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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Materials Selection
For New Construction And Maintenance

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s
employees. Any material contained in this document which is not
already in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given,
or disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part,
without the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering
Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Materials & Corrosion Control For additional information on this subject, contact
File Reference: COE10508 S.B. Jones on 874-1969 or S.P. Cox 874-2488
Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance



(PFDs)......................................................................................................................... 1

Operating Conditions of Process Streams: Chemical Composition,

Temperature, Pressure ..................................................................................... 2

Corrosion......................................................................................................... 4

Typical Process Unit — Basics of Materials Selection ................................... 5


RESOURCES.............................................................................................................. 7

NACE Corrosion Data Survey Metals Section, Sixth Edition......................... 7

General Corrosion Rate........................................................................ 7

Susceptibility to Pitting, Stress Corrosion Cracking,

Intergranular Attack and Crevice Corrosion ........................................ 7

Isocorrosion Charts .............................................................................. 7

American Society for Metals (ASM) Handbooks ........................................... 8

Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook ......................................................... 8

Stainless and High Alloy Steel Catalogs and Handbooks ............................... 8


FABRICATION METHODS...................................................................................... 9

Mechanical Properties and Fabrication Methods ............................................ 9

Tensile Strength/Maximum Allowable Working Stress ...................... 9

Hardness/Wear Resistance................................................................... 9

Fabrication ........................................................................................... 9

Low-Temperature Toughness ............................................................ 10

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

High-Temperature Limitations........................................................... 10

Standards And Specifications........................................................................ 11

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Standards............................................................................................ 11

1989 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code

Sections.............................................................................................. 11

Addenda............................................................................................. 12

Interpretations .................................................................................... 12

Code Cases......................................................................................... 13

API Standards .................................................................................... 13

National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)

Standards............................................................................................ 13

ARAMCO Design Practices (ADP)................................................... 13

ARAMCO Engineering Standards (AES).......................................... 15

ARAMCO Material System Specifications (AMSS)......................... 17

Aramco Standards and Specifications for Materials

Selection and Corrosion Control........................................................ 18

Saudi Aramco Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) ................................. 18

CASE STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 19

GOSP............................................................................................................. 19

DGA Gas Treating Facilities ......................................................................... 20

Seawater Desalination Plant .......................................................................... 20

Atmospheric Column System........................................................................ 20

No. 1 Rheniformer (Naptha Hydrotreater) .................................................... 21

REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 22

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance



Materials of construction for equipment and piping must be economical, as well as meet the
design, safety, and reliability requirements of the facility. Materials that possess these
attributes are considered to be “cost-effective” for the particular application.

In petroleum processing units the presence of hazardous chemicals, elevated temperatures and
pressures, and/or corrosive environments can make the selection of cost-effective materials a
complicated task. In addition, plant location also influences material selection; for example, if
the plant is located near the sea, the effects of salt-induced corrosion must be considered. For
plants located near populated areas, materials of construction are often upgraded in an effort
to reduce the risk of failure to near zero. This is especially important when the equipment and
piping contains hazardous materials.

The materials engineer usually classifies equipment by type when selecting materials; for
example, pressure vessel, heat exchanger, piping, furnace, compressor, and pump. Industry
standards, codes, and Saudi Aramco Standards and Specifications are structured around these
equipment classifications, resulting in a systematic approach to materials selection.

Petroleum facilities must conform to applicable jurisdictional requirements, such as national

or local codes. Some jurisdictions require that new pressure vessels and heat exchangers be
built to the ASME B&PV Code and maintained to the National Board Inspection Code
(NBIC) or API 510, Pressure Vessel Code. In some cases, the NBIC or API 510 are used as
guidelines for maintenance. Although these codes do not specify materials they do have
requirements on welding, preheat, PWHT, and inspection. The materials engineer should
have a working knowledge of these Codes, whether they are mandatory, or are only used for

The process flow diagram (PFD) is an important source of useful information to aid in the
selection of materials for new construction or maintenance. As the name implies, the process
flow diagram shows the process flow through pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps,
compressors, furnaces, tanks, and interconnecting piping. The PFD must also show stream
chemical composition, flowrate, pressure, temperature, liquid level, and control mode. When
contemplating major modifications or maintenance of a facility that has been in operation for
some time, it is important to compare the current operating conditions with those shown on
the original PFD; for example, temperature, pressure, stream velocity, and stream chemical
composition. If the operating conditions have undergone a significant change, it is important
that the new conditions be clearly established.

