of 111 pages preserved in the archives of Leningrad
Conservatory. The first ten bars of No. 23 are illustrated on page 21 of
Khentova (1979b). Shostakovich’s autograph of ‘Oh, good’ shows accom-
paniment for violin with bass clef chords. The original Dunayevsky song is
included in Songs from Soviet Cinema (see Opus 80).


Form: Marching song for bass soloists and S.A.T.B. chorus, with lyric by sports
journalist L. Rakhmilevich and simple accompaniment for bayan or piano,
marked ‘Allegro commodo’.
Composed: 15 July 1941, for the music ensemble of the People’s Volunteer
Corps Theatre, Leningrad.
Music: Manuscript lost. The title changed to ‘The Fearless Guards Regiments
are Marching On’ when the units distinguished themselves in battle on the
Leningrad Front and later to ‘Song of a Guards Division’.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3567 (in album ‘It is impossible for us to forget all
about this journey ...’), compiled by Aleksandr Tishchenko, 1975, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.


Form: A transcription of a piece by Mili Balakirev for two harps, marked
‘Allegretto-Scherzando’. May also be played by a large ensemble of harps.
Composed: Late 1941 in Kuibyshev, at the request of harpist Vera Dulova.

Music: Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4893 (in Album of pieces for harp, Volume
1), 1979, 28.5cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 114 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 2' 43".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From Manu-
scripts of Different Years’). Svetlana PARAMONOVA and Irina PASHINSKAYA
(harps). P 1983–86, I 1988d.

Opus 60: Symphony No. 7 in C major

Form: Symphony, universally known as ‘The Leningrad Symphony’, for large
orchestra (with additional brass, 2 harps, and a piano) in four movements—
here given the initial descriptive titles later dropped by the composer:
1. Allegretto—‘War’
2. Moderato (poco allegretto)—‘Memories’
3. Adagio—‘Native Expanses’ or ‘My Native Fields’ attacca
4. Allegro non troppo—‘Victory’
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes (II = alto flute), 2 oboes, cor
anglais, E flat clarinet (= clarinet III B flat and A), 2 clarinets (B flat and A),
bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 8 horns, 6 trumpets, 6 trombones,
tuba ~ timpani (5 drums), triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass
drum, gong ~ xylophone, 2 harps, piano ~ 1st violins (16–20), 2nd violins
(16–18), violas (12–16), cellos (10–14), double-basses (8–12). It is desirable
to have 2 side drums from fig. 39 and, if possible, 3 side drums from fig.
45 to 11th bar after fig. 51 in the first movement. The additional group of
brass (3 trumpets, 4 horns, and 3 trombones) is required in first, third, and
fourth movements; harps in second and third; piano in first, second, and
fourth movements.
Composed: 19 July–27 December 1941. The first three movements com-
posed in besieged Leningrad; first finished on 3 September, second written
in 14 days, and third completed in 12 days on 29 September; fourth move-
ment completed at Kuibyshev (reverted to its pre-revolutionary name of
Samara in autumn 1991).
Dedication: ‘To my native city, Leningrad’.
Premières: 5 March 1942, Kuibyshev Palace of Culture; Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra, Samuil Samosud. Introductory talk by the composer.
29 March 1942, The House of the Soviets Hall of Columns, Moscow;
combined Bolshoi Theatre and All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestras,
Samuil Samosud.
UK broadcast: 22 June 1942, Maida Vale Studio, London; London
Symphony Orchestra, Sir Henry Wood.
OP U S 60: SYM P HONY N O. 7 IN C MAJ OR 231

UK concert: 29 June 1942, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; London

Symphony Orchestra, Sir Henry Wood. Substituted for the announced
Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony.
USA broadcast: 19 July 1942, New York; NBC Symphony Orchestra,
Arturo Toscanini.
[See Christopher H. Gibbs in Fay 2004 for a table of selected American
9 August 1942, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad Radio
Orchestra, Karl Eliasberg.
Germany: 21 December 1946, Berlin; Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Sergiu Celibidache. The concert was filmed for a German cinema
Dedication: ‘To the City of Leningrad’ (on the autograph score).
Arrangements: Reductions for piano by the composer and Levon Atovmyan;
piano four hands by L. Atovmyan, and two pianos four hands by Pavel
Lamm (not published). First movement in piano reduction by Anatoli
Music: Given as Opus 59 in Slonimsky’s list of 1942. Autograph score pre-
served at GTsMMK. The opening bars of the autograph score reproduced
in Volume 4 of Collected Works. Awarded a Stalin Prize First Class on 11
April 1942.
Muzgiz, No. 17606, 1942, foreword by Lev Danilevich, 30 cm. Reprinted
in 1944, 1954, 1958 (23 cm.), 1962, and 1969.
Leeds Music, no number, c.1945, 21.5 cm.
Belwin Mills, Kalmus, New York, No. 1390, no date, miniature score.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1968, reduction for piano four hands by
L. Atovmyan, 30 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5727 (plate no. 12626), 1971,19 cm.
Muzyka, No. 7133 (with compositions by Prokofiev, Khachaturyan, and
Kabalevsky), 1975, first movement (with three cuts) in piano reduction by
A. Samonov, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9375 (in Volume 4 of Collected Works), 1981, 30cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2229, 1982, 21 cm.
Zen-On, Tokyo, 1992, facsimile edition of ‘autograph of the fair copy of
the full score’ with preface in Russian by Manashir Yakubov and translations
in English (by Laurel E. Fay), German, and Japanese, 159, 37 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 7 and piano score in
Volume 22 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 80 minutes in score; 68–86 minutes; 72 minutes (Schirmer);
[Aronowsky’s average time of 33' 30" is incorrect.]; shortest noted by Gerald
Bishop 67' 52" (Toscanini in 1942) and longest 84' 48" (Bernstein broad-
cast in 1988); a 2003 recording by Dmitriev timed at 66' 06".

Ballets: Leningrad Symphony. Léonide Massine, Ballet Russe Highlights com-

pany, New York; 15 February 1945.
Leningrad Symphony (first movement). Igor Belsky, Academic Theatre of
Opera and Ballet (Kirov Theatre), Leningrad; designs by Mikhail Gordon,
conducted by Yevgeni Dubovsky, 14 April 1961. This ballet performed the
following year by Lyubosh Ogoun, Brno, Czechoslovakia and at Novosibirsk
under the title Leningrad Poem.
UK première: Leningrad Symphony (first movement). With Igor Belsky’s
choreography at the Coliseum Theatre, London; Mariinsky Ballet and
Orchestra under conductor Valery Gergiev; late July 2006.
Films: Leningrad. Scenes of the composer at work on his symphony in this
film directed by Roman Carmen.
Leningrad Symphony. A fictional account of the symphony’s première
directed by Zakhar Agranenko used fragments from Opus 60, played by
the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra under Mravinsky, and a soundtrack
scored by Veniamin Basner. Strangely, the composer was not featured in the
film that was first screened on 26 September 1957.
A Matter of Survival. Mark Wigglesworth travelled to a snowy St Petersburg
for the BBC2 TV series ‘Everything to Play for’ to research a thirty-minute
programme screened on 26 December 1997. Historic film clips of the city of
Leningrad and the composer during the Siege; interviews with 80-year-old
oboist Ksenya Matus (who paid for the repair to her instrument for the
9 Aug. 1942 concert with a ‘pussy cat’—then preferable to chicken as food),
a Siege survivor Leonid Gisen, and 93-year-old conductor Ilya Musin; inter-
spersing a moving commentary by Wigglesworth who rehearsed the San
Francisco Symphony Orchestra for their first concert performance of the
Leningrad Symphony since 1943.
Recordings: Tape—National Sound Archive Tape 11048R. Extract
(7 minutes). London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Henry WOOD. P London
BBC broadcast 22 June 1942.
LP and CD—USA: RCA LM 6711 (transfer from radio broadcast, 3 sides
mono in five-record set). NEC Symphony Orchestra, Arturo TOSCANINI. P
July 1942, I 1967 ~ RCA Victrola VICS 6038 1-2 (3 sides in double album,
electronic stereo). G July 1970 ~ USSR: Melodiya D034359-62 (3 sides
mono). I 1974 ~ Trax Classique TRXLP 131 and Compact Disc TRXCD
131 (‘Testimony—Shostakovich’s Greatest Hits’). First movement excerpt
‘The Nazi Invasion’—fig. 19 to end. I 1988. Reissued on CD—Italy:
Memories Compact Disc HR 4183 (mono). I 1991 ~ RCA Victor Gold Seal
GD 60293, Toscanini Collection 22 (mono). I Nov. 1991, G Apr. 1992.
CD—Pearl GEMM CDS 9044 (two-disc set, mono). NBC Symphony
Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P NBC broadcast 13 Dec. 1942, G Jan.
OP U S 60: SYM P HONY N O. 7 IN C MAJ OR 233

78 rpm, LP, and CD—USA: Musicraft 1168-75 in Set 83 (16 sides

78 rpm, in album with notes). Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, William
STEINBERG. P 4 Dec. 1946. Reissued on LP—USA: Allegro ALC 3041
(4 sides mono). Reissued on CD—France: Dante LYS 186 (‘William
Steinberg, Volume 1’—labelled as ‘World Premiere Recording’, mono). I
July 1997 ~ USA: Classica D’Oro CD 01045 (mono). I Nov. 2003.
LP and CD—USA: Urania URLP 601 (4 sides mono). Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, Sergiu CELIBIDACHE. P Berlin concert Dec. 1946. Reissued on
CD—Italy: Theorema TH 121.122. I Mar. 1993 ~ *USA: Classica D’Oro
CD 01029 (mono). I Apr. 2004 ~ *Germany: Designo 222521 (second of
four-disc set). I June 2005.
*CD—Netherlands: Audiophile Classics APL 101. 557 (mono).
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Rafael KUBELIK. P Amsterdam concert 9 Feb. 1950,
I 2001 ~ Q-Disc 97017 (‘Antholgy of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Volume 1: 1935–50’, eleventh of thirteen-disc set, mono). G June 2003.
LP and CD—USSR: MK HD 01380-3 (4 sides mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad studio 26 Feb.
1953, G Feb. 1965. Reissued on CD—BMG Classics Melodiya 74321
29405-2 (‘Mravinsky Edition, Volume 16’, mono). I Apr. 1996.
LP and CD—Czech: Supraphon DV 5444-5 (3 sides mono). Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel ANČERL. P Prague broadcast 2–4, 6, 17–18,
and 20 Sept. 1957 ~ Czech: Supraphon SUA 10359-60 (3 sides mono). I
1963, G Feb. 1965 ~ Parliament PLP 127 (4 sides mono). G June 1960 ~
Rediffusion Heritage HCH 8003 (2 sides mono). G July 1977. Reissued on
CD—France: Praga PR 254 002-3 (two-disc set). P not 1967 as stated, I
June 1992, G May 1993. NB. This is a doctored reissue of a studio record-
ing with crudely added audience noises ~ Classic CD 37. First movement to
fig. 19 + 7 bars. I May 1993 (with magazine article on pp. 28–29) ~ Czech:
Supraphon Historical SUP 019522. I Oct. 1993 ~ *Czech: SU 3683-2
(‘Karel Ančerl Gold Edition, Volume 23’). G Nov. 2003.
USA: Columbia M2L 322 (4 sides mono) and M2S 722 (4 sides). Figs.
25–29 cut in first movement. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonard
BERNSTEIN. P 22–23 Oct. 1962 ~ CBS BRG 72349-50 (3 sides mono) and
SBRG 72349-50 (3 sides). G Dec. 1965. Reissued on CD—Sony Royal
Edition SMK 47616. G Nov. 1993 and June 1994 ~ *Sony Classical SBK
89904. I Apr. 2002.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya M045011 003 (4 sides mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Karl ELIASBERG. P Leningrad concert 27 Jan. 1964,
I 1984a.*Reissued on CD—Russia: Classound Great Musicians of Palmira
Du Nord 2003/04 (two-disc set). [Mahler.] I 2003.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D022141-2 (4 sides mono) and C 01693-6
(4 sides). USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P and I 1968 ~

HMV Melodiya ASD 2511-2 in Set SLS 784 (3 sides). G Dec. 1969 ~
HMV BOX 502505-6 in Set SLS 5025 (3 sides). G Dec. 1975 ~ France: Le
Chant du Monde LDX 78611. Reissued on CD—Germany: ZYX Russian
Art CLA10011-2 (two-disc set). I 1998 ~ *Scribendum SC 205. I May
CD—Revelation RV 10059 (mono). USSR Radio and Television Large
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P concert 8 Aug. 1968, G
June 1997 ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0038. I May 2002.
*Japan: Weitblick SSS 0028-2. Leipzig Radio Orchestra, Herbert KEGEL.
P Leipzig concert 16 May 1972, I 2003.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3021-2 in Set SLS 897 (4 sides). Bournemouth
Symphony Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P Southhampton 13–14 Jan. 1974,
G Oct. 1974 ~ HMV Master Series EG 2911351 (DMM). I Feb. 1987, G
June 1987. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 47651-2. I Mar. 1987, G Sept.
1987 ~ EMI Classics 5 73839-2 (two-disc set). I May 2000.
Czech: Supraphon 1 10 1771-2 (3 sides). Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Vaclav NEUMANN. P Prague 19–20 Mar. and 16–17 Sept. 1974, G Aug.
1976. Reissued on CD—Czech: Supraphon 11 0723-2. I 1991.
USSR: Melodiya C10 06435-8 (4 sides). Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1975, I 1976c ~ HMV Melodiya SLS 5109
(3 sides). G Feb. 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (twelve-record box
set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde
LDC 278 1003-4 (in Box 2 of five two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG
Classics Melodiya 74321 19839-2. I July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
*CD—Scribenden SC 027. USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Ye.
SVETLANOV. P Moscow Conservatory concert 28 Feb. 1978, G Feb. 2004.
LP and CD—Decca D 213D 2 (3 sides, digital). London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P Nov. 1979, G Nov. 1980. Reissued on
CD—Decca 417 392-2DH2. I June 1986, G Oct. 1986 ~ Decca Ovation
425 068-2DM. G Nov. 1993.
CD—USA: Pair Records and Special Music Company Stradivari Classics
SCD 6044. Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra, Anton NANUT. P not stated, I
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00257 006 (4 sides, digital). USSR
Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P1984,
I 1988b. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 118. G Aug. 1988 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 53457-2 (two-disc set). I May 1998.
Chandos ABRD 1312 (digital) and on CD—CHAN 8623. Scottish
National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P ‘dedicated to the memory of Yevgeni
Mravinsky’ Dundee 22–23 Feb. 1988, G Aug. 1988.
EMI EL7 49494-1 (digital) and on CD—CDC7 49494-2. Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Oslo Apr. 1988, G Dec. 1988.
OP U S 60: SYM P HONY N O. 7 IN C MAJ OR 235

CD—Deutsche Grammophon 427 632-2GH2 (two-disc set). Chicago

Symphony Orchestra, L. BERNSTEIN. P Chicago concert June 1988, G Jan.
1990 ~ *Deutsche Gramophon 477 519 GB6 (six-disc set). [Op. 54; and
Stravinsky.] I Oct. 2005, G Feb. 2006.
Naxos 8.550627. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 1 Jan.–5 Feb. 1989, I Jan. 1993, G Nov. 1993.
France: Erato 2292 45414-2. National Symphony Orchestra of America,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Washington Jan. 1989, G May 1990 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct. 1997.
Collins Classics 7029-2 (two-disc set). London Symphony Orchestra,
Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Watford 1990, I July 1993, G Nov. 1993.
Denon CO 79942. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna
18–22 Mar. 1991, G Apr. 1993.
Dorian DOR 90161. Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Eduardo MATA. P
Eugene McDermott Hall, Dallas May 1991, G Sept. 1992 ~ *Reissued with
the same number Nov. 2000.
Sweden: BIS CD 515. Junge Deutsche Philharmonie and members
of Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Leipzig concert
on War Memorial Day Germany/Soviet Union 22 June 1991, G Apr.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (fourth of eleven-disc set) . WDR
Symphony Orchestra, R. BARSHAI. P Cologne Sept. 1992, I Dec. 2001 ~
Regis RRC 1074. G July 2002.
*Germany: Profil Edition Günter Hänssler PH 07009. SWR Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Yuri ARANOVICH. P Hegelsaal, Liederhalle, Stuttgart
concert 20–21 Apr. 1993, I Mar. 2007.
USA: Vanguard 99043. Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ye.
SVETLANOV. P Berwaldhallen, Stockholm concert 10–11 Sept. 1993, I Aug.
1995 ~ *Sweden: Daphne Records DR 1023. I 2005.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 62548-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic
Orchestra, Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P St Petersburg 18–19 Jan. 1995, G June
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00380. The Hague Resident Orchestra,
Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P The Hague 19–20 Jan. 1995, I Feb. 1997.
Decca 446 814-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P St Petersburg 5–6 May 1995, G Oct.1997. NB. Prefaced by
the composer’s broadcast from besieged Leningrad in 1941.
Chandos CHAN 9621. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri
POLYANSKY. P Moscow Conservatory Oct. 1996, I Apr. 1998.
Sweden: BIS CD 873 (‘Complete Symphonies, Volume 1’). BBC
National Orchestra of Wales, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. P Swansea 2–4 Dec.
1996, G Aug. 1997 (review and article).

Japan: Exton OVCL 00169 (Hybrid SACD), Moscow Radio Symphony

Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow Radio Bolshoi Hall 13–15 Dec.
1996, I 2004.
Teldec 3984 21467-2. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Kurt MASUR.
P at three Avery Fisher Hall, New York concerts 21–23 May 1998, I June
**Germany: Berlin Classics 0017972BC. Saarbrücken Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Günther HERBIG. P Congresshalle, Saarbrücken concert 8 Sept.
2000, I July 2006, G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Germany: Arts Music 47667-2. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Guiseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. P Milan concert Dec. 2000, I UK Nov. 2003.
Philips CD 470 845-2PH and SACD 470 623-2. Kirov and Rotterdam
Philharmonic Orchestras, Valery GERGIEV. P De Doelen, Rotterdam concert
19–21 Sept. 2001, G July 2003 ~ Philips 470 841-2PM5 (‘The War
Symphonies’, five-disc set). [Opp. 43, 47, 54, 65, and 70.] G Mar. 2006.
Supraphon SU 38902 (seventh of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Smetana Hall, Prague concert 27 Feb.
2002, G Nov. 2006.
Dunelm Records DRD 0184. London Shostakovich Orchestra,
Christopher COX. P St Cyprian’s Church, London 18 May 2002.
USA: Angelok1 ANG-CD 9915. Figs. 25–29 cut in first movement.
Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall, Moscow, Jan. 2003, I 2006.
Avie AV 0020. WDR Symphony Orchestra, Semyon BYCHKOV. P Cologne
Concert Hall Feb. 2003, I Apr. 2003, G Aug. 2003.
Naxos 8.557256 and 6.110020 (SACD/CD Hybrid Disc). Russian
Philharmonic Orchestra, Dmitri YABLONSKY. P Moscow studio Feb. 2003,
G Apr. 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 71 033-034 (Hybrid SACD, two-disc set). Gürzen-
ich Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Opp. 54 and 70.] P Cologne
Philharmonie concert 15, 17–18 Sept, 2003, I Aug. 2005.
USA: Waterlily Records WLA-SW-77-CD and -SACD. St Petersburg
Academic Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr DMITRIEV. P Great Hall, St
Petersburg concert Sept. 2003.
Japan: Fontec FOCD 9255 (Hybrid SACD). Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra,
OUE Eiji. P Osaka Symphony Hall, Japan concert 12–13 Feb. 2004.
Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1203-2 and MDG 937 1203-6
(SACD). Beethoven Orchestra, Roman KOFMAN. PWW Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche,
Bad Godesberg, Germany 1–4 June 2004, I Mar. 2005, G Feb. 2006.
Netherlands: RCO Live 06002 (Hybrid SACD). Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Concertgebouw concert, Amsterdam 19 and
22 Jan. 2006.

France: Naïve V5071. Orchestre National de France, Kurt MASUR. P

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris-Radio France concert 18 May 2006.
Notes: See Christopher H. Gibbs’ article ‘The Phenomenon of the Seventh’ in
Shostakovich and His World (Laurel E. Fay ed., Princeton University Press,
2004, 50–113) for the history of the symphony in America and a table of
selected performances.
An analysis of the symphony by Allin Gray is given in DSCH Journal
Nos. 24 and 25 with 26 music examples.
An unusual tribute by Vladislav Uspensky entitled Dedication to
Courage—a poem for orchestra subtitled ‘In memory of the first perfor-
mance of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony in besieged Leningrad’—is
recorded by the Leningrad Orchestra of Old and Modern Music under
Eduard Serov on Melodiya C10 24485 007 (issued 1987c).
Zachary Cairns explores the links between the Seventh and Eighth
Symphonies in DSCH Journal No. 27.

Sans op. K: Wartime Operas

Form: Opera based on the comedy play The Gamblers of 1832 by Nikolai
Gogol, for six male solo voices and large orchestra (with 2 harps, a piano—
mainly in continuo role, and bass balalaika):
1. Overture—Allegretto—to fig. 8
2. Scenes in the hotel—figs. 8 to 104
3. Card gambling scene
The unfinished opera titled ‘Scenes after Gogol’ by Gennadi
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes (II = alto flute), 2 oboes,
cor anglais, 4 clarinets (I, II B flat and A; III A = E flat; IV B flat = bass),
3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba
~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, castanets, cymbals, bass drum ~
xylophone, bass balalaika, 2 harps, piano ~ strings.
Composed: Begun on 28 December 1941, continued in May and June
1942, but abandoned after composing about 50 minutes of the score. Of
the twenty-five scenes, the first seven and most of the eighth completed
(or 10 of the 36 pages in one Russian edition). Written at Kuibyshev
Premières: 18 September 1978, Leningrad Bolshoi Philharmonic Hall named
after Shostakovich; Moscow Chamber Music Theatre Group and Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra under Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.

Meyer’s completed version: 12 June 1983, Wuppertal, West Germany;

Wuppertal Sinfonieorchester and nine male voices under the musical direc-
tion of Tristan Schick.
UK: 23 and 24 May 1993, Brighton Festival, Roedean Theatre; décor
by Nataliya Khrennikova, directed by Boris Pokrovsky and conducted by
Anatoli Levin; Vladimir Rybasenko (Aleksei), Boris Tarkhov (Ikharyov),
Valeri Belykh (Gavryuska), Nikolai Kurpe and Oleg Gularev (Krugel), and
Ashot Sarkisov (Shvokhnev).
Arrangements: Reduction of Overture and commencement of ‘Scenes in the
hotel’ employed for the Scherzo of the Viola Sonata, Opus 147. German
translation of the libretto by Georg Schwarz. Completion of the opera by
Krzysztof Meyer in the German language version by Jörg Morgener.
Music: Incomplete manuscript numbered Opus 63. NB. This work not to be
confused (as in The Phaidon Book of the Opera, Oxford, 1979) as a setting
of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s love story ‘The Gambler’ of 1867. Autograph vocal
and full scores preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. The first page
of the autograph full score reproduced in Volume 23 of Collected Works.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 5564, 1981, full score [numbered Op. 63] ed.
G. Rozhdestvensky, 30 cm. In this edition Rozhdestvensky has orchestrated
the seven bars after fig. 195, appearing in the composer’s piano-vocal score
but not in his full score, and provided a fitting three-page termination of
the opera.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 5585, 1981, vocal score [numbered Op. 63]
ed. G. Rozhdestvensky, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11935 (in Volume 23 of Collected Works), 1986, full score
with Rozhdestvensky’s termination, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in the supplement to Volume 28 of Collected
Works), 1986, vocal score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 56 and piano score in
Volume 57 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Unfinished: recorded portion 46' 35". Meyer’s completed version:
c. l hr 45 mins.
Film: Unfinished Masterpieces. TV film shown on Soviet Television in
mid-1980s. The opera performed along with Mussorgsky’s The Marriage,
under conductor Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 11599-600. Nos. 1, 2,
and 3. Vladimir Rybasenko (Aleksei), Boris Tarkhov (Ikharyov), Valeri
Belykh (Gavryushka), Nikolai Kurpe (Krugel), Ashot Sarkisov (Shvokhnev),
Yaroslav Radionik (Uteshitelny), Valeri Sudak (balalaika); Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P première 18 Sept.
1978, I 1979c ~ Germany: Melodia Eurodisc 200 370-405. With German
libretto by G. Schwarz. I 1979 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3880. G Sept. 1980.

Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 60319-2 (two-disc set, with plot

synopsis but no libretto). I Nov. 1998, G May 1999 ~ *Russia: Melodiya
MELCD10 01192 (two-disc set). [Op. 15.] G Awards (Oct.) 2007.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 60 062-2 (two-disc set with Russian, German,
and English libretti; Meyer’s version sung in Russian). Nikolai Nizinenko
(Aleksei), Vladimir Bogachev (Ikharyov), Anatoli Babikin (Gavryushka),
Aleksandr Arkhipov (Krugel), Aleksandr Naumenko (Shvokhnev), Stanislav
Suleimanov (Uteshitelny), Mikhail Krutikov (Mikhail Glov), Vladislav
Verestnikov (Aleksandr Glov), Aleksei Maslennikov (Zamukhrishkin);
North-West German Philharmonic Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Herford,
Germany 22 Mar.–3 Apr. 1994, I Feb. 1995, G June 1995.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288 115. Nos. 1, 2, and
3 with translation of Russian text. Vyatcheslav Pochapski (Aleksei), Nikolai
Kurpe (Ikharyov), Pyotr Gluboky (Gavryushka), Aleksandr Arkhipov
(Krugel), Mikhail Krutikov (Shvokhnev), Nikolai Rechetniak (Uteshitelny);
Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Andrei CHISTYAKOV. P Moscow Mar. 1995, I
Oct. 1995, G Feb. 1996 ~ CDM Russian Season RUS 788 115. G Jan.
**ASV AV 2121 (on second of two-disc set). Nos. 1, 2, and 3 with
English libretto. Sung in Russian. Jacek Janiszewski (Aleksei), Michal
Lehotsky (Ikharyov), Piotr Nowaki (Gavryushka), Andris Lapins (Krugel),
Roman Astakhov (Shvokhnev), Peter Danailov (Uteshitelny); Soloists of
the European Opera Centre, Aleksei Ekkel (bass balalaika); Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily PETRENKO. [Sans op. K(ii).] P Philharmonic
Hall, Liverpool concert 27 Sept. 2006, I Apr. 2007, G July 2007.
Notes: Moscow Chamber Opera have solved the problem of staging the incom-
plete opera by tacking Antiformalist Rayok, Sans op. X(ii), on to the end
of ‘The Gamblers’. At the point where Shostakovich abandoned the opera,
officials arrive to confiscate the music, accusing it of being formalistic. They
replace it with the score of Rayok and then perform that work.
See Laurel E. Fay’s entry in The New Grove Dictionary of Opera,
Volume 2, 342–43.


Form: Completion of the one-act opera Rothschild’s Violin by Shostakovich’s
pupil, Veniamin Fleishman, who was killed on active service during the
siege of Leningrad in September 1941. Libretto by Fleishman based on the
story by Anton Chekhov, first published in the Moscow newspaper Russian
News in February 1894. The action takes place in a small provincial town at
the end of the nineteenth century. The story is usually translated in English
as ‘Rothschild’s Fiddle’.

Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat

clarinet, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum ~ glockenspiel, harp ~ strings. Bass, 2 tenors, and
mezzo-soprano soloists and chorus of 6–8 voices.
Composed: Begun by Fleishman in 1939; piano score and part of full score
completed in pencil by the summer of 1941. Shostakovich completed the
‘development’ and orchestration on 5 February 1944, at Moscow.
Premières: 20 June 1960, Moscow All-Union Home of Composers; Soloists
of the Moscow Philharmonic Society.
April 1968, Leningrad; Experimental Studio of Chamber Opera, Solomon
Volkov (artistic director) and Yuri Kochnev (conductor). Festival concert
devoted to works by Shostakovich’s students. Banned the following day.
USA: 23 February 1990, Juilliard Opera Center, New York; staged presenta-
tion conducted by Bruno Ferrandis; Valentin Peytchinov (Yakov Matveyevich
Ivanov, nicknamed ‘Bronze’), Susan Toth Shafer (Marfa), Charles Workman
(Rothschild), and Matthew Lord (Moisei Ilyich Chakhkes).
Netherlands: 30 August 1995, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam; concert
performance conducted by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky; Sergei Leiferkus
(Yakov), Marina Shaguch (Marfa), Konstantin Pluzhnikov (Rothschild),
Ilya Levinsky (Moisei); C sharp minor Vocal Ensemble, Rotterdam
Philharmonic Orchestra.
UK English adaptation: 5 March 2005, West Road Concert Hall,
Cambridge; Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra, concert perfor-
mance conducted by Peter Tregear.
UK staged presentation: May 2007, Film Studios, Mercer Street, Covent
Garden; Second Movement Opera Company; Oliver Mears (director),
Jonathan Brown (Yakov), orchestra conducted by Nicholas Chalmers.
Arrangement: English translation by Thomas Elias.
Music: Approximately two-thirds of the score orchestrated by Shostakovich,
including the beginning up to fig. 17 minus 7 bars and from fig. 92 to the
end. Manuscript in Shostakovich’s hand preserved at the TsGALI(SPb).
Russian edition, no number or date, photocopied copyist’s manuscript
full score, 26.5 cm.
Muzyka, Moscow, No. 2205, 1965, piano-vocal score edited by Georgi
Kirkor with preface by Aleksandr Livshits, 29 cm.
Duration: 41' 15"–41' 20".
Film: Edgardo Cozarinsky’s film Le Violon du Rothschild (Les Films D’ICI,
1996) in three parts, produced by Serge Lalou. Sergei Makovetsky plays
Shostakovich and Dainius Kazlauskas plays Fleishman. The four main char-
acters in the opera are played by actors miming to the voices of Leiferkus,
Shaguch, Pluzhnikov, and Levinsky; with the Rotterdam Philharmonic

Orchestra conducted by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. Film completed in

November 1995. Premières in UK at the National Film Theatre, London
on 18 June 1997 and in USA at Telluride, New Hampshire on 29 Aug.
1997. An illustrated book of 112 pages, to accompany the film, was pub-
lished by Actes Sud, France in November 1996.
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya A10 00019 004 (digital). Complete opera.
Anatoli Safiulin (Yakov Matveyevich Ivanov), Nataliya Burnasheva (Marfa),
Aleksei Martynov (Rothschild), Aleksandr Naumenko (Moisei Ilyich
Shakhkes); Male voices of the USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir,
Valeri Polyansky (chorus-master); USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1982, I 1984a.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68434-2. Complete opera. Booklet
with libretto in Russian, English, German, and French. Sergei Leiferkus
(Yakov), Marina Shaguch (Marfa), Konstantin Pluzhnikov (Rothschild), Ilya
Levinsky (Moisei), Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P Rotterdam 24–31 Aug. 1995, I Nov. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
**Avie AV 2121 (on first of two-disc set). Complete opera with English
libretto. Sung in Russian. Jacek Janiszewski (Yakov), Elena Gabouri
(Marfa), Andris Lapins (Rothschild), Michal Lehotsky (Moisei), Soloists
of the European Opera Centre; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra,
Vasily PETRENKO.[Sans op. K(i).] P Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool concert
27 Sept. 2006, I Apr. 2007, G July 2007.
Notes: The 24th article by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky in Galina Alfeyevskaya’s
1989 compilation Preambuly (Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1989)
gives notes for the 24 November 1982 recording and Richard Pleak
reviews the Julliard’s performance of the opera in DSCH Newsletter
See Laurel E. Fay’s entry in The New Grove Dictionary of Opera,
Volume 4, 410–11.

Sans op. L: Ceremonial Marches

Form: Ceremonial march for military band, marked ‘Allegro non troppo’.
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 3 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 E flat horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones ~ side drum, cymbals,
bass drum ~ 2 B flat cornets; 2 E flat alto, 3 B flat tenor, baritone, and
2 bass saxhorns.
Composed: Possibly in early 1941 (see Notes) at Leningrad.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK.
Muzyka, No. 17287, 1941, score, 25 cm.

Broadcast Music, New York, No. 811, 1944, piano and violin conductor
scores, and 25 parts transcribed by Louis Katzman from original manuscript,
30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8906, 1975, score and parts, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow: New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score with the composer’s score in a different instrumentation as an
Appendix, 30 cm.
Duration: 5' 42".
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D1556-7 (10" mono). Moscow Radio Band,
Leonid KATS. P 1953.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02303-4 (‘Marches for Brass Band’). Military
Band of the USSR Ministry of Defence, Nikolai SERGEYEV. P 1970 ~ HMV
Melodiya CSD 3782 (‘Russian Marches’). Labelled as ‘Festive March’. G Oct.
1977 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDX 78434 (‘Soviet Marches’).
Notes: The manuscript bears a censorship stamp dated 12 February 1941 and
the Muzyka score is signed to the press on 19 April 1941. These dates rule
out the statement in M. MacDonald’s 1975 Catalogue that the march was
composed in Kuibyshev (Yakubov New Collected Works 32).
Adapted in 1951 to accompany a scene depicting foot soldiers advanc-
ing through a forest in the film The Unforgettable Year 1919, Opus 89, at
approximately 35 minutes from the opening credits.


Form: A ceremonial march written for Leo Arnshtam’s film The Warmongers.
Instrumentation: 2 piccolos, 2 flutes, clarinet in A ~ tambourine, side drum, bass
drum. NB. The percussion later changed to 6 side drums and 4 bass drums.
Composed: Presumably at the end of 1950 as work on the film came to a halt
in 1951 (Yakubov).
Music: The autograph is kept in the Composer’s Archives and a handwritten
copy deposited in the music library of the State Symphonic Orchestra of
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score, 30 cm.
Recordings: —

Opus 61: Piano Sonata No. 2 in B minor

Form: Sonata for solo piano in three movements:
1. Allegretto
2. Largo
3. Moderato (con moto)—Allegretto con moto—Adagio—Moderato
O P U S 61: P IA NO SONA TA N O. 2 IN B MIN OR 243

Composed: January–17 March 1943. First and second movements completed

on 18 February and 3 March respectively, at Kuibyshev (Samara); and
sonata finished at Arkhangelskoye, near Moscow.
Dedication: To the memory of Leonid Vladimirovich Nikolayev (piano
Première: 6 June 1943, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Dmitri
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK. Originally published up to
1966 as Opus 64.
Muzgiz, No. 17846, 1943, 30 cm.
MCA, c.1948, 31 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. 22, 1953, 31 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4726, 1958, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1960, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 3184 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 1), 1966, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 7775, 1973, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2321, 1981, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1999, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 111 of New Collected
Duration: 18' 45" and approx. 29 minutes in scores; 23' 33"–31' 08"; 25
minutes (Sadovnikov); 28' 30" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP—USA: MGM E 3079 (mono). Menahem PRESSLER. P 1954
~ Parlophone PMC 1023 (mono). G Sept. 1955.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D07063-4 (mono). Mariya YUDINA. P 1960.
Reissued on CD—Italy: Arlecchino ARL 13. (‘The Art of Maria Yudina,
Volume 1’) ~ *Russia: Venezia CDVE 052119. [Mussorgsky.] I 2005.
LP and CD—USA: RCA Red Seal LM 2868 (mono) and LSC 2868.
Emil GILELS. P Carnegie Hall, New York 8 Jan. 1965 ~ RCA Red Seal RB
6678 (mono) and SB 6678. G Nov. 1966 ~ USSR: Melodiya D019263-4
(mono). I 1976 ~ RCA Red Seal LSB 4079. G Apr. 1973 ~ USA: RCA
AGL1 1337. Reissued on CD—RCA 09026 63587-2. I Feb. 2000.
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 40120-2 (‘Gilels Edition, Volume 4’ of
five-disc set 74321 40116-2). E. GILELS. P Moscow concert 13 Mar. 1965,
I Jan. 1997.
LP and CD—France; Erato STU 70477. Annie d’ARCO. P 1969. Reissued
on CD—France: Erato WE 839. I 1996.
*USSR: Melodiya CM 02945. Anatoli VEDERNIKOV. [Galinin.] P 1971,
I 1972. Reissued on CD—Japan: COCQ 83967. [Op. 12; Stravinsky and
Karetnikov.] I 2005.

Sweden: Swedish Society Discofil SLT 33221. Inger WIKSTRÖM.

P Stockholm 12 Sept. 1973 ~ RCA Gold Seal GL 25003. G Nov. 1976.
Reissued on CD—Swedish Society Discofil SCD 1031. I 1988.
LP—Czech: Opus 9111 0342. Lýdia MAJLINGOVA. P Prague Nov. 1974,
G July 1977.
USA: Orion 82429. Sedmara RUTSTEIN. P 1982.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17985-6. Viktoria POSTNIKOVA. P 1982, I 1983b.
USSR: Melodiya C10 18977 007. Igor KHUDOLEI. P 1982, I 1983d.
CD—Netherlands: Channel Classics Canal Grande 9215. Yuri YEGOROV.
P Amsterdam 6 May 1983, I 1992.
Netherlands: Ottavo OTRC 38616. Boris BERMAN. P Utrecht Mar. 1986,
G Oct. 1989.
LP and CD—AVM Classics AVM 1003 and released on CD—AVMCD
1003. Martin JONES. P date not stated, G Oct. 1988.
Norway: Simax PSC 1036. Wolfgang PLAGGE. P Ski, Oslo Dec. 1987, G
Oct. 1989.
France: Accord 20025-2. Caroline WEICHERT. P Jan. 1988, G June 1990 ~
*Accord 442 8213 (on fourth of four-disc set). [Opp. 5, 12, and 22.] I Jan.
USA: MCA Classics ART & Electronics ARD 68010. Boris PETRUSHANSKY.
P date not stated, I 1989.
France: Rodolphe RPC 32600. Vladimir STOUPEL. P 3–4 Jan. 1989, G
Oct. 1990.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1012. Elena VARVAROVA. P Paris
Sept. 1989, I Feb. 1990.
USA: Elektra Nonesuch/Warner Classics 7559-79234-2ZK. Vladimir
VIARDO. P New York Nov. 1989, I 1990, G Oct. 1991.
Germany: Sound-Star-Ton. Alexander BRAGINSKY. P 1990, I 1991.
Teldec 9031 73282-2. Elizaveta LEONSKAYA. P Berlin Mar. 1992, G June
1993 ~ Warner Apex 8573 89092. G Oct. 2001.
Hyperion CDA 66620. Tatyana NIKOLAYEVA. P Hampstead 17–19 Apr.
1992, G Sept. 1992.
*ECM New Series 465 137-2. Aleksei LUBIMOV. [Prokofiev, Skyrabin,
and Stravinsky.] P Radio DRS studio Zurich 24–26 May 1998, I 2005.
Olympia OCD 574. Colin STONE. P London Sept. 1995, G June 1996.
Athene-Minerva ATH CD18. Raymond CLARKE. P Nottingham Univer-
sity 6 Jan. and 9 July 1998, G Oct. 1999.
Belgium: Cypres CYP 2622. Johan SCHMIDT. P Liege 23–24 Feb. 1998,
I 1998.
**Capriccio 71087 (Hybrid SACD, on disc one of two-disc set).
Margarete BABINSKY. [Opp. 6 and 12.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna
2002 and 2005, I July 2006.

Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). Vladimir ASHKENAZY. [Opp. 5, 97, 39,
13, and 22; Sans opp. B and S (i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 23–24 Apr. 2003,
I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Boris
PETRUSHANSKY. [Sans opp. B and S(i); Opp. 5, 13, and 22a.] P Bartok
Studio, Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
USA: Phoenix PHCD 158. Tatjana RANKOVICH. [Medtner and Prokofiev.]
P Patrych Sound Studios, Bronx, New York 9 and 18 Dec. 2003.
Germany: Hessischer Rundfunk Hr-musik. 033-06. Yevgeni KOROLYOV.
[Opp. 34 and 87.] PHR-Sendesaal, Frankfurt 2–3 Nov. and 19–21 Dec.
Naxos 8.570092. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV. [Sans opp. A, B, and S(ii);
Opp. 39 and 69.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 27–28 Nov. 2005, I July 2006.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Pyotr LAUL. [Opp. 5, 6, 22, 94; Sans
op. O(i & ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 30 Nov. and
2 Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Belgium: Fuga Libera FUG 517. Plamena MANGOVA. [Op. 34.] P Flagey,
Brussels 10–12 and 16 Apr. 2006.
Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 12 and 69; Sans
opp. S(ii), A, and T.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20 Apr. 2006.
Dunelm Records DRD 0264 (‘Shostakovich and his Comrades’). Murray
MCLACHLAN. [Kabalevsky, Myaskovsky, Shchedrin, and Ronald Stevenson
(Recitative and Air for Shostakovich).] P Whiteley Hall, Chetham’s School
for Music, Manchester concert 26–27 Aug. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
Notes: In late 1942 the composer abandoned a draft of three pages in C sharp
minor headed ‘Sonata No. 2 for Piano, Opus 63’.
Aleksandr Alekseyev writes on this sonata in Sovetskaya fortepiannaya
muzyka 1917–1945 (Muzyka, Moscow, 1974), 177–84 with 6 music
examples and autograph of the first page.
Manashir Yakubov’s article ‘Inside the Second Piano Sonata’ in DSCH
Journal No. 14 has 7 music examples and appends 31 end notes.
Sophia Gorlin contributed an extended analysis entitled ‘Shostakovich’s
Sonata No. 2—a Landmark in the Evolution of the Composer’s Individual
Style’, with 41 music examples, to DSCH Journal No. 27.

Opus 62: Six Romances on Verses of British Poets

Form: Six songs for low male voice and piano:
1. The Wood, the Weed, the Wag (To a Son)—Largo
2. O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast (In the Fields)—Moderato
3. Macpherson before his Execution (Macpherson’s Farewell)—Allegretto

4. Jenny (Coming thro’ the Rye)—Moderato

5. Sonnet No. 66 (Tired with all these)—Lento
6. The King’s Campaign (‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ or ‘The King of
France went up the Hill’)—Allegretto
Texts by Sir Walter Raleigh—No. 1; Robert Burns—Nos. 2, 3, and
4; William Shakespeare—No. 5; and traditional nursery rhyme—No. 6
in Russian translations by Boris Pasternak—Nos. 1 and 5; and Samuil
Marshak—Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Composed: 1942, at Kuibyshev (Samara). Nos. 1, 5, and 6 written on 7 May,
24 and 25 October respectively. Orchestrated and numbered Opus 62a in
March 1943.
1. Levon Tadevosovich Atovmyan (composer/arranger)
2. Nina Vasilievna Shostakovich (first wife)
3. Isaak Davidovich Glikman (musicologist)
4. Yuri Vasilievich Sviridov (composer)
5. Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinsky (musicologist)
6. Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin (composer)

Premières: The three Burns’ settings, Nos. 2, 3, and 4: 4 November 1942,

Kuibyshev; Aleksandr Baturin (bass) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
6 June 1943, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Efrem Flaks (baritone)
and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
UK: 1 November 1966, Derby Art Gallery; Clive Bemrose (baritone) and
Gordon Clarke (piano). Sung in English at a Derby Music Club Meeting.
Arrangements: The accompaniments orchestrated for full symphony orchestra
in March 1943 (designated Opus 62a) and chamber orchestra in 1971
(see Opus 140). No. 5 transcribed for double-bass and piano by Rodion
Instrumentation: of Opus 62a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat
clarinet, 2 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, cymbals, bass drum ~
xylophone, celesta ~ harps (‘preferably not less than two’) ~ strings.
Music: Autograph sketches of Nos. 1, 5, and 6 preserved at TsGALI and
autograph scores of the whole cycle in original and orchestrated versions
at GTsMMK. Title page of the 1943 score and first twelve bars of No. 3
reproduced in Glikman (1993).
Music Fund of the USSR, 1943, Opp. 62 and 62a.
Russian-American Music, 1946, No. 5 only, adaptation by Hugh Ross,
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3467, 1963, 29 cm.

Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967

and 1974, 30 cm.
VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, No. 9012, 1972, ed. Christoph
Hellmundt; with Russian, German, and English texts, 27 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4020, 1977, No. 5 arr. for double-bass by
R. Azarkhin, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, Opus 62a
full score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, piano
score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, piano score in Volume 95 and full score
(Opus 62a) in Volume 88 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 12 minutes in score; 14' 00"–16' 58". Op. 62a: 14' 32".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 05517-8. Nos. 4, 3, and 6. Yevgeni
VLADIMOROV (bass) and Valentina Strzhizhovskaya (piano). P 1974, I
USSR: Melodiya C10 08921-2. Nos. 3 and 4 only. Oleg PTUKHA (bass)
and Nadezhda Kushnir (piano). P 1977, I 1978a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11239-40. No. 4 only. Yuri STATNIK (bass) and
Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P1978, I 1979c.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 31619 002 (Album 7 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Complete cycle Op. 62a. Anatoli
SAFIULIN (bass), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi
Rozhdestvensky. P 1986, I 1991c. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya
74321 59057-2 (two-disc set). I Feb. 1999.
CD—France: Thesis THC 82046. No. 4 only. Nikita STOROJEV (bass)
and Emile Naoumoff (piano). P Paris Oct. 1990.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288089. Complete
cycle. Pyotr GLUBOKY (bass) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P Moscow
Conservatory 21–29 Sept. 1994, I Apr. 1995.
Belgium: René Gailly CD92 041 (‘Complete Songs and Romances,
Volume 1’). Complete cycle. Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov
(piano). [Opp. 86, 100, 121, and 127.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church,
St Petersburg 25 Mar.–4 May 1998 ~ *Russia: Northern Flowers PMA
9910 (‘Vocal Cycles for Bass, Volume 1’). Complete cycle. [Opp. 121, 91,
98, and 146.] I 2002 ~ *USA: Delos DE 3309 (‘Complete Songs, Volume
Three’). [Opp. 4, 21, 46, 32, and 58a.] I 2003.
**Koch Schwann 3-1095-2. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass) and Semyon Skigin
(piano). [Opp. 123, 121, 98, and 91.] P Berlin studio May 2000, G May
Hyperion CDA 67274 (‘English Poets, Russian Romances’). Nos. 5 and
6. Vassili SAVENKO (bass-baritone) and Aleksandr Blok (piano). [Arensky,

Balakirev, Glinka et al.] P Moscow studio Sept. 2000, G Awards (Oct.)

USA: MSR Classics MS 1101, Odekhiren AMAIZE (bass-baritone)
and David Korevaar (piano). [Op. 46; Mussorgsky, Beethoven, Loewe.]
P Purchase College Conservatory of Music, New York Aug. 2002.
Toccata Classics TOCC 0093. Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Vassili SAVENKO
(bass-baritone) and Aleksandr Blok (piano).[Sviridov, Denisov, Levitin et
al.] P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall 15 Sept. 2002.
Notes: The autograph and 1943 published score are titled ‘Six Romances for
Bass’; later music and lists give ‘Six Romances on English Verses’ (sic) and
‘Six Romances on Verses by English Poets’ (sic). The Soviet musicologist
Vera Vasina-Grossman, more correctly, retitled this song cycle ‘Six
Romances for bass on words of poets of Great Britain’ and the title is given
as ‘Romances on words of W. Raleigh, R. Burns, and W. Shakespeare’ in
the Muzyka albums.
The first of the three Burns’ settings was dedicated to Miss Jessie Lewars,
who nursed the poet during his last illness in 1796; the second was set in
1788 to the fiddle tune composed by the freebooter, James Macpherson,
on the eve of his execution at Banff on 16 November 1700 (see Hulme in
DSCH Journal No. 10 and MacPherson’s ‘Rant and Other Tales of the
Scottish Fiddle’ by Stuart McHardy, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2004, 17–24);
and the third, a revision of an old bawdy song concerning a wanton girl
up to no good in a field of rye. ‘Coming thro’ the Rye’, also in Marshak’s
translation, appears in Sans op. M though here Shostakovich orchestrates
its traditional folk melody.
Songs Nos. 2 and 3 of the Opus 62 cycle are quoted in the Thirteenth
Symphony, Opus 113.

Opus 63: Native Leningrad

Form: Incidental music for concert play spectacle Native Country (or
Motherland), scored for tenor and bass soloists, choir, and orchestra. The
Native Leningrad Suite comprises four musical items:
1. Overture—‘October 1917’—Moderato non troppo
2. Song of the Victorious October (Song of the River Neva)—Allegretto
3. Youth Dance (Dance of the Sailors)—Moderato—Allegro con brio
4. Song of Leningrad—Moderato
Texts of Nos. 1, 2, and 4 by S. Alymov. No. 1 includes choral settings of
the Revolutionary songs ‘Varshavyanka’ (the ‘Warsaw March’, also known
as ‘Hostile Whirlwinds’—the original march was composed by the Polish
poet Wacław Świe˛łcki with text by G. M. Krzhizhanovsky) and ‘Boldly,

friends, on we march!’ Dzhambul Dzhabayev’s poem ‘Leningrad, I’m Proud

of Thee’ declaimed between Nos. 3 and 4.
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), 2 bassoons
~ 2 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ balalaika, piano ~ tenor and bass soloists,
S.A.T B. chorus - strings.
Composed: 20 August 1942, at Kuibyshev (Samara).
Dedication: Written as a tribute to the courage of the citizens of Leningrad.
Premières: 15 October 1942, Moscow Dzerzhinsky Central Club; NKVD Song
and Dance Ensemble; scenario by Iosif Dobrovolsky, M. Volpin, and Nikolai
Erdman, and directed by Sergei Yutkevich; conducted by Yuri Silantiev.
Suite: 7 November 1942, same venue and forces as above.
Arrangements: Piano reductions of Nos. 1, 2, and 4 by Andrei Sevastyanov.
No. 3, titled ‘Folk Dance’, in a piano reduction by Lev Solin and tran-
scribed for military band by Mark Vakhutinsky.
Instrumentation: of the latter—flute, oboe, E flat clarinet, 3 B flat clarinets ~
2 E flat horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones ~ triangle, tambourine, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum ~ 2 B flat cornets; 2 E flat alto, 3 B flat tenor, B flat
baritone, and 2 bass saxhorns. Parts listed above percussion and 3rd tenor
saxhorn not obligatory.
No. 3, titled ‘Folk Dances’, arranged for standard brass band (with percus-
sion including xylophone, timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, and bass
drum) by Torgny Hanson and for wind orchestra by Gerhard Baumann,
Frank Erickson, Iniguez Raymond and Ernst Rembach. Vakhutinsky’s tran-
scription adapted to suit American instruments by H. Robert Reynolds.
Sans op. Y—‘My Native Country’ [‘My Dear Fatherland’ on the score.]
Yuri Silantiev assembled an omnibus suite from Sans op. N, Opp. 63, 66, and
72 in 1970 and the following four pieces, retitled, derive from Opus 63:
1. Overture—Moderato non troppo
2. ‘On Palace Square’ (text by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky)—Allegretto
3. ‘Folk Dance’—Moderato—Allegro con brio
4. ‘Ode to Leningrad’ (text by Dolmatovsky)—Moderato
Music: Originally appeared as Opus 61. Autograph vocal and full scores lost;
incomplete copies of the vocal score preserved at the Moscow Dzerzhinsky
Central Club.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 705, 190, ‘Folk Dance’ arr. M. Vakhutinsky,
score and parts, 21.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2518 (in My Native Country), 1972, four
pieces arr. Y. Silantiev, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4028 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Music to
Plays), 1977, ‘Folk Dance’ arr. for piano by L. Solin, 29 cm.

Carl Fischer, New York, c.1979, ‘Folk Dances for concert band’ ed. by
H. Robert Reynolds; score, condensed score, and 67 parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, vocal and
piano scores of Nos. 1–4:, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Nos. 1–4 with S. Alymov’s original lyrics, 30 cm.
Salvation Army Brass Band Journal, No. 512 (in Festival Series, Nos.
511–514), Sept. 1994, ‘Folk Dance’ (titled ‘Folk Dances’) arr. T. Hanson,
full score, oblong format 26.5 x 18.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 73 and piano score in
Volume 79 of New Collected Works.
Recordings: LP—Saint Petersburg Studio P10 00574 (‘Contemporary Music
for Symphonic Band’). Folk Dance arr. Vakhutinsky. St Petersburg Military
District Band, Nikolai USHCHAPOVSKY. P c.1991, I 1992.
*Japan: Sony SRCR 9892. Folk Dance arr. Erickson. Tokyo Kosei Wind
Orchestra, Yasuhiko SHIOZAWA. [Op. 115.] P 1991.
CD—Salvationist Publishing (‘A Fanfare of Praise’). Folk Dance arr.
Hanson. The Salvation Army International Staff Band, Lieut-Colonel
Robert REDHEAD. P Air Lyndhurst 1994.
USA: Klavier KCD 11077. Folk Dance arr. Reynolds. North Texas
College of Music Wind Symphony, Eugene CORPORON. P Texas Woman’s
University, Denton 9–11 Feb. 1996.
Notes: See My Native Country, Sans op. Y, for recording of Silantiev’s
suite. There are numerous other recordings of the Folk Dance played by
wind ensembles, especially in America and Japan, to the examples listed

Sans op. M: Eight British and American Folksongs

Form: Eight settings of British and American songs in Russian translation by
Sergei Bolotin (Nos. 1, 4, and 8), Tatyana Sikorskaya (Nos. 3, 5, and 7),
Bolotin and Sikorskaya (No. 2), and Samuil Marshak (No. 6) for low voice
and small orchestra (with harp):
1. The Sailor’s Bride—‘Blow the wind southerly’ (William Julius
2. John Anderson, my Jo (Robert Burns)—Lento, expressive
3. Billy Boy (Northumbrian capstan shanty)—Merrily
4. Oh! the Oak and the Ash (English air)—Moderato
5. Servants of King Arthur (variant of the English folksong ‘Three Sons of
6. ‘Coming thro’ the Rye’ (Robert Burns)—Moderato

7. Spring Round Dance—‘Come Lasses and Lads’—Allegro

8. ‘When Johnny Comes Marching Home’ (Patrick Sarsfield
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes (II = cor anglais), 2 clarinets (A and
B flat), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, trumpet ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine
~ glockenspiel, harp ~ strings. Harp in Nos. 2 and 6, No. 4 for strings,
trumpet in No. 5, and percussion in No. 8 only. Voice part in treble clef
for Nos. 1–7 and in bass clef, No. 8.
Composed: 12 May 1943. Inspired by the alliance between the USSR, GB,
and USA.
Premières: Nos. 1–7: 25 May 1943, Moscow; Mark Reshetin (bass) and
Larissa Yelchaninova (soprano).
Nos. 1–8: 6 March 1944, Moscow; M. Reshetin.
UK broadcast: 29 August 1983, sung in English; Ameral Cunson
(mezzo-soprano), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Belgian broadcast: 29 December 1989 (Russian Winter Festival recording,
17 February 1989), sung In Russian and English; Elena Ivanova (soprano,
Nos. 1–8), Sergei Yakovenko (baritone, No. 8), USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
USA: 10 December 1994, sung in English; Racine, Wisconsin; Robert
Osborne (bass-baritone), Racine Symphony Orchestra, Alexander Platt.
Duration: 14' 18"–17' 05".
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK.
Music Fund of the USSR, Nos. 563–570, 1944, mimeographed format,
full score edited by Levon Atovmyan, 35 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 149 of New Collected
Recordings: CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 59057-2 (two-disc set). Elena
IVANOVA (soprano), Sergei Yakovenko (baritone), USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P Moscow concert 17 Feb.
1989, I Feb. 1999.
USA Arabesque Z 6708 (‘Bobby Burns’ sic). Nos. 6 and 2 sung in Eng-
lish. Christine ABRAHAM (mezzo-soprano), Vermont University Orchestra,
Robert DeCormier. P University of Vermont 1996, I 1998.
Notes: This cycle was originally incorrectly titled Eight English and American
The second song, set to its traditional melody, tells of the wife of a
carpenter, John Anderson, recalling happy days with her ‘jo’ (= darling)
The Scottish song ‘Annie Laurie’, with music by Lady John Scott and
words adapted by her from the poem by William Douglas, arranged for

voice and chamber orchestra was probably considered as an item for this
cycle. The rough undated draft in the Glinka Museum, in a Russian trans-
lation, is marked ‘Molto moderato’ and scored for 2 flutes, 2 clarinets,
4 horns, and strings. See Hulme in DSCH Journal No. 10.

Opus 64: Zoya

Form: Music for the black-and-white film Zoya (subtitled ‘Who is She?’) directed
by Boris Chirskov and Leo Arnshtam for Soyuzdetfilm, based on the heroic
deeds of the eighteen-year-old partisan girl, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, in
the early days of the Great Patriotic War. The film awarded a Stalin Prize
First Class in 1946. The voluminous score consists of 35 numbers though
nothing is known of the nine missing items:
1. Allegretto
2. Moderato
3. Adagio
4. Moderato
5. Moderato
6. Moderato—Allegro—Presto
7. Victory—[Adagio]
8. The Belfry—Allegro
12. Moderato
13. Moderato
16. Allegretto
20. Dneprostoi—Allegretto
21. Adagio
22. The First of May Parade—Allegretto
23. Arrival of the Heroes—Allegro
24. Allegro
25. Recollection—Moderato—Allegro
30. Moscow—Adagio
31. Song about Zoya (lyric by Konstantin Simonov)—Moderato con
35. [Con moto]—Allegro
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, E flat clarinet, 3 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 5 trumpets, 5 trombones, 2 tubas ~
timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong, xylo-
phone ~ glockenspiel, 2 harps ~ S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.
Composed: 1943–44, at Moscow.
Première: Film first shown on 22 November 1944.
UK. 29 October 2006, Barbican Centre Cinema, London.
OPUS 64: ZOY A 253

Arrangements: Opus 64a—Suite for chorus (in No. 1 only) and large
symphony orchestra assembled by Levon Atovmyan:
1. Introduction—‘Song about Zoya’—Adagio—Moderato con moto
2. Scene—‘Military Problem’—Allegretto—Allegro
3. Prelude—‘Tragedy of a Loss’—Adagio
4. March—‘Hero’s Victory’—Tempo di marcia
5. Finale—‘The Heroine’s Immortality’—Adagio
No. 1 is based on No. 21 fanfares and No. 7 vocalise of the film
score; No. 2 includes Nos. 1, 25, and 24 in their entirety; in No. 3 the
orchestration, by L. Atovmyan, of the piano Prelude Opus 34 No. 14 is
sandwiched by an Adagio not published in Volume 41 of Collected Works;
No. 4 constructed in ABA form from Nos. 23 and 22 (the latter Degeyter’s
Internationale); and No. 5 comprises complete Nos. 3 and 30 (‘Moscow’
incorporating the ‘Slava Chorus’—‘Be praised, be praised, may our beloved
land be strong forever’—from Mikhail Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar).
The song, ‘Song about Zoya’ (‘Native Land’), with words by K. Simonov,
arranged for S.A.T.B. chorus and piano by L. Atovmyan.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 64a—As the film score without the
glockenspiel and second harp.
Music: Originally known as Opus 68. Listed as Opus 66 in Volkov 1979.
Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK and a manuscript copy, in the
Music Library of NBGCOK. In both the musical items are numbered 1–17,
20–25, 30, 31, and 35. L. Atovmyan’s Suite preserved at the USSR Radio
and Television Music Library.
Russian mimeographed manuscript, no number or date, Suite Opus 64a,
full score, c.32 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, ‘Song
about Zoya’ arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘Song
about Zoya’ for S.A.T.B. chorus and piano, 30cm.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in Volume 41 of Collected Works), 1987, 20 num-
bers (as listed under Form) in full score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 131 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 95 minutes. Suite Opus 64a: 30' 27"–31' 41".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D020135-6 (mono) and
C01471-2. Suite Opus 64a. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, Leon
Zaks and Anatoli Levin (violin duo), Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1966 ~
USSR: Melodiya C01471-2 (in fourth box of Part 1 of Collected Works
on Records). I 1978. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 66981-2
(two-disc set). I Dec. 1999.

CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 405. Suite Opus 64a. Berlin Radio

Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Mikhail yurovsky. P 4–6 Mar. 1991, I
Oct. 1995, G Jan. 1996. NB. In No. 1 the chorus sings the vocalise intro-
duction but, after the violin duo, the choral ‘Song about Zoya’ is played by
the orchestra and one of its choruses omitted.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 002. Suite Opus 64a. Byelorussian Radio and
TV Symphony Orchestra, Minsk Chamber Choir (in No. 1), Igor Matukhov
(chorus-master), Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Feb. 1995, I Sept. 1996.
Notes: The heroine’s childhood is recalled in the opening of the film. During
a history lesson at school Zoya tells the class of the heroic action of the
patriotic peasant, Ivan Susanin, who accepts a Polish bribe to lead their
invading soldiers to the recently-elected Tsar in a Moscow monastery but,
craftily, diverts them into a dense forest. When the Poles discover his ruse,
they kill him. The chorus from Glinka’s opera is heard during this episode
and again when Zoya is accompanying her school friend through the
deserted Red Square at night. At the end of the film, after her brutal murder
by the Nazis, the theme ‘Glory’ is gradually worked into the score and finally
quoted as an exalted hymn of praise.
The Capriccio booklet states ‘Although the title might lead one to think
Soya is a documentary about the production of salad oil, the film is actually
a Socialist fairy-tale about a peasant girl ‘from ancient times’ (sic).

Sans op. N: National Anthem Contest Entries

Form: Anthem (alternatively known as ‘Glory to our Soviet Motherland’) for
mixed chorus and piano, with lyric by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky, submitted as
an entry for the new Soviet National Anthem contest.
Composed: After the first twelve bars of the Eighth Symphony on 2 July 1943.
Première: Broadcast for the first time on Soviet All-Union Radio in February
Arrangement: Accompaniment orchestrated by the composer.
Music: Autograph preserved at TsGALI. Words and melody quoted on pages
174–75 of Khentova (1979b). Autograph score of the orchestrated version
preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
Recordings: —


Form: Anthem written in collaboration with Aram Khachaturyan, submitted as
a new Soviet National Anthem in 1943, to verses ‘Red Army, Invincible’ by
Mikhail Golodny.
OP U S 65: SYM P HONY N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 255

Composed: Mid-August 1943. The first eight bars of the melody written
by Khachaturyan, the remainder by Shostakovich, who orchestrated the
Music: Autograph of piano and orchestral scores, in Shostakovich’s hand,
preserved in the Glinka Museum. Melody quoted on page 177 of Khentova
Recordings: —
Reference: Volkov (Testimony).


Form: Two settings of Sergei Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan’s words were
composed. The melody of one version, quoted on page 176 of Khentova
(1979b), was used in Russian River, Opus 66 (words by Iosif Dobrovolsky);
Victorious Spring, Opus 72 (words by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky); and My
Native Country, Sans op. Y. Novorossiisk Chimes, Sans op. U and the song
Supporters of Peace March, Sans op. X(i) are based on the first two bars.
The second version was composed jointly with Aram Khachaturyan and
orchestrated for full orchestra and two-part chorus by Shostakovich.
Instrumentation: (second version)—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets
(B flat), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ two-part chorus ~ strings.
Music: Autographs of the two versions for two-part chorus and piano pre-
served in the TsGALI(SPb). Full score autograph of the second version in
F major, signed on behalf of both composers by Shostakovich, preserved in
the Glinka Museum.
Notes: The successful entry, an adaptation by Aleksandr Aleksandrov of
his ‘Hymn of the Bolshevik Party’ with new words by Sergei Mikhalkov
and Gabriel El-Registan, was adopted as the National Anthem of the
USSR from 1 January 1944. Other anthems submitted were composed by
Khachaturyan alone and Iona Tuskiya.
The unpopular wordless Mikhail Glinka Patriotic Song selected by Boris
Yeltsin was replaced by the Aleksandrov anthem for the New Year 2001
with the original lyric rewritten by the 87-year-old Mikhailov.

Opus 65: Symphony No. 8 in C minor

Form: Symphony for full orchestra in five movements:
1. Adagio—Allegro non troppo
2. Allegretto
3. Allegro non troppo attacca
4. Largo attacca
5. Allegretto

Instrumentation: 4 flutes (III and IV = piccolo I and II), 2 oboes, cor

anglais, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 3 bassoons
(III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani
(4 drums), triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals (2 players—I with
drumsticks and II normal mode), bass drum, gong ~ xylophone ~ 1st violins
(16), 2nd violins (14), violas (12), cellos (12), double-basses (10).
Composed: In about 40 days, mainly at the Composer’s House at Ivanovo,
between 2 July and 9 September 1943. First three movements completed
on 3, 18, and 25 August respectively.
Dedication: Yevgeni Aleksandrovich Mravinsky (conductor).
Premières: 3 and 4 November 1943, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Ye. Mravinsky.
5 Feb. 1944, Novosibirsk; Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
Mravinsky. Introductory talk by Ivan Sollertinsky (who died suddenly six
days later. See also Opus 67).
USA: 2 April 1944, Carnegie Hall, New York; New York Philharnonic
Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski. A sum of 10,000 dollars was paid by the
Columbia Broadcasting System for the privilege of the first broadcast in
the West.
UK: 13 July 1944, Bedford Corn Exchange, BBC Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Henry Wood. (See Notes).
France: 28 February 1946, Paris; Roger Désormière (conductor).
UK: 23 September 1960, Royal Festival Hall, London; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. Mravinsky. (See Notes).
Scotland: 29 August 1962, Usher Hall, Edinburgh; Polish Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Jan Krenz. In the presence of the composer.
Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by Levon Atovmyan and two
pianos eight hands by Pavel Lamm (the latter not published).
Music: Autograph score inscribed ‘Manuscript belongs to N. V. Shostakovich’
and preserved at TsGALI.
Muzgiz, 1943; No. 18220, 1946, 30 cm.; and 1963, 22 cm.
Breitkopf & Härtel, No. 3605, 1947, 18.5 cm.
Breitkopf & Härtel, No. 4021 (plate no. 31302), 1947, 33 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 760, 1965, 19 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, arr. for piano four hands by L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9375 (in Volume 4 of Collected Works), 1981, 30cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2221, 1991, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 8 and piano score in
Volume 23 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 60 and approx. 62 minutes in scores: 53' 36"–69' 19"; 64 minutes
(Plaistow and this was the time allocated for the Prom broadcast on 13 July
OP U S 65: SYM P HONY N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 257

Films: Rollerball, directed by Norman Jewison, includes excerpts from the

Eighth and Fifth Symphonies. See under Opus 47.
Rostropovich Returns to Russia. The third movement filmed in Leningrad
on 16 February 1990. See under Opus 47.
Recordings: CD—Italy: Fonotipia ‘Le Grandi Orchestra nel Mondo, Volume
12’ C015-93 12 (mono). Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge KOUSSEVITZKY.
P concert broadcast 21 Apr. 1944, I 1993 (limited edition of 1000 copies).
[NB. Also performances of the 1st movement recorded privately on 22 Apr.
1944, 7 and 24 Apr. 1945.]
Italy: AS 538 (mono). New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Artur
RODZINSKI. P concert 15 Oct. 1944, I 1990 ~ *Archipel ARPCD 0127
(two-disc set). [Op. 47; Tchaikovsky.] I July 2003 ~ *Guild Historical
GHCD 2322 (mono). Orchestra named as the Philharmonic Symphony
Orchestra of New York and the recording begins with the broadcast
USA: BSO-CD2 (mono). First movement only. Boston Symphony
Orchestra, S. KOUSSEVITZKY. P Boston 25 Apr. 1945, I on fund-raising CD
1988. ~ Biddulph WHL 045 (mono). I 1996, G Feb. 1997.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D03620-1 (2 sides mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad studio 2 June 1947,
I 1957 ~ USSR: Melodiya D032639-40 (2 sides mono). Restored 1972,
I 1973. Reissued on CD—BMG Classics Melodiya Mravinsky Edition
Volume. 17, 74321 29406-2 (mono). I Apr. 1996.
CD—Revelation RV 10061 (mono). State Radio and Television Large
Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. P concert 7 Oct. 1959, I Feb. 1997,
G Sept. 1997.
BBC Legends BBCL 4002-2. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
MRAVINSKY. P Royal Festival Hall, London concert 23 Sept. 1960, I Nov.
1998 (issued with a bonus CD [Mozart.]), G Dec. 1998.
*Japan: Dreamlife DLCA 7003 (mono, two-disc set). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. [Mozart.] P Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall concert 12 Feb 1961, first release I 2004.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D09615-7-D09799 (3 sides mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 25 Feb.
1961, I 1962, G July 1966. *Reissued on CD—Russia: MELCD 10 00773
(mono, not stereo as stated on inlay and CD). I 2005.
LP—USSR: MK D011185-7-D010714 (3 sides mono) and
C0455-7-C0388 (3 sides). Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN.
P 1961, I 1962 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2474 (2 sides). G June 1969 ~
HMV Melodiya BOX 502506-7 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 2903873 (seventh record in twelve-record box set, DMM).
G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278

1005-6. [In Box 3 of five two-disc sets.] G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics
Melodiya 7432119841-2. I July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
*CD—Japan: Altus ALT 067. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. [Mussorgsky.] P Tokyo concert 20 Apr. 1967, I 2003.
Czech: Praga PR 250 040 (mono). Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. P Prague broadcast 29 Sept. 1969, G Sept. 1993.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 2917. London Symphony Orchestra, André
PREVIN. P 8–9 Feb. 1973, G Oct. 1973. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics
Matrix 18 CDM5 65521-2. I July 1995, G Oct. 1995 ~ *EMI Encore
509024-2. G Mar. 2008. See also G July 2009.
*CD—Japan: Scora Classics scoracd 012 (disc 1 of two-disc set, mono).
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert
31 Jan. 1976, I 2004.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 8 26 972. Berlin City Symphony
Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. P East Berlin 9–17 Sept. 1976, I 1977d.
Reissued on CD—East Germany: Deutsches Schallplaten 32 TC 77 ~
Germany: Berlin Classics Eterna BC 2064-2. G July 1994.
BBC Legends BBCL 4189-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P Royal Festival Hall, London concert 30 Oct. 1979, I Sept.
CD—Philips 422 442-2PH. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye.
MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 28 Mar. 1982, G June 1989 ~ Japan:
Icone ICN 9411-2. P incorrectly given as Moscow Radio Concert Hall 15
Mar. 1983, I Sept. 1994. NB. Cor anglais player given as Valeri Sobolev
~ USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 917.1 Aug. 1996, G Feb. 1997 ~ Philips
Virtuoso 422 442-2PX. G Sept. 1998 ~ *Regis RRC 1250. I July 2006,
G Awards (Oct.) 2006. NB. Only the Russian Disc and Regis releases are
remastered at the correct pitch: the Philips and Icone CDs are a semitone
LP and CD—Decca SXDL 7621 (digital). Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Bernard HAITINK. P Amsterdam 20–21 Dec. 1982, G Nov. 1983. Reis-
sued on CD—Decca 411 616-2DH. G Apr. 1984. ~ Decca Ovation
425 071-2DM. G Nov. 1993.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00119 002 (3 sides in two-record set, digital). USSR
Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Sergei Grishin (cor anglais),
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1983, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia
OCD 143. I Aug. 1987, G May 1989.
EMI EL 270290-1 (digital). Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf
BARSHAI. P Poole Apr. 1985, G Aug. 1985. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7
47670-2. I Feb. 1989, G June 1989 ~ EMI CDM7 64719-2 (‘Bournemouth
Symphony Orchestra Centenary’). Third movement only. G Sept. 1993 ~
*Classics for Pleasure 587 0342. Complete symphony. I Aug. 2005.
OP U S 65: SYM P HONY N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 259

CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 10 00 240. USSR Tele-Radio Large

Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow concert 5 May
1985, I 1991b ~ *CDK Music CDKM 1012. I UK Oct. 2004 and
Aug. 2004.
Australia: ABC Classics 426 510-2. Adelaide Orchestra, Nicholas
BRAITHWAITE. P Adelaide Town Hall 1–4 May 1988.
Naxos 8.550628. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 3–12 Dec. 1988, I Jan. 1993, G Nov. 1993.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60145. Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra,
Leonard SLATKIN. P St Louis 28 Dec. 1988, I Dec. 1989, G Apr. 1990 ~
*RCA Classic Library 82876 7238-2. [Op. 96.] I 2006.
LP and CD—Decca 425 675-1DH (digital) and released on CD—425
675-2DH. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg SOLTI. P Chicago concert
4–6 Feb. 1989, G Sept. 1989.
Chandos ABRD 1396 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8757.
Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 7 Feb. 1989, G Apr.
CD—Philips 432 090-2PH. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Semyon
BYCHKOV. P Berlin 21–22 Mar. 1990, G May 1993.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 9 (fifth in eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, R. BARSHAI. P Cologne 14 Mar. 1994 and 16 Oct.
1995, I Dec. 2001.
Denon CO 78910. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna
21–23 Jan. 1991, G Jan. 1995.
Collins Classics 1271-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P London 8–10 Mar. 1991, I Oct. 1991, G June 1992.
Finland: Ondine ODE 775-2. Helsinki Philharmonic, James DEPREIST. P
Järvenpää Apr. 1991, I Apr. 1992, G Oct. 1992.
Telarc CD 80291. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Yoel LEVI. P Atlanta,
Georgia 14 Apr. 1991, I and G July 1994 ~ *I with same number Dec.
Teldec 9031 74719-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Washington Oct. 1991, G Oct. 1992 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct. 1997 ~ Ultima
8573 87799-2 (two-disc set). I Apr. 2001, G Sept. 2001 ~ *Warner Classics
Apex 0927 49850-2. I May 2003.
Decca 436 763-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow 23–29 Oct 1991, G Apr. 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 437 819-2GH. London Symphony Orchestra,
André PREVIN. P Tooting 9–10 Oct. 1992, I Jan. 1995, G Mar. 1995 ~
Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 463, 262-2GCL. I Aug. 1999, G Feb.

Philips 446 062-2PH. Kirov Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV. P Haarlem

8–11 Sept. 1994, G Aug. 1995 ~ *Philips 470 841-2PM5 (‘The War
Symphonies’, five-disc set). [Opp. 43, 47, 54, 60, and 70.] G Mar. 2006.
Netherlands: Erasmus WVH 143. Byelorussian State Symphony
Orchestra, Gerard OSKAMP. P Minsk concert 1995, I 1998.
Delos DE 3204 (Dolby Surround Sound). Dallas Symphony Orchestra,
Andrew LITTON. P Dallas 2–3 Jan. 1996, I Mar. 1997 and Feb. 2006, G
Sept. 1997.
Germany: BMG RCA Disc 74321 56258-2. Minsk Philharmonic
Orchestra, Pierre-Dominique PONNELLE. P 1–4 June 1996, I 1998.
*Slovenia: SF 997029. Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri SIMONOV.
P Cultural and Congress Centre, Gallus Hall, Ljubljana concert 2 Feb. and
1 Mar. 1996.
Germany: Arte Nova 74321 51628-2. Novosibirsk Philharmonic
Orchestra, Arnold KATS. P Oct. 1996, I Dec. 1997.
Switzerland: Relief CR 991056. Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra,
V. FEDOSEYEV. P concert 1999, I June 2001.
**EMI Classics CDC 57176-2 (includes rehearsal track). Pittsburgh
Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P 9–11 Feb. 2001, I Oct. 2001, G
Dec. 2001.
Avie AV 0043. Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, Semyon BYCHKOV.
P 12–17 Mar. 2001, I July 2004.
Angelok1 CD-9932. Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA.
[Op. 96.] P Tchaikovsky Conservatory Bolshoi Hall, Moscow Jan. 2003,
I 2005.
Supraphon SU 38902 (eighth of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Smetana Hall, Prague concert
7–8 Apr. 2003, G Nov. 2006.
Germany: Capriccio 71 013 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenenick Orchestra
of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Cologne Philharmonie concert,
28 June–2 July 2003, G Oct. 2004 and Feb. 2005.
Germany: Berlin Classics 0017932BC. Saarbrücken Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Günther HERBIG. P Musikkstudio Saarbrücken 17 Feb. 2004, G
May 2006.
Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1204-2. Beethoven
Orchestra of Bonn, Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg,
Germany 26–28 Oct. 2004, I Aug. 2005, postponed until 2006.
Germany: Arts Music 47704-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica
di Milano ‘Giuseppi Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium Verdi di Milano
concert Oct. 2004, I 2005, G Mar. 2006.
LSO Live LSO 0060 and 0527 (Hybrid SACD). London Symphony
Orchestra, M. ROSTROPOVICH. P Barbican Hall, London concert 3–4 Nov.
2004, I June 2005, G Dec. 2005.
OP U S 65: SYM P HONY N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 261

BIS-SACD 1483. Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Mark

WIGGLESWORTH. P Dutch Radio and Television Studio, Hilversum
20–24 Dec. 2004, I Oct. 2005, G Jan. 2006.
Netherlands: PentaTone classics PTC 5186 084 (Hybrid SACD). Russian
National Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P DZZ Studio Moscow 26–28 June
2005, I June 2006, G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Dunelm Records DRD 0261. London Shostakovich Orchestra,
Christopher COX. P St Cyprian’s Church, London concert 20 May 2006,
I July 2007.
Notes: The Breitkopf & Härtel scores and parts, used by Western conductors
after 1947, incorrectly give E sharp in the Finale coda muted violin solo
(at bar 559 before fig. 172), whereas the Muzgiz and Muzyka scores faith-
fully reproduce the composer’s C sharp. This note is wrongly played in the
DePreist, Previn, Haitink, Inbal, and Järvi recorded versions but corrected
by Slatkin and Solti.
It was unofficially christened the ‘Stalingrad Symphony’ after the
American première.
Richard Pleak contributes important and revealing ‘Unpublished letters
from Shostakovich to Koussevitzky’ to DSCH Newsletter XIII (August
1989), found while doing research at the Library of Congress. These con-
cern criticisms of the conductor’s 1944 and 1946 recordings of, respectively,
Symphonies Nos. 8 and 9.
The UK concert and broadcast première was originally scheduled to
be performed on 13 July 1944, by the London Philharmonic Orchestra
under Sir Adrian Boult, from the Royal Albert Hall as part of Sir Henry
Wood’s Jubilee Season of Promenade Concerts. However, the concert was
cancelled by the authorities as it was realized that the hall’s glass dome
made it a potential death trap with the onset of Hitler’s V-1 flying bomb
attacks. The concert and broadcast took place on the same date, transferred
to Bedford with substituted orchestra and conductor (see Hulme in DSCH
Journal No. 11).
The programme note for the Royal Festival Hall performance by the
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra under Yevgeni Mravinsky, in the
presence of the composer, on 23 September 1960—incorrectly announced
as the first UK public performance—listed the movements as ‘Adagio,
March Militaire, Allegro non troppo, Passacaglia, and Largo’.
The second movement quotes the Scherzo theme of the ‘Original’ Suite
for Jazz Orchestra No. 2, Sans op. G(i).
See the essay by David Haas ‘Shostakovich’s Eighth—C minor against
the grain’ in Bartlett (2000).
Zachary Cairns explores the links between the Eighth and Seventh
Symphonies in DSCH Journal No. 27. The useful Appendix consists of five
movement-by-movement full page form charts.

Opus 66: Russian River

Form: Incidental music for the stage spectacle Russian River, scored for choir
and orchestra:
1. March—Allegretto
2. Choreographic divertissement ‘Football’—Presto
3. Vocal-symphonic picture ‘The Battle of Stalingrad’—Moderate—Allegro
4. Waltz
5. Final Chorus—Moderato
Lyrics of Nos. 3 and 5 by Iosif Dobrovolsky.
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, oboe, 2 clarinets (B flat and A), bassoon ~
2 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals, bass
drum ~ S.A.T.B. chorus in Nos. 3 and 5 ~ strings.
Composed: 17 December 1944, at Moscow.
Première: 17 April 1945, Moscow Dzerzhinsky Central Club; NKVD Song
and Dance Ensemble; scenario by Iosif Dobrovolsky, M. Volpin, and Nikolai
Erdman; décor by Pyotr Vilyams and produced by Ruben Simonov.
Arrangements: Piano reductions of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 by V. Samarin and
of No. 5 by Andrei Sevastyanova. Shostakovich’s National Anthem
Entry, Sans op. N(iii), is introduced in ‘The Battle of Stalingrad’, which
Yuri Silantiev retitles ‘Battle by the Volga’ in My Native Country Sans
op. Y, and in No. 5—used with a new lyric for ‘Song of Victory’ in
Silantiev’s Suite.
Music: Autograph score preserved at the Moscow Dzerzhinsky Central
Club and ‘The Battle of Stalingrad’ autograph in the possession of Karen
Khachaturyan. No musical material of the Waltz has been discovered.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2518 (in My Native Country), 1972, ‘Battle by
the Volga’ only, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), 1986, piano and
vocal scores of Nos. 1–3 and 5, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Nos. 1–3 and 5 with I. Dobrovolsky’s original lyrics, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 119 and piano score in
Volume 123 of New Collected Works.
Recording: *LP—Czech: Supraphon SUL 34030 (‘Soviet Popular Music’,
7" 45 rpm, mono). ‘Football’ only. USSR Radio and Television Orchestra,
Yuri SILANTIEV. [Khachaturyan and Lyudvikovsky.] P Strakov Studio,
Prague 19 May 1958, I 1959.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9907 (‘Theatre Music’). ‘Football’ arr. V. Samarin.
Rustem HAYROUDINOFF (piano). P Potton Hall, Suffolk 7–8 Aug. 2000, I
Apr. 2001.
OP U S 67: P IA NO TRIO N O. 2 IN E MIN OR 263

Notes: This work listed as The Great River by Martynov and Rabinovich, with
the subtitle (The Volga) by the latter.
See My Native Country, Sans op. Y, for recording of ‘Battle by the Volga’.
For another ballet scene about the game of football see The Golden Age
Opus 22.

Opus 67: Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor

Form: Chamber work for violin, cello, and piano in four movements:
1. Andante—Moderato
2. Allegro con brio or (in earlier editions) Allegro non troppo
3. Largo attacca
4. Allegretto
Composed: In 1944, at the Composer’s House at Ivanovo. Begun on 15 February,
four days after the death of his friend Ivan Sollertinsky; the second movement
finished on 4 August and the whole work completed on 13 August.
Dedication: To the memory of Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinsky (musicologist).
Premières: 14 November 1944, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall and
28 November 1944, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Dmitri Tsyganov
(violin), Sergei Shirinsky (cello), and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano). The
Allegretto repeated as an encore.
UK: 24 April 1946, Wigmore Hall, London; Boosey & Hawkes ninth
concert; Henry Holst (violin), Anthony Pini (cello), and Peter Stadlen
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI. Awarded a Stalin Prize Second
Class in 1946. Not usually designated as ‘No. 2’ on scores and parts before
Muzgiz, No. 18203, 1945, score and parts, 28.5 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, c.1947, with annotations by Harry Sheldon,
parts, 30 cm.
International Music, No. 2806, c.1960, parts, 30.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4744 (plate no. 12035), 1961, parts, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1962, parts, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2211, 1962, score and parts, 31.5 cm.
MCA, 1967, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 2943, 1968, parts, 29 cm.
Universal Edition, Philharmonia Score No. 181, no date (1968 on
back cover), with detailed analysis in German, English, and French, score,
18.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10794 (in Volume 37 of Collected Works), 1983, score and
parts, 30 cm.

Duration: 24' 40" in score; 22' 39"–30' 06"; 27' 50"–29' 00" (Plaistow).
Ballets: About Face. Alexander Roy, London Dance Theatre; Euston Collegiate
Theatre, London, August 1976.
A Moment of Give. Jeremy James, Spring Loaded company; Linbury
Studio, Royal Opera House, London, 8 April 2000.
Recordings: (Instrumentalists named in the order—violinist, cellist, and
78 rpm and CD—USSR: 13160-9 (9 sides 10"). Dmitri Tsyganov, Sergei
Shirinsky, and Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1945 ~ USA: Compass Set C 102
(5 sides 10"). Reissued on CD—Revelation RV 70007 (‘Shostakovich plays
Shostakovich, Volume 6’, mono). I Sept. 1998, G Feb. 1999 ~ *Canada:
Doremi DHR 7787 (mono). [Opp. 67, 57, 34, 69, and 5.] I Feb. 2002 NB.
Erroneously stated to have never before issued on LP or CD! ~ *Germany:
Designo 222521 (on third of four-disc set). [Op. 57.] I June 2005.
78 rpm and CD—USA: Alco of Hollywood A-3 (6 sides). COMPINSKY TRIO
(Manuel, Alec, and Sara Compinsky). P 1945 (not c.1950 as given in the Third
Edition). *Reissued on CD—Cambria CD 1130 (mono). Cuts in fourth
movement at bars 44–57, 67–78, and 339–50. [Rakhmaninov.] I Nov. 2003.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—Ultraphon G 14927-9 (6 sides). David Oistrakh,
Miloš Sádlo, and D. SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague after public performance on
26 May 1947 ~ *USA: Mercury DM 21 (6 sides). Reissued on LP—USA:
Mercury MG 15005 (10" mono). I 1949 ~ USA: Colosseum CRLPX 011
(mono). I 1954~ USSR: Melodiya M10 39075-6 (in four-record box set ‘D.
Shostakovich—Pianist’ , mono). I 1977b ~ Czech: Supraphon 0 10 2371-2
(in two-record set ‘David Oistrakh in Prague’, mono). I 1978, G Aug.
1979. Reissued on CD—Canada: Doremi DHR 7701. (‘David Oistrakh
Collection, Volume 1’). P date given as 1946, I Mar. 1997 ~ Revelation
Compact Disc RV 70006 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 5’,
mono). I May 1998 ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0022. [Opp. 35, 102,
and 94.] I May 2002 ~ *Symposium 1314 (mono). [Opp. 34, 5, 22, 73,
and 69.] I Jan. 2004.
CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4024-2 (mono). Leonid Kogan, Mstislav
Rostropovich, and Emil GILELS. P London 28 Feb. 1959, G Nov. 1999.
*Russia: Moscow State Conservatory SMC CD 0035 (mono). D. Oistrakh,
Svyatoslav Knushevitsky, and Lev OBORIN. [Chausson.]. P Moscow Conser-
vatory concert 1 Oct. 1960, I 1999 ~ Japan: Japan: Triton MECC 26018
(mono). [Opp. 49 and 92.] I 2000. NB. This reissue previously listed as the
1961 Prague radio performance.
Czech: Multisonic 31 0105-2 (mono). D. Oistrakh, S. Knushevitsky,
and L. OBORIN. P Prague radio 1961, I 1993 ~ France: Praga PR 254 054
(mono). I July 1994 ~ Japan: Triton MECC 26018 (mono). P stated
Moscow Conservatory concert 1960, I 2000.
OP U S 67: P IA NO TRIO N O. 2 IN E MIN OR 265

*LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 508 (mono). Georgi Badev, Zdravko

Yordanov, and Anton DIKOV. [Pipkov.] I c.1963.
LP and CD—USA: Concert-Disc 234. LYRIC TRIO (Arthur Tabachnik,
Shirley Evans, Hilde Freund). P 1963. Reissued on CD—Everest SDBR
4234. G Apr. 1972.
Czech: Supraphon SUA10019 (mono). CZECH TRIO (Aleksandr Plocek,
Saša Večtomov, Josef Páleníček). P 1963. Reissued on CD—Czech:
Supraphon CO 4489. I 1990.
LP—Waverley LLP 1023 (mono) and SLLP 1024. SCOTTISH TRIO (Louis
Carus, Joan Dickson, Wight Henderson). G Nov. 1964.
USA: Westminster XWN 19063 (mono) and WST 17073.
TRIO DI BOLZANO (Giaino Capri, Sante Amadori, Nunzie Montanari). P 1964
~ HMV CLP 1887 (mono) and CSD 1614. G Aug. 1965 ~ MCA Millen-
nium Classics MCD 80107 (stereo not mono as stated). I Feb. 1997.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 01805-6. Mikhail Vaiman, Mstislav
Rostropovich, and Pavel SEREBRYAKOV. P 1966, I 1969 ~ USA: Angel
Melodiya S 40091. I 1969~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2718. G Aug. 1971.
Reissued on CD—Japan: VICC 2152. I 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D021245-6 (mono) and C01621-2. Igor Bezrodny,
Mikhail Khomitser, and Dmitri BASHKIROV. I 1969.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02649-50. Yuri Shvolkovsky, Maris Villerush, and
Valdis YANTSIS. P and I 1971.
USA: Turnabout TV 34280 S. NEW AMSTERDAM TRIO (John Pintavalle,
Heinrich Joachim, Edith Mocsanyi). P 1971, G Mar. 1972.
Da Camera Magna SM 92110. Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Philippe Muller,
and Jacques ROUVIER. P 1971, G Jan. 1982.
USSR: Melodiya CM 03723-4. Rostislav Dubinsky, Valentin Berlinsky,
and Lyubov YEDLINA. P 1972, I 1973 ~ USA: Westminster WGS 8332.
*CD—Canada: Doremi DHR 6606, Marta Hidy, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi,
and Arthur OZOLINS. [Smetana.] P Toronto 1974, I 2002.
LP—HMV HQS 1330. Yong-Uck Kim, Ralph Kirshbaum, and Andrè
PREVIN. P1974, G Sept. 1974.
LP and CD—Sweden: BIS LP 26. Arve Tellefsen, Frans Helmerson, and
Hans PÅLSSON. P Nacka, Sweden 26–27 Apr. 1975, G Mar. 1977. Reissued
on CD—Sweden: BIS CD 26. I 1991, G Sept. 1992.
LP—Philips 6500 860. BEAUX ARTS TRIO (Isidore Cohen, Bernard Green-
house, Menahem Pressler). P 1975, G Jan. 1976 ~ Philips Musica da camera
412 402-1PC. G June 1985.
USSR: Melodiya C10 06943-4. Mikhail Bezverkhny, Tatyana Prokhorova,
and Aleksandr BONDURYANSKY. P 1976, I 1976d.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 07191-2. Grigori Feigin, Valentin
Feigin, and Igor ZHUKHOV. P 1976, I 1977a. Reissued on CD—France: Le

Chant du Monde LDC 278 1018-19 (two-disc set). I Feb. 1990, G June
LP—RCA Red Seal RL 25224. Miles Baster, Christopher Gough, and
Roger WOODWARD. P Edinburgh 21–22 Sept. 1978, G Jan. 1980.
CD—Hong Kong: One-Eleven URS 92010. Ruggiero Ricci, Nathaniel
Rosen, and Santiago RODRIGUEZ. P concert 1978, I 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 14927-8. Vladimir Ivanov, Mikhail Utkin,
and Aleksandr BONDURYANSKY. P1980, I 1981c.
New Zealand: Kiwi Records Tartar TRL 016. GAGLIANO TRIO (John
Chisholm, Allan Chisholm, Bruce Greenfield). I 1981.
LP and CD—Phoenix DGS 1006. TRIO ZINGARA (Sophie Langdon, Susan
Dorey, Annette Cole). P London 1–2 Apr. 1981, G Dec. 1982 ~ Signature
KNEW LP 202 and released on CD—KNEW CD 202. I 1987.
Norway: Simax PS 1014. OSLO TRIO (Stig Nilsson, Aage Kvalbein, Jens
Harald Bratlie). P near Oslo 17 Nov. and 21 Dec. 1981, and 2 Jan. 1982;
G July 1982. Reissued on CD—Simax PSC 1014. I Sept. 1987, G Oct.
LP—Academy Sound & Vision ALH 929. MUSIC GROUP OF LONDON (David
Parkhouse, Hugh Bean, Eileen Croxford). I Apr. 1983, G July 1983.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1088 (digital). BORODIN TRIO (Rostislav
Dubinsky, Yuli Turovsky, Lyubov Yedlina). P London June 1983,
G Jan. 1984. Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8342. I Sept. 1984, G
Apr. 1985.
CD—Germany: Live Classics LCL 172. Oleg Kagan, Natalia Gutman,
and Svyatoslav RICHTER. P Pushkin Museum, Moscow concert 12 Dec.
LP—Canada: Fanfare DFL 9021 X (digital). CANADIAN PIANO TRIO (Jaime
Weisenblum, Nina Tobias, Stephanie Sebastian). P Toronto June 1985.
France: Harmonia Mundi Ottava LP OTR 58504. GUARNERI TRIO (Mark
Lubotsky, Jean Decroos, Danièle Dechenne). P 1985, I Apr. 1987.
Czech: Panton 8111 0570. NEW PRAGUE TRIO (Jiří Klika, Jan Zvolánek,
Arnošt Střižek). P 9–13 Dec. 1985.
LP and CD—Italy: Dynamic FC U23 (digital). TRIO TCHAIKOVSKY (Pavel
Vernikov, Anatole Liebermann, Konstantin Bogino). P Genoa Feb. 1986.
Reissued on CD—Dynamic/Essex Records II Canale DC U23. G Oct.
LP—USA: Musicmasters MMD 20152Y-53W (‘Live from Spoleto
Festival USA 1986’, digital, in two-record set). Joseph Swensen, David
Finckel, and Yefim BRONFMAN. P Charleston, S. Carolina concert May or
June 1986, I 1988.
OP U S 67: P IA NO TRIO N O. 2 IN E MIN OR 267

Spain: Harmonia Mundi Iberica HMI 87 001 (digital).

TRIO DE BARCELONA Gerard Claret, Lluis Claret, Albert G. Attenelle). P
Spain 1987.
CD—CBS Masterworks MK 44664. Isaac Stern, Yo-Yo Ma, and Emanuel AX.
P Purchase, New York 23 Nov. 1987, I Dec. 1988, G June 1989 ~ *France:
Sony Classical Grand Répertoire 5082372. [Op. 40.] I 2002.
Sweden: Caprice CAP 21348. GARCIA TRIO (Gustavo Garcia, Göran
Holmstrand, Ingemar Edgren). P 18–19 Apr. 1987, I 1988.
USA: XLNT Music CD-18003. LEONARDO TRIO (Erica Kiesewetter,
Jonathan Spitz, Cameron Grant). P New York 28–31 Dec. 1987, I 1988.
LP and CD—Collins Classics 1040-1 (digital) and released on
CD—1040-2. TRIO ZINGARA (Elizabeth Layton, Felix Schmidt, A. Cole). P
London 1989, G Mar. 1990.
CD—Switzerland: Relief CR 891 008. TRIO YUVAL (Uri Pianka, Simca
Heled, Jonathan Zak). P New York 5–7 June 1989, I 1990.
Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MD+GL 3334. MÜNCHER KLAVIERTRIO
(Ilona Then-Bergh, Gerhard Zank, Michael Schafer). P date not stated, I
Finland: Ondine ODE 744-2.TRIO TCHAIKOVSKY (Pavel Vernikov, Anatole
Liebermann, Konstantin Bogino). P July 1989, I June 1990.
Philips 432 079-2PH. BEAUX ARTS TRIO (Isidore Cohen, Peter Wiley,
Menahem Pressler). P New York Sept. 1989, G Aug. 1991.
Germany: Harmonia Mundi HM 950-2. ALANI TRIO (Annette-Barbara
Vogel, Nikolai Schneider, Lars Vogt). P Heildelberg 2–3 Nov. 1989.
Altarus AIR-CD 9033. FRIEND-SOLOMON-HUGH TRIO (Rodney Friend,
Timothy Hugh, Yonty Solomon). P not stated, I 1991.
Netherlands: Fidelio 8843. REIZEND MUZIEKGEZELSCHAP (Christian Bor,
Nathaniel Rosen, Edward Auer). P Amsterdam 21 Mar. and 7 Aug. 1990.
(Stephanie Chase, Ronald Thomas, Randall Hodgkinson). P Methuen,
Mass. Apr. 1990, I Dec. 1994.
Claudio CR 4013-2. BEKOVA SISTERS TRIO (Elvira, Alfia, and Eleonora
Nakipbekova). P 15 July 1990, I July 1991.
Virgin Classics VC7 59312-2. NASH ENSEMBLE (Marcia Crayford,
Christopher van Kampen, Ian Brown). P London Nov. 1990, I Aug. 1993 ~
*Virgin Classics VDB5 61760-2 (two-disc set). [Schoenberg.] I Mar. 2000.
*Russia: a-ram ACD 001. TRIO LUDUS TONALIS (Olga Vikomirskaya, Sergei
Sudzilovsky, Viktor Yampolsky). [Op. 40.] P Moscow Gnessin Academy
2–4 Apr. 1991, I 1993.
*Australia: Tall Poppies TP 052. AUSTRALIA TRIO (Dean Olding, Julian
Smiles, David Bollard). [Op. 57.] P ABC Studio, Sydney 7–8 Feb. 1992,
I 1996.

Czech: Bohemia Music BM 0013-2. CZECH TRIO (Dana Vlachova, Jan

Páleníček, Norbet Heller). [Smetana.] P Schloss Hluboká June 1992.
Denmark: Kontrapunkt 32131. COPENHAGEN TRIO (Søreh Elbaek, Troels
Hermansen, Morton Mogensen). P Lungbye 1992.
Koch Discover International DICD 920356. CHO PIANO TRIO (Cho Young
Mi, Cho Young Chang, Cho Young Bang). P Brussels 1992.
Netherlands: Channel Classics Canal Grande CG 9218. OSIRIS TRIO
(Peter Blunt, Larissa Groeneveld, Ellen Corver). P Haarlem 10, 11, and
13 Aug. 1992, I May 1993.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288 088.
MOSCOW TRIO (Vladimir Ivanov, Mikhail Utkin, Aleksandr Bonduryansky).
P Moscow Conservatory Sept.–Nov. 1993, I Sept. 1994.
USA: Mobius 2D 0193 (two-disc set). MOBIUS (Phil Johnson, Mike
Fitzpatrick, Xak Bjerken). P 1993.
USA: Gagliano GR 303-CD. FLORESTAN TRIO (Carol Sindell, Hamilton
Cheifetz, Harold Gray). P Portland State University, Oregon 27–29 Dec.
USA: Arizona Friends of Chamber Music 1994-01. Ani Kavafian, Colin
Carr, and James BONN. P Tucson, Arizona 13 Mar. 1994, I 1996.
*Australia: ABC Classics 456 841-3 (‘Australian Festival of Chamber
Music’—on second of three disc set). Isabelle van Keulen, Aleksandr
Ivashkin, and Boris BERMAN. P Townsville Civic Centre, Brisbane concert
8 July 1994, I 2000.
Decca 452 899-2DH. Joshua Bell, Steven Isserlis, and Olli MUSTONEN.
P London 28 Aug. 1994, G Sept. 1997 ~ *Decca 475 617-2 (two-disc set).
[Prokofiev.] I 2005.
Canada: Mastersound MST 33. MCPHERSON TRIO (Pablo Diemecke,
Lawrence Skaggs, May-Ling Kwok). P University of Victoria 29–30 Aug.
1994, I Nov. 1995.
Japan: Meldec MECC 28004. Aleksandr Melnikov, Natalya Sabinova, and
Viktor YAMPOLSKY. P Mosfilm Studio, Moscow 1–10 Oct. 1994, I June 1995.
Naxos 8.553297. STOCKHOLM ARTS TRIO (Dan Almgren, Torleif Thedeen,
Stefan Bojsten). P Stockholm 13–15 Mar. 1995, G July 1997.
Teldec 4509-98414-2. Mikhail Kopelman, Valentin Berlinsky, and
Elizaveta LEONSKAYA. P Berlin Apr. 1995, G Feb. 1997 ~ Ultima 8573
87820-2 (two-disc set). I Apr. 2001, G Aug. 2001 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus
2564-60813-2. [Op. 57.] I 2003.
Koch Schwann 3-6400-2H1. Lev Atlas, Alexander Volpov, and Phillip
SILVER. P BBC Scotland May 1995.
*Germany: Gutungi 217. SERAPHIN TRIO (Wilhelm F. Walz, Jörg Metzger,
Gottfried Hefele). [Rakhmaninov and Ravel.] P Studio Franken Oct. 1995,
I 1997.
OP U S 67: P IA NO TRIO N O. 2 IN E MIN OR 269

*Germany: Bella Musica BM 31.2415. ARCADIA TRIO (Gorjan Koöuta,

Miloö Mlejnik, Rainer Gepp). [Meyer.] P WDR Saal 2, Cologne 22–23
Nov. 1995, I 2007.
*Czech: Russian RCD 10401. ROMANTIC TRIO (Viktor Abramyan,
Aleksandr Bourikov, Gennardi Dzubenko). [Glinka and Rakhmaninov.] P
Moscow Melodiya Studio 1995, I 1996.
USA: Arabesque Z 6698 (two-disc set). Jaime Laredo, Sharon Robinson,
and Joseph KALICHSTEIN. P Purchase, New York 17–18 Dec. 1995 or 12–13
Sept. 1996, I and G Jan. 1998.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051-0176. TRIO DI TORINO (Sergio Lamberto, Dario
Destefano, Giacomo Fuga). P Wesel, Germany Apr. 1996, I May 2000.
Germany: Ars Musici Primavera AMP 5065. TRIO JEAN PAUL (Ulf Schneider,
Martin Lôhr, Eckart Heiligers). P Freiburger Musik Forum June 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9526 (two-disc set). BEKOVA SISTERS (as 1990 recording).
P Highgate, London 19–20 June 1996, G May 1997.
France: Erato 0650-17875-2. Vadim Repin, Dmitri Yablonsky, and
Boris BEREZOVSKY. P Berlin 23–27 Mar. 1997, G Jan. 1998.
Hungary: Hungaroton Classics HCD 31780. BARTOS TRIO (Galina
Danilova, Csaba Bartos, Irina Ivanickaia). P Hungaroton Studio 29 May–2
June 1997.
Switzerland: European Mozart Foundation EMF 84 (third of four-disc
set). Nurit Pacht, Isolde Hayer, and John BLACKLOW. P Venice concert
5 July 1997.
Germany: EMI Classics CDC5 56674-2. AHN TRIO (Angella, Maria, and
Lucia Ahn). P New York 10–15 July 1997.
France: Lyrinx LYR182. Regis Pasquier, Roland Pidoux, and Jean-Claude
PENNETIER. P Marseille 14–16 Nov. 1997.
Germany: EMI Classics CDC5 56673-2. EROICA TRIO (Adela Peňa, Sara
Sant’Ambrogio, Erika Nickrenz). P Tiburon, California 5–9 Mar. 1998.
USA: MSR Classics MS 1046. ARMAN TRIO (Constantin Bogdanas, Dorel
Fodoreanu, Deniz Arman Gelenbe). P Meredith College, Raleigh, North
Carolina concert 6 Apr. 1998.
Nimbus NI 5572. VIENNA TRIO (Wolfgang Redik, Marcus Trefny, and
Stefan Mendl). P Nimbus Foundation Hall 6–9 Apr. 1998, I and G Dec.
Japan: Deutsche Grammophon POCG 10174. Gidon Kremer, Mischa
Maisky, and Martha ARGERICH. P Tokyo concert May 1998, G Oct. 1999.
Norway: Simax PSC 1147. GRIEG TRIO (Sølve Sigerland, Ellen Margrete
Flesjø, Vebjørn Anvik). P Lommedalen Kirke, Norway 12–18 June 1998,
I Oct. 1999.
Germany: Thorofon CTH 2397. TRIO BAMBERG (Yevgeni Schuk, Stephan
Gerlinghaus, Robert Benz). P Nuremberg June 1998.

*Russia: Brahms Trio (own label unnumbered, ‘Two Centuries of Rus-

sian Piano Trios, Volume 2’). BRAHMS TRIO (Dmitri Vasiliev, Vladimir
Balshin, Natalya Rubinstein). [Op. 8.] P Moscow State Recording Studio
July 1998, I 2001.
Orfeo C 465 991A. MUNICH TRIO (Rudolf J. Koeckert, Gerhard Zank,
Hermann Lechler). P Bavarian Radio Studio 4–5 May and 4–7 June 1999,
I Mar. 2001.
*Poland: Accord ACD 128. Kaja Danczowska, Dorota Imielowska,
Mariola CIENIAWA. [Mendelssohn.] P Firianka Concert Hall, Kracow June
1999, I 2003.
USA: MMC 2058. SOLATI TRIO (Sophia Herman, Hrant Tatian, Ludmilla
Lifson). P Cambridge, Mass. I July 1999.
Czech: Vars VA 0106-2. ACADEMIA TRIO (Pavel Safařík, Jaroslav Matějka,
Petr Jiříkovský). P Hluboš Castle Sept. 1999.
**Germany: EMI Classics 5 57553-2. Antje Weithaas, Boris
Pergamenshchikov, Lars VOGT. [Dvořák.] P Heimbach Chamber Music
Festival concert 15 June 2000, I 2003.
Sweden: Daphne Records 1016. TRIOMATS (Mats Zetterqvist, Mats
Rondin, Mats Widlund). [Beethoven and Ravel.] P Ytterjärna Concert Hall,
Sweden Dec. 2000, I 2001.
Austria: Extraplatte EX-ART 001-2. TRIOSKO (Rachael Schettman,
Marcus Hagemann, Christian Schmid). [Haydn.] P Florentiner Saal Graz,
Austria Feb. 2001, I 2001.
Canada: Atma Classique ACD 22271. LE TRIO RACHMANINOFF DE
MONTRÉAL (Natalia Kononova, Velitchka Yotcheva, Patric Laré).
[Tchaikovsky.] P Salle Claude-Champagne, Montréal 10–12 Jan. 2003.
Praga Digitals PRD 250162. GUARNERI TRIO (Čeněk Pavlik, Marek Jerie,
Ivan Klánský). [Op. 8 and 40.] P Prague 15–17 June 2001, I Nov. 2001.
USA: Bridge BRIDGE 9147. JUPITER TRIO (Robert Waters, Julian Hersh,
Aglika Angelova). [Beethoven.] P Skywater Sound, California 1–3 Aug.
2002, I 2004.
Germany: IPPNW-Concerts-Edition CD 44. Antje Weithaas, Boris
Pergamenshchikov, and Paul RIVINIUS. [Schoenberg.] P University of Fine
Arts, Berlin concert 6 Dec. 2002.
Canada: Atma ACD2 2271. TRIO RACHMANINOFF de MONTRÉAL (Natilia
Kononova, Yelitchka Yotcheva, Patrice Lar). [Tchaikovsky.] P Salle
Claude-Champagne, Montréal 10–12 Jan 2003, I 2004.
France: Triton TRI 331128. Jan Orawiec, Dimitri Maclennikov, and
Jonathan BENICHOU. [Oliver Greif.] P le Corum, Montpellier Feb. 2003.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1825. TRIO WANDERER (Jean-Marc
Phillips-Varjabédian, Rapha‘l Pidoux, Vincent Coq). [Op. 8; Copland.]
P Paris May 2003, G June 2004.
OP U S 67: P IA NO TRIO N O. 2 IN E MIN OR 271

Switzerland: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Graf Mourja. Maria

Hallynck, and Arthur SCHOONDERWOERD. [Opp. 123, 87, 121, and 127.] P
Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Hyperion CDA 67158. Igor URYASH and members of the St Petersburg
Quartet (Alla Aranovskaya and Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 49 and 57.]
P St Petersburg Studio Dec. 2003, G Nov. 2004.
MSR Classics MS 1103. TRIPLE HELIX PIANO TRIO (Bayla Keyes, Rhonda
Rider, Lois Shapiro). [Ravel and Sheng.] P Houghton Chapel, Wellesley,
Mass. Jan. 2004.
Germany: Genuin GMP 04590. ROMA PIANO TRIO (Alessandro D’Andrea,
Marco Damiani, Angela Pardo). [Smetana.] P Rudolf Oetker Halle,
Bielefeld, Germany 3–6 May 2004, I 2005.
EMI Classics 4 76871-2 (on first of three-disc set). Maksim Vengerov,
Gautier Capuçon, and Martha ARGERICH. [Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky.] P
Auditorio Stelio Molo, Lugano concert June 2004.
Germany: Coviella Classics COV 50502 (Hybrid SACD). TRIO PAIAN
(Carl-Magnus Helling, Marin Smesnoi, Alexandra Neumann). [Op. 8.] P
Villa Berg, Stuttgart Aug. 2004, I 2006.
Czech: Arco Diva UP 0069-2 131. ARTEMISS TRIO (Adéla Štajnochrová,
Alžběta Vlčková, Jana Holmanová). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P Lichtenstein
Palace, Prague Sept.–Nov. 2004, I 2005.
Alto ALC 1005. ROSAMUNDE TRIO (Ben Sayevich, Daniel Veis, Martimo
Tirimo). [Tchaikovsky.] P Lichtenstein Palace, Prague Feb. 2005, I Feb.
2007, G July 2007.
Warner Classics 2564 61937-2. Dimitri Makhtin, Aleksandr Kniazev, and
Boris BEREZOVSKY. [Rakhmaninov.] P Singelkerk, Amsterdam 12–14 Oct.
2004, G Apr. 2005.
Austria: ORF CD381. Dalibor Karvay, Milan Karanovic, and Stefan
STROISSNIG. [Haydn and Mendelssohn.] P Orf-Funkhaus, Vienna Nov.
Russia: Classical Records CR 064. DAR TRIO (Aleksandr Kalaskov, Rustam
Komachov, Dmitri Klimov). [Sviridov.] P no date, I 2005.
Stradivarius STR 33706 (‘Complete works for pianoforte’).
TRIO DI PARMA (Ivan Rabaglia , Enrico Bronzi, Alberto Miodini). [Opp. 8
and 127.] P Auditorium Paganini, Parma, Italy 3, 4, 7, 8 Jan. 2005, I
Oct. 2008.
Switzerland: Claves 50-2605. ZURICH PIANO TRIO (Gabriel Adorján, Joël
Marosi, Christiane Frucht). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P Bavaria Studio, Munich
22–23 Apr. 2005 I July 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62514-2. BEAUX ARTS TRIO (Daniel Hope, Antonio
Meneses, Menahem Pressler). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P Indiana University,
Bloomington 8–12 July 2005, I Nov. 2005, G Jan. 2006.

Switzerland: Tudor 7138 (Hybrid SACD). RACHMANINOV QUARTET

(Viktor Yampolsky, Mikhail Tsinman, Natalya Sabinova). [Opp. 8 and 40.]
P Mosfilm Studios Moscow Aug. 2005, I Oct. 2006.
Germany: Hänssler Classic 98 491. Dmitri Sitkovetsky, David Geringas,
and Jascha NEMTSOV. [Weinberg and Werpik.] P Bavariamusik Studio,
Munich 16–18 Dec. 2005, G June 2006.
Poland: DUX DUX 0541. TRIO CRACOVIA (Krzysztof Smietana, Julian
Tryczyński, Jerzy Tosik-Warszawiak). [Beethoven.] P Kraków Music
Academy Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Cascavelle VEL 3104. LESCHETIZKY TRIO (Klara Flieder, Christopher
Pantillon, Stanislav Tichonov). [Weinberg.] P Bösendorfer Piano Factory,
Vienna Mar. 2006, I Jan. 2007.
Italy: Amadeus-Paragon AM 201-2. ARS TRIO DI ROMA (Marco Fiorentini,
Michele Chiapperino, Laura Pietrocini). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P Aula Magna
del Seminario di Ivrea, Italy 2–5 May 2006, I Aug. 2006 cover disc with
Amadeus magazine No. 201.
Canada: Analekta AN 2 9854. GRYPHON TRIO (Annalee Patapatanakoon,
Roman Borys, Jamie Parker). [Opp. 8 and 127; Silvestrov]. P Willowdale
United Church, Toronto 13–16 June 2006, G July 2007.
Belgium: Fuga Libera FUG 525. Natalia Prischepenko, Sebastian Klinger,
and Plamena MANGOVA. [Op. 127.] P The Right Place Studio, Brussels July
2006, I Aug. 2007.
Claves CD 50-2720. TRIO NOTA BENE (Julien Zufferey, Xavier Pignat,
Lionel Monnet). [Arensky and Rakhmaninov.] P Studio Tibor Varga,
Grimisuat, Switzerland 17–21 July 2006.
Germany: Profil Günter Hänssler PH 08014. TRIO OPUS 8 (Eckhard
Fischer, Mario De Secondi, Michael Hauber). [Opp. 141a and 8]
P Bayerischer Rundfunk Studio 2006, G Mar. 2008.
Spain: Columna Música 1CM 0180. I.O.M. TRIO (Joan Orpella, José
Mor, Daniel Liorio). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P l’Auditori Paper de Música de
Capellades, Barcelona 13, 15, 16 Dec. 2006 and 15 Jan. 2007.
Austria: Gramola 98837 EGGNER TRIO (Christoph, Georg, and Florian
Eggner). [Op. 8; and Eröd.] P Franz Liszt Zentrum, Raiding, Austria 26–28
May 2008.

Opus 68: Quartet No. 2 in A major

Form: String quartet in four movements:
1. Overture—Moderato con moto
2. Recitative and Romance—Adagio
3. Valse—Allegro
4. Theme with Variations—Adagio—Allegro non troppo
OP U S 68: QU A RTET N O. 2 IN A MAJ OR 273

Composed: 2–20 September 1944, at the Composer’s House at Ivanovo. The

first movement completed on 5th, second written on the following day, and
the third completed on 15 September.
Dedication: Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin (composer).
Premières: 14 November 1944, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall and
28 November 1944, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Beethoven
Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei
UK: 13 November 1946, London; Boosey & Hawkes concert.
Scotland: 20 August 1962, Edinburgh Freemasons’ Hall; Allegri Quartet
(Eli Coren, James Barton, Patrick Ireland, and William Pleeth).
Arrangements: Reduction for piano by the composer. Transcription of
‘Recitative and Romance’ for violin and piano by Dmitri Tsyganov. Reduction
of the Quartet for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev. Arrangement for
string orchestra with added bass part by Marijn van Prooij.
Music: Originally published as Opus 69 and renumbered in 1965. Autograph
score preserved at GTsMMK and an autograph piano score, at TsGALI.
Muzgiz, No. 18181, 1945, score 17 cm.
Leeds Music, c.1947, parts, 31 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1078, 1965, score, 18.5 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1079, 1965, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 285 (in Volume 1 with Quartets 1, 3, and 4 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1965, 29.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1969, parts, 29 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 386, 1970, score, 19 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5752 (plate no. 12810), 1975, parts, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2162, 1975, parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2265 (with Opp. 49, 73, and 83), 1980, score,
21 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 5543, 1981, 2nd movement arr. for violin and
piano by D. Tsyganov, score and part, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 100 and Shostakovich’s
piano reduction in Volume 105 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 32 minutes in score; 31' 26"–40' 12"; 34' 50" (Plaistow);
Recitative and Romance arr. Tsyganov 10' 15".
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—HMV History of Music in Sound HMS 113.
Valse only. KOECKERT QUARTET (Rudolf Koeckert, Willi Buchner, Oscar
Riedi, Josef Merz). Reissued on LP—HMV HLP 27 (‘Modern Eclecticism’,
mono). Valse only. G Apr. 1959 ~ USA: RCA Victor LM 6092 (‘History of
music in sound’, mono). Valse only. I 1959.

LP—USA: Urania URLP 7040 (mono). SCHULZ QUARTET (Rudolf Schulz,

W. Kirch, H. Wigand, R. Klemm). P Germany, I 1952.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D3034-5 (10" mono). BEETHOVEN QUARTET
(personnel as at première). P 1956 ~ USA: Vanguard VRS 6033 (mono). I
1958 ~ Czech: Supraphon SUF 20039 (10" mono). G July 1960 ~ USSR:
Melodiya D015691-2 (mono). I 1965. Reissued on CD— USA: Vanguard
Classics OVC 8077. I Sept. 1994 ~ USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3005
(Vol. 1, mono). I May 1995. See Note.
USSR: Melodiya D019213-4 (mono) and C01437-8. BORODIN QUARTET
(Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin
Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1319 in Set SLS 879. G
June 1974.
LP—Czech: Panton 11 0342-3 H. SUK QUARTET (Antonín Novák,
Vojtěch Jouza, Karel Řehák, Jan Štros). P 1972.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 31. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 23–26 May 1977,
G Mar. 1979 ~ Decca 188 Dl in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on first of six-disc set). G June
USSR: Melodiya C10 11609-10 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected
Works on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky,
Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinson). P 1978. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD 11 00310. I 1991d.
CD—Olympia OCD 532 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1981, I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
France: Praga PR 254 042. STATE QUARTET OF GEORGIA (Konstantin
Vardeli, Tamaz Batiashvili, Nodar Zhvaniya, Otar Chubinishvili). P Czech
Radio broadcast June 1981, I May 1994.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 19023 001. BORODIN QUARTET
(Mikhail Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky).
P1982, I 1983d. ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set
of 15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI
CDC7 49267-2. I Nov. 1987.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 24481 008 (DMM). STATE QUARTET OF
GEORGIA (personnel as in 1981). P 1986, I 1987c.
CD—France: REM 311058 XCD. VERLAINE QUARTET (Marie Pascale
Meley, Michel Dietz, Jean-Pascal Oswald, Jean Adolphe). P Monte-Carlo
2 May 1987.
Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on first of six-disc set with Op. 49). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin
July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992.
OP U S 68: QU A RTET N O. 2 IN A MAJ OR 275

USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1007. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,

John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Purchase, New York 27–28 Dec. 1989.
Virgin Classics VC7 59281-2. BORODIN QUARTET (M. Kopelman,
A. Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P Snape Nov. 1990, G June
*Caprice CAP 21745. STATE QUARTET OF GEORGIA (Konstantin Vardeli,
Tamaz Batiashvili, Nodar Zhvania, Otar Chubinashvili). [Op. 73.] P Tbilisi,
Georgia 1991, I 2004.
Lydian 18133 (also Donau DCD 8133). MOYZES QUARTET (Stanislav
Mucha, František Török, Alexander Lakatoš, Ján Slávik). P Bratislava
22–25 Jan. 1992, I 1994.
Finland: Finlandia 4509 98996-2. SIBELIUS ACADEMY QUARTET (Erkki
Kantola, Seppo Tukiainen, Veikko Kosonen, Arto Noras). P Jarvenpää May
1994, I May 1996.
Sony Classical St Petersburg Classics SK 64584. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla
Aranovskaya, Ilya Teplyakov, Andrei Dogadin, Leonid Shukayev). P Dec.
Naxos 8.550975 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Sztüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 28–31 Mar.
1995, I Apr. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 135. ZAPOLSKI QUARTET (Alexander
Zapolski, Jacob Soelberg, Flemming Lave, Vanja Louro). P Roskilde,
Denmark Aug. and Oct. 1995, I July 1996 ~ *Germany: Designo 222521
(on fourth of four-disc set). [Op. 110.] I June 2005.
Japan: Toshiba EM1 TOCE 9079. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 25–27 Mar. 1996, I June 1996.
France: Suoni e Colori Collection SC 53006 (‘DSCH Aphorismes’).
Recitative and Romance arr. Tsyganov. Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY (violin)
and Pascal Godart (piano). [Opp. 11, 34, 13, Sans op. D (i); Schnittke—
Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich, and Steven Gerber—Elegy on the
name ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’.] P Hautes-Alpes, France concert Aug. 1996,
I 1997.
*USA: Azica Records ACD 71208. CAVANI QUARTET (Annie Fullard,
Mari Sato, Kristen Doctor, Merry Peckham). [Opp. 108 and 142.] P West
Redding, Connecticut 15–19 Apr. 1999, I 1999.
Hyperion CDA 67153. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Konstantin Kats, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Apr. 1999,
G Nov. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert June–July 1999, G June

**USA: Artegra ART 1002 (Hybrid SACD). ROSALYRA QUARTET (Sara

Kwak, Kenneth Freed, Sabina Thatchem, Beth Rapier). [Op. 110.] P Hamline
University in St Paul, Minnesota 18–21 Dec. 2001, I 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 110 and 138.] P Mullem, Belgian
concerts, Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Chandos CHAN 10114 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher).
[Op. 142.] P The Maltings, Snape 6–8 May 2003, G Dec. 2003.
France: Arion ARN 68674. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Anne
Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier). [Op. 142.] P Les Camiers,
Loire, France 24–27 Aug. 2004, I 2005.
Germany: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 108 and 92.] P Farao Studio, Munich 12–15 June 2005, I 2005.
Germany: Audite AUD 92.526 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Brenhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 49 and 83). P ‘in a very small chapel’, Klingenmünster village,
Germany 28 June–1 July 2005.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on first of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 49 and 73.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Netherlands: Channel Classics CCS-SA 26007 (Hybrid SACD).
Arr. Prooij. Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Candida THOMPSON. [Op. 83.]
P Stadsgehoozaal, Leiden, Netherlands Feb. 2007, I Jan.2008.
Note: Robert Matthew-Walker reports that the late 1950s Beethoven Quartet
Supraphon recording appears not to be the Melodiya performance as the
Czech version alone contains ‘noises off’ in bar 14 of the Finale. The unsigned
Supraphon sleeve note states that the first movement forms the prelude to a
musical fairy-tale about a man of noble character and his rich emotional life.

Opus 69: A Child’s Exercise Book

Form: A suite (also known as Childhood Notebook), of seven simple pieces for
1. March—in tempo of a March
2. Valse—in tempo of a Waltz
3. Sad Tale—Adagio
4. Merry Tale—Allegro

5. The Bear—Allegretto
6. Clockwork Doll—Allegretto
7. Birthday—[no tempo indication]
No. 6 is an adaptation of the first theme of Scherzo in F sharp minor,
Opus 1 and No. 7 introduces a miniature fanfare subsequently expanded in
the Festive Overture, Opus 96.
Composed: Nos. 1–6 on 6 December 1944 and No. 7 on 30 May 1945
(daughter’s birthday).
Dedication: Galina Dmitrievna Shostakovich (daughter).
Première: Winter 1944–45, Moscow Union of Soviet Composers Children’s
Concert; Nos. 1–6, Galina Shostakovich.
Arrangements: Nos. 1 and 6 arranged for violin and piano by Konstantin
Fortunatov. Nos. 1, 2, and 4 arranged for guitar solo by Agustin Lara. No.
6 arranged for cello and piano jointly by Roman Sapozhnikov and Georgi
Music: Two autograph copies of Nos. 1–6 preserved at TsGALI and
GtsMMK. The autograph of No. 7 is missing but there is a copy of it in the
former library. Originally issued without an opus number. The pieces are
usually published with No. 7 omitted and in the order Nos. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3,
and 6. No. 1 included in many Russian albums of children’s piano solos.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1945, Nos. 1–6.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. 6 (under the title Six Children’s Pieces),
Nos. 1–6, 1946, 31 cm.
Leeds Music, c.1946, Nos. 1–6, 31 cm.
Leeds Music, c.1946, Nos. 4 and 6 ed. Joseph Wolman, issued separately,
31 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2122, 1960, 31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4749 (plate no. 12079), 1961, 31 cm.
Le Chant du Monde, No. 6120, 1960s, 32 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4794 (plate no. 12389—in Shostakovich: Album of
Easy Pieces), 1967, Nos. 1 and 6 arr. K. Fortunatov, 30.5 cm.
Ricordi, No. 132260, 1975.
Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano), 1975,
Nos. 1 and 6 arr. K. Fortunatov, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of Chil-
dren’s Piano Pieces), 1979, No. 1–6 ed. Bronislava Rozengauz, 29 cm.
G. Ricordi, Buenos Aires, No. 12687, Nos. 2, 4, and 1 (Vals, Un Alegre
Cuente de Hadas, and Marcha), arr. for guitar solo by A. Lara.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2629 (in S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich:
Selection of Fortepiano Pieces for Children), 1980, Nos. 1–6 compiled by
Zinaida Vitkind, 28.5 cm.

Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), Nos. 1–7, 1983,
30 cm.
Yorktown Music Press, New York, 1984, No. 6 only in album The Joy of
Russian Music assembled by Dénes Agay, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
No. 6 arr. R. Sapozhnikov and G. Kirkor, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 109 of New Collected
Duration: 4' 09"–6' 40".
Recordings: LP and CD—USA: Mercury MG 10035 (mono). Seven pieces
announced and performed, in the order set out under Form, by Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague 26 May1947 ~ USSR Melodiya M10 39075-6 (in
four-record set ‘D. Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono). I 1977b. Reissued on
CD—Revelation RV 70007 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 6’,
mono). Seven pieces with Nos. 3 and 5 transposed. I Sept. 1998, G Feb. 1999
~ *Doremi DHR 7787 (mono). [Opp. 57, 67, 34, and 5.] I Feb. 2002 ~
*Symposium 1314 (mono). [Opp. 34, 5, 22, 67, and 73.] I Jan. 2004.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’). Suite of
seven pieces performed in the order Nos. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, and 7. Rimma
BOBRITSKAYA. P 1983, I 1984d.
France: Daniel Magne Mag 2015. Nos. 6, 4, and 2. Nadia TRAGINE. P
Paris 1985.
CD—AVM Classics AVM 3020 (‘Piano Music Volume 2’). Suite of
seven pieces performed in the order Nos. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, and 7. Martin
JONES. P London 1–2 June 1989.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season LDC 288 034 (‘Russian
Miniatures for Piano’). Suite of seven pieces performed in the order 1, 2, 5,
4, 3, 6, and 7. Rimma BOBRITSKAYA. P Moscow Conservatory Feb. 1991 ~
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 788034. Suite as 1991
recording. I Mar. 1999 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS
788164. Nos. 7, 6, and 4. I July 1999, G Nov. 1999.
Germany: Hänssler Classic 98 174 (‘Allegro’). Nos. 1 and 6 arr.
Fortunatov. Michael LEMPIK (violin) and Olga Haus (piano). P Altensteig
21–23 June 1997.
**The Divine Art CD 25022. Raymond CLARKE. Suite of seven pieces.
[Bartók, Prokofiev, Khachaturyan et al.] P Newcastle University 16 Dec.
2001, I 2004.
Naxox 8,570092. Performed in the order set out under Form. Konstantin
SCHERBAKOV. [Sans opp. A, B, and S(ii); Opp. 39 and 61.] P Potton Hall,
Suffolk 27–28 Nov. 2005, I July 2006.
Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 12 and 61; Sans
opp. S(ii), A, and T.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20 Apr. 2006.

Opus 70: Symphony No. 9 in E flat major

Form: Symphony for full orchestra in five movements:
1. Allegro
2. Moderato
3. Presto attacca
4. Largo attacca
5. Allegretto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A),
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ 1st violins (16–20),
2nd violins (14–18), violas (12–16), cellos (12–16), double-basses (10–14).
String strength not specified in Muzyka (1979) score.
The earlier discarded first movement Fragment (see Notes) written in
January 1945 has the woodwind and brass increased by five and four players
respectively and the addition of a xylophone.
Composed: Rough sketch of first movement dated 26 July 1945. Five move-
ments 2–30 August 1945. First movement started at Moscow on 2 August
and completed three days later. The remainder composed at the Composer’s
House at Ivanovo. Movements two to four finished on 12, 20, and 21
Premières: Piano duet version: 4 September 1945, Moscow Philharmonic
Hall; Svyatoslav Richter and Dmitri Shostakovich.
Orchestral version: 3 and 20 November 1945, Leningrad Philharmonic
Bolshoi Hall, Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and Moscow Conserva-
tory Bolshoi Hall, USSR State Symphony Orchestra respectively; both
conducted byYevgeni Mravinsky.
USA: 25, 27, and 28 July 1946, Tanglewood; Boston Symphony
Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky.
UK: 27 July 1946, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; London Sym-
phony Orchestra, Basil Cameron.
Hungary: 21 November 1949, Budapest, Budapest Philharmonic
Orchestra, Otto Klemperer.
Fragment dated 15 January 1945: 20 November 2006, Moscow,
Tchaikovsky Concert Hall; Russian State Academic Symphonic Capella,
Valery Polyansky.
Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by the composer in 1945 and
Levon Atovmyan in 1946. Also a piano reduction by Atovmyan in 1947.
Transcriptions for band by Hardy Mertens and William A. Schaefer.
Music: Autograph score and first movement rough sketch preserved at PGALI;
the composer’s piano reduction, in GTsMMK.

Music Fund of the USSR, No. 1536-1540, 1945, score, 34 cm.

Muzgiz, Moscow and Leningrad, No. 18401, 1946, 30 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, c.1946, 20 cm.; and c.1956, 23 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 96 (A.S.M.P. No. 18–19), 1946, 20 cm.
Breitkopf & Hartel, No. 3606, c.1947, 18.5 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 155, c.1947, 18 cm.
MCA, c.1976, arr. for band by W. Schaefer, score and parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9863 (in Volume 5 of Collected Works), 1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2220, 1991, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2000, New Collected Works Volume 9, full
score including 8 pp. of facsimile in colour, 148, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2000, New Collected Works Volume 24,
composer’s reduction for piano four hands, 112, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2008, Symphony Fragment of 1945—first
unfinished version of Ninth Symphony; article by Olga Digonskaya in
Russian and English, 72, 29cm.
Duration: 22 and 24 minutes in scores; 22' 14"–31' 35"; 26' 50"–27' 20"
(Plaistow); [36 minutes average time given by Aronowsky is excessive.]
Symphony Fragment of 1945—6' 36".
Ballets: Meeting. Konstantin Boyarsky, Leningrad Malyi Theatre, 1962. A
one-act ballet to music from Symphony No. 9.
Ninth Symphony. Peter van Dÿk, Hamburg, 1964.
The Mad Dictator. Leonid Yakobson (completion by his colleagues),
Leningrad, 1985. A miniature ballet performed by the Leningrad Ballet
Troupe ‘Choreographic Miniatures’ to mark the fortieth anniversary of
the victory over Fascism, with Valeri Sergeyev in the title role of Hitler.
Yakobson commenced work on the dance satire shortly before his
death in 1975, basing the scenic design on the wartime cartoons of the
Jesus der Menschensohn (Jesus, Son of Man), Iván Markó, Györ Ballet; a
seventy-minute ballet to music from Franz Liszt’s oratorio Christus and the
second movement of Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 9, produced by Jaszi
Dezso and screened on Austrian ORF 1, 17 April 1987.
Film: Bernstein Conducts Shostakovich. A documentary film, directed by
Humphrey Burton, screened on BBC2 TV on 19 August 1995. The
Musikverein concert performance by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
recorded in 1986. Shostakovich’s answer to the awesome problem of com-
posing a Ninth Symphony with a movement-by-movement illustrated talk
on this ‘anti-Ninth’ by the conductor. See also Opus 54.
Recordings: 78 rpm: USA: V-Disc 716-8 (transfer from ABC radio broadcast,
5 sides). Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge KOUSSEVITZKY. P Tanglewood
25 July 1946.

CD—Italy: AS 571 (‘Sergei Koussevitzky Edition’, mono). Boston

Symphony Orchestra, S. KOUSSEVITZKY. P concert 10 Aug. 1946 (labelled
erroneously as ‘First American Performance’), I 1990 ~ USA: Music & Arts
CD 981. I Sept. 1997.
78 rpm and LP—USA: Victor 11 9634-6 in Set M 1134 (6 sides). Boston
Symphony Orchestra, S. KOUSSEVITZKY. P 4 Nov. 1946 and second move-
ment on 2 Apr. 1947. Reissued on LP—USA: RCA Victor LM 2900 (mono)
~ USSR: Melodiya D031731-4 (two-record set, mono). I 1972 ~ USA: RCA
Victor VCM 6174 (‘Immortal Performances’, three-record set, mono) ~
RCA Victrola LVM2 751OC-D (two-record set, mono). G July 1974. NB.
The first movement exposition repeat is not observed in this performance.
CD—France: Tahra TAH 290. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu
CELIBIDACHE. P Berlin concert 31 Aug. 1947 ~ Holland: Audiophile Classics
APL 101 525. I 1999.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—USA: Columbia 12595-8D in Set 658 (8 sides).
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Efrem KURTZ. P 1950. Reissued on
LP—Philips ABL 3117 (mono). G July 1956. Reissued on CD—CBS
Masterworks Portrait MPK 45698 (mono). [Op. 93.] I Dec. 1989, G Feb.
*CD—EMI Classics CDZ 7243 575109-2 (‘Great Conductors of the
20th Century’, two-disc set, mono). Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Ferenc FRISCAY. [Dukas. Kodály, Hindemith et al.). P Berlin broadcast
concert 30 Apr. and 3 May 1954, I Feb. 2002. G July and Awards (Oct.)
LP—USA: Urania URLP 7128 (mono). Berlin Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Rolf KLEINERT. P 1954.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 503 (mono). Sofia State Philharmonic
Orchestra, Dobrin PETKOV. P mid-1950s.
Italy: Fonit-Cetra Archive Rai LAR 37 (three-record set). Orchestra
Sinfonica di Torino della Radiotelevision Italina, Otto KLEMPERER. P 21 Dec.
1955, I 1983.
USSR: MK D03402-3 (mono). Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Aleksandr GAUK. P 21 Dec. 1956 ~ Reissued: USA: Monitor MC 2015
(mono). I 1958 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDXA 8219 (mono) ~
USSR: MK D09618-9928 (mono). I 1962.
LP and CD—USA: Everest LPBR 6054 (mono) and SDBR 3054.
London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Malcolm SARGENT. P Walthamstow
Assembly Hall 27 Oct. 1959 ~ World Record Club T 130 (mono) and
ST 130. G Aug. 1962 ~ USA: Peerless Classics PC 26. [Issued under the
pseudonyms ‘New York Concert Orchestra, Robert Hornstein’.] I 1974?
Reissued on CD—Vanguard Classics (Everest Collection) EVC 9005. I
Sept. 1994, G Apr. 1995.

LP—Poland: Muza XL 0067 (mono). Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra,

Jan KRENZ. P 1961.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D016471-2 (mono) and C01109-10.
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Y. Neklyudov (bassoon), Kirill
KONDRASHIN. P 1965, I 1966 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2409. G Jan. 1969
~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502507 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR:
Melodiya C01109-10 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works on Records).
I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (twelve-record box set). G Dec.
1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1005-6 (in
Box 3 of five two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321
19846-2. G Nov. 1994.
LP—USA: Turnabout TV 34223. Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra,
Milan HORVAT. P c.1965.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia M 31307. New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Leonard BERNSTEIN. P New York 19 Oct. 1965 ~ CBS 73050. G
Dec. 1974. Reissued on CD—CBS Masterworks CD 44711. I Aug. 1988,
G Mar. 1989 ~ Sony Royal Edition SMK 47615. G Nov. 1993 and June
1994 ~ *Sony SBK 87954. [Op. 47.] I Feb. 2003.
CD—France: Praga PR 254 002-3 (two-disc set). Czech Philharmonic
Orchestra, Karel ANĆERL. P Prague broadcast 1966, 1 June 1992, G May
Italy: Arkadia CDGI 7651. Milan Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu
CELEBIDACHE. P Milan 17 Feb. 1967, I 1993.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 192. USSR Symphony Orchestra, David
OISTRAKH. P Moscow concert 29 Dec. 1969, I Oct. 1993, G Jan. 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 05203-4. Moscow Symphony Orchestra,
David OISTRAKH. P 1970, I 1975c.
*CD—Deutsche Grammophon 469 069-2GH4 (four-disc set). Swedish
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergui CELEBIDACHE. [on disc 4 with R. Strauss.]
P Örebro, Sweden concert 14 Mar. 1971, G Feb. 2001.
LP—Decca SXL 6563. Suisse Romande Orchestra, Walter WELLER. P 4–6
Sept. 1971, G Jan. 1973.
USSR: Melodiya C04557-8. Moscow Conservatory Students’ Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr LAZAREV. P 1973, I 1974.
Czech: Supraphon 110 1771-2 (two-record set). Czech Philharmonic
Orchestra, Vaclav NEUMANN. P Prague Mar.–Sept. 1974, G Aug. 1976.
Czech: Opus 9110 0382. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Feb. 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10399-400. USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P 1978, I 1978d ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3706. G Sept. 1979.
LP and CD—Decca SXDL 7515 (digital). London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P Jan. 1979, G May 1981. Reissued on

CD—Decca 414 677-2DH. G June 1986 and Feb. 1988 ~ Decca Ovation
425 066-2DM. G Nov. 1993 ~ *Decca Eloquence 467 478-2. I Feb.
Philips 412 073-1PH. Concertgebouw Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P
Amsterdam concert 6 Mar. 1980, G Aug. 1984. Reissued on CD—Philips
438 284-2PM. I July 1993, G Sept. 1993.
*CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0021722 BC. Young German Philhar-
monic Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN. P Berlin concert 1980, G Apr. 2000.
France: Praga PR 250 085. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk
KOŠLER. P Prague broadcast 13 Mar. 1981, I Feb. 1995 ~ France: Le Chant
du Monde PR 7250 085. G Feb. 2001.
LP and CD—USA: Vox Cum Laude VCL 9003. Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra, Walter SUSSKIND. I 1981. Reissued on CD—USA: Voxbox CDX
5139 (two-disc set). I June 1995 ~ Marshall Cavendish CCD 47 (issued
with book ‘The Great Composers and their Music, Volume 47’).
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18047-8. USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Vakhtang ZHORDANIYA. P 1981, I 1983b.
USA: BRS RTS-3 (digital). National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain,
Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1982.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00029 000 (two-record set, digital).
USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P 1983, I 1984b. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor JVC 1013. I 1985 ~
Olympia OCD 113. I June 1987, G May 1989.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 30485 002. USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Gavriil YUDIN. P Moscow concert 12 Nov. 1985, I 1990d.
LP , CD and DVD—Deutsche Grammophon 419 771-1GH (digital)
and released on CD—419 771-2GH. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra,
Leonard BERNSTEIN. P Großer Saal, Musikverein,Vienna concert 23–28 Oct.
1985, G Nov. 1987 and Mar. 1988 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon/Unitel
073 417-0 (DVD-Video, with introductions by Bernstein). [Op. 54.]
I 2006.
LP—Holland: Da Capo 7110DC. Arr. for symphonic band by H. Mertens.
Harmonieorkest ‘Concordia’, Hardy MERTENS. [Mertens.] P 1986.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1279 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN
8587. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 14–17 Apr.
1987, G July 1988.
East Germany: Eterna 7 29 221 (DMM). Berlin City Symphony
Orchestra, Claus Peter FLOR. P Berlin 23–25 Sept. 1987. Released on
CD—Germany: Eterna Collection 0031722BC. I Aug. 2000 ~ *Germany:
Eterna Collection 0013732 BC. [Op. 77.] I May 2006.
CD—Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation SMCD 5074.
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI.. P not stated, I 1988.

Naxos 8.55063-2. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav

SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 7–11 Jan. 1988, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos 8.506003 (in
six-disc set). I 1993.
Decca 430 227-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Jan. 1989, G Oct. 1992.
Telarc CD 80215. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Yoel LEVI. P Atlanta
5 May, 25–26 Sept., and 2 Dec. 1989; G June 1990.
*EMI Classics ‘Celibidache Edition’ 5 57855-2 or in fifteen-CD set
5 57861-2. Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu CELIBIDACHE. [Op. 10.]
P Munich concert 9 Feb. 1990, G Jan. 2004.
Decca 430 505-2DH. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Georg SOLTI.
P Vienna concert 5 and 6 May 1990, G July 1991.
Naxos 8.550427. Belgian Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander
RAHBARI. P Brussels 26–29 Sept. 1990, I Sept. 1991, G Mar. 1992. NB.
Four reviews in Classics May 1992.
Denon CO 75444. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna
concert 28–30 Nov. 1990, I Nov. 1993, G Feb. 1994.
EMI CDC7 54339-2. Oslo Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Oslo 25–30 Jan. 1991, G May 1992 ~ HMV Classics 5 73858-2. I Apr.
2000, G Sept. 2000.
Dorian DOR 90169. Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Eduardo MATA.
P Dallas Jan. and Apr. 1992, I Apr. 1993.
Decca 448 122-2DH. Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Charles DUTOIT.
P Montreal May 1992, I Sept. 1995, G Nov. 1995.
Teldec 4509 90849-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Jan. 1993, I Apr. 1994, G Oct. 1994 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct. 1997 ~ *Warner
Classics Elatus 2564 60121-2. [Op. 10.] I June 2003.
*Germany: Aurofon and Netherlands: Verdi Records Au 32252.
Ukraine State Philharmonic Orchestra, Stewart ROBERTSON. [Prokofiev.]
P Kyiv 29 Aug.–1 Sept. 1993.
Finland: Ondine ODE 846-2. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, James
DEPRIEST. P Oct. 1993, I May 1996, G Feb. 1997.
Decca 444 458-2DH (‘Carnegie Hall Project’). The Solti Orchestral
Project Symphony Orchestra, Georg SOLTI. P New York concert 13 June
1994, G Dec. 1995.
Germany: Undine 40249726 (two-disc set). Movements 3–5.
Sinfonieorchester Folkwang Hochschule, David de VILLIERS. P Essen concert
20 May 1995, I 1997.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on sixth of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Op. 93.] P Cologne 12–14 July,
14 Sept. 1995 and 26 Apr. 1996, I Dec. 2001.

RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68548-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic

Orchestra, Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P 22 Sept. 1995, I Feb. 1997.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00356. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow 18 and 19 Apr. 1996.
Athene-Minerva ATH CD 16. Freiburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Johannes FRITZSCH. P Freiburg concert broadcasts 13–14 Jan. 1997, I Mar.
*Supraphon SU 38902 (on fifth of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 47.] P Smetana Hall, Prague
concert 30 Nov. and 1 Dec. 1999, G Nov. 2006.
USA: Well Tempered Productions TP 5190. Russian National Orchestra,
Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Moscow concert 7 and 9 Mar. and 9 Sept. 2000,
I 2001.
**USA: Centaur 2562. Waltz and Scherzo arranged by unknown hand.
Kelly BURKE (clarinet) and Andrew Willis (piano). [Prokofiev, Goedicke,
Glinka, and Melkikh.] P University of North Carolina, Greensboro 9 Sept.
Germany: Hessischer Rundfunk HR-musik. 011-02. Frankfurt Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Hugh WOLFF. [Haydn.] P Alte Oper, Frankfurt
31 May and 1 June 2001, I 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 033-034 (Hybrid SACD, two-disc set). Gürzenich
Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Opp. 54 and 60.] P Cologne
studio 29–30 Apr. 2002, I Aug. 2005.
Philips CD/SACD 470 651-2PSA. Kirov Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV.
[Op. 47.] P Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg concert 14–18 May 2002,
G Aug. 2004 ~ Philips 470 841-2PM5 (‘The War Symphonies’, five-disc
set). [Opp. 43, 47, 54, 60, and 65.] G Mar. 2006.
Germany: Arts Music 47675-2. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 93.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert Feb.
2003, I June 2004.
Chandos CHAN 10378. Valeri Popov (bassoon), Russian State
Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. [Opp. 35, 59, and 124.] P Moscow
Conservatory June 2003, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
CD and DVD—Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1202-2 and MDG
037 1202-5 (DVD-A). Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn, Roman KOFMAN. P
Heilig-Kreuze-Kirche, Bad Godesberg, Germany 5–7 June 2003, I July 2004.
BIS BIS-SACD 1563 (Hybrid SACD). Netherlands Radio Philharmonic
Orchestra, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. [Op. 112.] P Dutch Radio & Television
Studio, Hilversum Dec. 2004, I Aug. 2007, G Dec. 2007.
PentaTone classics PTC 5186 096 (Hybrid SACD). Russian National
Orchestra, Yakov KREIZBERG. [Op. 47.] P DZZ Studio 5, Moscow Apr.
2006, I Apr. 2007, G Aug. 2007.

Naxos 8.572167. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily

PETRENKO. [Op. 47.] P Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 7–8 July 2008,
I 2009.
Naxos 8.572138. Symphony Fragment of 1945. National Polish Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Mark FITZ-GERALD. [Opp. 28, 44, and 41(ii).] P Grzegorz
Fitelberg Concert Hall, Katowice, Poland 21 Sept. 2008, I May G Sept. 2009.
Notes: See the reference regarding Koussevitzky’s incorrect tempi of the second
movement in Richard Pleak’s contribution to DSCH Newsletter XIII, under
the Opus 60 Notes, and Derek Hulme’s follow-up article ‘Moderato, not
Adagio’ in DSCH Newsletter XIV.
In December 2003 Olga Digonskaya found an unfinished score dated
15 January 1945, of 322 bars in E flat major marked Allegro non troppo,
folded inside the manuscript of The Gamblers. This was identified as a first
draft Fragment of the Ninth Symphony.

Opus 71: Simple Folk

Form: Music for the black-and-white film Simple Folk, directed by Grigori
Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg (their last collaboration), for Lenfilm.
Five musical numbers composed for the film: 1. Overture, 2. Procession,
3. Departure, 4. Dream, and 5. Finale.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani ~ strings.
Composed: 1945, at Moscow.
Première: Banned in 1946, as it showed child labour, and not released until
25 August 1956.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved in the Music Department of
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 131 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 78 minutes; re-edited version 70 minutes, 2147 metres.
Recordings: —
Note: Houten adds information on this film in his 1989 monograph on

Opus 72: Victorious Spring

Form: Incidental music for the concert spectacle Victorious Spring, scored for
soprano and tenor soloists, choir, and orchestra:
1. Song of the Lantern (‘The Torches’)—Allegretto
2. Lullaby (‘Go to sleep, go to sleep’)—Andante
3. Song of Victory—Moderato

The first two songs, for tenor and soprano (with wordless female choir)
respectively, are settings of lyrics by Mikhail Svetlov and the third, a
National Anthem Contest Entry for choir and orchestra with new verses by
Yevgeni Dolmatovsky (the music and instrumentation identical to the ‘Final
Chorus’ of Russian River, Opus 66).
Instrumentation: No. 1—piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons
~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ glockenspiel ~ strings. No. 2—2
B flat clarinets ~ horn ~ glockenspiel ~ strings. No. 3—see Opus 66.
Composed: 1945, at Moscow.
Première: 8 May 1946, Moscow Dzerzhinsky Central Club; NKVD Song and
Dance Ensemble; scenario by Iosif Dobrovolsky, M. Volpin, and Nikolai
Erdman; directed by Sergei Yutkevich.
Arrangements: Piano reductions of the accompaniments to Nos. 1 and 2 by
the composer. No. 2 arranged for piano four hands by Edison Denisov. The
first part of No. 2 arranged for cello and piano by S. Kalyanov.
Music: Autograph vocal score of songs Nos. 1 and 2 lost; the autograph
full score of ‘Song of the Lantern’ is in the possession of Karen
Music Fund of the USSR, 1946, Nos. 1 and 2 for voices and piano.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, Nos. 1
and 2 with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, 1961, No. 2 arr. E. Denisov in album of easy pieces.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2518 (in My Native Country), 1972, Nos. 1–3,
29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4235 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Songs from
Plays), 1977, Nos. 1 and 2 for voices and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11412 (in Volume 28 of Collected Works), vocal score of
Nos. 1 and 2, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11413 (in Volume 27 of Collected Works), 1987, full score
of Nos. 1 and 2, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
No. 2 arr. S. Kalyanov, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of Nos. 1 and 2 in Volume 93 and
score of the incidental music in Volume 119 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Three songs: 9' 30".
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—USSR: 13843-4 (10"). No. 1 only. Vladimir
BUNCHIKOV (tenor) and orchestra conducted by Viktor Knushevitsky.
P 1946. NB. The record number in WERM incorrect. Reissued on
LP—USSR: Melodiya D15329-30 (‘Songs of the Great Patriotic War’,
mono). I 1965 ~ USSR: Melodiya D28835-6 (mono). I 1970 ~ USSR:
Melodiya C60 22815 004. (‘Anthology of Soviet Songs’, Record 5). Trans-
lated as ‘Song about a Flashlight’. I 1986b.

LP—USSR: MK D 5062-3 (10" mono). No. 1 only. All-Union Radio

Song Ensemble. I 1959.
**CD—USA: Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs Volume
Four—1932–68: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Nos. 2 and 1. Viktoria
YEVTODIEVA (soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 33, 99, 80, 128, 109;
Sans op. X(i & ii).]. P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan.,
8 and 16 Feb. 2002, I UK Jan. 2006. NB. The Lullaby listed as a world
première but see Note below).
Note: See My Native Country, Sans op. Y, for recording of Nos. 1–3.

Opus 73: Quartet No. 3 in F major

Form: String quartet in five movements:
1. Allegretto—‘Calm unawareness of the future cataclysm’
2. Moderato con moto—‘Rumblings of unrest and anticipation’
3. Allegro non troppo—‘The forces of war unleashed’
4. Adagio—‘Homage to the dead’ attacca
5. Moderato—‘The eternal question—Why? And for what?’
The composer’s programmatic titles do not appear on the published
scores but confirmed by Borodin Quartet cellist, Valentin Berlinsky, who
played the quartet from manuscript parts for the composer in 1947.
Composed: 26 January–2 August 1946. The composer began work with the
second movement which is dated 26 January. The first, third, fourth, and
fifth movements were completed on 9 May, 17 June, 13 July, and 2 August
respectively. The first three movements were composed at Moscow, the
fourth at Leningrad, and the fifth at Komarovo, Gulf of Finland.
Dedication: To the Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky,
Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
Premières: 16 December 1946, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven
Quartet (personnel as the dedication).
8 April 1947, Leningrad; Glazunov Quartet (Ilya Lukashevsky, G.
Ginzburg, Aleksandr Ryvkin, and David Mogilevsky).
Opus 73a: 10 January 1991, Rotterdam; New Amsterdam Sinfonietta,
Lev Markiz.
Arrangements: Reductions for two pianos by the composer written in August
1946 and for piano four hands by Yuri Nikolsky and Anatoli Dmitriev.
First movement transcribed for brass quintet (French horn, trombone,
2 trumpets, and tuba) by Howard Hyde.
Opus 73a—Symphony for Strings and Woodwind by Rudolf Barshai
in 1990. (Instrumentation: flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet (B flat and
A), bassoon ~ strings); also transcriptions for string orchestra by Dmitri
OP U S 73: QU A RTET N O. 3 IN F MAJ OR 289

Sitkovetsky (broadcast on BBC 3, 13 March 1995) and Vladimir Milman

(‘Chamber Symphony No. 2’); also for strings and piano by Mikhail
Music: Autograph score of the quartet, the Nikolsky two-piano arrangement,
and the piano score preserved at PGALI.
Music Fund of the USSR, No. 11–15, 1947, score and parts, 33 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 18865, 1947, 16.5 cm. (a number of the original 1000
copies, marked with logo of VOKS—USSR All-Union Society for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries—have the cover titles in Russian and
English); and with the same plate no., 1960, 20 cm.
Muzyka, No. 27965, 1961, parts, 29 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 387, no date, score, 19 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 285 (in Volume 1 with Quartets 1, 2, and 4 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1965, 29.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5753, c.1976, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2265 (with Opp. 49, 68, and 83), 1980, score,
21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2243, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
H. Alan Music, Mission Hills, California, c.1991, arr. for brass quintet
by H. Hyde, score, 25 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of R. Barshai’s
instrumentation available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 100 and Shostakovich’s
piano reduction in Volume 105 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in score; 28' 05" (no first movement exposi-
tion repeat) and 28' 06" (with repeat)—33' 74"; 33 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Opus 73a: 32' 33"–34' 29" (with first movement repeat) and 34' 15" (with
no repeat).
Ballet: Tremor. Richard Alston, Cambridge Arts Theatre, 16 October
2000. Alston’s company performed to amplified live string quartet calling
themselves ‘stringfactory’.
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP, and CD—USSR: 014612-5 (9 sides).
BEETHOVEN QUARTET (personnel as above). P Feb./Mar. 1947. Reissued
on LP—USSR: Melodiya D015665-9799 (mono). I 1965. Reissued
on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3007 (‘Complete Quartets,
Volume 3’, mono). I May 1995 ~ *Symposium 1314 (mono). [Opp. 34, 5,
22, 67, and 69.] I Jan. 2004.
78 rpm, and LP—USA: Mercury DM 3 (box set). FINE ARTS QUARTET
(Leonard Sorkin, Abram Loft, Bernard Zaslav, George Sopkin). P pre-1950.
Reissued on LP—USA: Mercury MG 10049 (mono).

LP and CD—USSR: MK HD 2534-5 (10" mono). TCHAIKOVSKY QUARTET

(Julian Sitkovetsky, Anton Sharoyev, Rudolf Barshai, Yakov Slobodkin). P
9 Aug. 1954 in the presence of the composer, I 1955 ~ Parlophone Odeon
PMA 1040 (mono). G Aug. 1958 ~ USA: Vanguard VRS 6033 (mono).
I 1958 ~ USSR: Melodiya D 028031-2 (mono). I 1970. Reissued on
CD—Revelation RV 10016. I Oct. 1996. NB. Though no P date quoted
and cellist given as Sitkovetsky this is most probably the Tchaikovsky
Quartet ~ France; Dante LYS 369-370 (two-disc set). NB. P given as
Moscow 1946, I 1998 ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0030. [Brahms and
Grieg.] I May 2002.
LP—Czech: Supraphon SUA10420 (mono) and SUA 50420. (Jiří
Novák, Lubomír Kostecký, Milan Škampa, Antonín Kohout). G Nov. 1964
~ USA: Crossroads 22 16 0017 (mono) and 22 16 0018. I 1966.
CD—Leningrad Masters LM 1325. TANEYEV QUARTET (personnel not
stated). P concert 1966, G Sept. 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019277-8 (mono) and C01447-8. BORODIN
QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin,
Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 03059-60.
[Op. 49.] I 1972 ~ USA: Seraphim Melodiya S 6034 (in three-record box
set with Quartets 1, 2, 4, and 5) ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1320 in Set SLS
879. G June 1974.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 11617-8 (in first box of Part 2 of
Collected Works on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori
Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinson). P 1968, I 1980. Reissued on
CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 11 00311. I 1991d.
LP—Decca Ace of Diamonds SDD 453. GABRIEL QUARTET (Kenneth
Sillito, Brendan O’Reilly, Ian Jewel, Keith Harvey). P Maltings, Snape Dec.
1973, G Apr. 1975.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 28. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 23–26 May 1977,
G June 1978 ~ Decca 188 D2 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca 421 475-2DH. I Dec. 1988, G Apr. 1989 ~ Decca Enterprise
433 078-2DM6 (on second of six-disc set). I Apr. 1992, G June 1992.
CD—France: Praga PR 254 054. GLINKA QUARTET (Aleksandr Arenkov,
Sergei Pishchugin, Misha Geller, Dmitri Ferschtman). P Czech radio 1977,
I July 1994.
Olympia OCD 531 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). SHOSTAKOVICH
QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr
Korchagin). P 1980, I Apr. 1994, G Sept. 1994.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 19503 006. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail
Kopelman. Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1983,1
1984a ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of
OP U S 73: QU A RTET N O. 3 IN F MAJ OR 291

15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI

CDC7 49267-2. I Nov. 1987 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15
Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994.
CD—USA: Centaur CRC 2020. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy
Lewis, John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Rye, New York Jan. 1984, I 1986.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 23563 000 (DMM). ČIURLIONUS QUARTET
(Rimantas Suigždinis, Saulius Kiškis, Aloyzas Grižas, Saulius Lipčius).
P 1985, I 1986d.
CD—Czech: Opus 9351 2025. MOYZES QUARTET (Stanislav Mucha,
František Török, Alexander Lakatoš, Jan Slávik). P Mitice June 1986, I
Oct. 1990.
LP and CD—Jecklin-Disco JD 620-1 (digital) and released on CD—JD
620-2. AMATI QUARTET (Willi Zimmerman, Barbara Suter, Nicolas Corti,
Johannes Degen). P 1987.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 435 386-2GH. Symphony for Strings
Op. 73a arr. Barshai. Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Rudolf BARSHAI.
P Berlin Mar. 1989, G Aug. 1992 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon 477 5442
(two-disc set). [Opp. 110a, 118a, 83a, and 141a; Schnittke.] G Dec.
Teldec Classics 2292 46009-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas, Ian
Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin July 1989, G June 1990
~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on second of six-disc set). I Nov. 1990, G June
France: Ades 14 161-1. FINE ARTS QUARTET (Ralph Evans, Efim Boico,
Jerry Horner, Wolfgang Laufer). P Paris July 1989, G Oct. 1990.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1007. MANHATTAN QUARTET (personnel as above).
P Jersey City 15–18 Jan. 1990 ~ Koch Schwann Musica Mundi 310 128
(‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). I May 1991.
Virgin Classics VC7 91437-2. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on 1983
recording). P London Feb.–July 1990, G Dec. 1991.
(Levan Chkheidze, Georgi Khintibidze, Archil Kharadze, Revaz Machabeli).
P Tbilisi 1990, I 1990d.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1047. ANTON QUARTET
(Anton Matalayev, Elena Yakovleva, Dmitri Khlebtsevich, I. Kiritchenko).
P Paris Sept. 1990, I 1991.
Canada: Marquis Classics ERAD 173. PENDERECKI QUARTET (Piotr
Buczek, Jerzy Kaplanek, Yariv Aloni, Paul Pulford). P Toronto 2–3 Dec.
1991, I July 1997.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5093. Symphony for Strings, Op. 73a
arr. Barshai. New Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Lev MARKIZ. P Utrecht
Oct.–Dec. 1992, I 1993.


(Daniel Stabrawa, Christian Stadelmann, Neithard Resa, Jan Diesselhorst).
P Yale University, New Haven Nov. 1992, I Mar. 1995.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68061-2 (‘Stalin Cocktail’). Chamber
Symphony No. 2, Op. 73a arr. V. Milman. Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir
SPIVAKOV. P Blackheath 4–5 May 1993, G Dec. 1995 ~ *France: BMG RCA
Artistes & Répertoire 74321 50268-2 (two-disc set). [Op. 110; Stravinsky,
Hindemith, Schnittke et al.] I 2003.
Netherlands: Etcetera KTC 1182. ELEONORA QUARTET (Eleonora
Yakubova, Irina Pavlikhina, Anton Yaroshenko, Mikhail Shumsky).
P Moscow Jan. 1994, I Sept. 1994.
Dorian DOR 90203. LAFAYETTE QUARTET (Ann Elliott-Goldschmid,
Sharon Stanis, Joanna Hood, Pamela Highbaugh). P Troy, New York Feb.
1994, G Sept. 1995.
Finland: Finlandia 4509 98997-2. SIBELIUS ACADEMY QUARTET (Erkki
Kantola, Seppo Tukiainen, Veikko Kosonen, Arto Noras). P Järvenpää
May 1994, I May 1996 ~ Finlandia Ultima 8573 81969-2 (two-disc set).
G June 2000.
Netherlands: Emerge Classics EC 3956-2. ORLANDO QUARTET (Arvid
Engegard, Heinz Oberdorfer, Ferdinand Erblich, Stefan Metz). P Renswoude,
Netherlands 6–10 June 1994, I Jan. 1995.
(personnel as in 1992). P Berlin 1994, I 1998.
Naxos 8.550974 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sandor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 6–9 Mar.
1995, I Jan. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
Switzerland: New Classical Adventure 95 08 812. GEWANDHAUS QUARTET
(Frank-Michael Erben, Conrad Suske, Volker Metz, Jürnjakob Timm). P
Leipzig Apr. 1995, I Mar. 1996.
Germany: Beaux BEAU 2022. Arr. for strings and piano. Novosibirsk
Chamber Orchestra, Mikhail TURICH. P 1995, I Sept. 2001.
*Hänssler Classic 98.488. Arr. for string orchestra by Sitkovetsky. New
European Strings, Dmitri SITKOVETSKY. [Op. 11.] P Neumarkt, Oberpfalz,
Germany 13–15 Nov. 1996, I 2005.
Nairn Audio NAIMCD 016. ALLEGRI QUARTET (Peter Carter, David Roth,
Jonathan Barritt, Bruno Schrecker). P Oxford 28–30 Jan. 1997, G Apr.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5171 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). P Utrecht Sept. 1997, I May 1998.
Sweden: BIS CD 913. YGGDRASIL QUARTET (Henrik Peterson, Per Öman,
Robert Westlund, Per Nyström). P Lanna, Sweden Sept. 1997, G Jan. 1999.
OP U S 73: QU A RTET N O. 3 IN F MAJ OR 293

Chandos CHAN 9769 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).

SORREL QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman,
Helen Thatcher). P Westleton, Suffolk 29 Sept.–l Oct. 1998, I Jan 2000.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 265. CAILIN QUARTET (Clara Baek, Sophia
Baek, Stine Hasbirk, Therese Astrand). P 1998.
Hyperion CDA 67153. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Konstantin Kats, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Apr. 1999,
G Nov. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert June–July 1999, G June
2000 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon 471 567-2 (‘The Emerson Encores’).
Third movement only. [Beethoven, Barber, Debussy et al.] I Aug. 2002.
France: Arion ARN 68506 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Colletts, Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Cailier). P Lyon Nov. 1999, I Dec. 2000.
*Sony Classical 82876 79018-2 (two-disc set). JUILLIARD QUARTET (Joel
Smirnoff, Ronald Copes, Samuel Rhodes, Joel Krosnick). [Opp. 57, 142,
and 144.] P Green Eggz No Ham, Collingswood, New Jersey 10–12 Feb.
2000, I Nov. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
EMI Debut CDZ5 7439-2. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr Pavlovsky,
Sergei Bressler, Amichai Gross, Kyril Zlotnikov). P Potton Hall, Suffolk
Nov. 2000, I June 2001.
**Caprice CAP 21745. STATE QUARTET OF GEORGIA (Konstantin Vardeli,
Tamaz Batiashvili, Nodar Zhania, Otar Chubinashvili). [Op. 68.]
P Sandvicken, Sweden 2001, I 2004.
Sweden: BIS-CD 1180. Symphony for Strings and Woodwind Op. 73a,
arr. Barshai. Tapiola Sinfonietta, Jean-Jacques KANTOROW. [Op. 83a.] P
Tapiola Concert Hall, Finland 2–5 May 2001.
Germany: Fuga Libera 512. (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’, five-disc set).
DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel). [Opp. 101
and 138.] P Bayerischer Rundfund, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume. 2’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as in 1997). [Opp. 108 and 117.]
P Mullem, Belgium concert Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Germany: Genuin GMP 86159. RUBENS QUARTET (Quirine Scheffers,
Sidonie Riha, Roeland Jagers, Joachim Eijlander). [Haydn.] P Jesus Christus
Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem 14–16 Apr. 2005, I June 2006.
Canada: Analekta AN2 9898. Op. 73a listed as ‘Chamber Symphony
No. 1’. I Musici de Montréal, Yuri TUROVSKY. [Galynin and Ustvolsaya.]
P Eglise de la Nativité de la Sainte-Viege, La Prairie (Quebec) 26–27 June
2005, I 2006.

Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 8212/1 (‘Chamber Symphonies 1–5’, on

on first of two-disc set). Op. 73a. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert between
spring and 17 Dec.2005, I 2006.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on first of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 49 and 68.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec, I July 2006.
Nimbus NI 5762. KOPELMAN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman, Boris Kuschnir,
Igor Sulyga, Mikhail Milman). [Op. 108; Prokofiev.] P Wyastone Estate,
Monmouth 24–27 July 2005, I Apr. 2006, G Aug. 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6146GH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas, Veronika,
and Clemens Hagen; with Rainer Schmidt—2nd violinist). [Opp. 108 and
110.] P Salzburg Nov. 2005, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
EMI Classics 359 9562. ST LAWRENCE QUARTET (Geoff Nuttall, Barry
Shiffman, Lesley Robertson, Marina Hoover). [Opp. 108 and 110.]
P Skywalker Sound Scoring Stage, Marin County, California 13–17 Jan
2006, I July 2006, G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
CD and DVD—Germany: Audite AU 92.527 (Hybrid SACD and
DVD). MANDELRING QUARTET (Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt;
with Roland Glassl—viola). [Opp. 101 and 110.] P Klingenmünster,
Germany 26–28 June 2006.
CD—Canada: Marquis 8137. JUPITER QUARTET (Nelson Lee, Meg
Freivogel, McDonough, Liz Freivogel, Dan McDonough). [Britten.]
P Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta 6–8 Aug. 2006, I Nov. 2007.

Opus 74: Poem of the Motherland

Form: Patriotic cantata for mezzo-soprano, tenor, two baritones, and bass
soloists, chorus, and orchestra (with additional brass and a harp). The work
includes several Revolutionary and popular songs:
‘Boldly, friends, on we march!’ (text by Leonid Radin)
‘Sacred War’, (Aleksandr Aleksandrov, text by Vasili Lebedev-Kumach)
‘Along the valleys and over the hills’—The Song of the Far Eastern
Partisans (I. Aturov, text by Pyotr Parfenov)
‘Song of the Motherland’ (Isaak Dunayevsky, text by V. Lebedev-Kumach)
‘On Heroic Business’ (Vano Muradeli)
‘Song of the Counterplan’ (from Shostakovich’s Opus 33, text by Boris
Instrumentation: 3 flutes (III = piccolo), 3 oboes (III = cor anglais),
3 clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,

side drum, cymbals, triangle, bass drum ~ glockenspiel, harp, metallophone

~ strings. The metallophone is employed solely for a three-bar phrase
played four times between figs. 39 and 42 as an introduction to ‘Song of
the Motherland’. The brass ensemble is augmented by a separate band of
3 trumpets and 3 trombones.
Composed: Completed in early October 1947, at Moscow, for the thirtieth
anniversary of the October Revolution. [Not performed at the celebrations
for which it was written.]
Première: 19 May 1956.
Arrangement: Reduction for voices and piano by Levon Atovmyan.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK. The score will be published
in Volume 74 of the New Collected Works.
Music Fund of the USSR, No. 1592-1597, 1947, full score edited by
L. Atovmyan, mimeographed format, 33 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 74 and piano score in
Volume 80 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 16 minutes (Meskhishvili).
Recording: 78 rpm—USSR: 015264-7 (4 sides). Mariya Maksakova
(soprano), Sergei Lemeshev (tenor), Andrei Ivanov and David Gamrekeli
(baritones), Maksim Mikhailov (bass), Bolshoi Theatre Chorus and
Orchestra, Konstantin IVANOV. P 1947.

Opus 75: The Young Guard

Form: Music for Parts 1 and 2 of the black-and-white film, after Aleksandr
Fadeyev’s novel The Young Guard, directed by Sergei Gerasimov for the
Gorky Film Studios. The story first appeared in the magazine Znamya (‘The
Banner’) in 1945, but was revised in 1947 and 1951. The film was based on
the 1947 version and awarded a Stalin Prize First Class in 1949. The score
incorporates Pierre Degeyter’s Internationale.
Instrumentation: of the Overture (Moderato non troppo)—2 oboes, 2 B flat
clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns ~ timpani ~ harp ~ strings.
Composed: Thematic material outlined on 25 April 1947. Score written in
summer and autumn of 1948, at Moscow.
Premières: Film: Part 1 first shown on 11 October 1948 and Part 2, on 25
October 1948. Score performed by the USSR Symphony Orchestra and
Choir under Aleksandr Sveshnikov.
Suite: 1953, Moscow; Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr
UK broadcast: 15 November 1986, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Lionel

Arrangements: Opus 75a—Suite for orchestra assembled by Levon Atovmyan

in 1951:
1. Prelude—Moderato non troppo
2. By the River—Moderato
3. Scherzo—Presto
4. Uneasy Night—Moderato
5. Song of the Young Guards—Moderato sostenuto
6. Death of the Heroes—Adagio attacca
7. Apotheosis—Adagio
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 75a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais,
E flat clarinet, 2 A clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 contrabassoons ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals, triangle,
tambourine, bass drum ~ strings. Brass augmented by separate band of
3 trumpets and 3 trombones in No. 3, and two of each in Nos. 1 and 7.
Suite transcribed for wind orchestra by Ye. Dubinsky.
Music: Shostakovich gave this work as Opus 76 in his typed list. Autograph
of the film score preserved at GTsMMK and a manuscript score, with notes
in the composer’s hand, at NBGCOK.
Muzgiz, No. 23653, 1950, Suite Opus 75a in full score, 29 cm.
Muzyka, 1975, Suite arr. for wind orchestra by Ye. Dubinsky, 22 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, Overture,
30 cm.
A piece from the film score entitled ‘Farewell’, arranged for string quartet,
is scheduled to appear in Volume 101 of New Collected Works.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 132 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 101 and 86 minutes. Suite Opus 75a: 25' 51"–30' 14";
22 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Recordings: CD—Olympia OCD 201. Suite Opus 75a. USSR Cinemato-
graph Symphony Orchestra, Grigori GAMBURG. P 1956, I Dec. 1987.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 002. Suite Opus 75a. Byelorussian Radio
and TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Minsk Feb. 1995,
I Sept. 1996.
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10361 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 3’). Op. 75a Nos. 2, 4, and 5. BBC Philharmonic,
Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 116, 89, and 111.] P New Broadcasting House,
Manchester 12–13 Oct. 2004, I Sept. 2006.
Note: The English title of the film frequently appears in the plural. Fadeyev’s
novel The Young Guard is about Oleg Koshevoi, the commissar of the youth
resistance organization, who, along with two other male and two female
Young Guards, was tortured and murdered by the Nazis in 1943. This book

was an instant success on its publication in 1945 but was pronounced to

be ideologically harmful and officially condemned in 1948. The author had
allegedly failed to point out the role of the Communist Party in organizing
underground activities. Fadeyev was hurt by this accusation—Stalin was his
idol—but acknowledged his ‘errors’ and spent almost four years ‘correcting’
the novel. By 1956 he had become an alcoholic and, after Stalin’s denounce-
ment, he shot himself.

Opus 76: Pirogov

Form: Music for the biographical black-and-white film, based on the life of
the surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, with scenario by Yuri German and directed
by Grigori Kozintsev for Lenfilm. The film awarded a Stalin Prize Second
Class in 1948.
Composed: 1947.
Premières: Film first shown on 16 December 1947.
UK broadcast of the Suite: 15 November 1986, BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Lionel Friend.
Arrangements: Opus 76a—Suite for orchestra assembled by Levon Atovmyan
in 1951:
1. Introduction
2. Scene
3. Waltz—Allegretto
4. Scherzo
5. Finale
Piano reduction of No. 3 by L. Atovmyan.
Waltz transcribed for percussion ensemble by Vladimena Snamenskov. A
recording of a concert performance by I Percussionisti della Scala broadcast
on BBC Radio 3 on 7 July 2001.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 76a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat
clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ xylophone, glockenspiel, harp ~
violin solo, strings.
Music: Autograph score of the Suite Opus 76a preserved in the Bureau of the
Music Fund of the USSR.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1948, Waltz arr. for piano by L. Atovmyan, 27cm.
Muzgiz, 1950, Waltz arr. for small orchestra, 14 parts, c. 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, Waltz in full score, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 133 of New Collected

Duration: Film: 92 minutes, 10 reels. Suite Opus 76a: 16' 22"–17' 56"; 25
minutes (Sadovnikov).
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 16719-17096 (10"). Waltz only. All-Union
Radio Stage Symphony Orchestra, Viktor KNUSHEVITSKY. P 1949.
Poland: Muza 2017 (10"). Waltz only. Polish Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Stefan RACHON.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D020135-6 (mono) and C01471-2.
Suite Opus 76a. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH.
P 1966. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 66981-2 (two-disc set).
I Dec. 1999.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 86603. Suite Opus 76a. Belgian Radio
Symphony Orchestra, José SEREBRIER.P Brussels 1987, I Feb. 1988, G May
Austria: Musica Classic 780005-2 (‘Symphonic Waltzes from Russia’).
Waltz only. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV.
P Bratislava Sept. 1992, I 1992.
CIS: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and. Cinema
Music’). Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
USA: Citadel CTD 88135. Suite Op. 76a. Belarus Radio and TV Sym-
phony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Moscow 7 Apr. 1997, I 1999.
Decca 460 792-2DH11 (‘The Film Album’). Suite Nos. 4 and 5. Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 10–11 Sept.
1998, G Apr. 1999.
Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2000 (‘Russian Film Music I’). Waltz.
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstantin KRIMETS. P Moscow Radio
Studio Jan. 2000.
Note: The Russian surgeon, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810–81), although
politically opposed to Romanov rule, became famous for his part in the
defence of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. An amputation through the
ankle joint was subsequently named after him.

Opus 77: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor

Form: Concerto for violin and orchestra (with 2 harps and reduced brass) in
four movements:
1. Nocturne—Moderato
2. Scherzo—Allegro
3. Passacaglia—Andante attacca Cadenza attacca
4. Burlesque—Allegro con brio

Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais (= oboe

III), 2 B flat clarinets, bass clarinet (= B flat clarinet III), 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon (= bassoon III) ~ 4 horns, tuba ~ timpani, tambourine, gong
~ xylophone, celesta, 2 harps ~ strings.
Composed: 21 July 1947–24 March 1948, though not released until 1955.
The first, second, and third movements completed on 12 November, 6
December 1947, and 19 January 1948 respectively. Written at Moscow.
Dedication: David Fyodorovich Oistrakh (violinist).
Premières: 29 October 1955, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; David
Oistrakh, Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky. The
Finale repeated as an encore.
USA: 29 December 1955, Carnegie Hall, New York; D. Oistrakh, New
York Philharmonic Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos.
4 February 1956, Moscow; D. Oistrakh, USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Ye. Mravinsky.
Arrangements: Reduction for violin and piano by the composer, with the vio-
lin part edited by David Oistrakh. Passacaglia arranged for double-bass and
piano by Rodion Azarkhin. Burlesque transcribed for domra and balalaika
ensemble by Yuri Chernov.
Music: Originally issued as Opus 99 (Opus 77 was then allocated to Three
Pieces for Orchestra). Incorrectly given as Opus 78 by S. D. Krebs (1970) et
al. Autograph scores preserved at GTsMMK (full score) and PGALI (reduc-
tion). The opening of the Nocturne in both autograph scores is reproduced
in Volumes 14 and 15 of Collected Works.
Muzgiz, No. 25755, 1956, score, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 25842, 1956, arr. for violin and piano, 29 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1956, reduction, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1957, revised score, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 694, 1957, 19 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2101, c.1957, reduction, 31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4728 (plate no. 11844), 1958, reduction, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1960, score, 20 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5913, 1975, reduction, 31 cm.
Sovietskii kompozitor, No. 4292, 1978, Passacaglia arr. for double-bass
and piano by A. Azarkhin, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10712 (in Volume 14 of Collected Works), 1981, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10793 (in Volume 15 of Collected Works), 1981, reduc-
tion for violin and piano, including a separate violin part ed. D. Oistrakh,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 42 and piano score in
Volume 43 of New Collected Works.

