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Toxicology Reports 6 (2019) 1086–1090

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Toxicology Reports
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Cytotoxic and antimicrobial potential of different varieties of ripe banana T

used traditionally to treat ulcers
Latifa Rashid Abdullah Al-Mqbali, Mohammad Amzad Hossain⁎
School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy and Nursing, University of Nizwa, P.O. Box 33, 616, Nizwa, Oman


Keywords: Globally, plant as herbal medicine is used to treat different diseases. The goal of this present study was to assess
Ripe bananas the antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential of ripe banana extracts with various polarities which were grown in
Antimicrobial potential Oman. The powder banana samples were extracted with methanol by soaking mode. The solvent was removed
Cytotoxic potential by a rotary evaporator and the extract was fractionated by dissimilar polarities of solvents to give corresponding
Disc diffusion
extracts. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential of the various polarities extracts of ripe banana were de-
BSL method
termined by modifying disc diffusion and brine shrimp lethality (BSL) bioassays. Each banana extract at different
concentrations showed modest antimicrobial potential against two Gram (+) and two Gram (-) with the range of
inhibition 0–13 mm. The results of cytotoxic potential revealed that the each banana extract at various applied
concentrations killed the shrimp larvae. Among the extracts, the butanol and water extract gave the maximum
cytotoxic potential with LC50 value of 20.12 and 24.22 μg/ml, however, the lowest cytotoxic potential was
obtained in the ethyl acetate extract with LC50 value of 36.68 and 49.32 μg/ml. In our experimental results
showed that the highest polarity banana extracts have significant antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential. In
conclusion, the highest polarity extract could be a candidate for the use of antibiotics.

1. Introduction considered a major source of naturally nutritious food belongs to the

Musaceae family. It originates from the western countries and cur-
Natural products are the main source of drugs and that is the only rently, widely distributed and cultivated worldwide. First, it is spread to
choice worldwide. Plants are reflected as one of the predominant nat- the Indian region during 600 BCE and later on, it spread globally. From
ural sources and plants itself and its derived products are more de- the literature search reveals that banana is the oldest cultivated crop
pendable and safer source for its renewability. Therefore, the plant [4]. Nowadays, more than 100 countries are commercially cultivated
sources and its derived products are well accepted primary medicines regular basis due to the instant source of energy and nutrition [5,6].
and still, the plants and its formulated products are globally recognized According to the priority crops list, banana is the fourth position and it
as a main health care system. However, previously, researchers are is the most significance traded crops in the global market [7,8]. The
interested to work with available plant sources to find an effective in- plant height is about 4 to 5 m and the leaves are spirally arranged. All
dividual therapeutic agent [1]. The plant, fruits, and vegetables itself parts of the selected plant showed significant medicinal values [5].
and its extracts are more effective compared to pharmaceutical ones Most of the phytochemical studies showed that the banana extracts
which has no or major side effects [1]. Several scientific evidence contain a high percentage of fatty acids, sterols and its ester, linoleic
showed that more intake of fruits and vegetables have a poorer risk of acid and its derivatives, and sugar derivatives [7–10]. Recently, some
cancer [2]. Polyphenolics, alkaloids and glycoside compounds are the important bioactive chemical compounds were detected in the banana
most important group of plant ingredients which is mandatory for the like vitamin B & C, oxalic acid, sulphate, starch, tannin, glycosides,
daily human diet. Those groups of compounds play a vital role to phenolic derivatives, triterpenes, stigmast-7-methylenecycloartanol,
control the biological functions of the human body and it is directly stigmast-7-en-3-ol, lanosterol, and α-amyrin which are responsible to
related to the interference of cancer development [3]. Bananas are control biological function and activities [11–14]. Current literature
globally recognized crops available everywhere, including Oman. It is a searches reveal that the complex phytochemicals also present in the
cheapest and available crop and affordable for everyone. Several vari- banana extracts which are more effective than the single ingredient to
eties with different size of bananas are available in Oman. Banana is prevent cancer due to the additive effect [15,16]. The people are using

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Hossain).

Received 27 August 2019; Received in revised form 30 September 2019; Accepted 3 October 2019
Available online 04 October 2019
2214-7500/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L.R.A. Al-Mqbali and M.A. Hossain Toxicology Reports 6 (2019) 1086–1090

traditionally the stem juice to treat epilepsy, hysteria, dysentery, and

diarrhea [9]. The extract from flowers is a good medicine using tradi-
tionally to treat bronchitis, dysentery, and ulcers [17]. Since ancient
times, the banana syrup has been used to treat diabetes, epilepsy, le-
prosy, fevers, hemorrhages, dysentery and diarrhea [17]. In India, the
paste of mature and young leaves is used to treat burns, skin afflictions,
dysentery, diarrhea and malignant ulcers [17]. The paste of the roots is
also used to treat dysentery and other chronic diseases [17]. Omanis are
used traditionally to treat digestion, constipation, and diarrhea. How-
ever, there is no extensive scientific work was done on Omani banana
species. Therefore, it is mandatory to know the toxicity and phyto-
pharmacological activities of the locally grown banana that are col-
lected from Sohar and Dhofar region. On this regards, the goal of this
research work was to prepare various polarities ripe banana extracts
from varieties ripe banana and to assess their antimicrobial and cyto-
toxic potential.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Chemicals and reagents

Fig. 1. Local Banana collected from Sohar.

