Aptitude: Meaning and Measurement - Psychology

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Aptitude: Meaning and

Measurement | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about the meaning and measurement of

Meaning of Aptitude:
An aptitude is not the same thing as ability or interest, as it is more
specific, measuring only certain aspects of functioning within a limited
range. A person with a verbal ability cannot have aptitude for all the
different tasks or vocations connected with verbal ability. The
delimitation of the area is a result of the influence of the environment
and personal cultivation for a period of time. Aptitude is only in part
inborn or native.

The most appropriate explanation of aptitude is given by Bingham,

which is included in Warren’s Dictionary of psychology. He defines
aptitude as- “A condition or set of characteristics regarded as
symptomatic of an individual’s ability to acquire with
training some (usually specified) knowledge, skill or set of
responses, such as ability to speak a language, to produce
music …”
Bingham further states that aptitude is a measure of probabilities of
success of an individual with training is certain type of situations such
as playing violin. So aptitude is something more than the ability. It is
ability plus suitability of performance. A person may be a good
scholar, because he possesses high verbal ability, but not necessarily a
good teacher.


Teaching aptitude depends upon not only high scholastic ability, high
interest in teaching, but also some personality traits which are wanted
in a teacher. Every person with high measure of scientific ability
cannot prove to be a good doctor unless he possesses some further
traits like perseverance, sociability, love of humanity, dexterity of
fingers to perform an operation etc.

Aptitude, in reality predicts what a person is fit to be:

Achievement looks to the past, indicating what has been done.

Ability concerns the present, indicating the powers now.


Aptitude looks to the future, predicting what he may become.

Aptitude is a result of both heredity and environment. The primary

mental ability which is a major factor herein is hereditary. The
readiness to acquire knowledge or skill, and the satisfaction in the
activity is cultivated on the effect on environment.

Some of the chief characteristics of an aptitude are the following. It is

of a specific nature, as it is not common to all the situations where a
particular ability is used. As it cannot be further analysed into simpler
abilities, it is unitary. It remains, more or less constant. It implies
facility of learning or readiness to acquire a particular job.

How to Measure Aptitude:

Aptitude can be measured through a multiple evidence which includes
past academic achievement of the pupil, occupational status of the
parents, the observation of the teacher, the hobbies selected by the
pupil, the interview, self-estimate by the pupil, a situation test and a
standardised aptitude test. The most important of the above means in
the aptitude test.


Aptitude Tests:
Below we mention some important Aptitude Tests:
1. Thurston’s S.R. A test 011 Primary Mental Abilities is based on the
theory given by Thurston that there are 7 types of primary abilities. He
arrived at this theory through the method of Factor Analysis Several
other tests based on factor analysis are M.A.T. (Multiple Aptitude
Test), FACT (Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test) GATB (General
Aptitude Test Battery) and Holzinger’s Unifactor Tests.

2. Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) have been prepared by Drs.

Benette, Seashore and Wesman and printed by Psychological
Corporation, New York. This consists 8 tests viz. verbal reasoning,
numerical ability, abstract reasoning, space relations, mechanical
reasoning, clerical speed and accuracy and language usage.


3. Minnesota Mechanical Aptitude Test, measures the mechanical


4. Detroit Mechanical Aptitude Test also is for the same purpose.

5. O’Connor’s Tweezer Dexterity Test, measures precision in the use of

small tools, which is necessary in surgery, anatomy and watch-making.

6. Wiggly Block test by Johnson O’connor consists of 9 wooden pieces

which are dismantled and then reconstructed.

7. Minnesota Clerical Aptitude Test is very popular and its Indian

adaptation also has been prepared. Johnson O’conner also has
prepared clerical aptitude test.

8. Seashore Musical Aptitude Test is quite suitable in the western

countries, but is not applicable in India, because of the difference in
the music style.

9. Mcadory Art Test includes 72 plates with 4 different versions of the

same picture in each plate. The subject has to distinguish between the
4 different versions.

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