Duration: 35 and approx. 40 minutes in scores; 27' 47"–41' 07";

38' 10"–39'15" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP—USA: Columbia ML 5077 (mono). David OISTRAKH
(violin), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos. P Dec.
1955, I 1956 ~ CBS S 73442 in Set CBS 77394 (electronic stereo). G Oct.
LP and CD—Italy: Fonit Cetra DOC 6 (mono). D. OISTRAKH accom-
panied as above. P Carnegie Hall concert 2 Jan. 1956, I 1981 ~ Philips
ABL 3101 (mono). G July 1956. Reissued on CD—CBS Masterworks MP
39771. I Mar. 1986, G Apr. 1987 ~ USA: NYP 9707 (mono) in NYP 9701
(‘The Historic Broadcasts 1923 to 1987’—on sixth of ten-disc set) I 1997
~ NYP 9712. Burlesque. Sampler CD issued with G Nov. 1997 ~ Sony
Masterworks Heritage MHK 63327 (mono). I June 1998 ~ *Sony Great
Performers 88697 00812-2. [Tchaikovsky.] G Feb. 2007.
*CD—Japan: Scora Classics scoracd 014 (on first of two-disc set, mono).
D. OISTRAKH (violin), Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. Mravinsky.
[Beethoven, Skryabin, Wagner.] P Leningrad studio c.11 Nov. 1956, I 2004.
Symposium 1142-3 (‘Max Rostal in Memoriam’, two-disc set, mono).
Max ROSTAL (violin), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent. P
22 Aug. 1956, I Apr. 1993.
Hong Kong: One-Eleven EPR 95030 (mono). Ruggiero RICCI (violin),
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky. P a genuine concert
recording according to the artist who ‘Vaguely remembers doing it in the
dim and distant past’, I 1998. NB. Kenzo Amoh, on checking concert
lists in St Petersburg, considers this performance was not conducted by
LP and CD—USSR: MK D03658-9 (mono). D. OISTRAKH (violin),
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. Mravinsky. P Leningrad Philharmonic
Bolshoi Hall studio 30 Nov. 1956, I 1957 ~ USA: Monitor MCS 2014
(electronic stereo). I 1958 ~ Parlophone Odeon PM5 1014 (10" mono).
G Jan. 1959. HMV Melodiya ASD 3234-5 in Set SLS 5058 (electronic
stereo). G Oct. 1976. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC
278 882 (‘The David Oistrakh Edition’—on second of five discs available
singly). I 1987, G Apr. 1988 ~ *Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 92609
(ten-disc set). P date given incorrectly as 18 Nov. 1956, I 2005.
CD—Russia: Syd Records Disc SYD 005 (‘The Art of Yulian Sitkovetsky,
Volume 5’). Yulian SITKOVETSKY (violin), USSR State Radio Orchestra,
Aleksandr Gauk. P Moscow concert 1956, I 1995.
France: Praga PR 250 052 (mono). D. OISTRAKH (violin), Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. Mravinsky. P Czech Radio concert May
1957, I 1994, G July 1995 ~ France: Praga Compact Discs PR 256 007-12
(‘David Oistrakh in Prague’—on sixth of six-disc set). I 1998.

*Italy: Comitato Grandi Maestri di Ferrara (unnumbered nine-disc set,

mono). Aldo FERRARESI (violin), Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino, Mario Rossi.
[Elgar, Walton, Alfano etal.] P Auditorium di Torino della Radiotelevisione
Italiana concert 15 May 1959, I 2007.
[LP—France: EMI unissued stereo recording. Leonid KOGAN (violin),
Colonne Orchestra, Pierre Dervaux. P Paris studio 28 (Nocturne) and
29 June 1961. NB. This recording apparently does not exist.]
[USA: Hall of Fame HOP 512 (mono) and HOPS 512 (electronic
stereo). L. KOGAN (violin), Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor
not Ye. Mravinsky as stated. P radio broadcast concert 1960s.]
CD—BBC Radio Classics 15656 9170-2. D. OISTRAKH (violin),
Philharmonia Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P Usher Hall, Edinburgh
concert 7 Sept. 1962, I May 1996 ~ BBC Legends BBCL 4060-2. I Feb.
2001, G May 2001.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D8451-2 (10" mono) and C201-2 (10").
L. KOGAN (violin), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin. P
Moscow concert 1962, I 1962, G Feb. 1970 ~ *Czech: Supraphon DV
6063 (mono) and SV 8224 F. I c.1965 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2585. G
July 1970. Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 025 (mono). I
Feb. 1994 ~ Italy: Arlecchino ARL 87 (‘The Leonid Kogan Legacy, Volume
XVI’). I 1994 ~ Czech: Supraphon SU 3005-2001 (‘Giants of the Violin’).
I 1995. NB. P date given as Prague concert 1964.
*CD—USA: Rondo Music Society RMS 2234 (mono). Albert
MARKOV (violin), USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Yuri Aranovich.
[Szymanowski.] P Moscow Conservatory concert 5 Nov. 1962, I 2003.
Belgium: Cypres CYP 9612 (on fourth of twelve-disc set, mono). Aleksei
MIKHLIN (violin), Belgian National Orchestra, Andre Cluytens. P Brussels
Queen Elisabeth Competition concert 13 June 1963, I 2001.
*Harmonia Mundi HMX 2905255.59 (on first of five-disc set). Igor
OISTRAKH (violin), Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Kurt Sanderling. [Op. 47.]
P Metropoltheater, Berlin concert 3 Oct. 1966, I Sept. 2002.
Revelation RV 10084 (mono). L. KOGAN (violin), Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, K. Kondrashin. P concert 3 Oct. 1966, I Aug. 1997.
USA: Radiomen CSO CD95-10/20 (‘Chicago Symphony Orchestra: From
the Archives, Volume 10: Great Soloists’, two-disc set). L. KOGAN (violin),
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Irwin Hoffman. P Chicago concert 27 and
28 Oct. 1966, I Sept. 1995.
*Japan: Altus ALT 046. D. OISTRAKH (violin), Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, K. Kondrashin. [Op. 54.] P Tokyo Culture Hall concert 4 Apr.
1967, I 2002.
*LP—Belgium: Discothèque National de Belgique 30 102 (second of
three-record set). Stoika MILANOVA (violin), Belgian National Orchestra,

René Defossez. [Ravel.] P Queen Elisabeth Violin Competition, Palais des

Beaux-Arts, Brussels May or June 1967, I 1967.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 8 25 874. Gustav SCHMAHL (violin),
Dresden Philharmonie, Kurt Masur. P Dresden Aug. 1969. Reissued on
CD: Germany: Berlin Classics 0091 532BC. I 1995 ~ Germany: Berlin
Classics 009150-2 (‘The Kurt Masur Edition’, nine-disc set). I Oct. 1995.
CD—Belgium: René Gailly International Productions CD 86 003. Edith
VOLCKAERT (violin), Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rene Defossez. P
Brussels Queen Elisabeth Competition concert 24 May 1971, I 1993.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 04385-6. Burlesque arr. Y. Chernov.
A. TSYAGANOV (domra), Osipov Academic Russian Folk Orchestra, Viktor
Dubrovsky. P 1972, I 1974 ~ HMV Melodiya Classics HQS 1410. G Jan.
CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7241. D. OISTRAKH (violin), New Philharmonia
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P Royal Festival Hall concert 20 Nov.
1972, I July 1992.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 2936. D. OISTRAKH (violin), New Philharmonia
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 25 Nov. 1972, G Jan. 1974 ~ USSR:
Melodiya CM 04291-2 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records).
I 1980 ~ HMV ASD 4046. G June 1981. Reissued on CD—Japan: Toshiba
EMI TOCE 3276. I 1997 ~ *EMI Classic 3 72493-2. [Op. 107.]. I Jan.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 03941-2. Igor OISTRAKH (violin), All-Union
Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, M. Shostakovich. P 1973, I
1974a ~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDX 78 576 K.
Sweden: BASF 25 21640-3. Arve TELLEFSEN (violin), Swedish Radio Sym-
phony Orchestra, Gary Bertini. P 1973, 1 Sept. 1979.
USSR: Melodiya C10 30915 005 (‘Leonid Kogan’s Complete Recordings,
Volume 10’, two-record set). L. KOGAN (violin), USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Yevgeni Svetlanov. P Moscow concert 25 Sept. 1976, I 1991a. Reissued on
CD—Italy: Arlecchino ARL 6 (‘The Leonid Kogan Legacy, Volume 1’). I
1994. NB. The date of 29 Apr. 1960 is incorrect.
LP—Venezuela: Fundación Rito Juan Pro-Musica Volume 11. Jose
Francisco Del CASTILLO (violin), Venezuela Symphony Orchestra, Georg W.
Schmoehe. P June 1979.
USA: Vox Cum Laude D-VCL 9008 (digital). Fredell LACK (violin), Berlin
City Symphony Orchestra, Seigfried Kohler. P Feb. 1980, I Mar. 1982.
CD—Revelation RV 10108. Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov. P 16 June 1981, I May 1998 ~ *Korea: Yedang
Classics YCC 0032. [Op. 129.] I May 2002.
Germany: Live Classics LCL 105. Oleg KAGAN (violin), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr Lazarev. P Moscow concert 26 Sept. 1981, I 2000.

LP—USA: WQXR Radiothon Special Edition 88 1/2. Glenn DICTEROW

(violin), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 9 Jan.
1982, I 1988.
LP and CD—Japan: Icone ICN 9416-2. Sergei STADLER (violin),
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Ravil Martynov. P Leningrad concert
1983, I Sept. 1994. Reissued on CD—Leningrad Masters LM 1320.
G Sept. 1996.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 11385. Stoika MILANOVA (violin), Bulgarian
Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Vassil Stefanov. P Feb. 1984.
Reissued on CD—Netherlands: Sound CD 3445 ~ *Bulgaria: Balkanton
030100. [Bartók.] I 1990s.
*CD—Brilliant Classics 93005 (‘Viktor Tretiakov Edition’, on first of
ten-disc set, stereo). Listed as Op. 99. Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin), Moscow
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Fedoseyev. [Aleksandr - not Boris -
Chaikovsky]. P concert 13 Feb. 1984, G June 2006.
LP and CD—Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation SM 5037.
Steven STARYK (violin), Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Davis. P
Toronto 12–13 Jan. 1985. Reissued on CD—Canada: CBC SMCD 5037.
I 1986 ~ Canada: CBC PSCD 2023. I 2001.
CD—USA: Pyramid 13493. Nell GOTKOVSKY (violin), Bulgarian National
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vassil Kazandzhiev. P Sofia Oct. 1987, I 1988,
G Oct. 1991.
Philips Digital Classics 422 364-2PH. Viktoria MULLOVA (violin), Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra, André Previn. P London 16–21 June 1988, G
June 1989.
EMI CDC7 49814-2. Itzak PERLMAN (violin), Israel Philharmonic
Orchestra, Zubin Mehta. P Tel Aviv concert 27 and 31 July 1988, G Jan.
1990. American Grammy Award 1991—winner of Instrumental Soloist
with Orchestra category.
Decca 425 793-2DH. Boris BELKIN (violin), Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy. P Walthamstow Nov. 1988, G Aug. 1990.
Chandos CHAN 8820. Lydia MORDKOVITCH (violin), Scottish National
Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. P Glasgow 16–17 Oct. 1989, G Apr. 1990. The
Gramophone Awards 1990—winner of Concerto category, G Oct. 1990 ~
*Chandos CHAN 8820. [Op.129.] I Sept. 2004.
Virgin Classics VC7 91143-2. Dmitri SITKOVETSKY (violin), BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Davis. P London Dec. 1989, G Sept. 1990.
Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik award 1990.
Germany: Berlin Classics BC 001049-2BC. Michael ERXLEBEN (violin),
Berlin City Symphony Orchestra, Claus Peter Flor. P Berlin May 1990,
I 1993 ~ *Germany: Berlin Classics 0183632 BC. [Hartmann.] I May.
2003 ~ *Eterna Collection 0013732BC. [Op. 70.] I May 2006.

EMI Classics CDC7 54314-2. Nadja SALERNO-SONNENBERG (violin),

London Symphony Orchestra, M. Shostakovich. P London 8–10 Mar.
1991, G Dec. 1992.
Norway: Grappa CRCD 4050. Arve TELLEFSEN (violin), Royal Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Paavo Berglund. P London 27–28 Dec. 1991, I 1994.
France: Le Chant du Monde DC 278-1099. Ivan MONIGHETTI (violin),
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jiří Válek. P Czech radio Nov. 1992,
I Aug. 1993.
Belgium: René Gailly International Productions CD 87 515 (in three-disc
set CD 90 006). Keng-Yuen TSENG (violin), National Orchestra of Belgium,
Ronald Zollman. P Brussels concert 5 June 1993.
Netherlands: BMG RCA 74321 447832. Jaap van ZWEDEN (violin),
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Edo de Waart. P Utrecht
16–19 Apr. 1994, I 1996.
Teldec 4509-98143-2- Maksim VENGEROV (violin), London Symphony
Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich. P London May 1994, I Sept. 1994,
G Feb. 1995. Gramophone Record Awards 1995—winner of Concerto
category and voted ‘Record of the year’ ~ *Warner Elatus 0927 4674-2.
[Op. 129.] I Sept. 2002, G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
USA: Amadis 7194. Oleg KRYSA (violin), National Symphony Orchestra
of Ukraine, Theodore Kuchar. P Kiev 6 May 1994, I 2000.
France: Erato 0630 10696-2. Vadim REPIN (violin), Hallé Orchestra,
Kent Nagano. P BBC North Studio, Manchester Mar. 1995, G Jan. 1996.
Japan: Denon COCO 80762. Boris BELKIN (violin), Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Junichi Hirokami. P 25–28 May 1995.
France: Arion ARN 68326. Marie SCHEUBLE (violin), Monte-Carlo Phil-
harmonic, James DEPRIEST. P Monte-Carlo July 1995, I Mar. 1996.
USA: Triton 17 006. Maksim FEDOTOV (violin), Russian State Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr Vedernikov. P Moscow Conservatory Dec. 1995,
I Nov. 1996 ~ *Japan: DMC Classics DICC 26039. [Op. 129.] I 1999
*Russia: Kvadro Classic KTL02-682. [Op. 129.] I 2002.
Naxos 8-550814. Ilya KALER (violin), Polish National Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Antoni Wit. P Katowice 15–18 Jan. 1996, G Oct. 1997.
Sony Classical SK 68338. MIDORI (violin), Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Claudio Abbado. P Berlin concert 5–8 Dec. 1997, G Dec. 1998.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 77066-2. Latica HONDA-ROSENBERG
(violin), Slovenian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Lior Shambadal. P Slovenia
Philharmonic Great Hall, Ljubljiana 16–22 May 2000 ~ *Germany: Oehms
Classics 0C 225 [Tchaikovsky.] I Sept. 2003.
**Germany: Capriccio 10 892. Vladimir SPIVAKOV (violin), Cologne
Gürzenick Philharmonic Orchestra, James Conlon. [Op. 114b.] P Cologne
concert 26–29 Aug. 2000, G May 2002.

Deutsche Grammophon 471 616-2. Ilya GRINGOLTS (violin), Israel

Philharmonic Orchestra, Itzhak Perlman. [Tchaikovsky.] P Tel Aviv Dec.
2001, G Oct. 2002.
Sony Classical SK 89921 and SS 89921 (SACD). Hilary HAHN (violin),
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Marek Janowski. [Mendelssohn.] P Oslo 20
and 22–23 Feb. 2002, G Apr. 2003.
USA: Artek 0017-2. Elmar OLIVEIRA (violin), Seattle Symphony, Gerard
SCHWARZ. [Op. 54.] P Benaroya Hall, Seattle 27 May 2003.
Sony Classical 82876 73146-2. Baiba SKRIDE (violin), Munich
Philharmonic Orchestra, Miklo Frank. [Janáček.] P Philharmonie (Gasteig),
Munich concert 16–18 Apr. 2004, I May 2005, G Aug. 2006.
Belgium: Ambroisie AMB 9987 (on first of three-disc set). Labelled as
Op. 99. Sergei KHACHATRYAN (violin), Belgian National Orchestra, Gilbert
Varga. [Chausson and Brahms.] P Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels 27 May
Canada: Marquis MC 81339. Catherine MANOUKIAN (violin), Armenian
Philharmonic Orchestra, Eduard Topchjan. [Khachaturyan.] P Aram
Khachaturyan Concert Hall, Yerevan 20–25 June 2005, I Oct. 2006.
EMI Classics 3 46053-2. Sarah CHANG (violin), Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, Simon Rattle. [Prokofiev.] P Philharmonie, Berlin 15–17 June
and 16–20 Sept. 2005, G May 2006.
USA: Delos DE 3363. Dmitri KOGAN (violin), Tchaikovsky Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. [Op. 129.] P Russian TV and Radio
Broadcasting Company Kultura, Moscow 17–20 Sept. 2005, I July
Poland: DUX DUX 0534. Op. 99. Roman LASOCKI (violin), Silesian
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Mirosław Jacek Błaszczyk. [Moryto.]
P Silesian Philharmonic Hall, Katowice Sept. 2005, I 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62546-2. Daniel HOPE (violin), BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. [Opp. 129 and 97.] P Maida Vale
Studios, London 7–9 Nov. 2005, I Mar. 2006, G June 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62997-2. Leila JOSEFOWICZ (violin), City
of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Sakari Oramo. [Op. 134.]
P Symphony Hall, Birmingham 10 and 12 Jan. 2006, I May 2006, G
July 2006.
Quartz QTZ 2045 (two-disc set plus DVD ‘A People’s Music’ —a film
by Tim Meara). Ruth PALMER (violin), Philharmonia Orchestra, Benjamin
Wallfisch. [Op. 134.] P Henry Wood Hall, London 23–24 Mar. 2006, I
and G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Germany: Orfeo C387161A. Arabella STEINBACHER (violin), Bavarian
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Andris Nelson. [Op. 129] P Herkulessal der
Residenz, Munich 3–6 May 2006.

Naïve V5025. Sergei KHACHATRYAN (violin), Orchestre National de

France, Kurt Masur. [Op. 129.] P Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de la
Radio, Paris 5–7 July 2006, I Oct. 2006.
Ambroisie AM 176. Yossif IVANOV (violin), Royal Flemish Philharmonic
Orchestra, Pinchas Steinberg. [Bartók.] P Concertgebouw, Bruges, Belgium
8–11 July 2008.
Notes: Many of the above recordings, from early LP days—even a number of
Melodiya issues—to the latest CD releases, are labelled as Opus 99.
In the original version the solo violin immediately launches into the
Burlesque. At rehearsals, a week before the première, David Oistrakh
requested a short break after the physical effort required by the Cadenza
in order to restore circulation in his right arm. Shostakovich rewrote a new
beginning of the finale which he made an orchestral tutti. The original
autograph was not destroyed as the composer hoped that one day it would
be possible for the soloist to perform his first version.

Opus 78: Michurin

Form: Music for the biographical colour film based on the life of the horticul-
turist Ivan Michurin, directed by Aleksandr Dovzhenko for the Dovzhenko
Studios, Kiev. Originally conceived by Dovzhenko as a play entitled Life
in Bloom and released as a film for the home market under this title. The
music, scored for chorus and orchestra, includes a folksong ‘Beyond the
mountains, beyond the valleys’(text by Aleksei Gmyrev). The film awarded
a Stalin Prize Second Class in 1949.
Composed: 1948, at Moscow
Premières: Film first shown on 1 January 1949.
UK: 13 and 14 October 1998 (BBC Radio 3 broadcast on 12 November
1998), Barbican Centre, London; London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav
Rostropovich; Suite No. 4, Reminiscence and No.2, Winter Garden.
Arrangements: Opus 78a—Suite for chorus and orchestra assembled by
Levon Atovmyan in 1964:
1. Overture
2. Winter Garden—Adagio (No. 5 in the film score)
3. Spring Waltz—Allegro scherzando
4. Reminiscence—Moderato molto—Allegro—Adagio (No. 3 in the film
5. Demonstration in the Town Square
6. Michurin’s Monologue
7. Finale
Spring Waltz No. 3—Ballet Suite No. 2, No. 5 (Sans op. P(i) and Four
Waltzes, No. 1: Sans op. P(iii) variously transcribed, including for cello and

piano by L. Atovmyan, violin and piano by Konstantin Fortunatov, and

solo piano by Bronislava Rozengauz.
Suite No. 5 includes the Revolutionary song ‘Boldly, friends, on we march!’
Suite No. 6 includes a choral setting of ‘Song of the Counterplan’ from
Opus 33, marked ‘Allegro’ (No. 10 in the film score).
English translation of the choruses in Suite Nos. 1 and 6 by Valeria
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 78a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets
(B flat and A), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ glockenspiel, 2 harps ~
S.A.T.B. chorus in Nos. 1, 6, and (wordless) 7 ~ strings. Separate band of
3 trumpets and 3 trombones.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved at GTsMMK and a manuscript
copy at NBGCOK. Autograph of the Suite preserved in the Bureau of the
Music Fund of the USSR.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 20616 (Two Pieces from Ballet Suite No. 2: Spring
Waltz and Op. 39 Adagio), 1958, arr. L. Atovmyan, score, 31.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, Suite No. 3 only, full score, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2718 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and
piano), 1962, No. 3 only, arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4767 (in Two Pieces for cello and piano), 1962, No. 3
arr. L. Atovmyan, 30 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4794 (plate no. 12389—in Shostakovich: Album of
Easy Pieces), 1967, No. 3 arr. K. Fortunatov, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano), 1975,
No. 3 arr. K. Fortunatov, 28.5 cm.
Belwin Mills, New York, No. 4446 (Two pieces for cello and piano—with
Op. 39 Adagio), c.1977, No. 3 arr. L. Atovmyan, score, 27 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of Chil-
dren’s Piano Pieces), 1979, No. 3 arr. B. Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7625 (in Album for the Violinist, Volume 1),
1986. No. 3 arr. K. Fortunatov, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10889 (in supplement to Volume 41 of Collected Works),
1987. ‘Song of the Counterplan’ in full score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987,
‘Reminiscence’, and ‘Winter Garden’ in full score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
No. 3 arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 134 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 101 minutes. Suite Opus 78a: 29' 52"; 34 minutes

Recordings: LP and CD—USA: Angel Melodiya SR 40181. Suite Nos. 1,

2, 4, 6, and 7. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1966 ~ Germany: Melodia Eurodisc 28665 XHK. (on
third of four-record film music album). I 1981. Reissued on CD—RCA
Gold Seal 74321 32041-2. I Mar. 1996.
CD—Unicorn Kanchana DKP 9069. Spring Waltz arr. Atovmyan.
Alexander BAILLIE (cello) and Piers Lane (piano). P London 6 and 7 Aug.
1987, G Dec. 1988 ~ Unicorn Kanchana Souvenir Compact Disc UKCD
2083. I Mar. 1997.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60226 (‘Film Music of Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Complete Suite Nos. 1–7 (chorus in No. 7 only). Belgian
Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, José SEREBRIER. P 1988?, I Aug.
1990, G Mar. 1991.
CIS: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Film
Music’). Spring Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
Notes: For further recordings of the Spring Waltz see Ballet Suite No. 2, Sans
op. P(i). Originally Gavriil Popov was commissioned to write this film score
but was severely criticized and dismissed for excessive complication of the
musical language and distorting Russian folksongs.
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (1855–1935) developed over 300 new
types of fruit trees and berry bushes by hybridisation. He founded a horti-
cultural institute in Kozlov and the town was renamed Michurinsk in his

Opus 79: From Jewish Folk Poetry

Form: Song cycle for soprano (S), contralto (C), and tenor (T) with piano
accompaniment, to traditional Yiddish and Hebrew texts (apart from No. 7
by B. Shafir), selected from a collection, compiled by I. M. Dobrushkin
and A. D. Yunitsky under the editorship of Yuri Sokolov, published by
Goslitizdat, Moscow, 1947:

1. Lament for a dead infant—Moderato (S and C)

2. The solicitous mother and aunt—Allegretto (S and C)
3. Lullaby (‘Little son, my fairest’)—Andante (C)
4. Before a long separation—Adagio (S and T)
5. Warning—Allegretto (S)
6. The abandoned father—Moderato (C and T)
7. Song of want—Allegro (T)
8. Winter—Adagio (T, S, and C)
9. The good life—Allegretto (T)

10. Song of the young girl—Allegretto (S)

11. Happiness—Allegretto (C, S, and T)

Verses translated into Russian by T. Spendiarova (No. 1), A. Globa

(Nos. 2 and 4), V. Zvyagintseva (No. 3), N. Ushakov (No. 5), S. Mar
(No. 6), B.Semyonov (Nos. 7 and 8), S. Olender (Nos. 9 and 10), and
L. Dligach (No. 11).
Composed: 1 August–24 October 1948, at Moscow. Autograph score of the
orchestral version Opus 79a dated 1 October 1948, though date usually
given as 1963.
Premières: 15 January 1955, Leningrad Glinka Concert Hall; Nina Dorliak
(soprano), Zara Dolukhanova (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Maslennikov (tenor),
and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano). Nos. 3, 8, and 11 encored three times.
Scotland: 8 Sept. 1962, Leith Town Hall; Elisabeth Söderström
(soprano), Janet Baker (mezzo-soprano), Peter Pears (tenor), and Geoffrey
Parsons (piano).
Opus 79a: 19 February 1964, Gorky (now Nizhni Novgorod); Galina
Pisarenko (soprano), Larissa Avdeyeva (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Maslennikov
(tenor), Gorky Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
USA: 23 and 24 November 1985, Theresa L. Kaufmann Concert Hall,
New York; Nadia Pelle (soprano), Gretchen Greenfield (contralto), David
Gordon (tenor), Y Chamber Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich.
Arrangements: Opus 79a—accompaniment orchestrated by the composer.
Nos. 3 and 7 transcribed for trumpet and piano and No. 4 for trumpet
duet and piano by Sergei Bolotin; Nos. 7 and 10 for trumpet and chamber
orchestra by A. Senderovas.
German translations of the song cycle made separately by Marianne
Graefe and Alfred Kurella; English translation by Zofia Weaver.
Instrumentation: of Opus 79a—2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes (II = cor
anglais), 2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
~ 4 horns ~ timpani, tambourine, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone,
2 or 3 harps ~ 1st violins (16–20), 2nd violins (14–18), violas (12–16),
cellos (12–16), double-basses (10–14).
Music: Autograph piano and full scores preserved at TsGALI.
Opus 79—Muzgiz, No. 576, 1955, for voices and piano, 30 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4727 (plate no. 11857), 1958, for voices and piano
in M. Graefe’s German translation, 27 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2081, 1961, for voices and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, 34 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2035 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Pieces for trumpet
and piano), 1976, Nos. 3, 4 (duet), and 7 arr. S. Bolotin, 28.5 cm.

Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, piano score in Volume 91 of New Collected
Opus 79a—Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works),
1982, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 89 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 23 and 24 minutes in scores; 23' 00"–27' 40".
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP, and CD—USSR: 25826-7 (10"). Nos. 6 and
11 only ~ 26830-1 (10"). Nos. 1 and 2 only. Reissued on LP—MK
HD 03216-7 (mono). Complete cycle. Nina Dorliak (soprano), Zara
Dolukhanova (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Maslennikov (tenor), and Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH (piano). P 16 Dec. 1956, I 1956 ~ HMV Melodiya HLM
7094 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 10521-2
(in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works on Records, electronic stereo). I
1978. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1000
(mono, double-play). Sept. 1989 ~ USA: Russian Disc RDCD 15 015. I
Aug. 1994 ~ Revelation RV 70007 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Vol-
ume 6’, mono). I Sept. 1998, G Feb. 1999 ~ *USA: Eclectra ECCD 2067
(‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume 2’, mono). [Opp. 57, 34, and
97.] I Oct. 2004.
LP and CD—Germany: Eterna 825 774. Opus 79a, with German text by
A. Kurella. Maria Croonen (soprano), Anneliese Burmeister (contralto), Peter
Schreier (tenor), Berlin City Symphony Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. P SRK
Berlin, 9–10 Sept. 1963, I 1968 ~ Wergo 60 023 and UK: Helidor Wergo
2549 007. G July 1970. Reissued on CD—France: Berlin Classics 009162
BC. I Nov. 2000 ~ *Eterna Collection 0032802 BC. I 2004 ~ *Berlin Classics
0148152BC (two-disc set). [Bruckner and Mahler.] G Mar. 2008.
CD—USA: Bridge BCD 9048 (‘Jan DeGaetani in Concert, Volume 3’).
Benita Valente (soprano), Jan DeGaetani (mezzo-soprano), Jon Humphrey
(tenor), and Samuel LIPMAN (piano). P Aspen Music Festival concert
summer 1980, I Aug. 1995.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 16328-30 (in two-record set
‘Yevgeni Svetlanov conducts’). Opus 79a. Raisa Bobrineva (soprano), Galina
Borisova (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Maslennikov (tenor), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P 1980, I 1982b ~ France: Le Chant du
Monde LDX 78 808 and released on CD—LDC 278 808. I 1986.
Decca 414 410-1DH2 (in two-record box set, digital). Opus 79a.
Elisabeth Söderström (soprano), Ortrun Wenkel (contralto), Ryszard
Karcykowski (tenor), Concertgebouw Orchestra. Bernard HAITINK. P
Amsterdam 12 Dec. 1983, G May 1986. Reissued on CD—Decca 417
561-2DH. G Apr. 1987 ~ Decca Ovation 425 069-2DM. G Nov. 1993.

LP—Germany: Thorofon Capella MTH 267 (DMM). Sung in M. Graefe’s

German translation. Eva Csapó (soprano), Anke Eggers (contralto), Günter
Binge (tenor), and Horst GOBEL (piano). P Feb. and June 1984.
Cassette—B’nai B’rith BB 001. Helen Lawrence (soprano), Carole Rosen
(mezzo-soprano), Louis Garb (tenor), and Antony SAUNDERS (piano). P
London July 1984, G Sept. 1985.
CD—USA: Jerusalem Records Stradivari Performance SCD 8005. Opus
79a Nos. 1–8 sung in Yiddish. Lily Tuneh (soprano), Mira Zahai (alto),
Neil Jenkins (tenor), Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Yuri ARANOVICH. P
Israel Festival concert 2 June 1985, I 1988.
USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 411. No. 3 sung in German. Maureen
FORRESTER (contralto) and John Arpin (piano). P Toronto 23 and 24 May
Chandos CHAN 8800. Opus 79a. Nadia Pelle (soprano), Mary Ann
Hart (mezzo-soprano), Rodney Nolan (tenor), I Musici de Montreál,
Yuri TUROVSKY. P Quebec 31 May–1 June 1989, G July 1990. Reissued
on CD—Chandos Enchant CHAN 7061. I July 1997 ~ Chandos Collect
CHAN 6617. I July 2000, G Feb. 2001.
Deutsche Grammophon 439 860-2GH.(‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 1’). Opus 79a. Luba Orgonasova (soprano), Nathalie Stutzmann
(contralto), Philip Langridge (tenor), Gothenburg Symphony Qrchestra,
Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Aug. 1993, I June 1994.
*USA: Delos DE 3317. (‘Complete Romances and Songs, Volume Five’).
Svetlana SUMATCHOVA (soprano), Marianna Tarassova (mezzo-soprano),
Konstantin Pluzhnikov (tenor), and Yuri Serov (piano). [Op. 145.] P St
Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 19–20 Mar. 1995, I UK Jan.
Germany: Capriccio 10 778. Op. 79a. Nina Fomina (soprano), Tamara
Sinyavskaya (alto), Arkadi Mishenkin (tenor), Cologne Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne 22–27 May 1995, I and G Awards
(Oct.) 1998.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68434-2. Opus 79a. Booklet with lyrics in
Russian, English, German, and French. Marina Shaguch (soprano), Larissa
Dyadkova (mezzo-soprano), Konstantin Pluzhnikov (tenor), Rotterdam
Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Rotterdam 24–31
Aug. 1995, I Nov. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
*Belgium: Discover DICD 920259. Yvonne Wiedstruck (soprano),
Christine Oertel (mezzo-soprano), Ilya Levinsky (tenor), and Semyon
SKIGIN (piano). [Op. 91; Glinka, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov et al.]
P 1995.
Chandos CHAN 9600. Opus 79a. Tatyana Sharova (soprano), Lyudmila
Kuznetsova (mezzo-soprano), Aleksei Martynov (tenor), Russian State

Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. P Moscow Conservatory Oct.

1996, G June 1998.
USA: Music Masters 01612 67189-2. Opus 79a. Marina Zhukova
(soprano), Elena Svechnikova (contralto), Nikolai Kurpe (tenor), Moscow
Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Dec. 1996.
*Lithuania Vilnius Recording Studio VSCD 036 (‘Trumpeter on the
Roof’). Nos. 10 and 7 arr. Senderovas. Timofei DOKSHITSER (trumpet),
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Saulyus Sondetskis. [Boch, Bruch, Lavry
et al.] P 1997, I 1998.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian RUS 288 166 (‘Jewish Music
from Russia’). Op. 79a complete Yiddish version; full text in Yiddish. Eva
Ben-Zvi (soprano), Yelena Gubina (alto), Nikolai Kurpe (tenor), Bolshoi
Theatre Orchestra, Andre CHISTYAKOV. P May 1998, I Mar. 2000.
**Poland: Dux Recordings DUX 0394. Urszula Kryger (mezzo-soprano),
Jadwiga Rappe (alto), Jerzy Knetig (tenor), and Tomasz HERBUT (piano).
[Op. 127.] P Lutoslawski Hall, Warsaw 9–11 Feb. and 7–8 Apr. 1999,
I 2003.
USA: Arsis CD 120. Sung in Russian. Denise Konicek (soprano),
Kamala Soparkar (contralto), Yegishe Manucharyan (tenor), and Deborah
BOLING (piano). [Dvořák] P Roslindale, Massachusetts 6 and 8 July, 3 and
4 Aug. 1999, 28 Mar. and 11 Nov. 2000, I 2001.
Note: Daniel Zhitomirsky states that the première arranged for 20 October
1948 was prohibited ‘from above’. (Daugava, 1990, No. 3—translated by
Tatyana Norbury in DSCH Newsletter XVIII).

Opus 80: The Meeting on the Elbe

Form: Music for the black-and-white film The Meeting on the Elbe, directed by
Grigori Aleksandrov for Mosfilm. The score includes three orchestrally-
accompanied songs with lyrics by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky: ‘Longing for the
Native Country’ in two versions (male chorus and woman’s solo with piano
trio), ‘Song of Peace’—musically identical to ‘Hymn to Moscow’, Sans op.
X(i), and ‘Daybreak’ for female chorus; also soldiers’ song with words by
Vasili Lebedev-Kumach. The film awarded a Czecho-slovakian Peace Prize
in 1949 and a Stalin Prize First Class in 1950.
The film score comprises 34 numbers though Nos. 12 and 15–17 are lost.
2. Tommy’s Song—‘Things are very good with the Yankees’
10. [Jazz piece]—Moderato non troppo
13. Longing for the Native Country—Andante
22. Moderato
23. Moderato
24. Allegretto

25. Moderato con moto

28. Tommy’s Song (orchestral version)—Allegretto
34. Song of Peace (orchestral version)—Moderato con moto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets (A and B flat), 2 bassoons
~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum,
cymbals, gong ~ celesta, piano ~ tenor soloist, S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.
Composed: 1948, at Moscow.
Première: Film first shown on 16 March 1949. ‘Longing for the Native
Country’ sung in the film by Nadezhda Obukhova (mezzo-soprano).
Arrangements: Opus 80a—Suite for orchestra and voices assembled by the
1. Prelude
2. Longing for the Native Country
3. Dietrich’s departure
4. In the American Zone
5. In the old town
6. Marching Song
7. Conclusion
8. Song of Peace
Volume 42 of Collected Works states that the Suite was orchestrated by
Levon Atovmyan and consists of three items only: Nos. 1, 2, and 8 of the
above list. Nos. 2 and 8, arranged for voice and piano by the composer, have
enjoyed independent lives as popular songs. Both transcribed for trumpet
and piano by Sergei Bolotin. German translation of texts: No. 2 by Ernst
Busch and No. 8 by KuBa (Kurt Bartel). The popular song ‘Longing for the
Native Country’ is also known under the titles ‘Homesickness’, ‘Nostalgia’,
and ‘Song about the Motherland’.
The song from the film score ‘Daybreak’ (‘Sunrise Is Near’ or ‘Dawn is
Coming’) arranged for voices and piano by L. Atovmyan.
Music: Autograph of the film score and songs in vocal score preserved at
GTsMMK, piano score sketches in the Shostakovich Family Archive, with
manuscript score and orchestral parts at NBGCOK.
Muzgiz, 1949, Suite Opus 80a songs Nos. 2 and 8.
Muzgiz, No. 20695 (in Songs of the Soviet Cinema), 1950, No. 8, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, Nos. 2
and 8 (the latter incorrectly given as from The Fall of Berlin, Opus 82), and
‘Daybreak’ for solo voices and piano, 29 cm.
Muzichna Ukraina, Kiev, No. 42 (with two other Shostakovich songs),
1976, Nos. 2 and 8 arr. for tenor and baritone with piano accompaniment
(Russian text, and also Ukrainian words by B. Chin for No. 2 and K. Drok
for No. 8), 26 cm.

Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2035 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Pieces for trumpet
and piano), 1976, Nos. 2 and 8 arr. S. Bolotin, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, three
Dolmatovsky songs in vocal score (chorus and piano), 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, Score
Nos. 10, 13, 22–25, 28, and 34, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7815 (in Romances and Songs to verses of
Yevgeni Dolmatovsky), Suite No. 2 arr. for tenor, baritone, and male voice
choir and No. 8 for male voice choir, 1987, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 135 of New Collected
Duration: Film: 110 minutes.
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—USSR: 17079-19557 (10"). Song No. 8 sung
in Russian. Paul ROBESON (bass) and A. Erokhsin (piano). P 1949. Reissued
on LP—USSR: MK HD 2864-5 (10" mono). I 1956 ~ USSR: Melodiya
C60 24293 007 (‘Songs of Struggle and Solidarity’). I 1987b.
78 rpm—USSR: 17137-8 (10"). Songs Nos. 8 and 2. Georgi VINOGRADOV
(tenor), Red Banner Ensemble, Boris Aleksandrov. P 1949.
78 rpm, LP, and CD—USSR: 019200 (12"). Songs Nos. 8 and 2.
Yevgeni BELYAYEV (tenor), Red Banner Ensemble, Konstantin Vinogradov
(chorus-master), Boris Aleksandrov. P 1950, I 1951 ~ *78 rpm—Czech:
Supraphon 33013-M (mono). I 1952. Reissued on LP—USSR: MK
HD 3506-7 (‘Songs by Soviet Composers’, 10" mono). Songs Nos. 2
and 8. I 1956 ~ USSR: Melodiya D 020515-6 (‘Dmitri Shostakovich
Monograph’, mono). No. 8 only. *Reissued on CD—Czech: SU 5471-2.
Songs 8 and 2. I 2003.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D020517-8 (mono). Song No. 2. Nadezhda
OBUKHOVA (mezzo-soprano) and unnamed piano trio. I 195l.
78 rpm and LP—East Germany: Eterna B 5031 (78 rpm). No. 8 sung
in German. Ernst BUSCH, Berlin Opera Chorus. P 1953. Reissued on
LP—USSR: Melodiya C60 13187-8. I 1980c.
78 rpm—USA: Eterna 30-28. No. 8 sung in German. BERLIN OPERA CHORUS.
P 1954.
LP and CD—East Germany: Aurora 8 15 109. Song No. 2 sung in
German. Ernst BUSCH, Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,
Adolf Fritz Guhl. P Leipzig June 1966. *Reissued on CD—Germany:
BARBArossa Aurora EdBa 01402-2. [Opp. 33 and 80, No. 8.] I 2002.
*East Germany: Aurora 8 15 161. Song No. 8 sung in German. Ernst
BUSCH, Leipzig Radio Symphony and Chorus, Adolf Fritz Guhl. P Leipzig
Oct 1966. Reissued on CD—Germany: BARBArossa Aurora EdBa
01402-2. [Opp. 33 and 80, No. 2.] I 2002.

LP—USSR: Melodiya C60 23927 001 (‘Songs on Ye. Dolmatovsky’s

lyrics’). Song No. 2. Lyudmila ZYKINA (popular singer). I 1987a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 26613 008. Song No. 8. Leningrad Electrotechni-
cal Institute Students’ Choir, Aleksei Kutuzov (chorus-master), Aleksandr
KRYLOV. P 17 May 1987, I 1989a.
**CD—Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9912 (‘Unknown
Vocal Cycles’). ‘Daybreak’. Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov
(piano). [Opp. 58a, 46; Sans op. R; Opp. 100, 33; Sans op. X(ii).]
P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and 16 Feb.
2002, I 2003 ~ USA: Delos 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs,
Volume Four—1932–68—The Unknown Shostakovich’). ‘Daybreak’
and ‘Song of Peace’. Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) in the former and
Viktoria YEVTODIEVA (soprano) in the latter. [Opp. 33, 99, 72, 128, 109;
Sans op. X(i & ii).] I UK Jan. 2006. NB. ‘Song of Peace’ is not from The
Fall of Berlin Opus 82 as listed.
Note: Ernst Busch and the Red Banner Ensemble’s 78 rpm recordings of
Songs Nos. 8 and 2 broadcast by East Germany Radio on 13 February
1991, in a programme in memory of the destruction of Dresden.

Sans op. O: Piano Duets for Children

Form: A piece for two pianos four hands for children, marked ‘Allegretto’.
Composed: May 1949, at Moscow.
Dedication: Maksim Dmitrievich Shostakovich (son).
Music: Autograph score numbered Opus 81 preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 10285 (in the supplement to Volume 39 of Collected
Works), 1983, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2338, 1984, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 113 of New Collected
Duration: 1' 53"; 3 minutes (M. MacDonald).
Recording: CD—France: Suoni e Colori SC 53008 (‘Hommage à Dmitri
Chostakovitch, Volume 2’). Thérèse DUSSAUY and Serge POLUSMIAK (piano
duo). P Espace Fazioli, Paris Oct.–Nov. 1997.
**Germany: Capriccio 71 087 (Hybrid SACD, on disc two of two-disc
set). Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH. [Sans opp. E and O(ii); Opp. 34,
95, and 94.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and 2005, I July 2006.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Pyotr LAUL and Aleksandr SANDLER.
[Opp. 5, 6, 22, 61, 94: Sans op. O(ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church,
St Petersburg 13 and 15 Apr. 2006, I 2006.

Japan: Jasrac R 0681077 (CDR). Tetsu MASHIKO and Masaki

NISHIHARA. [Opp. 94, 96, 97, Sans op. O(ii); B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.]
P Piano Art Salon, Tsukishima, Tokyo concert 10 June 2006, I 2006.


Form: Two pieces for two pianos four hands written for children. The first,
piece is a shortened reduction of the Scherzo from The Unforgettable Year
1919, Opus 89 composed in 1951 and the second, an arrangement of the
Prelude Opus 87 No. 15 by Elena Khoven.
1. Tarantella in G major—Presto
2. Prelude in D flat major—Allegretto
Composed: The original version of the Prelude composed on 30 December
1950 at Moscow and the Tarantella arranged, presumably, in 1954.
Première: 8 November 1954, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph of the Tarantella is not known.
Muzgiz, 1963, edited by E. Khoven, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, c.1964, 32 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5947 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 3), 1970, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11214 (in Volume 13 of Collected Works), 1983, Tarantella
only, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, Tarantella and Prelude score in Volume 113
of New Collected Works.
Duration: Tarantella—1' 24".
Recording: *CD—USA: Arizona University Recordings AUR 3074.
Tarantella. YUKI and TOMOKO MACK. [Poulenc, Dello Joio, Lecuona et al.]
P Ann Arbor 15–17 Sept. 1996, I 1997.
Germany: CPO 999 599-2. Tarantella. GENOVA & DIMITROV PIANO TRIO.
P Hans Rosbaud Studio 4–5 May 1998, I Apr. 1999. NB. Tarantella incor-
rectly labelled as from Op. 97.
**Germany: Capriccio 71 087 (Hybrid SACD, on second of two-
disc set). Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH. [Sans opp. E and O(i);
Opp. 34, 95, and 94.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and 2005, I
July 2006.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Tarantella. Pyotr LAUL and Aleksandr
SANDLER. [Opp. 5, 6, 22, 61, 94; Sans op. O(i).] P St Catherine Lutheran
Church, St Petersburg 13 and 15 Apr. 2006, I 2006.
Japan: Jasrac R 0681077 (CDR). Prelude. Tetsu MASHIKO and Masaki
NISHIHARA. [Opp. 94, 96, 97, Sans op. O(i); B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.]
P Piano Art Salon, Tsukishima, Tokyo concert 10 June 2006, I 2006.

Opus 81: The Song of the Forests

Form: Oratorio for tenor (T) and bass (B) soloists, boys’ choir of trebles and
altos (boys), chorus (S.A.T.B.), and large orchestra (with 2 harps and addi-
tional brass) to the text by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky:
1. When the war was over—Andante (B and A.T.B.)
2. Clothe the homeland in forests (The call is heard throughout the land)—
Allegro (S.A.T.B.)
3. Recollection of the past—Adagio (B and S.A.T.B.) attacca
4. Pioneers plant the forests—Allegretto (boys) attacca
5. Young Communists go forward—Allegro con brio (S.A.T.B.)
6. A walk into the future—Adagio (T and S.A.T.B.)
7. Glory—Allegro non troppo (T, B, boys, and S.A.T.B.)
Instrumentation: 3 flutes (III = piccolo), 2 oboes, cor anglais, 3 clarinets
(B flat and A), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
additional 6 trumpets and 6 trombones in No. 7 ~ timpani, triangle, side
drum, cymbals ~ glockenspiel, 2 harps ~ tenor and bass soloists, boys’ choir,
S.A.T.B. chorus—strings.
Composed: Summer 1949 and completed on 15 August 1949, at Komarova
village, Gulf of Finland.
Premières: 15 November 1949, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall concert;
Vladimir Ivanovsky (tenor), Ivan Titov (bass), Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra and Academy Choir, Yevgeni Mravinsky. The date frequently
given as 15 December 1949 as in Sadovnikov (1965), Khentova (1982),
Glikman (1993) et al.
USA: 4 November 1951, San Francisco; English adaptation by Leo
E. Christiansen.
Germany: No. 2 arr. Achim Gorenflo. 5 November 1988, Mundelfingen
Festive Hall; Musikkapelle Mundelfingen, Reinhard Mäder.
Arrangements: The texts were revised for the 1962 Muzgiz edition by Ye.
Dolmatovsky (see Note).
Reduction of No. 6 for voice and piano and No. 7 for children’s chorus
and mixed choir by the composer. Piano score by Levon Atovmyan. English
translations of the text by Leo E. Christiansen, Myron Morris, and Pat Bayley;
and German translation by Erwin Job. Text revised by Ye. Dolmatovsky for the
1962 Muzgiz edition. No. 6 arranged as an organ solo by Isai Braudo in 1965.
No. 2 transcribed for wind band by Achim Gorenflo, in 1988. Instru-
mentation: 3 flutes (III = piccolo), E flat and 3 B flat clarinets; 2 alto, 2
tenor, and 1 baritone saxophones ~ 3 trumpets, 3 flügel horns, 4 French
horns, 2 B flat baritone and 1 bass saxhorns, 3 trombones, tuba ~ glocken-
spiel, timpani (2 players), cymbals, triangle.

Music: A piece for two pianofortes, Merry March originally designated

Opus 81. The composer’s and L. Atovmyan’s autograph scores of The Song
of the Forests preserved at TsGALI, along with proof sheets marked with the
composer’s corrections. Awarded a Stalin Prize First Class in 1950.
Muzgiz, No. 20801, 1950 and 1960, piano reduction by L. Atovmyan,
29 cm.
L. E. Christiansen, San Francisco, c.1951, lyric adaptation, text only,
22 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4607, c.1952, vocal score, German translation by
Erwin Job, 30 cm.
Leeds Music, 1959, vocal score, English translation, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 20914, 1962, full score with revised text (see Note), 34.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11680 (in Volume 29 of Collected Works), 1983, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11786 (in Volume 30 of Collected Works), 1983, vocal
score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 76 and piano score in
Volume 81 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 33 minutes in score; 36' 20"–37' 59"; 36' 40" (Plaistow);
40 minutes (Schirmer).
Recordings: 78 rpm, LP, and CD—USSR: 019191-200 (9 sides). Vitali
Kilichevsky (tenor), Ivan Petrov (bass), USSR Symphony Orchestra,
RSFSR Academic Russian Chorus, Moscow State Choral School Boys’
Choir, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Moscow studio 12 Dec. 1949. Reissued on
LP—USSR: MK D0486-7 (mono). I 1952 ~ USA: Vanguard VRS 422
(mono). I 1952 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDXA 8000. (mono).
I 1952 and LDX 8387 (mono) ~ Japan: Victor MK 1023 (mono). I 1973.
Reissued on CD—Japan: JVC Melodiya VDC 25005 (mono). I 1988 ~
Japan: BMG Melodiya BVCX 4026 (mono). I 1997.
LP—Czech: Ultraphon 5149 C (mono). Soloists, Choir, and Orchestra
of the BOLSHOI THEATRE. P Moscow 1954 ~ USA: Colosseum CRLP 118
(mono). NB. Names of soloists reversed.
USSR: MK D2879-80 (10"). No. 4 only. Moscow State Choral School
Boys’ Chorus, Aleksandr SVESHNIKOV. P 1956.
USSR: Melodiya D023225-6 (mono). Revised text. Vladimir Ivanovsky
(tenor), Ivan Petrov (bass); Moscow State Choral School Boys’ Choir,
Yuli Ulanov (chorus-master); RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Aleksandr YURLOV (conductor). P 1968 ~ USSR:
Melodiya CM 02699-700. I 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2875. G May
1973. Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 048. I Oct. 1994.
USSR: Melodiya C10 12415-6. Aleksei Maslennikov (tenor), Aleksandr
Vedernikov (bass); Moscow State Choral School Boys’ Choir, Aleksandr

Sveshnikov (chorus-master); Large Choir of Central Television and All-Union

Radio, Klavdi Ptitsa (chorus-master); USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P Moscow memorial concert 25 Sept. 1978, I 1980a.
CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 83. Aleksei Martynov
(tenor), Aleksandr Vedernikov (bass), ‘Spring’ Studio Children’s Choral
School, Yurlov Republican Russian Choir, Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow 16–17 Aug. 1991, I 1997.
Decca 436 762-2DH. Mikhail Kotlyarov (tenor), Nikita Storojev (bass);
Brighton Festival Chorus, Laszlo Heltay (chorus-master); New London
Children’s Choir, Ronald Corp (chorus-master); Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Oct. 1991, G Aug. 1994.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). No. 6, labelled ‘The Future
Promenade’, arr. for organ by I. Braudo. Mariya MAKAROVA (organ).
P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995, I Mar. 1997.
Germany: Capriccio 10 779. Text in German and English. Vladimir
Kasatschuk (tenor), Stanislav Suleimanov (bass), Cologne Radio Chorus,
Godfried Ritter (chorus-master), Berlin Children’s Radio Chorus, Manfred
Roost (chorus-master), Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail
YUROVSKY. P Cologne 3–8 June 1996, I July 1999.
RCA Red Seal 09026 68877-2. Sergei Kisseliev (tenor), Gennadi
Bezzubenkov (baritone), Glinka College Boys’ Choir, Vladimir Begletsov
(chorus-master), St Petersburg Chorus, Valeri Ouspensky (chorus-master),
St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P St Petersburg 15
and 16 Apr. 1997, I Feb. 1999, G Sept. 1999.
Note: After Nikita Khrushchev denounced Stalin at the 20th Congress of the
Communist Party in 1956, Dolmatovsky revised the first, fifth, and seventh
movements by removing all references to the former dictator.

Opus 82: The Fall of Berlin

Form: Music for Parts 1 and 2 of the colour film The Fall of Berlin, directed by
Mikhail Chiaureli for Mosfilm, scored for chorus and orchestra. Script by
Chiaureli and Pyotr Pavlenko. The film awarded a Stalin Prize First Class in
1950. The film score quotes Skryabin’s Etude Op. 2, No. 1; Tchaikovsky’s song
‘Night’ Op. 60, No. 9; Mendelssohn’s ‘Wedding March’ from A Midsummer
Nights Dream Op. 61; and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7 (John Riley). The
musical material comprises 18 items here edited into 16 numbers in the order
they appeared in the two parts of the film by conductor Adriano in 1996:
1. Main Title Part 1
2. Beautiful Day
3. Alyosha by the river

4. Stalin’s Garden (‘Vocalise’)

5. Alyosha and Natasha in the fields—Attack
6. Hitler’s Reception (March)
7. In the destroyed village
8. Forward!
9. Main Title Part 2
10. The roll call—Attack at night
11. Storming of the Seelow Heights
12. The flooding of the Metro
13. The final battle for the Reichstag—Kostya’s death
14. Yussuf’s death
15. Stalin at Berlin Airport
16. Finale: Stalin’s speech—Alyosha and Natasha reunited
Extracts from the first movement of Symphony No. 7 (figs. 39–43 and
37–41) are also included in the film score, along with Skryabin’s Etude
Opus 2 No. 1, Tchaikovsky’s song ‘Night’ Opus 60 No. 9 (used twice), and
Mendelssohn’s ‘Wedding March’. (See liner notes to Adriano’s recording).
The following original film score numbers are not included in the Suite:
5. ‘Beautiful Day’—Allegretto
8. Allegro
9. Allegretto
15. Overture to Part One—Allegro moderato—Maestoso
17. Concentration Camp—[Con moto]—Allegro
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets (B flat and A),
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ xylophone, celesta, 2 harps,
2 pianos (in film score ‘Storming of the Seelow Heights’) ~ S.A.T.B. chorus,
two-part children’s choir ~ strings.
Composed: 1949, at Moscow.
Premières: Film first shown on 21 January 1950 and in Germany: 23 June
1950 (part one) and 7 July 1950 (part two).
Suite Opus 82a: 10 June 1950; Moscow Radio Orchestra and Choir, Ivan
Kuvykin (chorus-master), Aleksandr Gauk (conductor).
Arrangements: Opus 82a—Suite for chorus and orchestra (instrumentation
as the film score less 2 horns and 1 harp; and, in No. 5, the 2 pianos)
assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1949:
1. Prelude—Moderato non troppo—Allegro
2. Scene at the river—Adagio
3. Attack—Allegro molto
4. In the garden (‘Vocalise’)—Andante

5. Storming of the Seelow Heights—Moderato con moto—Maestoso

6. In the destroyed village—Andante
7. Scene in the metro—Allegro
8. Finale—Moderato non troppo—Allegro
Lyrics of Nos. 1 (‘Glory to Stalin’) and 8 by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky; No. 4
wordless S.A.T.B. chorus.
A song from the film score ‘Beautiful Day’, with lyric by Ye. Dolmatovsky,
arranged for two-part children’s choir and piano by the composer.
Prelude, ‘March to the Treasurer’, and Finale transcribed for military
band by Ivan Petrov.
Complete Suite Nos. 1–8 transcribed for wind band by Yoshihiro Kimura.
The complete score of 18 items was edited into 16 numbers in the order
they appeared in the two parts of the film by conductor Adriano in 1996.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved at GTsMMK, also manuscript
score and orchestral parts at NBGCOK.
Muzgiz, No. 20695 (in Songs of the Soviet Cinema), 1950, Suite Opus
82a No. 1, 28.5 cm.
Muzgiz, 1950, song ‘Beautiful Day’.
Muzgiz, No. 21760, 1952, Suite Opus 82a, full score, 34.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, song
‘Beautiful Day’ with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10497 (in album We sing, play and dance, Issue 2), 1979,
song ‘Beautiful Day’ arr. for voice and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works ), 1985, ‘Beautiful
Day’ and ‘Vocalise’, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, five items
listed under Form, 30cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 136 and ‘Vocalise’
in Volume 86 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 70 and 75 minutes (2308 and 2273 metres). Complete score:
45' 26". Suite Opus 82a: 23' 14"–30' 20"; 20 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Film: The 1949 film released in America in 2007 on DVD: International
Historic Films 22855 (mono). Reviewed by John Riley in DSCH Journal
No. 27, 76–77.
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 18361-2 (10"). Finale only. USSR Radio
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Aleksandr GAUK. P 1950.
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 19564-19335 (10"). Song ‘Beautiful Day’.
Kaliningrad Children’s Choir of Moscow. A. CHMYREV (chorus-master).
P 1951. Reissued on LP—USSR: MK D5062-3 (10" mono). I 1959.
LP—USA: Classics Edition CEC 3009 B (mono). Suite Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, and
8. USSR Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Aleksandr GAUK. P c.1952.

USSR: Melodiya C12 16719009 (‘Fanfares by Soviet Composers’).

Fanfare. Bolshoi Theatre Wind Orchestra, Vladimir ANDROPOV. I 1982c.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60226 (‘Film Music of Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Complete Suite Nos. 1–8. Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra
and Chorus, José SEREBRIER. P 1988?, I Aug. 1990, G Mar. 1991.
Germany: Capriccio 10 405. Complete Suite Nos. 1–8. Berlin Radio
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P 4–6 Mar. 1991, I
Oct. 1995. NB. The choral parts are played by the orchestra in Nos. 1 and
8 though No. 4 includes the S.A.T.B. chorus as in the full score.
**Marco Polo 8.223897. Complete score edited by Adriano. Moscow
Capella & Youth Chorus, Sergei Krivobokov (chorus-master), ADRIANO.
[Op. 89a.] P Mosfilm Studios, Moscow Mar. 2000, I Nov. 2002, G Jan.
2003 ~ Naxos 8.570238. [Op. 89a.] I Aug. 2006.
Japan: Fontec FOCD 9196. Complete Suite Nos. 1–8 arr. Y. Kimura.
Hiroshima Wind Band, Yoshihiro KIMURA. [Opp. 27 and 97.] P Phoenix
Hall, Hiroshima 30 Nov. 2002, I 2003.
Note: Suite No. 5, ‘Shturm Zeyelovskikh Vysot’, has been translated as ‘The
storming of Zeyelov Heights’, ‘Attack on Zeyelovsky Heights’, and ‘Attack
on Zeeloubky Height’. Seelow is 30 miles due east of Berlin and was the
scene of a ferocious battle. Before dawn on 16 April 1945 General Zhukov
directed batteries of searchlights to blind the Germans and to light their posi-
tions but the attack foundered in the smoke and glare. On the next day six
armies, including two of tanks, failed to advance. Two inroads were made
on the 18th but with no breakthrough. Stalin then ordered Zhukov to reach
Berlin by the north of the Heights. A monument commemorates the battle.

Sans op. P: Collections of Light Pieces

Form: Four suites of light orchestral music assembled from Shostakovich’s bal-
let, stage, and film scores by the composer then prepared for publication by
Levon Atovmyan in 1949 (No. 1—published 1950), 1951 (No. 2), 1952
(No. 3), and 1953 (No. 4):
As published Composer’s original order
and titles where different

Suite No. 1:
1. Lyrical Waltz—Sans op. E 1/1. Waltz in G minor
2. Dance (Pizzicato)—Opus 39 1/4. Polka Pizzicato
3. Romance—Opus 39 1/6.
4. Polka—Opus 39 1/2. Dance

5. Waltz-scherzo—Opus 27 1/7. Petite Ballerina

6. Galop—Opus 39 1/8.

Suite No. 2:
1. Waltz—source not yet determined 2/1.
2. Adagio—Opus 39 1/3.
3. Polka—Sans op. E 2/3.
4. Sentimental Romance—Opus 36 —
5. Spring Waltz—Opus 78 3/1.
6. Finale (Galop)—Opus 39 2/4.
— 2/2. Nocturne—Opus 39

Suite No. 3:
1. Waltz—Opus 37 3/5. Waltz in A major
2. Gavotte—Opus 37 3/4.
3. Dance—Opus 39 3/2. Dance in C major
4. Elegy—Opus 37 3/3. Elegy (Romance)
5. Waltz—Opus 39 1/5. Lyrical Waltz
6. Galop—Opus 39 3/6. Finale (Galop in F major)
The second item of the four-piece Original Suite No. 2 is the Nocturne
from Opus 39 which does not appear in the Published Suites Nos. 1–3.
Suite No. 4:
1. Prelude (Variations)—Andante (quasi Largo)—Opus 39
2. Waltz—Allegretto quasi Allegro—Opus 95
3. Scherzo—Allegro vivo—Opus 27
Ballet Suite No. 5:
For details see The Bolt Suite Opus 27a (compiled by the composer in
Instrumentation: for all four suites—3 flutes (III = piccolo), 3 oboes
(III = cor anglais), E flat clarinet, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals ~ xylophone, celesta, harp (in Suites Nos. 3 and 4),
piano (in Suites Nos. 1 and 2) ~ strings.
Composed: 1930–53.
Première: UK broadcast: 16 November 1974, Suite No. 1, BBC Northern
Ireland Orchestra, Proinnsias O’Duinn.
Arrangements: Individual items from the suites variously transcribed—see
under the original opus numbers.

Ballet Russe. A selection from the Published Suites Nos. 1 and 2 by

G. Schirmer, Inc.: Galop In (Suite No. 1/6), Pizzicato (No. 1/2), Petite
Ballerina (No. 1/5), Serenade for Cello (No. 2/2), Playful Polka (No. 2/3),
Romance for Trumpet (No. 2/4), Waltz (No. 2/1), Polka (No. 1/4), Grand
Waltz (No. 1/1), and Galop (No. 2/6).
Suite No. 4 arranged for military band by Frank Pappajohn.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph scores of the Suites are not known.
Suite No. 1 originally published as Opus 84.
Muzgiz, No. 20977, 1950, Suite No. 1, full score, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 21430, 1951, Suite No. 2, full score, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 22252, 1952, Suite No. 3, full score, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 23220, 1953, Suite No. 4, full score, 29.5 cm.
G. Schirmer, c.1953, Ballet Russe, score and parts.
Duration: Published Suites—No. 1: 11' 45"–14' 06"; 12' 45"–12' 50"
(Plaistow); 20 minutes (Sadovnikov).
No. 2: 17' 45"–20' 10"; 12 minutes (Sadovnikov).
No. 3: 15' 18"–17' 32"; 16 minutes (Sadovnikov).
No. 4: 12' 12"–12' 53"; 16 minutes (Sadovnikov).
No. 5: 27' 44"–28' 59"; 27 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Ballets: Dance Suite. Eight numbers (Introduction, Spring Waltz, Polka,
Elegy, Gavotte, Waltz, Galop, and Coda) selected from the Ballet Suites by
Aleksei Varlamov, performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, in 1959.
Ballet School or Leçon de Danse. A ballet to choreography of Asaf Messerer
and music of Glazunov, Lyadov, Lyapunov, Rubenstein, and Shostakovich
arranged by Aleksandr Tseitlin. First version performed on 6 May 1961 in
Brussels by the Ballet of the 20th Century under the French title. Given in
a revised form on 17 September 1962 at the Metropolitan Opera House,
New York, by the Bolshoi Ballet. Later danced entirely to the music of
Shostakovich adapted from the Ballet Suites. Ballet School revived by the
Bolshoi Ballet under the title Class Concert staged in a triple bill, mid-August
2007 at the London Coliseum by Mikhail Messerer, the original choreog-
rapher’s nephew.
Just for Fun. Ray Powell, Australian Ballet; Sydney, Her Majesty’s
Theatre, December 1962 and UK: Birmingham, c.1966. Revival: Northern
Dance Ballet, Manchester, 27 December 1975.
Epode. Gerald Arpino, Joffrey Ballet; San Antonio, Texas, 25 May 1979;
danced to the Adagio from Suite No. 2 with Aaron Shapinsky (cello) and
conducted by Terence Kern.
Switch Bitch. Trevor Wood, Festival Ballet; Coliseum, London, May
1982; based on a short story by Roald Dahl and danced to a selection of
pieces from the Ballet Suites.
The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.

Recordings: LP and 78 rpm—USSR: MK HD 00803-4 (8" mono). Original

Suite No. 1. All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. P
1952 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDXA 8046 (mono). I 1952 ~ USA:
Vanguard VRS 6004. Released on 78 rpm after LP issue—USSR: 27028-31
(4 sides 10"). I 1956.
LP—USSR: MK D01474-5 (mono). Original Suite No. 3. Moscow
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Abram STASEVICH. P 1953 ~ USA: Classics
Edition CE 3012 (mono). Original Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. All-Union
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK (Nos. 1 and 2); Moscow
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Abram STASEVICH (No. 3).
USA: Columbia ML 4671 (mono). Ballet Russe—a selection from
the Published Ballet Suites Nos. 1 and 2 as listed under Arrange-
ments. Bernard Greenhouse (cello), Robert Nagel (trumpet), Columbia
Symphony Orchestra, Efrem KURTZ. P c.1953 ~ France: Philips L 01 338
L (mono).
Poland: Muza 2386 (7" mono). Published/Original Suite No. 3, No. 6
only. Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Stefan RACHÓN. P 1954.
USA: Urania URLP 7146 (mono). Published Suite No. 1, labelled
Op. 84. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Adolf Fritz GUHL. P 1955.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia Ml 6267 (mono) and MS 6867. Published
Suites No. 1, Nos. 5, 2, and 6; No. 2, Nos. 3 and 6. André KOSTELANETZ and
his Orchestra. P New York 23 and 29 Nov. 1965 ~ CBS BRG 72504
(mono) and SBRG 72504. G Feb. 1967 ~ CBS Classics 61220. G May
1971. Reissued on CD—Sony Classical SBK 62642. G June 1997.
LP—Netherlands: Audiophile Classics APL 101.527. Published Suites
Nos. 1 and 2. Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Emin KHACHATURYAN. P
1960s?, I 2000.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D023999-024000 (mono) and
C01427-8. Published Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Viktor Elston (oboe), Ivan
Pavlov (trumpet), Lev Vainrot (cello), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1966, I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2781. G May 1972
~ Italy: EMI Italiana 3C165 95546-8 (fourth side in three-record Russian
Ballet set). Suite No. 1, Nos. 2–6; Suite No. 2, No. 1; and Suite No. 3,
3–6. Labelled as all from The Limpid Stream, Op. 39, though tracks 4 and 8
derive from Opp. 27 and 37 respectively. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya
74321 66981-2 (two-disc set). Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. I Dec. 1999.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 09559-60 (‘Symphonic Miniatures’).
Published Suite No. 3, Nos. 2 and 3. Central Television and All-Union
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Konstantin IVANOV. P 1978, I 1978c.
USSR: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’). Suite No. 3, No. 4
only, labelled ‘Lullaby’, arr. for piano. Rimma BOBRITSKAYA (piano). P 1983,
I 1984c.

LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1370 (digital) and released on

CD—CHAN 8730. Suites Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Timothy Waldon (cello), John
Gracie (trumpet), Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow
22–26 Apr. 1988, I June 1988, G Sept. 1989 ~ CD—Chandos Collect
Series CHAN 6512 (‘Russian Ballet Masterpieces’). Suite No. 1, Nos. 1
and 6; Suite No. 2, No. 3; and Suite No. 3, No. 3. I Oct. 1990 ~ Chandos
CHAN 7000/1 (two-disc set). I Sept. 1994, G May 1995 ~ *Chandos
CHAN 10088 (two-disc set). Suites Nos. 1–5.
Chandos ABRD 1319 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8630. Suite
No. 4. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Dundee 12 May 1988,
I Dec. 1988, G Mar. 1989 ~ Chandos Compact Discs 7000/1 (two-disc
set). I Sept. 1994, G May 1995.
CD—Germany: Cadenza C 8812-8 (‘Russian Chamber Music’). Suite
No. 2, No. 2 Adagio (wrongly labelled ‘Allegro’) arr. Atovmyan. Marek
JERIE (cello) and Ivan Klánsky (piano). P Sept. 1988, I 1989.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season LDC 288 034 (‘Russian
Miniatures for Piano’). Suite No. 3, No. 4 labelled ‘Berceuse’ arr. for piano.
Rimma BOBRITSKAYA (piano). P Moscow Conservatory Feb. 1991.
USA: Sonora Disc SO 22566CD (‘The Revisionist’s Tale’). Suite No. 1,
No. 5 arr. for piano duo. Natalia ZUSMAN and Inna HEIFETZ. P Boston, Mass.
1994, I Nov. 1995.
Australia: Tall Poppies TP 78. Suite No. 2, Nos. 2 and 5 arr. Pereira.
David PEREIRA (cello) and David Bollard (piano). P Sydney June 1994.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 68304-2. Ballet Suites Nos. 1 and 3.
Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Frankfurt 2–5
Jan. 1996, G Oct. 1997.
USA: Pope Music PM 1015-2 (silver) and PMG 2015-2 (‘Russian Pops’,
gold) . Suite No. 1, No. 6 labelled as ‘The Street’. Russian Symphony
Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Moscow Conservatory Sept. 1996. NB.
From Op. 39 not Op. 27 as stated and the ballets ‘The Prayer’ and ‘The
Apparition’, mentioned in the liner note, refer to Nos. 6 and 8 of The Young
Lady and the Hooligan.
France: Saison Russe 288149. Ballet Suite No. 1. Russian Symphony
Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Mosfilm Studios, Moscow Dec. 1996 ~
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288164. Ballet Suite No.
1. I July 1999, G Nov. 1999.
Germany: Obligat Classics ob.01.230. Ballet Suite No. 1. Russian Sym-
phony Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Munich 29 Sept. and I Oct. 1998.
USA: Delos DE 3257 (‘Waltzes’—see Samplers). Suite No. 1, Nos. 1,
2, 4, 5, and 6; Suite No. 2, Nos. 1 and 5*; Suite No. 3, Nos. 1*, 3, 5, and
6; and Suite No. 4, No. 2*. Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine
ORBELIAN. P Moscow Conservatory 12–14 July 1999, G Dec. 1999. NB. In

the liner note the waltzes marked* are listed under their opus numbers 78,
37, and 95 respectively.
**Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5210 (‘Islamey’). Suite No. 1 labelled
Op. 84. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Bramwell TOVEY. [Borodin,
Balakirev, and Khachaturyan.] P Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, B.C. 6–7
Nov. 2000, I 2001.
Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216 (‘The Overcoat’). Suite No. 1/1,
No. 3/5, No. 1/3, No. 2/4 and /1. CBC Radio Orchestra, Mark BERNARDI.
[Sans opp. E and G(ii); Opp. 35, 93, and 102.] P Orpheum Theatre,
Vancouver, B.C. 20 and 21 June 2001, I Mar. 2002.
USA: Klavier 11167. Suite No. 4 arr. Pappajohn. U.S. Air Force Band,
Lowell GRAHAM. [Shchedrin, Stravinsky, and Prokofiev.] P Morgan State
University Concert Hall, Baltimore 21–27 Jan. 2002, I 2008.
Naxos 8.557208. Suite Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Dmitri Yablonsky (cello
No. 2/2), Oleg Tokather (trumpet No. 2/4), Russian Philharmonic
Orchestra, Dmitri YABLONSKY. P Moscow Radio Studio 26 May–1 June
2003, I Sept. 2004.
Japan: Warner Classics WPCS 12031. Suite No. 3. Kanazawa Orchestra,
Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Tchaikovsky.] P Ishikawa Ongakudo Concert Hall con-
cert 16 May 2006.


Form: Four light pieces arranged and transcribed by Levon Atovmyan for flute/
piccolo, B flat clarinet, and piano:
1. Spring Waltz—Allegretto—for clarinet and piano
From Michurin, Opus 78a No. 3.
2. Waltz-scherzo—Allegretto scherzando—for flute and piano
From The Bolt, Opus 27.
3. Waltz—Tempo di valse—for flute, clarinet, and piano
From The Return of Maxim, Opus 45 (also Opus 50a No. 4).
4. Barrel Organ Waltz—Allegretto—for piccolo, clarinet, and piano
From The Gadfly, Opus 97a No. 5. [The English title ‘Waltz
Charmaine’ is an erroneous translation of ‘Sharmanka’—the Russian
word for barrel organ.]
Music: Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 536, 1958, 29 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1093, 1966, parts, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2333, 1983, parts, 31.5 cm.
Duration: 9' 14"–9' 37"; 9' 30"–9' 35" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP and CD—Germany: ECM New Series 1-25037 (two-record
set). Nos. 1 and 2. Eduard BRUNNER (clarinet), Irene Grafenhaver (flute), and

Oleg Maizenberg (piano). P Lockenhaus Festival concert 1981. Reissued on

CD—Germany: ECM New Series 827 024-2 (two-disc set).
CD—Chandos CHAN 8769 (‘Solo’—Young British Virtuoso Musicians
from the Thames TV series). No. 1 only. Duncan PRESCOTT (clarinet) and
Scott Mitchell (piano). P Clandon Park, Surrey Mar. 1988.
France: Adda 581185. Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Loïc POULAIN (flute), Philippe
CUPER (clarinet), and Jacques DELANNOY (piano). (‘Russian Music for the
Clarinet’). P Paris 1988–89, I 1990.
Switzerland: Tudor 727. Nos. 1–4. Andràs ADORJÀN (flute and piccolo),
Eduard BRUNNER (clarinet), and Robert LEVIN (piano). P Munich 20 Feb.
1989, I 1990.
Virgin Classics VC7 59312-2. Nos. 1–4. NASH ENSEMBLE (Phillipa
Davies—flute and piccolo, Michael Collins—clarinet, and Ian Brown—
piano). P London Nov. 1990, I Aug. 1993.
**EMI 557948-2 (‘French Connection’). Nos. 3 and 4. Emmanuel
PAHUD (flute), Paul Meyer (clarinet), and Eric Le Sage (piano). [Emmanuel,
Jolivet, Milhaud et al.] P Opéra de Vichy, France 9 and 10 Oct. 2001, G
June 2005.


Form: Seven light violin duets with piano accompaniment arranged in 1961
from film, stage, and ballet scores by Levon Atovmyan:
1. Prelude—[Molto] moderato
From The Gadfly, Opus 97 No. 15 ‘Guitars’. [NB. Opus 97a No. 7 is
score No. 5 ‘Confession’ passacaglia combined with No. 15 ‘Guitars’.]
2. Gavotte—Tranquillo, molto leggerio From The Human Comedy, Opus
37 No. 18. Ballet Suite No. 3/2.
3. Elegy—Andantino
From The Human Comedy, Opus 37 ‘Panorama of Paris’ with no full
score number. Ballet Suite No. 3/4. [NB. Not from The Limpid
Stream, Opus 39 as stated on the Sikorski score of Five pieces.]
4. Waltz—Tempo di Valse. Moderato
‘Waltz of Remembrance’. No. 5 in Edition Sikorski 2201 Roundabout
of Dances. [NB. Not from The Tale of the Priest, Opus 36 as stated on
score of Five Pieces.]
5. Polka—Vivace
From The Limpid Stream, Opus 39 No. 12, ‘Dance of the Milkmaid
and the Tractor Driver’. Ballet Suite 1/4.
6. Spanish Dance or Tarantella—Presto
From The Gadfly, Opus 97 No. 16, ‘At the Market Place’. [Titled
‘People’s Holiday’ or ‘Folk Festival’ in Suite Opus 97a No. 3.]

7. Waltz—Tempo di valse
From The Return of Maxim, Opus 45 (also Opus 50a No. 4).
Arrangements: Nos. 1–5 assembled in a suite of Five Pieces.
Nos. 1, 2, and 7 selected from L. Atovmyan’s arrangements by Konstantin
Fortunatov in a suite of Three Violin Duets.
Nos. 1 and 6 from The Gadfly, Opus 97 coupled by the arranger.
Music: Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2557, Nos. 1 and 6 (in Musical School Pieces
for Young Violinists, Volume 3 compiled by K. Fortunatov), 1961, 28.5 cm.
MCA, New York, Five Pieces Nos 1–5 edited by Wesley Sontag, c.1965,
score and two parts, 31 cm.
Edition Sikorski, No. 2216, Five Pieces Nos. 1–5, 1970, 31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4179 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and
piano), 1975, 28.5 cm.
Kalmus, Melville, New York, No. 4639, Three Violin Duets Nos. 1, 2,
and 7, 1970s, score and two parts, 30 cm.
Duration: Five Pieces, 9' 28"–10' 59"; Three Violin Duets, 6' 35"–7'20".
Recordings: LP and CD—HMV ASD 3861. Three Violin Duets labelled
‘Praeludium’, ‘Gavotte’, and ‘Waltzes’. Itzhak PERLMAN and Pinchas ZUKERMAN
(violins) and Samuel Sanders (piano). P New York 1–2 June 1978, G July
1980. American Grammy Award 1980—winner of Chamber Music category.
Reissued on CD—EMI Matrix CDM5 65994-2. I Sept. 1996.
CD—Belgium: Arcobaleno/Start Classics AAOC 93262. Three Violin
Duets. André and Yaga SIWY (violins) and Daniel Blümenthal (piano). P
Brussels 18–19 May 1992, I Dec. 1994.
Austria: ORE CD 205. Three Violin Duets. Martha and Vahid KHADEM-
MISSAGH (violins) and Meinhard Prinz (piano). P Vienna Sept.–Oct. 1998, I
Black Box BBM 1042. Five Pieces in the order Nos. 1, 2, 5, 4, and 3; plus
No. 6. AMIR and Marat BISENGALIEV (violin duo) and John Lenehan (piano).
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 29 Feb. 2000, I Nov. 2000.
**Netherlands: Challenge Classics CC 72093. Five Pieces Nos. 1–5.
Andrew HAVERON and Ian BELTON (violins) and Christian Blackshaw (piano).
[Opp. 11 and 57; Sans op. D(i).] P Snape, Aldeburgh 5–7 Mar. 2001,
G May 2002.
Onyx ONYX 4026. Five Pieces 1–5. Julian RACHLIN and Janine JANSEN
(violins) and Itamar Golan (piano). [Opp. 8 and 57.] P Musikverein,
Vienna 11 Dec. 2006, I Nov. 2007, G Jan. 2008.


Form: Eleven light pieces arranged for cello with piano accompaniment by
Yuozas Chelkaushaus, compiled for children’s musical schools:

1. Clockwork Doll—Allegretto
From A Child’s Exercise Book, Opus 69 No. 6 arr. Roman
Sapozhnikov and Georgi Kirkov
2. Hurdy-gurdy—Allegro ma non troppo
From Dances of the Dolls, Sans op. S(i) No. 6 arr. Levon Atovmyan
3. Sad Song—Moderato
From Moscow, Cheryomushki, Opus 105 ‘Lyuska’s Song of Yearning’
arr. S. Kalyanov
4. Lullaby—Andante
From Victorious Spring, Opus 72 No. 2 arr. S. Kalyanov
5. Romance—Moderato
From The Gadfly, Opus 97 score No. 3 arr. Yu. Chelkauskas
6. Sarabande—Moderato
From The Human Comedy, Opus 37 Nos. 7/27 arr. Yu. Chelkauskas
7. Jig—Presto
From Hamlet, Opus 58a arr. Yu. Chelkaushaus
8. Nocturne—Moderato
From The Gadfly, Opus 97a No. 10 arr. L. Atovmyan
9. Spring Waltz—Allegretto scherzando
From Michurin, Opus 78a No. 3 arr. L. Atovmyan
10. Adagio
From The Limpid Stream, Opus 39a No. 4
11. Moderato
Shostakovich’s original composition, Sans op. D(vi)
Music: Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano),
1991, album of eleven pieces compiled by R. Sapozhnikov, 29 cm.
Recording: **Hyperion CDA 67534. Nos. 1–4, 9, 8, 11, and 7. Alban
GERHARDT (cello) and Steven Osborne (piano). [Op. 40; and Schnittke.]
P Wigmore Hall concert 26–28 Aug. 2005, I May 2006.


Form: Waltzes from the film scores of Opp.45, 30, 78, 76, 97, 99, 95 and the
stage production Op.37* in Shostakovich’s original orchestration.
Music: Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928, (Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, full score edited by Levon Atovmyan, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow; the full score of the eight waltzes will be
published in the same order as in the composer’s lifetime, i.e. as above, in
Volume 34 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 27' 22" (Delos)–28' 10" (D-G).
Recording: **Deutsche Grammophon 477 6111GH. Complete Suite in
the same order as under Form. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Thomas
OP U S 83: QU A RTET NO. 4 IN D MAJ OR 331

SANDERLING.[Opp. 146, 109, 121, and 123.] P Kultura Russian State TV

& Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006.
Notes: *This waltz is the odd one out being from a stage production (The
Human Comedy). In July 1999 Constantine Orbelian featured these eight
waltzes on Delos DE 3257 though they were not presented together as the
Concert Suite and dispersed in a differing order amongst the 21 tracks.

Opus 83: Quartet No. 4 in D major

Form: String quartet in four movements:
1. Allegretto
2. Andantino
3. Allegretto attacca
4. Allegretto
Composed: April–27 December 1949, mainly at Moscow. First three move-
ments completed on 4 May, 1 June, and 28 August; fourth movement com-
menced at Sochi in November.
Dedication: In memory of Pyotr Vladimirovich Vilyams (designer). [Not
noted on the published score.]
Premières: 3 December 1953, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven
Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei
Opus 83a: 20 July 1990, BBC Radio 3; BBC Welsh Symphony
Orchestra, Rudolf Barshai.
10 January 1991, Free Trade Hall, Manchester; Hallé Orchestra,
R. Barshai. (Broadcast on BBC Radio 3, 26 June 1992).
Arrangements: Arranged for two pianos four hands by the composer and
Anatoli Dmitriev. Andantino transcribed for violin and piano by Dmitri
Tsyganov. Quartet arranged for strings and piano by Mikhail Turich and
string orchestra with added bass part by Marijn van Prooij.
Opus 83a—Chamber Symphony: for small orchestra by Rudolf Barshai
in 1990.
Instrumentation: flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet (B flat and bass), bassoon
~ 2 horns, trumpet (C and B flat) ~ side drum/whip/ gong ~ xylophone/
marimba/celesta ~ strings.
Music: Autographs of score preserved at GTsMMK; instrumental parts and
the composer’s arrangement for two pianos at TsGALI.
Muzgiz, No. 24262, 1954, score, 20 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1035, 1961, score, 18.5 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1035a, 1961, parts, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 30662, 1963, parts, 29 cm.

Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 285 (in Volume 1 with Quartets 1–3 arr. for
piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1965, 29.5 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 388, 1970, score, 19 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5754, 1973, parts, 30 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 12903, 1977, parts, 29 cm.
Kalmus, Melville, New York, No. 9682, 1970s, parts.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2265 (with Opp. 49, 68, and 73), 1980, score, 21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2244, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of R. Barshai’s
instrumentation available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 101 and the composer’s
piano reduction in Volume 105 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 22 minutes in score; 20' 46"–26' 25"; 26' 30" (Plaistow).
Opus 83a—26' 31"–26'58".
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D2291-2 (10" mono). TCHAIKOVSKY QUARTET
(Yulian Sitkovetsky, Anton Sharoyev, Rudolf Barshai, Yakov Slobodkin).
P 1954 ~ USA: Vanguard VRS 6021 (mono). I 1955 ~ USSR: MK
D028031-2 (mono). I 1970.
Czech: Supraphon SUA10188 (mono) and SUA ST 50045.
JANÁČEK QUARTET (Jiří Travnicek, Adolf Sykora, Jiří Kratochvíl, Karel
Krafka). P1960 ~ USA: Artia ALP 188 (mono) and ALPS 188. I 1961, G
Mar. 1962.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D09615-7 and D09799 (1 side in two-record
set, mono). BEETHOVEN QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 1962, G July
1966. Reissued on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3005 (‘Com-
plete Quartets, Volume 1’, mono). I May 1995.
LP—USA: Mercury MG 50309 (mono) and SR 90309. BORODIN QUARTET
(Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin
Berlinsky). P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall, Moscow 17 June 1962
~ USSR: Melodiya D019271-2 (mono) and C01435-6. I 1967 ~ HMV
Melodiya HQS 1321 in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
Leningrad Masters LM 1325. TANEYEV QUARTET (personnel not stated).
P concert 1963, G Sept. 1996.
USSR: Melodiya D17635-6 (10" mono). Andantino arr. D. Tsyganov.
Viktor DANCHENKO (violin) and Mikhail Muntyan (piano). P 1966.
USSR: Melodiya D026389-90 (mono). Andantino arr. D. Tsyganov.
Vladimir MALININ (violin) and M. Stern (piano). P 1969.
USSR: Melodiya D027229-30 (mono). LITHUANIAN STATE QUARTET
(Eugeniyus Paulauskas, Korneliya Kalinauskayte, Yuri Fledzhinskas,
R. Kulikauskas). P1970.
OP U S 83: QU A RTET NO. 4 IN D MAJ OR 333

Sweden: Caprice RIKS LP 24. SAULESCO QUARTET (Mircea Saulesco, Claes

Nilsson, Holger Hanson, Åke Olofsson). P Stockholm 26–27 May 1971,
G Dec. 1974.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 03707-8. TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir
Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P Leningrad
Nov. 1971, I 1973 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 11613-4 (in first box of Part 2
of Collected Works on Records). I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR: Melodiya
SUCD11 00308. I 1991c. ~ France: Praga PR 245 054. P given as Czech
Radio 1976, I July 1994.
Saydisc Amon Ra SAR1. DARTINGTON QUARTET (Colin Sauer, Malcolm
Latchem, Keith Lovell, Michael Evans). P1973, G May 1973. Reissued on
CD—*Amon Ra CD SAR 1. [Op. 117.] I Jan. 2007.
L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 23. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher Rowland,
Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P Sept. 1976, G Nov. 1977.
Gramophone Record Awards 1977—winner of Chamber Music category, G
Mar. 1978 ~ Decca 188 D3 in Set D188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on second of six-disc set). I Apr.
1992, G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 28377 008. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei
Shishlov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin).
P 1981, I 1990a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 531 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 1’). I Apr. 1994, G Sept. 1994.
USSR: Melodiya CI0 19535 003. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1982, I 1984a ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49268-2.
I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of
15 Quartets plus Quintet).] I Mar. 1994.
Academy Sound and Vision DCA 631 (DMM) and released on
CD—CD DCA 631. COULL QUARTET (Roger Coull, Philip Gallaway, David
Curtis, John Todd). P London Mar. 1988, I and G Apr. 1989.
CD—Teldec Classics 2292 46009-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas,
Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin July 1989, G June
1990 ~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on second of six-disc set). I Nov. 1990, G
June 1992.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1008. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City15–18 Jan. 1990 ~ Koch Schwann
Musica Mundi 310 129. (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). I Aug. 1991.
Deutsche Grammophon 435 386-2GH. Chamber Symphony Op. 83a
arr. Barshai. Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Berlin Feb.
1991, G Aug. 1992 ~ *Deutsch Grammophon 477 5442 (two-disc set).
[Opp. 110a, 118a, 73a; Schnittke.] G Dec. 2005.

Lydian 18133 (also Donau DCD 8133). MOYZES QUARTET (Stanislav

Mucha, František Török, Alexander Lakatoš, Ján Slávik). P Bratislava
22–25 Jan. 1992, I 1994.
Naxos 8.550972 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). ÈDER QUARTET
(György Selmeczi, Pèter Szüts, Sandor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest
1–4 Dec. 1993, I July 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 445 864-2CH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas Hagen,
Rainer Schmidt, Veronika and Clemens Hagen). P Polling Dec. 1993, G
Sept. 1995.
Sony Classical St Petersburg Classics SK 64584. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET
(Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya Teplyakov, Andrei Dogadin, Leonid Shukayev).
P St Petersburg Apr. 1994.
Finland: Finlandia 4509 98997-2. SIBELIUS ACADEMY QUARTET (Eikki
Kantola, Seppo Tukiainen, Veikko Kosonen, Arto Noras). P Järvenpää May
1994, I May 1996.
Germany: Beaux BEAU 2022. Arr. for strings and piano. Novosibirsk
Chamber Orchestra, Mikhail TURICH. P 1995, I Sept. 2001.
Carlton Classics 30366 0062-2. KREUTZER QUARTET (Peter Sheppard,
Gordon MacKay, Bridget Carey, Neil Hyde). P Loughton Jan. 1996, I July
1997, G Awards (Nov.) 1997.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5157-0265 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). P Utrecht Aug. 1996, I Nov. 1996.
Linn CKD 065. SCHIDLOF QUARTET (Ofer Falk, Rafael Todes, Graham
Oppenheimer, Oleg Kogan). P Horsham 3–5 Oct. 1996, I May 1997, G
Oct. 1997.
USA: Arabesque Z 6711. Chamber Symphony. Israel Sinfonietta, Uri
MAYER. P Meneham July 1997.
France: Arion ARN 68461 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). DEBUSSY
QUARTET (Christophe Collette. Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Callier). P Lyon July 1998, I July 1999.
Chandos CHAN 9769 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). SORREL
QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman, Helen
Thatcher). P Westleton, Suffolk 29 Sept.–l Oct. 1998, I Jan. 2000.
Hyperion CDA 67154. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Konstantin Kats, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Apr. 1999,
G Mar. 2000.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert June–July 1999, G June

**Sweden: BIS-CD 1180. Chamber Symphony Op. 83a arr. Barshai.

Tapiola Sinfonietta, Jean-Jacques KANTOROW. [Op. 73a.] P Tapiola Concert
Hall, Finland 2–5 May 2001.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 4’ five-disc set).
DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Daniel). [Opp. 122
and 117.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 101 and 118.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Germany: Capriccio 67 082. PETERSEN QUARTET (Conrad Muck, Daniel
Bell, Friedemann Weigle, Henry-David Varema). [Opp. 49 and 57.] P
Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 20–23 Oct. 2003.
Harmonia Mundi HM 901865. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr Pavlovsky,
Sergei Bresler, Amichai Groz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 49 and 117.]
P Teldex Studio, Berlin 15–18 July 2004, I 2005.
Germany: Audite AUD 92.526 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 49 and 68.] P ‘in a very small chapel’, Klingenmünster village,
Germany 28 June–1 July 2005.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on second of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 92 and 101.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrückek June-Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 8212/1 (‘Chamber Symphonies 1–5’, on
first of two-record set). Op. 83a. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Op. 73a.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert
between spring and 17 Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Netherlands: Channel Classics CCS-SA 26007 (Hybrid SACD).
Arr. Prooij. Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Candida THOMPSON. [Op. 68.]
P Muziekgebouw aan ‘tlJ, Netherlands Aug. 2006, I Jan. 2008.

Opus 84: Two Romances on Verses of Lermontov

Form: Two song settings on verses of Mikhail Lermontov, for male voice and
1. Ballad (‘A beautiful maiden sits by the sea’)—Moderato
2. Morning in the Caucasus—Moderato con moto
Composed: 24 (Muzyka score gives 25–26) June 1950, at Komarovo village,
Gulf of Finland.

Première: 2 October 1984, Duisberg, Germany, International Shostakovich

Festival radio concert; Irina Bogacheva (mezzo-soprano) and Igor Lebedev
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 92 of New Collected Works.
Duration: (1) 5' 22" – 5' 47" and (2) 2' 46" – 3' 09".
Recording: **USA: Delos DE 3304 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs,
Volume 1’). Order of songs reversed. Natiliya BIRYUKOVA (mezzo-soprano)
and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 86, 91; Sans op. R; Opp. 98 and 100.]
P St Petersburg May 2001, I Sept. 2002, G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
Note: Sadovnikov and other catalogues state that this work is for male voice
though the world première was performed by a mezzo-soprano. The
Collected Works Volume 32 mentions simply ‘for voice and piano’.

Opus 85: Belinsky

Form: Music for the biographical film Belinsky, based on the life of the literary
critic Vissarion Belinsky, with screenplay by Yuri German and Galina
Serebrovskaya, and directed by Grigori Kozintsev for Lenfilm. The fabric
of the film score, for orchestra and chorus, makes use of Fyodosi Rubtsov’s
collection of Russian folksongs of the mid-nineteenth century. The film
opens with a pedlar singing such a song, ‘In the Blue Sea’, and others are
No. 6—‘If young lady-mistresses...’, No. 11—‘Girl’s Song’ (or ‘My Talk’)
and No. 13 ‘Oh, Little Rowan-tree’ (included in the Suite Opus 85a), and
after No. 18—‘Ah! My Love is not alone in the field’.
1. Moderato. Pesante
1a. Adagio
2. Moderato non troppo
3. Moderato
4. Moderato
5. —
5a. Moderato con moto
6. ‘If young lady-mistresses...’—Allegretto
7. Moderato
8. ‘The Strength of the People’ (lyric by Victor Nekrasov)—Allegro
9. Allegro molto
10. Moderato non troppo
11. ‘Girl’s Song’ (‘Arbor, oh my modest bower’)—words
12. Moderato

13. ‘Oh Little Rowan-tree’—words traditional—[no tempo indication]

14. Allegro
15. Andante
16. Moderato
17. Allegretto
18. General Strike—Andante maesto
Sans No. ‘Ah! My Love is not alone in the field’—[no tempo indication]
Instrumentation: As for the Suite plus a guitar. Nos. 2, 3, 7 and 8 scored for
S.A.T.B. chorus (wordless in 7 and 8) and orchestra; No. 6 for tenor solo,
male choir, and orchestra; Nos. 4 and 12 for string orchestra; No. 11 for
women’s choir and orchestra; Nos. 15 and 16 for strings, woodwind and
brass; No. 13 and Sans No. for male choir. No. 18 utilizes the music of
No. 8 ‘Strength of the People’ without the chorus.
Composed: 1950.
Première: Film first shown on 4 June 1953. Film score performed by the
Choir and Orchestra of the Leningrad Radio Committee under Nikolai
Rabinovich. Danilevich (1980) states that the film was not released.
Arrangements: Opus 85a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1960:
1. Overture—Allegro
2. Sorrowful Ditty (‘Girl’s Song’—words traditional—combined with
‘Oh, Little Rowan-tree’—words traditional)—Adagio
3. The Strength of the People (lyric by Viktor Nekrasov)—Allegro molto
4. Interlude—Moderato, Pesante attacca
5. Song without words (‘Vocalise’)—Moderato
6. Scene—Moderato con moto attacca
7. Finale—Allegro molto
No. 2 for female chorus, clarinet obbligato, and orchestral interludes, in
simplified reduction by Aleksandr Pirumov.
No. 3 arranged for male chorus and piano by the composer.
‘Oh, Little Rowan-tree’ reconstructed from the autograph choral parts, as
a separate song for unaccompanied male chorus, by Boris Tiles.
Instrumentation: Suite Opus 85a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 B flat
clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones,
tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel,
xylophone, orchestral bells, harp ~ S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.
Music: Manuscript of the film score and musical numbers preserved at
NBGCOK and autograph vocal score of the song ‘The Strength of the
People’ at GTsMMK.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, ‘Girl’s
Song’ combined with ‘Oh, Little Rowan-tree’, and Nos. 3 and 5 of the
Suite, with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.

Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1512, 1960, Suite Opus 85a full score,
29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, four
choruses—‘The Strength of the People’, ‘My Talk’, ‘Oh, Little Rowan-tree’,
and ‘Vocalise’—with piano accompaniment, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 137 and ‘Oh,
Little Rowan-tree’ in Volume 86 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 96 minutes; Suite: 32' 10".
Recording: CD—USA: Citadel CTD 88135. Suite Op. 85a. Belarus Radio
and TV Symphony Orchestra and State Chorus, Walter MNATSAKANOV.
P Moscow 7 Apr. 1997, I 1999.
Note: Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811–48) was a Russian literary critic
and journalist, famous for his analyses of the works of Dostoyevsky, Gogol,
Lermontov, and Pushkin.

Opus 86: Four Songs to Verses of Dolmatovsky

Form: Four popular songs for voice and wordless chorus a cappella (No. 1) and
piano (Nos. 2, 3, and 4), to lyrics of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky:
1. The Homeland Hears (alternatively ‘The Motherland Hears’ or
‘My Country Hearkens’)—Allegretto poco moderato [Solemnly in
2. Rescue me—Moderato
3. He loves me, he loves me not (or ‘We have many girls in the
4. Sleep, my darling boy (Lullaby)—Moderato
Composed: 1950–51, at Moscow.
Space première: 12 April 1961, ‘The Homeland Hears’ sung by Yuri Gagarin
in orbit of the earth—the first song to be sung in space. [Following Gagarin’s
example, astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported that a tape recording of ‘Fly Me to
the Moon’, sung by Frank Sinatra, was played on the Moon’s Sea of Tran-
quility on 20 July 1969.]
Arrangements: No. 1 arranged for voice and piano by the composer; also for
choir; and the theme used as the signature tune for the USSR Radio news
Music: Autographs of Nos. 1, 3, and 4 preserved at GTsMMK. No. 2 is
missing and No. 4 appears in two versions with differing words and key
signatures (E minor and E major). The autograph of the voice and piano
arrangement of No. 1 is in the Shostakovich Family Archive. A handwritten
copy of No. 2 is stored at TsGALI.

Muzgiz, 1951, Nos. 1, 3, and 4.

Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, Nos. 1,
2, and 4, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4733, 1958, ‘Wiegenlied’ No. 4 only, German text
by B. Tutenberg, 27 cm.
Muzichna Ukraina, No. 42, 1976, No. 1 for tenor and S.A.T.B. chorus
(Russian text and also Ukrainian lyric by K. Drok), 26 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, Nos. 1–4
for voice and piano (No. 4 in E major), 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, No. 1 for
voice and chorus a cappella, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7815 (in Romances and Songs to verses of
Yevgeni Dolmatovsky), 1987, No. 1 melody and three verses, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of Nos. 1–4 in Volume 93 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: 9' 22"–9' 33"; No. 1: 2' 30"–3' 52".
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 19120 (10"). No. 1 only. Nina POSTAVNICHEVA
and chorus. P 1951.
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 21348-21717 (10"). No. 1 only. Zhenya TALANOV
and RSFSR Academic Russian Choir. P 1952. Reissued on LP—USSR MK
D5062-3 (10" mono). I 1959 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 03397-400 (‘Moscow
Souvenir’, second record of double album). I 1973.
78 rpm—USSR: 34339-40 (10"). No. 1 only. Lithuanian State Choir,
Konradas KAVYATSKAS (chorus-master). P 1960.
LP—Chapter One CHS 810. No. 3 only. Anya HOLDEN, Alexeyev
Balalaika Ensemble, Karl Holden. G June 1972.
USSR: C50 16401000 (‘Awake Happy People!’). No. 1 only. Moscow
State Choral School Boys’ Choir, Viktor POPOV. I 1982b.
CD—Belgium: Rene Gailly CD92 041 (‘Complete Songs, Volume
1’). Nos. 1–4. Viktoria YEVTODIEVA (soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano).
P St Petersburg 23 Mar.–4 May 1998.
**USA: Delos DE 3304 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume One’).
V. YEVTODIEVA and Y. Serov (piano). [Opp. 84, 91; Sans op. R; Opp. 98,
and 100.] P St Petersburg May 2001, I Sept. 2002, G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
NB. Incorrectly stated to be a world première recording.
USA: Delos DE 3339 (‘Moscow Nights’). No. 1 only arr. Yevgeni Stetsyuk.
Dmitri HVOROSTOVSKY (baritone), Style of Five (Russian folk ensemble),
Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine Orbelian. [Soloviev-Sedoi,
Khrennikov, Dunayevsky etal.] P archival home recording 1973, with
unnamed pianist, when singer aged 11 fading into June 2004 version,
I 2005.

Opus 87: Twenty-four Preludes and Fugues

Form: A collection of piano pieces round the whole cycle of ascending fifths:

1. C major Moderato Moderato 4

2. A minor Allegro Allegretto 3
3. G major Moderato con moto Allegro molto 3
4. E minor Andante Adagio 4
5. D major Allegretto Allegretto 3
6. B minor Allegretto Moderato 4
7. A major Allegro poco moderato Allegretto 3
8. F sharp minor Allegretto Andante 3
9. E major Moderato non troppo Allegro 2
10. C sharp minor Allegro Moderato 4
11. B major Allegro Allegro 3
12. G sharp minor Andante Allegro 4
13. F sharp major Moderato con moto Adagio 5
14. E flat minor Adagio Allegro non troppo 3
15. D flat major Allegretto Allegro molto 4
16. B flat minor Andante Adagio 3
17. A flat major Allegretto Allegretto 4
18. F minor Moderato Moderato con moto 4
19. E flat major Allegretto Moderato con moto 3
20. C minor Adagio Moderato 4
21. B flat major Allegro Allegro non troppo 3
22. G minor Moderato non troppo Moderato 4
23. F major Adagio Moderato con moto 3
24. D minor Andante Moderato 4

Composed: 10 October 1950 to 25 February 1951, following a visit to

Leipzig on the occasion of the bicentenary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s
death. Written in strict numerical order (Volume 40 of Collected Works
gives the exact date of composition for all the Preludes and Fugues). All were
‘played over’ by Tatyana Nikolayeva on the day following their composi-
tion. The only item to be partly composed then rewritten was the Prelude
for No. 16.
Premières: 18 November 1951, Leningrad Glinka Hall; Dmitri Shostakovich
(four items).
23 and 28 December 1952, Leningrad Glinka Hall; Tatyana Nikolayeva
(the whole cycle in two sessions).
USA: 17 April 1994, Burton Memorial Tower, University of Michigan;
Brandon Blazo and Margo Halsted (No. 8 played by carillon duo).
Arrangements: Prelude only of No. 15 arranged for piano duet by Elena
Khoven—see Sans op. O(ii).
Preludes of Nos. 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, and 22 transcribed for double-bass and
piano by Rodion Azarkhin, with editorial assistance from the composer.

Preludes of Nos. 1, 3, 8, 15, and 17 arranged for accordion by Guy

Preludes and Fugues: Nos. 1 and 15 (transposed to E flat) transcribed for
string quartet by Rostislav Dubinsky. Also Nos. 2, 5, and 21 transcribed for
string quartet.
No. 1 arranged for string orchestra by Rudolf Baumgartner.
Nos. 1, 4, 7, and 8 transcribed for reed ensemble by Eduard Wesly.
Nos. 1–9, 15–17, and 19–22 arranged for wind quintet by Eduard Wesly
for the Calefax Quintet (played at a Netherlands concert in October 2001).
Nos. 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, and 24 arranged for three woodwind, three brass,
and solo tuba by Jeff Miller.
No. 4 arranged for accordion by Yuri Dranga.
No. 8 arranged for two carillons by Brandon Blazo and Margo Halsted.
Nos. 4, 13, 20, and 24 arranged for organ by Vera Bakeyeva. Nos. 1–12
arranged for organ jointly by Elger Niels and Michiel Ras.
Nos. 11 and 20 transcribed for oboe, cello, and piano by Mikhail
No. 17 transcribed for violin ensemble by Georgi Bezrukov.
No. 18 transcribed for trumpet and piano by Paul Archibald.
No. 24 transcribed for chamber orchestra by Josef Stanek and Jordan
Dafor; and arranged for bayan by Anatoli Senin, and recorder quartet by
the Amsterdam Locki Stardust Quartet.
Nos. 1, 15, 17, and 20 arranged for string quartet by Zakarias Grafilo.
Fugues of Nos. 1, 3–6, 12, 15, 17, 22, and 24 arranged for brass quintet
by members of the Onyx Brass.
Music: Numbered Opus 89 in early publications and on some recordings.
Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK. The first page of the autograph of
Prelude No. 1 is reproduced in Volume 40 of Collected Works.
Sovetskaya muzyka magazine, 1952, No. 10, two Preludes and Fugues
(Nos. 7 and 24) in a supplement.
Muzgiz, Nos. 23149-50, 1952 (and reprinted 1956) in two volumes,
29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes and Leeds Music, no numbers, 1955, preface and ed.
by Irwin Freundlich, in two volumes, 31 cm.
Edition Peters, Nos. 4761a (plate no. 11736. Nos. 1–12) and 47l6b
(plate no. 11737. Nos. 13–24), 1956, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2124 (Volume 1: Nos. 1–12), 1957, 31.5 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, c.1960, in three volumes, 32 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, Nos. 896 (Nos. 1–12, with Opp. 5 and 12) and 897
(Nos. 13–24), c.1968, 18 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4950 (D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano, Volume
2), 1968, 29 cm.

Muzyka, No. 5947 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,

Volume 3), 1970, Prelude of No. 15 arr. for piano duet, 29 cm.
Muzyka, 1972, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2188 (Volume 2: Nos. 13–24), 1972, 31.5 cm.
MCA Music, New York, 1973, single volume ed. by Jullen Musafia,
31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4020,1977, Preludes of Nos. 10 and 17 arr.
for double-bass and piano by R. Azarkhin, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 7221, 1978, No. 1 only, 30.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 7231, 1979, No. 18 only, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10286 (Volume 40 of Collected Works), 1980, Nos. 1–24,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of Nos. 1–24 in Volume 112 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 2 hrs 32 mins in score; 123' 10"–166' 20". Chamber
Orchestra arr. of No. 24; 10' 27"–11' 45".
Ballet: Three Russian Preludes. A ballet created by Mark Morris in 1995, to the
Preludes of Nos. 17, 22, and 15, as a solo vehicle for Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Included in a White Oak Dance Project programme at the London
Coliseum, 20–24 August 1996.
Film: Nikolayeva Plays Shostakovich. The complete cycle, played by Tatyana
Nikolayeva, shown in six instalments between 21 and 30 December 1992,
on BBC2 TV. These broadcasts released on DVD—Medici Arts Euroarts
3085248 from the BBC Archives and reviewed in Gramophone September
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 21388-9 (10" 78 rpm). No. 23 only. Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH. P 6 Dec. 1951, I 1952.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D873-4, (10" mono). Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
D. SHOSTAKOVICH. P 6 Dec. 1951 (Nos. 1 and 5), 5 Feb. 1952 (No. 7),
14 Feb. 1952 (No. 6), and 19 Feb. 1952 (No. 8). I 1952. Reissued on
CD—Revelation RV 70001 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich, Volume
1’). Nos. 1–8 and 12–14. P 5 Feb. 1952 (Nos. 12 and 13) and 19 Feb. 1952
(No. 14), G July 1997 ~ *Germany: Monopole MONO oo8 (two-disc set).
Nos. 1–8, 12–14, 16, 20, 22–24. (A compilation from various sources).
[Op. 93.] I 2007.
LP—USA: Concert Hall Society CHS 1314 (Labelled ‘Rarities Collection
122’, mono). (Nos. 4, 5, 14, 2; 12, 3, and 16. D. SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1951–52,
I Jan. 1956.
CD—Revelation RV 70003 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Nos. 16–18, 20, and 22–24. D. SHOSTAKOVICH. P 6 Dec. 1951
(Nos. 16 and 23), 5 Feb. 1952 (Nos. 20, 22, and 24), and c.1956 (Nos. 17
and 18), I Nov. 1997, G Feb. 1998. NB. Raymond Clarke believes Prelude

and Fugue No. 17 is played by another gifted performer (DSCH Journal

No. 9, 1998, page 75) and Sofia Moshevich in her article ‘An Opus 87
Forgery?’ (DSCH Journal No. 12, 2000, 66–69) argues that the F minor
Prelude and Fugue No. 18 on this CD is a forgery.
*Canada: Doremi DHR 7805. Nos. 1, 5, and 24. Emil GILELS. [Mozart,
Debussy, Chopin et al.] P Paris 26 Feb. 1954, I 2003.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D 02828-9 (mono). Nos. 1, 5, and 24.
E. GILELS. P Moscow 1955, I 1956. Reissued on CD—Germany: Melodia
Eurodisc CD 69098 (‘Emil Gilels Collection, Vol. 4’). I Nos. 1, 24, and
5. 1991.
USA: Angel 35308 (mono). Nos. 24, 1, and 5. E. GILELS. P New York
19–20 Oct. 1955 ~ Columbia 33 CX 1364 (mono). G Sept. 1956 ~
HMV SLS 290113 (in three-record set, mono). G June 1984. Reissued
on CD—Testament SET 1029 (mono). No. 5 only. G Feb. 1994 ~ USA:
Testament SBT 1089 (mono). Nos. 1, 5, and 24. I Mar. 1997, G May 1997.
NB. Further pressings of the above two recordings are listed on page
46 of An Emil Gilels Discography by Falk Schwarz (The British Institute of
Recorded Sound, London, 1980).
*CD—USA: Parnassus PACD 96013-14 (‘Richter Live in the 1950s, Vol-
ume 4’, two-disc set, mono). Nos. 4, 3, 6, 7, 2, 18, 23, and 15. Svyatoslav
RICHTER. [Prokofiev and Skryabin.] P Moscow concert Sept. 1956, I Feb.
LP—Czech: Supraphon FLPM 288 (10" mono). Nos. 3, 6, 7, 2, 18,
and 4. S. RICHTER. P Prague studio 26–29 Nov. 1956 ~ USA: Artia ALP
173 (mono). Nos. 3, 6, 7, 2, and 18. G May 1961 ~ Dell’Arte DA 9015
(mono). Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 18. G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—Czech:
Ultraphon 11 1421-2. Nos. 3, 6, 7, 2, and 18. I Jan. 1994.
USSR: MK D4276-7 (10" mono). No. 24 only. Roger BOUTRY. P 1958.
USSR: MK D04306-7 (mono). No. 15 only. Eduard MIANSAROV.
P 1958.
USSR: MK D04820-1 (mono). No. 24 only. Lev VLASENKO. P 1958.
Parlophone PMC 1056 (mono). Nos. 24, 7, 8, 6, 22, and 20.
LP and CD—France: Columbia PCX 771 (mono). Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6,
13, 14, 18, and 23. Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH. P Paris Sept. 1958 ~ USSR:
Melodiya D034479-80 (mono). I 1974c. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics
CDC7 54606-2 (‘Composers in Person’ series, mono). Nos. 1, 4, 5, 23, and
24. I Jan. 1993, G Apr. 1993. NB. No. 24 recorded at the session issued on
Parlophone PMC 1056.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019641-2 (in three-record set ‘Sofronitsky plays
in the Skryabin Museum’, mono). Nos. 3 and 9. Vladimir SOFRONTITSKY.
P c.1959, I 1967.

LP and CD—USSR: MK D06459-60 (mono). Nos. 5, 23, 3, 16, 6, 7,

20, and 2. Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1951-2, I 1960 ~ HMV Melodiya HLM
7096 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976. Reissued on CD—France: Le
Chant du Monde LDC 278 1000 (mono, double-play). I Sept. 1989.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02545-6 (?stereo). Nos. 1, 23, and 24. Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH. P c.1960, I May 1971.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D09919-20 (mono). Nos. 1, 7, 8, and 15.
Mariya GRINBERG. P 1961. *Reissued on CD—Russia: Vista Vera VCD
0019. [Sans op. S(i); Rakhmaninov, Medtner, and Prokofiev.] I 2006.
LP—USSR: MK D09477-84 (8 sides, mono). Complete Cycle. Tatyana
NIKOLAYEVA. P 1962 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 02377-84 (the third box of
Part 2 of Collected Works on Records, 8 sides) I 1978.
USSR: MK D13053-4 (10" mono) and C785-6 (10"). No. 17 arr. for
string orchestra by G. Bezrukov. Bolshoi Theatre Violinists’ Ensemble,
Yuli REYENTOVICH. P 1963 ~ HMV Melodiya SXLP 30259 (‘Stringtime in
Moscow’, Volume 2). G Nov. 1977.
*CD—Russia: TNC Music H1469-70 (two-disc set, stereo). Nos. 4,
8, 12, 14, 15, 17, and 23. Svyatoslav RICHTER. [Beethoven, Grieg, and
Schubert.] P Philharmonic Hall, Kiev concert 9 June 1963, I 2002.
LP and CD—Philips AL 3458 (mono) and SAL 3458. Nos. 14, 17,
15, 4, 12, and 23. Svyatoslav RICHTER. P Paris July 1963, G Nov. 1964 ~
Philips Universe 6580 084. G Dec. 1974 ~ Philips Sequenza Special 6527
224. G Mar. 1984. Reissued on CD—Philips Legendary Classics 462 101-2
PLC. I Jan. 1990 ~ Philips 438 627-2PH2 (two-disc set and also in 21-disc
set ‘Richter—The Authorized Edition’). I Mar. 1993, G Aug. 1994.
CD—Italy: Fonit Cetra CDE 1029 (mono). Nos. 1–6. Sergio PERTICAROLI.
P 14 Nov. 1964, I 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 23321 001 (DMM). Labelled as ‘Suite’—
Preludes of Nos. 9, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 22 arr. R. Azarkhin. Rodion
AZARKHIN (double-bass) and Gennadi Provatorov (piano). P 1965, I 1986c.
NB. Bars 5–8 of No. 9 in the composer’s hand reproduced on the sleeve.
USSR: Melodiya D020335-6 (mono). No. 1 discussed and performed.
Mariya GRINBERG. P 1967.
USSR: Melodiya D23613-4 (10" mono). Nos. 4, 13, 20, and 24 arr. for
organ. Vera BAKEYEVA (organ). P 1967.
USSR: Melodiya D028091-2 (‘Pianists at the Fourth International
Tchaikovsky Competition’, mono). No. 7 only. Yuri SLESAREV. P and I
CD—USA: Pyramid 13503. Nos. 19, 21, and 22. S. RICHTER. P Fetes
Musicales de Touraine concert June 1973, I 1991, G Oct. 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 05021-2 (concert programme by piano
performers at the Fifth International Tchaikovsky Competition) . No. 7

only [not No. 2 as stated on label and sleeve.] Nataliya GAVRILOVA. P Moscow
concert 1974, I 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C10 05481-2 (pianists at the Fifth International
Tchaikovsky Competition). No. 18 only. Myung-Whun CHUNG. P 1974,
I 1975c.
RCA Red Seal LRL 2 5100 (two-record box set issued as a ‘Memorial
Edition’). Complete cycle. Roger WOODWARD. P May–June 1975, G Dec.
Czech: Panton 11 0533 G. Nos. 7 and 24. Dagmar BALAGHOVA.
P 1976.
USSR: Melodiya C20 07001-2. No. 4 arr. for accordion. Yuri
DRANGA (accordion). P 1976, I 1977a.
Czech: Panton 11 0611 G. No. 7 only. Jindra KRAMPEROVA. P Prague
USSR: Melodiya C10 10595-6. No. 24 arr. for organ. Leopoldas
DIGRIS (organ of Vilnius Picture Gallery). P 1978, I 1979a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10781-2 (concert programme by piano performers
at the Sixth International Tchaikovsky Competition). No. 7 only. Genichiro
MURAKAMI. ( P Moscow concert 1978, I 1979a.
CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 52959-2 (‘International Tchaikovsky
Competition, Volume 2’). No. 21 only. Mikhai PLETNEV. P Moscow concert
1978, I Nov. 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 11159-60. Nos. 3 and 5. Dmitri ALEKSEYEV.
P 1978. I 1979b.
USSR: Melodiya C20 13077-8. No. 24 arr. for bayan. Anatoli SENIN
(bayan). P 1978, I 1980c.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14493-4 (‘Terence Judd in
Moscow’). No. 15 only. Terence JUDD. P Moscow concert 10 July 1978,
I 1981b ~ Chandos ABR 1090 (‘Terence Judd in Moscow’). I Oct. 1983,
G Feb. 1984. Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 9914 (‘In Memory of
Terence Judd’). G Nov. 2001.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 15037-8. Nos. 1, 15, and 24. Iloanta
MIROSHNIKOVA. P1980, I 1981c.
Czech: Panton 8111 0231. No. 24 arr. J. Stanek. Ostrava Conservatory
Chamber Orchestra, Josef STANEK. P Ostrava 1981, I 1982.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 11376. Nos. 3, 17, and 24. Krasimir GATEV.
P early 1980s.
USSR: Melodiya C10 18099005 (pianists at the Seventh International
Tchaikovsky Competition). Nos. 7 and 2. Mariya Rovena ARRIETA and Kalle
RANDALU respectively. P 1982, I 1983b.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00501 007 (digital). Nos. 21 and 22. Mikhail
PLETNEV. P Moscow concert 28 Feb. 1986, I 1990.

CD—Netherlands: Ottavo Compact Disc MRC 38616. Nos. 19, 1, 2, 4,

and 15. Boris BERMAN. P Utrecht Mar. 1986, G Oct. 1989.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 25787 002. No. 2 only. Nikolai LUGANSKY
(14 years old). P Moscow concert 7 May 1986, I 1988b.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00469 007-00476 005 (four-
record box set, digital). Complete cycle. Tatyana NIKOLAYEVA. P 1987, I
1990a. Reissued on CD—Melodiya SUCD 10 00073 (Nos. 1–10), /4
(Nos. 11–16), and /5 (Nos. 17–24). I 1990b ~ BMG Classics Melodiya
74321 19849-2 (three-disc set). I July 1994, G Feb. 1995 ~ *Regis RRC
3005 (three-disc set). I Apr. 2003, G Sept. 2003 ~ *USA: Moscow Studio
Archives MOS 19065. Nos. 1–10; MOS 19066. Nos. 11–16; MOS 19067.
Nos. 17–24.
USSR: Melodiya C10 30205 000. No. 15 only. Oleg VOLKOV. P 1987, I
1991. Reissued on CD—USA: Brioso BR105' (‘All Russian’). I Feb. 1995.
CD—Stradivari SCD 6069. No. 24 only. Garah LANDES. P New York
6–8 Oct. 1987, I 1992.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 12305-6. No. 24 arr. Dafov. Tolbuhin
Chamber Orchestra, Jordan DAFOV. P Tolbuhin, Bulgaria Mar. 1988.
CD—France: Rodolphe RPC 32600. Nos. 2, 15, and 24. Vladimir
STOUPEL. P 3–4 Jan. 1989, G Oct. 1990.
Decca 436 451-2 (two-disc set). Nos. 19 and 20. S. RICHTER. P Vienna
concert 20 Feb. 1989. I Mar. 1993.
Kingdom KCLCD 2023. Nos. 1 to 12. Marios PAPADOPOULOS.
P Bishopgate Hall, London 30–31 May and 15 Sept. 1990, G Mar. 1991 ~
*Oxford Philomusica Records OP 005. I 2007.
Kingdom KCLCD 2024-5 (two-disc set). Nos. 13 to 24. M. PAPADOPOULOS.
P Bishopgate Hall, London 15–16 Sept. 1990, G Mar. 1991 ~ *Oxford
Philomusica Records OP 006-7. I 2007.
Hyperion CDA 66441-3 (three-disc set). Complete cycle. T. NIKOLAYEVA.
P Hampstead 23–26 Sept. 1990, G Mar. 1991 (with article by David
Fanning). Gramophone Record Awards 1991—winner of Instrumental
category and No. 5 included on Gramophone Awards CD sampler with the
December magazine. Awarded French Prix Maurice Fleuret 1991.
Dorian DOR 90163. Nos. 1 and 15 arr. R. Dubinsky. LAFAYETTE QUARTET
(Ann Elliott-Goldschmid, Sharon Stanis, Joanna Hood, Pamela Highbaugh).
P Troy, New York May 1991, G July 1992.
Germany: ECM New Series 1469-70 (two-disc set). Complete cycle.
Keith JARRETT. P La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland July 1991, G Sept.
France: Accord 20203-2 (two-disc set). Complete cycle. Caroline
WEICHERT. P Thun, Switzerland 1991–92 ~ *Accord 442 8213 (four-disc
set—on CDs 1 and 2). I Jan. 2007.

Netherlands: Channel Classics Canal Grande CG 9321. Nos. 1, 4, 7,

and 8 arr. E. Wesly. CALEFAX REED ENSEMBLE (Eduard Wesly—oboe and cor
anglais, Ivar Berix—clarinet, Raaf Hekkema—alto saxophone, Lucas van
Helsdingen—alto/soprano saxophone and bass clarinet, Alban Wesly—
bassoon). P Renswoude, Netherlands 16–19 June 1992, I 1993.
Dynamic CDS 117/1-3 (three-disc set). Complete cycle. Boris
PETRUSHANSKY. P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1992 (Nos. 1–11) and Moscow
Radio Studio Jan. 1993 (Nos. 12–24), I Nov. 1994.
Decca 466 066-2DH2 (two-disc set). Complete cycle. Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Berlin, London, and Watford May 1996–Apr. 1998. I and G
June 1999 ~ Gramophone GCD 0699 (Sampler). No. 7 only. I June 1999
~ Gramophone Compact Disc GCD 0202 (Sampler). No. 1 only. I Feb.
2002 (to accompany article by D. Fanning).
*Australia: ABC Classics 454 724-2 (on second of two-disc set). No. 24 only.
Tanel JOAMETS. [Pianists at the 1996 Sydney International Piano Competition
of Australia.] P Sydney Conservatorium of Music 4–12 July 1996.
RCA Red Seal 74321 61446-2 (twelve Preludes and Fugues arranged in
rising semitones with Bach, two-disc set). Nos. 20, 15, 10, 14, 9, 4, 8, 3,
22, 2, 21, and 16. Olli MUSTONEN. P Henry Wood Hall, London 5–8 June
1997, G Mar. 1999.
Athene-Minerva ATH CD18. No. 24 only. Raymond CLARKE.
P Nottingham University 10 July 1998,1 May 1999, G Oct. 1999.
Naxos 8.55475-6 (two-disc set). Complete cycle. Konstantin SCHERBAKOV.
P East Woodhay, Berkshire 15–18 June 1999, I Nov. 2000.
**Netherlands: STS Digital 611130 (SACD). Nos. 1–12 arr. Niels and
M. Ras. Michiel RAS (organ). P RC Bartholomeus Church, Zevenbergen,
Netherlands 1 and 2 Oct. 2001, I Feb. 2003, G Awards (Oct.) 2003.
Germany: Cultura Viva kr 100 60 (‘Bach meets Shostakovich’). Prelude
No. 3 for piano; Prelude and Fugue Nos. 2, 5, and 21 arr. W. T. Heyn.
Fabio Romana (piano); RAKHMANINOV QUARTET (Andrei Andriev, Aleksandr
Bondarenko, Anton Yaroshenko, Vladimir Shochov). [Bach.] P Berlin
Radio concert 9–12 Nov. 1999, I 2000.
Belgium: Winter & Winter WTR 910 074-2 (‘The Heart of the
Andes’). Preludes of Nos. 8, 3, 1, 17, and 15 arr. Klucevsek. Guy
KLUCEVSEK (accordion). [Klucevsek.] P Ghent 3 and 4 Sept. 2001.
Channel Classics CCS 19498 and SACD CCSSA 19403 (‘Fugue Around
the Clock’). No. 24 arr. for recorder quartet. AMSTERDAM LOCKI STARDUST
QUARTET (Daniël Brüggen, Bertho Driever, Daniel Koschitzki, Karel van
Steenhoven—recorders). [ Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Brahms et al.] P Deventer
Holland Oct. 2002, G Nov. 2003.
Ondine ODE 1033-2D (twelve Preludes and Fugues in Volume 2
arranged to the cycle of fifths with Bach, two-disc set). Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7,

11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 23, and 24. Olli MUSTONEN. P Kaunianen, Finland
Nov. 2002, G Feb. 2004.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Nos. 1 and 4. Arthur
SCHOONDERWOERD. [Opp. 123, 67, 121, 127 et al.] P Chaux-de-Fonds,
Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Germany: Dabringhaus and Grimm MDG 619 1185-2. Nos. 1–9, 12,
15–17, and 19 arr. E. Wesly. CALEFAX REED QUINTET (Oliver Boekhoorn—
oboe, Ivar Berix—clarinet, Raaf Hekkema—saxophone, Jelte Althuis—bass
clarinet, Alban Wesly—bassoon). P Evangelische Kirche Lienen, Germany
2–5 June 2003.
Centaur CRC 2896 (two-disc set). Kori BOND. P Idaho State University
4–6 Sept. 2004 and 5–10 June 2006, I 2008.
Russia: Caro Mitis CM008 2004. Nos. 20 and 11 arr. M. Utkin.
Aleksei UTKIN (oboe), Mikhail Utkin (cello), and Darja Alyoshina (piano).
[Sans op. D(i); Opp. 34 and 39.] P Russian Television and Radio Studio,
Moscow 2 and 24 Oct.1924, 11 Feb. 2005; I 2006.
Brass Classica BC 3004 (‘Divertissement’). No. 18 arr. P. Archibald. Paul
ARCHIBALD (trumpet) and Juliet Edwards (piano). [Trumpet and piano tran-
scriptions including six numbers from Bizet’s Carmen]. P Christ’s Hospital
School, Horsham Apr. 2005 and St Paul’s Church, Southfields Feb. 2006.
Germany: Oehms Classics OC 561. No. 1 original for piano and arr.
for string orchestra by R. Baumgartner. Bernd GLEMSER (piano); Lucerne
Festival Strings, Achim FIEDLER. [Opp. 35 and 110.] P Tonstudio Gabriel
Recording, Stalden, Switzerland 11–14 Oct. 2005, I June 2006.
USA: Artek AR-0033-2. No. 15. Lilia BOYADJIEVA. [Shchedrin, Franck,
Liszt et al.] P Athens, Greece 20 Oct. 2005.
Germany: Hessischer Rundfunk Hr-musik. 033-06. Nos. 5, 8, and 24.
Yevgeni KOROLOV. P HR-Sendesaal, Frankfurt 2–3 Nov. and 19–21 Dec.
USA: Foghorn Classics ASQ-1988 and 1991 (in two three-disc sets).
Nos. 1, 15, 17, and 20 arr. by Grafilo. ALEXANDER STRING QUARTET (Zakarias
Grafilo, Frederick Lifsitz, Paul Yarbrough, Sandy Wilson). [Quartets
Nos. 1–15 and Opp. 57, 87, and 117a.] P American Academy of Arts and
Letters, New York City between 13 Nov. 2005 and 22 June 2006.
Brass Classics BC 3008 (‘One Clear Call’). Nos. 24, 8, 9, 2, 12, 5, and
15 arr. for flute/piccolo, clarinet, bassoon/contrabassoon, trumpet, horn,
trombone, and solo tuba by J. Miller. Nick ETHERIDGE (tuba and leader of
Tubagility group). [Powell, Damas, Mahler et al.] P Penge Congregational
Church, South London 5 June 2006, I Oct. 2007.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 8416 (two-disc set). Complete cycle.
P Lithuainian National Philharmonic Hall, Vilnius Aug 2006, I Jan. 2007.

Centaur CRC 2896 (two-disc set). Kori BOND. P Idaho State University
4–6 Sept. 2004 and 5–10 June 2006, I 2008.
Russia: Caro Mitis CM 0102006. Nos. 7, 2, 16, and 5. Olga MARTIYNOVA
(harpsichord). [Khachaturyan, Mendelssohn, Schubert et al.] P Studio 3,
RTR Moscow, 2, 4, and 10 Oct. 2006.
Profil Edition Günter Hänssler PH 07071. No. 24. David Theodor
SCHMIDT. [Bach and Liszt.] P Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk-Studio, Leipzig
28 Feb.–1 Mar. 2007.
Chandos CHAN 10462 (‘Fugue’). The Fugues of Nos. 1, 3–6, 12, 15,
17, 22, and 24 arr. for brass brass quintet. ONYX BRASS (Niall Keatley and
Brian Thomson—trumpets, Amos Millar—trombone, Andrew Sutton—
French horn, and David Gordon Shute—tuba). [J.S. Bach.] P All Hallows’
Church, Gospel Oak, London 11–13 and 15 June 2007, I May 2008.
Japan: Regulus RGCD 1018 (three-disc set). Mami MIYAKE. P Kasakake
Culture Hall Pal, Japan 27–29 June 2007.
Canada: Atma Classique ACD2 2555 (two-disc set). David JALBERT. P
Salle Françoys-Bernier du Damaine Forget, Saint-Irénée, Québec 26–28
Aug. and 4–6. And 7 Sept. 2007.
Notes: The cycle is discussed, with music examples, by Sofya Moshevich on pages
130–43 of her book Dmitri Shostakovich, Pianist (2004). Sofya Moshevich
points out errors printed in Collected Works Volume 40 in a DSCH Journal 27
article with 10 music examples. Andrew Paul Jackson analyses Preludes Nos 1
and 14 and Fugues Nos. 4 and 15 in DSCH Journals 26 and 30.

Opus 88: Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets

Form. A cycle of choral settings of poems by Revolutionary poets taken from the
collection The Revolutionary Poetry of 1870–1917, published in Leningrad
in 1950, for mixed chorus a cappella and, in Nos. 9 and 10, boys’ choir:
1. Boldly, friends, on we march! (poem by Leonid Radin)—Moderato
con moto
2. One of many (Yevgeni Tarasov)—Andantino
3. Onto the streets! (words anon.)—Allegro molto
4. The meeting in transit to exile (Aleksei Gmyrev)—Andante
5. To those condemned to death (Aleksei Gmyrev)—Adagio
6. The Ninth of January (Arkadi Kots)—Moderate
7. The volleys have become silent (Yevgeni Tarasov)—Andante
8. They were victorious (Aleksei Gmyrev)—Allegro
9. May Day Song (Arkadi Kots)—Moderato
10. Song (Vladimir Tan-Bogoraz, after Walt Whitman) [‘Democratic
Vistas’]—Andante con moto

Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 translated as ‘Have Courage, Friends’, ‘The Time

is Now’, ‘Face to Face’, ‘Sentence of Death’, ‘Silent Guns’, and ‘Invincible
Victors’ in the G. Schirmer edition.
No. 6 is used as a leitmotiv in Symphony No. 11, Opus 103.
Composed: Early spring 1951, at Moscow. The score was presented to
Aleksandr Sveshnikov on 28 March 1951.
Première: 10 October 1951, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; RSFSR
Academic Russian Choir and Children’s Choir, Aleksandr Sveshnikov.
Arrangements: Adaptation by M. Fremiot, G. Martin, and F. Robert to suit the
French translation by F. Hirsch. English translation of the cycle by Jane May.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK. The opening of the fourth
poem is reproduced in Volume 34 of Collected Works. Awarded a Stalin
Prize Second Class in 1951.
Muzgiz, No. 22595, 1952, 26 cm., and same number, 1962, 27 cm.
Le Chant du Monde, Nos. 420–9, 1952, adaptation by M. Fremiot, G.
Martin, and F. Robert with French text by F. Hirsch, parts.
Muzyka, No. 4098, 1967, 29 cm.
G. Schirmer, Nos. 12118-12127, 1977, the ten songs on separate sheets
in English translation by Jane May, 26.5 cm.
Joseph Boonin, New Jersey, Nos. 1, 4, and 8.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 84 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 40 minutes in score; 29' 55"–35' 05".
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D05642-3 (mono). RSFSR Academic Russian
Choir, Aleksandr SVESHNIKOV. P 1959.
USSR: Melodiya D15571-2 (10" mono). No. 5 only. Byelorussian State
Academic Choir. G. SHIRMA. I 1965.
USSR: Melodiya D025505-6 (mono). No. 5 only. Leningrad State
University Students’ Choir, Grigori SANDLER. P 1969.
USSR: Melodiya C10 04937-8. Leningrad Radio and Television Choir,
G. SANDLER. P 1974, I 1975b ~ USSR: with same number in third box of
Part 1 of Collected Works on Records. I 1980.
Czech: Opus 9112 0787. Slovák Philharmonic Chorus, Valentin ILJIN. P
Bratislava 1979.
USSR: Melodiya C10 20301 003. Moscow and Novosibirsk Chamber
Choirs, ‘Spring’ Studio Children’s Choral School (chorus-masters—
Vladimir Minin, B. Pevzner, and Aleksandr Ponomarev), Vladimir MININ.
P Moscow concert 29 Sept. 1981, I 1984c.
USSR: Melodiya C10 26309 009. No. 7 only, sung in Moldavian. Doina
Academic Choral Kapella, Veronica Garshtya (chorus-director), Anatoli
ZHAR. I 1988d.

USA: MCA Classics Art & Electronics Compact Disc AED 10211.
No. 6 only. Moscow Conservatory Students’ Choir, Boris TEVLIN. P Moscow
concert July 1989, I 1990.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288160.
Moscow Academy of Choral Singing, Viktor POPOV (chorus-master).
P Moscow Conservatory Jan.–Apr. 1998, G Oct. 1999.
**Sweden: Caprice CAP 21773. Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Eric
ERICSON. [Henze.] P Grünewald Hall, Stockholm Concert Hall 1 and 3 Feb.
2005, I 2007.

Sans op. Q: Ten Russian Folksongs

Form: Arrangements of ten folksongs from the collections of Ivan Prach
(Nos. 7–9 from Russian Folksongs, published in St Petersburg, 1896),
Yevgeniya Lineva (Nos. 5 and 6 from Great Russian Songs with Traditional
Harmony, Volume 1, St Petersburg, 1904), and Yevgeni Gippius (Nos. 1–4
and 10 from Russian Folk Songs, Leningrad, 1943) for soprano (S), alto (A),
tenor (T), and bass (B) soloists, chorus (S.A.T.B.), and piano:
1. All of a sudden there was a clap of thunder over Moscow (B and T.B.)
2. Beyond the mountains, beyond the valleys (T and S.A.T.B.)
3. Out of the forest of spears and swords (B and S.A.T.B.)
4. Nights are dark, the clouds are menacing (B and S.A.T.B.)
5. A little cuckoo cuckoos (A and S.A.T.B.)
6. The splinter (A and S.A.T.B.)
7. Fir-grove, my fir-grove (S and S.A.)
8. In my dear father’s green garden (S.A.T.B.)
9. I told my sweetheart (S and S.A.T.B.)
10. What a song (B and S.A.T.B.)
Nos. 1–4 and 10 are male soldiers’ songs, with words associated with
the 1812 war against Napoleon, revised with more topical texts during the
Great Patriotic War; the remaining songs are women’s lyrical songs and a
roundelay (No. 7).
Composed: July 1951, immediately after Opus 88, at Moscow.
Premières: 18 October 1971, Magnitogorsk and 3 December 1971, Moscow
Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; both performances by the Magnitogorsk State
Academic Choir.
UK: 21 January 2006, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester; Hallé Youth
Choir, James Burton; sung in English. Also performed during the previous
week’s Royal Northern College of Music Festival.
Arrangements: Fourteen Russian Folksongs, including a selection from the
ten above, transcribed for flute and piano by the composer in the 1950s.

Accompaniment of Nos. 6, 7, and 10 arranged for bayan by Sofya Khentova

in 1978. Texts translated into English by Gerard McBurney in 2005.
Music: Originally designated on the composer’s manuscript as Opus 89.
Autograph score and handwritten copy preserved at GTsMMK; autograph
of the flute arrangement stored at TsGALI.
Muzgiz, 1952, Nos. 5, 6, and 7, parts for two soloists and choir with
piano accompaniment, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, No. 902, 1981. Nos. 10, 7, and 6 with
bayan accompaniment included in S. Khentova’s comic opera The Tale of a
Priest and His Servant Balda (see Opus 36), 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, Nos. 1–10,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of 1–10 in Volume 85 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 27 minutes in score; 27' 26".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 16967001. Folksongs Nos.
1–10. Soloists—Yuliya Antonova (No. 9), Gennadi Bezzubenkov (Nos. 1 and
3), Yevgeni Bortnikov (No. 4), Kira Gerasimova (No. 6), Nina Kuznetsova
(No. 7), Zhanna Polevtsova (No. 5), Yevgeni Popov (No. 2), and Aleksandr
Seleznev (No. 10); Lyudmila Bogomolova (piano); Glinka State Academic
Cappella of Leningrad, Vladimir CHERNUSHENKO (chorus-master). P 1981, I
1982c. Reissued on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD11 00320. I 1991d.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 19323 008. Folksongs Nos. 10, 7, and 6 in
Khentova’s edition of The Tale of a Priest and His Servant Balda, Opus 36.
Vladimir Pankratov (bass), Yelena Ustinova (soprano), Leningrad Malyi
Opera and Ballet Theatre Choir and Orchestra, Mikhail Travlin (chorus-
master), Valentin KOZHIN. P 1982, I 1984a.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288160.
Folksongs Nos. 1–10. Soloists and mixed chorus of the Moscow Academy
of Choral Singing, Tamara Kravtchenko (piano), Viktor POPOV (chorus-
master). P Moscow Conservatory Jan.–Apr. 1998, G Oct. 1999.
Note: The folksong No. 4, also translated as ‘There, beyond the mountains’ with
lyric by Aleksei Gmyrev, also appears in the film score Michurin Opus 78.

Opus 89: The Unforgettable Year 1919

Form: Music for the film The Unforgettable Year 1919 (also translated as The
Memorable Year 1919), based on the play, relating to the suppression of the
Kronstadt riot, Unforgettable 1919 by Vsevolod Vishnevsky, directed by
Mikhail Chiaureli for Mosfilm. The music scored for full orchestra (with
harp, piano, and additional brass) contains a miniature ‘Piano Concerto’
(40 pages of full score and appearing as No. 5 in the Suite Opus 89a).
OP U S 89: THE U NF ORG ET T ABL E Y EAR 1919 353

Composed: 1951, at Moscow.

Premières: Film first shown on 3 May 1952. Score performed by the USSR
Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr Gauk.
UK complete suite: 20 May 1984, Barbican Centre, London; Young
Musicians’ Symphony Orchestra and Brass Ensemble, Tony Gray (pianist
in No. 5), James Blair.
Arrangements: Opus 89a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1954:
1. Introduction—Moderato attacca
2. Romance: the meeting of Shibayev with Katya—Moderato con moto
3. Scene from the Sea Battle—Moderato molto
4. Scherzo—Presto
5. The Assault on the Red Hill—Allegro
6. Intermezzo—Andante
7. Finale—Allegro
Nos. 1 (Prelude) and 5 (Demonstration) of the Maxim Trilogy Suite,
Opus 50a, relate to this film score and quote the Russian revolutionary
marches ‘Behold, Friends, on we march!’ and ‘Varshavyanka’.
Instrumentation: Suite Opus 89a—3 flutes (III = piccolo), 3 oboes, 3 B flat
clarinets. 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones,
tuba ~ additional band of 3 trumpets and 3 trombones in Nos. 4, 5, and 6 ~
timpani (2 players in No. 3), triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass
drum, gong - glockenspiel, xylophone, celesta ~ harp (in film score only),
piano (solo in No. 5) ~ strings.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved at NBGCOK.
Muzgiz, No. 25026, 1955, Suite Opus 89a, full score, 35 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 138 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film—2 hrs 28 mins. Suite Opus 89a—Nos. 1–7: 29' 49";
Nos.1–4 and 7: 16' 30", and No. 5: 7'–7' 30".
Recordings: *CD—Russia: Mosfilm Bomba Music BoMB 0033-168 (mono).
Film soundtrack Introduction. USSR Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra,
Aleksandr GAUK. [Opp. 111 and 132; Prokofiev, Sviridov, Khachaturyan et
al.] P 1952, I 2005.
LP—USSR: MK D03402-3 (mono). Suite Op. 89a. Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra. A. GAUK. P 1956 ~ USA: Monitor MC 2015 (mono).
Suite Nos. 1–4 and 7. I 1958.
LP and CD—Classics for Pleasure 4144161 (digital). No. 5 only. Dmitri
ALEKSEYEV (piano), English Chamber Orchestra, Jerzy Maksymiuk. P London
May 1983, G Nov. 1983 ~ Classics for Pleasure CFP 4547 (digital) and
released on CD—CD-CFP 4547. G Jan. 1989 ~ HMV Classics 5 73047-2.

I Oct. 1998. NB.Subsequently included on the two-disc sets HMV Classics

586 7652 and Classics for Pleasure 382 2342. Though the latter compila-
tion was released as late as 5 February 2007 this track still appeared with
the incorrect title of ‘The Assault on Beautiful Gorky’ (also on broadcasts
Radio 3 on 11 March 2008 and Classic FM on 10 October 2008).
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 561. Nos. 1 (Prelude) and 5 (Demon-
stration) in the Maxim Trilogy Suite, Opus 50a. Berlin Radio Symphony
Orchestra and Chorus, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P 28–29 Apr. 1994, G Jan.
USA: Citadel CTD 88135. Nos. 1 and 5 in the Maxim Trilogy Suite,
Op. 50a. Belarus Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra and State Chorus,
Walter MNATSAKANOV. P Moscow 7 Apr. 1997, I 1999.
**Marco Polo 8.223897. Suite Op. 89a. Ellena ALEKSEYEVA (pianist
in No. 5), Moscow Symphony Orchestra, ADRIANO. P Mosfilm Studios,
Moscow Mar. 2000, I Nov. 2002, G Jan. 2003 ~ Naxos 8.570238.
[Op. 82.] I Aug. 2006.
Chandos Movies CHAN 10361 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Suite Op. 89a No. 5 (titled ‘The Assault on Krasnaya Gorka).
Martin ROSCOE (piano), BBC Philharmonic, Vassili Sinaisky. [Opp. 116,
111, and 75.] P New Broadcasting House, Manchester 12–13 Oct. 2004,
I Sept. 2006.
Notes: The Scherzo (No. 4 in the Suite) was later arranged for piano duo and
appears as the first piece of Tarantella and Prelude, Sans op. O(ii).
On the 1955 full score of the Suite and in Sadovnikov’s Catalogue of 1965,
No. 5 is given as ‘Shturm Krasnoi Gorki’ which translates as ‘The Assault on
the Red Hill’. In Malcolm MacDonald’s Catalogue of 1977 No. 5 is listed
as ‘Easter Attack’. Robert Matthew-Walker obtained a copy of the Muzgiz
score on loan from Boosey & Hawkes and describes but does not name the
minature ‘Piano Concerto’ in the April 1980 issue of Music and Musicians.
The English title ‘The Assault on Beautiful Gorky’ materialized as a transla-
tion sometime before the 1982 publication of the first edition of this Cata-
logue and was repeated in Matthew-Walker’s sleeve note for Alekseyev’s 1983
LP recording and his programme booklet for the 1984 British première.
While close literally—the Russian Cyrillic words for ‘beautiful’ and ‘red’ and
‘Gorky’ and ‘hill’ are similar—it was wrong in its historical context as the
industrial city of Nizhni-Novgorod was not renamed in honour of Maxim
Gorky until 1932 and the piece refers to an attack on a Fortress of the White
Guards on a hill outside Petrograd known as the Red Hill. The 1985 second
edition of MacDonald’s Catalogue also gives the ‘Gorky’ label yet the French
version of 1988 correctly has ‘L’assaut de la Colline Rouge’! The conductor
Adriano adopted the ‘Red Hill’ title for his Marco Polo recording of March
2000. (see Hulme in DSCH Journal No. 19). Incidentally, this piece is

frequently listed, rather misleadingly, as a mini-piano concerto (i.e. a full-

blown concerto for a small piano?).
Reference: Hulme (in DSCH 19).

Opus 90: The Sun Shines over Our Motherland

Form: Patriotic cantata for boys’ choir, mixed chorus, and orchestra (with
2 harps and additional brass) to a text of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky, marked
‘Moderato con moto’. The original title was ‘Cantata about the Party’.
Earlier working sketches to different texts of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky were
titled ‘The Standard-bearers of the Twentieth Century’ (for men’s chorus)
and ‘Won in Persistent Struggles’ (for mixed chorus).
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ additional band of 3 trumpets and
3 trombones ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, gong ~ glockenspiel,
2 harps ~ boys’ choir, S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.
Composed: Completed on 29 October 1952.
Première: 6 November 1952, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Moscow
State Choral Boys’ Choir, USSR Symphony Orchestra and Choir,
Konstantin Ivanov.
Arrangement: Reduction of the accompaniment for piano by the composer.
Music: Autograph full score preserved at GTsMMK. A manuscript copy with
the composer’s inscription ‘Consider this the original. D. Shostakovich.
2/XII 1952’ and proof sheets with his corrections are preserved at TsGALI,
along with the autograph vocal score.
Muzgiz, No. 23384, 1953, full score, 28 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6019, 1969, vocal score, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11680 (in Volume 29 of Collected Works), 1983, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11786 (in Volume 30 of Collected Works), 1983, vocal
score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 77 and vocal score in
Volume 82 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 14 minutes in scores; 12' 15"–13' 50".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D8459-60 (10" mono). Moscow
State Choral School Boys’ Choir, USSR Symphony Orchestra and Choir,
Aleksandr Sveshnikov (chorus-master), Konstantin IVANOV. P concert 1961, I
1962. Reissued on CD—USA: Russian Disc RD CD 11048. I Oct. 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019893-4 (mono) and C01505-6. Moscow
State Choral School Boys’ Choir, RSFSR Academic Russian Choir,
Aleksandr Yurlov (chorus-master), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill
KONDRASHIN. P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2598. G Sept. 1970

~ HMV Melodiya BOX 50510 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR:
Melodiya C10 14093-4 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works on
Records). I 1980.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 779. Text in German and English.
Cologne Radio Chorus, Godfried Ritter (chorus-master), Berlin Children’s
Radio Chorus, Manfred Roost (chorus-master), Cologne Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne 3–8 June 1996, I July 1999.

Opus 91: Four Romances on Verses of Pushkin

Form: Four song settings of Aleksandr Pushkin’s verses for bass voice with piano
1. Fragment [In a Jewish hut]—Andante
2. What does my name mean to you?—Allegro
3. In the depths of the Siberian mines—Adagio
4. Farewell—Allegretto
Composed: Songs written on consecutive days, 5–8 October 1952, at Moscow.
Arrangements: Cycle orchestrated by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. German
translation by Christoph Hellmundt.
Music: Autograph of the songs preserved at GTsMMK.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1790 (in Romances on verses of Pushkin), 1960,
29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4793, 1967, with German and Russian texts—the
former by C. Hellmundt, 27 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, 30 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 1996 (in Romances on verses of Pushkin), 1976,
No. 3 only, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 94 of New Collected
Duration: 12' 25"–14' 30".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya D022363-4 (mono). Askold BESEDIN
(baritone) and Lyubov Yedlina (piano). P 1968.
Czech: Panton 11 0420 G. Nos. 2 and 4 only. Jaromír VAVRUŠKA (bass)
and Jiff Pokorny (piano). P Prague 1973.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10617-8 (in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works
on Records). Nos. 2 and 4 only. Viktor SELIVANOV (baritone) and Lyubov
Popova (piano). I 1978.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00043 004 (digital). Orchestrated
by G. Rozhdestvensky. Anatoli SAFIULIN (bass), USSR Ministry of Culture

Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1983, I 1984c. Reissued

on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 63461-2 (two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288089. Pyotr
GLUBOKY (bass) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P Moscow Conservatory
21–29 Sept. 1994, I Apr. 1995.
*Belgium: DICD 920259. No. 1 only. Klemens SLOWIOCZEK (bass) and
Semyon Skigin (piano). [Op. 79; Glinka, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov
et al.] P RIAS-Haus Studio, Deutschland Radio, Berlin 15 Feb.–7 Mar.
Beulah 1-2RF5 (two-disc set). Nos. 3 and 4. Helen LAWRENCE
(mezzo-soprano) and Julian Rolton (piano). P BBC Studio, London
17–18 May 1999, I Dec. 2000.
**Koch Schwann 3-1095-2. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass) and Semyon Skigin
(piano). [Opp. 123, 121, 98, and 62.] P Berlin studio May 2000, G May
Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9910 (‘Vocal Cycles for Bass,
Volume 1’). Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 62,
121, 98, and 146.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 15 May
2000, I 2002 ~ USA: Delos DE 3304 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs,
Volume 1’). [Opp. 84, 86; Sans op. R; Opp. 98, and 100.] P St Petersburg
May 2001, G Awards (Oct.) 2002. NB. Incorrectly stated to be the first
appearance on CD.

Opus 92: Quartet No. 5 in B flat major

Form: String quartet in three linked movements:
1. Allegro non troppo attacca
2. Andante/Andantino attacca
3. Moderato—Allegretto
Composed: The autograph score states that the three movements were completed
on 7 September, 19 October, and 1 November 1952. Khentova mentions
that 26 pages of the 1st movement were written on 1 January 1952.
Dedication: To the members of the Beethoven Quartet: Dmitri Tsyganov,
Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky.
Première: 13 November 1953, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven
Quartet (personnel as the dedication).
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: The quartet listed as Opus 91 in Corbett (1963). Autograph score
preserved in Dmitri Tsyganov’s personal collection.
Music Fund of the USSR, No. 931 (50 copies), 1953, parts in copyist’s
hand, 29 cm.

Muzgiz, No. 24331, 1954, score, 20 cm.

Musica Rara, No. 1036, 1961, score, 18.5 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1036a, 1961, parts, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, 1963, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad. No. 530 (in Volume 2 with Quartets 6–8 arr. for
piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1966, 29.5 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 389, 1970, 19 cm.
Belwin Mills, New York, Kalmus chamber music series No. 9681, 1970s,
Edition Peters, No. 5755, 1979, parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2253, 1980, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2266 (with Opp. 101, 108, and 110), 1980, score,
21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 101 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in score; 29' 40"–32' 15"; [30' 19"—Berlin
State Opera Quartet with the exposition repeat in first movement not
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D2400-1 (10" mono). BEETHOVEN QUARTET
(personnel as above). I Sept. 1953 ~ USA: Vanguard VRS 6021 (mono).
I 1955 ~ USSR: Melodiya D015785-6 (mono). I 1965.
Germany: Deutsche Grammophon LPE 17 211 (10" mono). BERLIN STATE
OPERA QUARTET (Egon Morbitzer, Wilhelm Martens, Werner Buchholz,
Bernard Gunther). P c.1959, I 1960.
CD—Japan: Triton MECC 26018 (mono). BEETHOVEN QUARTET (per-
sonnel as above). P Moscow Conservatory concert 1960, I 2000.
USSR: Melodiya D019219-20 (mono) and C01433-4. BORODIN QUARTET
(Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin
Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1321 in Set SLS 879.
G June 1974.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 29. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 20–22 July 1977,
G Dec. 1978 ~ Decca 188 D3 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued
on CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on third of six-disc set). I Apr.
1992, G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11611-2 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works on
Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion
Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P Leningrad Mar. 1978, I 1980. Reissued on
CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD11 00308. I 1991c ~ France: Praga PR 250
077. P given as Czech Radio Sept. 1978, I Mar. 1996.

USSR: Melodiya C10 21943 000. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,

Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1983, I 1985d ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM.] G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49270-2.
I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of
15 Quartets plus Quintet.] I Mar. 1994.
USSR: Melodiya C10 28483 000. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei
Shishlov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin).
P 1984, I 1989d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 532 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 2’). I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
CD—Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on third of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin
July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ Teldec 9031 73110-2. I 1991.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1008. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 15–18 Jan. 1990 ~ Koch Schwann
Musica Mundi 310 129 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). I Aug. 1991.
Naxos Compact Disc 8.550974 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
ÉDER QUARTET (János Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sandor Papp, György Éder).
P Budapest 6–9 Mar. 1995, I Jan. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
Japan: Toshiba EMI TOCE 9306. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 23–25 Oct. 1996, I Jan. 1997.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert June–July 1999, G June
*Arion ARN 68534. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Dominique
Lonca, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier). [Opp. 49 and 133.] P Lyon
Nov. 2000, I and G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
Hyperion CDA 67155. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Studio Dec.
2000, I Apr. 2001, G July 2001.
**Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 122 and 133.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Chandos CHAN 10248. SORREL QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine
Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher). [Op. 144.] P The Maltings,
Snape 15–17 Jan.2004, I Sept. 2004, G Nov. 2004.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’ five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 68 and 108.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 May 2005, I

Oehms Quartet OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’, on second of five-disc

set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 83 and 101.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Germany: Audite AU 92 528 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 108 and 117.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 10–12 May 2007.
France: Zig Zag Territoires ZZT 080702. ATRIUM QUARTET (Aleksei
Naumenko, Anton Ilyunin, Dimitry Pitulko, Anna Gorelova). [Beethoven.]
P Eglise BN Secours, Paris 18–22 Feb 2008, G Nov. 2008.
Note: A melody from Galina Ustvolskaya’s Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and
Piano of 1949 is quoted at the climax of the first movement played in
octaves in the violins’ highest register and again in the development of the
last movement.

Sans op. R: Greek Songs

Form: Four songs arranged for middle voice and piano. The melodies, recorded
from Maria Beiku, a member of the Greek Resistance Movement, were
handed over to Shostakovich by the Soviet folklorist Lev Kulakovsky:
1. Forward! (subtitled ‘Song of the Greek Resistance’;  = 102) Melody
by A. Xenos, words by K. Palamas, translated by Sergei Bolotin and
Tatyana Sikorskaya
2. Pentozalis ( = 96)
Cretan folksong, translated by S. Bolotin
3. [Mount] Zolongo ( = 58)
Greek folksong, translated by T. Sikorskaya
4. Hymn of the ELAS (Ellenikas Laïkos Apeletherotikos Stratos)
( = 112)
Melody by A. Tzakonas; words by S. Mavroidi-Papadaki, translated by
S. Bolotin
Composed: 1952–53.
Première: France: 17 March 1991, Dimanche; Aleksandr Naumenko (tenor)
and Nell Beardmoer (piano).
Music: Autograph of the four songs preserved at TsGALI. No. 1 first published
as a supplement to the journal Sovetskaya muzyka, 1954, No. 5 and also
in Pesni naradov mira (Songs of the Peoples of the World), compiled by
Grigori Schneyerson and published by Muzgiz in 1955.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, four
songs, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 92 of New Collected Works.

Duration: 8' 36".

Recording: **CD—USA: Delos DE 3304 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs,
Volume 1’). Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 84,
86, 91, 98, and 100.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg May
2001, I Sept. 2002, G Awards (Oct.) 2002 ~ Russia: Northern Flowers NF/
PMA 9912 (‘Unknown Vocal Cycles’). [Opp. 58a, 46, 100, 80, 33; Sans
op. X (ii).] I 2003.

Sans op. S: Piano Pieces for Children

Form: A suite of seven piano solos for children arranged from orchestral material
of earlier ballet and stage works:
1. Lyrical Waltz—Moderato (from Ballet Suite No. 3, No. 5)
2. Gavotte—Tranquillo, semplice (from Ballet Suite No. 3, No. 2)
3. Romance—Moderato, expressivo (from Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 3)
4. Polka—Scherzando, non troppo presto (from Ballet Suite No. 1, No.
2—the Pizzicato Dance)
5. Waltz-scherzo (‘The Petite Ballerina’)—Animato, ma non troppo
presto (from Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 5)
6. Hurdy-gurdy—Allegro non troppo (from Ballet Suite No. 1, No. 4 the
7. Dance—Scherzando, ma non troppo presto
Composed: Assembled in 1952 from material composed 1930–35.
Arrangements: See Ballet Suites Nos. 1 and 3, Sans op. P(i), and the original
opus numbers for expanded orchestral versions.
No. 1 transcribed for harp; No. 3 for viola ensemble by Georgi Bezrukov;
No. 5 for bayan by N. Rizolya; No. 6 for harp quartet, also cello and
piano; Nos. 2, 3, 6, and 7 for violin (No. 2 for violin duet) and piano by
Konstantin Fortunatov; Nos. 1–7 for string orchestra; Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6
for cello and guitar by Bryan Johanson.
Music: Muzgiz, No. 122639, 1952, 29 cm.
MCA Music, New York, c.1953, ed. Michael Fredericks, 31 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2123, 1960, under the title ‘Tanz der Puppen’,
31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4711 (plate no. 11772), under the title ‘Puppentanze’,
1962, ed. Walter Frickert, 31 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 19356, 1965, ed. Martin Hall, 31 cm.
Edition Peters. No. 4794 (plate no. 12389—in Shostakovich: Album of
Easy Pieces), 1967, Nos. 2, 4, and 7 arr. K. Fortunatov, 30.5 cm.

Muzyka, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and piano), 1975,
Nos. 2, 3, 6, and 7 arr. K. Fortunatov, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of Children’s
Piano Pieces), 1979, Nos. 1–3 and 5–7 ed. Bronislava Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2629 (in S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich:
Selection of Fortepiano Pieces for Children), 1980, Nos. 2 and 5 ed. Zinaida
Vitkind, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 6680 (in Works by Soviet Composers for Viola
Ensemble), 1984, No. 3 arr. for 3 violas and double-bass by G. Bezrukov,
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
No. 6 only, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 109 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 9' 00"–10' 46".
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D5466-7 (10" mono). Nos. 1, 2, 4, 3, and 5.
Natan PERELMAN. P 1959.
*CD—Russia: Vista Vera VCD 00119. Mariya GRINBERG. Nos. 5, 3, and
7. [Op. 87; Rakhmaninov, Medtner, and Prokofiev.] P 14 June 1960, I
LP—USSR: Melodiya D00015659-60 (7" mono). No. 6 arr. for harp
quartet. E. KUZMICHEVA, A. Buzkova, M. Smirnova, and N. Kochurina.
P 1965.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C04697-8. Complete Suite. Lyubov
TIMOFEYEVA. P Nov. 1973, I 1975 ~ Japan: JVC VIC 9554. Complete Suite.
I 1985. *Reissued on CD—Russia: Moroz Records MR 23999. [Prokofiev
and Slonimsky.] I 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C04705-6. No. 1 only. Olga ERDELI (harp). P
1974, I 1975.
Poland: Pronil SX 1556. Nos. 1–7 arr. for string orchestra. Capella Arcis
Varsoviensis, Marek SEWEN. P 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C20 12575-6. No. 5 arr. N. Rizolya. Aleksandr
DMITRIEV (bayan). P 1979, I 1980b.
*CD—Russia: Moscow Conservatory SMC CD 0046. Complete Suite.
Vera GORNOSTAYEVA. [Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev.] P Moscow 1970s, I 2000.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 10294. Nos. 4, 5, and 6. Krasimir GATEV.
P early 1980s?
USSR: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’). No. 7 only. Rimma
BOBRITSKAYA. P1983, I 1984d.
LP and CD—AVM Classics AVM 1003 and released on CD—AVMCD
1003. Complete Suite. Martin JONES. P date not stated, G Oct. 1988.
CD—Greece: Kalyke KNI GDI (‘A Child, A Piano & Foreign Lands’).
Complete Suite. Cilia PETRIDOU. P 1990.

France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season LDC 288 034 (‘Russian

Miniatures for Piano’). No. 7 only. Rimma BOBRITSKAYA. P Moscow
Conservatory Feb. 1999.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5082 (‘Russian Piano Music for Children’).
Complete Suite. Mila BASLAVSKAYA. P Utrecht Apr. 1992.
Koch International Classics 3 7159-2HI. Complete Suite. Israela
MARGALIT. P Moscow Conservatory Sept. 1992, G Sept. 1993.
France: Accord 20281-2. Complete Suite. Caroline WEICHERT. P Radio
Svizzera Italiana Studio, Lugano Sept. 1993, I 1994 ~ *Accord 442 8213 (on
third of four-disc set). [Opus 34 and 13; Sans op. B.] I Jan. 2007.
USA: Sonora SO 22563CD. Complete Suite. Inna HEIFETZ. P Boston
1993, I Jan. 1998.
USA: Gagliano GR 604-CD. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6 arr. Johanson. Hamilton
CHEIFETZ (cello) and Bryan Johanson (guitar). P Portland State University,
Oregon 29 and 30 Mar. 1997.
Italy: Real Sound RS 051 0022. Complete Suite. Anna MALIKOVA. P
Wesel, Germany Apr. 1997 ~ *Russia: Classical Records CR 056. [Opp. 5
and 34.] I 2005.
Germany: Hänssler Classic 98 174 (‘Allegro’). Nos. 6 and 7 arr.
Fortunatov. Michael LEMPIK (violin) and Olga Haus (piano). P Altensteig
21–23 June 1997.
Stradivarius STR 33727 (‘Complete Piano Works, Volume 1’). Boris
PETRUSHANSKY. [Sans op. B; Opp. 5, 13, 22, and 34.] P Bartók Studio,
Bernareggio, Milan 17–19 Sept. 2003, I Feb. 2006.
**CD—Decca 470 649-2 (Hybrid SACD). No. 1 only. Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. [Opp. 61, 5, 97, 13, and 22; Sans op. B.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk
11–12 Sept. 2003, I Apr. 2004, G June 2004.
France: Mirare MIR 022. Nos. 7, 1, 4, and 5. Brigitte ENGERER.
[Tchaikovsky, Lyadov, Glinka et al.] P Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France
June 2006.

Form: A brief undated piece for piano. Murzilka is the name of a children’s
magazine for five- to nine-year-olds, established in 1924.
Composed: Probably between 1944 and 1952 judging by the style and tech-
nique, for his own children.
Music: Muzyka, No. 10285 (in Volume 39 of Collected Works), 1983,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 109 of New Collected
Duration: 0' 32"– 0' 49".

Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From

Manuscripts of Different Years’). Viktoria POSTNIKOVA (piano). P 1983–86,
I 1988d.
CD—AVM Classics AVZ 3020. Martin JONES. (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’).
P London 1–2 June 1989.
Naxos 8.570092. Konstatin SCHERBAKOV. [Sans opp. A and B; Opp. 29,
61, and 69.] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 27–28 Nov. 2005, I July 2006.
Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 12, 61, and 69; Sans
opp. A and T.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20 Apr. 2006.

Opus 93: Symphony No. 10 in E minor

Form: Symphony for full orchestra in four movements:
1. Moderato
2. Allegro
3. Allegretto
4. Andante—Allegro
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes (II = piccolo II), 2 oboes, cor anglais
(= oboe III), E flat clarinet,( = clarinet III A and B flat), 2 clarinets (A and
B flat), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon (= bassoon III) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets,
3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals,
bass drum, gong ~ xylophone ~ strings.
Composed: Summer—25 October 1953. The first, second, and third move-
ments completed on 5 and 27 August and 8 October respectively; at
Komarovo village, Gulf of Finland. See Notes.
Premières: 17 December 1953, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall;
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky (who also conducted
the Moscow premiére on 29 December 1953).
USA: 14 October 1954, New York Philharmonic Symphony Society,
Dimitri Mitropoulos.
UK: 10 April 1955, Royal Festival Hall, London; London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult.
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by the composer. Transcribed
for wind band by Aurelio Pérez Perello.
Music: Autograph full score and the composer’s reduction preserved at
GTsMMK. The opening of the first movement of the autograph score is
reproduced in Volume 5 of Collected Works.
Muzgiz, No. 24447, 1954, full score, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 24455, 1955, reduction for piano four hands, 28.5 cm.
Le Chant du Monde, No. 429, 1955, 19 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1955, 22 cm.

Boosey & Hawkes, No. 687, c.1955, 22.5 cm.

Edwin R Kalmus, No. 158, no date, 26.5 cm.
Muzgiz, 1960, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9863 (in Volume 5 of Collected Works), 1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2219, 1981, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, New Collected Works Volume 10, full score.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, New Collected Works Volume 25,
Shostakovich’s arrangement for piano.
Duration: 50 minutes in score: 45' 38"–59' 12"; 45' 00" (Aronowsky); 53'
00"–54'20" (Plaistow).
Ballets: Tenth Symphony. Alan Carter, Wuppertal, West Germany, 1967.
[Tenth Symphony. Konstantin Boyarsky, with libretto by Isaak Glikman.
Not performed?]
Film: La Ley del Deseo (The Law of Desire). Sections of the symphony used in
the score of the Spanish erotic and surreal film of 1986, directed by Pedro
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya M10 39079-80 (in four-record
set ‘D. Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono). Arr. for piano four hands. Dmitri
SHOSTAKOVICH and Mieczysław WEINBERG (piano). P 15 Feb. 1954, I 1977b.
Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1000 (mono,
double-play). I Sept. 1989 ~ Revelation RV 70002 (‘Shostakovich plays
Shostakovich, Volume 2’, mono). I Oct. 1997, G Feb. 1998 ~ *Korea:
Yedang Classics YCC 0164 (mono). [Opp. 34 and 97.] I 2002 ~ *Germany:
Monopole MONO oo8 (two-disc set, mono). [Op. 87.] G Awards
(Oct.) 2007.
USSR: MK HD 02243-4 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P studio 24 Apr. 1954, I 1954 ~ USA: Colosseum
CRLP 173 (mono). Labelled erroneously as ‘National Philharmonic
Orchestra conducted by Dmitri Shostakovich’. I 1954 ~ Saga XID 5228
(mono). I 1964, Dec. 1984, and May 1985; G July 1985 ~ USA: Concert
Hall CHS 1313 (mono). I 1954 ~ Classics Club X 1018 (mono). Issued
under the pseudonyms ‘Classics Club Philharmonic Orchestra conducted
by Feodor Stepanov’. Reissued on CD—Saga Classics SCD 9017 (digitally
remastered mono). I Nov. 1991, G June 1992.
East Germany: Eterna 72 0006-7 (4 sides, 10" mono). Gewandhaus
Orchestra of Leipzig, Franz KONWITSCHNY. P 10 June 1954. Reissued on
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0090 422 BC (two-disc set, mono). I Oct.
USA: Columbia ML 4959 (mono). New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dimitri MITROPOULOS. P 18 Oct. 1954 ~ Philips ABL 3052 (mono). G July
1955 ~ CBS Classics 61457 (mono). G Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—CBS
Masterworks Portrait MPK 45698 (mono). I Dec. 1989, G Feb. 1990.

CD—Italy: Stradivarius STR 10035 (mono). Roma RAI Symphony

Orchestra, Artur RODZINSKI. P18 Mar. 1955, I 1990.
LP and CD—HMV ALP 1322 (mono). Philharmonia Orchestra, Efrem
KURTZ. P London 22–23 Mar. 1955, G Feb. 1956 ~ HMV HQM 1034
(mono). G Nov. 1966. Reissued on CD—USA: Testament SET 1078
(mono). I Nov. 1996, G Feb. 1997.
CD—France: Praga PR 250 053 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Y. MRAVINSKY. P Prague concert broadcast 3 June 1955, I Nov.
1994, G Sept. 1995 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde PR 7250 053 (mono).
G Feb. 2001.
*Italy: Urania URN 22.271 (two-disc set). New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, D. MITROPOULOS. [Brahms, Beethoven, Skalkottas, and Verdi.] P
Orpheus Hall, Athens concert 2 Oct. 1955, G June 2005.
LP and CD—Deutsche Grammophon DGM 18300 (mono). Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel ANČERL. P Munich 28–29 Oct. 1955,
G Sept. 1956. Reissued on CD—France: Deutsche Grammophon ‘Les
Grandes Annees’ 457 080-2. I 1997 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon ‘The
Originals’ 463 666-2GOR (mono). [Stravinsky.] I Apr. 2002.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton 0150 (mono). Bulgarian State Radio Orchestra,
Vassil STEPANOV. P c.1960.
Romania: Electrecord ECE 033 (mono). Rumanian [now Romanian]
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Constantin SILVESTRI. P c.1960 ~ Romania:
Electrecord ECE 0633 (mono) and ST-ECE 0634. I 1971.
Poland: Muza XL 0004 (mono). Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bohdan WODICZKO. P 1961 ~ East Germany: Eterna A33 8 20 127 (mono)
and 8 25 127.
*Japan: CD—Scora Classics scoracd 010 (second of two-disc set, mono).
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. [Mozart.] P Russia (sic)
concert 25 Mar. 1966, I 2004.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D018131-2 (mono) and C01721-2. USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Y. SVETLANOV. P 1966, I 1966 (mono) and 1969
(stereo) ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2420. G Oct. 1968 ~ HMV SEOM 9
(‘Introducing HMV Melodiya’ sampler). Second movement only.G Dec.
1971 ~ Germany: Melodia Eurodisc 87 623 XPK (in thirteen-record box
set). I 1974 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502508 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec.
LP and CD—Japan: Japanese Stokowski Society JLSS 0021. Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P Chicago concert 24 Mar.
1966. Reissued on CD—USA: Chicago Symphony Orchestra CSO 90/12.
Deutsche Grammophon SLPM 139 020. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
Herbert von KARAJAN. P 28–30 Nov. 1966, G Jan. 1969. Reissued on
CD—Deutsche Grammophon Galleria 429 716-2GGA. G Aug. 1990 and

Nov. 1992. NB. A nine-bar cut from fig. 54 minus 5 bars restored on copies
issued from early 1993.
USSR: Melodiya C10 21227 009. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,
H. von KARAJAN. P Moscow concert 29 May 1969, I 1985b. *Reissued on
CD—Melodiya MELCD 1001513. [Bach.] G July 2009.
USA: Columbia M 30295. Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY.
P 10–18 Apr. 1968 ~ CBS SBRG 72886. G June 1971. Reissued on
CD—Sony Essential Classics SB2K 62409 (two-disc set). G Aug. 1996 and
Mar. 1997.
CD—*Harmonia Mundi HMX 2905255.59 (second of five-disc set).
Berlin Symphony Orchestra, David OISTRAKH. P Deutsche Staatoper, Berlin
concert 29 Sept 1972, I Sept. 2002.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 195. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P Moscow concert 26 Jan. 1973, I Oct. 1993, G Jan.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C04505-6. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 20 Oct. 1973, I 1974d ~ HMV Melodiya
EX 2903873 (eighth in twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reis-
sued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1005-6 (in Box 3 of
five two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19847-2.
I July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
Classics for Pleasure CFP 40216. London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Andrew DAVIS. P Barking 30 Apr.–l May 1974, G May 1975 and June
1986 ~ Classics for Pleasure CFP 41 4472-1. G Sept. 1985. Reissued on
CD—Classics for Pleasure CD-CFP 6041. G May 1998.
HMV BOX 504402 in Set SLS 5044 (quad). Bournemouth Symphony
Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P Southampton 16–17 Mar. 1975, G Mar.
1976 ~ HMV Greensleeve BSD 7049 (quad). G Oct. 1977. Reissued
on CD—EMI Studio CDM7 63096-2. I Aug. 1989 ~ HMV Classics
5-73858-2. I Apr. 2000, G Sept. 2000.
CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VDC 25027. Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Y. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad rehearsal? 3 Mar. 1976,
I 1990 ~ France: Erato 2292 45753-2.1 Apr. 1992, G June 1992.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya M10 44371003 (mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Y. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi
Hall concert 31 Mar. 1976, I 1983b. Reissued on CD—BMG Melodiya
74321 25198-2 (‘Mravinsky Edition’, Volume 9, mono). I June 1995 ~
Leningrad Masters LM 1322 (electronic stereo). G Sept. 1996.
Decca SXL 6838. London Philharmonic Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK.
P Jan. 1977, G Oct. 1977. Reissued on CD—Decca 421 353-2DH. I Dec.
1988, G Mar. 1989 ~ Decca Ovation 425 064-2DM. I Aug. 1993, G Nov.

East Germany: Eterna 8 27 093. Berlin City Symphony Orchestra, Kurt

SANDERLING. P 9–11 and 14 Feb. 1977, I 1986. Reissued on CD—Germany:
Berlin Classics 0090182 BC. I Nov. 1995 ~ *Germany: Berlin Classics 0092
172 BC (fourth of five-disc set). I Germany 1996 and UK Jan. 2001.
USA: Classical Excellence CE 11038-9 (4 sides). Austrian Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Milan HORVAT. P 1977. Reissued on CD—Switzerland: Point
Classics 2671642. I 1994.
LP—RCA Red Seal RL 25049. National Philharmonic Orchestra. Loris
TJEKNAVORIAN. P 1977, G July 1978.
USSR: Melodiya C10 09851-2. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dmitri KITAYENKO. P1977. I 1978c.
*CD—Naïve Collection Radio France V 4973. Orchestre National de
France, K. SANDERLING. P Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris concert 8 Jan.
1978, G Mar. 2004.
LP and CD—Czech: Opus 9110 0846. Slovák Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Bratislava Oct. 1979, I 1980. Reissued on
CD—Switzerland: Bonton Classics 71 0154-2 0110. I 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 2532 030 (digital). Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, H. von KARAJAN. P Berlin 20, 23, and 27 Feb. 1981, G Mar. 1982.
Reissued on CD—Deutsche Grammophon 413 361-2GH, G Aug. 1984 ~
Deutsche Grammophon New Gold Edition 439 036-2GHS. I Jan. 1996,
G May 1996.
LP—*Germany: Südwestfunk SWF 111-114 (‘40th anniversary of the
orchestra’, four-record set). Sinfonieorchesters Baden-Baden, Kazimierz
KORD. [Haydn, Britten, Debussy et al.] P studio 1981, I 1986.
USSR: Melodiya C10 18617-8. USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1982, I 1983c.
Czech: Supraphon 1110 3190 ZA. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Frantiöek VAJNAR. P 3–5 Mar. 1982, I 1983.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 4405 (digital). London Symphony Orchestra,
André PREVIN. P July 1982, G Apr, and Aug. 1983. Reissued on CD—EMI
Classics CDD7 64105-2. I Nov. 1991. G Jan. 1992 ~ EMI Classics Double
Forte CZS5 73369-2 (two-disc set). I May 1999, G Aug. 1999.
HMV EL 270315-1 (digital) and released on CD—CDC7 47350-2.
Philharmonia Orchestra, Simon RATTLE. P 3–4 Apr. 1985, G Sept. 1986.
CD—EMI Classics Studio Plus CDM7 64870-2. I Nov. 1993, G Mar.
1994 ~ *EMI Encore 5 86871-2. [Britten.] I 2005.
CD—Netherlands: Q Disc 97014 (‘The Radio Recordings’, on
last of fourteen-disc set). Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK.
P Netherlands Radio 8 Dec. 1985, I 1999.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 00307 000 (digital). USSR Ministry
of Culture Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Jan. 1986, I

1988d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 131. I Sept. 1988, G May 1989

~ BMG Melodiya 74321 63461-2 (two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
*CD—LPO LPO 0034. London Philharmonic Orchestra, B. HAITINK. P
Proms Royal Albert Hall concert 28 Aug. 1986, G Awards (Oct.) 2008.
USA: RCA Gold Seal 5608-2 RC. Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra,
Leonard SLATKIN. P St Louis 8 and 10 Feb. 1987 ~ RCA Victor Red Seal
RD 86597. G July 1988.
*USA: Moscow Studio Archives MOS 19063. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra. Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow 1987, I 2003.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1319 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN
8630. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Dundee 12 May 1988,
G Mar. 1989. CD— Conifer Classics Compact Disc Class 7006. I Nov.
Virgin Classics VC 790784-1 (digital) and released on CD—VC
790784-2. London Philharmonic Orchestra, Nicholas Busch (French horn),
Andrew LITTON. P London Sept. 1988, I and G Apr. 1989. CD—Virgin
Classics Ultraviolet 7243 5 611342-2. I Aug. 1994, G Aug, and Nov.
CD—Singapore: Philips 426 228-2. Singapore Symphony Orchestra,
Choo HOEY. P Victoria Concert Hall, Singapore c.1989, I 1989.
Naxos 8.550633. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÀK. P Bratislava 20–26 June 1989, G Nov. 1993. Reissued on
CD—Naxos 8.506003 (in six-disc set). I 1993.
Teldec 9031 74529-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav
ROSTROPOVICH. P London July 1989, I Oct. 1991, G Mar. 1992 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set). G Oct. 1997 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus
2564 61568-2. I 2004.
Naxos 8.550326. Belgian Radio and Television Philharmonic Orchestra,
Alexander RAHBARI. P Brussels 6–8 Sept. 1989, I Feb. 1990.
Telarc CD-80241. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Yoel LEVI. P Atlanta
25–26 Sept. 1989, I Oct. 1990, G Jan. 1991 ~ *Reissued with the same
number I June 2004.
Denon CO 79474. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P Vienna
30 Jan.–2 Feb. 1990, I June 1992, G Sept. 1992.
Collins Classics 1106-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P London Jan. 1990, I Oct. 1990, G Jan. 1991.
Decca 430 844-2DH. Cleveland Orchestra, Christoph von DOHNÁNYI. P
Cleveland 12 Feb. 1990, G Sept. 1992.
Delos DE 3089. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, James DEPRIEST. P
Hyvinkää, Finland 19–20 Apr. 1990, I Oct. 1990, G Jan. 1991.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60448. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Claus
Peter FLOR. P Amsterdam 17–18 Aug. 1990, I Feb. 1992, G June 1992.

