Aptitude: Meaning and Measurement - Psychology
Aptitude: Meaning and Measurement - Psychology
Aptitude: Meaning and Measurement - Psychology
Measurement | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about the meaning and measurement of
Meaning of Aptitude:
An aptitude is not the same thing as ability or interest, as it is more
specific, measuring only certain aspects of functioning within a limited
range. A person with a verbal ability cannot have aptitude for all the
different tasks or vocations connected with verbal ability. The
delimitation of the area is a result of the influence of the environment
and personal cultivation for a period of time. Aptitude is only in part
inborn or native.
Teaching aptitude depends upon not only high scholastic ability, high
interest in teaching, but also some personality traits which are wanted
in a teacher. Every person with high measure of scientific ability
cannot prove to be a good doctor unless he possesses some further
traits like perseverance, sociability, love of humanity, dexterity of
fingers to perform an operation etc.
Aptitude Tests:
Below we mention some important Aptitude Tests:
1. Thurston’s S.R. A test 011 Primary Mental Abilities is based on the
theory given by Thurston that there are 7 types of primary abilities. He
arrived at this theory through the method of Factor Analysis Several
other tests based on factor analysis are M.A.T. (Multiple Aptitude
Test), FACT (Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test) GATB (General
Aptitude Test Battery) and Holzinger’s Unifactor Tests.