A1 Bioluminescent Biosensors Based Food Analysis
A1 Bioluminescent Biosensors Based Food Analysis
A1 Bioluminescent Biosensors Based Food Analysis
Analytical Letters
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To cite this article: E. Michelini , M. Guardigli , M. Magliulo , M. Mirasoli , Prof. A. Roda , P. Simoni & M.
Baraldini (2006) Bioluminescent Biosensors Based on Genetically Engineered Living Cells in Environmental and
Food Analysis, Analytical Letters, 39:8, 1503-1515, DOI: 10.1080/00032710600713156
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Analytical Letters, 39: 1503–1515, 2006
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN 0003-2719 print/1532-236X online
DOI: 10.1080/00032710600713156
P. Simoni
Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy
M. Baraldini
Department of Metal Sciences, Electrochemistry and Chemical
Techniques, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
1504 E. Michelini et al.
Table 1. Selected BL biosensors using firefly luciferase (luc) or bacterial luciferase (lux) as luminescent reporter genes
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reporter protein expression is the result not only of the specific interaction with
the analyte but also of the overall cell vitality and metabolic activity.
The choice of reporter proteins includes several luminescent ones:
BL reporter proteins (such as bacterial and firefly luciferases, aequorin. . .)
provide the best performance in terms of detectability (attomole amounts of
enzyme can be detected) and broad linear range of the signal, whereas fluor-
escent reporters such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) provide superior
spatial resolution of gene expression but less sensitivity (Roda 2004).
Each reporter protein has particular characteristics that affect its suit-
ability for a given application. For example, a biosensor based on bacterial
luciferase can glow without adding a substrate. Cells can be transformed
by inserting the luxCDABE gene cassette, which encodes for both bacterial
luciferase and the enzymes involved in the synthesis of its substrate.
Also firefly luciferase, which emits yellow-green (557 nm) light, and the
corresponding cDNA have been used successfully as a BL reporter of gene
expression in bacterial or mammalian cells, but they require external
addition of substrates.
The firefly luciferase protein (Luc) catalyzes the formation of luciferyl-
adenylate (LH2-AMP) from substrates luciferin (LH2) and ATP [Eq. (1)].
Through a multi-step oxidative process, LH2-AMP is converted to excited
state oxyluciferin, the light-emitting product [Eqs. (2) and (3)].
Luc LH2 AMP þ PPi
Luc þ LH2 þ ATP ! ð1Þ
Since the generation of light from LH2 is highly efficient (Seliger and McElroy
1960) affording great sensitivity for the detection of the luciferase protein, the
Bioluminescent Biosensors in Environmental and Food Analysis 1507
luciferase gene is extremely suitable for reporter gene applications (Gould and
Subramini 1988) and in vivo BL imaging. In eukaryotic cells such as yeasts,
insect luciferase is transported into peroxisomes due to peroxisomal targeting
signal Ser – Lys – Leu (skl) at the C-terminus of the luciferase. To avoid
accumulation of the luciferase into the peroxisomes during cell growth a luci-
ferase truncated version lacking the peroxisome-targeting codons was
produced and used as reporter protein in yeast and mammalian cell biosensors
(Leskinen et al. 2003).
In particular, the ease of cultivation and genetic manipulation of the yeast
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that mercury vapor is slowly released from amalgam fillings and absorbed by
the lungs and, at high levels, this highly toxic heavy metal may damage brain,
kidneys, and the developing fetus. Urinary mercury levels in subjects with
amalgam fillings were slightly significantly higher than those without
amalgam fillings (p , 0.1) (Roda et al. 2001).
In addition, by using 384-well microtiter plates and a CCD-based lumi-
nescence imaging detector a high analytical throughput (more than 5000
samples/h) was achieved, making the assay suitable for screening studies.
A panel of whole-cell biosensors for diverse heavy metals (mercury,
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copper, chromium, zinc, et al.) was also used to analyze sediments and
other environmental samples. The sample analysis was carried out either
directly or after a few pre-analytical steps in 96- or 384-well microtiter
formats, thus being suitable for high throughput screening.
Figure 2. Depth distribution of dioxins in a sampling core of the Tam Giang-Cau Hai
lagoon (Vietnam) as evaluated by the dioxin bioassay.
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progression of wastewater through the plants.
We used a luminescent whole-cell biosensor, based on bioengineered
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing the estrogen receptor and contain-
ing the reporter gene b-gal, which expression being regulated by an estrogen
responsive element (ERE) sequence. These cells synthesize the enzyme
b-galactosidase only when the estrogen receptor is activated by any EDC
present in the sample and are, therefore, suitable for a direct first level screen-
ing of the samples. The b-gal activity was detected using a chemiluminescent
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