Decca 433 028-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir

ASHKENAZY. P Watford Sept. 1990, I Nov. 1991. G Jan. 1992.
Decca 433 073-2DH. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg SOLTI. P
Chicago concert Oct. 1990, I Mar. 1992, G June 1992.
Pickwick IMP Classica PCD 955. Hallé Orchestra, Stanislaw
SKROWACZEWSKI. P Bolton 23–24 Nov. 1990, I July 1991, G Oct. 1991 ~
IMP Classics 2000 PCD 2043. I Oct. 1997 ~ Hallé CDHLL 7511 (two-
disc set). [Op. 47.] I 2006.
Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 049. Arr. for piano four hands. Folke GRÄSBECK
and Alexander ZELYAKOV (piano). P Abo 22 and 29 Jan. 1992, I Mar.
*DVD—USA: Pioneer Classics DVD PC11524-D. Moscow State
Symphony Orchestra, Pavel KOGAN. [Op. 27; Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, and
Wagner.] P Munich concert 1990, I Mar. 2001.
*USA: Image Entertainment DVD 5812-21A. Bavarian Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Georg SOLTI. [Mendelssohn.] P Munich concert 1992, I 2002.
CD—Chandos CHAN 9522. Russian State Symphony Orchestra,
Valeri POLYANSKY. P Moscow Conservatory June 1995, I Oct. 2000, G Mar.
EMI CDC5 55232-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
P Philadelphia 5–7 Mar. 1994, G June and Aug. 1995 ~ *EMI Classics
5 75178-2 (two-disc set). [Sans op. V.] I 2002.
Tring TRP 080. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Frank SHIPWAY. P London
May 1995, I Sept. 1996 ~ *RPO 204479201. [Op. 97.], I 2004.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on sixth of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Op. 54.] P Cologne 15–24 Oct.
1996, I Dec. 2001.
*Russia: Private Edition P-1985 (two-disc set). Bilkent Academic
Symphony Orchestra, Vitali KATAYEV. [Op. 54; Rakhmaninov and
Tchaikovsky.] P Bilkent Concert Hall Ankara concert 4 Mar. 1997.
Sweden: BIS CD 973-4 (‘Complete Symphonies, Volume 2’, two-disc
set). BBC National Orchestra of Wales. Mark WIGGLESWORTH. P Swansea
Nov. 1997, I June 1999, G Sept. 1999.
Switzerland: Relief CR 991047. Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P 1998.
*Chetham’s School of Music CHET 04. Chetham’s Symphony Orchestra,
Jac van STEEN. P Bridgewater Hall, Manchester concert 6 July 2000, I
Delos DE 3283 (two-disc set). Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew
LITTON. P Dallas concert 21–24 Sept, and 30 Nov. 2000, I Oct. 2001.
**Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216 (‘The Overcoat’). Second move-
ment only. CBC Radio Orchestra, Mario BERNARDI. [Sans opp. E, G(ii),

and P(i); Opp. 35 and 102.] P Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, B.C. 20 and
21 June 2001, I Mar. 2002.
Germany: Arts Music 47675-2. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 70.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert
Mar. 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 035 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Cologne studio 24–26 Mar. 2003, I Aug.
CD and DVD—Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337 1201-2
and MDG 937 1201-5. Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn, Roman KOFMAN. P
Heilig-Kreuz Kirche, Bad Godesberg, Germany 28–30 Mar. 2003, I Dec.
Japan: Weitblick SSS 0076. Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin,
Stanislas SKROWACZEWSKI. P Philharmonie Berlin concert 4 May 2003.
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 001615-2BC. Saarbrücken Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Günther HERBIG. P Congresshalle, Saarbrücken
concert 10 Apr. 2005, G Mar. 2007.
Avie AV 2137. WDR Symphony Orchestra of Cologne, Semyon
BYCHKOV. [Glanert.] P Philharmonie, Cologne 12–17 Apr. 2005, I Oct.
2005, G Jan. 2008.
Australia: Melba Recordings MR 301105 (Hybrid SACD). Australian
Youth Orchestra, Aleksandr ANISSIMOV. P Sydney Opera House concert 10
Apr. 2005, I Aug. 2006.
Russia: Melodiya MEL CD 10 00872. State Academic Symphony
Orchestra of Russia, Mark GORENSTEIN. [Op. 110a.] P Moscow State
Conservatory 9–11 and 13–14 June 2004, I 2005.
Netherlands: World Wind Music WWM 500 116. Arr. Perello. Royal
Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides, Henrie ADAMS. P Kazerae Kolonel
De Hemptinne, Heverlee, Belgium 12–13 May 2005.
Supraphon SU 38902 (on second of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 14.] P Smetana Hall Prague
concert 6–7 Dec. 2005, G Nov. 2006.
USA: First commercial release (two-disc set). Tanglewood Music Center
Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. [Beethoven and Ravel.] P Tanglewood concert
3 July 2006.
Notes: Elizabeth Wilson (1994, pp. 256–7 and 261–2) relates Tatyana
Nikolayeva’s conviction that the symphony was composed in 1951 ‘parallel
to the creation of the Preludes and Fugues’, Opus 87.
David Fanning’s major study of the Tenth Symphony, The Breath of the
Symphonist, was published by the Royal Musical Association, London, 1988.
This 94-page book gives an almost bar-by-bar analysis of the symphony,
illustrated with 60 music examples.

The origin of the enigmatic feature of the third movement—the horn

call that occurs twelve times—was revealed by Nelly Kravetzina’s Michigan
University lecture on 28 January 1994 and circulated in DSCH Journal
No. 1 (summer 1994), 24–25. The motif is the encoded name of Elmira
Nazirova who, at the time of the writing of the symphony, was a 25-year-old
composer from Azerdaidzhan and an object of his affection. The first and
last letters of Elmira are the notes E and A and the middle letters in Tonic
Sol-fa notation are ‘l’ (= note A), ‘mi’ (= note E), and ‘r’ (= note D) giving
the horn motif EAEDA.
Elmira Nazirova contributed her story to the compilation Shostakovich in
Context (Rosamund Bartlett ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 2000)
and her photograph appears in an article by Aida N. Huseynova in DSCH
Journal No. 17 (July 2002), 38–40.

Opus 94: Concertino

Form: A small-scale concerto in A minor for two pianos four hands in one
movement: Adagio—Allegretto—Allegro.
Composed: 1953.
Première: 8 November 1954, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Maksim
Shostakovich and Alla Maloletkova (pianoforte duo).
Arrangements: Transcribed for accordion duet by Tamara Murzina and
Alla Gatsenko. Orchestral arrangement by Elliot Kaplan for the ballet
Celebration. Arrangement for twelve-piece brass band by Kenneth Singleton.
Transcriptions for piano and chamber orchestra by Julia Zilberquit in 1996
and Iloya Dimov c.2000.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK.
Music Fund of the USSR, No. 461, 1955, 29 cm.
MCA/Leeds Music, No. 2093, 1956, 30 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, revised version.
International Music, No. 2373, 1966, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5947 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 3), 1970, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 2904, 1975, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2185, 1975, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11214 (in Volume 13 of Collected Works), 1983, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 113 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx 9 minutes in score; 7' 48"–11' 22"; 8 minutes (Sadovnikov);
10 minutes Plaistow). Chamber Orchestra version: 15' 39".
Ballet: Celebration. Gerald Arpino, Joffrey Ballet, Chicago Auditorium
Theater, 15 May 1980; danced to an orchestrated arrangement by Elliot
Kaplan; conducted by Allan Lewis.
OP U S 94: CON CERT IN O 373

Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D3036-7 (10" mono). Maksim and

Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH. P 2 Feb. 1956, I 1956 ~ USSR: Melodiya M10
39073-4 (in four-record set ‘D. Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono). I 1977b
~ HMV Melodiya HLM 7094 in Set RLS 721 (mono). G Oct. 1976 ~
USSR: Melodiya C10 14089-90 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works on
Records, electronic stereo). I 1980. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical
Industries VICC 2048 (‘Pianist = D. Shostakovich’). I 1990 ~ Revelation
RV 70006 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’, Volume 5). I May 1998 ~
*Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0022. [Opp. 35, 102, and 67.] I May 2002.
LP—USSR: MK D5480-1 (10" mono). Anna KLAS and Bruno LUKK. P
USSR: Melodiya C10 15055-6. Galina and Yuliya TURKNY. P 1962, I
Italy: Angelicum LPA 5940 (mono) and STA 8940. Gino GORINI and
Sergio LORENZI. P early 1960s, I 1960s and stereo in 1970s.
USSR: MK D27221-2 (10" mono). Lyubov BRUK and Mark TAIMANOV.
P 1970.
USA: Kapell SKR 5101. Allison NELSON and Harry Lee NEAL. P 1970.
LP and CD—Classics for Pleasure CFPD 4144383 (in double album
‘Rachmaninov—Music for Four Hands’). John OGDON and Brenda LUCAS. P
June 1975, G Apr. 1984. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics CZS 5 693S6-2
(two-disc set). I May 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C30 08631-2. Arr. for accordion duet. Tamara
MURZINA and Alla GATSENKO (accordions). P 1977, I 1978a.
USA: Musical Heritage Society MHS 1147Y. DUO DE HEIDELBERG
(Hans-Helmut Schwarz and Edith Henrici). P 1977.
France: Elyon EL 35013. Bernard and Geneviève PICAVET. P c.1979.
*Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 1770. Julia and Konstantin GANEV. [Hindemith,
Lutosławski, and Constantinides.] P 1970s?.
LP and CD—Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. Inger WIKSTRÖM (piano—both
parts). P Stockholm 28 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Sweden:
Swedish Society Discofil SCD 1031. I 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18471-2. Viktoria POSTNIKOVA and Nikolai
PETROV. P 1982, I 1983c.
USA: Orion ORS 83462. Zoe ERISMAN (piano—both parts). P 1983.
Belgium: Terpsichore 1982 029. Levente KENDE and Heidi HENDRICKX.
P 1984.
LP and CD—Chandos ARBD 1175 (‘Russian Music for Two Pianos’,
digital). Seta TANYEL and Jeremy BROWN. P London July 1985, I July 1986,
G Nov. 1986. Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8466. I May 1987.
CD—Pianissimo PP 21192 (‘Gemini Duo Series, Volume 3’). Claire and
Antoinette CANN. P Hampstead 7–8 Sept. 1987, I Oct. 1993.

USA: Centaur CRC 2261. Arr. K. Singleton. Denver Brass, Kenneth

SINGLETON. P Englewood, Colorado 17–19 June 1991, I 1996.
Belgium: Discover International DICD 920150. DUO ‘REINE ELISABETH’
(Rolf Plagge and Wolfgang Manz). P Brussels 1992, I and G Nov. 1994.
USA: Sonora SO 22566CD (‘The Revisionist’s Tale’). Natalia ZUSMAN
and Inna HEIFETZ (piano duo). P Boston, Mass. 1994, I Nov. 1995.
USA: Summit DCD 171 (‘Paving the Way’). Arr. K. Singleton. Summit
Brass, Carl TOPILOW. P Danville, Kentucky June 1995.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 141. ELVIRA PIANO DUO (Mimi Birkelund
and Anne Mette Staehr). P Birkerød, Denmark Aug. 1995.
Germany: Amati AMI SRR 9402. MENDELSSOHN DUO (Noriko Ishikawa
and Manfred Kratzer). P Karlsruhe 12–13 Sept. 1995, I 1996.
*USA: Athena Records 001. Simon TEDESCHI and Andrea LAM. [Haydn,
Liszt, Van Heusen et al.] P New York 1995.
USA: Music Masters 01612 67189-2. Arr. for piano and chamber
orchestra by J. Zilberquit. Julia ZILBERQUIT (piano), Moscow Virtuosi,
Vladimir Spivakov. P Dec. 1996.
*Russia: Moscow Conservatorie SMC CD 0100. Elena GLADILINA and
Natalya YURYGINA (piano duo). [Kodály, Bartók, and Arensky.] P Moscow
Conservatory Malyi Hall, 1 Oct 1997, I 2008.
France: Suoni e Colori SC 53008 (‘Hommage à Dmitri Chostakovitch,
Volume 2’). Incorrectly labelled Op. 84. Thérèse DUSSAUT and Serge
POLUSMIAK (piano duo). P Espace Fazioli, Paris Oct.–Nov. 1997.
Germany: CPO 999 599-2. GENOVA & DIMITROV PIANO DUO. P Hans
Rosbaud Studio 4–5 May 1998, I Apr. 1999.
**Russia: Kvadro Classic KTL01-208. Arr. V.Kozodov. Dmitri SHVEDOV
(piano), Moscow State Philharmonic Soloists. [Mozart, Molique, Stravinsky,
Prokofiev.] P Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Moscow 1 Feb. 2001, I 2001.
Germany: ebs ebs 6125. Anatol UGORSKI and Dina UGORSKAYA. [Bach and
Mozart.] P Festsaal, Johanneshaus Niefen-Oschelbronn 17–18 July 2001.
Germany: New Classical Adventure NCA 60120-215. Sonia and Shanti
SUNGKONO. [Rakhmaninov, Debussy, and Poulenc.] P Teldec Studios
4–6 Mar. 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 087 (Hybrid SACD, on second of two-disc set).
Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH. [Sans opp. O(ii & i) and E; Opp. 34
and 95.] P Universität für Musik,Vienna 2002 and 2005, I July 2006.
SWG Music Hänssler Classic SWR Music 93.113. Arr. for piano and
chamber orchestra by Ilya Dimov. Florian UHLIG (piano), Südwestfunk
Radio Orchestra, Jiří Starék. [Opp. 35 and 102.] P Kaiserslautern Studio
13 Oct. 2003, I Mar. 2005.
Argentina: EMI Classics 3 43914-2. Fernanda MORELLO and Patricia
VILA. [Opp. 6 and 97a; Debussy.] P Buenos Aires Dec. 2003 and July 2004.

Austria: Gramola 98770. Waltraud WULZ and Antoinetta Van ZABNER.

[Haberl, Boulanger, Skryabin et al.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 27–28
Mar. 2004.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF 9941. Pyotr LAUL and Aleksandr SANDLER.
[Opp. 5, 6, 22, 61; Sans op. O(i & ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church,
St Petersburg 13 and 15 Apr. 2006, I 2006.
Japan: Jasrac R 0681077 (CDR). Tetsu MASHIKO and Masaki NISHIHARA.
[Opp. 96, 97, Sans op. O(ii & i); B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.] P Piano
Art Salon, Tsukishima, Tokyo concert 10 June 2006, I 2006.
EMI Classics 504504-2. Martha ARGERICH and Lilya ZILBERSTEIN. [Opp. 35
and 57.] P Auditoris Stelio Molo, Lugano, Switzerland 25 June 2006,
G Nov. 2007.

Opus 95: Song of the Great Rivers

Form: Title in German Das Lied der Ströme = The Song of the Rivers. Music for
the 90-minute black-and-white documentary film Song of the Great Rivers,
(alternatively known as Unity and Seven Rivers) directed by the Dutch direc-
tor Joris Ivens, for the then East German DEFA Studios. The score includes
a Waltz and two songs: ‘Peaceful Labour’ (or ‘Poem about Work’), with
words by Semyon Kirsanov, for S.A.A.T.B.B. chorus and orchestra; and
‘Song of Unity’ (also known as ‘Song of the Great Rivers’ or ‘Song of the
Working People’), with the German verses of Bertolt Brecht translated by
S. Kirsanov, for solo bass, S.A.T.B. chorus, and orchestra. The incomplete
manuscript score, orchestral and choral parts stored at the Music Library
of the USSR Cinematography Symphony Orchestra consists of three
orchestral items depicting the Atom Bomb (using material from the Eighth
Symphony, Opus 65) and the following numbers:
Cover [Introduction]—Allegro
1. Song of the Great Rivers (‘The great Nile—our benefactor’)—Allegro
non troppo
2. Prologue (Poem about Work)
3. The Indictment Episode—Adagio
4. ‘K.K.K.’ [= Ku Klux Klan]—Allegro
6. South Africa—Allegro
7. Children (viola and cello duet)—Moderato. Salt
8. Hard Labour—Moderato
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (B flat
and A), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba
~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel,
xylophone, celesta ~ harp ~ bass soloist, S.A.T.B. chorus ~ strings.

Composed: 1954, at Moscow. The Waltz dates from 1953 or earlier.

Premières: Film first shown on 17 September 1954 in Berlin. The score is
played by the Leipzig Radio Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Walter
Raatzke. In the film ‘Song of Unity’ is sung in English by Paul Robeson.
Film released in Britain with the English commentary by Alex McCrindle
(featured on a BBC2 TV documentary on Joris Ivens, Too Much Reality, on
21 January 1982).
Dedication: ‘To the People Who Work On and Around the World’s Six Great
Rivers’. NB. The seventh river was the international working class ‘flowing’
to the 1953 World Federation of Trade Unions Congress held in Vienna.
Arrangements: Vocal scores of the two songs by the composer. The Waltz
appears in Ballet Suite No. 4, Sans op. P(i); and transcribed for wind
orchestra by M. Marantslikht. A version of the Waltz for piano duo
recorded. The Cover [Introduction] and No. 6 South Africa utilises material
from the film score The Return of Maxim, Opus 45.
Music: Autograph of the film score believed to be preserved at the DEFA
Studios, formerly in the German Democratic Republic.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1956, ‘Peaceful Labour’, full orchestral and
six-part choral score, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, ‘Peace-
ful Labour’ and ‘Song of Unity’ with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.
Sovetskaya muzyka magazine, 1958, No. 11, ‘Song of Unity’.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, Waltz in full score, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, 1961, Waltz arr. for wind orchestra by M. Marantslikht, score
and parts.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘Peaceful
Labour’ and ‘Song of Unity’ with piano accompaniment, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, five items,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 139 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 92 minutes.
Ballet: The Young Lady and the Hooligan. The first half of the Waltz used by
Levon Atovmyan in the 1962 ballet. See under Opus 27.
Recordings: ‘Song of Unity’ sung in German by Ernst Busch, recorded in
CD—Germany: CPO 999 599-2. Waltz arr. for piano duo.
GENOVA & DIMITROV PIANO DUO. P Hans Rosbaud Studio 4–5 May 1998, I
Apr. 1999. NB. Waltz incorrectly labelled as from Op. 22.
USA: Delos DE 3257 (‘Waltzes’—see Samplers). Waltz. Moscow
Chamber Orchestra, Constantine ORBELIAN. P Moscow Conservatory
12–14 July 1999, G Dec. 1999.

**Capriccio 71087 (Hybrid SACD, on second of two-disc set). Waltz

arr. for piano duo. Margarete BABINSKY and Holger BUSCH. [Sans opp. O(ii
& i) and E; Opp. 34 and 94.] P Universität für Musik, Vienna 2002 and
2005, I July 2006.

Opus 96: Festive Overture

Form: An occasional overture in A major, sometimes titled Festival or Holiday
Overture, marked ‘Allegretto’, for large orchestra (with optional brass band).
The fanfare is based on ‘Birthday’, No. 7 of Opus 69.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 A clarinets, 2 bassoons, contra-
bassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side
drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ strings. Optional separate band of 4 horns,
3 trumpets, and 3 trombones for the coda.
Composed: Autumn 1954, at Moscow, for the thirty-seventh anniversary of
the October Revolution. [The date is given as 1954 on scores but dated
earlier as autumn 1947 for the thirtieth anniversary, in an article ‘A Talk
with D. D. Shostakovich’ in the Evening Leningrad newspaper of 29 August
1947 and in Volume 11 of Collected Works.]
Premières: 6 November 1954, Moscow Bolshoi Theatre; Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra, Aleksandr Melik-Pashayev.
USA: 16 November 1955, Utah Symphony Orchestra, Maurice Abravanel
and New York; 16 February 1956, New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dimitri Mitropoulos.
UK: 27 August 1962, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; BBC Northern
Orchestra, George Hurst.
Arrangements: Transcribed for military band or wind orchestra by Valeri
Petrov, Donald Hunsberger, Mark Vakhutinsky, Lawrence Foster, Siegmund
Goldhammer, Tohra Takahashi and others; and for brass band by Harry
Cornthwaite and Michael Antrobus. Another brass band arrangement by
Kitson was recorded by the William Fairey Band under Sian Edwards for
the BBC Radio 3 broadcast on 5 June 2002. Transcription for brass quintet
by members of the Elbeblech Brass Quintet (published by Blechpresse).
Reductions for piano four hands by Emin Khachaturyan and for two pianos
four hands by A. Bubelnikov. Arranged for bayan trio by A. Khizhnyak.
The fanfare frequently played at outdoor ceremonies such as at the
Bulgarian 9 September celebrations and the 22nd and 23rd Olympic
Games. Adopted as the musical emblem for the 22nd Olympic Games, held
in Moscow in 1980.
[The Shot Heard Around the World by Katherine Kennicott Davis, for
S.A.T.B. chorus, organ, and optional 1st and 2nd B flat trumpets—a setting
of the Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson—stated to be based on an

undisclosed Shostakovich theme, entered here on account of the similar trumpet

fanfares. Duration: c.2' 55". Music: Warner Bros., New York, No. CHO 750
(plate no. TMK-519-9), 1974, score and trumpet parts, 26.5 cm.]
Instrumentation: of Vakhutinsky’s arrangement—flute (= piccolo), 2 oboes,
3 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~ 2 E flat alto saxhorns, 3 trumpets,
3 trombones ~ timpani, triangle/side drum, cymbals/bass drum ~ 3 B flat
cornets, additional 8 saxhorns (2 E flat, 3 B flat tenor, B flat baritone, and
bass). Parts for oboes, bassoons, and timpani not obligatory.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK and its rough copy at
TsGALI. The first page of the autograph score is reproduced in Volume 11
of Collected Works.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1955 and 1959, score and parts.
Leeds Music and DICA, no number, c.1957, 23 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 26026, 1958, arr. for wind orchestra by V. Petrov, score,
29 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 526, no date, 26 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 2039, no date, conductor’s full score, 33.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1960, reduction for piano four hands by
E. Khachaturyan.
Muzyka, No. 2109, 1961, reduction for two pianos four hands by
A. Bubelnikov.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 3867, no date, above reduction though arranger
not credited, 30.5 cm.
MCA, 1965, arr. for band by D. Hunsberger, score and parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6197, 1970, full score, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9706, 1977, arr. for military band by M. Vakhutinsky,
score, 29 cm.
Midland Music, London, 1979, arr. for brass band by H. Cornthwaite.
Chandos Music, Colchester, No. 490, 1980, arr. for brass band
and percussion (timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum) by
M. Antrobus, score and parts, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11687 (in Volume 11 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 35 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 6 minutes in score; 5' 07"–6' 47"; 6' 50" (Plaistow).
Film: The Festive Overture, played by the BBC Symphony Orchestra under
Leonard Slatkin, launched the 109th Proms Season on 18 July 2003 and
was screened live from the Royal Albert Hall on BBC TV2.
Recordings: *CD—Revelation RV 10084 (mono). All-Union Radio and
Television Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 77 and 114a.]
P 17 April 1947 (‘jewel case’ insert date. See note under Composed), I Aug.

[USSR: recorded on cine-film. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra. Samuil

SAMOSUD. P 1954.]
78 rpm and LP—USSR: 25529-30 (10"). Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra,
Aleksandr MELIK-PASHAYEV. P 1955. Reissued on LP—USSR: Melodiya M10
42777-8 (‘Melik-Pashayev conducts’, mono). I I98lb.
USSR: MK D00010871-2 (7" mono). Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. P 1950s, I 1962 ~ USA: Monitor MC 2015
(mono). I 1958 ~ USA: Bruno BR 14050 (mono). I 1961.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 902 (mono). Leningrad Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi
Hall concert 23 Feb. 1955 (not 21 Apr. 1955 as stated), I 1994.
Revelation RV 10061 (mono). State Radio and Television Large Symphony
Orchestra, A. GAUK. P concert 24 Sept. 1955, I Feb. 1997, G Sept. 1997.
LP—Waverley YLP 055 (mono) and SYLP 5056 (7" 45 rpm). Scottish
National Orchestra, Alexander GIBSON. P May 1962, G Dec. 1962 ~ HMV
SXLP 20099. G Aug. 1967.
HMV ALP 2009 (mono) and ASD 559. Philharmonia Orchestra,
Georges PRÊTRE. P 21–22 Mar. 1963, G Nov. 1963 ~ Classics for Pleasure
CFP 141. [Op. 112.] G Oct. 1970.
USSR: Melodiya D 13213-4 (10" mono). Arr. A. Khizhnyak. URALS
BAYAN TRIO (I. Shepelsky, A. Khizhnyak, N. Khudyakov). P 1964.
LP and CD—Czech: Supraphon SUA 10576 (mono) and SUA ST
50576. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel ANČERL. P Prague 10 Apr.
1964, G Nov. 1965. *Reissued on CD—EMI Classics 5 75091-2 (two-disc
set). [Novak, Krejci, Janáček, and Macha.] I 2001, G July 2002.
USA: Polydor 245006. Boston Pops Orchestra, Arthur FIEDLER.
P Symphony Hall, Boston Feb. 1971 ~ Polydor 2391 005. G June 1971.
*Reissued on CD—Deutsche Grammophon 477 6118 (two-disc set).
[Mendelssohn, Bach, Vaughan Williams et al.] I 2007.
USA: 2-Mark 40400. Arr. for wind band. University of Minnesota
Concert Band Ensemble, BENCRISCUTTO. [?] P 1971.
*CD—Revelation RV 10084. USSR State Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 77 and 114.] P Moscow 11 Apr. 1972,
I Aug. 1997 ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0080. [Tchaikovsky and
LP—Decca SB 304. Arr. H. Cornthwaite. The Fairey Band, Kenneth
DENNISON (conductor), Harry Mortimer (musical adviser). P 1973, G May
Music for Pleasure MFPA 57009. National Youth Orchestra of Wales,
Arthur DAVISON. P 1973, G July 1973.
Decca SB 702. Arr. for military band. Band of the Grenadier Guards,
Major Peter PARKES. P 1973, G Sept. 1973.

Virtuosi VR 7506. Arr. H. Cornthwaite. The Virtuosi Brass Band, Harry

MORTIMER. G Jan. 1976.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia M 35114 (‘Festive Overtures’). Cuts figs.
3 to 4 minus 3 bars and 26 to 33. Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Andrè
KOSTELANETZ. P New York 17 and 18 Jan. 1977. Reissued on CD—Sony
Classical SBK 62642. G June 1997.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 10399-400. USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P 1978, I 1978d. ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3855.
G May 1980 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 13327-8 (‘Moscow Souvenir’ in
double album with C60 13329-30). I 1980d ~ USSR: Melodiya C60
14423-4 (‘The Olympic Fanfares Resound in Moscow’). Fanfare only. I
198lb ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 21717 004 (‘Soviet Overtures’). I 1985c.
LP and CD—Unicorn Chalfont SDG 301 (digital). London Symphony
Orchestra, Morton GOULD. P Sept. 1978, G Feb. 1980 ~ Academy Sound
and Vision ABM 763 R (digital). G Sept. 1984 Reissued on CD—USA:
Varese/Sarabande VCD 47209.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BCA 10212. Plovdiv State Philharmonic Orchestra,
Dobrin PETKOV. P c.1978. Reissued on CD—Cirrus Classics CRS CD212
(two-disc set). I 1993.
Chandos BBR1011 (‘A Russian Festival’). Arr. M. Antrobus. Black Dyke
Mills Band, Michael ANTROBUS. P Manchester 24 Feb. 1980, G Aug. 1981.
Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 4519. I 1992.
LP—Unicorn-Kanchana DKM 6001 (digital). Arr. for military band.
Band of the Grenadier Guards, Major D. R. KIMBERLEY. P Royal Albert Hall,
London concert 15 Nov. 1980, G Feb. 1982.
Northern Music Services NMS 401 (mono) and MN 601. Massed
Bands, Captain C. R. C. GARRITY. P York concert 1984.
Polyphonic PRM104 D (digital). Arr. for military band. Massed Bands
of the Royal Air Force, Wing Commander Eric BANKS. P Barbican, London
concert May 1985.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4220-2. Op. 29/114a. London Symphony
Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Opp. 43 and 29/114a.] P Barbican Hall,
London 8 July 1985, G Dec. 2007.
LP—Bandleader BND 1021 (‘Call for the Guns’, digital). Arr. for
military band. Royal Artillery Band, Major Frank RENTON. P London Oct.
1985, G May 1986.
LP and CD—HMV EL 2705901 (‘Strike up the Band’, DMM) and released
on CD—CDC7 47885-2. Arr. D. Hunsberger. Central Band of the Royal Air
Force, Wing Commander Eric BANKS. P Watford Aug. 1986, G Apr. 1987.
USA: Sheffield Labs TDC 27 (‘The Moscow Sessions’, digital) and
released on CD—CD 27. Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Lawrence
Leighton SMITH. P Moscow 9–18 Aug. 1986, G Feb. 1988.

BBC Records REN 637X (digital) and released on CD—CD 637X.

BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Swansea Nov. 1986,
G Aug. 1987 and Feb. 1988.
CD—Canada: CBC Enterprises SMCD 5069 (‘Canadian and Russian
Overtures’). Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Uri MAYER. P c.1986, I
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1279 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN
8587. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 14–17 Apr.
1987, I Mar. 1988, G July 1988. CD—Conifer Aspects ASP 5072 (‘Music
Festival of Russia’). I Oct. 1991 ~ Chandos 7000/1 (two-disc set). I Sept.
1994, G May 1995 ~ *Chandos CHAN X10088 (two-disc set) [Op. 27a,
114a, and Sans op. P.] I June 2003.
CD—Telarc/Conifer 80170 (‘Symphonic Spectacular’). Cincinatti Pops
Orchestra, Erich KUNZEL. P Cincinnati 14–15 Sept. 1987, G Oct.
1989 ~ *Telarc SACD 60595 (‘Classics at the Pops’). [Copland, Weinberger,
Respighi et al.] I 2004.
LP and CD—Virgin Classics VC 790784-1 (digital) and released on
CD—VC 790784-2. London Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew LITTON. P
London Apr. 1988, I and G Apr. 1989 ~ CD—Virgin Classics Ultraviolet
7243 5 611342-2. I Aug. 1994, G Aug. and Nov. 1994.
CD—Japan: Brain BOCD 7001 (‘All Japan Band Competition,
Volume 1’). Arr. D. Hunsberger. Toyama Commercial High School Band,
Terunobu TSUJISHIMA. P Tokyo concert 21 Oct. 1989.
Collins Classics 1108-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P 4–6 Jan. 1990, G Sept. 1990.
Music Masters MMCD 410 (‘Celebration’). Arr. D. Hunsberger.
Royal Marines Band (Flag Officer Scotland and N. Ireland), Lt Peter
J. RUTTERFORD. P Dunfermline 18–19 Jan. 1990, G Nov. 1990.
Delos DF 3089. Helsinki Philharmonic, James DEPRIEST. P Hyvinkää,
Finland 19–20 Apr. 1990, 1 Oct. 1990, G Jan. 1991.
Sony Classical SK 47198 (‘Live in Osaka’). Arr. D. Hunsberger. Eastman
Wind Ensemble, Donald HUNSBERGER. P Osaka concert June 1990, I June
Decca 436 762-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Watford Sept. 1990, G Aug. 1994.
Sweden: Marinens Musikkår MMCD 1. Arr. D. Hunsberger. Royal
Swedish Navy Band, Sverker HÅLLANDER. P Swedish radio Apr.–May
EMI Classics CDC7 54803-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Riccardo MUTI.
P Philadelphia 18–20 Apr. 1992, I June 1993, G Dec. 1993 ~ USA: EMI
Classics DZ1 79887 (in nine-disc set, ‘The Philadelphia Sound’). I Nov.

Sweden: BIS Compact Disc CD 570. Malmö Symphony Orchestra,

J. DEPRIEST. P. Malmö Concert Hall 29 May–2 June 1992, I and G Jan. 1993.
Japan: Canyon Classics EC 3672-2. Russian Federation Symphony
Orchestra and Bolshoi Theatre Brass Ensemble, Yevgeni SVETLANOV.
P Moscow 15–16 June 1992, G Oct. 1994.
USA: Telarc CD 80305 (‘On the Edge’). Arr. J. Pilaflan. EMPIRE BRASS.
(Rolf Smedvig, Jeffrey Curnow, Timothy Morrison—trumpets; Eric
Ruske—horn, Scott A. Hartman—trombone, and J. Samuel Pilafian—
tuba). P Lennox, Mass. 29–30 Aug. 1992, G Jan. 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 439 892-2 (‘Russian Overtures’, 4D Audio).
Russian National Orchestra, Mikhail PLETNEV. P Moscow concert Nov.
1993, I and G Dec. 1994.
Tring TRP 032. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Charles MACKERRAS.
P London July 1994, I May 1995, G Sept. 1995 ~ Sunday Times Music
Collection 235 (‘RPO 50th Anniversary’). I 1996 ~ *Germany: RPO
Classics 222874-203 (Hybrid SACD). [Op. 47.] I 2005 ~ *Germany:
Designo 222521 (on first of four-disc set). [Op. 47.] I June 2005.
*BBC Worldwide Music WMEM 001-2 (‘Listen to the Band’). Arr.
Kitson. Grimethorpe Colliery Band, Major Frank RENTON. [Eight bands
playing classical pieces.] P St John’s, Smith Square, London 29 Oct. 1994,
I 1997.
Naxos 8.553126. New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Christopher
LYNDON-GEE. P Wellington 2–4 Nov. 1994, I Sept. 1995.
Chandos CHAN 7025 (‘Brian Kay’s Sunday Morning’ on BBC Radio
3). BBC Philharmonic, Vernon HANDLEY. P Manchester 20–21 Feb. 1995,
I Oct. 1995.
Sweden: Imogena IGCD 062. Arr. M. Antrobus. Göteborg Brass Band,
Bengt EKLUND. P Lundbymnasiet Mar. 1995.
RCA Red Seal 09026 68844-2. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra,
Yuri TEMIRKANOV. P St Petersburg 3–4 Jan. 1996, I July 1999 ~ *RCA
Classic Library 828767238-2. [Op. 65.] I 2006.
Sony Classical SK 62622 (‘Summon the Heroes’, Olympic themes). Boston
Pops Orchestra, John WILLIAMS. P Boston 6–10 Jan. 1996, I July 1996.
USA: Delos DE 3246. Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew LITTON. P
Dallas 19–20 May 1998.
**Angelok1 CD-9932. Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA.
[Op. 65.] P Radio Palace Hall, Moscow Sept. 1999, I 2005.
Hertfordshire Music Service (no number). Hertfordshire County Youth
Orchestra, Peter STARK. [Rakhmaninov.] P Watford 12-12 Apr. 2001.
Chatham’s School of Music CHET 06. Chatham’s Symphony Orchestra,
Benjamin ZANDER. [Tchaikovsky.] P Bridgewater Hall, Manchester concert
8 July 2001.
OP US 97: T H E GADFL Y 383

Japan: Extra OVCL 00058 and SACD OVGL 00009. Philharmonia

Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. [Op. 47.] P rehearsal Tokyo 27 July 2001
~ Signum Classics SIGCD 135. [Op. 47.] I Oct. 2008, G Jan. 2009.
Russia: Private release commemorating the 80th anniversary of the
Moscow Philharmonic, no catalogue number (two-disc set). Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri SIMONOV. [Rakhmaninov and Beethoven.] P
Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall 29 Jan. 2002, I 2002.
DVD—Germany: TDK EuroArts DV COGSP 105349. St Petersburg
Symphony Orchestra, Yuri TEMIRKANOV. [Ravel, Rakhmaninov, Saint-Saëns
et al.] P St Petersburg concert 1 June 2003, I 2004.
CD—Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film
Music’, on first of three-disc set). National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine,
Theodore KUCHAR. [Sans opp. G(ii), E, and U; Op. 115.]. P National Radio
Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004 ~ Brilliant Classics 7096
(Hybrid SACD). [Sans opp. G(ii), E, and U; Opp. 115.] I 2005.
Japan: Jasrac R 0681077 (CDR). Arr. A. Bubelnikov. Tetsu MASHIKO
and Masaki NISHIHARA (piano duo). [Opp. 94, 97, Sans op. O(ii and i);
B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.] P Piano Art Salon, Tsukishima, Tokyo
concert 10 June 2006, I 2006.
Germany: Genuin GMP 88114. Arr. for brass quintet. ELBEBLECH
BRASS QUINTET (Thomas Meise and Stephan Stadtfeld—trumpets, Michael
Winter—horn, Martin Räpple—trombone, and Stefan Kaundinya—tuba).
[J.S. Bach, Bernstein, Jubim et al.] P Zionskirche, Bielefeld-Eckardtsheim,
Germany 21–24 Aug. 2007, I 2008.
Notes: For the circumstances of this work’s commission see Wilson (1994,
There are numerous other wind and military band recordings of the
Festive Overture, especially from German, Dutch, Japanese, Swedish, and
American sources. Details of many CD releases can be found online and
some are quoted on <www.westcoastmusicservice.com>

Opus 97: The Gadfly

Form: Orchestral music for the Sovcolour film, with script by Yevgeni Gabrilovich
based on the novel The Gadfly by Ethel Lilian Voynich, directed by Aleksandr
Faintsimmer for Lenfilm. The score consists of 24 items (Nos. 4, 6, 11, 21,
and 24 contain no new themes):
1. Overture—Moderato con moto
2. The Cliff—Moderato
3. Youth—Allegretto moderato
5. Confession (solo organ)—Andante

7. Box on the ear—Andante con moto

8. Laughter—Andante—Adagio
9. Barrel Organ—Allegretto
10. Divine Service at the Cathedral (solo organ)—Andante
12. Exit from the Cathedral—Moderato
13. Contredanse—Moderato con moto
14. Galop—Presto
15. Guitars—Andantino
16. At the Market Place—Presto
17. The Rout—Adagio
18. The Passage of Montanelli—Moderato
19. Finale—Moderato con moto
20. The Austrians—Allegro non troppo
22. The River—Allegro
23. Gemma’s Room—Moderato con moto
No. 16 in a revised orchestration appears as Dance I in Suite for Variety
Stage Orchestra No. 2, Sans op. G(ii).
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 3 clarinets (B flat and A),
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ orchestral bells, harp,
organ ~ 2 guitars ~ strings.
Composed: Spring 1955, at Moscow.
Premières: Film first shown on 12 April 1955.
Suite in USA: 18 October 1987, Carnegie Hall, New York; American
Symphony Orchestra, José Serebrier.
Arrangements: Opus 97a—Suite derived from the film score numbers quoted
in parentheses, assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1955:
1. Overture—Moderato con moto (1)
2. Contredanse—Moderato (13)
3. People’s Holiday (‘Folk Festival’, ‘Folk Feast’, ‘Tarantella’,
‘Neopolitan Dance’, or ‘Spanish Dance’)—[Allegro vivace] (16)
4. Interlude—Adagio (17) attacca
5. Barrel Organ Waltz—Allegretto (9)
6. Galop—Allegro (14)
7. Prelude (‘Introduction’ in 1960 score)—Andantino (15 and 5)
8. Romance—Allegro moderato (3 and 7)
9. Intermezzo—Andante (10, 12, and 18)
10. Nocturne—Moderato (23)
11. Scene—Moderato (2)
12. Finale—Allegro non troppo (20)
OP US 97: T H E GADFL Y 385

Individual numbers of the Suite variously transcribed, including the

selection listed below:
Nos. 1–3, 5, 6, and 8–11 for viola and piano by Vadim Borisovsky.
Nos. 1–3, 5, and 8 for organ by Mariya Makarova.
No. 2 for balalaika and bayan by Oleg Glukov.
Nos. 2, 3, 8, and 10 for cello and piano by L. Atovmyan.
Nos. 2, 5, and 10 for piano by Bronislava Rozengauz.
No. 3 for two pianos by the composer; two violins and piano titled
‘Spanish Dance’ by L. Atovmyan; cello and piano by Juozas Chelkauskas,
wind band by Donald Hunsberger, and for brass band by Howard Snell.
Nos. 3 titled ‘Neopolitan Dance’ and 8 for mandolin by Emanuil
No. 5 appears as the fourth item in Four Waltzes, Sans op. P(ii).
No. 7 for two trombones and piano by K. Serostanov. The violin duet
with piano version by L. Atovmyan/Konstantin Fortunatov appears as the
first item of Three Violin Duets, Sans op. P(iii). A piano reduction is titled
‘Melodic Moment’.
No. 8 for trombone by Viktor Venglovsky; organ and string orchestra by
Peteris Sipolniek; double-bass and piano by Rodion Azarkhin; violin and
piano versions by K. Fortunatov and Donald Fraser; cello and piano by
J. Chelkauskas; B flat clarinet and piano by Eirian Griffiths; string quartet
by D. Fraser; ensemble of 48 violins by Julian Milone; and brass band by
Derek Broadbent. Piano versions by M. Sagradova and Harry Rabinowitz
(the latter abbreviated).
No. 10 for cello and orchestra by Dmitri Yablonsky.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 97a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes. 3 clarinets
(B flat and A = 3 alto saxophones in No. 7), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, celesta,
piano, harp ~ strings.
Arrangements: Film score—
No. 3 of the film score arranged for cello and orchestra by D. Yablonsky
and No. 15 for two guitars from piano notation (following instructions
left by the composer) by Yevgeni Larichev. No. 3 transcribed for balalaika
quartet (recorded on a Russian disc M-Classic MC CD 2003-86, issued in
Eight numbers (Nos. 1–3, 9, 16, and 18–20) from the Opus 97 film
score transcribed for wind band by Yoshikiro Kimura.
Music: The autograph of the film score has not been discovered though a man-
uscript copy collated with the autograph score is preserved at NBGCOK.
The numbers below refer to the Suite Opus 97a.

Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from

Film Music), 1959, No. 5 only, full score, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 28122, 1960, Suite Opus 97a, full score, 35 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2718 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and
piano), 1962, Nos. 2, 8, 10, and 3 arr. L. Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2186, 1964, No. 3 ‘Tarantella’ for two pianos, 31.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4794 (plate no. 12389—in Shostakovich: Album of
Easy Pieces), 1967, No. 8 arr. K. Fortunatov, 30.5 cm.
MCA, 1968, No. 5 only, score and parts, 31 cm.
Boston Music, No. 13781, c.1971, No. 3 arr. for wind band by
D. Hunsberger, 31 cm.
Muzyka, 1972, No. 8 only arr. for trombone by V. Venglovsky.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4719 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for violin and
piano), 1975, No. 7 arr. for violin duet and No. 8 for violin, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3672 (in Pieces by Soviet Composers for cello
and piano, book 5), 1976, No. 3 arr. J. Chelkauskas, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9104, Nos. 11, 9, 3, and 8 arr. for viola and piano by
V. Borisovsky, 29 cm. Also editions grouping Nos. 5. 10, and 6; and 1, 8,
and 2.
Muzyka, No. 9986 (in Easy pieces for trombone and piano), 1978, No. 7
arr. for two trombones and piano by K. Serostanov, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2330 (with Op. 116), 1978, Nos. 7, 2, 8, and
3 abridged for piano by Zinaida Vitkind, 28.5 cm. Originally published in
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of Chil-
dren’s Piano Pieces), 1979, Nos. 2, 5, and 10 arr. by B. Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Standard Music, Portland Street, London, 1983, No. 8 arr. for piano by
H. Rabinowitz, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2283, 1986, No. 3 arr. by J. Chelkauskas, parts, 31.5
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, nineteen
items of the film score, 30 cm.
Fentone, Corby, Northants., No. F 399, 1986, No. 8 arr. for violin and
piano by D. Fraser, score and part, 31 cm.
Fentone, No. F 401, 1987, No. 8 arr. for B flat clarinet and piano by
E. Griffiths, score and part, 31 cm.
Fentone, No. F 427, 1988, No. 8 arr. for string quartet by D. Fraser,
score and parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka. No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
Nos. 8 and 10 arr. J. Chelkauskas and L. Atovmyan respectively, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1997, ‘Romance’ for solo violin
and orchestra, 29 cm.
OP US 97: T H E GADFL Y 387

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 139 of New

Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 94 minutes. Suite Opus 97a: 41' 08"–44' 51"; 40 minutes
(Sadovnikov). Folk Festival (No. 3): 2' 25"–3' 04"; 3' 00" (Plaistow).
Romance (No. 8): 5' 50"–6' 15". Film score No. 5 (Confession) 3' 55" and
No. 10 (Divine Service at the Cathedral) 2' 31".
Film: Reilly—Ace of Spies. Romance (No. 8), arr. by Harry Rabinowitz, used
as a signature tune for this Euston Films twelve-part serial for ITV about
the extraordinary life of the British Secret Service’s first professional agent,
Sidney Reilly.
Ballets: The Young Lady and the Hooligan. Romance, arr. Atovmyan, used in
1962 ballet. See under Opus 27.
The Overcoat. Includes Romance. See under Opus 32.
Recordings: CD—Revelation RV 70002 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich,
Volume 2’, mono). Guitars No. 15 arr. composer. Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH
(piano). P 28 May 1955, I Oct. 1997, G Feb. 1998 ~ *USA: Eclectra
ECCD 2067 (‘Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’, Volume 2, mono). [Opp.
57, 34, and 79.] I Oct. 2004.
*Russia: Marantz (unnumbered). Op. 97a Nos. 1, 7, 2, 6, 9, 8, 5, 10, and
3. USSR Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra, Viktor GOLOVANOV-SMIRNOV.
[Arensky.] P 1957–58, I c.2004.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D07939-40 (mono) and C0123-4. Com-
plete Suite. Grigori Kemlin (violin), Arnold Ferkelman (cello), USSR
Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra, Emin KHACHATURYAN. P 1961 ~ USSR:
Melodiya D00018303-4 (7" mono). No. 8 only. I 1966 ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 3309. Complete Suite. G Feb. 1977 ~ Classics for Pleasure CFP 41
4463 1. Complete Suite. G Sept. 1984. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics for
Pleasure CD-CFP 4463. Complete Suite. I Nov. 1988, G Apr. 1989.
LP—USSR: MK D9319-20 (10" mono) and C 277-8 (10"). No. 8 only.
Irina Saitseva (piano), Violins of the Bolshoi Theatre, Yuli REYENTOVICH. P
1962 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 03397-400 (‘Moscow Souvenir’, two-record
set). I 1973 ~ HMV Melodiya SXLP 30188 (‘Stringtime in Moscow’,
Volume 1). G Jan. 1976.
USSR: MK D12651-2 (10" mono) and C711-2. No. 8 arr. for organ and
string orchestra. Peteris Sipolniek (organ), Violin Ensemble of Riga Musical
School, I. ABRAMISA. P 1963.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia ML 6267 (mono) and MS 6867. Nos. 5,
10, 3, 6, and 7. André KOSTELANETZ and his Orchestra. P New York 23 and
29 Nov. 1965 ~ CBS BRG 72504 (mono) and SBRG 72504. G Feb. 1967
~ CBS Classics 61220. G May 1971 ~ CBS S 73443 in Set CBS 77394.
Nos. 7, 5, 10, 3, and 6. G Oct. 1975. Reissued on CD—Sony Classical SBK
62642. Nos. 5, 10, 3, 6, and 7. G June 1997.

LP—USSR: Melodiya D19071-2 (10" mono). No. 8 only arr. R. Azarkhin.

Rodion AZARKHIN (double-bass) and Elena Aleksandrova (piano). P 1967 ~
USSR: Melodiya C10 06417-8. I 1975.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02805-6. No. 8 arr. for organ and string orchestra
Peteris Sipolniek (organ), Violins of the Bolshoi Theatre, Yuli REYENTOVICH.
P 1971, I 1972.
USSR: Melodiya C20 08387-8. No. 2 arr. for balalaika and bayan. Oleg
GLUKHOV (balalaika) and Valeri Azov (bayan). P 1976, I 1977d.
CD—USA: Russian RCD 16238 (‘Russian Piano School’). No. 8 arr.
M. Sagradova. Nataliya GAVRILOVA (piano). P 1976-90, I 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 10399-400. No. 8 only. Genrikh Fridgeim
(violin), USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni SVETLANOV. P 1978, I 1978d
~ France: Le Chant du Monde LDX 78687. I Mar. 1981.
Hungary: Balkanton BCA 10169. No. 8 only. 202 Children (violin
ensemble of musical schools), Emil YANEV. P mid-1979.
USSR: Melodiya C60 15069-70 (‘Recollections’). Paraphrase on theme
from Ovod arr. A. Kalvarsky. Leningrad Concert Orchestra, Anatoli
BADKHEN. P 1980, I 1981d.
Marlborough College SM 237. No. 3 only, arr for wind band.
Marlborough College Wind Orchestra, Robert PEEL. P London concert
5 Nov. 1980, G June 1981.
Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. No. 7 only, labelled ‘Melodic Moment’. Inger
WIKSTRÖM (piano). P Stockholm 28 Jan. 1981 and 1 Feb. 1981.
LP and CD—Contour Red Label CC 7557 (‘Russian Spectacular’,
digital). No. 3 only, labelled ‘Folkfeast’. London Symphony Orchestra, Yuri
ARANOVICH. P 1982, I Apr. 1982. Reissued on CD—Pickwick IMP Red
Label PCD 804 (‘Russian Spectacular’). I May 1985, G Aug. 1985.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17233000 (in two-record set ‘Popular Pieces by
Soviet Composers’). No. 8 only. S. Girshenko (violin), Bolshoi Theatre
Orchestra, Mark ERMLER. I 1982d. Reissued on CD—Germany: ZYX
Russian Art CLA10010-2 (two-disc set). I 1998.
LP—USA: Nonesuch 7 8019. Nos. 3 and 8 arr. Shenykman. Emanuil
SHENYKMAN (mandolin). P June 1982.
Precision Records & Tapes BUSLP 1004 (‘Reilly Ace of Themes’). No. 8
only, arr. Harry Rabinowitz for ‘Reilly—Ace of Spies’. OLYMPIC ORCHESTRA.
P 1983 ~ GNP Crescendo GNPS 2166 (‘Secret Agent File’) ~ Ronco RON
LP 10.I 1984.
USSR: Melodiya C50 20749 006 (‘For Children’) . Nos. 2, 10, and 3 arr.
for piano. Rimma BOBRITSKAYA (piano). P 1983, I 1984d.
LP and CD—Classics for Pleasure CFP 414474-1 (‘Owain Arwen
Hughes conducts Much Loved Music’, digital). No. 8 only. Martin Miller
(violin), Hallé Orchestra, Owain Arwell HUGHES. P Manchester July 1984,
OP US 97: T H E GADFL Y 389

G Jan. 1985. Reissued on CD—Classics for Pleasure CFP 9009. G Nov.

1987 ~ *Classics for Pleasure 5 74884-2 (‘Much-Loved Music’). [Arnold,
Vaughan Williams, Verdi et al.] I Sept. 2001.
LP—Polyphonic PRL 024D (digital). No. 3 only, arr. for brass band by
H. Snell. Desford Colliery Dowty Band, Howard SNELL. P Derby July and
Aug. 1984 ~ Music for Pleasure MFP 5782 (‘Showcase’, digital). I 1988.
Cassette—Whitetower Records Ensemble ENS 132 (‘Music and Revo-
lution, Volume 1’, digital real time). No. 8 arr. L. Atovmyan. Elizabeth
WILSON (cello) and Andrew Ball (piano). I 1985.
LP and CD—D Sharp DSLP 1001 and released on CD—SCD 1001.
No. 8 only arr. Atovmyan. London Symphony Orchestra, Yan-Pascal
TORTELIER. P London 15–16 Jan. 1985, I Sept. 1985, G Feb. 1986.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 21335 006. No. 3 arr. for wind band. USSR
Ministry of Home Affairs Army Orchestra, Vladimir TARASOV. I 1985b.
LP and CD—Polyphonic PRL 031 D and released on CD—QPRL
031 D. No. 8 arr. D. Broadbent. Brighouse and Rastrick Band, Derek
BROADBENT. P Huddersfield 1986, I Sept. 1988, G Oct. 1989.
EMI EL 270617-1 (digital) and released on CD—CDC7 49043-2.
Nos. 5 and 8. Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields, Sir Neville MARRINER.
P 29 Oct.–l Nov. 1986, G Nov. 1987. Reissued on CD—EMI Eminence
CD-EMX 2169 (‘Overtures and Interludes’). I Nov. 1990 ~ Classics for
Pleasure CFPSD 4811 (‘The Best of the Academy’, two-disc set). I 1997.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 86603. Complete Suite. Belgian Radio
Symphony Orchestra, José SEREBRIER. P Brussels 1987, G May 1988.
Grasmere GRCD 35 (‘Tournament for Brass’). No. 3 arr. Snell.
Williams-Fairey Engineering Band, Roy NEWSOME. P Stockport 1987,
G May 1991.
LP and CD—Trax Classique TRXLP 131 and released on CD—TRXCD
131 (‘Testimony—Shostakovich’s Greatest Hits’). No. 8 arr. H. Rabinowitz.
Martin JONES (piano). I 1988.
CD—Germany: Capriccio 10 298. Complete Suite. Berlin Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Leonid GRIN. P Berlin Nov. and Dec. 1988, I Feb.
Polyphonic QPRL 043 D. (‘Romance in Brass’). No. 8 arr. D. Broadbent.
Leyland DAF Band, Richard EVANS. P Watford June 1989.
France: VDE CD 624 (‘The European’). No. 3 arr. Snell. Ensemble de
cuivres Melódia, Pierre-Alain BIDAUD. P June 1989 and Jan. 1990, I 1990.
USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 551 (‘Shostakovich Film Festival’). Suite
Nos. 1, 8, and 6. Thomas Yang (violin), Chicago Sinfonietta, Paul FREEMAN.
P Oak Park, Illinois, May 1990, I Aug. 1991.
Collins Classics 1206-2. Suite Nos. 1–3, 5–8, 10, and 12. London
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH; soloists in No. 8—Peter

Thomas (violin) and No. 10—Douglas Cummings (cello). P London Aug.

1990, I and G May 1991.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season LDC 288 034 (‘Russian
Miniatures for Piano’). Nos. 2, 3, and 10 arr. for piano. Rimma BOBRITSKAYA
(piano). P Moscow Conservatory Feb. 1991 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde
Russian Season RUS 788164. Nos. 2 and 3. I July 1999.
Doyen DOY 004. No. 6 Galop arr. H. Snell. Britannia Building Society
Band, Howard SNELL. P Dewsbury Mar. 1991, G Aug. 1992.
EMI Eminence CD-EMX 2196 (‘Virtuoso Violin’). No. 8 only. Tasmin
LITTLE (violin) and Piers Lane (piano). P London 30–31 July 1991, G Dec.
Chandos CHAN 9227 (‘Encore!’). No. 8 only. Emmanuelle Boisvert
(violin), Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P 31 Jan. 1993, I Dec.
1993, G Aug. 1994.
Austria: Musica Classic 780011-2 (‘Encores’). No. 8 only. Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV.) P Bratislava Nov. 1993, I
Koch International Classics 37274-2. Complete Suite. KBS Symphony
Orchestra, Vakhtang JORDANIA. P Seoul, Korea Feb. 1994, G Dec. 1994.
Cala CACD 0105 (‘The London Violin Sound’). No. 8 arr. J. Milone.
The 48 First Violins of London Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, and
Philharmonia Orchestras, Geoffrey SIMON. P Gospel Oak, London May
1994, I Sept. 1994, G Sept. 1995.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). Suite Nos. 7, 5, 2, 8, and 3 arr.
for organ. Mariya MAKAROVA (organ). P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995,
I Mar. 1997.
Naxos 8.553299. Complete Suite. National Symphony Orchestra of
Ukraine, Theodore KUCHAR. P Kyiv 12–15 Feb. 1995, I Dec. 1996, G May
Tring TRP 080. Suite Nos. 1, 8, and 11. Jonathan Carney (violin). Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra, Frank SHIPWAY. P London May 1995, I Sept.
1996 ~ *RPO 204479201. [Op. 93.] I 2004.
Denon CO 18004. Nos. 3, 13, 14, and 23 arr. for chamber orchestra,
I SOLISI ITALAIANI, Giovanni Guglielmo (violin in No. 3), and Eddy de Rossi
(harp in Nos. 3 and 23). P Piazzola sul Brenta 9–18 Aug. 1995. NB. ‘Youth’
No. 3 not from Op. 111.
Sony Classical SK 62007 (‘The Mantis and the Moon Music’). No. 15
arr. Y. Larichev. John WILLIAMS and Timothy KAIN (guitar duo). P Hampstead
17–20 Aug. 1995.
Decca 452 597-2DH (‘The Dance Album’). Nos. 1–3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16–20,
and 23 in original orchestration. Erez Ofer (violin in No. 3), Philadelphia
Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P New Jersey Dec. 1995, G Dec. 1996.
OP US 97: T H E GADFL Y 391

Russia: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and Cinema

Music’). Barrel Organ Waltz. St Petersburg Philharmonic Academic
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir ALTSHULER P St Petersburg 1995, I 1998.
ASV White Line WHL 2103 (‘Cello Romance’). Romance arr. Otty.
Bernard GREGOR-SMITH (cello) and Yolande Wrigley (piano). P London
3–4 Apr. 1996.
Germany: Orfeo C 443 961 A (‘Salut D’Amour’). Romance arr. for cello
and piano. Werner THOMAS-MIFUNE (cello) and Carmen Piazzini (piano). P
Worthsee, 26–27 Apr. 1996, I Dec. 1996. NB. The liner note states that
this is one of the three original Opus 9 pieces of 1923 dedicated to the
composer’s sister.
Teldec Compact Disc 0630 17222-2 (‘Le Cinema’). No. 8 arr.
K. Fortunatov. Gidon KREMER (violin) and Oleg Maizenberg (piano). P
Berlin May and Nov. 1996, I 1998.
USA: Pope Music PM 1015-2 (silver) and PMG 2015-2 (‘Russian
Pops’, gold). Romance. Russian Symphony Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN.
P Moscow Conservatory Sept. 1996.
Japan: EMI Classics TOCE 9496. Romance arr. Arai. MORGAUA QUARTET
(Eiji Arai, Takashi Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 11–14 Mar.
EMI Classics CDC5 56591-2. Nos. 8 and 3. London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Joakim Svenheden (violin in No. 8), Mariss JANSONS. P London
14–16 Apr. 1997, I Oct. 1998,
Classic FM 75005 57007-2 (‘Adagietto’). Romance. Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Orchestra, Libor PEäEK. P Liverpool 28 and 30 July 1997.
Switzerland: Relief CR 991047. Romance. Mikhail Shestakov (violin),
Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P 1998, I Mar.
Decca 460 792-2DH11 (‘The Film Album’). Score No. 3. Alexander Kerr
(violin), Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam
10–11 Sept. 1998, G Apr. 1999 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon Panorama 469
316-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 10, 47, 122, 35, G(ii), and 16.] I 2001.
Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2000 (‘Russian Film Music I’).
Romance. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstantin KRIMETS. P Moscow
Radio Studio Jan. 2000.
France: Le Chant du Monde RUS 288170. Suite Nos. 1–3, 5–8,
and 10–12. Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, V. FEDOSEYEV; soloists
in No. 8—Mikhail Chesta (violin) and No. 10—Viktor Simon (cello).
P Moscow Radio Studio 6–10 June 2000, I 2001.
Warner Classics UK 8573 88655-2. Romance. Chloë HANSLIP (violin),
London Symphony Orchestra, Paul Mann. P Hampstead, London 6–8 Apr.
2001, G Nov. 2001.

**Chandos CHAN 10043 (‘Tsar of Instruments: Russian Organ Music’).

Nos. 5 and 10 labelled ‘Credo’ and ‘The Cathedral’. Iain QUINN (organ).
[Glazunov, Glière, Glinka et al.] P Winchester Cathedral 7–9 Jan. 2002, I
Feb. 2003.
Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2003 (‘Russian Film Music II’). Folk
Feast. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergei SKRIPKA. [Opp. 16, 45, Sans
op. E.; Petrov, Khachaturyan, Lebedev et al.] P Moscow Radio Studio Mar.
2002, I 2002.
Japan: Fontec 9196. Film score Nos. 1–3, 9, 18, 20, 16, and 19 arr.
Kimura. Hiroshima Wind Orchestra, Yoshihiro KIMURA. [Opp. 27 and 82.]
P Phoenix Hall, Hiroshima 30 Nov. 2002, I 2003.
Decca 475 011-2DH. Romance. Janine HANSEN (violin), Royal Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth. [Tchaikovsky, Khachaturyan, Saint-
Saëns et al.] P Watford 20–21 Feb. 2003, G Nov. 2003.
Chandos Movies CHAN 10183 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 2’). Complete Suite. BBC Philharmonic, Vassili
SINAISKY; soloists in No. 8—Yuri Torchinsky (violin) and in No. 10—Peter
Dixon (cello). [Opp. 30 and 48.] P New Broadcasting House, Manchester
8–9 Apr. 2003, G June 2004 ~ BBC MM 263. Opus 97a, Nos. 1, 8, and
6. [Opp. 102 and 141.] I Feb. 2006 cover disc with BBC Music Magazine
Vol. 14 No. 6.
Decca 470 649-2. Suite Nos. 7 (listed as ‘Short Piece’ and No. 3 only in
piano reduction. Vladimir ASHKENAZY (piano). [Opp. 61, 5, 39, 13, and 22;
Sans opp. B and S(i).] P Potton Hall, Suffolk 11–12 Sept. 2003, G June
Somm SOMMCD 030. Nos. 11, 9, 3, and 8 arr. V. Borisovsky. Lars
Anders TOMTER (viola) and Havard Gimse (piano). [Opp. 40 and 147.]
P Sutton, Surrey 12–13 Dec. 2003, I 2004.
Argentina: EMI Classics 3 43914-2. Op. 97a Tarantella arr. composer.
Fernanda MORELLO and Patricia VILA (piano duo). [Opp. 6 and 94; Debussy.]
P Buenos Aires Dec. 2003 and July 2004.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film
Music’,on third of three-disc set). Complete Suite Op. 97a. National Sym-
phony Orchestra of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Op. 116a.] P National
Radio Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004.
Naxos 8.557722. ‘Youth’ No. 3 of the film score and Nocturne Suite
No. 10 arr. Yablonsky. Dmitri YABLONSKY (cello), Russian Philharmonic
Orchestra. [Opp. 40 and 134.] P Russian State TV & Radio Studio,
Moscow 15–30 Nov. 2004, I 2006.
Warner Classics 2564 62546-2. Romance. Daniel HOPE (violin), BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. [Opp. 77 and 129.] P Maida
Vale Studios, London 7–9 Nov. 2005, I Mar. 2006, G June 2006.

Japan: Jasrac R 0681077 (CDR). Op. 97a. Tarantella arr. composer.

Tetsu MASHIKO and Masaki NISHIHARA.(piano duo). [Opp. 94, 96, 97, Sans
op. O(ii & i); B. Chaikovsky and Schnittke.] P Piano Art Salon, Tsukishima,
Tokyo concert 10 June 2006, I 2006.

Opus 98: Five Romances on

Texts by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky
Form: A cycle of five romantic songs (also titled Songs of Our Days) for bass
voice and piano:
1. The Day of our First Meeting—Moderato con moto
2. The Day of Declaration of Love—Allegretto
3. The Day of Tiffs—Adagio
4. The Day of Happiness—Allegro
5. The Day of Reminiscences—Allegretto
Composed: 3 July–September 1954, at Komarovo village, Gulf of Finland.
Premières: 16 May 1956, Kiev Philharmonic Hall; 14 June, Moscow Con-
servatory Bolshoi Hall and 25 June 1956, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi
Hall; Boris Gmyrya (bass) and Lev Ostrin (piano).
UK broadcast: 18 January 1988, David Wilson-Johnson (bass-baritone)
and David Owen-Norris (piano).
Music: Autographs are preserved at TsGALI and GTsMMK. The keys of the
Romances differ in the two autographs.
Muzgiz, No. 25942, 1956, 29 cm. and reprinted: Muzyka, No. 25942,
1964, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7815 (in Romances and Songs to Verses of
Yevgeni Dolmatovsky), 1987, 29 cm.
Muzichna Ukraina, Kyiv, No. 1567, ‘From the repertoire of B. Gmyrya’
facsimile edition, 1988, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 95 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 12 minutes in score; 12' 15"–13' 15".
Recordings: 78 rpm and LP—USSR: 26294-5 (10"). Nos. 1 and 2 ~ 26296-7
(10"). Nos. 4 and 5. Boris GMYRYA (bass) and Lev Ostrin (piano). P Moscow
June 1956. Reissued on LP—USSR: Ministry of Culture HD 03216-7
(mono). The above two performances with No. 3 recorded at the same
session. I 1956 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 10521-2 (in third box of Part 3 of
Collected Works on Records, electronic stereo). Nos. 1–5. I 1978.

LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D013513-4 (10" mono). Nos. 3 and 5.

Nicolai GHIAUROV (bass) and A. Zybcev (piano). P Moscow concert May 1961,
I 1964. Reissued on CD—Italy: Arkadia GI807-1 (mono). I May 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D22725-6 (10" mono). No. 4 only. Askold
SUKHIN (bass) and unnamed pianist. P 1968.
USSR: Melodiya C10 08921-2. Complete cycle. Oleg PTUKHA (bass) and
Nadezhda Kushnir (piano). P 1977, I 1978a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11251-2. Nos. 1 and 4. Aleksandr OGNIVTSEV
(bass) and Nikolai Korolkov (piano). P 1978, I 1979c.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA I 1951. No. 3 only, labelled ‘Day of Insults’.
Nicola GHIUSELEV (bass) and Theodoz Moussev (piano). P Jan. 1986.
CD—France: Thésis THC 82046. No. 2 only. Nikita STOROJEV (bass)
and Emile Naoumoff (piano). P Paris Oct. 1990.
**Koch Schwann 3-1095-2. Complete cycle. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass) and
Semyon Skigin (piano). [Opp. 123, 121, 62, and 91.] P Berlin studio May
2000, G May 2002.
Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9910 (‘Vocal Cycles for Bass,
Volume 1’). Complete cycle. Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov
(piano). [Opp. 62, 121, 91, and 146.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church,
St Petersburg 10 May and 18 June 2001, I 2002 ~ USA: Delos DE 3304
(‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume 1’). [Opp. 84, 86, 91; Sans op. R;
and Op. 100.] I Sept. 2002, G Awards (Oct.) 2002. NB. Incorrectly stated
to be the first appearance on CD.
France: Harmonia Mundi HMU 907449. Iris OJA (mezzo-soprano)
and Roger Vignoles (piano). [Op. 100; Rakhmaninov.] P Air Lyndhurst
Studios, London Nov. 2006, I Mar. 2008.

Opus 99: The First Echelon

Form: Music for the colour film The First Echelon (aka Virgin Lands), with
scenario by Nikolai Pogodin and directed by Mikhail Kalatozov for
Mosfilm. Scored for full symphony orchestra (with 3 alto saxophones,
vibraphone, harp, and piano).
Composed: 1955–56, at Moscow.
Première: Film first shown on 29 April 1956.
Arrangements: Opus 99a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan:
1. Overture—Allegretto poco moderato
2. The Train—Allegro molto
3. Children’s Song (text by Sergei Vasiliev)—Allegretto
4. The Field—Allegro molto
5. Evening Landscape—Andantino

6. The Quarry—Allegro
7. Intermezzo—Allegretto
8. Waltz—Allegro poco moderato
9. The Tender Maiden (text by Sergei Vasiliev)—Moderato
10. The Fire—Allegro
11. The House-warming—Allegro
No. 8 reorchestrated as the Waltz II in Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra,
Sans op. G(ii). Transcriptions of No. 3 for wind band accompaniment
and of No. 9 for guitar duet. Accompaniment of songs Nos. 3 and 9
arranged for piano by the composer. No. 8 transcribed for wind orchestra
by M. Marantslikht.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 99a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets
(A and B flat), 3 alto saxophones (in No. 11), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side
drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong (in No. 10) ~ glockenspiel, xylophone,
vibraphone (in No. 4), harp, celesta, piano ~ S.A.T.B. chorus in No. 3 and
S.A. in No. 9 ~ strings.
Music: Autograph of the film score preserved NBGCOK. Autographs of
‘Children’s Song’ preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive, TsGALI
(with a version for solo tenor and piano), and GTsMMK.
Sovetskaya muzyka magazine, 1954, No. 4, ‘Children’s Song’.
Muzgiz, 1956 (in album Siberia is Calling), ‘The Tender Maiden’ arr. for
solo voice, chorus, and bayan.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, songs
Nos. 3 and 9 with piano accompaniment, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 928 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Waltzes from
Film Music), 1959, No. 8 only, full score, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, 1961, No. 8 arr. for wind orchestra by
M. Marantslikht, score.
Sovetskii kompozitor. No. 2748, 1962, Suite Opus 99a, full score, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘Children’s
Song’ and ‘The Tender Maiden’ with piano accompaniment, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 140 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 114 minutes. Suite: 40 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Recordings: 78 rpm—USSR: 26898-9 (10"). No. 9—L. LAZAREVA and
R. LOBACHEVA (guitar duet); No. 3—ALL-UNION SONG ENSEMBLE. P 1956.
Reissued on LP—USSR: MK D004146-7 (‘Songs of the Virgin Lands’, 8”
mono). I 1958 ~ USSR: MK D5062-3. I 1959.
CD—Russia: Manchester CDMAN 129 (‘Shostakovich Theatre and
Cinema Music’). Op. 99a No. 8 Waltz. St. Petersburg Philharmonic

Academic Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir ALTSHULER. P St Petersburg 1995,

I 1998.
**Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume Four—
1932–68: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Op. 99a No. 9. The Tender
Maiden. Lyudmila SHKIRTIL (mezzo-soprano) and Victoria YEVTODIEVA
(soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 33, 80, 72, 128, 109; Sans op. X(i
&.ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and 16
Feb. 2002, I UK Jan. 2006.

Opus 100: Spanish Songs

Form: A cycle of six traditional folksongs for mezzo-soprano and piano, with the
anonymous Spanish lyrics translated into Russian by Sergei Bolotin (Nos. 1
and 3) and Tatyana Sikorskaya (Nos. 2, 4, and 5), and jointly (No. 6).
1. Adios, Granada = Farewell, Granada—Largo
2. Mozuca = Little Stars—Allegro
3. En samir = First Meeting—Largo
4. Ronda = Round Dance (A Birth)—Allegretto
5. Morena salada = Black Eyes—Allegretto
6. [No Spanish title] Dream (Barcarolle)—Allegretto
Composed: July–20 August 1956, at Komarovo village, Gulf of Finland.
Arrangements: Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 arranged for trumpet and piano by Sergei
Bolotin; No. 2 arranged for double-bass and piano by Rodion Azarkhin.
Accompaniment for No. 3 arranged for folk orchestra. No. 5 transcribed
for string quartet by Eiji Arai.
Music: Autograph of the cycle preserved atTsGALI and autograph copy of
No. 5 in the Shostakovich Family Archive. The cycle first published as a
supplement to the journal Sovetskaya muzyka, 1956, No. 9.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1822, 1960, 30 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, Russian texts and, for the first five, in the original Spanish,
30 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2035 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Pieces for trumpet
and piano), 1976, Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 arr. S. Bolotin, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4751, 1978, No. 2 arr. for double-bass and
piano by R. Azarkhin, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 13340, 1986, 28 cm. Reprinted from Volume 32 above.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 92 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 13' 45"–16' 55"; 13 minutes (Sadovnikov).

Recordings: LP—Decca SEC 5.500 (7" 45 rpm). Complete cycle, with No. 5
introduced in English by the singer. Oda SLOBODSKAYA (soprano) and Ivor
Newton (piano). G Sept. 1962.
USSR: Melodiya D14787-8 (10" mono). Complete cycle. Nina ISAKOVA
(mezzo-soprano) and Yevgeniya Bruk (piano). P 1964 ~ USSR: Melodiya
C10 10527-06348 (in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works on Records).
Complete cycle. I 1978.
USSR: Melodiya CM 03439-40. Complete cycle. Nina ZAZNOBINA
(mezzo-soprano) and Yevgeni Lebedev (piano). P 1972, I 1973.
USSR: Melodiya C20 05673-4. No. 3 only. Aleksandr VEDERNIKOV (bass),
All-Union Radio Folk Orchestra, Vladimir Fedoseyev. P and I 1975.
USSR: Melodiya C10 07659-60. No. 2 only. Irina ARKHIPOVA (mezzo-
soprano) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P1976, I 1977c.
USSR: Melodiya C10 08921-2. No. 3 only. Oleg PTUKHA (bass) and
Nadezhda Kushnir (piano). P 1977, I 1978a.
Switzerland: Armida AS 158. Complete cycle. R. Alexander SUTEY
(bass-baritone) and Gerard Wyss (piano). P Clara Wieck Auditorium,
Sandhausen, Heidelberg, Germany—date not stated—prior to 1979.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 16747008. Complete cycle. Artur
EIZEN (bass) and Albertina Bogdanova (piano). P 1981, I 1982c. Reissued
on CD—Olympia OCD 194. I Feb. 1988, G June 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18599002. Complete cycle. Yevgeniya
GOROKHOVSKAYA (mezzo-soprano) and Irina Galovneva (piano). I 1983c.
USSR: Melodiya C10 20867 002. Complete cycle. A. VEDERNIKOV (bass)
and Aleksandr Vedernikov junior (piano). P 1984, I 1985a.
CD—Philips 446 708-2PH (‘Bolero’). Complete cycle. Olga BORODINA
(mezzo-soprano) and Semyon Skigin (piano). P London Jan. 1995, G Feb.
South Africa: Claremont GSE 1541 (‘A Garland of Spanish Songs’).
Complete cycle. Andrea CATZEL (soprano) and Thomas Rajna (piano). P (in
Russian) 1995, I June 1996.
Japan: Toshiba EMI TOCE 9306. No. 5 arr. E. Aral. MORGAUA QUARTET
(Eiji Arai, Takashi Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 23–25 Oct.
1996, I Jan. 1997.
Switzerland: Dinemec Classics DCCD 016 (‘The Russian Soul’). Com-
plete cycle. Paul PLISHKA (bass) and Thomas Hrynkiw (piano). P New York
Oct. 1996, I Oct. 1997, G Mar. 1998.
Belgium: Rene Gailly CD92 041 (‘Complete Songs, Volume 1’).
Complete cycle. Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano).
P St Petersburg 25 Mar.–4 May 1998.
**USA: Delos DE 3304 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume 2’). Com-
plete cycle. Mikhail LUKONIN (baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 84,

86, 91; Sans op. R; and Op. 98.] P St Petersburg May 2001, G Awards
(Oct.) 2002. NB Incorrectly stated to be the first appearance on CD ~
Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9912 (‘Unknown Vocal Cycles’).
[Opp. 58a, 46; Sans op. R; Opp. 80, 33; Sans op. X(ii).] I 2003.
Royal Academy of Music RAM 031. No. 5 titled ‘Ebony Eyes’ sung
in Russian. Ronan COLLETT (baritone) and Yue Shen (piano). [Britten,
Debussy, Granados et al.] Dukes Hall, Royal Academy of Music, London
25–26 Apr. 2006.
France: Harmonia Mundi HMU 907449. Iris OJA (mezzo-soprano) and
Roger Vignoles (piano). [Op. 98; Rakhmaninov.] P Air Lyndhurst Studios,
London Nov. 2006, I Mar. 2008.

Opus 101: Quartet No. 6 in G major

Form: String quartet in four movements:
1. Allegretto
2. Moderato con moto
3. Lento attacca
4. Allegretto
Composed: 7–31 August 1956, at Moscow. The second movement com-
pleted on 19 August.
Premières: 6/7 October 1956, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad and 23 October
1956, Moscow Conservatory; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili
Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
Arrangements: Chamber Symphony—transcribed for chamber orchestra by
Jordan Dafov. Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 294, 1957, 22 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1037, 1961, score, 18.5 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1037a, 1961, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 530 (in Volume 2 with Quartets 5, 7, and 8 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1966, 29.5 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 390, 1970, 19 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2266 (with Opp. 92, 108, and 110), 1980, score,
21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2254, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 101 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 25 minutes in score; 22' 01 "–27’ 17".
OP U S 101: QU A RTET N O. 6 IN G MAJ OR 399

Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D3582-3 (10" mono). BEETHOVEN

QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 1956 ~ USSR: Melodiya D015785-6
(mono). I 1965. Reissued on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3007
(‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’). I May 1995 ~ France: Praga PR 250 077.
P given as Czech Radio 22 Aug. 1977, I Mar. 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019271-2 (mono) and C01435-6.
BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri
Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1322
in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 07285-6. TANEYEV QUARTET
(Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon).
P 1976, I 1977a. Reissued on CD—Russia: Melodiya SUCD11 00309.
I 1993a.
L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 29. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher Rowland,
Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 20–22 July 1977, G Dec.
1978 ~ Decca 188 D4 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on third of six-disc set). I Apr.
1992, G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 19535 003. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall concert 27 Sept. 1981, I 1984a ~ HMV Melodiya EX
270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM).
Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40020.92. I
1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.
USSR: Melodiya C10 28377 008. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei
Shishlov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin).
P1981, I 1990a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 533 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 3’). I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
CD—USA: Centaur CRC 2034. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy
Lewis, John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P 1986, I Nov. 1988, G June 1989.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 12305-6 (two-record set). Chamber
Symphony arr. Dafov. Tolbuhin Chamber Orchestra, Jordan DAFOV.
P Tolbuhin, Bulgaria Mar. 1988.
CD—Teldec 031 71702-2 (on third of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin
July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1009. MANHATTAN QUARTET (personnel as above).
P Jersey City 18 Jan. 1990 ~ Koch Schwann 310 165 (‘Complete Quartets,
Volume 3’). I Jan. 1993, G June 1993.
Naxos 8.550972 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). ÉDER QUARTET
(György Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest
1–4 Dec. 1993, 1 July 1994.

Netherlands: Emerge Classics EC 3956-2. ORLANDO QUARTET (Arvid

Engegard, Heinz Oberdorfer, Ferdinand Erblich, Stefan Mertz).
P Renswoude, Netherlands 6–10 June 1994, I Jan. 1995.
Finland: Finlandia 4509 98997-2. SIBELIUS ACADEMY QUARTET (Erkki Kantola,
Seppo Tukiainen, Veikko Kosonen, Arto Noras). [Op. 68.] P Jävenpää Dec.
1994, I May 1996.
Japan: EMI Classics TOCE 9496. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 11–14 Mar. 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9741 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman, Helen Thatcher).
P Westleton, Suffolk 23–25 Feb. 1998, I June 1999, G Oct. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998, G June
2000. Gramophone Awards 2000—complete cycle winner of the Chamber
category and Quartet No. 6 first movement included on cover CD with the
October (Awards) magazine.
Hyperion CDA 67154. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Konstantin Kats, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Apr. 1999,
I Dec. 1999, G Mar. 2000.
**Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 83 and 118.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Arion ARN 68596 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). DEBUSSY QUARTET
(Christophe Collette, Anne Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier).
[Opp. 117 and 122.] P Lyon Nov. 2002, I May 2003.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 2’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 73 and 138.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 May 2005, I
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on second of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 83 and 92.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 901953. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr
Pavlovsky, Sergei Bresler, Amichai Grosz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 110 and
122.] P Teldec Studio, Berlin 12–15 June 2006, G Aug. 2007.
CD and DVD—Germany: Audite AU 92. 527 (Hybrid SACD and
DVD). MANDELRING QUARTET (Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt;
with Roland Glassl—viola). [Opp. 73 and 110.] P Klingenmünster,
Germany 26–28 June 2006.

Opus 102: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major

Form: Concerto for piano and orchestra (with brass reduced to 4 horns) in three
1. Allegro
2. Andante attacca
3. Allegro
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns ~ timpani and side drum (1 player) ~ strings.
Composed: Completed on 5 February 1957.
Dedication: Maksim Dmitrievich Shostakovich (son).
Premières: Reduction: April 1957, USSR Ministry of Culture; Dmitri and
Maksim Shostakovich (pianists).
10 May 1957 (dedicatee’s nineteenth birthday), Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall; Maksim Shostakovich (piano), USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Nikolai Anosov.
USA: 2 January 1958, Leonard Bernstein (piano soloist and conductor),
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
UK: 5 September 1958, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; Eileen Joyce
(piano), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent.
Arrangement: 1 May 1997, St John’s Smith Square, London; Joanna
MacGregor (piano), Marple Band, Elgar Howarth.
Arrangements: Reduction for two pianos by the composer. Orchestral parts
adapted for brass band instruments by E. Howarth.
Music: Frequently appears as Opus 101 on music and recordings and in
catalogues. Autograph full score and two-piano reduction preserved at
TsGALI. The first page of the autograph reduction is reproduced in
Volume 13 of Collected Works.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 619, 1957, reduction for two pianos, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 620, 1957, full score, 29 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. 154, 1957, reduction, 31 cm.
Leeds Music, no numbers, 1957, 23 and 32 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4772, 1963, reduction, 30 cm.
International Music, No. 2194, no date, reduction, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5947 (in D. Shostakovich: Compositions for fortepiano,
Volume 3), 1970, reduction, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 796, 1974, score, 21.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11208 (in Volume 12 of Collected Works), 1982, score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11214 (in Volume 13 of Collected Works), 1983, reduction,
30 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 40 and piano score in

Volume 41 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 16 minutes in score; 15' 50"–21' 29"; 20' 15"–20' 30"
(Plaistow); 15' 51"—composer/Gauk 1957—21' 08"—Marshev/Lintu
2002 (Gerald Bishop).
Film: Fantasia 2000. The first movement of the Second Piano Concerto is
used for the fourth sequence of the Walt Disney animated film released
formally worldwide on 1 January 2000. The music sets Hans Christian
Andersen’s tale ‘The Steadfast Tin Soldier’ and is performed by pianist
Yefim Bronfman and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by
James Levine. Soundtrack on Edel Compact Disc 0105582 DNY.
Ballets: Concerto. Kenneth MacMillan, Deutsche Oper Ballet, West Berlin
30 November 1966; American Ballet Theatre, Jürgen Rose (designer; New
York State Theater, New York, 18 May 1967; and Royal Ballet, Covent
Garden, London, 26 May 1967. The slow movement pas de deux is often
performed on its own.
Fête Noire. Arthur Mitchell, Dance Theatre of Harlem, Craig Sheppard
(pianist), Spoleto Festival, Italy, July 1971 and Sadler’s Wells Theatre,
London, 11 September 1974.
Concerto DSCH. Aleksei Ratmansky, New York City Ballet, New York,
May 2008.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D06295-8 in set MK D201 (1 side
in two-record set, mono). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (piano), Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr Gauk. P Moscow concert 27 Nov. 1957,
G May 1961 ~ HMV Melodiya HLM 7094 in Set RLS 721 (mono).
G Oct. 1976 ~ USSR: Melodiya M10 39073-4 (in four-record box set
‘D. Shostakovich—Pianist’, mono). I 1977b ~ USSR: Melodiya C10
14089-90 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records, electronic
stereo). I 1980 . Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC
2048. (‘Pianist = D. Shostakovich’). I 1990 ~ USA: Russian Disc RDCD
15 005 (‘Great Russian Artists: Shostakovich plays Shostakovich’, mono).
G Dec. 1993 and Feb. 1995 ~ Revelation RV 70006 (‘Shostakovich plays
Shostakovich, Volume 5’, mono). I May 1998. NB. Moshevich gives P
dates as 7 Feb. 1958 with re-recording on 10 Mar. 1958.
*[Bulgaria: temporary concert recording of the third movement in
Jan. 1958 not released. The composer with Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra
under Konstantin ILIEV.]
Columbia FCX 769 (mono). D. SHOSTAKOVICH, French National
Orchestra, André Cluytens. P Salle Wagram, Paris 24–26 May 1958,
G Oct. 1961 and July 1964 ~ France: Pathé Marconi 2C 061 12114
(electronic stereo). I 1972 ~ World Records Retrospect SH 293 (mono).
G July 1979 ~ Russia: Russian Disc R10 00319-20 (in double album ‘For

the 85th Anniversary’, DMM mono). I 1991. Reissued on CD—EMI

Classics CDC7 54606-2 (‘Composers in Person’ series, mono). G Apr.
1993 ~ France: EMI Classics 573180-2 (in four-disc set ‘André Cluytens
Accompagnateur’). I 1999.
LP—Czech: Supraphon LPV 481 (mono). Mikhail VOSKRESENSKY (piano),
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vaclav Jiráček. G Dec. 1959 ~ USA:
Artia ALP 173 (mono). G May 1961.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia ML 5337 (mono) and MS 6043. Leonard
BERNSTEIN (piano and conductor), New York Philharmonic Orchestra. P 6
Jan. 1958 ~ Philips ABL 3300 (mono) and SABL134. G Feb and Aug. 1960
~ CBS BRG 72170 (mono) and SBRG 72170. G July 1964 ~ CBS 73400.
G May 1975 ~ CBS 73441 in Set CBS 77394. G Oct. 1975 ~ CBS Classics
60338. G July 1982 ~ CBS Masterworks 60504. I Sept. 1984, G Dec.
1984. Reissued on CD—CBS Masterworks MPK 44850. G Nov. 1989 ~
Sony Classical SM3K 47166 (‘Leonard Bernstein: A Portrait: Piano works
by various composers’, three-disc set). G Mar. 1992 ~ Sony Royal Edition
SMK 47618. G Nov. 1993 and June 1994 ~ *Sony Classical Theta SMK
89752. [Opp. 35 and 107.] I Sept. 2001.
Westminster XWN18960 (mono) and WST14141. Eugene LIST (piano),
Vienna State Opera Orchestra, Victor Desarzens. P Vienna Nov. 1960, G
Nov. 1961 ~ Trax Classique TRXLP 131 and released on CD—TRXCD
131 (‘Testimony—Shostakovich’s Greatest Hits’). Second movement only.
Performers given as Daniel Petrov (piano), Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
Edouard von Lindenberg—timing 5' 55" as List. I 1988. Reissued on
CD—MCA Millennium Classics MCD 80107. I Feb. 1997.
HMV ASD 2709. John OGDON (piano), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,
Lawrence Foster. P 21–22 Dec. 1970, G July 1971 ~ HMV Concert
Classics SXLP 30514. G June 1981. *Reissued on CD—EMI Encore CDE
5 74981-2. [Bart—k.] I Feb. 2002.
LP—DJM LPS 437 (‘Mine and Theirs’). Andante only. Kenny CLAYTON
(piano), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vic Lewis. P 6 Sept. 1973.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3081. Cristina ORTIZ (piano), Bournemouth
Symphony Orchestra, Paavo Berglund. P 29 Dec. 1974, G June 1975 ~
USA: Time-Life ‘Great Men of Music’ box set STL 568. I 1979 ~ HMV
Greensleeve ED 29 0210 1. G Oct. 1984. Reissued on CD—EMI CDS7
47790-8 (two-disc set). I Nov. 1987, G May 1988 ~ EMI Classics/BBC
Music 7 67887-2. I Oct. 1993 ~ BBC Music Proms 1994 CD2 (‘100th
Season’ sampler two-disc set). Andante only. I July 1994 ~ *HMV Classics
5 72318-2 [Opp 47 and 5.]
USSR: Melodiya C10 06763-4. E. LIST (piano), All-Union Radio and
Television Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 1975, I 1976d ~
Columbia Masterworks 76822. [Op. 35.] G July 1979 ~ CBS Classics 61885

(‘Contrast’). Second movement only (abridged). G Mar. 1980. Reissued on

CD—RCA Navigator (Russian Music No. 73) 74321 29254-2. G Dec. 1995
~ BBC Proms PRCDOO (two-disc set). First movement. I July 2000.
CD—BBC Radio Classics 15656 9170-2. Peter DONOHOE (piano), BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P Usher Hall. Edinburgh
concert 2 Sept. 1982, I May 1996.
LP and CD—Classics for Pleasure 4144161 (digital). Dmitri ALEKSEYEV
(piano), English Chamber Orchestra, Jerzy Maksymiuk. P London
May 1983, G Nov. 1983 ~ USSR: Melodiya AID 00079 002 (digital).
[Op. 35.] I 1985b ~ USA: Angel AE 34489 (digital) ~ Classics for Pleasure
CFP 4547 (digital) and released on CD—CD-CFP 4547. I Sept. 1988,
G Jan. 1989 ~ *EMI Classics for Pleasure 585160-2 (‘Best of Classics for
Pleasure’). Andante only. [Beethoven, Britten, Bruch et al.] I May 2003 ~
*HMV 5 86765-2. [Op. 35 et al.] G Oct. 2005.
USSR: Melodiya C10 21159 007. Vladimir KRAINEV (piano), Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Aleksandr Daltriev. P 1983, I 1985a. Reissued on
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1011. I Jan. 1990.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1155 (digital). Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH junior
(piano), I Musici de Montréal, Maksim Shostakovich. P Montreal 5–6 Aug.
1985, I Jan. 1986, G May and July 1986 ~ Chandos ABRD 1268 (digital)
and released on CD—CHAN 8573 (‘Tranquility: a compilation of beauti-
ful slow movements’). Second movement only. I Dec. 1987 ~ *Concerto
reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8443. [Opp. 35 and 118a.] G Sept.
LP—Virgin V 252 (‘Testimony Motion Picture Soundtrack’). Andante
only. Howard SHELLEY (piano), London Philharmonic Orchestra, Rudolf
Barshai. P 1987, I 1988.
CD—Decca 425 793-2DH. Cristina ORTIZ (piano), Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy. P Walthamstow Jan. 1989, G Aug. 1990 ~
Decca Eloquence 467446-2. I Nov. 2000.
Phoenix PHCD 117. Joshua PIERCE (piano), Slovenian RTV Symphony
Orchestra, Paul Freeman. P Ljubljana, Slovenia, 30 Aug. 1990, I July
Nimbus Compact Disc NI5308. Martin JONES (piano), English Chamber
Orchestra, William Boughton. P Leominster 14–15 Nov. 1990, I Oct.
Teldec 9031 73282-2. Elizaveta LEONSKAYA (piano), Saint Paul Chamber
Orchestra, Hugh Wolff. P St Paul, Minnesota Sept. 1991, G June 1993 ~
Warner Apex 8573 89092-2. G Oct. 2001.
Austria: Musica Classica 780013-2. Paul GULDA (piano), Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Fedoseyev. P Bratislava Nov. 1993, I Jan.

Italy: Phoenix PH 00602. Maurizio BARBARO (piano), Byelorussian Sym-

phony Orchestra, Antonello Gotta. P Minsk 9–11 Dec. 1993, I Jan. 2001.
Naxos 8.553126. Michael HOUSTON (piano), New Zealand Symphony
Orchestra, Christopher Lyndon-Gee. P Wellington 2–4 Nov. 1994, I Sept.
1995 ~ Naxos 8.505150 (‘Romantic Piano Concertos’, Volume 2, five-disc
set). I Oct. 1999.
Carlton Classics 30367 01842. John COVELLI (piano/conductor), Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra. P Moscow Film Studios June 1995, I Apr. 1997.
EMI Classics CDC5 56591-2. Mikhail RUDY (piano), London Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Mariss Jansons. P London 14–16 Apr. 1997, I Oct. 1998
~ *EMI Encore 5 75886-2. [Opp. 35 and 10.] I Feb. 2003.
Sony SK 60677. Yefim BRONFMAN (piano), Los Angeles Philharmonic
Orchestra, Esa-Pekka Salonen. P Los Angeles 30 Mar. 1998, I Nov. 1999
and *June 2003.
Decca 460 503-2DH (‘Warsaw Concerto’). Second movement only.
Jean-Yves THIBAUDET (piano), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Hugh Wolff.
P Watford 7 June 1998, I Oct. 1998.
USA: Delos DE 3246. Andrew LITTON (piano/conductor), Dallas Sym-
phony Orchestra. P Dallas 30 Sept. 1998.
**Altara ALT 1018. Patrik JABLONSKI (piano), Polish Radio Orchestra,
Wojcieh Rajski. [Khachaturyan and Addinsell.] P Witold Lutosławski
Studio, Polish Radio, Warsaw Apr. 1999.
New York Philharmonic NYPT 0109 (‘Kurt Masur at the Philhar-
monic’). Helen HUANG (piano), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Kurt
Masur. [Dukas, Tan Dun, R. Strauss, and Weill.] P concerts 12–14 and
17 Apr. 2001.
Monaco: Bel Air Music BAM 2019. Andrei PISAREV (piano), Russian State
Orchestra, Dmitri Yablonsky. [A. Finzi.] P Moscow Radio Studio June 2001.
Canada: CBC Records SMCD 5216 (The Overcoat). Angela CHENG
(piano), CBC Radio Orchestra, Mario Lindermann. [Sans opp. E, G(ii),
and P(i); Opp. 35 and 93.] P Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, B.C. 20 and
21 June 2001, I Mar. 2002.
Dutton CDSA 6804 and (SACD) CDSA 4804. Ingrid JACOBY (piano),
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Charles Mackerras. [Op. 35; and
Ustvolskaya.] P Watford Town Hall 21–23 Jan. 2002, I Oct. 2002, G Mar.
Danacord DACOCD 601. Oleg MARSHEV (piano), Helsingborg Symphony
Orchestra, Hannu Lintu. [Opp. 35 and 34.] P Helsingborg 29 July to
2 Aug. 2002, I Feb. 2003, G Sept. 2003.
Sony Classical SMK 87796. Andante only. Simon MULLIGAN (piano),
The Ludo Ensemble, Mark Gooding. [Kamen, Beethoven, Clapton et al.]
P Holland Park, London 23 Aug. 2002, I May 2003.

Dunelm Records DRD 0193 (two-disc set). Marina PRIMACHENKO (piano),

London Shostakovich Orchestra, Christopher Cox. [Op. 103.] P St Cyprian’s
Church, London concert 9 Nov. 2002. I 2003.
Hyperion CDA 67425 and SACD 67425. Marc-André HAMELIN (piano),
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton. [Op. 35; and
Shchedrin.] P Caird Hall, Dundee 31 Mar. and 1 Apr. 2003, I Oct. 2003,
G Jan. 2004.
Hänssler Classic SWR Music 93.113. Florian UHLIG (piano), Südwestfunk
Radio Orchestra, Jirí Starék. [Opp. 94 and 35.] P Kaiserslautern Studio
3–9 June 2004, I Mar. 2005.
BBC Music BBC MM 263. Martin ROSCOE (piano), BBC Philharmonic,
Vassili Sinaisky. [Opp. 97 and 141.] P New Broadcasting House,
Manchester 30 June and 1 July 2005, I Feb. 2006 cover disc with BBC
Music Magazine Vol. 14 No. 6.
Delos DE 3366. Andrei GUGNIN (piano), Moscow Chamber Orchestra,
Constantine Orbelian. [Opp. 35 and 34.] P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi
Hall Dec 2005, I 2007.

Sans op. T: Variations on a Theme by Glinka

Form: Variations Nos. 8, 9, and 11 from the cycle Variations on a Theme by
Mikhail Glinka for piano, composed for children by Dmitri Shostakovich
(Nos. 8, 9, and 11), Eugen Kapp (No. 1), Vissarion Shebalin (Nos. 2 and 3),
Andrei Eshpai (No. 4), Rodion Shchedrin (No. 5), Georgi Sviridov (No. 6),
Yuri Levitin (No. 7), and Dmitri Kabalevsky (No. 10), to commemorate the
centenary of Glinka’s death. The theme is ‘The Song of Vanya’ from Act 3
of the opera Ivan Susanin.
8. Adagio
9. Allegretto
11. Moderato maestoso
Composed: 1957.
Music: Sovetskaya muzyka magazine, 1957, No. 2, complete cycle in supplement.
Associated Music Publishers, New York, No. 7729, 1976–77, 11 varia-
tions in VAAP authorized edition, 30 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2629 (in S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich:
Selection of Fortepiano Pieces for Children), 1980, No. 9 only, ed. Zinaida
Vitkind, 28.5 cm.
Duration: Theme and Variations Nos. 8, 9, and 11: 6' 31".
Recordings: CD—AMV Classics AVZ 3020 (‘Piano Music, Volume 2’).
Theme and Nos. 8, 9, and 11. Martin JONES. P London 3 Jan. 1990.
Stradivarius STR 33748. Boris PETRUSHANSKY. [Opp. 12, 61, and 69; Sans
opp. S(ii) and A.] P Moscow Broadcasting Studio 13–20 Apr. 2006.
OP U S 103: SYM P HONY N O. 11 IN G MIN OR 407

Opus 103: Symphony No. 11 in G minor

Form: Symphony, subtitled ‘The Year 1905’, for full orchestra (with 2–4 harps)
in four linked movements:
1. Palace Square—Adagio attacca
2. Ninth of January—Allegro—Adagio—Allegro—Adagio attacca
3. Eternal Memory—Adagio attacca
4. The Toscin—Allegro non troppo—Allegro—Moderato—Adagio—
The symphony quotes the tunes of revolutionary songs (‘Listen!’,
‘Arestant’; the funeral march ‘You Fell as Victims’ and ‘Welcome the Free
Word of Liberty’ in the third movement; ‘Rage, You Tyrants!’, ‘Boldly,
Comrades, on we March’, and ‘Warsaw March’ in the Finale), while also
introducing the composer’s own ‘Ninth of January’—the sixth of his Ten
Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets, Opus 88 as a leitmotiv and a theme
from Georgi Sviridov’s musical comedy Ogonki.
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais (= oboe III),
2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet (= B flat clarinet III), 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon (= bassoon III) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone, celesta,
orchestral bells, 2–4 harps ~ 1st violins (16–20), 2nd violins (14–18), violas
(12–16), cellos (10–14), double-basses (10–12).
Composed: In the summer of 1957, at Komarovo village, Gulf of Finland,
and completed on 4 August 1957. Written to mark the fortieth anniversary
of the October Revolution.
Premières: Reduction: 17 September 1957, House of Composers, Leningrad;
Dmitri Shostakovich and Mikhail Meyerovich (pianists).
30 October 1957, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Natan Rakhlin.
3 November 1957, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky.
UK: 22 January 1958, Royal Festival Hall, London; BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent.
USA: 7 April 1958, Houston; Houston Symphony Orchestra, Leopold
USA: 14 December 1958, Carnegie Hall, New York; Symphony of the
Air, L.Stokowski.
UK: 21 January 2006, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester; a pre-concert
performance of the Revolutionary songs, featured in the Eleventh Sym-
phony, sung in English by the Hallé Youth Choir conducted by James

Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by the composer. The second
movement ‘Ninth of January’ arranged for brass band (performance by the
Sun Life Band under Barry Pope televised on BBC 2, 27 March 1986).
Music: Autograph score preserved in TsGALI and a handwritten copy at
GTsMMK. The opening page of the autograph score is reproduced in
Volume 6 of Collected Works. Awarded a Lenin Prize on 22 April 1958.
Sovetskii kompozitor and Muzgiz, No. 26985, 1958, 30 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 27011, 1958, reduction for piano four hands, 29 cm.
Leeds Music/Boosey & Hawkes, No. 705 (plate no. 18428), 1958, 19 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2217, 1958, 21 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, 21 cm.
Kalmus, No. 1460, no date, 26 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10178 (in Volume 6 of Collected Works), 1980, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 11 and Shostakovich’s
piano score in Volume 26 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 57 minutes in score; 53' 42"–72' 24"; 60 minutes (M. MacDonald).
Ballets: Eleventh Symphony. Igor Belsky, Leningrad Malyi Theatre; decor by
M. Smirnov and Mikhail Shcheglov, ballet in 4 scenes, 7 May 1966.
Symphony of Revolution. Created by Natalya Ryzhenko and Viktor
Smirnov-Golovanov, with libretto based on Maksim Gorky’s novel Mother;
using music from Symphonies Nos. 11 and 12; performed at the Odessa
Theatre of Opera and Ballet in 1977.
Films: I Sequestrati di Altona (‘The Condemned of Altona’). Vittorio de
Sica used the music of the third movement throughout this 113-minute
black-and-white film of 1963, based on the play by Jean-Paul Sartre.
Battleship Potemkin. The American Corinth Films video tape presenta-
tion of Sergei Eisenstein’s silent film of 1925 added a score from works of
Shostakovich, including the Eleventh Symphony (replacing the original pit
orchestra music by Edmund Meisel).
October. See under Symphony No. 12, Opus 112.
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D04234-7 (4 sides mono). USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Natan RACHLIN. P1957, I 1958.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D4808-11 (4 sides 10" mono). Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad concert 3 Nov.
1957, I 1958 and withdrawn shortly afterwards. Reissued on CD—USA:
Russian Disc RDCD 11157 (mono). I Sept. 1993, G Jan. 1994.
*CDR—USA: Eyewitness Records (first disc of unnumbered two-disc
set from BBC transcription discs; including a spoken announcement and
a 4½ minute introduction by the conductor). BBC Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Malcolm SARGENT. [Beethoven and Bartók.] P Royal Festival Hall,
London concert 22 Jan. 1958, I 2006.
OP U S 103: SYM P HONY N O. 11 IN G MIN OR 409

LP and CD—USA: Capitol PBR 8448 (4 sides mono) and SPBR 8448.
Houston Symphony Orchestra, Leopold STOKOWSKI. P 9–12 Apr. 1958 ~
World Record Club T 776-7 (mono) and ST 776-7 (4 sides). G Sept. 1968.
Reissued on CD—USA: EMI Angel CDC7 47419-2. I UK Oct. 1986 ~
EMI Classics CDM5 65206-2. I June 1994.
France: EMI PCX 758-9 (3 sides mono; last side blank). French National
Radio Orchestra, Andre CLUYTENS. P in the presence of the composer Paris
19 May 1958 ~ Columbia 33CX 1604 and CXS 1605 (3 sides mono; last
side blank). G Jan. 1959 ~ USA: Angel ANG 35694-5 in Set 3586 (3 sides
mono) ~ France: Pathé Marconi 2C 06112167 (electronic stereo). I 1973.
Reissued on CD—Testament SBT1099 (stereo). G May 1997.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 15 100. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, L. STOKOWSKI. P Moscow concert in the presence of the
composer, 7 June 1958, I June 1996.
*Russia: Moscow Conservatorie SMC CD 0030. A different concert per-
formance given by the same forces, also dated 7 June 1958, I 2008!
*Brilliant Classics 8866 (on second of ten-disc set). Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr GAUK. [Rimsky-Korsakov.] P concert
21 Dec. 1958.
LP and CD—USSR: MK D06295-8 (3 sides in two-record set MK D
201, mono). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Y. MRAVINSKY. P Moscow
Radio studio 2 Feb. 1959, I 1960, G May 1961. Reissued on CD—Japan:
Victor Musical Industries VICC 40122 (one disc in six-disc set, mono).
I 1992 ~ Japan: BMG Melodiya BVCX 4025 (mono). I 1977 ~ France:
Praga PR 254 017-8 (two-disc set, mono). P given incorrectly as Prague
Spring 1967 concert and applause added, I Apr. 1994, G Aug. 1994 ~
Revelation RV 10091 (mono). P date given as 2 Nov. 1959 (confusion
with 2.II.59), G Feb. and Mar. 1998 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde PR
7254018. P date given as Czech Radio broadcast 1967, I autumn 2000 in
fifteen-disc set, G Feb. 2001.
East Germany: Eterna 7 20 093-4 (4 sides 10" mono). Dresden Staatskapelle,
Franz KONWITSCHNY. P 15–16 May 1959. Reissued on CD—Germany: Berlin
Classics 0090 422 BC (two-disc set, mono). I Oct. 1995.
USSR: Melodiya CM 04273-4 (2 sides). Moscow Philharmonic Orches-
tra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1973, I 1974c ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3010.
G Sept. 1974 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502509 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec.
1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 04273-4 (in second box of Part 1 of Collected
Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903783 (ninth in
twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD—France:
Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1007-8. (in fourth box of five two-disc sets).
G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 7432119843-2. G Nov. 1994.

HMV ASD 3772-3 in Set SLS 5177 (3 sides). Bournemouth Symphony

Orchestra, Paavo BERGLUND. P Southampton 18–19 Dec. 1978, G Feb.
1980. Reissued on CD—EMI CDS7 47790-8 (in two-disc set). I Nov.
1987, G May 1988 ~ EMI Classics 5 73839-2 (two-disc set). I May 2000.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00029 000 (3 sides digital). USSR Ministry of
Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1983, I 1984b.
Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor JVC VDC 1042. I 1985 ~ Olympia OCD
152. G Nov. 1988 ~ Olympia OCD 5006 (in Volume 2 five-disc set of
symphonies). I Dec. 1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 63461-2 (two-disc set).
I Mar. 1999.
Decca 414 126-1DH in Set 411 939-1DH2 (3 sides digital).
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P 2–4 May 1983, G June
1985. Also released on CD—Decca 411 939-2DH2 (one disc in two-disc
set). G Aug. 1985. Reissued on CD—Decca Ovation 425 072-2DM.
G Nov. 1993.
CD—BBC Radio Classics BBCRD 9142. BBC Symphony Orchestra,
John PRITCHARD. P Royal Festival Hall concert 3 Dec. 1986, I Nov. 1995.
LP and CD—Philips 420 935-1PH (digital) and released on CD—420
935-2PH. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Semyon BYCHKOV. P 20–22 Mar.
1987, G Nov. 1988.
CD—Naxos 8.550629. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 25 Apr.–May 1988, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos
8.506003 (in six-disc set). I 1993.
LP and CD—Delos D 3080 (digital) and released on CD—DE 3080.
Sven-Erik Paana-nen (cor anglais), Helsinki Philharmonic, James DEPRIEST.
P Hyvinkää, Finland 23–24 May 1988, G May 1989.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon CD 429 405-2GH. Gothenburg Sym-
phony Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Dec. 1989, G Sept. 1990 ~
Deutsche Grammophon 459 415-2GTA2 (two-disc set). I Jan. 1999.
Koch Schwann 31327-2. NHK Symphony Orchestra, Yukio KITAHARA. P
Tokyo concert 25 Mar. 1992, I Apr. 1993.
Denon CO 78920. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P 23–27
May 1992, G Apr. 1995.
Teldec 9031 76262-2. National Symphony Orchestra of Washington,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Washington Oct.–Nov. 1992, G Aug. 1993 ~
Teldec 0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct. 1997.
Decca 448 179-2DH. St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P St Petersburg 22–23 Nov. 1994, G May 1996.
Koch Schwann 374 142. Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard SCHWARZ.
P Seattle 5–6 June 1995, I Dec. 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9476. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri
POLYANSKY. P Mosfilm Studio Nov. 1995, I Sept. 1996, G July 1997.
1 The title page of the First Edition of 1982 using the striking image of Dmitri
Shostakovich by artist Konstantin Vasiliev, who was born in 1942 in Nazi-
occupied Maikop. When peace returned to the USSR the family moved to the
Volga-bank village of Vasilyeva. Vasiliev studied painting in the Repin School,
Moscow, then near home at the Kazan Art School. He has painted an impres-
sive cycle of Russian heroes and drawings of the composers Chopin, Mozart,
Bach, Liszt, Skyrabin, Rimsky-Korsakov, and—Shostakovich.
2 Extracts from two query sheets with replies written and typed by the composLet-
ter from Shostakovich dated 7 December 1974 with his DSCH motto requested in
a letter dated 24 November 1974. This particular version has been reproduced as
a heading on DSCH Journal and Association Internationale ‘Dimitri Chostakovitch’
circulars, in an October 1991 Classic CD magazine feature, in Sofia Moshevich’s
Dmitri Shostakovich|—Pianist, on a commemorative mug on sale at a Shostak-
ovich Weekend at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire in October 1992, and elsewhere.
The composer’s printed name on the reverse side of an envelope is noteworthy for
his spelling of his signature in a hybrid German/English and Cyrillic languages.
3 Extracts from two query sheets with replies written and typed by the com-
poser, accompanying a letter dated 19 August 1974. Note the composer’s use
of the word ‘Obrabotki’ (Cultivation) to mean ‘adaptation’ for Opus 104; the
Quartet No. 15, Opus 144, given the key of E minor; and the title Oath to Stalin,
Sans op. J(i), heavily crossed out.
4 A six kopeck dark blue Shostakovich commemorative stamp designed by
V. Koval issued on birth date 25 September 1976. It shows part of the first move-
ment of the Leningrad Symphony and the towers of the Peter and Paul Fortress
outlined by searchlights.

5 New Babylon score, posted from Moscow, autographed by Gennadi

Rozhdestvensky on 8 August 1977. Note the number erroneously given as
Opus 17.
6 Score of Mieczysław Weinberg’s Twelfth Symphony, dedicated to
Shostakovich, autographed on 3 April 1987. Note his own Cyrillic signature
transliterated M. Vainberg and Anglicized name M. Weinberg on the score. For
a paragraph on this tribute see p. 598. Insert: the dedication on the first page
of score.
7 Score of Shostakovich’s Second Cello Concerto autographed by Mstislav
Rostropovich at La Scala, Milan on 25 September 1996.
OP U S 103: SYM P HONY N O. 11 IN G MIN OR 411

EMI Classics CDC5 55601-2. Philadelphia Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.

P Collingswood, New Jersey 8, 9, and 11 Mar. 1996, I May 1997, G Sept.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 54452-2. Jena Philharmonic Orches-
tra, David MONTGOMERY. P Jena, Germany 2 Sept. 1996, I Apr. 1998.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (seventh of eleven-disc set). West
Germany Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 3–7 May
1999, I Dec. 2001.
USA: Angelok1 ANGCD 9903. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vakhtang
JORDANIA. P Gospel Oak, London 5 July 1999, I Dec. 2000.
**Avia AV 2062 (Hybrid SACD). West Germany Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Semyon BYCHKOV. P Philharmonie, Cologne 9–23 Nov. 2001, I
Aug. 2005, G Aug. 2006.
LSO Live 0030. London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH.
P Barbican Hall, London concert 21–22 Mar. 2002, G Sept. 2002 (Editor’s
Record of the Month with excerpt on the cover disc) ~ LSO Live 0555
(Hybrid SACD). I 2004.
Dunelm Records DRD 0193 (two-disc set). London Shostakovich
Orchestra, Christopher COX. [Op. 102.] P St Cyprian’s Church, London
concert 9 Nov. 2002, I 2003 ~ Dunelm Records DRD 0193B (single disc).
I 2003.
Delos DE 3329. Oregon Symphony, James DEPREIST. P Portland, Oregon
concert 18–20 Jan. 2003, I 2004.
Germany: Arts Music 47676-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica di
Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium Verdi di Milano
concert Mar. 2003, I Oct. 2005, G Dec. 2005. NB. An ambulance siren
sounds during the first Adagio of the second movement.
Linn CDK 247 (Hybrid SACD). Royal Scottish National Orchestra,
Aleksandr LAZAREV. P Usher Hall, Edinburgh concert 22–23 Jan. 2004, I
May 2005, G Sept. 2005.
Germany: Capriccio 71 036 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Cologne Philharmonie concert 12–17 Feb.
2004, I Aug. 2005.
Netherlands: PentaTone classics PTC 5186 076 (Hybrid SACD).
Russian National Orchestra, Mikhail PLETNEV. P Palais des Beaux-Arts
Brussels concert 14 Feb. 2005, I Apr. 2006.
Australia: ABC Classics MSO Live 476 836-4. Melbourne Sym-
phony Orchestra, Oleg CAETANI. [Sans opp. E and H(ii).] P Hamer Hall,
Melbourne concert Aug. 2005.
Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG937 1209-6 (SACD).
Beethoven Orchestra, Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad
Godesburg, Germany 28–30 Mar. 2006, I Apr. 2008, G Sept. 2008.

Naxos 8.572082. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily

PETRENKO. P Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 22–23 Apr. 2008, G May
Note: The song ‘To the Partisan’, quoted in Opp. 48 and 131, does not
reappear in the second movement ‘Ninth of January’ as stated in a recent
CD liner note.

Opus 104: Two Russian Folksongs

Form: Two traditional Russian folksongs arranged for S.A.T.B. chorus a cappella:
1. ‘Returning Winds’ (or ‘Winds were Blowing’)—In a reserved manner,
2. ‘How my husband cruelly beat me up’ (or ‘As I was a Young Girl’)—
Quickly, gaily
Composed: 1957, at Moscow.
Premières: 24 November 1957, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; RSFSR
Academic Russian Choir, Aleksandr Sveshnikov.
UK: 11 March 1987, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; Westminster
Singers, Richard Hickox. (A recording of this performance broadcast on
BBC Radio 3, 26 April 1987 and 12 March 1991).
Music: Whereabouts of the autograph score unknown (Collected Works). A
handwritten copy preserved in the State Russian Folk Choir Academy.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, Nos. 9 and 17 in the collection Russian
Folk Songs compiled by Nataliya Kotikova, 1957.
Muzfond USSR, 1957, score and parts.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 85 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 6 minutes in score; 6' 35": (1) 4' 32"–5' 07" and (2) 0'
56"–1' 28".
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C01709-10. Omsk Russian Folk Choir,
Georgi PANTYUKOV. No. 2 only. P 1969.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 16967001. No. 2 only. Glinka State
Academic Cappella of Leningrad, Vladimir CHERNUSHENKO (chorus-master).
I 1982c. Reissued on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD11 00320. No. 2 only.
I 1991d.
LP—USA: Yale BYR-024 (‘The Yale Russian Chorus, Volume 9’). No. 1
only, translated as ‘The Winds Blew’. The Yale Russian Chorus, Michael
SCHNACK (conductor). P Yale May and Dec. 1987.
USSR: Melodiya C10 29653 007. Nos. 1 and 2. Moscow Youth and
Students’ Choir, Elena Nikolayeva (chorus-master), Boris TEVLIN (chorus-
director). P 1988. I 1990c.

CD—France: Russian Season RUS 288 121 (‘Russian Folksongs’). No. 2

only, translated as ‘Me, young lass’. Sveshnikov Russian Academic Choir,
Yevgeni TYTIANKO. P Mosfilm studios, Moscow Feb. 1995.
Philips 456 399-2PH (‘Kalinka: Russian folksongs’). No. 2 only, trans-
lated as ‘How was I, a tender young maiden?’ St Petersburg Chamber Choir,
Nikolai KORNIEV. P St Petersburg May 1996, G Feb. 1999.
Notes: The Cyrillic word O¼pa¼oÍÅÃ (Obrabotaki) meaning Cultivation,
used as a title for Opus 104 in earlier editions of this catalogue, was given
in the composer’s typed list of December 1974. It is now obvious that
Shostakovich intended this to mean the ‘working up’ or ‘processing’ of the
two traditional folksongs, not as a title for a projected cycle of working songs
relating to country culture.
No. 1 is ‘a drawn-out song from the Kuibyshev Region’ and No. 2, a
roundelay performed in patter from the Novgorod Region. The latter’s
tempo suggests a comic song in spite of the vivid description of domestic
violence. See the article ‘The Title of Opus 104: A Mystery Solved’ by
D. C. Hulme in DSCH Journal No. 26.

Opus 105: Moscow, Cheryomushki

Form: Musical Comedy (or Operetta) in three acts of five scenes (Overture-
Prologue and 39 numbers), for full orchestra (with harp), 19 singing parts and
S.A.T.B. chorus, to libretto by Vladimir Mass and Mikhail Chervinsky:

Scene 1: ‘Do not touch!’
1. Bubentsov and choir of excursionists
2. Duet: Masha and Bubentsov
3. Pantomime—Allegretto
4. Aria: Boris—‘I am waiting…’
5. Serenade: Boris
6. Song—Aria: Lidochka
7. A drive around Moscow
Dialogue Interlude. ‘Reckless love’
8. Duet: Vava and Drebednev
9. End of drive around Moscow
Scene 2: ‘Who Has the Keys?’
10. Assembly of tenants
11. Song: Glushkov, the chauffeur of Marina Grove
12. Song: Baburov, the old Muscovite of Tyoplyi (Warm) Lane

13. Song of Cheryomushki

14. Scene: Barabashkin with tenants
15. Song: Boris
16. Scene: Drebednev, Barabashkin, and tenants
17. Finale of Act 1—Song of Cheryomushki
Musical Interlude: ‘Here they are, the keys!’—Allegretto
18. Couplets: Barabashkin—‘How are You?’
Scene 3: ‘Aerial descent’
19. Duet: Lidochka and Boris—‘Fine Fellow’
20. Duet: Lyusya and Glushkov—‘Love is a Ring’
21. Couplets about Reciprocity: Barabashkin and Drebednev
22. Duet—Reminiscence: Lidochka and Boris
23. Scene Dialogue Interlude
24. Song: Lyusya and the builders
Scene 4: ‘An alarming knock at the door bell’
25. Duet: Masha and Bubentsov—‘Doorbell’
26. Polka with Kisses—Allegretto
27. Song of Cheryomushki
Dialogue Interlude—‘In the Clouds’
28. Ballet—Andantino
29. Apotheosis—Presto
30. Finale of Act 2
31. Entr’acte—Allegretto
32. Scene
Scene 5: ‘Magic hours’
33. Song: Lidochka—‘What Do I Care?’
34. Blossom Waltz—Allegretto
35. Ditty: Barabashkin
36. Duet: Lidochka and Boris
37. Ditty: Glushkov
38. Scene: Barabashkin and the Masks
39. Finale

The ‘Song of Cheryomushki’ that recurs throughout the score (e.g. at the
beginning of the Overture-Prologue and in Nos. 13, 17, and 39) is based
on the urban song ‘There Used to be Merry Days’, previously used in The
Golden Mountains, Opus 30 film score. Nos. 6 and 22 include arrangements
of ‘Song of the Counterplan’ from Opus 33. No. 7 includes a fragment from

the Galop in Ballet Suite No. 1, Sans op. P(i). No. 19 includes a fragment
from ‘Moscow Suburb Nights’ (better known in the West as ‘Midnight
in Moscow’, though Mikhail Matusovsky’s lyric refers to an estate near
Moscow) by Vasili Soloviev-Sedoi at fig. 170, which also quotes the popu-
lar Russian songs ‘In the Garden, in the Kitchen Garden’ at fig. 167, ‘The
Full Moon is Shining’ at fig. 168, ‘Hey There, My New Porch’ at fig. 169,
and ‘Fried Chicken’ at fig. 180. No. 21 includes an arrangement of the
Intermezzo from The Bolt, Opus 27a.
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute III), 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets (A and
B flat), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, castanets, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~
glockenspiel, harp ~ strings.
Composed: Preliminary work in the autumn of 1957 but mainly September–
November 1958, in a Moscow hospital and rest home at Bolshevo, near
Premières: 24 January 1959, Moscow Operetta Theatre, Moskva, Cheryomushki,
Grigori Kigel (designer), Galina Shakhovskaya (choreographer), A. Zaks
and Vladimir Kandelaki (producers), Grigori Stolyarov (conductor).
UK: 19–29 October 1994, Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith; Pimlico Opera
production in David Pountney’s English translation and Gerard McBurney’s
reorchestration titled Cheryomushki 1958; Paul Andrews (designer), Caroline
Pope (choreographer), Lucy Bailey (director); principal roles—Nicole Tibbels
(Masha), Gareth Lloyd (Sergei Glushkov), Roger Bryson (Drebednev),
Richard Suart (Barabashkin), Brian Lipson (Baburov), Meurig Davies
(Bubentsov), Rebecca Gale (Lyusya), Anna Barkan (Lidochka), Ian Platt
(Boris), Janet Fullerlove (Vava); conducted by Wasfi Kani.
UK: 3 May–22 June 2001, Grand Theatre, Leeds (broadcast on BBC
Radio 3 on 5 May); Sadler’s Wells; The Lowry, Manchester; Theatre
Royal, Nottingham and Newcastle; Opera North production retitled
Paradise Moscow in David Pountney’s English translation and Gerard
McBurney’s reorchestration with additional arrangements by Jim Holmes;
Robert Innes Hopkins (designer), Craig Revel Horwood (choreographer),
D. Pountney (director); principal roles—Gillian Kirkpatrick (Masha),
Alan Oke (Glushkov), Richard Angas (Drebednev), Campbell Morrison
(Barabashkin), Steven Beard (Baburov), Daniel Broad (Bubentsov), Rachael
Taylor (Lyushka), Janie Dee (Lidochka), Loren Geeting (Boris), Margaret
Preece (Vava); conducted by Steven Sloane and Jim Holmes.
France: Opéra de Lyon, 17 December 2004–2 January 2005 (nine per-
formances), Masha Makeyev and Jérôme Deschamps (designers), Aleksandr
Lazarev (director).
UK première of the full orchestral score and sung in Russian: July 2006,
Coliseum Theatre, London; semi-staged production by Vasili Barkhatov,

with dècor by Yuri Aleksandrov; Mariinsky Opera and Chorus led by Yuri
Sulimsky and Mariinsky Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev.
Opus 105a: film first shown on 30 December 1962. Sound recordist
G. Elbert and art director Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov.
USA: 21 November 1964, Cameo Theater, New York; under the title
Song Over Moscow.
Arrangements: A German version under the title My Ancient, My Young City,
with libretto edited by the poet Kuba, produced at Rostock, GDR in 1960.
English translation by David Pountney for the 1994 version Cheryomushki
1958 in Gerard McBurney’s orchestration of 1993–94.
‘Lyusya’s Song of Yearning’ (from Overture-Prologue, figs. 12–16)
arranged for piano by Bronislava Rozengauz, and cello and piano by
S. Kalyanov. Also titled ‘Waltz in G minor’.
‘Blossom Waltz’ (from No. 28. figs. 253–58) reductions for piano by
Levon Atovmyan and B. Rozengauz, and as organ solo by Mariya Makarova.
Galop arranged for 48 violas by Julian Milone. Nos. 7, 34, and 19, for cello
and piano by Matthew Barley.
Suite arranged by Andrew Cornall in 1995:
1. A spin through Moscow—No. 7
2. Waltz—Nos. 2 and 3
3. Dances (Polka—Galop)—Nos. 26 and 19
4. Ballet—No. 28
Cheryomushki: Another Bite of the Cherry. A 50-minute documentary,
produced by Richard Trayler-Smith, screened on BBC2 TV on 20 August
1995 to mark the 20th anniversary of the composer’s death. Includes extracts
from the original Moscow stage and Lenfilm productions and the Pimlico
Opera presentation (rehearsals and a performance filmed on 22 October
1994). Recorded observations from David Pountney, Gerard McBurney,
Wasfi Kani, stars of the Soviet and British versions, Russian commentators,
and current residents of the run-down Cheryomushki estate.
A production titled Moscow: Cherry Tree Towers, sung in English and
Russian, performed in August 2004 at the 15th Bard Music Festival at
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, directed by Francesca Zambello in a
version scored by Sergei Dreznin for two pianos, accordion, and mandolin.
Lyrics sung in Russian and dialogues spoken in a French translation by
Masha Zonina for the 2004–2005 French première.
Instrumentation: of Cheryomushki 1958—flute/piccolo, clarinet (B flat and
E flat), 2 saxophones (soprano/alto and tenor/baritone) ~ 2 trumpets,
trombone ~ upright piano ~ guitar/banjo/ukelele ~ percussion (1 player—
side, tenor, and bass drums; 2 tambourines, Rototom, 2 wood blocks,
3 bongos, 2 tom-toms, 2 triangles, 3 suspended cymbals, cymbals, car horn,

small glockenspiel, vibraphone, metal twang; 5 electric bells—door chime,

school, alarm, public transport, telephone; wind machine, 2 thundersheets)
~ 2 violins, cello, double-bass.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph score is not known. The definitive
manuscript vocal score preserved at the USSR Music Fund. Sergei Glushkov’s
song ‘We’re Building a House’ was not included in the definitive version of
the score. It is published as a supplement to Volumes 24 and 25 of Collected
Works. An incomplete autograph vocal score preserved in the Shostakovich
Family Archive.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1308, 1959, vocal score, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4565 (in D. Shostakovich: Popular Pieces for
piano), 1967, ‘Blossom Waltz’ arr. L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4920 (in D. Shostakovich: Selection of
Children’s Piano Pieces), 1979, ‘Lyusya’s Song of Yearning’ and ‘Blossom
Waltz’ arr. B. Rozengauz, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11933 (Volume 24 of Collected Works), 1986, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11934 (Volume 25 of Collected Works), 1986, vocal score
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 14908 (in D. Shostakovich: Pieces for cello and piano), 1991,
‘Lyusya’s Song of Yearning’ arr. S. Kalyanov, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works Volume 66, full
score with an Appendix containing additional orchestral items composed for
the film Cheryomushki, 30 cm.
Duration: Musical Comedy: c.1 hr 45 mins—2 hrs 22 mins (recordings);
2 hrs 40 mins (staged).
Film: 1 hr 32 mins. DVD of film: 1 hr 21 mins. Suite (1995): 19' 47"–21' 54".
Films: Opus 105a—Cheryomushki, a film based on the musical comedy with
screenplay by Mass and Chervinsky, directed by Gerbert Rappaport for
Lenfilm. The film is divided into twenty-two sequences:

1. Introduction and credits

2. Sergei meets Boris
3. At the museum: Boris meets Lidochka—Lidochka’s song
4. Masha and Sasha dream of a home of their own
5. Tyoplyi Lane collapses
6. …but the tenants will be re-housed at Cheryomushki
7. A spin round Moscow
8. Arrival at Cheryomushki
9. Barabashkin arrives
10. Sergei’s song—Boris meets Vava again
11. The tenants demand their keys

12. Sergei and Lyusya

13. Boris gets Lidochka and her father into their new apartment
14. Boris and Lidochka: Dance sequence
15. A hole in the wall
16. Drebednev and Barabashkin plot
17. Lidochka and Boris have problems
18. An impromptu housewarming at Masha and Sasha’s
19. Boris stirs things up between Drebednev and Vava
20. The magic bench—Sergei proposes to Lyusya
21. Barabashkin, Drebednev, and Vava sort it out
22. Happy ending

DVD Video—Decca 074 3138DH (enhanced mono). Given a new

English name of Cherry Town. Sung in Russian. Subtitles in six languages.
Synopsis. Principal roles—Olga Zabotkina (Lidochka),Vladimir Vasiliev
(Boris), Marina Khotuntseva (Masha), Grigori Borneo (Sasha), Svetlana
Zhivankova (Lyusya), Vladimir Zemlyanikin (Sergei), Vasili Merkuriev
(Drebednev), Marina Polbentseva (Vava); Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Nikolai Rabinovich. [Excerpts from Op. 114 and Shostakovich
against Stalin.] I May 2007, G Sept. 2007.
Master Class: David Pountney—Opera Director. A BBC TV2 documen-
tary, introduced by James Naughtie on 21 December 2000, included a run-
through of No. 8—Duet of Vava and Drebednev sung by Frank Church
and Catrin Johnsson and accompanied by Elizabeth Rowe.
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D11043-4 (10" mono). Eleven excerpts: Overture,
Nos. 6, 22, 19, 7, 5, 25, 18, 14, 26, and 39. Soloists—as below, Chorus and
Orchestra of Moscow Operetta Theatre, Grigori STOLYAROV. P 1959, I 1962.
USSR: Melodiya D034379-82 (4 sides in double album, mono). Com-
plete apart from Nos. 9, 15–17, 27, 31, 33, 34, 36, and 37. N. Kuralesina
(Masha), A. Steputenko (Glushkov), A. Tkachenko (Drebednev), Vasili
Alchevsky (Barabashkin), V. Chekalov (Bubentsov), A. Kotova (Lyasya),
Tatyana Shmyga (Lidochka), Nikolai Ruban (Boris), N. Krylova (Vava),
Chorus and Orchestra of Moscow Operetta Theatre, G. STOLYAROV. P 1959,
I 1974 ~ Melodiya M60 39919-22 (in two-record set ‘Pages from Soviet
Operettas’, mono). I 1978b.
LP and CD—USA: Columbia ML 6267 (mono) and MS 6867.
Orchestral excerpts: Galop from No. 19, fig. 175 to end; and Medley—
Dance from No. 19, figs. 169–71, Overture Waltz to fig. 5, and Entr’acte
No. 31 from Act 3. Andre KOSTELANETZ and his Orchestra. P New York
23 and 29 Nov. 1965 ~ CBS BRG 72504 (mono) and SBRG 72504.
G Feb. 1967 ~ CBS Classics 61220. G May 1971. Reissued on CD—Sony
Classical SBK 62642. Galop and Overture Waltz. G June 1997.

LP—Sweden: Bluebell Bell 126. ‘Lyusya’s Song of Yearning’ labelled as

‘Waltz in G minor’. Inger WIKSTRÖM (piano). P Stockholm 28 Jan. and I
Feb. 1981.
CD—Cala CACD 0106 (‘The London Viola Sound’). Galop arr.
J. Milone. The 48 Violas of Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields; BBC
Symphony, London Philharmonic, and English National Opera Orchestras,
Geoffrey SIMON. P Watford 24 Jan. 1995, I Apr. 1995, G Sept. 1995.
Olympia OCD 585 (‘Music for Organ’). ‘Blossom Waltz’ arr. for organ.
Mariya MAKAROVA (organ). P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1995, I Mar.
BBC MM132. Cheryomushki: Pountney/McBurney version sung in
English—Nos. 7, 2, 3, 5, 17, 11, 12, 1, 4, 6, 13, 8, 9, Overture-Prologue,
14, 18, 16, 19–21, 25, 26, 22, 28, 32, 35, 15, 38, and 39. Cast and
orchestra of Pimlico Opera; roles as at Hammersmith stage performances
except for Simon Davies (Glushkov) and Phyllida Hancock (Lyusya);
Wasfi KANI. P Abbey Theatre, St Albans Feb. 1995, I BBC Music magazine
Apr. 1995 with synopsis.
Decca 452 597-2DH (‘The Dance Album’). Suite arr. Andrew Cornall.
Erez Ofer (violin), Philadelphia Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P New Jersey
Dec. 1995, G Dec. 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9591(2) (two-disc set with synopsis and libretto in
Russian, English, French, and German in 264-page booklet). Andrei
Baturin (Bubentsov and Drebednev). Irina Gelakhova (Masha), Mikhail
Gouzhov (Baburov), Yelena Prokina (Ludochka), Anatoli Loshak (Boris),
Germann Apaikin (Sergei Glushkov), Lydiya Chernykh (Lyusya), Aleksandr
Kiselev (Barabashkin), Gennadi Rozhdestvensky (taxi driver—spoken),
Zino Vinnikov (violin), Gregor Horsch (cello), Russian State Symphonic
Cappella, Valeri Polyansky (chorus-master), Resident Orchestra of The
Hague, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P The Hague 30 June–3 July 1997, I
Dec. 1997, G Apr. 1998.
RLPO Live RLCD 101. Galop. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra,
Petr ALTRICHTER. P Liverpool concert 17 Oct. 1998, G May 1999.
EMI Classics CDC5 57129-2 (‘Who is Afraid of 20th Century Music?’).
‘A drive through Moscow’. Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra, Ingo
METZMACHER. P Hamburg concert 31 Dec. 2000, I Feb. 2001.
**Germany: Capriccio 71 096 (Hybrid SACD). Suite Arr. A. Cornall.
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Steven SLOANE. [Sans opp. E and G(ii);
Op. 16.] P Jesus-Christus-Kirke, Berlin 28 Sept.–2 Oct. 2004, I Oct.
Quartz: QTZ 2032. Nos. 7, 34, and 19, arr. M. Barley. Matthew
BARLEY (cello) and Stephen De Pledge (piano). [Schnittke, Kancheli, Pärt et
al.] P Champs Hill, Pulborough, West Sussex 5 Apr. 2005.

Notes: The Russian title translates as ‘The Bird-cherry District of Moscow’.

Originally titled Cheryomushki and then New Tenants. The film Opus 105a
was named Song over Moscow in America, and Cherry Town on the UK
DVD. The English title given as Cheryomushki, Moscow in Volumes 24 and
25 of Collected Works. It was retitled Cheryomushki 1958 for the British stage
première and during its run shortened to Cheryomushki while Opera North
used Paradise Moscow in spring 2001. The name of the Cheryomushki
District was changed to Brezhnev District after the Soviet leader’s death in
1982 but restored to its original name in January 1988.
See the article ‘Not a cherry tree in sight’ by Gerard McBurney in
Tempo No. 190 (Sept. 1994) and BBC Music, Apr. 1995 and his detailed
contribution—the chapter ‘Fried Chicken in the Bird-Cherry Trees’ with
26 music examples—to Laurel Fay’s Shostakovich and His World, (Laurel
E. Fay ed., Princeton University Press, 2004, 227–73).
The cherry tree, translated incorrectly as ‘cherrybird tree’ (sic) in the
booklet with Rostropovich’s compact disc set, is the wild Bird Cherry
(Prunus padus Linnaeus). This northern tree grows naturally in the Moscow
district and is not the ornamental Japanese Flowering Cherry which was
planted to beautify the new housing estate (see D. C. Hulme’s letter in
Gramophone, May 1998).
In Act 2 Scene 3 the ‘Airborne forces’ of previous editions is a possible
translation of ‘Vozdushnyi desant’ though Gerard McBurney suggests
‘Aerial descent’ would be more appropriate for the unauthorised entry of the
flats by means of a building-site crane.

Opus 106: Khovanshchina (Mussorgsky)

Form: Reorchestration of Modest Mussorgsky’s five-act opera Khovanshchina of
1886 for a colour film version, with scenario by Anna Abramova, Dmitri
Shostakovich, and Vera Stroeva, for Mosfilm. Shostakovich provided two
alternative endings to the final scene.
Instrumentation: 3 flutes (III = piccolo), 3 oboes (III = cor anglais), 3 clarinets
(A and B flat; III = bass clarinet), 3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ separate band of French horns, trumpets,
and trombones on and off stage (numbers not specified) ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, orchestral
bells, celesta ~ 2–4 harps, piano ~ strings.
Composed: Edited and orchestrated March 1958–26 April 1959, at Moscow.
Acts 1 and 4 completed on 16 March and 1 August 1958 respectively.
Premières: Film first shown on 23 May 1959 (orchestra conducted by Yevgeni

Stage version: 25 November 1960, Kirov Theatre of Opera and Ballet,

Leningrad; décor by Fyodor Fyodorovsky, directed by Leonid Baratov, and
conducted by Sergei Yeltsin.
UK: 27 August 1962, Edinburgh Festival, King’s Theatre; Belgrade
National Opera Company, Dušan Miladinovič (conductor).
USA: 1 March 1981, Carnegie Hall, New York; Opera Orchestra of
New York, concert version sung in Russian, conducted by Eve Queler. See
London: 21 October 1982, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; Vlado
Habunek’s production rehearsed by Jeremy Sutcliffe, décor by Boiždar Rasiča;
Royal Opera Chorus (chorus-master—John McCarthy) and Royal Opera
House Orchestra, under the conductor Yevgeni Svetlanov; principal roles—
Yevgeni Nesterenko, (Ivan Khovansky), Robin Leggate (Andrei Khovansky),
Robert Tear (Vasili Golitsyn), Donald Mclntyre (Shaklovity), Gwynne
Howell (Dosifei), Yvonne Minton (Marfa), and Paul Crook (Scribe).
UK broadcast: 8 November 1982, BBC Radio 3; a performance as above
direct from the Royal Opera House.
USA: 14 November 1985, Metropolitan Opera, New York; conducted by
Neeme Järvi; principal roles—Aage Haugland (Ivan Khovansky), Dénes Gulyás
(Andrei Khovansky), Weislaw Ochman (Vasili Golitsyn), Norman Mittelmann
(Shaklovity), Martti Talvela (Dosifei), and Stefka Mineva (Marfa).
Arrangements: German and Italian translations of the libretto.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Muzgiz, Nos. 30196 and 30196a, 1963, full score of Russian/German
edition in two volumes, ed. Pavel Lamm with Preface by Vasili Yakovlev,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 2058,1976, vocal score, ed. P. Lamm with commentaries
on editions of Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, and others, 30 cm.
Duration: Film: 2 hrs 15 mins. (Riley 2004). Opera: 3 hrs 14 mins.–3 hrs
22 mins.
Films: Shostakovich’s orchestration, with the final scene completed by Igor
Stravinsky, used in the BBC2 TV Russian Season presentation, shown on
9 December 1989. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Claudio
Abbado; principal roles—Nicolai Ghiaurov (Ivan Khovansky), Vladimir
Atlantov (Andrei Khovansky), Yuri Maruzin (Vasili Golitsyn), Anatoli Kocherga
(Shaklovity), Paata Burchuladze (Dosifei), and Lyudmila Semtschuk (Marfa).
Alfred Kirchner’s production, with décor by Erich Wonder, introduced by the
British opera singer Robert Lloyd. Released Feb. 1993 on Pioneer Laser Disc
Video PLM CC 00631 and reviewed G Apr. 1993.
Leonid Saratov’s Kirov Theatre production in Shostakovich’s orches-
tration, with décor by Fyodor Fedorovsky, filmed in 1992. Performers

as in Valery Gergiev’s 1991 recording except for Konstantin Pluzhnikov

doubling as Scribe; Vyacheslav Trofimov (Shaklovity), Tatyana Kravtsova
(Emma), Valeri Lebed (Pastor), Mikhail Chernozhukov (Varsonofiev),
Andrei Khramtsov (Second Strelets); and the visual addition of the
Kirov Ballet. Video directed by Brian Large, released in 1995 on Philips
Videocassette 070 433-3PHZ and two Laser Discs 070 433-1PHG2, and
reviewed G Dec. 1995.
Film: DVD—Opus Arte OA 0989D (two DVDs, subtitles in six languages
including English. Illustrated synopsis).Vladimir Ognovenko (I. Khovansky),
Vladimir Galouzina (A. Khovansky), Robert Brubaken (Golitsyn), Nikolai
Putilin (Shakovity), Vladimir Vaneyev (Dosifei), Elena Zaremba (Marfa),
Graham Clarke (Scribe), Nataliya Tymchenko (Emma); Symphony Orchestra
and Chorus of the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Michael BORDER. P Gran Teatre del
Licei, Barcelona concerts 26 and 29 May 2007, I 2008.
Recordings: LP— USSR: MK D012965-6 (mono) and C0771-2 (‘Opera
Overtures by Russian Composers’). ‘Dawn on the Moscow River’,
orchestrated by Shostakovich. Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Yevgeni
SVETLANOV. P 1963 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2646. G Jan. 1971 ~ USSR:
Melodiya CM 03397-400 (‘Moscow Souvenir’, two-record set). I 1973.
CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD10 00178. ‘Dawn on the Moscow
River’—in two versions, orchestrated by Shostakovich and Rimsky-Korsakov.
USSR Symphony Orchestra, Ye. SVETLANOV. P Moscow concert 5 May
1968, I I99ld, G Sept. 1993 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 34165-2 (‘Orchestral
Pictures from Russia’, two-disc set). Orchestrated by Shostakovich’). P date
given as 1963, G Apr. 1997.
LP and CD—USA pirate?: HRE 367 (8 sides mono). Stated to be the first
recording of the Shostakovich orchestration on the sleeve. No sleeve notes
or libretto. Sung in Italian. Nicolai Ghiaurov (Ivan Khovansky), Veriano
Luchetti (Andrei Khovansky), Ludovico Spiess (Vasili Golitsyn), Siegmund
Nimsgern (Shaklovity), Cesare Siept (Dosifei), Fiorento Cossotto, (Marfa),
Herbert Handt (Scribe); Rome RAI Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,
Bogomir LESKOVIC. P Rome concert 1973. Reissued on CD—Italy: Bella
Voce BLV 107 402 (three-disc set). I 1995.
LP—USA: BJRS 1581-3 (three-record set, with libretto). Leonard Mróz
(Ivan Khovansky), Dénes Gulyás (Andrei Khovansky), Peter Kazaras (Vasili
Golitsyn), Allan Monk (Shaklovity), Paul Plishka (bass), Stefania Toczyska
(Marfa); Opera Orchestra of New York, Eve QUELER. P New York concert
1 Mar. 1981.
CD—Sony Classical S3K 45831 (three-disc set). Nicolai Ghiaurov
(Ivan Khovansky), Zdravko Gadjev (Andrei Khovansky), Kaludi Kaludov
(Vasili Golitsyn), Stoyan Popov (Shaklovity), Nicola Ghiuselev (Dosifei),
Alexandrina Miltcheva (Marfa), Maria Petrova Popova (Susanna), Angel

Petkov (Scribe), Maria Dimchevska (Emma), Dimiter Stanchev (Pastor,

First Strelets), Stoil Georgiev (Varsonofiev, Second Strelets), Roumen
Doikov (Kouzka), Assen Selimski (Streshnev); Sofia National Opera
Orchestra and Chorus, Emil TCHAKAROV. P Sofia 1986, G Oct. 1990.
Deutsche Grammophon 429 758-2GH3 (three-disc set, with libretto and
English, French, and German translations). Essentially Shostakovich’s orches-
tration with Stravinsky’s ending. Aage Haugland (Ivan Khovansky), Vladimir
Atlantov (Andrei Khovansky), Vladimir Popov (Vasili Golitsyn), Anatoli
Kotscherga (Shakhlovity), Paata Burchuladze (Dosifei), Marjana Lipovšek
(Marfa), Brigitte Poschner-Klebel (Susanna), Heinz Zednik (Scribe), Joanna
Borowska (Emma), Wilfried Gahmlich (Kouzka); Vienna Boys Choir, Slovák
Philharmonic Chorus, Vienna State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Claudio
ABBADO. P Vienna concerts Sept. 1989, G Nov. 1990 and Oct. 1991.
Erato/Warner Classics 2292 45596-2. Prelude, Persian Dance, and
Prince Golitsyn’s Departure orchestrated by Shostakovich. Rotterdam
Philharmonic Orchestra, James CONLON. P Rotterdam 7–12 Dec. 1989, I
and G Aug. 1991.
Bulgaria: Gega GD 113-15 (three-disc set). Nicola Ghiselev (bass), Stefka
Mineva (contralto), Sofia National Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Russlan
RAYCHEV. P Sofia 1990, I Aug. 1992.
Philips 432 147-2 (three-disc set, with libretto in English, transliterated
Russian, German, and French). Bulat Minjelkiev (Ivan Khovansky),
Vladimir Galusin (Andrei Khovansky), Aleksei Steblianko (Vasili Golitsyn),
Valeri Alekseyev (Shaklovity), Nikolai Okhotnikov (Dosifei), Olga
Borodina (Marfa), Yevgeniya Tselovalnik (Susanna), Konstantin Pluzhnikov
(Scribe), Yelena Prokina (Emma), Nikolai Gassiev (Kouzka), Vassili Gerelo
(Streshnev), Yevgeni Fedotov (First Strelets), Grigorl Karasev (Second
Strelets); Kirov Theatre Chorus and Orchestra, Valeri Borisov (chorus-
master), Valeri GERGIEV. P Leningrad Jan.–Feb. 1991, I and G June 1992.
BBC Music BBC MM135. ‘Dawn on the Moscow River’, orch.
Shostakovich. BBC National Orchestra of Wales, David ATHERTON. P Prom
concert 22 Aug. 1994, I July 1995 with magazine.
France: Saison Russe 288149. Prelude orch. Shostakovich. Young Russia
Symphony Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN. P Mosfilm Studios, Moscow Dec.
1996 ~ *Le Chant du Monde Saison Russe RUS 288 168. [Mussorgsky.]
G May 2002.
**Philips 468 526-2PH. Prelude orch. Shostakovich. Vienna Philharmonic
Orchestra, Valery GERGIEV. [Mussorgsky.] P Vienna concert 28–30 Apr. 2000,
G July 2002 ~ Philips 470 619-2 (SACD). [Mussorgsky.] I May 2003.
Note: Laurel E. Fay’s study ‘Mussorgsky and Shostakovich’ in Mussorgsky: In
Memoriam, edited by M. H. Brown (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982), gives
information on this opera.

Opus 107: Cello Concerto No. 1 in E flat major

Form: Concerto for cello and small orchestra in four movements:
1. Allegretto
2. Moderate attacca
3. Cadenza: Moderato—Allegro attacca
4. Allegro con moto
Instrumentation: piccolo (= flute II), flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A),
bassoon, contrabassoon (= bassoon II) ~ French horn ~ timpani, celesta ~
Composed: 20 July–1 September 1959, at Komarovo village, Gulf of Finland.
Dedication: Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (cellist).
Premières: 21 September 1959, USSR Composers’ Club, Moscow; reduction
performed by M. Rostropovich and the composer.
4 October 1959, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; M. Rostropovich,
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky. Moscow première
given five days later. A mono recording of the Leningrad première is
reported to exist.
USA: 6 November 1959, Rostropovich, Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
UK: 8 and 21 September 1960, Edinburgh Festival and Royal Festival
Hall, London respectively; Rostropovich, Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Viola and piano reduction: 9 February 1967, Moscow Conservatory
Malyi Hall; Mikhail Tolpygo (viola).
Arrangements: Reduction for cello and piano by the composer, with the cello
part edited by M. Rostropovich. Cello part arranged for viola by Vadim
Borisovsky, with the approval of the composer.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph full score is not stated in the
Collected Works but known to be gifted to Rostropovich; that of the
reduction is preserved at GTsMMK. The 60th page of the reduction is
reproduced in Volume 17 of Collected Works.
Muzgiz, No. 28523, 1960, score prepared for publication by Levon
Atovmyan, 29 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 28522, 1960, reduction for cello and piano, score and part,
29 cm.
Leeds Music/Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. 138, 1960, reduction, score
and part, 31 cm.
Muzgiz, No. 28523, 1961, pocket score from Muzgiz 1960 plates, 21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2113, 1962, reduction, 31.5 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, c.1963, reduction, 31 cm.

Edition Peters, No. 4743 (plate no. 12095), 1963, reduction, 30 cm.
International Music, No. 2192, c.1963, reduction, 31 cm.
Muzyka, 1964, reduction.
MCA, No. 04922-044, 1966, miniature score edited by Lewis Roth,
23 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8710, 1975, cello and piano, with added viola part ed. by
V. Borisovsky, 28.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2335, 1983, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11936 (in Volume 16 of Collected Works), 1985, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11947 (in Volume 17 of Collected Works), 1986. reduction
with separate cello part, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 46 and piano score in
Volume 47 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 28 minutes in score; 25' 36"–29' 58"; 27' 05"–29' 00"
Film: EMI Classic Archives DVD Video 490120-9 (black & white, mono).
M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), London Symphony Orchestra, Charles Groves.
[Prokofiev and Mussorgsky.] P BBC concert London 16 Dec. 1961, I Mar.
Recordings: LP and CD—USA: Columbia ML 5452 (mono) and MS
6124. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), Mason Jones (French horn), Philadelphia
Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy. P 8 Nov. 1959 ~ Philips ABL 3315 (mono)
and SABL 165. G July 1960 ~ CBS BRG 72081 (mono) and SBRG 72081.
G Sept. 1960 ~ CBS S73443 in Set 77394. G Oct. 1975 ~ CBS Master-
works 60284. G Jan. 1984. Reissued on CD—CBS Masterworks MPK
44850. G Nov. 1989 ~ Sony Masterworks Heritage MHK 63327. I June
CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4024-2 (mono). Mikhail Buyanovsky (French
horn), M. ROSTROPOVICH, Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Gennadi
Rozhdestvensky. P Usher Hall, Edinburgh 9 Sept. 1960, G Nov. 1999. NB.
Promptly withdrawn due to ‘illegal’ coupling of Op. 67 and Haydn ~ *BBC
Legends BBC 4143-2 (mono). [Tchaikovsky.] G May 2004.
LP—USA: Period Showcase SHO 337 (mono) and SHO 2337
(electronic stereo). M. ROSTROPOVICH, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
K. Kondrashin. P Moscow concert early 1960s, I c.1963 ~ USA: Everest
SDBR 3342 (electronic stereo). I 1973.
CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7251 (mono). M. ROSTROPOVICH, Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin. P Prague Spring Festival con-
cert 29 May 1960, July 1992.
EMI CZS5 72016-2 (fourth of thirteen-disc set ‘Rostropovich: The
Russian Years, 1950–74’, mono). M. ROSTROPOVICH, Moscow Philharmonic

Orchestra, G. Rozhdestvensky. P Moscow concert 10 Nov. 1961, G May

1997 ~ *EMI Great Artists of the Century 562813-2 (mono). [Britten.]
G June 2004.
Switzerland: Cascavelle OSR Memoires VEL 2009 (mono). Pierre
FOURNIER (cello), Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Jascha Horenstein.
P Geneva concert 19 Dec. 1962, I Apr. 1992, G Nov. 1992.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 106 (mono). M. ROSTROPOVICH, Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, David Oistrakh. P Moscow concert 24 Jan. 1965,
G July 1994 ~ Revelation RV 10087. I Nov. 1997.
BBC Radio Classics 15656 9170-2. Natalya SHAKHOVSKAYA (cello),
Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, G. Rozhdestvensky. P Royal Albert
Hall Prom concert 18 Aug. 1966, I May 1996.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 109. M. ROSTOPOVICH, USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov. P Moscow concert 29 Sept. 1966, 1 Oct.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D023831-2 (mono) and CM 01883-4.
Mikhail KHOMITSER (cello), Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, G.
Rozhdestvensky. P 1968 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2585. G July 1970 ~
Netherlands: Phonogram Melodia 691 419. Soloist named as Michael
Phomitzer and Pholitzer (sic). Reissued on CD—RCA Navigator (Russian
Music No. 73) 74321 29254-2. G Dec. 1995.
Czech: Supraphon 0 10 0604 (mono) and 1 10 0604. Miloš SADLO
(cello), Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel Ančerl. P Prague 6–8 June
1968, G July 1970 and Mar. 1981. Reissued on CD—Czech: Supraphon
Crystal Collection SUP11 0676-2MM. I Feb. 1993, G Aug. 1993.
CD—Doremi DHR 7711-3 (‘The Art of Vladimir Orloff’, three-disc
set). Vladimir ORLOFF (cello), Orchestra Philharmonique de 1’ORTF
(Paris), Jean Perisson. P concert broadcast 5 May 1970, I 1998.
Italy: Ermitage ERM 147. Janos STARKER (cello), Swizzera Italiana Radio-
televisione Orchestra, Marc Andreae. P Lugano, Switzerland 17 Feb. 1972,
I 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 03467-8 (concert recital of prize-winner
soloists). First movement only. V. TAMULIS (cello), Lithuanian State
Philharmonic Orchestra, M. Dvarionaite. P 1972, I 1973.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 2924. Paul TORTELIER (cello), Timothy Brown
(French horn), Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Paavo Berglund.
P 7–8 Jan. 1973, G Dec. 1973 ~ HMV ASD 4046. G June 1981. Reissued
on CD—EMI Studio CDM7 63020-2. I Apr. 1989, G July 1989 ~ EMI
Classics 3 72493-2 [Op. 77.] I Jan. 2007.
CD—Germany: Live Classics LCL 202. Natalia GUTMAN (cello), USSR
Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra, K. Kondrashin. P Moscow concert
21 June 1976, 1 Jan. 2001.

LP—USSR: Melodiya CI0 07263-4. Cello part arr. for viola by

V. Borisovsky. Mikhail TOLPYGO (viola), USSR Symphony Orchestra,
Dmitri Kitayenko. P 1976, I 1977a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 14091-2 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works
on Records). Valentin FEIGIN (cello), Central Television and All-Union Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P 1978, I 1980.
LP and CD—Czech: Opus 9110 1274-75. Robert COHEN (cello),
Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrík Reužcha. P 1981. Reissued on
CD—Switzerland: Point Classics 267 252-2. I 1996.
Chandos ABRD 1085 (digital). Raphael WALLFISCH (cello), English
Chamber Orchestra, Geoffrey Simon. P 29–30 Oct. 1982, G Dec. 1983.
Reissued on CD—Chandos CHAN 8322. G Feb. 1985.
CBS Masterworks 37840 (digital). Yo-Yo MA (cello), Nolan Miller
(French horn), Philadelphia Orchestra, E. Ormandy. P 3 May 1982
(Ormandy’s last recording), G Mar. 1984. Reissued on CD—USA and UK:
CBS Masterworks MK 37840. G May 1985 ~ CBS Maestro/Sony Classical
MDK 44903. G Apr. 1990 ~ Sony Digital Club SMK 66937. I Sept. 1995
~ *Sony Classical Theta SMK 89752. [Opp. 35 and 102.] I Sept 2001.
Philips 412 526-1PH (digital). Heinrich SCHIFF (cello), Johannes
Ritzkowsky (French horn), Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra,
M. Shostakovich. P Munich 2–3 Apr. 1984; G Aug. 1984, Aug. 1985, and
June 1986. Reissued on CD—Philips 412 526-2PH. G Oct. 1985 ~ *Japan:
Sony Classical SICC 10012 (Hybrid SACD). [Op. 47.] I 2004.
*LP and CD—Mexico: EMI Angel SAM 35087. Carlo PRIETO (cello),
Orquesta Sinfónica de Xalapa, Herrera de la Fuente. [Saint-Saëns.] P Teatro
del Estado, Xalapa 1984, I 1985. Reissued on CD—Imp Classics PCD
1084. I Aug. 1994.
CD—Belgium: Classic Talent DOM 2910 11. Viviane SPANOGHE (cello),
Sofia Soloists, Emil Tabakov. P Sofia Apr. 1984, I Nov. 1991.
LP and CD—Decca 414 162-1DH (digital) and released on CD—414
162-2DH. Lynn HARRELL (cello), Julia van Leer-Studebaker (French horn),
Concertgebouw Orchestra, B. Haitink. P Amsterdam 2–3 Apr. 1984,
G Feb. 1987.
France: Harmonia Mundi Label Bleu LBL 6505 (digital). Pierre STRAUCH
(cello), Les Sinfonietta Régional de Picardie, Alexandre Myrat. P not stated,
1986. Reissued on CD—France: Harmonia Mundi LBLC 6505. I 1988.
CD—Erato ECD 75485. M. ROSTROPOVICH, Hugh Seenan (French
horn), London Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa. P London Nov. 1987, I
Oct. 1988, G Jan. 1989 ~ Erato 2292 45332-2. I 1991, G July 1994.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87918-2RC. N. GUTMAN (cello), Jeffrey Bryant
(French horn), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov. P Watford
25, 28–29 Nov. 1988, G Jan. 1991.

John Marks Records JMR 3. Nathaniel ROSEN (cello), Sofia State Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Emil Tabakov. P Sofia 15–17 May 1990, I Mar. 1994.
*Switzerland: The Orpheum Foundation CDC 151191/3. Xavier
PHILLIPS (cello), Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Christoph Eschenbach.
[Mozart.] P ‘Orpheum Soloists in Concert’ Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
31 Aug.–8 Sept. 1991.
Belgium: Pavane ADW 7286. First movement only. Marie HALLYNCK (cello),
National Orchestra of Belgium, Roland Zollman. P Brussels 8–9 June 1992.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1099. Ivan MONIGHETTI (cello),
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Valek. P Czech radio Nov.
1992, I Sept. 1993.
Carlton Classics 30366 01012. Alexander BAILLIE (cello), Boston
Philharmonic Orchestra, Benjamin Zander. P Cambridge, Mass. concert
2 May 1993, I Oct. 1998, G Jan. 1999 ~ Carlton Classics 30366 01229
(‘20th Anniversary Edition’, five-disc box set). I June 1999.
Sweden: BIS CD 626. Torleif THEDÉEN (cello), Malmö Symphony
Orchestra, James DePreist. P Malmö 15–16 June 1993, I May 1994,
G July 1994 and Feb. 1995. Winner of Cannes Classical Music Awards
1994—Solo with Orchestra, 19th and 20th century category.
Deutsche Grammophon Compact 445 821-2GH. Misha MAISKY (cello),
London Symphony Orchestra, Tilson Thomas. P London 2–4 Aug. 1993,
G Apr. 1995.
Imp Classics PCD 1084. Carlo PRIETO (cello), Orquesta Sinfonica de
Xalapa, Herrera de la Fuente. P Vera Cruz 1994, I Aug. 1994.
Naxos 8.550813. Maria KLIEGEL (cello), Polish National Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Antoni Wit. P Katowice 27 Feb.–1 Mar. 1995, G Oct. 1996
~ *Germany: Naxos 8.551094 (‘La Cellisima’). First movement only.
[Dvořák, Tchaikovsky, Lalo et al.] I 2002.
Virgin Classics VC5 45145-2. Truls MØRK (cello), Richard Bissell
(French horn), London Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss Jansons. P 10–11
Mar. 1995, G Feb. 1996.
USA: Audiofon 72060. William De ROSA (cello), Yekaterinburg Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Sarah Caldwell. P Yekaterinburg Jan.–Feb. 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9550. Frans HELMERSON (cello), Russian State Sym-
phony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky. P Mosfilm Studio Mar. 1996, I Apr.
1997, G Awards (Oct.) 1998 ~ *Chandos CHAN 10040. [Op. 126.] I Jan.
2003. NB. See The Gramophone March 2005, page 67 for review of reissue
mistakenly attributed to Daniil Shafran on the Regis label as revealed in
G April 2005, page 21.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 49688-2. Kirill RODIN (cello),
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstantin Krimets. P Moscow 9–10 July
1996, I Oct. 1997.

Czech: Supraphon SU 3278-2 031. Jiří BÁRTA (cello), Prague Symphony

Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich.P Prague concert 14 Nov. 1996, I May
1997, G Dec. 1997.
Germany: Antes BM-CD 31.9097. Claudio BOHORQUEZ (cello),
Kaliningrad State Symphony Orchestra, Arkadi Feldmann. P Karlsruhe
concert 21 Nov. 1996, G Apr. 1998.
Finland: Finlandia 3984 21441-2. Arto NORAS (cello), Norwegian Radio
Orchestra, Ari Rasilainen. P Oslo Apr. 1997, I July 1998 ~ Finlandia
Ultima 8573 811969-2 (two-disc set). G June 2000 ~ *Warner Classics
Apex 0927-40604-2. [Op. 126; and R. Strauss.] I Oct. 2001.
New Zealand: Ode Manu 1542. Aleksandr IVASHKIN (cello), Moscow
Symphony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky. [Op. 126.] P Moscow Conserva-
tory Bolshoi Hall 7–9 Oct. 1997, G July 1998.
*Belgium: Classic Talent DOM 2910 85. Mark DROBINSKY (cello), Kazan
Symphony Orchestra, Fuat Mansurov. [Weinberg and Levitine.] P Paris
studio 1997, I 2002.
Channel Classics CCS 15398. Pieter WISPELWEY (cello), Darryl Poulsen
(French horn), Australian Chamber Orchestra, Richard Tognetti. P Sydney
Aug. 1999, G Apr. 2000.
**Poland: DUX DUX 0549. Rafał KWIATKOWSKI (cello), Polish Radio
Orchestra, Wojciech Rajski. [Op. 126.] P Witold Lutosławski Studio of
Polish Radio, Warsaw 1999.
Dunelm Records DRD 0227 (two-disc set). Jonathan AYLING (cello),
London Shostakovich Orchestra, Christopher Cox. [Op. 47.] P St Cyprian’s
Church, London concert 15 May 2004 ~ Dunelm Records DRD 0233.
[Op. 126.] I 2005.
EMI Classics 3 32422-2. Han-Na CHANG (cello), London Symphony
Orchestra, Antonio Pappano. [Op. 40.] P St Luke’s, London 19 June 2005,
I Feb. 2006, G May 2006.
Orfeo C659 081A. Daniel MÜLLER-SCHOTT (cello), Symphonieorchester
des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Yakov Kreizberg. [Op. 126.] P Herkulessaal
der Residenz, Munich 1–3 and 5 Sept. 2005, I July 2008.
Nimbus NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello’, two-disc set). Raphael
WALLFISCH (cello) and BBC Symphony Orchestra, Martyn Brabbins.
[Op. 126.] P Maida Vale Studio, London 22–23 Sept. 2005, I June
Italy: Amadeus 198. Umberto CLERICI (cello), Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano
e Trenta, Ola Rudner. [Tchaikovsky.] P Auditorium Haydn, Bolzano 5–7
Dec. 2005. Issued with Amadeus magazine No. 198, Italy.
France: RCA Red Seal 88697028292-2. Sonia WIEDER-ATHERTON (cellist),
Sinfonia Varsovia, Fürst. [Bartók and Ravel.] P Witold Lutosławski Studio
of Polish Radio, Warsaw 5–7 Apr. 2006.

Germany: Phoenix Edition 128 PHOENIX. Dimitri MASLENNIKOV

(cello), NDR Sinfonieorchester, Christoph Eschenbach. [Op. 126.]
P Rolf-Liedermann Studio, Hamburg 29 June–1 July 2006, I July 2008.
Digital download—Deutsche Grammophon 477 657-5 G HD. Lynn
HARRELL (cello), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Lorin Maazel. [Op. 47.]
P Avery Fischer Hall, New York concerts 28 and 30 Sept. and 3 Oct.
CD—Telarc CD 80724. Zuill BAILEY (cello), San Francisco Ballet
Orchestra, Martin West. [Tchaikovsky.] P Skywalker Ranch, Marin
County, California 15–16 Feb. 2007, G Mar. 2009.
Note: See Wilson Rostropovich 2007, Chapter 8 for the cellist’s account of its
dedication (p.131) and the unreliability of the score’s metronome markings

Opus 108: Quartet No. 7 in F sharp minor

Form: String quartet in three linked movements:
1. Allegretto attacca
2. Lento attacca
3. Allegro—Allegretto
The titles Scherzo, Pastorale, and Fugue, originally assigned to the move-
ments, were removed before publication.
Composed: Completed in March 1960, at Moscow.
Dedication: To the memory of Nina Vasilievna Shostakovich (first wife).
Premières: 15 May 1960, Leningrad Glinka Concert Hall and 17 September
1960, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri
Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
Netherlands: 15 November 1993 (concert broadcast five days later); tran-
scription by the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet.
Arrangements: Transcriptions for brass ensemble by Paul Archibald and
saxophone quartet. Chamber Symphony—transcribed for chamber orchestra
by Jordan Dafov. Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Manuscript lost.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2019, 1960, parts, 31 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2020, 1960, score, 22 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1066, 1960, score, 18.5 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1066a, 1960, parts, 31 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2263, 1960, parts, 31.5 cm.
Leeds Music, c.1961, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 530 (in Volume 2 with Quartets 5, 6, and 8 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1966, 29.5 cm.

Edition Eulenberg, No. 391, 1970, score, 19 cm.

Edition Peters, No. 5757, 1973, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2266 (with Opp. 92, 101, and 110), 1980, score,
21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 102 of New Collected
Duration: 11 and 12 minutes in scores; 11' 41"–16' 32".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D08019-20 (mono). BEETHOVEN
QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 17 Sept. 1960 ~ Everest Baroque SDBR
2864 (electronic stereo). G Jan. 1968. Reissued on CD—USA: Consonance
Blue Label 81.3006 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’, mono). I May 1995.
LP—USSR: MK D011361-2 (mono). BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav
Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P
1963 ~ USSR: Melodiya D 019219-20 (mono) and C 01433-4. I 1967 ~
HMV Melodiya HQS 1322 in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
Czech: Supraphon SUA 10629 (mono) and SUA ST 50629.
SLOVÁK QUARTET (Aladár Móži, Alojz Nemec, Milan Telecký, František
Tannenberger). G Aug. 1967.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 9. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P Mar. 1975, G Dec.
1975 ~ Decca 188 D4 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Decca
Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on third of six-disc set). G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10241-2. TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek,
Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1978, I 1978d. Reis-
sued on CD—Russia: Melodiya SUCD11 00309. I 1993a ~ France: Praga
PR 250 077. P given as Czech Radio 9 Sept. 1976, I Mar. 1996.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17213-4. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shishlov,
Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1980,
I 1982d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 526. I 1993 ~ Olympia OCD
532 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17869005. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1981, I 1983a ~ HMV
Melodiya EL 270338-1 (digital). G Nov. 1985 ~ HMV Melodiya EX
270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM).
G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI Melodiya CDC7 47507-2. I Nov.
1986, G Oct. 1987 ~ Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40020. I 1990
~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.
Jecklin-Disco JD 620-1 (digital) and released on CD—JD 620-2.
AMATI QUARTET (Willi Zimmerman, Barbara Suter, Nicolas Corti, Johannes
Degen). P 1987.


STUDENTS’ QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Alia Goryainova, Andrei Dogadin,
Leonid Shukayev). P Leningrad concert of prizewinners at the First Inter-
national Competition for String Quartets named after D. D. Shostakovich
25 Sept. 1987, I 1989c.
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 12305-6. Chamber Symphony arr. Dafov.
Tolbuhin Chamber Orchestra, Jordan DAFOV. P Tolbuhin, Bulgaria Mar.
LP and CD—Academy Sound and Vision DCA 629 (DMM) and
released on CD—DCA 629 (‘Russian Brass!’). Arr. P. Archibald.
ENGLISH BRASS ENSEMBLE (Paul Archibald, Richard Martin—trumpets;
James Hardy—horn; David Whitson— trombone; James Gourlay—tuba).
P London June 1988.
CD—Teldec Classics 244 919-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas,
Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin Feb. 1989, I Oct.
1989, G May 1990 ~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on third of six-disc set). I Nov.
1990, G June 1992 ~ *Warner Classics Apex 8573 89093-2. [Opp. 110 and
117.] I Aug. 2001.
France: Ades 14 161-2. FINE ARTS QUARTET (Ralph Evans, Efim Boico,
Jerry Horner, Wolfgang Laufer). P Paris July 1989, G Oct. 1990.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1009. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 17 May 1990 ~ Koch Schwann
310 165 (‘Complete String Quartets, Volume 3’). I Jan. 1993, G June
Virgin Classics VC7 91437-2. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on 1981
recording). P London July–Sept. 1990, G. Dec. 1991 ~ Virgin Classics
VBD5 61639-2 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999.
Naxos 8.550972 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder) P Budapest 1–4 Dec.
1993, I July 1993.
(Daniel Stabrawa, Christian Stadelmann, Neithard Resa, Jan Disselhorst).
P Berlin 1994, I 1998.
Carlton Classics 30366 0062-2. KREUTZER QUARTET (Peter Sheppard,
Gordon MacKay, Bridget Carey, Neil Hyde). P Loughton Jan. 1996,
G Awards (Nov.) 1997.
Japan: Toshiba EMI TOCE 9079. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimorl). [Opp. 68 and 34.] P 25–27 Mar.
1996, 1 June 1996.
Linn UKD 065. SCHIDLOF QUARTET (Ofer Falk, Rafael Todes, Graham
Oppenheimer, Oleg Kogan). P Horsham 3–5 Oct. 1996, I May 1997,
G Oct. 1997.

Chandos CHAN 9741 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). SORREL QUARTET

(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman, Helen Thatcher).
P Westleton, Suffolk 23–25 Feb. 1998, I June 1999, G Oct. 1999.
*Netherlands: Globe GLO 5181 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). [Opp. 117 and 133.] P Utrecht Feb 1998, I Nov. 2001.
Sweden: BIS CD 913. YGGDRASIL QUARTET (Henrik Peterson, Per Öman,
Robert Westlund, Per Nyström). P Lanna, Sweden May 1998, G Jan. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998, G June
*Germany: Cultura Viva kr 10 037. RAKHMANINOV QUARTET (Andrei
Andreiv, Aleksandr Bondarenko, Sergei Savrov, Vladimir Shochov). [Handel,
Rolla, and Haydn.] P French Cathedral, Berlin concert 11 Sept. 1998.
*USA: Azica Records ACD 71208. CAVANI QUARTET (Annie Fullard,
Mari Sato, Kristen Doctor, Merry Peckham). [Opp. 68 and 142.] P West
Redding, Connecticut 15–19 Apr. 1999, I 1999.
France: Arion ARN 68506 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). DEBUSSY
QUARTET (Christophe Colletts, Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Cailier). P Lyon Nov. 1999, I Dec. 2000.
Hyperion CDA 67155. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Studio Dec.
2000, G July 2001.
**Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as in 1998). [Opp. 73 and 117.]
P Mullem, Belgium concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
EMI Debut 585638-2. ATRIUM QUARTET (Aleksei Naumenko, Anton
Ilyunin, Dmitri Oussov, Anna Gorelova). [Mozart and Tchaikovsky.]
P Potton Hall, Suffolk 11–14 Apr. 2003, I Feb. 2004.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on third of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 110, 117, and 122.] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Nimbus NI 5762. KOPELMAN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman, Boris
Kuschnir, Igor Sulyga, Mikhail Milman). [Op. 73; Prokofiev.] P Wyastone
Estate, Monmouth 24–27 July 2005, I Apr. 2006, G Aug. 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6146GH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas, Veronika,
and Clemens Hagen; with Rainer Schmidt—2nd violinist). [Opp. 73 and
110.] P Salzburg Nov. 2005, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
EMI Classics 359 9562. ST LAWRENCE QUARTET (Geoff Nuttall, Barry
Shiffman, Lesley Robertson, Marina Hoover). [Opp. 73 and 110.]

P Skywalker Sound Scoring Stage, Marin County, California 13–17 Jan.

2006, I July 2006.
Germany: Audite AU 92 528 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING
QUARTET (Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—
viola) [Opp. 92 and 117.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 10–12 May 2007.

Opus 109: Satires

Form: Song cycle of five romances, with the subtitle Pictures of the Past (sug-
gested by the dedicatee), for soprano and piano, on verses of Sasha Chorny
(pseudonym of Aleksandr Glikberg).
1. To a critic—Moderato
2. Spring awakening (or ‘Taste of Spring’)—Moderato
3. Descendants (or ‘Progeny’)—Moderato)
4. Misunderstanding—Moderato
5. Kreutzer Sonata—Adagio—Allegretto
In the final song there are predictable references to Beethoven’s Sonata in
A major, Opus 47, and the Allegretto theme is based on the lullaby in The
Silly Little Mouse, Opus 56.
Composed: Completed on 19 June 1960 (Collected Works Volume 33—
Khentova gives the previous day).
Dedication: Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya (soprano).
Première: 22 February 1961, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Galina
Vishnevskaya (soprano) and Mstislav Rostropovich (piano). The whole
cycle encored.
Arrangements: Orchestral version prepared by Boris Tishchenko in 1980 at
the request of Irina Bogacheva. English and German translations of the
poems by Myron Morris and Jörg Morgener respectively.
Instrumentation: of Tishchenko’s orchestration—2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone ~ timpani, gong, cymbals ~
xylophone, orchestral bells, harp, piano ~ strings.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions), 1967
and 1974, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2317, 1982, with Russian and German texts—the
latter by J. Morgener, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1986, B. Tishchenko’s orchestration with German text by
J. Morgener, rental only.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, piano score in Volume 91 of New Collected
OPUS 109: SAT IRES 435

Duration: Approx. 14 minutes in score; 13' 53"–14' 54"; 12 minutes

(Sadovnikov); orchestral version 16' 16".
Recordings: CD—Revelation RV 10087. Galina VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano) and
Mstislav Rostropovich (piano). P Moscow Conservatory concert 23 Oct.
1967, I Nov. 1997 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 53237-2. I 1998.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3222 in Set SLS 5055. G. VISHNEVSKAYA and
M. Rostropovich. P 1976, G Sept. 1976. Reissued on CD—EMI CMS5
65716-2 (three-disc set). I Nov. 1995, G Sept. 1996 ~ *EMI Great Artists
of the 20th Century 7243 5 62829-2. [Opp.127, 29, and Sans op. V.] I
CD—France: Praga PR 250 009. Brigita SULCOVÁ (soprano) and Zorka
Zichova (piano). P Prague 1976, I 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 15501-2. Makvala KARASHVILI (soprano) and
Liya Mogilevskaya (piano). P 1979, I 1981d ~ Czech: Supraphon 1112
3148. I 1986.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 22267 009 (Album 4 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Orchestrated by B. Tishchenko. Irina
BOGACHEVA (mezzo-soprano), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra,
Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1984, I 1986a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD
143. Nos. 2, 3, and 4. I Aug. 1987 ~ Olympia OCD 008 (‘The Shostakovich
CD’). Nos. 1 and 5). I Oct. 1989 ~ Olympia Compact Disc OCD 5005 (in
Volume 1 of symphonies). Nos. 2, 3, and 4. I Dec. 1990.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 972/73 (‘Anthologie de la
Melodie Russe et Sovietique’, two-disc set). Elena VASSILIEVA (soprano) and
Jacques Schab (piano). P Paris Oct.–Nov. 1989, I 1990.
Russia: Vista Vera WCD 98020 (‘Winners of 2nd Rakhmaninov Inter-
national Competition—Vocals’). Nos. 1, 2, and 5. Viktoria YEVTODIEVA
(soprano) and Elena Spist (piano). I June 1999.
**USA: Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume
Four—1932–68: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Viktoria YEVTODIEVA
(soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 33, 99, 80, 72, 128; Sans op. X(i
& ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan. 8 and 16
Feb. 2002, I UK Jan. 2006.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 1’, five-disc set).
DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel). [Opp. 68
and 92.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 4–6 Feb. 2003, I 2005.
Deutsche Grammophon 471 581-2GH. Magdalena KOŽENÁ
(mezzo-soprano) and Malcolm Martineau (piano). [Britten, Ravel, Respighi,
and Schulhoff.] P Munich Mar. 2003, G May 2004.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Nadya SMIRNIVA
(soprano) and Arthur Schoonderwoerd (piano). [Opp. 87, 134, and 146.]
P Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.