The modified operating conditions will form the basis for selecting materials for maintenance
or for new items of equipment and piping. If the operating conditions have not changed
significantly the original PFD should be used to identify stream chemical composition,
including major corrodents, temperature, and pressure.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

It must be emphasized that the PFD does not always contain all of the required information
about stream chemical composition. For example, potential corrodents such as chloride,
dissolved oxygen, and hydrogen sulfide are not included on the PFD unless they are present
in significant quantities. Consequently, a stream may be very corrosive, but this corrosivity is
not reflected by the information contained in the PFD. It is necessary to discuss stream
chemical composition with a process engineer prior to preparing a list of candidate (possible)

When the operating conditions and corrodents have been fully identified, the materials
engineer uses his expertise and various information sources, such as the NACE Corrosion
Data Surveys, to identify possible materials, corrosion allowances, or other special
requirements, such as coatings, PWHT, and so forth, for the specific application. The final
material selection is made using the list of possible materials, requirements contained in
Codes, industry and Saudi Aramco standards, and material cost and availability. The material
selection information can be added to the PFD if required to produce a Material of
Construction Diagram. (Note: Page 68 in the Appendix contains an example of an original
PFD without the materials of construction information.) The Material of Construction
Diagram is used by designers and equipment engineers to prepare mechanical data sheets for
pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, piping, and so forth. These data
sheets are incorporated into the contract documents that are subsequently sent to various
contractors and/or vendors for bids.

Operating Conditions of Process Streams: Chemical Composition, Temperature,


The materials engineer begins the review of the PFD by determining the chemical
composition, temperature, and pressure of the various process streams entering and exiting
each piece of equipment. Examples of process streams include feed, effluent, overhead,
sidestreams, reflux, bottoms, product, and so forth. As stated above, the process engineer
should be consulted to establish the corrosive species or compounds such as chlorides,
sulfides, carbon dioxide, naphthenic acids, and water that might be present, but not shown, on
the PFD.

In addition to chemical composition, there are other factors that influence materials selection.
In certain situations, these can be more important than stream chemical composition. For
example, when equipment or piping is in low temperature service [temperature below -29 °C
(-20 °F)], corrosion is not usually a problem, but it is extremely important that materials with
sufficient toughness be selected to prevent brittle fracture. Elevated temperature service
requires materials that have superior high-temperature strength, good resistance to oxidation,
and resistance to metallurgical changes that result in embrittlement or loss of strength due to
aging or graphitization. When designing fired heaters it is important to recognize that tube
metal temperatures are usually 66 to 93 °C (150 to 200 °F) higher than the bulk process
temperature. This is caused by overfiring, flame impingement, external scaling, internal
coking, poor heat distribution between tube passes, or unequal flow between passes. It is
sometimes necessary to upgrade heater tube metallurgy to account for the higher tube metal

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

temperature. For example, the tubes in a steam boiler are often 1 1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo, while the
boiler external piping is carbon steel.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

It is important that metal temperature be maintained above the dew point when carbon or low-
alloy steel equipment is exposed to gas streams containing relatively large quantities of
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, or carbon dioxide. Failure to properly insulate or heat
(steam or electric) trace equipment and piping in these services can result in a severe form of
corrosion called dew point corrosion. This type of corrosion occurs when the gas stream is
cooled to a temperature below the dew point and is due to the condensation of acidic
components. Dew point corrosion problems are common in air preheaters, hydrogen
reforming, and amine and sulfur recovery units. The methods employed to prevent dew point
corrosion are: heat tracing (steam or electric), insulation, or acid resistant linings and alloys.


Carbon steel is the most commonly used material of construction in the petroleum industry
because of its:

• Low Cost

• Availability: Most product forms are readily obtained

• Superior Fabricability: Components are readily formed and the material

exhibits good weldability.

Although carbon steel is usually the material of first choice, there are circumstances where it
is not recommended. When selecting materials of construction, it is common practice to
identify an upper corrosion rate and select materials that exhibit lower rates. This is done
because high corrosion rates require greater wall thickness to obtain the desired design
equipment life. In addition, high corrosion rates also result in the formation of considerable
quantities of corrosion product. These corrosion products can cause unacceptably high
pressure drops and plugging in downstream reactors, as well as the fouling heat exchange
surfaces, which results in reduced thermal efficiency. Corrosion products can also jeopardize
product quality as a result of contamination. A reasonable corrosion allowance for carbon
steel equipment is 3 mm (0.125 in) for most applications. The service life of a component
with a 3 mm (0.125) corrosion allowance suffering a corrosion rate of 0.25 mm/yr (10 mpy) is
at least 12 years.