Hyperion CDA 67355. Joan RODGERS (soprano) and Roger Vignoles

(piano). [Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, and Britten.] P All Saints Church, East
Finchley 15–17 July 2003, I Oct. 2004.
Deutsche Grammophon 471 6111GH. Orchestrated by Boris Tishchenko.
Sergei LEIFERKUS (baritone), Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Thomas
Sanderling. [Sans op. P(v), Opp. 121, 123, and 146.] P Kultura Russian
State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006, G Sept. 2006.

Opus 110: Quartet No. 8 in C minor

Form: String quartet in five linked movements:
1. Largo attacca
2. Allegro molto attacca
3. Allegretto attacca
4. Largo attacca
5. Largo
The entire work is based on Shostakovich’s DSCH motto and uses
self-quotations from Symphonies Nos. 1, 5, and 8; Cello Concerto No. 1,
Second Piano Trio, and the aria ‘Seryozha, My Love’ from Act 4 of Lady
Macbeth of Mtsensk. The aria is heard in the third movement following
quotes from The Young Guard, Op. 75a No. 6 and the Russian revolution-
ary song ‘Tortured by Grievous Bondage’.
Composed: 12–14 July 1960, at Gohrisch, near Dresden.
Dedication: In memory of the victims of fascism and war.
Premières: 2 October 1960, Leningrad Glinka Hall; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri
Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
Sinfonietta: late 1961, Azerbaidzhan Symphony Orchestra, Abram
Smirnov transcription: Netherlands: 21 March 2001, Utrecht, Blazers
Arrangements: Opus 110a—Chamber Symphony: for string orchestra by
Rudolf Barshai (1960). See Notes.
‘Sinfonietta in C minor’: for string orchestra and timpani by Abram
Stasevich (1961) and Sinfonietta for strings, including double-basses,
by Lazar Gozman. Also transcriptions for string orchestra and timpani
by Saulyus Sondetskis and Mats Liljefors; chamber orchestra with string
quartet by Tibor Varga, and twelve accordionists by Angel Huidobro.
Other Chamber Symphony transcriptions by Yuri Tsiryuk and Jordan
‘DSCH’: arranged for the Lucerne (Luzern) Festival Strings by Rudolf
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 437

‘Sinfonia’ for string orchestra by Lucas Drew.

Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Transcribed for wind ensemble (two each of oboes, clarinets, bassoons,
and French horns with a double-bass) by Dmitri Smirnov in 1999. Com-
missioned by the Netherlands Wind Ensemble for the 25th anniversary of
Shostakovich’s death, and played by them on a BBC Radio 3 broadcast
from St George’s Bristol on 5 August 2000.
Arranged for trombone quartet by Mark Hetzler in 2003.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI with a photocopy in the
Shostakovich Family Archive. The opening of the autograph score is repro-
duced in Volume 35 of Collected Works.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2322, 1961, score, 21 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2323, 1961, parts, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 729, 1961, score, 19 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. A.S.M.P. 139, 1961, parts, 31 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 392, no date, score, 19 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 530 (in Volume 2 with Quartets 5–7 arr. for
piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1966, 29.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4756a, 1968, Opus 110a arr. R. Barshai, 30 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 4792a, c.1968, score, 19 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1969, Sinfonietta arr. A. Stasevich, 36 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9816 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 1–8),
1979, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2266 (with Opp. 92, 101, and 108), 1980, score,
21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2140, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1981, arr. for string orchestra by R. Baumgartner and
titled ‘DSCH’, rental only.
Kalmus, Miami, 1984, Sinfonia arr L. Drew, score and five parts, 33
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of R. Barshai’s
Chamber Symphony available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 102 of New Collected
Duration: 18 and 19 minutes in scores; 18' 18"–29' 50"; 19' 40" (Plaistow);
Smirnov’s transcription: 22' 40". See note under Acknowledgements.
Ballets: Fourfold. Yair Vardi, Ballet Rambert Choreographic Workshop,
Nadine Baylis (designer); Riverside Studios Hammersmith, London, April
The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Dark Horizons. Oliver Hindle, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Peter Farley
(designer); Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London, 24 March 1992. The theme of

the ballet is the tragedy of the North American Indians forced to live on
reservations by their white conquerors.
Films: The Face Behind the Face. Filmed on 2 and 3 July 1979 under the
working title The Private Voice, screened on BBC2 TV on 16 March 1980,
with research by Olivia Maxwell and directed by Barrie Gavin. The film
includes the Eighth Quartet, and also movements from Nos. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11,
12, and 13, performed by the Fitzwilliam Quartet.
Epitaph. Boris Dvorkin’s biographical film of 2006 is set to Opus 110a
played by the Moscow Chamber Ensemble under Mark Rakhlevsky with
wordless archive and newly shot footage.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D08019-20 (mono). BEETHOVEN
QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 9 Oct. 1960 ~ Everest Baroque SDBR
2864 (electronic stereo). Reissued on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label
81.3006 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’, mono). I May 1995.
Poland: Muza XL 0125 (mono). BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky,
Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P 2 Feb. 1961.
Reissued on CD—France: Vogue Archives Soviétiques 651023 (electronic
stereo). I 1991.
*CD—BBC Legends BBCL 4063-2 (mono). BORODIN QUARTET (per-
sonnel as on above recording). [Borodin and Ravel.] P Leith Town Hall,
Edinburgh Festival concert 31 Aug. 1962, G June 2002.
*LP—USA: Mercury SR 90309 (mono) and MG 50309 (stereo).
BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as above recordings). [Op. 83.] P Tchaikovsky
Conservatory Bolshoi Hall, Moscow 17 June 1962.
LP and CD—Decca LXT 6036 (mono) and SXL 6036. BORODIN QUARTET
(personnel as on above recordings). P Decca Studios, London 13 Sept.
1962, G Feb. 1963 ~ Decca Ace of Diamonds ADD 156 (mono) and SDD
156. G May 1967 ~ Decca Eclipse ECS 795. G Mar. 1977. Reissued on
CD—Decca 425 541-2DM. I Mar. 1990, G May 1990 ~ Japan: King
Records KIJC 9162. I Mar. 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D014903-4 (mono). Arr. for string orchestra and
timpani by Sondetskis. String Orchestra of Vilnius Artistic School, Saulyus
USA: International IRC 3312. VAGHY QUARTET (Deszo Vaghy, Ronald
Erickson, Tibor Vaghy, Leszek Zawistowski). P 1966.
USSR: MK D019211-2 (mono) and C01443-4. BORODIN QUARTET
(personnel as on earlier recordings). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS
1323 in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
USA: Turnabout TV-S 34545. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai.
Württemberg Chamber Orchestra, Jörg FAERBER. P 1973.
*Czech: Panton 11 0550. OSTRAVA QUARTET (Vlastimil Pacaček, Oldřich
Samlík, Rudolf Šrubař, Ivan Merka). [Janácek.] P c.1974.
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 439

LP and CD—Czech: Panton 11 0396 G. Sinfonietta arr. Stasevich. East

Bohemian State Chamber Orchestra, Libor PEŠEK. P 1974. Reissued on
CD—Czech: Panton PAN 811309. I 1998.
L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 11. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher Rowland,
Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P May 1975, G Apr. 1976 ~
USA: Time-Life ‘Great Men of Music’ box set STL 568. I 1979 ~ Decca
188 D7 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Decca 421 475-
2DH. I Dec. 1988, G Apr. 1989 ~ Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on
fourth of six-disc set). I Apr. 1992, G June 1992.
LP—Sweden: Caprice CAP 1052. FRESK QUARTET (Lars Fresk, Hans-Erik
Westberg, Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Per-Göran Skytt). P 13–15 May 1975, G
Sept. 1977.
*Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation SM 312. VAGHY QUARTET
(Dezso Vaghy, David George, Tibor Vaghy, Robert Dobson). [Szymanowski.]
I 1976.
Rakhonen, Ari Angervo, Mauri Pietikäinen, Veikko Höylä). P Nacka,
Sweden 27–28 June 1976, 1 June 1978. Reissued on CD—Sweden: BIS
CD 26. I 1991, G Sept. 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 09729-30. AZERBAIDZHAN QUARTET (Sarvar Ganiev,
Bayandur Mekhtiev, Chingiz Mamedov, Rasim Abdullayev). P 1977, I
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 10241-2. TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir
Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1978, I 1978d
~ USSR: with same number in 1st box of Part 2 of Collected Works on Records. I
1980 . Reissued on CD—Russia: Melodiya SUCD 11 00309. I 1993a.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 10627-8. Arr. Sondetskis. String Orchestra
of Vil nius Artistic School, Saulyus SONDETSKIS. P 1978, I 1979a ~ USSR:
Melodiya C10 24353 008 (DMM). I 1978b.
CD—Olympia OCD 533 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin), P1978, G Sept. 1994.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 11643-4. BORODIN QUARTET
(M. Kopelman, A. Abramenkov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P
1978, I 1979d ~ HMV Melodiya EL 270388-1 (digital). G Nov. 1985
~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI Melodiya CDC7
47507-2. I Nov. 1986, G Oct. 1987 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc
set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321
40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.
LP—Czech: Opus 9111 1026. KOŠICE QUARTET (Ondřej Lewit, Milan
Jirant, Jozef Kyška, Juraj Jánošík). P Bratislava July 1980, I 1981.

Poland: Poljazz PSJ 184. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. WOJCIECHA

RAJSKIEGO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA. [Karłowicz.] P date not stated, 1980?
Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 10657. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Sofia
Soloists’ Chamber Ensemble, Emil TABAKOV. P 1981, I Jan. 1982.
Sweden: Caprice CAP 1266. Arr. Liljefors. Lars-Inge Bjärlestom (cello),
Bengt Stark (timpani), Royal Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Mats LILJEFORS.
P Stockholm 16–17 July 1981, I 1984.
New Zealand: Kiwi Pacific SLD 65. AUCKLAND QUARTET (Brecon Carter,
Rae Carter, Philip Clark, Virginia Hopkins). P Government House,
Wellington 14 Aug. 1981.
Poland: Muza SX 2161. Chamber Symphony. Warsaw Chamber
Orchestra, Miroslaw LAWRYNOWICZ. P Warsaw 15–16 Dec. 1982, I 1984.
*Yugoslavia: RTB 3130053 (two-record set). Op. 110a. Belgrade Strings,
Dušan SKOVKRA. [Bach, Mendelssohn, Kulenovic et al.] I 1982.
LP and CD—Phoenix DGS 1038 (digital). Chamber Symphony arr.
Barshai. Phoenix Chamber Orchestra, Julian BIGG. P London Dec. 1983, G
Aug. 1984. Reissued on CD—Trax Classique TRX-CD 110. G Sept. 1987
~ Trax Classique TRXCD 131. (‘Testimony—Shostakovich’s Greatest
Hits’). I 1988.
Netherlands: Attacca Babel 8416-1 (digital). RAFAEL QUARTET (Ronald
Hoogeveen, Rami Koch, Zoltan Benyacs, Henk Lambooy). P 19–20 Dec.
1983. Reissued on CD—Netherlands: Attacca Babel 8948-5DDD. I
CD—USA: Centaur CRC 2020. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy
Lewis, John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Rye, New York Jan. 1984, I 1986.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1120 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN
8357. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. I Musici de Montreal, Yuli
TUROVSKY. P Aug. 1984, G Apr. 1985. Reissued on CD—Chandos Enchant
CHAN 7061. I July 1997 ~ Chandos Collect CHAN 6617. I July 2000,
G Feb. 2001.
USA: Musicmasters MMD 20109Z (digital). Sinfonietta arr Gozman.
Soviet Emigre Orchestra, Lazar GOZMAN. P 1986. Reissued on CD—Olympia
OCD 196. I June 1988, G Aug. 1989.
CD—Switzerland: Tibor Varga Collection No. 15. Arr. T. Varga.
Orchestre du Festival Tibor Varga Sion, Tibor VARGA. P summer 1986, 1
Germany: Midas CD 5087. Chamber Symphony. Polish Chamber
Orchestra, Wojciech RAJSKI. P Warsaw Sept. 1986, I 1992.
Nimbus NI 5077. MEDICI QUARTET (Paul Robertson, David Matthews,
Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Anthony Lewis). P 16–17 Oct. 1986, I Jan. 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 28757 007. Chamber Symphony. Yerevan
Chamber Orchestra, Zaven VARDANYAN. P 1986, I 1990a.
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 441

LP and CD—France: Harmonia Mundi Label Bleu LBL 6505 (digital).

Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Les Sinfonietta Orchestre Régional
de Picardie, Alexandre MYRAT. P date not stated, I 1986. Reissued on
CD—France: Harmonia Mundi LBLC 6505. I 1988.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 24855 005. Chamber Symphony. Georgian
Chamber Orchestra, Liana ISAKADZE. I 1987d.
CD—Denon CO 1789. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Auvergne
Orchestra, Jean-Jacques KANTOROW. P 19–21 Mar. 1987, G Sept. 1988.
Germany: Obligat Classics ob.01.209. Chamber Symphony. New American
Chamber Orchestra. Misha RACHLEVSKY. P Munich concert 22 Nov. 1987.
LP and CD—Academy Sound and Vision DCA 631 (DMM) and
released on CD—DCA 631. COULL QUARTET (Roger Coull, Philip Gallaway,
David Curtis, John Todd). P London Mar. 1988, I and G Apr. 1989.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 12305-6. Chamber Symphony arr.
Dafov. Tolbuhin Chamber Orchestra, Jordan DAFOV. P Tolbuhin, Bulgaria
Mar. 1988.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87947. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai.
Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. P Paris 30 July 1988, I Sept. 1989 ~
*France: BMG RCA Artistes & Répertoire 74321 50268-2 (two-disc set).
[Op. 73; Stravinsky, Hindemith, Schnittke et al.] I 2003.
Czech: Opus 9351 2025. MOYZES QUARTET (Stanislav Mucha, František
Török, Alexander Lakatoš , Ján Slávik). P Bratislava June 1987, I Oct. 1990.
NB. Previously released on Rare Records/Opus BHM 11 (cassette). I Feb.
LP and CD—Factory FACT 246 (DMM) and released on CD—FACD
246. DUKE QUARTET (Louisa Fuller, Martin Smith, John Metcalfe, Ivan
McCready) P Buckingham 20–22 Dec. 1988, I Sept. 1989, G Jan. 1990.
CD—Teldec Classics 244 919-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas,
Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin Feb. 1989, I Dec.
1989, G May 1990 ~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fourth of six-disc set). I
Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ *Warner Classics Apex 8573 890093-2. [Opp.
108 and 117.] I Aug. 2001.
Deutsche Grammophon 429 229-2GH. Chamber Symphony arr.
Barshai. Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Berlin Mar.
1989, G May 1990 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon 477 5442 (two-disc set).
[Opp. 118a, 83a, 73a, and 141a; Schnittke.] G Dec. 2005.
Czech: Opus 91 2210-2. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Slovák
Chamber Orchestra, Bohdan WARCHAL. P Opus Studio Mar–May 1989, I
1991 ~ Switzerland: Point Classics 267 252-2. I 1996.
USA: Elektra-Nonesuch/Warner Classics 7559-79242-2 (‘Black
Angel’). KRONOS QUARTET (David Harrington, John Sherba, Hank Dutt,
Joan Jeanrenaud). P 1989?, I 1990, G Apr. 1991.

Germany: Aurophon AU 31467/LC 7709. Chamber Symphony arr.

date not stated, I 1990.
Germany: Fidelio 8838. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. New
Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Lev MARKIZ. P Amsterdam Sept. 1989, I 1990
~ Netherlands: Vanguard Classics 99306 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999 ~
*Challenge Classics CC 72130. [Op. 118a.] I 2005.
Decca 433 028-2DH. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Jan. 1990,
G Jan. 1992.
Sweden: Bluebell ABCD 039. Chamber Symphony arr. Yuri Tsiryuk.
Minsk Chamber Orchestra, Vitali KATAYEV. P Esbo, Finland 23 Feb. 1990,
1 Oct. 1991.
Virgin Classics VC7 91432-2. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Orchestre
de Chambre de Lausanne, Aleksandr LAZAREV. P Lausanne University Apr.
1990, G Oct. 1991 ~ *Virgin Classics 5 62050-2 (two-disc set). [Op. 135;
Prokofiev, Debussy, and Milhaud.] I Feb. 2002.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1009. MANHATTAN QUARTET (personnel as on 1984
recording). P Jersey City 18 May 1990 ~ Koch Schwann 310 165 (‘Com-
plete Quartets, Volume 3’). I Jan. 1993, G June 1993.
Virgin Classics VC7 91437-2. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on 1978
recording). P London July–Sept. 1990, G Dec. 1991 ~ Classic CD 18 (the
first Shostakovich work to be featured on a Classic CD cover disc; with
magazine article on pp. 64–67). First and second movements. I Oct. 1991
~ Virgin Classics VBD5 61630-2 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999.
Nimbus NI 5308. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. English Chamber
Orchestra, William BOUGHTON. P Leominster 14–15 Nov. 1990, I Oct.
1991 ~ Nimbus NI 5354 (‘Birds, Beasts and Flowers’). First and part second
movement accompanying poetry readings by Princess Grace of Monaco and
Richard Pasco in 1980.
USSR: Melodiya SUCD 11 00301. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai.
Hermitage Theatre Chamber Orchestra, Saulius SONDETSKIS. P 1990, I
Dolphin CD 0001. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. KREISLER STRING
ORCHESTRA (without conductor). P London Dec. 1990, I Aug. 1991.
Dorian DOR 90163. LAFAYETTE QUARTET (Ann Elliott-Goldschmid,
Sharon Stanis, Joanna Hood, Pamela Highbaugh). P Troy, New York May
1991, G July 1992.
Pickwick IMP Classics PCD 1000. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. I
Solisti di Zagreb, Tonko NINIC. P Zagreb 22–28 June 1991, G Nov. 1992.
Norway: Victoria VCD 19060. Arr. L. Drew. TRONDHEIM SOLOISTS,
Bjarme Fiskum (director). P Trondheim July 1991.
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 443

Claves 50 9115. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Kremlin Chamber

Orchestra, Misha RACHLEVSKY. P Moscow concert Oct.–Nov. 1991, G Mar.
USA Russian Disc RDCD 11 087. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on
1978 recording). P St Petersburg concert 12 Dec. 1991, G Oct. 1993.
Slovakia: Opus 91 2437-2. Chamber Symphony. The Young Bratislava
Soloists, Jindřich PAZDERA. P 1991?
USA: Pro Arte 035090. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Zurich String
Orchestra, J. BALKANYI. P Zurich 27–29 Jan. 1992.
Germany: EMI CDC7 54 555-2. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai.
Detmold Chamber Orchestra, Christoph POPPEN. P 11–17 Mar. 1992, I
Poland: Amadeus Musical Foundation AMF ST 104. Chamber Symphony
arr. Barshai. Amadeus Chamber Orchestra, Agnieszka DUCZMAL. P Adam
Micklewicz University May–June 1992, I 1993.
Belgium: Cypres CYP 5606. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Wallonia
Royal Chamber Orchestra, Georges OCTORS. P Liege 12 Oct.–6 Nov. 1992,
I 1993.
Finland: Ondine ODE 817-2. Chamber Symphony. Helsinki
Philharmonic, James DEPREIST. P Kanneltalo, Helsinki May 1993, I May
1994, G Dec. 1994.
Sony Classical St Petersburg Classics SMK 48372 (‘In Memoriam—Music
of Death and Suffering’). Chamber Symphony arr. Sondetskis. St Petersburg
Camerata, Saulius SONDETSKIS. P St Petersburg July 1993, I Nov. 1994.
Switzerland: Gallo CD 799. Chamber Symphony arr. R. Baumgartner.
Lucerne Festival Strings, Rudolf BAUMGARTNER. P Radio DRS Aug. 1993,
I 1994.
Bulgaria: Gega New GD 168. SOFIA QUARTET (Vassil Valchev, Nikolai
Gagov, Valentin Gerov, Kolya Bespalov). P Sofia Nov. 1993, I Feb. 1994.
Netherlands: Erasmus WVH 131. Chamber Symphony. Utrecht Conser-
vatory String Orchestra, Viktor LIBERMAN. P Rotterdam Jan. 1994.
Naxos 8.550953. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Dalgat String
Ensemble, Roland MELIA. P St Petersburg 5–8 Jan. 1994, I Nov. 1998,
G Apr. 1999.
Naxos 8.550973 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczl, Péter Szüts, Sandor Papp, György Éder). P Brussels 14–17 Feb.
1994, I Nov. 1994, G Oct. 1995.
Virgin Classics VC5 45110-2. Chamber Symphony. Norwegian Chamber
Orchestra, Iona BROWN. P Eidsvoll, near Oslo Apr–May 1994, I May 1995.
Germany: Hänssler Classic 98 917. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai.
Stefan Bornscheuer (violin), Chihiro Saito (cello), Stuttgart Arcata Chamber
Orchestra, Patrick STRUB. P 31 Oct.–2 Nov. 1994, I May 1995.

*Slovenia: SF 995021. Op. 110a. Slovenian Philharmonic String

Chamber Orchestra, Andrej PETRAČ. [Debussy and Barber.] P Slovenian
Philharmonic Great Hall, Ljubljana concert 21 and 23 May, 1995.
Collins Classics 1450-2. DUKE QUARTET (Louisa Fuller, Rick Koster, John
Metcalfe, Ivan McCready). P London 19–21 July 1995, G Feb. 1996.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 135. ZAPOLSKI QUARTET (Alexander
Zapolski, Jacob Soelberg, Flemming Lave, Vanja Louro). P Roskilde,
Denmark Aug. and Oct. 1995, I July 1996 ~ *Germany: Designo 222 521
(on fourth of four-disc set). [Op. 68.] I June 2005.
*Belgium: De Rode Pomp Gents Historisch Arcief RP/GHA 971.
MOSCOW CHAMBER SOLOISTS (Michaël Taits, Elena Boni, Lev Anikeyev, Val-
ery Krivoborodov). P Schilde, Belgium concert 24 Oct. 1995, I 1997.
Koch Classics 3-6436-2 Y6 (two-disc set). MEDICI QUARTET (Paul
Robertson, Cathy Thompson, Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Anthony Lewis). P
Petersham Oct.–Nov. 1995, I Jan. 1996, G May 1997.
*Sony Classics SK 94733. Op. 110a. Mito Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf
BARSHAI. [Op. 47.] P Art Tower Mito Concert Hall, Japan 7–12 Nov. 1995.
*Hungary: Budapest Music Center Records BMC CD 068. Chamber
Symphony. Camerata Transsylvanica, Adrian SUNSHINE. [Schoenberg.] P
Budapest Radio Studio 1995.
USA: Pope Music PM 1009-2 (silver) and PMG 2009-2 (‘Redemption’,
gold). Chamber Symphony. Russian Symphony Orchestra, Mark GORENSTEIN.
P Moscow Jan. 1996.
Carlton Classics 30366 0062-2. KREUTZER QUARTET (Peter Sheppard,
Gordon MacKay, Bridget Carey, Neil Hyde). P Loughton Jan. 1996, I July
1997, G Awards (Nov.) 1997.
Italy: Fonit Cetra NFCD 2043. Chamber Symphony (augmented string
parts). Orchestra d’Archi Italiana, Mario BRUNELLO. P Venice 9 Apr. 1996,
I Apr. 1997.
France: Opus 111 OPS 30-165. Chamber Symphony. Musicatreize,
Roland HAYRABEDIAN. P Miramas, France Apr. 1996.
USA: New Albion NA 088 CD (‘Written with the Heart’s Blood’).
Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. New Century Chamber Orchestra, Stuart
CANIN. P Tiburon, California Apr. 1996, I Jan. 1997.
South Korea: Samsung Classics SCC 013SJS. Sejong Soloists, Hyo KANG.
P Princeton, New Jersey May 1996.
Germany: ECM New Series 453 512-2. Chamber Symphony. Stuttgart
Chamber Orchestra, Dennis Russell DAVIES. P Stuttgart June 1996, G Sept.
Netherlands: Globe 5157-0265 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). P Utrecht Aug. 1996, I Nov. 1996.
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 445

*Germany: Kairos KAIR 96.01. NOMOS QUARTET (Martin Dehning,

Sonja-Maria Marks, Fiederike Koch, Sabine Pfeiffer). [Schubert.] P
Bamberg Sept. 1996.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 58967-2. Chamber Symphony arr.
Barshai. Hamburg Soloists, Emil KLEIN. P Hamburg Nov. 1996, I Oct.
Germany: ECM New Series 457 067-2. ROSAMUNDE QUARTET (Andreas
Reiner, Simon Fordham, Helmut Nicolai, Anja Lechner). P Eichstätt Dec.
1996, G Feb. 1998.
EMI CDC5 56442-2. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. Vienna
Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS. P Vienna concert 7–14 Jan. 1997,
G Awards (Nov.) 1997.
Italy: Ark 59004. QUARTETTO FONÈ (Paolo Chiavacci, Marco Facchini,
Riichi Uemara, Ilaria Maurri). P Siena Apr. 1997, I 1997.
USA: Arabesque Z 6711. Chamber Symphony. Israel Sinfonietta, Uri
MAYER. P Meneham July 1997.
Switzerland: Gallo CD 929. Arr. Barshai. Young Swiss Chamber
Orchestra, Emmanuel SIFFERT. P 1997.
*Russia: Art Classic ART 039. DOMINANT QUARTET (Do Phuong Nhu,
Ekaterina Pogodina, Anna Sazonkina, Tatyana Egorova). [Schubert.] P
Moscow studio 1997, I 2003.
*Germany: Cultura Viva kr 10 022. RAKHMANINOV QUARTET (Andrei
Andriev, Aleksandr Bondarenko, Sergei Savrov, Vladimir Shochov). [Haydn
and Rakhmaninov.] P French Cathedral, Berlin concert 11 Sept. 1997.
Sweden: BIS CD 913. YGGDRASIL QUARTET (Henrik Peterson, Per Öman,
Robert Westlund, Per Nyström). P Länna, Sweden Sept. 1997, G Jan.
*USA: Daponte (unnumbered). DAPONTE QUARTET (Ferdinand Liva, Dean
Stein, Mark Preston, Myles Jordan). [Comolli and Schulhoff.] P Bristol
Congregational Church, Maine 13–17 Jan. 1998, I 2001.
Classic FM 75605 57027-2. CHILIGIRIAN QUARTET (Levon Chiligirian,
Charles Stewart, Asdis Valdimarsdottir, Philipe de Groote). P East
Woodhay, Berkshire 20–22 Oct. 1997, I Feb. 1998, G Aug. 1998.
*Slovenia: SF 998031. Op. 110a. Slovenian Philharmonic String Orches-
tra, Andrej PETRAČ. [U. Krek and Grieg.] P Slovenian Philharmonic Great
Hall, Ljubljana concert 2 Feb. 1998.
Linn Records CKD 095. Chamber Symphony arr. Barshai. BT Scottish
Ensemble, Clio GOULD. P Glasgow 4–5 Mar. 1998, I Feb. 2000, G June
France: Arion ARN 68461 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). DEBUSSY
QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Callier). P Lyon July 1998, I July 1999.

Deutsche Grammophon 463 294-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,

five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998, G June
France: Syrius SYR 141345. Arr. Barshai. European Camerata, Laurent
QUENELLE. P Alpes-Martimes, France Aug. 1998.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 77069-2. RUBIN QUARTET (Imgard
Zavelberg, Tinta S. von Altenstadt, Sylvie Altenburger, Ulrike Zavelberg).
P Cologne 10–14 Aug. 1998.
Germany: Col legno WWE 8CD 20041 (eight-disc set). Chamber
Symphony. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Dennis Russell DAVIES. P Stuttgart
concert 28 Nov. 1998.
Hyperion CDA 67154. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Konstantin Kats, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Apr. 1999,
I Dec. 1999, G Mar. 2000.
BBC MM95. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr Pavlovsky, Sergei Bressler,
Amichai Gross, Kyril Zlotnikov). P Kentish Town, London 14 Oct. 1999,
I July 2000 cover disc with BBC Music Magazine Vol.. 8 No.11.
*Warner Classics Apex 0927 43423-2. Chamber Symphony. Helsinki
Strings, Géza SZILVAY. [Schoenberg and Sibelius.] P Düsseldorf, Germany
concert 24 Oct. 1999, I 2002.
France: Calliope CAL 9299. Chamber Symphony. Kaliningrad
Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Emmanuel LEDUCQ-BAROME. P Kaliningrad
1999, I Sept. 2000.
Delos DE 3259 and 3259 (SACD). Chamber Symphony. Moscow
Chamber Orchestra, Constantine ORBELIAN. P Marin County, California
5 and 7 Mar. 2000, I Sept. 2001.
*Moscow State Conservatory SMC 0075-76 (two-disc set). Arr.
Barshai. Moscovia Chamber Orchestra, Eduard GRACH. [Eshpai, Sarasate,
Lloyd-Webber et al.] P Moscow 10 Apr. 2000.
*Germany: Cultura Viva 10 022/Scala Records SR 10001. RAKHMANINOV
QUARTET (personnel as on 1997 recording, except Anton Yaroshenko
replaces S. Savrov). [Op. 57.] P Berlin Konzerthaus concert 10 May 2000,
I 2001.
*USA: Phoenix PHCD 151. Arr. Barshai. ARCO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA.
[Opp. 11 and 35.] P Athens, Georgia 2000.
*Germany: Coviello Classics COV 30201. Arr. Barshai. Salzburg
Chamber Soloists, Lavard SKOU-LARSEN. [Schubert.] P Festivo Aschau,
Germany concert Aug. 2000, I 2002.
*USA: Artegra ART 1002 (Hybrid SACD). ROSALYRA QUARTET (Sara
Kwak, Kenneth Freed, Sabina Thatchem, Beth Rapier). [Op. 68.] P Hamline
University in St Paul, Minnesota 18–21 Dec. 2000, I 2005.
OP U S 110: QU A RTET N O. 8 IN C MIN OR 447

*Russia: Northern Flowers PMA 9917. NEVSKY QUARTET (Tatyana

Razumova, Svetlana Grinfeld, Vladimir Bystritsky, Dmitri Khrychyov).
[Haydn and Prokofiev.] P Anichkov Palace, St Petersburg Feb. 2001.
*Netherlands: Meladina Records MRCD 0021. Arr. for wind ensemble
by Dmitri Smirnov. NEDERLANDS BLAZERS ENSEMBLE. [Op. 26; Smirnov and
Denisov.] P Concertgebouw 22 Mar. 2001.
Chandos CHAN 9955 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher).
P The Maltings, Snape 26–30 Mar. 2001, G. Awards (Oct.) 2001.
**Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 142 and 133.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I
BIS CD-1256. Arr. Barshai. Ostrobothian Chamber Orchestra, Juka
KANGAS. [Sans. op. D(ix) and Op. 119a.] P Kaustinen Church Oct. 2001, I
Mar. 2002 and June 2003.
Calliope CAL 9320. TÁLICH QUARTET (Jan Tálich junior, Petr Maceček,
Vladimir Bukač, Petr Prause). [Op. 57.] P Arco Diva Domovina Studio,
Prague Nov. 2001, I June 2002.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as on 1996 recording). [Opp. 68
and 138.] P Mullem, Belgium concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Capriccio: 67 115. Arr. Barshai. Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV.
[Op. 11 and Sans op. X(ii); Schnittke—Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich.]
P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall 15–17 May 2003, I 2004.
USA: Summit DCD 394. Arr. Mark Hetzler. NAY PALM TROMBONE QUARTET
(Mark Hetzler, Jeff Peterson, and Jeff Thomas—tenor trombones); Harold
van Schaik—bass trombone). [Schoenberg, Berg, Webern et al.] P Wertheim
Performing Arts Center, Florida International University, Miami June
Russia: Melodiya MEL CD 10 00872. Opus 110a. State Academic
Symphony Orchestra of Russia, Mark GORENSTEIN. [Op. 93.] P Moscow
State Conservatory 9–11 and 13–14 June 2004, I 2005.
Poland: Polskie Radio PRCD 095. Opus 110a. Amadeus Chamber
Orchestra, Agnieszka DUCZMAL. [Knittel.] P Adam Mickiewicz Auditorium,
Poznań, Poland 16 Nov. 2004.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 8212/2 (‘Chamber Symphonies 1–5’, on
second of two-disc set). Op. 110a. Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Rudolf BARSHAI. [Opp. 49a and 118a.] P Auditorium Verdi di
Milano concert between spring and 17 Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Germany: IPPNW Concerts—Edition CD 51. ENSEMBLE INCENDO
(Dimiter Ivanov, Marie Kogge, Manon Gerhardt, Ehrengard von Gemmingen).

[Bach and Schubert.] P Umweltforum Berlin Auferstehungskirche concert

11 Mar. 2005, I 2005.
Onyx Classics ONYX 4007. Opus 110a. Moscow Soloists, Yuri BASHMET.
[Sviridov and Weinberg.] P Schloss Newhardenburg, Berlin 22–25 June
2005, I Nov. 2005, G Jan. 2006.
Spain: Tritó TD 0038. Op. 110a arr. Barshai. Cadaqués Orchestra.
Gianandrea NOSEDA. [Mendelssohn.] P Cadaqués Church, Spain concert
30 July 2005.
Oehms Classic OC562 (‘Complete Classics’, on third of five-disc set).
RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 108, 117, and 122.] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Germany: Oehms Classics OC 561. Chamber Symphony arr. by
R. Baumgartner. Lucerne Festival Strings, Achim FIEDLER. [Opp. 35 and
87.] P Tonstudio Gabriel Recording, Stalden, Switzerland. P 11–14 Oct.
2005, I June 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6146GH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas, Veronika,
and Clemens Hagen; with Rainer Schmidt—2nd violinist). [Opp. 73 and
108.] P Salzburg Nov. 2005, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.
EMI Classics 359 9562. ST LAWRENCE QUARTET. (Geoff Nuttall, Barry
Shiffman, Lesley Robertson, Marina Hoover). [Opp. 73 and 108.]
P Skywalker Sound Scoring Stage, Marin County, California 13–17 Jan.
2006, I July 2006.
Germany: Capriccio 71 1041 (SACD). PETERSEN QUARTET (Conrad
Muck, Daniel Bell, Friedemann Weigle, Henry-David Varema). [Op. 143;
Auerbach.] P Deutschland Radio Studio, Berlin 14–15 Mar. 2006, G Nov.
France: Praga Digitals PRDDSD 250 232 (Hybrid SACD). Opus 110a.
PRAGUE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (without conductor). [Op. 118a; and Barber.]
P Auditorium de Dijon concert 10 May 2006, I Jan. 2007.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 901953. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr
Pavlovsky, Sergei Bresler, Amichai Grosz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 101 and
122.] P Teldec Studio, Berlin 12–15 June 2006, G Aug. 2007.
CD and DVD—Germany: Audite AU 92.527 (Hybrid SACD and
DVD). MANDELRING QUARTET (Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt;
with Roland Glassl—viola). [Opp. 73 and 101.] P Klingenmünster,
Germany 26–28 June 2006.
CD—Wigmore Hall Live 0019. ŠKAMPA QUARTET (Pavel Fischer, Jana
Lukášová, Radim Sedmidubský, Lukás Polák). [Mozart and Smetana.] P
Wigmore Hall, London concert 23 Nov. 2006, I Oct. 2007, G Jan. 2008.
Belgium: Talent DOM 292972 (Hybrid SACD). Opus 110a.
Rotterdam Chamber Orchestra, Conrad van ALPHEN. [Opp. 49a and 118a.]

Muziekcentrum van de Omroep Studio, Hilversum 28 Feb., 1 and 2 Mar.

2007, G Aug. 2008.
Nimbus NI 5827. KOPELMAN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman, Boris
Kuschnir, Igor Suligo, Mikhail Milman). [Op. 49; and Myaskovsky.] P
Wyastone Concert Hall, Monmouth 26–28 July 2007, G Nov. 2008.
Notes: The quartet was written down in three days while convalescing in a
ministerial guest-house at Gohrisch (not Gorlitz as given in some accounts),
a spa town in ‘Saxon Switzerland’ SE of Dresden, near the Czech border.
The publishers, Edition Peters, commissioned an orchestration from
Rudolf Barshai shortly after its première in 1960. Barshai in the booklet
accompanying his 1989 Berlin recording on Deutsche Grammophon 429
229-2GH wrote that he sought the composer’s approval. Shostakovich
was pleased with the finished score and suggested naming it ‘Chamber

Sans op. U: Novorossiisk Chimes

Form: Patriotic piece for full orchestra, also known as The Fire of Eternal Glory,
based on the opening phrase of the National Anthem Contest Entry, Sans
op. N(iii). No tempo indication.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, 3 B flat clarinets,
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
side drum, cymbals ~ celesta ~ strings.
Composed: 1960, at Moscow. Commissioned by representatives of the city
of Novorossiisk.
Dedication: In memory of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Première: 27 September 1960, the tune sounded on a tape recording, per-
formed by the All-Union Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra con-
ducted by Arvid Yansons, at the Flame of Eternal Glory, Heroes Square,
Arrangements: Reduction for piano duet by the composer in 1960. Patriotic
song, with lyric by Kira Alemasova, for chorus and orchestra; and reduc-
tion for S.A.T.B. chorus and piano by G. Kovalyov, marked ‘Moderato’.
Transcription for trumpet and piano by Sergei Bolotin. Also exists as a
piano solo.
Arranged for wind band by Yevgeni Makarov. Instrumentation: flute,
oboe, 3 B flat clarinets, bassoon ~ 4 E flat horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones ~
percussion (2 players), chimes ~ separate band of 2 cornets and 10 saxhorns.
Music: The autograph score presented by the composer to the Novorossiisk
City Committee.
USSR, no number or date, mimeographed manuscript one-page arrange-
ment for piano solo.

The piano duet arrangement published as a supplement to the journal

Muzykalnaya zhizn (‘Musical Life’), 1960, No. 21 (Sadovnikov) or 22
(Collected Works).
Muzyka, Choral Conductor’s Library No. 20, 1966, arr. for chorus and
and piano.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1314 (in collection In Memory of Heroes),
1970, arr. for wind band by Y. Makarov, 21.5 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2035 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Pieces for trumpet
and piano), 1976, parts, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11687 (in Volume 11 of Collected Works), 1984, original
orchestral score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (as a supplement in Volume 34 of Collected Works),
1985, arr. G. Kovalyov, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 36 and reduction in
Volume 37 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 2 minutes (composer and Sadovnikov); 2' 24"–3' 20".
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D8459-60 (10" mono). USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Arvid YANSONS. P 1962.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02137-8. Red Banner Ensemble, Boris ALEKSANDROV.
P 1970 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3200 (‘Cavalry Song’). G Oct. 1976 ~
USSR: Melodiya C6O 12741-2. I 1980b ~ USSR: Melodiya C60 21747
008 (‘Songs about Hero-Cities’). I 1985c.
CD—Academy Sound and Vision CD DCA 707. Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Enrique BÁTIZ. P Mitcham 1990, G Sept. 1990 ~ IMG Records
IMGCD 1609. I June 1994, G Feb. 1995.
Decca 436 763-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Apr. 1992, I Feb. 1994, G Apr. 1994.
**Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites -Film Music’,
on first of three-disc set). National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Theo-
dore KURCHAR. [Sans opp. G(ii) and E; Opp. 96 and 115.] P Natonal Radio
Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and 13–14 July 2004 ~ Brilliant Classics 7096
(Hybrid SACD). [Sans opp. G(ii) and E; Opp. 96 and 115.] I 2005.

Opus 111: Five Days, Five Nights

Form: Music for the black-and-white film Five Days, Five Nights, alterna-
tively titled Dresden Art Gallery, directed by Leo Arnshtam for Mosfilm
in collaboration withWolfgang Ebeling of the then East German DEFA
Studios, scored for full orchestra (with harp, organ, and piano). The items
are numbered 1 to 18 but nothing is known of Nos. 5, 10, and 17. No. 6
(Largo) for organ and string orchestra appears in the Suite Opus 111a,
Nos. 3 and 1, in an altered and differently orchestrated version.

1. Introduction
3. Meeting with the liberators on the road
4. ‘It was nearly half an hour ago’
8. Paul’s Soliloquy—Moderato
9. Madonna
11. Fight in the loft
12. Meeting of Katrine and Paul—Allegro
13. Night scene—Andante
14. Katrine’s dream—Moderato
15. Solitude
16. Frau Rank’s parting with the pictures; Alarm [without tempo]
18. Finale

Nos. 2, 6, and 7 are without titles.

Instrumentation: as Suite Opus 111a plus organ.
Composed: July–August 1960, at Dresden.
Premières: Film first shown on 23 November 1961. [Volume 42 of Collected
Works gives the release date as 27 February 1961.]
Suite Opus 111a, 7 January 1962, Moscow Radio; USSR Cinematograph
Symphony Orchestra, Emin Khachaturyan.
Arrangements: Opus 111a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1961:
1. Introduction—Adagio
2. Dresden in Ruins—Largo
3. Liberated Dresden—Moderato—Largo—Allegro attacca
4. Interlude—Andante—Allegro
5. Finale—Moderato—Allegretto—Largo
No. 3 concludes by quoting the ‘Ode to Joy’ theme from Ludwig van
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9.
Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 111a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets
(A and B flat), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets,
3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong
~ glockenspiel, harp, piano ~ strings.
Music: Autograph of the incomplete film score preserved at GTsMMK; and
manuscript copy of ten items of the score and orchestral parts at NBGCOK.
Muzyka, No. 6419, 1970, Suite Opus 111a, full score, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, No. 6 of
the film score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 141 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 103 minutes. Suite: 20' 20"–32' 39"; 32 minutes

Recordings: *CD—Russia: Mosfilm Bomba Music BoMB 0033-168 (mono).

Film soundtrack fragment ‘Liberated Dresden’ figs 3 to 7 with organ. Film
Production Directorate Orchestra, Grigori GAMBURG. [Opp. 132 and 89;
Prokofiev, Sviridov, Khachaturyan et al.] P 1961, I 2005.
LP—USSR: MK D11327-8 (10" mono). Suite Nos. 1–5 complete, with
spliced-in exposition to fig. 7 before coda of No. 1 and additional chorale
prelude inserted before fig. 11 of No. 2). USSR Cinematograph Symphony
Orchestra, Emin KHACHATURYAN. I 1963 ~ Cinema Records LP 8003
(mono). Suite Nos. 1–5 (with No. 4 cut from fig. 12 and No. 5 starting
at fig. 2 plus 5 bars). NB. Orchestra and conductor not named on record
and sleeve.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87763. Suite Nos. 2–4 and 5 (fig. 17 to
end). Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra, José SEREBRIER. P Brussels 1988,
I June 1988, G Oct. 1988.
Germany: Capriccio Compact Discs 10 341/42 (two-disc set). Suite
Nos. 1–5 (as score). Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, James JUDD.
[P Berlin 1–5 and 22–23 Jan. 1990, 1 Oct. 1990.
USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 551 (‘Shostakovich Film Festival’). Suite
Nos. 2 and 3. Chicago Sinfonietta, Paul FREEMAN. P Oak Park, Illinois
May 1990, I Aug. 1991. NB. Labelled as ‘Liberated Dresden’ but actually
‘Dresden in Ruins’ figs. 4 to 8 and 11 to end attacca ‘Liberated Dresden’
figs. 3 to 5 and 7 to end.
Naxos 8.553299. Suite Nos. 1–5. National Symphony Orchestra of
Ukraine, Theodore KUCHAR. P Kyiv 12–15 Feb. 1995, I Dec. 1996, G May
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10361 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 3’). Suite Nos. 1–5. BBC Philharmonic, Vassili
SINAISKY. [Opp. 116, 89, and 75.] P New Broadcasting House, Manchester
12–13 Oct. 2004, I Sept. 2006.
Note: The 1970 music score gives the Russian and English title as Five Days
and Five Nights, Robert Matthew-Walker states that the film is also known
as May 5 (sleeve-note for Opp. 110a and 118a on Phoenix DCS 1038)

Opus 112: Symphony No. 12 in D minor

Form: Symphony, officially subtitled The Year 1917, for normal full symphony
orchestra in four linked movements:
1. Revolutionary Petrograd—Moderato—Allegro attacca
2. Razliv—Adagio attacca
3. Aurora—Allegro attacca
4. The Dawn of Humanity—L’istesso tempo
OP U S 112: SYM P HONY N O. 12 IN D MIN OR 453

Instrumentation: piccolo ( = flute III), 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 clarinets (B flat and

A), 3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba
~ timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~1st violins (16–20),
2nd violins (14–18), violas (12–16), cellos (12–16), double-basses (10–14).
Composed: Completed on 22 August 1961, at Moscow, for the twenty-second
Soviet Communist Party Moscow Convention held in October 1961.
Dedication: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin (Bolshevik Party founder).
Premières: Piano reduction: 8 September 1961, RSFSR Composers’ Union;
Mieczysław Weinberg and Boris Chaikovsky.
Full orchestra: 1 October 1961, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall;
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni Mravinsky; and at Kuibyshev
(now Samara) under Abram Stasevich.
14 October 1961, Metrostroi Palace of Culture, Moscow; USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Konstantin Ivanov.
UK: 4 September 1962, Usher Hall, Edinburgh Festival; Philharmonia
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
London: 28 November 1962, Royal Festival Hall, BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult.
Australia: 15 July 1964, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, George Tzipine.
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by the composer.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI photocopy with a photocopy
preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2802, 1961, 29 cm. (reprinted with the same
no., 1976).
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2809, 1962, reduction for piano four hands,
29 cm.
Breitkopf & Härtel, No. 3574, 1962, 21 cm.
Breitkopf & Härtel, No. 3596 (plate no. 31715), c.1962, 33 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 171, no date, 26.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 4137, 1964, 21 cm.
Edition Eulenberg, No. 10031, 1972, 27 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10178 (in Volume 6 of Collected Works), 1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2210, 1981, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 12 and piano score in
Volume 27 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 40 minutes in score; 34' 25"–44' 08"; 36' 00"–40' 35" (Plaistow).
Ballets: Allumez les étoiles! Roland Petit, Marseilles, Ballet de Marseilles,
5 May 1972. A ballet of thirteen episodes, with libretto based on Vladimir
Mayakovsky’s poem of 1913, ‘Listen!—they are lighting up the stars’;
using music from Georgian folksongs, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibi-
tion, Prokofiev’s Chout and Violin Concerto No. 2, and Shostakovich’s
Symphony No. 12.

Symphony of Revolution. Created by Natalya Ryzhenko and Victor

Smirnov-Golovanov, with libretto based on Maksim Gorky’s novel Mother;
using music from Symphonies Nos. 11 and 12; performed at the Odessa
Theatre of Opera and Ballet in 1977.
Film: October. In the summer of 1967 Aleksandr Kholodilin helped
Shostakovich select some of his music for the sound track of Sergei
Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov’s silent film, originally released in 1928.
English subtitles and sound effects, though not speech, were added to the
restored film. All four movements of Symphony No. 12 were utilized;
also considerable excerpts from Symphony No. 11, Opus 103 and Cello
Concerto No. 2, Opus 126, with ‘The Drayman’s Dance’ from The Bolt,
Opus 27 included for two episodes in lighter vein. A Hendring videocassette
is available on Moskwood, Haarlem catalogue No. 2121.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: MK D09395-6 (mono) and C0245-6.
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Moscow Radio
studio 1961 (Mravinsky’s last studio recording), I 1962 ~ USA: Artia MK
1580 (mono). P not première concert 1 Oct. 1961 as stated, I 1964 ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 2598. G Sept. 1970 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502510 in Set
SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975. Reissued on CD—France: Praga PR 254 017-8
(two-disc set, mono) P not Prague concert 6 Jan. 1962 as stated, I Apr.
1994, G Aug. 1994 ~ France: Le Chant du Monde PR 7254 017. P not
Prague 1962, G Feb. 2001.
CD—BBC Radio Classics 15656 91832. Philharmonia Orchestra,
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Usher Hall, Edinburgh concert 4 Sept. 1962,
I Oct. 1996 ~ *BBC Legends BBCL 4242-2. [Opp. 54, 16, and Sans op.
H(ii).], I Aug. 2008, G Nov. 2008.
Italy: The Classical Society CSCD 125. BBC Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Adrian BOULT. P not stated; possibly the London première concert
28 Nov. 1962, I 1991 ~ Italy: Intaglio INCD 7431. I 1993.
LP—HMV ALP 2009 (mono) and ASD 559. Philharmonia Orchestra,
Georges PRÊTRE. P 27–28 Nov. 1962 and 21–22 Mar. 1963, G Nov. 1963
~ Classics for Pleasure CFP 141. G Oct. 1970.
*East Germany: Eterna 825 977. Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig,
Ogan DURYAN. P Heilandskirche, Leipzig 9, 10, and 12 Oct. 1967, I
LP and CD—Philips Universe 6580 012. Gewandhaus Orchestra,
O. DURYAN. P Oct. 1967, G Aug. 1972 ~ France: Philips 6598 103 (in two-
disc set 6747 252 ‘Tribute to Dmitri Shostakovich’). I post-1975. Reissued
on CD—Philips Classical Collector 434 172-2PM. I Sept. 1992, G Mar.
LP—Australia: ABC A07003. Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Bernard
HEINZE. P Chastwood, Australia Feb. 1968.
OP U S 112: SYM P HONY N O. 12 IN D MIN OR 455

USSR: Melodiya D 32591-2 (10" mono). V. I. Lenin in Razliv. Author:

P. Nikiti. Narrator: V. DAVYDOV. Music from Op. 112. P 1972, I 1973.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C04713-4. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1972, I 1975a ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
3520. G Aug. 1978 ~ USSR: Melodiya C 04713-4 (in second box of Part
1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873
(on sixth of twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1007-8 (in Box 4 of five two-
disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19848-2. I July
1994, G Nov. 1994.
LP and CD—USA: Monitor MCS 2148. Bulgarian Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra, Russian RAYCHEV. P c.1974 ~ AVM Classics AVM 1019
and released on CD—AVMCD 1019. I Dec. 1988 (CD reissued 1994).
Decca SXDL 7577 (digital). Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK.
P Amsterdam 25–26 Jan. 1982, G June and Aug. 1983. Prize-winner in
the Dutch record industry’s 1983 Classical Edison Awards. Reissued on
CD—Decca 417 392-2DH2 (in two-disc set) I June 1986, G Oct. 1986 ~
Decca Ovation 425 067-2DM. G Nov. 1993.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00073 009 (digital). USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P1983, I 1985a. Reissued on
CD—JVC/Target VDC 1044. G May 1986 ~ Olympia OCD 111. I June
1987, G May 1989 ~ Olympia OCD 200. I Dec. 1987, G Apr. 1988 ~
Olympia OCD 5005 (in Volume 1 of six-disc set of symphonies). I Dec.
1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 63460-2 (in two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VDC 25028. Leningrad
Philharmonic Orchestra, Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi
Hall concert 29 (not 30) Apr. 1984 (Mravinsky’s last recording) ~ France:
Erato 2292 45754-2. G June 1992. [NB. Also available in twelve-disc set
2292 45763-2.] ~ USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 912. I Nov. 1996.
Naxos 8.550626. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 5–12 Feb. 1989, I May 1993, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos
8.505017 (in five-disc set of Symphonies). I 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 431 688-2GH. Gothenberg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenberg Oct. 1990, G Sept. 1991 ~ Deutsche
Grammophon 459 415-2GTA2 (two-disc set). I Jan. 1999.
Decca 436 760-2. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY.
P Walthamstow Apr. 1992, I Oct. 1994.
Finland: Ondine ODE 846-2. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, James
DEPREIST. P Oct. 1993 (movements 2–4) and May 1994 (1st movement), I
May 1996, G Feb. 1997.
Denon CO 78968. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P 27–30
Apr. 1994, G Apr. 1996.

*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (eighth in eleven-disc set). WDR

Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 11–15 Sept. 1995, I Dec.
Germany: Arte Nova 74321 63649-2. SWR Symphony Orchestra,
Michel GIELEN. P Baden-Baden 12–13 Sept. 1995, G Nov. 1999.
Teldec 0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). London
Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P London Jan. 1995, G Oct.
1997 ~ Teldec 4509 95070-2. I Aug. 1999.
Chandos CHAN 9585. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri
POLYANSKY. P Mar. 1996, Feb. 1998.
**Angelok1 ANG-CD 9916. Deutsche Symphony Orchestra, Vakhtang
JORDANIA. [Op. 10.] P Berlin Radio Studio 10 Jan. 2000, I 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 037 (Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich Orchestra of
Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. P Cologne studio 20–25 Oct. 2003, I Aug.
EMI Classics 3 35994-2. Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mariss
JANSONS. [Op. 14.] P Munich 26–28 June 2004, I Nov. 2005, G Feb.
Dunelm Records DRD 0234. London Shostakovich Orchestra,
Christopher COX. [Op. 126.] P St Cyprian’s Church, London concert
13 Nov. 2004.
BIS BIS-SACD 1563 (Hybrid SACD). Netherlands Radio Philharmonic
Orchestra, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. [Op. 70.] P Dutch Radio & Television
Studio, Hilversum Apr. 2005, I Aug. 2007, G Dec. 2007.
Arts 47705-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium di Milano concert July 2005, I
Supraphon SU 38902 (on first of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 10.] P Smetana Hall, Prague
concert 8–9 Mar. 2006, G Nov. 2006.
Germany: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 337
1206-2 (CD) and MDG 937 1206-6 (SACD). Beethoven Orchestra,
Roman KOFMAN. [Op. 14.] P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg,
Germany 15–18 May 2006, I Feb. 2007.
Notes: The 1984 Mravinsky recordings are identical although the USA disc
is dated 29 April. Mravinsky and his orchestra used to perform the same
programme on consecutive days and it is not known whether this concert
refers to the 29 or 30 April 1984.
See Fumico Hitotsuyanagi’s article ‘The New Face of the Twelfth
Symphony’ in DSCH Journal No. 13 in which she exposes a coded three-
note motif on Stalin’s initials (‘E flat, B flat, C’ = ‘Es, B, C’ in German
notation = ‘Yos.V.S.’).

Sans op. V: Songs and Dances of Death (Mussorgsky)

Form: Orchestration of Modest Mussorgsky’s song cycle for voice and piano,
written in 1875 (Nos. 1, 2, and 3) and 1877 (No. 4) to poems by Count
Arseni Golenishchev-Kutuzov, for symphony orchestra (with harp):
1. Lullaby—Lento doloroso
2. Serenade—Moderato
3. Trepak—Lento assai Tranquillo
4. The Warrior Captain (or ‘The Field Marshal’)—Vivo-alla guerra
Instrumentation: 2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (A and B flat;
II = bass clarinet), 2 bassoons (II = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum, cymbals, gong ~ harp ~ 1st violins
(12–16), 2nd violins (10–14), violas (8–12), cellos (8–12), double-basses
(6–10 five-string specified).
Composed: Orchestrated on 31 July 1962, at Solotcho village near Ryazan.
Dedication: Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya (soprano).
Première: 12 November 1962, Gorky (now Nizhni Novgorod); Galina
Vishnevskaya, Gorky Philharmonic Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich.
Arrangement: English translation of the poems by Joan Pemberton Smith.
Music: Handwritten copy of the score preserved at TsGALI. Score and parts
stored at the Music Fond of USSR.
Muzyka, No. 3362, 1966, full score, 29 cm.
[Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2441 (in album M. Mussorgsky: Selected
Romances and Songs, 2nd edition), 1979, Nos. 1–4 in original voice and
piano version, 30 cm.]
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 146 of New Collected
Duration: 18' 29"–22' 59".
Recordings: CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 53237-2. Complete cycle.
Galina VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano), Gorky Philharmonic Orchestra, Mstislav
Rostropovich. P Gorky concert 9 Feb. 1963, I 1998.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D021567-8 (mono) Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Aleksandr
VEDERNIKOV (bass), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Mark Ermler. P 1968.
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3436 (quad). Complete cycle. G. VISHNEVSKAYA
(soprano), London Philharmonic Orchestra, M. Rostropovich. P 1977, G
Feb. 1978. Reissued on CD—EMI CMS5 65716-2 (three-disc set). I Nov.
1995, G Sept. 1996 ~ *EMI Great Recordings of the Century 5 62653-2.
[Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky.] G Awards (Oct.) 2003.
CD—France: Auvidis Valois V 4623. Complete cycle. Dmitri
PETKOV (bass), Lorraine Philharmonic Orchestra, Jacques Houtmann.
P Pont-a-Mousson Oct. 1988, I 1990.

LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD10 00139 (No. 43 in series

‘Anthology of Russian Symphonic Music’). Complete cycle. Irina ARKHIPOVA
(mezzo-soprano), USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov. P 1989,
I 1991a. Reissued on CD—USA: Moscow Studio Archives MOS 20019.
[Mussorgsky/Ravel.] I 2004.
CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 60195. Complete cycle. Sergei
LEIFURKUS (baritone), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov. P
Walthamstow 1 Mar. 1990, 1 Nov. 1990, G Mar. 1992.
Deutsche Grammophon 437 785-2GH. Complete cycle. Brigitte
FASSBÄNDER (mezzo-soprano), Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme
Järvi. P Gothenburg May 1992, I Oct. 1993, G Feb. 1994.
Philips 438 872-2PH. Complete cycle. Dmitri HVOROSTOVSKY (baritone),
Kirov Orchestra, Valery Gergiev. P St Petersburg Jan. 1993 ~ Decca 475
7643 (‘Dmitry Hvorostovsky Portrait’, second of two-disc set). [Handel,
Gluck, Vivaldi et al.] I June 2006.
Sony Classical SK 66276. Complete cycle. Anatoli KOCHERGA (bass),
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Claudio Abbado. P Berlin 7–30 Nov. 1993,
I Dec. 1994.
EMI CDC5 55232-2. Complete cycle. Robert LLOYD (bass), Philadelphia
Orchestra, Mariss Jansons. [Op. 93.] P Philadelphia Mar. 1994, I Mar.
1995, G June 1995.
Decca 458 919-2DH. Complete cycle. Sergei ALEKSASHKIN (bass), Duain
Wolfe (chorus-master), Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti.
P Chicago 20–29 Mar. 1997, I Oct. 1998, G May 1999 ~ *Australia: Decca
Eloquence 442 8235 (two-disc set). [Op. 113; Musorsky/Rimsky-Korsakov.]
I 2007.
**Warner Classics 2564-62050-2. Complete cycle. Dmitri HVOROSTOVSKY
(baritone), St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Y. Temirkanov.
[Rakhmaninov.] P Royal Albert Hall, London concert, 24 Aug. 2004, I
Notes: See the essay ‘Mussorgsky and Shostakovich’ by Laurel E. Fay in
Malcolm H. Brown’s Mussorgsky: In Memoriam, 1881–1981.
Nesterenko spoke to Shostakovich in the spring of 1975 about the dif-
ficulties that faced singers performing this vocal cycle. Mussorgsky intended
to write a two-part album, but wrote only three songs for a medium voice in
the first part—‘Lullaby’, ‘Serenade’, and ‘Trepak’—and one, ‘The Warrior
Captain’ for high voice in the second part. A mezzo-soprano copes with the
high tessitura in the last song with some difficulty. It is possible to transpose
the first three a tone lower to suit a bass or contralto with little change to
the instrumentation but then the score of the fourth cannot be transposed
without altering the instrumentation. Shostakovich agreed he would adapt
‘The Warrior Captain’ to suit a medium voice but unfortunately he was not

destined to make the change. (Nesterenko, Thoughts About My Profession,

Iskusstvo, Moscow, 1984).

Opus 113: Symphony No. 13 in B flat minor

Form: Symphony, subtitled Babi Yar, for bass soloist, bass choir, and full
orchestra (with 2–4 harps and piano), to settings of Yevgeni Yevtushenko’s
poems, in five movements:
1. Babi Yar—Adagio
2. Humour—Allegretto
3. In the Store—Adagio attacca
4. Fears—Largo attacca
5. A Career—Allegretto
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes (III = cor anglais), 3 clarinets
(B flat and A; III = E flat and bass), 3 bassoons (III = contrabassoon) ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, castanets,
wood block, tambourine, side drum, whip, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~
bass soloist, choir of 40–100 bass voices ~ 1st violins (16–20), 2nd violins
(14–18), violas (12–16), double-basses (10–14 five-string specified).
Composed: The piano and full scores of Babi Yar completed on 27 March
and 21 April 1962 respectively. Originally intended as a one-movement
symphonic poem. Subsequently four more movements were written and
these were dated 5, 9, 16, and 20 July 1962. The poem ‘Babi Yar’ was pub-
lished in Literaturnaya gazeta, 19 September 1961. Nos. 2, 3, and 5 were
selected by the composer from Yevtushenko’s collection A Wave of the Hand
published in Moscow in early 1962. ‘Fears’ was specially written at the
composer’s request and published in Komsomolskaya pravda, 21 November
1962. Revision of the first movement Babi Yar (two four-line passages of
the original text changed) in January 1963.
Premières: 18 and 20 December 1962, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
Vitali Gromadsky (bass), Republican State and Gnessin Institute Choirs
(basses only), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin.
Revised version: three mid-February 1963 (on 10, 11, and ?14) concerts
in Minsk under conductor Vitali Katayev and on 20 September 1965 at
Moscow under Kondrashin. There were no changes to the music in Minsk
though the Moscow performance used the revised text and music.
USA: 16 January 1970, Philadelphia; Tom Krause (baritone), Philadelphia
Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy.
UK: 14 September 1971, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall; John
Shirley-Quirk (baritone), Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and
Chorus, Charles Groves.

Transcription: Netherlands: July 1993, Limburg; Henk Smit (bass),

Belgian military band and chorus, Norbert Nozy.
Arrangements: Reduction for two pianos four hands by the composer.
Transcription for military band. English translations of the poems by Valeria
Vlazinskaya, and Andrew Hugh; and German, by Jörg Morgener.
Music: Autograph full and vocal scores preserved in the Shostakovich Family
Archive. The first page of the autograph full score is reproduced in Volume
7 of Collected Works.
Muzyka, Leningrad, 1967. [Date of the edition analysed by Anatoli
Dmitriev in Sovetskaya simfoniya za 50 let edited by Georgi Tigranov—
printed but suppressed?]
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 528, no date, Russian text (revised version),
26.5 cm.
Leeds Music (Canada), no number, 1970, Russian words transliterated
(original version), 25 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2253, 1971, Russian text (revised version),
30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2207, 1981, Russian and German texts—the latter
by Jörg Morgener, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10280 (Volume 7 of Collected Works), 1984, Russian text
(revised version), 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11688 (in Volume 9 of Collected Works with reductions of
Op. 135 and choral sections of Opp. 14 and 20), 1984, vocal score with
Russian text (revised version), 30 cm.
DSCH Publisher, Moscow, 2007, facsimile of Shostakovich’s manuscipt
full score.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 13 and Shostakovich’s
piano score in Volume 28 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 56 and approx. 60 minutes in scores; 53' 17"–65' 06".
Recordings: CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 191 (electronic stereo—
proved by an engineer using sophisticated equipment in 2003). Original
version. Vitali Gromadsky (bass), Republican State and Gnessin Institute
Choirs (basses only), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P
Moscow second performance concert 20 Dec. 1962, I Aug. 1993, G Mar.
1994. NB. Fifth movement labelled ‘Quarry’ (sic).
LP and CD—USA: Everest SDBR 3181 (electronic stereo). Revised
version. V. Gromadsky (bass), RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Aleksandr
Yurlov (chorus-master), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN.
P Moscow concert 20 Sept. 1965, G Nov. 1967. Reissued on CD—Moscow
State Conservatory SMC CD 0018 (mono). P date not 1963 as stated nor
20 Nov. 1965 as claimed by Everest, I 1997.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02905-6. Revised version. Artur Eizen (bass),
RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, A. Yurlov (chorus-master), Moscow

Philharmonic Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN. P between 20 and 26 September

1965 (not P 1971 as given in the first and second editions), I 1972 ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 2893. G Apr. 1973 ~ Germany: Melodia Eurodisc 87 623
XPK (in thirteen-record box set). I 1974 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502511
in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 02905-6 (in second
box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX
2903873 (tenth in twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued
on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1007-8 (in Box 4 of five
two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19842-2.1
July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
CD—Italy: Memories HR 4101 (digitally remastered stereo). Labelled
as ‘Rhythmic Version by Massimo Binazzi’. Ruggero, Raimondi (bass),
Rome RAI Symphony Orchestra and Male Chorus, Gianni Lazzari (chorus-
master), Riccardo MUTI. P Rome concert 31 Jan. 1970.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 02905-6. Revised version. A. Eizen
(bass), RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, A. Yurlov (chorus-master),
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, K. KONDRASHIN. P 1971, I 1972 ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 2893. G Apr. 1973 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502511 in
Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975 ~ USSR: Melodiya CM 02905-6 (in second
box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV Melodiya EX
2903873 (tenth in twelve-record box set, DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued
on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1007-8 (in Box 4 of five
two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19842-2. I
July 1994, G Nov. 1994.
LP—USA: RCA Red Seal LSC 3162. Original version. Tom Krause
(baritone), Male Chorus of the Mendelssohn Club, Robert E. Page (chorus-
master), Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY. P Jan. 1970 ~ RCA Red
Seal SB 6830. G June 1970 ~ RCA Red Seal RL 01284 (in three-record box
set). G Nov. 1978.
[CBS 65052. Poem ‘Babi Yar’ (original version) read in George Reavey’s
English translation by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and in Russian by Yevgeni
Yevtushenko. San Francisco and New York poetry concerts. P early 1972.]
LP and CD—HMV ASD 3911. Original version. Dimiter Petkov (bass),
Male voices of the London Symphony Chorus, Richard Hickox (chorus-
master), London Symphony Orchestra, André PREVIN. P 5–6 July 1979,
G Apr. 1981~ Germany: Audiophile Alto/HMV ASD 3911. I limited LP
reissue on 180g. vinyl 1995. Reissued on CD—EMI Classics Double Forte
CZS5 73369-2 (two-disc set). I May 1999, G Aug. 1999.
LP—Philips LP 6514 120 (digital). Original version. John Shirley-Quirk
(baritone), Bavarian Radio Male Chorus and Symphony Orchestra,
K. KONDRASHIN. P Munich concert Dec. 1980, G Apr. 1982.
LP and CD—Decca 414 410-1DH2 (3 sides in two-record box set,
digital). Original version. Marius Rintzler (bass), Male voices of the

Concertgebouw Orchestra Choir, Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard

HAITINK. P Amsterdam 14–15 Oct. 1984, G May and Sept. 1986. Reis-
sued on CD—Decca 417 261-2DH. G May 1986 ~ Decca Ovation 425
073-2DM. I Aug. 1993, G Nov. 1993 ~ London Compact Disc 444 439-2
(ninth disc in eleven-disc set). I June 1995.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00285 000 (3 sides in double album, digital).
Original version. Anatoli Safiulin (bass), Basses of the Yurlov Republican
Russian Choir, Stanislav Gusev (chorus-director), Veniamin Kapitonov
and Vladimir Sorokin (chorus-masters), Aleksandr Suptel (violin), Olga
Mnozhina (viola), Vasili Gorbenko (tuba), Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. [22-minute talk ‘Yevgeni Yevtushenko
narrates his reminiscences’ recorded in 1987.] P Moscow Aug. 1985, I
1988c. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 132. I Nov. 1988, G May 1989
~ Olympia OCD 5006 (in Vol. 2 five-disc set of symphonies.] I Dec. 1990
~ BMG Melodiya 74321 63460-2 (two-disc set). I Mar. 1999.
Chandos ABRD 1248 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8540.
Original version. Nikita Storojev (bass); Men of the CBSO Chorus, City of
Birmingham Choir, and University of Warwick Chorus; City of Birmingham
Orchestra, Okko KAMU. P Birmingham 9–10 Jan. 1987, G Dec. 1987.
LP—Virgin V 2536 (‘Testimony Motion Picture Soundtrack’).
Abbreviated original version first movement sung in English. John
Shirley-Quirk (baritone), The Golden Age Singers, London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P1987, I 1988.
CD—Erato Nouveau BCD 75529. Original version. Nicola Ghiuselev
(bass), Men of the Choral Arts Society of Washington, National Symphony
Orchestra, Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. P Kennedy Center, Washington Jan.
1988, G June 1989 ~ Teldec 0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Sympho-
nies.] G Oct. 1997.
Naxos 8.550630. Revised version. Peter Mikulas (bass), Slovak
Philharmonic Chorus, Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 22–28 Nov. 1990, I Jan. 1993, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos
8.506003 (in six-disc set). I 1993. NB. Surprisingly for 1990 this record-
ing uses the revised sung texts though the disc’s booklet prints the original
Koch Schwann 3 1393-2H1. John Shirley Quirk (baritone), Düsseldorf
Musikverein Chorus, Hartmut Schmidt (chorus-master), Düsseldorf Sym-
phony Orchestra, David SHALLON. P Düsseldorf concert Feb. 1991, G Aug.
Teldec 4509 90848-2. Sergei Lieferkus (baritone), Men of the New York
Choral Artists, Joseph Flummerfelt (chorus-master), New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kurt MASUR. [Recitations by Yevgeni Yevtushenko of ‘Babi Yar’
and ‘The Loss’.] P New York concert Jan. 1993, I Apr. 1994, G Oct. 1994.

Denon CO 75887. Robert Holl (bass), Chorus Viennensis, Guido

Mancusi (chorus-master), Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P
Vienna concert 13–17 May 1993, I Apr. 1994, G Sept. 1994.
Czech: Supraphon SU 0160-2. Peter Mikuláš (bass), Male Choirs of the
Prague Philharmonic and Pavel Kühn Mixed Choir, Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 1 Feb. 1995, G Apr.
1996 ~ Supraphon SU 38902 (tenth of ten-disc set). G Nov. 2006.
Sony Classical St Petersburg Classics SMK 66591. Sergei Baikov (bass),
Estonia National Male Voice Choir, St Petersburg Camerata Orchestra,
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Saulius SONDETSKIS. P Vilnius July 1995,
G July 1995.
Decca 444 791-2DH. Sergei Aleksashkin (bass), Duain Wolfe (chorus-
master), Sir Anthony Hopkins (narrator), Chicago Symphony Chorus and
Orchestra, Sir Georg SOLTI. Poems read in English before each movement.
P Chicago concerts 23–26 Feb. 1995 and narration taped in studio, G Aug.
1995 ~ *Australia; Decca Eloquence 442 8235 (two-disc set). [Sans op. V;
Mussorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov.] I 2007.
Deutsche Grammophon 449 187-2GH. Anatoli Kotscherga (bass),
National Male Chorus of Estonia, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra,
Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Nov. 1995, I Jan. 1997, G June 1997 ~
*Deutsche Grammophon 474 469-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 135 and 141.] I
May 2003.
Chandos CHAN 9690. Ayik Martyrosyan (bass), Russian State Symphonic
Cappella, Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. P Moscow
Conservatory Nov. 1996, I Nov. 1998.
BBC Proms BBCP 1002-2. S. Leiferkus (baritone), Leeds Festival
Chorus, Huddersfield Choral Society, BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY.
P Proms concert 21 Aug. 1998, G Nov. 1999.
**Netherlands: Het Residentie Orkest RO 100 (three-disc set). Sergei
Aleksashkin (bass), Nederlands Concertkoor, Het Residentie Orkest, Den
Haag, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. [Brahms and Tchaikovsky.] P Dr Anton
Philipszaal, The Hague concert 8 Nov. 1998, I 2004.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (ninth in eleven-disc set of sym-
phonies). Sergei Aleksashkin (bass), Choral Academy of Moscow, WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 11–14 Sept. 2000, I Dec.
2001 ~ Regis RRC 1102. I Jan. 2003.
Japan: UCCD 1186. Sergei Koptchak (bass), Tokyo Nikikai Chorus,
Takanori Egami (chorus-master), NHK Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P NHK Hall, Tokyo concert 19 Oct. 2000.
Avia AV 2096. Gidon Saks (bass), Royal Philharmonic Chorus (men’s
voices) and Orchestra, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Rakhmaninov.] P Liverpool Phil-
harmonic Hall concert 20 and 22 Mar. 2003, I Oct. 2006, G Jan. 2007.

Germany: Capriccio 71 038 (Hybrid SACD). Arutyan Kotchinian (bass),

Prague Philharmonic Chorus, Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri
KITAYENKO. P Cologne studio 20–24 Jan. and 13–17 July 2004, I Aug.
EMI Classics 5 57902-2. S. Aleksashkin (bass), Bavarian Radio Symphony
Orchestra and Chorus, Mariss JANSONS. P Munich 12–15 Jan. 2005, I Mar.
Sweden: BIS BIS-ACD 1543. Jan-Hendrik Rootering (bass), Netherlands
Radio Choir and Philharmonic Orchestra, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. P Music
Centre for Dutch Radio & Television, Hilversum 10–11 Apr. 2005, I
Germany: MDG 937 1205-6 (SACD) and 337 1205-6 (CD). Taras
Shtonda (bass), Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn, Czech Philharmonic Choir
of Brno, Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
28–30 Nov. 2005.
Arts Music 47708-8 (Hybrid SACD). Pavel Kudinov (bass), Orchestra
Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Erina Gambarini
and Ruben Jais (chorus-masters), Oleg CAETANI. P Auditorium di Milano
concert May 2006, I Oct. 2006
Relief CR 991081. Sergei Aleksashkin (bass), Moscow Chamber Choir,
Vladimir Minin (chorus-master), Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra,
Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. [Yevtushenko speaking.] P Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall concert 14 Oct. 2006, I 2008.
Notes: The melodies of two Burns’ settings from Opus 62 appear in this
symphony. The theme of ‘O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast’ is quoted at
fig. 13 in the first movement. For the significance of this quotation in the
‘Anne Frank episode’ see Shostakovich Reconsidered, 603–04. The music of
‘Macpherson before his Execution’ is used fittingly between figs 51 and 62
in the second movement, when Humour breaks into a dashing dance and
goes to his execution as a political prisoner.
The difficulties experienced prior to the première of the Thirteenth
Symphony are expounded in the article ‘Kondrashin on Shostakovich’ in
DSCH Newsletter XVIII and Yevgeni Yevtushenko writes twelve pages on
‘Babi Yar—the Most Dangerous Symphony’ in DSCH Journal No. 15.
Galina Vishnevskaya throws new light on this symphony in her 1985 book
Galina: A Russian Story.

Opus 114: Katerina Izmailova

Form: Revised version of the four-act opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District,
Opus 29. New symphonic interludes between Scenes 1 and 2 and Scenes
7 and 8, changes made in Scene 3, minor revisions to the vocal lines, and

the eradication of the cruder passages of the libretto (undertaken by Isaak

Glikman at the request of the composer in March–April 1955).
Instrumentation: As Opus 29 with side drum militare and whip not specified
and one less cornet in the off-stage band.
Composed: March 1955–31 January 1963. Revisions to the four acts com-
pleted on 24 December 1962; 9, 24, and 31 January 1963 respectively.
Some changes introduced into the score after the première.
Premières: Opera—8 January 1963, Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-
Danchenko Theatre; décor by Iosif Sumbatashvili, produced by Lev
Mikhailov, and conducted by Gennadi Provatorov; principal roles—Eleonora
Andreyeva (Katerina), Gennadi Yefimov (Sergei), Eduard Bulavin (Boris),
and M. Shchavinsky (Zinovi). [Unofficial premiere on 26 December 1962.]
UK: 2 December 1963, Covent Garden, London; Marie Collier (Katerina),
Charles Craig (Sergei), Otakar Kraus (Boris), Edward Downes (conductor).
Produced by Vlado Habunek with décor by Božidar Rasiča—both invited
from Zagreb.
UK revival: 20–24 July 2006, London Coliseum; Olga Sergeyeva/Larissa
Gogolevskaya (Katerina), Oleg Balashov (Sergei), Gennadi Bezzubenkov
(Boris), Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Valery Gergiev. Décor by Irina
Excerpts—Scotland: Katerina’s Arias from Acts 1 and 4: 26 August 1962,
Edinburgh Festival, Usher Hall; Galina Vishnevskaya, London Symphony
Orchestra, Igor Markevitch.
Suite Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 4: 4 September 1962, Edinburgh Festival, Usher
Hall; Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd Brass Band, John Faulds (conductor);
Philharmonia Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. NB. The orchestra was
not the Edinburgh Philharmonic and the wind band name is incorrectly
given in New Collected Works Volume 69, page 187.
Suite Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 4: 5 November 1972, Perth City Hall; Perth
Symphony Orchestra, John McLeod. Incorrectly billed as the first concert
version in Great Britain.
Prelude—Opus 114b: 25 November 2004, Winnipeg, Canada; Winnipeg
Symphony Orchestra, Andrei Boreyka.
Arrangements: Opuses 29/114a—Suite of Five Interludes, compiled by the
composer, for large orchestra (with 2 harps and a 14-piece brass ensemble).
Nos. 2, 4, and 5 correspond, with several differences, to Nos. 1, 5, and 4 of
Opus 29a. In some performances a soprano aria replaces the orchestral No. 2.
The prominent xylophone part in No. 2 is eliminated in the composer’s final
version, the score of which bears a copyists stamp of 3 June 1970.

1. Entr’acte between 1st and 2nd Scenes—Allegretto

2. Entr’acte between 2nd and 3rd Scenes—Allegro con brio

3. Entr’acte between 4th and 5th Scenes (Passacaglia)—Largo

4. Entr’acte between 6th and 7th Scenes—Allegretto
5. Entr’acte between 7th and 8th Scenes—Presto
Opus 114b—Interlude No. 4, between 6th and 7th Scenes, rewritten
at the request of Maksim Shostakovich in the mid-1960s as an indepen-
dent concert number. The brass band is eliminated and a piccolo trumpet
introduced. Five bars are added at the start so that the Interlude could be
performed as an independent encore.
Opus 114c—Suite of eight orchestral items arranged by James Conlon
in 1991:
1. In the Court of the Izmailovas
2. Dangerous Tension
3. Katerina and Sergei I
4. Passacaglia
5. Katerina and Sergei II
6. The Drunkard
7. Arrival of the Police
8. In Exile
Opus 114d—Katerina Izmailova Symphonic Suite, based on themes
from the opera, by Veniamin Basner:
1. Katerina
2. Father-in-law
3. Night; Ghost
4. Arrest
5. Exile (Prison)
Translation of the libretto: English by Edward Downes, H. B. Partridge,
and Julius Rudel; German by Enns Fried; Danish by Holger Boland;
Norwegian by Bjørn Larssen; and Swedish by Lars Runsten.
Music: Autograph of the full and vocal scores preserved at TsGALI. The
first pages of Acts 1 and 4 of the full score and the first page of the vocal
score—all of the 1963 editions designated Op. 29/114 by the composer—
reproduced in Volumes 20, 21, and 22 respectively of Collected Works.
Muzyka, No. 544, 1963, vocal score listed as Opus 29/114 with Russian
text and music in copyist’s hand, 520, 29.5 cm.
Friends of Covent Garden, 1963; Shenval Press, London, 2nd edition
1964, libretto in English translation and synopsis by Edward Downes, and
article by the composer, without music, 48, 20 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2129, 1964, German translation by Enns Fried, vocal
score arr. Friedrich Buck, 35 cm.

Muzyka, No. 964, 1965, vocal score listed as Opus 29/114 with Russian
and English texts—the latter by E. Downes, and preface by Lev Lebedinsky,
350, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Nos. 2162 and 2162a, 1965, full score with Russian and
English texts—the latter by E. Downes, and preface by L. Lebedinsky, in
two volumes (Acts 1 and 2, 452; Acts 3 and 4, 260), 30 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, libretto only, in Russian, 109, 15 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1973, Danish translation by Holger Boland, vocal score
revised by Friedrich Buck, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1975, Norwegian translation by Bjørn Larssen, rental only.
Hans Sikorski, 1979, Swedish translation by Lars Runsten, rental only.
Muzyka, No. 11679 (Volume 22 of Collected Works), 1985, vocal score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, Nos. 11693-4 (Volumes 20 and 21 of Collected Works), 1985,
full score of two Acts in each, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of V. Basner’s
Symphonic Suite available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2002, New Collected Works Volume 69, full
score of the Five Interludes Opus 29/114a and Concert Version Opus 114b,
192, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score of the Opera in Volume 58 and
piano score in Volume 59 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Opera: 2 hrs 41 mins–2 hrs 59 mins. Film: 116–120 minutes. Five
Interludes: 16' 30"–17' 59"; 15 minutes (Schirmer).
Opus 114d—Katerina Izmailova Symphonic Suite: 46' 27".
Films: Katerina Izmailova. Colour film of the opera, directed by Mikhail
Shapiro for Lenfilm, 1966. Galina Vishnevskaya in the title role, Chorus
and Orchestra of the Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, Kiev, con-
ducted by Konstantin Simeonov. Première: 25 September 1966. Shown
in 1967 at the Cannes International Film Festival and the Aldeburgh and
Edinburgh Festivals. Reissued in Japan: Dreamlife Classics Video DVD
DLVC 1104. I 2003.
RCA Victor Red Seal Laser Disc 781202 and VHS Video 791202
(‘Concert in Berlin’—Op. 29; Tchaikovsky and Schnittke). Entr’actes
from Scenes 1–2. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich.
P Philharmonie, Berlin 31 Dec. 1990, I 1992.
Recordings: LP—RCA Red Seal RB 16271 (mono) and SB 2141. Katerina’s
Aria only. Galina VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano) and Aleksandr Dedyukhin
(piano). G Mar. 1962 ~ USA: Time-Life ‘Great Men of Music’ box set STL
568. I 1979.
CD—BBC Radio Classics Compact Disc 15656 91832. Katerina’s
arias from Act 1 Scene 3 and Act 4. G. VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano), London

Symphony Orchestra, Igor Markevitch. P Edinburgh concert 26 Aug. 1962,

I Oct. 1996.
BBC Radio Classics 15656 91832. Suite Op. 114a: Nos. 1, 2 (with
added xylophone as Op. 29 score), 5, and 4. Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd
Brass Band, John Faulds (conductor), Philharmonia Orchestra, Gennadi
ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Edinburgh concert 4 Sept. 1962, I Oct. 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D013709-16 (8 sides mono) and C0871-8 (8 sides).
Eleonora Andreyeva (Katerina), Eduard Bulavin (Boris), Vyacheslav Radzievsky
(Zinovi), Gennadi Yefimov (Sergei), Dina Potapovskaya (Aksinya), Vyacheslav
Fyodorkin (workman), Vasili Shtefutsa (coachman), Ley Yeliseyev (peasant),
Vladimir Popov (janitor), Yevgeni Maksimenko (priest), Mikhail Tyuremnov
(clerk), Nikolai Kozlov (worker), Vladimir Generalov (police sergeant),
Konstantin Mogilevsky (policeman), Matvei Matveyev (teacher), Georgi
Dudarev (old convict), Yevgeni Korenev (sentry), Nina Isakova (Sonyetka),
Olga Borisova (woman convict); Chorus and Orchestra of the Stanislavsky
and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Drama Theatre, Moscow; Gennadi
PROVATOROV. P 1963, I 1964 ~ USSR: Melodiya D14451-2 (10" mono) and
C989-90 (10"). Arias and scenes from Acts 1 and 4. I 1964-5 ~ USA: Angel
Melodiya S 4160 (complete, 6 sides) and S 40022 (excerpts, 2 sides) ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 3204-7 in Set SLS 5050 (four-record box set, with libretto).
G Aug. 1976 ~ USSR: Melodiya C0871-8 (in joint first and second box of
Collected Works on Records, 8 sides, with libretto). I 1978.
CD—Revelation RV 10084. Suite Op. 114a. USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, G. ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 10 Aug. 1965, I Aug. 1997.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D018233-4 (mono) and C01359-60. Katerina’s
Aria from Act 4. Evelina STOITSEVA (soprano). P 1966.
*DVD—Decca 074 3137DH (mono). Principal roles—Galina
Vishnevskaya (Katerina), V. Tretyak (Sergei), Aleksandr Vedernikov (Boris),
and Vyacheslav Radziyevsky (Zinovi); Kiev Opera Chorus and Orchestra,
Konstantin SIMEONOV. P Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, Kiev 1966,
G Feb. 2007.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02927-8. Katerina’s Arias from Acts 1 and 4.
Svetlana KORETSKAYA (soprano), Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko
Theatre Orchestra, Dmitri Kitayenko. P 1971, I 1972.
USSR: Melodiya CM 04285-6. Katerina’s aria from Act 4. Nina FOMINA
(soprano), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, Mark Ermler. P 1973, I 1974b ~
USSR: Melodiya C10 06871-2 (‘Bolshoi Theatre Soloists Sing’). I I976d.
USSR: Melodiya M10 39657-8 (10" mono). Katerina’s Aria from Act 4.
Nadezhda KRASNAYA (soprano) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P concert
1973, I 1977d.
*USA: Opera d’Oro ODO 1388 (three-disc set, mono). Principal roles—
Gloria Lane (Katerina), William Cochran (Sergei), Kari Nurmela (Boris), and

Georgi Chokalov (Zinovi); Rome RAI Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,

Yuri ARANOVICH. P Rome broadcast concert 29 May 1976, I Apr. 2004.
USSR: Melodiya C10 18239008. Entr’acte arr. for wind orchestra.
Bolshoi Theatre Wind Orchestra, Vladimir ANDROPOV. I 1983b.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 21393 004 (five-record box set,
synopsis but no libretto). Gizela Tsipola (Katerina), Aleksandr Zagrebelnyi
(Boris), Vladimir Gurov (Zinovi), Sergei Dubrovin (Sergei), Oksana Yatsenko
(Aksinya), Andrei Ishchenko (workman), Yuri Khomich (coachman), Nikolai
Khoruzhy (peasant), Ivan Chornyi (janitor), Georgi Krasulya (priest), Stepan
Matveyev (clerk), Vladimir Lositsky (police sergeant), Anatoli Kocherga (old
convict), Aleksandr Chulyok-Zagrai (sentry), Galina Tuftina (Sonyetka), Aza
Bakanova (woman convict); Chorus and Orchestra of the Kyiv Shevchenko
Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Lev Venediktov (chorus-master),
Irina Molostova (producer), Stepan TURCHAK. P 1983, I 1985b. Reissued on
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1021-3 (three-disc set, French
and English synopses and French libretto). I Oct. 1989, G Jan. 1990.
Chandos ABRD 1279 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8587. Suite
Op. 114a. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Glasgow 14–17
Apr. 1987, I Mar. 1988, G July 1988. Reissued on CD—Chandos 7000/1
(two-disc set). I Sept. 1994, G May 1995 ~ *Chandos CHAN X 10088
(two-disc set). [Opp. 27a, 96; Sans op. P(i).] I June 2003.
CD—Germany: Deutsche Schallplatten DS 1035-2. Suite Op. 114c Nos.
2, 4, 5, and 6 arr. J. Conlon. Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra,
Elbert Lechtman STEINBERG. P Ziln, Czech June 1994, I Nov. 1995.
Germany: Capriccio 10 780. Suite Op. 114a—not the 1934 version as
stated. Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne
12–14 Feb. 1996, G Dec. 1999.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00356. Suite Op. 114d arr. V. Basner.
Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. P Moscow
18 and 19 Apr. 1996.
Austria: Calig CAL 50 992. Suite Op. 114d arr. V. Basner. Florian
Zwiauer (violin), Wilfried Rehm (cello), Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
V. FEDOSEYEV. P Vienna concert 25–27 Feb. 1997, G Apr. 1998.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3415-2. Suite Op. 114a Nos. 5, 1–4. Prague
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P Prague concert 2 Mar.
1999, I and G Awards (Oct.) 1999.
**USA: Arabesque Z 6764. Suite Op. 114a. San Francisco Opera
Orchestra, Donald RUNNICLES. [Britten and Bernstein.] P Davies Symphony
Hall, San Francisco 27–29 Aug. 2000, I May 2003.
Capriccio 10 892. Suite Op. 114c Nos. 1–8 arr. J. Conlon. Cologne
Güerzenich Philharmonic Orchestra, James CONLON. [Op. 77.] P Cologne
studio 29 June–3 July 2001, G May 2002.

Notes: The score carries the following ‘Composer’s Note.’ ‘The director
of any opera house intending to produce the opera Katerina Izmailova
should bear in mind the following: No cuts whatever are permitted. There
are in the opera a number of episodes where the soloists, chorus, and the
banda perform backstage. The volume of sound should be so regulated
that they are well heard in the auditorium. Mutes are not applied to the
double-basses, so where all the string parts are marked con sord., but the
double-bass part has no such markings, this should not be regarded as a
The oddly-named brass band featured in the 1962 première was formed
by a Kirkcaldy jute and linoleum company in 1902 and performed success-
fully until the plant closed in the mid-1960s.

Opus 115: Overture on Russian

and Kirghiz Folksongs
Form: Occasional overture for orchestra, marked ‘Moderato—Allegro non
The folksongs developed are ‘O, You Tramps’—collected by Aleksandr
Medvedev in the Omsk region in 1959; ‘Tyryldan’ (a mythical creature)
and ‘Op Maida’ (thresher’s song)—being Nos. 3 and 8 from Viktor
Vinogradov’s collection, One Hundred Kirghiz Songs and Tunes, published
in Moscow, 1956.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani,
triangle, cymbals ~ 1st violins (16), 2nd violins (14), violas (12), cellos
(12), double-basses (10). String strength quoted to be regarded as the
Composed: September 1963, at Repino, in honour of the 100th anniversary
of the voluntary incorporation of Kirghizia into the Russian Empire.
Premières: 10 October 1963, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Konstantin Ivanov.
2 November 1963, Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Frunze (now Bishkek),
UK public: 14 December 1972, Glasgow City Hall; Glasgow Orchestral
Society, John McLeod.
Arrangement: Transcribed for wind orchestra by Guy Dukar. Instrumenta-
tion: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 6 clarinets (E flat soprano, 3 B flat, B flat
bass, E flat contrabass), 4 saxophones ( 2 alto, tenor, baritone) ~ 4 horns,
3 cornets, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones (2 tenor, 1 bass), euphonium, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, tambourine, cymbal, xylophone ~ string double-bass.

This arrangement premièred by the University of Illinois Symphonic Band

in 1990.
Music: The autograph score, presented to the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Kirghizia by the composer, preserved at the Frunze
Museum. Handwritten score and parts stored at the Music Fond of the
Music Fond of the USSR, 1963.
Muzyka, No. 3729, 1967, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11687 (in Volume 11 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
Composers’ Editions, arr. Guy Dukar,
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 35 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 8 minutes in score; 9' 10"–10' 25"; 9 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Recordings: CD—Czech: Praga PR 250 040 (mono). Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P Prague broadcast 14 Oct. 1964, G Sept.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02581-2. Moscow Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1971 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2781.
G May 1972.
LP and CD—Decca SXDL 7577 (digital). Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Bernard HAITINK. P Amsterdam 1 Feb. 1982, G June 1983. Reissued on
CD—Decca 411 939-2DH2 (in two-disc set). G Aug. 1985.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 427 616-2GH. Gothenberg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenberg May 1988, I Aug. 1989, G May
1991 ~ Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 469 029-2GCL. G Aug. 2000.
Academy Sound and Vision CD DCA 707. Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Enrique BÁTIZ. P Mitcham 1990, G Sept. 1990 ~ IMG Records
IMGCD 1609. I June 1994.
*LP—Japan: Sony SRCR 9892. Arr. Dukar. Toyko Kosei Wind
Orchestra, Yasuhiko SHIOZAWA. [Op. 63.] P 1991.
**CD—Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites—Film
Music’, on first of three-disc set). [Sans opp. G(ii), E, and U; Op. 96).
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Sans opp.
G(ii), E, and U; Op. 96]. P National Radio Studio, Kyiv 1–8 June and
13–14 July 2004 ~ Brilliant Classics 7096 (Hybrid SACD) [Sans opp. G(ii),
E, and U; Op. 96.] I 2005.
Centaur CRC 2799. Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra, Jackson
LEUNG. [Debussy, Piazzolla, and Barber.] P Dum Umeni, Zhin, Czech
Republic 15–18 June 2005, I 2006.
Naxos 8.570946. Arr. Dukar. Youngston State University Symphonic
Wind Ensemble, Stephen L. GAGE. [Lindroth, Saint-Saens, Colgrass et.al] P
Powers Auditorium, Youngston, Ohio 4 Feb. 2006, I 2008.

Opus 116: Hamlet

Form: Music for the black-and-white film of William Shakespeare’s tragedy
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, in Boris Pasternak’s Russian translation,
directed by Grigori Kozintsev for Lenfilm. Ophelia’s ‘mad’ songs (namely
‘How should I your true love know’, ‘Tomorrow is St Valentine’s Day’,
and ‘For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy’) from Chappell 1855–59, sung
unaccompanied in the film, were used by Shostakovich in his incidental
music (see Ford 2007). Scored for large symphony orchestra (with harp,
harpsichord, and piano). Items with tempo indication are included in
Volume 42 of Collected Works:
1. Overture ‘Elsinore’—Largo (No. 1 in the Suite Opus 116a)
2. [Decree of the King]
3. Military Music—Allegro [Numbered No. 2 in Collected Works]
4. [Royal Fanfare] [No. 3 in Collected Works—tempo not stated]
5. Ball at the Palace (No. 2 in the Suite)
6. Story of Horatio and the Ghost—Adagio
7. [Dance of Ophelia]
8. The Ball—Allegretto
9. The Ghost (No. 3 in the Suite)
10. Hamlet’s parting from Ophelia—Andante
11. [Hamlet in thought or Palace Music]—Moderato
12. Hamlet’s monologue: ‘What a piece of work is man!’
13. Arrival of the Players (No. 6 in the Suite)
14. Hamlet’s soliloquy: ‘Fie upon’t! foh! About my brain’—Moderato
non troppo
15. The Presentation
16. Hamlet’s soliloquy: ‘To be, or not to be’—Adagio
17. [Preparation for the spectacle]
18. [Royal fanfare]
19. In the Garden (Court procession) (No. 4 in the Suite)
20. Booth fanfare—Allegro
21. Scene of the Poisoning (No. 5 in the Suite)
22. Flutes—Presto
23. Conscience
24. Hamlet and Gertrude (‘The Ghost in the Queen’s presence’)
25. Hamlet’s soliloquy and scene on board ship
26. Ophelia losing her mind (Song of Ophelia)—Andantino
27. Ophelia’s Insanity—Adagio
28. Death of Ophelia (No. 7 in the Suite)
29. [Song of the Gravedigger]—Moderato non troppo
OPUS 116: H AML ET 473

30. [Hamlet’s monologue: ‘Alas, poor Yorick!’]—Largo

31. War March

32. The Duel between Hamlet and Laertes
33. Death of Hamlet (‘The rest is silence’) (No. 8 in the Suite)
34. Funeral of Hamlet
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (A and B flat),
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
tambourine, side drum, whip, bass drum, gong ~ xylophone, celesta, harp,
harpsichord, piano ~ strings.
Composed: 1963–64, at Moscow, for the occasion of the 400th anniversary
celebration of Shakespeare’s birth.
Premières: Film first shown on 24 April 1964 in Moscow. Film score performed
by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra under Nikolai Rabinovich.
Suite Opus 116a: 10 February 1965, Leningrad; concert version.
Concert scenario: Hamlet: 26 January 1993, broadcast from the Usher
Hall, Edinburgh; Royal Scottish Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Arrangements: Opus 116a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1964:

1. Introduction—Largo
2. Ball at the Palace—Presto
3. The Ghost—Largo
4. In the Garden—Moderato ma non troppo
5. Scene of the Poisoning—Largo
6. Arrival and Scene of the Players—Allegro
7. Ophelia—Andante
8. The Duel and Death of Hamlet—Allegro

Reduction for piano of Nos. 4, 7, and 5, each preceded by Hamlet’s

motto, by Zinaida Vitkind.
Concert scenario: Hamlet. A 32-minute suite of sixteen items culled
from Shostakovich’s film and stage scores, Opp. 116 and 32 respectively,
by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, interspersed with fanfares from Aleksandr
Varlamov’s incidental music to Hamlet composed in 1837. The numbers
arranged in the following order: Opp. 116a Nos. 3 and 2; 116 Nos. 22,
8, 22, 11; 116a No. 6; 116 No. 22; 32a Nos. 3 and 5; 116 No. 16; 116a
No. 7; 116, Nos. 10, 26, 27, and 29; 32a No. 11; and 116a No. 8. Side
drum and Varlamov trumpet fanfare added to the three sections of the solo
flute theme of Op. 116 No. 22.
Music: The autograph film score preserved in the Shostakovich Family
Archive. Handwritten score deposited at NBGCOK. The first page of the
autograph score is reproduced in Volume 42 of Collected Works.

Cramer, Beale & Chappell, London, 1855–59, two volumes, Popular Music
of the Olden Times: A Collection of Ancient Songs, Ballads and Dance Tunes,
illustrative of the National Music of England, compiled by William Chappell,
two volumes, includes Ophelia’s ‘mad’ songs as listed under Form.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1964, full score of the Suite.
Muzyka, No. 5059, 1968, full score of the Suite, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2330 (with Op. 97a), 1978, Suite Nos. 4, 7, and
5 arr. for piano by Z. Vitkind, 28.5 cm. [Originally published in 1967.]
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, fifteen
items, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 142 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 150 minutes. Suite Opus 116a: 26' 40"–35' 46"; 42 minutes
Film: Moskwood Video, Haarlem, Netherlands, No. 2644, c.1993, videocas-
sette with Dutch subtitles, 142 minutes.
RUS-CICO (Russian Cinema Council) Collection, two-DVD set, PAL,
70 + 70 minutes, 2000.
Ballets: Hamlet. V. Kamkov, Kirov Ballet, Leningrad Kirov Theatre, 1969;
filmed for television.
Hamlet. M. Mnatsakanyan, Petrozavod Musical-Dramatic Theatre, 1971
and Yerevan, 1972.
Hamlet. L. Monreal, Boston Ballet, 1975.
The Idiot. Valeri Panov, Deutsche Oper Ballet, West Berlin, 15 June 1979.
The Storm. André Prokovsky, London Festival Ballet new splinter group,
world première at King’s Theatre, Southsea, 27 May 1981. The 40-minute
ballet based on Aleksandr Ostrovsky’s play of 1859 choreographed to
Shostakovich’s film score. Décor and costumes by Peter Farmer, scenario by
John Aitken, with music selected and arranged by John Riley.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D17691-2 (10" mono). Suite
Nos. 1–5, 7 and Score No. 34. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Nikolai
RABINOVICH. P 1964 ~ USA: Cinema Records LP 8003 (mono). Orchestra
and conductor uncredited ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 09508-CM 0298 (in
fourth box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records, stereo). I 1978 ~ Germany:
Melodia Eurodisc 28665 XHK (on fourth record in four-record film music
album). I 1981. *Reissued on CD—Russia: Classound Great Musicians of
Palmira Du Nord 2003-5 (mono). [Mozart and Berlioz.] I 2003.
Decca Phase 4 PFS 4315. (‘Music from Great Shakespearean
Films’). Suite Nos. 1–3, 5, 6, and 8. National Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bernard HERRMANN. P London Mar. 1974, G Aug. 1975. Reissued on
CD—Unicorn-Kanchana Souvenir UKCD 2066. I Apr. 1994, G Feb. 1995
~ London 455 156-2LPF. I Oct. 1997.
OPUS 116: H AML ET 475

CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87763. Suite Nos. 1–8. Belgian Radio
Symphony Orchestra, José SEREBRIER. P Brussels 1988, I June 1988, G Oct.
1988 ~ RCA Classical Navigator 74321 24212-2. Suite Nos. 1–8. I June
1995 ~ *RCA Red Seal 82876 55493-2. [Op. 47.] G June 2004.
Germany: Capriccio 10 298. Suite Nos. 1–8. Berlin Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Leonid GRIN. P Berlin Nov. and Dec. 1988, I Feb. 1990.
USA: Pro-Arte Fanfare CDD 551 (‘Shostakovich Film Festival’). Suite
Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8. Chicago Sinfonietta, Paul FREEMAN. P Oak Park,
Illinois May 1990, I Aug. 1991 ~ Conifer Classic Class 7086. I Nov.
Koch International Classics 37274-2. (‘Shakespearian classics from stage
and screen’). Suite Nos. 1, 2, and 4. KBS Symphony Orchestra, Vakhtang
JORDANIA. P Seoul, Korea Feb. 1994, G Dec. 1994.
Varése Sarabande VSD 5752. Suite Nos. 2 and 8. Royal Scottish National
Orchestra, Cliff EIDELMAN. P Glasgow 5–6 Aug. 1996, G Mar. 1997.
Denon CO 18004. Score Nos. 26, 27, 29, and 30 arr. for chamber
orchestra, I SOLISTI ITALIANI, Edoardo Farina (harpsichord/ piano in Nos. 26,
27, and 30), Alessandro Zucchi (percussion in No. 29), and Daniele Ruggieri
(piccolo in No. 29). P Piazzola sul Brenta 9–18 Aug. 1995. NB. ‘Cemetry’
No. 29 is not from Op. 111.
Decca 460 792-2DH11. (‘The Film Album’). Score Nos. 1, 11, 5, 8, 19,
3, and 21. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam
6, 19, and 22 May 1998, G Apr. 1999.
Monte Carlo: Bel Air Music BAM 2000 (‘Russian Film Music I’). Ball at
the Palace. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstantin KRIMETS. P Moscow
Radio Studio Jan 2000.
**Naxos 8.557446 and 6.110062 (Hybrid SACD). Complete film score,
incorporating Suite Op. 116a. Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Dmitri
YABLONSKY. P Kultura Studio, Moscow 6–14 Feb. 2003, G June 2004. Reis-
sued on DVD—Naxos 5.110062. I 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6735 (‘Jazz & Ballet Suites and Film Music’,
on third of three-disc set). Rearrangement of Suite Nos. 1–8 (see Notes).
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Theodore KURCHAR. [Op. 97a]
P National Radio of Ukraine, Kyiv 1–8 June 2004.
Chandos Movies CHAN 10361 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri Shostakovich,
Volume 3’). Suite No. 1–5. BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 89,
111, and 75.] P New Broadcasting House, Manchester 12–13 Oct. 2004,
I Sept. 2006.
Notes: On the film sound-track a harpsichord sounds during ‘The Madness
of Ophelia’ (No. 27) whereas on the screen she dances to a lute. Fiona
Ford explains the role of Ophelia’s unaccompanied songs in DSCH Journal
No. 26 (January 2007), 24–32.

The Kurchar 2004 CD is an anonymous arrangement of the Suite.

Nos. 1 and 6 are as Atovmyan’s Op. 116a though the remaining numbers are
extensively altered with cuts, the addition of extraneous material and revised
endings. See F. Ford’s letter in DSCH Journal No. 26), 68–69.

Opus 117a: Unfinished Quartet No. 9

Form: Unfinished first movement in E flat major, of 225 bars given the opus
number 113/I [first movement) and marked Allegretto on the facsimile of the
first page reproduced in the DSCH score. Discovered 2003 in the Shostakovich’s
Archives by Olga Digonskaya. Composed: Late August 1961 to 3rd or 4th
week of June 1962. In a letter to Isaak Glikman dated 18 November 1961 the
composer wrote that he had ‘finished the Ninth Quartet, but was very dissatis-
fied with it so in an excess of healthy self-criticism I burnt it in the stove’. This,
however, does not refer to the Unfinished Quartet but a first stab at writing the
‘real’ Ninth Quartet, Op. 117.
Premières: 17 January 2005, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Borodin
France: 15 January and 7 February 2006, Amphithéatre Richelieu de la
Sorbonne, Paris; Danel Quartet (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy
UK: 15 September 2006, Fitzwilliam College Auditorium, Cambridge;
Fitzwilliam Quartet (Lucy Russell, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Andrew
23 September 2006, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; Hagai Shaham,
Natalya Lomeiko, Shlomo Mintz, Aleksandr Ivashkin.s
Arrangement: Completion of first movement by Roman Ledenyov.
Music: DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 2005, score with article by
Olga Digonskaya and Olga Dombrovskaya, 29 cm.
Recording: **Foghorn Classics ASQ-1991 (in three-disc set). Op. 117a.
ALEXANDER STRING QUARTET (Zakarias Grafilo, Frederick Lifsitz, Paul
Yarbrough, Sandy Wilson). [Quartets Nos. 8–15 and Op. 87 Nos. 1 and
17.] P American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York City between 13
Nov. 2005 and 22 June 2006.
Note: In an October 1962 interview he mentioned that he was writing ‘a
children’s piece, about toys and going out to play’, and expected to finish it
in two weeks.

Opus 117: Quartet No. 9 in E flat major

Form: String quartet in five linked movements:
1. Moderato con moto attacca
2. Adagio attacca
O P U S 117: QU A RTET NO. 9 IN E FL AT MAJ OR 477

3. Allegretto attacca
4. Adagio attacca
5. Allegro
Composed: 2–28 May 1964. Completed at Moscow.
Dedication: Irina Antonovna Shostakovich (third wife).
Premières: 20 November 1964, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall and
21 November 1964, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Beethoven Quartet
(Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei Shirinsky).
UK: 14 November 1965, Conway Hall, London; Alberni Quartet
(Dennis Simons, Howard Davis, John White, and Gregory Baron).
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Autograph score preserved at the TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 1956, 1966, score, 20 cm.
Muzyka, No. 1957, 1966, parts, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 793 (plate no. 19520), 1966, score, 19 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 19524, 1966, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 766 (in Volume 3 with Quartets 10 and 11 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1967, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2213, 1980, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2267 (with Op. 118), 1981, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 102 of New Collected
Duration: 26 minutes in score; 24' 27"–28' 35"; 25' 00" (Plaistow).
Ballet: Front Line. Henri Oguike Dance Company, tour of Britain late
February to mid-April 2002. Five dancers performed this 18-minute ballet
to live music of the Ninth Quartet played by the ConTemp 4 tet.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D015683-4 (mono) and
C01053-4. BEETHOVEN QUARTET (Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabavnikov,
Vadim Borisovsky, Sergei Shirinsky). P Feb. 1965—not the première).
Reissued on CD—*USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3009 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 5’). [Opp. 118 and 122.] I Mar. 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D019519-20 (mono) and C01459-60.
BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri
Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1323
in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
LP and CD—Saydisc Amon Ra SAR 1. DARTINGTON QUARTET (Colin
Sauer, Malcolm Latchem, Keith Lovell, Michael Evans). P 1973, G May
1973. Reissued on CD—*Amon Ra CD SAR 1. [Op. 83] I Jan. 2007.
LP—Finland: HMV 5E 063-35038. VOCES INTIMÆ QUARTET (Jorma
Rakhonen, Ari Angervo, Mauri Pietikäinen, Veikko Höylä). P 1974.

LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 30. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher

Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 15–16 Dec. 1977,
G Feb. 1979 ~ Decca 188 D5 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on fourth of six-disc set). G June
USSR: Melodiya C10 11615-6 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works on
Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion
Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon) P 1978, I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD11 00311. I 1991d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 21943 000. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P Moscow Conserva-
tory Bolshoi Hall concert 27 Sept. 1981, I 1985d ~ HMV Melodiya EX
270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G
Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49266-2. I Nov. 1987. I 1990
~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar.
1994 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.
USSR: Melodiya C10 28483 000. SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei
Shishlov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin).
P 1985, I 1989d. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 533 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 3’). I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
Teldec Classics 244 919-2. BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael Thomas, Ian
Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin Feb. 1989, I Oct.
1989, G May 1990. Reissued on CD—Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fourth
of six-disc set). I Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ *Warner Classics Apex 8573
890093-2. [Opp. 108 and 110.] I Aug. 2001.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1010. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis, John
Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 14–15 May 1990. Reissued on CD—Koch
Schwann 310 166 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). I Dec. 1992.
CD—USA: MCA Classics Art & Electronics AED 10212.
GEORGIA STATE RADIO QUARTET (Levan Chkheidze, Georgi Khintibidze, Archil
Kharadze, Revaz Machabeli). P Moscow concert 2–3 June 1990, I 1991.
Netherlands: Etcetera KTC 1182. ELEONORA QUARTET (Eleonora Yakubova,
Irina Pavlikhina, Anton Yaroshenko, Mikhail Shumsky). P Moscow Jan.
1994, I Sept. 1994.
Naxos 8.550973 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Brussels 14–17 Feb.
1994, I Nov. 1994, G Oct. 1995.
Japan: Toshiba EMI TOCE 9306. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Aral, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 23–25 Oct. 1996, I Jan. 1997.
*Netherlands: Globe GLO 5181 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). [Opp. 108 and 133.). P Utrecht Feb. 1998, I Nov. 2001.
O PU S 118: QU A RTET NO. 10 IN A FL AT MAJ OR 479

Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,

five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998, G June 2000.
Hyperion CDA 67155. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). P St Petersburg Studio Dec.
2000, I Apr. 2001, G July 2001.
Chandos CHAN 9955. SORREL QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine
Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher). (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
P The Mailings, Snape 26–30 Mar. 2001, G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
**Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 4’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET ( Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 83 and 122.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as in 1998). [Opp. 73 and 108.] P
Mullem, Belgium concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Arion ARN 68596 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’).
DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Anne Ménier, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Callier). [Opp. 101 and 122.] P Lyon Nov. 2002, I May 2003.
Harmonia Mundi HM 901865. JERUSALEM QUARTET (Aleksandr Pavlovsky,
Sergei Bresler, Amichai Grosz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 49 and 83.] P Teldex
Studio Berlin 15–18 July 2004, I 2005.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’, on third of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 108, 110, and 122.] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Germany: Audite AU 92 528 (Hybrid SACD). MANDELRING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola)
[Opp. 92 and 108.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 10–12 May 2007.

Opus 118: Quartet No. 10 in A flat major

Form: String quartet in four movements:
1. Andante
2. Allegretto furioso
3. Adagio attacca
4. Allegretto—Andante
Composed: 9–20 July 1964, at Dilizhan Composers’ Retreat, Armenia.
Dedication: Mieczysław Samuilovich Weinberg (composer).
Premières: 20 November 1964, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall and
21 November 1964, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Beethoven Quartet

(Dmitri Tsyganov, Vasili Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, and Sergei

‘Western World’; 1965, Weller Quartet recording.
UK: 3 April 1966, Conway Hall, London; Alberni Quartet (Dennis
Simons, Howard Davis, John White, and Gregory Baron).
Arrangements: Opus 118a—’Symphony for Strings’; for string orchestra by
Rudolf Barshai. Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Autograph score preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 2264, 1965, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 2265, 1965, score, 20 cm.
Muzyka, 1966, parts, 29 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1089, 1966, parts, 31 cm.
Musica Rara, No. 1094, 1966, score, 18.5 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 766 (in Volume 3 with Quartets 9 and 11 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1967, 29.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, 1968, ‘Symphony for Strings’ arr. R. Barshai, parts avail-
able for hire, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2214, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2267 (with Op. 117), 1981, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of R. Barshai’s
instrumentation available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 103 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 22 minutes in score; 21' 21"–24' 46"; Opus 118a—24' 57"–26' 31".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D015683-4 (mono) and
C01053-4. BEETHOVEN QUARTET (Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabovnikov,
Vadim Borisovsky, Sergei Shirinsky). P Feb 1965—not the première), I
1964. Reissued on CD—*USA: Consonance Blue Label Disc 81.3009
(‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). [Opp. 117 and 122.] I Mar. 1996.
LP—Decca LXT 6196 (mono) and SXL 6196. WELLER QUARTET (Walter
Weller, Alfred Staar, Helmut Weis, Ludwig Beinl). P 1964, G Nov. 1965
~ USA: London STS 15287. I 1976. *Reissued on CD—475 6796 7 DC8
(‘Weller Quartet 1964–70’, on eighth of eight-disc set). [Berg.] I 2005.
USSR: Melodiya D019211-2 (mono) and C01443-4.
BORODIN QUARTET (Rostilav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri
Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ USA: Seraphim Melodiya
S 6035 (in three-record box set) ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1324 in Set SLS
879. G June 1974.
Pye GGC 4104 (mono) and GSGC 14104. AMICI QUARTET (Lionel
Bentley, Michael Jones, Christopher Wellington, Peter Hailing). P 1967, G
Mar. 1968 ~ Precision Records & Tapes GSGC 2608. I 1983
O PU S 118: QU A RTET NO. 10 IN A FL AT MAJ OR 481

*East Germany: Eterna 8 26 017. NOVÁK QUARTET (Antonin Novák,

Duöan Pandula, Josef Podjuki, Jaroslav Chovanec). [Op. 57.] P Lukaskirche,
Dresden 4 July 1967 or 3 Apr. 1968, I 1970.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 30. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P 15–16 Dec. 1976,
G Feb. 1979 ~ Decca 188 D5 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on fourth of six-disc set). G June
USSR: Melodiya C10 11615-6 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works
on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion
Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1978, I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD11 00310. I 1991d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17579-80. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1981, I 1983a. Reissued:
HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49269-2.
I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15
Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2
(six-disc set). I June 1997.
Phoenix DCS 1038 (digital). Symphony for Strings arr. R. Barshai.
Phoenix Chamber Orchestra, Julian BIGG. P London Dec. 1983, G Aug.
1984. Reissued on CD—Trax Classique TRX-CD 110. G Sept. 1987.
Chandos ABRD 1155 (digital). Arr. R. Barshai. I Musici de Montréal,
Yuli TUROVSKY. P Montreal 5–6 Aug. 1985, I Jan. 1986, G May and July
1986. Reissued on CD—Chandos Enchant CHAN 7061. I July 1997 ~
Chandos Collect CHAN 6617. I July 2000, G Feb. 2001 ~ *Chandos
CHAN 8443. [Opp. 35 and 102.] G Sept. 2004.
CD—Olympia OCD 534 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1985, I May 1994 ~ Classic CD 51.
First movement.
USA: Centaur CRC 2034. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P 1986, I Nov. 1988, G June 1989.
Deutsche Grammophon 429 229-2GH. Symphony for Strings arr.
Barshai. Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Berlin Mar.
1989, G May 1990 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon 477 5442 (two-disc set).
[Opp 110a, 83a, 73a, and 141a; Schnittke.] G Dec. 2005.
Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fourth of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin
July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992.
Germany: Fidelio 8838. Symphony for Strings arr. Barshai. New
Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Lev MARKIZ. P Amsterdam Sept. 1989, I 1990

~ Netherlands: Vanguard Classics 99306 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999 ~

*Challenge Classics CC 72130. [Op. 110a.] I 2005.
Koch Schwann 311 149. Arr. Barshai. Camerata Assindia, Robert MAXYM.
P Essen Oct.–Nov. 1989, I Dec. 1991.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1010. MANHATTAN QUARTET (personnel as for 1986).
P Jersey City 14–15 May 1990 ~ Koch Schwann 310 166 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 4’). I Dec. 1992.
Claves 50 9115. Arr. Barshai. Kremlin Chamber Orchestra, Misha
RACHLEVSKY. P Moscow concert Oct.–Nov. 1991, G Mar. 1993.
Bulgaria: Gega New GD 168. SOFIA QUARTET (Vassil Valchey, Nikolai
Gagov, Valentin Gerov, Kolya Bespalov). P Sofia Nov. 1993, I Feb. 1994.
USA: New Albion NA 088 CD (‘Written with the Heart’s Blood’).
Arr. Barshai. New Century Chamber Orchestra, Stuart CANIN. P Tiburon,
California Apr. 1996, I Jan. 1997.
Naxos 8.550977 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 29 Apr.–
May 1996, I May 1998.
Germany: Arte Nova Classics 74321 58967-2. Arr. Barshai. Hamburg
Soloists, Emil KLEIN. P Hamburg Nov. 1996, I Oct. 1998.
Chandos CHAN 9741 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman, Helen Thatcher). P
Westleton, Suffolk 23–25 Feb. 1998, I June 1999, G Oct. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July 1998, G June
France: Arion ARN 68506 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Colletts, Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Callier). P Lyon Nov. 1999, I Dec. 2000.
**Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 5’, five-disc set).
DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 49 and 144.] P Bayerischer, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I 2005.
Juha Kangas. [Sans op. D(ix) and Opus 110a.] P Kaustinen Church Oct.
2001, I Mar. 2002 ~ BIS CD 302156. [As original issue.] I June 2003.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 83 and 101.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Linn CKD 215 (SACD). Arr. Barshai. BT Scottish Ensemble, Clio
GOULD. [Ravel.] P Glasgow City Halls 16–18 December 2002, G Aug.

Hyperion CDA 67156. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya

Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 133 and 142.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2002 and Jan. 2003, G July 2003.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classic 8212/2 (‘Chamber Symphonies 1–5’, on
second of two-disc set). Op. 118a. Orchestra Sinfonica di ‘Giuseppe Verdi’,
Rudolf BARSHAI. [Opp. 73a and 110a.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano con-
cert between spring and 17 Dec. 2005, I 2006.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on fourth of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 133 and 138; Sans op. D(i).] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
France: Praga Digitals PRDDSD 250 232 (Hybrid SACD). Opus 118a.
PRAGUE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (without conductor). [Op. 110a, and Barber.]
P Auditorium de Dijon concert 10 May 2006, I Jan. 2007.
Belgium: Talent TOM 292972 (Hybrid SACD). Opus 118a.
Rotterdam Chamber Orchestra, Conrad van ALPHEN. [Opp. 49a and 110a.]
P Muziekcentrum van de Omroep Studio 28 Feb., 1 and 2 Mar. 2007, G
Aug. 2008.
Germany: Audite AU 92.529 (Hybrid SACD). MANDERLING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 133 and 142.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 23–25 Apr. 2008.

Opus 119: The Execution of Stepan Razin

Form: Cantata for bass soloist, mixed chorus and orchestra (with 2 harps and
piano), to the text of a narrative poem by Yevgeni Yevtushenko, taken
from the series The Bratsk Hydro-electric Power Station. The score marked
‘Moderato non troppo—Andante—Adagio—Moderato —Adagio—
Moderato’. The music was awarded a Glinka State Prize in 1968.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, E flat clarinet,
2 clarinets (B flat and A), bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, tambourine,
side drum, whip, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ orchestral bells, xylophone,
celesta, 2 harps, piano ~ bass soloist, S.A.T.B. chorus ~ 1st violins (20),
2nd violins (18), violas (16), cellos (14), and five-string double-basses (12).
The number of harps and the string strength quoted to be regarded as the
Composed: Begun in early August 1964 at Lake Balaton, Hungary and com-
pleted on 14 September 1964 at Moscow.
Premières: 28 December 1964, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Vitali
Gromadsky (bass), RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill Kondrashin.

UK: 17 August 1966, Royal Albert Hall ‘Prom’, London; Vitali

Gromadsky, BBC Choral Society and Chorus, BBC Symphony Orchestra,
Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Scotland: 21 March 1971, Perth City Hall; John Graham (bass), Perth
Symphony Orchestra and Choral Society, John McLeod. Sung in Russian—
coaching by Basil Almond.
USA: 30 and 31 October 1995, Seattle Opera House; Marc Smith (bass-
baritone), Seattle Symphony Chorale, Abraham Kaplan (chorus-master),
Seattle Symphony, Gerard Schwarz.
Arrangements: Reductions for voices and piano by the composer and Carl
A. Rosenthal. Translations of the poem in English by Harold Heiberg and
German by Lyubomir Romansky. Themes used in a composition for jazz
quartet by Mathias Rissi (saxophonist), recorded on Swiss Unit Records
Label, 1 December 1986.
Music: Autograph full and vocal scores preserved at TsGALI. The first page of
the autograph full score is reproduced in Volume 29 of Collected Works.
Muzyka, No. 2675, 1966, full score, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 2676, 1966, vocal score, 28.5 cm.
MCA, 1967, vocal score with English adaptation by H. Heiberg and
piano reduction by C. A. Rosenthal, 27 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2154, 1968, vocal score with German text by
L. Romansky, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11680 (in Volume 29 of Collected Works), 1983, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11786 (in Volume 30 of Collected Works), 1983, vocal
score, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 78 and piano score in
Volume 83 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in scores; 23' 48"–31' 41"; 27' 50" (Plaistow);
30 minutes (Sadovnikov).
Ballet: The Execution of Stepan Razin. Konstantin Rassadin, Leningrad,
1977. A ballet performed by the Leningrad Ballet Troupe ‘Choreographic
Miniatures’ under the artistic direction of Askold Makarov.
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya D016471-2 (mono) and C01109-10.
Vitali Gromadsky (bass), RSFSR Academic Russian Choir, Aleksandr
Yurlov (chorus-master), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill
KONDRASHIN. P 1965, I 1966 ~ USA: Artia ALP 1024 (‘Yevtushenko
songs by Soviet composers’). I ‘dedicated to Yevtushenko’s American tour,
Nov.–Dec. 1966’ ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2409. G Jan. 1969 ~ HMV
Melodiya SLS 5109 (in two-record set). G Feb. 1978 ~ USSR: Melodiya
C10 14093-4 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I

CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7371. Vitali Gromadsky (bass), BBC Choral

Society and Chorus, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY.
P Royal Albert Hall, London concert 17 August 1966, I Jan. 1993. NB.
Orchestra not the Moscow Radio Orchestra.
LP and CD—Czech: Supraphon SUA 10958 (mono) and SUA
ST 50958. Bohuš Hanák (bass), Slovák Chorus, Slovák Philharmonic
Orchestra, Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Czech Radio 1967, G July 1969. Reissued on
CD—France: Praga PR 254 055. I July 1994.
Philips Universe 6585 012. Siegfried Vogel (bass), Leipzig Radio Choir,
Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra, Herbert KEGEL. P Nov. 1967, G Nov.
1973. Reissued on CD—Philips Classical Collector 434 172-2PM. I Sept.
1992, G Mar. 1993.
CD—Koch International Classics 3-7017-2. Assen Vassilev (bass),
Varna Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus, Andrei ANDREYEV. P Varna
20–26 Dec. 1989, I 1990, G Mar. 1991.
Germany: Capriccio 10 780. Stanislav Suleimanov (bass), Cologne
Radio Chorus, Godfried Ritter (chorus-master), Cologne Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Cologne 3–8 June 1996, G Dec. 1999.
**Naxos 8.557812. Charles Robert Austin (bass-baritone), Seattle Sym-
phony Chorale, Abraham Kaplan (chorus-master), Seattle Symphony,
Gerard SCHWARZ. [Opp. 131 and 42.] P Seattle Center Opera House June
1996, I Mar. 2006.
Chandos CHAN 9813. Anatoli Lochak (baritone), Russian State
Symphonic Cappella and Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLANSKY. [Op. 54.]
P Moscow Conservatory 14 June 2000, I Nov. 2001, G Mar. 2002.

Opus 120: A Year is Like a Lifetime

Form: Music for the biographical colour film A Year is Like a Lifetime, based
on the life of Karl Marx, directed by Grigori Roshal for Mosfilm. Film
script from the play by Galina Serebrykova. The score consists of 29 items
and includes an Offenbachian schnell-polka ‘Morning’ not included in the
Suite Opus 120a and also the Revolutionary songs, the ‘La Marseillaise’ and
‘Ça ira’. The missing film score numbers are probably songs or music by
other composers as Shostakovich’s autograph score deposited in the Glinka
Museum refers to 23 orchestral pieces:
1. Overture
4. Focus
5. Jenny’s Race
6. Male Prison
9. Pantomine

11. Polka 11a Waltz 11b Leaving Gervig’s detachment

12. Niederdosenbakh
13. Polka
14. March of enemies
15. The Barricades
16. Vienna. Funeral
17. Cholera
18. Monologue of Marx
19. Finale
20. Farewell in the forest
21. Nocturne
26. and 26a Pass of Kavenyak
27. Shapner is led
28. The Battle
29. The Fort
Composed: Completed in June 1965, at Moscow.
Première: Moscow, 18 March 1965 (press showing) and in the Rossiya
Cinema on 25 March 1965.
Arrangement: Opus 120a—Suite assembled by Levon Atovmyan in 1969:

1. Overture—Allegro non troppo

2. The Barricades—Moderato non troppo
3. Intermezzo—Allegro
4. Farewell (Monologue)—Andante
5. Scene (Little Waltz)—Allegretto
6. The Battle—Moderato
7. Finale—Adagio

Instrumentation: of Suite Opus 120a—piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets

(B flat and A), 2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, whip, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~ orchestral
bells ~ strings.
Music: Autograph of the 23 orchestral numbers of the film score preserved at
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 1317, 1970, opus no. not stated, full score of
the Suite assembled by L. Atovmyan, 28.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 143 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 147 minutes. Suite as recorded: 27' 30" (1966) and 44' 19"
(2006); 22 minutes (M. MacDonald). The complete No. 4 ‘Farewell
(Monologue)’ is timed at 15' 25" whereas the abridged version is reduced
to 5' 15".

Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.

Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02523-4. Suite Nos. 1, 2, 3,
4 abridged, 6, and 7. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Maksim
SHOSTAKOVICH. P 1966, I May 1971 ~ USA: Angel Melodiya SR 40181.
Suite No. 1, ‘Morning’, 2, 3, 4 abridged, 6, and 7 ~ Germany: Melodia
Eurodisc 28665 XHK. No. 1 and ‘Morning’. (on fourth of four-record film
music album).
Germany: Hänssler Classic SWR Music CD 93.188. Suite Nos. 1–7 with
complete No. 4. SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern, Frank STROBEL.
[Op. 18.] P SWR Studio 28–30 Aug. 2006.
Note: The working title of Karl Marx is mentioned in talks by the composer
and in articles from September 1963 onwards. Translated as A Year as a Life
on the score and A Year is Worth a Lifetime on the Angel record; also appears
as A Year as Long as a Lifetime.

Opus 121: Five Romances on Texts from ‘Krokodil’

Form: Song cycle for bass voice and grand piano to poems by readers from the
‘Believe it or not’ feature of the satirical magazine Krokodil (Issue No. 24
for 30 August 1965):
1. The evidence of one’s own manuscript—Moderato
2. A desire too difficult to gratify—Moderato
3. Discretion—Largo
4. Irinka and the Shepherd—Allegro
5. Excessive delight—Moderato
Composed: 4 September 1965.
Premières: 28 May 1966, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Yevgeni Nesterenko
(bass) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
USA: 4 February 1985, Boston University Concert Hall; Robert Osborne
(bass) and Howard Lubin (piano). Sung in Russian.
Arrangements: English and German translations of the text by Joan Pemberton
Smith and Jörg Morgener respectively. Orchestrated by Boris Tishchenko.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. First
published in the journal Sovetskaya muzyka, 1966, No. 1.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2277, 1981, with Russian and German texts—the
latter by J. Morgener, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 96 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 10 minutes in score; 7' 48"–11' 36".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09225-6 (in third box of
Part 3 of Collected Works on Records). Performed in the order Nos. 3, 4, 1,

2, and 5. Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass) and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano). P

Jan. 1976, I 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3700. G. Sept. 1979. Reissued
on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VTCC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich
Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288089.
Nos. 1–5. Pyotr GLUBOKY (bass) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P Moscow
Conservatory 21–29 Sept. 1994, I Apr. 1995.
Japan: Triton 17 008. Nos. 1 and 3. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass), Moscow
Chamber Music Theatre Orchestra, Anatoli Levin. P Mosfilm Studio Nov.
1995, I Nov. 1996.
Germany: MGB Musikszene Schweiz MGB 6145. Sung in German.
Rudolf MAZZOLA (bass) and Paul Harris (piano). P Vienna 1–2 Mar. 1997,
I Dec. 1997.
**Belgium: Rene Gailly CD92 041 (‘Complete Songs and Romances,
Volume 1’). Nos. 1–5. Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov (piano).
[Opp. 86, 100, and127.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg
2 Apr. 1998 ~ *USA: Delos DE 3307 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Vol-
ume 2’). [Opp 123, 127, 143, and 146.] G Awards (Oct.) 2002 ~ Russia:
Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9910 (‘Vocal Cycles for Bass, Volume 1’). Nos.
1–5. [Opp. 62, 91, 98, and 146.] P date given as 25 Mar. and 7 Apr. 1998,
I 2002.
Koch Schwann 3-1095-2. Complete cycle. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass) and
Semyon Skigin (piano). [Opp. 123, 98, 62, and 91.] P Berlin studio May
2000, G May 2002.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Petr MIGUNOV (bass)
and Arthur Schoonderwoerd (piano). [Opp. 123, 87, 67, and 127.]
P Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6111GH. Orchestrated by Boris
Tishchenko. Sergei LEIFERKUS (baritone), Russian Philharmonic Orchestra,
Thomas Sanderling. [Sans op. P(v), Opp. 109, 123, and 146.] P Kultura
Russian State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006, G
Sept. 2006.

Opus 122: Quartet No. 11 in F minor

Form: String quartet in seven linked movements:
1. Introduction—Andantino attacca
2. Scherzo—Allegretto attacca
3. Recitative—Adagio attacca
4. Etude—Allegro attacca
5. Humoresque—Allegro attacca
OP U S 122: QU A RTET NO. 11 IN F MIN OR 489

6. Elegy—Adagio attacca
7. Finale—Moderato
Composed: Completed on 30 January 1966 at Moscow.
Dedication: To the memory of Vasili Pyotrovich Shirinsky (2nd violinist of
the Beethoven Quartet).
Premières: 25 March 1966, USSR Composers’ Club, Moscow; 28 May 1966,
Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; and 6 June 1966, Moscow Conservatory
Malyi Hall; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabavnikov,
Fyodor Druzhinin, and Sergei Shirinsky).
UK: 27 April 1967, Bromsgrove Festival; London String Quartet (Carl
Pini, John Tunnell, Keith Cummings, and Douglas Cameron).
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Hans Sikorski, No. 6207, 1966, 32 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 69, 1967, parts, 29 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 827, 1967, score, 19 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 19586, 1967, parts, 29 cm.
Leeds Music, no number, 1967, score, 23 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 766 (in Volume 3 with Quartets 9 and 10 arr.
for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1967, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2268 (with Op. 133), 1980, score 21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2264, 1981, parts, 31.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 103 of New Collected
Duration: 15 minutes in score; 15' 05"–18' 04"; 15' 30" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya D019519-20 (mono) and C01459-60.
BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri
Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P and I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2857.
G Nov. 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1322 in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D025115-6 (mono) and C01769-70.
BEETHOVEN QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 1969, G Oct. 1971 ~
France: EMI 061 91298. NB. Performers incorrectly labelled as ‘Komitas
Quartet’. Reissued on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3009
(‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). I Mar. 1996.
L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 28. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher Rowland,
Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P15–16 Dec. 1976, G
June 1978 ~ Decca 188 D2 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on fifth of six-disc set). I Apr.
1992, G June 1992 ~ Decca 466 437-2 (third of five-disc set). I 1999.

USSR: Melodiya C10 11617-8 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works
on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion
Soloviev, Iosif Levinson). P 1979, I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD10 00312. I 1991d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17579-80. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1981, I 1983a ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49268-2.
I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15
Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2
(six-disc set). I June 1997.
CD—Olympia OCD 534 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1984, I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 23563 000 (DMM). ČIURLIONIS QUARTET
(Rimantas Suigždinis, Saulius Kiškis, Aloymas Grižas, Saulius Lipčius).
P 1985, I 1986d.
LP and CD—Academy Sound and Vision DCA 631 (DMM) and
released on CD—DCA 631. COULL QUARTET (Roger Coull, Philip Gallaway,
David Curtis, John Todd). P London Mar. 1988, I and G Apr. 1989.
CD—France: Ades 14 161-2. FINE ARTS QUARTET (Ralph Evans, Efim
Boico, Jerry Horner, Wolfgang Laufer). P Paris July 1989, G Oct. 1990.
Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fifth of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael
Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin July 1989,
I Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ Teldec 9031 73109-2. I July 1991.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1012. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 17 May 1990, I 1991 ~ Koch
Schwann 3 1070-2 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). I Sept. 1993.
RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 61816-2. VOGLER QUARTET (Tim Vogler,
Frank Reinecke, Stefan Fehlandt, Stephan Forck). P Neumarkt 10–13 May
and 21 June 1993, G July and Nov. 1994.
Bulgaria: Gega New GD 168. SOFIA QUARTET (Vassil Valchev, Nikolai
Gagov, Valentin Gerov, Kolya Bespalov). P Sofia Nov. 1993, I Feb. 1994.
Deutsche Grammophon 445 864-2GH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas Hagen,
Rainer Schmidt, Veronika and Clemens Hagen). P Abersee bei Gilsen
Apr. 1994, G Sept. 1995 ~ *Deutsche Grammophon Panorama 469
316-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 10, 47, 35, Sans op. G(ii), Opp. 16, and 97.]
I 2001.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July–Aug. 1994, G June

Naxos 8.550977 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). ÉDER QUARTET

(János Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest
29 Apr.–May 1996, I May 1998.
Japan: EMI Classics TOCE 9496. MORGAUA QUARTET (Eiji Arai, Takashi
Aoki, Hisashi Ono, Ryoichi Fujimori). P 11–14 Mar. 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9769 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Vicci Wardman, Helen Thatcher). P
Westleton, Suffolk 29 Sept.–1 Oct. 1998, I Jan. 2000.
**Hyperion CDA 67517. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 138 and 144.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2000 and Jan. 2001.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets—Volume 4’, five-disc set).
DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel). [Opp. 83
and 117.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 8–11 Oct. 2001, I 2005.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 92 and 133.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Arion ARN 68596 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). DEBUSSY QUARTET
(Christophe Collette, Anne Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier).
[Opp. 101 and 117.] P Lyon Nov. 2002, I May 2003.
Germany: IPPNW-Concerts-Edition CD 43. BERLIN PHILHARMONIA
QUARTET (Daniel Stabrava, Christian Stadelmann, Neithard Resa, Jan
Dieselhort). [Schubert.] P Berlin Philharmonia Chamber Music Hall
concert 14 Jan. 2003.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on third of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkova, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp.108, 110, and 117.] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 901953. JERUSALM QUARTET (Aleksandr
Pavlovsky, Sergei Bresler, Amichai Grosz, Kyril Zlotnikov). [Opp. 101 and
110.] P Teldec Studio 12–15 June 2006, G Aug 2007.

Opus 123: Preface to the Complete Collection of my

Works and a Brief Reflection upon this Preface
Form: Setting of a jocular poem by the composer (the first four lines paraphras-
ing Aleksandr Pushkin’s History of a versifier of 1817), for bass voice and
grand piano, marked ‘Allegretto’.
Composed: 2 March 1966, after intimation of the projected publication of
the Collected Works.

Premières: 28 May 1966, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Yevgeni

Nesterenko (bass) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano).
UK: 19 March 1986, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London; John Shirley-Quirk
(baritone) and Andrew Ball (piano).
Arrangements: English and German translations of the text by Joan Pemberton
Smith and Jörg Morgener respectively. Orchestrated by Leonid Desyatnikov.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2277, 1981, with Russian and German texts—the
latter by J. Morgener, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 96 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 2 minutes in score; 2' 09"–2' 52".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09225-6 (in third box
of Part 3 of Collected Works on Records). Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass) and
Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano). P Jan. 1976, I 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
3700. G Sept. 1979. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries
VICC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
CD—Germany: MGB Musikszene Schweiz MGB 6145. Sung in
German. Rudolf MAZZOLA (bass) and Paul Harris (piano). P Vienna
1–2 Mar. 1997, I Dec. 1997.
**Koch Schwann 3-1095-2. Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass) and Semyon Skigin
(piano). [Opp. 121, 98, 62, and 91.] P Berlin studio May 2000, G May
USA: Delos DE 3307 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume 2’).
Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 121, 127, 143,
and 146.] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 18 June 2001,
G Awards (Oct.) 2002. NB. Incorrectly stated to be the first appearance
on CD ~ Russia: NF/PMA 9916 (‘Vocal Cycles for Bass, Volume 2’).
[Sans op. X(ii); Opp. 128 and 145.] P date given as Feb. 2003, I 2003.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Petr MIGUNOV (bass) and
Arthur Schoonderwoerd. [Opp. 87, 67, 121, and 127.] P Chaux-de-Fonds,
Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6111GH. Orchestrated by Leonid
Desyatnikov. Sergei LEIFERKUS (baritone), Russian Philharmonic Orchestra,
Thomas Sanderling. [Sans op. P(v), Opp. 109, 121, and 146.] P Kultura
Russian State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006, G
Sept. 2006.

Opus 124: Two Choruses by Davidenko

Form: An arrangement for orchestra (with triple woodwind) of two songs by
Aleksandr Davidenko, from the oratorio The Road of October, for narrator,
soloists, chorus, trumpet, piano, button-accordion, percussion ensemble, and

stamping feet, composed by the RAPM group of young Moscow Conservatory

composers in 1927 to mark the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution:
1. On the Tenth Verst (words by P. Edict)
2. The Street in Turmoil (words by M. Shorin)
Instrumentation: 3 flutes, 3 oboes (III = cor anglais), 3 clarinets (B flat and
A), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, triangle, side drum, cymbals, gong ~ strings.
Composed: Completed in August 1963.
Premières: 24 February 1964, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; RSFSR Aca-
demic Russian Choir, Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandr Yurlov.
6 November 1967, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Krupskaya
Institute Chorus, Ivan Poltavtsev (chorus-master), Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Igor Blazhkov. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the October
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. Origi-
nally issued without an opus number.
Muzyka, No. 4822, I968, score, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 150 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 10 minutes (M. MacDonald); [4' 31"]–5' 32" (1) and 4' 32"–[5'
19"] (2).
Recordings: [LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D16975-6 (10" mono) and
C1171-2 (10"). Original a cappella version. RSFSR Academic Russian
Choir, Aleksandr YURLOV. I 1965. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 205.
Nos. 1 and 2. I Feb. 1988.]
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 31619 002. USSR Ministry of Culture
Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky (chorus-
master), Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. (Album 7 of ‘From Manuscripts of
Different Years’). P 1986, I 1991c.
**CD—Chandos CHAN 10378. Russian State Symphonic Cappella and
Symphony Orchestra, Valeri POLYANSKY. [Opp. 35, 70, and 59.] P Moscow
State Conservatory June 2003, I May 2006, G Aug. 2006.

Opus 125: Cello Concerto in A minor (Schumann)

Form: Reorchestration of Robert Schumann’s Concerto of 1850 for cello and
orchestra, Opus 129, in three linked movements:
1. Nicht zu schell (Allegro non troppo) attacca
2. Langsam (Lento) attacca
3. Sehr lebhaft (Molto vivace)
Instrumentation: 2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 A clarinets, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 2 trumpets ~ timpani ~ harp ~ strings.

Composed: July 1963, at Dilizhan Composers’ Retreat, Armenia. [Oddly

both Shostakovich (in litt.) and Shneyerson state 1966 as the year of com-
position; and the Sollertinskys give July 1969.]
Dedication: Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (cellist).
Premières: 5 October 1963, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
M. Rostropovich, USSR Symphony Orchestra, Boris Khaikin.
UK: 27 August 1964, Edinburgh Festival, Usher Hall; M. Rostropovich,
Scottish National Orchestra, Alexander Gibson.
Music: Muzyka, No. 3473, 1966, miniature score with cello part ed.
Rostropovich, 21.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 148 of New Collected
Duration: 22' 30"–25' 48".
Recordings: CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 106. M. ROSTROPOVICH
(cello), USSR Symphony Orchestra, David Oistrakh. P Moscow concert 10
Oct. 1969, G July 1994.
LP and CD—Yugoslavia: Jugoton LSY 61139. Valter DEŠPALJ (cello), RTZ
Symphony Orchestra, Josef Daniel. P 1974. Reissued on CD—Netherlands:
Brilliant Classics 99386 (‘The Romantic Cello’, two-disc set). I 2001.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00107 009 (Album 3 of ‘From Manuscripts of Dif-
ferent Years’, digital). Fyodor LUZANOV (cello), USSR Ministry of Culture
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1983, I 1985d. Reissued
on CD—Olympia OCD 102. G Aug. 1987.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 439 890-2GH. Schumann’s violin version
of his Cello Concerto, orch. Shostakovich. Gidon KREMER (violin), Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa. P Boston concert Apr. 1992, I and G
Sept. 1994.
Chandos CHAN 9792 (‘The Unknown Shostakovich’). Aleksandr
IVASHKIN (cello), Russian Symphony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky. P Mosfilm
Studio Jan. 1998, I Jan. 2000.
**Switzerland: Gallo CD 994 (‘Revisited Concertos’). Mark DROBINSKY
(cello), Yekaterinburg Orchestra, Dmitri Liss. [C.P.E. Bach, Monn, and
Boccherini.] P Yekaterinburg Jan 1998.

Opus 126: Cello Concerto No. 2 in G major

Form: Concerto for cello and orchestra (with 2 harps and brass reduced to
2 horns) in three movements:
1. Largo
2. Allegretto attacca
3. Allegretto

The principal theme of the second movement, and again quoted at the
climax of the third (fig.100), is the simple Odessa street ditty Bublika, kupite
bubliki! (‘Bagels, buy my bagels!’).
Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A),
2 bassoons, contrabassoon (= bassoon III) ~ 2 French horns ~ timpani,
tambourine, side drum, tom-tom, side drum di legno, whip, bass drum ~
xylophone, harp (minimum of 2 specified) ~ 1st violins (16), 2nd violins
(14), violas (12), cellos (12), double-basses (10). Tom-tom and side
drum di legno may be played by one person. String strength specified as
a minimum.
Composed: Begun in spring 1966 at Moscow and completed on 27 April
1966 at the Oreanda Sanatorium, Yalta.
Dedication: Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (cellist).
Premières: 25 September 1966 (marking the composer’s sixtieth birthday),
Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; Mstislav Rostropovich, USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov.
UK and Western Europe: 5 October 1966, Royal Festival Hall, London;
Rostropovich, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Colin Davis.
USA: 26 February 1967, Carnegie Hall, New York; Rostropovich, London
Symphony Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Arrangement: Reduction for cello and piano by the composer.
Music: Autograph score, along with 17 pages of rough sketches, preserved in
the Shostakovich Family Archive; the whereabouts of the autograph reduc-
tion is not known. The opening of the second movement of the autograph
full score is reproduced in Volume 16 of Collected Works.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2139, 1966, reduction for cello and piano, 31.5 cm.
Leeds Music (Canada), 1967, reduction, 30.5 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 835, 1968, score, 19 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 71, 1969, reduction, 29 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 72, 1970, full score, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5719, 1971, reduction, 30 cm.
International Music, c.1973, reduction, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9281, 1976, reduction, 29 cm. (See Plate 8 for title page of
cello part autographed by Rostropovich).
Muzyka, No. 11936 (in Volume 16 of Collected Works), 1985. full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11947 (in Volume 17 of Collected Works), 1986. reduction
with separate cello part, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2241, 1990, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 48 and piano score in
Volume 49 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 36 minutes in score; 30' 59 "–37' 32".

Recordings: CD—EMI CZS5 72016-2 (‘Rostropovich: The Russian Years,

1950–74’, on fourth of thirteen-disc set, mono). Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH
(cello), USSR Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov. P 25 Sept. 1966
première concert—NB. Not 25 Sept. 1967 as stated in liner notes—a dif-
ferent performance to that on RDCD11 109, G May 1997 ~ EMI Classics
CZS5 72295-2 (two-disc set, mono). I Oct. 1998.
*BBC Legends BBCL 4073-2 (mono). M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Colin Davis.[Khachaturyan and Tchaikovsky.]
P Royal Festival Hall, London 5 Oct. 1966, I Sept. 2001, G Dec. 2001.
Italy: Intaglio INCD 7251. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), London Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P New York concert 26 Feb. 1967, I
July 1992.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 109. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov. P Moscow concert 25 Sept. 1967,
I Oct. 1993.
Revelation RV 10087. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), Moscow State
Philharmonic Orchestra, David Oistrakh. P Moscow concert 12 Nov. 1967,
I Nov. 1997.
LP—USA: Aries LP 1601. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, Jean Martinon. P concert. NB. Orchestra and conductor not
named on the record or sleeve.
CD—Italy: Stradivarius STR 10049. M. ROSTROPOVICH (cello), Radio-
televisione Italiana (RAI) Milan Symphony Orchestra, Piero Bellugi.
P Milan concert 15 Mar. 1968, I 1993.
*Japan: Triton DICC 20021. Daniil SHAFRAN (cello), Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov. [Op. 40.] P Moscow concert
1970. NB. Master tape supplied by Svetlana Shafran.
LP and CD—Deutsche Grammophon 2530 653. M. ROSTROPOVICH
(cello), Boston Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa. P 8 Nov. 1975, G
Nov. 1976. Reissued on CD—Deutsche Grammophon Galleria 431 475-
2GGA. I Apr. 1991, G Aug. 1991 ~ Deutsche Grammophon 437 952-
2GX2 (‘Masterpieces for Cello’, on second of two-disc set). G Oct. 1994 ~
Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 439 481-2GCL. G Sept. 1995 ~ *Japan:
Deutsche Grammophon UCCG 9337. [Tchaikovsky and Glazunov.]
I 2002.
LP—Czech: Supraphon 110 2433 G. Miloš SÁDLO (cello), Prague Sym-
phony Orchestra, Václav Smetáček. P Prague 1978.
USSR: Melodiya C10 13769-70 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected Works
on Records). Valentin FEIGIN (cello), Central Television and All-Union Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P and I 1980.
LP and CD—Philips 412 526-1PH (digital). Heinrich SCHIFF (cello),
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P Munich

26 Nov. 1983, G Sept. 1984, Aug. 1985, and June 1986. Reissued on
CD—Philips 412 526-2PH. G Oct. 1985.
CD—Belgium: Classic Talent DOM 2910 11. Viviane SPANOGHE (cello),
Sofia Soloists, Emil Tabakov. P Sofia Apr. 1984, I Nov. 1991.
Germany: Live Classics LCL 202. Natalia GUTMAN (cello), Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Dmitri Kitayenko. P Moscow concert 11 Nov.
1986, I Jan. 2001.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 7 28 042. Peter BRUNS (cello), Berlin
City Symphony Orchestra, Claus Peter Flor. P Berlin 1988. Reissued on
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0120 012 ~ *Japan: Berlin Classics TKCC
15214. P date given as 26 and 29 Jan. 1988, I 2001.
CD—Netherlands: Q Disc Q 97033 (fifth of thirteen-disc set). Lynn
HARREL (cello), Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo Chailly. [Berio
and Formazioni.] P Amsterdam concert 20 Aug. 1988, I 2004.
RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87918. N. GUTMAN (cello), Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Yuri Temirkanov. P Watford 25, 28–29 Nov. 1988, G Jan. 1991.
Sweden: BIS CD 626. Torleif THEDEÉN (cello), Malmö Symphony
Orchestra, James DePriest. P Malmö 8–9 Oct. 1992, G July 1994 and Feb.
1995. Winner of Cannes Classical Music Awards 1994—19th and 20th
century category.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278-1099. Ivan MONIGHETTI (cello),
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Válek. P Czech Radio Nov.
1992, I Sept. 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 445 821-2GH. Mischa MAISKY (cello), London
Symphony Orchestra, Tilson Thomas. P London Aug. 2–4 1993, G Apr.
1995 ~ *Germany: Deutsche Grammophon Moderne Klassiker 472 636-2.
[Saint-Saëns and Debussy.] I 2003.
Naxos 8.550813. Maria KLIEGEL (cello), Polish National Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Antoni Wit. P Katowice 27 Feb.–l Mar. 1995, G Oct. 1996.
Virgin Classics VC5 45145-2. Truls MØRK (cello), London Philharmonic
Orchestra, Mariss Jansons. P 10–11 Mar. 1995, G Feb. 1996.
Chandos CHAN 9585. Frans HELMERSON (cello), Russian State Symphony
Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky. P Mar. 1996, I Feb. 1998 ~ *Chandos CHAN
10 040. [Op. 107.] I Jan 2003.
Germany: Arte Nova 74321 49688-2. Kirill RODIN (cello), Russian
Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstantin Krimets. P Moscow 9–10 July 1996,
I Oct. 1997.
LP and CD—Finland: Finlandia 3984 21441-2. Arto NORAS (cello),
Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Ari Rasilainen. P Oslo Apr. 1997, I July 1998.
Reissued on CD—Finlandia Ultima 8573 81969-2 (disc one of two-disc
set). G June 2000 ~ *Warner Classics Apex 0927-40604-2. [Op. 107; and
R. Strauss.] I Oct. 2001.

CD—New Zealand: Ode Manu 1542. Aleksandr IVASHKIN (cello),

Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Valeri Polyansky. P Moscow Conservatory
7–9 Oct. 1997, G July 1998.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3414-2. Jiří BÁRTA (cello), Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. P Prague concert 2 Mar. 1999, I Aug.
**Poland: DUX DUX 0549. Rafał KWAIATKOWSKI (cello), Polish Radio
Orchestra, Wojciech Rajski. [Op. 107.] P Witold Lutosławski Studio of
Polish Radio, Warsaw 2000.
Dunelm Records DRD 0233. Jonathan AYLING (cello), London
Shostakovich Orchestra, Christopher Cox. [Op. 107.] P St Cyprian’s Church
concert 13 Nov. 2004 ~ Dunelm Records DRD 0234. [Op. 112.] I 2005.
Avia AV2090. Lynn HARREL (cello), Royal Liverpool Philharmonic
Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz. [Prokofiev.] P Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool
27–28 May 2005, I Mar. 2008, G June 2006.
Orfeo C659 081 A. Daniel MÜLLER-SCHOTT (cello), Symphonieorchester
des Bayenischen Rundfunks, Yakov Kreizberg. [Op. 107.] P Herkulessaal
der Residenz, Munich 1–3 and 5 Sept. 2005, I July 2008.
Nimbus NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello’, two-disc set). Raphael
WALLFISCH (cello), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Martyn Brabbins. [Op. 107.]
P Maida Vale Studio, London 22–23 Sept. 2005, I June 2006.
Germany: Phoenix Edition 128 PHOENIX. Dimitri MASLENNIKOV (cello),
NDR Sinfonieorchester, Christoph Eschenbach. [Op. 107.] P Rolf-Liedermann
Studio, NDR Hamburg 29 June–1 July 2006, G Oct. 2008.
Channel Classics CCS SA 25308 (Hybrid SACD), Peter WISPELWEY (cello),
Sinfonietta Cracovia, Jurjen Hempel. [Britten.] P Szymanowski Philhar-
monic Hall, Kraków Sept. 2006, G Oct. and Nov. 2008.
Signum Classics SIGCD 137. Jamie WALTON (cello), Philharmonia
Orchestra, Alexander Briger. [Britten.] P Henry Wood Hall, London
1 Mar. 2008, G Jan. 2009.
Note: The composer, in a letter to Dmitri Shepilov dated 21 September 1966,
considered this work could have been called his Fourteenth Symphony with
a solo cello part (see Fay 2000, 247 and Wilson 2007, 199).

Opus 127: Seven Romances on

Poems of Aleksandr Blok
Form: Vocal-instrumental Suite for soprano voice, violin, cello, and piano;
settings of poems by Aleksandr Blok:
1. Song of Ophelia—Moderato (accompanied by cello)
2. Gamayun, the bird of prophecy—Adagio (piano)

3. We were together (That troubled night)—Allegretto (violin)

4. The city sleeps (Deep in sleep)—Largo (cello and piano)
5. The storm—Allegro (violin and piano) attacca
6. Secret signs—Largo (violin and cello) attacca
7. Music—Largo (violin, cello, and piano)
The poems were written on 8 and 23 February 1899, 9 March 1898, 23
and 24 August 1899, and the last two in October 1902 and September 1898
respectively. No. 2 was inspired by a painting of Viktor Vasnetsov.
Composed: Written in hospital after a heart attack and completed on
3 February 1967. Composed for the fiftieth anniversary of the October
Dedication: Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya (soprano).
Premières: 23 October 1967, during a ‘Soviet Music Week’, Moscow Conser-
vatory Bolshoi Hall and 28 October 1967 (official première), Moscow Con-
servatory Malyi Hall; Galina Vishnevskaya, David Oistrakh (violin), Mstislav
Rostropovich (cello), and Mieczysław Weinberg (piano—deputizing for
the indisposed Svyatoslav Richter). Encored in its entirety on the latter
UK: 24 June 1968, Aldeburgh Festival; G. Vishnevskaya, Emanuel
Hurwitz (violin), M. Rostropovich, and Benjamin Britten (piano).
UK: 4 September 1968, Royal Festival Hall, London; G. Vishnevskaya,
D. Oistrakh, M. Rostropovich, and Yevgeni Svetlanov (piano).
Arrangements: English translations by Myron Morris, Cynthia Jolly, and
Per Skans; German translation by Manfred Koerth and Czech by Zdeňka
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 799, 1969, parts, 29 cm.
Deutscher Verlag für Musik, parts, with German text by Manfred
Koerth, 30 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. B & H 20157, 1977, parts, with Russian
text and English words by Cynthia Jolly, 31 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 91 of New Collected
Duration: 20 and 22 minutes in scores; 23' 22"–26' 52"; 25' 45" (Plaistow).
Recordings: CD—Revelation RV 10101. Galina VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano),
David Oistrakh (violin), Mstislav Rostropovich (cello), and Mieczysław
Weinberg (piano). P première concert 23 [not 27 as given] Oct. 1967, G
July 1998 ~ *Moscow Conservatory SMC 0079-80 (‘Bolshoi Hall 100th
Anniversary’, two-disc set, mono). No. 7 only. [Rakhmaninov, Bach,
Vivaldi et al.] P date given as 20 October 1967, I 2001.

Classical Society CSCD 123. Galina VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano), Emanuel

Hurwitz (violin), Mstislav Rostropovich (cello), and Benjamin Britten
(piano). P Snape concert 24 June 1968, I 1992. Decca 466 823-2DM
(‘Britten at Aldeburgh’, Volume 6). G Aug. 2000.
LP—USSR: Melodiya D 025887-8 (mono). Nadezhda YURENEVA
(soprano), Boris Gutnikov (violin), A. Nikitin (cello), and M. Karandashova
(piano). P and I 1969 ~ USSR: Melodiya C16789 008 (‘The Poetry of
A. Blok in Music’). ‘Song of Ophelia’ only. I 1982c.
CD—–France: Praga PR 250 009. Sung in Czech. Brigita SULCOVÁ
(soprano), Emil Leichner junior (violin), Antonin Duda (cello), and Emil
Leichner (piano). P Prague 1970, I 1992.
LP—USA: Turnabout TV 34280 S. Mary Ellen PRACHT (soprano)
and New Amsterdam Trio (John Pintavalle, Heinrich Joachim, Edith
Mocsanyi). P 1971, G Mar. 1972.
Czech: Panton 11 0342 H (in two-record set). Sung in Czech. Brigita
SULCOVÁ (soprano), and Dvořák Piano Trio (František Pospišíl, Jaroslav
Chovanec, Radoslav Kvapil). P 1972.
USSR: Melodiya C10 06347-8 (‘Songs to verses of Soviet Poets’).
Margarita MIROSHNIKOVA (soprano), Andrei Korsakov (violin), Viktor
Simon (cello), and Iolanta Miroshnikova (piano). P 1975, I 1976b ~ USSR:
Melodiya C10 10527-06348 (in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works on
Records). I 1978.
LP and CD—Sweden: BIS LP 37. Jacqueline DELMAN (soprano), Emil
Dekov (violin), Åke Olofsson (cello), and Lucia Negro (piano). P Nacka
Aula, Sweden 23–31 Aug. 1975. Reissued on CD—Sweden: BIS CD 26. I
1991, G Sept. 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 06875-6. Galina PISARENKO (soprano), Oleg Kagan
(violin), Dmitri Fershtman (cello), and Elizaveta Leonskaya (piano). P Moscow
concert July 1975, I 1976d. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Indus-
tries VICC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
*Poland: Dux Recordings DUX 0394. Margarita MIROSHNIKOVA (soprano),
Igor Ivanov (violin), Andrzej Wróbel (cello), and Jerzy Witkowski (piano).
[Op. 79.] P Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Hall concert 26 Sept. 1975, I
Aug. 2003.
HMV ASD 3222 in Set SLS 5055. G. VISHNEVSKAYA (soprano), Ulf
Hoelscher (violin), M. Rostropovich (cello), and Vasso Devtzi (piano). P
1976, G Sept. 1976. Reissued on CD—EMI CMS5 65716-2 (three-disc
set). I Nov. 1995, G Sept. 1996 ~ *EMI Great Artists of the 20th Century
7243 5 62829-2. [Opp. 109, 29, and Sans op. V.] I 2004.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 09683-4. Mariya MAIDACHEVSKAYA (soprano),
Arkadi Vinokurov (violin), Mariya Chaikovskaya (cello), and Yevgeni
Rzhanov (piano). P1977, I 1978c.

LP and CD—Decca 411 940-IDH (digital) and released on CD—411

940-2DH. Elisabeth SÖDERSTRÖM (soprano), Christopher Rowland (violin),
Ioan Davies (cello), and Vladimir Ashkenazy (piano). P Amsterdam Dec.
1983; G Feb., May, and Oct. 1987.
LP—Germany: Thorofon Capella MTH 267 (DMM). Sung in
M. Koerth’s German translation. Eva CSAPÓ (soprano), Hans Maile (violin),
René Forest (cello), and Horst Göbel (piano). P Feb. and June 1984.
France: Harmonia Mundi Ottava LP OTR 58504. Tannie WILLENSTYN
(soprano) and Guarneri Trio (Mark Lubotsky, Jean Decroos, Danièle
Dechenne). P 1985, I Apr. 1987.
CD—Norway: Aurora ARCD 1915. Anne-Lise BERNTSEN (soprano), Terje
Tønnesen (violin), Aage Kvalbein (cello), and Einar Henning Smeybe (piano).
P 1987, I Nov. 1987 ~ Victoria/Gamut VCD 19017. G Nov. 1991.
Germany: Dabringhaus und Grimm MD+GL 3334. Alla ABLABERDYEVA
(soprano) and Münchner Klaviertrio (Ilona Then-Bergh, Gerhard Zank,
Michael Schäfer). P date not stated, I 1989.
Chandos CHAN 8924. Nadia PELLE (soprano) and Borodin Trio (Rostislav
Dubinsky, Yuli Turovsky, Lyubov Yedlina). P Layer Marney, Essex 2–3 Aug.
1990, I Mar. 1991, G Oct. 1991 ~ Chandos CHAN 9627 (‘In Memory of
a great artist—Rostislav Dubinsky’, two-disc set). No. 3 only. I 1998.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288 088. Natalya
GERASIMOVA (soprano) and Moscow Trio (Vladimir Ivanov, Mikhail Utkin,
Aleksandr Bonduryansky). P Moscow Conservatory Sept.–Nov. 1993, I
Sept. 1994.
Naxos 8.553297. Anita SOLDH (soprano) and Stockholm Arts Trio (Dan
Almgren, Torleif Thedèen, Sefan Bojsten). P Stockholm 13–15 Mar. 1995,
G July 1997.
Chandos CHAN 9526 (two-disc set). Joan RODGERS (soprano) and the
Bekova Sisters (Elvira, Alfia, and Eleonora). P Highgate, London 19–20
June 1996, G May 1997.
USA: Summit DCD 193. Joanne KOLOMYJEC (soprano), Yehonatan
Berick (violin), David Hetherington (cello), and Patricia Parr (piano). P
Toronto Dec. 1996.
Hungary: Hungaroton Classics HCD 31780. Mária ASZÓDI (soprano)
and Bartos Trio (Galina Danilova, Csaba Bartos, Irina Ivanickaia).
P Hungaroton Studio 11–14 Sept. 1997.
Italy: Foné 99 F 31. Sung in Russian but texts printed in Italian only.
Raina KABAIVANSKA (soprano) and Arnold Bosnian (piano). P Cremona
16 Jan. 1998.
Belgium: René Gailly CD92 041 (‘Complete Songs’, Volume 1).
Viktoria YEVTODIEVA (soprano), Lidiya Kovalenko (violin), Irina Molokina
(cello), and Yuri Serov (piano). P St Petersburg 4 May 1998 ~ *USA: Delos

DE 3307 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs’, Volume 2). [Opp. 123, 121,

143, and 146.] G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 273. Nina PAVLOVSKy (soprano), Niels
Christian Øllgaard (violin), Dorothea Wolff (cello), and Ulrich Stark
(piano). P Mantziusgården, Denmark 26–28 May 1998.
Orfeo C465 991A. Alla ABLABERDYEVA (soprano) and Munich Trio
(Rudolf J. Koeckert, Gerhard Zank, Hermann Lechler). P Bavarian Radio
Studio 4–5 May and 4–7 June 1999, I Mar. 2001.
**Netherlands: Q Disc Q 97051. Charlotte RIEDIJK (soprano), Peter Brunt
(violin), Larissa Groeneveld (cello), and Ellen Corver (piano). [Messiaen.] P
Renswoude 1–3 May 2000, I Feb. 2002.
USA: Arizona Friends of Chamber Music AF 01. Nadezhda
SHABANINA (soprano), Alla Aranovskaya (violin), Leonid Shukayev (cello),
and Kevin Fitz-Gerald (piano). [Prokofiev.] P Tucson Winter Chamber
Music Festival 11 Mar. 2001, I 2002.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Nadya SMIRNOVA (soprano),
Graf Mourja (violin), Maria Hallynck (cello), and Arthur Schoonderwoerd
(piano). [Opp. 123, 87, 67, and 121.] P Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland May
2003, I May 2004.
Czech: Arco Diva UP 0069-2 131. Alžběta POLÁČKOVÁ (soprano) and Arte
Trio (Adéla Štajnochrová, Alžběta Vlčková, Jana Holmanová). [Opp. 8 and
67.] P Lichtenstein Palace, Prague Sept.–Nov. 2004, I 2005.
Stradivarius STR 33706 (‘Complete works for pianoforte trio’). Yulia
KORPACHEVA (soprano), and Trio di Parma (Ivan Rabaglia, Enrico Bronzi,
Alberto Miodini). [Opp. 8 and 67.] P Auditorium Paganini, Parma, Italy 3,
4, 7, 8 Jan. 2005, I Oct. 2008.
Warner Classics 2564 62514-2. Joan RODGERS (soprano) and Beaux Arts
Trio (Daniel Hope, Antonio Meneses, Menahem Pressler). [Opp. 8 and 67). P
Indiana University, Bloomington 8–12 July 2005, I Nov. 2005, G Jan. 2006.
Switzerland: Claves 50-2605. Gun-Brit BARKMIN (soprano) and Zurich
Piano Trio (Gabriel Adorján, Joël Marosi, Christaine Frucht). [Opp. 8 and
67.] P Bayerischer Rundfunk Studio, Munich 8–9 Nov. 2005, I July 2006.
Italy: Amadeus-Paragon AM 201-2. Miomira VITAS (soprano) and Ars
Trio di Roma (Marco Fiorentini, Michele Chiapperino, Laura Pietrocini).
[Opp. 8 and 67.] P Aula Magna Seminario di Ivrea, Italy 2–5 May 2006.
Canada: Analekta AN 2 9854. Aline KUTAN (soprano) and Gryphon
Trio (Annalee Patipatanakoon, Roman Borys, Jamie Parker). [Opp. 8 and
67; Silvestrov.] P Willowdale United Church, Toronto 13–16 June 2006,
G July 2007.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 525. Tatyana MELNYCHENKO [soprano], Natalia
Prischepenko, Sebastian Klinger, Plamena Mangova. [Op. 67.] P The Right
Place Studio, Brussels July 2006, I Aug. 2007.

Spain: Columna Música 1CM 0180. Young-Hee KIM (soprano), I.O.M.

Trio (Joan Orpella, José Mor, Daniel Liorio). [Opp. 8 and 127.] P
l’Auditori Paper de Música de Capellades, Barcelona 13, 15, 16 Dec. 2006
and 15 Jan. 2007.
Ondine ODE 1109 (Hybrid SACD). Yvonne NAEF (mezzo-soprano),
Juliette Kang, Hai-Ye Ni, Christoph Eschenbach. [Op. 47.] Perelman
Theater, Philadelpia concert May 2007, I June 2008.

Opus 128: Spring, Spring

Form: Song for bass voice and grand piano, marked ‘Andante’, to words by
Aleksandr Pushkin, from chapter seven, stanza II of the poetic novel Eugene
Onegin, written between 1823 and 1831.
Composed: 1967, with the intention of completing his cycle of 12 Pushkin
songs planned in 1936 (see Opp. 46 and 91).
Première: November 1979, Leningrad; Yevgeni Nesterenko (bass).
Arrangement: Orchestrated by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
Music: Autograph found among the composer’s papers after his death and
preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, piano score in Volume 94 of New Collected
Duration: 2' 03".
Recording: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of
‘From Manuscripts of Different Years’). Orchestrated by Rozhdestvensky.
Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orches-
tra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky). P 1983-86, I 1988d. Reissued on CD-
BMG Melodiya 74321 59058-2 (two-disc set). I and G Mar. 1999.
**CD—USA: Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume
Four—1932-68: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass)
and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 33, 99, 80, 72, 109; Sans op. X(i & ii).] P
St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and 16 Feb. 2002,
I UK Jan. 2006.

Opus 129: Violin Concerto No. 2 in C sharp minor

Form: Concerto for violin and small orchestra (with no brass other than 4
horns) in three movements:
1. Moderato—Allegretto
2. Adagio attacca
3. Adagio—Allegro

Instrumentation: piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (A and B flat), 2 bassoons,

contrabassoon ~ 4 French horns ~ timpani, tom-tom ~ 1st violins (16), 2nd
violins (14), violas (12), cellos (12), double-basses (10 including five-string).
[String numbers halved in Boosey & Hawkes score.]
Composed: May 1967, at Moscow and Repin; completed on 18 May 1967.
Dedication: David Fyodorovich Oistrakh (violinist). Intended as a gift on his
sixtieth birthday but the composer miscalculated his age—see Opus 134.
Premières: First performances on 13 September 1967, Palace of Culture,
Bolshevo, near Moscow and 26 September 1967, Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall; David Oistrakh, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kirill
Kondrashin. Official première by the same forces on 26 October 1967.
UK: 19 November 1967, Royal Festival Hall, London; D. Oistrakh,
London Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy.
USA: 11 January 1968, New York; D. Oistrakh, New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein.
Arrangement: Reduction for violin and piano by the composer, with the
violin part edited by David Oistrakh.
Music: The autograph full and piano scores preserved in the Shostakovich
Family Archive.
Hans Sikorski, No. 6447, 1967, score, 30 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 836, 1968, score, 19 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 895, 1969, reduction for violin and piano,
28.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 896, 1970, score, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5718, 1970, reduction, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 9227, 1976, reduction, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10712 (in Volume 14 of Collected Works), 1981, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10793 (in Volume 15 of Collected Works), 1981, reduction
including a separate violin part ed. D. Oistrakh, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 44 and piano score in
Volume 45 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 29 and approx. 30 minutes in scores; 24' 57"–34' 05".
Films: The recorded phone conversation between the composer and dedicatee
with excerpts from the concerto, accompanied by still photographs, appears
on a Netherlands videocassette Kultur 1130.
A videocassette, Warner Vision 3984 23020-3, of the documentary film
by Bruno Monsaingeon entitled ‘David Oistrakh—Artist of the People?’
includes excerpts from both violin concertos, Opp. 77 and 129, and the
telephone discussion of the latter. Reviewed G Aug. 1998.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D021405-6 (mono) and
C01627-8. David OISTRAKH (violin), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
Kirill Kondrashin. P 21 Nov. 1967, I 1967 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2447.

G Mar. 1969 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3235 in Set SLS 5058. G Oct. 1976
~ USSR: Melodiya C10 06907-8 (a 16-minute phone conversation between
D. Oistrakh and the composer concerning rehearsal of the work). I 1976d ~
Germany: Melodia Eurodisc 88 665 XPK (in thirteen-record Oistrakh box
set). Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 882 (‘The
David Oistrakh Edition’, on second of five discs available singly. I 1987,
G Apr. 1988 ~ USSR: Melodiya SUCD 10 00242. I 1991c ~ RCA 74321
72914-2 (two-disc set). I Apr. 2000.
USSR: Melodiya C10 14091-2 (in third box of Part 1 of Collected
Works on Records). D. OISTRAKH (violin), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P Moscow concert 27 Apr. 1968, I 1980 ~ *Reis-
sued on CD—Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 92609 (ten-disc set, mono). P
date given incorrectly as 27 Sept. 1968, I 2005.
CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7241. D. OISTRAKH (violin), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Yevgeni Svetlanov. P Royal Albert Hall, London concert 28 Aug.
1968, 1 July 1992 ~ BBC Legends BBCL 4060-2. I Feb. 2001, G May
*Japan: Weitblick SSS 0058 (mono). Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin), Dresden
State Opera Orchestra, Herbert Kegel. [Beethoven.] P Kulturpalast,
Dresden concert 10 Oct. 1969, I 2006.
LP—Poland: Muza SX 1749. Wanda WILKOMIRSKA (violin), Warsaw
Philharmonic Orchestra, Wojciech Michniewski. P Warsaw 15–17 May
1979, I 1986.
CD—Revelation RV 10108. Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin), USSR Symphony
Orchestra, Mariss Jansons. P 28 Dec. 1979, I May 1998 ~ *Korea: Yedang
Classics YCC 0032. [Op. 77.] I May 2002.
France: Praga PR 250 052. Jiří TOMÁŠEK (violin), Prague Radio Sym-
phony Orchestra, Charles Mackerras. P Czech radio concert Feb. 1982, I
1994, G July 1995.
*Brilliant Classics (‘Viktor Tretyakov Edition’, on sixth of ten-disc
set, stereo).Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin), USSR State Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra, Vladimor Fedoseyev. [Prokofiev amd Messiaen.] P
concert 3 June 1983, G June 2006.
USA: Pyramid 13493. Nell GOTKOVSKY (violin), Bulgarian National
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vassil Kazandzhiev. P Sofia Oct. 1987, I 1988,
G Oct. 1991.
Chandos CHAN 8820. Lydia MORDKOVITCH (violin), Scottish National
Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. P Glasgow 16–17 Oct. 1989, G Apr. 1990. The
Gramophone Awards 1990—winner of Concerto category, G Oct. 1990.
*Reissued with same number. [Op. 77.] I and G Sept. 2004.
Virgin Classics VC7 91143-2. Dmitri SITKOVETSKY (violin), BBC
Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Davis. P London Dec. 1989, G Sept. 1990.

Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik award 1990 ~ Virgin Classics VBD5

61633-2 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999.
Deutsche Grammophon 439 890-2GH. Gidon KREMER (violin), Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa. P Boston concert Apr. 1992, I and G
Sept. 1994.
France: Arion ARK 68326. Marie SCHEUBLÉ (violin), Monte-Carlo
Philharmonic, James DePriest. P Monte-Carlo July 1995, I Mar. 1996.
USA: Triton 17 006. Maksim FEDOTOV (violin), Russian State Symphony
Orchestra, Aleksandr Vedernikov. P Moscow Conservatory Dec. 1995,
I Nov. 1996 ~ *Japan: DMC Classics DICC 26039. [Op. 77.] I 1999 ~
*Russia: Kvadro Classic KTL02-682. [Op. 77.] I 2002.
Naxos 8.550814. Ilya KALER (violin), Polish National Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Antoni Wit. P Katowice 15–18 Jan. 1996, G Oct. 1997.
Czech: Supraphon SU 3178-2 031. Bohumil KOTMEL (violin), Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra, Petr Altrichter. P Prague 15–16 Feb. 1996, I Sept.
Teldec 0630-13150-2. Maksim VENGEROV (violin), London Symphony
Orchestra, Mstislav Rostropovich. P Sept. 1996, G Awards (Nov.) 1997 ~
Warner Elatus 0972 4674-2. [Op. 77.] G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
**Warner Classics 2564 62546-2. Daniel HOPE (violin), BBC Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. [Opp. 77 and 97.] P Maida Vale Studios,
London 7–9 Nov. 2005, I Mar. 2006, G June 2006.
Germany: Orfeo C387161A. Arabella STEINBACHER (violin), Bavarian
Radio Symphony Orchestra, Andris Nelson. [Op. 77.] P Herkulessal der
Residenz, Munich 3–6 May 2006.
Naïve V5025. Sergei KHACHATRYAN (violin), Orchestre National de
France, Kurt Masur. [Op. 77.] P Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de la Radio
5–7 July 2006, I Oct. 2006.

Opus 130: Funeral-Triumphal Prelude

Form: Short orchestral piece, with alternative titles of Poem of Mourning and
Triumph and Prelude—Stalingrad, for large symphony orchestra (with
triple woodwind and additional brass band of 13 to 26 players), marked
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani (5 players),
side drum, cymbals, bass drum ~ separate band of 2–4 B flat cornets, 3–6 B flat
trumpets and 2–4 each of alto, tenor, baritone, and bass saxhorns ~ strings.
Composed: 1967. Intended for a recording to be used at the inaugural
ceremony of the Mamayev Hill war memorial, Volgograd. [An arrangement
of Robert Schumann’s Träumerei was later used for the Flame of Eternal
Glory tape-recording.]
OPUS 131: OCT OBER 507

Dedication: In memory of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Première: October 1967, Volgograd (Stalingrad).
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Numbered Opus 131 in some lists.
Muzyka, No. 11687 (in Volume 11 of Collected Works), 1984, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 36 and piano score in
Volume 37 of New Collected Works.
Duration: ‘A short piece lasting a mere 2 minutes’ (the composer); 2' 43".
Recording: Decca 436 762-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow 30 Apr. 1992, G Apr. 1994.

Opus 131: October

Form: Symphonic poem for orchestra (with triple woodwind), marked
‘Moderato—Allegro’. The secondary theme is a reworking of the song ‘To
the Partisan’ from Volochayevka Days, Opus 48.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, cor anglais, 3 clarinets (A and B
flat), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~
timpani, side drum, cymbals ~ strings.
Composed: Started in summer 1967, at Moscow, and completed on 10 August
1967, in the Belovezhskaya Forest. Composed for the fiftieth anniversary of
the October Revolution.
Premières: 16 September 1967, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich.
USA: 10 October 1988, New York Avery Fisher Hall; New York
Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Davis.
Arrangements: Reduction for piano duet by the composer. Transcription for
military band (with optional oboes, bassoons, saxophones, and brass band) by
Daniil Braslavsky, for the sixtieth anniversary of the October Revolution.
Music: Autograph score and the composer’s reduction for piano duet pre-
served in the Shostakovich Family Archive. Given as Opus 132 on the first
four scores listed here and by McAllister (1975).
Hans Sikorski, 1967, parts for hire only, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 5789, 1969, score, 29.5 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5744 (plate no. 12665), 1972, 18.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 4194, 1977, arr. for military band by
D. Braslavsky, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11687 (in Volume 11 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 36 and piano score in
Volume 37 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 13 minutes in score; 12' 27"–15' 43"; 20 minutes
(M. MacDonald).

Recordings: [Radio GDR recording broadcast on BBC Radio 3, 25 Aug.

1977. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Heinz Rogner.]
LP and CD—Czech: Panton 11 0665-7 (‘Soviet Music 1917–77’).
Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra, Zdeněk KOŠLER. P Czech Radio 1977.
Reissued on CD—France: Praga PR 254 055. I July 1994.
CD—Olympia OCD 201. Labelled Op. 132. Moscow Symphony
Orchestra, Veronica DUDAROVA. P 1982, I Dec 1987.
Deutsche Grammophon 427 616-2GH. Gothenburg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg May 1988, I Aug. 1989, G May 1991.
NB. Bars 45 and 46 repeated ~ Deutsche Grammophon 459 415-2GTA2
(two-disc set). I Jan. 1999 ~ Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 469 029-
2GCL. G Aug. 2000.
Academy Sound and Vision CD DCA 707. Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Enrique BATIZ. P Mitcham 1990, I June 1990, G Sept. 1990 ~
IMG Records IMGCD 1609. I June 1994, G Feb. 1995.
Decca 436 762-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Walthamstow Apr. 1992, G Aug. 1994.
Japan: Fun House FHCE 2014. Norrköping Symphony Orchestra,
Junichi HIROKAMI. P Norrköping, Sweden Sept. 1993, I Jan. 1994.
**Naxos 8.557812. Seattle Symphony, Gerard SCHWARZ. [Opp. 119 and
42.] P S.Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium, Benaroya Hall, Seattle Feb.
2000, I Mar. 2006.
Chandos CHAN 10358 (‘Words of Michelangelo’). BBC Philharmonic,
Gianandrea NOSEDA. P New Broadcasting House, Manchester 5–7 Apr.
2005, I Feb. 2006, G Apr. 2006. NB. Not Op. 132 as labelled.

Opus 132: Sofya Perovskaya

Form: Music for the biographical colour film Sofya Perovskaya, written by
Yevgeni Gabrilovich, based on the life and execution of one of the ‘Will of
the People’ assassins of Tsar Aleksandr II, and directed by Leo Arnshtam for
Mosfilm. The film score for orchestra (with separate wind band and female
chorus) comprises 18 items, of which all but two are known:
March (Leading to the Execution)—Allegretto
The Execution—Allegretto
1. Allegro
3. Allegretto
Waltz—[Tempo di Valse]
4. Moderato
5. The Duel—Moderato
7. [The Village]—Andante
O PU S 133: QU A RTET NO. 12 IN D FL AT MAJ OR 509

8. Voronezh—Moderato
9. Andante
10. Allegro
11. Allegro
12. Sofya arrives home after the Prosecutor’s speech—Moderato
13. The Dream—Adagio
14. At Figner (Andrei Zhelyabov captured)—Allegro
15. Sofya arrives at Figner after the assassination of the Tsar— Adagio
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B flat and A),
2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, side drum,
cymbals, bass drum ~ xylophone, orchestral bells, harp, celesta, piano ~
2 each of E flat alto, B flat tenor, B flat baritone, and bass saxhorns ~ S.A.
female choir in No. 7 ~ strings. March and The Execution for piccolo solo
with side drum accompaniment.
Composed: September 1967.
Première: Film first shown in January 1968. [Collected Works states 6 May 1968.]
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, sixteen
items, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 132 of New
Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 107 minutes. Score sixteen items: 33' 02".
Recording: *CD—Russia: Mosfilm Bomba Music BoMB 0033-168 (mono).
Film soundtrack fragment No. 11 from the start to fig 7 leading to No. 12
‘Sofya arrives home…’. Unidentified orchestra, Arnold ROITMAN. [Opp. 111
and 89; Prokofiev, Sviridov, Khachaturyan et al.] P 1967, I 2005.
USA: Russian Disc RDCD 10 018. Sixteen items as listed under Form.
Byelorussian Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra, Walter MNATSAKANOV. P
Minsk Nov. 1995.
Decca 460 792-2DH11. Waltz only. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Riccardo CHAILLY. P Amsterdam 6–22 May 1998, G Apr. 1999.

Opus 133: Quartet No. 12 in D flat major

Form: String quartet in two movements:
1. Moderato
2. Allegretto—Adagio—Allegretto
Composed: Completed on 11 March 1968, at Repino.
Dedication: Dmitri Mikhailovich Tsyganov (1st violinist of the Beethoven

Premières: 14 June 1968, USSR Composers’ Club, Moscow; 14 September

1968, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; and 5 November 1968, Glinka
Concert Hall, Leningrad; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai
Zabavnikov, Fyodor Druzhinin, and Sergei Shirinsky).
UK: 27 June 1970, Aldeburgh Festival; Aeolian Quartet (Sidney
Humphreys, Raymond Keenlyside, Margaret Major, and Derek Simpson).
Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev and
for two pianos by Dmitri Tsyganov. An abridged transcription for brass
ensemble by Verne Reynolds (bars 79 to 119 cut in first movement; bars
84 to 122, 163 to 207, and 310–20 cut in second movement). A string
orchestra arrangement by Barry Lieberman.
Music: Autograph score preserved in Dmitri Tsyganov’s personal archive
(presented at the official Moscow première). Photocopy of the autograph
score preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 6059, 1969, score, 20 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6171, 1969, parts, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2164, 1969, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 6226, 1969, score, 21 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 856, 1970, 19 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 19910, 1970, parts, 31 cm.
Muzyka, 1972, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, 1972, arr. for piano duet by D. Tsyganov, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5762, 1973, parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2026 (in Volume 4 with Quartets 13 and 14
arr. for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1976, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2268 (new edition with Op. 122), 1980, score, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 103 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 26 minutes in score; 23' 00"–28' 56"; 29' 15" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 03223-4. BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav
Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky).
P 25 Dec. 1968, I 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1324 in Set SLS 879.
G June 1974.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya D025115-6 (mono) and C01769-70,
BEETHOVEN QUARTET (personnel as at premières). P 1969, G Oct. 1971. Reis-
sued on CD—USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3008 (‘Complete Quartets,
Volume 4’). I Mar. 1996.
CD—Italy: Intaglio INCD 7561. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as above).
P St John’s Smith Square, London 13 July 1970, I Aug. 1993.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 23. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P Sept. 1976, G
O PU S 133: QU A RTET NO. 12 IN D FL AT MAJ OR 511

Nov. 1977. Gramophone Record Awards 1977—winner of Chamber Music

category, G Mar. 1978 ~ Decca 188 D6 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981.
Reissued on CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on fifth of six-disc
set). G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11613-4 (in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works
on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion
Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1979, I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR:
Melodiya SUCD 10 00312. I 1991d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17375-6. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1981, I 1982d ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI CDC7 49266-2.
I Nov. 1987 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15 Quartets plus
Quintet.] I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I
June 1997.
CD—Olympia OCD 535 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1985, G Sept. 1994.
Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fifth of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael
Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin July 1989,
I Nov. 1990, G June 1992.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1012. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 12 June 1990, I 1991 ~ Koch
Schwann 3 1070-2 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). I Sept. 1993.
Virgin Classics VC7 59281-2. BORODIN QUARTET (M. Kopelman,
A. Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P Snape Nov. 1990, I Feb.
1993, G June 1993 ~ Virgin Classics VBD5 61630-2 (two-disc set.). I Aug.
(Daniel Stabrawa, Christian Stadelmann, Neithard Resa, Jan Disselhorst).
P Berlin 1994, I 1998.
Deutsche Grammophon Compact Disc 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete
Quartets, Volume 4’, five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker,
Philip Setzer, Lawrence Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado
concert July–Aug. 1994, G June 2000 (the first movement included on
cover CD).
Naxos 8.550975 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 28–31 Mar
1995, I Apr. 1996, G Apr. 1997.
**Netherlands: Globe GLO 5181 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). [Opp. 108 and 117.] P Utrecht Feb. 1998, I Nov. 2001.

Arion ARN 68534. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Dominique

Lonca, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier). [Opp. 49 and 92.] P Lyon Nov.
2000. I and G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
USA: Eastman in Concert CD 1001. Arr. by V. Reynolds. EASTMAN BRASS
(James Thompson and Douglas Prosser—trumpets, Peter Kurau—French
horn, John Marcellus—trombone, and Don Harry—tuba). [Rossini,
Mendelssohn, and Reynolds.] P Eastman School of Music, Rocester, New
York concert 4–7 June 2001, I July 2003.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (personnel as in 1998). [Opp. 92 and 122.] P
Mullem, Belgium concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Hyperion CDA 67156. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 118 and 142.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2002 and Jan. 2003, G July 2003.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’, five-disc
set) DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 142 and 110.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 20–23 Dec. 2004,
I 2005.
Chandos CHAN 10329 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). SORREL
QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen
Thatcher). [Opp. 57 and 49.] P The Maltings, Snape 10–12 Jan. 2005, I
Aug. 2005, G Oct. 2005.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’—on fourth of five-
disc set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkov, Evgenia Grandjean,
Gerhard Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 118 and 138; Sans op. D(i).] P
Musikstudio Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I
July 2006.
USA: MSR Classics MS 1226. Arr. B. Lieberman. THE AMERICAN STRING
PROJECT (conductorless—the players rotate from one concert to the next). P
Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall, Benaroya Hall, Seattle concert 8 June
Germany: Audite AU 92.529 (Hybrid SACD). MANDERLING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 118 and 142.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 23–25 Apr. 2008.

Opus 134: Violin Sonata

Form: Sonata for violin and grand piano in three movements:
1. Andante or originally Pastoral
2. Allegretto Allegro furioso
3. Largo—Andante Variations on a Theme
OP U S 134: VIOL IN SON AT A 513

Composed: 26 August–23 October 1968, at Moscow, for David Oistrakh’s

sixtieth birthday. [Originally Opus 129 was intended for this occasion but
the composer was a year too early. This sonata was composed to make good
the error.] Sketch for the first movement written on 26 June 1945.
Dedication: David Fyodorovich Oistrakh (violinist).
Premières: 8 January 1969, Union of Soviet Composers private hearing;
David Oistrakh (violin) and Mieczysław Weinberg (piano).
3 May 1969, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; D. Oistrakh and
Svyatoslav Richter (piano).
UK: 3 June 1971, London; Raymond Cohen (violin) and Anthya Rael
Switzerland: 1 August 2005, Verbier Festival and Academy, Zinman and
Pushkarev orchestration; Gidon Kremer (director and violin), Yuri Basmet
(viola), Andrei Pushkarev (percussion), with the Kremerata Baltica.
Arrangements: Krzysztof Meyer orchestration for violin and chamber orches-
tra (double woodwind, French horns, and strings with percussion ensemble
of timpani, tambourine, gong, 2 tom-toms, side drum, 2 bongos, orchestral
bells, xylophone, vibraphone, marimba, celesta, and harp). The sonata also
orchestrated for violin, percussion and string orchestra by Michail Zinman
and Andrei Pushkarev in 2005.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the David Oistrakh archive at GTsMMK.
The third movement was a set piece in the 1970 International Tchaikovsky
Anglo-Soviet Music Press/Hans Sikorski, No. 19949, 1969, parts, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6709, 1970 and 1974, violin part ed. D. Oistrakh, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5739 (plate no. 12630), 1971, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2519, 1971, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10927 (in Volume 38 of Collected Works), 1982, including
separate violin part, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1997, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 107 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 31 minutes in score; 22' 49"–36' 18".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya M10 42045-6 (mono). D. OISTRAKH
(violin) and Dmitri Shostakovich (piano). P in composer’s flat Dec. 1968, I
1980b. Reissued on CD—Revelation RV 70008 (‘Shostakovich plays Shosta-
kovich, Volume 7’, mono). I Sept. 1998, G Feb. 1999.
USSR: Melodiya CM 02355-6. D. OISTRAKH (violin) and Svyatoslav
Richter (piano). P Moscow première 3 May 1969, I 1970 ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 2718. G Aug. 1971 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1369. G May 1977
~ USSR: Melodiya D027313-4 (mono) and CM 02355-6 (the latter in
second box of Part 2 of Collected Works on Records). I 1978. Reissued on

CD—USA: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFCD 909. I Mar. 1989 ~ France:
Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1018-19 (two-disc set). I Feb. 1990, G June
1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 34182-2 and 40711-2 (‘David Oistrakh
Edition’, five-disc set, mono). I June 1977, G Feb. 1998.
*CD—Brilliant Classics 93005 (‘Viktor Tretiakov Edition’, on tenth
of ten-disc set, stereo). Viktor TRETYAKOV (violin) and Mikhail Erokhin
(piano). [Prokofiev and Suk.] P concert 9 Mar. 1970, G June 2006.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 06875-6. Oleg KAGAN (violin) and Elizaveta
Leonskaya (piano). [Op. 127.] P 1976, I 1976d.
USSR: Melodiya C10 08753-4. Gidon KREMER (violin) and Andrei
Gavrilov (piano). P Dec. 1976, I 1978a ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3547. G
Sept. 1978.
Cassette and LP—USA: Advent E 1069. Emanuel BOROK (violin) and
Tatiana Yampolsky (piano). Reissued on LP—USA: Sine Qua Non SA
2045.1 1983.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 12267-8. Pavel KOGAN (violin) and Elizaveta
Ginzburg (piano). P 1979, I 1980a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 17721006. Olga PARKHOMENKO (violin) and
Natalya Derenovskaya (piano). P 1980, I 1983b.
Philips 6514 102 (with Schnittke—Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich).
Mark LUBOTSKY (violin) and Lyubov Yedlina (piano). P 1981, G June 1982.
LP and CD—Chandos ABRD 1089 (digital). Rostislav DUBINSKY (violin)
and Lyubov Yedlina (piano). P London June 1983, G Jan. 1934. Reissued
on CD—Chandos CHAN 8343. I Sept. 1984, G Apr. 1985 ~ *Chandos
X10087. [Op. 34.] I June 2003.
LP—USA: Orion ORS 82441. STOYANOV DUO—Robert Stoyanov (violin)
and Artur Stoyanov (piano). P supervised by Maksim Shostakovich at El
Segundo, California 1983.
USSR: Melodiya C10 21151 009. Grigori ZHISLIN (violin) and Frida
Bauer (piano). P 1984, I 1985a.
CD—Japan: JVC VDC 5015 (in two-disc set ‘To the Memory of David
Oistrakh’). Oleg KAGAN (violin) and Svyatoslav Richter (piano). P Freiburg,
West Germany concert 6–8 Mar. 1985 ~ Russia: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga
MK 418014. I 1992 ~ Olympia OCD 579 (‘The Richter Collection,
Volume 10’). I Mar. 1996.
Russia: Melodiya SUCD 10 00095. O. KAGAN (violin) and S. Richter
(piano). P Moscow concert 17 May 1985, I 1993a ~ Germany: Live Classics
LCL 183. P date given as 13 May 1985, I Mar. 2001 ~ *Regis RRC 1128.
[Op. 147.] I Apr. 2003, G Sept. 2003. NB. The last-named is a mix of
concert performances on 13 and 17 May 1985.
Sweden: BIS CD 364 (‘The Russian Violin’). Christian BERGQVIST (violin)
and Ronald Pöntinen (piano). P Sweden 22–24 May 1987, G Apr. 1988.
OP U S 134: VIOL IN SON AT A 515

Imp Classics MCD 58. Rimma SUSHANSKAYA (violin) and Roger Vignoles
(piano). P Monmouth 29–30 Sept. 1988, I Apr. 1993.
Italy: AS Disc As 5007. Gigino MAESTRI (violin) and Leonardo Leonardi
(piano). P Genoa July 1989.
Czech: Panton 81 1013-2 131. Jurí HURNÍK (violin) and Jaromír Klepác
(piano). P Prague 23–26 Oct. 1989, I 1992.
Germany: Sound-Star-Ton 0211. Josef RISSIN (violin) and Olga
Rissin-Morenova (piano). P Wörth spring 1989, I 1991 ~ Germany:
Sound-Star-Ton SST 30211. I Nov. 1994.
Chandos CHAN 8988 (with Schnittke—Prelude in Memory of
Shostakovich). Lydia MORDKOVITCH (violin) and Clifford Benson (piano). P
Snape Maltings 11 Dec. 1990, G Dec. 1991.
USA: Koch International Classics 3-7116-2H1. Pavel BERMAN (violin) and
Anne Epperson (piano). P Purchase, New York 2–3 July 1991, I Apr. 1994.
France: Erato 2292 45804-2. Shlomo MINTZ (violin) and Viktoria
Postnikova (piano). P Metz Sept. 1991, G Nov. 1992 ~ *Warner 0927-
499554-2. [Op. 147.] I Jan. 2003.
Netherlands: Fidelio 9203. Isabelle van KEULEN (violin) and Ronald
Brautigam (piano). P Maria Minor Church, Utrecht 23–24 Mar. 1992, I July
1993 ~ Netherlands: Vanguard Classics 99306 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999.
France: REM Editions 311 210. Anton KHOLODENKO (violin) and Sergei
Milstein (piano). P Tassin-la Demi-Lune summer 1993.
France: Suoni e Colori C 53008 (‘Hommage a Dmitri Chostakovitch,
Volume 2’). Alexandre BRUSSILOVSKY (violin) and Pascal Godart (piano). P
Espace Fazioli, Paris Oct.–Nov. 1997.
USA: Arabesque Z 6698 (two-disc set). Jamie LAREDO (violin) and Joseph
Kalichstein (piano). P Purchase, New York 17–18 Dec. 1995 or 12–13
Sept. 1996, I and G Jan. 1998.
*Germany: Kreuzberg Records kr 10044. Ben GREINER (violin) and Frank
Wasser (piano). [Lutoslawski and Vorisek.] P Berlin-Kreuzberg June 1999.
Nimbus NI 5631. Daniel HOPE (violin) and Simon Mulligan (piano). P
Wyastone Leys, Monmouth 5–7 Aug. 1999, I Feb. 2000, G Apr. 2000.
**Chanel Classics CCS 16398. Ilya GRUBERT (violin) and Vladimir Tropp
(piano). [Opp. 5 and 34.] P Eindhoven, Netherlands Apr. 2000, I Oct.
Belgium: De Rode Pomp Gents Muzikaal Arcief RP/GMA 009. Lidia
KOVALENKO (violin) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Op. 34; and Schnittke.]
P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 18 Apr. and 2 May 2000,
I 2004.
Italy: La Bottega Discantica 73. Paolo GHIDONI (violin) and Stefano
Giavazzi (piano). [Beethoven and Pärt.] P Mantova, Italy concert 17 Nov.
2000, I 2001.

Bulgaria: Gega New CD 269. Vesco ESCHKENAZY (violin) and Ludmil

Angelov (piano)). [Prokofiev and Shchedrin.] P Madrid 23–24 Apr. 2001.
Centaur CRC 2636. Grigori KALINOVSKY (violin) and Tatyana Goncharova
(piano). [Op. 34.] P Staten Island, New York 10–12 May 2002. I and G
May 2004.
USA: Phoenix PHCD 155. Levon AMBARTSUMIAN (violin) and Anatoli
Sheludyakov (piano). [Op. 147.] P University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Apr. 2003, I Aug. 2004.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Graf MOURJA (violin)
and Arthur Schoonderwoerd (piano). [Opp. 87, 109, and 146.] P
Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9921-22 (two-disc set). Mikhail
BEZVERKHNY (violin) and Timur Sergeyenya (piano). [Opp. 34 and 147.] P
St Catherine Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 3–6 Nov. 2003, I 2004.
Naxos 8.557722. Maksim FEDOTOV (violin) and Galina Petrova (piano).
[Opp. 40 and 97.] P Russian State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow
15–30 Nov. 2004, I Oct. 2006.
Sweden: BIS BIS-CD-1592 (‘Ballet for a Lonely Violinist’). Vadim
GLUZMAN (violin) and Angela Yoffe (piano). [Sans op. E; and Auerbach.] P
Västerås Concert Hall, Sweden June–July 2005, I June 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6196GH. Arr. Zinman and Pushkarev.
Gidon KREMER (director and violin), Andrei Pushkarev (percussion), and
Kremerata Baltica. [Op. 147.] P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall
concert Oct. 2005, I Nov. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
Sweden: Intim Musik IMCD 102. Tino FJELDLI (violin) and Francisca
Skoogh (piano). [Op. 147.] P Isidor Studio, Huaröd, Sweden 13–14 and
26–27 Oct. 2005.
Calliope CAL 9355. Jan TALICH (violin) and Yakov Kasman (piano).
[Op. 147.] P Studio Hamu, Prague Nov. 2005.
Germany: Hanssler Classic SWR Music 93.190. Kolja BLACHER (violin)
and Jascha Nemtsov (piano). [Weinberg.] P Kammermusikstudio, SWR
Stuttgart 20–21 Feb. 2006, I Apr. 2007.
Warner Classics 2564 62997-2. Leila JOSEFOWICZ (violin) and John
Novacek (piano). [Op. 77.] P Academy of Arts and Letters, New York
concert 25–26 Mar. 2006, I May 2006, G July 2006, G Sept. 2006
Quartz QTZ 2045 (two-disc set plus DVD ‘A People’s Music’—a film by
Tim Meara). Ruth PALMER (violin) and Alexei Grynyuk (piano). [Op. 77.] P
The Music Room, Champs Hill, Pulborough, West Sussex 6–7 May 2006,
I and G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Naïve V5122. Sergei KHACHATRYAN (violin) and Lusine Khachatryan
(piano). [Franck.] P Sion Concert Hall, Switzerland 16–19 July 2007, G
June 2008.
OP U S 135: SY MPH ON Y N O. 14 517

Note: A rough draft and a fair copy of the 1945 unfinished first movement, in
G minor and marked ‘Moderato con moto’, preserved at TsGALI.

Sans op. W: Cello Concerto No. 1 (Tishchenko)

Form: New orchestration of former student Boris Tishchenko’s Cello Con-
certo No. 1, Opus 23 (composed in 1963, originally for 17 woodwind
instruments, percussion, and harmonium, but not performed until 1968 in
Leningrad). Shostakovich’s instrumentation employs a reduced woodwind
ensemble of nine players, percussion (including wood block, tom-tom, and
xylophone), and strings.
Première: UK: 22 November 2007, Barbican Hall, London; Tim Hugh
(cello), London Symphony Orchestra, Valery Gergiev (broadcast on BBC
Radio3 on 31 November 2007).
Composed: Shostakovich’s orchestration prepared in early 1969. The score
presented to Tishchenko on 23 March 1969, the composer’s thirtieth
Music: Manuscript in Shostakovich’s hand. [Tishchenko’s score published by
Muzyka, Leningrad, 1968.]
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score of Shostakovich’s instrumentation
in Volume 147 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 26' 03"–29' 27".
Recordings: LP—[USSR: Melodiya CM 01805-6. In Tishchenko’s original
orchestration. Mstislav Rostropovich (cello), Leningrad Philharmonic Orches-
tra woodwind and percussion ensemble, Igor Blazhkov. P and I 1969.]
USSR: Melodiya C10 22267 009 (Album 4 of ‘From Manuscripts of Dif-
ferent Years’) Sergei MNOZHIN (cello), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1984, I 1986a.
CD—Chandos Compact Disc CHAN 9792 (‘The Unknown
Shostakovich’). Aleksandr IVASHKIN (cello), Russian Symphony Orchestra,
Valeri Polyansky. P Moscow Conservatory Jan. 1998, I Jan. 2000.

Opus 135: Symphony No. 14

Form: Symphonic song cycle for soprano and bass soloists, string orchestra,
and percussion, to texts in Russian translations of Federico García Lorca,
Guillaume Apollinaire, and Rainer Maria Rilke, and the original Russian of
William Küchelbecker, in eleven sections:
1. De Profundis (García Lorca)—Adagio (for bass soloist)

2. Malagueña (García Lorca)—Allegretto (soprano) attacca


3. Lorelei (Apollinaire)—Allegro molto (soprano and bass) attacca

4. The Suicide (Apollinaire)—Adagio (soprano)

5. On Watch (Apollinaire)—Allegretto (soprano) attacca

6. Madam, look! (Apollinaire)—Adagio (soprano and bass) attacca
7. In prison—At the Sante Jail (Apollinaire)—Adagio (bass)

8. The Zaporozhian Cossack’s answer to the Sultan of Constantinople

(Apollinaire)—Allegro (bass) attacca
9. O Delvig, Delvig! (Küchelbecker)—Andante (bass)

10. The death of the poet (Rilke)—Largo (soprano) attacca

11. Conclusion (Rilke)—Moderato (soprano and bass)

Russian translations by I. Tynyanova (No. 1), L. Geleskul (No. 2), M.

Kudinov (Nos. 3–8), and T. Silman (Nos. 10 and 11).
Instrumentation: castanets, wood block, whip, 3 tom-toms (soprano, alto,
and tenor—1 player) ~ orchestral bells, xylophone, vibraphone, celesta ~
soprano and bass soloists ~ 10 violins, 4 violas, 3 cellos, 2 five-string double-
Composed: Piano vocal score completed in a Moscow hospital on 16 February
1969; the full score at his Moscow apartment on 2 March 1969.
Dedication: Benjamin Britten (composer). Personal score inscribed ‘To dear
Benjamin Britten as a token of profound respect from a cordially devoted
D. Shostakovich 1 XII 1969 Moscow’.
Premières: 21 June 1969, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Margarita
Miroshnikova (soprano), Yevgeni Vladimirov (bass), Moscow Chamber
Orchestra, Rudolf Barshai. Special concert for a select audience; the perfor-
mance introduced by the composer.
29 September 1969, Hall of the Academy Cappella, Leningrad; Galina
Vishnevskaya (soprano), Y. Vladimirov (bass), Moscow Chamber Orchestra,
Rudolf Barshai. The performance introduced by the composer. NB. The
concert took place after sixty rehearsals (Vishnevskaya in Galina, 401).
UK: 14 June 1970, Aldeburgh Festival; G. Vishnevskaya, Mark Reshetin,
English Chamber Orchestra, Benjamin Britten.
USA: 1 January 1971, Academy of Music, Philadelphia; Phyllis Curtin
(soprano), Simon Estes (bass), Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy.
English translation: 13 September 1972, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London;
Philomusica of London, David Littáur (conductor).
Arrangements: Translation in English by Martin Cooper, Igor Buketoff,
Valeri Vlazinskaya, and Emily Gill; and in German by Waltraut Levine (for
the East German première in 1973) and Jörg Morgener. Version prepared
OP U S 135: SY MPH ON Y N O. 14 519

by J. Morgener, with poems in their original languages, approved by the

composer in 1971. Reduction for voices and piano by the composer.
Music: The autograph full and piano scores preserved in the Shostakovich
Family Archive. The autograph of the tenth movement purchased for the
Britten-Pears Library, Aldeburgh, in January 1991. The first page of the
autograph vocal score is reproduced in Volume 9 of Collected Works.
Music Fund of the USSR, 1969, reduction with libretto of 11 pages
inserted, 29 cm.
Edwin F. Kalmus, No. 325, 1969, Russian text, 26.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2174, 1970, Russian and German texts—Nos. 1–9
of the latter by J. Morgener, 21 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, c.1971, vocal score with text translated into
English by M. Cooper, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 6830, 1971, full score, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9856 (in Volume 8 of Collected Works), 1980, full score,
30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11688 (in Volume 9 of Collected Works with reductions of
Op. 113 and choral sections of Opp. 14 and 20), vocal score with Russian
text, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 14 and piano score in
Volume 29 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 42 minutes in score; 47' 04"–53' 11"; 50' 30" (Plaistow).
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 01933-4. Margarita Miroshnikova
(soprano), Yevgeni Vladimirov (bass), Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf
BARSHAI. P summer 1969, I 1970 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 2633. G Mar.
1971 ~ HMV Melodiya BOX 502512 in Set SLS 5025. G Dec. 1975.
CD—USA: Russian Disc RDCD 11 192. Galina Vishnevskaya (soprano),
Mark Reshetin (bass), Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P
Moscow première concert 6 Oct. 1969, G Jan. 1994.
BBC Legends BBCB 8013-2. Texts not included. G. Vishnevskaya
(soprano), M. Reshetin (bass), English Chamber Orchestra, Benjamin
BRITTEN. P Snape concert 14 June 1970, G Dec. 1999.
LP—USA: RCA Red Seal LSC 3206. Phyllis Curtin (soprano), Simon
Estes (bass), Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY. P 1971 ~ RCA Red
Seal LSB 5002. G July and Aug. 1971 ~ RCA Red Seal RL 01284 (in three-
record box set). G Nov. 1978 ~ USA: Time-Life ‘Great Man of Music’ box
set STL 568. I 1979.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 04009-10. G. Vishnevskaya (soprano),
M. Reshetin (bass), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, M. ROSTROPOVICH. P
studio 1972, I 1974 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3090. G Dec. 1975. Reissued
on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 10 00241. I 1991c ~ Russia: Russian
Disc RIO 00321-2 (in double-album ‘For the 85th Anniversary’, DMM).

I 1991 ~ Teldec 0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct.

1997 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus 2564 61374-2. [Op. 14.] I 2004.
CD—Revelation RV 10101 (mono). G. Vishnevskaya (soprano),
M. Reshetin (bass), Moscow Chamber Orchestra, M. ROSTROPOVICH. P
Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall concert 12 Feb. 1973, G July 1998 ~
Venezia CDVE 04283 (two-disc set). [Op. 47.] I 2007.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 05477-8. Yevgeniya Tselovalnik
(soprano), Yevgeni Nesterenko (bass), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra,
Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 1974, I 1975d ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 05477-8
(in second box of Part 1 of Collected Works on Records). I 1980 ~ HMV
Melodiya EX 2903873 (DMM) (eleventh in twelve-record box set). G Dec.
1985. Reissued on CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1009-10
(in Box 5 of five two-disc sets). G May 1989 ~ BMG Classics Melodiya
7432119844-2. G Nov. 1994.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 07673-4. Zara Dolukhanova (soprano),
Yevgeni Nesterenko, (bass), Leningrad Chamber Orchestra, Lazar GOZMAN.
P 1976, I 1977c ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3481. G May 1978.
LP and CD—USA: CBS 37270. Teresa Kubiak (soprano), Isser Bushkin
(bass), Rodney Friend (violin), Sol Greitzer (viola), Lorna Munroe (cello),
John Shaeffer (double-bass), New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Leonard
BERNSTEIN. P 8 Dec. 1976 ~ CBS Masterworks 74084. G Apr. 1983. Reissued
on CD—Sony Royal Edition SMK 47617. G Nov. 1993 and June 1994.
Decca SXDL 7532 (digital). Sung in the original languages of the
poems. Julia Varády (soprano), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone),
Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HAITINK. P Amsterdam 14–15 Nov.
1981, G Jan. 1982. Reissued on CD—Decca 417 514-2DH. I Dec. 1986,
G Mar. 1987 ~ Decca Ovation 425 074-2DM. G Nov. 1993 ~ London 444
440-2 (on tenth of eleven-disc set). I June 1995.
USSR: Melodiya A10 00213 001 (digital). Makvala Kasrashvili (soprano),
Anatoli Safiulin (bass), USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra,
Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P 1985, I 1987c. Reissued on CD—Olympia
OCD 182. G Dec. 1988 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 59057-2 (two-disc set).
I Feb. 1999.
USA: Schwann Musica Mundi VMS 002 107 (DMM). Hildegard Harting
(soprano), Peter Meven (bass), Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken,
Myung-Whun CHUNG. P Saarbrücken 16 May 1986, I Jan. 1988. Reissued
on CD—Koch Schwann 311 033. I 1993.
*USA: Minnesota Orchestra (no catalogue number assigned for the
twelve-disc set—on disc 9: ‘Minnesota Orchestra at One Hundred—a
collection of Recordings and Broadcasts from 1924 to 2003’). Elizabeth
Holleque (soprano), Michael Devlin (bass), Minnesota Orchestra, Leonard
SLATKIN. P Minnesota concert broadcast 3 Apr. 1987, I 2004.
OP U S 135: SY MPH ON Y N O. 14 521

Chandos ABRD 1232 (digital) and released on CD—CHAN 8607.

Elizabeth Holleque (soprano), Nikita Storojev (bass), I Musici de Montréal,
Eleonora Turovsky (leader), Yuli TUROVSKY. P Quebec 1988, G Dec. 1988.
CD—Virgin Classics VC7 91432-2. Makvala Kasrashvili (soprano),
Mikhail Krutikov (bass), Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Aleksandr
LAZAREV. P Lausanne University Apr. 1990, 1 July 1991, G Oct. 1991 ~
*Virgin Classics 5 62050-2 (two-disc set). [Op. 110a; Prokofiev, Debussy,
and Milhaud.] I Feb. 2002.
Naxos 8.550631. Magdaléna Hajóssyová (soprano), Peter Mikuláš (bass),
Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav SLOVÁK. P Bratislava
22 Feb.–4 Mar. 1991, I May 1993, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos 8.506003 (in
six-disc set). I 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 437 785-2GH. Lyuba Kazarnovskaya (soprano),
Sergei Leiferkus (baritone), Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme
JÄRVI. P Gothenburg May 1992, I Oct. 1993, G Feb. 1994 ~ *Deutsche
Grammophon 474 469-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 113 and 141.] I May 2003.
Denon CO 78821. Yelena Prokina (soprano), Sergei Aleksashkin (bass),
Wilfried Rehm (cello), Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P
Vienna Apr. 1993, I Mar. 1996.
Netherlands: Erasmus WVH 131. Alexandra Nagelkerke (soprano),
Nanco de Vries (bass), Utrecht Conservatory Chamber Orchestra, Viktor
LIBERMAN. P Rotterdam Jan. 1994.
Finland: Ondine ODE 845-2. Sung in the original languages of the
poems. Margareta Haverinen (soprano), Petteri Salomaa (bass-baritone),
Tapiola Sinfonietta, Joseph SWENSEN. P Espoo Sept. 1994, G Apr. 1996.
France: Opus 111 OPS 30-165. Sung in the original languages of the poems.
Marie-Stéphane Bernard (soprano), Lionel Peintre (baritone), Musicatreize,
Roland HAYRABÉDIAN. P Miramas, France Apr. 1996, G Dec. 1996.
**Sweden: BIS CD 1173. Joan Rodgers (soprano), John Tomlinson
(bass), BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Mark WIGGLESWORTH. P Bristol
18–19 Mar. 1999, I July 2001, G Nov. 2001.
Supraphon SU 38902 (on third of ten-disc set). Marina Shaguch (soprano),
Michail Ryssov (bass), Prague Symphony Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH.
P Smetana Hall, Prague concert 7–8 Dec. 1999, G Nov. 2006.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (on tenth of eleven-disc set). Alla
Simoni (soprano), Vladimir Vaneyev (bass), WDR Symphony Orchestra,
Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 1999-2000, I Dec. 2001.
Germany: Capriccio 71 039-040 (two-disc set, Hybrid SACD). Marina
Shaguch (soprano), Arutyun Kotchinian (bass), Gürzenich Orchestra
of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO. [Op. 141 and feature on the Cologne
Shostakovich Project.] P Cologne studio 4–5 and 8–12 July 2003, I Aug.

Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 937 1211-6 (Hybrid SACD). Iano

Tamar (soprano), Taras Shtonde (bass), Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn,
Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
18–20 July 2004 and 1–3 Feb. 2006, G Jan. 2009.
Switzerland: Frequenzen No. 1. Sung in the original languages apart from
Nos. 3 and 9 which are sung in Morgener’s German translation. Stephanie
Friede (soprano), Pavel Daniluk (bass), Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Howard
GRIFFITHS. P and issued to accompany the book Dmitri Schostakowitsch,
Symphonie Nr. 14, Op. 135 by Andreas Wernli (Rüffer + Rub, 2004).
Germany: ECM New Series 476 6177. Yulia Korpacheva (soprano),
Fyodor Kuznetsov (bass), Kremerata Baltica, Gidon KREMER. [Mahler.] P
Musikverein, Vienna concert 23 Nov. 2004, G Dec. 2007.
EMI Classics 358077-2 (two-disc set). Karita Mattila (soprano), Thomas
Quasthoff (bass), Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Simon RATTLE. [Op. 10.]
P Philharmonie, Berlin concert 16–19 Sept. 2005, I May 2006, G Aug.
EMI Classics 3 56830-2. Larissa Gogolevskaya (soprano), Sergei
Aleksashkin (bass), Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mariss JANSONS.
[Op. 20.] P Herkulessaal, Münchner Residenz 7–8 Oct. and 11–12 Nov.
2005, I July 2006, G Oct. 2006.
London Philharmonic Orchestra LPO 0099 (on fourth of four-disc
set). Tatyana Monoganova (soprano), Sergei Leiferkus (baritone), London
Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir JUROWSKI. P Queen Elizabeth Hall,
London concert 2 Feb. 2006, I 2007.
Arts Music 47723-8 (Hybrid SACD). Marina Poplavskaya (soprano),
Mikhail Davidov (baritone), Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’,
Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 20.] P Auditorium di Milano concert June 2006, I 2006.
Japan: Decca UCCD 1187. Joan Rodgers (soprano), Sergei Leiferkus
(baritone), NHK Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir ASHKENAZY. P Megura
Persimmon Hall, Tokyo 27–29 June 2006.
Note: The poem ‘Loreliei’ is a translation of the original ballad by Clemens
Brentan and should not be regarded as being by Apollinaire (see Levon
Hakobian in Fay 2004).

Sans op. X: Miscellaneous Works

‘A Toast to our Motherland’

Form: A song with lyric by Iosif Utkin for tenor, mixed chorus, and piano,
marked ‘Presto’.
Composed: 1944, for an album of songs to lyrics by Utkin.

Music: The whereabouts of the autograph is not known.

Sovetskii kompozitor (in album We’ll Sing of Our Country), 1975.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.

‘The Black Sea’

Form: A song with lyric by S. Alymov and N. Verkhovsky for solo bass, male
chorus and piano, marked ‘Allegro moderato’.
Composed: 1944.
Arrangement: A version edited by Aleksandr Tishchenko for an album com-
memorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in
the Great Patriotic War, with alternative bayan accompaniment.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph is not known.
Music Fund of the USSR (in collection Songs of the Navy, 1st edition),
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 3567 (in album It is impossible for us to forget all
about this journey ... compiled by Aleksandr Tishchenko), 1975, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
Recordings: LP—Europe: Harmonia Mundi WRC S/R 4283. Bulgarian
State Choir. [?]
USSR: Melodiya C60 19135 007. Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble
of the Black Sea Fleet, Ivan SAMOFATOV. I 1983d.

‘Our Native Russia has Gained Strength from the Storms’

Form: An unpublished song with words by S. Shchipachev, written in 1945, is

preserved at TsGALI. This song for mixed choir and orchestra was intended
as the National Anthem of the RSFSR.

‘Hymn to Moscow’

Form: An unpublished song, with the subtitle ‘Stand Fast, our inviolable
National Shrine’, to words by I. Frenkel, was written in 1948. Autograph
version for choir and piano preserved at the Glinka Museum with a variant
for soloist, two-part chorus, and piano preserved at TsGALI. Musically this
song is identical with that of ‘Song of Peace’ used in The Meeting on the
Elbe, Opus 80.

‘Our Song’

Form: A song for chorus and orchestra with words by Konstantin Simonov.
Composed: 1950, at Moscow.

Arrangements: Reduction by the composer for solo bass, mixed chorus and
piano, marked ‘Moderato maestoso’. Also for bass soloist and piano, marked
‘With moderate movement. Solemnly’.
Music: Autograph score preserved at GTsMMK.
Muzgiz, 1950, arrangement for soloist, chorus and piano. Muzykalnaya zhizn
(‘Musical Life’) journal, 1982, No. 24, arr. for bass and piano, published as
a supplement.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.

‘Supporters of Peace March’

Form: A marching song for solo tenor, chorus and piano, with words by
K. Simonov. The tune, alternatively known as March of Peace Champions
and Song of Fighters for Peace, is based on the first two bars of Novorossiisk
Chimes, Sans op. U.
Composed: Possibly in 1950.
Arrangement: For male chorus and piano by the composer.
Music: Autograph preserved at the Glinka Museum. First published in the
collection Siberia is Calling, Moscow, 1956, chorus and piano.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, chorus
and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, chorus
and piano, 30 cm.

‘Bird of Peace’

Form: A song for voice and piano by the British composer Joan Smith in a
Russian translation by L. Ozerov. Marked ‘Unhurried, expressively’. Awarded
Second Prize at the Fourth International Festival of Youth, Bucharest.
Composed: Arranged (stated as Obrabotka* on the printed edition) by
Shostakovich on 28 August 1953.
Music: Autograph preserved at GTsMMK. Published in a supplement to
the journal Sovetskaya muzyka, 1953, No. 10. (‘Songs of a Friend’, fourth
collection, Muzgiz No.23892). NB. This supplement and Meskhishvili
(1995) name the composer Dzh. Ckit = J. Skit.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 135 of New Collected Works.
Note: *Regarding this term, see the Note on ‘Cultivation’ under Opus 104.

‘There Were Kisses’

Form: A romantic song for bass voice and piano, with lyric by Yevgeni
Dolmatovsky. No tempo indications.

Composed: Undated. Possibly written originally for the Opus 98 song cycle
in 1954.
Music: Autograph preserved at TsGALI.
Muzyka, No. 10283 (in Volume 32 of Collected Works), 1982, 30 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 7815 (in Romances and Songs to verses of
Yevgeni Dolmatovsky), 1987, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 95 of New Collected Works.
Recording: **CD—Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume
Four—1932–64: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Mikhail LUKONIN
(baritone) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 33, 99, 72, 80, 128, 109; Sans
op. X(ii).] P St Catherine Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and
16 Feb, 2002, I UK Jan. 2006.

‘October Dawn’

Form: A song with lyric by Vladimir Kharitonov for soloists and choir,
marked ‘Grave’.
Composed: 1957, at Moscow, for the fortieth anniversary of the October
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph is not known.
Molodaya gvardiya, Moscow (in collection Ring Out, Song!), 1958.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, arr. for
two voices and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
Recordings: LP—USSR: MK D004788-9 (‘Songs of Lenin, the Party
and Motherland’, 8" mono). Vladimir SOROKIN and Boris SHAPENKO
(baritone) with choir. P 1958 ~ USSR: MK D5062-3 (10" mono). I

‘We Cherish the October Dawns in Our Hearts’ and

‘We Sing Glory to Our Country’

Form: Two songs (also translated as ‘We keep the October Uprising in our
Hearts’ and ‘We Glorify the Motherland’ respectively)—both marked
‘Maestoso’—for chorus and piano to words by V. Sidorov.
Composed: 1957, at Moscow, for the fortieth anniversary of the October
Music: The whereabouts of the autographs are not known.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 519 (in D. Shostakovich: Songs), 1958, chorus
and piano, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, chorus
and piano, 30 cm.

‘To France’

Form: A song for voice, mixed choir, and piano.

Composed: In the 1950s.
Music: The whereabouts of the autograph is not known. Published by
Sovetskii kompozitor in 1960 (Meskhishvili).

‘Glory to the Shipbuilders’

Form: A song for mixed chorus a cappella.

Composed: Early 1960s.
Music: Autograph lost. Published in Znamya kommunizma (‘Banner of
Communism’), Odessa, No. 114, 10 June 1964.

‘La Serenata’ (Braga)

Form: Transcription of a popular song by Gaetano Braga for two female

voices, violin, and piano. Russian translation of M. Marcello’s lyric by
A. Gorchakova, adapted by Shostakovich.
Subtitled A Walachian Legend or Song of Angels and marked Andante con
Composed: Completed on 25 September 1972 (his birthday) after four or
five days.
Premières: 1983; Kiev Philharmonia; L. A. Shevchenko (soprano), L. P Filatova
(mezzo-soprano), Mikhail Bezverkhny (violin), and Sofya Kenova (piano).
UK: 24 September 2006 at the ‘Shostakovich 100’ two-day event; Queen
Elizabeth Hall,
London; Liora Grodnikaite (mezzo-soprano), Dmitri Sitkovetsky (violin),
Ivashkin (cello), and Dmitri Alekseyev (piano).
Music: Autograph found among the composer’s papers after his death.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, score and separate violin part, with
fifteen-page article ‘The Black Monk: an unrealized opera project of Dmitry
Shostakovich’ by Olga Digonskaya and facsimile score, 64 pp., 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 146 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 5' 19".
Film: A Journey of Dmitry Shostakovich. A Sharmill Films Documentary
covering the nine-day voyage from Moscow to New York on the Soviet
cruise liner Mikhail Lermontov in June 1974 (to talk with American
doctors, work on his planned film The Black Monk, and receive an honorary
doctorate in fine arts). The Australian première of the 75-minute film
shown in Sydney, at the Hayden Orpheum on 6 March 2006.

Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 26307 004 (Album 6 of ‘From

Manuscripts of Different Years’). Lyudmila SOKOLENKO (soprano), Lyudmila
KOLMAKOVA (mezzo-soprano), Aleksandr Suptel (violin), and Viktoria
Postnikova (piano). P 1983-86, I 1988d.
Note: See Abandoned Projects Appendix VII under The Black Monk entry and
Film above (after Duration).

Antiformalist Rayok

Form: A satirical semi-staged cantata based on the notorious Conference of

Musicians at the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party in
Moscow, January 1948 and its Decree of 10 February 1948. The score, for
four bass singers, a small mixed chorus of musical activists (required mainly
for laughter and applause) and piano, uses the original text of speeches by
Stalin, Andrei Zhdanov, and his successor, Dmitri Shepilov, in the libretto
by the composer (not Lev Lebedinsky as claimed in a Tempo article). The
composer states that the cast may be reduced to one versatile artist, taking
the part of the chorus and all four roles in appropriate voices. The melodies
of the popular songs ‘Suliko’, ‘Kamarinskaya’ and ‘Kalinka’ are introduced.
The added finale quotes music from Jean-Robert Planquette’s operetta Les
cloches de Corneville (1877).
Composed: The first part before the appearance of Troikin written secretly in
May 1948, with a continuation in 1957 after the Second Congress of Musi-
cians at which Zhdanov’s successor, Dmitri Shepilov, presided. Originally
the score purposefully remained incomplete at the 24th bar after fig. 33.
A finale, composed between 1965 and 1968, was discovered by Veniamin
Basner in May 1989.
Premières: USA: 12, 13, 14, and 17 January 1989, Kennedy Center Concert
Hall, Washington and 15 January 1989, Carnegie Hall, New York; Julian
Rodescu (Master of Ceremonies), Eric Halfvarson (Yedinitsyn = Stalin or
No. 1 lowest grade in Soviet schools), Andrew Wentzel (Dvoikin = Zhdanov
or No. 2 failing grade), Jonathan Deutsch (Troikin = Shepilov or No. 3
barely passing grade), Members of the Choral Arts Society of Washington,
Norman Scribner (chorus-master), Mstislav Rostropovich (piano).
25 September 1989, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; USSR Ministry
of Culture under the direction of Valeri Polyansky and Mikhail Kozakov
(in the role of reciter); Yuri Vishnyakov (Master of Ceremonies), Yevgeni
Chepikov (Yedinitsyn), Anatoli Obraztsov (Dvoikin), Nikolai Konovalov
(Troikin), and Igor Khudolei (piano).
UK: 23 and 24 May 1993, Brighton Festival, Roedean Theatre; décor
by Nataliya Khrennikova, directed by Boris Pokrovsky and conducted by

Anatoli Levin; Aleksei Mochalov (Master of Ceremonies), Vladimir Khrulev

and Viktor Bornykov (Yedinitsyn), Eduard Akimov (Dvoikin), Vladimir
Rybasenko (Troikin), Moscow Chamber Opera Chorus (Guards and Musi-
cal Functionaries); Moscow Chamber Opera Orchestra.
Australia: 17 October 2002, C21 Festival, Old Darlington School,
Sydney University students.
Arrangements: English translation of the libretto by Elizabeth Wilson and
German translation jointly by Jürgen Köchel and Ulrike Patow. Orchestra-
tions by Boris Tishchenko and jointly in 1977 by Vladimir Spivakov and
Vladimir Milman.
Music: Manuscript copies. Additional 10 pages of score discovered after the
Erato recording.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, No. 8261, 1991, vocal score with Russian and
English texts (the latter by Elizabeth Wilson), 31 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1995, vocal score with text and
thirteen-page commentary in Russian by Manashir Yakubov, 29.5 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1995, full score and parts of B. Tishchenko’s
orchestration available for hire.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 75 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 18 minutes in score; 14' 55"–19' 36"; c.40 mins (complete
score, including speech).
Recordings: CD—France: Erato BCD 75571. Booklet provides libretto in
French, English, and Russian. Russian version— Romuald Tesarowicz
(Master of Ceremonies), Nicola Ghiuselev (Yedinitsyn), Arkadi Volodos
(Dvoikin), Nikita Storojev (Troikin), Audite Nova vocal ensemble, Jean
Sourisse (chorus-master); English version—as USA premiere; Mstislav
ROSTROPOVICH (conductor and piano). P Paris Feb. 1989 and Washington
Jan. 1989 respectively, G Jan. 1990 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus 0927
49554-2. English version. [Op. 141.] I Feb. 2003.
*France: Le Chant du Monde Saison Russe LDC 288 075 (‘Russian
Musical Satire’). Texts in French and English. Boris BEIKO and Maksim
MIKHAILOV (basses), Russian State Symphonic Cappella, Yelena Cheglakova
(piano). [Mussorgsky Rayok, Dargomyzhsky, Kalinnikov et al.] P Mosfilm
Studios Apr. 1993, I 1994.
Japan: Triton 17 008. Booklet provides libretto in transliterated Russian,
English, French, and German. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass), Moscow Chamber
Music Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, Anatoli Levin. P Mosfilm Studio
Nov. 1995, I Nov. 1996. NB. All roles taken by Mochalov. Orchestrator
not credited.
USA: Music Masters 01612 67189-2. Orch. by V. Spivakov and
V. Milman. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass), Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir Spivakov.
P Dec. 1996. NB. All roles taken by Mochalov.

**USA: Delos DE 3313 (‘Shostakovich Complete Works, Volume Four—

1932–68: The Unknown Shostakovich’). Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass), St
Petersburg Youth Chamber Choir, Yuri Serov (piano), Yulia Khutoretskaya
(conductor). [Opp. 33, 99, 80, 72, 128, 109; Sans op. X(i).] P St Catherine
Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 23 Jan., 8 and 16 Feb. 2002, I UK Jan.
2006 ~ Russia: Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9912 (‘Unknown Vocal
Cycles’). [Opp. 58a, 46; Sans op. R; Opp. 100, 80, 33.] I 2003.
Capriccio 67 115. Orch. by V. Spivakov and Viktor Milman. Moscow
Virtuosi, Vladimir SPIVAKOV. [Opp. 11 and 110a; Schnittke—Prelude in
Memory of Shostakovich.] P Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall 15–17 May
2003, I 2004.
Notes: The composer provided a subtitle: ‘As an aid to students: the struggle
of the realistic and formalistic directions in music’. Labelled as ‘Learner’s
Manual’ on the world première recording and titled ‘The Antiformalistic
Gods’ in Soviet Weekly, No. 2495, 16 December 1989 (the latter modified
to Antiformalist Gallery for the UK première). An alternative translation of
the Russian title is Little Eden or Little Paradise; also used colloquially to
refer to the topmost gallery in a theatre—‘the gods’ (UK) or ‘peanut gallery’
Stalin’s favourite song, the Georgian folksong ‘Suliko’, here used in its
original form was also obliquely parodied in the finale of the first Cello
Concerto Opus 107 (Fay 2000, 212–13 and Wilson 2007, 133)
A review of the première is published in DSCH Newsletter XI and for
comments on the work by Irina Shostakovich see the following issue. Lev
N. Lebedinsky contributes ‘The Origin of Shostakovich’s Rayok’ to Tempo
No. 173 (June 1990) and Manashir Yakubov adds further information in
Bartlett (2000).
The Moscow Chamber Opera use this work in Tishchenko’s orchestration
as a way in staging a completion of The Gamblers, Sans op. K(i).


Form: Orchestral fragment of 6 bars marked ‘Moderato maestoso’  = 96.

Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 3 B flat clarinets, 2 bassoons,
contrabassoon ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle,
cymbals ~ strings.
Composed: Early 1971, at Moscow.
Première: March 1971, USSR TV on eve of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of
the Communist Party; recording.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, 30 cm.

Opus 136: Loyalty

Form: Settings of eight patriotic ballads, also known by the titles of Fidelity or
Faithfulness, by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky for unaccompanied male chorus:
1. In some immemorial year—Moderato
2. People believing in a flame—Allegretto
3. A great name—Allegretto
4. Revolution banner—Allegretto
5. A difficult search for beauty—Allegro non troppo
6. I want to learn all about him—Adagio
7. So this is where the people were!—Andante
8. On meetings of the young generation—Allegretto
Composed: Completed at Repino in April 1970, for the centenary celebra-
tions of Lenin’s birth.
Dedication: Gustav Ernesaks (composer and chorus-master).
Premières: 5 December 1970, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn (featured in the
choir’s 3000th programme) and 25 February 1971, Moscow Conservatory
Bolshoi Hall; Estonian State Academic Male Voice Choir, Gustav Ernesaks.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 6935, 1970, 22 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 86 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 20 minutes in score; 19' 25"; 19' 45" (Plaistow); 25 minutes
(M. MacDonald).
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 02523-4. Estonian State
Academic Male Voice Choir, Gustav ERNESAKS. P 1971, I May 1971. Reis-
sued on CD—BMG Melodiya 74321 40723-2. I Aug. 1997.

Sans op. Y: My Native Country

Form: A patriotic oratorio for narrator, soloists (soprano, two tenors, and
bass), S.A.T.B. chorus and full orchestra, assembled from three works of
Shostakovich by Yuri Silantiev (without the composer’s participation):
1. Overture—‘October 1917’—Moderato non troppo
2. On Palace Square—Allegretto
3. Folk Dance—Moderato—Allegro con brio
4. Ode to Leningrad—Moderato
5. Song of the Lantern—Allegretto
6. Lullaby—Andante
7. Battle by the Volga—Moderato
8. Song of Victory—Moderato
OP US 137: KIN G L EAR 531

Texts by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky (Nos. 2, 4, 7, and 8) and Mikhail Svetlov

(Nos. 5 and 6). Nos. 1–4 from Opus 63; Nos. 5, 6, and 8 from Opus 72; and
No. 7 from Opus 66. The melody of Nos. 7 and 8 from Sans op. N(iii).
Instrumentation: As Opus 63 with narrator, a third French horn and optional
balalaika (in No. 2); soprano soloist in No. 6.
Composed: 1937–45. The omnibus suite assembled in 1970 for a radio pro-
gramme celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the victorious end of the
Great Patriotic War.
Music: Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2518, 1972, titled My Dear Fatherland, full
score, 29 cm.
Duration: 37' 58".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 02493-4. Lyudmila Belobragina
(soprano—No. 6), Andrei Sokolov (tenor—No. 2), Denis Korolyov
(tenor—No. 5), Mark Reshetin (bass—Nos. 2 and 4), Yuri Levitan (narrator),
Large Choir and Stage Symphony Orchestra of All-Union Radio, Klavdi
Ptitsa (chorus-master), Yuri SILANTIEV (conductor). P 1970, I May 1971.

Opus 137: King Lear

Form: Music for the black-and-white film of William Shakespeare’s play King
Lear, in Boris Pasternak’s Russian translation, directed by Grigori Kozintsev
for Lenfilm. Many items are brief and lightly scored, such as the alarums,
fanfares, and tuckets; only Nos. 53, 55, and 57 being extended and fully
1. Horn of the Leader of the Beggars (muted horn call for 3 seconds)
2. Horn of the Leader of the Beggars (muted horn call)
3. Departure of the King’s wagon train (trumpet flourish)—Allegro
4. Edmund commands the advance (trumpet call for 2
5. Edmund commands the challenge to duel (20-second trumpet
6. Answering trumpeter of Edgar (muted horn call)
7. The Fool’s Bell—Allegretto
8. The Fool’s Pipe [flageolet-type] (E flat clarinet solo)—Moderate
9. Huntsmen’s Horns (fanfare)—Allegro 10.
Death’s Call (11-second brass flourish)—Adagio
50. Introduction (Passage of time)—Adagio
51. The first sighting of Lear’s Castle—Adagio
52. (5-bar brass pesante statement)—Moderato
53. Beginning of the Catastrophe—Adagio
54. The Voice of Truth (2' 15")—Adagio

55. The Storm (2' 30")—Moderato

56. People’s Weeping (Vocalise)—Adagio
57. The Storm (Beginning)—Adagio
58. Dinner with Goneril (flute duet with harp
70. End of the film King Lear. Finale (E flat clarinet solo—variant of
No. 8)—Moderato

Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, E flat clarinet, 2 clarinets (A and B flat),

2 bassoons ~ 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, tambourine,
side drum, cymbals, gong ~ glockenspiel, xylophone, harp ~ wordless S.A.T.B.
chorus in No. 56 ~ strings. Composer’s note: the choir is required to be large
with each part performed by no fewer than six performers.
Composed: April–July 1970, at Repino, Moscow, and Leningrad.
Première: Film first shown on 4 February 1971. Film score performed by the
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Dzhemal-Eddin Dalgat
and Nikolai Rabinovich.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
G. Schirmer, No. 47548, 1976, duet for two flutes and piano (or harp),
VAAP authorized version, score and two parts of No. 58, 30.5 cm.
G. Schirmer, No. 12086, 1976, Weeping Song (‘People’s Weeping’)
No. 56 for S.A.T.B. a cappella, 30.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10179 (in Volume 34 of Collected Works), 1985, ‘People’s
Weeping’ wordless chorus, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10890 (in Volume 42 of Collected Works), 1987, twenty
items, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full film score in Volume 144 of New
Collected Works.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score of Weeping Song (‘Lamentation’) in
Volume 86 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Film: 124–162 minutes. Very fragmentary score has a total playing
time of c.30 minutes. Recording: 27' 40".
Film: Moskwood Video, Haarlem, Netherlands, No. 2645, c.1993, videocas-
sette with Dutch subtitles, 140 minutes. DVD-Video—Ruscico Collection
(two discs PAL) released in 2004. see John Riley’s review in DSCH Journal
No. 22, 67–69.
Ballet: The Overcoat. For details see under Opus 32.
Recordings: CD—RCA Victor Red Seal RD 87763. Nos. 8, 50, 51, 53–58,
and 70. Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, José SEREBRIER. P
Brussels 1988, I June 1988, G Oct. 1988. NB. The item labelled ‘After the
Storm’ should read ‘The Storm (Beginning)’ as No. 57 precedes No. 55 in
the film score.

Germany: Capriccio 10 397. Nos. 1–5, 50–53, 6–9, 54–58, 70, and 10.
Berlin Radio Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail YUROVSKY. P Berlin
10–13 Dec. 1990, G Sept. 1992. NB. No. 56 is labelled incorrectly as
‘Water’ (corrected in the boxed set Capriccio 49533 of the seven previously
released CDs of Shostakovich’s film music. I Oct. 2006).
**Chandos Movies CHAN 10023 (‘The Film Music of Dmitri
Shostakovich, Volume 1’). Nos. 8, 50, 51, 53–55, 57, and 70. Mark Jordan
(E flat clarinet in No. 8), BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. [Op. 50a, 53,
and 26.] P Manchester Studio 16 and 17 May 2002, G Jan. 2003. NB, The
numbering of the items, other than No. 8 which is oddly titled ‘The Fool’s
Waterpipe’, differ from those given in Collected Works Volume 42. The title
of track 26 should read ‘The Storm (Beginning)’.
Note: In the film the items appear in the following order: Nos. 8, 1, 51, 53,
3 (thrice), 51 to fig. 4, 9 (thrice), 58, 3, 52, 3 (twice), 57, 55 less the first
16 bars (twice), 10, 50 (part), 56 (part), 54 to fig. 5, 8, 4 (twice), 56 (twice),
5, 6, 5, 10, and 70. Only the final notes of the horn calls of the Beggars are
sounded and No. 7 ‘The Fool’s Bell’ does not appear. Volume 42 of Collected
Works incorrectly states that the Opus 58a ‘Ten Fool’s Songs’ were utilised
in the film score.
See Erik Heine’s article in DSCH Journal No. 26 illustrated with twelve
music examples.

Opus 138: Quartet No. 13 in B flat minor

Form: String quartet in one continuous movement: Adagio—Doppio
movimento—Tempo primo
Composed: Begun on 10 August 1969 and completed on 10 August 1970, in
hospital at Kurgan (east of the Urals).
Dedication: Vadim Vasilievich Borisovsky (violist of the Beethoven Quartet).
Premières: 11 Decemher 1970, USSR Composers’ Club, Moscow;
13 December 1970, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad and 20 December
1970, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri
Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabavnikov, Fyodor Druzhinin, and Sergei Shirinsky).
UK: 11 November 1972, St Mark’s Church, Harrogate; Fitzwilliam
Quartet (Nicholas Dowding, John Phillips, Alan George, and Ioan Davies).
Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev. Tran-
scription entitled Sinfonia (or Adagio) for Viola and Strings by Aleksandr
Chaikovsky, undertaken as a request by Yuri Basmet.
Music: Autograph score preserved by the Borisovsky family. Photocopy of the
autograph preserved in TsGALI.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2170, 1971, parts, 31.5 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 20166, 1971, parts, 29 cm.

Muzyka, No. 7350, 1972, miniature score, 19 cm.

Muzyka, No. 7353, 1972, parts, 29 cm.
Edition Peters, No. 5763 (plate no. 12795), 1974, parts, 30 cm.
Boosey & Hawkes, No. 888, 1974, score, 19 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2026 (in Volume 4 with Quartets 12 and 14
arr. for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1976, 29.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2209 (with Opp. 142 and 144), 1978, score, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 104 and the composer’s
piano reduction in Volume 105 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 18 minutes in score; 15' 10"–20' 54"; 19' 00"–22' 20" (Plaistow);
27' 33" (Sinfonia arr. A. Tchaikovsky).
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya CM 02545-6. BEETHOVEN
QUARTET (personnel as at première). P 1971, I May 1971. Reissued
on CD—USA Consonance Blue Label 81.3008. (‘Complete Quartets,
Volume 4’). I Mar. 1996.
LP—USSR: Melodiya CM 03223-4. BORODIN QUARTET (Rostislav
Dubinsky, Yaroslav Aleksandrov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P
and I 1972 ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1320 in Set SLS 879. G June 1974.
Czech: Panton 11 0420 G. SUK QUARTET (Antonín Novák, Vojtěch Jouza,
Karel Řehák, Jan Štros). P Prague 1973.
LP and CD—L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 9. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (Christopher
Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, Ioan Davies). P Mar.1975. G
Dec. 1975 ~ Decca 188 D4 in Set D 188 D7. G Feb. 1981. Reissued on
CD—Decca 421 475-2DH. I Dec. 1988, G Apr. 1989 ~ Decca Enterprise
433 078-2DM6 (on fifth of six-disc set). I Apr. 1992, G June 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 09337-8. Oleg KRYSA, Aleksandr KRAVCHUK,
Anatoli VENZHEGA, and Valentin POTAPOV. P 1977, I 1978c.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 11611-2 (in first box of Part 2 of
Collected Works on Records). TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek, Grigori
Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1979, I 1980. Reissued on
CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 10 00312. I 1991d.
CD—Olympia OCD 535 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1980, G Sept. 1994.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 17375-6. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail
Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky). P 1981, I
1982d ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15
Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued on CD—EMI
CDC7 49269-2. I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5 65032-2 (in
six-disc set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG Melodiya
74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.

Netherlands: Attacca Babel 8416-1 (digital). RAFAEL QUARTET (Ronald

Hoogeveen, Rami Koch, Zoltan Benyacs, Henk Lambooy). P 19–20 Dec.
1983. Reissued on CD—Netherlands: Attacca Babel 8948-5DDD. I
Germany: IMS Polygram ECM New Series 1347 (two-record set) and
released on CD—833506-2 (Edition Lockenhaus Volumes 4 and 5, two-
disc set). Gidon KREMER and Thomas Zehetmair (violins), Nobuko Imai
(viola), and Boris Pergamentshchikov (cello). P 1985, I Apr. 1988.
LP—Czech: Panton 81 0752. STAMIC QUARTET (Bohuslav Matoušek, Josef
Kekula, Jan Pěruška, Vladimir Leixner). P Prague 4–5 May 1987.
CD—Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on fifth of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas).
P Berlin July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ Teldec 9031 73109-2. I
July 1991.
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1012. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 16 June 1990, 1 1991 ~ Koch
Schwann 3 1070-2 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). I Sept. 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July–Aug. 1994, G June
Naxos 8.550977 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). ÉDER QUARTET
(János Selmeczi, Péter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest
29 Apr.–4 May 1996, I May 1998.
Sony Classical SK 60550. Sinfonia for Viola and Strings arr. A. Chaikovsky.
Yuri BASHMET (viola/director), Moscow Soloists. P Henry Wood Hall,
London 21–22 Mar. 1998, I Nov. 1998, G Mar. 1999.
France: Arion ARN 68461 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’). DEBUSSY
QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Dominique Lonca, Vincent Deprecq,
Yannick Callier). P Lyon July 1998, I July 1999.
*Hyperion CDA 67517. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shikayev). [Opp. 122 and 144.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2000 and Jan. 2001, I Aug. 2002.
Chandos CHAN 9955 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’). SORREL QUARTET
(Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher).
P The Maltings, Snape 26–30 Mar. 2001, G Awards (Oct.) 2001.
**Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 1’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 68 and 110.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 101 and 73.] P Farao Studio, Munich 12–15 June 2005, I 2005.

Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’, on fourth of five-disc

set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkov, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opp. 118 and 133; Sans op. D(i).] P Musikstudio
Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.

Opus 139: Soviet Militia

Form: March for military band, marked ‘Allegretto’.
Instrumentation: flute, 3 B flat clarinets ~ 2 B flat cornets, 2 B flat trumpets,
3 French horns, 2 E flat saxhorns, 2 B flat tenor saxhorns, 2 B flat baritone
saxhorns, trombone, 2 double-bass trombones in C ~ timpani, triangle, side
drum, cymbals, bass drum.
Composed: October 1970, on the initiative of Nikolai Shchelokov, the USSR
Minister of Internal Affairs.
Dedication: Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (playwright).
Première: 9 November 1970, The House of the Soviets Hall of Columns,
Moscow; Moscow Kremlin Commandant’s Orchestra, N. Zolotaryov.
Music: Piano score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. Awarded
First Prize at the All-Union Literature and Arts Contest on 10 November
Muzyka, No. 10091 (in album Marches of Soviet Militia), 1978, miniature
score, 21.5 cm.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2459, 1972, score, 22 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 2006, New Collected Works, in Volume 32,
full score, 30 cm.
Duration: 1' 30".
Recording: LP—USSR: Melodiya D031193-4 (‘Soldier’s Order’, mono).
Moscow Kremlin Commandant’s Orchestra, N. ZOLOTARYOV. P 1971, I
CD—Chandos CHAN 9444 (‘Russian Concert Band Music’). Stockholm
Concert Band, Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Stockholm 11–12 June 1995,
1 Apr. 1996.
**Chandos CHAN 10166. Royal Northern College of Music Wind
Orchestra, Clarke RUNDELL. [Glière, Stravinsky, Prokofiev et al.] P New
Broadcasting House, Manchester 24–25 Feb. 2003, I 2004.

Opus 140: Six Romances on Verses by British Poets

Form: Orchestral version of Opus 62 for bass soloist and small orchestra.
Instrumentation: flute (= piccolo), bassoon ~ 2 French horns ~ timpani,
triangle, cymbals, orchestral bells ~ celesta ~ 10 violins, 4 violas, 3 cellos,
2 five-string double-basses.

Composed: 1971.
Premières: 30 November 1973, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall.
USA: 23 November 1982, Carnegie Hall, New York; James Morris
(bass), Soviet Émigré Orchestra, Lazar Gozman.
Arrangement: English translation of the Russian text by Felicity Ashbee.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 88 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 15 minutes in score; 14' 09"–15' 19".
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 05837-8. Yevgeni
NESTERENKO (bass), Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf Barshai. P
Moscow concert Jan. 1974, I 1975d ~ HMV Melodiya ASD 3324 in Set
SLS 5078. G May 1977. Gramophone Record Awards 1977—winner of
Solo Vocal category, G Mar. 1978 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 05837-8 (in
third box of Part 3 of Collected Works on Records). I 1978. Reissued on
CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich
Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 493 860-2GH (‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 1’). Sergei LEIFERKUS (bass), Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra,
Neeme Järvi. P Gothenburg May 1992, I June 1994.
Germany: Capriccio 10 778. Stanislav SULEIMANOV (bass), Cologne Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail Yurovsky. P Cologne 17–19 June 1994, I
and G Awards (Oct.) 1998.
Japan: Triton 17 008. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass), Moscow Chamber
Music Theatre Orchestra, Anatoli Levin. P Mosfilm Studio Nov. 1995, I
Nov. 1996.
USA: Arabesque Z 6708 (‘Bobby Burns’, sic). Nos. 4, 2, and 3 sung in
English. Robert OSBORNE (bass-baritone), Vermont University Orchestra,
Robert DeCormier. P University of Vermont 1996, I 1998.
**Chandos CHAN 10358 (‘Words of Michelangelo’). Lldar ABDRAZAKOV
(bass), BBC Philharmonic, Gianandrea Noseda. [Opp. 145a and 131.] P
New Broadcasting House, Manchester 5–7 Apr. 2005, I Feb. 2006, G Apr.
Note: Originally titled Six Romances on Verses by English Poets. Scottish friends
of the compiler have objected strongly to Robert Burns being dubbed an
English poet so, therefore, the name ‘British’ has been substituted in the
title of the song cycles Opp. 62/140 and Sans op. M. The title is given
as Six Romances on Verses of W. Raleigh, R. Burns, and W. Shakespeare
in some Russian lists and in the Collected Works Volume 31. See also
Opus 62.

Opus 141: Symphony No. 15 in A major

Form: Symphony for full orchestra in four movements:
1. Allegretto—‘Toy Shop’
2. Adagio—Largo—Adagio—Largo attacca
3. Allegretto
4. Adagio—Allegretto—Adagio—Allegretto
Gioacchino Rossini’s galop from the fourth section of the Overture to
Guillaume Tell is quoted five times in the first movement and the Finale
introduces the ‘fate’ motif and drum rhythm accompanying Siegfried’s
Funeral March in Richard Wagner’s Gotterdammerung and the melody of
Mikhail Glinka’s song ‘Do not tempt me needlessly’.
Instrumentation: piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets in A, 2 bassoons ~
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, castanets, wood
block, whip, soprano tom-tom, side drum, cymbals, bass drum, gong ~
glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone, celesta ~ 1st violins (16), 2nd violins
(14), violas (12), cellos (12), double-basses (10). String strength specified
by the composer is not mandatory, however the numbers suggested would
give the best results.
Composed: A number of sketches made on 2 April 1971. Begun in late
June 1971 at the town of Kurgan (east of the Urals) and completed on
29 July 1971 at the Composer’s House, Repino. The two-piano reduction
Premières: 8 January 1972, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall; All-Union
Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich. Finale
5 May 1972, Leningrad; Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeni
UK: 20 November 1972, Royal Festival Hall, London; New Philharmonia
Orchestra, Maksim Shostakovich.
Opus 141a: 23 September 1972, Gnessin Institute, Moscow; led by
Mark Pekarsky.
30 October 1972, Moscow Music Club (VDK); Valeriya Vilker (violin),
M. Drobinsky (cello), Viktor Derevyanko (piano/celesta); A. Mamyko,
Valentin Snegirev, and B. Stepanov (percussion).
Germany: 5 July 1995, Lockenhaus; led by Gidon Kremer.
Arrangements: Reduction for two pianos dated 4 January 1972 by the com-
poser. A theme from the fourth movement is used in Variations on a Theme
by Shostakovich by Karl Frederich Miller (completed on 30 July 1977).
Opus 141a: Chamber version, realised with the composer’s approval, by
Viktor Derevyanko (assisted by Mark Pekarsky) in August 1972, for violin,
OP U S 141: SYM P HONY N O. 15 IN A MAJ OR 539

cello, piano/celesta, and three or four performers on thirteen percussion

Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. The
first page of the autograph full score is reproduced in Volume 8 of Collected
Works. Title details of autographed reduction reproduced on inlay card of
chamber version compact disc.
Sovetskii kompozitor, No. 2655, 1972, score, 30 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, no number, 1972, photocopied score, 28.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2172, 1972, 21 cm.
Leeds Music (Canada), no number, 1972, 27.5 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2201, 1977, reduction for two pianos by the
composer, 28 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9856 (in Volume 8 of Collected Works), 1980, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 15 and piano score in
Volume 30 of New Collected Works.
Duration: Approx. 48 minutes in score; 39' 00"–48' 37"; 39 minutes
(M. MacDonald); 43' 00"–16' 30" (Plaistow). Opus 141a: 41' 52".
Recordings: USSR: Melodiya CM 03245-6. All-Union Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. P and I 1972 ~ HMV Melo-
diya ASD 2857. G Nov. 1972 ~ Germany: Melodia Eurodise 87 623 XPK
(in thirteen-record box set). I 1974.
LP and CD—USA and UK: RCA Red Seal ARD1 0014 (quad).
Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene ORMANDY. P 4–5 Oct. 1972, G Feb. 1973
~ RCA Red Seal ARL1 0014 (stereo). G May 1975 ~ RCA Red Seal
RL 01284 (in three-record box set). G Nov. 1978. Reissued on CD—USA:
RCA Red Seal 09026 63587-2. I Feb. 2000.
LP—Japan: Victor VIC 28053 (mono). Leningrad Philharmonic
Orchestra, Yevgeni MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall
concert 5 or 6 May 1972—not 26 May 1976 as stated, I 1981 ~ USSR:
Melodiya M10 43653-4 (2 sides in two record album, mono). I 1982.
*CD—Germany: Profil Edition Günter Hänssler PH0 6065. Staatskapelle
Dresden, Kyrill KONDRASHIN. [Boris Chaikovsky.] P Staatskapelle Dresden
concert 23 Jan. 1974, I May 2007.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 05453-4. Moscow Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kirill KONDRASHIN. P 27 May 1974, I 1975d ~ USSR: Melodiya
C10 05453-4 (in second box of Part I of Collected Works on Records). I 1980
~ HMV Melodiya EX 2903873 (twelfth record in twelve-record box set,
DMM). G Dec. 1985. Reissued on CD— France: Le Chant du Monde LDC
278 1009-10 (in Box 5 of five two-disc sets with Op. 135). G May 1989 ~
BMG Classics Melodiya 74321 19846-2. G Nov. 1994 ~ Japan: Icone ICN
9408-2. I Aug. 1994. NB. This recording declared the Classic CD Gold
Choice by Rob Ainsley in the June 1999 Classic CD issue 112, 44–47.

USSR: Melodiya C10 19299 000. Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra,

Ye. MRAVINSKY. P Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall concert 26 May
1976, I 1984a. Reissued on CD—Olympia OCD 224 (‘The Mravinsky
Legacy, Volume 5’). G Aug. 1988 ~ Olympia OCD 5002 (in six-disc set
‘The Mravinsky Legacy’). I Aug. 1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 25192-2
(‘Mravinsky Edition, Volume 3’). I June 1995.
LP—Charisma CAS 1128. Excerpts. London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Joseph EGER. P 1977, I Oct. 1977.
USA: Classical Excellence CS 11043. Austrian Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Milan HORVAT. P 1977.
LP and CD—Decca SXL 6906. London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bernard HAITINK. P Mar. 1978, G Mar. 1979. Reissued on CD—Decca
Ovation 425 069-2DM. G Nov. 1993 ~ London 444 441-2 (on eleventh
in eleven-disc set). I June 1995.
East Germany: Eterna 8 27 192. Berlin City Symphony Orchestra,
Karl-Heinz Deutscher (violin), Günter Sennewald (cello), Gerhard Haas
(trombone), Kurt SANDERLING. P 26 May–2 June 1978. Reissued on
CD—Germany: Berlin Classics 0090432 BC. I Nov. 1995 ~ *Germany:
Berlin Classics 0092 172BC (on disc five of five-disc set). I Germany 1996
and UK Jan. 2001.
CD—France: Praga PR 250 003. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Eduard
SEROV. P Prague concert 29 Nov. 1979,1 June 1992.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 18841-2. Novosibirsk Philharmonic
Orchestra, Arnold KATS. P 1982, I 1983d.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya A10 0055 000 (digital), USSR Ministry
of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Irina Lozben (flute), Vladimir Pushkarev
(trumpet), Sergei Mnozhin (cello), Rashid Galayev (trombone), Andrei
Lysenko (xylophone), Gennadi ROZHDESTVENSKY. P Jan. 1983, I 1984d.
Reissued on CD—Japan: JVC Melodiya VDC 528 and VDC 1073. G
June 1985 ~ Olympia OCD 179. I Aug. 1988, G May 1989 ~ Olympia
OCD 258. I Oct. 1989 ~ Olympia OCD 5006 (in Volume 2 five-disc set
of symphonies). I Dec. 1990 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321 59057-2 (two-disc
set). I Feb. 1999.
CD—Deutsche Grammophon 427 616-2CH. Gothenburg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme JÄRVI. P Gothenburg Sept. 1988, I Aug. 1989, G May
1991 ~ Deutsche Grammophon Classikon 469 029-2GCL. G Aug. 2000 ~
*Deutsche Grammophon 474 469-2 (two-disc set). [Opp. 113 and 135.] I
May 2003.
Naxos 8.550624. Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ladislav
SLOVÁK. P Bratislava 5–12 Feb. 1989, I Jan. 1993, G Nov. 1993 ~ Naxos
8.505017 (in five-disc set). I 1993.
OP U S 141: SYM P HONY N O. 15 IN A MAJ OR 541

Teldec 9031 74560-2. London Symphony Orchestra, Mstislav

ROSTROPOVICH. P London Nov. 1989, I Oct. 1991, G Mar. 1992 ~ Teldec
0630-17046-2 (in twelve-disc set of Symphonies). G Oct. 1997.
Collins Classics 1206-2. London Symphony Orchestra, M. SHOSTAKOVICH.
P London Aug. 1990, I and G May 1991 ~ Collins Classics 70122 (in three-
disc set). I Sept. 1991.
Decca 430 227-2DH. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir
ASHKENAZY. P Watford Nov. 1990, G Oct. 1992.
France: Erato 2292 45815-2. Cleveland Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. P
18–19 Mar. 1991, G Feb. 1993 ~ *Warner Classics Elatus 0927 49554-2.
[Sans op. X(iii).] I Feb. 2003.
Decca 436 838-2DH. Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Charles DUTOIT.
P Montreal 15–22 May 1992, I May 1994, G Oct. 1994.
Denon CO 78948. Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Eliahu INBAL. P 16–19
Oct. 1992, I July 1995, G Dec. 1995.
Deutsche Grammophon 449 966-2GH (with Schnittke—Prelude
in Memory of Shostakovich). Opus 141a—chamber version arr. by V.
Derevyanko. Gidon KREMER (violin), Clemens Hagen (cello), Vadim
Sakharov (piano/celesta); Peter Sadlo, Edgar Guggeis, and Michael Gärtner
(percussion). P Abersee bei St Gilgen, Germany Aug. 1995, G June 1997 ~
*Deutsche Grammophon 477 5442 (two-disc set). [Opp. 110a, 118a, 83a,
and 73a; Schnittke.] G Dec. 2005.
Chandos CHAN 9550. Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Valeri
POLYANSKY. P Mosfilm Studio Mar. 1996, I Apr. 1997, G Awards (Oct.) 1998.
Japan: Canyon Classics PCCL 00351. Moscow Radio Symphony Orches-
tra, Vladimir FEDOSEYEV. [Op. 10.] Moscow Radio Bolshoi Hall P 15–16 Apr.
1996 ~ *Japan: Exton OVCL 00173 (Hybrid SACD). [Op. 10.] I 2004.
Decca 458 919-2DH. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg SOLTI. P
Chicago 20–29 Mar. 1997, I Oct. 1998, G May 1999.
EMI Classics CDC5 56591-2. London Philharmonic Orchestra, Robert
Truman (cello), Mariss JANSONS. P London 14–16 Apr. 1997, I Oct. 1998.
*Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6275 (eleventh of eleven-disc set). WDR
Symphony Orchestra, Rudolf BARSHAI. P Cologne 19–20 June 1998, I Dec.
*Andante AN 4090 (three-disc set). London Symphony Orchestra,
Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. [Opp. 43 and 141; Disc 3—Jon Tolansky
interview ‘Rostropovich remembers his life’.] P Barbican, London BBC
recorded concert 28 Oct. 1998, G Jan. 2004.
*Germany: Berlin Philharmoniker BPH 0611. Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kurt SANDERLING. [Haydn.] P Philharmonie, Berlin concert
16 Mar. 1999, G Feb.2007.

Germany: Ars Musici AMP 5074-2. Federal Youth Orchestra of Germany,

Jörg-Peter WEIGLE. P Solingen 5–8 Apr. 1999, I 2001.
Telarc CD 80572. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Jesus LÓPEZ-COBOS.
P Cincinnati 24–25 Sept. 2000, G Oct. 2001.
**USA: Angelok1 ANG-CD 9914. Russian Federal Orchestra, Vakhtang
JORDANIA. [Op. 22a.] P Tchaikovsky Conservatory Bolshoi Hall, Moscow
18–19 Jan. 2003, I 2005.
Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 937 1210-6 (Hybrid
SACD) and MDG 337 1210-2 (CD). Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn,
Roman KOFMAN. P Heilig-Kreuze- Kirche, Bad Godesburg, Germany
25–27 Jan 2005, I Aug. 2008.
Germany: Capriccio 71 039-040 (two-disc set, Hybrid SACD). Gürzenich
Orchestra of Cologne, Dmitri KITAYENKO [Op. 135 and feature on the
Cologne Shostakovich Project.] P Cologne Philharmonie concert 3–7 July
2004, I Aug. 2005.
Arts 47706-8 (Hybrid SACD). Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe
Verdi’, Oleg CAETANI. [Op. 10.] P Auditorium Verdi di Milano concert June
2005, G Nov. 2006.
BBC MM263. BBC Philharmonic, Vassili SINAISKY. [Opp. 97 and 102.]
P New Broadcasting House, Manchester 30 June and 1 July 2005, I Feb.
2006 cover disc with BBC Music Magazine Vol. 14 No. 6.
Cascavelle VEL 3102. The composer’s reduction. Philippe ENTREMONT and
Laura MIKKOLA (pianists). [Op. 94] St Marcel Church, Paris 16–19 Jan.
2006, I Apr. 2007.
Supraphon SU 38902 (on sixth of ten-disc set). Prague Symphony
Orchestra, Maksim SHOSTAKOVICH. [Op. 54.] P Smetana Hall, Prague
concert 8–9 Mar. 2006, G Nov. 2006.
Germany: Acousence Classics ACO-CD 20607. Duisburg Philharmonic
Orchestra, Jonathan DARLINGTON. [Mozart.] P Theater am Marientor,
Duisburg 30–31 Aug. 2006, I 2007.
Germany: Profil Günter Hänssler PH 08014. Opus 141a arr.
V. Derevyanko. TRIO OPUS 8 (Eckhard Fischer, Mario De Secondi, Michael
Hauber); Guido Rückel, Johannes Schubin, Steffen Uhrhan, and Christian
Wissel). [Opp. 8 and 67.] P Bayerische Rundfunk Studio 2006, G Mar.
Notes: Shostakovich called the musical images in the first movement ‘a kind of
toyshop’ and the puzzling quotation from Rossini’s William Tell Overture,
according to the composer’s explanation, is of a toy soldier strutting to the
strains of the simplest tune he is able to play. Kurt Sanderling in an inter-
view with Robert Maycock said, ‘He never liked to talk about his works:
It was impossible to talk with him about the Fifteenth. But I sat with him
at the Berlin première of this symphony and I told him that I thought the

first movement was tragic unlike most people’. ‘You are not wrong,’ he said,
‘It is tragic marionette-like: we are all marionettes.’ (Classical Music Weekly,
29 Oct. 1977).
See the article ‘An orchestral toyshop’ by Philip Clark in Gramophone
January 2008 issue. Fifteen versions recorded between 1974 and 2006
are discussed. Two stand out; the old favourite Haitink’s of 1978 is top
notch though the reviewer considered the latest, Maksim Shostakovich’s on
Supraphon, the first choice. A full-page photograph of composer and son at
the 1972 Moscow première is shown on page XX.

Opus 142: Quartet No. 14 in F sharp major

Form: String quartet in three movements:
1. Allegretto
2. Adagio attacca
3. Allegretto—Adagio
Composed: 23 March–11 April 1973 at Repino and completed on 23 April
1973 at Moscow.
Dedication: Sergei Pyotrovich Shirinsky (cellist of the Beethoven Quartet).
Premières: 30 October 1973, USSR Composers’ Club, Moscow; 12 November
1973, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad and 18 November 1973, Moscow
Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven Quartet (Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai
Zabavnikov, Fyodor Druzhinin, and Sergei Shirinsky).
UK: 16 August 1974, St Mark’s Church, Harrogate; Fitzwilliam,
Quartet (Christopher Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George, and Ioan
Arrangement: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Music: Autograph score presented to Sergei Shirinsky on 30 June 1973 and
preserved by the Shirinsky family. The quartet awarded a Glinka State Prize
in November 1974.
Muzyka, No. 8464, 1974, score, 22 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8465, 1974, parts, 29 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2175, 1974, parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2026 (in Volume 4 with Quartets 12 and 13
arr. for piano four hands by A. Dmitriev), 1976, 29.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2209 (with Opp. 138 and 144), 1978, score, 21 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10824 (in Volume 36 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 104 of New Collected
Duration: 24' 45"–28' 43"; 27 minutes (M. MacDonald).

Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 05137-8. BEETHOVEN QUARTET

(personnel as at première). P 1974, I 1975c ~ HMV Melodiya HQS 1362.
G Nov. 1976. Reissued on CD— USA: Consonance Blue Label 81.3008
(‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). I Mar. 1996.
L’Oiseau-Lyre OSLO 9. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (personnel as at UK
première). P Mar. 1975, G Dec. 1975 ~ Decca 188 D6 in Set D 188 D7. G
Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on sixth
of six-disc set). G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 07285-6. TANEYEV QUARTET (Vladimir Ovcharek,
Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, Iosif Levinzon). P 1975,1 1977a ~
USSR: with same number in first box of Part 2 of Collected Works on
Records). I 1980. Reissued on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 11 00313. I
CD—France: Praga PR 254 043. GLINKA QUARTET (Aleksandr Arenkov,
Sergei Pishchugin, Misha Geller, Dmitri Fershtman). P Czech broadcast
July 1977, I May 1994.
LP—Czech: Panton 11 0603 G. SUK QUARTET (Antonin Novák, Vojtěch
Jouza, Karel Řehák, Jan Štros). P Prague 1976.
Finland: Finlandia FA 324. SIBELIUS ACADEMY QUARTET (Erkki Kantola,
Seppo Tukiainen, Veikko, Kosonen, Arto Noras). P 5 and 8 Nov. 1981, I
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 17869005. BORODIN QUARTET
(Mikhail Kopelman, Andrei Abramenkov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin
Berlinsky). P 1981, I 1983a ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-
record box set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986. Reissued
on CD—EMI CDC7 49269-2. I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ EMI CMS5
65032-2 (in six-disc set of 15 Quartets plus Quintet). I Mar. 1994 ~ BMG
Melodiya 74321 40711-2 (six-disc set). I June 1997.
Germany: IMS Polygram ECM New Series 1347 (Edition Lockenhaus
Volumes 4 and 5, two-record set) and released on CD—833506-2 (two-
disc set). Gidon KREMER, Yuzuko Horigome (violins), Kim Kashkashian
(viola), and David Geringas (cello). P 1986, I Apr. 1988.
CD—Olympia OCD 535 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’).
SHOSTAKOVICH QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr
Galkovsky, Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1988, I June 1994, G Sept. 1994.
Teldec 031 71702-2 (on sixth of six-disc set). BRODSKY QUARTET
(Michael Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin
July 1989, I Nov. 1990, G June 1992 ~ Teldec 9031 73108-2. I June
USA: ESS.A.Y. CD 1013. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Jersey City 11 June 1990, I 1991 ~ Koch
Schwann 3 1071 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). I Dec. 1993.

Deutsches Grammophon 445 864-2GH. HAGEN QUARTET (Lukas Hagen,

Rainer Schmidt, Veronica and Clemens Hagen). P Abersee bie Gilsen Apr.
1994, G Sept. 1995.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume
5’, five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Larence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July–Aug 1994, G June
Naxos 8.550976 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Peter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 1–4 Sept.
1996, I Apr. 1998.
**USA: Azica Record ACD 71208. CAVANI QUARTET (Annie Fullard, Mari
Sato, Kristen Doctor, Merry Peckham). [Opp. 68 and 108.] West Redding,
Connecticut 15–19 Apr. 1999, I 1999.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 49 and 144.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Hyperion CDA 67156. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya
Tepyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 118 and 133.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2002 and Jan. 2003, G July 2003.
Chandos CHAN 10114 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). SORREL
QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen
Thatcher). [Op.68.] P The Maltings, Snape 6–8 May 2003, G Dec.
France; Arion ARN 68674. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Anne
Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier). [Op. 68.] P Les Camiers, Loire,
France 24–27 Aug. 2004, I 2005.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 3’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp, 110 and 133.] P Farao Studio, Munich 12–15 June 2005, I
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’, on fifth of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkov, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Opus 144.] P Musikstudio Saarländiscen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Sony Classical 82876 79018 (two-disc set). JUILLIARD QUARTET (Joel
Smirnoff, Ronald Copes, Samuel Rhodes, Joel Krosnick). [Opp. 57, 73,
and 144.] P Academy of Arts and Letters, New York City 6–7 Feb. 2006,
I Nov. 2006.
Germany: Audite AU 92.529 (Hybrid SACD). MANDERLING QUARTET
(Sebastian, Nanette, and Bernhard Schmidt; with Roland Glassl—viola).
[Opp. 118 and 133.] P Klingenmünster, Germany 23–25 Apr. 2008.

Opus 143: Six Songs on

Poems of Marina Tsvetayeva
Form: Suite for contralto and piano on poems of Marina Tsvetayeva:
1. My poems—Largo
2. Whence this tenderness?—Allegretto
3. Hamlet’s dialogue with his conscience—Largo
4. The Poet and the Tsar—Moderato attacca
5. No, the drum was beating—Allegretto
6. To Anna Akhmatova—Largo
The first poem was written in May 1913, Nos. 4 and 5 are from the cycle
‘Verses to Pushkin’ of 1931, and No. 6 dated 19 June 1916.
Composed: 31 July–7 August 1973, in Estonia; Opus 143a: 9 January 1974,
at Repino.
Dedication: Irina Pyotrovna Bogacheva (mezzo-soprano of the Kirov Opera,
Premières: 12 November 1973, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad [score gives
30 October 1973] and 27 December 1973, Moscow Conservatory Malyi
Hall; Irina Bogacheva (mezzo-soprano) and Sofya Vakman (piano).
UK: 17 October 1979, Purcell Room, London; Nicola Lanzetter (con-
tralto) and Stuart Hutchinson (piano).
Opus 143a: 6 June 1974, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall.
UK: 4 July 1985, Barbican Hall, London; Patricia Adkins-Chiti (mezzo-
soprano), City of London Sinfonia, Michael Bremner.
Arrangements: English translations of the poems by Felicity Ashbee and
Jane May. Opus 143a—orchestrated version for small orchestra by the
composer. Arranged for contralto and string quartet by Lera Auerbach in
Instrumentation: of Opus 143a—2 flutes, 2 bassoons ~ 2 French horns
~ timpani, side drum, orchestral bells ~ xylophone, celesta ~ 10 violins,
4 violas, 3 cellos, 2 double-basses.
Music: Autograph scores of Opp. 143 and 143a preserved in the Shostakovich
Family Archive.
Opus 143—Muzyka, No. 4116 (in Dmitri Shostakovich: Vocal Compositions),
1974, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8788, 1975, 28.5 cm.
G. Schirmer, 1979, English translation by Jane May.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 92 of New Collected Works.
Opus 143a—Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works),
1982, full score, 30 cm.

DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 89 of New Collected

Duration: Approx. 20 minutes in scores; Opus 143: 16' 35"–19' 26"; Opus
143a: 17 48"–21' 43"; 18 minutes (M. MacDonald).
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 05137-8. Irina BOGACHEVA and
Sofya Vakman. P 1974, I 1975c.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 05837-8. Opus 143a. I. BOGACHEVA,
Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf Barshai. P July 1974, I 1975d ~ HMV
Melodiya ASD 3324 in Set SLS 5078. G May 1977. Gramophone Record
Awards 1977—winner of Solo Vocal category, G Mar. 1978 ~ USSR:
Melodiya C10 05837-8 (in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works) ~ VICC
40082-83 (‘Shostakovich Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 07801-2. Yevgeniya GOROKHOVSKAYA (mezzo-
soprano) and Irina Golovneva (piano). P 1976, I 1977c.
LP and CD—Decca 414 410-1DH2 (in two-record box set, digital).
Opus 143a. Ortrun WENKEL (contralto), Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Bernard Haitink. P Amsterdam 1983, G May 1986. Reissued on
CD—Decca 417 514-2DH. I Dec. 1986, G Mar. 1987 ~ Decca Ovation
425 074-2DM. G Nov. 1993 ~ London 44 440-2 (on tenth in eleven-disc
set). I June 1995.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 22987 002. Nataliya ROZANOVA (mezzo-
soprano) and Irina Katayeva (piano). P1984, I 1986b.
CD—Belgium: Pavane ADW 7204 (‘The Forgotten Europe’). Opus
143a. Patricia ADKINS-CHITI (mezzo-soprano), RTBF New Symphonic
Orchestra, Alfred Walter. P Brussels concert 5 Dec. 1985, I Dec. 1989.
Deutsche Grammophon 447 085-2GH (‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 2’). Opus 143a. Elena ZAREMBA (contralto), Gothenburg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. P Gothenburg Mar. 1994, G Jan. 1996.
Germany: Capriccio 10 778. Opus 143a. Tamara SINYAVSKAYA (alto),
Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail Yurovsky. P Cologne
17–19 June 1994, I and G Awards (Oct.) 1998.
USA: VAI VAIA 2003. Irina MISHURA (soprano) and Valery Ryvkin
(piano). P New York Mar. 1996.
Germany: Zenon 197. Claudia RUGGEBERG (alto) and Axel Bauni (piano).
P Essen 16–18 July 1997.
**USA: Delos DE 3307 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume 2’).
Lyubov SOKOLOVA (mezzo-soprano) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 123, 121,
127, and 146.] P St Petersburg 15 Apr. 2001, G Awards (Oct.) 2002.
Germany: Capriccio 71 1041 (SACD). Arr. L. Auerbach. Zoryana
KUSHPLIER (mezzo-soprano) and Petersen Quartet (Conrad Muck, Daniel
Bell, Friedmann Weigle, Henry-David Varema). [Op. 110; and Auerbach.]
P Deutschlandradio Studio, Berlin 2–4 Nov. 2005, G Nov. 2006.

Opus 144: Quartet No. 15 in E flat minor

Form: String quartet in six linked movements:
1. Elegy—Adagio attacca
2. Serenade—Adagio attacca
3. Intermezzo—Adagio attacca
4. Nocturne—Adagio attacca
5. Funeral March—Adagio molto attacca
6. Epilogue—Adagio
Composed: Completed on 17 May 1974 in a Moscow hospital.
Premières: 25 October 1974, Leningrad Composers’ Club and 15 November
1974, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Taneyev Quartet (Vladimir
Ovcharek, Grigori Lutsky, Vissarion Soloviev, and Iosif Levinzon).
11 January 1975, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Beethoven Quartet
(Dmitri Tsyganov, Nikolai Zabavnikov, Fyodor Druzhinin, and Yevgeni
UK: 5 March 1975, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester;
Fitzwilliam Quartet (Christopher Rowland, Jonathan Sparey, Alan George,
and Ioan Davies).
Arrangements: Reduction for piano four hands by Anatoli Dmitriev.
Opus 144a—‘Requiem’ for string orchestra by Misha Rachlevsky.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive. A
fragment of the Epilogue is illustrated in Volume 36 of Collected Works.
Muzyka, unnumbered copyist’s score, 1974, 22 cm.
Anglo-Soviet Music Press, c.1974, score and parts.
Muzyka, No. 8961, 1975, parts, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 8962, 1975, score, 21 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2204, 1975, parts, 31.5 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2209 (with Opp. 138 and 142), 1978, score, 21 cm.
Muzyka, Leningrad, No. 2391, 1979, arr. for piano four hands by A.
Dmitriev, 28.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10284 (in Volume 35 of Collected Works Quartets 9–15),
1980, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, no number, 1997, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 104 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 37 minutes in score; 34' 40"–38' 50"; 34 minutes
(M. MacDonald).
Ballet: To Comfort Ghosts. Choreographed by Dan Wagoner for Dan
Wagoner and Dancers, Joyce Theater, Manhattan, 3 May 1988. A hermetic
poem concerning a house divided by strife, performed by four male and four
O PU S 144: QU A RTET NO. 15 IN E FL AT MIN OR 549

female dancers to the Fitzwilliam Quartet’s recording. Presented at Sadler’s

Wells by the London Contemporary Dance Theatre on 28 November 1989
and at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre, Moscow, on
5 July 1990.
Films: The Composer Shostakovich. For details see page 571 of Appendix II.
Toutes peines confondues (‘Combined Sentences’). A French 110-minute
‘sophisticated thriller’ colour film of 1991, directed by Michel Deville, with
background music from Borodin Quartet recordings of Shostakovich’s
Quartets Nos. 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, and 15. The first excerpt is from the
Serenade movement of No. 15
Play: The Noise of Time, created by Simon McBurney and performed by the
Theatre de Complicite, John Jay College Theatre, Lincoln Center, New
York, 1–5 March 2000. This fantasy presentation features events from
Shostakovich’s life, still and moving computer images projected on a screen,
interwoven with a live performance of the last quartet by the Emerson
Quartet. The UK première performed by the same company and quartet at
the Barbican, London 8–15 July 2001.
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 06495-6. BEETHOVEN
QUARTET (personnel as at Moscow première). P 1975, I 1976c ~ HMV
Melodiya HQS 1362. G Nov. 1976. Reissued on CD—France: Praga PR
254 043. P given as Czech Radio broadcast Oct. 1976, I May 1994 ~ USA:
Consonance Blue Label 81.3006 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’). I May
USSR: Melodiya C10 06639-40. TANEYEV QUARTET (personnel as at world
première). P 1975; I 1976c ~ USSR: with same number in first box of Part 2
of Collected Works on Records. I 1980 ~ USA: Columbia Melodiya M 34527.
I 1977. Reissued on CD—USSR: Melodiya SUCD 11 00313. I 1991.
L’Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 11. FITZWILLIAM QUARTET (personnel as at UK
première). P May 1975, G Apr.1976 ~ Decca 188 D7 in Set D 188 D7.
G Feb. 1981. Reissued on CD—Decca Enterprise 433 078-2DM6 (on
sixth of six-disc set). G June 1992.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11757-8. BORODIN QUARTET (Mikhail Kopelman,
Andrei Abramenkov, Dmitri Shebalin, Valentin Berlinsky). P 1978, I
1979d ~ HMV Melodiya EX 270339-3 (in seven-record box set of 15
Quartets plus Quintet, DMM). G Mar. 1986 . Reissued on CD—EMI
CDC7 49270-2. I Nov. 1987, G Sept. 1988 ~ BMG Melodiya 74321
40711-2 (in six-disc set). I June 1997.
LP—Czech: Panton 8111 0195 G. SUK QUARTET (Ivan Štraus, Vojtěch
Jouza, Karel Řehák, Jan Štros). P Prague 1981.
*CD—Live Classics LCL 110 (‘Oleg Kagan Edition, Volume 30’).
Oleg KAGAN, Grigori Zhislin, Yuri Bashmet, Natalya Gutman). P Kuhmo
Chamber Music Festival, Finland concert 29 July 1982, I Oct. 2004.

CBS Masterworks MK 44924. Gidon KREMER, Daniel Phillips, Kim

Kashkashian, Yo-Yo Ma. P New York concert 29–30 Jan. 1985, G Apr. 1990.
Olympia OCD 534 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 4’). SHOSTAKOVICH
QUARTET (Andrei Shislov, Sergei Pishchugin, Aleksandr Galkovsky,
Aleksandr Korchagin). P 1988, I May 1994, G Sept. 1994.
Teldec Classics 246 017-2 (‘End Games’). BRODSKY QUARTET (Michael
Thomas, Ian Belton, Paul Cassidy, Jacqueline Thomas). P Berlin Feb. 1989,
I Oct. 1989, G Apr. 1990 ~ Teldec 9031 71702-2 (on sixth of six-disc set).
I Nov. 1990, G June 1992.
USA: ESS.A.Y CD 1013. MANHATTAN QUARTET (Eric Lewis, Roy Lewis,
John Dexter, Judith Clyde). P Purchase, New York 27 July 1990, I 1991 ~
Koch Schwann 3 1017-2 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 6’). I Dec. 1993.
Claves 50 9115. Op. 144a—‘Requiem’ arr. M. Rachlevsky. Kremlin
Chamber Orchestra, Misha RACHLEVSKY. P Moscow concert Oct.–Nov.
1991, G Mar. 1993 ~ Claves 50 9504/5 (two-disc set). G Mar. 1996.
Netherlands: Attacca Babel BABEL 9786. SCHÖENBERG QUARTET (Janneke
van der Meer, Wim de Jong, Henk Guittart, Viola de Hoog). P Delft 1–2
July 1993, G May 1998.
Deutsche Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’,
five-disc set). EMERSON QUARTET (Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Lawrence
Dutton, David Finkel). P Aspen, Colorado concert July–Aug. 1994, G June
Teldec 4509 98417-2. BORODIN QUARTET (personnel as on Melodiya C10
11757-8). P Berlin May 1995, G Feb. 1997 ~ Ultima 8573 87820-2 (two-
disc set). I Apr. 2001, G Aug. 2001.
Guild GMCD 7123 (‘Lamentations’). ‘Requiem’ arr. M. Rachlevsky.
St. Gallen String Orchestra, Rudolf LUTZ. P St Gallen, Switzerland concert
1990s, I 1996.
Naxos 8-550976 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’). ÉDER QUARTET (János
Selmeczi, Peter Szüts, Sándor Papp, György Éder). P Budapest 1–4 Sept.
1996, I Apr. 1998.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5171 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 2’).
RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk Van de Velde, Dirk Van den Hauwe, Marc Sonnaert,
Peter Devos). P Utrecht Sept. 1997, I May 1998.
**Sony Classical 82876 9018-2 (two-disc set). JUILLIARD QUARTET (Joel
Smirnoff, Ronald Copes, Samuel Rhodes, Joel Krosnick). [Opp. 57, 73, and
142.] P Green Eggz No Ham, Collingswood, New Jersey 10–12 Feb. 2000,
I Nov. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
Germany: ECM New Series 1755 CD 461 815-2 (‘Lento’). KELLER QUARTET
(András Keller, János Pilz, Zoltán Gál, Judit Szabó). [Schnittke.] P Propstei
Monastery, Vararlberg, Austria 20–22 June 2000, G May 2003.
O PU S 144: QU A RTET NO. 15 IN E FL AT MIN OR 551

Hyperion CDA 67517. ST PETERSBURG QUARTET (Alla Aranovskaya, Ilya

Teplyakov, Aleksei Koptev, Leonid Shukayev). [Opp. 122 and 138.] P St
Petersburg Dec. 2000 and Jan. 2001.
Netherlands: Brilliant Classics 6429 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’,
five-disc set). RUBIO QUARTET (Dirk van de Velde, Dirk van den Hauwe,
Marc Sonnaert, Peter Devos). [Opp. 49 and 142.] P Mullem, Belgium
concerts Apr.–Sept. 2002, I May 2003.
Chandos CHAN 10248. SORREL QUARTET (Gina McCormack, Catherine
Yates, Sarah-Jane Bradley, Helen Thatcher). [Op. 92.] P The Maltings,
Snape 15–17 Jan. 2004, G Nov. 2004.
France: Arion ARN 68675. DEBUSSY QUARTET (Christophe Collette, Anne
Ménier, Vincent Deprecq, Yannick Callier). [Op. 57.] P Cité des arts,
Chambéry, France 30 Oct.– 2 Nov. 2004, I 2005.
Belgium: Fuga Libera 512 (‘Complete Quartets, Volume 5’, five-disc
set). DANEL QUARTET (Marc Danel, Gillis Millet, Tony Nys, Guy Danel).
[Opp. 49 and 118.] P Bayerische Rundfunk, Munich 25–27 May 2005,
I 2005.
Oehms Classics OC562 (‘Complete Quartets’, on fifth of five-disc
set). RASUMOVSKY QUARTET (Dora Bratchkov, Evgenia Grandjean, Gerhard
Müller, Alina Kudelevic). [Op. 142.] P Musikstudio Saarländischen
Rundfunk, Saarbrücken June–Dec. 2005, I July 2006.
Note: In March 1974 the compiler thanked Dmitri Shostakovich for the
pleasure his music had given over many years. Two sheets of queries on his
lesser-known compositions were included with the letter. He replied five
months later, apologizing for the delay on account of serious illness and
expressing appreciation for the interest in his music. He added details of his
latest works Opuses 141 to 145 (see Plate 3). All his treasured comments
were incorporated in the First Edition. As the Fitzwilliam Quartet had
presented the British premières of the 13th and 14th string quartets, the
news of a No. 15 was passed on to their violist, Alan George. Mr George
immediately wrote to the composer for the parts of his new quartet and
these were received in late December. When the compiler met Alan George
at a 1977 performance of the Quartet No. 12 in Edinburgh he remarked
that the quartet members were rather shaken when the music arrived with
its six Adagio movements, not in E minor but in the difficult key of E flat
This proved to be Shostakovich’s last quartet. Regrettably he did not live
to complete his projected cycle of twenty-four quartets in different keys as
intimated to members of the Beethoven Quartet in May 1960. The nine
not written were in the major keys of B and E and the minor keys A, B, D,
E, G, C sharp and G sharp.

Opus 145: Suite on Verses of Michelangelo

Form: Song cycle for bass voice and piano. Settings of eleven poems by
Michelangelo Buonarroti, the original Italian translated into the Russian
language by Abram Efros (see Note). For a while the composer considered
Andrei Voznesensky’s suggestion of ‘Michelangelo Memorial’ as a title.
Verses chosen by the composer from a book Michelangelo—Life and Works,
compiled by V. Grashchenkov and published by Iskusstvo, Moscow, 1964.
The titles provided by the composer:
1. Truth (Sonnet 3 to Pope Julius II)—Adagio
2. Morning (Sonnet 20)—Allegretto
3. Love (Sonnet 25)—Allegretto
4. Separation (Madrigal—Com’ arò dunque ardire)—Moderato
5. Anger (Sonnet 4 on Rome in the Pontificate of Julius II)—Allegro
non troppo [attacca not marked in the score]
6. Dante (Sonnet 1 on Dante Alighieri)—Moderato attacca
7. To the Exile (Sonnet 2 on Dante Alighieri)—Largo
8. Creativity (Sonnet 61 on the death of Vittoria Colonna)
9. Night— a dialogue (Dialogue between Giovanni Strozzi and the
10. Death (Sonnet 69)—Adagio
11. Immortality (Epitaph for Cecchino Bracci Fiorentio—Epigrams 14
and 12)—Allegretto
Composed: Completed on 31 July 1974, to commemorate the 500th
anniversary of the birth of Michelangelo. Opus 145a: completed on
5 November 1974, at Moscow.
Dedication: Irina Antonovna Shostakovich (third wife).
Premières: 23 December 1974, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad and
31 January 1975, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Yevgeni Nesterenko
(bass) and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano).
UK: 25 and 27 September 1976, Somerley Park, Ringwood, Hampshire
and Queen Elizabeth Hall, London respectively; John Shirley-Quirk
(baritone) and Vladimir Ashkenazy (piano).
Opus 145a: 12 October 1975, Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall;
Yevgeni Nesterenko, All-Union Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra,
Maksim Shostakovich.
UK: 16 April 1977, Liverpool; John Shirley-Quirk, Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves.
USA: 12 December 1980; John Shirley-Quirk, Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra, John Nelson.

Arrangements: Andrei Voznesensky’s revision of Efros’s translation com-

missioned by the composer not used. English translations of the poems by
Dr. Sarah and Eric Walter White, and Felicity Ashbee. German translation
by Jörg Morgener. Vocal lines modified to suit the original Italian texts.
The music of No. 11 includes a restoration of a theme from the composer’s
juvenile opera The Gipsies.
Opus 145a—orchestrated version for symphony orchestra by the
Suite accompaniment arranged for organ by Hans Eisenmann.
No. 9 Night arranged for double-bass and piano by Michael Cameron.
Instrumentation: of Opus 145a—2 flutes (II = piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets
(A and B flat), 2 bassoons (II = contrabassoon) ~ 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
3 trombones, tuba ~ timpani, triangle, side drum, wood block, whip, bass
drum, gong ~ glockenspiel, orchestral bells, xylophone, vibraphone, celesta,
harp, piano ~ strings (five-string double-basses specified).
Music: Autograph scores of Opuses 145 and 145a preserved in the Shosta-
kovich family archive. The first page of the autograph piano and full scores
are reproduced in Volumes 33 and 31 of Collected Works respectively.
Opus 145—Muzyka, No. 9048, 1975, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
G. Schirmer, No. 3426 (plate no. 48521), c.1984, score with Russian and
English texts, 31 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 96 of New Collected Works.
Opus 145a—Muzyka, no number, 1976, photocopied full score, 30 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10113 (in Volume 31 of Collected Works), 1982, full score,
30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2278, 1986, score with Russian and German texts—
the latter by J. Morgener, 21 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 90 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 40 minutes in scores; 33' 09"–44' 50".
Films: The Composer Shostakovich. For details see page 571 of Appendix II.
Recollections of Shostakovich. An hour-long biographical film (scripted
by L. Belokurov and directed by B. Goldenblank), made by the Moscow
Central Scientific Film Studios in 1977, ends with Nesterenko singing
Yevgeni Nesterenko. A documentary television film about the renowned
bass singer, screened on Soviet TV in mid-January 1983, contains remi-
niscences of Nesterenko’s close friendship with the composer during the
composition of the song cycle.
Recordings: LP—USSR: Melodiya C06161-2. Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass)
and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano). P Mar. 1975, I 1976b.

LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 07395-6. Opus 145a. Ye.

NESTERENKO, All-Union Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra,
Maksim Shostakovich. P Dec. 1976, I 1977b ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
3323 in Set SLS 5078. G May and Oct. 1977. Gramophone Record Awards
1977—winner of Solo Vocal category, G Mar. 1978 ~ USSR: Melodiya
C10 07395-6 (in third box of Part 3 of Collected Works on Records). I
1978. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40082-83
(‘Shostakovich Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
LP—Czech: Panton 11 0604 H. Nos. 1, 4, 5, 10, and 11. Richard NOVÁK
(bass) and Cyril Klimeš (piano). P Prague 1976, G Dec. 1977.
Decca SXL 6849. John SHIRLEY-QUIRK (baritone) and Vladimir Ashkenazy
(piano). P Oct. 1976 and Apr. 1977, G May 1978.
LP—USSR: Melodiya C10 11239-40. No. 4 only. Yuri STATNIK (bass)
and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P 1978, I 1979c.
LP and CD—East Germany: Eterna 8 27 209. Opus 145a. Hermann-
Christian POLSTER (bass), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Thomas
Sanderling. P 3–7 Mar. 1978. Reissued on CD—Japan: Tokuma TKCC
70414. I Aug. 1994 ~ Germany: Berlin Classics 0091 932BC. I Jan. 1997.
CD—France: Praga PR 250 009. Opus 145a Nos. 1, 4–6, and 8–11.
Sergei KOPTCHAK (bass), Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Frantísek
Vajnar. P Prague concert 1980, I 1992.
LP—Czech: Opus 9112 1570. Opus 145a. Sergei KOPTCHAK (bass), Slovak
Philharmonic Orchestra, Libor Pešek. P Bratislava Dec. 1983, I 1985.
CD—Germany: Teldec 243 714-2. Sung in the original Italian. Dietrich
FISCHER-DIESKAU (baritone) and Aribert Reimann (piano). P May 1987 ~
Teldec/ASV 8 44138. I Oct. 1988, G Jan. 1989 ~ Teldec 4509 97460-2.
I June 1995.
Decca 433 319-2DH. Opus 145a, sung in Russian. D. FISCHER-DIESKAU
(baritone), Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy. P
Berlin Jan. 1991, G July 1993.
Deutsche Grammophon 447 085-2GH (‘The Orchestral Songs,
Volume 2’). Opus 145a. Sergei LEIFERKUS (baritone), Gothenburg Symphony
Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. P Gothenburg Sept. 1994, 1 Dec. 1994, G Jan.
USA: Zuma ZMA 304 (‘Progression’). ‘Night’ arr. Cameron. Michael
CAMERON (double-bass) and Ian Hobson (piano). P University of Illinois,
Champaign-Urbana Oct. 1995, I Jan. 1997.
Germany: Capriccio 10 777. Opus 145a. Anatoli KOTSCHERGA (bass),
Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mikhail Yurovsky. P Cologne
21–23 Feb. 1996, I 1998.
France: Le Chant du Monde LDC778 1124 (with Tishchenko Portrait of
D. D. Shostakovich—No. 12 of Twelve Portraits, Op. 113). Arr. Eisenmann.

Aleksandr NAUMENKO (bass) and Hervé Desárbre (organ). P Glinka Museum,

Moscow concert 24 May 1999, I May 1999, G Aug. 2000.
**USA: Delos DE 3317 (‘Complete Romances and Songs, Volume Five’).
Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Op. 79.] P St Catherine
Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 26–27 Feb. 2003, I UK Jan. 2006.
Warner Classics 2564-61949-2. Julian RACHLIN (viola) and Itamar
Golan (piano). [Op. 34.] P Teldex Studio Berlin, 25–28 Nov. 2004, I
Bulgaria: Gega New CD 312. Guenko GUECHEV (bass-baritone) and
Susanna Lemberskaya (piano). [Mussorgsky.] P Ridgewood Studios,
Pittsburgh Feb. 2005.
Chandos CHAN 10358 (‘Words of Michelangelo’). Opus 145a. Lldar
ABDRAZAKOV (bass), BBC Philharmonic, Gianandrea Noseda. [Opp. 140.]
P New Broadcasting House, Manchester 5–7 Apr. 2005, I Feb. 2006, G
Apr. 2006.
Germany: Coviello Classics COV 50805 (‘World Poetry in Russian
Music’). Frieder ANDERS (baritone) and Stella Goldberg (piano). [Kabalevsky
and Gavrilin.] P Festeburgkirche, Frankfurt am Main Jan. 2006.
Notes: During rehearsals for the orchestral version, Opus 145a, in October
1975, Maksim Shostakovich disclosed to Yevgeni Nesterenko that his
father considered this composition took the place of the Sixteenth Sym-
phony in his œuvre. Muzyka Rossii, Issue 2 (Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow,
Efros referred to Karl Frey’s German edition of Michelangelo’s poetry
when translating the original Italian into the Russian language but this
standard work has only the editorial preface and notes in German and not
German versions of the poems as stated in the first and second editions of
this catalogue.

Sans op. Z: Song of the Flea (Beethoven)

Form: Orchestration of Ludwig van Beethoven’s ‘Song of Mephistopheles
in Auerbach’s cellar’, Op. 75 No. 3, for voice and piano, to words from
Goethe’s Faust in a translation by Aleksandr Strugovshchikov.
Composed: Early in 1975 at the request of Yevgeni Nesterenko; unaware, as
was Shostakovich, that Igor Stravinsky had orchestrated this piece in 1909.
Première: 1 April 1975, Leningrad Philharmonic Bolshoi Hall; Yevgeni
Nesterenko (bass), Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Kochnev.
Arrangement: English translation of the text by Joan Pemberton Smith.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, full score in Volume 146 of New Collected

Duration: 2' 25".

Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 14415-6 (Album 1 of ‘From
Manuscripts of Different Years’). Yevgeni NESTERENKO (bass), Soviet ensemble
of soloists under Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. P 1980, I I98lb ~ HMV Melodiya
ASD 1650331. [As USSR release.] G July 1983. Reissued on CD—BMG
Melodiya 74321 59058-2 (two-disc set). I and G Mar. 1999.

Opus 146: Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin

Form: Four songs for bass and piano to texts of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, from the
novel The Demons of 1871:
1. The Love of Captain Lebyadkin (Miss Elizaveta Tushin)—Allegretto
2. The Cockroach—Moderato
3. The Ball to the Benefit the Governesses—Allegretto
4. A Shining Personality (or ‘A Pure Soul’)—Allegretto
Composed: Completed on 23 August 1974.
Premières: 10 May 1975, Moscow Conservatory Malyi Hall; Yevgeni Nesterenko
(bass) and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano).
USA: 30 October 1983, Boston University Concert Hall; Robert
Osborne (bass) and Howard Lubin (piano). Sung in Russian.
Arrangements: English translation of the texts by Joan Pemberton Smith.
Orchestrated by Boris Tishchenko.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive.
Russian printed edition of manuscript not in the composer’s hand, no
number or date, 29.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 11785 (in Volume 33 of Collected Works), 1984, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, in Volume 146 of New Collected Works.
Duration: 10' 57"–13' 59"; 10 minutes (Meskhishvili).
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09225-6. Yevgeni
NESTERENKO (bass) and Yevgeni Shenderovich (piano) (in third box of Part 3
of Collected Works on Records). P Jan. 1976, I 1978 ~ HMV Melodiya ASD
3700. G Sept. 1979 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 15501-2. I 1981d. Reissued
on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 40082-83 (‘Shostakovich
Songs’, two-disc set). I 1991.
Czech: Supraphon 1111 2000 G. Josef SPAČEK (bass) and Josef Hála
(piano). P Prague 23–24 Oct. 1978.
CD—Decca 433 319-2DH. Dietrich FISCHER-DIESKAU (baritone) and
Vladimir Ashkenazy (piano). P Berlin Jan 1991, G July 1993.
France: Le Chant du Monde Russian Season RUS 288089. Pyotr
GLUBOKY (bass) and Nataliya Rassudova (piano). P Moscow Conservatory
21–29 Sept. 1994, I Apr. 1995.
OP U S 147: VIOL A SON AT A 557

Japan: Triton 17 008. Aleksei MOCHALOV (bass), Moscow Chamber

Music Theatre Orchestra, Anatoli Levin. P Mosfilm Studio Nov. 1995, I
Nov. 1996.
**USA: Delos DE 3307 (‘Shostakovich Complete Songs, Volume 2’).
Fyodor KUZNETSOV (bass) and Yuri Serov (piano). [Opp. 123, 121, 127, and
143.] P St Petersburg 18 June 2001, G Awards (Oct.) 2002. NB. Incor-
rectly stated to be the first appearance on CD ~ Russia: NF/PMA 9910
(‘Vocal Cycles for Bass, Volume 1’). [Opp. 62, 121, 91, and 98.] I 2002.
France: Alpha 055 (‘Krokodil’, two-disc set). Petr MIGUNOV (bass) and
Arthur Schoonderwoerd (piano). [Opp. 87, 109, and 134.] P Chaux-de-Fonds,
Switzerland May 2003, I May 2004.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6111. Orchestrated by Boris Tishchenko.
Sergei LEIFERKUS (baritone), Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Thomas
Sanderling. [Sans op. P(v), Opp. 109, 121, and 123.] P Kultura Russian
State TV & Radio Studio, Moscow May 2005, I June 2006.
Notes: When Nesterenko and Shenderovich rehearsed Opus 146, in the
composer’s presence, he asked the pianist when performing ‘The Cockroach’
to turn over the sheet music as though they were starting from the begin-
ning again. Shostakovich explained that in Dostoyevsky’s novel, the buffoon
Lebyadyin made a hash of his vocal by getting out of time. Turning to the
accompanist he says, ‘Start again, please’. The pianist plays the introduc-
tion again but this time Lebyadkin now sings in a higher register! This
greatly amused the composer and he asked Nesterenko and Shenderovich
‘to do this trick’ and ‘naturally, we complied—as we always do now—
with Shostakovich’s request’. Books and Art in the USSR, VAAP Moscow,
No. 1/40, 1984.
For an analysis of this song cycle see Dr Bernatchez’s article in DSCH
Journal No. 28.

Opus 147: Viola Sonata

Form: Sonata for viola and grand piano in three movements:
1. Aria (or Novello)—Moderato
2. Scherzo—Allegretto
3. Adagio—‘In memory of the great Beethoven’
The Overture and start of ‘Scenes in the Hotel’ of the wartime opera The
Gamblers, Sans op. K(i), utilized in the Scherzo.
Composed: The first two movements written from late April to June 1975
and the Adagio written in two days, being completed on 5 July 1975.
The proofs corrected by Shostakovich in a Moscow hospital bed on 4 and
5 August 1975, five and four days before his death.

Dedication: Fyodor Serafimovich Druzhinin (violist of the Beethoven

Quartet). The third movement also dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven
though this is not stated in the score.
Premières: 1 October 1975, Glinka Concert Hall, Leningrad; Fyodor
Druzhinin (viola) and Mikhail Muntyan (piano).
UK: 14 June 1976, Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh; Cecil Aronowitz (viola) and
Nicola Grunberg (piano).
USA: 12 November 1976, University of New Mexico, Keller Hall,
Albuquerque; Herbert Levinson (viola) and George Robert (piano).
USA: 17 December 1976, Chamber Music Society of New York, Lincoln
Center; Walter Trampler (viola) and Richard Goode (piano.
Opus 147a: Netherlands: January 1992, Amsterdam; V. Mendelssohn’s
arrangement performed by Lev Markiz (violist/director) and New Amsterdam
Arrangements: Viola part arranged for cello by Daniil Shafran, Aleksandr
Kniazev, Iosif Feigelson, Carlo Prieto; and jointly by Friedrich Kleinhapl
and Andreas Woyke. Opus 147a; orchestrated for viola soloist, strings and
celesta by Vladimir Mendelssohn in 1991–92.
Music: Autograph score preserved in the Shostakovich Family Archive where
Manashir Yakubov discovered a manuscript with the instrumental line
written out in the bass clef. The first page is reproduced in Volume 38 of
Collected Works.
G. Schirmer, No. 47675, 1975, score and viola part, 30 cm.
Hans Sikorski, No. 2222, 1975, parts, 31.5 cm.
Muzyka, No. 9679, 1977, viola part ed. F. Druzhinin and with added
cello part arr. D Shafran, 29 cm.
Muzyka, No. 10927 (in Volume 38 of Collected Works), 1982, including
separate viola part, 30 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, 1997, score ed., F. Druzhinin, 29 cm.
DSCH Publishers, Moscow, score in Volume 108 of New Collected
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes in scores; 26' 15"–38' 59"; 25 minutes
(M. MacDonald).
Films: Sonata for Viola. A full-length documentary film, including scenes from
the first International Chopin Pianoforte Competition in Warsaw, 1927;
the composer playing his Piano Quintet, a trip to Paris in 1958 and other
newsreels; with music performed by Fyodor Druzhinin, David Oistrakh,
Svyatoslav Richter, and Leonard Bernstein among others, was made in
Leningrad for release on the eve of the 75th anniversary of Shostakovich’s
birth. The film was compiled by Semyon Aranovich and Aleksandr
Sokurov, with script by Boris Dobrodeyev, for Lenfilm. Originally
issued in 1980 but denounced by the KGB and the negative confiscated.
OP U S 147: VIOL A SON AT A 559

Sokurov salvaged a cut-up positive print in 1987 after it was unbanned.

Re-released in 2000 on Ideale Audience DVD 5DS14—reviewed by John
Riley in DSCH Journal No.24 (January 2006), 70–71 and presented at the
‘Shostakovich 100’ symposium in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London on
25 September 2006.
Yuri Bashmet. A portrait of the Ukranian viola virtuoso presented
on TV’s ‘The South Bank Show’ by Melvyn Bragg on 4 March 1990.
Includes takes of Irina Shostakovich talking about the Viola Sonata and
part of the Adagio played in the composer’s flat by Bashmet and Mikhail
Recordings: LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 06637-8. Fyodor DRUZHININ
(viola) and Mikhail Muntyan (piano). P Dec. 1975, I 1976c ~ HMV
Melodiya HQS 1369. G May 1977 ~ USSR: Melodiya C10 06637-8 (in
second box of Part 2 of Collected Works on Records). I 1978. Reissued on
CD—France: Le Chant du Monde LDC 278 1018-19 (two-disc set). I Feb.
1990, G June 1990.
LP—Czech: Opus 9111 0492. Milan TELECKÝ (viola) and Lýdia Majlingová
(piano). P May 1976 ~ Rediffusion Aurora AUR 5051. G May 1977.
Czech: Supraphon 1111 2000 G. Josef SUK (viola) and Jan Panenka
(piano). P Prague 9 June 1976.
LP and CD—USSR: Melodiya C10 09571-2. Arr. for cello D. Shafran.
Daniil SHAFRAN (cello) and Anton Ginzburg (piano). P June 1977, I
1978c. Reissued on CD—Japan: Victor Musical Industries VICC 2049
(with Op. 147 première Druzhinin/Muntyan recording). I 1989 ~ USSR:
Melodiya SUCD 10 0257. I 1991b ~ *Korea: Yedang Classics YCC 0084.
[Schumann and Brahms.] I Feb. 2002.
Sweden: BIS LP 81. Zahari TCHAVDAROV (viola) and Albena Zaharieva
(piano). P Sweden 15 Jan. 1977, I 1979. Reissued on CD—Sweden: BIS
CD 81. I June 1993.
LP—New Zealand: Halcyon Records PM 102. Glynne ADAMS (viola) and
Bryan Sayer (piano). P 1977.
USSR: Melodiya C10 10789-90 (‘Cellists at Sixth International
Tchaikovsky Competition’). Second movement only arr. D. Shafran.
Nathaniel ROSEN (cello) and J. Hemmel (piano). P 1978, I 1979a.
USSR: Melodiya C10 11381-2. Yuri YUROV (viola) and Vladimir Krainev
(piano). P 1978, I 1979c.
USA: Laurel LP 118. Milan THOMAS (viola) and Doris Stevenson (piano).
P 1981.
*CD—Russia: TNC Music H 1475-76A&B (two-disc set, stereo). Yuri
BASHMET (viola) and Svyatoslav Richter (piano). [Dvořák, Liszt, Franck,
and Szymanowski.] P Philharmonic Hall, Kiev concert 17–18 Sept. 1982,
I 2003.

Russia: Melodiya SUCD 10 00095. Yuri BASHMET (viola) and Svyatoslav

Richter (piano). P Moscow concert 26 Sept. 1982, I 1993a ~ *Korea:
Yedang Classics YCC 0106. [Op. 134.] I Apr. 2002 ~ Regis RRC 1128.
[Op. 134.] I Apr. 2003, G Sept. 2003.
*LP and CD—Germany: Eterna 827902. Manfred SCHUMANN (viola)
and Jutta Czapski (piano). [Honegger and Britten.] P Christuskirche,
Berlin June 1983, I 1985. Reissued on CD—Berlin Classics 0031512 BC.
[Honegger and Britten.] I 1996.
LP—Bulgaria: Balkanton BKA 11424. Ognyan STANCHEV (viola) and
Ivan Evtimov (piano). I 1984.
Canada: Discopaedia MBS 2021-2 (third side in two-record set). Rivka
GOLANI (viola) and Samuel Sanders (piano). P Toronto Dec. 1984 and Feb.
CD—Japan: JVC VDC 5016 (in two-disc set ‘To the Memory of David
Oistrakh’). Y. BASHMET (viola) and S. Richter (piano). P Freiburg, West
Germany concert 6–8 Mar. 1985 ~ Russia: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga MK
418015. I 1992 ~ Olympia OCD 625. I June 1997.
LP—Czech: Panton Debut 81 0665-1. Jan PĚRUŠKA (viola) and František
Kůda (piano). P Prague 24–27 Mar. 1986.
Cuba: Egrem LD 4403. Viera BORISOVA (viola) and Ignacio Pacheco
(piano). P Havana, Cuba 1986.
CD—Sweden: BIS CD 358 (‘The Russian Viola’). Nobuko IMAI (viola)
and Ronald Pöntinen (piano). P 28–30 Dec. 1986, I 1987, G Feb.
LP—Canada: Société Nouvelle D’Enregistrement SNE 535. Robert
VEREBES (viola) and Dale Bartlett (piano). P 1987.
Cassette—USA: Composers Recordings Incorporated ACS 6018
(‘Music for the Viola: a Twentieth-Century Anthology’; Volume 3). John
GRAHAM (viola) and Thomas Muraco (piano). P Houston Feb. and Apr.
CD—Koch Schwann 3-1161-2. Raphael HILLYER (viola) and Reinbert de
Leeuw (piano). P Düsseldorf 14 Dec. 1989, I Dec. 1994, G May 1995.
Germany: ECM New Series 847 538-2. Kim KASHKASHIAN (viola) and
Robert Levin (piano). P 1990, I Jan. 1992, G Sept. 1992.
Italy: Dynamic CDS 61. James CREITZ (viola) and Mihail Sarbu (piano).
P Genoa 1990, I 1994.
EMI Classics CDC7 54394-2. Tabea ZIMMERMANN (viola) and Harmut
Höll (piano). P Sandhausen 1991, G Mar. 1992.
*Japan: Fontec FOCD 3146. Toshiyuki UZUKA (viola) and Jean-Claude
Pennetier (piano). [Schumann and Franck.] P Public Hall, Iruma, Japan
13–15 Apr. 1991, I 1992.
OP U S 147: VIOL A SON AT A 561

France: Erato 2292 45804-2. Shlomo MINTZ (viola) and Viktoria

Postnikova (piano). P Metz Sept. 1991, G Nov. 1992 ~ *Warner Elatus
0927-49554-2. [Op 134.] I Jan 2003, G June 2003.
USA: RCA Victor Red Seal 09026 61273-2. Y. BASHMET (viola) and
Mikhail Muntyan (piano). P Henry Wood Hall, London concert 18–20 Sept.
1991, G Mar. 1993 ~ RCA Digital 09026 61273-5. I May 1993.
Netherlands: Fidelio 9203. Isabelle van KEULEN (viola) and Ronald
Brautigam (piano). P Utrecht 23–24 Mar. 1992, I July 1993 ~ Netherlands:
Vanguard Classics 99306 (two-disc set). I Aug. 1999.
Gamut Classics CD 537. Philip DUKES (viola) and Sophia Rahman
(piano). P Petersham 14–16 July 1992, G Apr. 1994.
Netherlands: Globe GLO 5093. Opus 147a arr. V. Mendelssohn.
Vladimir MENDELSSOHN (viola), New Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Lev Markiz. P
Utrecht Oct.–Dec. 1992, I 1993.
France: REM Editions 311 210. Anton KHOLODENKO (viola) and Sergei
Milstein (piano). P Tassin-la-Demi-Lune summer 1993.
Koch International Classic 3-7270-2. Paul SILVERTHORNE (viola) and John
Constable (piano). P East Finley Dec. 1993, I Mar. 1995.
Japan: Meister Music MM 1002 (‘A Viola Banquet, Volume 2’). Nobuko
IMAI (viola) and Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr (piano). P Casals Hall, Tokyo
Mar. 1994, 1 Oct. 1994.
USA: Arabesque Z 6698 (two-disc set). Jamie LAREDO (viola) and Joseph
Kalichstein (piano). P Purchase, New York 17–18 Dec. 1995 or 12–13 Sept.
1996, I and G Jan. 1998.
Centaur CRC 2450. Victoria CHANG (viola) and Randall Hodgkinson
(piano). P Weston, Massachusetts 21 Dec. 1995, I May 2000.
Chandos CHAN 9526 (two-disc set). Arr. D. Shafran. Alfia BEKOVA
(cello) and Eleonora Bekova (piano). P Highgate, London 19–20 June
1996, G May 1997.
Koch Discover International DICD 920538. Felix SCHWARTZ (viola) and
Wolfgang Kühnl. (piano). P Berlin 26–27 Feb. 1997, I June 1999.
Switzerland: Pan Classics 510 111. Thomas RIEBL (viola) and Cordelia
Höfer (piano). P Schloss Mondsee, Festaal Sept. 1998.
USA: Artona no number (‘Black Snow’). Michael ZARETSKY (viola) and
Xak Bjerken (piano). P 1998.
**Austria: Extraplatte EX 525-2. Michael KUGEL (viola) and Vesna Podrug
(piano). [Kugel—Suite in Memory of Shostakovich.] P Vienna 15 Sept. 1998,
I 2002.
Germany: Cadenza CAD 800 851. Alexandra FRANZEWA (viola) and Viola
Mokrosch (piano). [Fried and Golowin.] P Gnessin Academy, Moscow
10–11 Apr. 1999.

France: Saphir Productions LVC 001016. Bruno PASQUIER (viola) and

Christian Ivaldi (piano). [Enescu and Hindemith.] P Paris 23, 24, and
27 Apr. 2000.
Black Box BBM 1032. Arr. D. Shafran. Raphael WALLFISCH (cello) and
John York (piano). [Sans op. D; Op. 39; and Schnittke.] P Champs Hill,
Pulborough 28 June 2000, I Aug. 2002, G Awards (Nov.) 2002 ~ *Nimbus
NI 5764-65 (‘Complete works for cello’, two-disc set). [Opp. 39 and 40;
and Sans op. D(vi).] I June 2006, G Awards (Oct.) 2006.
Japan: Exton OVCL 000202. Arr. A Kniazev. Aleksandr KNIAZEV (cello)
and Mikhail Voskresensky (piano). [Op. 40.] P Moscow Conservatory
Malyi Hall 16–17 Mar. 2001.
Naxos 8.557231. Annette BARTHOLDY (viola) and Julius Drake (piano).
[Op. 40.] P Henry Wood Hall, London 10–12 May 2001, I Apr. 2004.
Denmark: Classico CLASSCD 420. Claus MYRUP (viola) and Lotte
Toftemark (piano). [Penderecki and Kurtag.] P Birkerod, Denmark Aug.
2001 and Feb. 2002, I Aug. 2003.
Netherlands: Q Disc Q 99001. Roeland JAGERS (viola) and Reineke
Broekhans (piano). [Françaix, Escher, Poulenc, Yun.] P Concertgebouw,
Amsterdam concert 12 May 2002, I 2004.
Calliope CAL 9326. Arr. D Shafran. Petr PRAUSE (cello) and Yakov
Kasman (piano). [Op. 40.] P Studio Arco Diva, Prague June 2002, I Apr.
USA: Phoenix PHD 155. Levon AMBARTSUMIAN (viola) and Anatoli
Sheludyakov (piano). [Op. 134.] P University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Apr. 2003, I Aug. 2004.
Somm SOMMCD 030. Lars Anders TOMTER (viola) and Havard Gimse
(piano). [Opp. 40 and 97.] P Sutton, Surrey 12–13 Dec, 2003, I 2004.
Northern Flowers NF/PMA 9921-22 (two-disc set). Mikhail BEZVERKHNY
(viola) and Timur Sergeyenya (piano). [Opp. 34 and 134.] P St Catherine
Lutheran Church, St Petersburg 3–6 Nov. 2003, I 2004 ~ Belgium: De
Rode Pomp Gents Muzikaal Arcief RP/GMA 041 (two-disc set). [Opp. 34
and 134.] I 2004
Germany: Ars Produktion ARS 38 003 (Hybrid SACD). Arr. for cello
and piano by the performers. Friedrich KLEINHAPL (cello) and Andreas
Woyke (piano). [Op. 40.] P Helmut-List-Halle, Graz 14–16 Dec. 2003, I
Warner Classics 2564-61949-2 (two-disc set). Julian RACHLIN (viola)
and Itamar Golan (piano). [Op. 34; Beethoven.] P Teldex Studio, Berlin
25–28 Nov. 2004, I Sept 2005.
Mexico: Urtext JBCC 116. Mikhail TOLPYGO (viola) and Manuel
Gonzalez (piano). P Hermilo Novelo Chamber Music Hall, Mexico City
14–15 June 2004, I 2006.
OP U S 147: VIOL A SON AT A 563

Mexico: Urtext JBCC 123. Arr. Prieto. Carlos PRIETO (cello) and Doris
Stevenson (piano). [Op. 40.] P Academy of Arts and Letters, New York
7–8 June 2005, I 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon 477 6196. Arr. V. Mendelssohn. Yuri
BASHMET (viola), Andrei Mendelssohn (percussion), and Kremerata Baltica,
Gidon Kremer (director). [Op. 134.] P Philharmonia Bolshoi Hall concert
Oct. 2005, I Nov. 2006, G Jan. 2007.
Sweden: Intim Musik IMCD 102. Erik RING (viola) and Francisca
Skoogh (piano). [Op. 134.] P Isidor Studio, Huaröd, Sweden 13–14 and
26–27 Oct. 2005.
Calliope CAL 9355. Vladimir BUKAČ (viola) and Yakov Kasman (piano)
[Op. 134.] P Studio Hamu, Prague Nov. 2005.
USA: Crystal Records CD 838. Paul CORTESE (viola) and Juan Carlos
Garvayo (piano). [Bacawicz, Khachaturyan, and Martinů.] P Jafre de Ter
Studio, Girona, Spain 4–5 Feb. 2007.
Germany: Genuin GEN 88115. Nils MONKEMEYER (viola) and Nicholas
Rimmer (piano). [Beethoven and Pärt.] P Siemensvilla, Berlin-Lankwitz
28–30 Aug. 2007.
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Appendix I

Several collections of Shostakovich’s music have been published. These include

the album Waltzes from Film Music by Sovetskii kompozitor in 1959, compris-
ing full scores of eight waltzes from Opp. 45, 30, 78, 76, 97, 99, 95, and 37.
A three-volume Soviet edition Compositions for fortepiano appeared separately in
1966, 1968, and 1969. The volume entitled Vocal Compositions has been pub-
lished with recent additions from time to time by Muzyka; the 1974 issue con-
taining the song cycles Opp. 46, 62, 79, 91, 98, 100, 109, and 143. The string
quartets Nos. 1 to 8 were published in two volumes by Muzyka, Nos. 30858-59
(size 21 cm.) in 1964; by Edwin F. Kalmus, Nos. 429 and 430 (18 cm.), and
in the Edition Peters, Nos. 5728a and b (19 cm.) in the 1970s. Hans Sikorski
issued study scores (21 cm.) of the fifteen quartets in five volumes between 1978
and 1981 (No. 2265 covers 1–4; 2266, 5–8; 2267, 9 and 10; 2268, 11 and
12; 2209, 13–15). Excerpts from Symphonies Nos. 1, 5, and 7, transcribed for
piano solo by Ludwig Flato, were published by Leeds Music in 1946.
Frederick Block arranged and edited various pre-1938 items for a
Contemporary Masterpieces: Album No. 19 in 1947. This collection was reissued as
Shostakovich: Nine Pieces for Piano and published by Edward B. Marks, New York
(No. 11668-68 et al, 1951–57, 30 cm.). The pieces are the first movement from
the First Symphony; Russian Dance and Polka from The Golden Age; Prelude,
Opus 34 No. 4; the Scherzo of the Fifth Symphony; three extracts from Lady Mac-
beth of Mtsensk District—Dance (commencing at fig. 384), Interlude (fig. 113),
and Grotesque Scene (fig. 434); and Marche Sarcastique from Hamlet, Opus 32.
A selection of eight pieces from ballet, operetta, and film scores, arranged
by Dénes Agay under the title Melodic Moments, appeared in 1969. Orchestral
studies for flute (excerpts from Symphonies Nos. 1–3 and 5–9), edited by John
Wummer, was published by Leeds Music in 1949 (31 cm). Orchestral studies
for clarinet, edited by H. Roscher, was published by Friedrich Hofmeister


of Leipzig; and another compilation by A. A. Aleksandrov was published by

Muzyka in 1964 (29 cm.). Trumpet studies compiled by H. Krumpfer from
Shostakovich compositions appear in Hofmeister, Volume 10.
Levon Atovmyan accomplished sterling work in assembling suites from
Shostakovich’s film scores, re-orchestrating numbers, extending and rounding
off fragments where necessary for concert performance, with the full approval of
the composer. These suites are fully detailed under the original opus numbers.
He compiled a volume of 24 songs from film scores, arranged for voice(s) and
chorus with piano accompaniment, published by Sovetskii kompozitor (No. 519,
1958, 29 cm.) and several collections of ‘not difficult pieces’ for pianoforte being
simplified reductions of film and ballet numbers; these including the ballet suite
Choreographic Miniatures—21 pieces arranged as Events of a Day first appearing
in 1962 with a second edition published by Sovetskii kompozitor in 1973 (No.
2618, 29 cm.) and in the Edition Sikorski also in 1973 (No. 2202, 31.5 cm.);
and 25 pieces entitled Roundabout of Dances, incorporating Dances of the Dolls
Nos. 1–5 and 7, published by Edition Sikorski in 1970 (No. 2201, 31.5 cm.)
and G. Schirmer in 1972 (No. 1887, 30 cm.), with two piano duets added by
editor Joseph Prostakoff.
The Collected Works in 42 volumes, announced by Muzyka in 1977, was
published between 1979 and 1987. Many compositions appeared in print for
the first time. All works were collated with the composer’s manuscript. Each
cloth-bound volume contains a portrait and a facsimile page of one compo-
sition’s autograph. The distinguished editorial committee included Tikhon
Khrennikov, Rodion Shchedrin, Vasili Kukharsky, Yevgeni Svetlanov, Leonid
Sidelnikov, Konstantin Titarenko, Konstantin Fortunatov, Boris Chaikovsky,
Grigori Shneyerson (died February 1982), and Maksim Shostakovich (dropped
from the panel in 1981). Manashir Yakubov compiled much of the editorial
material and though his name appeared on proof pages in 1978 his considerable
contribution was not credited in the published volumes. Volumes 1 to 9 cover
the symphonies; 10 and 11, overtures and other orchestral works; 12 to 17, the
concertos in full score and piano reduction; 18 to 25, the operas in full and vocal
score; 26, the ballet suites; 27 and 28, theatre music; 29 and 30, the cantatas in
full and vocal score; 31 to 33, the vocal compositions; 34, choral works; 35 to
38, chamber music; 39 and 40, the pianoforte works; and 41 and 42, suites and
items for film scores.
The 1979–1987 edition of Collected Works in 42 volumes is gradually being
superseded by the New Collected Works from DSCH Publishers of Moscow.
This cloth-bound edition of the 150 volumes grouped into a fifteen genre series,
which was launched in 2000, will include over 80 works published for the first
time. The description of each work in Russian and English, plus an appended
commentary on the music, is compiled by Manashir Yakubov. The location of
autograph and/or manuscript scores with the collection stock numbers—‘fond’

in Russian—are quoted (these can also be found in Erna Meskhishvili’s 1995

Catalogue). Twenty volumes have been published up to the end of 2006 and
details of these are included under the Music headings. Future volumes are men-
tioned without the year of publication stated. In addition many works are being
issued singly for performance purposes, in paperback format and lacking the
detailed commentaries. Those already available as full-size scores and separate
parts cover the sonatas and fifteen string quartets.
In addition to the New Collected Works, DSCH Publishers, from 1993
onwards, have released practical performing editions of piano and chamber
works and the fifteen quartets (separate scores and string parts). Certain of these
editions have been listed under the Music headings. A convenient up-to-date
Editions DSCH: Catalogue de vente can be obtained from Association Interna-
tionale Dimitri Chostakovitch, 19bis rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris, France.
Email [email protected]. Internet www.chostakovitch.org.
Purchases payable in Euros or American dollars.

Music Publishers
The addresses of the main publishers and distributors of Shostakovich’s music
are listed below. Some refer to early publications and may be obsolete. Also,
with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, State Music organisations have been
discontinued or reorganised. Their former names and addresses are listed below
for reference purposes:

Anglo-Russian Music: formerly of 16 Manette Street, London Wl.

Anglo-Soviet Music Press: subsidiary company of Boosey & Hawkes founded in
the Second World War.
Belwin Mills Music: 250 Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR9 4QD.
Boosey & Hawkes: Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd., 295 Regent Street,
London W1R 8JH. See Brittens Music Limited below.
Breitkopf & Hartel: VEB Breitkopf & Hartel, Musikverlag Leipzig, 701 Leipzig
Cl, Karlstrasse 10, Deutsche Democratische Republik.
20 Earlham Street, London WC2H 9LN.
Brittens Music Limited, of Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1RZ, now handle
music mail orders for Boosey & Hawkes.
Le Chant du Monde: 31/33 rue Vandrezanne, 75013 Paris. France.
Collets: Collets Holdings Ltd., Denington Estate, Wellingborough,
Northamptonshire NN8 2QT. Ceased trading in July 1993.
Deutscher Verlag für Musik: see Breitkopf & Hartel.
DSCH Publishers: Olsufrievski Pereulok 8, No. 5, Moscow 119 021, Russia.
DSCH Publishers, 11104, Moskva, ul. Aviamotornaya, D.8. Email
<[email protected]>. For the full Dmitri Shostakovich catalogue of

music available for purchase or hire apply to the publishers at 8/10-2-23,

Bryusov periled, Moscow 103009, Russia.
Edition Eulenberg: Ernst Eulenberg Ltd., 8134 Adlisivil 2 H, Grutstrasse 28,
Zurich, Switzerland.
48 Great Marlborough Street, London Wl V 2BN.
International Music: International Music Co., New York. Alfred A. Kalmus
Ltd., 2–3 Fareharm Street, Dean Street, London Wl V 4DU.
Edwin F. Kalmus: Belwin Mills Music, 250 Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR9
Leeds Music: Leeds Music Corporation, New York. 138 Piccadilly, London
W1V 9FH.
Leeds Music (Canada): 2540 Victoria Park Evenue, Willowdale 425, Ontario,
Canada. 215 Victoria Street, Toronto 2, Ontario, Canada.
MCA: Musical Corporation of America Inc., 543 West 43rd Street, New York
10036, USA.
Musica Rara: Le Traversier, Chemin de la Buire, 84170 Monteux, France. For-
merly of 2 Great Marlborough Street, London W1V 2EE.
Edition Musicus: 333 West 32nd Street, New York 10019, USA.
Muzichna Ukraina: 32 Pushkinska, Kiev, USSR.
Muzgiz: abbreviation for the Music Sector of the State Publishing House,
Moscow and Leningrad. Prior to 1921 it bore the name of the Music
Section of the Gosizdat of the RSFSR.
Muzyka: State Music Publishing establishment founded in 1964.
14 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, USSR.
9 Inzhenernaya Street, Leningrad, USSR.
Edition Peters: 746 Postschliessfach, Talstrasse 10, 701 Leipzig, Deutsche
Democratische Republik.
Peters Edition Ltd. formerly of Wardour Street, London.
Peters Edition Ltd., 10–12 Baches Street, London Nl 6DN. Formerly of
Wardour Street, London.
Ricordi: G. Ricordi & Co., 20121 Milano, Via Berchet 2, Italy.
1808 The Bury, Church Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire.
Novello became the sole British selling agent in January 1979. 8 Lower
James Street, London Wl.
Schirmer: G. Schirmer Inc, 257 Park Avenue South, 20th floor, New York,
140 Strand, London WC2R 1HG.
Hans Sikorski: Internationale Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Postfach 13 08 48,
Johnsallee 23, 20148 Hamburg, Germany.
Sovetskii kompozitor: this off-shoot of the State Music Publishers for contempo-
rary Soviet music was established in 1956, with the head office in Moscow
and a branch in Leningrad. It was merged with Muzgiz in 1964 to form

Muzyka and reinstated in mid-1967. 24 Yuzhnoportovaya Street, Moscow

109088, USSR.
Triton: Leningrad publishing house for modern music in the 1920s.
Universal Edition: Vienna, Mainz, and Zurich. Alfred A. Kalmus, 2–3 Fareham
Street, Dean Street, London W1V 4DU.
VAAP: Copyright Agency of the USSR, 6a Bolshaya Bronnaya Street, Moscow
103104, USSR.

It should be noted that, owing to copyright restrictions, many editions of the

music listed in this Catalogue are not available for sale in the United Kingdom.
This applies to the rich G. Schirmer/Associated Collection of Russian-Soviet
Music catalogue of VAAP authorized editions which is confined to use in the
USA. For all UK enquiries regarding Soviet and Russian music contact the firm
of Boosey & Hawkes. Information on the Shostakovich New Collected Works
edition and scores and parts for hire can be obtained from DSCH Publishers,
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Appendix II

A Soviet film Dmitri Shostakovich, subtitled ‘Études towards a portrait of the

composer’, directed by Albert Gendelshtein, was shown in Moscow on 3 April
1967. Four further films were released between 1977 and 1982: The Com-
poser Shostakovich (Yuri Belyankin), Shostakovich—the composer and his times
(B. Goldenblank), and see under Opus 145 for the 1977 film Recollections of
Shostakovich and Opus 147 for the 1981 film Sonata for Viola.
Fragments from twenty-one compositions, interviews with Shostakovich and
extracts from historic films were presented in the BBC Television Omnibus docu-
mentary Music from the Flames. The hour-long film, with script by Norman Kay,
was produced by Ian Engelmann and screened on BBC TV1 on 10 November
1974. It was repeated as a tribute to the composer on 10 August 1975, the day
following his death. Works featured were shown in the following order:
Op. 93, Tenth Symphony (parts of the second movement)
Op. 5, Fantastic Dances (film clip of Nos. 1 and 2 played by the composer)
Op. 10, First Symphony (film clip of the first movement conducted by Maksim
Op. 27, The Bolt (The Bureaucrat)
Op.114, Katerina Izmailova (Act 3, the arrival of the police and Act 2, the flog-
ging of Sergei—from the film starring Galina Vishnevskaya)
Op. 43, Fourth Symphony (fragments from the first and second movements
rehearsed by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky)
Op. 47, Fifth Symphony (portions of the first and third movements conducted
by Maksim Shostakovich)
Op. 67, Second Piano Trio (opening of the fourth movement)
Op. 60, Seventh Symphony (parts of the 1st movement march and coda con-
ducted by Arvid Yansons at a Leningrad concert to mark the thirtieth anni-
versary of the siege)

Op. 110, Eighth Quartet (opening of the fourth movement and the DSCH
Op. 142, Fourteenth Quartet (a fragment of the third movement played by the
Beethoven Quartet)
Op. 35, First Piano Concerto (a clip of the conclusion of the work, with the
composer as soloist, filmed at a 1941 concert)
Op. 57, Piano Quintet (concluding bars of the Intermezzo)
Op. 87, Preludes and Fugues (Prelude of No. 1 and Fugue of No. 15 played by
Tatyana Nikolayeva)
Op. 134, Violin Sonata (film clip of the opening played by David Oistrakh and
Svyatoslav Richter)
Op. 77, First Violin Concerto (the Burlesque with Igor Oistrakh as soloist)
Op. 103, Eleventh Symphony (a film of Igor Belsky’s ballet danced to the
second movement)
Op. 119, The Execution of Stepan Razin (a rehearsal under Maksim Shostakovich)
Op. 135, Fourteenth Symphony (eighth movement sung by Yevgeni Nesterenko
and accompanied by theMoscow Chamber Orchestra under Rudolf Barshai)
Op. 140, Six Romances on Verses by British Poets (Jenny sung by Nesterenko)
Op. 141, Fifteenth Symphony (the coda of the fourth movement)
Op. 47, Fifth Symphony (the coda of the fourth movement)

Two 45-minute documentaries shown on East Germany TV (DDR 1):

Seine Musik Lebt Weiter (His Music Lives On). A Soviet production dubbed
into German includes interviews with Shostakovich and Rozhdestvensky with
film clips from several historic performances and scenes of the composer’s
funeral shown to the music of the Piano Trio No, 2. Memories of Shostakovich.
Fragments from four compositions, here with the funeral scenes accompanied
by Quartet No. 8, and including a complete Symphony No. 1 played by the
Gewandhaus Orchestra under Kurt Masur.
Belyankin’s 60-minute film The Composer Shostakovich (1975) documentary
includes extracts from rehearsals and première performances, in the presence
of the composer, of The Nose (Rozhdestvensky), Quartet No. 15 (Taneyev
Quartet, accompanied by wintry cityscapes of Leningrad), Michelangelo Suite
(Nesterenko and Shenderovich, illustrated with examples of the poet’s paintings
and sculptures), with the finale of Symphony No. 15 (his son conducting),
interspersed with an interview in the composer’s Moscow flat. Presented by its
scenario author Oksana Dvornichenko, under the title Three Premières, at the
Glasgow ‘25 Years On’ Symposium on 27 October 2000.
The music feature in Saturday Review, shown on BBC2 TV on 27 September
1986, discussed the hotly contested authenticity of Solomon Volkov’s Testimony.
Irina Shostakovich remarked that Volkov visited them but rarely. Michael
Berkeley interviewed the author and Maksim Shostakovich. Volkov, ‘a fanatical

devotee’ stated he had regular contacts with the composer over ten years and ‘he
happened to be the right person at the right time’. Maksim, since his defection,
has more or less endorsed the controversial ‘memoirs’: ‘It has opened a big inter-
est [in Shostakovich] in the Western World. Sometimes too much rumour but
the basis of the book is true . . . accurate.’
A music-theatre piece Black Sea Follies centred on the stark conflict
between Stalin and Shostakovich—the struggle between tyrant and artist—
conceived, directed, and music arranged by Stanley Silverman and written by
Paul Schmidt, was first staged on 6 August 1986 at the Lenox Arts Center,
Stockbridge, Massachusetts and brought to Playwrights Horizons, New York on
16 December 1986. The piece is for three male actors and musicians—a piano
quintet on stage, mezzo-soprano, tenor, and bass-baritone. The 60 minutes of
music of the piece’s 90 minutes includes extracts from Quartets Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8,
and 13 and the Piano Quintet; Tahiti Trot; prison camp scene and Katerina’s
aria from Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District; a duet from Moscow, Cheryomushki
and songs Op. 62 Nos. 4 and 6; Op. 121 No. 2; Op. 127 No. 3, and ‘United
Nations on the March’.
In the third semi-final of the BBC TV1 Mastermind from Leicester
University, televised on 17 May 1987, an Oxfam district organizer Paul
Henderson, correctly answered (‘with no passes’) all but one of Magnus
Magnusson’s twenty questions (set by Michael Kennedy) on the speciality sub-
ject ‘The Life and Works of Shostakovich’. Instead of giving Druzhinin as the
dedicatee of the Viola Sonata the contender named Beethoven (see Op. 147).
Six years later—on 29 September 2003 (Mastermind now switched to a Man-
chester studio on BBC TV2 with John Humphrys as question master), a Radar
Design Engineer Noel Turner, also chose ‘The Life and Works of Shostako-
vitch’ (sic) as his specialist topic. Of the sixteen questions he scored eight points
with four passes (‘For which violinist were both Violin Concertos composed?’,
‘In which Crimea resort did he meet Tatyana Glivenko?’, ‘From which Dos-
toyevsky novel did he take four texts, and ‘What is unusual about the Fugue in
C major?’ After almost six years, on 3 April 2009, this subject also was chosen
by Richard Griffiths, an infirmary Security Officer. He scored eleven points
with two passes (‘What was the bombardment to silence the German guns dur-
ing the broadcast of the ‘Leningrad Symphony’ (Opus 60) called?’—Operation
Squaw) and ‘Where does the Barber find Kovalyov’s Nose (Opus 15) early one
morning?’—In a breakfast roll!).
The first of five programmes in BBC TV2’s festival, Shostakovich: A Career,
subtitled ‘The Public and Private Voice of Dmitri Shostakovich’, was screened
on 7 November 1987. In this 75-minute documentary, produced by Peter
Maniura, the public achievement and private struggle of the composer are
retold by his third wife Irina, son Maksim, and daughter Galina; poet Yevgeni
Yevtushenko, film-director Leonid Trauberg, singers Galina Vishnevskaya and

Yevgeni Nesterenko, conductors Gennadi Rozhdestvensky and Rudolf Barshai,

biographer Solomon Volkov, stage-director Yuri Lyubimov, and composers
Karen Khachaturyan and Tikhon Khrennikov. Liberally illustrated with archive
film of events and concerts including the propaganda newsreel of blockaded
Leningrad, the 1949 visit to America, the First International Tchaikovsky
Competition, and the funerals of Stalin and Shostakovich. Music examples
from Opp. 123, 4, 1, 14, 18, 43, 46, 47, 60, 62, 70, 79, 35, 90, 109, 113, 145,
and 135 with Dimiter Petkov (bass), Kathryn Harries (soprano), and Graham
Johnson (piano) performing excerpts from the song cycles.
The British Television Channel Four film Testimony, directed by Tony
Palmer, had its première at the London Film Festival, Empire Cinema, Leicester
Square on 15 November 1987. It was first screened on television on 13 January
1990. David Rudkin’s script was based on Solomon Volkov’s book of the same
title. Filmed entirely on location in the North of England (Wigan, Liverpool,
and Lake Windermere) with the principal parts of Shostakovich and Stalin
played by Ben Kingsley and Terence Rigby respectively, and the score played by
the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Rudolf Barshai. A selection
of the music from the film is included on the AVM Classic Movie Music LP,
cassette and CD 1006 issued in September 1988. The film is available on
videocassette Connoisseur CR 174 and on DVD Digital Classics DC 10010
(reviewed G June 2006).
A play An Informer’s Duty by Greg Cullen was broadcast on BBC Radio
3, 4 December 1994. Set in Leningrad 1937, it covers the official attack on
Shostakovich and the response to his desperate predicament, culminating in the
composition of the Fifth Symphony. With Jonathan Cullen as Shostakovich,
Fiona Shaw as Anna Akhmatova, and John Shrapnel as Stalin.
Overcoat, the film mentioned in the Postscript of the Third Edition
(page 582), was made by the same company as a theatrical production at the
Vancouver Playhouse in 1997 and which toured Canada in 2000. This original
show was directed by Morris Panych and Wendy Gorling. Their 90-minute
presentation was the main attraction of the late January 2004 London
International Mime Festival, the cast of 22 playing 65 characters. The music
was performed in the following order: Jazz Suite No. 1/1; Op. 35/1, 2, and 4;
Suite for Variety Orchestra/5; Op. 102/3; Suite for Variety Orchestra/2; Ballet
Suites No. 3/5, No. 1/3, No. 2/1; Op. 102/1; Ballet Suites No. 1/1, No. 2/4;
Op. 93/2; Op. 102/2; and Suite for Variety Orchestra/7.
The American award-winning television film The War Symphonies:
Shostakovich Against Stalin, directed by Larry Weinstein and produced by
Rhombus Media Inc. of Toronto in 1997, includes excerpts from six symphonies
Nos. 4 to 9 played by the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic and Orchestra of
Mariinsky Theatre under Valery Gergiev, rare newsreel footage, the composer’s
wartime radio broadcast, and statements from Shostakovich’s family, friends,

and colleagues. Videotape, with limited availability, from Bulldog Films, Olean,
Pennsylvania. Re-released in 2005; reviewed in DSCH Journal No. 24 by John
Riley and The Gramophone March 2006 by David Fanning.
Oksana Dvornichenko’s 52-minute film of 1999 Family Album shows
moving interviews with son Maksim, daughter Galina, and third wife Irina
recollecting on the life of the composer, with Galina at the family dacha leafing
through an album of personal photographs. This film was premièred in the UK
at the Glasgow ‘25 Years On’ Symposium on 27 October 2000.
Howard Goodall’s Great Dates, shown on 6 October 2002. [A Channel 4
one-hour TV review of musical life—classical and jazz—in 1937 elucidated the
difficulties the composers Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Kurt Weill, and Richard
Strauss faced under the totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler. The clips of
Shostakovich showed him playing the finale of Piano Concerto No. 1 and
composing the ‘Leningrad Symphony’, walking along a street and shaking hands
with Tikhon Khrennikov; the flogging of Sergei and the drowning scene from
the film Katerina Izmailova, and extracts from Symphony No. 5 played by the
St Petersburg Philharmonic.]
Two documentaries, produced by O. Dvornichenko (Moscow) and Helga
Landauer (New York), were premièred in the UK at the ‘Shostakovich 100’
in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London on 25 September 2006: Shostakovich—
Pianist (28 minutes, 2005), including all the known surviving film of his own
piano-playing and A Journey by Shostakovich (60 minutes, 2006), in Illinois
covered the composer’s third and last visit to America to collect an honorary
doctorate and a clandestine call on doctors in Bethesda, Maryland.
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Appendix III

The following data are given: country of origin (if not Britain or universal); com-
pany and manufacturer’s disc number(s); size, speed and type of reproduction
(if not 12 inch/300 mm., 331⁄3 rpm, long-playing stereophonic); performers—
soloists, orchestra, conductor et al.; date or year of performance, publication or
review date in the magazine The Gramophone (e.g. G Jan. 1998).
The key artist (e.g., the soloist in a sonata or concerto, the singer in an
orchestrated song cycle, or the conductor in a purely orchestral work) is capital-
ised to facilitate locating a particular recording.
The personnel of piano trios are named in the order of violinist, cellist, and
pianist. ‘Viola player’ is shortened, as American usage, to ‘violist’.
Multiple entries under each work are listed as near as possible to a chrono-
logical order of performance date. The date of recording refers to the original
recording if known (e.g. P Prague concert 13 Nov. 1996) with the date of issue
(e.g. I Nov. 1997). The italicised lowercase letter after the issue year of post-1971
Soviet recordings refers to the USSR quarterly record catalogue (e.g. I 1976c).
For the comprehensive listing of recordings available in Japan refer to gramophile
Kudo’s website http//develp.envi.osakafu-u.ac.jp/staff/kudo/dsch/dsch-e-html.
This is also a valuable source for track timings and the Filmography.
Developments in the delivery of digital audio (contributed by Andrew
Walton and Peter Bromley) up to the date of this issue going to press have
centered around three main factors. The first of these was the desire to move on
from the Compact Disc and offer increased audio resolution. Thus Sony, the co-
developer of the Compact Disc introduced the Super Audio CD. Using one bit
DSD (Direct Stream Digital) technology, the early players were expensive and
stereo only, therefore the resultant commercial take-up was slow. SACD offered
a dual layered disc, nearly identical in size to the standard Compact Disc, but
offering the combination of PCM ‘Red Book’ audio on one layer (as experienced


on a regular CD) with the identical material recorded and presented in DSD
on the second.
Whilst this was being presented to the market and around the same time,
DVD-Audio emerged. The original concept of DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)
was a video and audio platform that would form the cornerstone of home
entertainment. The rush to service the video market and the conflicts of interest
that arose on the DVD-Audio working group forum meant that the launch of
this medium was both delayed and confused. Focussing on 5.1 surround sound
as its main selling point, it too offered an increase in resolution that took as its
standard, 96 kHz, 24 bit PCM (Pulse-code modulation). Sensing that surround
sound might be the more popular option, Sony followed suit and abandoned the
stereo only concept for SACD and incorporated a DSD surround component
in addition to DSD stereo and CD quality PCM audio. At the time of writ-
ing, neither format has convincingly taken hold in the market and in particular
DVD-Audio never really got off the ground. A very small number of short-lived
Shostakovich DVD-As appeared in 2003–2004 on the Naxos, Arts and the
MDG labels. On SACD, there are two cycles of the complete Shostakovich
Symphonies on SACD, available from Capriccio and Arts, while a cycle of the
complete String Quartets is under way from the Mandelring Quartet on the
Audite label.
The rise of the internet and the resultant desire to easily share and distribute
music files heralds the third factor to influence current audio trends. Large files
of Compact Disc size could not be stored and downloaded conveniently and
thus MP3, a compression algorithm with roughly one tenth of the resolution
of a standard CD, established itself as the pre-eminent format in this respect.
Conveniently sized, portable players have become hugely popular and mobile
telephones etc. double as MP3 players. With the increase in data transmis-
sion speeds, full and increased resolution downloads are gradually beginning
to appear using lossless compression algorithms. 2006 saw the first release on
the Russian RMG label of a series of inexpensive MP3 discs (MPEG Audio
Layer 3) devoted to the music of Shostakovich. Each disc, seven of which had
been released by the end of 2008, plays for between four and five hours, and
features mono and stereo recordings from the Melodiya catalogue with artists
including Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Yevgeni Mravinsky, Svyatoslav Richter and
the Borodin Quartet.
Appendix IV

(1) In 1967 Melodiya issued a 54-minute mono 12" LP record numbered

D020515-6, entitled Dmitri Shostakovich—Monograph, with biographical
details by Lev Danilevich and read by Pavel Massalsky. This contains uncredited
excerpts from the following eleven works:

Op. 10, First Symphony (first movement to fig. 12 ⫹ 3 bars)

Op. 33, Counterplan (‘Song of the Counterplan’, for chorus and orchestra)
Op. 114, Katerina Izmailova (‘In the very depths of the forest there is a lake’
from Act 4, sung by Eleonora Andreyeva)
Op. 88 No. 6, ‘The Ninth of January’ (the theme used in the following work)
Op. 103, Eleventh Symphony (second movement from fig. 28 to 44)
Op. 47, Fifth Symphony (fourth movement coda from fig. 128)
Op. 57, Piano Quintet (fourth movement complete played by the composer and
the Beethoven Quartet)
Op. 60, Seventh Symphony (fourth movement coda from fig. 202 and first
movement fig. 33 to 36 ⫹ 9 bars)
Op. 65, Eighth Symphony (third movement from fig. 86 to bar 3 of the Largo)
Op. 80, Meeting on the Elbe (‘Song of Peace’, for male chorus and orchestra)
Op. 93, Tenth Symphony (second movement complete).

(2) A sixteen-minute telephone conversation between David Oistrakh and

the composer, taped by the violinist on 15 October 1967, concerning rehearsal
of the Second Violin Concerto, Opus 129, was released in 1976 on Melodiya
C10 06907-8. The conversation is coupled with a reissue of Oistrakh’s perfor-
mance of the concerto.
(3) Melodiya issued a Shostakovich commemorative collection of 56 records
in ten boxes over the four-year period 1977–80. Twenty-seven records cover the


symphonic, choral, and film music, and the ballet suites; seventeen are devoted
to the chamber and instrumental compositions, and twelve to the two operas
and the song cycles. These are mostly reissues, many of them long-deleted
recordings, though following the defection to the West of certain conductors
and performers, several records were promptly withdrawn from the boxes and
subsequently replaced by new performances. The compiler was disinclined to
note all these substitutions and catalogues only those records contained in the
box sets in his own collection.
(4) In October 1979 Melodiya issued a box, Dmitri Shostakovich Speaks,
containing four records numbered M40 41705-12 (announced in the 1980
first quarter catalogue). The first and third records are devoted to Items 1 and
12 respectively. The playing time of the set totals 3 hrs 4 min. This collection
includes fifteen talks here listed in chronological order:

2. Excerpt from a radio address, Leningrad, 16 September 1941.

3. Speech at the International Peace Gathering, 4 September 1954.
1. A talk delivered to the Young Composers’ Section of the Union of Soviet
Composers, May 1955.
14. Interview with Witold Rudzinsky about the Warsaw Autumn Festival,
Warsaw, September 1959.
6. Some words on the Twelfth Symphony, 10 January 1962.
5. Speech at the opening ceremony of the Second International Tchaikovsky
Competition, 1 April 1962.
13. Account of the Edinburgh Festival to the Union of Soviet Composers,
15 October 1962.
4. Interview about the creative plans of the composer, 2 September 1963.
9. On the 125th anniversary of Tchaikovsky’s birth, Bolshoi Theatre, 7 May
7. Some words on the Fourteenth Symphony, 21 June 1969.
10. My work in the cinema, radio interview, 1971.
15. Interview with Royal S. Brown, New York, 13 June 1973.
12. Radio interview in Chicago, 15 June 1973.
8. Opening address of the Fifth Congress of the Union of Soviet Composers,
Kremlin Palace of Congresses, 2 April 1974.
11. Conversation with his son, Maksim (examining old photographs) for a tele-
vision film, Moscow, January 1975.
Appendix V

For details of recordings of Dmitri Shostakovich playing his own compositions

see under the following opus numbers:

Op. 5, Three Fantastic Dances (piano solo)

Op. 22, The Golden Age—Polka (reduction for piano solo)
Op. 34, Twenty-four Preludes—Nos. 8, 14–19, and 22–24 (piano solo); Nos. 10,
15, 16, and 24 (transcription for violin and piano)
Op. 35, First Piano Concerto (piano, trumpet and string orchestra)
Op. 40, Cello Sonata (cello and piano)
Op. 57, Piano Quintet (piano and string quartet)
Op. 67, Second Piano Trio (violin, cello, and piano)
Op. 69, A Child’s Exercise Book (piano solo introduced by the composer)
Op. 79, From Jewish Folk Poetry (voices with piano accompaniment)
Op. 87, Preludes and Fugues—Nos. 1–8, 12–14, 16, 18, 20, and 22–24 (piano
Op. 93, Tenth Symphony (with Mieczsław Weinberg in piano four hands
Op. 94, Concertino (piano duet with Maksim Shostakovich)
Op. 97, The Gadfly—No. 15 Guitars (piano solo)
Op. 102, Second Piano Concerto (piano with orchestra)
Op. 134, Violin Sonata (violin and piano)

The composer’s voice can be heard in speeches, talks, and interviews on the
set of documentary records Dmitri Shostakovich Speaks and also in a telephone
conversation concerning the rehearsal of Op. 129, Second Violin Concerto.
On the mono cassette Regent Records MG 5020, Shostakovich can be
heard as second soloist (deputizing at short notice for Mariya Yudina, who had


injured a finger) in Bach’s Concerto in D minor for Three Pianos, BVW 1063,
with Tatyana Nikolayeva and Pavel Serebryakov, and the Berlin Radio Sym-
phony Orchestra under Kirill Kondrashin, recorded in Leipzig, July 1950.
In August 2002 the USA Classical Treasures label—a California-based
subsidiary of the South Korean Yedang Entertainment Company—reissued the
following Shostakovich CDs that had previously appeared on the discontinued
UK Revelation label: CT 10022 (Opp. 35, 102, 94, and 67 from RV 70006),
CT 10032 (Opp. 77 and 129 from RV 10108), CT 10037 (Opp. 107, 126, and
109 from RV 10087), and CT 10038 (Op. 60 from RV 10059).
Appendix VI

Trax Classique TRXCD 131, titled ‘Testimony—Shostakovich’s Greatest Hits’

and issued in 1988, includes the complete Chamber Symphony Opus 110a
and extracts from Symphonies Nos. 5 and 7, Piano Concerto No. 2, and Piano
Trio No. 2, with a piano arrangement of the Romance from The Gadfly. The
artists include the Phoenix Chamber Orchestra, Trio Zingara, and Martin Jones.
The performers of the Opp. 47 and 102 excerpts are given pseudonymously
as Vienna Symphony Orchestra conducted by Edouard von Lindenberg, with
pianist Daniel Petrov in the concerto.
A more representative selection (though with no chamber music), originat-
ing from Melodiya, appeared on ‘The Shostakovich CD’ Olympia OCD 008
in 1989. The 22 tracks include a complete Opus 46 (Four Romances on Poems
of Pushkin); movements from Symphonies Nos. 1, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15; items
from stage productions; the finale from Piano Concerto No. 1; and the Three
Fantastic Dances played by the composer.
A Decca sampler, ‘Simply Shostakovich’ (448 185-2DM issued in June
1995), contains seventeen tracks from Symphonies Nos. 5, 9, 10, and 15; Piano
Concerto No. 2; Chamber Symphony Opus 110a; and examples of ballet, film,
and light music conducted by Riccardo Chailly, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Bernard
Hermann, and Owain Arwel Hughes.
The Naxos sampler, ‘The Best of Shostakovich’ (8-556684 issued in
September 1997) includes the Festive Overture Opus 96, selections from The
Gadfly Opus 97 and The Golden Age Opus 22, and movements from Symphonies
Nos. 1, 5, 9, and 10; Piano Concerto No. 2, String Quartet No. 4, and Piano
Trio No. 2.
A German Compact Disc, Capriccio 10 822 titled ‘Movie Madness’, fea-
tures sixteen tracks from nine film scores (Opp. 26, 30, 41(i), 50a, 64, 82, 97,
111, and 116) and one stage production (Op. 58a) reissued from recordings


conducted by Leonid Grin, James Judd, and Mikhail Yurovsky. Issued in the
UK, October 1997. Reissued: USA: Laserlight Compact Discs 14 841 (two-disc
set). [‘Best of Motion Picture Scores’—as Capriccio CD plus Op. 18 ‘War’.]
I 2000.
Revelation issued a two-disc sampler set RV 20002 in 1997 comprising,
on the first CD, the third movement from Third Quartet (from RV 10016),
Prelude and Fugue No. 7 (RV 70001), second movement from Eighth Sym-
phony (RV 10061), and ‘Spring awakening’ from Satires (RV 10087); and on
the second CD; second movement from Fifth Symphony (RV 10025), fourth
movement from Cello Sonata (RV 10017), and first movement from Cello
Concerto No. 1 (RV 10087).
An American Compact Disc, Delos DE 3257, titled ‘Waltzes’ comprises
21 tracks of which thirteen are waltzes from film scores recorded at Moscow
Conservatory on 12–14 July 1999 by the Moscow Chamber Orchestra con-
ducted by Constantin Orbelian. The waltzes are from Opp. 30, 37, 45, 76, 78,
95, 97, 99, 105, and with extra dances from Sans op. P (Ballet Suites Nos. 1–3).
Also included are Tahiti Trot, Op. 16, The Golden Age Polka, Op. 22, and The
Gadfly Folk Festival Op. 97. Recording reviewed G Dec. 1999. See the Note
under Sans op. P(v).
Capriccio 51 150 (two-disc set) comprising film music excerpts from Opp.
26, 30, 41, 50a, 64, 82, 97, 111, 116, 137. I July 2004; CAP 49 533 (seven disc
set) includes all the film music released on the Capriccio label. I Oct 2006.
Deutsche Grammophon Eloquence 4767918 (‘The Popular Shostakovich’).
Includes Sans op. G(ii) Kitayenko 1995 complete; excerpts from Opp. 27a, 70,
47, 39, 35, 83a, 107, 97a, and 22a. I Aug. 2005.
Naxos 8.558188-89 (‘Dmitry Shostakovich—a Portrait’). A two-disc set
of 26 extracts from mainly Naxos recordings, including nine symphonic move-
ments, a representative selection of the composer’s varied works and Shosta-
kovich as pianist and his spoken Leningrad broadcast of 16 September 1941,
Accompanied in a card slipcase by an illustrated booklet essay of 96 pages by
Richard Whitehouse. I Feb. 2006.
Naxos 8.552129-30 (‘The Very Best of Shostakovich’, two-disc set). Move-
ments and extracts from 25 Naxos releases, including Symphonies 1, 5, 7, 9, 10,
13, and 15; Concertos for Piano, Violin, and Cello; Trio No. 2, Quintet, and
Quartets 3, 7, and 8; plus film, light, and pianoforte music. I May 2006.
A mammoth 27-disc box set of previously released material, numbered
Brilliant Classics 8128, was issued in mid-2006. This includes Rudolf Barshai’s
complete WDR symphonic collection, his chamber versions of Opp. 49, 73, 83,
110, and 118 (also available on ‘Chamber Symphonies’ two-disc set 8212), and a
DVD interview with the conductor; Theodore Kurchar’s Ballet and Jazz Suites;
the six Concertos and four Sonatas, all the Rubio Quartet cycle; with chamber
and piano works.