For low-to-medium alloy steels, such as 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo and 5Cr-1/2Mo, corrosion allowances
are usually within the 3 - 4 mm (0.125 - 0.150 in) range. The specific corrosion allowance
will depend upon the stream temperature and chemical composition.

For high-alloy materials such as stainless steel, Inconel, and titanium, corrosion rates are
usually very low. For these materials either no corrosion allowance or a nominal corrosion
allowance of 0.80 mm (1/32 in) is often specified. When the higher alloy materials are used
as cladding or weld overlay, the minimum thickness is about 2.5 mm (0.100 in). In these
situations the alloy provides corrosion protection only. The carbon or low-alloy steel
substrate provides the required mechanical strength.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

It is very important that the materials engineer knows the predicted corrosion rates of the
proposed materials of construction in the operating environment. The National Association of
Corrosion Engineers (NACE) is one of the best sources of information on corrosion. NACE
publishes books, journals, papers, and reports with the type of corrosion information the
materials engineer needs to specify materials of construction for petroleum processing
facilities. Other valuable information resources are the American Petroleum Institute (API),
and the American Society for Metals (ASM) publications.

Typical Process Unit — Basics of Materials Selection

Page 68 contains an example of a typical Process Flow Diagram (PFD). In this example, the
Hydrofinishing (HDF) Process is used to desulfurize and improve the quality of feedstocks by
catalytic hydrotreating. HDF technology is similar to the technology employed in Catalytic
Hydrodesulfurization (CHD), except that the CHD Unit operates under more severe
conditions. It processes heavier feedstocks at higher temperatures. In this example of HDF
technology, naphtha feed from tankage (after removal of dissolved oxygen) is hydrogen
treated in the presence of a catalyst in the reactor to remove elemental sulfur by converting it
to H2S. The reactor effluent is condensed and sent to a separator. There, the low sulfur
naphtha is separated from the H2S rich gas stream. The H2S rich gas is sent to a gas treating
plant for sulfur recovery and subsequent conversion to elemental sulfur. The low sulfur
naphtha product from the separator is sent to another unit for additional distillation and

Page 69 lists the chemical compositions of the streams entering and leaving each major piece
of equipment in the HDF Unit. Chemical composition is expressed as mass flow rate in moles
per hour of each individual stream constituent. Temperatures on the PFD are expressed in
degrees Fahrenheit ( °F) and appear inside of a rectangle. Temperature is indicated on each
vessel or on individual segments of interconnecting piping. Pressures (psig) are shown inside
circles at similar locations.

Reactor (D-2) is a critical item of equipment and the operating conditions must be carefully
evaluated before selecting materials. Based on the mole fraction of hydrogen and assuming
no pressure drops across the equipment, the hydrogen partial pressure will be approximately
380 psia. Since the reactor operates at a temperature of 427 °C (800 °F), the steel for the shell
and heads must be resistant to high-temperature hydrogen attack. The information resource
used worldwide to select materials that are resistant to hydrogen attack is API Publication
941, Steels For Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum
Refineries and Petrochemical Plants. (Source: Reference No. 2) The curves contained in the
API document are also known as the “Nelson Curves”, after George Nelson who developed
them. Examples of these curves are shown on pages 70 and 71 of the Appendix. Note: Over
the years, the Nelson curves have undergone several revisions. These were necessitated as
new materials performance data became available. Consequently, it is important to check the
date on the curves to ensure that the latest revision is being used.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

Locating the 380 psia and 427 °C (800 °F) point on the table on page 69 in the Appendix, we
note that a satisfactory material is either 1Cr-1/2Mo or 1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo. However, a base 1Cr-
1/2Mo or 1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo vessel would be subject to severe sulfidation attack due to the high-
temperature hydrogen/hydrogen sulfide environment. For a hot wall reactor the solution is to
internally clad or weld overlay the inside surface with an appropriate sulfidation-resistant
material such as austenitic stainless steel (for example AISI type 347 weld overlay). An
alternative approach is to use a cold wall reactor design. In a cold wall design, an insulating
refractory is used to internally line the vessel. The purpose of the lining is to reduce the
vessel wall temperature to about 232 °C (450 °F). At this temperature, sulfidation is not a
problem, and carbon steel provides adequate resistance to high-temperature hydrogen attack.
Although this approach may reduce initial installation costs, maintenance costs are usually
higher due to periodic lining inspection and repairs. Most refractory repairs consist of
patching or relining relatively small local areas to eliminate “hot spots”. As discussed in
Module 6, “hot spots” are caused by local lining failure.