Decca 475 7927 (‘Simply Movements and extracts’ from Opp. 16,
97, J(ii), 35, 47, 102, 110a, 70, 93, 141, 22, and 32 featuring Decca art-
ists Riccardo Chailly, Cristina Ortiz, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Bernard Haitink,
Bernard Herrmann and others. I 2006.
Canada: Doremi DHR 7787 (‘Composers Performing Shostakovich,
Volume 1’). Opp. 67, 57, 34, 69, and 5 all with the composer as pianist. I July
Chandos CHAN 2027 (‘An Introduction to Shostakovich’). Opp. 47, 96,
and 16 all by Neeme Järvi and 102 played by Dmitri Shostakovich junior with
I Musici de Montréal under Maksim Shostakovich. I July 2006.

Complete Symphonies 1–15

Vladimir Ashkenazy—Decca 475 8748DC12 plus Opp. 96, 131, 81, 42, 130,
and 110a, Reviewed G Sept. 2007; Rudolf Barshai—Brilliant Classics 6275–
1/11; Oleg Caetani—Arts 47850-8; Bernard Haitink—London 444 430-2 and
Decca 475 7413 plus Opp. 79 and 143; Mariss JansonsEMI Classics CZS
365 300-2; Dmitri Kitayenko—Capriccio 71 029; Kirill KondrashinRussia:
Melodiya MEL CD 10 01065 plus Opp. 129, 131, 90, and 119. Reviewed G
Apr. 2007; Mstislav RostropovichWarner Classics 2564 64177-2; Gennadi
Rozhdestvensky—Russia: Venezia CDVE 10007; Maksim Shostakovich—
Supraphon SU 38902, G Nov. 2006; Ladislav Slovák—Naxos 8.501102. NB.
The Kitayenko set awarded Midem Classical Awards 2006 for Symphonic
Works; Arts 47850-8.

Complete Quartets 1–15

Alexander String Quartet—USA: Foghorn Classics ASQ-1988 and 1991 plus
Opp. 57, 87, and 117a (see these coupling works for full details of the per-
sonnel, venue, and dates of their quartet discs); Beethoven Quartet—Doremi
Legendary Treasure DHR 7911-5 plus Op. 11 (the Melodiya recordings
1956–75); Borodin Quartet—Russia: Melodiya MEL CD 10 01077 plus
Opp. 57 and 11; Brodsky Quartet—Teldec/Warner Classical 2564 608; Danel
Quartet–Belgium: Fuga Libera 512. G May 2006; Emerson Quartet—Deutsche
Grammophon 463 284-2GH5 plus Sans op. D(i); Fitzwilliam Quartet—
London 455 776-2; Rasumovsky Quartet—Oehms Classics OC 562 plus Sans
op. D(i); Rubio Quartet—Brilliant Classics 6898; St Petersburg—Hyperion
CDS 44091-96 plus Opp. 57 and 67; Shostakovich Quartet—Regis RRC 5001
plus Sans op. D(i); Sorrel Quartet—Chandos CHAN 10398-6 plus Op. 57;
Taneyev Quartet—Korea: Aulos Melodiya AMC 2-055. NB. Borodin Quartet
1–13—Chandos Historical CHAN 10064H (transfers from LPs in the private
collection of Dubinsky’s wife. Reviewed G Sept. 2003).

Further Collections
In addition Decca issued further collections in June 2006:

Piano Music and Chamber Works: Decca 475 7425 (five-disc set). Vladimir
Ashkenazy et al.
Concertos, Orchestral Suites, Chamber Symphonies etc.: Decca 475 7431
(nine-disc set). Various artists and orchestras.
Song Cycles, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk etc: Decca 475 7441 (five-disc set).
Myung-Whun Chung, Neeme Järvi et al.
Symphonies: Naxos are issuing the Complete Symphonies with Vasily Petrenko
conducting the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Symphony No. 11 appears on p. 407 of this volume and Nos. 5 and 9 followed
in late 2009.
Appendix VII

Further information is awaited on the following compositions and productions.

Details of developments and important new recordings will be submitted to the
DSCH Journal.

Piano Sonata in B flat minor: this composition of late 1923 destroyed by the composer.
Two Fragments for Orchestra: an ‘Intermezzo’ and ‘Allegro’ were composed
in 1927. The manuscript was lost but the work was reconstructed from
memory through Yuri Nikolsky in 1946.
Battleship Potemkin: on 30 March 1930 Shostakovich declined an offer to write
an opera on this subject for the Bolshoi Theatre. [Oles Chishko wrote the
opera in 1937.]
The Carp: in the spring of 1930 an opera on the piscine subject of an underwater
society, after a short verse by Nikolai Oleinikov, was seriously considered.
The Concrete Sets: in 1931 the composer wrote that he had signed a contract for a film of
this title to be produced by Aleksandr Macheret for the Moscow Film Studios.
The Negro: an operetta of this name, with lyrics by Boris (?) Gusman and Anatoli
Mariengof, was also mentioned in 1931 as a signed contract.
New Year Madrigal: a humorous madrigal composed in December 1933 for
New Year celebrations. Volume 93 of New Collected Works will contain Two
Madrigals for tenor soloist and piano.
Mother: Mikhail Bulgarov prepared a libretto, based on Maksim Gorky’s novel, for
Shostakovich in the 1930s. [Tikhon Khrennikov filled the breach in 1957.]
Orango: an opera commissioned by the Bolshoi Theatre in the early 1930s,
about a half-man/half-ape who became the General Secretary of the Party,
was discovered by Olga Digonskaya in the Shostakovich Family Archive in
2006. The anonymous libretto and abandoned manuscript piano score of
the 1st Act was orchestrated by Gerard McBurney in 2008/09.


Ankara—Heart of Turkey: a documentary film, with scenario by Leo Arnshtam

and directed by Sergei Yutkevich, was made by the Lenfilm Studio in 1934.
The background music was from works by Shostakovich.
Twelve Preludes for String Quartet: a suite for Bassoon and String Orchestra, a
String Quartet, a Violin Concerto, various vocal works, and a ‘Dance Suite
for Jazz’ were planned in 1934 though apparently only the last-named
materialized. However, Twelve Preludes for String Quartet were composed
while writing the film score for The Girl Friends, Opus 41(ii) in late 1934
or during 1935 but a number of these are believed to have been lost with
several other works in the bombing of the Leningrad Film Studio in 1941.
According to John Riley’s notes for the première recording, Leo Arnshtam’s
claim that twelve preludes were scored ‘is probably a case of misremember-
ing (there are a few cases in his memoirs)’.
Liluli: plans were made in April 1936 to compose incidental music for Romain
Rolland’s drama.
Volochayevka Days: many fragments and episodes written in 1937 for an opera
to a libretto by N. Ya. Bersenev. See also Opus 48.
Lenin Symphony: on 15 April 1938 Shostakovich started work on a monu-
mental choral symphony dedicated to Lenin. This symphony, scored for
soloists, chorus, and orchestra, was inspired by Vladimir Mayakovsky’s
poem Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and was to have included verses from folk
poets Suleiman Stalsky and Dzhambul Dzhabayev. Progress reports were
published on 20 September and 20 November 1938 but the manuscript
was laid aside and the Sixth Symphony, Opus 54, commenced on 15 April
The Twelve Chairs: Rena Moisenko (1949) and Gerald Abraham (1943)
mentioned that Shostakovich had written an operetta in 1937 and 1940
respectively, based on the comedy by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeni Petrov. The
rough draft of this three-act operetta, with libretto by Petrov and the poet,
V. Vladimirov, was abandoned in 1938.
Lermontov: a contract was drawn up on 3 June 1938 to compose music for a
ballet on the poet’s life for Leningrad’s Kirov Ballet.
A Hero of Our Time: Vsevolod Meyerhold prepared an opera libretto, based on
Mikhail Lermontov’s short story, for Shostakovich in June 1938.
Masquerade: Shostakovich wrote on 20 November 1938 that he intended to
compose an opera on Lermontov’s drama after he had completed his ‘Lenin
Symphony’. [Aram Khachaturyan provided incidental music in 1941.]
Romance: a song for voice and piano, with lyric by Heinrich Heine, written in
1938 or 1941 but not found in the composer’s papers.
Piano Fugues: a number of fugues of the 1930s will be published in Volume 111
of New Collected Works.
The People’s Poet: another projected opera, based on a Turkmenian story.

Second Symphony: Fridrikh Ermler invited Shostakovich to write music for his
film in 1940.
The Heroic Defenders of Moscow: an oratorio apparently abandoned in mid-1943
when the composer commenced work on the Eighth Symphony.
Katyushka Maslova: on 17 March 1979 Pravda reported that several rough music
sheets of a projected opera, based on Leo Tolstoy’s novel Resurrection and
drafted in Shostakovich’s thirties, were discovered by Sofya Khentova in the
archives of the Glinka Museum, Moscow. Anatoli Mariengof provided the
libretto and a contract was concluded on 14 October 1940.
Sonata for Violin and Piano: this newly discovered instrumental work of 1945
will be published in Volume 107 of New Collected Works.
Three Pieces for Orchestra: this work was written in 1947–8 and originally given
the opus number 77. It exists in manuscript form.
War and Peace: Shostakovich prepared the full score of Prokofiev’s opera music
for publication. This volume and the vocal score (by Levon Atovmyan) were
published in 1958.
Fifty Russian Folksongs: in 1959 the composer selected fifty songs from Count
Vladimir Odoyevsky’s collection of Russian folksongs with the intention of
arranging them in the manner of his Ten Russian Folksongs, Sans op. Q.
Blossoms: a one-act ballet performed at the Leningrad Malyi Opera Theatre on
20 October 1961, directed by Vladimir Varkovitsky, was based on existing
waltzes and speciality numbers of Shostakovich. The ballet was repeated
the following year at the Gorky Theatre of Opera and Ballet by Lyubov
Serebrovskaya-Gryuntal and in Sverdlovsk by E. Dorofeyev.
Children’s Quartet: in January 1962 Shostakovich wrote that he expected to
finish his ‘Ninth Quartet, a children’s quartet, about toys and playing’ in
two weeks. However, in a letter to Isaak Glikman dated 18 November 1961,
he stated that he had already burnt this manuscript. His Opus 117 Ninth
Quartet was composed in May 1964.
Directive Little Bow: Konstantin Boyarsky’s one-act ballet included in the
Leningrad Malyi Theatre of Opera and Ballet 1962 season, with The Young
Lady and the Hooligan.
And Quiet Flows the Don: in August 1964 the composer wrote that he was about
to embark upon an opera based on the third and fourth books of Mikhail
Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don while resting at a home by Lake
Balaton, Hungary. The libretto was completed by late May 1965 and a start
made on composing the music. He expected to devote ‘the whole of 1966
and even some of 1967’ to the opera.
The Zhdanov Decree: Solomon Volkov mentions an unpublished satirical vocal
work mocking the anti-formalism campaign of 1948 (Testimony, 1979, 111
and 223). The implications of this infamous conference was the inspiration
of David Pownall’s play Master Class, premièred at the Haymarket, Leicester,

on 24 January 1983. David Bamber played Shostakovich; Peter Kelly,

Prokofiev; Timothy West, Stalin, and Jonathan Adams, Zhdanov. Décor
was by Martin John and the producer, Justin Greene. See Antiformalist
Rayok, Sans op. X(ii).
Yevgeni Onegin: music for a spectacle written in 1964 and produced by Nikolai
Akimov, premièred at the Leningrad Theatre of Drama and Comedy
in January 1965. The piano score and orchestral parts preserved at the
Leningrad (Kirov) Theatre of Opera and Ballet.
The Black Monk: Volkov states that an opera based on Anton Chekhov’s story
of 1893 was considered in the 1970s. Shostakovich intended to incorporate
Gaetano Braga’s once popular song, ‘A Maiden’s Prayer’, which plays an
important part in the story. This song, with lyric by M. Marcello (originally
Leggenda valacca for voice with cello or violin obbligato), was also arranged
as an instrumental salon piece under the name La Serenata or, in English,
‘Angel’s Serenade’. See under Sans op. X(i) with the reference to Olga
Digonskaya’s article listing the three original draft versions for the opera.
Envoys of Eternity: Boris Schwarz mentions a film score, Poslanniky vechnosty,
written in 1970, under the catalogue of works in Volume 17 of The New
Grove. This film, directed by Todor Vulfovich for Mosfilm, was released
on 29 March 1971. The score was compiled from various works of
Yelabuga Nail: a setting for bass and piano of Yevgeni Yevtushenko’s poem about
the suicide of Marina Tsvetayeva in 1941 composed, according to Isaak
Glikman, in the spring of 1971.
Crossroads: M. Mnatsakanyan, Petrozavod Musical-Dramatic Theatre, 1971. A
one-act ballet, Perekryostok, A one-act ballet using music of Shostakovich,
Handel, Bartók, and others.
St Petersburg Days: score commenced for Grigori Kozintsev’s film, based on
Nikolai Gogol’s stories, left unfinished on the director’s death in 1973.
Three Aphorisms: a ballet performed in 1974.
Torments of Conscience: Yevgeni Yevtushenko wrote the first poem for a projected
vocal symphony following his collaboration on the Thirteenth Symphony.
Sixteenth Symphony: two movements reported to have been composed in 1974-5.
See the orchestrated version of Suite on Verses of Michelangelo, Opus 145.
The Portrait: an opera on Gogol’s story started in May 1975 was completed
by Mieczysław Weinberg. The première took place in the Janáček Opera
House, Brno on 20 May 1983. The libretto was written for Shostakovich
by Aleksandr Medvedev.
Wedding Procession: a ballet prepared for the Leningrad Ballet Troupe
‘Choreographic Miniatures’ by Leonid Yakobson in 1975, based on paintings
by Marc Chagall. Restaged in 1990 by a modern dance company, the Malyi
Ballet of the Kirov Theatre.

In the Name of Life: a ballet performed to the music of Andrei Shtogarenko,

Boris Lyatoshinsky, and Shostakovich choreographed by Anatoli Shikero for
the Ukrainian Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Kiev in 1975.
Choreographic Novella: a ballet set to the music of Shostakovich, Prokofiev,
Poulenc, Tchaikovsky, Rossini, and Purcell, choreographed by Dmitri
Bryantsev and performed at the Leningrad Kirov Theatre in 1977.
The Idiot: a ballet by Valeri Panov, based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The
Idiot of 1868–9 and staged on 15 June 1979 by the Deutsche Oper Ballet,
West Berlin, used music of Shostakovich (not specified in The Guinness
Guide to Ballet by Oleg Kerensky, Guinness Superlatives Ltd., 1981). This
three-and-a-half-hour ballet used extracts from the symphonies; Hamlet film
score, Opus 116, and several other works.
Strictly Business: choreographed by Philip Taylor for Nederlands Dans Theater
2, under the guidance of Jiří Kylián, and performed at Glasgow’s Theatre
Royal, July 1988. This lively ‘satire on yuppie efficiency and office sex’
uses a medley of music from Pink Floyd and Boys Town groups, and
Narodnaya Volya (‘The People’s Will’): an unfinished black comedy, based on a
terrorist organisation, found in the Shostakovich Archives in 2006.

In addition to the above, several minor works are preserved at the Glinka
Museum and mentioned in Meskhishbili’s 1996 Catalogue but not fully indexed
in this present volume. These include an undated ‘Galop and Lullaby’ for
orchestra (piano score and unfinished full score); an undated piece for piano
entitled ‘Chik-achi’ (rough draft autograph); the famous Russian folk song
collected by Mili Balakirev in 1860 ‘Song of the Volga Boatman’ (Ei, ukhnem!
translated in New Collected Works Catalogue as ‘Hey, Let’s Bang!’) arranged—
probably in 1929—for bass voice and large symphony orchestra (a manuscript
copy); and an undated reduction for piano four hands of the second movement,
marked ‘Andante in F sharp major’ of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 10 (two
examples—one unfinished).
In the early 1920s Shostakovich orchestrated Franz Schubert’s Funeral
March in F major and two movements from Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano
Sonatas: the Adagio cantabile of No. 8 ‘Pathetique’ Opus 13 and the first move-
ment of No. 32 Opus 111. The autographs of these three scores are preserved at
the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (TsGALI). These are scheduled
to appear in Volume 146 of New Collected Works.
The following doubtful or erroneously attributed compositions are not

Lead Soldiers: a ballet staged by Yevgeni Vakhtangov (1883–1922) for the

Bat public cabaret, Moscow, was stated by Marc Slonim (1963) to be set

to specially composed music of Shostakovich. The ballet was performed

around the year 1920 when the composer was only twelve years old.
Genu in Pilae: Malcolm MacDonald in the second edition of his catalogue
mentions a film score of this title composed in 1932: ‘The ascription of this
to Shostakovich is not certain, though circumstantially strong. The music
survives in a copyist’s score. The original print of the film was destroyed
on Stalin’s orders, though it has recently been restored from fragments
(which include some sound-track).’ The movements are Prelude, Fanfare,
Scene, two Dances, Intermezzo, Fugal Dance, and Postlude. The small
orchestra includes harp, celesta, piano, and balalaika. In the 1990s Malcolm
MacDonald learned that he was the victim of a practical joke (not meant
for him) in Boosey & Hawkes Hire Library, where someone constructed a
spoof work card that subsequently appeared in the Shostakovich card index.
The title means ‘A Knee in the Balls’.
Lenin in October: The Oxford Companion to Film by Liz-Anne Bawden lists this
film of 1937 (not 1934) as having a film score by Shostakovich. The music
was composed by Anatoli Nikolayevich Aleksandrov.
The Wayfarer: the second supplement of WERM incorrectly lists ‘The Song of the
Wayfarer’ from this film (score by Isaak Dunayevsky) under Shostakovich’s
name. This item is also listed as a Shostakovich work in Meyer (1980).
March of the Red Army: Andrey Olkhovsky (1955) states that a march of this
title was written in collaboration with Aram Khachaturyan. This is most
probably the joint composition submitted as a new Soviet national anthem
in 1944.
Don Quixote: this ballet, attributed to Shostakovich in Ballet Music—an Intro-
duction by Humphrey Searle (Cassell, London, 1958), has music by Nikolas
War and Peace: the score for this epic film of 1967 is quoted as being by
Shostakovich in The Filmgoer’s Companion by Leslie Halliwell (MacGibbon &
Kee, London, 1970), whereas it was composed by Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov.
Still not corrected in Halliwell’s Who’s Who in the Movies (HarperCollins,
London, 13th edn. 1999).
Othello and The Golden Key. Everyman’s Dictionary of Music: ed. Sir Jack Westrup
(Dent, London, 5th edn. 1977), mentions incidental music to Shakespeare’s
Othello and a ballet The Golden Key.
Appendix VIII

Shostakovich’s full name in Russian is fÇÃÍËÃÄ fÇÃÍËÃÀ½ÃÒ zocÍaÅo½ÃÒ and this

usually appears in English transliteration as Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich.
His first name is sometimes written as Dmitrii, Dmitry, or Dimitri and his
surname, Shostakovitch [EMI, alone among the major recording companies,
persisted in this surname spelling until February 1979]. The composer, when
he printed his name, used the form ‘D. Schostakovich’. When the compiler first
encountered the composer’s name in print in 1942, on the album and LP records
of Stokowski’s recording of the Fifth Symphony, it was spelt Szostakowicz—in
Polish! In the Italian language the spelling is Dimitri Sciostakovic; in French,
Chostakovitch and in German, Schostakowitsch. The last-named spelling comes
in useful in providing the composer with a musical signature.
In English musical notation we have the letters A to G (in the treble clef,
EGBDF on the lines and FACE in the spaces) and from these a limited number
of words can be concocted. The German language is more accommodating for
here we have the two additional letters ‘H’ and ‘S’. The note B flat is written
‘B’ while B natural is ‘H’ and E flat is called ‘Es’ and pronounced like the letter
‘S’. Hence the motif BACH is possible, and was used by the composer himself,
and by Brahms and Liszt (amongst others). For Shostakovich’s epigram, the
composer took his initial ‘D’ and the first three letters of his surname in a hybrid
German/English spelling (see the example on Plate 4).
Like BACH the DSCH motto does not belong to any key but is probably
more fruitful than its famous precursor. Shostakovich introduces his plaintive
motto at its original pitch in the third and fourth movements of the Tenth Sym-
phony and it is omnipresent in his Eighth Quartet. He first openly spotlighted
it in 1953, though it occurs earlier and possibly unwittingly in Lady Macbeth of
Mtsensk District pitched a perfect fourth higher with a ‘near miss’ in the Scherzo
of the First Violin Concerto of 1947.


In the Seventh Quartet his initials ‘DS’ are introduced in the very first bar
and are featured throughout this work, with DSCH occurring in bars 5 and 6
after fig. 22 at the end of the Lento, albeit disguised in the unfamiliar rhythm
of | |. The opening viola phrase of the Fifth Quartet is an anagram of the
motto. Inexplicably, the composer introduced a slurred parody of his epigram in
the third movement of the Fifteenth Symphony and humorously sets his name,
occupation, and nationality to the motto in the brief work with a long title,
Opus 123.
In July 2005, Tom Watrous of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra discov-
ered the treble clef notes D, E flat, C, and B in the first cello part of the Opus 11,
Scherzo at three bars before fig. 17. It is difficult to make out the DSCH motif
in the busy string-writing on recordings of the work and its use here in 1925 is
almost certainly unintentional.
Surprisingly in early 2009, Hilary Nicholls of Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire
noticed the notes D, E flat, C, and B appear on first violin in bars 16/17 of the
Adagio Introduction to Mozart’s C major String Quartet No. 19, KV465 (the
‘Dissonance’), of 1745.
There is a semitone between the first and second notes and the third and
fourth, a minor third between the second and third notes, while the complete
motto spans a diminished fourth. A number of Shostakovich’s compositions—
the First Cello and Second Violin Concertos, Twelfth and Thirteenth Quartets
among them—do not feature the monogram but they are saturated with its
After Shostakovich was in trouble with the authorities in 1936, his fellow
composer Benjamin Britten composed a Festival Cantata, Opus 30, Rejoice in
the Lamb. This setting of words was written in a madhouse by the eighteenth-
century poet, Christopher Smart. The words which concern us are: ‘For the
officers of the peace are at variance with me and the watchman strikes me with
his staff. For silly fellow, silly fellow is against me.’ The Shostakovich motto is
featured prominently and the chorus takes up those four notes for the words
‘silly fellow’. It is surely more than coincidental that when Shostakovich was in
disgrace in Russia with ‘officers of the peace’, Britten should introduce this secret
message of sympathy. Did, then, Benjamin Britten discover and initiate the use
of the DSCH motto in 1943? Later, in 1968, he was to dedicate the church
parable, The Prodigal Son, Opus 81, to Shostakovich.
Many compositions based on DSCH by other hands, from Witold
Lutosławski’s Concerto for Orchestra in 1954 and Ronald Stevenson’s monumental
Passacaglia on DSCH of eight years later to Wilfred Joseph’s Testimony: Toccata
on DSCH of 1988, along with various memorial tributes to the composer, are
mentioned below:
The Scottish composer Ronald Stevenson (born in Blackburn but likes
to be known as a Scottish composer), greatly moved by Shostakovich’s Eighth

Quartet, Tenth Symphony and First Violin Concerto, composed a monumental

Passacaglia on DSCH. Stevenson presented a copy of his 85-minute composi-
tion to Shostakovich on 6 September during the 1962 Edinburgh Festival.
The première was given by the thirty-five-year-old composer in Cape Town on
10 December 1963. At the 1966 Aldeburgh and Cheltenham Festivals it was
performed by John Ogdon, who later recorded the work on HMV ASD 2321-2
(three sides—reviewed G Sept. 1967). The title page of the score, published
by Oxford University Press in 1967, is inscribed ‘For Dmitri Shostakovich’.
The composer’s own 1987 recording appears on the double album Altarus AIR
2-9090 (G Oct. 1968) and reissued on Compact Disc APR 5650 (two-disc set—
reviewed G June 2008). See also the article ‘Ronald Stevenson at 80’ in DSCH
Journal No. 20, 71–72 with one of the two photographs showing Shostakovich
and Stevenson together at the presentation of the score. A performance by
Raymond Clarke was issued on Marco Polo Compact Disc 8.223545 in August
1994 (G Sept. 1995). In his Second Piano Concerto (The Continents) Stevenson
includes a fugue on the combined motives of BACH and DSCH, conflicting
with Bulgarian rhythms. In 1974 the Union of Soviet Composers commissioned
Stevenson to contribute an essay and a short piano piece (again based on DSCH
by request) to the Shostakovich Festschrift to be published in 1976 in honour
of the Soviet master’s expected seventieth birthday. The title of this short work
of Stevenson’s is Recitative and Air for Shostakovich. The composer gave its first
broadcast on 25 July 1976 on BBC Radio 3. The piece appears, with twelve
others, at the end of the Sovetskii kompozitor’s commemorative volume com-
piled by Grigori Shneyerson.
Although on an altogether different plane to the tributes listed in this
section, it is worth mentioning Goddard Lieberson’s amusingly derivative
study entitled Shostakovich’s Vacation on a Collective Farm, from his collection
of ‘Piano Pieces for Advanced Children or Retarded Adults’, written in 1963.
André Previn included this item in a piano recital recorded on American
Columbia CMS 6586.
One of Malcolm Arnold’s favourite composers was Shostakovich and he
quotes the DSCH signature in the second movement funeral march of his Sixth
Symphony of 1967, preceded prophetically by the long-note crescendo shrieks
that feature in Shostakovich’s Fifteenth Quartet of 1974.
Edison Denisov, the Soviet avant-garde composer, wrote a quartet entitled
D-S-C-H in 1969. This work for clarinet, trombone, cello, and piano was played
by the Warsaw Music Workshop in their concert tour of the south of England,
15–29 October 1978. The score is published by Universal Edition.
John Rose composed a ten-minute contrapuntal Essay on DSCH for solo
piano in 1970, He has added three further works based on the DSCH motif: the
prelude of Prelude and Fugue, Opus 8 and Scherzo-Intermezzo-Toccata—both for
organ—and a String Quartet. His organ works (recorded on Cathedral Classic

Compact Disc CC 003) are published by Bardic Edition, Aylesbury; others by

Eden Music, Glasgow.
In 1973 the Glasgow Orchestra Society commissioned a composition for
full orchestra from John McLeod, the Aberdeen-born composer, clarinettist, and
conductor. The work, with the title The Shostakovich Connection, incorporates
a fanfare based on the opening theme of Shostakovich’s Twelfth Quartet,
variations on a theme from the Largo of the Fifth Symphony and closes with
eight horns whooping glissandi as the rest of the brass blast out the Russian
master’s motif. The première, conducted by the composer, was given by the
Society in the City Hall, Glasgow, on 12 December 1974 and has been broad-
cast on Radio Scotland and Radio 3. A professional orchestra—the BBC Scottish
Symphony under guest conductor Janos Furst—gave the first public perfor-
mance in the same hall on 11 January 1977. Shostakovich, in a personal letter to
John McLeod, accepted the dedication of the work just before his death.
There is frequent reference to the DSCH motto in the first of the two move-
ments of Contrasts, a work written in 1974 by David Morgan. This twenty-two-
minute study in duality, premièred in London on 2 January 1975, by the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra under Vernon Handley, is available on Lyrita SRCS 97,
coupled with Morgan’s Violin Concerto (G May 1978).
The distinguished Soviet composer Alfred Garrievich Schnittke composed
a Prelude in Memory of Shostakovich at Mark Lubotsky’s request shortly after
Shostakovich’s death. The latter half of this six-minute work involves a part for
a second violin, which the composer directs can either be prerecorded by the
soloist on tape or played off-stage behind a screen. At the point where the second
violin enters the cipher BACH is introduced and worked with the all-pervasive
DSCH. Hans Sikorski published this work in their Edition No. 2255. The piece
was first recorded on Melodiya C10 08753-4 (reissued on HMV Melodiya ASD
3547, G Aug. 1978), coupled with Shostakovich’s Violin Sonata, by Gidon
Kremer. This artist gave the British première at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on
5 March 1978. The first British broadcast was given the following day in a live
performance by Mark Lubotsky, direct from St John’s, Smith Square, London
(see Kholopova and Chigaryova, 99–101). Schnittke’s pianoforte work for six
hands, Dedication to I. Stravinsky, S. Prokofiev and D. Shostakovich, composed
in 1978, is based on three themes: the ‘Chinese March’ from Stravinsky’s
opera The Nightingale; the Humoresque Scherzo for four bassoons, Op. 12 bis
of Prokofiev; and the Polka from The Golden Age. The work is recorded on
Melodiya C10 15261-2 (reissued on BMG Melodiya Musica Non Grata Com-
pact Disc 74321 56264-2 in 1998). His 20-minute Third Quartet of 1983,
in three linked movements, is built on an opening juxtaposition of a double
cadence from Roland de Lassus’ Stabat Mater, phrases from Beethoven’s Grosse
Fugue, and the DSCH motif. It is available, played by the Britten Quartet, on
Gamut LDR Compact Disc 1008.

Valentin Bibik’s Chamber Symphony In Memory of D. D. Shostakovich,

Opus 29, written in 1976, opens with the DSCH motto and features two
themes from Shostakovich’s Fourteenth Symphony in the fourth movement
Commodo. Limpido. The 28-minute symphony is scored for 29 instruments,
including an electric organ, with an important part for solo viola in the third
movement. Igor Blazhkov conducts a performance of this moving tribute on
Melodiya C10 10727-8.
The Fifth Symphony of Boris Tishchenko, composed in 1976 and
awarded that year’s Glinka Prize, is an impressive memorial to his teacher. The
forty-three-minute continuous work is in five sections—Prelude, Dedication,
Scherzo, Intermezzo, and Rondo—with the motif DSCH used as a basis of
thematic material. Several of Shostakovich’s themes are quoted, notably from
the Eighth and Tenth Symphonies in the Scherzo. A Soviet Radio recording,
conducted by Maksim Shostakovich, was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 24 July
1980 and a live performance by the USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony
Orchestra under Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, recorded on 22 February 1985,
appears on Melodiya C10 25287 005 and Olympia Compact Disc OCD 213.
The symphony is analysed in a Soviet paperback by Boris Katz and the full score
(No. 766, 29 cm.) published by Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, in 1980. The
record is reviewed in G Dec. 1988.
The Georgian composer Revaz Gabichvadze’s Fourth Symphony for string
orchestra, also composed in 1976, quotes DSCH in the first movement. The
movements (Prologue, Romantic Outburst, Funeral Music, Interlude, Recitative,
Pathetic Monologue, and Epilogue) of this twenty-four-minute work are played
continuously and, as their titles suggest, encapsulate the life of Shostakovich,
with the final pages movingly introducing a metronome beating away his dying
heartbeats. It has been recorded by the Chamber Orchestra of Georgia under
conductor Shavleg Shilakadze on Melodiya C10 13235-6.
Another work of 1976 utilizing the DSCH motto in its fabric, the three-
movement String Quartet of the Turkmen composer Nury Khalmamedov, was
published by Muzyka in 1978.
Other compositions entitled In Memory of D. D. Shostakovich, recorded in
the USSR, are Tigran Mansuryan’s Concerto for Cello and Orchestra composed
in 1976 and Martin Vartazaryan’s Concerto for Cello, both performed by
Karine Georgian with the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, conducted by
David Khandzhyan, on Melodiya C10 11259-60 and C10 11381-2 respectively;
the Ukrainian composer Miroslav Skorik’s Prelude, performed by Nikolai
Suk (piano) on C10 11429-30; and Lev Abeliovich’s Vocalise, performed by
T. Pechinskaya (mezzo-soprano), and P. Nodel (violin) on C10 12705-6. The
Georgian composer Sulkan Tsintsadze’s Ninth Quartet of 1977 also dedicated
to the memory of Shostakovich, is performed by the Georgian State Quartet
on C10 13645-6. The score was published by Sovetskii kompozitor in 1984

(No. 6809, 29.5 cm).The first movement entitled ‘DSCH’ opens with the
motto and is in six continuous ‘episodes’ with the second movement, ‘Epilogue’,
marked ‘Largo’ following after a pause. Yuri Falik’s three-movement Fourth
Quartet (1976) and Gennadi Banshchikov’s Flute Sonata in four continuous
movements (1977) were both recorded in 1981, respectively by the Taneyev
Quartet and Valentin Cherenkov with the composer, and available on C10
16409-10. Though neither of these tributes quote Shostakovich themes, both
are composed in the spirit of his style and some phrases are near quotes, e.g. the
flute toys with the sul ponticello tremolando of the Violin Sonata, Opus 134.
Mieczysław Weinberg’s Twelfth Symphony, Opus 114, was recorded at a live
concert in the Moscow Conservatory Bolshoi Hall by the Central Television and
All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestra under Vladimir Fedoseyev on 12 June
1982 and released on C10 18771 002 (reissued on Russian Disc Compact Disc
RDCD 11 010 in 1994). An earlier recording of 1979, performed by the USSR
TV and Radio Symphony Orchestra under Maksim Shostakovich, appeared
on Olympia Compact Disc OCD 472 in 1994 (reviewed G Nov. 1994).
Weinberg’s masterly portrait of Shostakovich, just short of an hour’s duration,
is on the whole a lyrical four-movement symphony with many pages of intensely
deeply felt music and, though it does not quote directly from his hero’s composi-
tions, several themes, their timbre and treatment are characteristic: e.g. (a) the
first Sonata-Allegro movement commences with an aggressive three-note motif
reinforced by timpani DDA and AAD strokes punctuating passages approximat-
ing to The Execution of Stepan Razin and closing in an eloquent requiem: (b) its
themes are transformed for the brilliant Scherzo; (c) the allusion is strength-
ened in the beautiful Adagio, where the haunting melody on high strings is
intoned against a low bass-line; and (d) continuing without a pause into the
Rondo Finale’s initial childlike marimba tune, reminiscent of the ‘Immortality’
movement of Shostakovich’s Michelangelo Suite. The full score published by
Muzyka (No. 12107, 1983, 29 cm.) requires an orchestra with celesta, harp, and
marimba though the percussion is reduced to prominently featured timpani and
but two cymbal clashes. See Plate 7 for the title page.
Numerous memorial compositions written immediately following
Shostakovich’s death reflected the grief of Soviet composers. Among these must
be noted an Adagio, Opus 25 No. 1, for string orchestra by the young woman
composer, Tatyana Smirnova (written purposefully on 25 September 1975 in
Moscow) and published by Sovetskii kompozitor in Pieces for String Quartet,
Vol. 3 (No. 4643, 1978, score, 28 cm.); the monumental Second Symphony
(1976) of Voronezh composer Mikhail Nosyrev; a cantata Sun and Stone by
Lucian Prigozhin; former pupil Yuri Levitin’s Twenty-four Preludes for violin
solo (first performed by Boris Gutnikov on 26 September 1976 in the Glinka
Malyi Hall, Leningrad); an Epitaph for symphony orchestra by the Odessa
composer Yan Friedlin; three pieces for flute, cello, and piano entitled Music in

Memory of Shostakovich by the Armenian composer Ruben Sarkisyan (performed

in Yerevan in November 1975); Third String Quartet by Arno Babadzhanyan,
also an Armenian, composed in 1975 at the Dilizhan Composers’ Retreat
where Shostakovich wrote his Eleventh Quartet, and published by Sovetskii
kompozitor in 1979 (throughout there are effects reminiscent of Shostakovich,
such as the ending with its striking on the back of the cello with a finger nail,
pizzicato glissandi, and closing in double-stopped unison Ds on the violin
and viola, finally giving way to a solitary viola D morendo); Poem of Aleksandr
Fridlender, who in his time had conducted premières of Symphonies Nos. 5, 6,
8,10, and 14 in the Urals (Poem performed in Sverdlovsk in December 1976
under conductor Valentin Kozhin); The Dowry by Mikhail Bronner, a dramatic
legend on Dmitri Kedrin’s long poern and scored for soprano, tenor, baritone,
and chamber ensemble (recording C10 13247-8 released in late 1980); and
Postludium DSCH by the Kiev composer Valentin Silvestrov, was first performed
in Britain by Jane Manning (soprano) and the Bedelian/Wilson/Immelman
Piano Trio at the Almeida Theatre Fourth Festival of Contemporary Music and
Performances, Islington, on 29 June 1984.
A separate paragraph is warranted for Yuri Levitin’s Epitaph on Words of
Anna Akhmatova, Opus 89. This thirteen-minute composition for soprano,
clarinet, and string quartet is in four continuous movements: ‘Prelude’ (opening
with a fragment from the first movement of Shostakovich’s Tenth Symphony),
‘Music’ (quoting from the Eighth Symphony toccata and the clarinet theme
of the second movement of the Ninth), ‘Fugue’ (an instrumental section again
using the Tenth Symphony theme), and ‘Death of a Poet’ (closing quietly with
the clarinet melismata from the Largo of the Eighth Symphony). This mov-
ing tribute, along with two others of his—the Twenty-four Preludes, Opus
84, already mentioned and the four-minute Prelude D Es CH for organ, Opus
105, written in 1984—appears on C10 21425 005, performed by Lyudmila
Belobragina, Ivan Mozgovenko (clarinet), and the Borodin Quartet.
The Czech composer Evzhen Zamechnik’s Duet for Violin and Cello
(1975), in three movements—Moderato, Allegretto scherzando, and Lento
moderato—was performed at the second of Rozhdestventsky’s Martinů cycle
concerts on 26 April 1985.
The New Zealander Robert Burch composed a nine-minute piece Essay to
the Memory of Dmitri Shostakovich, for cello and piano, in 1975.
The news of Shostakovich’s death gave the original impulse to the composi-
tion of Finnish composer Einar Englund’s Fourth Symphony for Strings and
Percussion (1976) though the four-movement work is based not on DSCH but
the motif FEGF and the third movement entitled ‘Nostalgia’ quotes from Jean
Sibelius’s Tapiola. The 23-minute symphony, recorded a few days either side of
New Year’s Day 1981 by the youthful Espoo Chamber Orchestra under Paavo
Pohjola, is available on Finlandia FA 329.

The Czech-born Vladimir Tichy’s Cello Concerto, dedicated to the

memory of Shostakovich, was written in 1976–7 and recorded at a Prague
concert in 1980 on Panton 8110 0145 by Miroslav Petras (cello) and the Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra under Tomas Koutnik. This twenty-five-minute work,
cast in two movements (Largo and Presto), is a most impressive and worthy
tribute; saturated with Shostakovichian rhythmic patterns, melodic phrases,
and instrumental devices. The coupling work, Štepan Lucký’s Concerto for
Orchestra (1976)—conducted on the record by Vaclav Neumann—makes
extensive use of the DSCH motto.
The third movement of the Second String Quartet of the South African
composer John Joubert is subtitled ‘In Memoriam DSCH’ and the motif
appears at the close. The première of this quartet was given by the Allegri
Quartet in Birmingham on 18 February 1978. The motif appears also in his
Third Quartet.
The young Dutch composer Ed de Boer’s first orchestral piece Homage a
Dimitri Shostakovich, Opus 4, written in 1978 has been published by Donemus
of Amsterdam. This dichotomous piece (a haunting slow-moving first part,
based on the end of ‘Fantastic Dance No. 1’, followed by a lively scherzo
with prominent piano role) was originally scored for a student orchestra that
contained three horns but no bassoons. A Netherlands broadcast played by the
Amsterdam Philharmonic Orchestra under Rudolf van Dristen, timed 9' 35".
The work was featured in the 1990 ‘Prom’ season and broadcast on 29 August
and 24 December, in a slightly revised form, by the Rotterdam Philharmonic
Orchestra conducted by James Colon.
A ten-movement suite Colours, commissioned from a number of composers
including David Morgan, Robert Farnon, and Malcolm Williamson, has a
second movement by Vic Lewis subtitled ‘Tribute to Shostakovich’. This fine
piece (4' 27"), representing the colour ‘Red’, is based on the side drum bolero
rhythm of the ‘Leningrad Symphony’s’ first movement with the theme quoting
Shostakovich’s initials ‘DS’ and an added B natural. The entire suite, recorded
by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under Vic Lewis, was released on RCA
PL 25123 in 1978.
Karl Frederick Miller’s seventeen-minute composition Variations on a
Theme by Shostakovich was written as his doctoral dissertation in music at the
North Texas State University and completed on 30 July 1977. The theme is
from the fourth movement (after fig. 120) of the Fifteenth Symphony and
scored for 3 flutes, 3 oboes, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 4 horns, 3 C trumpets,
3 trombones, harp, harpsichord, piano, percussion, and strings. The work,
‘intended to be something of an orchestral requiem’, has many allusions to
Shostakovich in terms of gesture, orchestration, and harmonic structure.
Another important work, though not resorting to quotations from
Shostakovich compositions, should be mentioned on account of the circumstances

of its creation. The Finnish composer Pehr Henrik Nordgren was so shocked
and moved on reading the tragic events of Shostakovich’s life in Volkov’s
Memoirs, that he concluded his two-movement Second Viola Concerto of 1979
with a lamenting slow movement dedicated to Shostakovich’s memory and
entitled Testimony.
The young Australian clarinettist/composer Antony Wheeler wrote a
slow-moving piece entitled Movement for String Orchestra: In Memoriam Dmitri
Shostakovich in 1981.
Sofya Khentova mentions further compositions dedicated to Shostakovich in
the fourth part of her monograph (348–54). To these may be added Moscow-born
Aleksei Nikolayev’s Third Quartet written in 1981. The miniature score of this
work in five typically Shostakovichian-named movements (Prelude, Scherzo,
Fugue, Pastorale, and Finale) was published by Muzyka in 1986 (No. 13189).
The Finale movingly quotes the cello/flute passage (figs. 116–18) from the third
movement of the ‘Leningrad Symphony’, the Kuibyshev première of which
Nikolayev heard as an eleven-year-old evacuee. The work was recorded in 1982
by the Union of Soviet Composers’ Quartet on Melodiya C10 20789 004.
A quote from the Tenth Symphony appears in the North Carolina
composer Claude Baker’s The Glass Bead Game of 1982–3, premièred by the
Louisville Orchestra under Robert Bernhardt on 11 February 1983 and recorded
by the same forces on 29 September 1983 (First Edition Records LS 789).
The large symphony orchestra employs a vast and varied percussion battery
including exotic crotales, temple blocks, claves, guiro, bamboo wood chimes,
and mandoline. In the third movement, ‘Fantasia’, the work of six composers
(Dallapiccola, Schoenberg, Vaughan Williams, Shostakovich, Penderecki, and
Liszt) combine in an involved collage relating to the famous B-A-C-H motif.
The American composer, Christopher Rouse’s Symphony No. 1 of
1983—an extended single-movement Adagio—makes use of the DSCH motive.
It is recorded by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra under David Zinman on
Electra/Nonesuch 9 79230-2.
Andrei Eshpai’s Symphony No. 5, composed in 1985 and dedicated to
Yevgeni Svetlanov, was recorded at a concert at Moscow Conservatory on
1 April 1986. This impressive and intensely-moving 28-minute continuous
composition quotes DSCH after a war episode based on a boisterous German
march. The performance appears on Melodiya C10 28541 006.
Nebojša Živkovč’s composition entitled Ctrax-Strah, written in 1987,
is a solo for percussion with three tape-recorded interruptions of speeches
by Shostakovich and six Russian words declaimed by the performer. The
instruments used are vibraphone, various drums, cymbals, temple blocks, and
alpine bells. The speeches are the radio announcement from besieged Leningrad
on 16 September 1941 and two excerpts from the Association of Soviet Com-
posers meeting held in the Kremlin on 2 April 1974. The six words are ‘Fear’,

‘Death’, ‘Life’, ‘Fatherland’, ‘People’, and ‘Party’. The eleven-minute work has
been published (Edition Moeck No. 5362) and recorded by the composer on
German Compact Disc Cadenza CAD D 878-8
An unusual tribute by Vladislav Uspensky entitled Dedication to Courage—a
poem for orchestra subtitled ‘In memory of the first performance of Shostakovich’s
Seventh Symphony in besieged Leningrad’—is recorded by the Leningrad
Orchestra of Old and Modern Music under Eduard Serov on Melodiya C10
24485 007 (I 1987c).
The Opus 122 of the English composer Wilfred Josephs is a four-minute
organ piece Testimony: Toccata on DSCH (in Memory of a Great Man) and
appears as the final item on a 1988 record of ‘Shostakovich’s Greatest Hits’, Trax
Classique TRXLP and CD 131, performed by Robert Munns, on the organ of
Bath Abbey.
This chapter was becoming, in the words of a second edition reviewer,
likened to train-spotting, and as the DSCH phrase continues—and will continue
in the 21st century—to be incorporated in musical compositions as a tribute to
the great Russian composer, 1988 seems a convenient year to close the listing.
Appendix IX

In most cases of words in the Cyrillic language, the compiler has returned to
the Russian source and made his own transliteration so as not to lose the advan-
tage of reversibility—hence ‘Aleksandr’ and ‘Maksim’, though two films of the
Maxim Trilogy retain this spelling of Maksim as they were so billed in the West.
Exceptions to this procedure had to be made where after continued general usage
incorrect deviations have been universally accepted and to change them would
seem disturbingly unfamiliar and affect alphabetical indexing. These include
‘Tchaikovsky’ (Pyotr, but not Andrè, or Boris). In other cases the Cyrillic letter ‘Ò’
appears as ‘ch’, apart from for the conductor Markevitch who preferred the form
‘tch’. Transliterations are useful for pronunciation purposes but annoying when
one wishes to translate libretti with the aid of a Russian dictionary. With the help
of the middle column of the chart it is possible to transliterate with fair accuracy
to the original Russian.
Since 1991 the Ukrainian form of place names has been adopted, hence
‘Kiev’ changed to ‘Kyiv’. Dates prior to 1991 retain the spelling ‘Kiev’.
The World’s unrivalled authority on classical music since 1923 The
Gramophone dropped the definite article of its title from June 1969 to October
2004 but this was restored in November 2004.

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Appendix X

The Russian Alphabet

Letter Transliteration Pronunciation
1 b» a ‘a’ as in ‘clarinet’
2 c·¼ b ‘b’ as in ‘band’
3 d½ v ‘v’ as in ‘valse’
4 e¾ g ‘g’ as in ‘gong’
5 f¿ d ‘d’ as in ‘drum’
6 Ee e (ye1) ‘ye’ as in ‘yell’
- ¸¸ yo (o2) ‘yo’ as in ‘yodel’ (always stressed)
7 hÁ zh ‘zh’ as the ‘s’ in ‘measure’
8 i z ‘z’ as in ‘jazz’
9 jà I ‘ee’ as in ‘reed’
10 kÄ I short ‘i’ as in ‘unison’
11 lk k ‘k’ as in ‘key’
12 mÆ l ‘1’ as in ‘lute’
13 MÇ m ‘m’ as in ‘mute’
14 HÈ n ‘n’ as in ‘note’
15 pÉ o ‘o’ as in ‘organ’
16 qÊ p ‘p’ as in ‘piano’
17 Pp r rolled ‘r’ as in ‘rondo’
18 Cc s ‘s’ as in ‘sonata’
19 TÍ t ‘t’ as in ‘tenor’
20 uu u ‘u’ as in ‘flute’
21 vÏ f ‘f’ as in ‘fugue’
22 Xx kh Scottish ‘ch’ as in ‘pibroch’ (not ‘eks’)
23 xÑ ts ‘ts’ as the ‘zz’ in ‘intermezzo’


Letter Transliteration Pronunciation

24 yÒ ch ‘ch’ as the ‘c’ in ‘cello’
25 zÓ sh ‘sh’ as in ‘sharp’
26 {Ô shch ‘shch’ as in ‘Khovanshchina’
27 |Õ — (hard sign)
28 }Ö y ‘i’ as in ‘trill’
29 ~× —3 (soft sign4)
30 Ø e ‘ay’ as the first ‘e’ in ‘étude’
31 € Ù˛ you [iu] ‘yoo’ as in ‘ukelele’
32 º ya [ia] ‘ya’ as in ‘bayan’
Transliterated thus after the vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’; e.g. fÎÈae½ÌÅÃÄ and se˾ee½ÃÒ—Dunayevsky
and Sergeyevich respectively; and at the beginning of words; e.g. E½¾eÈÃÄ—Yevgeni.
Transliterated thus after ‘Á’, ‘Ò’, ‘Ó’ or ‘Ô’; e.g. ‘y¹ËÈÖÄ’—Chorny.
Appears as ‘i’ before a vowel; e.g. qËoÅoÏ×e½—Prokofiev.
The prime mark (') representing the soft sign has been omitted throughout.
The dipthong ending ‘ÃÄ’ in personal first names appears as ‘i’ [ii] and in surnames, as ‘y’ [ii];
e.g. eeÈÈa¿ÃÄ roÁ¿ecͽeÈcÅÃÄGennadi Rozhdestvensky.
American Library of Congress deviations are given in square brackets.

Russian Titles of Compositions

«bÈÍÃÏËÇ»ÆÃÌÍÃÒÀÌÅÃÄ Ë»¹Å» (Antiformalisticheski Rayok):
Antiformalist Rayok Sans X(ii)
«ce¿ÈÖÄ KoÆyǼ» (Bednyi Kolumb): Armer Columbus Op. 23
«ceÆÃÈÌÅÃÄ» (Belinsky): Belinsky Op. 85
«cÉÆÍ» (Bolt): The Bolt Op. 27
«cÉÆ×Óaº ÇoÆÈú» (Bolshaya molniya): The Big Lightning Sans op. D(iv)
«BeÆÃÅÃÄ ¾paÁ¿»ÈÃÈ» (Velikii grazhdanin): The Great Citizen Opp. 52/55
«BepÈocÍ×» (Vernost): Loyalty Op. 136
«Bo½paÔeÈÃe MaÅcÃÇa» (Vozvrashchenie Maksima):
The Return of Maxim Op. 45
«BoÆoÒae½cÅÃe ¿Èû (Volochayevskie dni): Volochayevka Days Op. 48
«BcÍpeÒa Èa Æ×¼e» (Vstrecha na Elbe): The Meeting on the Elbe Op. 80
«BcÍpeÒÈÖÄ» (Vstrechnyi): Counterplan Op. 33
«BÖ¼opcžaº cÍopoÈa» (Vyborgskaya storona): The Vyborg Side Op. 50
«BÖcÍpeÆ» (Vystrel): The Shot Op. 24
«eaÇÆeÍ» (Gamlet): Hamlet Opp. 32/58a/116
«eÆyÊÖÄ ÇÖÓoÈoÅ» (Glupyi myshonok): The Silly Little Mouse Op. 56
«eo¿, ÅaÅ ÁÃÂÈ×» (God, kak zhizn): A Year Like a Lifetime Op. 120
«feÍÌÅaº ÍeÍËa¿×» (Detskaya tetrad): A Child’s Exercise Book Op. 69

«fpyÂ׺» (Druzya): The Friends Op. 51

«E¿ÃÈcͽo» (Yedinstvo): Unity Op. 95
«ieÆeÈÖÄ Ñex» (Zelenyi tsekh): The Green Guild Sans op. D(i)
«iÆaÍÖe ¾opÖ» (Zlatye gory): The Golden Mountains Op. 30
«ioÆoÍoÄ ½eÅ» (Zolotoi vek): The Golden Age Op. 22
«ioº» (Zoya): Zoya Op. 64
«j¾opÅû (Igroki): The Gamblers Sans op. K(i)
«j e½peÄcÅoÄ Èapo¿ÈoÄ ÊoØÂÃû (Iz yevreiskoi narodnoi poezii):
From Jewish Folk Poetry Op. 79
«laÂÈ× CÍeÊaÈa PaÂÈÃa» (Kazn Stepana Razina):
The Execution of Stepan Razin Op. 119
«laÍepÃÈa jÂÇaÄÆo½a» (Katerina Izmailova): Katerina Izmailova Op. 114
«lÆoÊ» (Klop): The Bedbug Op. 19
«KopoÆ×» (Korol Lir): King Lear Opp. 58a/137
«me¿Ã nażeÍ nÑeÈcÅo¾o ye¿a» (Ledi Makbet Mtsenskogo
uyezda): Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District Op. 29
«mÙ¼o½× à ÈeÈa½ÃcÍ×» (Lyubov i nenavist): Love and Hate Op. 38
«MÃÒypÃÈ» (Michurin): Michurin Op. 78
«MoÆo¿aº ¾½ap¿Ãº» (Molodaya gvardiya): The Young Guard Op.75
«MocŽa, yepemyÓÅû (Moskva, Cheryomushki):
Moscow, Cheryomushki Op. 105
«oa¿ Po¿ÃÈoÄ ÈaÓeÄ coÆÈÑe cúeÍ» (Nad Rodinoi nashei
solntse siyaet): The Sun Shines over our Motherland Op. 90
«oÀÂa¼Ö½aeÇÖÄ 1919.Ä» (Nezabyvayemyi 1919):
The Unforgettable year 1919 Op. 89
«oo½oËoÌÌÃÄcÅÃÀ ÅypaÈÍÖ» (Novorossiiskie kuranty):
Novorossiisk Chimes Sans op. U
«oo½aÖÄ Ba½ÄÆoÈ» (Novyi Vavilon): New Babylon Op. 18
«Hoc» (Nos): The Nose Op. 15
«O½o¿» (Ovod): The Gadfly Op. 97
«O¿Èa» (Odna): Alone Op. 26
«qa¿eÈÄe cepaÆÃÈa» (Padenie Berlina): The Fall of Berlin Op. 82
«qepÖÄ ØÓeÆoÈ» (Pervyi eshelon): The First Echelon Op. 99
«qeÌÈ× o Æecax» (Pesn o lesakh): The Song of the Forests Op. 81
«qeÌȺ ½eÆÃÅÃx peÅ» (Pesnya velikikh rek): Song of the Great Rivers Op. 95
«qÃpo¾o½» (Pirogov): Pirogov Op. 76
«qo¿py¾Ã» (Podrugi): The Girlfriends Op. 41(ii)
«qoØÇa o Po¿ÃÈÀ» (Poema o Rodine): Poem of the Motherland Op. 74
«qpa½×, cpÃÍaÈú!» (Prav, Britaniya!): Rule, Britannia! Op. 28
«qpÃÅÆÙÒeÈÃe KopÂÃÈÅÃÈoû (Priklyuchenie Korzinkinoi):
The Adventures of Korzinkina Op. 59
«qpoÌÍÖe Æٿû (Prostye lyudi): Simple Folk Op. 71

«qºÍ× ¿ÈeÄ, ʺÍ× ÈoÒeÄ» (Pyat dnei, pyat nochei):

Five Days, Five Nights Op. 111
«Po¿ÈoÄ meÈÃȾpa¿» (Rodnoi Leningrad): Native Leningrad Op. 63
«PyÌÌÅaº peÅa» (Russkaya reka): Russian River Op. 66
«CaÆÙÍ, jcÊaÈú!» (Salyut, Ispaniya!): Salute to Spain! Op. 44
«C½eÍÆÖÄ pyÒeÄ» (Svetlyi ruchei): The Limpid Stream Op. 39
«CÅaÂÅa o ÊoÊe à pa¼oÍÈÃÅe e¾o caÆ¿e» (Skazka o pope I rabotnike
yego Balde): The Tale of a Priest and his Servant Balda Op. 36
«CÅpÃÊÅa PoÍÓÃÆ׿a» (Skripka Roshilda): Rothschild’s Violin Sans op. K(ii)
«CoÏ׺ qepo½ÌÅa» (Sofya Perovskaya): Sofya Perovskaya Op. 132
«ucÆo½Èo y¼ÃÍÖÄ» (Uslovno ubityi): Declared Dead Op. 31
«xeÆÃÈa» (Tselina): Virgin Land Op. 25
«yeÆo½eÅ c pyÁ×eÇ» (Chelovek c ruzhiyom): The Man with a Gun Op. 53
«yeÆo½eÒecÅaº ÅoÃe¿Ãº (Chelovecheskaya komediya):
The Human Comedy Op. 37
«€ÈocÍ× naÅcÃÇa» (Yunost Maksima): The Youth of Maxim Op. 41(i)

Abdel-Aziz, Mahmud. Form und Gehalt in den Violoncellowerken von Dmitri Schostakowitsch.
Regensburg, 1992, 166. [A study of the Cello Sonata, Op. 40, in German.]
Abraham, Gerald (Ernest Heal). Eight Soviet Composers. Oxford University Press, London,
1943, 13–31. [Covers up to Op. 60.]
———. Music in the Soviet Union. The New History of Music: Vol. x, The Modern Age,
1890–1960, ed. Martin Cooper. Oxford University Press, London, 1974, 639–700.
[A scholarly and critical review of the Soviet scene with music examples from Lady
Macbeth and a photograph of the original production.]
Alekseyev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich. Sovetskaya fortepiannaya muzyka 1917–1945. Muzyka,
Moscow, 1974, 248. [‘Soviet Fortepiano Music 1917–45’: information on Op. 5
(page 30), Op. 13, (31), Op.35 (87–94 with 9 music examples), Op. 34 (124–33 with
9 music examples), and Op. 61 (177–84 with 6 music examples and autograph of first
page); bibliography (page 232) and discography (page 245).]
Alekseyeva, Nataliya. Vladimir Fedoseyev: sbornik statei i materialov. Muzyka, Moscow,
1989, 288. [A collection of essays and material on the conductor Vladimir Fedoseyev,
profusely illustrated in colour and monochrome. In Russian with abridged English
translation by Romela Kokhanovskaya and Tatyana Sorokina. Repertoire and
Alphabetical Catalogue of EMI Records. EMI Records, London, 1960, 117–18. [Recordings
available up to 30 June 1960.]
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Symphonic Catalog.
R. R. Bowker, New York and London, 1977, 3rd edn., 424–25.
Amoh, Kenzo. Leonid Kogan Discography. Amoh Publisher, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1997,
58–59. [Paperback. Includes list of record labels, artist index, and appendix ‘List of
Kogan’s Recordings on Melodiya’.]
———, with Forman, Frank; and Hashizume, Hiroshi. Mravinsky Discography. The
Japanese Mravinsky Society, Kishiwada, Japan, Mar. 1993, 41–53.
———, and Forman, Frank. Legacy of Yevgeni Mravinsky (Ota-ku, Tokyo, Dec. 1998).
[Printed from Internet Web Site http://plazal3.mbn.or.jp/ -mravinsky/ 4th edition of

610 B I B L I O GRA P HY

the Mravinsky discography with added filmography, broadcasts on radio and televi-
sion, and artists who performed with the conductor on record.]
———, Yevgeni Mravinsky A Concert Listing 1930–1987. Japanese Mravinsky Society,
Tokyo, Dec. 2000, 66. [A4 paperback, stiff covers. Includes a graph showing the
annual number of his 1137 concerts—maximum of 46 in 1943 and top 100 works
performed—Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 second with 119, an increase of 17 over
Fomin 1983, and indices; 12 photographs—8 of programmes.]
———, and Forman, Frank. Yevgeni Mravinsky Legacy A Recording History 1938–1984.
Japanese Mravinsky Society, Tokyo, Dec. 2000, 48. [A4 paperback, stiff covers. Updated
edition of 1998 compilation with graph showing the annual number of his 243 record-
ings—maximum of 19 being all concert performances in 1965; 11 photographs.]
Andronikov, Irakli (author of folder note), collection of 12 monochrome postcards.
Planet Publishing House, Moscow, 1977. [Photographs of Shostakovich, musicians
and friends, 1940–70.]
Aranovsky, Mark Genrikovich. Simfonicheskie iskaniya. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad,
1979, 68–80, 230–61. [‘Symphonic Quest’, subtitled ‘Problems of the symphony genre
in Soviet music, 1960–75’. Includes a review of Symphonies Nos. 15, 13 and 14.]
Ardov, Revd. Michael, trans. Rosanna Kelly and Michael Meylac. Memories of Shostakovich.
Short Books, London, 2004, 191. [A compilation of personal interviews with Maksim
and Galina Shostakovich by a friend since the late 1950s and quotations from the
memoirs of contemporary Russians, in 54 chapters.]
Arndt, Walter. Pushkin Threefold. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1976.
Aronowsky, S. Performing Times of Orchestral Works. Ernest Benn, London, 1959,
Ashman, Mike. ‘Rostropovich and Lady Macbeth’. Gramophone, Vol. 56, No. 672 (May
1979), 1852–53.
Bainton, Helen. Facing the Music. Currawong Publishers, Sydney, NSW, 1967.
Barlow, Harold, and Morgenstern, Sam. A Dictionary of Musical Themes. Williams &
Northgate, London, 1952 and 11th imp. 1974, 535–59.
Bartlett, Rosamund (ed.). Shostakovich in Context. Oxford University Press, New
York, 2000, 274, 20 illustrations. [Contains scholarly essays by Richard Taruskin,
David Fanning, Svetlana Savenko, Laurel Fay, Lyudmila Mikheyeva-Sollertinsky—
daughter of Ivan, Inna Barsova (Opus 47 final movement), Olga Komok, David Haas
(‘Shostakovich’s Eighth—C minor against the grain’), Manashir Yakubov (Antifor-
malistic Rayok), Elmira Nazirova (Symphony No. 10), Lyudmila Kovnatskaya, Caryl
Emerson (‘Shostakovich: Songs and Dances of Death and Survival’—Opus 143), and
R. Bartlett (on Chekhov).
Bawden, Liz-Anne (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Film. Oxford University Press,
London, 1976).
Baxandale, Lee. Marxism and Aesthetics. Humanity Press, New York, 1973, 152. [A selec-
tive annotated bibliography up to 1968, valuable for contemporary references to the
banning of Lady Macbeth.]
Beaumont, Cyril W. Complete Book of Ballets. Putnam, London, 1956.
Belza, Igor Fedorovich. Handbook of Soviet Musicians (ed.). Alan Bush. Pilot Press,
London, 1943, 49–51 and 95–97. [Includes list of works Opp. 1 to 60.]

——— ‘Zametki o muzyke filma ‘Nezabyvayemyi 1919 god”. Iskusstvo kino (Moscow),
1952 No. 9, 87–91. [Notes on the music for Op. 89.]
Bennett, John Reginald. Melodiya: A Soviet Russian L.P. Discography, Discographies
Number 6. Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1981, 559–70 et passim.
Berger, Lyubov Grigorievna. Odinnadtsataya simfoniya D. D. Shostakovicha ‘1905 god’
(poyasnenie). Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1961, 38. [Eleventh Symphony.]
––—, (ed.). Cherty stilya D. Shostakovicha. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1962, 386.
[‘Features of the style of D. Shostakovich’: a collection of theoretical articles by Lev
Mazel, Aleksandr Dolzhansky, Igor Beletsky, and others. Dolzhansky’s contribution
includes a paper on the first movement of the Seventh Symphony and an examination
of the Eleventh Symphony. Beletsky’s review of the Piano Quintet runs to 23 pages.
Many music examples and a classified bibliography of 248 references dated 1923–62.]
Bernandt, Grigori Borisovich, and Dolzhansky, Aleksandr Naumovich. Sovetskie kom-
pozitory. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1957, 664–67. [‘Soviet composers’: includes
information on première performances, Opp. 1 to 98.]
——— and Yampolsky, Izrail Markovich. Kto pisal o muzyke. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, Vol. i (A-–I), 1971, 356; Vol. ii (K–P), 1974, 315; Vol. iii (R–CH), 1979, 206;
Vol. iv (SH–YA) with Tamara Yefimovna Kiseleva, 1989, 121. [A bio-bibliographical
dictionary of music critics and list of writers on music in pre-revolutionary Russia and
the USSR. On pages 35–40 of the fourth volume references to 314 articles written by
Shostakovich, 1928–85, are listed chronologically]
––— and Yampolsky, Izrail Markovich, Sovetskie Kompozitory i Muzykovedy Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, Vol. i (A-I), 1978, 270. [The first of three volumes of a diction-
ary of Soviet composers and musicologists. See Grigoriev for Vols. ii and iii.]
Bernatchez, Dr Hélène. Shostakovich and FEKS. Forum Musikwissenschaft 2 m press,
Munich, 2006, 280. [The film scores to New Babylon and Alone discussed in detail. In
German with an English version to follow.]
Biancolli, Louis (ed.). The Analytical Concert Guide. Greenwood Press, Conn., 1951,
Bibliographic Guide to Music. G. K. Hall & Co., New York. [Publications catalogued by
The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library and the Library of Congress.
Shostakovich pages from 1993, page 626; 1994, 642–43; 1995, 734–35; 1996, 584.]
Blokker, Roy, with Dearling, Robert. The Music of Dmitri Shostakovich: The Symphonies.
Tantivy Press, London, 1979, 192, 13 photographs. [A readable exploration of the
15 symphonies, with 98 music examples, brief bibliography, annotated discography,
and comparative chart of contemporary symphonies.]
Blom, Eric. Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Vol. vii, 5th edn. Macmillan,
London, 1966, 765–67 and Vol. x, Supplement, page 407. [Shostakovich entry: lists
works up to Second Quartet.]
Bobrovsky, Viktor Pyotrovich. Kamernye instrumentalnye ansambli Shostakovicha. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1961, 259, 9 photographs. [The chamber music considered.]
Boelza, Egor—see Belza, Igor.
Bogdanova, Alia Vladimirovna, Katerina Izmailova. Muzyka, Moscow, 1968, 87
pp., 4 plates. [A small paperback guide to the four acts of the 1963 version of the opera,
with a 32-page introduction, 41 music examples, and 11 bibliographic references.]
612 B I B L I O GRA P HY

Opery i balety. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1979, 208, 17 photographs. [A paperback

including extended analyses of The Nose, 53–108, and Katerina Izmailova, 145–94,
with 104 music examples and pages from manuscripts of Opp. 19, 28, and 31.]
——— Pamyati pogibshikh—kompozitorov i muzykovedov 1941–45. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 1985, 8, 70–85. [Articles in memory of the composers and musicologists
who perished in the Great Patriotic War, including L. Dyachkova’s contribution on
Fleishman’s opera Rothschild’s Violin with 31 music examples.]
Bogdanov-Berezovsky, Valerian Mikhailovich. Stati o muzyke. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Leningrad, 1960, 163–76. [Article on The Eighth Symphony by D. Shostakovich as
performed under the baton of Ye. Mravinsky with 8 music examples.]
Bouij, Christer. Dmitrij Sjostakovitj och den sovjetiska kulturpolitiken. Uppsala University,
1984, 382 with 3-page addenda, 1991. [A stiff-card bound thesis in Swedish with an
11-page bibliography, numerous music examples, cartoons, and a 12-page register of
Boyden, David D. An Introduction to Music. Faber and Faber, London, 2nd edn.
1971, 469–70. [A Shostakovich review: ‘With a very few early exceptions, his music
represents a backward glance…’. Detailed analysis of Fifth Symphony]
Braun, Joachim. ‘The Double Meaning of Jewish Elements in Dmitri Shostakovich’s
Music’. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. lxxi, No. 1 (Jan. 1985), 68–80. [An in-depth
study of the Jewish elements in eleven compositions, with particular emphasis on From
Jewish Folk Poetry. Music examples from Opp. 79, 87, and 107.]
Bretanitskaya, Alia Leonidovna. ‘Nos’ D. D. Shostakovicha: Putevoditel. Muzyka, 1983,
96. [A small paperback guide to The Nose. History of the opera, detailed synopsis,
bibliography of 60 references, and appendix of 27 music examples.]
British Broadcasting Corporation Music Library. Chamber Music Catalogue and Piano
and Organ Catalogue. BBC, London, 1965.
———, Song Catalogue II and Song Catalogue Titles IV. BBC, London, 1966.
British Catalogue of Music, British Library Bibliographic Services Division (London, Jan.
1957 to 1988).
British Library, The Catalogue of Printed Music in the K. G. Saur, London, Vol. 52,
Shad-Smir, 153–61. [A list of the music collection to 1980.]
Britten, Benjamin (with annotations by Donald Mitchell). ‘Britten on “Oedipus rex” and
“Lady Macbeth”’. Tempo, No. 120 (Mar. 1977), 10–12.
Brockhaus, Heinz Alfred. Dmitri Schostakowitsch. Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, 1962,
215. [An expanded dissertation on the symphonies, in German.]
Brook, Donald. Composers’ Gallery. Rockcliff, London, 1945, 190–98. [An early
appreciation of Shostakovich’s work up to the Eighth Symphony. Full page portrait.]
Brown, David. ‘Recent Trends in Soviet Music’. The Listener, lxv (1961), 329. [Refers
to First Violin Concerto.]
———, ‘Russia: Shostakovich’. Music in the Modern Age, Vol. v: A History of Western
Music ed. F. W. Sternfeld. Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1973, 39–45.
———, Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Chicago, 15th edn. 1974). Vol. 16, 717–18.
[Shostakovich entry.]
Brown, Malcolm Hamrick. ‘The Soviet Russian Concepts of “Intonazia” and “Musical
Imagery”‘. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 60 (1974), 557–67. [Refers to the first move-
ment of Seventh Symphony.]

———, (ed.), Mussorgsky: In Memoriam, 1881–1981. Studies in Russian Music, No. 3.

UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1982. [See especially the essay ‘Mussorgsky
and Shostakovich’, by Laurel E. Fay, 215–26.]
———, (ed.). A Shostakovich Casebook. Indiana University Press, 2004, 408. [A balanced
reconsideration of the Testimony controversy in the 25 essays, interviews, and articles,
including informed contributions from Irina Shostakovich, Richard Tarushkin, and
Laurel E. Fay.]
Bruce, George. Festival in the North: the Story of the Edinburgh Festival. Robert Hale,
London, 1975.
Bush, Alan Dudley. ‘Shostakovich and his symphonies’. The Listener, 27 (4 June 1942),
733. [Mentions Nos. 1 to 7.]
Buske, Peter. Dmitri Schostakowitsch—Leben und Schaffen des Sowjetischen Komponisten.
Heransgeber Zentralvorstand des Gesellschaft fur Deutsch-Sowjetisce, Berlin,
DDR, 1975. [This study has a discography which includes several East German Eterna
recordings not listed here.]
Calvocoressi, Michel Dimitri. ‘Shostakovich: [Piano] Concerto No. 1’. The Listener, 14
(24 Dec. 1935), 1184.
———, “The First of May’. The Listener, 15 (19 Feb. 1936), 373. [Third Symphony.]
———. ‘A Russian critic on Shostakovich’s Quintet’, trans. Ivan Martynov. The Musical
Times, Vol. 82, No. 1185 (Nov. 1941), 395–96.
———. A Survey of Russian Music. Pelican Books, London, 1944, 100–102 and
Cawkwell, Tim, and Smith, John M. The World Encyclopedia of Film. Studio Vista,
London, 1972.
Chappell, Herbert. Sounds Magnificent: the Story of the Symphony. BBC, London, 1984,
172. [Chapter 8: ‘Sounds for Tomorrow?’]
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Rothschild’s Fiddle. The Oxford Chekhov, Vol. viii:
Stories 1893–1895, trans. Ronald Hingley. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978,
Chernyavskaya, Tatyana Nikolayevna. Khudzhestvennaya kultura SSSR. Russkii Yazyk,
Moscow, 1984, 356. [‘The Artistic Culture of the USSR’ dictionary, with illustra-
tions—many in colour—and descriptions of concert-halls, theatres, film companies,
folk instruments, and related musical subjects; besides covering non-musical topics
such as literature, painting and architecture.]
Chernyi, Osip Yevseyevich. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’. Novyi mir [New World], No. 10,
Moscow, 1945, 140–47.
Clough, Francis R, and Cuming, G. J. The World’s Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music,
1925–50 and including First Supplement, 1950–51. Sidgwick and Jackson, London,
rev. edn. 1966, 558–59 and 836. [Also same pagination in paperback: Greenwood,
Westport, Connecticut, 1970.] Second Supplement, 1951–52 Sidgwick and Jackson,
London, 1953, 204–05. Third Supplement, 1953–55 Sidgwick and Jackson, London,
1969, 425–27.
Collaer, Paul. The New Music Lover’s Handbook, ed. Elie Siegmeister. Harvey House,
New York, 1973, 411–14.
Creighton, James. The Discopaedia of the Violin. University of Toronto Press, Toronto,
1974, 901. [List of violin works and transcriptions recorded.]
614 B I B L I O GRA P HY

Crimp, Bryan. The Record Year 1. Duckworth, London, 1979, 196–98, 455–58; The
Record Year 2. Duckworth, London, 1981, 193–95, 444–47. [Discography and infor-
mative reviews of discs and cassettes released in 1978 and 1979 respectively.)
Cross, Milton, and Ewen, David. Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music,
Vol. ii. Doubleday, New York, rev. edn. 1962, 725–37.
Dalley, Janet (trans.). Pushkin’s Fairy Tales. Barrie & Jenkins, London, 1978, 82–86.
[An English prose translation of The Story of a Priest and his Servant Balda, written in
verse form by Aleksandr Pushkin in 1830.]
Danilevich, Lev Vasilievich. D. D. Shostakovich. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1958,
196, 9 photographs. [Including music examples, bibliography, and list of works.]
––—. Nash sovremennik: tvorchestvo Shostakovicha. Muzyka, Moscow, 1965, 330, 24
plates. [‘Our Contemporary: the Works of Shostakovich’. A scholarly review in
Russian of his compositions up to the end of 1962— Opp. 1 to 114—with 81 music
examples, discography, and utilizing material from this author’s 1958 study.]
––—, (ed.). Dmitri Shostakovich. Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moscow, 1967, 536, 45
photographs, 195 music examples. [Articles from newspapers and journals 1932–66,
and thirteen articles: ‘Shakespeare and Shostakovich’ by Daniel Zhitomirsky, ‘Re-
marks on the opera Katerina Izmailova’ by Marina Sabinina, ‘The 30th anniversary
of the composition of Symphony No. 4’ by Genrikh Orlov, ‘Symphony No. 13’ by
Givi Ordzhonikidze (36 pages), ‘The Execution of Stepan Razin and the traditions
of Mussorgsky’ by Semyon Shlifshteyn, ‘The cycle From Jewish Folk Poetry and
its place in the works of Shostakovich’ by Arnold Sokhor, ‘Some observations on
the style of the 24 Preludes and Fugues’ by Elizaveta Mnatsakanova, ‘Performing
Shostakovich’ (mainly about Op. 87) by Tatyana Nikolayeva, ‘Remarks on the musi-
cal language of Shostakovich’ by Leo Mazel, ‘On two methods of thematic develop-
ment in the symphonies and quartets of Shostakovich’ by Viktor Bobrovsky, ‘The
Alexandrian pentachord in the music of Shostakovich’ by Aleksandr Dolzhansky, ‘On
Shostakovich’s orchestration’ by Edison Denisov, and ‘Some peculiarities of orchestral
part-writing in Shostakovich’s symphonic works’ by Alfred Schnittke.]
––—. Bolshaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya. Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, Moscow, 1979,
Vol. 29, 457–58. [Shostakovich entry.]
––—. Dmitri Shostakovich—zhizn i tvorchestvo. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1980,
304, 32 photographs. [The life and work of Shostakovich in minute detail. Footnote
references supplied but regrettably no bibliography nor index. A near complete year-
by-year list of compositions appended.]
Danko, Larisa Georgievna. Komicheskaya opera v XX veke. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad,
2nd edn. 1986, 176. [‘Comic Opera in the Twentieth Century’. Bibliography but no
music examples, illustrations, or index. The Nose discussed on pages 137–48.]
Dansker, Olga Lvovna (compiler). S. A. Samosud—stati, vospominaniya, pisma. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1984, 232. [A paperback including details of premières of The
Nose and Lady Macbeth; 9 letters from Shostakovich to the conductor (one reproduced
in facsimile) and photographs.]
Daragan, Diva Grigorievna (ed.). Sovetskaya muzykalnaya kultura. Muzyka, Moscow,
1980. [A 208-page paperback including two pertinent articles: ‘Chamber-vocal com-
positions of Shostakovich’ by Vera Andreyevna Vasina-Grossman (15–42 dealing

with Opp. 46, 62, 79, 127, 143, and 145) and ‘Towards the problem of stylistic
dramaturgy’ by L. Krylova (43–60 analysing the Overture of Russian and Kirghiz
Folksongs, Op. 115, with 8 music examples).]
Day, Stanley, and latterly, MacDonald, Calum; Walker, Malcolm, et al. Gramophone
Classical Catalogue (formerly The Gramophone Long Playing Classical Record Catalogue).
General Gramophone Publications, Harrow, 1953–89. [The foremost record
Delson, Viktor Yulievich. Fortepiannoe tvorchestvo D. D. Shostakovicha. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow 1971, 248. [The fortepiano works with music examples.]
Devlin, James E. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich—the vocal music’, Music and Musicians, Vol. 28,
No. 7 (Mar. 1980), 20–22.
———, ‘Shostakovich’s Re-orchestration of the Schumann Cello Concerto’. Anglo-Soviet
Journal, Vol. xl, No. 3 (May 1980), 19–20. [Op. 125.]
———. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich—Pianist’. Anglo-Soviet Journal, Vol. xli, No. 1 (Sept. 1980),
18–20. [A review of the composer’s performances on records.]
———. Shostakovich Novello, Sevenoaks, Kent, 1983, 23. [A concise account of the
composer’s life and achievements in the series of Novello Short Biographies.]
Diamant, A. ‘The Shostakovich Symphonies’. The Gramophone (Feb. 1943), 133.
Dolmatovsky, Yevgeni Aronovich. Pesni na stikhi Yevgeni Dolamatovskogo. Muzyka,
Moscow, 1986, 224. [‘Songs to verses of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky’: words and melodies
of 101 songs, including five by Shostakovich—‘Song of Peace’ and ‘Longing for the
Native Country’ from Op. 80; ‘Beautiful Day’ from Op. 82; and ‘The Homeland
Hears’ and ‘He loves me, he loves me not’ from Op. 86.]
Dolzhansky, Aleksandr Naumovich. 24 preludii ifugi Shostakovicha. Leningrad 1963.
Dorati, Antal. Seven Decades. Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1981, 60–62
[Bela Bartok’s dislike of Shostakovich and the reason for the parody of the ‘Leningrad
Symphony’ in the Hungarian’s Concerto for Orchestra.]
Downes, Edward. Everyman’s Guide to Orchestral Music. Dent, London, 1976, 852–61.
[Analyses of Symphonies Nos. 1, 5, 6, and 9.]
———. Khovanshchina—libretto. The Radio Three Magazine (Nov. 1982), supplement.
[English version of Shostakovich’s arrangement, Op. 106.]
Drew, David. The Nose. New Statesman (12 June 1964), 922–23
DSCH Society—see the separate section following the Bibliography.
Dubinsky, Rostislav Davidovich. Stormy Applause: making music in a worker’s state.
Hutchinson, London, 1989, 292. [A moving account of the Borodin Quartet
founder’s struggle as a Jewish musician in the bureaucratic Soviet state. The 25th
chapter, 278–84, headed ‘Shostakovich 1975’. No illustrations, no index.]
Edmunds, Neil (ed.). Soviet Music and Society under Lenin and Stalin; The Baton and
Sickle. Routledge-Curzon, 2004, 288. [Two chapters refer specifically to works by
Shostakovich––Opus nos. 31 and 33 respectively: ‘Declared Dead, but only provision-
ally; Shostakovich––Soviet Music-hall and Uslovno Ubityi’ by Gerard McBurney and
‘From the Factory to the Flat: Thirty years of the Song of the Counterplan’ by John
Egorova, Tatiana (Yegorova, Tatyana). Soviet Film Music: An Historical Survey, trans.
Tatiana A. Ganf and Natalia A. Egunova. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam,
616 B I B L I O GRA P HY

1997, xiii plus 311. [Many references to Shostakovich’s film scores including
New Babylon, The Golden Mountains, and Hamlet with an eight-page chapter on
Katerina Izmailova. Music examples from Opp. 30, 33, 82, 97, 116, and 137. Still
photographs from New Babylon and Hamlet. Paperback in English.]
Elder, Dean. ‘Lesson on Performance of a Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue (No. 17 of
Op. 87)’, Clavier, No. 13 (Sept. 1974), 25–33.
Engelmann, Ian. ‘Thinking slow, writing quick—an interview with Shostakovich’.
The Listener (1974), 2381, 641–42.
Ewen, David. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’. The Musical Times, Vol, 74, No. 1112 (Oct. 1935),
———. The World of Twentieth-Century Music. Hale, London, 1968, 721–38. [Infor-
mation on main works up to Eleventh Quartet.]
———. Orchestral Music. Franklin Watts, New York, 1973, 237–43.
———. Composers since 1900. H. W. Wilson, New York, 1969, 524–31 and First
Supplement (1981), 265–66.
Faier, Yuri Fyodorovich. O sebe, o muzyke, o balete. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 2nd
ed., 1974, 302–10. [The conductor’s notes on performing the Opus 39 ballet. Many
photographs of dancers, musicians, and Bolshoi Theatre productions, including Asaf
and Sulamif Messerer as the Classical Dancers in The Limpid Stream.]
Fairclough, Pauline. A Soviet Credo: Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony. University of
Bristol, 2006, c.270 in hardback with 197 music examples.
———and Fanning, David J. The Cambridge Companion to Shostakovich. Cambridge
University Press, 2008, 416. [ Hardback and paperback versions with essays by
fourteen experts. 91 music examples. A five-page detailed review by Alan Mercer in
DSCH Journal No. 30, 48–52.]
Fanning, David J. The Breath of a Symphonist: Shostakovich’s Tenth Symphony. Royal
Musical Association Monographs 4. Royal Musical Association, London, 1988, 94.
[A major study of the epic Tenth with an almost bar-by-bar analysis (illustrated with
60 music examples), three appendices: the composer’s own words on this symphony,
a list of thematic allusion and a checklist of corrections and errors in Collected Works
Vol. 5, and an extensive bibliography.]
———, (ed.), Shostakovich Studies. Cambridge University Press, 1955, 289. [The
eleven scholarly essays—seven with music examples—cover single-work source-
studies on The Golden Age (Manashir Yakubov), Lady Macbeth/Katerina Izmailova
(D. J. Fanning and Laurel E. Fay), Fifth Symphony (Richard Taruskin), and Second
Piano Trio (Patrick McCreless); papers on the instrumental works (Yuri Kholopov)
and song cycles (Dorothea Redepenning); discussions on Shostakovich’s relationship
with his contemporaries Britten (Eric Roseberry) and Schnittke (Aleksandr Ivashkin);
and an analysis of Russian theorists on modality in the composer’s music
(Ellon D. Carpenter).]
———, and Fay, Laurel E. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician, second
edition, ed. Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell, Vol. 23, Scott to Sources, MS Macmillan,
London, 2001, 279–311. [Shostakovich entry: a persuasive revised review of the
composer’s life and works divided into periods differing from Schwarz’s, taking into
account recent research with many illuminating comments (e.g. Together the fourth

to ninth symphonies might be taken as evidence for the paradox that the greatest mu-
sic can be written under the greatest political pressure’). Impressive updated work-list
and bibliography contributed by L. E. Fay. The whole work will be regularly updated
on the electronic database www.grovemusic.com.]
———.’Shostakovich’s Eighth String Quartet on Record’, International Record Review,
Volume 2 Issue 8 (November 2001), 22–28. [An all-embracing review of 104
mainly compact disc recordings (44 of the original quartet, 51 of Barshai’s Chamber
Symphony Opus 110a, and nine of other transcriptions) with six photographs of
performers and a discography.]
———. ‘In Bach’s footsteps.’ Gramophone, Vol. 79, No. 950 (Feb. 2002), 28–31.
[A review of nine complete cycles and four important excerpts of the Opus 87 Pre-
ludes and Fugues. Vladimir Ashkenazy named as an all-round first recommendation
on compact disc.]
———. Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 8. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004, xiv + 185.
[A scholarly analysis of Opus 110 placed in context with a discussion on the composer’s
reputation, circumstances of the work’s composition, and the cultural background of
the ‘Thaw’ years. This slim but meaty volume is illustrated with 34 music examples
and concludes with ten documents by leading Shostakovich experts, a six-page
bibliography and twelve pages on available recordings. The book is accompanied by a
compact disc of the work played by the Rosamunde Quartet.]
———, (ed.). Shostakovich and His World. Princeton University Press, Princeton and
Oxford, 2004, xx + 405. [A collection of documents, including ‘The Phenomenon
of the Seventh’ by Christopher H. Gibbs, 59–113, and essays––see especially
‘Shostakovich as Industrial Saboteur: Observations on The Bolt’ by Simon Morrison,
117–61; The Nose and the Fourteenth Symphony: An Affinity of Opposites’ by
Levon Hakobian, 163–81; and ‘Fried Chicken in the Bird-Cherry Trees’ by Gerard
McBurney, 227–73.]
———. Parish, Margaret K. String Music in Print. R. R. Bowker, New York, 1973.
———, (ed.), Orchestral Music in Print. Musicdata Inc., Phil. 1979, 742–43.
Fay, Laurel E. ‘Shostakovich versus Volkov: Whose Testimony?’ The Russian Review
(USA), Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct. 1980), 484–93.
———. ‘The Intimate Shostakovich’. Keynote. New York, Oct. 1989, 8–12. [A review
of the quartet cycle, prior to the Manhattan Quartet’s performance of all fifteen
in chronological order in four concerts at New York Town Hall, 25 September
to 23 October 1989. ‘A significant contribution to the twentieth-century repertoire,
shares little with the other great cycle of the century, that of Bartók. Instead, the sound
world of Shostakovich’s quartets, their psychological scope and emotional force, sug-
gests most immediate comparison with the legacy of Beethoven’. Six photographs.]
———. The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, ed. Stanley Sadie, Vol. 4, Roe-Z. Macmillan,
London; 1992, 358–61. [Shostakovich entry. See also entries for the operas The
Gamblers (Vol. 2, 342–43), Katerina Izmailova (Vol. 2, 961), Lady Macbeth of
Mtsensk District (Vol. 2, 1076–79), The Nose (Vol. 3, 621–23), and Rothschild’s Violin
(Vol. 4, 410–11).]
———. Shostakovich: A Life. Oxford University Press, New York, 2000, xix + 458,
16 photographs. [A reliable and balanced biography, copiously researched, and
618 B I B L I O GRA P HY

commendably readable. A 58-page section of sources for the 15 chapters, a classified

list of works, a glossary of names, and an exhaustive index.]
———, (ed.). Shostakovich and His World. Princeton University Press, Princeton and
Oxford, 2004, xx + 405. [A collection of documents, including ‘The Phenomenon
of the Seventh’ by Christopher H. Gibbs, 59–113 and essays––see especially
‘Shostakovich as Industrial Saboteur: Observations on The Bolt’ by Simon Morrison,
117–61; ‘The Nose and the Fourteenth Symphony: An Affinity of Opposites’ by
Levon Hakobian, 163–81; and ‘Fried Chicken in the Bird-Cherry Trees’ by Gerard
McBurney, 227–73.]
Feuchtner, Bernd. ‘Und Kunst geknebelt von der groben Macht’: Dmitri Schostakowitsch,
Kiinstlerische Identitat und staatliche Repression. Sendler Verlag, Frankfurt am Main,
1986, 318, 19 illustrations. [A German monograph with detailed list of sources and
bibliography; a catalogue of works (separate page of film scores), music examples in
the Appendix, and an index of persons.]
Fiske, Roger. Chamber Music. BBC, London, 1969, 75–77. [Refers to Quartets Nos.
7 and 8.]
Fomin, Vitali Sergeyevich. Stareishii russkii simfonicheskii orkestr. Muzyka, Leningrad,
1982, 192. [A monograph of the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra to celebrate the
centenary of its formation in 1882, illustrated with 68 monochrome photographs
of the orchestra, conductors, and soloists, and 8 colour plates of the Philharmonic
Concert Hall. Alphabetical list by composer of the Russian, Soviet, and world-wide
repertoire, noting number of performances of each work, and conductors and soloists
in the 60 years to 1981; calendar of places visited in the USSR and abroad.]
———. Yevgeni Aleksandrovich Mravinsky. Muzyka, Moscow, 1983, 192. [A monograph
in the series on Russian and Soviet conductors. Three photographs relating to Shosta-
kovich. The appendices include Mravinsky’s repertoire with number of performances
of each work in the years 1932–82. Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony at 102 only sur-
passed by the 113 of Tchaikovsky’s Fifth, and discography.]
Foreman, Lewis. Systematic Discography. Clive Bingley, London, 1974. [A helpful guide
for all amateur and professional discographers.]
Forman, Frank, and Amoh, Kenz. ‘Evgeni Mravinsky, Discography’, ARSC Journal of
USA, Vol. 25 (1) (Spring 1994), 15–44. [A revised and updated list of Mravinsky
recordings first published in Japan.]
Freundlich, Irwin. Twenty-four Preludes and Fugues. Leeds Music, New York, 5 April
1955. [Preface to the cycle, Op. 87.]
Fyodosova, Eleonara Petrovna. Diatonicheskie lady v tvorchestve D. Shostakovicha.
Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moscow, 1980, 192. [‘Diatonic harmonies in the creative work
of D. Shostakovich’. A small paperback analysing passages from many compositions in
minute detail, with 105 music examples and a bibliography of 85 references.]
Gabrilovich, Yevgeni losifovich. The Fifth Quarter, trans. Frances Longman. Progress
Publishers, Moscow, 1983, 289. [The moving memoirs of the great screen script-
writer responsible for the scenarios of two films associated with Shostakovich.
Remarkable for his disclosures on the Soviet film industry during the Great Patriotic
War. As Sergei Gerasimov points out in his Afterward: ‘to portray Man with love
demands a rare talent’. A paperback in English.]

Gammond, Peter, and James, Burnett. Music on Record—A Critical Guide. Grey Arrow
paperback, Anchor Press, Tiptree, Vol. ii (1962), 125–31 and Vol. iii 1963, 168–70,
211. [Valuable for early LP recordings.]
Gaster, Adrian (ed.). International Who’s Who in Music. Melrose Press, Cambridge,
9th edn., 1980.
George, Alan, ‘Shostakovich’, Nouslit, York University (Spring 1973), 17–19.
———. Dmitri Shostakovich: The Complete String Quartets. Decca Records, London,
1981, 20. [A well-produced illustrated booklet, with notes on all fifteen quartets in
English, French, and German to accompany the box set Decca D 188 D7.]
Glikman, Isaak, Pisma k drugu: Dmitri Shostakovich—Isaaku Glikmanu. DSCH, Moscow
and Kompozitor, St Petersburg, 1993, 336, 39 photographs. [A wealth of information
on Shostakovich’s lifestyle, that of his family and friends; and notes on the progress
of many works contained in a 28-page preface and the 288 letters written by the
composer between 30 November 1941 and 23 August 1974. Revealing annotations
by Glikman. Photographs of the composer and author; their relatives and friends. An
index of names and dated list of the letters.]
———. Dmitri Chostakovitch: Lettres a un ami—subtitled ‘Correspondance avec Isaac
Glikman’. Albin Michel, Paris, 1994, 320. [The above book in French, translated
from the Russian by Luba Jurgenson. No photographs.]
———. The Story of a Friendship—subtitled ‘The Letters of Dmitry Shostakovich to
Isaak Glikman with a commentary by Isaak Glikman’ Faber, London 2001, 385.
37 illustrations. [Translated from the Russian by Anthony Phillips with a 100-page
end-section of his own footnotes.]
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories, trans. Ronald Wilks.
Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1972, 42–70. [The original short story The Nose
in English.]
Gojowy, Detlef. Dimitri Schostakowitsch mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddoku-menten.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1983, 158, 60 illustrations. [A
monograph in German, with list of works, bibliography, and index of persons.]
———. ‘Schostakowitschs: ‘”Marchen vom Popen und seinem Knecht Balda” in
Ost-Berlin’, Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik (Sept. 1986), 57–58. [An article in German on
an East German performance of Khentova’s opera.]
Goltsman, Abram Markovich. Sovetskie balety. Sovetskii Kornpozitor, Moscow, 1985,
149–60. [Plots of five Shostakovich ballets: The Bolt, The Golden Age (1982 production),
The Limpid Stream, The Young Lady and the Hooligan, and Leningrad Symphony in a
paperback dealing with 124 ballets by 88 Soviet composers.]
Goodall, Alison. ‘First performances in London, 1951–71’. The Music Yearbook,
1973–74, ed. Arthur Jacobs. Macmillan, London, 1973.
Gordeyeva, Yevgeniya Mikhailovna (ed.). Muzyka XX veka. Ocherki, Part 2, Book
4. Muzyka, Moscow, 1984, 75–114. [Essays on Shostakovich’s music by Marina
Gow, David, ‘Shostakovich’s “War” Symphonies’, The Musical Times, Vol. 105,
No. 1453 (Mar. 1964), 191–93.
Grazia, Sebastian de, ‘Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony: Reactivity-Speed and
Adaptiveness in Musical Symbols’, Psychiatry: Journal of the Biology and Pathology
620 B I B L I O GRA P HY

of Interpersonal Relations, Vol. 6 (2) (May 1943), 117–22. [A scientific article in an

American journal dealing with the first movement’s short symmetrical theme.]
Greenfield, Edward. Andre Previn. Recordmaster 4, Ian Allan, London, 1973.
Griffiths, Paul. The String Quartet—A History. Thames and Hudson, London, 1983,
210–17. [Part 4, Variation 3: ‘Shostakovich and the multiple quartet’—a concise com-
mentary on ‘the weightiest long sequence in the genre since Beethoven’.]
Grigoriev (alias Ginzburg), Lev Grigorievich an Platek, Yakov Moiseyevich. Sovremennye
dirizhyory. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1969. [‘Contemporary Conductors’.]
——— and Platek, Yakov Moiseyevich. Sovetskie kompozitory i muzykovedy. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, Vol. ii (K–R), 1981, 416 and two-part Vol. iii (S–KA), 216
and forthcoming. [The concluding volumes of a dictionary of Soviet composers and
musicologists begun by Bernandt and Yamolsky.]
———, and Platek, Yakov Moiseyevich. Dmitry Shostakovich—About Himself .and
His Times, trans. Angus and Neilian Roxburgh. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1981,
343, 56 photographs. [A very slightly modified version in the English language of
Yakovlev’s compilation with a differing selection of photographs. ‘A few days ago
I read the memoirs of Marietta Shaginian and Vera Panova and thought—what a pity I
have not kept a diary or notebook, or written memoirs’ (entry dated 26 June 1973).]
Grigorovich, Yuri Nikolayevich (chief ed.). Balet: entsiklopediya. Sovetskaya entsiklopediya,
Moscow, 1981, 623. [A large comprehensive one-volume ballet encyclopaedia,
profusely illustrated with colour and monochrome photographs, sketches and
diagrams. Approx. 3,400 entries and classified bibliography.]
——— and Davlekamova, Sanya. The Golden Age: the authorized Bolshoi Ballet Book.
T.H.E Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey, 1989, 128, 72 photographs.
History and synopsis of the 1982 ballet illustrated with nine black and white
photographs, poster, and 62 captioned live-action colour photographs. English version
by Tim Coey.]
Grum-Grzhimailo. Tamara Nikoloyevna. Soviet Music. Novosti Press, Moscow,
1985, 84. [An informative and well-illustrated paperback booklet in the English
———. O Shostakoviche. Zhanie, Moscow, 1990, 56, 16 photographs, [No. 12 in the
1990 series of monthly art booklets published since 1967.]
Gukovsky, M., et al. ‘Katerina Izmailova’. Iskusstvo kino. (Moscow) No. 1, 15–24.
[Op. 114—six reviews of the new film; seven stills.]
Gulyants, Sostavitel Yevgeniya (ed.). Andrei Eshpai: becedy, stati, materialy, ocherki.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1988, 172–85. [An article by M. Lobanova, with 8
music examples, on Eshpai’s Fifth (Memorial) Symphony.]
Gutman, David. ‘Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 8’, Gramophone, Vol. 72, No. 860
(Jan. 1995), 36–38. [A survey of the recorded history of one of his most powerful works.
Twenty-three performances between 1944 and 1993 reviewed. Two photographs.]
Hall, David. Records: 1950 Edition. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1952, 438–40.
Headington, Christopher. The Dictionary of Composers, ed. Charles Osborne. Bodley
Head, London, 1977, 309–12.
Herbage, Julian, ‘Shostakovitch’s Eighth Symphony’, The Musical Times, Vol. 85, No.
1229 (July 1944), 201–03.

———. ‘The Symphonies of Shostakovich’. The Listener, 34 (19 Sept. 1945), 305.
[Mentions Nos. 1 to 8.]
Heyworth, Peter. ‘Shostakovich Without Ideology’. The Music Lover’s Companion
(ed. Gervase Hughes and Herbert van Thai). Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1971,
198–206. [An article from High Fidelity Magazine, Oct. 1964.]
Hibbins, Nina. Screen Series—Eastern Europe. A. Zwemmer, London, 1969, 132–69
[Details of the USSR film industry; its directors, script-writers, and actors.]
Hitotsuyanagi, Fumiko. Novii lik dvenadtsatoy. [The hidden meanings concealed in
the ‘unfairly low-rated Twelfth Symphony’.] Muzikalnaya Akademiya 4 (1997),
87. An English translation appears in DSCH Journal No. 13, 59–63 with six music
Hinson, Maurice, Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire (ed. Irwin Freundlich). Indiana
University Press, Bloomington and London, 1973.
———. The Piano in Chamber Ensemble. Harvester Press, Hassocks, 1978.
Ho, Allan B. and Feofanov, Dmitry. Shostakovich Reconsidered. Toccata Press, London,
1998, 787. [‘In spite of “unjust critism” that it is a forgery, it [Testimony] remains
one of the most important and influential books in the history of music, a unique
historical document of life in Stalin’s Russia’ (page 15). A well-researched study,
liberally peppered with footnotes. Foreword by Vladimir Ashkenazy; in defence of
Testimony (33–311); ‘Variations on a Theme’ including contributions from Solomon
Volkov, Mstislav Rostropovich, five considerable articles by Ian MacDonald, and
report of the Shostakovich Symposium held in the Russel Sage College, Troy,
New York (pp. 315–723). A 31-page bibliography and full index.]
Hoberman, J. ‘When Communism Was in Flower’, The Village Voice, New York,
Vol. 28, No. 40 (4 Oct. 1983), 66 (+ advertisement on p. 65). [A preview article for
the American premiere of New Babylon, Op. 18.]
Hermann, Michel R. Dmitri Chostakovitch: L’homme et son ceuvre. Edition Seghers,
1963, 192, 12 photographs. [This French-language book has a catalogue of works to
Opus 113 and a discography.]
Holmes, John L. Conductors on Record. Victor Gollancz, London, 1982, 735 plus xv.
[A major reference work on conductors and conducting; with biographical and critical
assessments of past and present conductors, listing works they have recorded to 1977.]
Honegger, Marc, and Massenkeil, Giinther. Das Grosse Lexicon der Musik: Vol. 7,
Ram-Ste. Herder, Freiburg, 1982, 276–78. [Shostakovich entry.]
Hopkins, George William (Bill). ‘Shostakovich’s Ninth String Quartet’. Tempo, No. 75
(Winter 1965–66), 23–25.
Houten, Theodore van. Leonid Trauberg and His Films––Always the Unexpected.
Art & Research/Graduate Press, s-Hertogenbosch, Buren, 1989, 202 plus 32
pages of photographs. [A paperback with first-hand information on New Babylon
(Chapter VIII), Alone (Chapter X), and the Maxim Trilogy (Chapter XI).]
Hughes, Spike (Patrick Cairns). The Toscanini Legacy. Dover Constable, London, 1969,
371–75. [Refers to the First and Seventh Symphonies. NB. Not included in the
original hardback published by Putman, London, 1959.]
Hulme, Derek Crawshaw. ‘Symphonies Nos: 6 and 11’. EMI Records, London, 1980, 3.
[Clarifies the sources of the musical themes used in Symphony No. 11.]
622 B I B L I O GRA P HY

Hurwitz, David. Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos: An Owner’s Manual. Amadeus

Press, 2006, 222. [A paperback including a CD of Symphony No. 5 played by Yuri
Aronowich (originally BIS CD 357). No music examples.]
International Who’s Who. Their 1999 Millennium list of the 100 most influential
giants of the 20th century includes Shostakovich, Sibelius, and Stravinsky; also Louis
Armstrong, John Lennon, and Frank Sinatra but omits Duke Ellington.
Istoriya muzyki narodov SSSR, ed. Yuri Keldysh. Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moscow.
[‘The History of the Music of the People of the USSR’ in six volumes: Vol. i covering
1917–32 published in 1966; Vol. ii, 1932–41 in 1970; Vol. iii, 1941–45 in 1972;
Vol. iv, 1946–56 in 1973; vol. v in two books, 1956–67 in 1974. Numerous music
examples and illustrations of composers, musicians, concerts, and scenes from stage
Istoriya sovetskogo kino. Iskusstvo, Moscow. [‘The History of the Soviet Cinema’ in
four volumes: Vol. i covering 1917–31 published in 1959; ii, 1931–41 in 1973; iii,
1941–52 in 1975; iv ?]
Ivashkin, Aleksandr Vasilievich. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’. Mastera muzyki i baleta, ed. Lev
Grigorievich Ginzburg and Yakov Moiseyevich Platek. Sovetskii Kompozitor,
Moscow, 1978, 260–81. [‘Masters of music and ballet-heroes of Socialist Labour’. An
essay on the composer with list of honours and compositions, and a brief bibliography.
The volume includes articles on Gustav Ernesaks, Emil Gilels, Yevgeni Mravinsky,
Svyatoslav Richter, and thirteen others.]
———. Alfred Schnittke. Phaidon Press, London, 1996, 240. [A paperback in the series
‘20th-century Composers’ with many references to Shostakovich and illustrations
pertaining to Soviet musical history. ‘Schnittke’s works are strongly original but also
reveal the influence of Shostakovich among others’.]
Jackson, Stephen. Dmitri Shostakovich: an essential guide to his life and works. Classic FM
Lifelines/Pavilion, London, 1997, 107. [A paperback with brief 75-page biography,
bibliography of 13 books, discography of 59 recommended compact discs, and a dated
list of works.]
Jacobs, Arthur, (ed.). British Music Yearbooks 1975–80. Bowker and latterly A. & C.
Black, London.
Janczyn, Larissa. Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Music, ed. John Vinton. Thames and
Hudson, London, 1974, 679–80 et passim.
Johnson, Stephen. ‘Original Intentions’. Gramophone (Nov. 1990), 953–54. [A talk with
Claudio Abbado about his changes to Shostakovich’s instrumentation for the record-
ing of Khovanshchina].
———. ‘The Eighth Wonder’, The Gramophone (July 2006), 28–34. [‘Shostakovich’s
Eighth Symphony is a real musical tragedy...offering the experience of purging
through the emotions of pity and terror.’ A selected discography of twenty recordings
from Mravinsky’s exhilarating 1960 concert performance to Herbig’s musicianly 2004
Jusefovich, Viktor: see under Yuzefovich.
Kandinsky, Aleksei Ivanovich (ed.). Iz istorii russkoi i sovetskoi muzyk.i, Muzyka, Moscow,
1971. [A 336-page book of musical essays including ‘Compositions of D. Shostakovich’s
conservatory years 1919–25’ by Alia Bogdanova (64–93, with thirty-one music examples)

and ‘On the genre nature of Shostakovich’s Eleventh Symphony’ by T. Leie (94–109,
with eighteen music examples). Bogdanova’s article concentrates on Sans op. B, Opp.
4, 6. and 8.]
Katonova, Svetlana Vladimirovna. Muzyka sovetskogo baleta. Sovetskil kompozitor,
Leningrad, 2nd rev. edn., 1990, 374–96. [Chapter VI deals with the 1982 revival of
The Golden Age ballet.]
Kats, Boris Aronovich. O muzyke Borisa Tishchenko. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad,
1986, 168. [Tishchenko’s Cello Concerto No. 1 in its original orchestration reviewed
on pages 50–54 and the Symphony No. 5, dedicated to Shostakovich, analysed on
149–55 of this paperback.]
Kay, Norman, ‘Shostakovich’s Second Violin Concerto’, Tempo, No. 83 (Winter
1967–68), 21–23.
———. ‘Shostakovich’s Fourteenth Symphony’, Tempo, No. 92 (Spring 1970), 20–21.
———. Shostakovich (Oxford University Press, London, 1971), 80 pp. [Oxford
Studies of Composers (No. 8). A scholarly survey of key works with numerous music
———. ‘Shostakovich’s 15th Symphony’, Tempo, No. 100 (Spring 1972), 36–40.
Keldysh, Georgi (Yuri) Vsevolodovich. ‘Soviet Music Today’. Tempo, No. 32 (Summer
1954), 23–28.
———. ‘An Autobiographical Quartet’, trans. Alan Lumsden. The Musical Times,
Vol. 102, No. 1418 (Apr. 1961), 226–28. [Refers to Eighth Quartet.]
——— (general ed.). Muzykalnyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 1990. 672. [A completely rewritten music dictionary begun in 1981, with
8000 entries on all aspects of music including composers, performers, organisations,
and festivals; numerous line drawings and music examples in the text.]
Keller, Han. ‘Shostakovich discovers Schoenberg’. The Listener, 84 (8 Oct. 1970), 494.
[Concerns the Twelfth Quartet.]
———. ‘Shostakovich’s Twelfth Quartet’, Tempo, No. 94 (Autumn 1970), 6–15.
Kennedy, Michael. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Oxford University Press,
London, 3rd edn., 1980, 592–95. [An excellent brief summary of the composer’s
achievements with a detailed classified list of works.]
Khentova, Sofya Mikhailovna. Shostakovich—pianist. Muzyka, Leningrad, 1964, 92,
12 photographs. [The appendix lists recitals and concerts given by Shostakovich,
———. Molodye gody Shostakovicha, Book 1 Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, 1975,
334, 8 plates: Book 2. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, 1980, 318, 12 plates. [‘The
Youthful Years’: numerous early photographs, facsimiles, and music examples in the
text. Calendar of events 1831 to 17 July 1941, bibliography of 162 books and 167
articles, and index of names for both volumes appended to Book 2.]
———. Shostakovich v Petrograde—Leningrade. Lenizdat, Leningrad, 1979, 272.
[‘Shostakovich in Leningrad’: a well-informed biography, 65 photographs, list
of Leningrad addresses associated with the composer, and extensive bibliography
including articles written by Shostakovich.]
———. D. D. Shostakovich—v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny. Muzyka, Leningrad,
1979, 280. [Book 3: a detailed account of Shostakovich’s life and work in cities during
624 B I B L I O GRA P HY

the Great Patriotic War, with emphasis on the Seventh and Eighth Symphonies; 55
illustrations in the text, 6 music examples, copious footnote references; diary of events
from June 1941 to 10 May 1945 and a bibliography of 64 books and 119 articles
———. Shostakovich—tridtsatiletie 1945–1975. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad,
1982, 415, 32 plates. [Book 4: this writer’s concluding biographical volume covering
the thirty years 1945–75; 8 music examples, diary of events from 9 March 1945
to 14 August 1975, bibliography of 63 books and 262 articles, an index of names for
Books 3 and 4.]
———. Podvig, voploshchennyi v muzyke. Lower Volga Book Publishers, Volgograd,
1984, 80. [‘A feat of Heroism in Music’: facts connected with the writing of the
Eighth ‘Stalingrad’ Symphony and information on ‘Battle by the Volga’, Op. 66, and
Funeral-Triumphal Prelude, Op. 130. Originally announced by VAAP as a 324-page
———. Shostakovich: zhizn i tvorchestvo, Book 1. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad,
1985, 544, 64 plates plus portraits in the text: Book 2. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Leningrad, 1986, 624, 32 plates plus portraits in the text. [A revised monograph of the
composer, profusely illustrated with many photographs published for the first time,
facsimiles of early compositions and birth certificates, 26 and 12 music examples in
the text. In Book 1 a calendar of events from 1808 to 17 June 1941 and, in Book 2,
from 22 June 1941 to 14 August 1975. Numerous references quoted in footnotes but
Book 2 does not include a bibliography or index of names for these two volumes.]
———. Shostakovich na Ukraine. Muzichna Ukraina, Kiev, 1986, 183, 34 photographs.
[‘Shostakovich in the Ukraine’: details of the composer’s visits to cities and Crimean
sanatoria, works composed there, and concert performances.]
———. Shostakovich v Moskve. Moskovskii rabochii, Moscow, 1986, 209, 34 photographs.
[‘Shostakovich in Moscow’: a paperback with information on the composer’s 32-year
association with the capital.]
———. Lyubimaya muzyka. Muzichna Ukraina, Kiev, 1989, 174–204. [‘Favourite Music’:
popular essays on composers and performers, including Dunayevsky, Soloviev-Sedoi,
Gilels, and Richter. A thirty-page chapter on Shostakovich. Frontispiece photograph
of the author.]
———. V mire Shostakovicha. Kompozitor, Moscow, 1996. [‘In the World of
Shostakovich’—the author met and talked with the composer, his family and
friends—including his doctor and personal chauffeur and the family’s domestic help—
academics, and musicians who performed his works. The third part ‘Shostakovich in
the Mirror of his Letters’ publishes correspondence addressed to certain pupils and
Soviet musicians. The book lacks photographs, musical examples, and an index of
———. Pushkin v muzyke Shostakovicha. Variant, St Petersburg, 1996, 88. [Information
on his juvenile opera Gipsies, the cartoon film The Tale of a Priest and His Servant
Balda Opus 36, Four Romances Opus 46, the revision of Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov
Opus 58, and the Four Monologues Opus 91.]
———. Also books on the composer’s ‘Relations with Women’ and connections in
‘Soccer’, both published by Variant, St Petersburg, 1993.

Kholopova, Valentina Nikolayevna, and Chigaryova, Yevgeniya Ivanovna. Alfred

Shnitke—ocherk zhizni i tvorchesta. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1990, 351,
12 plates. [‘A study of the life and works of Alfred Schnittke’, with notes relating
to Shostakovich in the text; seven appendices including 70 music examples, 161
bibliographical references, and a classified list of compositions 1957–89; and index
of names.]
Khubov, Georgi Nikitich. Muzykalnaya publitsistika raznykh let. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 1976, 432. [A selection of musical essays from various Russian sources,
1936–74, with information on Opp. 10, 43, 106 et al.]
Koball, Michael. Pathos und Groteske—Die deutsche Tradition im symphonischen Schaffen
von Dmitri Shostakowitsch. Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 1997, 284. [‘Pathos and Grotesque—
the German Tradition in the Symphonic Works of Shostakovich’: illustrating the
composer’s connection with the pathos of Beethoven and the grotesque music of
Mahler, in the German language.]
Kompaneyets, Zinovi Lvovich, Novyi yevreiskie pesni. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow,
1970. [A compilation of new Jewish songs with Shostakovich as Editor-in-Chief.]
Kovnatskaya, Lyudmila Grigorievna (compiler). D. D. Shostakovich—sbornik statei k
90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. Kompozitor, St Petersburg, 1996, 392, 14 photographs.
[Twenty-four articles for the 90th anniversary of the composer’s birth, including con-
tributions from Laurel E. Fay (on the Leningrad Association of Contemporary Music
and Boris Asafiev), David Fanning (on leitmotive in Lady Macbeth), Nelly Kravets
(a new look at Symphony No. 12), Eric Roseberry (on Britten and Shostakovich),
and Rosamund Bartlet (‘Shostakovich and Chekhov’). Music examples, facsimiles of
letters, sketches, and cartoons in the text.]
Kozintsev, Grigori Mikhailovich. King Lear: the Space of Tragedy, trans. Mary
A. Mackintosh. Heinemann Educational. Books, London, 1977, 260. [An English
translation of Prostrantsvo tragedii—Kozintsev’s diary kept during the shooting of
the film—first published by Iskusstvo, 1973. Ten stills from the film and revelatory
comments on Shostakovich’s collaboration, Op. 137.]
Krafft, Nathalie (ed.). Le Monde de la Musique, No. 244. Paris, June 2000, 28–47.
[Special issue on 25th anniversary of Shostakovich’s death with five illustrated articles
in French.]
Kratkaya literaturnaya entsiklopediya. Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, Moscow, 1962–75. [The
brief literary encylopaedia in 8 volumes, lavishly illustrated. Useful for biographical
details of Russian writers associated with Shostakovich.]
Krebs, Stanley Dale. Soviet Composers and the Development of Soviet Music. George Allen
and Unwin, London, 1970, 185–204.
Kröplin, Eckart. Fruhe Sowjetische Oper: Schostakowitsch, Prokofjew. Hon-schelverlag,
Berlin, 1985, 148–294 et passim. [A German review of The Nose and Lady Macbeth
with music examples, a list of sources, bibliography, and index of persons.]
Krǔstev, Venelin Georgiev. Dmitri Shostakovich: biografichen ocherk. National
Committee for Defence of Peace, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1954, 69. [A biographical essay
in Bulgarian.]
Kryukov, Vadim Konstantinovich, et al. Katalog gramplastinok. Ministry of Culture,
Moscow, 1963, 347. [Catalogue of 78 rpm recordings.]
626 B I B L I O GRA P HY

———, et al. Katalog dolgoigrayushchikh gramplastinok. Ministry of Culture, Moscow,

1963, 312. [Catalogue of 331⁄3 and 45 rpm recordings.]
———, (compiler), and Ilinskaya, S. E. (ed.). Katalog dolgoigrayushchikh gramplastinok.
All-Union Studio of Gramophone Recording, Moscow, 1968, 722. [Catalogue of 331⁄3
mono and stereo recordings.]
———. Katalog dolgoigrayushchikh gramplastinok. All-Union Studio of Gramophone
Recording, Moscow, 1972, Vol. i: 444; Vol. ii: 508. [Catalogue of 331⁄3 mono and
stereo recordings to the end of 1970. Supplements published annually.]
Kuhn, Ernst, (ed.). Volksfeind Dmitri Shostakowitsch—Eine Dokumentation der offentlichen
Angriffe gegen den Komponisten in der Sowjetunion. Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 1997, 287.
[‘Dmitri Shostakovich—Enemy of the People: a documentary of the public attacks
against the composer in the Soviet Union’. Essays dealing with the serious attacks of
1936, 1948, and 1954 and including a compilation of Soviet reactions of Solomon
Volkov’s Testimony. Bibliography.]
Kukharsky, Vasili Fyodosievich. O muzyke i muzykantakh nashikh dnei. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1979, 184–48 and 212–15. [A review of Moscow, Cheryomushki
from Pravda (1 Mar. 1959), and an obituary.]
Lander, Margaret, ‘Music and Makebelieve’. The Gramophone (Dec. 1946), 108.
[A fanciful story set to Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 35.]
Lawson, Peter, ‘Shostakovich’s Second Symphony’. Tempo, No. 91 (Winter 1969–70),
Layton, Robert, ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’. The Symphony 2: Elgar to the Present Day, ed.
Robert Simpson. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1967, 197–217. [A critical study
with music examples of Symphonies Nos. 1 to 11. Also the same pagination in
hardback: David & Charles, Newton Abbott, 1972.]
———. ‘Shostakovich’s new symphony’. The Listener, 83 (11 June 1970), 802–03.
[Symphony No. 14.]
Lebedinsky, Lev Nikolayevich. ‘The Origin of Shostakovich’s “Rayok”’. Tempo, No. 173
(June 1990), 31–32.
Lemaire, Frans C. La musique du xxe siecle en Russie et dans les anciennes Republiques
sovietiques Librairie. Arthème Fayard, Paris, 1994, 521. [A history of music in Russia
and the USSR from 1905 to 1992 in the French language. Nineteen chapters (No. 9
entitled ‘The posthumous dissidence of Shostakovich’), a 125-page section of biogra-
phies, a single page bibliography, and index.]
Leonard, Richard Anthony. A History of Russian Music. Jarrolds, London, 1956; 291–93
and 322–40.
Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich. The Enchanted Wanderer and Other Stories, trans. George
H. Hanna. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 2nd printing 1974, 17–83. [The original
short story Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk in English.]
Levando, Pyotr Petrovich. Khorovaya faktura. Muzyka, Leningrad, 1984, 124. [‘Choral Texture’:
a paperback monograph giving detailed descriptions of Ten Poems, Op. 88 (with 25 mu-
sic examples including the vocal range of the four parts for each poem), Shostakovich’s
choral sections of Boris Godunov, Op. 58, and Two Choruses by Davidenko, Op. 124.]
Levashev, Yevgeni M. (compiler). Hasledie M. P. Musorgskogo. Muzyka, Moscow,
1989, 256. [‘Modest Mussorgsky’s Heritage’ introducing the publication of the

complete works in thirty-two volumes. A collection of four articles in Russian with

abridged English and German translations. Shostakovich’s editions of Boris Godunov
and Khovanshchina will appear in Volumes 23–24 and 28–29 respectively]
Levaya, Tamara Nikolayevna. ‘Taina velikogo iskusstva’. Muzyka Rossii, Issue 2. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1978, 291–328 [‘The secret of a great art’: a review of the late
chamber-vocal cycles, Opp. 127, 143, 145, and 146, with 6 music examples.]
Library of Congress Catalogs—Music and Phonorecords, 1953–57, Vol. 27. Rowman and
Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 1961, 793–95.
———. Music and phonorecords/Music, Books on Music and Phonorecords, 1958–62,
Vol. 51. Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 1963, 907–11.
———. Music, Books on Music, and Sound Recordings, 1963–72. J. D. Edwards, Mich.,
USA, 1969–73.
———. Music, Books on Music, and Sound Recordings, 1973–88. Library of Congress,
Washington, 1974–89.
Lipovsky, Aleksandr (compiler). Lenin Prize Winners: Soviet Stars in the World of
Music, trans. Olga Shartse. Progress Publishers, Moscow, c.1967, 42–79. [An article
‘A rare talent’ by Boris Asafiev from Sovetskaya Muzyka, 1959, No. 1 and excerpts
from Martynov’s 1962 monograph; also brief appreciatory notes on Prokofiev and
Khachaturyan by Shostakovich.]
Long, Maureen W. Music in British Libraries. The Library Association, London, 1971.
Longman, Richard M. Expression and Structure: Processes of Integration in the Large-Scale
Instrumental Music of Dmitri Shostakovich. Garland, New York, 1989, 2 vols, 700.
[University of Birmingham thesis, 1984 in the series ‘Outstanding Dissertations in
Music from British Universities’.]
Lopukhov, Fyodor Vasilievich. Shestdesyat let v balete. Iskusstvo, Moscow, 1966, 368.
[‘Sixty years in ballet’: information on The Bolt and The Limpid Stream.]
Lourié, Arthur. ‘On Shostakovich: About his Seventh Symphony’. Novyi zhur-nal [New
Review, Vol. vi] New York, 1943, 367–72.
Lukyanova, Nataliya Valerievna. Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich. Muzyka, Moscow,
1980, 176, 100 photographs (15 in colour). [A pocket-sized anthology of articles and
other archive material regarding the life and compositions of the composer: lavishly
illustrated, with additional facsimiles of posters, sketches, diplomas, and holograph
scores in the text.]
–––––. Dmitri Dmitri jewitsch Schostakowitsch, trans. Nina Sohr, Beate Petras. Verlag
Neue Musik, Berlin, 1982, 202, 80 illustrations. [German translation of above.]
–––––. Shostakovich, trans. Yuri Shirokov. Paganiniana Publications, Neptune City, NJ,
1984, 175, 59 photographs. [A larger format English-language edition of the former
with a differing selection of photographs (poorly reproduced on non-art paper and
none in colour) and lacking the in-the-text illustrations but graced with a helpful index
of names and compositions.)
Lushina, Stanielava Aleksandrovicha (ed.). Bolshoi teatr SSSR—Istoriya— Opera—Balet.
Planeta, Moscow, 1986, 248. [A glossy large-format photographic album featuring
fifteen each of Bolshoi Theatre opera and ballet productions, including Boris Godunov
and Khovanshchina (non-Shostakovich editions) and The Golden Age (1982 revival;
back-cloth design sketch and 24 photographs, pages 238–47).]
628 B I B L I O GRA P HY

McAllister, Rita. The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, ed. Bruce Bohle.
Dodd, Mead & Co., New York/J. M. Dent, London, 10th edn. 1975, 2050–57.
[A good review of Shostakovich’s life and music with near complete catalogue of works
numbered to Op. 134.]
———. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, Vol.19,
Tiomkin-Virdung. Macmillan, London, 1980, 384–88. [Russian SFSR entry: (i–iv)
The political background to the Soviet period and (v) Soviet music with general and
special studies bibliographies.]
McBurney, Gerard. ‘Hypothetically Murdered Op. 31’. City of Birmingham Symphony
Orchestra Programme, 20 Nov. 1991. CBSO Society Ltd. [Details of the suite
reconstructed and orchestrated from the composer’s loose piano score pages.]
———. ‘Not a cherry tree in sight!’, Tempo, No. 190 (Sept. 1994), 19–22. [An ‘open
letter’ to Dmitri Dmitrievich apologizing for the reorchestration of Moscow,
Cheryomushki, Opus 105, to suit a British pit band.] Also published in première
programme booklets and BBC Music, Apr. 1995, 9–10.
MacDonald, Ian. ‘Russian Realist: What is the use of Shostakovich?’, The Face, No. 74
(June 1986), 74–77. [‘The use to us in the West of Shostakovich’s music is that it
provides a detailed emotional record of what it’s been like to live in Russia since the
Revolution, in this respect forming a sort of high-art soundtrack to Solzhenitsyn’s
definitive indictment of Soviet Marxism, The Gulag Archipelago.’ Special emphasis
on the Eleventh Symphony.]
———. The New Shostakovich. Fourth Estate, London, 1990, 339, 37 photographs. [The
‘New’ of this biography’s title refers to post-Testimony argument, relating the life of the
composer to the experiences of his Soviet contemporaries. Chronology (38 pages) and
a select bibliography.] Also published by Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1990
and Oxford University Press paperback, 1991
———. The New Shostakovich. (Pimlico Press, 2006). [A new edition of the late author’s
1990 revisionist book, revised and updated by Raymond Clarke, with an introductory
endorsement by Vladimir Ashkenazy.]
———. ‘Fay Versus Shostakovich: Whose Stupidity?’, East European Jewish Affairs,
Vol. 26, No. 2 (1996), 5–26. [A critical reply to Laurel Fay’s article—’The
composer was courageous but not as much as in myth’ regarding the timing of
the composition of From Jewish Folk Poetry Opus 79, in The New York Times,
14 April 1996.
MacDonald, Malcolm (Calum). Dmitri Shostakovich—a complete catalogue. Boosey &
Hawkes, London, 1977, 47 (2nd edn., 1985), 56. [A chronological listing of works,
giving details of instrumentation, duration, and première performances.]
———. Dimitri Chostakovitch—Catalogue Général. Le Chant du Monde, Paris, 1988,
73. [A French translation of the 2nd edn. by Andre Lischke.]
———.’The Anti-Formalist “Rayok”—Learners Start Here!’, Tempo, No. 173 (June 1990),
McKee, Aleksander. Dresden 1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox. Souvenir Press, London,
1982. [Revealing examination of the bomber raids—‘an act of wilful mass murder
committed on a helpless civilian population’—for an appreciation of Five Days, Five
Nights (subtitled ‘Dresden Art Gallery’), Op. 111.]

McNaught, William, ‘Gramophone Notes’, The Musical Times, Vol. 83, No. 1196
(Oct. 1942), 307–08. [An early review of Fifth Symphony.]
Malko, Nikolai Andreyevich. A Certain Art. Morrow, New York, 1966. [The opening of
Tahiti Trot, Op. 16, reproduced on page 213.]
Marshak, Samuil Yakovlevich. Detyam. Detskaya Literature, Moscow, 1973. [A book of
verses for children including the original story ‘The Tale of the Stupid Little Mouse’.
See Opus 56.]
Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich. D. D. Shostakovich. Muzgiz, Moscow, 1946, 111. [Also pub-
lished in French—Paris, 1946—and German language edition trans. Ina Tinzmann-
Berlin, 1947, 171.]
———. Dmitri Shostakovich: the Man and his Work, trans. T. Guralsky. Philosophical
Library, New York, 1947 and Greenwood Press, New York, 1969, 197. [Valuable for
biographical information and covers Opp. 1 and 70.]
———. D. Shostakovich: tvorcheskii portret. Sovetskaya Rossiya, Moscow, 1962.
[An updated ‘portrait’ of the composer. Excerpts in English appear in Lipovsky, 52–79.]
———. ‘Soviet Chamber Music’. Corbett’s Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music, Vol. iii,
ed. Walter Willson Corbett and Colin Mason. Oxford University Press, London, 2nd
edn. 1963, 142–47.
———. O muzyke i yeyo tvortsakh. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscov, 1980, 27–53.
[Articles on the Second Piano Trio and Second Quartet, Ninth and Tenth Quartets,
and Fourteenth Symphony; bibliography—17 Shostakovich references.]
Mason, Colin. ‘Shostakovich and the string quartet’. The Listener, 62 (23 July 1959),
———. ‘Form in Shostakovich’s Quartets’, The Musical Times, Vol. 103, No. 1434
(Aug. 1962), 531–33.
———.’Soviet Chamber Music’, Corbett’s Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music, Vol. iii.
Oxford University Press, London, 2nd edn. 1963, 148–49. [Refers to Seventh and
Eighth Quartets.]
Matthew-Walker, Robert. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich—The Film Music’. Music and Musicians,
332 (Apr. 1980), 34–39, 3 photographs. [A thorough review of the composer’s
important contribution in this field.]
———. ‘Shostakovich’s Serial Procedures’, Music and Musicians, 380 (Apr. 1984),
14–15. [Illustrated examples of serial thematicism running through the composer’s
work from the First Symphony to the Fifteenth Quartet.]
———.‘Shostakovich as populist composer’, Music and Musicians, 402 (Feb. 1986),
7–9, 2 photographs. [A clarification of the origins of the Ballet Suites Nos. 1, 2, and
3; cross-referencing Shostakovich’s original movements with the published versions
assembled by Lev Atovmyan.]
Matthews, David. ‘Shostakovich’s Eleventh Symphony’. The Listener, 75 (24 Mar.
1966) 488.
Mazel, Leo (Lev) Abramovich. Simfonii D. D. Shostakovicha—putevoditel. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1960, 152; 2nd rev. and enlarged edn., 1981. [The 1st edn.
covers Nos. 1 to 11; the 2nd, all 15 symphonies. Numerous music examples.]
———. Etyudy o Shostakovich: stati i zametki o tvorchestve. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 1986, 176. [‘Studies on Shostakovich; articles and notes on works’. A
630 B I B L I O GRA P HY

paperback comprising 13 articles on the composer’s musical language, sonata form

in the larger symphonies, the main themes of the Fifth Symphony, the production
of the opera The Nose, the fugue of the Piano Quintet, 12-note system in his music,
etc.. 84 music examples, including complete piano scores of ‘Song of the Lantern’ and
‘Song of the Counterplan’.]
Meskhishvili, Erna Petrovna. Dmitri Shostakovich—Notograficheskii spravochnik
(Moscow, 1995), 556 pp. [An updated and greatly extended version of Sadovnikov’s
1965 catalogue with additional chapters in Part II on transcriptions. All-Union Radio
and Central Television performances recorded up to 1988, world-wide discography of
selected LPs, a chronological chart, Russian documentaries and films of concerts; fully
cross-referenced and indexed. Especially important for information on autograph and
manuscript scores.]
———. Meyer, Krzysztof. Dymitr Szostakowicz. Krakow, 1973. [Original edition in
Polish of the following biography (Meyer 1980).]
———. Dymitr Szostakowicz—z pism i wypowiedzi. Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne,
Krakow, 1975, 262, 18 photographs. [Collection of articles and letters, year-by-year
biography, and index of works and people mentioned in text. In Polish.]
———. Dmitri Schostakowitsch, trans. Ilona Reinhold. Philipp Reclam junior, Leipzig,
1980, 340, 35 photographs. [A thorough biography in German, No. 809 in the
Reclam paperback series, with music examples, detailed calendar of events, classified
catalogue of works (19 pages), a useful discography (32 pages) compiled by Jan Weber
noting world-wide record numbers up to 1973, bibliographic references, booklist, and
index of names.]
———. and Hellmundt Christoph. Dmitri Schostakowitsch—Erfahrungen, trans.by
Gabriele Bock. Philipp Reclam junior, Leipzig, 1983, 360. [An expanded edition of
Meyer 1980 in German. No. 947 in the Reclam paperback series.]
———. Dimitri Chostakovitch. Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris, 1994, 605, 20
photographs. [A rewritten and uncensored French version of Meyer’s previous books,
presented in chronological chapters, the 28th entitled ‘Some personal recollections
of the man who was Shostakovich’. Synopses of Lady Macbeth and The Nose,
26 music examples, list of prizes and decorations, catalogue of works arranged by
genre, bibliography, indices of names and works.]
Milshtein, Yakov Isaakovich (compiler). Aleksandr Vasilievich Gauk. Sovetskii
Kompozitor, Moscow, 1975, 123–30, 171–72, 223 et passim. [Memoirs of the con-
ductor, selected articles and recollections by contemporaries (including Shostakovich);
list of works in the conductor’s repertoire and a discography; 5 photographs relating
to Shostakovich.]
Mishra, Michael. A Shostakovich Companion. Praeger Publishers, June 2008, 640. [Divided into
four sections: Shostakovich Reception; The Life and Stylistic Evolution; Analyzing
Shostakovich; and Aspects of Shostakovich. Review in G Awards (Oct.) 2008.]
Mitchell, Donald. ‘Shostakovich and his Symphonies’. Aldeburgh Anthology, ed. Ronald
Snape Mailings Foundations/Faber Music, London, 1972, 215–18.
——— and Evans, John. Benjamin Britten, Pictures from a Life, 1913–1976. Faber and
Faber, London and Boston, 1978, photographs nos. 363, 366–68.

Moisenko, Rena. Twenty Soviet Composers. Workers’ Music Association, London, 1942,
———. Realist Music: 25 Soviet Composers. Meridan Books, London, 1949, 200–14.
Moldon, David. Bibliography of Russian Composers. White Lion, London, 1976,
119–214. [Over 150 entries for Shostakovich of articles and books in the English
language published up to 1974.]
Morrison, Richard. Orchestra––The LSO: A Century of Triumph and Turbulence. Faber
& Faber, 2004.
Moshevich, Sofia. Dmitri Shostakovich, Pianist. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004,
244. [A thorough examination of the composer’s piano studies, concert career, and
repertoire, illustrated with 18 photographs and 78 music examples. A seven-page
bibliography, ten-page discography of Shostakovich’s piano performances, and full
Nardone, Thomas, with Nye, James H. and Resnick, Mark. Choral Music in Print,
Vol. ii: Secular Musicdata, Philadelphia, 1974.
National Union Catalog. Pre-1956 Imprints Mansell Information, Salem, Mass., 1977,
Vol. 544, pp. 490–500
———. 1973–77 (Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 1978), Prag-Staz, Vol. v,
Neuhaus, Heinrich, The Art of Piano Playing, trans. K. A. Leibovitch. Barrie Jenkins,
London, 1973 (reissued 1983), xiii plus 240.
Nesterenko, Yevgeni Yevgenevich. ‘Poslednie vstrechi’, Musyka Rossii, Issue 2. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1978, 329–36. [The last meeting: the bass singer’s view of the
Suite on Verses of Michelangelo, Op, 145.]
Nikelberg, S. Muzyka D. Shostakovicha k kinofilmu ‘Gamlet’. Iz istorii Russkoi i Sovelskoi
Muzyka, Issue 3 Muzyka, Moscow, 1978, 234–52. [The Music of D. Shostakovich for
the cinema film Hamlet: a thorough analysis with 14 music examples.]
Nikolayev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, and Chinayev, Vladimir Pyotrovich. Ocherki po
istorii sovetskogo fortepiannogo iskusstva. Muzyka, Moscow, 1979, 262. [Musical infor-
mation on notable Soviet pianoforte teachers, pianists, and composers of keyboard
works. Shostakovich’s contribution covered on pages 30–38 et passim.]
Norris, Christopher (ed.). Shostakovich: The Man and his Music. Lawrence and Wishart,
London, 1982, 233. [A volume of illuminating essays by performing musicians,
Western composers and critics, exploring Shostakovich’s principal works and discuss-
ing the historical circumstances and the political atmosphere surrounding their com-
position with 49 music examples.]
———. ‘The String Quartets of Shostakovich’. Music and Musicians, No. 24
(Dec. 1974), 27–28 and 30. [Ostensibly a review of the Borodin Quartet’s box
set of 13 quartets but profoundly wider in scope, covering critical assessments
of the symphonies and compositional techniques. ‘Shostakovich’s music makes
up an anatomy of the Soviet body politic. The forced, “optimistic” final movements
(Symphonies Nos. 5 and 12); the appalling hack cantatas and blatant, mindless “light”
music—all these suggest aesthetic equivalents to the forced ideology of a sick society’.]
Norris, Geoffrey. ‘Shostakovich’s “The Nose”’. The Musical Times, Vol. 120, No. 1634
(May 1979), 393–94.
632 B I B L I O GRA P HY

———. ‘Bitter Memories: the Shostakovich Testimony’. The Musical Times, Vol. 121,
No. 1646 (Apr. 1980), 241–43.
———.’An Opera Restored—Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich and the Khovansky
Business’. The Musical Times, Vol. 123, No. 1676 (Oct. 1982), 672–75. [An appre-
ciation of Shostakovich’s orchestration, Op. 106, as a preface to the Covent Garden
revival in this edition, Oct.–Nov. 1982.]
———. The New Oxford Companion to Music (General ed. Denis Arnold) Vol. ii,
K–Z. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983, 1681–84. [Shostakovich entry:
a perceptive review of the composer’s career; also numerous related articles and
definitions cross-referenced throughout the two-volume encyclopaedia.]
———. ‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District’. The Daily Telegraph (28 Aug.1999).
[No. 35 in a weekly series ‘50 works that shaped the century’, with photograph of the
1934 Moscow premiere.]
Olkhovsky, Andrey. Music Under the Soviets—the Agony of an Art. Frederick A. Praeger,
New York, 1955, 215–22 et passim. [A highly critical thesis on the musical scene in the
USSR during Stalin’s rule. Useful for translations and condensations of articles from
the Soviet press, and the extensive bibliography.]
Olmsted, Elizabeth H. (ed.). Music Library Association Catalog of Cards for Printed Music,
1953–1972, Vol. 2, K–Z. Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 405–10.
O’Loughlin, N. ‘Shostakovich’s String Quartets’. Tempo, No. 87 (Winter 1968–69),
9–16. [Covers Nos. 1 to 11.]
Opperby, Preben. Leopold Stokowski. Midas Books, Tunbridge Wells and Hippocrene,
New York, 1982, 235–56. [Full discography.]
Orlov, Genrikh Aleksandrovich. Sinifonii D. Shostakovicha. Muzgiz, Leningrad, 1962, 68.
[A paperback booklet with extended programme notes for Symphonies Nos. 1 to 12.]
———. Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich—kratkii ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. Muzyka,
Leningrad, 1966, 120. [A paperback essay on the life and creative work of the
composer written for young people; 19 illustrations in the text.]
Ottaway, Hugh. ‘Shostakovich’s Tenth Symphony’. The Musical Times, Vol. 97,
No. 1361 (July 1956), 350–52.
———. ‘Shostakovich: Some Later Works’. Tempo, No. 50 (Winter 1958–59), 2–14.
[Analyses of Opp. 77, 93, and 103.]
———. ‘Shostakovich and the string quartet’. The Listener, 76 (17 Nov. 1966), 746.
———. ‘Shostakovich’s “Fascist” Theme’. The Musical Times, Vol. Ill, No. 1525
(Mar. 1970), 274. [Op. 60.]
———. ‘Beyond Babi Yar’. Tempo, No. 105 (June 1973), 26–30. [A review of Op. 113.]
———. ‘Shostakovich’s String Quartets 1–13’. EMI Records (London, 1974), 8 pages.
———. ‘Shostakovich’s string quartets’. The Listener, 91 (6 June 1974), 731–32.
———. ‘The Symphonies of Shostakovich 1–15’. EMI Records, London, 1975, 20 pages.
———. ‘Looking again at Shostakovich 4’, Tempo, No. 115 (Dec. 1975), 14–24.
[A detailed study of Op. 43.]
———. ‘Symphonies Nos. 5 and 10’. EMI Records, London, 1976, 8 pages.
———. Shostakovich Symphonies. BBC Publications, London, 1978, 68 pages.
[A paperback in the BBC Music Guides series with essays on the 15 symphonies
illustrated by 30 music examples.]

Paisov, Yuri. ‘Pyatnadtsataya simfoniya D. D. Shostakovicha’. Muzykalnyi Sovremennik,

Vol. 3. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1979), 5–38. [An analysis of Fifteenth
Symphony with 9 music examples.]
Parsons, Denys. The Directory of Tunes and Musical Themes. Spencer Brown, Cambridge,
1975. [Examples from Shostakovich’s works defined by an original code of * for
starting note, R for repeated note, U for up, and D for down.]
Penney, Barbara. Music in British Libraries—A Directory of Resources. Library Association,
London, 3rd edn. 1981.
Perenyi, Eleanor. Great Men of Music: Shostakovich. Time-Life Records, Alexandria,
Virginia, 1979, 23 pages. (An illustrated book to accompany a four-record set of RCA
recordings with a listener’s guide written by Jack Diether.]
Piston, Walter. Orchestration. Victor Gollancz, London, 1965. [Music examples from
Fifth and Seventh Symphonies.]
Plaistow, Stephen (ed.); Grimley, Myra, and Wiegold, Mary. Catalogue of Music
Broadcast on Rado 3 and Radio 4 in 1974. BBC Publications, London, 1977, 236–37.
[Gives the performing times of 35 Shostakovich works.]
———. (ed.); Wiegold, Mary, and Wilkinson, Caroline. Catalogue of Music Broadcast
on Radio 3 in 1975. BBC Publications, London, 1978, 227–28. [Performance times
of 32 Shostakovich works.]
Polyakova, Lyudmila Viktorovna. Soviet Music, trans. Xenia Danko. Foreign Languages
Publishing House, Moscow, c.1960. [Covers Opp. 10 to 105; well illustrated.]
———. Vokalnyi tsikl D. Shostakovicha: iz yevreiskoi narodnoi poezii. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1957, 24 pages. [‘From Jewish Folk Poetry’—an analysis of the
song cycle with eighteen music examples in a slim booklet.]
Porter, Andrew. Chamber Music, ed. Alec Robertson. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth,
1963, 420–21.
Pound, Reginald. Sir Henry Wood—A Biography. Cassell, London, 1969.
Pribegina, Galina Alekseyevna. Moskovskaya konservatoriya 1866–1991. Muzyka,
Moscow, 1991, 240. [A glossy cloth-bound, large format album dedicated to the
125th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory, profusely illustrated in monochrome
and colour, with Russian text and captions in English.]
Prieberg, Fred K. Musik in der Sowjetunion. Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, Cologne,
1965. [Many references to Shostakovich and details of jazz music in the USSR; in
German language.]
Prokhorova, Irina Adeksandrovna and Skudina, Henrietta Semyonovna. Sovetskaya
muzykalnaya literatura for 7th class of children’s musical schools. Muzyka, Moscow,
1978, 62–92. [Essay on Shostakovich by H. S. Skudina; biography, analyses of
Seventh Symphony and Prelude and Fugue, Op. 87 No. 5; 16 music examples and
7 photographs.]
Rabinovich, David Abramovich. Dmitry Shostakovich—Composer, trans. George
H. Hanna. Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1959, 166, 30 photographs. [A sympathetic
survey especially valuable for biographical information. Covers Opp. 1 to 103.]
Radamsky, Sergei. ‘Lady Macbeth Put On for Stalin—but Shostakovich waited in vain
for a call’. The Times (18 Nov. 1963). [An article written by a guest of the composer
at the performance attended by Stalin, Zhdanov, and Mikoyan.]
634 B I B L I O GRA P HY

Reid, Charles. Malcolm Sargent—A Biography. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1968.

Reid, Robert H. (ed.). The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music. Brown
Publishers, New York, 3rd edn. 1948, 482–83.
Rienäcker, Gerd, and Reising, Vera. Die 11 und 12 Sinfonie von Dmitri Schostakowitsch.
(Einführungsmaterial für Kulturfunktionäire) Gesellschaft für deutsch-sowjetische
Freundschaft, Kulturpolitik, Berlin, 1970, 55. [A review of the Symphonies Nos. 11
and 12 in German with music examples.]
Rijen, Onno van, Dmitri Shostakovich Small Catalogue (1988), 35 pages. [Annotated list
of works, premières, renumbered Sans opp., and classified index. A privately published
database catalogue for DSCH Society members.]
———. Dmitri Shostakovich Compact Discography (1994), 178 pages. [An A4-size
discography of compact discs by opus and label with full reviews from Gramophone,
BBC Music Magazine, and DSCH Newsletter.]
Riley, John. Dmitri Shostakovich: A Life in Film. I. B. Tauris, London and New
York, 2005, x + 150, 13 stills from films in the text. [The third in the Filmmakers’
Companion series devoted to a chronological discussion of the films Shostakovich
scored from New Babylon to King Lear; describes his early career as a silent film
accompanist and the individual style of his composing for epic war films, biopics
of important Russians, and literary masterpieces. Informative endnotes (16 pages),
filmography (9 pages), and a brief bibilography.]
Robinson, David. Cinema in Revolution: the Heroic Era of the Soviet Film. Seeker and
Warburg, London, 1973. [A collection of essays compiled by Luda and Jean Schnitzer,
and Marcel Martin, originally published in a 1966 French edition, translated and with
additional material by D. Robinson. Shostakovich mentioned in two paragraphs only
though the text presents background information on several films he scored and their
———. World Cinema—A Short History. Eyre Methuen, London, 1973.
Roseberry, Eric. Shostakovich: His Life and Times. Midas Books, Tunbridge Wells and
Hippocrene, New York, 1982, 191. Also available as an Omnibus paperback, 1987.
[With 110 photographs and drawings; reproductions of posters, newspaper articles,
autograph scores, and music examples, this is a laudably well-illustrated account of the
composer’s life and times; expertly compiled from a wide variety of sources, placing
Shostakovich’s unique ‘achievement in its social, political and cultural context’. A
bibliography of 24 books in the English language and a discography of recommended
———. Sjostakovitj. J. H. Gottmer, Haarlem, 1987, 224, 100 illustrations. [A Dutch
translation of the above by Gerard Grasman, with additional catalogue of works and
supplementary material by Jos van Leeuwen (ed.).]
———. Ideology, Style, Content, and Thematic Process in the Symphonies, Cello Concertos,
and String Quartets of Shostakovich. Garland: New York, 1989, 584. [An epic thesis—
University of Bristol, 1982—in the series of ‘Outstanding Dissertations in Music from
British Universities’ in three parts: I—Ideology and creative practice, II—Studies in
style, content, and thematic process, III—Individual studies (1. The first movement
of the Fourth Symphony. 2. The two Cello Concertos. 3. Aspects of the late string
quartets). Numerous music examples and a seven-page bibliography.]

Roslavleva, Nataliya Petrovna. Era of the Russian Ballet 1770–1965. Victor Gollancz,
London, 1966, chapters 10 and 12.
Rotbaum, Lii. ‘V poiskakh stsenicheskogo resheniya “Kateriny Izmailovoi”’. Muzyka
Rossii, Issue 2 Sovetskii Kompozitor Moscow, 1978, 337–51. [‘The search for the
theatrical solution to Katerina Izmailova’: an extract from a Polish producer’s book.]
Rozhdestvensky, Gennadi Nikolayevich. Preambuly. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow,
1989, 303, illustrations in the text. [A compilation by Galina Sergeyevna Alfeyevskaya
of 46 articles written by the conductor: No. 5 on the New Babylon Suite; No. 17
including a reference to Schnittke’s In Memorian Stravinsky, Prokofiev, and Shostakovich;
No. 24, notes for the performance of Rothschild’s Violin on 24 November 1982; and
No. 33/2 on a violin and cello duet tribute to Shostakovich by Evzhen Zamechnik.
Rozhdestvensky’s extensive repertoire of 1950–87 is appended.]
Russcol, Herbert. Guide to Low-priced Classical Records. Hart, New York, 1969,
Sabinina, Marina Dmitrievna. Dmitri Shostakovich. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow,
1959, 53.
———. Simfonizm Shostakovicha—put k zrelosti. Nauka, Moscow, 1965, 176, 5 photographs.
[‘The symphonism of Shostakovich—the path towards maturity’: a paperback discussing
the first six symphonies; illustrated with numerous music examples.]
———. Shostakovich—simfonist: dramaturgiya, estetika, stil. Muzyka, Moscow, 1976,
480, 22 photographs. [‘Shostakovich—Symphonist: Dramaturgy, aesthetics, style’.
Minutely detailed analyses in Russian of the first 14 symphonies and Op. 119; 164
music examples and a bibliography of 130 references.]
———. Muzykalnaya Entsiklopediya, ed. Yuri Keldysh, Vol. 6, Kheintse—Yashugin.
Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, Moscow, 1982, 380–96. [Shostakovich entry: autographs
of the opening of the Tenth Symphony and first page of the Eighth Quartet;
appendices of the principal dates in the composer’s life, classified list of works, and
bibliography compiled by Leonid Borlsovich Rimsky.]
———. Simfonizm D. Shostakovicha v gody voiny. Muzyka v borbe s fashizmom. Sovetskii
kompozitor, Moscow, 1985, 9–29. [An article on Symphonies Nos. 7 and 8 in a
paperback dealing with the music scene on the continent during the war against
Sadovnikov, Yefim Lvovich (ed.). D. D. Shostakovich—Notograficheskii spravochnik.
Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1961, 64. [A small catalogue.]
———. (ed.). D. D. Shostakovich—Notograficheskii i bibliograficheskii spravochnik.
Muzyka, Moscow, 2nd edn. 1965, 280. [An oblong paperback catalogue with detailed
lists of compositions, Opp. 1–119; 8-page discography of Melodiya recordings;
alphabetical list of authors of subjects and texts; dedicatees; and a copious classified
bibliography, chronologically listed under 17 headings commencing with 286 articles
written by the composer, 1928–64.]
Sagayev, Lyubomir Konstantinov. Kniga za operate. Muzika, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4th enlarged
edn. 1983, 670–84. [A review of 132 representative operas, arranged alphabetically
by composer, including Shostakovich’s The Nose and Katerina Izmailova. List of
characters, history of the work, synopsis of the plot, and discussion on the music for
all the operas, in Bulgarian.]
636 B I B L I O GRA P HY

Sahlberg-Vachnadze, Margarita Aleksevna. Chostakovich. Editions Romance, Paris,

1945, 31.
Salehieh, Vahid (ed.) Melos, No. 4–5 Stockholm, Summer 1993, 102. [‘Special Issue
on Dmitri Shostakovich’: Swedish magazine wholly in English, including articles by
Levon Hakopian (on The Nose); Eric Roseberry, Malcolm H. Brown, Christopher
Norris, and Ian MacDonald (on Testimony and The New Shostakovich), and Krzysztof
Meyer (‘The recollection of a Man’). Three chapters on recommended recordings.]
Salter, Lionel. The Gramophone Guide to Classical Composers and Recording. Salamander
Books, London, 1978, 172–73.
Sandved, K. B. The World of Music, Volume 2, L–Z. Waverley, London, 2nd edn. 1957,
Schonberg, Harold C. The Lives of the Great Composers. Davis-Poynter, London, 1977,
511–21. [Chapter 34: ‘Under the Soviets, Prokofiev and Shostakovich’.]
Schwann Record & Tape Guides (formerly Schwann Long Playing Record Catalog)
W. Schwann, Boston, Mass. [Guide 1 monthly from 1949 and Guide 2 semi-annual
Schwarz, Boris. ‘Soviet Music since the Second World War’, Contemporary Music in
Europe (ed. Paul Henry Lang and Nathan Broder). The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 51
(1965), 259–81.
———. ‘The Vicissitudes of Soviet Music’. Problems of Communism. United States In-
formation Agency, vol. xiv, No. 6 (Nov. 1965), 67–82.
———. Music and Musical Life in Soviet Russia, 1917–1970 (Barrie & Jenkins, Lon-
don, 1972), xi plus 550. [A profoundly scholarly survey—indispensable.] Enlarged
Edition, 1917–1981 (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1983), xiii plus 722.
[Two new chapters: ‘From the Lenin Centennial to the Death of Shostakovich’ and
‘Dissatisfactions, Directives, and Defections (including a conversation with Maksim
Shostakovich)’ chronicle the period from 1970 to 1981.]
———. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie: Vol. 17,
Schutze-Spinto. Macmillan, London, 1980, 264–75. [Shostakovich entry: a balanced
assessment of the composer’s achievement with his creative career divided into three
periods—early 1924–36, mature 1937–66, and late 1967–75; classified list of works;
bibliography of 81 references, 1928–80; 3 photographs and facsimile of the first page
of Symphony No. 7.]
———. and Fay, Laurel E. The New Grove, Russian Masters. In the composer biography
series. Macmillan and Papermac, London, 1986, 175–240. [Shostakovich section:
revised dictionary article with new work-list and extended bibliography of 324 refer-
ences provided by L. E. Fay.]
Seckerson, Edward, ‘Ashkenazy’s Shostakovich’, Gramophone, Vol. 67, No. 798
(Dec. 1989), 1115–16. [An in-car interview with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s
music director on interpreting the symphonies.]
Seehaus, Lothar. Dmitrij Schostakowitsch: Leben und Werk. Florian Noetzel Verlag,
Wilhelmshaven, 1986, 224, 15 illustrations. [A German monograph split into six periods
of the composer’s life, with list of sources, brief bibliography, and discography.]
Seroff, Viktor Ilyich. Dmitri Shostakovich: The Life and Background of a Soviet Composer.
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1943, 260 plus xx, 13 photographs. [In collaboration

with Nadezhda Galli-Shohat, aunt of the composer. Useful for particulars of the
composer’s family and early life. Appends a translation of Shostakovich’s article on his
opera Lady Macbeth and Slonimsky’s list of works to Symphony No. 7.]
Shaginyan, Marietta Sergeyevna. O Shostakoviche: stati. Muzyka, Moscow, 1979, 46,
14 photographs. [A collection of ten brief articles published 1940–73, including
reviews and programme notes on Symphonies Nos. 5, 11, and 14, Piano Quintet, and
Moscow, Cheryomushki.]
Shebalina, Alisa Maksimovna. V. Ya. Shebalin: gody zhizn i tvorchestva. Sovetskii
Kompozitor, Moscow, 1990, 304, 40 photographs. [Many references to Shostakovich,
including his tribute ‘In memory of a friend’, in this diary compiled by Shebalin’s
Sheinberg, Esti. Irony, Satire, Parody and the Grotesque in the Music of Shostakovich—A
Theory of Musical Incongruities. Ashgate, Abingdon, 2000, 390, 27 plates. [A schol-
arly dissertation, with 106 music examples, schematic diagrams, and black and
white reproductions of the grotesque artwork of Boris Kustodiev, Marc Chagrall et
al. Previewed by the author at the Glasgow Symposium Shostakovich 25 Years On,
2 October 2000.]
Shirinsky, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. Skripichnye proizvedeniya D. Shostakovicha:
Problemy interpretatsii. Muzyka, Moscow, 1988, 111. [A paperback on ‘Problems
in the interpretation of Shostakovich’s violin works’. Analyses of the two Violin
Concertos and the Sonata, with discussions on the recorded performances of David
Oistrakh (Opp. 77—1956 and 1973; 129, and 134), Leonid Kogan (Op. 77—1962
and broadcast 26 November 1980), and Viktor Tretyakov (Op. 129—broadcast
28 December 1979). Twenty-nine single line music examples.]
Shneyerson, Grigori Mikhailovich (compiler). D. Shostakovich: stati i materially. Sovetskii
Kompozitor, Moscow, 1976, 336, 72 photographs. [A commemorative volume
planned for his 70th birthday with articles by fellow composers, musicians, and
friends—living and deceased. Includes a complete list of compositions and 13 musical
tributes on DSCH.]
———. (compiler). Dmitri Shostakovich Speaks. Melodiya, Moscow, 1979, 20, 41
photographs. [A valuable booklet in record box set with foreword by Tikhon
Khrennikov and full texts in English (Russian summaries) of fifteen talks given by the
composer, 1941–75.]
Shostakovich, Dmitri. ‘My Opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk’. Modern Music, New York,
xii (1934), 23–30. [Translation in Seroff, 249–55.]
———. ‘Message to America from Dmitri Shostakovich, 4 January 1942’, San Francisco.
The American Russian Institute, 1942.
———. ‘My Seventh Symphony—Symphony of Struggle and Victory’. VOKS Bulletin,
Nos. 1–2 , Moscow, 1942, 55–60. [In English.]
———. ‘Soviet Music Today’. Saturday Review of Literature, New York, Vol. xxx, No. 4
(25 Jan. 1947), page 25.
———. T’o puti navodnosti i realizma’. Sovetskaya Muzyka (Nov. 1952), 6–11. [‘Along
the path of nationality and realism’.]
———. ‘Radost tvorcheskikh iskanii’. Sovetskaya Muzyka (Jan. 1954), 40–42. [‘The joy
of creative searching’, trans, in Olkhovsky, 312–14.]
638 B I B L I O GRA P HY

———. The Power of Music. Music Journal publication, New York, 1968, 56.
[A collection of essays by the composer in English language.]
Sidelnikov, Leonid Sergeyevich. Bolshoi Simfonichesky Orkestr—Tsentralnogo televideniya i
Vsesoytiznogo radio. Muzyka, Moscow, 1981, 208. [The history of the Large Symphony
Orchestra of the Central Television and All-Union Radio, profusely illustrated with
portraits of its chief conductors, Aleksandr Orlov, Nikolai Golovanov, Aleksandr
Gauk, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, and Vladimir Fedoseyev.]
———. Gosudarstvennyi akademicheskii simfonicheskii orkestr Soyuza SSR. Muzyka,
Moscow, 1986, 288. [A glossy though incomplete 50-year history of the USSR (State)
Symphony Orchestra, illustrated in monochrome and colour. Accent on a ‘quartet of
conductors’: Gauk, Rakhlin, Ivanov, and Svetlanov.]
Slonim, Marc. Russian Theater: from the Empire to the Soviets. Methuen, London, 1963.
Slonimsky, Nicolas. ‘Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich’. The Musical Quarterly, Vol. xxviii
(Oct. 1942), 415–44. [Interesting overall appraisal with music examples, photographs,
and list of Opp. 1 to 60 compiled by Shostakovich for the author.]
———. The New Book of Modern Composers, ed. David Ewen. Alfred A. Knopf.
New York, 1961, 362–72.
———. The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, ed. Oscar Thompson
(Dent, London, 9th edn. 1964, 2011–14. [Covers Opp. 1 to 73.]
———. Lexicon of Musical Invective—Critical Assault on Composers since Beethoven’s
Time. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1965, 175–77.
———. Music since 1900. Cassell, London, 4th edn. 1972. [A monumental volume
in diary form, especially valuable for reviews of première performances and his
correspondence with Ivan Sollertinsky.]
———. Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. Oxford University Press/Schirmer
Books, 7th edn. 1984, 2118–21; 8th edn. 1991, 1701–01; Schirmer Books,
New York, Concise 8th edn. 1994, 935–7. [The authoritative single-volume musical
biography reference work. The Concise 8th edn. updates the earlier editions but omits
bibliographic references.]
Soblev, Romil Pavlovich. Aleksandr Dovzhenko. Iskusstvo, Moscow, 306, plus 44 plates.
[The life and work of the great Ukrainian film-director. Information (230–45),
sketches, and stills on Michurin, Opus 78.]
Sokhor, Arnold Naumovich (ed.). Slavini pobedu oktyabrya! 1917–1967. Book 1:
1917–1932 Muzyka, Moscow, 1967. [Patriotic songs including ‘Song of the
Counterplan’, 135–38 and 156–57.]
Sokolsky, Matias Markovich. Slushaya vremya. Muzyka, Moscow, 1964, 95–143.
[Selected articles about music in two parts: ‘Five classical composers (Glinka,
Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Shostakovich, and Prokofiev’ and ‘From the writing-pad
of a critic’. The five Shostakovich articles include reviews of Symphony No. 10, the
1962 revival of Katerina Izmailova, and Satires.]
———. ‘Shostakovich’s Satirical Tale’. Soviet Literature, No. 332 (Nov. 1975), 181–83.
[A Soviet critic’s review of The Nose following its 1975 Moscow revival.]
Sollertinsky, Dmitri and L(y)udmilla. Pages from the Life of Dmitri Shostakovich,
trans. Graham Hobbs and Charles Midgley. Robert Hale, London, 1981, 246, 14
photographs. [A sketchy portrait arranged chronologically under year/period chapter

headings, helpful for fresh information on the composer’s extensive travels and crippling
illnesses and his correspondence with Ivan Sollertinsky. Graced with a general index
but lacking music references, sources of the many quotes, and a bibliography.]
Souster, Tim. ‘Shostakovich at the Crossroads’. Tempo, lxxviii (Autumn 1966), 2–9.
[Refers to Fourth and Fifth Symphonies.]
Spektor, N. ‘Sonet 66’ V. Shekspira v tvorchestve D. Shostakovicha. Iz istorii russkoi i
sovetskoi muzy., Issue 3. Muzyka, Moscow, 1978, 210–17. [‘Shakespeare’s Sonnet 66
in the works of D. Shostakovich’.]
Stevenson, Ronald. Western Music: an introduction. Stanmore, London, 1971.
Streller, Friedbert. Dmitri Schostakowitsch für Sie porträtiert. VEB Deutscher Verlag
für Musik, Leipzig, 1982, 84, 33 photographs. [An East German paperback with
biographical notes and list of compositions.]
Tarakanov, Mikhail Yevgenievich. Simfoniya i instrumentalnyi kontsert v russkoi sovetskoi
muzyke. Sovetskii Konipozitor, Moscow, 1988, 272. [Chapter on Symphony No. 15
and Cello Concerto No. 2 in the work of Shostakovich, 41–92, and many references
elsewhere with emphasis on the 1960s and 1970s; an analysis of Boris Tishchenko’s
Fifth Symphony dedicated to Shostakovich, 108–18: appendix of music examples
(see Nos. 1–15, 16–32, and 39–42), brief bibliography and index.]
Tassie, Gregor. ‘Shostakovich’s four voices’. Classic Record Collector (Winter 2003),
24–30. [A profile of the Beethoven Quartet and their recordings of the string quartets,
with twenty photographs.]
Taylor, Richard, and Christie, Ian. The Film Factory: Russian and Soviet Cinema in
Documents 1896–1939. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1988, 457. [The aesthetic
and political development of the Russian cinema with documentary history of the
classic films of the 1920s and 1930s, including ten for which Shostakovich provided
the music. Stills from New Babylon, Counterplan, The Youth of Maxim, The Vyborg
Side, and The Great Citizen.]
Tigranov, Georgi Grigorievich; Dmitriev, Anatoli Nikodimovich and Frumky, V. 55
sovetskikh simfonii. Sovetskii kompozitor, Leningrad, 1967, 305–412. [Detailed
analyses, with music examples, of Symphonies Nos. 1 and 5–11.]
———. (ed.). Sovetskaya simfoniya za 50 let. Muzyka, Leningrad, 1967, 425–92.
[Detailed analyses, rich in music examples, of Symphonies Nos. 1, 5, 7, and 10–13.]
———. (ed.), Leningradskaya konservatoriya v vospominaniyakh. Muzyka, Leningrad,
1988, 281, 15 plates. [Recollections of Leningrad Conservatory by musicologists and
Tretyakova, Liliya Sergeyevna. Dmitri Shostakovich. Sovetskaya Rossiya, Moscow, 1976,
240, 17 plates. [25 biographical essays with musical achievements considered in detail.]
Troitskaya, G. ‘Muzyka Shostakovicha v kino’. Iskusstvo kino (Moscow), 1981 No. 12,
Tsuker, A. ‘Traditsii muzykalnogo teatra Musorgskogo b simfonicheskom tvorchestvo
Shostakovicha’ Muzykalnyi Sovremennik, Vol. 3. Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moscow,
1979, 39–74. [‘The traditions of Mussorgsky’s musical theatre in the symphonic
works of Shostakovich’. Music examples from Opp. 79, 87, 93, 113, 117, and 119.]
Unger-Hamilton, Clive, and Spek, Peter van der (eds.). The Great Symphonies, the Great
Orchestras, the Great Conductors. Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 2nd edn., 1988,
640 B I B L I O GRA P HY

141–43, 146, 235. [A rather grudging recognition of Shostakovich’s achievement in

Jan Taat’s chapter on the twentieth-century symphonists. The Third Symphony is not
analysed in detail as announced on the dust jacket. Select discography.]
VAAP (The Copyright Agency of the USSR). Dmitry Shostakovich: Complete Catalogue
of Works. VAAP, Moscow, 1977, 45. [A booklet listing numbered and unnumbered
compositions, with instrumentation and duration, in English.]
Vanslow, Viktor Vladimirovich. Tvorchestvo Shostakovicha. Znanie, Moscow, 1966, 31.
[The works of Shostakovich.]
Vasina-Grossman, Vera Andreyevna. Mastera sovetskogo romansa. Muzyka, Moscow, 2nd
edn. 1980, 218–54. [‘Masters of Soviet Song’: a detailed review of Shostakovich’s
song cycles with 19 music examples. The volume includes chapters on Myaskovsky,
Prokofiev, Shaporin, Shebalin, and Sviridov.]
Vishnevskaya, Galina Pavlovna. Galina: A Russian Story, trans. Guy Daniels. Hodder
& Stoughton, London, 1985, 519. [This deeply moving document throws new
light on several of Shostakovich’s compositions (in Chapter 11 and on 274–79 for
the Thirteenth Symphony and 349–61 for the film of Katerina Izmailova). The
horrors of Stalinist Russia, the Leningrad Blockade, and KGB harassment are vividly
Vladimirov, Vladimir Nikolayevich, and Lagutin, Aleksandr Ivanovich. Muzykalnaya
literatura for 4th class of children’s musical schools. Muzyka, Moscow, 1978, 40–41.
[‘The Homeland Hears’ from Opus 86.]
Volkov, Solomon Moiseyevich. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich and “Tea for Two”’. The Musical
Quarterly, Vol. lxiv, No. 2 (Apr. 1978), 223–28.
——— and (uncredited) Ottaway, Hugh. Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk. EMI Records,
London, 1979, 44. [A model of all an opera booklet should be; with full cast list,
historical notes, synopsis of the action, biographical details of the leading performers
with portraits, information on the transliteration system, and full libretto in three
parallel columns—Russian text, English translation, and transliterated Russian.]
———. Testimony—The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovic,. trans. Antonina W. Bouis.
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1979, 270, 16 plates. Reprinted in the Faber Paperback
series in 1981. [Reminiscences of musicians, artists, and writers whom the composer
knew and a record of conversations with Stalin, as related to Volkov. NB. The half-page
editorial and open letter from former pupils of Shostakovich, headed ‘Pitiful Forgery—
about the so-called Memoirs of D. D. Shostakovich’, that appeared in the Moscow
Literary Gazette, No. 46, dated 14 Nov. 1979, Laurel E. Fay (1980), MacDonald
(1990). Ho and Feofanov (1998), and the voluminous articles and letters in the DSCH
Journal should be read in conjunction with Volkov’s controversial book.]
———. ‘Dmitri Shostakovich’s “Jewish Motif”: A Creative Enigma’. 1985, 2 pages.
[Interesting notes included with the programme for the USA première of Opus 79a.
According to a member of the audience Volkov and Maksim Shostakovich ‘greeted
each other warmly after the concert’.]
———. ‘Preface to the Facsimile Edition of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony
(“Leningrad”)’, trans. Laurel E. Fay. Zen-On, Tokyo, 1992, 7–10.
———, trans. Antonia W. Bouis. Shostakovich and Stalin: the Extraordinary Relationship
Between the Great Composer and the Brutal Dictator. Knopf/Little, Brown, London,

2004, xiv + 370. [Stalin’s cruel ‘cat and mouse games’ with the courageous composer
described in detailed reconstruction. Section of 34 illustrations. Sources and general
index covered in twenty and twelve pages respectively.]
Voynich, Ethel Lilian. The Gadfly. Mayflower, St Albans, 1973, 256. [The original novel
on which the Russian film was based. See Opus 97.]
Vronskaya, Jeanne, Young Soviet Film Makers, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1972.
Walsh, Stephen. ‘Shostakovich’s “Seven Romances”’. Tempo, No. 85 (Summer 1968),
27–28. [Op. 127.]
Wang, Dajue, ‘Shostakovich: Music on the Brain?’, The Musical Times, Vol. cxxiv,
No. 1684, 347–48. [An extraordinary account telling of a fragment of a wartime shell
lodged in a cavity in the composer’s brain.]
Werth, Alexander, Musical Uproar in Moscow, Turnstile Press, London, 1949, 103.
[A revealing account of the 1948 Zhdanov Decree.]
———. The Khrushchev Phase. Robert Hale, London, 1961, 218–24. [Chapter 23,
‘Shostakovich and Dodecaphonic Music’.]
———. Russia at War, 1941–1945. Barrie and Rockcliff, London 1964.
Whitehouse, Richard. ‘Making Uncanny Sense’, Gramophone, Vol. 80, No. 957
(Sept. 2002), 36–40. [The history and an overview of ‘his wild Fourth Symphony’
with reviews of Kondrashin’s first recording and those of other Soviet conductors,
interpretations by friends and relatives, followed by Westerners’ versions. A selected
discography and seven photographs. Simon Rattle’s account judged to be the top
choice until Kondrashin’s 1962 recording becomes available again.]
Wilson, Elizabeth. Shostakovich: A Life Remembered. Faber and Faber, London, 1994,
xxiv + 550, 40 photographs. [A revelatory portrait using previously unpublished
material in the form of recorded interviews, memoirs, and specially commissioned
articles from fellow composers and musicians, relatives and friends, and contem-
porary writers. Informative biographical notes, an annotated list of sources, and a
general index. Review G Oct. 1994. Also available in paperback, Princeton University
Press, 1996. A revised edition was published in paperback, Faber and Faber,
(July 2006).]
———. Mstislav Rostropovich: Cellist, Teacher, Legend. Faber and Faber, London, 2007,
xviii + 382, 39 photographs. [Numerous interesting references to Shostakovich
between pages 30 and 354, notes on 26 of his compositions in addition to the Cello
Sonata and the two Cello Concertos, and two photographs relating to Opus 107.
Chapter 8 ‘Contacts with composers II: Shostakovich and his successors’ gives new
information on the First Cello Concerto.]
Wolter, Günter. Dmitri Schostakowitsch—Eine sowjetische Tragodie. Peter Lang, Frankfurt
am Main, 1991, 197, frontispiece portrait. [‘A Soviet Tragedy’: volume 27 in a series of
paperback music studies, dealing with important works of three periods (up to 1936,
1936–66, and 1967–75) and including German translations of the article ‘Muddle
instead of music’ and the text of Symphony No. 13; a fifteen-page bibliography of
books mainly in the German language, and a selective list of 38 recordings.]
Yakovlev, Mikhail Mikhailovich (compiler). D. Shostakovich o vremeni i o sebe 1926–
1975. Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1980, 376, 50 photographic illustrations in the
text. [An important collection of 330 articles written by Shostakovich on himself and
642 B I B L I O GRA P HY

his times, arranged in chronological order after each year’s summary of noteworthy
events in the composer’s life. Index of sources appended.]
Yakubov, Manashir Abramovich. Dmitry Shostakovich—for the 75th Birth Anniversary.
VAAP-Inform, Moscow, 1981, 43. [A booklet of book reviews in English, covering
monographs, analytical guides and collections of articles recently published in the
Soviet Union.]
———. Lirika i grotesk. Muzykalnaya Zhizn. Moscow, 1986, No. 18, 15–16. [The history
of the Two Pieces for String Quartet.]
———. Shostakovich 1906–1975—Mstislav Rostropovich. London Symphony Orchestra,
1998, 87 pages, 58 photographs/cartoons/paintings. [Programme book for the
19 February–8 March and 10–28 October Barbican Centre concerts of the complete
cycle of symphonies. Notes on all the works performed with articles by M. Yakubov,
artists’ biographies, and translations of letters.]
Yarustovsky, Boris Mikhailovich. Simfonii o voine i mire. Nauka, Moscow, 1966, 368.
[‘Symphonies of War and Peace’. A survey of Eastern and Western symphonies, com-
posed under the impact of the Second World War, including Shostakovich’s Seventh
and Eighth detailed with music examples in chapter one, 27–94.]
Yutkevich, Sergei Iosifovich. O kino iskusstve. Publishing House of Academic Science,
Moscow, 1962. [‘On cinematic art’: information on films mentioned under Opp. 30,
33, and 53.]
Yuzefovich, Viktor. David Oistrakh: besedy s Igorem Oistrakhom. Muzyka, Moscow,
1978. [‘David Oistrakh: Conversations with Igor Oistrakh’. An English translation
from the German edition was published by Cassell, London, 1979, 248. See especially
168–79. Author’s name transliterated as Jusefovich.]
Zaderatsky, Vsevolod Vsevolodovich. Polifoniya v instrumentalnykh proizve-deniyakh
D. Shostakovicha. Muzyka, Moscow, 1969, 272. [‘Polophony in the instrumental
works of D. Shostakovich’.]
——— et al. Dmitri Schostakmuitsch: Documente Interpretations. Herausgeber Stadt
Duisburg, Dezernat für Bildung und Kultur & Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, 1984,
204. [Programme book for the Duisburg International Shostakovich Festival, 16 Sept.
1984 to 15 Mar. 1985, with articles, concert and seminar schedule, and discography
(label information given but not record numbers).]
Zakharov, Rostislav Vladimirovich. Zapiski baletmeistera. Iskusstvo, Moscow, 1976.
[Recollections of a distinguished balletmaster.]
Zaporozhets-Ishlinskaya, Nataliya Vladimirovna. Opery M. P. Musorgskogo—putevodite.
Muzyka, Moscow, 1980. [A paperback guide to the operas of Mussorgsky with details
of the Shostakovich versions of Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina.]
Zhelezny, Anatoli Ivanovich. Nash drug—gramplastinka. Muzychna Ukrania. Kiev,
1989, 280. [‘Our friend—the gramophone record’. A comprehensive history of sound
recording in the USSR, with 12 pages of plates, and 79 photographs of record labels,
equipment, and personalities in the text.]
Ziv, Sofya Samoilovna (compiler). Muzykalnyi sovremennik. Sovetskii kompozitor,
Moscow, 5th issue 1984, 75–89. [This collection of articles on contemporary music
includes a review, with 5 music examples, on ‘certain peculiarities of the style of
Shostakovich’s opera The Gamblers’ by Alia Bogdanova.]

Relevant essays and notes from

the DSCH Newsletter and Journal
The DSCH Society was founded in June 1987 by Alan Mercer of Alexandra
Park, London. The bi-monthly newsletter ran from the first issue in June 1987
up to issue XXI in Autumn 1991 when the Society ceased functioning on the
editor Mr Mercer’s move to France. He commenced publishing the twice-
annually DSCH Journal in summer 1994. Website www.dschjournal.com.
Bold Roman letters refer to the Newsletter and Bold Arabic letters to the
Aleksandrov, A. ‘Irina Shostakovich on Rayok’, [Antiformalist Rayok, Sans op. X(iii).]
XII: 3–4.
Barshai, Rudolf. An interview with the conductor. 5: 13–18.
Bernatchez, Dr Hélèlene. ‘Shostakovich’s last song cycle: Four Verses of Captain
Lebyadkin, Opus 146’, [An analysis of Dostoyevsky’s texts and Shostakovich’s music.]
28: 17–26.
Cairns, Zachary. ‘Shostakovich’s Grundgestalt: links between the Seventh and Eighth
Symphonies’ [18 music examples.] 27: 56–68.
Dvortsov, Viktor, ‘Rediscovered: a forgotten composition by Shostakovich!’ [Suite on
Finnish Themes, Sans op. D(ix).] 15: 6–8.
Ford, Fiona. ‘The role of Ophelia’s unaccompanied songs in Kozinstev’s Hamlet’ [Impor-
tant research revealing the origin of the three songs with eleven music examples and
six stills from the Hamlet 1964 Lenfilm.] 26; 24–32.
Goldie, R. A translation of the article ‘Muddle instead of music’. 12: 5–7.
Gorlin, Sophia. ‘The 24 Preludes for Piano’ [Grouping of these Op. 34 miniatures by genre/
style identification and compositional style with 32 music examples.] 28: 30–59.
Gray, Allin. ‘Thematic Symbolism in Shostakovich Symphony No. 7, the Leningrad––Part
1. 24: 63–69 and Part 2. [26 music examples.] 25: 64–77.
Gorlin, Sophia. ‘Shostakovich’s Piano Sonata No. 2––a Landmark in the Evolution of
the Composer’s Individual Style’. [An analysis with 41 music examples.] 27: 6–42
Groep, Henny van der. ‘The Première of Odna and Shamanism’ and Riley, John, ‘Alone
at the Sorbonne’ [Two articles on the film Alone, Op. 26 with four photographs.]
19: 43–45.
Heine, Erik. ‘Shostakovich. King Lear, and the Concert Hall (1)’ [A learned review of the
film and its music with 12 music examples.] 26. 40–50.
Higgins, Russel. E. ‘The Enigma of Shostakovich’s 15th Symphony’. IV: 11–14.
———. ‘World première of Rayok’ (Antiformalist Rayok). XI: 3–6.
Hitotsuyanagi, Fumiko. ‘The New Face of the Twelfth Symphony’ [A coded three-note
motif on Stalin’s initials exposed. 6 music examples.] 13: 59–63.
Hulme, Derek C. ‘Shostakovich’s Final Year’ [Covering Opp. 145–47 and Sans op. Z.]
III: 3–7.
———. Note on visiting the composer’s grave. V: 11.
———. ‘Early Works for String Quartet’. [Two Pieces, Sans op. D(i) and Three Preludes,
Op. 41(ii).] VI: 5–6.
644 B I B L I O GRA P HY

———. ‘Shostakovich and Fried Chicken’ [5 music examples, including ‘Ach, du lieber
Augustin’ quoted in the First Piano Concerto.] VII: 6–7.
———. ‘Moderato, not Adagio’ [The second movement of the Ninth Symphony.]
XIV: 8–10.
———. ‘Shostakovich and the Scottish Connection’ [Robert Burns’ poems––the poetry
and 5 music examples, Op. 62 and Sans op. M.] 10: 6–9.
———. ‘Early British Performances of the Eighth Symphony Reviewed’ [A re-scheduled
Proms programme on account of Hitler’s flying bomb attacks.] 11: 13–15.
———. ‘The Assault on the Red Hill’ [The correct title revealed of the miniature piano
concerto in The Unforgettable Year 1919, Op. 89.] 19: 13–14.
———. ‘Hypothetically Murdered in Scotland!’ [A staged presentation of Op. 31.]
19: 49.
———. ‘The Title of Opus 104––A Mystery Solved’. [Two Russian Folksongs.] 26: 66.
Huseynova, Aida. ‘The Heart of the Symphony’ [The story of the musical signature in
the Tenth Symphony with a photograph of Elmira Nazirova.] 17: 38–40.
Jackson, Andrew Paul. ‘A Brief Analysis of Dmitri Shostakovich’s Opus 87’. [Article 1.
‘An Archaic Form and a Crystalline Tonal Style’.] 26: 11–16 and [Article 2. ‘A Shift
into a Densely Chromatic Style’] 30: 55–60. A third article to follow.
Kingsley, Ben. On the film Testimony. 4: 3–5.
Khentova, Sofya. ‘Shostakovich and Poetry’. XX: 64–73.
———. Tanya Glivenko and Shostakovich love story. XXI: 18–21.
Kondrashin, Kirill. ‘Kondrashin on Shostakovich’ [The difficulty in getting the 13th
Symphony performed.] XVIII: 9–12.
Kravetz, Nelly. ‘Revelations––the 10th Symphony’ [The EAEDA horn signal mystery
solved.] 1: 24–5.
Lake, Trevor. ‘Shostakovich and the Press: Great Britain’. 3: 17–24.
Lebedinsky, Lev. ‘Some musical quotations of Shostakovich’ [Refers to Opp. 103, 107,
110, 112–3, and 141.] XVII: 5–12.
McBurney, Gerard. Hypothetically Murdered Op. 31a. XX: 58–61.
———. ‘The “Lost” Jazz Suite No. 2 (1938)’. [Sans op. G(i).] 14: 22–23.
Mercer, Alan. Concert review of Lady Macbeth at the Coliseum, London, 22 May 1987.
II: 5–7.
———. Interview with Ben Kingsley on the film Testimony. V: 3–5.
———. ‘Shostakovich in the West: Edinburgh’. XX: 23–26.
———. ‘Nothing but trouble: New Babylon’. 1: 29–35.
———. Valentin Berlinsky obituary: 30: 23–28.
Moshevich, Sofia. ‘Tempo in Shostakovich’s Performances of His Own Works’.
2: 7–17.
———. ‘An Opus 87 Forgery?’ [The F minor Prelude and Fugue on Revelation RV
70003 seemingly played by a pianist other than the composer. 13 music examples.]
12: 66–69.
———. ‘Opus Undiscovered’ [An examination of Opus 87 errors printed in Collected
Works Volume 40. 10 music examples.] 27: 48–52.
Owens, Lewis. ‘Like a Chemist from Canada’ [Shostakovich’s honorary degree of Doctor
of Music at Oxford, 1958.] 21: 20–8.

Pleak, Richard. ‘World Première of “Rayok”’ (Antiformalist Rayok). XI: 2.

———. ‘Unpublished letters to Koussevitzky’ [Tempi problems in Symphonies 8 and 9.]
XIII: 4–7.
———. ‘Review of Rothschild’s Violin by the Julliard’. XVI: 6–7.
Pytel, Marek. ‘New Babylon Restored’. [UK première of the 1929 original print.]
30: 61–64.
Riley, John. ‘The Tanya Glivenko love letters’. XX: 9–12.
———. ‘Myth, Parsity and Found Music in New Babylon’. 4: 27–31.
Scheib, Samuel L. ‘The Grandiose and the Grotesque: Politics in the 4th Symphony’.
25: 36–43.
Sheffield, Graham. ‘Barshai on Shostakovich’. V: 13–18.
Shostakovich, Irina. Comments on Antiformalist Rayok. 12: 3–5.
Shryhane, Tony, ‘Filming Testimony in Industrial Lancashire’. IX: 12–13.
Strachan, Iain. ‘Shostakovich, Britten, Beethoven and the Russian Kontakion for the
Departed’ [17 music examples.] 11: 54–61.
———. ‘Shostakovich and Numbers’ [Evidence of numerical patterning in the string
quartets and other compositions––tables and music examples.] 12: 54–65.
Wilson, Miranda. ‘The Cello and Lady Macbeth: Shostakovich’s Cello Sonata in the
1930s’. [9 music examples.] 25: 23–31.
Yakubov, Manashir. ‘Inside the Second Piano Sonata’ [Analysis of Op. 61 with 31
endnotes and 7 music examples.] 14: 59–65.
Yevtushenko, Yevgeni. DSCH Journal Interview in Houston, Texas [The poet’s encounters
with Shostakovich: twelve pages on Babi Yar––‘The Most Dangerous Symphony’.]
15: 9–21.
Zak, Vladimir. ‘Muradeli on “The one who does not like me”’––a revealing confession
from Vano Muradeli whose opera The Great Friendship was the excuse for humiliating
Shostakovich at the notorious 1948 conference. 13: 6–10.
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Index of Names

Numbers and capital letters refer to opus number entries unless preceded by the
abbreviation ‘p.’ for page. The adoption of this procedure will be found useful as an
indication of the works of Shostakovich associated with each name.

Abbado, Claudio (conductor, b.1933) 77, 106, V
Abdrazakov, Lldar (bass) 140, 145a
Abdulayev, Adil (tenor) 26
Abdullayev, Rasim (Azerbaidzhan Quartet—cellist) 110
Abeliovich, Leo Moiseyevich (composer, 1912-85) p.597
Ablaberdyeva, Alla (soprano) C, 127
Abraham, Christine (mezzo-soprano) M
Abraham, Jean Claude (Pro Arte Quintet—1st violinist) 57
Abramenkov, Andrei Fedotovich (Borodin Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1935) 11, D(ii),
41, 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Abramisa, I. (conductor) 97
Abramova, A. A. (librettist) 106
Abramova, Tatyana (pianist) 34
Abramyan, Viktor (Romantic Trio––violinist) 67
Abravanel, Maurice (conductor, 1903-93) 96
`Academia Trio 67
Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields 11, 35, 97, 105
Accardo, Salvatore (violinist) 34
Adam, Claus (MGM Studio Orchestra—cellist, 1918-83) 11
Adam, Theo (bass, b.1926) 58
Adam, Werner-Heiner (bass) 29
Adamovich, Elena (pianist) 59
Adams, Glynne (violist) 147
Adams, Henrie (conductor) 93
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra 29, 85

Adkins-Chiti, Patricia (mezzo-soprano) 143

Adni, Daniel (pianist, b.1951) 40
Adolphe, Jean (Verlaine Quartet—cellist) 68
Adomeit, Kai (pianist) 18
Adorján, András (flautist) P(ii)
Adorján, Gabriel (Zurich Piano Trio––violinist) 8, 67, 127
Adriano (conductor/arranger) 82, 89
Aeolian Quartet 133
Afinogenov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (playwright, 1904-41) 44
Agaronyan, Ruben (violinist) 34
Agay, Dénes (arranger, b. 1911) 34, 69; pp.117, 278, 565
Agnetti, Mario (tenor) 29
Agranenko, Zakhar (film director) 60
Agronsky, Vladimir (chorus-master/conductor) 15
Ahn Trio (Angella, Maria, and Lucia Ahn) 67
Aitken, John (scenarist) 116
Aizawa, Rieko (pianist) 34
Akhelrod, Gleb Borisovich (pianist, b.1923) 34
Akimov, A. (designer) 44
Akimov, Edvard (baritone) 15, X(ii)
Akimov, Nikolai Pavlovich (stage-producer, 1901-68) 32; pp.107, 590
Akutagawa, Yasushi (conductor) 43
Alan, Albert (pianist) 5
Alani Trio 67
Alberni Quartet 11, 57, 117, 118
Alchevsky, Vasili Ivanovich (bass, 1904-75) 105
Aldrin, Edwin (Buzz) Eugene (astronaut, b.1930) 86
Aldulescu, Radu (cellist) 40
Aleksandrov, A. A. (arranger) p.566
Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Vasilievich (composer, 1883-1946) N, 74
Aleksandrov, Boris Aleksandrovich (chorus-master, b.1905) 80, U
Aleksandrov, Grigori Vasilievich (film-director, 1903-83) 80, 112
Aleksandrov, Yaroslav Pavlovich (Borodin Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1925) 11, 49, 57,
68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138
Aleksandrov Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble 80
Aleksandrov, Yuri (designer) 105
Aleksandrova, Elena (pianist) 97
Aleksandrova, Mariya (ballerina) 39
Aleksashkin, Sergei (bass) V, 113, 135
Alekseyev, Dmitri Konstantinovich (pianist/arranger, b.1947) 35, E, 87, 89, 102, X(i)
Alekseyev, Valeri (baritone) 106
Alekseyeva, Ellena (pianist, b.1965) 89
Alemasova, Kira Sergeyevna (lyricist, b.1915) U
Alexander, Janson (tenor) 29
Alexander String Quartet 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 87, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 117a, 118,
122, 133, 138, 142, 144

Alexeyev Balalaika Ensemble 86

Alikhanova, Yevgeniya (Gnessin Institute and Moscow Quartets—1st violinist) 11, 57
All-American Orchestra 34
Alldis, John (chorus-master, b.1929) 14, 20
Allegri Quartet 68, 73
Aller, Eleanor (Hollywood Quartet—cellist, 1917-95) 57
Aller, Judith (violinist) 57
Aller, Victor (pianist, b.1905) 35, 57
All-Union Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra (see also Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra, Central Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra, and
USSR Tele-Radio Large Symphony Orchestra) 35, 47, 77, 96, 102, U, 141, 145
All-Union Radio Folk Orchestra 100
All-Union Radio Song Ensemble 33, 72, 99
All-Union Radio Stage Symphony Orchestra (and Choir) 16, 30, F, 63, 66, 72, 76, Y
All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestra 10, 60, P(i)
Almgren, Dan (Stockholm Arts Trio—violinist) 8, 67, 127
Almodóvar, Pedro (film-director) 93
Almond, Basil (choir coach) 119
Aloni, Yariv (Penderecki Quintet—violist) 73
Alphen, Conrad van (conductor) 49, 110, 118
Alston, Richard (choreographer, founder of the Richard Alston Dance Company in
1994, b.1948) 73
Altenburger, Sylvie (Rubin Quartet—violist) 110
Altenstadt, Tinta S. von (Rubin Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Althuis, Jelte (Calefax Reed Quintet––clarinettist) 87
Altman, Natan Isaakovich (designer, 1889-1970) 58a
Altman, Yevgeni (Beethoven Quartet and soloist—cellist) 40, 101, 144
Altrichter, Petr (conductor) 105, 129
Altshuler, Vladimir (conductor) 30, 32, 37, 45, 58a, 76, 78, 97, 99
Alvarez, Carlos (bass) 29
Alykova, Valentina (Gnessin Institute and Moscow Quartets—2nd violinist) 11, 57
Alymov, S. Ya. (lyricist) 63, X(i)
Alyoshina, Darja (pianist) 87
Amadeus Chamber Orchestra 110a
Amadori, Sante (Trio de Bolzano—cellist) 67
Amaize, Odekhiren (bass-baritone) 46, 62
Amati Quartet 73, 108
Ambartsumian, Levon (conductor/violinist/violist) 35, 134, 147
Ambrosian Opera Chorus 29
Amengaud, Jean-Pierre (pianist) 13
American Art Quartet 22
American String Project, The 135
American Symphony Orchestra 19, 97
Amici Quartet 118
Amicis, Edmondo De (novelist, 1846-1908) 27
Amintayeva, A. (pianist) 40

Amir (b. 1986) and Bisengaliev, Marat (violin duo) P(iii)

Ampleyev, Sergei (percussionist) 13
Amsterdam Conservatory Orchestra and Chorus 26
Amsterdam Locki Stardust Quartet 87
Amsterdam Sinfonietta 68, 83
Ančerl, Karel (conductor, 1908-73) 10, 47, 60, 70, 93, 96, 107
Anders, Frieder (baritone) 145
Andersen, Hans Christian (fabulist, 1805-75) Juv., 102
Anderson, Lane (Pro Arte Quintet—cellist) 57
Anderson, Lindsay (TV presenter, b.1923) 18
André, Maurice (trumpeter, b.1933) 35
Andreae, Marc (conductor) 107
Andrews, Paul (designer) 105
Andreyev, Andrei (conductor) 119
Andreyeva, Eleonora Yevgenievna (mezzo-soprano, b.1930) 114
Andreyeva, Elesna (soprano) 15
Andrianov, Boris (cellist, b.1976) 40
Andriev, Andrei (Rakhmaninov Quartet––1st violinist) 57, 87, 108, 110
Andropov, Vladimir (conductor) 30, H(ii), 82, 114
Andsnes, Leif Ove (pianist) 35
Angas, Richard (bass) 105
Angelov, Ludmil (pianist) 134
Angelova, Aglika (Jupiter Trio––pianist) 67
Angervo, Ari (Voces Intimæ Quartet—2nd violinist) 110, 117
Anikeyev, Lev (Moscow Chamber Soloists––violist) 110
Anissimov, Aleksandr (conductor) 29, 93
Anikushin, Maksim (pianist) 3
Anosov, Nikolai Pavlovich (conductor, 1900-62) 102
Ansell, Steven (Boston Symphony Chamber Players—violist) 57
Antonova, Yuliya (soprano) Q
Anton Quartet 73
Antonov, Sergei (cellist) J(ii)
Antonsen, Ole Edvard (trumpeter) 35
Antrobus, Michael (arranger/conductor) 96
Anvik, Vebjørn (Grieg Trio—pianist) 8, 67
Aoki, Takashi (Morgaua Quartet—2nd violinist) 34, 49, 68, 92, 97, 100, 101, 108,
117, 122
Apaikin, Germann (tenor, b.1968) 105
Apkalna, Iveta (organist) 29
Apolin, Stanislav (cellist) 40
Apollinaire, Guillaume (pseudonym of Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki; poet,
1880-1918) 135
Apple Hill Chamber Players 67
Appleton, Colin (tenor) 29
Arai, Yoshiko (Kuhmo Chamber Soloists—violinist) 57

Arai, Eiji (Morgaua Quartet—1st violinist/arranger) 34, 49, 68, 92, 97, 100, 101, 108,
117, 122
Aranovich, Semyon D. (film-director) 147
Aranovich, Yuri Mikhailovich (also incorrectly spelt Ahronovitch; conductor, b.1932)
10, 47, 77, 79, 97, 114
Aranovskaya, Alla (Leningrad Conservatory Students’ Quartet/St PetersburgQuartet—
1st violinist/soloist) 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 127,
133, 138, 142, 144
Arcadia Trio 67
Archibald, Paul (English Brass Ensemble—trumpeter/arranger) 87, 108
Arco, Annie d’ (pianist) 35, 61
ARCO Chamber Orchestra 11, 35, 110
Arenkov, Aleksandr (Glinka Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 142
Argerich, Martha (pianist, b.1941) 35, 40, 57, 67, 94
Arkhipov, Aleksandr (tenor) K
Arkhipova, Irina Konstantinovna (mezzo-soprano, b.1925) 100, V
Arman Trio 67
Armand, Pyotr (songwriter) 53
Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra 77
Armenian Quartet—see Komitas Quartet
Armstrong, Karan (soprano, b.1941) 29
Arnakuliyev, Rosmourat (Ukranian Brass––trumpeter, b.1965) E, G(ii)
Arnhem Symphonic Winds G(ii)
Arnold, Malcolm (composer, 1921-2006) p.595
Arnshtam, Leo Oskarovich (film-director/script-writer, 1905-79) 30, 33, 41(ii), 51,
L(ii), 64, 111, 132; p.588
Aronowitz, Cecil Solomon (Melos Ensemble—violist/solo violist, 1916-78) 57, 147
Arpin, John (pianist) 79
Arpino, (Gennaro Peter) Gerald, (co-founder of the Joffrey Ballet, choreographer,
1923-2008) P(i), 94
Arrieta, Mariya Rovena (pianist) 87
Ars Trio di Roma 8, 67, 127
ArteMiss Trio 8, 67, 127
Art of Musical Russia singers, Cleveland 29
Asahina, Takashi (conductor, 1908-2001) 47
Aseyev, Nikolai Nikolayevich (writer, 1889-1963) D(iv)
Ashbee, Felicity (translator) 140, 143, 145
Ashbury, Stefan (conductor) 35
Ashkenasi, Shmuel (Vermeer Quartet––1st violinist) 57
Ashkenazy, Vladimir Davidovich (pianist/conductor, b.1937) B, 5, 10, 13, 14, 20, 22,
D(vi), 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 54, 57, 60, 61, 65, 70, 77, 81, 87, S(i), 93, 96, 97,
102, 103, 110, U, 112, 113, 127, 130, 131, 135, 141, 145, 146
Ashton, Graham (trumpeter) 35
Aslamazyan, Sergei Zakharovich (Komitas Quartet—cellist, 1897-1978) 49
Astakhov, Roman (bass) K(ii)

Astrand, Therese (Cailin Quartet—cellist) 73

Aszódi, Mária (soprano) 127
Atherton, David (conductor, b.1944) 106
Atkins, Jane (violist) 11
Atkinson, Rachel (Trio Melbourne––cellist) 8
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra 47, 65, 70, 93
Atlantov, Vladimir Andreyevich (tenor, b.1939) 106
Atlas, Lev (violinist) 67
Atovmyan, Levon (Lev) Tadevosovich (arranger/dedicatee, 1901-73) 27, 30, 32, 33,
37, E, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 54, J(i), 60, 62, 64, 65, 70, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81,
82, P(i-iv), 85, 89, 95, 97, 99, 105, 107, 111, 116, 120; pp.566, 589
Atrium Quartet 92, 108
Attenelle, Albert G. (Trio de Barcelona—pianist) 67
Aturov, I. (songwriter) 44, 48, 74
Aukland Quartet 110
Auden, Wystan Hugh (poet, 1907-73) 33
Audite Nova (vocal ensemble) X(ii)
Auer, Edward (Reizend Muziekgezelschap—pianist) 57, 67
Auerbach, Lera (arranger) 34, 143
Aurelia Saxophone Quartet D(i), 108
Australia Ensemble 57, 67
Australian Chamber Orchestra 107
Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra 29, P(i)
Australian Youth Orchestra 93
Austrian Radio Symphony Orchestra 93, 141
Auvergne Orchestra 110
Avdeyeva, Larisa Ivanovna (mezzo-soprano, b.1925) 79
Avendo, André (alto saxophonist) D(i)
Avksentive, Boris (balalaika player) 15
Ax, Emanuel (pianist, b.1949) 40, 67
Ayling, Jonathan (cellist) 107, 126
Azarkhin, Rodion Mikhailovich (double-bass player/arranger, b.1931) 39, 62, 77, 87,
97, 100
Azerbaidzhan State Conservatory Quartet 110
Azerbaidzhan Symphony Orchestra 110
Azernikova Anna (soprano) 26
Azov, Valeri (bayan player) 97

Babadzhanyan, Arno Arutyunovich (composer, 1921-83) p.599
Babikin, Anatoli (bass) 46, K(i)
Babinsky, Margarete (pianist) 12, 34, 61
Babinsky, Margarete and Busch, Holger (piano duo) 6, E, O(i & ii), 94, 95
Bachauer, Gina (pianist, 1913-76) 5
Bach Choir 20

Baden State Opera Choir and Orchestra 29

Badev, Georgi (violinist) 67
Badische Staatskapelle 47
Badkhen, Anatoli (conductor) 97
Baek, Clara and Sophia (Cailin Quartet—1st and 2nd violinists) 73
Baglini, Maurizio (pianist) B
Bagratuni, Suren (cellist) 40
Bagwell, James (chorus-master) 19
Baikov, Sergei (bass) 113
Baikova, Nadezhda (Prokofiev Quartet—2nd violinist) 11
Bailey, Lucy (director) 107
Bailey, Zuill (cellist) 107
Baillie, Alexander (cellist, b.1955) 11, 39, 40, 78, 107
Bakanova, Aza (soprano) 114
Baker, Claude (composer, b.1948) p.601
Baker, Janet (mezzo-soprano, b.1933) 79
Bakeyeva, Vera Nikolayevna (organist/arranger) 87
Balaghová, Dagmar (pianist) 34, 35, 87
Balakerskaya, Anna (pianist) 34
Balakirev, Mili Alekseyevich (composer, 1837-1910) J(iv)
Balanescu, Alexander (violinist) 19, 34, 41, 46
Balashov, Oleg (tenor) 114
Balashov, Stepan V. (tenor) 29
Balkanyi, J. (conductor) 110
Ball, Andrew (pianist) 19, 34, E, 41, 97, 123
Ballet of the 20th Century P(i)
Ballet Rambert 35, 110
Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 10, 22
Balsam, Artur (pianist) 57
Balshin, Vladimir (Brahms Trio––cellist) 67
Balzac, Honoré de (novelist, 1799-1850) 37
Bamberg Symphony Orchestra 107
Bambert, Matthais (conductor, b.1942) 33
Banks, Wing Commander Eric (conductor) 96
Banshchikov, Gennadi Ivanovich (composer, b.1943) p.598
Baratov, Leonid Vasilievich (stage-director, 1895-1964) 106
Barbirolli, Sir John (conductor, 1899-1970) 47
Barboro, Maurizio (pianist) 35, 40, 102
Barczewski, Kamil (bass, b. 1974) 44
Barenboim, Daniel (pianist, b.1942) 34
Bareza, Nikša (conductor) 43
Barishev, N. M. (tenor) 15
Barkan, Anna (soprano) 105
Barkhatov, Vasili (designer) 105
Barkmin, Gun-Brit (soprano) 127

Barley, Matthew (cellist/arranger) 105

Baron, Gregory (Albemi Quartet—cellist) 117, 118
Barr, Herbert (trumpeter) 35
Barra, Donald (conductor) 35
Barraeu, Florence (soprano) 56
Barritt, Jonathan (Allegri Quartet—violist) 73
Barron, Ronald (trombonist) 34
Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd Brass Band of Kirkaldy 114
Barshai, Rudolf Borisovich (TchaikovskyQuartet—violist/conductor/arranger b.1924)
10, 14, 20, 34, 43, 47, 49, 54, 60, 65, 70, 73, 83, 93, 102, 103, 110, 112, 113,
118, 135, 140, 141, 143; pp.572, 574, 584, 585, 617, 643, 645
Barsova, Inna (musicologist) 39
Barstow, Josephine Clare (soprano, b.1940) 29
Bárta, Ji í (cellist) 107, 126
Bartholdy, Annette (violist/arranger) 40, 147
Bartholdy-Ensemble Rheinfelden D(i)
Bartlett, Dale (pianist) 147
Bartlett, Rosamund (musicologist) 93
Bartoletti, Bruno (conductor, b.1926) 15
Barton, James Philip Badderly (Allegri Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1929) 68
Bartos, Csaba (Bartos Trio—cellist) 8, 67, 127
Bartos Trio 8, 67, 127
Baryshnikov, Mikhail Nikolayevich (ballet dancer, b.1948) 87
Bashkirov, Dmitri Aleksandrovich (pianist, b.1931) 67
Basel Sinfonietta 26, G(ii)
Bashmet, Yuri Abramovich (violist/conductor, b.1953) 11, 35, 57, 110, 138, 144, 147
Basil, Colonel W. de (pseudonym of Vasili Grigorievich Voskresensky; impressario,
1888-1951) 22
Baslavskaya, Mila (pianist) 40, S
Basner, Veniamin Yefimovich (arranger, 1925-96) 22, 60, X(ii), 114c
Baster, Miles (Edinburgh Quartet—1st violinist) 57, 67
Batiashvili, Tamaz (State Quartet of Georgia—2nd violinist) 68, 73
Bátiz, Enrique (conductor, b.1942) 47, U, 115
Battiston, Alberto (Venice Quartet—2nd violinist) 22
Battiwalla, Darius (chorus-master) 50a
Baturin, Aleksandr Iosifovich (bass, 1904-83) 46, 62
Baturin, Andrei (baritone, b.1966) D(iv), 105
Bauer, Andrzej (cellist) 40
Bauer, Frida (pianist) 34, 134
Bauer, Kurt (trumpeter) 35
Bauer, Willi (Munich Brass Soloists—trumpeter) 27
Bauer, Wolfgang (trumpeter) 35
Baumgartner, Rudolf (arranger/conductor, 1917-2002) 87, 110
Bauni, Axel (pianist) 143
Bauuton, Randolph (xylophonist) 22

Bavarian Radio Chorus 14, 20, 113

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra 14, 20, 43, 77, 93, 112, 113, 129, 135
Bay Emanuel (pianist, 1891-1967) 5, 34
Bayley, Pat (translator) 81
Baylis, Nadine (designer, b.1940) 110
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Choral Society and Chorus 14, 119
BBC National Orchestra of Wales 47, 54, 60, 70, 93, 106
BBC Northern Ireland Orchestra 18, 32, P(i)
BBC Northern Orchestra 15, 96
BBC Philharmonic 26, 30, 33, 39, 43, 48, 50, 50a, 53, 75, 89, 96, 97, 102, 111, 116,
131, 137
140, 141, 145a
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra 35, 102, 113
BBC Symphony Orchestra 1, 7, 10, 14, 16, 23, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35, G(i), H(ii), M, 54,
75, 76, 77, 96, 97, 102, 103, 105, 107, 112, 119, 126, 129
BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra 10, 83, 96
Bean, Hugh Cecil (Music Group of London—1st violinist, 1929-2003) 57, 67
Beard, Steven (bass) 105
Beardmoer, Neil (pianist) R
Beaux Arts Trio 8, 57, 67, 127
Beavan, David (bass) 29
Bedelian, Haroutune (violinist) 8, 19
Bedford, Steuart (conductor, b.1939) 10
Beeston, Michael (Edinburgh Quartet—violist) 67
Beethoven, Ludwig van (composer/dedicatee, 1770-1827) 35, J(ii), 111, Z, 147; p.591
Beethoven Quartet 11, 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 112, 113, 135, 141
Begletsov, Vladimir (chorus-master) 81
Behn, Christiane (Trio Kairos––pianist) 8
Behnke, Anna-Katharina (soprano) 29
Beiko, Boris (bass) X(iii)
Beiku, Maria (singer) R
Beinl, Ludwig (Weller Quartet—cellist, b.1928) 118
Bekhterev, Boris (pianist/arranger) 13, 34
Bekova Sisters—see Nakipbekova Sisters
Belarsky, Sidor (bass) 33
Belarus RTV Symphony Orchestra 36, 45, 50, 56, 59, 76, 85, 89
Belarus State Chorus 50a, 59, 85, 89
Belarus State Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra 30
Beldi, Cristian (pianist) 40
Belgian National Orchestra 77
Belgian Radio and Television Philharmonic Orchestra (BRT) 47, 70, 93
Belgian Radio Symphony Orchestra (RTBF) 30, 76, 77, 78, 82, 97, 111, 116, 137
Belgian Woodwind Quintet 22

Belgium, National Orchestra of 43, 77, 107

Belgrade National Opera Company 58, 106
Belgrade Strings 110
Belinsky, Aleksandr (librettist) 27, 39
Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorievich (Russian literary critic, 1811-48—subject of film) 85
Belkin, Boris (violinist, b.1948) 77
Bell, Daniel (Petersen Quartet––2nd violinist) 49, 57, 83, 110, 143
Bell, Joshua (violinist, b.1967) 67
Bellams, Paul (MGM Studio Orchestra—violinist) 11
Bellugi, Piero (conductor, b.1924) 126
Belobragina, Lyudmila (soprano) 72, Y
Belokurov, L. (script-writer) 145
Belorussia—see under Byelorussia and Belarus
Beloselsky, Dmitri (bass) 36
Belov, Rudolf (domra player/arranger) 39
Belsky, Igor Dmitrievich (choreographer, 1925-99) 14, 60, 103
Belton, Ian (Brodsky Quartet—2nd violinist) 11, D(i), 34, 49, 57, 68, 73, P(iii), 83,
92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Belyakova, Aleksandra (violinist) J(ii)
Belyankin, Yuri N. (film-director) 15; pp.571, 572
Belyayev, Yevgeni Mikhailovich (tenor, b.1926) 80
Belykh, Valeri (bass) 15, K(i)
Bemrose, Clive (baritone, d.1990) 62
Beňačková, Gabriela (soprano, b.1947) 29
Bencriscutto (conductor) 96
Benderoff, Sonia (translator) 29
Benedetti, Evangeline (cellist) 40
Bengstsson, Erling Blöndal (cellist, b.1932) 40
Benichou, Jonathan (pianist) 67
Benson, Clifford George (pianist, 1946-2007) 57, 134
Bentley, Lionel Reginald (Amici Quartet—1st violinist, b.1908) 118
Benvenutí, Mario (Quintette Chigiano—2nd violinist) 57
Benyacs, Zoltan (Rafael Quartet—violist) 110, 138
Benz, Robert (Trio Bamberg—pianist) 8, 67
Ben-Zvi, Eva (soprano) 79
Béranger, Pierre Jean de (poet, 1780-1857) J(ii)
Berezovsky, Boris (pianist) 87
Berg, N. (lyricist) J(ii)
Berix, Ivar (Calefax Reed Ensemble—clarinettist) 87
Bergen, Beverley (soprano) 29
Berger, Wolfgang (chorus-master) 58
Berglund, Paavo Allan Englebert (conductor, b.1929) 35, 47, 54, 60, 77, 93, 102, 103,
Bergqvist, Christian (violinist, b.1960) 134
Berick, Yehonatan (violinist) 127

Berkeley, Michael (TV presenter, b.1948) 22, 29; p.572

Berlin Children’s Radio Chorus 81, 90
Berlin City Symphony Orchestra 10, 47, 54, 65, 70, 77, 79, 93, 126, 141
Berlin Opera Orchestra 35
Berlin Philharmonia Quartet 122
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 29, 35, 47, 60, 65, 77, 93, 103, V, 114, 135, 141
Berlin Radio Chorus 26, 50a, 58a, 64, 89, 137
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (now the German Symphony Orchestra) 16, 18,
26, 30, 35, E, 41(i), 45, 47, G(ii), 50, 58a, 64, 70, P(i), 89, 97, 105, 111, 116,
131, 137, 145
Berlin Symphony Orchestra 47, 77, 93
Berlinskaya, L. (pianist) 41
Berlinsky, Valentin Aleksandrovich (Borodin Quartet—cellist, 1925) 11, D(i), 41, 49,
57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Berlin (State) Opera Chorus 80
Berlin State Opera Quartet 92
Berman, Boris Naumovich (pianist, 1930-2005) 57, 61, 87
Berman, Lazar Naumovich (pianist, 1930-2005) 34
Berman, Pavel (violinist, b.1970) 134
Bernard, Marie-Stephane (soprano) 135
Bernardi, Mario (conductor) 35, E, G(ii), P(i), 93, 102
Bernasek, Vaclav (Kocian Quartet—cellist) D(i)
Bernáthova, Eva (pianist, b.1932) 57
Bernau, Götz (Pihtipudas Quintet—1st violinist) 57
Bernstein, Leonard (conductor/pianist, 1918-90) 10, 22, 33, 35, 47, 54, 60, 70,102,
129, 135
Berntsen, Anne-Lise (soprano) 127
Bersenev, N. Ya. (librettist) p.588
Bertini, Gary (conductor, b.1927) 77
Bertolo, Marina (violinist) 57
Bertoncelj, Aci (pianist) 40
Bertsch, Barbara (Trio Kairos––cellist) 8
Besedin, Askold N. (baritone) 46, 91
Bespalov, Kolya (Sofia Quartet—cellist) 110, 118, 122
Best, Roger (Alberni Quartet—violist, b.1938) 11, 57
Beyerle, Hatto (violist) 11
Bezrodny, Igor Semyonovich (violinist, b.1930) 67
Bezrodny, Sergei (pianist) 34
Bezrukov, Georgi (violist leader/arranger) 5, 22, 87, S(i)
Bezverkhny, Mikhail (violinist/violist/arranger, b.1947) 34, 67, 134, X(i), 147
Bezymensky, Aleksandr Ilyich (poet/playwright, 1898-1973) 14, 24
Bezzubenkov, Gennadi (bass/baritone) 81, Q, 114
Bianconi, Philippe (pianist) D(vi), 40
Bibergan, Vadim (arranger) 36
Bibik, Valentin Savvich (composer) p.597

Bidaud, Pierre-Alain (conductor) 97

Bigg, Julian (conductor) 110, 118
Bik, Annette (violinist) 11, D(i)
Bilkent Academic Symphony Orchestra (BASSO) 54, 93
Binazzi, Massimo (translator) 113
Binder, Werner (Munich Brass Solists—trumpeter) 27
Binge, Günter (tenor) 79
Bingham, John (pianist, b.1942) 57
Binkley, Paul (mandolin player) 22, 49
Bintley, David (choreographer, b.1957) 35
Birkeland, Øystein (cellist) 40
Birkelund, Mimi (Elvira Piano Duo) 94
Birkyukova, Nataliya (mezzo-soprano) 84
Birmingham Royal Ballet 110
Bissell, Richard (horn player) 107
Bizet, Georges (composer, 1838-75) J(ii)
Bjärlestom, Lars-Inge (cellist) 110
Bjerken, Xak (Mobius—pianist) 67, 147
Blacher, Kolja (violinist) 134
Black Dyke Mills Band 96
Blacklow, John (pianist) 67
Blackshaw, Christian (pianist) 57, P(iii)
Blair, James (conductor) 32, 89
Blanter, Matvei Isaakovich (composer, 1903-90) J(ii)
Błaszczyk, Mirosław Jacek (conductor) 77
Blazhkov, Igor Ivanovich (conductor, b.1936) 11, 14, 17, 20, 21, 42, 124
Blazo, Brandon (carilloneur) 87
Bleiman, Mikhail Yu. (script-writer, 1904-73) 52, 55
Blendulf, Daniel (Z Quartet—cellist and soloist) 40, 57
Blinkhof, Jan (tenor) 29
Block, Frederick (arranger) 22, 29, 32, 47; p.565
Blok, Aleksandr (pianist/arranger) 34
Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (poet, 1880-1921) 127
Blok, K. S. (Gliére Quartet—cellist) 11
Bloomfield, Theodore Robert (conductor, b.1923) 35
Blümenthal, Daniel (pianist) P(iii)
Blunt, Peter (Osiris Trio—violinist) 67
Blyakhin, Pavel A. (writer, 1886-1961) 18
Bobo, Roger (tuba player/arranger) 39
Bobrineva, Raisa (soprano) 79
Bobritskaya, Rimma (pianist) B, 3, 69, P, S, 97
Bobrova, Natalya (soprano) J(ii)
Bobyshov, Mikhail Pavlovich (designer, 1885-1964) 39
Bodin, Lars-Gunnar (Fresk Quartet—violist) 110
Bodin, Rune (trombonist, b.1935) 27

Boeckhler, Ulrich (cellist) 40

Boekhoorn, Oliver (Calefax Reed Ensemble––oboist) 87
Boer, Ed de (composer/arranger, b.1957) 11, 34
Bogaart, Jacob (pianist) 40
Bogachev, Vladimir (tenor) K(i)
Bogacheva, Irina Petrovna (mezzo-soprano/dedicatee, b.1939) 54, 109, 143
Bogdanas, Constantin (Arman Trio—violinist) 67
Bogdanov, Vasili Ivanovich (lyricist, 1837-86) D(vii)
Bogdanova, Albertina (pianist) 100
Bogdanov-Berezovsky, Valerian Mikhailovich (dedicatee, 1903-71) 9
Bogino, Konstantin (Trio Tchaikovsky and Kuhmo Chamber Soloists—pianist) 67
Bogomolova, Lyudmila (pianist) Q
Bogoslovsky, Nikita Vladimirovich (pianist, b.1913) 47
Bohorquez, Claudio (cellist) 107
Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 114
Boico, Efim (Fine Arts Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 73, 108, 122
Boisson, Serge (Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron—trumpeter) 27
Boisvert, Emmanuelle (violinist) 97
Bojsten, Stefan (Stockholm Arts Trio—violinist) 8, 67, 127
Bokareva, Z. (story-teller) 56
Boland, Holger (translator) 114
Boldoczki, Gábor (trumpeter) 35
Boling, Deborah (pianist) 79
Bollard, David (Australia Ensemble––pianist) 57, 67
Bolotin, Sergei Vasilievich (arranger/translator, b.1912) 30, M, 79, 80, R, 100, U
Bolshoi Ballet 27, P(i)
Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra 10, 22, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, E, 39, 43, 47, H(ii), 60, K(i),
64, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82, P(i), 87, 96, 97, 106, V, 114
Bomont, Yves (Belgian Woodwind Quintet—bassoonist) 22
Bond, Kori (pianist) 87
Bondarenko, Aleksandr (Rakhmaninov Quartet––2nd violinist) 57, 87, 108, 110
Bonduryansky, Aleksandr (Moscow Trio—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Boni, Elena (Moscow Chamber Soloists––2nd violinist) 110
Bonn, James (pianist) 67
Bor, Christian (Reizend Muziekgezelschap—1st violinist) 57, 67
Border, Michael (conductor) 106
Bordner, Gary (trumpeter) 35
Boreyka, Andrei (conductor) 10, 29, 43, 114
Borisov, Valeri (chorus-master) 106
Borisova, Galina (mezzo-soprano) 4, 79
Borisova, Olga (soprano) 114
Borisova, Viera Ilinichna (violist, b.1941) 147
Borisovsky, Vadim Vasilievich (Beethoven Quartet—violist/arranger/dedicatee,
1900-72) 34, 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 97, 101, 107, 108, 110, 117, 118, 138
Borkh, Inge (soprano) 29

Borys, Roman (Gryphon Trio—cellist) 8, 67, 127

Bornkamp, Arno (tenor saxophonist) D(i)
Bornscheuer, Stefan (violinist) 110
Borodina, Olga (mezzo-soprano, b.1963) 106
Borodin Duo (Yuli Turovsky and Lyubov Yedlina) 40
Borodin Quartet 11, D(i), 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117, 118,
122,133, 138, 142, 144
Borodin Trio 57, 67, 127
Borok, Emanuel (violinist) 134
Borovkov, Viktor (bass) 15
Borowska, Joanna (soprano) 106
Borsamsky, Ernest (conductor) 47
Bortnikov, Grigori (tenor) 105
Bortnikov, Yevgeni (baritone) Q
Bosman, Arnold (pianist) 127
Boston Chamber Music Society 67
Boston Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 107
Boston Pops Orchestra 22, 32, 96
Boston Symphony Chamber Players 57
Boston Symphony Orchestra 10, 33, 65, 70, 125, 126, 129
Botstein, Leon (conductor, b. 1946) 3, 19
Boughton, William (conductor) 35, 102, 110
Bourikov, Aleksandr (Romantic Trio––cellist) 67
Boult, Sir Adrian Cedric (conductor, 1889-1983) 47, 54, 93, 112
Bourgés-Maunoury, Jacqueline (pianist) 40
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra 35, 47, 54, 60, 65, 93, 102, 103, 107
Boutry, Roger (pianist, b.1932) 87
Boyadjieva, Lilia (pianist) 87
Boyarchikov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (choreographer, b.1935) 36
Boyarsky Konstantin Fyodorovich (choreographer, 1915-74) 27, 39, 70, 93; p.589
Brabant Orchestra 18
Brabbins, Martyn (conductor, b.1959) 107, 126
Brabec, Emanuel (cellist) 40
Bradley, Sarah-Jane (Sorrel Quartet—violist) 49, 57, 68, 92, 110, 117, 133, 138, 142,
Braga, Gaetano (composer, 1829-1907) X(i); p.590
Bragg, Melvyn (TV presenter, b.1939) 147
Braginsky, Alexander (pianist) 34, 40, 61
Brahms Trio 8, 67
Braithwaite, Nicholas (conductor, b.1939) 65
Brakker, Ella (Prokofiev Quartet—1st violinist) 11
Brandt, A. (translator) 21
Braslavsky, Daniil Abramovich (arranger, b.1918) 131
Bratchkova, Dora (Rasumovsky Quartet––1st violinist) D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,
108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144

Bratislava Soloists, The Young 110

Bratlie, Jen Harald (Oslo Trio—pianist, b.1948) 5, 8, 67
Bratoev, Bojidar (Pro-Arte Quintet of Monte-Carlo—1st violinist) 57
Braudo, Isai Aleksandrovich (organist, 1896-1970) 29, 30, 81
Brauns, Sigurd (chorus-master) 26
Brautigan, Ronald (pianist) 15, 134, 147
Brecht, Bertolt (lyricist, 1898-1956) 95
Bremmer, Michael (conductor) 143
Brendler, Charles (arranger) 33
Brengola, Riccardo (Quintetto Chigiano—1st violinist) 57
Bresler, Sergei (Jerusalem Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 73, 83, 101, 110, 117, 122
Bretana, Clemens (poet, 1778-1842) 135
Briger, Alexander (conductor) 126
Brighouse & Rastrick Band 97
Brighton Festival Chorus 14, 81
Britten, Lord (Edward) Benjamin (conductor/dedicatee, 1913-76) 40, 127, 135; p.589
Brndiar, John (trumpeter) 35
Broad, Daniel (baritone) 105
Broadbent, Derek Michael (conductor/arranger) 97
Brodsky Quartet 11, D(i), 34, 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122
133, 138, 142, 144
Brodsky, Vadim (violinist) 14
Broekhans, Reineke (pianist) 147
Broggini, Cesy (mezzo-soprano) 15
Bronfman, Yefim (pianist) 35, 57, 67, 102
Bronzi, Enrico (Trio di Parma—cellist) 8, 67, 127
Broome, Oliver (bass) 29
Brown, Ian (Nash Ensemble—pianist/accompanist) 40, 57, 67, P(ii)
Brown, [Elizabeth] Iona (conductor, 1941-2004) 110
Brown, Jeremy (pianist) 6
Brown, Jonathan (baritone) K(ii)
Brown, Timothy (horn player) 107
Brubaker, Robert (tenor) 29, 106
Bruk, Lyubov (pianist) 94
Bruk, Yevgeniya (pianist) 100
Brunello, Mario (conductor) 110
Bruni, Tatyana Georgievna (designer, 1902-2001) 27
Brunner, Eduard (clarinettist) P(ii)
Bruns, Peter (cellist) 126
Brunswick Quartet 11
Brussilovsky, Alexandre (violinist/conductor/arranger, b.1953) 11, 13, D(i), 34, 68,
Brunt, Peter (violinist) 127
Bryant, Jeffrey (horn player) 107
Bryantsev, Dmitri Aleksandrovich (choreographer, b.1947) p.591

Bryjak, Oleg (bass-baritone) 29

Brykina, Galina (pianist) 40
Bryson, Roger (bass) 105
BT Scottish Ensemble 11, 35, 110, 118
Bubelnikov, A. (arranger) 96
Buchberger Quartet 11
Buchholz, Barbara (theremin player) 26
Buchholz, Werner (Berlin State Opera Quartet—violist) 92
Buchner, Willi (Koeckert Quartet—2nd violinist) 68
Buck, Friedrich (arranger) 114
Buczek, Piotr (Penderecki Quartet—1st violinist) 57, 73
Budapester-Blechbläser-Quintett 22
Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 70
Budapest Quartet 57
Budelman, John (soprano saxophonist) 22
Budkin, V. (guitarist) 39
Budyonny, Semyon Mikhailovich (cavalry marshal, 1883-1973) 27
Buerkle, Brian (arranger) 34
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra 60
Bukač, Vladimir (Tálich Quartet and soloist—violist) 57, 100, 110, 147
Buketoff, Igor (chorus-master/translator, b.1915) 14, 20, 135
Bulavin, Eduard (baritone) 114
Bulgare Quartet 49
Bulgarian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra 77, 112, 129
Bulgarian State Choir X(i)
Bulgarian State Radio Orchestra 93
Bulgarov, Mikhail Afanasievich (librettist, 1891-1940) p.587
Bulot, Mathieu (baritone) 56
Bunchikov, Vladimir Abramovich (tenor, b.1902) 72
Bundesjugendorchester 10
Buonarroti, Michelangelo (poet, 1475-1564) 145
Burch, Robert (composer) p.599
Burchuladze, Paata (bass, b.1955) 106
Burke, Kelly (clarinettist) 70
Burlak, Ivan P. (baritone, 1893-1964) 15
Burley, Elizabeth (pianist) 40
Burmeister, Anneliese (contralto, 1930-88) 79
Burnasheva, Nataliya (mezzo-soprano) 58a, K(ii)
Burns, Robert (poet, 1759-96) 62, M, 140
Burns, Stephen (trumpeter) 35
Burton, Eldin (pianist) 5
Burton, Humphrey (TV presenter, b.1931) 54, 70
Burton, James (conductor) Q
Busch, Ernst (singer/arranger, 1900-80) 33, 80, 95
Busch, Nicholas (horn player) 93

Bush, Alan Dudley (conductor, 1900-95) 47

Bushkin, Isser (bass) 135
Busse, Annett (pianist) 34, S(i)
Butirsky Ivan (clarinettist) 22
Buyanovsky, Mikhail Nikolayevich (horn player, 1891-1966) 107
Buzkova, A. (harpist) S(i)
Bychkov, Boris (theatre-goer) 31
Bychkov, Semyon (conductor, b.1952) 43, 47, 60, 65, 103
Byelorussian Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra (see also under Belarus) 26, 33, 50,
53, 55, 64, 75, 132
Byelorussian State Academic Choir 88
Byelorussian State Symphony Orchestra 22, 35, 65, 102
Byers, Alan (tenor) 29
Bystritsky, Vladimir (Nevsky Quartet––violist) 110

Cabasso, Laurent (pianist) 40
Caetani, Oleg (conductor) 10, 14, 20, E, 43, H(ii), 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 105,
112, 113, 135, 141
Cadaqués Orchestra 43, 110a
Caldwell, Sarah (conductor, 1924-2006) 35, 107
Calefax Reed Ensemble 87
Cailin Quartet 73
Cakmakcioglu, Isin (Trio Melbourne––violinist) 8
California Youth Symphony 47
Callier, Yannick (Debussy Quartet—cellist) 49, 57, 68, 83, 92, 101, 110, 117, 122,
133, 138, 142, 144
Calvocoressi, Mich(a)el Dimitri (translator, 1877-1944) 29
Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra K(ii)
Camerata Assindia (string orchestra) 118
Camerata Roman (string orchestra) 11
Camerata Silesia (men’s voices) 28, 41(ii), 44
Camerata, Transsylvanica 110
Cameron, Douglas (London String Quartet—cellist) 122
Cameron, (George) Basil (conductor, 1884-1975) 70
Cameron, Michael (double-bass player/arranger) 145
Camille, Michel (Esbjerg Ensemble—violist) 57
Canadian Piano Trio 67
Čangalović, Miroslav (bass) 58
Canin, Stuart (conductor) 11, 110, 118
Canino, Bruno (pianist) 40
Cann, Claire and Cann, Antoinette (piano duo) 94
Capecchi, Renato (baritone) 15
Capitol Symphony Orchestra 22
Cappella Arcis Varsoviensis (string orchestra) S(i)

Capri, Gianino (Trio de Bolzano—violinist) 67

Capuçon, Gautier (cellist) 67
Capuçon, Renaud (violinist) 57
Carey, Bridget (Kreutzer Quartet—violist) 83, 108, 110
Carmen, Roman (film-director) 60
Carney, Jonathan (violinist) 97
Carr, Colin (cellist) 67
Carroll, Geoffrey (arranger) 5
Carrot, Véronique (chorus-master) 15
Carter, Alan (choreographer, 1920-75) 93
Carter, Brecon (Auckland Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Carter, Peter (Allegri Quartet—1st violinist) 73
Carter, Rae (Auckland Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Carus, Louis (Scottish Trio—violinist, b.1912) 67
Casals, Pablo (composer, 1876-1973) 33
Caserta, Delphine (Leonor Quartet––1st violinist) 11
Cassidy, Paul (Brodsky Quartet––violist) 11, D(i), 34, 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Cassilla y León Symphony Orchestra 43
Castillo, Jose Francisco Del (violinist) 77
Cattarino, Alexander (pianist) 35
Catzel, Andrea (soprano) 100
Cauchy, Philippe (Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron—trombonist) 27
Cavani Quartet 68, 108, 142
CBC Radio Orchestra 35, E, G(ii), P(i), 93, 102
Čechova, Jitka (pianist) 35
Celibidache, Sergiu (conductor, 1912-96) 10, 47, 60, 70
Central Television and All-Union Radio, (Large Choir of) 81
Central Television and All-Union Radio Symphony Orchestra (see also Moscow Radio
Symphony Orchestra and All-Union Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra)
35, P(i), 107, 126
Cepreaga, Doru (tenor) 29
Chagall, Marc Zakharovich (painter, 1887-1915) p.590
Chaikovskaya, Mariya (cellist) 127
Chaikovsky, Aleksandr (pianist) 40
Chaikovsky, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (arranger, b.1946) 138
Chaikovsky, Boris Aleksandrovich (pianist, 1925-96) 112
Chailly, Riccardo (conductor, b.1953) 16, 26, 27, 33, E, G(ii), 55, 56, 76, 97, 105,
116, 126, 132
Chalmers, Nicholas (conductor) K(ii)
Chamber Choir Notabene 26
Chamber Orchestra of Europe 73, 83, 110, 118
Chameleon Ensemble E
Chang, Angelin (pianist) 35
Chang, Han-Na (cellist, b.1983) 40, 107

Chang, Sarah (violinist, b.1981) 34, 77

Chang, Victoria (violist) 147
Chaparov, Igor (trumpeter) 35
Chappell, Herbert (musicologist, b.1934) 47
Chard, Geoffrey (baritone) 15
Charnaix-Anderson, Renée (Pro Arte Quintet—2nd violinist) 57
Chase, Roger (Nash Ensemble—violist) 67
Chase, Stephanie (Boston Chamber Music Society—violinist) 67
Cheburkina, Marina (organist) 29
Cheifetz, Hamilton (Florestan Trio and soloist—cellist) 67, S(i)
Cheglakova, Yelena (pianist) X(iii)
Chekalov, V. (bass) 105
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich (writer, 1860-1904) X(ii); p.590
Chelkauskas, Yuozas Ionovich (arranger) 37, 58a, P(iv), 97
Chen, Lyda (violist) 57
Cheng, Angela (pianist) 35, 102
Chenoweth, Gene (arranger) 34
Chepikov, Yevgeni (bass) X(ii)
Chepurina, Maria (flautist) 22, 27
Cherkassky, Shura [Aleksandr Isaakovich] (pianist, 1909-95) 22, 34, 35
Chernov, Yuri (arranger) 30, 77
Chernozhukov, Mikhail (bass) 106
Chernushenko, Vladislav Aleksandrovich (chorus-master, b.1916) Q, 104
Cherny, Alena (pianist) 34
Chernykh, Lydiya (soprano) 105
Chervinsky, Mikhail Abramovich (librettist, 1911-65) 105
Chesnakov, Vladimir P. (choreographer) 22
Chesta, Mikhail (violinist) 97
Chiapperino, Michele (Ars Trio di Roma––cellist) 8, 67, 127
Chiaureli, Mikhail Edisherovich (film-director, 1894-1974) 82, 89
Chiavacci, Paolo (Quartetto Fonè—1st violinist) 110
Chicago Sinfonietta 16, 35, 97, 111, 116
Chicago Symphony Chorus 113
Chicago Symphony Orchestra 10, 22, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 77, 93, 102, V, 113, 126,
Chicago Youth Symphony 47
Chiligirian, Levon (Chiligirian Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Chiligirian Quartet 110
Chilikov, Dmitri (Bulgare Quartet—violist) 49
Chin, B. (translator) 80
Chirhov, Boris 41(i)
Chirskov, B. F. (film-director) 64
Chisholm, Allan (Gagliano Trio—cellist) 67
Chisholm, John (Gagliano Trio—violinist) 67
Chisson, Marc (saxophonist/arranger) 5, 27, 34

Chistyakov, Andrei Nikolayevich (conductor, b.1949) K(i), 79

Chkheidze, Levan (Georgia State Radio Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 117
Chmyrev, A. (chorus-master) 82
Chokalov, Georgi (tenor) 114
Choral Arts Society of Washington X(ii)
Choreographic Miniatures (ballet troupe) 20, G(i & ii), 119; pp.566, 590
Cho Piano Trio (Cho Young Ki, Cho Young Chang, Cho Young Bang) 67
Chorny, Ivan (bass) 114
Chorny, Sasha (pseudonym of Aleksandr Mikhailovich Glikberg or Glückberg; poet,
1880-1932) 109
Chorus Viennensis 14, 113
Chovanec, Jaroslav (Dvorák Piano Trio and Novák Quartet—cellist) 57, 122, 127
Christiansen, Leo E. (translator) 81
Chtchennikov, Vyacheslav (trumpeter) 35
Chubinashvili, Otar (State Quartet of Georgia—cellist) 68, 73
Chulyok-Zagrai, Aleksandr (bass) 114
Chung, Kyung-Wha (Chung Trio—violinist, b.1948) 8
Chung, Myung-Wha (Chung Trio—cellist, b.1944) 8
Chung, Myung-Whun (Chung Trio—pianist/conductor, b.1953) 8, 29, 43, 54, 87,
Chung Trio 8
Church, Frank (baritone) 105
Ciechański, Aleksander (Warsaw Quintet—cellist) 57
Cieniawa, Mariola (pianist) 67
Ciesinki, Kristine (soprano, b.1952) 29
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra 22, 96
Cincinatti Symphony Orchestra 10, 70, 141, 145
City of Birmingham Choir and Symphony Chorus 113
City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra 31, 32, 35, E, 42, 43, 46, 58a, 77, 113
City of London Sinfonia 143
Čiurlionis Quartet 73, 122
Claret, Gerard (Trio de Barcelona—violinist) 67
Claret, Lluís (Trio de Barcelona—cellist) 67
Clark, Alison (designer) 56
Clark, Harry (cellist) 40
Clark, Philip (Auckland Quartet—violist) 110
Clarke, Gordon (pianist) 62
Clarke, Graham (tenor) 106
Clarke, Raymond (pianist, b.1963) B, 5, 12, 13, 34, 61, 69, 87
Classical Quartet of Montreal 118
Clayton, Kenny (pianist) 102
Clegg, Caroline (director) 56
Clementi Trio of Cologne 67
Clerici, Umberto (cellist) 107
Cleveland Chamber Symphony 35
Cleveland Orchestra 10, 47, 93, 141

Cluytens, André (conductor, 1905-67) 10, 35, 77, 102, 103

Coates, Albert (conductor, 1882-1953) 29
Cochran, William (tenor) 114
Cogan, Dmitri (pianist) 34
Cohen, Harriet (pianist, 1885-1967) 34
Cohen, Isidore (Beaux Arts Trio—violinist, 1922-2005) 57, 67
Cohen, Raymond Hyam (violinist, b.1919) 134
Cohen, Robert (cellist, b.1959) 107
Cole, Annette (Trio Zinara—pianist) 67
Collegiate Chorale of New York 33
Collett, Ronan (baritone) 100
Collette, Christophe (Debussy Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 57, 68, 83, 92, 101, 110,
117, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Collier, Marie (soprano, 1926-71) 114
Collins, Michael (Nash Ensemble—clarinettist, b.1962) P(ii)
Cologne Güerzenich Philharmonic Orchestra 77, 114
Cologne Radio Chorus 4, 81, 90, 119
Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra 4, 15, 21, 46, 65, 79, 81, 90, 114a, 119, 140,
143, 145
Colombo, Albert (pianist) 34
Colonne Orchestra of Paris 77
Columbia Symphony Orchestra P(i), 96
Compinsky Trio (Manuel—violin, Alec—cello, Sara—piano) 67
Concert Arts String Orchestra 35
Concert Chorale of New York 19
Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam (see also Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra)
27, 47, 54, 65, 70, 79, 93, 103, 107, 112, 113, 115, 135, 143
Concertgebouw Orchestra Choir, Male Voices of the 113
Condamin, Marie (pianist) 39
Conlon, James (conductor/arranger, b.1950) 29, 47, 77, 106, 114
Constable, John (pianist) 147
Constant, Marius (musical director, b.1925) 18
Constant, Peter (Guitar Trek––bass guitar) D(i)
Contemporary Chamber Orchestra 4, 17
ConTemp 4tet (string quartet) 117
Cook, James (pianist) 40
Cooke, Peter (designer) 29
Cooper, Martin Du Pré (translator, b.1910) 135
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra 27
Copenhagen Trio 8, 67
Copes, Ronald (Juilliard Quartet—2nd violinist) 57, 73, 142, 144
Coppey, Marc (cellist) 40
Coq, Vincent (Trio Wanderer––pianist) 8, 67
Cornall, Andrew (arranger) 56, 105
Cornman, Robert (pianist) 34
Cornthwaite, Harry (arranger) 96

Corporon, Eugene (conductor) 34, 63

Corp, Ronald (chorus-master) 81
Corporon, Eugene Migliaro (conductor) 36
Cortese, Paul (violist) 147
Corti, Nicolas (Amati Quartet—violist) 73, 108
Corver, Ellen (Osiris Trio—pianist) 67, 127
Cossotto, Fiorento (mezzo-soprano, b.1935) 106
Costa, Jean-Claude (tenor) 29
Cou, Emil de (conductor) 35
Coull Quartet 83, 110, 122
Coull, Roger (Coull Quartet—1st violinist) 83, 110, 122
Covelli, John (pianist/conductor) 102
Cox, Christopher (conductor) 45, 47, 60, 65, 102, 103, 107, 112, 126
Craig, Charles (tenor, 1922-73) 114
Cranko, John (choreographer, 1927-73) 35
Crawford-Phillips, Simon (pianist) 34
Cray, Robert (arranger) 32
Crayford, Marcia (Nash Ensemble—1st violinist) 57, 67
Creitz, James (violist) 147
Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra 43
Crook, Paul (tenor) 106
Croonen, Maria (soprano) 79
Crowley, Andrew (trumpeter) 41
Crowson, Lamar (Melos Ensemble—pianist, 1926-98) 57
Croxford, Eileen (Music Group of London—cellist) 57, 67
Csapó, Eva (soprano) 79, 127
C sharp minor (vocal ensemble) K(ii)
Cullen, Greg (playwright) 47
Cummings, Douglas (cellist) 97
Cummings, Keith (London String Quartet—violist) 122
Cuper, Philippe (clarinettist) P(ii)
Curchill, Marylou Speaker (Boston Symphony Chamber Players—2nd violinist) 57
Curnow, Jeffrey (Empire Brass—trumpeter) 96
Curtin, Phyllis (soprano, b.1922) 135
Curtis, David (Coull Quartet—violist) 83, 110, 122
Czapski, Jutta (pianist) 147
Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103,
112, 113, 135, 141
Czech Philharmonic Choir (of Brno) 20, 113
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 15, 27, 29, 35, 47, 60, 70, 77, 93, 96, 107, 141
Czech (Prague) Radio Symphony Orchestra 20, 131
Czech Trio 67

D’Andrea, Alessandro (Roma Piano Trio––violinist) 67
Dafov, Jordan (arranger/conductor) 87, 101, 108, 110

Dahl, Christina 41(ii)

Dahl, Roald (author, b.1916) P(i)
Dalayman, Katarina (soprano) 29
Dalgat, Dzhemal-Eddin Enverovich (conductor, b.1920) 137
Dalgat String Ensemble 110
Dallas Symphony Orchestra 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 96, 102
Damenchor des Wiener Singvereins (women’s choir) 14
Damiant, Marco (Roma Piano Trio––cellist) 67
D’Amico, Fedele (translator) 15
Danailov, Peter (baritone) K(i & ii)
Dance Theatre of Harlem 102
Danchenko, Viktor (violinist) 83
Danczowska, Kaja (violinist) 67
Danel, Guy and Marc (cellist and 1st violinist) as below
Danel Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142,
Daniel, Josef (conductor) 125
Danilevich, Lev Vasilievich (musicologist, 1912-80) 18, 60, 85; p.579
Danilova, Galina (Bartos Trio—1st violinist) 8, 67, 127
Daniluk, Pavel (bass) 135
Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra 10
Daponte Quartet 110
Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (composer, 1813-69) J(ii)
Darlington, Jonathan (conductor) 141
Darman, Max Bragado (conductor) 47
Dartington Quartet 49, 83, 117
DAR Trio 67
Daviatov, Borys (Leontóvych Quartet—violist) 57
Davidenko, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (composer, 1899-1934) 124
Davidov, Mikhail (baritone) 135
Davidovsky, Vladimir (trumpeter) 35
Davidyan, Raphael Rubenovich (Komitas Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1923) 11, 49
Davies, Dennis Russell (conductor) 110
Davies, Ioan (Fitzwilliam Quartet––cellist, b.1949) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,
108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 127, 133, 138, 142, 144
Davies, Malwyn (tenor) 21
Davies, Meurig (bass) 105
Davies, Phillipa (Nash Ensemble—flautist) P(ii)
Davies, Simon (tenor) 105
Davis, Sir Andrew Frank (conductor, b.1944) G(i), 77, 93, 129, 131
Davis, Sir Colin Rex (conductor, b.1927) 14, 126
Davis, Howard Thomas (Alberni Quartet—2nd and later, 1st violinist, 1940-2008) 11,
57, 117, 118
Davis, Katherine Kennicott (composer) [96]
Davison, Arthur (conductor, 1923-92) 96
Davydov, V (narrator) 112

Debussy Quartet 49, 57, 68, 83, 92, 101, 110, 117, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
De Capo Chamber Players (Piano Trio) 19
Dechenne, Danièle (Guarneri Trio—pianist) 67, 127
DeCormier, Robert (conductor, b.1922) M, 140
Decroos, Jean (Guarneri Trio—cellist) 67, 127
Dedyukhin, Aleksandr (pianist) 40, 114
Dee, Janie (soprano) 105
Defossez, René (conductor) 77
DeGaetani, Jan (mezzo-soprano, b.1933) 79
Degen, Johannes (Amati Quartet—cellist) 73, 108
Degeyter, Pierre (composer, 1848-1932) 28, F, 51, 55, 64, 75
De Groote, André (pianist) 40
Dehning, Martin (Nomos Quartet––1st violinist) 110
Dekov, Emil (violinist, b.1932) 127
Del, D. (screen-writer) 33
Delange, Christian (Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron—tuba player) 27
Delannoy, Jacques (pianist) P(ii)
Delman, Jacqueline (soprano, b.1933) 127
Delmé Quartet 22
Demenga, Thomas (cellist) D(i)
Demichenko, Andriy (Ukrainian Brass––tuba player, b.1974) E, G(ii)
Demidenko, Nikolai (pianist) E, 40
Dempsey, Gregory (bass) 29
Denisov, Edison Vasilievich (composer, 1929-96) 72
Dennison, Kenneth (conductor) 96
Denton, Damon (pianist) 35
Denver Brass 94
Deprecq, Vincent (Debussy Quartet—violist) 49, 57, 68, 83, 92, 101, 110, 117, 122,
133, 138, 142, 144
De Preist, James (conductor, b.1936) 65, 70, 79, 93, 96, 103, 107, 112, 126, 129
Derenovskaya, Natalya (pianist) 134
Derevyanko, Viktor (arranger/celesta player) 141a
Dervaux, Pierre (conductor, b.1917) 17, 22
Derzhanovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (arranger, 1881-1942) E
Désarbre, Hervé (organist) 27, 29, 39, 145
Desarzens, Victor (conductor, b.1908) 102
Deschamps, Jèrôme (designer) 105
De Sica, Vittorio (film-director, 1901-74) 103
Desford Colliery Dowty Band 16, 97
Désormière, Roger (conductor, 1898-1963) 33, 47, 65
Dešpalz, Valter (cellist, b.1947) 125
Destefano, Dario (Trio di Torino—cellist) 8, 40, 57, 67
Desyatnikov, Leonid (arranger) 123
Detmold Chamber Orchestra 110
Detroit Symphony Orchestra 97

Deutsch, Jonathan (bass) X(ii)

Deutsche Oper Ballet 29, 102, 116; p.591
Deutsche Symphony Orchestra 47, 112, 138, 142, 144
Deutscher, Karl-Heinz (violinist) 141
Devetzi, Vasso (pianist) 127
Deville, Michel (film-director) 144
Devlin, Michael (bass) 135
Devos, Peter (Rubio Quartet—cellist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118,
122, 133
Dexter, John (Manhattan Quartet—violist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Deyanova, Marta (pianist) 34
Dezsö, Jaszi (ballet producer) 70
Dickerson, Bernard (tenor) 15
Dickson, Joan (Scottish Trio—cellist, 1921-94) 67
Dicterow, Glenn (violinist) 77
Diemecke, Pablo (McPherson Trio—violinist) 40
Diener, Matthais (Minguet Quartet—cellist) 57
Diesselhorst, Jan (Philharmonia Quartet—cellist) 73, 108, 133
Dietz, Michel (Verlaine Quartet—2nd violinist) 68
Dieudegard, Julian (violinist) 34
Digonskaya, Olga (musicologist, b.1956) 70, 117a; pp.587, 590
Digris, Leopoldas (organist) 87
Dikov, Anton Ventsislavov (pianist, b.1938) 35, 67
Dimchevska, Maria (soprano) 106
Dimov, Dimon (Bulgare Quartet—1st violinist) 49
Dimov, Ilya (arranger) 94
Divertissement Ensemble 34
Dixon, Peter (cellist) 39, 97
Djokić, Olga (soprano) 58
Dligach, L. (translator) 79
Dlouhý, Michal (actor) 29
Dmitriev, Aleksandr (bayan player) S
Dmitriev, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (conductor, b.1935) 47, 60, 102
Dmitriev, Anatoli Nikodimovich (arranger, 1908-78) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Dmitriev, Vladimir Vladimirovich (designer, 1900-48) 15, 29, 39
Dobrovolsky, Iosif (writer/lyricist) 63, 66, 72
Dobrushin, I. M. (folksong collector) 79
Doctor, Kristen (Cavani Quartet––violist) 68, 108, 142
Dobson, Robert (Vaghy Quartet––cellist) 110
Dogadin, Andrei (Leningrad Conservatory Students’ Quartet/St Petersburg Quartet—
violist) 49, 68, 83, 108
Dohnányi, Christoph von (conductor, b.1929) 10, 93
Doikov, Roumen (tenor) 106

Doina Academic Choral Kapella 88

Dokoudovsky, Vladimir (choreographer, 1920) 22
Dokshitser, Timofei Aleksandrovich (trumpeter/arranger, 1921-2004) 5, 35, 79
Doležal, Karel (Doležal Quartet—violist) 11, 144
Doležal Quartet 11, 144
Dolgov, Oleg (tenor) D(iv)
Dolmatovsky, Yevgeni Aronovich (lyricist, 1915-94) F, 63, N, 72, 80, 81, 82, 86, 90,
98, 136, Y
Dolukhanova, Zara Aleksandrovna (mezzo-soprano, b.1918) 79, 135
Dombrovskaya, Olga (musicologist) 117a
Dominant Quartet 110
Dondi, Dino (bass) 29
Donohoe, Peter (pianist, b.1953) 102
Dorey, Susan (Trio Zingara—cellist) 67
Dorliak, Nina Lvovna (soprano, 1908-98) 79
Dornbusch Quartet 11
Dorofeyev, E. F. (choreographer) p.589
Dorrer, Valeri Ivanovich (designer, b.1929) 27, 39
Dosina, Ekaterina (cellist) 39
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (novelist/poet, 1821-81) 15, 146, 147; p.591
Douay, Jean (trombonist/arranger) 34
Douglas, William (poet, c.1800) M
Dowding, Nicholas (Fitzwilliam Quartet—1st violinist, b.1949) 138
Downes, Sir Edward Thomas (translator/conductor, 1924-2009) 15, 114
Dovzhenko, Aleksandr Petrovich (film-director, 1894-1956) 78
Drabinsky, Mark (cellist) 107
Drabkine, Sergio (arranger) 22
Dragon, Carmen (conductor, 1914-84) 22
Drake, Bryan (bass) 15
Drake, Julius (pianist) 40, 147
Dranga, Yuri (accordionist) 87
Drebler, Olaf (pianist) 40
Dresden Philharmonic Children’s Choir 58
Dresden Philharmonie 29, 77
Dresden Staatskapelle 43, 58, 103
Dresden State Opera Orchestra 129
Dressel, Erwin (composer, 1909-72) 23
Drew, David (choreographer, b.1938) 57
Drew, Lucas (arranger) 110
Dreznin, Sergei (conductor/arranger/pianist) 105
Drobinsky, Mark. (cellist) 125, 141
Drok, K. (translator) 80, 86
Drucker, Eugene (Emerson Quartet—lst/2nd violinist) D(i), 49, 57, 65, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Druzhina, Mikhail (bass) 56
Druzhinin, Boris (tenor) 15

Druzhinin, Fyodor Serafimovich (Beethoven Quarter and soloist—violist/dedicatee/

arranger, 1932-2007) 11, 101, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144, 147
Dubinsky, Rostislav Davidovich (Borodin Quartet—1st violinist; Borodin Trio/soloist/
arranger, 1923-97) 11, 34, 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118,
122, 127, 133, 138
Dubinsky, Ye. (arranger) 75
Dubirny, Mikhail (trombonist/arranger) 34
Dubovsky, Yevgeni Antonovich (conductor, 1898-1962) 60
Dubrovin, Sergei (tenor) 114
Dubrovsky, Viktor Pavlovich (conductor, b.1927) 27, 30, 77
Duczmal, Agnieszka (conductor) 110a
Duda, Antonín (cellist) 127
Dudarev, Georgi (bass) 114
Dudarova, Veronica Borisovna (conductor, 1916-2009) 131
Duis, Thomas (pianist) 35
Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra 141
Duke Quartet 110
Duker, Guy (arranger) 115
Dukes, Philip (violist) 147
Dulin, Mark (trumpeter) 41(ii)
Dulova, Vera Georgievna (harpist, b.1910) J(iv)
Duminy, Philippe (bass) 29
Dunayevsky, Isaak Osipovich (conductor/composer, 1900-55) 31, 33, J(ii), 74
Duo de Heidelberg (Hans Helmut Schwarz and Edith Henrici—pianists) 94
Duo Postiglione (Wolfgang Schultz––cellist and Ginette Kostenbader—pianist) D(vi), 39
Duo ‘Reine Elisabeth’ (Rolf Plagge and Wolfgang Manz—pianists) 94
Duryan, Ogan Khachaturovich (also spelt Durjan; conductor, b.1922) 112
Dussaut, Thérèse and Polusmiak, Serge (piano duo) 6, O(i), 94
Düsseldorf Musikverein Symphony Orchestra and Chorus 113
Dutch Dance Company and Ballet Orchestra 54
Dutoit, Charles (conductor, b.1936) 10, 47, 70, 141
Dutt, Hank (Kronos Quartet—violist) 110
Dutton, Lawrence (Emerson Quartet—violist) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Dvarionaite, M. (conductor) 107
Dvořák Piano Trio 127
Dvorikov, N. S. (conductor) 28
Dvorkin, Boris (film director) 110a
Dvornichenko, Oksana (film-director) pp.572, 575
Dyachenko, Yevgeni (pianist) 40
Dyachkov, Yegor (cellist) 40
Dyadkova, Larissa (mezzo-soprano) 4, 79
Dÿk, Peter van (choreographer, 1927-97) 70
Dzerzhinsky, Ivan Ivanovich (composer, 1909-78) D(ii)
Dzhabayev, Dzhambul (Kazakh poet usually known by the anglicized form of his first
name—Jambul, 1846-1945) 63; p.588

Dzubenko, Gennadi (Romantic Trio––pianist) 67

Dzhurin, Nazar (cellist) 27

East Bohemian State Chamber Orchestra 110
East, James (Fredonia Woodwind Quintet—clarinettist) 22
Eastman Brass 133
Eastman-Rocester Pops Orchestra 22
Eastman Wind Ensemble 96
Ebeling, Wolfgang (film-director) 111
Edelmann, Ulrich (violinist) 26
Éder, György (Éder Quartet—cellist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118,
122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Éder Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Edgren, Ingemar (Garcio Trio—pianist) 67
Ediet, P. (lyricist) 124
Edinburgh Quartet 57
Edlina, Luba—see Lyubov Ilinichna Yedlina
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra 96
Edwards, Juliet (pianist) 87
Efros, Abram Markovich (translator, 1888-1954) 145
Egami, Takanori (chorus-master) 113
Eger, Joseph (conductor, b.1925) 47, 141
Eggers, Anke (contralto) 79
Eggner, Trio (Christoph, Georg, and Florian Eggner) 8, 67
Ehrlich, Julius (conductor, b.1894) 22
Ehrling, Sixten (pianist) 22, 34
Eidelman, Cliff (conductor) 116
Eidloth, Johannes (tenor) 29
Eijlander, Joachim (Rubens Quartet––cellist) 73
Eisenmann, Hans (arranger) 145
Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich (film-director, 1898-1948) 103, 112
Eizen, Artur Arturovich (bass, b.1927) 100, 113
Ekkel, Aleksei (balalaika-player) K(ii)
Eklund, Bengt (conductor) 96
Elbaek, Søreh (Copenhagen Trio—violinist) 8, 67
Elbeblech Brass Quintet 96
Elbert, G. (sound recordist) 105
Elder, Mark Philip (conductor, b.1947) 1, 7, 14, 29, 31, 32, E, 42, 46, 58a
Eleonora Quartet D(i), 73, 117
Elias, Thomas (translator) K(ii)
Eliasberg, Karl Ilyich (conductor, 1907-78) 60
Elkston, Viktor (oboist) P(i)
Elliot, Anthony (cellist) 40
Elliott-Goldschmid, Ann (Lafayette Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 87, 110
Elmquist, Martin (conductor) 47

El-Registan, Gabiel (lyricist, b.1924) N

Elvira Piano Duo (Mimi Birkelund and Anne Mette Staehr) 94
Emelianoff, Andre (De Capo Piano Trio—violinist) 19
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (poet, 1803-82) [96]
Emerson Quartet D(i), 41(ii), 49, 65, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Emmerson, Steven (bass) 29
Empire Brass 96
Enei, Yevgeni Ye. (designer) 18
Engegard, Arvid (Orlando Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 101
Engerer, Brigitte (pianist) S(i)
Engelmann, Ian (TV film-producer, 1933-81) p.618
English Brass Ensemble 108
English Chamber Orchestra 10, 35, 89, 102, 107, 110, 135
English National Opera 29, 105
Englund, Einar (composer, 1916-99) p.599
Ensemble Ars Nova 18
Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron 27
Ensemble de cuivres Mélodia 9
Ensemble Incendo 110
Ensemble Ongaku-Zammai 47
Ensemble Vents et Percussions de Quebéc D(ii), G(ii)
Entremont, Philippe (pianist) 94, 141
Epperson, Anne (pianist) 134
Epstein, E. (pianist) 34
Epstein, Mikhail Semyonovich—see Mikhail Golodny
Erasmus, Desiderius (writer, 1466?-1536) 32
Erben, Frank-Michael (Gewandhaus Quartet—1st violinist, b.1965) 73
Erblich, Ferdinand (Orlando Quartet—violist) 73, 101
Erdeli, Olga Georgievna (harpist, b.1927) S(i)
Erdman, Nikolai Robertovich (playwright, 1902-70) 63, 66, 72
Eric Ericson Chamber Choir 88
Erickson, Frank (arranger) 63
Erickson, Michael (cellist) 40
Erickson, Ronald (Vaghy Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Erisman, Zoe (pianist) 27, 34, 39, 94
Erlich, Nachum (Trio Finnico—violinist) 8
Ermler, Fridrikh Markovich (film-director/script-writer, 1898-1967) 33, 52, 55; p.589
Ermler, Mark Fridrikhovich (conductor, b.1932) 47, 114
Ernesaks, Gustav Gustavovich (chorus-master/dedicatee, 1908-93) 136
Ernst-Mosuraitis, Wilja (mezzo-soprano) 29
Eroica Trio 67
Erokhin, Mikhail (pianist) 34
Erokhsin, A. (pianist) 80
Erxleben, Michael (violinist) 77
Esbjerg Ensemble 57, 127

Eschenbach, Christoph (conductor/pianist, b.1940) 47, 107, 126, 127

Eschkenazy, Vesco (violinist) 134
Eshpai, Andrei Yakovlevich (composer, b. 1925) T; p.601
Eskin, Jules (Boston Symphony Chamber Players—cellist) 57
Espoo Quartet—see Voces Intimæ Quartet
Essen Sinfonieorchester Folkwang Hochschule 47
Estes, Simon (bass, b.1938) 135
Estonian State Academic Male Voice Choir 113, 136
Etheridge, Nick (tuba player) 87
European Camerata 11, 110
European Community Youth Orchestra 43
European Opera Centre K(i & ii)
Evans, Michael Aubrey (Dartington Quartet—cellist, b.1932) 49, 83, 117
Evans, Ralph (Fine Arts Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 73, 108, 122
Evans, Shirley (Lyric Trio—cellist) 67
Evgrafov, Lev (cellist) 40
Evgrafova, Lydia (pianist) 40
Evrov, Nikolai (pianist) 5, 22
Evtimov, Ivan (pianist) 34, 147
Ewing, Maria (soprano, b.1950) 29
Excelsior (ensemble) 34
Eynde, Louis Op’t (Belgian Woodwind Quintet—oboist) 22

Facchini, Marco (Quartette Foné—2nd violinist) 110
Fadeyev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (novelist, 1901-56) 75
Fadeyev, Dmitri (bass) D(iv)
Faerber, Jörg (conductor, b.1929) 35, 110
Faier, Yuri Fyodorovich (conductor, 1890-1971) 32, 39
Faintsimmer, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (film-director) 97
Fairy Band 96
Falik, Yuri Aleksandrovich (composer, b.1936) p.598
Falk, Ofer (Schidlof Quartet—1st violinist) 57, 83, 108
Fanfani, Adolfo (chorus-master) 15
Fanning, David J. (translator/musicologist, b.1955) 4, 29, 87, 93
Farina, Edoardo (I Solisti Italiani—keyboard player) 116
Farley, Peter (designer) 110
Farmer, Peter (designer, b.1941) 116
Fassbänder, Brigitte (mezzo-soprano, b.1939) V
Faulds, John (conductor, b.c.1881) 114
Federal Youth Orchestra of Germany 141
Fedin, Vladimir (xylophonist) 22
Fedorovsky, Fyodor (designer) 106
Fedoseyev, Vladimir Ivanovich (conductor, b.1932) 10, 20, 35, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70,
76, 77, 81, 93, 97, 100, 101, 102, 113, 114c, 129, 141
Fedotov, Maksim (violinist) 77, 129, 134

Fedotov, Yevgeni (bass) 106

Fehlandt, Stefan (Vogler Quartet—violist) 122
Feigelson, Iosif (cellist) 147
Feigin, Grigori (violinist) 5, 67
Feigin, Valentin Yakovlevich (cellist, b.1934) 67, 107, 126
FEKS (Factory of the Eccentric Actor—group) 18
Feldmann, Arkadi (conductor) 107
Feldt, Pavel Emilievich (student composer/conductor, 1905-60) B, 10, 39
Fennel, Frederick (conductor, 1914-2004) 22, 47
Ferkelman, Arnold Ya. (cellist, b.1914) 97
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (poetry reader, b.1919) 113
Fernández, Valeriano Orobón (lyricist, 1901-36) 44
Ferraresi, Aldo (violinist) 77
Ferschtman, Liza (violinist) 34
Fershtman, Dmitri (Glinka Quartet—cellist/soloist) 40, 73, 127, 142
Festival Ballet (of London) P(i)
Fialová, Terezie (Puella Trio—pianist) 8
Fiedler, Achim (conductor) 35, 87, 110
Fiedler, Arthur (conductor, 1894-1979) 22, 32, 96
Filatova, L. P. (mezzo-soprano) X(i)
Filimonova, Natalya (mezzo-soprano) 26
Filin, Sergei (ballet-dancer) 39
Filippini, Lino (Quintetto Chigiano—cellist) 57
Filippo, R. San (arranger) 22
Film Production Directorate Orchestra 111
Finkel, David (Emerson Quartet—cellist) D(i), 40, 49, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Fine Arts Quartet 49, 73, 108, 122
Fink, Siegfried (conductor) 15
Finnilä, Birgit (contralto, b.1931) 29
Fioravanti, Gustavo (violist) 57
Fiorentini, Marco (Ars Trio di Roma––violinist) 8, 67, 127
Fischer, Eckhard (Trio Opus 8––violinist) 8, 67, 141a
Fischer. Pavel (Škampa Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Fischer, Philine (soprano) 29
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich (baritone, b.1925) 135, 145, 146
Fiseisky, Aleksandr (organist) 29
Fiskum, Bjarne (Trondheim Soloists—leader) 110
Fistoulari, Anatole (conductor, 1907-95) 54
Fitelberg, Grzegorz (arranger, 1879-1953) 5, 35
Fitz-Gerald, Kevin (pianist) 127
Fitz-Gerald, Mark (arranger/conductor) 18, 26, 28, 41(i & ii), 44, G(ii), 70
Fitzpatrick, Mike (Mobius—cellist) 67
Fitzwilliam Quartet D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117, 118, 122,
133, 138, 142, 144
Fjeldli, Tino (violinist) 134

Flaks, Efrem Borisevich (baritone, b.1909) 62

Flato, Ludwig (arranger) p.565
Fledzhinskas, Yuri (Lithuanian State Quartet—violist) 49, 83
Fleet, Edgar (tenor) 29
Fleishman, Veniamin Iosifovich (composer, 1913-41) K(iii)
Flesjø, Ellen Margrete (Grieg Trio—cellist) 8, 67
Fletcher, Lyn (London Musici Quartet—1st violinist) 57
Flieder, Klara (Leschetizky Trio—violinist) 67
Flindt, Flemming (choreographer, b.1936) see under Op. 32
Flor, Claus Peter (conductor, b.1953) 10, 77, 93, 126
Florestan Trio 67
Flumrnerfelt, Joseph (chorus-master) 113
Fodoreanus, Dorel (Arman Trio—cellist) 67
Fomina, Nina Victorovna (soprano, b.1937) 79, 114
Fonda, Jean-Pierre (pianist, b.1937) 40
Ford, Fiona (musicologist) (2nd violinist) 110
Forest, René (cellist) 127
Formichini, Dino (tenor) 15
Forrester, Maureen (contralto, b.1930) 79
Forst, Rudolf (arranger) 5, 34
Fortunatov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich (arranger) 37, 39, 69, 78, P(iii), S(i), 97
Foster, Lawrence Thomas (conductor, b.1941) 35, 102
Fournier, Pierre Léon Marie (cellist, 1906-86) 40, 107
Francescatti, Zino (René) (violinist, 1902-91) 22
Franck, Miklo (conductor) 77
Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra 26, E, 47, G(ii), 70, P(i)
Franzewa, Alexandra (violist) 147
Frascati, Tommaso (tenor) 15
Fraser, Donald (arranger) 97
Freccia, Massimo Filippo Antongiuio (conductor, 1906-2004) 15, 47
Fredericks, Michael (arranger) S(i)
Fredonia Wind Quintet 22
Freed, Kenneth (Rosalyra Quartet––2nd violinist) 68, 110
Freedman, Gerard (stage producer) 29
Freeman, Paul (conductor, b.1936) 16, 35, 97, 102, 111, 116
Freiburg Philharmonic Orchestra 70
Freivogel, Liz (Jupiter Quartet—violist) 73
Friedheim, Heinrich (violinist) 10
Freude Philharmonie 47
Fremlot, M. (arranger) 88
French National Symphony Orchestra 10
French National Radio Orchestra (Orchestre National de la Radiodifusion Française)
10, 35, 102, 103
Frenkel, I. (lyricist) X(i)
Fresk, Lars (Fresk Quartet—1st violinist) 110

Fresk Quartet 110

Freund, Hilde (Lyric Trio—pianist) 67
Freundlich, Irwin (musicologist) 87
Frickert, Walter (arranger) S(i)
Fridgeim, Genrikh (violinist) 97
Fridlender, Aleksandr Grigorievich (composer, b.1906) p.599
Fried, Enns (translator) 114
Friede, Stephanie (soprano) 135
Friedlin, Yan (Yakov) Mikhailovich (composer, b.1944) p.598
Friedrich, Reinhold (trumpeter) 35
Friend, Lionel (conductor, b.1945) 75, 76
Friend, Rodney (violinist, b.1939) 67, 135
Friend-Solomon-Hugh Trio 67
Friscay, Ferenc (conductor, 1914-63) 70
Fritzsch, Johannes (conductor) 70
Frohlich, Joseph (Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble—violinist) 11
Frolov, Yuri (tenor) D(iv)
Froschauer, Helmuth (chorus-master) 4
Frucht, Christaine (Zurich Piano Trio––pianist) 8, 67
Fuente, Herrera de la (conductor) 47, 107
Fuga, Giacomo (Trio di Torino—pianist) 8, 57, 67
Fujimori, Ryoichi (Morgaua Quartet—cellist) 34, 49, 68, 92, 97, 100, 101, 108, 117,
Fujiwara, Mari (cellist, b.1949) 40
Fukačova, Michaela (cellist, b.1959) 40
Fuks, Ye. (pianist) 34
Fukuoka Kodai High School Wind Orchestra 47
Fullard, Annie (Cavani Quartet––1st violinist) 68, 108, 142
Fuller, Louisa (Duke Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Fullerlove, Janet (soprano) 105
Funke, Christian (violinist) 5
Fürst, János (conductor, 1935-2007) 107
Füssl, Karl Heinz (translator) 15
Fyodorkin, Vyacheslav (tenor) 114
Fyodorov, Nikolas (violinist) 8
Fyodorovsky, Fyodor Fyodorovich (designer, 1883-1955) 106
Fyson, Leslie (tenor) 29

Gabichvadze, Revaz Kondratievich (composer, b.1913) p597
Gabouri, Elena (mezzo-soprano) K(ii)
Gabrielli Quartet 49, 73
Gabrielyan, Avet Karpovich (Komitas Quartet—1st violinist, 1899-1983) 11, 49
Gabrilovich, Yevgeni Iosifovich (screen playwright, b.1899) 97, 132
Gadjev, Zdravko (tenor) 106

Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich (cosmonaut, 1934-68) 86

Gage, Stephen L. (conductor) 115
Gagliano Trio 67
Gagne, Helene (cellist) 40
Gagov, Nikolai (Sofia Quartet—2nd violinist) 110, 118, 122
Gahmlich, Wilfried (tenor) 106
Gaiswinkler, Hans Peter (arranger) 34
Gaiswinkler, Otmar (Vienna Trombone Quartet) 34
Gál, Zoltán (Keller Quartet––violist) 144
Galayev, Rashid (trombonist) 141
Gale, Rebecca (soprano) 105
Galkovsky, Aleksandr (Shostakovich Quartet—violist) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Gallant, Julian (pianist) 35
Gallaway, Philip (Coull Quartet—2nd violinist) 83, 110, 122
Galletti, Alberto (pianist) 4
Galloway, Jennifer (oboist) 26
Galouzina, Vladimir (tenor) 106
Galusin, Vladimir (tenor) 29, 106
Gambarini, Erina (chorus-master) 20, 135
Gamburg, Grigori Semyonovich (Stradivari Quartet—violist/conductor, 1900-67) 11,
75, 111
Gamrekeli, David (baritone) 7
Ganev, Julia and Konstantin (piano duo) 94
Ganiev, Sarvar (Azerbaidzhan Quartet—1st violinist, b.1937) 110
Gapov, A. (lyricist) F
Garaguly, Carol von (conductor, b.1900) 29
Garay, György (violinist) 10
Garb, Louis (tenor) 79
Garcia, Gustavo (Garcia Trio—violinist) 67
Garcia Lorca, Federico (poet, 1899-1936) 135
Garcia Trio 67
Garrity, Captain C. R. C. (conductor) 96
Garshtya, Veronika (chorus-director) 88
Gärtner, Michael (percussionist) 141a
Garvayo, Juan Carlos (pianist) 147
Gassiev, Nikolai (tenor) 106
Gatev, Krasimir (pianist) B, 87, S(i)
Gatsenko, Alla (accordionist) 94
Gaudeamus Chamber Choir (Moscow High Technical School) 104
Gauk, Aleksandr Vasilievich (conductor, 1893-1963) 20, 22, 27, 47, 54, 65, 70, 75,
77, 82, P(i), 89, 96, 102, 103
Gaukhman-Sverdlov, Marksen (designer) 105
Gauntt, Edward (baritone) 29
Gavin, Barrie (TV director, b.1935) 110

Gavrilov, Andrei (pianist, b.1955) 134

Gavrilova, Nataliya (pianist, b. 1950) 22, 27, 34, 87, 97
Gedda, Nicolai (real name Ustinov; tenor, b.1925) 29, 46
Geeting, Loren (baritone) 105
Gelakhova, Irina (mezzo-soprano) 105
Gelenbe, Deniz Arman (Arman Trio—pianist) 67
Geleskul, L. (translator) 135
Geller, Misha (Glinka Quartet—violist) 73, 142
Gelmini, Hortense von (conductor, b.1947) 35
Gelsenkirchen Municipal Orchestra 10
Geldelshstein, Albert A. (film-director) 38; p.571
Gemmingen, Ehrengard von (Ensemble Incendo––cellist) 110
Generalov, Vladimir (bass) 114
Genova, Aglika and Dimitrov, Liuben (piano duo) 6, E, O(ii), 94, 95
George, Alan Norman (Fitzwilliam Quartet—violist, b.1949) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83,
92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
George, David (Vaghy Quartet––2nd violinist) 110
George, Gwyneth (cellist) 40
Georgia, State Quartet of 68, 73
Georgia, State Radio Quartet of 73, 117
Georgian, Armen Yakovlevich (Komitas Quartet—cellist, b.1904) 11
Georgian Chamber Orchestra 110
Georgian, Karine (cellist, b.1944) 40
Georgiev, Stoil (baritone) 106
Gepp, Rainer (Arcadia Trio—pianist) 67
Gerasimov, Sergei Apollinaryevich (film-director, 1906-85) 75
Gerasimova, Kira (contralto) Q
Gerasimova, Natalya (soprano) 127
Gerelo, Vassili (bass) 106
Gergiev, ValeryAbisalovich (conductor, b.1953) 15, 19, 22, 27, 29, 43, 47, 54, 58, 60,
65, 70, 105, 106, V, 114, W, 135
Gergieva, Larissa (pianist) 24
Gerhardt, Alban (cellist) 40, P(iv)
Gerhardt, Manon (Ensemble Incendo––violist) 110
Geringas, David (cellist/conductor, b.1946) D(vi), 39, 40, 67, 142
Gerlinghaus, Stephan (Trio Bamberg—cellist) 8, 67
German National Youth Orchestra 43
German, Yuri Pavlovich (screen playwright, 1910-67) 76, 85
Gerov, Valentin (Sofia Quartet—violist) 110, 118, 122
Gershman, Paul (MGM Studio Orchestra—violinist) 11
Gerstner, Manuel (Clementi Trio—cellist) 67
Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig 93, 112
Gewandhaus Quartet 73
Ghiaurov, Nicolai (bass, 1929-2004) 98, 106
Ghidoni, Paulo (violinist) 134

Ghiuselev, Nicola (bass, b.1936) 106, 113, X(ii)

Giavazzi, Stefano (pianist) 134
Gibin, Giovanni (tenor) 29
Gibson, Sir Alexander Drummond (conductor, 1926-95) 96, 125
Gielen, Michel (conductor) 112
Gilels, Emil Grigorievich (pianist, 1916-85) 61, 67, 87
Gill, Emily (translator) 135
Gillette, John (Fredonia Woodwind Quintet—bassoonist) 22
Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield (pseudonym of Louis Lambert; 1829-92) M
Gimpel, Bronisław (Warsaw Quintet—1st violinist, 1911-79) 57
Gimse, Havard (pianist) 40, 97, 147
Ginzburg, Anton Giliarovich (pianist, b. 1930) 40, 147
Ginzburg, Elizaveta (pianist) 34, 134
Ginzburg, G. I. (Glazunov Quartet—2nd violinist) 57, 73?
Giovanile Italiana Orchestra 54
Gippius, Yevgeni Vladimirovich (folksong collector, 1903-85) Q
Girshenko, S. (violinist) 97
Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra, Milan 10, 54
Gladilina, Elena and Yurygina, Natalya (piano duo) 94
Glantz, Harry (trumpeter) 35
Glasgow Orchestral Society 115
Glassl, Roland (Mandelring Quartet––violist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 133, 142
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich (dedicatee, 1865-1936) Juv.
Glazunov Quartet 49, 57, 73
Glemser, Bernd (pianist) 35, 87
Gleusteen, Kai (violinist) 34
Glickman, Harry (arranger, b.1910) 5, 22
Glière Quartet 11
Glikberg, Aleksandr Mikhailovich—see Sasha Chorny
Glikman, Isaak Davidovich (dedicatee/arranger, b.1911) 22, 62, [93], 114
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (composer, 1804-57) 64, T, 141
Glinka College Boys’ Choir 81
Glinka Quartet 73, 142
Glinkina, Nina (soprano) 56
Glivenko, Tatyana Ivanovna (dedicatee, b.1906) 8
Globa, A. (translator) J(ii), 79
Gluboky, Pyotr (bass, b.1947) 46, K(i), 62, 91, 121, 146
Glukhov, Oleg (balalaika player/arranger) 97
Glyde, Judith (Manhattan Quartet—cellist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Gluzman, Michael (arranger, b. 1973) E
Gluzman, Vadim (violinist) E, 134
Gmyrev, Aleksei Mikhailovich (poet, 1887-1911) 78, 88
Gmyrya, Boris Romanovich (bass, 1903-69) 98

Gnessin Institute Choir 113

Gnessin Institute Quartet, Postgraduates of 11
Göbel, Horst (pianist) 79, 127
Goberman, Max (conductor) 11
Godart, Pascal (pianist, b.1971) 13, 68, 134
Goehr, Walter (conductor, 1903-60) 35
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (poet, 1749-1832) Z
Goff, Scott (flautist) 22
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich (novelist, 1809-52) 15, 32, K(i); pp.590, 619
Gogolevskaya, Larissa (soprano) 114, 135
Golan, Itamar (pianist) 8, 34, 57, P(iii), 147
Golani, Rivka (violist, b.1946) 147
Goldberg, Stella (pianist) 145
Golden Age Singers, The 113
Goldenblank, B. M. (film-director) 145; p.571
Goleblowsky, Karol (organist) 30
Golenishchev-Kutuzov Count Arseni Arkadievich (poet, 1848-1913) V
Golodny, Mikhail (pseudonym of Mikhail Semyonovich Epstein; poet, 1903-49) J(ii),
Golovko, Andriy (Ukrainian Brass––trombonist, b.1970) E, G(ii)
Golovneva, Irina (pianist) 100, 143
Golschmann, Vladimir (conductor, 1893-1972) 10, 47
Goltz, Conrad von der—Chamber Orchestra 110
Golub, Lyudmila (organist) 30
Goncharov, Vladimir (trumpeter) 35
Goncharova, Tatyana (pianist) 34, 134
Gonzalez, Manuel (pianist) 147
Goode, Richard (pianist, b.1943) 147
Gooding, Mark (conductor) 102
Gorbenko, Arkadi N. (playwright) 25
Gorbenko, Vladimir (tuba player) 113
Gorchakov, Sergei Petrovich (real name Zweifel; arranger, 1905-76) 30
Gorchakova, A. (translator) X(i)
Gordinets, Oleg (baritone) 56
Gordon, David (tenor) 79
Gordon, Mikhail A. (designer) 60
Gorelova, Anna (Atrium Quartet––cellist) 92, 108
Goren, Eli Alexander (Allegri Quartet—1st violinist, 1923-2000) 68
Gorenflo, Achim (arranger) 81
Gorenstein, Mark (conductor) 16, 27, 47, P(i), 93, 97, 106, 110
Gorin, Igor (baritone) 33
Gorini, Gino (pianist, b.1914) 94
Gorky, Maksim (pseudonym of Aleksei Maksimovich Peshkov; novelist, 1868-1936)
103, 112; p.587
Gorky Philharmonic Orchestra 79

Gorling, Wendy (mime specialist) p.574

Gornostayeva, Vera Vasilievna. (pianist, b.1929) 34, S(i)
Gorodetsky, Jac (Budapest Quartet––2nd violinist) 57
Gorokhov, Leonid (cellist, b.1967) 40
Gorokhov, V. (arranger) E
Gorokhovskaya, Yevgeniya (mezzo-soprano) 100, 143
Goryainova, All (Leningrad Conservatory Students’ Quartet—1st violinist) 108
Göteborg Brass Band 96
Gothenburg Opera, Women’s Voices of 4
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra 4, 14, 20, 21, 22, 27, 32, 46a, 79a, 103, 112, V,
113, 115, 131, 135, 140, 141, 143, 145
Gothoni, Ralf (pianist) 40
Gotkovsky, Nell (violinist) 77, 129
Gotsdener (arranger) 39
Gotta, Antonello (conductor) 22, 35, 102
Gottlieb, Victor (American Art Quartet—cellist) 22
Götz, Karl (arranger) 15
Gough, Christopher (Edinburgh Quartet—cellist) 57, 67
Gouinguené, Christian (organist/arranger) 34
Gould, Clio (violinist leader, b. 1969) 11, 35, 110, 118
Gould, Glenn Herbert (pianist, 1932-82) 5, 57
Gould, Morton (conductor, 1913-96) 14, 20, 96
Gounod, Charles Francois (composer, 1818-93) 31, 59
Gourlay, James (English Brass Ensemble—tuba player) 108
Gouzhov, Mikhail (bass, b.1963) 105
Gozman, Lazar (conductor/arranger, b.1926) 11, 110, 135, 140
Grach, Eduard (conductor) 110
Gracie, John (trumpeter) P(i)
Graefe, Marianne (translator) 79
Graf, Daniel Robert (cellist) 40
Grafenhaver, Irena (flautist) P(ii)
Graf-Goergen, Viviane (pianist) 40
Grafilo, Zakarias (Alexander String Quartet—1st violinist/arranger) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83,
87, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 117a, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Graham, John (bass) 119
Graham, John (violist) 147
Graham, Lowell (conductor) P(i)
Grandjean, Evgenia (Rasumovsky Quartet––2nd violinist) D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Grant, Cameron (Leonardo Trio—pianist) 67
Gräsbeck, Folke (pianist) 6, 34, 35, 93
Grashchenkov, V. (writer) 145
Gray, Harold (Florestan Trio— pianist) 67
Gray, James (Excelsior—tuba player) 34
Gray, Tony (pianist) 89

Grayson, Kathryn (pseudonym of Zelma Hedrick; soprano, b.1922) 33

Green, Barry (double-bass player) 40
Greenfield, Bruce (Gagliano Trio—pianist) 67
Greenfield, Gretchen (contralto) 79
Greenhouse, Bernard (Beaux Arts Trio—cellist, b.1916) 67
Gregor-Smith, Bernard (cellist) 40, 97
Greiner, Ben (violinist) 134
Greitzer, Sol (violist) 135
Grenadier Guards, Band of the 96
Grieg Trio 8, 67
Griffiths, Eirian (arranger) 97
Griffiths, Howard (conductor) 135
Grigoriev, Pyotr (B flat baritone player) 22
Grigorovich, Yuri Nikolayevich (choreographer, b.1927) 22
Grimethorpe Colliery Band 96
Grin, Leonid (conductor) 97, 116
Grinberg, Maria Israilevna (pianist/lecturer, 1908-78) 35, 46, 87, S(i)
Grinfeld,Svetlana (Nevsky Quartet––2nd violinist) 110
Gringolts, Ilya (violinist, b.1982) 77
Grishkin, Sergei (cor anglais player) 65
Gritzuik, Grigory (baritone) 29
Grivnov, Vsevold (tenor) D(iv)
Grižas, Aloyzas (Čiurlionis Quartet—violist) 73, 122
Grodnikaite, Liora (mezzo-soprano) X(i)
Groeneveld, Larissa (Osiris Trio/Trio Dante—cellist) 40, 67, 127
Gromadsky, Vitali Aleksandrovich (bass, b.1928) 113, 119
Groote, Philipe de (Chiligirlan Quartet—cellist) 110
Gross, Katharina (cellist) 40
Grosz, Amichai (Jerusalem Quartet—violist) 49, 73, 83, 101, 110, 117, 122
Groves, Sir Charles Barnard (conductor, 1915-92) 107, 113, 145
Grynyuk, Alexei (pianist) 134
Grubert, Ilya (violinist) 5, 34, 134
Grunberg, Nicola (pianist) 147
Grunes, David J. (arranger) 22, F
Gryphon Trio 8, 67, 127
Guarneri Trio 8, 67, 127
Gubina, Yelena (alto) 79
Guechev, Guenko (bass-baritone) 145
Guggeis, Edgar (percussionist) 141a
Guglielmo, Giovanni (I Solisti Italiani—violist) 97
Gugnin, Andrei (pianist) 35, 102
Guhl, Adolf Fritz (conductor/arranger, 1919-77) 33, 80, P(i)
Guilet, Daniel (quartet leader, d.1990) 49
Guliet Quartet 49
Guitar Trek D(i)

Guittart, Henk (Schoenberg Quartet—violist) 144

Gulak-Artemovsky, Semyon Stepanovich (composer, 1813-73) J(ii)
Gulda, Paul (pianist) 35, 102
Gulyás, Dénes (tenor) 106
Gunson, Ameral (mezzo-soprano) M
Günther, Bernard (Berlin State Opera Quartet—cellist) 92
Gunther, Phyllis (arranger) 22
Guralnik, Robert (pianist) A, 57
Gurilyov, Aleksandr Lvovich (composer, 1803-58) J(ii)
Gurov, Vladimir (tenor) 114
Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 112, 113,
135, 141
Gusak-Grin, Marina (pianist) 34
Gusev, Pyotr Andreyevich (ballet dancer, b.1904) 39
Gusev, Stanislav Dmitrievich (chorus director, b.1937) 14, 20, 113
Gusev, Viktor Iosifovich (tenor, 1914-85) D(iv)
Gushanskaya, Yuliya (pianist) 5, 54
Gusman, Boris (?) E. (lyricist) p.587
Gustav Mahler Jugenorchester 10
Gutman, Natalia Grigorievna (cellist, b.1942) 8, 67, 107, 126, 144
Gutnikov, Boris Lvovich (violinist, 1931-86) 34, 127
Guttman, Albert (pianist) 40
Guttman, Michael (violinist) 34
Guttman, Simone (pianist) 34
Györ Ballet (Hungary) 70

Haak, Karl-Heinz (bass) 29
Haas, Gerhard (trombonist) 141
Habunek, Vlado (stage producer) 106, 114
Hadari, Omri (conductor) 18
Haefliger, Ernst (tenor) 21
Hagemann, Marcus (Trioskop––cellist) 67
Hagen, Clemens (cellist) 141a
Hagen Quartet (Lukas––1st violinist, Veronika––violist, Clemens––cellist) 11, 73, 83,
108, 110, 122, 142
Hagen, Veronica (violist) D(i)
Hague, Resident Orchestra of The 60, 105
Hainzl, Erik (Vienna Trombone Quartet) 34
Haithcock, Michael (conductor) 17
Haitink, Bernard (conductor, b.1929) 10, 14, 20, 22, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 79, 93,
103, 107, 112, 113, 115, 135, 141, 143
Hajóssyova, Magdaléna (soprano) 135
Hakopian, Levon (translator) 56
Hála, Josef (pianist) 40, 146

Halász, Débora (pianist, b.1965) 34

Halász, Franz (guitarist, b.1964) 34
Halfvarson, Eric (bass) X(ii)
Hall, Dmitry (Australia Ensemble––violinist) 57
Hall, Martin (arranger) S(i)
Halldórsson, Sigurdur (cellist) D(vi)
Hallé [Orchestra] 10, 14, 35, 47, 54, 56, 77, 83, 93, 97, 110
Hallé Choirs 14, Q, 103
Hållander, Sverker (conductor) 96
Halling, Peter (Amici Quartet—cellist, b.1928) 118
Hallynck, Maria (cellist) 67, 107, 127
Halsdorf, Jean (cellist) 40
Halsted, Margo (carilloneur) 87
Hamburg NDR Symphony Orchestra 47
Hamburg Soloists D(i), 110, 118
Hamburg State Philharmonic Orchestra 16, 22, 105
Hamelin, Marc-André (pianist) 35, 102
Han, Derek (pianist, b.1957) 35
Han, Wu (pianist) 40
Hanák, Bohuš (bass) 119
Hancock, Phyllida (soprano) 105
Handley, George Vernon (conductor, 1930-2008) 96
Handt, Herbert (tenor) 106
Handy, James (English Brass Ensemble—horn player) 108
Haničinec, Petr (actor) 29
Hänninen, Kari (pianist) 5
Hannover, Orchestra of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater 47
Hänschke, Michael (pianist) 40
Hanslip, Chloë (violinist, b.1987) 97
Hansen, Janine (violinist) 97
Hanson, Holger (Saulesco Quartet—violist) 83
Hanson, Torgny (arranger) 63
Haram, Simon (soprano saxophonist) 22
Harburg, Edgar Yip (lyricist, 1896 or 98-1981) 33
Hardenberger, Håkan (trumpeter, b.1951) 35
Harjanne, Jouko (trumpeter/arranger, b.1962) 5, 35
Harlan, Evan (Excelsior—accordionist/arranger) 34
Harmonieorkest ‘Consordia’ 70
Harrel, Lynn (cellist, b.1944) D(vi), 40, 107, 126
Harrington, David (Kronos Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Harris, Paul (pianist) 121, 123
Harry, Don (Eastman Brass––tuba player) 133
Hart, Mary Ann (mezzo-soprano) 79
Hart, Penny (Music Group of London—2nd violinist) 57
Harting, Hildegard (soprano) 135

Hartley, Jackie (London Musici Quartet—2nd violinist) 57

Hartman, Donald (Fredonia Woodwind Quintet—flautist) 22
Hartrrian, Scott A. (Empire Brass—trombonist) 96
Harty, Sir (Herbert) Hamilton (conductor, 1879-1941) 10
Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra 47
Harvey, (Anthony) Keith (Gabrieli Quartet—cellist, b.1938) 49, 73
Harvey, Michael, Kieran (pianist) 12, 34
Hasbirk, Stine (Cailin Quartet—violist) 73
Hashimoto, Kyoko (pianist) 34
Hauber, Michael (Trio Opus 8—cellist) 8, 67, 141a
Haugland, Aage (bass-baritone, 1944-2000) 29, 106
Haus, Olga (pianist) 69, S(i)
Hauwe, Dirk Van den (Rubio Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Haverinen, Margareta (soprano, b.1952) 135
Haveron, Andrew (Brodsky Quartet––1st violinist) 11, D(i), 57, P(iii)
Havlíková, Klara (pianist) 34
Hawes, Tim (trumpeter) 35
Haydn, Franz Joseph (composer, 1732-1809) 35
Hayer, Isolde (cellist) 67
Hayrabédian, Roland (conductor) 110, 135
Hayroudinoff, Rustem (pianist) 19, 22, 31, 43, 52, 37, 44, 58a, 66
Head, Leslie George Walter (conductor) 42
Head, Nancy (lyricist, d.1991) 33
Heagney, Roger (Trio Melbourne––pianist) 8
Heard, Robert (Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble—violinist) 11
Hefele, Gottfried (Seraphin Trio––pianist) 67
Heiberg, Harold (translator) 119
Heide, Hans van der (arranger) 27
Heifetz, Inna (pianist) P(i), S(i), 94
Heifetz, Jascha (violinist, 1901-87) 5, 34
Heiligers, Eckart (Trio Jean Paul—pianist) 67
Heine, Heinrich (lyricist, 1797-1856) p.588
Heinze, Sir Bernard Thomas (conductor, 1894-1982) 112
Heinzel, Wolfgang (conductor) 29
Hekkema, Raaf (Calefax Reed Ensemble—saxophonist) 87
Heled, Simca (Trio Yuval—cellist) 67
Heller, Norbert (Czech Trio––pianist) 67
Helling, Carl-Magnus (Trio Paian––violinist) 8, 67
Hellmundt, Christoph (translator) 46, 62, 91
Helmerson, Frans (cellist, b.1945) 67, 107, 126
Helsdingen, Lucas van (Calefax Reed Ensemble—saxophonist) 87
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra 35, 102
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra 22, 65, 70, 93, 96, 103, 112
Helsinki Strings 110

Heltay, Laszlo (chorus-master) 14, 81

Hemmel, J. (pianist) 147
Hempel, Jurjen (conductor) 126
Henderson, Wight (Scottish Trio—pianist, b.1913) 67
Hendl, Walter (conductor, 1917-2007) 34
Hendrickx, Heidi (pianist) 94
Henes, John (trumpeter) 35
Henrici, Edith (Duo de Heidelberg—pianist) 94
Henry, Aaron (arranger) 22, 34
Herbig, Günther (conductor) 43, 47, 60, 65, 93
Herbut, Tomasz (pianist) 79
Herkunft (translator) 58
Herman, Sophia (Solati Trio—violinist) 67
Hermansen, Troels Svane (Copenhagen Trio—cellist) 8, 67
Hermitage Theatre Chamber Orchestra 110
Herrick, Christopher (organist) 29
Herrmann, Bernard (conductor, 1911-75) 116
Hersh, Julian (Jupiter Trio––cellist) 67
Hertel, Karl (Munich Brass Soloists—trumpeter) 27
Hertfordshire County Youth Orchestra G(i), 96
Herz, Friedemann (organist) 29
Het Residentie Orkest 113
Hetherington, David (cellist) 127
Hetzler, Mark (trombonist/arranger) 110
Heward, Leslie Hays (conductor, 1897-1943) 35
Heyn, Walter Thomas (arranger) 87
Hickox, Richard Sidney (chorus-master, 1948-2008) 29, 104, 113
Hidy, Marta (violinist) 67
Highbaugh, Pamela (Lafayette Quartet—cellist) 73, 87, 110
Hill, Martyn Geoffrey (tenor, b.1944) 29
Hillyer, Raphael (Juilliard Quartet and soloist—violist, b.1914) 57, 147
Hindle, Oliver (choreographer) 110
Hirokami, Junichi (conductor) 47, 77, 131
Hiroshima Wind Orchestra 27, 82, 97
Hirsch, F. (translator) 88
Hirsch, Leonard (Hirsch Quartet—1st violinist, 1902-95) 49
Hirsch Quartet 49
Hobson, Ian (pianist) 145
Hodgkinson, Randall (Boston Chamber Music Society—pianist) 67, 147
Hoebig, Desmond (cellist) 40
Hoelscher, Ulf (violinist, b.1942) 127
Hoey, Choo (conductor) 93
Höfer, Cordelia (pianist) 147
Hoffman, Gary (cellist) D(vi), 40
Hoffman, Irwin (conductor, b. 1924) 77

Holden, Anya (singer) 86

Holden, Karl (conductor) 86
Holetschek, Franz (pianist) 40
Höll, Harmut (pianist) 147
Holl, Robert (bass) 113
Holland, Jack (arranger) 36
Hollander, Max (MGM Studio Orchestra—violinist) 11
Holleque, Elizabeth (soprano) 135
Holloway, Peter (conductor) 47
Hollywood Quartet 5
Holmanová, Jana (ArteMiss Trio––pianist) 8, 67, 127
Holmes, Jim (arranger/conductor) 105
Holmstrand, Göran (Garcia Trio—cellist) 67
Holst, Henry (violinist, b.1899) 67
Hölze, Karl Friedrich (tenor) 58
Honda-Rosenberg, Latica (violinist) 77
Honegger, Arthur (composer, 1892-1955) D(viii)
Hood, Joanna (Lafayette Quartet—violist) 73, 87, 110
Hoog, Viola de (Schoenberg Quartet—cellist) 144
Hoogeveen, Godfried (Reizend Muziekgezelschap—cellist) 57
Hoogeveen, Ronald (Rafael Quartet—1st violinist) 110, 138
Hoover, Marina (St Lawrence Quartet––cellist) 73, 108, 110
Hope, Daniel (violin soloist/Beaux Arts Trio––violinist, b.1974) 77, 97, 129, 134
Hopkins, Sir Anthony (narrator, b.1937) 113
Hopkins, John (conductor) 43
Hopkins, Robert Innes (designer) 105
Hopkins, Virginia (Auckland Quartet—cellist) 110
Hoppert, Manfred (Munich Brass Soloists—tuba player) 27
Horenstein, Jascha (conductor, 1898-1973) 10, 47, 107
Hori, Ryosuke (cellist) 40
Horner, Jerry (Fine Arts Quartet/augmenting Borodin Trio—violist) 49, 57, 73, 108,
Hornstein, Martin (Vienna Schubert Trio—cellist) 8
Horsch, Gregor (cellist) 105
Horvat, Milan (conductor, b.1919) 10, 35, 70, 93, 141
Horwood, Craig Revel (choreographer) 105
Houston Symphony Orchestra 47, 103
Houstoun, Michael (pianist) 35, 102
Houten, Theodore van (arranger, b.1952) 18, 26
Houtmann, Jacques (conductor, b.1935) V
Hovora, Daria (pianist) 40
Howarth, Elgar (conductor/arranger, b.1935) 102
Howell, Gwynne Richard (bass, b.1938) 106
Höylä, Veikko (Voces Intimæ Quartet—cellist) 110, 117
Hoyt, William (Fredonia Woodwind Quintet—horn player) 22

Hrubesová, Markéta (actress) 29

Hrynkiw, Thomas (pianist) 100
Huang, Helen (pianist) 102
Huddersfield Choral Society 113
Huertas, Alvaro (Leonor Quartet––cellist) 11
Huertas, Jaime (Leonor Quartet––violist) 11
Hugh, Timothy (cellist, b.1960) 40, 67, W
Hughes, Owain Arwel (conductor, b.1942) 97
Huidobro, Angel (conductor/arranger) 110
Hula, Pavel (Kocian Quartet––1st violinist) D(i)
Humphrey, Jon (tenor) 79
Humphreys, Sidney (Aeolian Quartet—1st violinist) 133
Hunka , Pavlo (baritone) 29
Hunsberger, Donald (arranger/conductor, b.1932) 27, 96, 97
Hurník, Jiří (violinist) 134
Hurst, George (conductor, b.1926) 96
Hurwitz, Emanuel Henry (Melos Ensemble—1st violinist and soloist, b.1919) 57, 127
Huseynova, Aida N. (musicologist) 93
Hutchinson, Stuart (pianist) 143
Huth, Andrew (translator) 14
Hvorostovsky, Dmitri (baritone, b.1962) 86, V
Hyde, Howard (arranger) 73
Hyde, Neil (Kreutzer Quartet—cellist) 83, 108, 110

I Am the Mighty Jungulator (electric band) 54
Ibbotson, Stephen (tenor) 29
Ilf, Ilya (pseudonym of Ilya Arnoldovich Fainsilberg; novelist, 1897-1937) p.588
Iliev, Konstantin (conductor) 102
Iljin, Valentin (chorus-master) 88
Ilkiv, Andriy (Ukrainian Brass––trumpeter, b. 1970) E, G(ii)
Ilyunin, Anton (Atrium Quartet––2nd violinist) 92, 108
Imai, Nobuko (violist, b.1943) 138, 147
Imbert, Jean-Paul (organist/arranger) G(ii)
Imholz, John (mandolin player) 22, 49
Imielowska, Dorota (cellist) 67
Immelman, Niel (pianist) 8
Inbal, Eliahu (conductor, b.1936) 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 112,
113, 135, 141
Ioff, Ilya (St Peters Trio––violinist/string ensemble leader) 8, 34
I.O.M. Trio 8, 67, 127
Ionin, Georgi I. (librettist) 15
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (composer, 1859-1935) J(ii)
Ireland, (William) Patrick (Allegri Quartet—violist, b.1923) 68
Irving, Robert (cellist) 40

Irving, Robert Augustine (conductor, b.1913) 22

Isakadze, Liana Aleksandro/vna (conductor, b.1946) 110
Isakova, Nina Sergeyevna (mezzo-soprano, b. 1928) 100, 114
Isakovsky, Mikhail Vasilievich (lyricist, 1900-73) J(ii)
Isayeva, Galina Ivanovna (ballerina, b.1915) H(ii)
Isfort, Ulrich (Minguet Quartet—1st violinist) 57
Ishchenko, Andrei (tenor) 114
Ishikawa, Noriko (Mendelssohn Duo—pianist) 94
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 77
Israel Sinfonietta 83, 110
Isserlis, Steven (cellist, b.1958) 40, 67
Italian String Orchestra 110
Ito, Yasuhide (arranger) 47
Iturbi, Amparo (pianist, 1898-1969) 34
Iturbi, José (conductor, 1895-1980) 33
Ivaldi, Christian (pianist) 147
Ivanickaia, Irina (Bartos Trio—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Ivanov, Andrei Alekseyevich (baritone, 1900-70) 74
Ivanov, Andrei (ballet dancer) 19
Ivanov, Dimiter (Ensemble Incendo––1st violinist) 110
Ivanov, Igor (violinist) 127
Ivanov, Konstantin Konstantinovich (conductor, 1907-84) 74, P(i), 112, 115
Ivanov, Vladimir Mikhailovich (Moscow Trio—violinist, b.1948) 8, 67, 127
Ivanov, Yossif (violinist) 77
Ivanova, Antinina (narrator) 56
Ivanova, Elena (soprano) M
Ivanovsky, Aleksandr Viktorovich (librettist, 1881-1968) 22
Ivanovsky, Vladimir Viktorovich (tenor, b.1912) 81
Ivashkin, Aleksandr Vasilievich (cellist, b.1948) D(vi), J(ii), 67, 107, 117a, 125, 126,
W, X(i)
Ivens, Joris (real first names Georg Henri Anton; documentary film director, 1898-
1989) 95
Iwasaki, Ko (cellist) 40
Iwasaki, Shuku (pianist) 40
Iwata, Morikhiro (ballet dancer) 27

Jablonski, Patrik (pianist) 102
Jablonski, Peter (pianist, b.1971) 35, 40
Jackson, Harold (trumpeter) 35
Jackson, Stephen (chorus-master) 14
Jacoby, Ingrid (pianist) 35, 102
Jade Quartet 11
Jager, Lomon de (tenor) 29
Jagers, Roeland (violist) 73, 147

Jais, Ruben (chorus-master) 20, 113

Jalbert, David (pianist) 87
Jambul—see Dzhambul Dzhabayev
James, Jeremy (choreographer, 1961-2000) 67
Janáček Quartet 57, 83
Janigro, Antonio (conductor/cellist, 1918-89) 11, 40
Janiszewski, Jacek (bass) K(i &.ii)
Jankovic, Ksenija (cellist) 40
Jánošïk, Juraj (Košice Quartet—cellist) 110
Janowski, Marek (conductor) 77
Jansen, Janine (violinist) 57, P(iii)
Jansons, Mariss (usual spelling of son of Arvid Yansons; conductor, b.1943) 10, 14,
16, 20, 29, 35, E, 43, 47, G(ii), 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 96, 97, 103, 107, 110, V, 112,
113, 126, 129, 135, 141
Janssen, Werner (conductor, 1899-1990) 29
Janssen, Werner, Symphony Orchestra of Los Angeles 29
Jansson, Ultika (Z Quartet—cellist) 57
Jantsis, Valdis (pianist) 67
Japan Virtuoso Symphony Orchestra 47
Jarrett, Keith (pianist, b.1945) 87
Järvi, Neeme (conductor, b.1937) 4, 10, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 32, 43, 46a, 47, 54,
60, 65, 70, 77, 79a, P(i), 93, 96, 97, 103, 112, V, 113, 114, 115, 129, 131, 135,
140, 141, 143, 145
Järvi, Paavo (conductor, b.1962) 16, 22 35 G(ii)
Jeanrenaud, Joan (Kronos Quartet—cellist) 110
Joffrey Ballet (founded by Robert Joffrey—pseudonym of Abdullah Jaffa Bey Khan;
1930-88) P(i), 94
Jena Philharmonic Orchestra 103
Jenkins, Neil (tenor) 79
Jerie, Marek (Guarneri Trio––cellist and soloist, b.1947) 8, 40, 67, P(i)
Jerusalem Quartet 49, 73, 83, 110, 101, 117, 122
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra 79
Jewel, Ian (Gabrieli Quartet—violist, b.1944) 49, 73
Jewison, Norman (film-director, b.1926) 47, 65
Jindrák, Jindřich (baritone) 15
Jiráček, Václav (conductor, b.1920) 102
Jiřikovský , Petr (Academia Trio—pianist) 67
Jirout, Milan (Košice Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Joachim, Heinrich (New Amsterdam Trio—cellist, b.1910) 67, 127
Joamets, Tamel (pianist) 87
Job, Erwin (translator) 81
Jochum, Georg Ludwig (conductor, 1909-70) 35
Joffrey Ballet (founded by Robert Joffrey—pseudonym of Abdullah Jaffa Bey Khan;
1930-88) P(i), 94
Johnson, Carlos (Trio Tre Mondi––violinist) 8

Johnson, Richard (Vermeer Quartet––cellist) 57

Jordania, Vakhtang (conductor, 1943-2005) 10, 58, 65, 96, 97, 112, 116
Johann Strauss Orchestra G(ii)
Johanson, Bryan (guitarist/arranger) S(i)
John, Keith (organist) 29
Johnson, Carlos (Trio Tre Mondi—violinist) 8
Johnson, Phil (Mobius—violinist) 67
Johnsson, Catrin (soprano) 105
Jolly, Cynthia (translator) 127
Joly, René (conductor) D(ii), G(ii)
Jones, Martin (pianist) A, B, 5, 12, 13, 22, 34, 35, 61, S(ii), 97, 102, T
Jones, Mason (horn player) 107
Jones, Michael (Amici Quartet—2nd violinist) 118
Jones, Philip (trumpeter, 1928-2000) 55
Jones, Richard (director) 29
Jong, Wim de (Schöenberg Quartet—2nd violinist) 144
Jordan, Armin (conductor, 1932-2006) 15, 47
Jordan, Mark (E flat clarinettist) 137
Jordan, Myles (Daponte Quartet––cellist) 110
Jordania, Vakhtang (conductor) 10, 22, 58, 60, 65, 96, 97, 103, 112, 116, 141
Josephs, Wilfred (composer, 1927-97) p.602
Joubert, John (composer, b.1927) p.600
Jouza, Vojtěch (Suk Quartet—2nd violinist) 11, 68, 138, 142, 144
Joyce, Eileen (pianist, 1912-91) 5, 35, 102
Judd, James (conductor) 18, 43, 111
Judd, Terence (pianist, 1957-79) 87
Judge, Jack (song-writer, 1878-1938) 89
Juilliard Quartet 57, 73, 142, 144
Junge Deutsche Philharmonie 60
Jupiter Quartet 73
Jupiter Trio 67
Jurowski, Vladimir (conductor, b. 1972) 10, 54, 135

Kabaivanska, Raina (soprano) 127
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich (composer, 1904-87) T
Kadouch, David (pianist) 34
Kafelnikov, Vladimir (trumpeter) 35
Kagan, Oleg Moiseyevich (violinist, 1946-90) 8, 22, 67, 77, 127, 134, 144
Kain, Timothy (Guitar Trek––treble guitarist/arranger) D(i), 97
Kalashkov, Aleksandr (violinist) 67
Kalatchev, Alexei (Esbjerg Ensemble— cellist) 57
Kalatozov, Mikhail Konstantinovich (film-director, 1903-73) 99
Kale, Stuart (tenor) 29
Kaler, Ilya Leonidovich (violinist, b.1963) 34, 77, 129

Kalichstein, Joseph (pianist) 8, 40, 67, 134, 147

Kaliga, Herbert (pianist) 5
Kalinauskayte, Korneliya (Lithuanian State Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 83
Kalinin, Dmitri (balalaika-player) 36
Kalinin, Nikolai (conductor) 30
Kaliningrad Children’s Choir of Moscow 82
Kaliningrad Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra 35, 110
Kaliningrad State Symphony Orchestra 107
Kalinkovich, Grigori Markovich (violinist/arranger, b.1917) 34, 37, 134
Kalinovsky, Mikhail (bass) 36
Kalish, Gilbert (Boston Symphony Chamber Players—pianist) 57
Kalmykov, Betal (author—subject of film) 51
Kaludov, Kaludi (tenor) 106
Kalvarsky, A. (arranger) 97
Kalyanov, S. (arranger) 72, P(iv), 105
Kam, Sharon (clarinettist) 34
Kamasa, Stefan (Warsaw Quartet—violist) 57
Kamkov, V. E. (choreographer) 116
Kampen, Christopher van (Nash Ensemble—cellist, 1945-97) 57, 67
Kamu, Okko Tapani (conductor, b.1946) 27, 113
Kan, Vasili (trumpeter) 35
Kanazawa Orchestra P(i)
Kandelaki, Vladimir Arkadievich (bass-baritone/theatre director, 1908-94) 29, 105
Kang, Hyo (conductor) 110
Kang, Julliette (violinist) 127
Kangas, Juha (conductor) D(ix)
Kani, Wasfi (conductor) 105
Kantola, Erkki (Sibelius Academy Quartet—1st violinist) 68, 73, 83, 101, 142
Kantorow, Jean-Jacques (violinist/conductor, b.1945) 67, 73, 83, 110
Kapell, William (pianist, 1922-53) 34, 35
Kapitonov, Veniamin (chorus-master) 113
Kaplan, Abraham (chorus-master) 119
Kaplan, Elliot (arranger) 94
Kaplan, Emmanuil Iosifovich (ballet producer, 1895-1961) 22
Kaplanek, Jerzy (Penderecki Quintet—2nd violinist) 57, 73
Kapp, Eugen Arturovich (composer, b.1908) T
Karajan, Herbert von (conductor, 1908-89) 93
Karamazin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (novelist, 1765-1826) 58
Karandashova, M. V. (pianist) 127
Karanovic, Milan (cellist) 67
Karasev, Grigori (bass) 106
Karcykowski, Ryszard (tenor) 79
Karlsson, Jan (trumpeter) 35
Karminsky, V. (arranger) 34
Karová, Eva (Puella Trio—violinist) 8

Kartardze, Nina (pianist) 40

Karvay, Dalibor (violinist) 67
Kasatschuk, Vladimir (tenor) 15, 21, 81
Kashkashian, Kirn (violist) 57, 142, 144, 147
Kasman, Yakov (pianist) 35, 40, 57, 134, 147
Kasrashvili, Makvala Filimonovna (soprano, b.1942) 135
Katayev, Vitali Vitalievich (conductor, b.1925) 35, 54, 93, 110, 113
Katayeva, Irina (pianist) 143
Katchur, Svetlana (soprano) 26, 41 (i)
Katims, Milton (conductor, b.1909) 22
Katkus, Donatas (Vilnius Quartet—violist, b.1942) 49
Kats, Arnold Mikhailovich (also anglicized Katz; conductor, b.1924) G(ii), 65, 141
Kats, Konstantin (St Petersburg Quartet—violist) 68, 73, 83, 101, 110
Kats, Leonid Semyonovich (conductor, b.1917) 30, L
Katzman, Louis (arranger) L
Kaundinya, Stefan (Elbeblech Brass Quintet—tuba player) 96
Kavafian, Ani (violinist) 67
Kavetskaya, Nina (pianist) 59
Kavtaradze, Nina (pianist) 34
Kavyatskas, Konradas Vlado, (chorus-master, b.1905) 86
Kay, Hershy (arranger, 1919-81) 34
Kay, Norman (musicologist, 1929-2001) p.571
Kazandzhiev, Vassil (trumpeter/conductor, b. 1934) 35, 77, 129
Kazan Symphony Orchestra 107
Kazantseva, Yevgeniya (soprano) 56
Kazaras, Peter (tenor) 106
Kazarnovskaya, Lyuba (soprano) 135
Kazatchouk, Vladimir (tenor) 26
KBS Symphony Orchestra of Korea 58, 97, 116
Keatley, Niall (Onyx Brass––trumpeter/arranger) 87
Keenlyside, Raymond (Aeolian Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1928) 133
Kegel, Herbert (conductor, 1920-90) 10, 47, 58, 60, 119, 129
Kejmar, Miroslav (trumpeter) 35
Kekko, Ulla (Pihtipudas Quintet—violist) 57
Kekula, Josef (Doležal and Stamic Quartets—2nd violinist) 11, 138, 144
Kelemen, Milko (arranger, b.1924) 34
Keller, András (Keller Quartet––1st violinist) 144
Keller Quartet 144
Kelly, Frances (harpist) 46
Kelly, Grace Patricia (Princess Grace of Monaco; poetry reader, 1929-82) 110
Kemblinsky, Lucien (pianist) 40
Kemlin, Grigori (violinist) 97
Kempe, Rudolf (conductor, 1910-76) 10
Kende, Levente (pianist) 94
Kenny, John (arranger) 31

Kensington Symphony Orchestra 42

Kerr, Alexander (violinist) 33, 97
Kertész, István (conductor, 1929-73) 47
Keulen, Isabelle van (violinist/violist) 67, 134, 147
Keyes, Bayla (Triple Helix Piano Trio—violinist) 67
Keynote Chorus and Orchestra 33
Khachatryan, Lusine (pianist) 134
Khachatryan, Sergei (violinist, b.1985) 77, 129, 134
Khachaturyan, Aram Ilyich (composer, 1903-78) N
Khachaturyan, Emin Levonovich (conductor/arranger, b.1930) P(i), 96, 97, 111
Khadem-Missagh, Martha and Vahid (violin duo) P(iii)
Khaikin, Boris Emmanuilovich (conductor, 1904-78) 125
Khalmamedov, Nury (composer, 1940-83) p.597
Khanin, Mikhail Mordukhovich (trumpeter) 35
Kharadze, Archil (Georgia State Radio Quartet—violist) 73, 117
Kharenko, Yuri (Leontovych Quartet—2nd violinist) 57
Kharitonov, Dmitri (bass) 46
Kharitonov, Vladimir (lyricist) X(i)
Khentova, Sofya Mikhailovna (librettist/pianist, 1922-2002) 36, Q, X(i)
Khintibidze, Georgi (Georgia State Radio Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 117
Khizhnyak, A. (Urals Bayan Trio/arranger) 96
Khlebtsevich, Dmitri (Anton Quartet—violist) 73
Khodasevich, Valentina Mikhailovna (designer, 1894-1970) 22
Khokhlovin, Igor (actor) 32
Kholodenko, Anton (violinist/violist) 134, 147
Kholodilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (music administrator, d.1971) 112
Khoma, Natalia (cellist) 40
Khomich, Yuri (tenor) 114
Khomitser, Mikhail Emmanuilovich (cellist, b.1935) 40, 67, 107
Kropfitsch, Erwin (pianist) 40
Khoruzhy, Nikolai (tenor) 114
Khotuntseva, Marina (mezzo-soprano) 105
Khoven, Elena Petrovna (arranger) O(ii), 87
Khramtsov, Andrei (bass) 106
Khrennikova, Nataliya (designer) K(i), X(ii)
Khrulev, Vladimir (bass) X(ii)
Khrychyov, Dmitri (Nevsky Quartet––cellist) 110
Khudolei, Igor (pianist, b.1940) 12, 61, X(ii)
Khudyakov, N. (Urals Bayan Trio) 96
Khutoretskaya, Yulia (conductor) X(ii)
Kidd, Carolyn (Guitar Trek––guitarist) D(i)
Kiesewetter, Erica (Leonardo Trio—violinist) 67
Kiev Chamber Orchestra 11, 42
Kiev Shevchenko Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Chorus and Orchestra of 114
Kigel, Grigori (designer) 105

Kiiski, Hanna (Trio Finnico—cellist) 8

Kiknadze, Anna (mezzo-soprano) 26
Kilichevsky, Vitali Ignatievich (tenor, 1899-1966) 81
Kim, Hae-Jung (pianist) 35
Kim, Min (conductor) 11
Kim, Yong-Uck (violinist, b.1947) 67
Kim, Young-Hee (soprano) 127
Kimberley, Major D. R. (conductor) 96
Kimura, Yoshihiro (arranger/conductor) 27, 82, 97
Kindler, Hans (conductor, 1892-1949) 22
Kingsley, Ben (actor, b.1943) p.574
Kipnis, Alexander (bass, 1891-1978) 58
Kirshbaum, Ralph (cellist) 40
Kirch, W. (Schulz Quartet—2nd violinist) 68
Kirchner, Alfred (stage producer) 106
Kirillovskaya, Eleonora (pianist) 39
Kiritchenko, I. (Anton Quartet—cellist) 73
Kirkor, Georgi Vasilievich (arranger, 1910-80) K(ii), 69, P(iv)
Kirkpatrick, Gillian (mezzo-soprano) 105
Kirov Ballet 106, 116
Kirov Orchestra 43, 54, 60
Kirov, Sergei Mironovich (Leningrad party leader, 1886-1934—subject of two films)
52, 55
Kirov Theatre Chorus 58, 106
Kirov Theatre Orchestra 58, 65, 106, V
Kirsanov, Semyon Isaakovich (poet/lyricist, 1906-72) 20, 95
Kirshbaum, Ralph (cellist, b.1946) 67
Kiselev, Aleksandr (bass, b.1969) 105
Kiškis, Saulius (Čiurlionis Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 122
Kisseliev, Sergei (tenor) 81
Kissin, Yevgeni (also spelt Kisin; pianist, b.1971) 35
Kitahara, Yukio (conductor) 47, 103
Kitayenko, Dmitri Georgievich (conductor, b.1940) 10, 14, 20, 22, 27, 36, E(ii), 43,
47, G(i), 54, P(i), 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 107, 112, 113, 114, 126, 135, 141
Kitson (arranger) 96
Klajner, Daniel (conductor) 10
Klánský, Ivan (pianist, b.1948) 8, 40, 67, P(i)
Klas, Anna (pianist, b.1912) 94
Klein, Emil (cellist/conductor, b.1955) 40, D(i), 110, 118
Klein (Emmanuel) Mannie (trumpeter, 1908-94) 35
Klein, John (translator) 29
Kleinert, Rolf (conductor, b.1911) 35, 54, 70
Kleinhapel, Friedrich (cellist/arranger) 40, 147
Klements, Georgi Lvovich (student composer, 1906-29) B
Klemm, R. (Schulz Quartet—cellist) 68

Klemperer, Otto (conductor, 1885-1973) 10, 70

Klepác, Jaromír (pianist) 134
Kliegel, Maria (cellist) 107, 126
Klika, Jiří (New Prague Trio—violinist) 67
Klimeš, Cyril (pianist) 145
Klimov, Dmitri (pianist) 67
Klimov, Valeri Aleksandrovich (violinist, b.1931) 34
Klinger, Sebastian (cellist) 67, 127
Klonz, Christaine (pianist) 12
Klucevsek, Guy (accordionist/arranger) 87
Kneller Hall Band 16
Knetig, Jerzy (tenor) 79
Kniazev, Alekhsandr (cellist/arranger) 40, 67, 147
Knushevitsky, Viktor Nikolayevich (conductor, 1906-74) 33, G(ii), 72, 76
Knushevitsky, Svyatoslav Nikolayevich (cellist, 1907/8-63) 67
Kobal, Iris (pianist) 22, 27
Kobayashi, Ken-ichiro (conductor) 47
Koch, Fiederike (Nomos Quartet––violist) 110
Koch, Rami (Rafael Quartet—2nd violinist) 110, 138
Köchel, Jürgen (translator) X(ii)
Kocherga, Anatoli Ivanovich (bass, b.1947) 106, V, 114
Kochnev, Yuri L. (conductor) K(i), Z
Kochurina, N. (harpist) S(i)
Kocian Quartet D(i)
Koeckert, Rudolf (Koeckert Quartet—1st violinist, b. 1913) 68
Koerth, Manfred (translator) 127
Koff, Robert (Juilliard Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1919) 57
Kofman, Roman (conductor, b.1936) 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 112, 113,
135, 141
Kogan, Dmitri (violinist) 77, 129
Kogan, Leonid Borisovich (violinist, 1924-82) 34, 67, 77
Kogan, Oleg (Schidlof Quartet—cellist) 57, 83, 108
Kogan, Pavel Leonidovich (violinist/conductor, b.1952) 27, 93, 134
Kogge, Marie (Ensemble Incendo––2nd violinist) 110
Köhler, Lutz (conductor) 35
Köhler, Siegfried (conductor, b.1923) 77
Kohout, Antonin (Smetana Quartet—cellist) 73
Kokhanovskaya, Tatyana (Gnessin Institute and Moscow Quartets—violist) 11, 57
Kokoulina, Nina (pianist relative) Juv.
Kolberg, Hugo (violinist) 27
Kolesnikova, Irina (pianist) 59
Kollegorskaya, Inna (pianist) 34
Kolmakova, Lyudmila (mezzo-soprano) 15, X(i)
Kolokolov, Andrei (trumpeter) 27
Kolomyjec, Joanne (soprano) 127

Komachov, Rustan (cellist) 67

Komatsu, Kazuhiko (conductor) 47
Komitas Quartet (alias Armenian Quartet) 11, 49
Komsi, Anu (soprano) D(ix))
Kondrashin, Kirill Petrovich (conductor, 1914-81) 10, 14, 20, 27, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65,
70, 77, 90, 93, 103, 107, 112, 113, 119, 129, 135, 141
Konicek, Denise (soprano) 79
Kononova, Natalia (Rachmaninoff Trio––violinist) 67
Konovalov, Nikolai (bass) D(iv), X(ii)
Konwitschny, Franz (conductor, 1901-62) 93, 103
Kootz, Günter (pianist) 35
Koptchak, Sergei (bass-baritone) 29, 113, 145
Kopchevsky, Nikolai (arranger) 6
Kopelman, Mikhail Samuilovich (Borodin and Kopelman Quartets—1st violinist,
b.1947) 11, D(i), 41, 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122,
133, 138, 142, 144
Kopelman Quartet 49, 73, 73, 110
Koptev, Aleksei (St Petersburg Quartet—violist) 49, 57, 92, 104, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Korchmar, Grigori (arranger) 34
Korchagin, Aleksandr (Shostakovich Quartet—cellist) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Kord, Kazimierz (conductor, b.1930) 93
Korean Chamber Ensemble 11
Korenev, Yevgeni (bass) 114
Koretskaya, Svetlana (soprano) 114
Korevaar, David (pianist) 46, 62
Koridalina, Nataliya (pianist) 59
Kornblit, Yevgeni Mikhailovich (conductor, 1908-69) 27
Korniev, Nikolai (chorus-master) 104
Kornilov, Boris Petrovich (lyricist, 1907-38) 33, 74
Korolkov, Nikolai (pianist) 98
Korolyov, Aleksandr (trumpeter) 35
Korolyov, Denis Aleksandrovich (tenor, b.1938) 72
Korolyov, Yevgeni (pianist) D(vi), 34, 61, 87
Korpacheva, Yulia (soprano) 127, 135
Korsakov, Andrei Borisovich (violinist, b.1946) 34, 127
Korshikov, Georgi (designer) 27
Kosev, Dmitri (Bulgare Quartet—cellist) 49
Koshevoi, Oleg (Young Guard commissar, d.1943) 75
Košice Quartet 110
Košler, Zdenek (conductor, 1928-95) 70, 131
Kosmodemyanskaya, Zoya Anatolyevna (Russian partisan, 1923-41—subject of film) 64
Kosonen, Veikko (Sibelius Academy Quartet—violist) 68, 73, 83, 142
Kostal, Irwin (arranger)—see under Op. 32

Kostecký, Lubomír (Smetana Quartet—2nd violinist) 73

Kostelanetz, Andre and his Orchestra (conductor, 1901-80) 22, P(i), 96, 97, 105
Kostenbader, Ginette (Duo Postiglione—pianist) D(vi), 39
Koster, Rick (Duke Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Kostrowitski, Wilhelm Apollinaris de—see Guillaume Apollinaire
Košuta, Gorjan (Arcadia Trio—violinist) 67
Kotchinian, Arutyan (bass) 113, 135
Kotikova, Nataliya Lvovna (musicologist, b.1906) 104
Kotlyarov, Mikhail (tenor) 81
Kotmel, Bohumil (violinist) 129
Kotov, Dmitri (conductor) 22
Kotova, A. (soprano) 105
Kots, Arkadi Yakovlevich (poet, 1872-1943) 28, F, 88
Kotscherga, Anatoli (bass-baritone) 29, 106, 113, 145
Koussevitzky, Serge Aleksandrovich (conductor, 1811-1951) 47, 70
Kout, Jiří (conductor, b.1937) 10, 29, 35
Kovalenko, Lidiya (violinist) 34, 127, 134
Kovalyov, G. (arranger) U
Kozakov, Mikhail (reciter) X(ii)
Kožená, Magdalena (mezzo-soprano) 109
Kozhin, Valentin Vasilievich (conductor, b.1943, b.1973) 36, Q
Kozhukhar, Vladimir (conductor) 35
Kozintsev, Grigori Mikhailovich (film-director, 1904-73) 18, 26, 41(i), 45, 50, 58a,
71, 76, 85, 116, 137
Kozlov, Nikolai (tenor) 114
Kozlovsky, Aleksei D. (stage director, 1905-77) 37
Kozodov, Viktor (arranger) 94
Kozrinev, Aleksandr (pianist) 35
Krafka, Karel (Janáček Quartet—cellist, b.1921) 57, 83
Krainev, Vladimir Vsevolodovich (pianist, b.1944) 35, 57, 102, 147
Kraków (Cracow) Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 22, 35
Krämer, Günter (producer) 29
Kramperová, Jindra (pianist) 87
Krasnaya, Nadezhda (soprano) 114
Krasulya, Georgi (bass) 114
Kratochvíl, Jiří (Janáček Quartet—violist, b.1924) 57, 83
Kratzer, Manfred (Mendelssohn Duo—pianist) 94
Kraus, Otakar (baritone, 1909-80) 114
Krause, Thomas (tenor) 29
Krause, Tom (baritone, b.1934) 113
Krauss, Samuel (trumpeter) 35
Krausz, Adrienne (pianist) 34
Kravchenko, Margarita (pianist) 34
Kravchuk, Aleksandr (violinist) 138
Kravetz, Alexandre (tenor) 15

Kravetz, Nelly (musicologist) 93

Kravtchenko, Tamara (pianist) Q
Kravtsova, Tatyana (soprano) 106
Krebs, Stanley Dale (musicologist) 77
Kreger, James B. (cellist) 57
Kreisler, Fritz (composer, 1875-1962) 26
Kreisler String Orchestra 110
Kreisler, Fritz (composer, 1875-1962) 26
Kreizberg, Yakov (conductor) P(i), 107, 126
Krel, Matthew (conductor) 18
Kremer, Gidon Markusovich (violinist/conductor, b.1947) D(i), 34, 57, 67, 97, 125,
129, 134, 135, 138, 141a, 142, 144, 147
Kremerata Baltica (string orchestra) 134, 135, 147
Kremlin Chamber Orchestra D(i), 110, 118, 144
Krenn, Werner (tenor, b.1943) 29
Krenz, Jan (conductor, b.1926) 11, 65, 70
Kreutzer Quartet 83, 108, 110
Krieger, Clemens (Trio Tre Mondi—cellist) 8
Krieger, Norman (pianist) 58a
Krimets, Konstantin (conductor) 76, 97, 107, 116, 126
Krish, Ferdinand (conductor) 18
Krivobodov, Valery (Moscow Chamber Soloists––cellist) 110
Krivobokov, Sergei (chorus-master) 82
Krohn, Ilmari (folksong collector, 1898-1931) D(ix)
Kronos Quartet 110
Krosnick, Joel (Juilliard Quartet—cellist) 57, 73, 142, 144
Kroyt, Boris (Budapest Quartet––violist) 57
Kruchin, Semyon (pianist) 34
Krug, Willy (trumpeter) 35
Krumpfer, H. (arranger) p.566
Krupskaya Institute Chorus 14, 20, 124
Krutikov, Mikhail (bass) K(i), 135
Kryger, Urszula (mezzo-soprano) 79
Krylov, Aleksandr (conductor) 80
Krylov, Ivan Andreyevich (fabulist, 1768-1844) 4
Krylova, N. (soprano) 105
Krysa, Oleg (violinist) 77, 138
Krzhizhanovsky, G. M. (lyricist) 63
Kuba (librettist) 105
KuBa (Kurt Bartlel, arranger) 80
Kubatsky, Viktor Lvovich (cellist/dedicatee/arranger, 1891-1970) 11, 40
Kube, Natalya (Natasha—dedicatee) 2
Kubelik, Rafael (conductor, b.1914) 60
Kubiak, Teresa (soprano, b. 1937) 135
Kublock, Deitner (Vienna Trombone Quartet) 34

Kuchar, Theodore (conductor, b.1960) 47, 77, 97, 111

Küchelbecker, Wilhelm Karlovich (poet, 1797-1846) 135
Kůda, František (pianist, b.1941) 147
Kudelevic, Alina (Rasumovsky Quartet––cellist) D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Kudinov, M. (translator) 135
Kudinov, Pavel (bass) 113
Kuentz, Paul (conductor) 35
Kugel, Michael (violist, b.1946) 147
Kuhmo Chamber Soloists 57
Kuhn, Gorjan (Arcadia Trio—violinist) 67
Kühn, Pavel, Mixed Choir, Male voices of the 113
Kühnl, Wolfgang (pianist) 147
Kuhse, Hanne-Lore (soprano, b.1925) 58
Kuisma, Rainer (marimba player, b.1931) 22
Kukryniksy (the collective name for a group of Soviet cartoonists: Mikhail Vasilievich
Kupriyanov, b.1903; Porfiry Nikitich Krylov, b.1902; Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Sokolov, b.1903) 19, 70
Kulakovsky, Lev Vladimirovich (folklorist, b.1897) R
Kulikauskas, R. (Lithuanian State Quartet—cellist) 83
Kulikova, I. (pianist) 40
Kunca, Petras (Vilnius Quartet—2nd violinist) 49
Kunzel, Erich (conductor, b.1935) 22, 96
Kupiec, Ewa (pianist) 40
Kupier, Eva (pianist) 57
Kuralesina, N. (soprano) 105
Kurau, Peter (Eastman Brass––horn player) 133
Kurchar, Theodore (conductor) 22, 27, E, 39, G(ii) 96, 97, U, 115, 116
Kurchavov, Volodya I. (dedicatee) 9, 11
Kurella, Alfred (translator, b.1895) 79
Kurochkin, Vasili Stepanovich (lyricist) J(ii)
Kurpe, Nikolai (tenor) K(i), 79
Kurtz, Efrem, (conductor, 1900-95) 10, 22, 30, 70, P(i), 93
Kuschnir, Boris (Vienna Schubert Trio—violinist and Kopelman Quartet–– 2nd
violinist) 8, 49, 73, 108, 110
Kuschnir, Nadezhda (pianist) 62, 98, 100
Kushpler, Zoryana (mezzo-soprano) 143
Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich (dedicatee, 1878-1927) 2
Kutan, Aline (soprano) 127
Kutuzov, Aleksei (chorus-master) 80
Kuvykin, Ivan Mikhailovich (chorus-master, 1893-1950) 82
Kuzmicheva, E. (harpist) S(i)
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseyevich (translator, 1875-1936) 58a
Kuzmina, Elena (film actress) 18, 26
Kuznetsov, Aleksei (pianist) 6

Kuznetsov, Fyodor (bass) 4, 62, 79, 91, 98, 123, 128, X(ii), 121, 135, 145, 146
Kuznetsova, Lyudmila (mezzo-soprano) 79
Kuznetsova, Nina (soprano) Q
Kuznetsova, Taisiya Sergeyevna (contralto) 58
Kvadri, Mikhail Vladimirovich (dedicatee, 1897-1929) 4, 10
Kvalbein, Aage (Oslo Trio—cellist, b.1947) 8, 67, 127
Kvapil, Jan (Talich Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 59
Kvapil, Radoslav (Dvořák Piano Trio—pianist, b.1934) 127
Kvitko, Nikolai (trumpeter) 27
Kwak, Sara (Rosalyra Quartet––1st violinist) 68, 110
Kwiatkowski, Rafał (cellist) 107, 126
Kwok, May-Ling (McPherson Trio—pianist) 40
Kylían, Jiří (choreographer, b.1947) 54; p.591
Kyška, Jozef (Košice Quartet—violist) 110

Laar, Frank van de (pianist) 40
Lack, Fredell (violinist, b.1924) 77
Lafayette Quartet 73, 87, 110
Lagarde, Daniel (Pro Arte Quintet of Monte-Carlo—2nd violinist) 57
Lagerspetz, Juhani (pianist, b.1959) 35
Lai, Jason (conductor) 141
Lakatoš , Alexander (Moyzes Quartet—violist) [68], 73, [83], 110
Lakond, Vladimir (pseudonym of Walter Lake; translator) 29
Lam, Andrea (pianist) 94
Lamberto, Sergio (Trio di Torino—violinist) 8, 57, 67
Lambooy, Henk (Rafael Quartet—cellist) 110, 138
Lamm, Pavel Aleksandrovich (musicologist/arranger, 1882-1951) 10, 43, 47, 54, 60,
65, 106
Lamminimäki, Juhani (conductor) 35
Landauer, Helga (film-director) p.575
Landes, Garah (pianist) 87
Landridge, Philip (tenor) 29, 79
Lane, Gloria (soprano) 114
Lane, Piers (pianist) 39, 40, 78, 97
Lang, P. J. (arranger) 22
Langdon, Michael (bass, 1920-91) 15
Langdon, Sophie (Trio Zingara—violinist, b.1958) 67
Langendoen (arranger) 33
Langer, Miroslav (pianist) 57
Lanner, Max (pianist) 22
Lantsman, Vladimir (violinist) 34
Lanzetter, Nicola (contralto) 143
Lanzy-Otto, Ib (horn player) 27, 39
Lapins, Andris K(i & ii)

Lapinsch, Ilmar (arranger) 34

Lapkin, F. (singer) 80
Lapšanský, Marian (pianist) 57
Lara, Agustin (arranger, 1900-69) 69
Laré, Patrice (Rachmaninoff Trio––pianist) 67
Laredo, Jaime (violinist/violist, b.1941) 8, 67, 134, 147
Large, Brian (video director) 106
Larichev, Yevgeni (arranger) 97
Larin, Sergei (tenor) 29
Larssen, Bjørn (translator) 114
Lasocki, Roman (violinist) 117a
Latchem, Malcolm (Dartington Quartet—2nd violinist/Academy of St Martin-in-the-
Fields Chamber Ensemble—violinist) 11, 49, 83, 117
Latvala, Tero (leader) 35
Laufer, Wolfgang (Fine Arts Quartet—cellist) 49, 73, 108, 122
Laul, Pyotr (pianist) 5, 6, 22, 61, O(i & ii), 94
Laurent-Biancheri, Fernande (Pro Arte Quintet—pianist) 57
Lauriala, Risto (Trio Finnico—pianist) 8
Lausanne, Orchestre de Chambre de 15 (and Chorus), 110, 135
Lave, Flemming (Zapolski Quartet—violist) 68, 110
Lavotha, Elemér (cellist) 39
Lavrenyuk, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (conductor, b.1939) 22
Lavrik, Vladislav (trumpeter) 35
Lawrence, Ashley (conductor) 27
Lawrence, Helen (soprano/mezzo-soprano) 4, 46, 79, 91
Ławrynowicz, Mirosław (conductor) 110
Layton, Elizabeth (Trio Zingara and Nash Ensemble—violinist) 57, 67
Lazarev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (conductor, b.1945) 70, 77, 103, 105, 110, 135
Lazareva, L. (guitarist) 99
Lazaridis, Stefanos (designer) 29
Lazic, Dejan (pianist) 40
Lazzari, Gianni (chorus-master) 113
Leander, Thomas (pianist) 57
Lebed, Valeri (bass) 106
Lebedev, Igor (pianist) 84
Lebedev, Yevgeni (pianist) 100
Lebedev-Kumach, Vasili Ivanovich (lyricist, 1898-1949) J(ii), 74, 80
Lebedinsky, Lev Nikolayevich (musicologist, 1904-92) 114
Lebedyev, Nikolai Alekseyevich (stage producer, 1897-1978) 25
Lechler, Hermann (Munich Trio—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Lechner, Anja (Rosamunde Quartet—cellist) 110
Ledenyov, Roman Semyonovich (arranger, b.1930) 117a
Leducq-Barome, Emmanuel (conductor) 35, 110
Lee, Christopher (conductor) 54
Lee, Mihae (pianist) 40

Leeds Festival Chorus 113

Leer-Studebaker, Julia van (horn player) 107
Leeuw, Reinbert de (pianist, b.1938) 147
Lefkowitz, Mischa (violinist) 5
Legay, Claire-Marie (pianist) 57
Leggate, Robin (tenor) 106
Lehnhoff, Sheppard Isaac (arranger) 22
Lehotsky, Michal K(i & ii)
Leichner, Emil (pianist) 127
Leichner, Emil junior (violinist) 127
Leiferkus, Sergei (bass-baritone, b.1946) 46, K(ii), 62, 91, 98, 109, 113, 121, 123,
135, 140, 145, 146
Leiner, Peter (trumpeter) 35
Leiner, Vladimir (Doležal Quartet—cellist) 11, 144
Leinsdorf, Erich (conductor, 1912-93) 10
Leipzig Radio Choir 58, 95, 119
Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra 10, 33, 60, 80, 95, 119
Leixner, Vladimir (Stamic Quartet—cellist) 138
Lemahieu, Herman (Belgian Woodwind Quintet—horn player) 22
Lemberskaya, Susanna (pianist) 145
Lemeshev, Sergei Yakovlevich (tenor, 1902-77) 74
Lemesheva, Mariya (soprano) 15
Lempik, Michael (violinist) 69, S(i)
Lenehan John (piano) P(ii)
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (dedicatee, 1870-1924) 53, 112, 136; p.588
Leningrad Academy Choir 81
Leningrad Chamber Orchestra 135
Leningrad Chamber Orchestra of Old and Modern Music 32, 37, 58a
Leningrad Concert Orchestra 97
Leningrad Conservatory Opera Studio Orchestra 56
Leningrad Conservatory Students’ Quartet 108
Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute Students’ Choir 80
Leningrad Malyi Opera and Ballet Theatre Choir and Orchestra 36, Q
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra (see also St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra) 10,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 35, 42, 43, 47, F, 54, 60, K(i), 65, 70,
75, 77, 79, 81, 82, P(i), 89, 93, 96, 102, 103, 105, 107, 112, 114, 116, 119, 124,
137, 141, Z
Leningrad Radio and Television Choir 88
Leningrad Radio Orchestra (wartime scratch orchestra) 60
Leningrad State University Students’ Choir 88
Leningrad Symphony Orchestra 47
Leningrad Working Youth Theatre (TRAM) 24, 25, 28, D(ii)
Leonardi, Leonardo (pianist) 134
Leonardo Trio 67
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (composer, 1857-1919) J(ii)
Leone, Giovanni (Quintette Chigiano—violist) 57

Leonor Quartet 11
Leonskaya, Elizaveta (pianist) 35, 57, 61, 67, 102, 127, 134
Leontóvych Quartet 57
Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich (poet, 1814-41) 31, 84, X(i); p.588
Leschetizsky Trio 67
Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich (novelist, 1831-95) 29, 114
Leskovic, Bogomir (conductor, b.1909) 106
Lesnick, Adam (arranger) 22
Lester, Joel (De Capo Piano Trio—violinist) 19
Leul, Peter (pianist) 40
Levant, Oscar (pianist, 1906-72) 22, 34
Levantovich, Boris (pianist) 5
Levi, Yoel (conductor, b.1950) 47, 65, 70, 93
Levin, Anatoli (violinist/conductor, b.1947) 58a, K(i), 64, 121, X(ii), 140, 146
Levin, Robert (pianist) P, 147
Levina, A. (pianist) 34
Levine, Gilbert (conductor.) 10, 22, 35
Levine, James (conductor, b.1943) 102
Levine, Waltraut (translator) 135
Levinsky, Ilya (tenor, b. 1965) 21, 29, K(ii), 79
Levinson, Eugene (double-bass player) 39
Levinson, Gina (pianist) 39
Levinson, Herbert (violist) 147
Levinzon, Iosif I. (Taneyev Quartet—cellist, b.1934) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Levitan, Yuri A. (narrator, 1915-83) 63, Y
Levitin, Yuri Abramovich (composer, 1912-93) T; pp.598, 599
Lewington, James (tenor) 29
Lewis, Allan (conductor) 94
Lewis, Anthony (Medici Quartet—cellist) 11, D(i), 57, 110
Lewis, Eric and Roy (Manhattan Quartet—1st and 2nd violinists) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Lewis, Victor Joseph (conductor, 1919-2009) 47, 102
Lewis, Vic, Symphony Orchestra 47
Lewit, Ondřej (Košice Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Liang, Annelie (Han-Lin) (Jade Quartet––1st violinist) 11
Liberman, Viktor Semyonovich (conductor, 1931-99) 110, 135
Liberman, Ye. (pianist/lecturer) 34
Liceu Grand Theatre Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, Barcelona 29
Lichter, Charles (conductor) 33
Lieberman, Barry (arranger) 133
Liebermann, Anatole (Trio Tchaikovsky and Kuhmo Chamber Soloists—cellist) 57, 67
Lieberson, Goddard (composer, 1911-77) p.595
Lifsitz, Frederick (Alexander String Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 87, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 117a, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Lifson, Ludmilla (Solati Trio—pianist) 67

Liljefors, Mats (arranger/conductor, b.1944) 110

Limori, Taijiro (conductor) 47
Lin, Cho-Liang (violinist, b.1960) 57
Lind, Michael (tuba player) 27
Lindemann, Jens (trumpeter) 35
Linden, Johan van der (soprano saxophonist) D(i)
Lineva, Yevgeniya Eduardovina (folksong collector, 1853-1919) Q
Lintu, Hannu (conductor) 35, 102
Liori, Daniel (I.O.M. Trio––pianist) 8, 67, 127
Lipčius, Saulius (Ćiurlionis Quartet—cellist) 73, 122
Lipman, Samuel (pianist) 79
Lipovšek, Marjana (contralto) 106
Lipson, Brian (bass) 105
Lisitsa, Valentina (pianist) 6, 35
Liss, Dmitri (conductor, b.1960) 125
List, Eugene (the ‘Potsdam Pianist’, 1918-85) 35, 102
Liszt, Ferenz (Franz) (composer, 1811-86) 89
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra 35, 39, 79, 113
Lithuanian State Choir 86
Lithuanian State Philharmonic Orchestra 107
Lithuanian State Quartet 49, 83
Littáur, David Allan (conductor, b.1925) 135
Little, Tasmin (violinist, b.1966) 97
Litton, Andrew (conductor/pianist, b.1959) 35, 47, 54, 65, 93, 96, 102
Liva. Ferdinand (Daponte Quartet––1st violinist) 110
Livshits, Aleksandr Borisovich (musicologist, 1900-70) K(ii)
Livshits, Yelena (pianist) 34
Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra 60
Lloyd, Gareth (tenor) 105
Lloyd, Robert Andrew (TV film presenter/bass) 106, V
Lloyd Webber, Julian (cellist, b.1951) 39, 40
Lobacheva, R. (guitarist) 99
Lochak, Anatoli (baritone) 119
Lobanov, Vasili (pianist) 40
Löbl, Luděk (tenor) 15
Lockwood, Arthur (trumpeter) 35
Lodéon, Frédéric (cellist) 40
Loft, Abram (Fine Arts Quartet—2nd violinist) 73
Lôhr, Martin (Trio Jean Paul—cellist) 67
Lolé Barbara (pianist) 40
Lomeiko, Natalya (violinist) 117a
Lomonosov, Aleksandr (tenor) 15
Lonca, Dominique (Debussy Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 83, 92, 110, 133, 138
London Brass 16
London Chamber Orchestra 35

London Dance Theatre 67, 144

London, Edwin (conductor) 35
London Festival Ballet 116
London Lyric Orchestra 18
London Musici Quartet 57
London Philharmonic Choir 14, 20
London Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 22, 29, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 96, 97,
102, 105, 107, V, 113, 114, 126, 135, 141
London Shostakovich Orchestra 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 102, 103, 107, 112, 126
London Soloists’ Ensemble 11
London String Quartet 122
London Symphony, Male voices of the 113
London Symphony Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 22, 39, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 77, 78, 93,
96, 97, 107, 112, 113, 114, 126, 129, W,141
London Voices 14, 20
López-Cobos, Jesús (conductor, b. 1940) 10, 141
Lopukhov, Fyodor Vasilievich (choreographer, 1886-1973) 27, 31, 39
Lorca, Federico Garcia (poet, 1899-1936) 135
Lord, Matthew (tenor) K(ii)
Lorenzi, Sergio (Quintetto Chigiano—pianist) 57, 94
Lorraine Philharmonic Orchestra V
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra 35
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 35, 102
Lösch, Günter (cellist, b.1935) 39
Loshak, Anatoll (baritone) 105
Lositsky, Vladimir (bass) 114
Louisville Orchestra 32
Louro, Vanja (Zapolski Quartet—cellist) 68, 110
Loveday, Martin (London Musici Quartet—cellist) 57
Lovell, Keith (Dartington Quartet—violist) 43, 83, 117
Lovett, Leon (conductor, b.1935) 15
Lovsky, Fay (theremin player) 26
Lowe, Malcolm (Boston Symphony Chamber Players—1st violinist) 57
Lozano, Fernando (conductor) 47
Lozben, Irina (flautist) 141
Lozinsky, Mikhail Leonidovich (translator, 1886-1955) 32
Lubimov, Aleksei (pianist) 61
Lubin, Howard (pianist) 121, 146
Luboshutz, Pierre (arranger/pianist, 1891-1971) 22, 30
Lubotsky, Mark Davidovich (violinist/Guarneri Trio—leader, b.1931) 67, 127, 134
Lucas, Brenda (pianist, b.1935) 94
Lucerne Festival Strings 35, 87, 110
Luchetti, Veriano (tenor) 106
Lucký, Štěpán (composer, b.1919) p.600
Ludha, Ludovit (tenor) 29

Ludo Ensemble, The 102

Ludwig, Christian (violinist) 8
Ludwig, Johann (cellist) 8
Lugansky, Nikolai (pianist) 87
Luit, Lesliya (soprano) 56
Lukášová, Jana (Škampa Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Lukashevsky, Ilya Avseyevich (Glazunov Quartet—1st violinist, 1892-1967) 49, 57, 73
Lukk, Bruno Avgustovich (pianist, b.1909) 94
Lukonin, Mikhail (baritone) 100
Lundberg, Trilby (pianist) 57
Lunkina, Svetlana (ballerina) 39
Lutosławski, Witold (composer, b.1913) p.594
Lutsky, Grigori B. (Taneyev Quartet—2nd violinist, b. 1927) 49,
68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Lutz, Rudolf (conductor) 144
Luxembourg Philharmonic 47
Luzanov, Fyodor Petrovich (cellist, 1919-89) 10, 125
Lvov, Nikolai F. (playwright) 25
Lympany, Moura (real name Johnstone; pianist, b.1916) 5
Lyndon-Gee, Christopher (conductor) 22, 35, 96, 102
Lyric Trio (Arthur Tabachnik, Shirley Evans, Hilde Freund) 67
Lysenko, Andrei (xylophonist) 141
Lyubimov, Anatoli (arranger) 22
Lyudko, German (tenor) 36

Ma, Yo-Yo (cellist, b.1955) 40, 67, 107, 144
Maazel, Lorin Varencove (conductor, b.1930) 47, 107
McBurney, Gerard (arranger/translator, b.1954) 19, 26, 31, 32, E, 43, 46, G(i), 56, Q,
105; p.587
McBurney, Simon (playwright, b.1957) 144
McCabe, John (pianist, b.1939) 40
McCarthy, John (chorus-master, b.1919) 14, 20, 29, 106
McCormack, Gina (Sorrel Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
McCracken, Charles (MGM Studio Orchestra—cellist) 11
McCready Ivan (Duke Quartet—cellist) 110
McCrindle, Alex (film script-writer) 95
McDonald, Robert (pianist) 34
McDonough, Dan (Jupiter Quartet—cellist) 73
McDonough, Meg Freivogel (Jupiter Quartet––2nd violinist) 73
Maceček, Petr (Tálich Quartet––2nd violinist) 57, 110
Macfarlane, John (designer) 29
MacGregor, Joanna (pianist, b.1959) 102
Machabeli, Revaz (Georgia State Radio Quartet—cellist) 73, 117

Macheret, Aleksandr Bendzhaminovich (film-director, b.1896) p.587

McIntyre, Donald (baritone, b.1934) 106
Mack, Yuki and Tomoko (piano duo) O(ii)
MacKay, Gordon (Kreutzer Quartet—2nd violinist) 83, 108, 110
Mackerras, Sir Charles (conductor, b.1925) 47, 96, 129
Macklin, Hughes (singer) 29
McLachlan, Murray (pianist) 12, 61
McLeod, John (conductor/composer, b.1934) 115, 119
McMahon, Ivor (Melos Ensemble—2nd violinist) 57
MacMillan, Kenneth (choreographer, 1934-92) 10, 102
McMunn, Brent (pianist) 5
McNaught, Graeme (pianist) 40
Macpherson, James (fiddler, d.1700) 62, 113
McPherson Trio 67
McWilliams, Bernard (violist) 57
Mäder, Reinhard (conductor) 81
Madge, Geoffrey Douglas (pianist, b.1941) 12
Maestri, Gigino (violinist) 134
Maganini, Quinto Ernest (arranger/conductor, 1897-1974) 5, 11, 15, 22, 27, 29, 34
Magnitogorsk State Academie Choir Q
Mahler, Gustav (composer, 1860-1911) p.591
Maidachevskaya, Mariya (sopráno) 127
Maier, John (Fredonia Woodwind Quintet—oboist) 22
Maikov, Apollon Nikolayevich (poet, 1821-97) C
Maile, Hans (violinist) 127
Mailingová, Lidiya—see Lýdia Majlingová
Maintz, Jens Peter (cellist, b.1967) 40
Mairs, George Donald (arranger) 34
Maisky, Mis(c)ha (cellist, b.1948) 8, 40, 57, 67, 107, 126
Maizenberg, Oleg (pianist) 34, P(ii), 97
Majewski, Virginia (American Art Quartet—violist) 22
Majlingová, Lýdia (also spelt Lidiya Mailingova; pianist) 61, 147
Major, Margaret (Aeolian Quartet—violist) 133
Makarov, Askold Anatolievich (choreographer, b.1925) 119
Makarov, Yevgeni Petrovich (arranger, 1912-85) U
Makarova, Mariya (organist/arranger) 16, 27, 29, E, 39, 81, 97, 105
Makeyev, Masha (designer) 105
Makhtin, Dimitri (violinist) 67
Maksakova, Mariya Petrovna (soprano, 1902-74) 74
Makshantsev, Nikolai (violist) 41
Maksimenko, Yevgeni L (bass) 114
Maksymiuk, Jerzy (conductor, b.1936) 35, 89, 102
Malfitano, Catherine (soprano) 29
Malikova, Anna (pianist) 5, 34, S
Malinin, Vladimír (violinist) 34, 83

Malinin, Yevgeni Vasilievich (pianist, b.1930) 35

Malko, Nikolai Andreyevich (conductor, 1883-1961) 10, 14, 15, 16, 17
Malmivaara, Juhu (Pihtipudas Quintet—cellist) 57
Malmö Symphony Orchestra 96, 107, 126
Malotetkova, Alla (pianist) 94
Malta, Alexander (bass, b.1942) 29
Mamedov, Chingiz (Azerbaidzhan Quartet—violist) 110
Mamyko, A. (percussionist) 141
Mancusi, Guido (chorus-master) 14, 113
Mandelring Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,108, 110, 117, 118, 133, 142
Mangova, Plamena (pianist) 34, 61, 67, 127
Manhattan Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142,
Maniura, Peter (TV producer) 47; p.573
Mann, Paul (conductor) 97
Mann, Robert (Juilliard Quartet—1st violinist, b.1920) 57
Mannberg, Karl Ove (violinist) 22
Mannino, Franco (conductor, b.1924) 15
Mansuryan, Tigran Yegiayevich (composer, b.1939) p.597
Manoukian, Catherine (violinist) 77
Mansurov, Fuat (conductor) 107
Manucharyan, Yegishe (tenor) 79
Manukhov, Anatoli (tenor) 21, 36
Manz, Wolfgang (Duo ‘Reine Elisabeth’—pianist) 94
Manzini, Laura (pianist) 34
Mar, S. (translator) 79
Marantslikht, M. (arranger) 95, 99
Marazin, Yuri (tenor) 106
Marcello, M. M. (lyricist) X(i); p.590
Marcellus, John (Eastman Brass––trombonist) 133
Mariengof, Anatoli Borisovich (librettist) pp.587, 589
Margita, Stefan (tenor) 29
Marglit, Israela (pianist) 5, 35, S(i)
Margolin, Zinovi (designer) 22
Margulis, Alissa (violinist) 57
Mariinsky Theatre, Orchestra, Chorus, and Soloists 15, 19, 22, 27, 60, 105, 114
Markevitch, Dimitry (cellist) 40
Markevitch, Igor Borisovich (conductor, 1912-83) 10, 114
Markham, Peter (Edinburgh Quartet—2nd violinist) 57
Markiz, Lev Iosifovich (violist/director) 73, 110, 118, 147
Markó, Iván (choreographer) 70
Markov, Albert Aleksandovich (violinist/arranger, b.1943) 5, 34, 77
Markov, Aleksandr (violinist) 34
Markov, Mikhail (pianist, b.1951) 5, 34
Marks, Sonja-Maria (Nomos Quartet––2nd violinist) 110