The materials selection process for the Charge Heater (B-1) is extremely important because
heater reliability is critical to the successful operation of the hydrofinishing process. The
charge to the heater is naphtha and hydrogen treat gas with operating conditions similar to
reactor D-2. For hydrogen attack and sulfidation resistance the tubes must be either AISI
Type 321 or Type 347 stainless steel. The expected design life is at least 10 years. This is
based on a corrosion allowance of 1.2 mm (0.050 in) and an estimated sulfidation rate of
0.125 mm/yr (5 mpy).

The product air cooler (E-2) sees the reactor effluent stream leaving the reactor D-2 but the
temperature has been lowered to 200 °C (400 °F) by exchanger E-1. At this temperature, the
cooler is not subject to high-temperature hydrogen attack or sulfidation. The header boxes
should be fabricated from killed carbon steel with a 4 mm (0.150 in) corrosion allowance and
stress relieved. Tubes should be 12 gage killed carbon steel.

The materials of construction for piping are usually similar to those used for equipment
immediately upstream or downstream, whichever is exposed to the more corrosive
environment. However, the corrosion allowance for piping is usually based on a design life
of about 5 to 10 years, instead of the 10 to 20 years typically used for major items of
equipment such as columns, drums, and large heat exchangers.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance



NACE Corrosion Data Survey Metals Section, Sixth Edition

In Module 5, use of the NACE Corrosion Data Survey, Sixth Edition and Errata (copies have
been provided to each Participant) was reviewed.

Page 72 in the Appendix shows the matrix key, key to data points, and the footnotes for data
squares. (Source: Reference No. 3)

General Corrosion Rate

For a given environment, the data square or grid indicates general corrosion rates plotted as a
function of temperature and percent concentration in water for various materials of
construction. The materials addressed include carbon steel, cast iron, stainless steel, copper-
base alloys, nickel-base alloys, titanium, and other less commonly used metals and alloys.
The symbols used in the matrix for average penetration rate are:

• < 2 mpy, o < 20 mpy, 20-50 mpy and x > 50 mpy.

Susceptibility to Pitting, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Intergranular Attack and Crevice


The susceptibility of a particular material to pitting, stress corrosion cracking, and so forth, in
a particular environment is indicated on the data squares or grids by referencing the
appropriate Footnote from the Key to Footnotes. The data square or grid also indicates the
conditions of temperature, concentration, pH, dissolved oxygen content, and so on, that apply
to the particular Footnote.

Isocorrosion Charts

In the Survey, isocorrosion charts for materials with reported corrosion rates of < 20 mpy are
indicated for:

• Mixed Acids (page 177)

• Carbon Monoxide (pages 178 and 179)

• Hydrochloric Acid (pages 180 and 181)

• Hydrofluoric Acid (pages 182 and 183)

• Sulfuric Acid (pages 184 and 185).

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American Society for Metals (ASM) Handbooks

The ASM Handbooks contain considerable information on various materials properties,

material selection, corrosion, etc. A list of the ASM Handbooks by Title and Edition is shown
on page 73 in the Appendix. (Source: Pages 73 to 78, Appendix, Reference No. 4)

Examples of the kind of information available in Volume 13, Corrosion, are described below.

A matrix of corrosion-resistant alloy materials for a petroleum production environment

containing aqueous CO2 and H2S is shown on page 74 of the Appendix. Materials are
arranged according to increasing chloride concentration and temperature versus hydrogen
sulfide concentration (none to high).

Page 75 of the Appendix lists ASTM standard specifications for carbon, low-alloy and
stainless steel in refinery service. Note: In some situations, ASTM specifications are identical
to ASME specifications; in others they are not.

Page 76 of the Appendix shows the effect of temperature on high-temperature sulfidation of

carbon, Cr-Mo, and stainless steels. Note that the sulfur content for these series of curves is
0.6 wt - %. For higher sulfur levels it is necessary to use curves that are based on the
applicable sulfur content, or to apply an empirical correction factor to the 0.6 wt - % curves as
indicated in page 77.