Marlborough College Wind Orchestra 97

Marleyn, Paul (cellist) 40
Marosi, Joël (Zurich Piano Trio––cellist) 8, 67, 127
Marple Band (brass band) 102
Marriner, Sir Neville (conductor, b.1924) 35, 97
Marshak, Samuil Yakovlevich (translator/poet, 1887-1964) 56, 58a, 62, M, 140
Marshall, Mike (mandolin player) 22, 49
Marshev, Oleg (pianist) 34, 35, 102
Martens, Wilhelm (Berlin State Opera Quartet—2nd violinist) 92
Martin, G. (arranger) 88
Martin, Julian (pianist) 34
Martin, Richard (English Brass Ensemble—trumpeter) 108
Martineau, Malcolm (pianist) 109
Martinez, Odaline de la (conductor, b.1949) 4, 17
Martinon, Jean Francisque Étienne (conductor, 1910-76) 10, 22, 126
Martynov, Aleksei (tenor) D(ix), K(ii), 79, 81
Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich (musicologist, b.190
Martynov, Ravil (conductor) 77
Martynova, Tatyana (mezzo-soprano) 56
Martyrosyan, Ayik (bass) 113
Marx, Karl Heinrich (German philosopher, 1818-83—subject of two works) 18, D(iii),
Mashiko, Tetsu and Nishihara, Masaki (piano duo) 6, O, 94, 96, 97
Maslennikov, Aleksei [Albert] Dmitrievich (tenor, b.1929) 21, K(i), 79, 81
Maslennikov, Dimitri (cellist) 67, 107, 126
Mass, Vladimir Zakharovich (librettist, 1896-1979) 105
Massalsky, Pavel Vladimirovich (reader, b.1904) p.579
Masseurs, Peter (trumpeter) 35
Massine, Léonide Fyodorovich (choreographer, 1895-1979) 10, 60
Masur, Kurt (conductor, b.1927) 10, 47, 60, 77, 102, 113, 129
Mata, Eduardo (conductor, 1942-95) 60, 70
Matačic, Lovro von (conductor, 1899-1985) 10, 70
Matalayev, Anton (Anton Quartet—1st violinist) 73
Matayeva, Irina (soprano) 26
Matejka, Jaroslav (Academia Trio—cellist) 67
Matiakh, Ivan (tenor) 15
Matisse, Henri Emile Benoît (designer, 1869-1954) 10
Matkowska, Sofia (pianist) 5
Matorin, Vladimir (bass) 15
Matoušek, Bohuslav (Dolezal and Stamic Quartets—1st violinist) 11, 138, 144
Matsuev, Denis (pianist) 35
Matthews, David (Medici Quartet—2nd violinist) 11, D(i), 57, 110
Matthew-Walker, Robert (arranger) A, 89
Mattila, Karita (soprano) 135
Matukhov, Igor (chorus-master) 26, 64

Matus, Ksenya (oboist, b.1917) 60

Matusov, Vladimir (narrator) 36
Matveyev, Matvei A. (tenor) 114
Matveyev, Stepan (bass) 114
Maurri, Ilaria (Quartetto Fonè—cellist) 110
Mavroidi-Papadaki, S. (lyricist) R
Maxwell, Olivia (music researcher) 110
Maxym, Robert (conductor) 118
May, Jane (translator) 88, 143
May, Richard (cellist, b.1968) 40
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (playwright, 1893-1930) 19, 27, 39, 112; p.588
Mayer, Uri (conductor) 83, 96, 110
Mazaloubaud, Jean-Pierre (bass) 29
Mazurkevich, Yuri (Leontóvych Quartet—1st violinist) 57
Mazzola, Rudolf (bass) 121, 123
MDR (Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks) Symphony Orchestra 22, 27, 36
Meara, Tim (film producer) 77
Mears, Oliver (stage director) K(ii)
Medici Quartet 11, D(i), 57, 110
Medvedeff Balalaika Sextet 33
Medvedev, Aleksandr Viktorovich (folksong collector/librettist, b.1927) 115; p.590
Medvedeva, Irina Alekseyevna (violinist, b.1951) 34
Meer, Janneke van der (Schöenberg Quartet—1st violinist) 144
Mehta, Zubin (conductor, b.1936) 77
Meij, Johan de (conductor/arranger) G(ii)
Meirion, Rhys (tenor) 29
Meise, Thomas (Elbeblech Brass Quintet—trumpeter) 96
Mekhtiev, Bayandur (Azerbaidzhan Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra E, H(ii), 103
Meley Maria Pascale (Verlaine Quartet—1st violinist) 68
Melia, Roland (conductor) 110
Melik-Pashayev, Aleksandr Shamilievich (conductor, 1905-64) 29, 30, 36, 96
Melnikov, Aleksandr (pianist) 40
Melnikov, Aleksandr (violinist) 5, 8, 13, 67
Melnychenko, Tatyana (soprano) 127
Melos Ensemble 57
Mendelssohn Duo (Noriko Ishikawa and Manfred Kratzer—pianists) 94
Mendelssohn Club Chorus 113
Mendelssohn, Vladimir (Kuhmo Chamber Soloists—violist/arranger) 57, 147
Meneguzzer, Jolanda (soprano) 15
Meneses, Antonio (Beaux Arts Trio––cellist) 8, 94, 97
Menges, Herbert (conductor, 1902-72) 35
Ménier, Anne (Debussy Quartet––2nd violinist) 57, 68, 101, 117, 122, 142, 144
Mercer, Alan (musicologist) 18, 43
Měrka, Ivan (Ostrava Quartet—cellist, b.1926) 110

Merkuryev, Andrei (ballet dancer) 27

Merkuryev, Vasili (bass) 105
Merlet, Dominique (pianist) 35
Mertens, Hardy (conductor/arranger 70
Merwijk, Willem van (baritone saxophonist) D(i)
Merz, Josef (Koeckert Quartet—cellist) 68
Merz, Stefan (Orlando Quartet—cellist) 73, 101
Merzhanov, Viktor Karpovich (pianist, b.1919) 5
Meshchaninov, Pyotr (pianist) 10
Messerer, Asaf Mikhailovich (choreographer, 1903-92) P(i)
Messerer, Boris (designer) 19, 39
Messerer, Mikhail (choreographer) P(i)
Messieureur, Petr (Talich Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 59
Mester, Jorge (conductor, b.1935) 32
Metcalfe, John (Duke Quartet—violist) 110
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Orchestra 11, 33, 35
Metronom Ensemble (jazz orchestra) 34
Metropolitan Opera (Chorus and Orchestra) 29
Metz, Volker (Gewandhaus Quartet—violist, b.1942) 73
Metzger, Jörg (Seraphin Trio—cellist) 67
Metzmacher, Ingo (conductor, b. 1958) 16, 22, 105
Meurman, Antti (Pihtipudas Quintet—2nd violinist) 57
Meven, Peter (bass) 135
Mewton-Wood, Noel (pianist, 1922-53) 35
Mey, Lev Aleksandrovich (translator, 1822-62) J(ii)
Meyer, Krzysztof (composer/arranger, b.1943) 26, K(i), 134
Meyer, Paul (clarinettist) P(ii)
Meyerhold, Vsevolod Emilievich (theatre producer, 1874-1940) 19; p.588
Meyerovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (pianist, b.1920) 103
Mexico Philharmonie Orchestra 47
Miansarov, Eduard (pianist) 87
Michelangelo (properly Michelagniolo di Lodovico Buonarroti, poet, 1475-1564) 145
Michniewski, Wojciech (conductor, b.1947) 129
Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich (Russian horticulturist, 1855-1935—subject of film) 78
Mickle, William Julius (poet, 1735-88) M
Midori (real name Goto; violinist, b.1971) 34, 77
Migunov, Petr (bass) 121, 123, 146
Mikhailov, Lev Dmitrievich (stage producer, 1928-80) 114
Mikhailov, Maksim Dormidontovich (bass, 1893-1971) 74, X(iii)
Mikhailovsky, A. (script-writer) 30
Mikhalkov, Sergei Vladimirovich (lyricist, 1913-2009) N
Mikhlin, Aleksei Yefimovich (violinist, b.1938) 34, 77
Mikkola, Laura (pianist) 94, 141
Miklos, Gyorgy (pianist) 5
Mikuláš, Peter (bass) 113, 135

Miladinovič, Dušan (conductor) 58, 106

Milanova, Stoika (violinist, b.1945) 77
Milan Radio Symphony Orchestra 70, 126
Miller, Amos (Onyx Brass––trombonist/arranger) 87
Miller, Karl Frederick (composer, b. 1947) 141; p.600
Miller, Martin (violinist) 97
Miller, Nolan (horn player) 107
Millet, Gilles (Danel Quartet––2nd violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a,
117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Mills, Fred (trumpeter) 35
Milman, Mikhail (Kopelman Quartet––cellist) 49, 73, 108, 110
Milrnan, Vladimír (arranger) 110, X(ii)
Milner, Martin (violinist) 97
Milone, Julian (arranger) 97, 105
Milstein, Sergei (pianist) 134, 147
Miltcheva, Alexandrina (mezzo-soprano) 106
Milyutin, Georgi (Yuri) Sergeyevich (composer, 1903-68) J(ii)
Mineva, Stefka (contralto) 106
Minguet Quartet 57
Mini, Vladimir (chorus-master) 20
Minin, Vladimir Nikolayevich (conductor/chorus-master, b.1929) 88
Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra 10, 20
Minjelkiev, Bulat (bass) 106
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 47
Minnesota Orchestra 135
Minsk Chamber Choir 64
Minsk Chamber Orchestra 26, 35, 110
Minsk Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 65
Minsk Symphony Orchestra 27
Minton, Yvonne Fay (mezzo-soprano, b.1938) 106
Mints, Klementi B. (film-director) 59
Mintz, Shlomo (violinist/violist, b.1957) 117a, 134, 147
Miodini, Alberto (Trio di Parma—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Miroshnikova, Iolanta (pianist) 127, 135
Miroshnikova, Margarita Khristoforovna (soprano, b.1932) 87, 127, 135
Mishenkin, Arkadi (tenor) 79
Mishura, Irina (soprano) 143
Mitchell, Arthur (choreographer, b.1934) 102
Mitchell Choir, Geoffrey, 14
Mitchell, Howard Bundy (conductor, b.1911) 10, 22, 47
Mitchell, Scott (pianist) 40
Mitropoulos, Dimitri (conductor, 1896-1960) 47, 77, 93, 96
Mittelbaum, Norman (baritone) 106
Miyake, Mami (pianist) 87
Mlejnik, Miloš (Arcadia Trio and soloist—cellist) 40

Mnatsakanov, Walter (conductor) 26, 27, 30, 33, 36, 45, 50, 56, 59, 64, 75, 76, 85, 89
Mnatsakanyan, M. M. (choreographer) 116; p.590
Mnozhin, Sergei (cellist) 41, W, 141
Mnozhina, Olga (violist) 113
Mňuk, Karel (trumpeter) 35
Mobius (Phil Johnson, Mike Fitzpatrick, Xak Bjerken) 67
Mochalov, Aleksei (bass, b.1956) 15, 58a, 121, X(ii), 140, 146
Mocsanyi, Edith (New Amsterdam Trio—pianist) 67, 127
Modern Mandolin Quartet 22, 49
Mogensen, Morten (Copenhagen Trio—pianist) 8, 67
Mogilevskaya, Liya (pianist) 21, 109
Mogilevsky, David Yakovlevich (Glazunov Quartet—cellist, 1893-1961) 49, 57, 73
Mogilevsky, Konstantin (bass) 114
Mohaupt, Richard (arranger, 1904-57) 22
Mokrosch, Viola (pianist) 102
Molinaro, Michel (Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron—horn player) 27
Moll, Kurt (bass, b.1938) 29
Molokina, Irina (cellist) 127
Molostova, Irina Aleksandrovna (producer, b.1929) 114
Monighetti, Ivan (cellist) 40, 107, 126
Monk, Allan (baritone) 106
Monkemeyer, Nils (violist) 96
Monnet, Lionel (Trio Nota Bene—pianist) 67
Monoganova, Tatiana (soprano) 135
Monreal, L. (choreographer) 116
Monsaingeon, Bruno (film producer) 129
Montanari, Nunzie (Trio de Bolzano—pianist) 67
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic 77, 129
Montgomery, David (conductor) 103
Montreal Symphony Orchestra (L’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal) 10, 47, 70,
Moore, Lisa (pianist, b.1960) 40
Mor, José (I.O.M. Trio––cellist) 8, 67, 127
Morassutti, Luca (Venice Quartet—violist) 22
Morbitzer, Egon (Berlin State Opera Quartet—1st violinist) 92
Mordkovitch, Lydia (violinist) 34, 77, 129, 134
Mordvinov, Boris Arkadievich (stage producer, 1899-1953) 29, 39
Morello, Fernanda and Vila, Patricia (piano duo) 6, 94, 97
Morgan, David (composer, b.1933) p.596
Morgan, Michael (conductor) 47
Morgaua Quartet 34, 49, 68, 92, 97, 100, 101, 108, 117, 122
Morgener, Jörg (translator) 14, 21, 29, K, 109, 113, 121, 123, 135, 145
Mørk, Truls (cellist, b.1961) 40, 107, 126
Morley, Sarah (pianist) 40
Morozova, Irena (Australia Ensemble––violist) 57

Morrice, Norman (choreographer, b.1931) 35

Morris, James (bass, b.1947) 140
Morris, Mark (choreographer, b.1956) 40, 87
Morris, Myron (translator) 14, 81, 109, 127
Morrison, Campbell (bass) 105
Morrison, Simon (musicologist) 27
Morrison, Timothy (Empire Brass—trumpeter) 96
Mortimer, Harry (conductor, 1902-92) 96
Moscovia Chamber Orchestra P(v), 86, 110
Moscow Academy of Choral Singing 88, Q
Moscow Balalaika Quartet 97
Moscow Capella & Youth Chorus 82
Moscow Chamber Ensemble 110a
Moscow Chamber Music Theatre Group 15, 58a, K(i), 121, X(ii), 140, 146
Moscow Chamber Opera K(i), X(ii)
Moscow Chamber Opera’s Youth Group 15
Moscow Chamber Orchestra 34, 35, P(v), 86, 102, 110, 115, 140, 143
Moscow Choral Academy 113
Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir 4, 88
Moscow Conservatory Students’ Choir (later Russian State Symphonic Cappella) 4, 88
Moscow Conservatory (Students’) Symphony Orchestra 4, 11, 21, 35, 47, 54, 70
Moscow High Technical School named after N. Bauman Chamber Choir ‘Gaudeamus’
Moscow Kremlin Commandants Orchestra 139
Moscow Operetta Theatre Group 105
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 35, 43, 47, 54, 60, K(ii),
65, 70, 77, 90, 93, 94, 96, 102, 103, 107, 112, 113, 115, 119, 126, 129, 135, 141
Moscow Quartet 57
Moscow Radio Band 30, L
Moscow (USSR) Radio Symphony Orchestra (see also All-Union Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra, Central Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra, and
Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra) 10, 20, 27, 35, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 75, 76, 77,
78, 81, 82, P(i), 89, 93, 96, 97, 102, 103, 107, 114c, 115, 116, 120, 124, 141
Moscow Six, The 4
Moscow Soloists 35, 110a, 138
Moscow State Academic Choir 20
Moscow State Choral (Singing) School Boys’ Choir 81, 86, 90
Moscow State Philharmonic, Academic Symphony Orchestra of the—see Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra
Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra 47, 103
Moscow Symphony Orchestra 70, P(i), 107, 126, 131
Moscow Trio 8, 67, 127
Moscow Virtuosi (USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Orchestra) 11, D(i), 35, 73,
79, 110, X(i)
Moscow Youth and Students’ Choir 104

Moser, Johannes (cellist) 40

Moseyev, G. (designer) 58
Mostrac, Konstantin Georgievich (arranger, 1886-1965) 5
Mottram, Simon (choreographer, b.1937) 35, 54
Mourja, Graf (violinist) 67, 127, 134
Moyzes Quartet 68, 73, 83, 110
Moži Aladár (Slovák Quartet—lst violinist) 108
Mravinsky, Yevgeni Aleksandrovich (conductor/dedicatee, 1903-88) 47, F, 54, 60, 65,
70, 77, 81, 93, 96, 103, 107, 112, 141
Mrazkova, Luksaite (organist) 29
Mr McFall’s Chamber D(i)
Mróz, Leonard Andrzej (bass, b.1947) 29, 106
Mucha, Stanislav (Moyzes Quartet—1st violinist) 68, 73, 83, 110
Muck, Conrad (Petersen Quartet––1st violinist) 49, 57, 83
Müller, Gerhard (Rasumovsky Quartet––violist) D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Muller, Philippe (cellist) 67
Müller-Schott, Daniel (cellist) 107, 126
Mulligan, Simon (pianist) 102, 135
Mullova, Viktoria (violinist, b.1959) 77
Münchner Klaviertrio 8, 67, 127
Mund, Uwe (conductor) 10
Munich Brass Soloists 27
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 47, 70, 77
Munroe, Lorne (cellist) 135
Muntyan, Mikhail (pianist) 34, 40, 59, 83, 147
Muraco, Thomas (pianist) 147
Muradeli, Vano Ilyich (composer, 1908-70) 74
Murakami, Genichiro (pianist) 87
Murphy, Maurice (trumpeter) 35
Mursky, Eugene (pianist) 35
Murzina, Tamara (accordionist) 94
Musafia, Julien (musicologist) 87
Music Group of London 57, 67
Musicatreize 110, 135
Musici de Montréal, I (members of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra) 35, 73, 79,
102, 110, 118, 135
Musikkapelle Mundelfingen (wind band) 81
Musin (clown) 59
Musin, Ilya Aleksandrovich (conductor, 1904-99) 60
Musinian, Nina (pianist) 40
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (composer, 1839-81) 58, 59, J(ii), 106, V
Mustonen, Olli (pianist) 34, 40, 67, 87
Muti, Riccardo (conductor, b.1941) 47, 96, 113
Muto, Hideaki (conductor) 35

Myasoedov, Nikolai (bass) D(iv)

Myrat, Alexandre (conductor) 107, 110
Myrczek, Adam (bass) 41(ii)
Mytnik, Andrei (pianist) 34
Muzijevic, Pedja (pianist) 40

Naef, Yvonne (mezzo-soprano) 127
Nagano, Kent (conductor, b.1951) 77
Nagel, Robert (trumpeter) P(i)
Nagelkerke, Alexandra (soprano) 135
Nagoya Philharmonie Orchestra 47
Najnar, Jiři (Kocian Quartet––violist) D(i)
Nakachi, Makiko (pianist) 35
Nakamichi, Ikuko (pianist) 40
Nakariakov, Sergei (trumpeter) 35
Nakipbekova, Alfia (cellist) 40, 67, 127, 147
Nakipbekova, Eleonora (pianist) 40, 67, 127, 147
Nakipbekova, Elvira (violinist) 67, 127
Nanut, Anton (conductor) 60
Naoumoff, Emile (pianist) 62, 98
Narskaya, Irina (mezzo-soprano) 36
Nasedkin, Aleksei Arkadievich (pianist, b.1942) 57
Nash Ensemble 57, 67, P(ii)
National Centre for Orchestra Studies (London), Orchestra of 21
National Orchestra of France 93
National Philharmonie Orchestra 34, 93, 116
National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra 28, 41(ii), 44, 70
National Symphony Orchestra of [Washington, DC] America 10, 22, 43, 47, H(i), 54,
60, 65, 70, 103, 113
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine 22, 27, E, 39, 47, G(ii), 77, 96, 97, U, 111,
115, 116
National Ukranian Choir ‘Dumka’ 14
National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain 10, 70
National Youth Orchestra of Wales 96
Natochenny, Lev (pianist) 57
Naughtie, James (TV presenter, b.1952) 31, 105
Naumenko, Aleksandr (bass-baritone ) K(i), R, 145
Naumenko, Aleksei (Atrium Quartet––1st violinist) 92, 108
Naumov, Nikolai (ballet dancer) 19
Navasardyan, Svetlana (pianist) 34
Nay Palm Trombone Quartet 110
Nazaruk, Aleksandr (organist) 30
Nazirova, Elmira Mirza R. (composer, b.1928) 93
NBC (National Broadcasting Company) Symphony Orchestra (see also Symphony of
the Air) 10, 47, 60

NDR Sinfonieorchester 107, 126

Nechayev, Ivan Alekseyevich (tenor, 1900-63) 15
Neckář, Václav (actor) 29
Nederlands Concertkoor (male chorus) 113
Nederlands Dans Theater (2) p.591
Nedobrovo, Vladimir (script-writer) 30
Neef, Sigrid (translator) 36
Negro, Lucia (pianist, b.1938) 127
Neigauz, Genrikh Gustavovich––see Heinrich Neuhaus
Neklyudov, Y. (bassoonist) 70
Nekrasov, Viktor Alekseyevich (lyricist, 1821-77) 85
Nelson, Allison and Neal, Harry Lee (piano duo) 94
Nelson, Andris (conductor, b.1979) 77, 129
Nelson, Havelock (conductor, b.1917) 18, 32
Nelson, John Wilton (conductor, b.1941) 145
Nelsova, Zara (originally Sara Nelson, cellist, 1918-2002) 40
Nemec, Alojz (Slovák Quartet––violist) 108
Nemenoff, Genia (pianist, b.1905) 22, 30
Nemtsov, Jascha (pianist) 67, 134
Nersesyan, Anait Sergeyevna (pianist, b.1954) 34
Nesterenko, Yevgeni Yevgenievich (bass, b.1938) 29, 58a, 59a, 106, 121, 123, 128,
135, 140, 145, Z, 146
Netherlands (Nederlands) Blazers Ensemble 26, 27, 110
Netherlands Opera Chorus 29
Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra 35
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra 65, 70, 77, 112, 113
Neuhaus, Heinrich Gustavovich (usual spelling of Russian-born pianist, 1888-1964)
Neumann, Alexandra (Trio Paian––pianist) 8, 67
Neumann, Horst (chorus-master, b.1934) 58
Neumann, Václav (conductor, 1920-95) 29, 60, 70
Nevins, William Irving (arranger) 5
Nevsky Quartet 110
New American Chamber Orchestra 110
New Amsterdam Sinfonietta 73, 110, 118, 147
New Amsterdam Trio 67, 127
New Century Chamber Orchestra 11, 110, 118
New European Strings 11, 73
New London Children’s Choir 81
Newmark, John (pianist) 40
New Opera Company 15
New Philharmonic Orchestra 77, 141
New Prague Trio 67
Newsome, Roy (conductor) 97
Newton, Ivor (pianist, 1892-1981) 100
New Symphony Orchestra (of Japan) 43

New York Choral Artists, Men of the 113

New York City Ballet 35, 102
New York Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 22, 30, 35, 47, 54, 58, 60, 65, 70, 77, 93, 96,
102, 107, 113, 129, 131, 135
New York String Sinfonietta 11
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra 22, 35, 96, 102
NHK Symphony Orchestra (of Japan) 10, 43, 47, 70, 103, 113, 135
Nhu, Do Phuong (Dominant Quartet––1st violinist) 110
Ni, Hai-Ye (cellist) 127
Nickrenz, Erika (Eroica Trio-pianist) 67
Nicolai, Helmut (Rosamunde Quartet-violist) 110
Niculescu, Anton (cellist) 40
Niels, Elger (arranger) 87
Nikiti, P. (writer) 112
Nikitin, Anatoli Alekseyevich (cellist) 127
Nikitin, Gleb Pavlovich (arranger) 34
Nikitina, Irina (pianist) 40
Nikolayev, Aleksei Aleksandrovich (composer, b.1931) p.601
Nikolayev, Leonid (conductor) 54
Nikolayev, Leonid Vladimirovich (dedicatee, 1878-1942) 61
Nikolayeva, Elena (chorus-master) 104
Nikolayeva, Tatyana Petrovna (pianist, 1924-93) 5, 34, 61, 87
Nikolsky, Yuri Sergeyevich (composer/arranger, 1895-1962) 49, 73; p.587
Nikonov, Gennady (trumpeter) 35
Nillsson, Claes (Saulesco Quartet––2nd violinist) 83
Nilsson, Stig (Oslo Trio––violinist, b.1946) 8, 67
Nimsgern, Siegmund (bass, b.1940) 106
Nishimoto, Tomoni (conductor) 47
Nizinenko, Nikolai (bass) K(i)
NYVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs) Song and Dance Ensemble 63, 66, 72
Noble, John (bass-baritone, b.1931) 29
Nogues, Patrick (tenor) 56
Nolan, Rodney (tenor) 79
Nomos Quartet 110
Noras, Arto (Sibelius Academy Quartet––cellist and soloist, b.1942) 40, 68, 73, 83,
101, 107, 126, 142
Norbury, Tatiana (translater) 79
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik (composer, b.1944) p.601
Norrköping Symphony Orchestra 47, 131
Northern Dance Theatre 35, P(i)
North Texas College of Music Wind Symphony 34, 36, 63
North-West German Philharmonie Orchestra K(i)
Norton, Eunice (pianist) 57
Norton, Mark (Guitar Trek––guitarist) D(i)
Norwalk Symphony Orchestra 27

Norwegian Chamber Orchestra 110

Norwegian Radio Orchestra 107, 126
Noseda, Gianandrea (conductor, b.1964) 43, 110a, 131, 140, 145a
Nosyrev, Mikhail Iosifovich (composer, b.1924) p.598
Novacek, John (pianist) 134
Novák, Antonín (Suk Quartet––1st violinist, b.1936) 68, 138, 142
Novâk, Jiří(Smetana and Novák Quartets––1st violinist) 57, 73, 122
Novák Quartet 57, 122
Novák, Richard (bass) 145
Novosibirsk Chamber Choir 88
Novosibirsk Chamber Orchestra 34, 73, 83
Novosibirsk Philharmonie Orchestra Q, 65, 141
Nowak, Günter (tenor) 29
Nozy, Norbert (conductor) 113
Nureyev, Rudolf (ballet dancer, 1939-93) 32
Nurmela, Kari (bass) 114
Nuttall, Geoff (St Lawrence Quartet––1st violinist) 73, 108, 110
Nwanoku, Chi-Chi (double-bass player) 46
Nyman, Tom (tenor) D(ix)
Nys, Tony (Danel Quartet––violist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Nyström, Per (Yggdrasil Quartet––cellist) 73, 108, 110
Nyurnberg, Mikhail Vladimirovich (arranger, b.1911) 30
Nyunoya, Kae (pianist) 40

Oberdorfer, Heinz (Orlando Quartet––2nd violinist) 73, 101
Oborin, Lev Nikolayevich (pianist, 1907-74) 6, 8, 57, 67
Obraztov, Anatoli (bass) D(iv), X(ii)
Obukhova, Nadezhda Andreyevna (mezzo-soprano, 1886-1961) 80
Ochagavia, José (tenor) 29
Ochman, Wieslaw (tenor) 106
O’Connell, Charles (conductor/arranger, 1900-62) 33
Octors, Georges (conductor) 110
Odinets, Galina (Prokofiev Quartet––violist) 11
Odoyevsky, Count Vladimir Fyodorovich (folksong collecter, 1804-69) p.589
Odstreil, Jan (Kocian Quartet––2nd violinist) D(i)
O’Duinn, Proinnsias (conductor) P(i)
Oertel, Christine (mezzo-soprano) 79
Oetiker, Adrian (pianist) 40
Ofer, Frez (violinist) 97, 105
Offenbach, Jacques (composer, 1819-80) 18
Ogden, David (Delme Quartet––2nd violinist/arranger) 22
Ogdon, John Andrew Howard (pianist, 1937-89) 35, 94, 102
Ognavenko, Vladimir, (bass) 106

Ognivtsev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (bass, 1920-81) 98

Ogoun, Lyubosh (choreographer, b.1924) 60
Ogranovich, Olga (Moscow Quartet––cellist) 57
Oguike, Henri (choreographer, b.1972) 117
Ohlsson, Garrick Olof (pianist, b.1948) 35
Ohtomo, Naoto (conductor) 47
Oistrakh, David Fyodorovich (violinist/dedicatee/conductor, 1908-74) 67, 70, 77, 93,
107, 125, 126, 127, 129, 134
Oistrakh, Igor Davidovich (violinist, b.1931) 77, 129
Oja, Iris (mezzo-soprano) 98, 100
Okada, Tomoko (pianist) 21
Oke, Alan (tenor) 105
O’Keefe, Mark (trumpeter) 35
Okhotnikov, Nikolai Petrovich (bass) 106
Okunev, Boris (guitarist) 37
Olding, Dene (Australia Ensemble––violinist) 57
Oleinikov, Nikolai Makarovich (poet, 1898-1942) p.587
Olender, S. (translater) 79
Olenev, Yuri (arranger) 14, 28, 37, 57a
Oliveira, Elmar (violinist) 54, 77
Øllgaard, Niels Christian (Esbjerg Ensemble––violinist) 57, 127
Olofsson, Åke (Saulesco Quartet––cellist, b.1924) 83, 127
Olympic Orchestra 97
Öman, Per (Yggdrasil Quartet––2nd violinist) 73, 108, 110
Omsk Russian Folk Choir 104
Onyx Brass 87
Ono, Hisashi (Morgaua Quartet––violist) 34, 49, 68, 92, 97, 101, 108, 117, 122
Ono, Kazushi (conductor) 27, 47
Ootsu, Prince (poet, 663-86) 21
Opera Australia 29
Opéra-Bastille (Paris), Chorus and Orchestra of 29
Opéra de Lyon Orchestra and Choir 105
Opera North Orchestra 18, 105
Opie, Alan (baritone) 15
Oppenheimer, Graham (Schidlof Quartet––violist) 57, 83, 108
Oramo, Sakari (conductor, b. 1965) 77
Orawiec, Jan (violinist) 67
Orbelian, Constantine (pianist/conductor, b.1956) 16, 34, 35, 57, P(v), 86, 95, 102,
110; p.584
Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala 29
Orchestra Gelmini 35
Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento 107
Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ 10, 43, 47, 49, 54, 60, 65, 70, 73, 83,
93, 103, 110, 112, 118, 141
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI 77

Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di Milano ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ 14, 20, 113, 135
Orchestra Symphonique 22
Orchestre Chambre de Paris 35
Orchestre de la fondation Gulbenkian 35
Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Paris 22
Orchestre du Festival Tibor Varga Sion 110
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France 16, 22, G(ii)
Ordronneau, Catherine (pianist) 34
Oregon Symphony 103
O’Reilly, Brendan (Gabrieli Quartet––2nd violinist) 49, 73
Orgonasova, Luba (soprano) 79
Orkiestra Kameralna Wojciecha Rajskiego 110
Orlando Quartet 73, 101
Orloff, Vladimir (strictly Orlov, b.1928) 107
Orlov, Georgi (bass) 29
Ormandy, Eugene (real name Blau; conductor, 1899-1985) 10, 22, 35, 43, 47, 54, 93,
107, 111, 129, 115, 141
Ormiston, Linda (mezzo-soprano) 15
Orquesta de Cámara Clariscuros 110
Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León 47
Orquesta Sinfónica de la Xalapa 107
Orquesta Sinfónica de Mineria 47
Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana 35
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande 47
Orchestre Symphonique de Paris 22
Orpella, Joan (I.O.M. Trio––violinist) 8, 67, 127
Orsar, Brian (ice-skater) 27
ORTF National Orchestra 10
ORTF Orchestra Philharmonique de, Paris 107
Ortiz, Cristina (pianist, b.1950) 5, 35, 102
Orton, Stephen (Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble/Delmé
Quartet––cellist) 22
Osaka Philharmonie Orchestra 47, 60
Osborne, Robert M. (bass-baritone/arranger) 58a, 121, 140, 146
Osborne, Steven (pianist, b.1971) 40, P(iv)
Osipov Academie Russian Folk Orchestra 27, 30, 77
Osiris Trio 67
Oskamp, Gerard (conductor) 65
Oslo Trio 8, 67
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 77
Oslo Symphony Orchestra 54, 70
Osmolkina, Ekaterina (ballet dancer) 19
Ostrander, Allen (arranger) 34
Ostrava Conservatory Chamber Orchestra 8
Ostrava Quartet 110

Ostrin, Lev Ye. (pianist) 98

Ostrobothian Chamber Orchestra D(ix)
Ostroumov, S. M. (tenor) 29
Ostrovosky, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (playwright, 1823-86) 116
Oswald, Jean-Pascal (Verlaine Quartet––violist) 68
Otaka, Tadaaki (conductor, b.1947) 21, 47
Oue Eiji (conductor) 47, 60
Ouspensky, Valeri (chorus-master) 81
Oussov, Dmitri (Atrium Quartet––violist) 108
Ovcharek, Vladimir (Taneyev Quartet––1st violinist, b.1927) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,
108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Ovchinikov, Vladimir (pianist, b.1958) 35
Owen-Norris, David (pianist) 98
Oxford Orchestra da Camera 35
Ozawa, Seiji (conductor, b.1935) 47, 107, 125, 126, 129
Ozerov, L. (translater) X(i)
Ozolins, Arthur (pianist) 67

Paananen, Sven-Erik (cor anglais player) 10
Pacaček, Vlastimil (Ostrava Quartet––1st violinist) 110
Pacheco, Ignacio (pianist) 147
Pacht, Nurit (violinist) 67
Page, Robert E. (chorus-master, b.1927) 113
Pahud, Emmanuel (flautist) P(ii)
Paige, Raymond (conductor) 22
Paillard, Jean-François (conductor, b.1928) 35
Paillard, Jean-François-Chamber Orchestra 35
Pakhomov, V. (guitarist) 39
Palau de la Música Catalana Chamber Choir 29
Palamas, K. (lyricist) R
Páleníček, Jan (Czech Trio––cellist) 67
Páleníček, Josef (Czech Trio––pianist, b.1914) 67
Paling, Edwin (violinist) 22
Palmer, Beau (tenor) 15
Palmer, Ruth (violinist, b.1977) 77, 134
Palmer, Tony (film-director, b.1935) p.574
Pålsson, Hans (pianist, b.1949) 67
Panayiotdou, Maria (pianist) 40
Pandula, Dušan (Novák Quartet––2nd violinist) 57, 122
Panenka, Jan (pianist) 147
Pankratov, Vladimir R. (bass) 36, Q
Panov, Galina Ragozina (ballerina, b.1949) 27
Panov, Valeri Matvevich (ballet dancer, b.1938) 27, 39, 116; p.591
Pantelev, Volodymyr (Leontóvych Quartet—cellist) 57

Pantillon, Christopher (Leschetizky Trio—cellist) 67

Pantyukov, Georgi Nikolayevich (conductor, b.1922) 104
Panych, Morris (theatre director) p.574
Papadopoulos, Marios (pianist, b.1954) 87
Papp, Sándor (Éder Quartet-violist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122,
133, 138, 142, 144
Pappajohn, Frank (arranger) P(1)
Pappano, Antonio (conductor/arranger, b.1959) 29, 40, 107
Paramonova, Svetlana (harpist) J(iv)
Pardo, Angela (Roma Piano Trio––pianist) 67
Parfenov, Pyotr Semyonovich (lyricist, 1894-1943) 44, 48, 74
Paris Opera Ballet 27
Parker, Jamie (Gryphon Trio—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Parkes, Major Peter (conductor, b.1929) 96
Parkhomenko, Olga Mikhailovna (violinist, b.1928) 134
Parkhomovsky, Mikhail (conductor) 34
Parkhouse, David Harry (Music Group of London––pianist, 1930-89) 57, 67
Parnas, Leslie (cellist, b.1931) 40
Parr, Patricia (pianist) 127
Parshin, Aleksei (organist, b.1957) 29
Parsons, Geoffrey (pianist, b.1929) 79
Partridge, H. B. (translator) 114
Pasco, Richard (poetry reader) 110
Pasquier, Bruno (violist) 147
Pashinskaya, Irina (harpist) J(iv)
Pasquier, Régis (violinist) 67
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (translator, 1890-1960) 62, 116, 137, 140
Pataki, Eva (pianist) 46
Patipatanakoon, Annalee (Gryphon Trio—violinist) 8, 67, 127
Pator, Ulrike (translator) X(ii)
Paulauskas, Eugeniyus (Lithuanian State Quartet—1st violinist, b.1927) 49, 83
Paulik, Franjo (tenor) 58
Paulson, Joseph (arranger) 47
Pavlenko, Pyotr Andreyevich (script-writer, 1899-1951) 82
Pavlik, Čenek (Guarneri Trio––violinist) 8, 67
Pavlikhina, Irina (Eleonora Quartet—2nd violinist) D(i), 73, 117
Pavlov, Ivan (trumpeter) P(i)
Pavlovsky, Aleksandr (Jerusalem Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 73, 83, 101, 110, 117, 122
Pavlovsky, Nina (soprano) 127
Pavlovsky, Valentin (pianist) 40
Pazdera, Jindřich (conductor) 110
Pears, Sir Peter Neville Luard (tenor, 1910-86) 79
Pecherskaya, Lydia (pianist) 34, 40
Pechnikov, Aleksandr Abramovich (Glazunov Quartet—2nd violinist, 1873-1949) 49, 57
Peckham, Merry (Cavani Quartet––cellist) 68, 108, 142

Pedani, Paolo (baritone) 15

Peel, Robert (conductor) 97
Peintre, Lionel (baritone) 135
Pekarsky, Mark (conductor/arranger) 14, 141a
Pekker, Grigori (cellist) 8
Pell, William (tenor) 29
Pelle, Nadia (soprano) 79, 127
Peňa, Adela (Eroica Trio—violinist) 67
Penderecki, Krzysztof (conductor, b.1933) 54
Penderecki Quartet 57, 73
Pennario, Leonard (pianist, b.1924-2008) 22
Pennetier, Jean-Claude (pianist) 67 147
Percussionisti della Scala 76
Peregudova, Rozaliya (chorus-master) 14, 20
Pereira, David (cellist) 40
Perello, Aurelio Pérez (arranger) 93
Perelman, Natan Yefimovich (pianist, b.1906) S(i)
Perez, Alain (pianist) 5, 27, 34
Pérez, Victor Pablo (conductor) 10
Pergamenshchikov, Boris (cellist, b.1949) 40, 67, 138
Perisson, Jean (conductor) 107
Perlman, Itzhak (violinist/conductor, b.1945) 77, P(iii)
Perlowin, Michael (pedal steel guitarist) 22
Perovskaya, Sofya L. (Russian terrorist leader, 1853-81—subject of film) 132
Perry, Elisabeth (violinist) 41, 46
Perth Symphony Orchestra and Choral Society [Scotland] 119
Perticaroli, Sergio (pianist) 87
Peruška, Jan (Stamic Quartet—violist and soloist, b.1951) 138, 147
Pešek, Libor (conductor, b.1933) 97, 110, 145
Petersen, John (trombonist) 27
Petersen Quartet 49, 57, 83
Peterson, Henrik (Yggdrasil Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 108, 110
Peterson, Jeff (Nay Palm Bones––trombonist) 110
Petit, Roland (choreographer, b.1924) 112
Petitot, Guillaume (bass) 29
Petkov, Angel (tenor) 106
Petkov, Dmitri (bass) V
Petkov, Dobrin (conductor, 1923-87) 54, 70, 96
Petrenko, Vasily (conductor, b.1976) 47, K(i & ii), 70, 103
Petridou, Cilia (pianist) S(i)
Petrov, Andrei Pavlovich (stage director, b.1930) 36
Petrov, Ivan Ivanovich (bass, b.1920) 81
Petrov, Ivan Vasilievich (arranger, 1906-75) 82
Petrov, Nikolai Arnoldovich (pianist, b.1943) 6, 22, 57, 94
Petrov, Nikolai Vasilievich (stage producer, 1890-1964) 31, 44

Petrov, Valeri Ivanovich (arranger, b.1929) 96

Petrov, Yevgeni (pseudonym of Yevgeni Petrovich Katayev; novelist, 1903-42) p.588
Petrova, Galina (pianist) 134
Petrovič, Milivoj (soprano) 58
Petrushansky, Boris (pianist, b.1949) B, 5, 12, 13, 22, 34, 61, 69(i&ii), 87, S(i), 102
Pet Shop Boys (Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe—pop group duo) 14
Pettinger, Peter (pianist) 34
Petukhov, Mikhail (pianist) 35
Pevzner, B. (chorus-master) 88
Peytchinov, Valentin (bass) K(ii)
Pfeiffer, Sabine (Nomos Quartet––cellist) 110
Pflüger, Gerhard (conductor, b.1907) 10
Philadelphia Orchestra 10, 16, 27, [33], 34, 35, E, 43, 47, G(i), 54, 93, 97, 103, 105,
107, 113, 135, 141
Philharmonia Orchestra 10, 22, 35, 43, 47, 54, 70, 77, 93, 96, 97, 112, 114, 126
Philharmonia Quartet of Berlin 73, 108, 133
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York 65
Phillips, Daniel (violinist) 11, 144
Phillips, John (Fitzwilliam Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1950) 138
Phillips, Ronald (clarinettist) 22
Phillips-Varjabédian, Jean-Marc (Trio Wanderer––violinist) 8, 67
Phillips, Xavier (cellist) 40, 107
Philomusica of London 135
Phoenix Chamber Orchestra 110, 118
Pianka, Uri (Trio Yuval—violinist) 67
Piatigorsky, Grigori (Gregor) Pavlovich (cellist/arranger, 1903-76) 40
Piazzini, Carmen (pianist) 97
Picardie, Les Sinfonietta Orchestre Régional de 107, 110
Picavet, Bernard and Geneviève (piano duo) 94
Picca, Anne-Catherine (soprano) 56
Pidoux, Raphaël (Trio Wanderer––cellist) 8, 67
Pidoux, Roland (cellist) 67
Pierce, Joshua (pianist) 102
Pierrat, Simone (cellist) 40
Pietikäinen, Mauri (Voces Intimæ Quartet—violist) 110, 117
Pietrocini, Laura (Ars Trio di Roma––pianist) 8, 67, 127
Pigerre, Jean-Pierre (Pro Arte Quintet—violist) 57
Pignat, Xavier (Trio Nota Bene—cellist) 67
Pihtipudas Quintet 57
Pilafian, J. Samuel (Empire Brass—tuba player/arranger) 96
Pilz, János (Keller Quartet––2nd violinist) 144
Pimlico Opera Company 105
Pini, Anthony (cellist, 1902-89) 67
Pini, Cari (London String Quartet—1st violinist) 122
Pintavalle, John (New Amsterdam Trio—violinist) 67, 127

Pinter, Margo (pianist) 35

Piotrovsky, Adrian Ivanovich (playwright/librettist, 1898-1938) 28, 39
Pirino, Antonio (tenor) 15
Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich (Russian surgeon, 1810-81—subject of film) 76
Pirumov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (arranger, b.1930) 48, 85
Pisarenko, Galina Alekseyevna (soprano, b.1934) 79, 127
Pisarev, Andrei (pianist) 102
Pishchugin, Sergei (Shostakovich and Glinka Quartets—2nd violinist) D(i), 49, 57,
68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra 10, 54, 65, 93
Pitulko, Dimitry (Atrium Quartet—violist) 92
Pizarro, Artur (pianist) 34
Plagge, Wolfgang (Duo ‘Reine Elisabeth’—pianist and soloist, b.1960) 61, 94
Planquette, Jean-Robert (composer, 1848-1903) X(ii)
Platt, Alexander (conductor) M
Platt, Ian (baritone) 105
Pledge, Steven De (pianist) 105
Pleeth, William (Allegri Quartet—cellist, 1916-99) 68
Pleshakov, Vladimir (pianist, b.1934) B, 5, 12, 13
Pletnev, Mikhail Vasilievich (pianist/conductor, b.1957) 87, 96, 103
Plishka, Paul (also known as Peter; bass, b.1941) 100, 106
Plocek, Aleksandr (Czech Trio—violinist) 67
Plovdiv State Philharmonic.Orchestra 54, 96
Pluzhnikov, Konstantin Ilyich (tenor) 24, K(ii), 79, 106
Pochapski, Vyatcheslav (bass) K(i)
Podjuki, Josef (Novák Quartet––violist) 57, 122
Podrug, Vesna (pianist) 14
Pogodin, Nikolai Fyodorovich (alias of N. Stukalov; biographer, 1900-62) 53, 99
Pogodina, Ekaterina (Dominant Quartet––2nd violinist) 110
Pokorný, Jiři (pianist) 46, 91
Pokrass, Daniil Yakovlevich (composer, 1905-54) J(i)
Pokrass, Dmitri Yakovlevich (composer, 1899-1978) J(i)
Pokrovsky, Boris Aleksandrovich (stage producer, 1912-2009) 15, K(i), X(ii)
Poláčková, Alžbeta (soprano) 127
Polák, Lukás (Škampa Quartet—cellist) 110
Polbentseva, Marina (soprano) 105
Polevtsova, Zhanna (mezzo-soprano) Q
Polezhayev, A. (lyricist) J(i)
Polish Chamber Orchestra 110
Polish (National) Radio Symphony Orchestra 11, 65, 70, 76, 77, F, 107, 126, 129
Polster, Hermann Christian (bass) 145
Poltavtsev, Ivan Ivanovich (chorus-master, b.1917) 14, 20, 124
Poltoratsky Viktor (arranger) 34
Polyanskaya, Tatyana (pianist) 35, 59
Polyansky, Valeri Kuzmich (chorus-master/conductor, b.1949) B, 18, 23, D(iv), 35, 54,
59, 60, K(ii), 70, 79, 93, 103, 105, 107, 112, 113, 119, 124, 125, 126, W, X(ii), 141

Ponkin, Vladimir (conductor) 4, 31, D(ix), G(i), 56

Ponnelle, Pierre-Dominique (conductor) 47, 65
Ponomarev, Aleksandr (chorus-master) 88
Pöntinen, Roland (pianist, b.1963) 5, 40, 134, 147
Pope, Barry (conductor) 103
Pope, Cardine (choreographer) 105
Poplavskaya, Marina (soprano) 135
Pople, Peter Ravenhill (Alberni Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1943) 11, 57
Popov, Gavriil Nikolayevich (composer, 1904-72) 78
Popov, Sergei (trumpeter) 35
Popov, Stoyan (baritone) 106
Popov, Valeri Sergeyevich (bassoonist, b.1937) 13, 70
Popov, Viktor (chorus-master) 86, 88, Q
Popov, Vladimir (bass) 106, 114
Popov, Yevgeni (tenor) Q
Popova, Lyubov (pianist) 91
Popova, Maria Petrova (soprano) 106
Popovič, Dušan (bass) 58
Poppen, Christoph (conductor) 110
Portugheis, Alberto (pianist, b.1941) 40
Poschner-Klebel, Brigitte (soprano) 106
Posner, Leonard (MGM Studio Orchestra—violinist) 11
Pospíšil, František (Dvořák Piano Trio—violinist) 127
Postavnicheva, Nina (singer) 86
Postnikova, Viktoria Valentinova (pianist, b.1944) A, 6, 12, D(v), 35, 41, 61, S, 94,
134, 147
Potapov, Valentin (cellist) 138
Potapovskaya, Dina (soprano) 114
Pottier, Eugène (lyricist, 1816-87) F
Poulain, Loïc (flautist) P(ii)
Poulsen, Darryl (horn player) 107
Pountney, David (translator/director, b.1947) 29, 105
Powell, Ray (choreographer, b. 1925) P(i)
Power, Lawrence (violist) 34
Powers, Maxwell (arranger) 27
Pownall, David (playwright) p.589
Prach, Ivan (folksong collecter, c.1750-c.1818) Q
Pracht, Mary Ellen (soprano) 127
Prague Philharmonic, Male Choir of the 113
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra 102, 107, 126, 129, 145
Prague Symphony Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 22, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 107, 112,
113, 114, 126, 135, 141
Prague Talich Chamber Orchestra 35, 110, 118
Pratz, Albert (violinist, b.1914) 5
Prause, Petre (Tálich Quartet and soloist) 40, 57, 110, 147
Preece, Margaret (soprano) 105

Preis, Aleksandr Germanovich (librettist, 1906-42) 15, 21, 29, 114

Prescott, Duncan (clarinettist, b. 1964) P(ii)
Pressler, Menahem (Beaux Arts Trio—pianist and soloist, b.1923) 8, 34, 35, 57, 61,
67, 127
Preston, Mark (Daponte Quartet––violist) 110
Prêtre, Georges (conductor, b.1924) 96, 112
Previn, André George (pianist/conductor/arranger, b.1929) 10, 35, 43, 47, 54, 65, 67,
77, 93, 113
Price, Ronald (‘Ronnie’) Patrick (pianist, 1923-96) 34
Prieto, Carlos (cellist/arranger) 40, 107, 147
Prigozhin, Lucian Abramovich (composer, b.1926) p.598
Primachenko, Marina (pianist) 102
Prinz, Johannes (choras-master) 14
Prinz, Meinhard (pianist) P(iii)
Prischepenko, Natalia (violinist) 67, 127
Pritchard, Sir John Michael (conductor, 1921-89) 103
Pritsker, David Abramovich (composer, 1900-78) J(ii)
Pro Arte Quintet of Monte-Carlo 57
Probst, Dominique (percussionist, b.1954) 13
Prokhorova, Tatyana (cellist) 67
Prokina, Yelena (soprano) 105, 106, 115
Prokofiev Quartet 11
Prokofiev, Sergei Sergeyevich (composer, 1891-1953) p.640
Prokovsky, André (choreographer, 1969-2009) 116
Prooij, Marijn van (arranger) 68, 83
Prosser, Douglas (Eastman Brass––trumpeter) 133
Prostakoff, Joseph (arranger) p.566
Provatorov, Gennadi Panteleimonovich (conductor/pianist, b.1929) 87, 114
Psùtkova, Zdeňka (translater) 127
Ptitsa, Klavdi Borisovich (chorus-master, 1911-83) F, 63, 66, 72, 81, Y
Ptukha, Oleg (bass) 62, 98, 100
Puchetchny, Vladimir (trumpeter) 35
Puella Trio 8
Puffer, Deena (translator) 15
Puffer, Merle (translator) 15, 29
Pulford, Paul (Penderecki Quintet—cellist) 57, 73
Purcell Quartet 11
Purizhensky, Mikhail (clarinettist) 27
Purser, David (arranger/conductor) 16
Pushkarev, Andrei (percussionist/arranger) 134, 147
Pushkarev, Vladimír (trumpeter) 41, 141
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (poet, 1799-1837) Juv., 136, 46, 58a, 91, 123, 128,
143; p.583
Putilin, Nikolai (baritone) 106
Pytel, Marek (film restorer) 18

Quartetto Fonè 110
Quasthoff, Thomas (baritone, b.1959) 135
Queensland Symphony Orchestra 16
Queler, Eve (conductor, b.1936) 106
Quénelle, Laurent (conductor) 11, 110
Quinn, Iain (organist) 97
Quintetto Chigiano 57

Raatze, Walter (conductor) 95
Rabaglia, Ivan (Trio di Parma—violinist) 8, 67, 127
Rabinovich, David Abramovich (biographer, 1900-78) 6
Rabinovich, Nikolai Semyonovich (conductor, 1908-72) 26, 30, 32, 33, 41(i) 45, 48,
50, 85, 105, 116, 137
Rabinowitz, Harry (arranger, b.1916) 97
Rabson, Mimi (Excelsior—violinist) 34
Rachlevsky, Misha (conductor/arranger) D(i), 110, 118, 144
Rachlin, Julian (violist/violinist, b.1974) 34, 147
Rachmaninoff de Montréal Le Trio 67
Rachmaninov Trio Moscow 8, 67
Rachón, Stefan (conductor, b.1906) 76, P(i)
Racine Symphony Orchestra M
Radić, Stepan (pianist) 35
Radin, Leonid Petrovich (poet, 1860-1900) 74, 88
Radio City Music Hall Chamber Orchestra of New York 18
Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra 16, 22, G(i)
Radionik, Yaroslav (baritone) K(i)
Radiova, A. (translator) 58a
Radivojević, Dragomir (chorus-master) 58
Radlov, Sergei Ernestovich (stage producer, 1892-1958) 44
Radzievsky, Vyacheslav (tenor) 114
Rael, Anthya (pianist) 134
Rafael Quartet 100, 138
Ragazzi, Claudio (Excelsior—guitarist) 34
Rahbari, Alexander (conductor, b.1948) 47, 70, 93
Rahkonen, Jorma (Voces Intimæ Quartet—1st violinist) 110, 117
Rahman, Sophia (pianist) 35, 147
Raikov, V. F. (bass) 15
Raimondi, Ruggero (bass, b.1941) 113
Raine, Nic (arranger) 26
Rajna, Thomas (pianist, b.1928) 100
Rajski, Wojciech (conductor) 102, 107, 126
Rajskiego, Wojciecha Chamber Orchestra 110
Rakhlevsky, Mark (conductor) 110a

Rakhlin, Natan Grigorievich (conductor, 1906-79) 103

Rakhmaninov Quartet 49, 57, 87, 108, 110
Rakhmilevich, L. I. (lyricist) J(iii)
Rakova, Bella (pianist) 5, 34
Raleigh, Sir Walter (poet, c.1552-1618) 62, 140
Randalu, Kalle (pianist) 87
Rankovich, Tatjana (pianist) 61
Raph, Alan (arranger) 27
Rapier, Beth (Rosalyra Quartet––cellist) 68, 110
RAPM (Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians) Group of Composers 124
Rappaport, Gerbert Moritsevich (film-director, 1908-83) 105
Rappe, Jadwiga (alto) 79
Räpple, Martin (Elbeblech Brass Quintet—trombonist) 96
Ras, Michiel (organist/arranger) 87
Rasiča, Božidar (designer) 106, 114
Rasilainen, Ari (conductor) 107, 126
Rásony, Leila (violinist) 5
Rassadin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich (choreographer, b.1937) 119
Rassudova, Nataliya (pianist) 46, 62, 91, 100, 114, 121, 145, 146
Rastrelli Cello Quartet 22
Rasumovsky Quartet D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Rath, Dana (mandolin player) 22, 49
Ratmansky, Alexei (choreographer) 27, 39, 102
Rattay, Evžen (Tálich Quartet—cellist) 49, 57
Rattle, Sir Simon Denis (conductor, b.1955) 10, 43, 77, 93, 135
Rautio, Erkki (cellist) 40
Raychev, Russian (conductor, b.1919) 106, 112
Razin, Stepan Timofeyevich (Cossack rebel, 1630-71—subject of cantata) 119
Razumova, Tatyana (Nevsky Quartet––1st violinist) 57
Reavey, George (translator) 113
Reck, Stefan Anton (conductor) 10
Rechetniak, Nikolai (baritone) K(i)
Red Banner (Black Sea) Ensemble X(i)
Red Banner (Soviet Army) Ensemble 80, U
Redhead, Lt-Col.Robert (conductor) 63
Redkin, Leonid (xylophonist) 27
Reed, Alfred (arranger/conductor) 34
Rehák, Karel (Suk Quartet—violist) 11, 68, 138, 142, 144
Rehm, Wilfred (cellist) 114c, 135
Reimann, Aribert (pianist, b. 1936) 145
Reinecke, Frank (Volger Quartet—2nd violinist) 122
Reiner, Andreas (Rosamunde Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Reiner, Fritz (conductor, 1888-1963) 54, 58
Reinhold, Friedrich (trumpeter) 35

Reisinger, Annette (Minguet Quartet—2nd violinist) A

Reizend Muziekgezelschap 57, 67
Rell, Dieter (bass) 29
Remenikova, Tanya (cellist) 40
Renk, Klaus (Munich Brass Soloists—trombonist) 27
Renton, Major/Colonel Frank (conductor) 96
Renzin, Isai Mikhailovich (director, 1903-69) 43
Repin, Vadim (violinist, b.1971) 77
Republican Guard Symphony Orchestra 4, 31, D(ix ), G(i & ii), 56
Resa, Neithard (Philharmonia Quartet—violist) 73, 108, 133
Reshetin, Mark Stepanovich (bass, b.1931) 63, M, 135, Y
Rév, Lívia (pianist) 5
Reyentovich, Yuli Markovich (conductor, 1914-82) 87, 97
Reynolds, H. Robert (arranger) 34, 63
Režucha, Bystrík (conductor) 107
Rhodes, Samuel (Juilliard Quartet—violist) 57, 73, 142, 144
Ricci, Ruggiero (violinist, b.1918) 67, 77
Ricercata de Paris Ensemble 11, D(i), 34
Richards, Deborah (Clementi Trio—pianist) 67
Richardson, Lynda (soprano) 29
Richter, Svyatoslav Teofilovich (pianist, 1915-97) 57, 67, 70, 87, 134, 147
Ridder, André de (conductor) 56
Rider, Rhonda (Triple Helix Piano Trio—cellist) 67
Riebl, Thomas (violist) 147
Riedi, Oscar (Koeckert Quartet—violist) 68
Riedijk, Charlotte (soprano) 127
Rieger, Christian (bass) 29
Reimann, Aribert (pianist, b.1936) 145
Reinhold, Friedrich (trumpeter) 35
Rieu, André—Orchestra G(ii)
Riga Musical School, Violin Ensemble of 97
Rigby, Terence (actor, 1937-2008) p.574
Righter, Charles B. (arranger) 47
Riha, Sidonie (Rubens Quartet––2nd violinist) 73
Riley, John (arranger/film historian/musicologist) 18, 116; p.615
Rilke, Rainer Maria (poet, 1875-1926) 135
Rimmer, Nicholas (pianist) 147
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich (composer, 1844-1908) C, J(ii)
Ring, Erik (violist) 147
Ringeissen, Bernard (pianist) 40
Rintzler, Marius (bass) 113
Ripellino, Angelo Maria (translator) 15
Rossi, Mario (conductor, b.1902) 77
Rissi, Mathias (composer/saxophonist) 119
Rissin, Josef (violinist) 134

Rissin-Morenova, Olga (pianist) 134

Ritmo Percussion Ensemble 15
Ritter, Godfried (chorus-master) 81, 90, 119
Ritzkowsky, Johannes (horn player) 107
Ritzman, Martin (tenor) 58
Rivas, Enrique (Leonor Quartet––2nd violinist) 11
Rivers, Sandra (pianist) 34
Rivkin, Vivian (pianist/arranger) 35, 57
Rivinius, Gustav (cellist, b.1965) 40
Rivinius, Paul (pianist) 40, 67
Rivinius, Paul (pianist) 40
Rizolya, N. (arranger) S(i)
Robert, F. (arranger) 88
Robert, George (pianist) 147
Robertson, Lesley (St Lawrence Quartet––violist) 73, 108, 110
Robertson, Paul (Medici Quartet—1st violinist) 11, D(i), 57, 110
Robertson, Stewart (conductor) 70
Robeson, Paul Leroy (bass, 1898-1976) 33, 80, 95
Robinson, Sharon (cellist) 8, 40, 67
Robyn, Paul (Hollywood Quartet—violist) 57
Rodchenko, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (designer, 1891-1956) 19
Rodescu, Julian (bass) X(ii)
Rodin, Kirill (cellist) 40, 107, 126
Rodin, Mats (TrioMats––cellist) 67
Rodgers, Joan (soprano) 109, 127, 135
Rodriguez, Santiago (pianist) 67
Rodzinski, Artur (conductor, 1892-1958) 10, 29, 47, 65
Rogers, Nigel David (tenor, b.1935) 15
Rögner, Heinz (conductor, b.1929) 131
Roisman, Joseph (Budapest Quartet––1st violinist) 57
Roitman, Arnold (conductor) 132
Roizman, Leonid Isaakovich (organist/arranger, 1916-89) 29
Rolland, Romain (writer, 1866-1944) 41(ii); p.588
Rolton, Julian (pianist) 46, 91
Roma Piano Trio 67
Romanian Radio Symphony Orchestra 9
Romano, Fabio (pianist) 87
Romanova, Nina (mezzo-soprano) 36, 58a
Romansky, Lyubomir (translator, 1913-89) 119
Romantic Trio 67
Rome, Harold (lyricist, 1908-93) 33
Rome RAI Symphony Orchestra 15, 47, 106, 113, 114
Rome RAI Chorus 106, 113
Roost, Manfred (chorus-master) 81, 90
Rosa, Donatella (soprano) 15

Rosa, William De (cellist) 107

Rosalyra Quartet 68, 110
Rosamunde Quartet 110
Rosamunde Trio 67
Rösch, Christine (soprano) 29
Roscher, H. (arranger) p.565
Roscoe, Martin (pianist) 57, 89, 102
Rose, John (composer, b.1928) p.595
Rose, Jürgen (designer, b.1937) 102
Rose, Leonard Joseph (arranger, 1918-84) 40
Rose, Solveigh (Trio Kairos––violinist) 8
Rosen, Carole (mezzo-soprano) 79
Rosen, Nathaniel Kent (cellist, b.1948) 67, 107, 147
Rosenberger, Carol (pianist) 35
Rosenthal, Carl A. (arranger) 34, 119
Rosenthal, Paul (Reizend Muziekgezelschap—2nd violinist) 57
Roshal, Grigori Lvovich (film-director, 1899-1983) 120
Rosler, Timora (cellist) 40
Ross, Antony (cellist) 40
Ross, Hugh (arranger/conductor) 33, J(i), 62
Rossi, Eddy di (I Solisti Italiani—harpist) 97
Rossi, Mario (conductor, b. 1902, retired 1969) 77
Rossini, Gioacchina Antonio (composer, 1792-1868) J(ii), 141
Rostal, Max (violinist, 1905-91) 77
Rostropovich, Mstislav Leopoldovich (cellist/pianist/conductor/arranger/ dedicatee,
1927-2007) 10, 14, 20, 29, 40, 42, 43, 47, H(ii), 54, 60, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 93,
103, 107, 109, 112, V, 113, 114, 125, 126, 127, 129, 135, X(iii), 141
Roth, David (Allegri Quartet—2nd violinist) 73
Roth, Lewis (arranger) 107
Roth, Nicholas (conductor, 1902-90) 11
Rothenberg, Sarah (De Capo Piano Trio—pianist) 19
Rotterdam Chamber Orchestra 49,110, 118
Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra 60, K(ii), 79, 106
Rouget de l’Isle, Claude Joseph (composer, 1760-1836) 18
Rouse, Christopher (composer) p.601
Rouvier, Jacques (pianist) 40, 67
Rowe, Elizabeth (pianist) 105
Rowicki, Witold (conductor, 1914-89) 10, 47
Rowland, Christopher Selwyn (Fitzwilliam Quartet—1st violinist, 1946-2007) D(i),
49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 127, 133, 138, 142, 144
Rowland-Jones, Simon (violist) 41, 46
Roy, Alexander (choreographer, b.1935) 67
Royal Air Force, Massed Bands of the, and Central Band of the 96
Royal Artillery Band 96
Royal Ballet 57, 102

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (from 1988;—see also Concertgebouw Orchestra) 10,

16, 26, 29, 33, 35, 43, E, G(ii), 55, 56, 60, 76, 93, 97, 116, 132
Royal Flemish Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 77
Royal Holloway Symphony Orchestra 47
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus 113
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 47, K(i & ii), 70, 97, 103, 105, 113, 126, 145
Royal Marines Band 96
Royal Northern College of Music Wind Orchestra 139
Royal Opera House Orchestra and Chorus 29, 106
Royal Philharmonic Chorus 14, 20
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 34, 35, 47, 65, 70, 77, 81, 93, 96, 97, 102,
103, 107, 110, U, 112, V, 115, 126, 130, 131, 141
Royal Scottish (National) Orchestra 22, 32, 103, 116
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra 22, 27, 39
Royal Swedish Chamber Orchestra 110
Royal Swedish Navy Band 96
Royal Symphonic Wind Band of the Belgian Guides 93
Rozanova [-Nechayeva], Aleksandra Aleksandrovna (pianoforte teacher, 1876-1942) A
Rozanova, Elena (pianist) 34
Rozanova, Natalyia (mezzo-soprano) 143
Rozengauz, Bronislava Moiseyevna (arranger) 37, 39, 69, 78, S(i), 97, 105
Rozehna, Jan (chorus-master) 20
Rozhdestvensky, Gennadi Nikolayevich (conductor/arranger/narrator/pianist, b.1931)
1, C, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, D(iv), 32,
34, 35, 36, E, 39, 41(ii), 43, 46, H(ii), 54, 58a, 59, 60, K(i & ii), 62, M, 70, 77,
79, 91, 93, 96, 103, 105, 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116, 119, 124, 125, 126, 128,
129, W, 135, 139, 141, Z
Rozova, Natalya (pianist) 34
RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) Academic Russian Choir 14, 20,
81, 86, 88, 90, 104, 113, 119, 124
RSFSR State Wind Orchestra 37
RTBF Chorus of Brussels 78, 82, 137
RTBF New Symphonic Orchestra of Brussels 143
RTZ Symphony Orchestra of Yugoslavia 125
Rubacha, Valeri (organist) 29
Rubackyté, Muza (pianist) 87
Ruban, Nikolai Osipovich (baritone, b.1913) 105
Rubens Quartet 73
Rubin Quartet 11
Rubio Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Rubtsov, Feodosi Antonovich (folksong collector, 1904-86) 25, 85
Rückel, Guido; Schulin, Johannes; Uhrhan, Steffen; and Wissel, Christian (percussion
group) 141a
Rudel, Julius (translator, b. 1921) 114
Rudin, Aleksander (conductor) 54

Rudkin, David (script-writer, b.1936) p.574

Rudner, Ola (conductor) 107
Rudy, Mikhail (pianist) 35, 102
Ruggeberg, Claudia (alto) 143
Ruggieri, Daniele (I Solisti Italiani—piccolo player) 116
Rumanian Radio Symphony Orchestra 93
Rumyantsev, Viktor (tenor) D(iv)
Rundell, Clark (conductor) 139
Runnicles, Donald (conductor) 114
Runtsen, Lars (translator) 114
Ruske, Eric (Empire Brass—horn player) 96
Russell, Lucy (Fitzwilliam Quartet––1st violinist) 117a
Russian Federal Orchestra 10, 22, 60, 65, 96, 141
Russian Federation (State) Symphony Orchestra 18, D(iv), 47, 79, 96, 103, 107, 141
Russian Folk Orchestra 39
Russian National Orchestra 10, 27, 47, 54, 65, 70, 96, 103
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra 16, E, 45, 60, 76, P(i & v), 97, 107, 109, 116, 121,
123, 126, W, 146
Russian State Symphonic Cappella D(iv), 59, 70, 105, 113, 119, 124, X(iii)
Russian State Symphony Orchestra (formerly USSR and ‘Young Russia’ State
Symphony Orchestra B, 16, 23, 27, 29, 35, 36, E, 47, G(ii), 54, 59, 60, 70, 77,
P(i), 97, 102, 106, 107, 110, 112, 113, 119, 124, 125, 126, 129, W
Rutstein, Sedmara Zakarian (pianist) 61
Rutterford, Lt Peter J. (conductor) 96
Ryazanov, Pyotr Borisovich (dedicatee, 1899-1942) 7
Rybasenko, Vladimir (bass) K(i), X(ii)
Ryss, Yevgeni (revue writer) 31
Ryssov, Michail (bass) 135
Ryvkin, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (Glazunov Quartet—violist, 1893-1951) 49, 57, 73
Ryvkin, Valery (pianist) 143
Ryzhenko, Natalya Ivanova (choreographer, b.1938) 22, 27, 103, 112
Rzhanov, Yevgeni (pianist) 127

Saarbrücken, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester (Radio Symphony) 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 93, 135
Sabaneyev, Leonid Leonidovich (musicologist, 1881-1968) 8
Sabinova, Natalya (cellist) 8, 67
Sacchetti, Arturo (organist) 29
Saccani, Rico (conductor) 47
Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet Orchestra 22
Sádlo, Miloš (pseudonym of Miloš Zátvrzky; cellist, 1912-2003) 67, 107, 126
Sadlo, Peter (percussionist) 141a
Safařík, Pavel (Academia Trio—violinist) 67
Safenin, Sergei (bass) 36
Saffert, Herwig (chorus-master) 29

Safiulin, Anatoli (bass) D(iv), 46, K(ii), 62, 91, 113, 135
Sage, Eric Le (pianist) P(ii)
Sagradova, M. (arranger) 27, 97
Sahnow, Will (conductor/arranger) 33
St Callen String Orchestra 144
St Lawrence Quartet 73, 108, 110
St Louis Symphony Orchestra (latterly Saint Louis) 10, 43, 47, 65, 93
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra 35, 102
St Petersburg Camerata 110, 113
St Petersburg Chamber Choir 104
St Petersburg Chamber Soloists 57
St Petersburg Chorus 81
St Petersburg Military District Band 63
St Petersburg Philharmonic Academy Symphony Orchestra 30, 32, 35, 37, 45, 58a,
76, 78, 97, 99
St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra (the Leningrad Philharmonic renamed in late
1991) 10, 35, 47, 54, 60, 81, 96, 103, V, 113
St Petersburg Quartet 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138,
142, 144
St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra 47, 96
St Petersburg Youth Chamber Choir X(ii)
St Peters Trio 8, 67
Saito, Chihiro (cellist) 110
Saito Kinen Orchestra 47
Saitseva, Irina (pianist) 97
Sakharov, Vadim (pianist/celesta player) 141a
Saks, Gidon (baritone) 113
Sakuraba, Shigheki (Pro Arte Quintet of Monte-Carlo—cellist) 57
Salerno-Sonnenberg, Nadja (violinist, b.1961) 77
Sallaberg, Oswald (conductor) 35
Salle, Lise De La (pianist) 35
Salomaa, Petteri (bass-baritone, b.1961) 135
Salonen, Esa-Pekka (conductor, b.1958) 35, 102
Salvation Army International Staff Band 63
Salzburg Chamber Soloists 110
Samarin, V. (arranger) 19, 24, 44, 66
Samlík, Oldřich (Ostrava Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1925) 110
Samofatov, Ivan (conductor) X(i)
Samonov, Anatoli Vasilievich (arranger, b.1931) 60
Samosud, Samuil Abramovich (conductor, 1884-1964) 15, 23, 29, 30, 35, 60, 96
Sanderling, Kurt Ignatievich (conductor, b.1912) 10, 47, 54, 65, 77, 79, 93, 141
Sanderling, Thomas (conductor, b.1942) 29, 36, P(v), 109, 121, 123, 145, 146
Sanders, Samuel (pianist, b.1937) P(iii), 147
Sandier, Grigori (chorus-master) 88
Sandler, Aleksandr (pianist) 6, O(i & ii), 94

Sándor, György (arranger, 1912-2005) 22, 34

San Francisco Ballet Orchestra 107
San Francisco Opera 29, 114
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 60
San Jose Cleveland Ballet 32
Sant’Ambrogio, Sara (Eroica Trio—cellist) 67
Sanzogno, Nino (conductor) 29
Sapegina, Lyudmila (mezzo-soprano) 15
Sapozhnikov, Roman Yekhlovich (arranger, b.1903) 69
Sapozhnikov, Sergei Romanovich (arranger, b.1932) 13, 22, 27
Saradzhev, Konstantin Solomonovich (conductor, 1877-1954) 14
Saranceva, Ekaterina (pianist, b.1962) 40
Sarbu, Mihail (pianist) 147
Sargent, Sir (Harold) Malcolm Watts (conductor, 1895-1967) 70, 77, 102, 103
Sarkisov, Ashot (bass) 15, K(i)
Sarkisyan, Ruben Surenovich (composer, b.1949) p.599
Sato, Mari (Cavani Quartet––2nd violinist) 68, 108, 142
Satre, Jean-Paul (playwright, 1905-80) 103
Sauer, Colin (Dartington Quartet—1st violinist, b.1924) 49, 83, 117
Saulesco, Mircea (Saulesco Quartet—1st violinist) 83
Saulesco Quartet 83
Saulnier, Jean (pianist) 40
Saunders, Antony (pianist) 79
Savenko, Vassili (bass-baritone) 62
Savignol, Jean (tenor) 29
Savin, Denis (ballet dancer) 27
Savinova, Natalya (Rachmaninov Trio and soloist––cellist) 8, 40, 67
Savrov, Sergei (Rakhmaninov Quartet––violist) 49, 108, 110
Sayanov, Vissarion. Mikhailovich (librettist, 1903-59) J(i)
Sayer, Brian (pianist) 147
Sayervich, Ben (Rosamunde Trio––violinist) 67
Sazonkina, Anna (Dominant Quartet––violist) 110
SBS Youth Orchestra (of Sydney) 18
Scarlatti, Domenico (composer, 1685-1757) 17
Schaal, Wilfred (bass) 58
Schab, Jacques (pianist) 109
Schaefer, William A. (arranger) 70
Schäfer, Michael (Münchner Klaviertrio—pianist) 8, 67, 127
Schaik, Harold van (Nay Palm Bones––trombonist) 110
Schapov, Sergei (tenor) 56
Schatz, Tatyana (pianist) D(vi), 40
Scheffers, Quirine (Rubens Quartet––1st violinist) 73
Scheindlin, Dov (Penderecki Quintet—violist) 57
Scherbakov, Konstantin (pianist) A, B, 39, 61, 69, 87, S(ii)
Scherbaum, Adolf (trumpeter) 35

Scheublé, Marie (violinist) 77, 129

Schettman, Rachel (Trioskop––violinist) 67
Schick, Tristan (conductor) K(i)
Schidlof Quartet 57, 83, 108
Schiefen, Guido (cellist) 40
Schiff, Heinrich (cellist, b.1951) 40, 107, 126
Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival Orchester 10
Schlotter, Gerd (arranger) 33
Schmahl, Gustav (violinist) 77
Schmid, Christian (Trioskop––pianist) 67
Schmidt, A.—see Aleksandr Nikolayevich Shmidt
Schmidt, Bernhard (Mandelring Quartet––cellist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110,
117, 118, 133, 142
Schmidt, David Theodor (pianist) 87
Schmidt, Gunnar (trumpeter) 27
Schmidt, Felix (Trio Zingara—cellist) 67
Schmidt, Hartmut (chorus-master) 113
Schmidt, Johan (pianist) 14, 61
Schmidt, Nanette (Mandelring Quartet––2nd violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117,118, 133, 142
Schmidt, Paul (writer) p.573
Schmidt, Rainer (Hagen Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 83, 110, 122, 142
Schmidt, Sebastian (Mandelring Quartet––1st violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 133, 142
Schmoehe, Georg W. (conductor) 77
Schmucki, Norbert (choreographer, b.1940) 27
Schnack, Michael (conductor) 104
Schnackenberg, Friedemann (trumpeter) 35
Schneider, Mischa (Budapest Quartet––cellist) 57
Schneider, Nikolai (Alani Trio—cellist) 67
Schneider, Peter Otto (musicologist) 47
Schneider, Ulf (Trio Jean Paul—violinist) 67
Schnittke, Alfred Garrievich (composer/arranger, 1934-98) B, C, 11, 22, 34, 68, 110,
134, X(ii), 141; p.596
Schnittke, Irina (pianist) D(v)
Schnurr, Friedrich Wilhelm (pianist) 147
Schöenberg Quartet 144
Schoenbohm, Siegfried (translator) 29
Schola Cantorum (choir—of New York) 33
Schola Cantorum (choir—of Vienna) 20
Schoonderwoerd, Arthur (pianist) 67, 87, 109, 121, 123, 127, 134, 146
Schrecker, Bruno (Allegri Quartet—cellist) 73
Schreibmayer, Kurt (tenor) 29
Schreier, Peter Max (tenor, b.1935) 58, 79
Schröder, Felix (pianist) 27

Schroeder, Andrew (baritone) 15

Schubert, Franz (composer, 1797-1828) p.591
Schubert-Weber, Siegfried (pianist) 39
Schuk, Yevgeni (Trio Bamberg—violinist) 8, 67
Schuldmann, Sandra (pianist) 40
Schulz Quartet 68
Schulz, Rudolf (Schulz Quartet—1st violinist) 68
Schulz, Wolfgang (Duo Postiglione—cellist) D(vi), 39
Schumann, Manfred (violist) 147
Schumann, Robert Alexander (composer, 1810-56) 125, 130
Schuster, Claus-Christian (Vienna Schubert Trio—pianist) 8
Schwalb, Irene (Minguet Quartet—violist) 57
Schwartz, Felix (violist) 147
Schwarz, Georg (translator) K(i)
Schwarz, Gerard Ralph (conductor, b.1947) 22, 35, 42, 47, 54, 77, 103, 113, 119,
126, 131
Schwarz, Hans Helmut (Duo de Heidelberg—pianist/solo pianist) 5, 94
Schwarz, I.—see Iosif Zakharovich Shvarts
Scott, Lady John Douglas (nee Alicia Ann Spottiswoode, composer, 1810-1900) M
Scottish Chamber Orchestra 35
Scottish National Orchestra (Royal Scottish National Orchestra after 1 Jan. 1991;
shortened to Royal Scottish Orchestra in April 1991) 10, 16, 27, 43, 47, 54, 60,
65, 70, 77, P(i), 93, 96, 114, 116, 125, 129
Scottish Trio 67
Scriber, Norman (chorus-master, b.1936) X(ii)
Seattle Symphony Chorale 119
Seattle Symphony [Orchestra] 22, 42, 47, 54, 77, 103, 119, 131
Sebastian, Stephanie (Canadian Piano Trio—pianist) 67
Second Movement Opera Company K(ii)
Secondi, Mario Del (Trio Opus 8—cellist) 8, 67, 141a
Secunde, Nadine (soprano) 29
Sedmidubský, Radim (Škampa Quartet—violist) 110
Seenan, Hugh (horn player) 107
Seidel, Yelena (pianist) 34
Segerstam, Leif Selim (conductor, b.1944) 22
Sejong Soloists 110
Selak, Stanko (trumpeter) 35
Seleznev, Aleksandr (bass) Q
Selimski, Assen (baritone) 106
Selivanov, Viktor (baritone) 91
Selmeczi, János (Éder Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Semtschuk, Lyudmila (mezzo-soprano) 106
Semyannikov, Aleksandr (violinist) 41
Semyonov, B. (translator) 79

Semyonova, Z. (accordionist/arranger) 39
Senchurov, Mikhail (balalaika player) 36
Senderei, Samuil Zalmanovich (arranger, 1905-67) 37
Senderovas, A. (arranger) 79
Senin, Anatoli (bayan player) 87
Senior, Rodney (trumpeter) 35
Sennewald, Günter (cellist) 141
Senofsky, Berl (violinist, b.1926) 34
Seraphin Trio 8, 67
Serebrennikov, A. (arranger) E, G(i)
Serebrier, José (conductor, b.1938) 22, 30, 76, 78, 82, 97, 111, 116, 137
Serebrovskaya-Gryuntal, Lyubov Aleksandrovna (choreographer, b.1913) p.589
Serebryakov, Pavel Alekseyevich (pianist, 1909-77) 35, 67
Serebryakov junior, Yuri (conductor) 35
Serebryakova, Galina Iosifovna (playwright, 1905-80) 85, 120
Sergeyenya, Timur (pianist/arranger, b.1969) 34, 34, 147
Sergeyev, Nikolai Petrovich (conductor, b.1918) 37, L
Sergeyev, Valeri (ballet dancer) 70
Sergeyeva, Olga (soprano) 114
Sergeyeva, Tatiana (arranger) 14
Sermet, Hüseyin (pianist) 40
Serostanov, K. (arranger) 37, 97
Serov, Eduard Afanasievich (conductor, b.1937) 32, 37, 58a, 141
Serov, Yuri (pianist) 4, 21, 32, 33, 34, 46, 58a, 62, 72, 79, 80, 84, 86, 91, R, 98, 99,
100, 109, 121, 127, 128, 134, X(ii), 145
Setzer, Philip (Emerson Quartet—lst/2nd violinist) D(i), 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Sevastyanov, Andrei Mikhailovich (arranger, b.1915) 63, 66
Sevenstern, Harry (trumpeter) 35
Sewen, Marek (arranger/conductor) S(i)
Shabanina, Nadezhda (soprano) 127
Shaeffer, John (double-bass player) 135
Shafir, B. (poet) 79
Shafran, Daniil Borisovich (cellist/arranger, 1923-97) 40, 126, 147
Shaguch, Marina (soprano) K(ii), 79, 135
Shaham, Hagai (violinist) 117a
Shakespeare, William (playwright/poet, 1564-1616) 32, 58a, 62, 116, 137, 140
Shakhov, Pyotr (fictional name for Sergei Kirov) 52, 55
Shakhovskaya, Galina Aleksandrovna (choreographer, b.1908) 105
Shakhovskaya, Natalya (cellist) 107
Shallon, David (conductor, 1950-2000) 113
Shalman, Boris Grigorievich (librarian) 43
Shambadal, Lior (conductor) 77
Shanin, Aleksandr (violinist) 41
Shanks, Donald (bass) 29
Shapenko, Boris (baritone) X(i)

Shapinsky, Aaron (cellist) P(i)

Shapiro, Edice (American Art Quartet—1st violinist) 22
Shapiro, Harvey (cellist) 40, 97
Shapiro, Lois (Triple Helix Piano Trio—pianist) 67
Shapiro, Mikhail Grigorievich (film-director, 1908-71) 114
Sharova, Tatyana (soprano) D(iv), 56, 79
Sharoyev, Anton (Tchaikovsky Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 83
Shave, Jacqueline (violinist) 11
Shaw, Artie (pseudonym of Arthur Jacob Arshawsky; clarinettist, 1910-2004) 34
Shchavinsky, M. (tenor) 114
Shcheglov, Mikhail S. (designer, b.1934) 103
Shchehelokov, Nikolai Anisimovich (USSR Minister, 1910-84) 139
Shchipachev, S. (lyricist) X(i)
Shchukin, Boris V. (stage director/actor, d.1939) 37
Shebalin, Dmitri Vissarionovich (Borodin Quartet—violist, b.1930) 11, D(i), 41, 49,
57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Shebalin, Vissarion Yakovlevich (dedicatee, 1902-63) 62, 68
Sheen, Celia (theremin player) 41(ii)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus 50a
Sheldon, Harry (musicologist) 67
Shelley, Howard (pianist, b.1910) 102
Sheludyakov, Anatoli (pianist) 134, 147
Shen, Yue (pianist) 100
Shenderovas, Mikhail (Lithuanian State Quartet—cellist) 49?
Shenderovich, Yevgeni Mikhailovich (pianist, b.1918) 58a, 145, 146
Shepelsky, I. (Urals Bayan Trio) 96
Sheppard, Craig (pianist, b.1947) 102
Sheppard, Peter (Kreutzer Quartet—1st violinist) 83, 108, 110
Sher, Veniamen I, (violinist) F
Sherba, John (Kronos Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Shestakov, Mikhail (violinist) 97
Shevchenko, L.A. (soprano) X(i)
Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre Company 114
Shevchenko, Taras Grigorievich (poet, 1814-61) J(ii)
Shiffman, Barry (St Lawrence Quartet––2nd violinist) 73, 108, 110
Shikero, Anatoli Fyodorovich (choreographer, b.1935) p.591
Shikmurzayeva, Zarius (violinist) 34
Shimura, Izumi (pianist) 34
Shiozawa, Yasuhiko (conductor) 63, 115
Shipway, Frank (conductor) 93, 97
Shirinsky, Aleksandr (violinist) 34
Shirinsky, Sergei Petrovich (Beethoven Quartet—cellist/dedicatee, 1903-74) 11, 49,
57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142
Shirinsky, Vasili Petrovich (Beethoven Quartet—2nd violinist/dedicatee, 1901-65) 49,
57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122
Shirkov, V. (lyricist) J(ii)

Shirley-Quirk, John Stanton (baritone, b.1931) 46, 113, 123, 145

Shirma, G. (chorus-master) 88
Shirokov, Aleksandr (arranger/conductor) 39
Shishlov, Andrei (Shostakovich Quartet—1st violinist) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Shkirtil, Lyudmila (mezzo-soprano) 4, 32, 58a
Shkoinikova, Nelli (violinist, b.1928) 34
Shkolnik, I. (trumpeter) 41(ii)
Shlepyanov, I. (stage director) 58
Shmidt, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (also spelt Schmidt; trumpeter, 1889-1955) 35
Shmyga, Tatyana Ivanova (soprano, b.1928) 105
Shneyerson, Grigori Mikhailovich (musicologist, 1901-82) R
Shnitke, A.—see Alfred Garrievich Schnittke
Shochov, Vladimir (Rakhmaninov Quartet––cellist) 49, 57, 87, 110
Shoji, Sayaka (violinist) 34
Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (novelist, 1905-84) 25; p.589
Shorin, M. (lyricist) 124
Shostakovich, Dmitri Poleslavovich (dedicatee, 1873-1922) 6
Shostakovich, Dmitri Dmitrievich (as performer) 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 22, 34, 35, 40, 46, 47,
57, 61, 62, 67, 69, 70, 79, 87, 93, 94, 97, 100, 102, 103, 121, 123, 134
Shostakovich, Dmitri Maksimovich (pianist, b.1961) 35, 102
Shostakovich, Galina (Galya) Dmitrievna (pianist/dedicatee, b.1936) 69
Shostakovich, Irina Antonovna (née Supinskaya; dedicatee, b.1934) 41(ii), 117, 145
Shostakovich, Maksim Dmitrievich (pianist/conductor/dedicatee, b.1938) 10, 14, 20,
22, 27, 35, 39, 43, 47, 54, 60, 64, 65, 70, 76, 77, 78, P(i), 93, 94, 96, 97, 102,
103, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 126, 129, 131, 135, 141, 145
Shostakovich, Mariya Dmitrievna (dedicatee, 1903-73) 2
Shostakovich, Nina Vasilievna (née Varzar; dedicatee, 1909-54) [21, 29], 62, 108
Shostakovich Quartet D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Shostakovich, Zoya Dmitrievna (dedicatee, 1909-90) 9, 26
Shteftsa, Vasili (tenor) 114
Shteinberg, Maksimilian Oseyevich (often spelt Steinberg; dedicatee, 1883-1946) 1
Shtokolov, Boris Timofeyevich (bass, b.1930) 58
Shtonda, Taras (bass) 113, 135
Shturman, L. (arranger) 33
Shukayev, Leonid (Leningrad Conservatory Students’ Quartet/St Petersburg Quartet—
cellist) 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 127, 133, 138,
142, 144
Shulman, Alan (Stuyvesant Quartet—cellist) 49
Shulman, Sylvan (Stuyvesant Quartet—1st violinst/conductor) 11, 49
Shulzhenko, Klavdia Ivanovna (singer, 1906-84) 31
Shumsky, Mikhail (Eleonora Quartet—cellist) D(i), 73, 117
Shure, Paul (Hollywood Quartet—2nd violinist) 57
Shute, David Gordon (Onyx Brass—tuba player) 87
Shvarts, Iosif Zakharovich (also spelt Schwarz; dedicatee, b.1899) 5

Shvedov, Dmitri (pianist) 94

Shvolkovsky, Yuri (violinist) 67
Sibelius Academy Quartet 68, 73, 83, 101, 142
Siberia, String Ensemble of 34
Sidney, George (film-director, 1916-2002) 33
Sidorov, V. (lyricist) X(i)
Siegl, Henry (violinist) 22
Siepi, Cesare (bass, b.1923) 106
Siffert, Emmanuel (conductor, b.1967) 110
Siffert, Pascal (Z Quartet—violist) 57
Sigerland, Solve (Grieg Trio—violinist) 8, 67
Sikorskaya, Tatyana S. (translator) M, R, 100
Sikorski, Christian (arranger) D(i)
Silantiev, Yuri Vasilievich (conductor/arranger, 1919-83) 16, F, 63, 66, 72, Y
Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra 77
Silja, Anja (soprano, b.1935) 29
Sillito, Kenneth (Gabrielli Quartet—1st violinist/ Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields
Chamber Ensemble—violinist) 11, 49, 73
Silman, T. (translator) 135
Silver, Phillip (pianist) 67
Silverman, Stanley (arranger/director) p.573
Silverthorne, Paul (violist) 147
Silvestri, Constantin (conductor, 1913-69) 10, 47, 93
Silvestrov, Valentin Vasilievich (composer, b.1937) p.599
Simeonov, Konstantin Arsenievich (conductor, 1910-87) 114
Simmons, Calvin (conductor, 1950-82) 29
Simmons, Raymond (trumpeter) 35
Simon, Geoffrey (conductor) 97, 105, 107
Simon, Viktor Lvovich (cellist, b.1930) 10, 97, 127, 141
Simoni, Alla (soprano) 135
Simonov, Konstantin (Kirill) Mikhailovich (lyricist, 1915-79) 64, X(i)
Simonov, Ruben Nikolayevich (stage producer, 1899-1969) 66
Simonov, Yuri Ivanovich (stage producer/conductor, b.1941) 22, 35, 43, 65, 96
Simons, Dennis (Alberni Quartet—1st violinist) 117, 118
Simpson, Derek (Aeolian Quartet—cellist) 133
Simsky, Boris Moiseyevich (Stradivari Quartet—1st violinist, b.1904) 11
Sinaisky, Vassili (conductor, b.1947) 26, 30, 35, 43, 48, 50a, 53, 75, 89, 97, 102, 111,
113, 116, 137, 141
Sinatra, Francis (Frank) Albert (singer, 1915-98) 86
Sindell, Carol (Florestan Trio—violinist) 67
Sinfonia Vasovia 107
Sinfonietta Cracovia 126
Singapore Symphony Orchestra 93
Sinfonieorchesters Baden-Baden 93
Singleton, Kenneth (conductor/arranger) 94
Sinyavskaya, Tamara Ilinichna (alto/mezzo-soprano, b.1943) 4, 79, 143

Sipolniek, Peteris (organist/arranger, 1913-84) 97

Sirotin, I. (arranger) 39
Sitkovetsky, Dmitri (conductor/violinist/arranger, b.1954) 11, J(ii), 67, 73, 77, 129, X(i)
Sitkovetsky, Yulian Grigorievich (Tchaikovsky Quartet—1st violinist, 1925-58) 34, 73,
77, 83
Siwy, Andre and Yaga (violin duo) P(iii)
Skaggs, Lawrence (McPherson Trio—cellist) 40
Škampa, Milan (Smetana Quartet––violist) 73
Škampa Quartet 110
Skanavi, Vladimir (pianist) 22
Skans, Per (translator) 127
Skidmore, Andrew (Fitzwilliam Quartet––cellist) 117a
Skigin, Semyon (pianist) 62, 79, 91, 98, 121, 123
Skocic, Adalbert (cellist) 40
Skoogh, Francisca (pianist) 40, 57, 134, 147
Skorik, Miroslav Mikhailovich (composer, b.1938) p.597
Skorobogatko, Andrei (oboist) 27
Skou-Larsen, Lavard (conductor) 110
Skovkra, Dušan (conductor) 110
Skride, Baiba (violinist) 77
Skripka, Sergei (conductor) 16, E, 45, 97
Skrowaczewski, Stanislaw (conductor, b.1923) 10, 47, 54, 93
Skytt, Per-Göran (Fresk Quartet—cellist) 11
Slatkin, Felix (conductor/Hollywood Quartet—1st violinist, 1915-63) 35, 57, 65
Slatkin, Leonard (conductor, b.1944) 43, 47, 93, 96, 135
Slávik, Ján (Moyzes Quartet—cellist) 73, 110
Slavinsky, Yevgeni Vikentievich (arranger, 1898-1978) 10, 11
Slesarev, Yuri (pianist) 87
Sloane, Steven (conductor) 16, E, G(ii), 105
Slobodkin, Yakov Pavlovich (Tchaikovsky Quartet—cellist, b.1920) 73, 83
Slobodskaya, Oda (soprano, 1888-1970) 29, 100
Slobodyanik, Aleksandr (pianist, 1941-2008) 5
Slovachesky, Sergei (St Peters Trio-cellist) 8
Slovák Chamber Orchestra 110
Slovák, Ladislav (conductor, b.1919) 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 112,
113, 119, 135, 141
Slovák Philharmonic Chorus 14, 20, 88, 106, 113, 119
Slovák Philharmonic Orchestra 14, 47, 93, 107, 119, 145
Slovák Quartet 108
Slovák Radio Symphony Orchestra 35
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra 54, 65
Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra 110
Slovenian RTV Symphony Orchestra 77, 102
Slovtsova, Konkordiya Nikolayevna (soprano) 58
Slowioczek, Klemens (bass) 91

Smeaton, Bruce (composer b.1938) 34

Smebye, Einar Henning (pianist) 127
Smedvig, Rolf (Empire Brass—trumpeter) 96
Smejkal, Bohumil (Janáček Quartet—1st violinist, b.1935) 57
Smesnoi, Marin (Trio Paian––cellist) 8, 67
Smetáček, Václav (conductor, b.1906) 20, 126
Šmetana Quartet 73
Smietana, Krzysztof (Trio Cracovia––violinist) 67
Smiles, Julian (Australia Ensemble––cellist) 57, 67
Smirnoff, Joel (Juilliard Quartet—1st violinist) 57, 73, 142, 144
Smirnov, Dmitri Nikolayevich (arranger, b.1948) 26, 110
Smirnov, M. (designer) 103
Smirnov, Viktor Fyodorovich (librettist) 27
Smirnova, M. (harpist) S(i)
Smirnova, Nadya (soprano) 109, 127
Smirnova, Tatyana Georgievna (composer, b.1940) p.598
Smirnov-Golovanov, Viktor Viktorovich (choreographer/conductor/librettist, b.1934)
22, 27, 97, 103, 112
Smissen, Robert (Academy of St Martin-In-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble—violist) 11
Smit, Henk (bass) 113
Smith, David (Alberni Quartet—cellist) 11, 57
Smith, Dennis (B flat baritone saxhorn player) 22
Smith, Grant (Excelsior—drummer) 34
Smith, Joan (composer) X(i)
Smith, Joan Pemberton (translator) C, 4, 29, 46, 58a, V, 121, 123, Z, 146
Smith, Lawrence Leighton (conductor, b.1936) 10, 96
Smith, Marc (bass-baritone) 119
Smith, Martin (Duke Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Smith, Roger (arranger) 22, 47
Smith, Roger (Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble—cellist) 11
Smolensk Russian Folk Orchestra 30
Smolich, Nikolai Vasilievich (stage producer, 1888-1968) 15, 29
Snamenskov, Vladimena, (arranger) 76
Snegiryov, Valentin (percussionist) 13, 141
Snell, Howard (arranger/conductor) 16, 97
Sobolev, Valeri (cor anglais player) 65
Sobolevsky, Pyotr (actor) 18, 26
Sobolevsky, Rafail (violinist) 34
Söderström, Elisabeth (soprano, b.1927) 79, 127
Soelberg, Jacob (Zapolski Quartet—2nd violinist) 68, 110
Sofia National Opera Orchestra and Chorus 106
Sofia Quartet 110, 118, 122
Sofia Soloists’ Chamber Ensemble and Chamber Orchestra 35, 107, 110, 126
Sofia State Philharmonic Orchestra 54, 70, 102, 107
Sofronitsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (pianist, 1901-61) 87

Soifertis-Lukjanenko, Evgenii (pianist) 34

Sokhiev, Tugan (conductor) 19, 22
Sokolenko, Lyudmila Petrovna (soprano) 15, X(i)
Sokolov, Andrei (tenor) 63, Y
Sokolov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (dedicatee, 1859-1922) 3
Sokolov, Oleg Germanovich (choreographer, b.1936) 10
Sokolov, Yuri. M. (musicologist) 79
Sokolova, Lyubov (mezzo-soprano) 143
Sokolova, V. S. Agrippina (soprano) 29
Sokolovsky, Mikhail Vladimirovich (stage producer, 1901-41) 24, 25, 28
Sokurov, Aleksandr S. (film-director) 147
Solati Trio 67
Soldh, Anita (soprano) 127
Solin, Lev Lvovich (real name Solomon Kaganovich; arranger, b.1923) 19, 32, 37, 44,
58a, 63
Solisti di Zagreb, I 11, 110
Solisti Italiani, I 97, 116
Sollertinsky, Ivan Ivanovich (musicologist/dedicatee, 1902-44) 29, 62, 67
Solodchin, Galina (Delmé Quartet—1st violinist) 22
Solodovnik, Sergei (pianist) 35
Solomon, Yonty (pianist, 1937-2008) 67
Soloviev, Vissarion (Taneyev Quartet—violist, b.1927) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101,108,
110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 131, 142, 144
Soloviev-Sedoi, Vasili Pavlovich (composer, 1907-79) 105
Solovyov, Galina (designer) 27
Solter, Fany (pianist) 3
Solti, Sir Georg (born Györgi Stern; conductor, 1912-97) 10, 47, 65, 70, 93, V, 113, 141
Solti Orchestral Project Symphony Orchestra 70
Solyom, Janos (pianist) 40
Sommer, Raphael (cellist, b.1937) 40
Somorov, Valeri (conductor) 5
Sondermann, Johannes (trumpeter) 35
Sondetskis, Saulyus (conductor/arranger, 1928-2009) 35, 39, 79, 110, 113
Sondetskis, Vytautas (cellist, b.1972) 39
Sonnabend, Yolanda (designer) 10
Sonnaert, Marc (Rubio Quartet—violist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118,
122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Sontag, Wesley (arranger) P(iii)
Soparkar, Kamala (contralto) 79
Sopkin, George (Fine Arts Quartet—cellist) 73
Sorkin, Leonard (Fine Arts Quartet—1st violinist, b.1916) 73
Sorokin, Pavel (conductor) 27, 39
Sorokin, Vladimir Konstantinovich (singer, b.1914) X(i)
Sorokin, Vladimir (chorus-master) 113
Sorokina, Evgenia (soprano) 36

Sorrel Quartet 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Soudakova, L. (translator) 29
Sourisse, Jean (chorus-master) X(ii)
Soviet Émigré Orchestra 11, 110, 140
Sovphil Orchestra (Leningrad Section of the State Joint-Stock Company, Soviet
Philharmonic) 15, 16, 17
Sözüar, Banu (pianist) 34
Spanoghe, Viviane (cellist) 107, 126
Špacek, Josef (bass) 146
Sparey, Jonathan (Fitzwilliam Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1949) D(i), 49, 57, 68, 73,
83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117a, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Spektor, Daniel (Clementi Trio—violinist) 67
Spendiarova, T. (translator) 79
Spiess, Ludovico (tenor) 106
Spist, Elena (pianist) 109
Spitz, Jonathan (Leonardo Trio—cellist) 67
Spivak, Mikhail (violinist) 27
Spivakov, Vladimir Teodorovich (violinist/arranger/conductor, b.1944) 11, 13, D(i),
34, 35, 47, 70, 73, 77, 79, 110, X(ii)
Spring Loaded (ballet company) 67
‘Spring’ Studio Children’s Choral School 81, 88
Šrubař, Rudolf (Ostrava Quartet—violist, b.1925) 110
Staar, Alfred (Weller Quartet—2nd violinist) 118
Staatskapelle Dresden 141
Stabrawa, Daniel (Philharmonia Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 108, 133
Stadelmann, Christian (Philharmonia Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 108, 133
Stadium Symphony Orchestra of New York (pseudonym of New York Philharmonic
Orchestra) 22, 47
Stadlen, Peter (pianist, b.1910) 67
Stadler, Sergei Valentinovich (violinist, b.1962) 77
Statdfeld, Stephan (Elbeblech Brass Quintet—trumpeter) 96
Staehr, Anne Mette (Elvira Piano Duo) 94
Štajnochrová, Adéla (ArtMiss Trio––violinist) 8, 67, 127
Stalsky Suleiman (poet) p.598
Stamic Quartet 138
Stanchev, Dimiter (baritone) 106
Stanchev, Ognyan (violist) 34, 147
Stanek, Josef (arranger/conductor) 87
Stanger, Russell (conductor) 47
Stanis, Sharon (Lafayette Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 87, 110
Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Drama Theatre 114
Stárek, Jiří (conductor) 35, 94, 102
Stark, Bengt (timpanist) 110
Stark, Peter (conductor) G(i), 96
Stark, Ulrich (Esbjerg Ensemble—pianist) 57, 127

Starker, János (cellist, b.1924) 107

Starokadomsky, Mikhail Leonidovich (organist, 1901-54) 29
Staroselsky, A. O. (Vuillaume Quartet—2nd violinist) D(i)
Starr, Susan (pianist) 40
Staryk, Steven (violinist, b.1932) 77
Stasevich, Abram Lvovich (conductor/arranger, 1907-71) P(i ), 110, 112
State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia 93, 110
State Quartet of Georgia 68, 73
Statnik, Yuri (bass, b.1947) 62, 145
Steblianko, Aleksei (tenor) 10
Steele-Perkins, Crispian (trumpeter) 35
Steen, Jac van (conductor) 93
Stefanov, Vassil (conductor, b.1913) 77, 93
Steinbacher, Arabella (violinist) 77, 129
Steinberg, Elbert Lechtman (conductor) 47, 114
Steinberg, M.—see Maksimilian Oseyevich Shteinberg
Steinberg, Pinchas (conductor) 77
Steinberg, William (originally Hans Wilhelm Steinberg; conductor, 1899-1978) 10, 60
Stegenga, Herre-Jan (cellist) 40
Sten, Aaron (conductor) 47
Stepanov, Aleksandr (soprano saxophonist) 22
Stepanov, B. (percussionist) 141
Stepanov, Nikolai (guitarist) 30
Stepanovich, Dmitri (bass) 36
Stephenson, Laura (harpist) 39
Steputenko, A. (tenor) 105
Stern, Isaac (violinist, 1920-2001) 67
Stern, M. (pianist) 83
Sternfield, Allan (pianist, b.1949) 147
Stetsyuk, Yevgeni (arranger/synthesizer player) 86
Stevens, Ron (tenor) 29
Stevenson, Doris (pianist) 40, 147
Stevenson, Ronald (composer, b.1928) 61; pp.594, 595, 639
Stevens, Thomas (trumpeter) 35
Stewart, Charles (Chiligirian Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Stewart, Reginald (pianist) 40
Stiedry, Fritz (conductor, 1883-1968) 35, 43
Stockholm Arts Trio 8, 67, 127
Stockholm Concert Band 139
Stockholm Philharmonic Brass Ensemble 27
Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra 27, 47
Stockholm Transport Band 27
Stöckigt, Siegfried (pianist) 10
Stoitseva, Evelina (soprano) 114
Stoker, Markus (cellist) 11

Stokowski, Leopold (conductor/arranger, 1882-1977) 10, 20, 22, 29, 33, 34, 35, 47,
54, 93, 103
Stolyarov, Grigori Arnoldovich (conductor, 1892-1963) 29, 105
Stone, Colin (pianist) B, 12, 34, 43, 61
Stone, Paula (lyricist) F
Storojev, Nikita (bass, b.1950) 62, 81, 98, 113, 135, X(ii)
Stott, Barrie Alan (violinist) 57
Stott, Kathryn (pianist, b.1957) 5, 57
Stoupel, Vladimir (pianist) 34, 61, 87
Stoyanov, Artur (pianist) 134
Stoyanov, Robert (violinist) 134
Stradivari Quartet 11
Strakhov, Yevgeni Vladimirovich (arranger, 1909-78) 34, 40
Stratford, John (reader) 43
Strauch, Pierre (cellist) 107
Štraus, Ivan (Suk Quartet—1st violinist) 11, 144
Strauss II, Johann (composer, 1825-99) H(i & ii)
Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich (composer, 1882-1971) D(v), Z
Střižek, Arnost (New Prague Trio—pianist) 67
Strobel, Frank (conductor, b.1966) 18, 120
Strocker, Hans (Vienna Trombone Quartet) 34
Stroeva, Vera Pavlovna (director, b.1903) 106
Stroissnig, Stefan (pianist) 67
Strömblad, Claes (trumpeter) 27
Štros, Jan (Suk Quartet—cellist) 11, 68, 138, 142, 144
Strub, Patrick (conductor) 35, 110
Strugovshchikov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (translator, 1808-78) Z
Strulev, Borislav (cellist) 22, 40
Strzhizhovskaya, Valentina (pianist) 62
Stuchevskaya, Luba (actress) 32
Stulen, Jan (conductor) 54
Sturrock, Kathron (pianist) 19, 40
Stuttgart Arcata Chamber Orchestra 35, 110
Stuttgart Ballet 35
Stutzmann, Nathalie (contralto) 79
Stuyvesant Quartet 57
Stuyvesant Sinfonietta 11
Style of Five (Russian folk ensemble) 86
Suart, Richard (bass) 105
Suchkov Andrei (narrator) 36
Suchoff, Benjamin (arranger) 32
Sudak, V. (balalaika player) K(i)
Suddeutsches Streichoktett 11
Südwestfunk Radio Orchestra 35, 94, 102
Sudzilovsky, Segei (Trio Ludus Tonalis and soloist––cellist) 40, 67

Suigždinis, Rimantas (Čiurlionis Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 122

Suisse Romande, L’Orchestre de la 10, 47, 70, 107
Suk, Josef (violist, b.1929) 147
Suk Quartet 11, 68, 138, 142, 144
Sukhin, Askold (bass) 98
Sukhotin, Pavel Sergeyevich (playwright, b.1884) 37
Sulcová, Brigita (soprano) 109, 127
Suleimanov, Stanislav (bass/baritone) 15, 58a, K(i), 81, 140
Sulimsky, Vladislav (director) 105
Sulyga, Igor (Kopelman Quartet––violist) 49, 73, 108, 110
Sumatchova, Svetlanov (soprano) 79
Sumbatashvili, Iosif (designer) 114
Summit Brass 34, 94
Sungkono, Sonia and Shanti (piano duo) 94
Sun Life Band 103
Sunshine, Adrian (conductor) 110
Suptel, Aleksandr (violinist) X(i), 113
Surkov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich (lyricist, b.1899) J(i)
Sushanskaya, Rimma (violinist) 134
Sushel, Robert (American Art Quartet—2nd violinist) 22
Suske, Conrad (Gewandhaus Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1958) 73
Suslovich, R. R. (stage producer) 24, 28
Susskind, Walter (conductor, 1913-80) 70
Sustro, Bernard (trumpeter) 35
Sutcliffe, Jeremy (stage producer) 106
Suter, Barbara (Amati Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 108
Sutey, R. Alexander (bass-baritone) 100
Sutton, Andrew (Onyx Brass—horn player/arranger) 87
Svechnikova, Elena (contralto) 79
Svejkovský, Jan (chorus-master) 14
Svenheden, Joakim (violinist) 97
Sveshnikov, Aleksandr Vasilievich (chorus-master, 1890-1980) 75, 81, 88, 90, 104
Sveshnikov Russian Academic Choir 104
Svetlanov, Yevgeni Fyodorovich (conductor/pianist, 1928-2002) 10, 16, 47, 54, 60,
65, 70, 77, 79, 81, 93, 96, 97, 106, 107, V, 126, 127, 129
Svetlov, Mikhail Arkadievich (lyricist, 1903-64) 72, Y
Svilpa, Almas (baritone) 29
Sviridov, Georgi (Yuri) Vasilievich (dedicatee, 1915-98) 62, 103
Swarsenski, Hans (arranger) 35
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 54, 60, 70, 77
Sweeney, Katherine (violinist) 5
Swensen, Joseph (violinist/conductor) D(i), 67, 135
Święcki, Wacław (composer, 1848-1900) 63
Swierczewski, Michel (conductor) 16
Swimberghe, Hedwig (Belgian Woodwind Quintet—clarinettist) 22

Swiss Atelier (Workshop) Philharmonic Orchestra 47

Swiss Philharmonic Orchestra 43, 47
Swizzera Italiana Radiotelivisione Orchestra 107
SWR (South West German Radio) Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart 29, 43, 60
SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern 18, 120
SWR Symphony Orchestra 35, 112
Sydney Symphony Orchestra 43, 112
Sykora, Adolf (Janáček Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1931) 57, 83
Symphonia Quartet (members of the Cleveland Orchestra) 57
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunkes 107, 126
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus of the Gran Teatre del Liceu 106
Symphony of the Air (see also NBC Symphony Orchestra) 10, 29, 33, 34
Szabó, Judit (Keller Quartet––cellist) 144
Szebök, György (also spelt Sebok; pianist, b.1922) 5
Szilvay, Géza (conductor) 110
Szostak, Anna (chorus director) 28, 41(ii), 44
Szpilman, Władyslaw (Warsaw Quintet—pianist) 57
Szüts, Peter (Éder Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144

Tabachnik, Arthur (Lyric Trio—violinist) 67
Tabakov, Emil (conductor, b.1947) 107, 110, 126
Taber, John (trumpeter) 35
Tacke, Mathias (Vermeer Quartet––2nd violinist) 57
Taimanov, Mark (pianist) 94
Taits, Michaël (Moscow Chamber Soloists––1st violinist) 110
Tajo, Italo (bass) 15
Talalyan, Genrikh (Komitas Quartet—violist) 11, 49
Talanov, Zhenya (singer) 86
Tálich, Jan (Tálich Quartet—violist/soloist) 49, 57, 110, 134
Tálich, Jan junior (Tálich Quartet—1st violinist) 57, 110
Tálich Quartet 49, 57, 110
Talvela, Martti Olvala (bass, 1935-89) 106
Tamar, Iano (soprano) 135
Tamulis, V. (cellist) 107
Tamura, Keiko (pianist) 40
Tan-Bogoraz, Vladimir Germanovich (poet, 1865-1936) 88
Taneyev Quartet 49, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142,
Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra 93
Tannenberger, František (Slovák Quartet—cellist) 108
Tanquy, Jean-Michel (Belgian Woodwind Quintet—flautist) 22
Tanyel, Seta (pianist) 6
Tapiola Sinfonietta D(i), 35, 73, 83, 135

Tarasov, Vladimir (conductor, b.1926) 27, H(ii), 97

Tarasov, Yevgeni Mikhailovich (poet, 1882-1943) 88
Tarassova, Marianna (mezzo-soprano) 79
Targonsky, A. B. (Glière Quartet- 2nd violinist) 11
Targonsky, Yakov Borisovich (Gliere Quartet—1st violinist, b.1898) 11
Tarkhov, Boris (tenor) 15, K(i)
Tartan Chameleon (music-theatre company) 31
Tasker, John (director) 29
Tatian, Hrant (Solati Trio—cello) 67
Taussig, Elyakim (pianist) 34
Taylor, Philip (choreographer) p.591
Taylor, Rachael (soprano) 105
Taynton, Jessie C. (arranger) 43
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich (composer, 1840-93) 18, 59
Tchaikovsky Quartet 73, 83
Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra (formerly Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra) 10,
31, 43, 65, 77, 93, 97, 113, 129, 141
Tchakarov, Emil (conductor, 1948-91) 106
Tchavdarov, Zahari (violist, b.1930) 147
Tear, Robert (tenor, b.1939) 29, 106
Tedeschi, Rubens (arranger) 32
Tedeschi, Simon (pianist) 94
Tees, Stephen (Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble violist) 11
Telecký, Milan (Slovák Quartet—violist/solo violist, b.1930) 108, 147
Tellefsen, Arve (violinist, b.1936) 67, 77
Tembrovoe Bayan Orchestra 5
Temirkanov, Yuri Khatuyevich (conductor, b.1938) 10, 35, 47, 49, 54, 60, 77, 81, 93,
96, 107, V, 113, 126
Tenerife, Orquesta Sinfónica de 10
Tennstedt, Klaus (conductor, b.1926) 47
Teplyakov, Ilya (St Petersburg Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101,108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144,
Tepponen, Sakari (Esbjerg Ensemble—violinist) 57
Tervo, Markku (bass) 29
Tesarowicz, Romuald (bass) 29, X(ii)
Tessier-Lavigne, Eric (theatre director) 31
Tevlin, Boris Grigorievich (chorus-director, b.1931) 88, 104
Thatchem, Sabina (Rosalyra Quartet––violist) 68, 110
Thatcher, Helen (Sorrel Quartet—cellist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117,
118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Theaker, Ray (violinist) 11
Thedéen, Torleif (Stockholm Arts Trio—cellist and soloist, b.1962) 8, 40, 67, 107,
126, 127
Then-Bergh, Ilona (Münchner Klaviertrio—violinist) 8, 67, 127
Theuring, Günther (chorus-master) 20

Thibaudet, Jean-Yves (pianist, b.1961) 102

Thomas, Jacqueline (Brodsky Quartet—cellist) 11, D(i), 34, 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Thomas, Jeff (Nay Palm Bones––trombonist) 110
Thomas, Michael (Brodsky Quartet—1st violinist/arranger) 34, 49, 68, 73, 83, 92,
101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Thomas, Michael Tilson (conductor, b.1944) 107, 126
Thomas, Milan (violist) 147
Thomas, Patrick (conductor) 29
Thomas, Peter (violinist) 97
Thomas, Ronald (Boston Chamber Music Society—cellist) 40, 67
Thomas-Mifune, Werner (cellist) 97
Thomov, Aleksandr (Bulgare Quartet—2nd violinist) 49
Thompson, Candida (conductor) 68, 83
Thompson, Cathy (Medici Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Thompson, James (soloist and Eastman Brass––trumpeter) 35, 133
Thompson, Marcus (Reizend Muziekgezelschap—violist) 57
Thomson, Brian (Onyx Brass—trumpeter/arranger) 87
Thorsteinsson, Daníel (pianist) D(vi)
Tibbels, Nicole (soprano) 105
Tichonov, Stanislaw (Leschetizky Trio—pianist) 67
Tierney, Vivian (soprano) 29
Tikhonov, A. (balalaika player/arranger) 27
Tiles, Boris Ya. (conductor/arranger) 51, 56, 85
Tilli, Johann (bass) 29
Timm, Jurnjakov (Gewandhaus Quartet—cellist, b.1949) 73
Timofeyeva, Lyubov (pianist) S(i)
Tipot, V. Ye. (translator) H(i)
Tirimo, Martino (Rosamunde Trio—pianist) 67
Tishchenko, Aleksandr Andreyevich (composer/arranger, b.1905) X(i)
Tishchenko, Boris Ivanovich (composer/arranger, b.1939) 8, 27, 39, 54, 109, 121, W,
X(i & ii), 145, 146, 147; p.597
Tishina, Nina (mezzo-soprano) 56
Titarenko, Konstantin (arranger) 19, 44
Titov, Ivan (tenor) 81
Tjeknavorian, Loris (conductor, b.1937) 93
Tkachenko, A. (bass) 105
Tobias, Nina (Canadian Piano Trio—cellist) 67
Toczyska, Stefania (contralto) 106
Todd, John (Coull Quartet—cellist) 83, 110, 122
Todes, Rafael (Schidlof Quartet—2nd violinist) 57, 83, 108
Tognetti, Richard (conductor) 107
Tokathev, Oleg (trumpeter) P(i)
Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra 34, 47, 63, 115
Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra 47

Tokyo Nikikai Chorus 113

Tolansky, Jon (interviewer) 42, 43, 141

Tolbukhin Chamber Orchestra 87, 101, 108, 110
Tolpygo, Mikhail Nikolayevich (violist, b.1941) 107, 147
Tolstoy, Count Leo Nikolayevich (novelist, 1828-1910) p.589
Tomášek, Jirí (violinist) 129
Tomfohrde, Ruth (pianist) 40
Tomlinson, John (bass, b.1946) 29, 135
Tomter, Lars Ander (violist) 40, 97, 147
Tongeren, Mark van (overtone singer) 26
Tonnesen, Terje (violinist) 127
Topchjan, Eduard (conductor) 77
Topic Singers & Unity String Orchestra 33
Topilow, Carl (conductor) 94
Torchinsky, Yuri (violinist) 30, 48, 97
Torger, Arne (Seraphin Trio—pianist) 8
Török, Frantisek (Moyzes Quartet—2nd violinist) 73, 110
Toronto Symphony Orchestra 77
Tortelier, Paul (cellist, 1914-90) 107
Tortelier, Yan-Pascal (conductor, b.1947) 97
Toscanini, Arturo (conductor, 1867-1957) 10, 60
Tosik-Warszawiak, Jerzy Trio (Cracovia––pianist) 67
Totsiu, Anni and Lola (piano duo) 6
Toumanova, Tamara (real name Khasidovich; ballerina, 1919-96) 10
Touvron, Guy (trumpeter/leader Ensemble de cuivres Guy Touvron) 27, 35
Tovey, Bramwell (conductor) P(i)
Toyama Commercial High School Band 96
Tragine, Nadia (pianist) 69
TRAM (Leningrad Working Youth Theatre) 24, 25, 28, D(ii)
Trampler, Walter (MGM Studio Orchestra—violist and soloist, 1915-97) 11, 147
Trauberg, Ilya (film-director) 30
Trauberg, Leonid Zakharovich (film-director/script-writer, 1901-90) 18, 26, 41(i), 45,
50, 71
Travkin, Mikhail Grigorievich (chorus-master) 36
Trávnícek, Jirí (Janáček Quartet—1st violinist, 1925-73) 57, 83
Trayler-Smith, Richard (TV film producer) 105
Tregear, Peter (conductor) K(ii)
Tretyak, V. (tenor) 114
Tretyakov, Viktor Viktorovich (violinist, b.1946) 77, 129, 134
Trexler, Roswitha (soprano) 58
Trio Bamberg 8, 67
Trio de Barcelona 67
Trio de Bolzano 67
Trio di Parma 8, 67, 127

Trio Cracovia 67
Trio Finnico 8
Trio Jean Paul 67
Trio Kairos 8
Trio Ludus Tonalis 67
Trio Melbourne 8
Trio Paian 8, 67
Trio Rachmaninoff de Montréal 67
Trio Tchaikovsky 67
Trio di Torino 8, 57, 67
Trio Nota Bene 67
Trio Tre Mondi 8
Trio Yuval 67
Trio Zingara 67
TrioMats 67
Trioskop 67
Triple Helix Piano Trio 67
Trofimov, Vyacheslav (bass) 106
Trondheim Soloists 110
Tropp, Vladimir (pianist) 5, 34, 134
Truman, Robert (cellist) 141
Trussel, Jacque (tenor) 29
Tryczyński, Julian (Trio Cracovia––cellist) 67
Tseitlin, Aleksandr Davidovich (arranger, 1906-75) P(i)
Tsekhanovsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (cartoon film-director, 1893-1965) 36, 56
Tselovalnik, Yevgeniya (soprano) 106, 135
Tseng, Keng-Yuen (violinist) 77
Tsenin, Sergei Aleksandrovich (tenor, 1903-78) 29
Tsinman, Mikhail (Rachmaninov Trio––violinist) 8, 67
Tsintsadze, Sulkan Fyodorovic (composer, b.1925) p.597
Tsipola, Gizela Albertovna (soprano, b.1944) 114
Tsiryuk, Yuri (arranger) 110
Tsujishima, Terunobo (conductor) 96
Tsutsumi Tsuyoshi (cellist) 67
Tsvetayeva, Marina Ivanova (married name Efron; poetess, 1892 or 1894-1941) 143
Tsvetkova, Kira (Prokofiev Quartet—cellist) 11
Tsyganov, A. (domra player) 77
Tsyganov, Dmitri Mikhailovich (Beethoven Quartet—1st violinist/arranger/dedicatee,
1903-92) 11, 34, 49, 57, 67, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110, 117, 118, 122, 133,
138, 142, 144
Tubagility (wind group) 87
Tucker, Mark (tenor) 21
Tuftina, Galina Afanasievna (mezzo-soprano, b.1933) 114
Tukiainen, Seppo (Sibelius Academy Quartet—2nd violinist) 68, 73, 83, 101, 142
Tulubeva, A. P. (soprano) 29

Tuneh, Lily (soprano) 79

Tunis, Andrew (pianist) 40
Tunnell, John (London String Quartet—2nd violinist) 122
Turchak, Stepan Vasilievich (conductor, 1938-88) 114
Turich, Mikhail (conductor/arranger) 34, 73, 83
Turin Symphony Orchestra (Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Radiotelevision
Italiana) 47, 70
Turkny, Galina and Yuliya (piano duo) 94
Turovsky, Eleonora (violinist) 34, 135
Turovsky, Yuli (Borodin Duo and Trio—cellist/conductor) 40, 57, 67, 79, 110, 118,
127, 135
Turovsky, Yuri (conductor) 73
Tuskiya, Iona Iraklievich (composer, 1901-63) N
Tutenberg, B. (translator) 86
Tymchenko, Nataliya (soprano) 106
Tynyanova, I. (translator) 135
Tytianko, Yevgeni (chorus-master, d.1995) 104
Tyuremnov, Mikhail (bass) 114
Tzakonas, A. (songwriter) R

Udalov, V. (arranger) 30
Uehara, Ayako (pianist) 12
Uemara, Riichi (Quartette Fonè—violist) 110
Ugorski, Anatol and Ugorskaya, Dina (piano duo) 94
Ugorsky, Anatoli (pianist) 40
Uhlig, Florian (pianist) 35, 94, 102
Ukolova, Lyudmila (soprano) 15
Ukrainian Brass E, G(ii)
Ukraine State Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra 89, 97
Ulanov, Yuri (chorus-master) 81
Ulanova, Galina Sergeyevna (ballerina, 1910-98) 22
Ulitin, Boris (narrator) 56
Ulyanov, Dmitri (bass) 36
Ulyanov, V. (tenor) 58
Underwood, John (Delmé Quartet—violist) 22
University of Michigan Symphony Band 17
University of Minnesota Concert Band Ensemble 96
University of Warwick Chorus 113
Untamala, Jaako (Pihtipudas Quintet—pianist) 57
Urals Bayan Trio 96
Urasin, Rem (pianist) 40
Uryash, Igor (St Peters Trio––pianist) 8, 49, 57, 67
Uscher, Nancy (violist) 147
Ushakov, N. (translator) 79

Ushchapovsky, Nikolai (conductor) 63

Uspensky, Vladislav Aleksandrovich (composer, b.1937) 60; p.602
U.S. Air Force Band P(i)
Ussov, D. (translator) 20
USSR Cinematograph Symphony Orchestra 75, 89, 97, 111
USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir D(iv), 59, K(ii), 124
USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Orchestra (Moscow Virtuosi) 35, 110, X(ii)
USSR Ministry of Culture (State) Symphony Orchestra (renamed in late 1991—see
Moscow State Symphonic Kapelle) 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 19, 20, 21, 30, D(iv), 34, 35,
E, 43, 46, 54, 58a, 59, 60, K(ii), 62, M, 65, 70, 91, 93, 103, 109, 112, 113, 114,
124, 125, 128, W, 135, 141
USSR Ministry of Defence Military Band L
USSR Ministry of Home Affairs Army Orchestra 27, H(ii), 97
USSR Radio and Television Orchestra 66, 129
USSR State Jazz Band G(i)
USSR State Radio Symphony Orchestra 77, 96
USSR (State) Symphony Orchestra C, 4, 10, 16, 26, 35, 36, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 75,
77, 79, 81, 90, 93, 96, 97, 102, 103, W, 107, U, 112, V, 115, 125, 126, 129, 131
USSR TV and Radio Large Symphony Orchestra 30, 65
Ustinova, Yelena (soprano) 36, Q
Ustvolskaya, Galina Ivanovna (composer, 1919-2006) 92
Usuki, Masata (conductor) 47
Utah Symphony Orchestra 96
Utkin, Aleksei (oboist) 34, 39, 87
Utkin, Iosif Pavlovich (lyricist, 1903-44) X(i)
Utkin, Mikhail (Moscow Trio—cellist/arranger) 8, 34, 39, 67, 87, 127
Utrecht Conservatory Chamber Orchestra 110, 135
Utyosov, Leonid Osipovich (jazz band leader, 1895-1982) 31
Uzuka, Toshiyuki (violist) 147

Vabich, A. (Glière Quartet—violist) 11
Vacchiano, William (trumpeter) 35
Vadimova, Sylvia Marini (soprano) 4
Vaghy, Deszo (Vaghy Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Vaghy Quartet 110
Vaghy, Tibor (Vaghy Quartet—violist) 110
Vaillant, Ludovic (trumpeter) 35
Vaiman, Mikhail Izrailevich (violinist, 1926-77) 67
Vainberg, Moisei––see Mieczywsław Samuilovich Weinberg
Vainiunaite, Audrone (Vilnius Quartet—1st violinist, b.1942) 49
Vainkop, Yulian Yakovlevich (musicologist, 1901-74) 29
Vainomen, Vasili Ivanovich (choreographer, 1901-64) 22
Vainrot, Lev (cellist) P(i)
Vajnar, František (conductor, b.1930) 93, 141, 145

Vakhtenkov, Vladimir (trumpeter) 35

Vakhutinsky, Mark (arranger) 63, 96
Vakman, Sofya Borisovna (pianist, b.1911) 143
Valchev, Vassil (Sofia Quartet—1st violinist) 110, 118, 122
Valdimarsdottir, Asdis (Chiligirian Quartet—violist) 110
Válek, Vladimir (conductor) 107, 126
Valente, Benita (soprano, b.1934) 79
Välimäki, Aki (trumpeter) 35
Valjakka, Taru (soprano) 29
Valsta, Tapani (pianist, b.1924) 40
Valter, Naum (pianist, b.1902) 34
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 10, 70, P(i)
Vanderspar, Edward (London Musici Quartet—violist) 57
Vaneyev, Vladimir (bass) 29, 106, 135
Vänskä, Osmo (conductor, b.1953) 113
Varády, Julia (soprano, b.1941) 135
Vardanyan, Zaven Nazaretovich (conductor, b.1945) 110
Vardeli, Konstantin (State Quartet of Georgia—1st violinist) 68, 73
Vardi, Emanual (MGM Studio Orchestra/Stuyvesant Quartet—violist, b.1917) 11, 49
Vardi, Yair (choreographer) 110
Varema, Henry-David (Petersen Quartet––cellist) 49, 57, 83, 110, 143
Varga, Gilbert (conductor) 77
Varga, Tibor (conductor/arranger, 1921-2003) 110
Varkovitsky, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (choreographer, 1916-74) p.589
Varlamov, Aleksandr Yegorovich (composer, 1801-48) 116
Varlamov, Aleksei Alekseyevich (choreographer, 1920-79) P(i)
Vartazaryan, Martin Tsolakovich (composer, b.1938) p.597
Varvarovo, Elena (pianist) 5, 12, 13, 34, 61
Varzar, Nina Vasilievna (dedicatee, 1909-54) 21, 29, [62, 108]
Vas, Francisco (tenor) 29
Vasiliauskas, Augustinas (Vilnius Quartet—cellist) 49
Vasiliev, Dmitri (Brahms Trio––violinist) 8, 67
Vasiliev, Georgi Nikolayevich (film-director, 1899-1946) 48
Vasiliev, Sergei Aleksandrovich (lyricist) 99
Vasiliev, Sergei Dmitrievich (film-director, 1900-59) 48
Vasiliev, Vladimir (bass) 105
Vasiliev, Vladimir Nikolayevich (arranger, b.1911) 45
Vasilieva, Raya (screenwriter, d.1934) 41(ii)
Vasnetsov, Viktor Mikhailovich (artist, 1848-1926) 127
Vassilieva, Yelena (soprano/mezzo-soprano) 4, D(ix), 56, 109
Vavruška, Jaromír (bass) 46, 91
Vectomov, Saša (Czech Trio—cellist) 67
Vedernikov, Aleksandr (conductor) 27, 77, 129
Vedernikov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (pianist) 100
Vedernikov, Aleksandr Filippovich (bass, b.1927) 81, R, 100, 114

Vedernikov, Anatoli Ivanovich (pianist, 1920-93) 12, 67

Veis, Daniel, (Rosamunde Trio––cellist) 67
Vekerlen, Zhan Batist (composer, 1821-1910) J(ii)
Velde, Dirk Van de (Rubio Quartet—1st violinist) 49, 73, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110,
117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Vengerov, Maksim (violinist, b.1974) 67
Vermeer Quartet 57
Venediktov, Lev Nikolayevich (chorus-master, b.1924) 114
Venezuela Symphony Orchestra 77
Vengerov, Maksim (violinist, b.1974) 34, 77, 129
Venglovsky, Viktor Fyodorovich (arranger) 97
Venice Quartet 22
Ventris, Christopher (tenor) 29
Venzago, Mario (conductor) 43
Venzhega, Anatoli (violist) 138
Verbitsky, Vladimir (conductor) 16
Verebes, Robert (violist) 147
Verestnikov, Vladislav (baritone) K(i)
Verhaert, Steven (arranger) 27, G(ii)
Verheijden, Bas (pianist) 34
Verkovsky, N. (lyricist) X(i)
Verlaine Quartet 68
Vermont University Orchestra M, 140
Vernikov, Pavel (Trio Tchaikovsky and Kuhmo, Chamber Soloists—violinist) 57, 67
Verstovsky, Aleksei Nikolayevich (composer, 1799-1862) J(ii)
Viardo, Vladimir (pianist, b.1949) 19, 34, 37, 58a, 61
Victor Symphony Orchestra (most probably the Philadelphia Orchestra) 33
Vienna Boys Choir 106
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 43, 47, 54, 70, 106
Vienna Schubert Trio 8
Vienna State Opera Chorus 106
Vienna State Opera Orchestra 102, 106
Vienna Symphony Orchestra 10, 14, 20, 43, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 93, 112, 113, 114c,
135, 141
Vienna Trombone Quartet 34
Vienna Youth Choir 20
Vierne, B. (translator) 15
Vignoles, Roger (pianist) 98, 100, 109, 134
Vikomirskaya, Olga (violinist) 67
Vilker, Valeriya (violinist) 5, 141
Villerush, Maris (cellist) 67
Villiers, David de (conductor) 47
Vilnius Quartet 49
Vilnius String Orchestra 110
Vilyams, Pyotr Vladimirovich (designer/dedicatee, 1902-47) 66, 83

Vinke, Stefan (tenor) 29

Vinnikov, Zino (violinist) 105
Vinnitsky, Andrei (percussionist) 39
Vinogradov, Georgi Pavlovich (tenor, 1908-80) 80
Vinogradov, Konstantin Petrovich (chorus-master, 1899-1980) 80
Vinogradov, Viktor Sergeyevich (folksong collector, b.1899) 115
Vinogradova, Irina (pianist) 34
Vio, Andrea (Venice Quartet—1st violinist) 22
Vinokurov, Arkadi (violinist) 127
Viola Ensemble of the Central Home of Art Workers 22
Violin Ensemble of 202 Children 97
Virsaladze, Simon Bagratovich (artistic director, 1909-89) 22
Virtuosi Brass Band 96
Vishnevskaya, Galina Pavlovna (soprano/dedicatee, b.1926) 29, R, 109, V, 114, 127, 135
Vishnevsky, Vsevolod Vitalievich (playwright, 1900-51) 89
Vishnyakov, Yuri (bass) X(ii)
Vitas, Miomira (soprano) 127
Vitaud, Jonas (pianist) 34
Vitkin, Boris (Stradivari Quartet—2nd violinist) 11
Vitkind, Zinaida Yakovlevna (arranger) 37, 69, S(i), 97, T, 116
Vlachova, Dana (Czech Trio––violinist) 67
Vladimirov, Mikhail Vladimirovich (conductor, 1870-1932) 18
Vladimirov, Romuald (bassoonist) 27
Vladimirov, V. (librettist) p.588
Vladimirov, Yevgeni Nikolayevich (bass) 62, 135
Vlasenko, Lev Nikolayev (pianist, b.1928) 87
Vlazinskaya, Valeria (translator) 20, 29, 78, 113, 135
Vlčková, Alžbeta (ArteMiss Trio––cellist) 8, 67, 127
Vlsenko, Yuri (trumpeter) 35
Voces Intimæ Quartet (alias Espoo Quartet) 110, 117
Voevodin, Vsevolod Pyotrovich (revue writer, b.1907) 31
Vogel, Annette-Barbara (Alani Trio—violinist) 67
Vogel, Siegfried (bass-baritone, b.1937) 58, 119
Vogler, Jan (cellist) 40
Vogler Quartet 122
Vogler, Tim (Vogler Quartet—1st violinist) 122
Vogt, Lars (Alani Trio—pianist/accompanist) 40, 67
Vokalensemble der HfMDK (Choir of Frankfurt University of Music) 26
Volckaert, Edith (violinist, 1949-92) 77
Volkov, Oleg (pianist, b.1958) 12, 13, 35, 87
Volkov, Solomon Moiseyevich (artistic director/author, b.1944) K(ii); pp.572, 574,
589, 590, 640
Volodos, Arkadi(bass) X(ii)
Volovnik, Iosif Abramovich (trumpeter) 35
Volpin, M. (writer) 63, 66, 72

Volpov, Alexander (cellist) 67

Voropayev, Dmitri (tenor, b.1980) 26
Voskresensky, Mikhail Sergeyevich (pianist, b.1935) 40, 102, 147
Voskresensky, Vasili Grigorievich—see Colonel W. de Basil
Voynich, Ethel Lilian (née Boole; novelist, 1864-1960) 97
Voznesensky Andrei Andreyevich (translator/poet, b.1933) 145
Vries, Nanco de (bass) 135
Vrbkobá, Markéta (Puella Trio—cellist) 8
Vulfovich, Todor (film-director) p.590

Waart, Edo de (conductor, b.1941) 77
Wagner, Helmut (translator) 15
Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard (composer, 1813-83) 141
Wagoner, Dan (choreographer/ballet company founder) 144
Wahlberg, Ingrid (pianist) D(vi)
Waldon, Timothy (cellist) P(i)
Walker, Steven (arranger) G(i)
Wallace, John (trumpeter, b.1949) 35
Wallez, Amaury (bassoonist) 13
Wallfisch, Benjamin (conductor) 77
Wallfisch, Raphael (cellist, b.1953) D(vi), 39, 40, 107, 126, 147
Wallonia Royal Chamber Orchestra 110
Walter, Alfred (conductor) 143
Walter, Bruno (conductor, 1876-1962) 10
Walton, Jamie (cellist) 126
Walz, Wilhelm F. (Seraphin Trio—violinist, b.1948) 8, 67
Wand, Günter (conductor, 1912-2002) 35
Wangenheim, Volker (conductor) 47
Warchal, Bohdan (conductor, b.1912) 35, 110
Wardman, Vicci (Sorrel Quartet—violist) 73, 83, 101, 108, 118, 122
Warren-Green, Christopher (conductor) 35
Warsaw Chamber Orchestra 110
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra 47, 93
Warsaw Quintet 57
Washington, Choral Arts Society of 113
Wasser, Frank (pianist) 134
Waters, Robert (Jupiter Trio––violinist) 67
Watkins, Paul (cellist, b.1970) 40
Watters, Cyril (arranger) 22, 45
WDR (West German Radio) Symphony Orchestra of Cologne 10, 20, 24, 43, 47, 54,
60, 65, 70, 93, 103, 112, 113, 135, 141
Weichert, Caroline (pianist, b.1962) B, 5, 12, 13, 22, 34, 61, 87, S(i)
Weigl, Petr (producer) 29
Weigle, Friedemann (Petersen Quartet––violist) 49, 57, 83, 110, 143

Weigle, Jörg-Peter (conductor) 141

Weil, Terence (Melos Ensemble—cellist) 57
Weill, Kurt (composer, 1900-50) 50
Weinberg, Mieczysław Samuilovich (pianist, 1919-96) 93, 112, 118, 127, 134;
pp.590, 598
Weinstein, Larry (film director) p.574
Weis, Helmut (Weller Quartet—violist) 118
Weisenblum, Jaime (Canadian Piano Trio—violinist) 67
Weithaas, Antje (violinist) 67
Weller Quartet 118
Weller, Walter (Weller Quartet—1st violinist/conductor, b.1939) 10, 70, 118
Wellington, Christopher Ramsay (Music Group of London and Amici Quartet—violist,
b.1930) 57, 118
Wenkel, Ortrun (contralto, b.1942) 79, 143
Wentzel, Andrew (bass) X(ii)
Werff, Ivo-Jan van der (Medici Quartet—violist) 11, D(i), 57, 110
Wesenigk, Fritz (trumpeter) 35
Wesly, Alban (Calefax Reed Ensemble—bassoonist) 87
Wesly, Eduard (Calefax Reed Ensemble—arranger/oboist) 87
West, Martin (conductor) 107
Westberg, Hans-Erik (Fresk Quartet—2nd violinist) 110
Westbrook, Eva-Maria (soprano) 29
Westerholm, Sven (soprano saxophonist) 22
Westlund, Robert (Yggdrasil Quartet—violist) 73, 108, 110
Westminster Singers 104
Wheeldon, Christopher (choreographer, b.1973) 35
Wheeler, Antony (composer) p.601
White, David (clarinettist) 46
White, Eric Walter (translator, b.1905) 145
White, John (Alberni Quartet—violist, b.1938) 117, 118
White, Ruth (arranger/electronic keyboard player) 22
White, Dr Sarah (translator) 145
White, Willard (bass, b.1946) 29
Whitehouse, Elizabeth (soprano) 29
Whitman, Walt (poet, 1819-92) 88
Whitson, David (English Brass Ensemble—trombonist) 108
Wicks, Camilla (pianist) 22, 34
Widlund, Mats (TrioMats––pianist) 67
Widstruck, Yvonne (soprano) 79
Wieder-Atherton, Sonia (cellist) 40, 107
Wier, A. E. (arranger) 35
Wigand, H. (Schulz Quartet—violist) 68
Wigglesworth, Mark (conductor, b.1964) 29, 47, 54, 60, 65, 70, 112, 113, 135
Wikström, Inger (pianist, b.1939) 5, 19, 22, 31, 34, 61, 94, 97, 105
Wilbraham, John (trumpeter, 1944-98) 35

Wiley, Peter (Beaux Arts Trio—cellist) 57, 67

Wilk, Maurice (Stuyvesant Quartet—2nd violinist) 49
Wiłkomirska, Wanda (violinist, b.1929) 129
Willcocks, Sir David (chorus-master, b.1919) 20
Willenstyn, Tannie (soprano) 127
William Fairey Band 96
Williams-Fairey Engineering Band 97
Williams, Harold (bass, 1893-1976) 29
Williams, John Christopher (guitarist, b.1941) 97
Williams, John Towner (conductor, b.1932) 22, 96
Williams, Neville (tenor) 15
Williams, Pavel (designer) 58
Willis, Andrew (pianist) 70
Wilson, Elizabeth (cellist/translator/musicologist) 8, 19, 41, 46, 93, 97, X(ii)
Wilson-Johnson, David (bass-baritone) 32, 58a, 98
Wilson, Sandy (Alexander String Quartet—violist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 84, 87, 92, 101,
106, 108, 110, 117, 117a, 118, 122, 133, 142, 144
Winge, Stein (stage director) 29
Winland, Leo (cellist) 40
Winnepeg Symphony Orchestra 114
Winograd, Arthur (Juilliard Quartet—cellist/conductor, b.1920) 11, 57
Winograde, Joshua (bass-baritone) 19
Winter, Louise (mezzo-soprano) 32, 58a
Winter, Michael (Elbeblech Brass Quintet—horn player) 96
Wirssaladze, Elisso (pianist) 8, 34
Wispelwey, Pieter (cellist, b.1962) 40, 107, 126
Wit, Antoni (conductor, b.1944) 77, 107, 126, 129
Witkowski, Jerzy (pianist) 127
Wodiczko, Bohdan (conductor, b.1911) 93
Wolf, Carl (pianist) 8
Wolfe, Duain (chorus-master) V, 113
Wolff, Dorothea (Esbjerg Ensemble—cellist) 127
Wolff, Hugh (conductor, b.1953) 35, 70, 102
Wollman, Eva (pianist) 40
Wolman, Joseph (arranger) 69
Wonder, Erich (designer) 106
Wood, Sir Henry Joseph (conductor, 1869-1944) 33, 35, 60, 65
Wood, Trevor (choreographer) P(i)
Woodrow, Alan (tenor) 29
Woodward, Roger Robert (pianist, b.1942) 57, 67, 87
Wordsworth, Barry (conductor) 39, 97
World Brass 27, G(ii)
Wray Margaret Jane (soprano) 29
Wrigley Yolande (pianist) 40, 97
Wróbel, Andrezej (cellist) 127

Wronśki, Tadeusz (Warsaw Quintet—2nd violinist) 57

Wummer, John (arranger) p.565
Wulz, Waltraud (pianist) 94
Wuppertal Sinfonieorchester K(i)
Württemberg Chamber Orchestra 35, 110
Würtz, Klára (pianist) 40
Würzburg Philharmonic Orchestra 10
Wyss, Gerard (pianist) 100

Xenos, A. (songwriter) R
Xu, Eric (Wen-Bo) (Jade Quartet––violist) 11

Y Chamber Orchestra [of New York] 79
Yabiku, Isao (conductor) 47
Yablonskaya, Oksana (pianist, b.1942) 40
Yablonsky, Dmitri (conductor/cellist/arranger, b.1962) 16, 27, E, 40, G(ii), 60, 70,
P(i), 97, 116
Yakobson, Leonid Veniaminovich (choreographer, 1904-75) 19, 22, 70; p.590
Yakon, Mikhail (jazz ensemble leader) 34
Yakovenko, Sergei Borisovich (baritone, b.1937) 46, M
Yakovlev, Vasill Vasilievich (musicologist, 1880-1957) 106
Yakovleva, Elena (Anton Quartet—2nd violinist) 73
Yakubov (Iakubov), Manashir Abramovich (musicologist, b.1936) 22, 27, D(vi), 39, X(ii)
Yakubova, Eleonora (Eleonora Quartet—1st violinist) D(i), 73, 117
Yale Russian Chorus, The 104
Yampolisky, Viktor (pianist) 8, 13, 67
Yampolsky, Tatiana (pianist) 134
Yampolsky, Viktor (Rachmaninov Trio–pianist) 8, 40, 67
Yanev, Emil (conductor) 97
Yang, Thomas (violinist) 97
Yanin, Gennadi (ballet-dancer) 39
Yansons, Arvid Krishevich (conductor, 1914-84) 47, U
Yansons, Mariss—see Jansons
Yanushevskaya, Marina (Gnessin Institute Quartet—cellist) 11
Yarbrough, Paul (Alexander String Quartet—cellist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 87, 92, 101,
108, 110, 117, 117a, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Yaron, Grigori Markovich (stage producer, 1893-1963) H(i)
Yaroshenko, Anton (Eleonora Quartet—violist) D(i), 57, 73, 87, 110, 117
Yates, Catherine (Sorrel Quartet—2nd violinist) 49, 57, 68, 73, 83, 92, 101, 108, 110,
117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Yatsenko, Anastasia (ballerina) 27
Yatsenko, Oksana (soprano) 114
Yavorsky, Boleslav Leopoldovich (dedicatee, 1877-1942) 13

Yedlina, Lyubov Ilinichna, (known as Luba or Ljuba Edlina in the West; pianist/
Borodin Duo and Trio—pianist, b.1929) 40, 46, 57, 67, 91, 127, 134
Yefimov, Gennadi Alekseyevich (tenor, b.1928) 114
Yefimov, Ivan (Ukrainian Brass––French horn player) E, G(i)
Yegorov, Anatoli (cellist) 8, 9
Yegorov, Yuri (pianist) 61
Yegorova, Tatyana (Dominant Quartet––cellist) 110
Yekaterinburg Philharmonic Orchestra 45, 107, 125
Yekimovsky, Viktor Alekseyevich (arranger, b.1947) 32
Yelchaninova, Larissa (soprano) M
Yeliseyev, Lev (tenor) 114
Yeltsin, Sergei Vitalievich (conductor, 1897-1970) 58, 106
Yeo, Douglas (bass trombonist/arranger) 34
Yerevan Chamber Orchestra 110
Yermolinsky, Sergei (film-director) 38
Yerokhin, Sergei (pianist) 22, 40
Yevtodieva, Viktoria (soprano) 21, 72, 80, 86, 99, 109, 127
Yevtushenko, Yevgeni Aleksandrovich (poet, b.1933) 113, 119; pp.573, 590
Yggdrasil Quartet 73, 108, 110
Yoffe, Angela (pianist) E, 134
Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra 10, 21, 47
Yordanov, Zdravko (cellist) 67
York, John (pianist) D(vi), 39, 40, 147
York Quartet 49
Yoshizumi, Rieko (Trio Tre Mondi—pianist) 8
Yotcheva, Velitchka (Rachmaninoff Trio––cellist) 67
You, Lisa (Hyun-Ji) (Jade Quartet––2nd violinist) 11
Youmans, Vincent Miller (songwriter, 1898-1946) 16
Young German Philharmonic Orchestra 70
Young, Jeremy (pianist) 40
Young Musicians’ Symphony Orchestra [of London] 32, 89
Young, Richard (Vermeer Quartet––violist) 57
Young Russia Symphony Orchestra––see Russian Symphony Orchestra
Young Swiss Chamber Orchestra 110
Youngston State University Symphonic Wind Band 115
Yu, Gina (Shih-Yu) (Jade Quartet––cellist) 11
Yudin, Gavriil Yakovlevich (conductor, b.1905) B, 10, 70
Yudina, Marlya Veniaminovna (pianist, 1899-1970) 61
Yungvald-Khilkevich, G. E. (arranger) 22, 27
Yunitsky, A. D. (folksong collector) 79
Yureneva, Nadezhda (soprano) 127
Yuriev, Leonid (conductor) 16, 30
Yurigen-Klevke, Vladimir (pianist) 34
Yurlov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (chorus-master/conductor, 1927-73) 14, 20, 81, 90,
113, 119, 124

Yurlov Republican Russian Choir 14, 20, 81, 113

Yurov, Yuri (violist) 40, 147
Yurovsky, Mikhail Vladimirovich (conductor, b.1945) 4, 15, 21, 26, 30, 41(i), 45, 46,
50, 58a, K(i), 64, 79, 81, 82, 90, 114a, 119, 137, 140, 143, 145
Yutkevich, Sergei Iosifovich (film-director/script-writer, 1904-85) 30, 33, 53, 63, 72;
pp.588, 642

Z Quartet 57
Zabavnikov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (Beethoven Quartet—2nd violinist, b.1937) 11,
101, 117, 118, 122, 133, 138, 142, 144
Zabner, Antoinette Van (pianist) 94
Zaborov, Grigori (arranger) 34
Zabotkina, Olga (soprano) 105
Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra 10, 35, 70
Zagrebelnyi, Aleksandr (bass) 114
Zaharieva, Albena (pianist, b.1941) 147
Zaharieva, Zheni (pianist) 13
Zak, Jonathan (Trio Yuval—pianist) 67
Zakai, Mira (alto) 79
Zaks, A. (stage producer) 105
Zaks, Leon (violinist, 1921-77) 22, 64
Zambello, Francesca (director) 29, 105
Zamechnik, Evzhen (composer) pp.599, 635
Zamyatin, Yevgeni Ivanovich (librettist, 1884-1937) 15
Zander, Benja min (conductor) 47, 96, 107
Zanin, Angelo (Venice Quartet—cellist) 22
Zank, Gerhard (Münchner Klaviertrio—cellist) 8, 67, 127
Zanlonghi, Paulette (pianist) 40
Zambello, Francesca (director) 29, 105
Zapolski, Alexander (Zapolski Quartet—1st violinist) 68, 110
Zapolski Quartet 68, 110
Zaremba, Elena (mezzo-soprano/contralto) 58a, 106, 143
Zaretsky, Michael (violist) 147
Zasetsky, Pyotr Ivanovich (tenor, 1899-1941) 15, 29
Zaslav, Bernard (Fine Arts Quartet—cellist) 73
Zaslavsky, David Iosifovich (journalist, 1880-1965) 29
Zavelberg, Imgard (Rubin Quartet—1st violinist) 110
Zavelberg, Ulrike (Rubin Quartet—cellist) 110
Zawistowski, Leszek (Vaghy Quartet—cellist) 110
Zayde, Jascha (pianist) 40
Zaznobina, Nina (mezzo-soprano) 100
Zazulova, Nina (soprano) 15
Zechlin, Dieter (pianist, b.1926) 5, 57
Zeden, Jaap van (conductor) 47

Zednik, Heinz (tenor, b.1940) 29, 106

Zehetmair, Thomas (violinist) 11, 138
Zehnder, Christian (overtone singer) 26
Zeig, Mimi (violinist) 57
Zelikov (translator) 33
Zelyakov, Alexander (pianist) 6, 93
Zemlyanikin Vladimir (tenor) 105
Zetterqvist, Mats (TrioMats and Z Quartet––violinist) 57, 67
Zhak, Abrarn Semyonovich (pianist, 1901-81) 5
Zhar, Anatoli (choir conductor) 88
Zhelezny, Anatoli Ivanovich (gramophile) 48
Zhislin, Grigori Yefimovich (violinist, b.1945) 31, 134, 144
Zhivankova, Svetlana (soprano) 105
Zhivov, Vladimir (chorus-master) 104
Zhordaniya, Vakhtang (conductor) 54, 70
Zhuk, Isaak Mikhailovich (violinist, b.1936) 10
Zhuk, Valentin Isaakovich (violinist, b.1934) 34
Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich (army general, 1896-1974) 82
Zhukov, Igor Mikhailovich (pianist, b.1936) 67
Zhukova, Marina (soprano) 79
Zhukovsky Military Air Academy Band 27
Zhuravlenko, Pavel Maksimovich (baritone, 1887-1948) 15
Zhvaniya, Nodar (State Quartet of Georgia—violist) 68, 73
Zichova, Zorka (pianist) 109
Zilberquit, Julia (pianist/arranger) 94
Zilberstein, Lilya (pianist, b.1965) 12, 94
Zimmerman, Willi (Amati Quartet—1st violinist) 73, 108
Zimmermann, Tabea (violist, b.1969) 147
Zinger, Grigori Solomovich (pianist, b.1913) 39
Zisman, Daniel (Fitzwilliam Quartet—1st violinist b.1954) D(i)
Živkovič, Nebojša Jovan (marimba player/arranger, b.1962) 22, 27; p.601
Zlotnikov, Kyril (Jerusalem Quartet—cellist) 49, 73, 83, 101, 110, 117, 122
Zola, Emile (novelist, 1840-1902) 18
Zollman, Ronald (conductor) 77, 107
Zolotaryov, N. (conductor) 139
Zonina, Masha (translator) 105
Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich (dedicatee, 1895-1958) 139
Zucchi, Alessandro (I Solisti Italiana—percussionist) 116
Zucker, Roni (arranger) G(ii)
Zuckerman, Pinchas (violinist, b.1948) P(iii)
Zufferey, Julien (Trio Nota Bene—violinist) 67
Zurich Chamber Orchestra 135
Zurich Piano Trio 8, 67, 127
Zürich String Orchestra 110
Zusman, Natalia (pianist) P(i), 94

Zvolánek, Jan (New Prague Trio—cellist) 67

Zvyagintseva, V. (translator) 79
Zweden, Jaap van (violinist) 77
Zweiniger, Arthur (librettist) 23
Zwiauer, Florian (violinist) 114c
Zybcev, A. (pianist) 98
Zykina, Lyudmila (singer) 80
Composition Index

In this simplified index see under the respective headings for Abandoned Projects,
Ballets, Chamber Music, Choral Works, Concertos, Film Scores, Instrumental, Juvenilia,
Marches, Miscellaneous, National Anthem Contest, Operas, Orchestral, Overtures,
Patriotic Works, Piano Duos, Piano Solos, Sans opp., Song Cycles, Songs, Stage
Productions, Symphonies, and Transcriptions. Entry numbers in this index refer to page

ABANDONED Second Symphony (film) 589

Torments of Conscience (symphony) 590
PROJECTS The Twelve Chairs (operetta) 588
And Quiet Flows the Don (opera) 589 Volochayevka Days (film) 191, 588
Battleship Potemkin (film) 408, 587
The Big Lightning (operetta) 101, 606
The Black Monk (opera) 526, 527, 590
The Carp (opera) 587 About Face 264
Children’s [String] Quartet 589 Allumez les étoiles! 453
The Concrete Sets (film) 587 Ballet School (Leçon de Danse) or Class
The Heroic Defenders of Moscow (oratorio) Concert 324
589 Ballet Suite (Choreographic Miniatures)
A Hero of Our Time (opera) 588 47, 197, 198, 280, 484, 566, 590
Katyushka Maslova (opera) 589 The Bedbug 47
Lenin Symphony (choral symphony) 588 Blossoms 589
Lermontov (ballet) 588 The Bolt 45, 73–83, 98, 149, 150, 201,
Liluli (incidental music) 588 323, 327, 415, 571
Mother (opera) 587 The Catalyst 129
Narodnaya Volya (‘black comedy’) 591 Celebration 372
The Negro (operetta) 587 Choreographic Novella 591
Orango (opera) 587 Concerto 402
The People’s Poet (opera) 588 Concerto DSCH 402


Crossroads 590 Wedding Procession 590

The Dance House 129 The Wise Monkeys 129
Dance Suite 324 The Young Lady and the Hooligan 78, 81,
Dark Horizons 437 152, 326, 376,
Directive Little Bow 589 Ballet Suite No. 5 (The Bolt) 387, 589
The Dreamers 60, 79 Blossom Waltz (piano reduction) 416, 417
Elegia 207
Eleventh Symphony 408
Epode 324
The Execution of Stepan Razin 484 Piano Trio No. 1 14–17
Fête Noire 402 Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor 263–72
Fourfold 437 Piano Quintet in G minor 214–21
Front Line 477 String Quartets:
The Golden Age 52–66, 76, 79, 95, 98, No. 1 in C major (Springtime) 193–97
150, 263, 565, 583, 607 No. 2 in A major 272–76
Hamlet 474 No. 3 in F major 288–94
The Idiot 474, 591 No. 4 in D major 331–35
In Concert 129 No. 5 in B flat major 357–60
Jesus der Menschensohn 280 No. 6 in G major 398–400
Just for Fun 324 No. 7 in F sharp minor 430–34
Leningrad Symphony 232 No. 8 in C minor 436–49
The Limpid Stream 76, 138, 146–54, Unfinished Ninth Quartet 476, 589
201, 325, 328, 330, 608 Children’s Quartet (abandoned) 589
The Mad Dictator 280 No. 9 in E flat major 476–79
Meeting 280 No. 10 in A flat major 479–83
Mercurial Manoeuvres 129 No. 11 in F minor 488–91
Ninth Symphony 280 No. 12 in D flat major 509–12
The Overcoat 44, 88, 108, 143, 144, 226, No. 13 in B flat minor 533–36
298, 324, 387, 437, 487, 532 No. 14 in F sharp major 543–45
Paillettes 79 No. 15 in E flat minor 548–51
Pas de trois 60 Twelve Preludes for String Quartet 588
Remember 20 Two Pieces for String Octet 25–28
Rouge et Noir (L’Étrange Farandole) 19 Two Pieces for String Quartet 58, 87
Sacred Circles 215 Chamber Symphony (Quartet No. 4)
Second Symphony 33 331–35, 583
Solitude 207 Chamber Symphony (Quartet No. 8)
The Storm 474 436–49
Strictly Business 591
Switch Bitch 324
Symphony of Revolution 408, 454
Tenth Symphony 365 Antiformalist Rayok 239, 527, 590, 606
Three Aphorisms 590 The Execution of Stepan Razin 483–85,
Three Russian Preludes 342 572, 598, 607
To Comfort Ghosts 548 From Karl Marx to Our Own Days
Tremor 289 101–2
Vestige 155 Loyalty (unaccompanied) 530, 606

My Native Country 249, 250, 255, 262, Belinsky 408, 587

263, 287, 288, 530–31 [Bernstein Conducts Shostakovich] 207, 280
Novorossiisk Chimes 256, 449–50, 524, 607 [The Black Monk] 558, 559
Oath to the People’s Commissar 227–28 Cheryomushki (Song Over Moscow) 413–20
Our Song 523 [The Composer Shostakovich] 38, 549,
Poem of the Motherland 294–95, 607 553, 571, 572
Song of the Forests 317–19, 607 Concert Waltz 93
The Sun Shines over Our Motherland [The Condemned of Altona] 408
355–56, 607 Counterplan 110–14
Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Envoys of Eternity 590
Poets 349–51, 407 Epitaph 438
Two Choruses by Davidenko 492–93 [Ever Decreasing Circles] 118
Two Russian Folksongs (unaccompanied) [The Face Behind the Face] 438
412–13 The Fall of Berlin 319–22
Also Symphonies Nos. 2, 3, and 13 Family Album 575
[Fantasia 2000] 402
The First Echelon 394–96
CONCERTOS Five Days, Five Nights (Dresden Art
The Assault on the Red Hill (mini piano Gallery) 450–52
concerto) 353, 354 The Friends 203
Cello Concerto No. 1 in E flat major The Gadfly 383–93
424–30 The Girlfriends 163–65, 193
Cello Concerto No. 2 in G major 494–98 [The Golden Age] 60
Cello Concerto in A minor (Schumann) The Golden Mountains (Happy Street)
493–94 92–94, 414
Cello Concerto No. 1 (Tishchenko) 517 The Great Citizen (Series I) 203–4
Concertino for two pianos 372–75 The Great Citizen (Series II) 212–13
Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor Hamlet 472–76
128–36 Katerina Izmailova 467
Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major 401–6 Khovanshchina 420–23
Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor King Lear 531–33
298–306 [La Ley del Deseo (The Law of Desire)] 365
Violin Concerto No. 2 in C sharp minor [Leningrad] 232
503–6 Love and Hate 145–46
Elegy and Polka (Two Pieces for String The Man with a Gun (November) 204–5
Quartet) 58, 87 [A Matter of Survival] 232
Events of a Day (piano reductions) 197, The Meeting on the Elbe 312–15
199, 566 Michurin (Life in Bloom) 306–8
[Music from the Flames] 571
New Babylon 44–45
FILM SCORES [Nikolayeva Plays Shostakovich] 342
The Adventures of Korzinkina (Ein Billett [October] 408, 454
V Zone) 226–27 Pirogov 297–98
Alone 68–72, 76, 607 [Recollections of Shostakovich] 553, 571
Ankara—Heart of Turkey 588 [Reilly—Ace of Spies] 387, 388
[Battleship Potemkin] 000 The Return of Maxim 172–74, 376

[Rollerball] 178, 257 Three Pieces for Solo Violin 227

[Rostropovich Returns to Russia] 257 Viola Sonata 557–63
[Rostropovich: Three Friends] 179 Violin Sonata 512–17
[St Petersburg Days] 590
[Shostakovich: A Career] 573
[Shostakovich—the composer and his times] JUVENILIA
571 ‘Leningrad Symphony’ (Symphony
The Silly Little Mouse 213–14 No. 7) 230–37, 319, 320
Simple Folk (Plain People) 286 ‘Lenin Symphony’ (Symphony
Sofya Perovskaya 508–9 No. 12) 588
[Sonata for Viola] 558, 571
Song of the Great Rivers (Unity or Seven
Rivers) 375–77 MARCHES
[Sounds Magnificent] 178
The Tale of a Priest and His Servant Balda German March (The Warmongers film
137–40 score) 242
[Testimony] xxx, 404, 462, 574 Hero’s Victory (Zoya film score) 253
[Toutes peinis confondues] 549 Hitler’s Reception and March to the
[Unfinished Masterpieces] 238 Treasurer (Fall of Berlin film
The Unforgettable Year 1919 352–55 score) 320, 321
Volochayevka Days (Intervention in the Far March—Leading to the Execution (Sofya
East) 191–92 Perovskaya film score) 508
The Vyborg Side 201–3 Solemn March 241–42
[The Warmongers] 242 Soviet Militia 536
[The War Symphonies] 574–75 Maxim film trilogy 162–63
A Year is Like a Lifetime 485–87 Melodic Moment (piano reduction)
[Yevgeni Nesterenko] 553 Melodic Moment (solo piano
The Young Guard (Parts 1 and 2) 295–97 arrangements) 385, 388
[Young Musician of the Year 1990] 155
The Youth of Maxim 162–63
[Yuri Bashmet] 559 MISCELLANEOUS
Zoya (Who is she?) 252–54 See Sans op. X


Album of Cello and Piano Pieces 161 CONTEST
Cello Sonata in D minor 154–62
Concertino for two Pianos 372–75 Neopolitan Dance 384, 385
Fourteen Russian Folksongs for flute and
piano 351–52
Four Waltzes for Flute, Clarinet, and
Piano 77, 306, 385 The Big Lightning 101–2
Moderato for Cello and Piano 103 Boris Godunov [Mussorgsky] 221–22
Seven, Five, and Three Violin Duets Der arme Columbus 66
328–29 The Gamblers 237–39, 286, 529, 557

Katerina Izmailova 85, 87, 464–70, 571, Overture on Russian and Kirghiz Folksongs
579 470–71
Khovanshchina [Mussorgsky] 420–23 Passacaglia (organ solo) 90, 91
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District 436,
464, 465, 573, 586, 593
Moscow, Cheryomushki 413–20 PATRIOTIC WORKS
The Nose 430–39 Battle by the Volga 262–63, 530
The Portrait 590 From Karl Marx to Our Own Days 101
Rothschild’s Violin [Fleishman] 239–41 Funeral-Triumphal Prelude (Prelude-
The Tale of a Priest and His Servant Stalingrad) 506–7
Balda [Khentova] 352 The Homeland Hears 338
Vienna Blood [J. Strauss II] 205 The Internationale [Degeyter] 83, 192
Loyalty (Fidelity) 530
My Native Country 249–50, 255, 262–
ORCHESTRAL 263, 288, 530–31
Concert Suite of Waltzes from Film Novorossiisk Chimes (The Fire of Eternal
Music 330–31 Glory) 255, 449–50, 524
Five Fragments 165–66 ‘Oath to the People’s Commissar’ 227–28
Folk Dance 249, 250 ‘October Dawn’ 525
Folk Festival 328, 384, 387, 584 ‘Patriotic Song’ 254
Football (Opp. 22 and 66) 54, 55, 66, Poem of the Motherland 294–95
262, 263 ‘The Black Sea’ 523
From Karl Marx to Our Own Days The Song of the Forests 317–19
101–2 ‘Song of Peace’ 312–13, 315, 523, 579
Funeral-Triumphal Prelude 506–7 ‘Song of the Red Army’ [with A.
Hamlet: Concert scenario (arr. Khachaturyan] 254–55
Rozhdestvensky) 108, 473 ‘Song of Victory’ 262, 286, 530
Intervision 529
Katerina Izmailova Symphonic Suite
[Basner] 466, 467 PIANO DUOS
October (symphonic poem) 507–8 The Chase 226
Scherzo in E flat major 13–14, 44 Concertino 372–75
Scherzo in F sharp minor Merry March 315–16, 318
Theme and Variations in B flat major 3, Suite in F sharp minor 12–13
277 Tarantella and Prelude 316, 354
(See also Ballets (in bold face), Concertos, Tarantella from The Gadfly 329, 384
Film scores, Marches, Overtures, Stage (See also reductions of symphonies,
Productions, and Symphonies) concertos, and string quartets for one
or two pianos)
Der arme Columbus 66
Festive Overture 377–83 Aphorisms 30–32
The Green Guild [Dzherzhinsky] 101 A Child’s Exercise Book 276–78
October 507–8 Dances of the Dolls 361–63

Eight Preludes 3–4 (viii)Symphony ‘Liturgique’

Five Preludes 4–5 [Honegger] 104
Fugues of the 1930s 588 (ix) Suite on Finnish Themes 104–5
Murzilka 363–64 E Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 1 143–45
Sonata in B flat minor 587 F The Internationale [Degeyter] 192
Sonata No. 1 28–30 G
Sonata No. 2 in B minor 242–45 (i) [Original] Suite for Jazz
Three Fantastic Dances 8–12 Orchestra No. 2 197–98
Three Pieces (Minuet, Prelude, and (ii) Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra
Intermezzo) 2–3 [aka Jazz Suite No. 2] 198–201
Twenty-four Preludes 114–28 H Johann Strauss II transcription
Twenty-four Preludes and Fugues 340–49 (i) Vienna Blood 205
Variations on a Theme by Glinka 406 (ii) Pleasure Train Polka 205–6
I Three Pieces for Solo Violin 227
J Wartime Concert Party Pieces:
PLAYS (i) ‘Oath to the People’s Commissar’
An Informer’s Duty 574 227–28
The Noise of Time 549 (ii) Twenty-seven Romances and
Master Class… 589 Songs 228–29
Preface to the Complete Collection (iii) The Fearless Regiments are on
491–92 the Move’ 229
Prelude and Scherzo (string octet) 25–28 (iv) Polka for Harp Duet [Balakirev]
Romance from The Gadfly 330, 583 229–30
Roundabout of Dances (piano reductions) K Wartime Operas:
199, 328, 566 (i) The Gamblers 237–39
(ii) Rothschild’s Violin [Fleishman]
SANS OPP. L Ceremonial Marches:
A Early Piano Pieces: Minuet, Prelude, (i) Solemn March 241–42
and Intermezzo 2–3 (ii) German March 242
B Five Preludes for piano 4–5 M Eight British and American
C ‘I waited for thee in the grotto’ Folksongs 250–52
[Rimsky-Korsakov] 5–6 N National Anthem Contest entries:
D Unnumbered works 1930s–40s: (i) ‘Patriotic Song’ (Glory to Our
(i) Two Pieces for String Soviet Motherland) 254
Quartet 98–101 (ii) ‘Song of the Red Army’ 254–55
(ii) Overture for The Green Guild (iii) National Anthem 255
[Dzerzhinsky] 101 O Piano Duets for Children:
(iii) From Karl Marx to Our Own (i) Merry March 315–16
Days 101 (ii) Tarantella and Prelude 316
(iv) The Big Lightning 101–2 P Collections of Light Pieces:
(v) Symphony of Psalms (i) Ballet Suites Nos. 1, 2, 3,
[Stravinsky] 102–3 and 4 322–27
(vi) Moderato for Cello 103 (ii) Four Waltzes 327–28
(vii) ‘Dubinushka’ 104 (iii) Seven Violin Duets 328–29

(iv) Album of Cello and Piano Piano Sonata No. 2 in B minor 242–45
Pieces 329–30 Viola Sonata 557–63
(v) Concert Suite of Waltzes from Film Violin Sonata 512–17
Music 330–31
Q Ten Russian Folksongs 351–52
R Greek Songs 360–61 SONG CYCLES
S Piano Pieces for Children:
Eight British and American Folksongs 250–52
(i) Dances of the Dolls 361–63
Five Romances on Texts from Krokodil
(ii) Murzilka 363–64
T Variations on a Theme by Glinka 406
Five Romances on Verses of Dolmatovsky
U Novorossiisk Chimes 449–50
(Songs of Our Days) 393–94
V Songs and Dances of Death
The Fool’s Songs (from King Lear) 223,
[Mussorgsky] 457–59
224, 225
W Cello Concerto No. 1 [Tishchenko] 517
Four Monologues on Poems of Pushkin
X Miscellaneous Works:
(i) Songs: ‘A Toast to Our
Four Songs on Texts of Dolmatovsky 338–39
Motherland’, ‘The Black Sea’,
Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin 556–57
‘Our Native Russia has Gained
From Jewish Folk Poetry 308–12
Strength from the Storms’,
Greek Songs 360–61
‘Hymn to Moscow’, ‘Our Song’,
Loyalty 530
‘Supporters of Peace March’,
Satires (Pictures of the Past) 434–36
‘Bird of Peace’ [J. Smith], ‘There
Seven Romances on Poems of Aleksandr
Were Kisses’, ‘October Dawn’,
Blok 498–503
‘We Cherish the October Dawns
Six Romances by Japanese Poets 50–52
in Our Hearts’, ‘We Sing Glory
Six Romances on Verses of British Poets
to Our Country’, ‘To France’,
‘Glory to the Shipbuilders’,
Six Songs on Poems of Marina
‘La Serenata’ [Braga]. 522–27
Tsvetayeva 546–47
(ii) Cantata: Antiformalist Rayok 527–29
Songs and Dances of Death [Mussorgsky]
(iii) Orchestral: Intervision 529
Y My Native Country 530–31
Spanish Songs 396–98
Z Song of the Flea [Beethoven] 555–56
Suite on Verses of Michelangelo 552–55
Scenes after Gogol (The Gamblers) 237–39
Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary
Scenes from Parisian Life [The Human
Poets 349–51
Comedy] 140–43
‘The Second Waltz’ (from Suite for
Variety Stage Orchestra) 199–200
Sinfonia for Viola and Strings (Quartet
SONGS (a selection)
No. 13) 535 ‘The Ass and the Nightingale’ 7
Sinfonietta in C minor (Quartet No. 8) 436 Ballad—‘A beautiful maiden sits by the
sea’ 335
‘Ballad of Cordelia’ 222–24
SONATAS ‘Beautiful Day’ 320–21
Cello Sonata in D minor 154–62 ‘Children’s Song’ 394–95
Piano Sonata No. 1 28–30 ‘Daybreak’ 312–315

‘The Dragonfly and the Ant’ 7 Songs and Dances of Death

‘The Fool’s Songs’ 223–25 (Mussorgsky) 457–59
‘The Homeland Hears’ 338
‘I Waited for Thee in the Grotto’
[Rimsky-Korsakov] 5–6 STAGE
‘Katerina’s aria’ (from Lady Macbeth of
(i) ‘The foal runs after the filly’/‘From The Bedbug 45–47, 76
my window I saw...’ (Act 1) 89, 98 Cheryomushki 413–20
(ii) ‘In the very depths of the forest, Combative Course 68
there is a lake’ 579 Declared Dead 94–98
‘Longing for the Native Country’ 312–13 Hamlet (1932) 105–10
‘Lullaby’ (‘Go to sleep, go to sleep’) 286 Hamlet (1954) 223, 224
‘Lullaby’ (‘Little son, my fairest’) 308 The Human Comedy (Scenes from Parisian
‘Lullaby’ (‘Sleep, my darling boy’) 338 Life) 140–43
‘Morning in the Caucasus’ 335 Hypothetically Murdered 97
‘Novorossiisk Chimes’ 524 King Lear 222–26
‘Oath to the People’s Commissar’ Native Leningrad 248–50
227–28 Rule, Britannia! 83–84
‘October Dawn’ 525 Russian River 262–63
‘Our Song’ 523–24 Salute, Spain! 171–72
‘The Road to Siberia’ 87 The Shot 67–68
‘Salute to Life’ 111–13 Victorious Spring 286–88
‘Song of the Counterplan’ 110–14, 294, Virgin Land (Soil) 68
307, 414, 579 Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 1 56, 109,
‘Song of the Far Eastern Partisans’ 143–45, 149
171–72, 191–92, 294 Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 [Original]
‘Song of the Flea’ [Beethoven] 555–56 197–98, 261
‘Song of the Flea’ [Mussorgsky] 226 Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra 198–
‘Song of the Lantern’ 286–87, 530 201
‘The Song of Liberation’ 227 Suite on Finnish Themes 104–5
‘Song of Peace’ 312–15, 523, 579
‘Song of the Red Army’ [with A.
Khachaturyan] 254–55
‘The Song of Rosita’ 171–172 No. 1 in F sharp minor 18–25
‘Song of Victory’ (the Internationale) No. 2 in C major (‘To October’) 32–35
262, 286, 530 No. 3 in E flat major (‘The First
‘Song of the Volga Boatman’ 591 of May’) 47–50
‘Song of the Working People’ 375 No. 4 in C minor 166–71
‘Spring, spring’ 503 No. 5 in D minor 176–91
‘There Were Kisses’ 524–25 No. 6 in B minor 206–12
‘United Nations Hymn’ 110, 111, 114 No. 7 in C major (Leningrad) 230–37
‘United Nations on the March’ 110, 112, No. 8 in C minor 255–61
573 No. 9 in E flat major 279–86
‘A Walk into the Future’ 317 No. 10 in E minor 364–72

No. 11 in G minor (‘The Year 1905’) Khovanshchina [Mussorgsky] 420–23

407–12 La Serenata [Braga] 526–27, 590
No. 12 in D minor (‘The Year 1917’) Pleasure Train Polka [J. Strauss II]
452–56 205–6
No. 13 in B flat minor (‘Babi Yar’) 459–64 Song of the Flea [Beethoven] 555–56
No. 14 517–22 Song of the Flea [Mussorgsky] 226
No. 15 in A major 538–43 Song of the Volga Boatman [trad.] 591
Symphony for Strings (Quartet No. 10) Songs and Dances of Death [Mussorgsky]
479–83 457–59
Symphony for Strings and Woodwind Symphony ‘Liturgique’ [Honegger] 104
(Quartet No. 3) 288–94 Symphony No. 10, second movement
Symphony Fragment of 1945 280, 286 [Mahler] 591
Ticket to the Fifth Zone, A (film) 226 Symphony of Psalms [Stravinsky] 102–3
Tea for Two (‘Tahiti Trot’ )
[Youmans] 39–41
TRANSCRIPTIONS Twenty-seven Romances and Songs
Boris Godunov [Mussorgsky] 221–22 228–29
Dawn on the Moscow River Two Choruses by Davidenko
[Mussorgsky] 422, 423 [Davidenko] 492–93
Eight British and American Folksongs Two Pieces by Scarlatti 42
250–52 Vienna Blood [J. Strauss II] 205
Funeral March in F major [Schubert] 591 Toy Shop (Symphony No. 15, 1st
Internationale [Degeyter] 192, 203, 212, movement) 538
253, 295 [Waltz Charmaine] (Barrel Organ
I Waited for Thee in the Grotto [Rimsky- Waltz) 327
Korsakov] 5–6 Yelabuga Nail (song) 590
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About the Author

Derek Hulme was born in Manchester in 1924 but soon moved to Cheshire
and later Derbyshire where he was educated at Derby School of Art. He played
trumpet in dance bands and worked as a designer in a jet engine factory, thus
being exempt from military service (though serving in the Home Guard as an
anti-aircraft gunner). In 1963 he moved to Ross-shire with his Aberdonian wife
and three sons to start Highland Safaris, the first British wildlife tour business,
with his brother-in-law Allister Brebner.

In late 1943 he bought Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony on six long-playing

records. This album started him collecting music scores, press cuttings, and
records of the composer. He visited the Soviet Union in five consecutive years
for Melodiya records, Russian scores, and music books. He decided to compile
a list of Shostakovich's compositions but there were many opus numbers for
which no information could be found so a letter to the composer was posted.


He kindly returned the list with the missing details added along with notes on
his latest works.
The first edition of a privately published catalogue sold quickly. With
favourable reviews and reports from Shostakovich enthusiasts and encourage-
ment from the composer's widow, a second edition was published in 1991 by
Oxford University Press.
Aberdeen University sponsored a series of music lectures, the first titled
‘Shostakovich—the Twentieth Century Beethoven’ and was followed by invi-
tations to speak at Shostakovich symposia: La Scala, Milan in 1996; Glasgow
Royal Concert Hall in 2000; and Fitzwilliam University, Cambridge in 2006.
The third edition of the Shostakovich Catalogue was published by Scarecrow
Press in 2002.

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