Note that the multiplier effect of sulfur content on corrosion rate applies within the 288-400
°C (550 - 750 °F) temperature range.

Page 78 illustrates the effect of temperature and hydrogen sulfide content on H2S/H2
corrosion of carbon steel. Similar curves for other materials such as 5Cr-1/2Mo, 9Cr-1Mo,
and austenitic stainless steel are available in the literature.

Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook

An additional information resource on materials is Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook.

An example of the kind of information available in Perry’s is shown on page 79 of the
Appendix. (Source: Reference No. 1)

Stainless and High Alloy Steel Catalogs and Handbooks

Considerable information on stainless and high alloy steels (AISI and proprietary) is available
in manufacturer’s catalogs and handbooks. Examples are: Avesta, Allegheny-Ludlum,
Carpenter Technology, Inco Alloys International, Haynes, and Sandvik.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance



Mechanical Properties and Fabrication Methods

Tensile Strength/Maximum Allowable Working Stress

In COE 105.04, the ultimate tensile strength of a material was determined by drawing a
horizontal line from the maximum point on the stress-strain curve to the vertical stress values
on the left. The value obtained is called the ultimate tensile strength, or tensile strength. The
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code Selection VIII, Div. I defines the maximum
allowable stress value for a material as the lowest value of:

• 25% of the tensile strength

• 67% of the yield strength

• the average stress for a creep rate of 0.01% per 1000 hours

• 67% of the stress to cause rupture at the end of 100,000 hours.

Pages 80 and 81 of the Appendix contain the maximum allowable stress values for SA-516
grades 55, 60, 65, and 70 at various temperatures. (Source: Reference No. 5) These values
are used when designing, repairing, or altering pressure vessels or heat exchangers in
accordance with ASME B&PV Code Section VIII, Div. I.

Hardness/Wear Resistance

In COE 105.04, hardness was defined as the ability of a material to resist deformation by an
indenter. Hardness can be used to assess ductility; the lower the hardness the greater the
ductility. Conversely, materials with higher hardness often demonstrate improved wear
resistance in certain environments.


The manufacture of the various product forms of steel was reviewed in COE 105.07. The
manufacture of castings, forgings, plate, seamless pipe and clad materials was covered in
considerable detail. In addition, the basic welding processes and the weldability of ferritic
and high-alloy materials were reviewed. Information about the use of weld metal overlays to
perform repairs or to provide a layer of corrosion-resistant material was also provided.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

It is important to note that regardless of material product form and welding process,
manufacturing must be performed in accordance with qualified procedures using qualified
personnel. All welding procedures and welders must be qualified in accordance with ASME
Code Section IX. In addition, welding procedures and procedures used for the heat treatment,
stress relief, and postweld heat treatment of materials and welds should be reviewed and
approved by the materials engineer prior to fabrication. Also, it is very important that
inspection personnel make frequent visits to the fabricator’s shop. The purpose of these visits
is to ensure that the approved procedures are being followed and that weld quality and
workmanship are acceptable.

Low-Temperature Toughness

In COE 105.04, toughness was defined as the ability of a material to absorb energy and
deform plastically prior to fracture. In general, the toughness of a steel decreases with
decreasing temperature. To avoid brittle fracture, materials are subjected to Charpy V-Notch
impact tests to determine the relationship between impact strength (energy) and temperature.
For equipment subject to low temperatures during startup, operation, or shut down, the ASME
B&PV Code, Sec. VIII, Div. 1 contains impact requirements for pressure vessels and heat
exchangers, as does the B31.3 Code for piping.

Page 82 of the Appendix lists numerous ASTM specifications for carbon steel that exhibit
enhanced resistance to brittle fracture at low temperatures. Note that all of the important
product forms are addressed, for example, plate, pipe, tube, forgings, fittings, and castings.

High-Temperature Limitations

It is not practical to use certain materials when designing equipment for high-temperature,
high-pressure service due to low values of maximum allowable stress. It should be noted that
if these materials were used, vessel walls would be extremely thick. For a cost-effective
operation, it is important that vessel wall thickness be minimized; consequently, compatible
materials with higher values of allowable stress at the design temperature should be used.
This may involve the use of a high-strength Cr-Mo steel clad with stainless steel or the
fabrication of a layered vessel, where the soft internal layer is surrounded by layers of high-
strength steel.

At design temperatures within the creep range, values of allowable stress based on tensile or
yield strength are no longer used. Under these conditions, creep and stress-rupture properties
of the material are paramount.

Page 83 of the Appendix provides suggested maximum temperatures for continuous service
of certain steels based on creep or rupture data. (Source: Reference No. 4)

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Standards And Specifications

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards

ASTM Standards provide extensive information on a material’s chemical composition,

mechanical properties, and material’s testing requirements.

Pages 84 to 86 of the Appendix contain a complete list of the 1991 ASTM Standards by
Section and Volume. (Source: Reference No. 6)

1989 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code Sections

The ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is
divided into several sections, divisions, parts, and subparts. Some of these cover specific
kinds of equipment and applications, others cover specific materials and methods for
application and control of equipment, and others relate to care and inspection of operating
equipment. The following sections either cover or are referred to for the design, construction,
and testing of process plant type equipment:

Section I - Power Boilers

Section II - Material Specifications

Part A - Ferrous Materials

Part B - Nonferrous Materials

Part C - Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals

Section III*

Division 1 - Nuclear Power Plant Components

Division 2 - Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments

Section IV - Heating Boilers

Section V - Nondestructive Examination

Section VI - Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers

Section VII -Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers

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Section VIII - Pressure Vessels

Division 1

Division 2 - Alternative Rules

Section IX - Welding and Brazing Qualifications

Section X* - Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

Section XI - Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components

Code Case Books

1 Boilers and Pressure Vessel

2* Nuclear Components.

*Referred to occasionally for special problems.

All sections of the Code are updated, and Code interpretations are issued by an ANSI
committee that consists of representatives from a cross section of industry (users,
manufacturers, material’s suppliers, regulatory, insurance, and general interest groups). A
new edition of the Code is issued on July 1 every three years, and new addendas are issued on
January 1 of each year. Code Cases are issued after each committee meeting (4 per year).
They contain rules about the use of special materials and designs that have not yet been
incorporated into the Code.


Colored-sheet Addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections of the
Code, are published annually and are automatically sent to purchasers of the applicable
Sections up to the publication of the 1992 Code.


ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the
Code. The Interpretations for each individual Section are published separately and are
included as part of the update service for that Section. They are issued semiannually (July
and December) up to the publication of the 1992 Code. Interpretations for Section III,
Divisions 1 and 2, are included with the update service to Subsection NCA. Interpretations
are not part of the Code or the Addenda.

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Code Cases

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider proposed additions
and revisions to the Code. It also formulates cases to clarify the intent of existing
requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not
covered by existing Code rules. Those Cases which have been adopted will appear in the
appropriate 1989 Code Cases book: (1) Boilers and Pressure Vessels and (2) Nuclear
Components. Supplements are sent automatically to the purchasers of the Code Cases book
up to the publication of the 1992 Code.

Note: In many cases the ASME Section II, Parts A and B specifications are identical to the
ASTM specifications; in some cases they are not. Materials for pressure vessels or heat
exchangers for new construction, repairs, or alterations should be ordered to the ASME
specifications (for example, SA 516-70 not A-570).

API Standards

There are a number of API Standards, Recommended Practices, and Publications related to
materials used in petroleum equipment. Pages 87 to 89 of the Appendix contain these
documents. (Source: Reference No. 7)

National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standards

NACE issues three classes of standards: recommended practices (RPs), test methods (TM),
and material requirements (MR). Pages 90 to 94 of the Appendix list all the available
standards in the 1991 Book of Standards. Individual standards may be ordered from NACE.
(Reference No. 8)

ARAMCO Design Practices (ADP)

Aramco Engineering Procedure AEP-126 establishes guidelines for the development,

revision, approval, and distribution of Aramco Design Practices (ADPs). ADPs are
developed to provide background information needed to assist engineers, designers, and
contractors working on Aramco projects.

ADPs are nonmandatory; deviation from an ADP does not require a waiver of Engineering

ADPs are identified by the following index letters:

Index Letters Topics

A General Section (Basic Design, Plant Layout)

B Fire and Safety

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 13

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

C Columns and Towers

D Unfired Pressure Vessels and Tankage

E Heat Exchangers

F Fired Heaters

G Pumps, Gears, and Lubrication

H Paints and Coatings

I HVAC, Refrigeration, Compressors, Turbines, and Diesel


J Instrumentation

L Piping

M Steel Structures

N Insulation

O Security (SSD)

P Electrical

Q Foundations and Concrete

R Buildings and Architectural

S General Services, Sanitary Engineering, Sewers, Utilities,

Firewater, and Hydrotesting

T Communications

W Welding

X Cathodic Protection

Z Process Computers

Each ADP is divided into two parts: Part I, Commentary on Mandatory Aramco Engineering
Requirements; and Part II, Design Criteria.

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Part I discusses why Aramco has included requirements in an AES, AMSS, or Standard
Drawing that exceed those of industry standards or industry practices. The Commentary
provides background details, limits of application, and other pertinent information that
explains the need for unique Aramco requirements. It also places special emphasis on
explaining those requirements that are based on Aramco experience.

Part II is written for the user who desires to study individual subjects in greater detail. It may
contain a compilation of information from various sources such as research data, Aramco
Engineering Reports (AERs), reference material, industry and Aramco experience, design
examples, and when applicable, computer software programs.

An index of Aramco Design Practices (ADP) is included on pages 95 to 102 of the Appendix.
ADPs related to materials will be highlighted.

Materials selection and use-related information in the following ADPs will be highlighted as











ARAMCO Engineering Standards (AES)

Aramco Engineering Procedure AEP-125 establishes guidelines for the development,

publication, and use of Aramco Engineering Standards (AES’s).

The purpose of AES’s is to provide minimum mandatory requirements for the design,
construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities for Aramco. AES’s take
precedence over all standards and specifications.

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Material Selection For New Construction & Maintenance

AES’s are identified by the same index letters as ADPs.

Pages 103 to 118 of the Appendix contain an index of Aramco Engineering Standards (AES).
Materials related AES’s will be highlighted.

Materials selection and use-related information in the following AES’s will be highlighted as





















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ARAMCO Material System Specifications (AMSS)

Aramco Engineering Procedure AEP-119 establishes guidelines for the development,

revision, approval, and distribution of Aramco Material System Specifications (AMSS’s).
The purpose of an AMSS is to serve as an attachment to a purchase requisition, request for
quotation, or purchase order to specify the minimum technical requirements which a vendor
must meet when supplying specific materials or equipment for use by Aramco.

Pages 119 to 131 of the Appendix contain an index of Aramco Materials System
Specifications (AMSS). AMSS related to materials will be highlighted.

Materials selection and use related information in the following AMSS’s will be highlighted
as examples:













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Aramco Standards and Specifications for Materials Selection and Corrosion Control

Pages 132 to 139 of the Appendix are titled “Aramco Standards and Specifications for
Materials Selection and Corrosion Control” (2639 J/1-8). This information will be

Materials related information in many of the AES’s and AMSS’s were highlighted in the
AES’s and AMSS’s presentation. This course will not cover the AES’s and AMSS’s on
paints, protective coatings, cathodic protection, and instrumentation.

Saudi Aramco Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)

Various Saudi Aramco PFDs are reviewed and stream chemical composition, temperature,
pressure, and corrosive species are identified.

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Page 140 of the Appendix contains a flow diagram of a typical Ghawar Field GOSP. Pages
141 to 145 are PFDs which show the flow through the various pieces of equipment and
contain the chemical compositions of the streams.

Page 145 shows the LPPT Compressor Suction Drum (U29-D-052). Two material selection
problems are illustrated below:

A new larger drum is required. What should the materials of construction be and what is the
required corrosion allowance? The gas stream to the drum is Stream No. 2. Summer and
winter data show the temperature to be within the 100 - 148 °C (212 - 300 °F) range.
Pressure is 450 kPa (65 psia). The data on chemical composition indicates the presence of
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and water. Although carbon steel is a satisfactory material
for the shell and top head, the concern is that sour water containing H2S and CO2 can
accumulate on the bottom head. It is expected that the new drum will have a service life of at
least 20 years. The top head and shell can be carbon steel with a corrosion allowance of 3mm
(0.125 in), since the expected corrosion rate at these conditions is less than 5 mpy. The
bottom head should be Monel or stainless steel clad carbon steel, since the compressor suction
drum is essential to compressor operation. The cladding can be applied by roll bonding,
explosion bonding or weld overlay.

List of Candidate Materials - A commonly used pressure vessel steel is SA 516. An

examination of Table UCS-23 in ASME Section VIII Div. 1 indicates that grade 70 material
has the highest value of maximum allowable stress of the four grades. By using the higher
strength grade the required thickness of the drum is less. However, current industry practice
appears to be moving in the direction of using a lower strength grade, such as grade 60, along
with PWHT after fabrication to minimize the risk of sulfide-stress cracking. If grade 70
material is used, at a minimum the drum must be given PWHT. The selection of grade 60 or
70 will depend primarily and cost and availability.

For the bottom head competitive bids can be obtained for Monel or stainless steel clad carbon
steel by roll bonding, explosion cladding, or weld overlay.

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DGA Gas Treating Facilities

Pages 146 and 147 of the Appendix contain a flow diagram and a PFD for the DGA Gas
Treating Facilities at the Shedgum Natural Gas Center. Another example of materials
selection would be for the DGA contactor (R41-C-101). The sour gas to the DGA contactor
is stream 8. The PFD shows a winter and summer temperature of 46 °C (115 °F) and a
pressure of 160 psia. The data on chemical composition indicate the presence of considerable
quantities of CO2, H2S, and water. For these conditions the top head and shell can be
fabricated from carbon steel. The recommended corrosion allowance is 6 mm (0.250 in).
This is based on a predicted corrosion rate of approximately 0.25 mm/yr (10 mpy). This
additional shell thickness should provide a service life of at least 20 years. The bottom head
will be exposed to rich, sour DGA (DGA with H2S and CO2) solution that could cause
erosion-corrosion due to high fluid velocity at the contactor outlet. To minimize the potential
for corrosion it is recommended that an alloy-clad head and outlet nozzle be considered.
Since Monel is not suitable for amine service, it is suggested that the head be clad with Type
304L or Type 316L stainless steel. The cladding could be applied by roll bonding, explosion
bonding, or weld overlay. The final selection should be made based on cost and availability.

Seawater Desalination Plant

Page 148 of the Appendix shows a process overview of the Seawater Supply System. What
kind of FRP pipe can be used for the seawater piping systems in the various facilities?

In COE 105.06, the use of Ameron’s Bondstrand 2000 and 5000 series pipe and fittings was
reviewed. For general seawater service, the 2000 series pipe can be used. For severely
corrosive services, the 5000 series can be used up to 93 °C (200 °F).

For maximum reliability, the 5000 series can be considered for stream 3/3. The 2000 series
could be used for stream 3/8.

Atmospheric Column System

Pages 149 and 150 of the Appendix contain PFDs for the Atmospheric Column System at Ras
Tanura (stream analyses are not included). Should the atmospheric column bottoms line to
the vacuum furnaces be carbon steel or 5 Cr-1/2 Mo?

At 357 °C (675 °F) the corrosion rates shown on page 151 are approximately: 128 mpy for
carbon steel, 73 mpy for 5 Cr-1/2 Mo, 23 mpy for 9 % chrome, and 4 mpy for 18 Cr-8 Ni.
Assuming there is no limitation on the life of the unit, 9 Cr-1 Mo or 18 Cr-8 Ni should be
considered after evaluating the amount of sulfur in the crude that the unit will process. If
18Cr-8Ni material is used for the atmospheric column bottoms line it might be advisable to
paint the external surface of the line with high temperature silicone based paint. The paint will
prevent chlorides form coming into direct contact with the surface of the material.

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No. 1 Rheniformer (Naptha Hydrotreater)

Page 152 of the Appendix contains a PFD for the No. 1 Rheniformer (Naptha Hydrotreater) at
Ras Tanura (no stream analyses are provided). The hydrotreater reactor (488-C-201) will be
replaced with a new hot wall reactor. What should the reactor material of construction be?
As indicated on the PFD, the reactor conditions are 460 psig and 290 C (558 °F) at the start of
run (SOR) and 395 C (750 °F) at the end of run (EOR). The reactor will operate at 200 psia
hydrogen partial pressure. Using the Nelson curves in API 941, 1Cr-Mo steel is required.
Based on availability, 1Cr-Mo steel can also be used.

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1. Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook

2. API Publication 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperature and
Pressures in Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemical Plants

3. NACE Corrosion Data Survey, 6th Edition, Houston, Texas, USA

4. ASM Metals Handbook, Volume 13

5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Selection, VIII, Division 1

6. American Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM)

7. API Standards


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 22

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