Various polarities of solvent like hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol,
methanol, chloroform and acetone were used collected from Sigma
Aldrich Company, Germany and were > 98.3%, > 98.6%, > 96.9%, against two Gram-positive bacteria: S. aureus (code no. 207) and S.
> 99.1%, and > 97.6% purity, respectively. The other necessary re- pneunoniae (Code no. 257) and two Gram-negative bacteria: E. coli
agents and chemicals, especially NaCl and Na2SO4 were used to pur- (Code no. 337) and H. influenza (Code no. 236) [18,19]. In this ex-
chase from BDH, UK. The levofloxacin and dimethyl sulphoxide periment, board-spectrum antibiotic levofloxacin and DMSO solvent
(DMSO) were obtained from E. Merck, Germany. were used as controls. The concentration of positive control was 1 mg/
5 ml in DMSO. Filter paper 6 mm diameter was used as the paper discs.
2.2. Microorganism The determination of the antimicrobial potential of various polarity
banana extracts at various concentrations (2, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 mg/ml)
Two Gram (+) bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus, Code no. were used. Initially, all discs were sterilized and impregnated with each
207) and Streptococcus pneunoniae (S. pneunoniae, Code no. 257) and concentration of various banana extracts and place on the agar plates.
two Gram (-) bacteria: Escherichia coli (E. coli, Code no. 337) and Finally, all applied plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. The anti-
Haemophilus influenza (H. influenza, Code no. 236) were used in this bacterial potential of each concentration extract has measured the
present study. All the selected Gram (+ and -) bacterial strains were zones of inhibition against the Gram (+ and -) bacterial strains. The
obtained from the local Nizwa Hospital, Nizwa, Oman. experiment was replicated three times. The potential for each polarity
ripe extract at each concentration was evaluated by using the following
2.3. Sample collection formula (Fig. 1).

Antimicrobial potential = Inhibition zone of ripe banana sample/In-

The samples were collected from the garden at Dhofar and Sohar
hibition zone of standard
cities in the morning time on December 21, 2016. The ripe banana
samples were taken at home for cleaning and slicing.
2.6. Cytotoxic assay
2.4. Banana extracts
The cytotoxic potential was assessed of all polarities banana extracts
The banana samples were sliced and it was dried at ambient tem- of ripe banana samples by BSL method described by Weli et al. [20].
perature for 5 days under the electric fan. The dried hard samples were Initially, the shrimp eggs were hatched with artificial seawater for 24 h.
made coarse powder by a heavy-duty blender machine and the samples After 24 h hatching, the nauplii was separated from the eggs and come
(350 gm) were packed with filter paper and kept in a beaker and added out to the other compartment. Those active nauplii was used for cyto-
methanol (1 L) for 48 h. Then, the methanol was filtered by using a toxic potential in this experiment. Two types of banana samples at
Buckner funnel and the solvent was removed by a rotary evaporator. different concentrations (10, 100, 250, 500 μg/ml) were prepared by
Finally, the prepared banana extract (20 gm) was liquefied in water and using water. One hundred (100) μl of each concentration ripe banana
successively fractioned with organic solvents with increasing polarity extract was placed in the test tube containing 4900 μl of artificial sea
pattern to afford corresponding hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, bu- water and 10 nauplii of each test tube. After 24 h of incubation, the
tanol, and water extracts, respectively [18]. All mother solvents were total number of alive nauplii was counted and recorded. The well-es-
evaporated by the same process and the dried fractions were used for tablished formula was used to calculate the percentage of the lethality
the determination of pharmacological and toxicological activities. of brine shrimps.

2.5. Antimicrobial assay 3. Results

The ripe banana extracts were used for the determination of anti- The ripe banana sample was collected from the farmer at Sohar and
microbial potential by using slightly modified agar gel diffusion method Dhofar, Oman. Then the samples were sliced and dried under an electric

L.R.A. Al-Mqbali and M.A. Hossain Toxicology Reports 6 (2019) 1086–1090

Table 1 antimicrobial potential of the prepared crude extracts from both ripe
Yield of crude extracts of Sohar and Dhofar ripe banana. bananas was determined against the locally available clinically isolated
Extracts Yield of ripe extracts Gram (+ and -) bacterial strains which were collected from a local
(gm) hospital. In our experimental results showed that both ripe banana
extracts have moderate antimicrobial potential against all culture bac-
Sohar Dofar terial strains at all applied concentrations within the range of 0–13 mm.
Hexane 0.28 0.35 The chloroform ripe banana extract showed the highest potential
Ethyl acetate 1.22 4.82 against E. coli at the concentration of 2 mg/ml which was collected from
Chloroform 0.19 0.13 Sohar. The other polarities banana extracts were collected from Sohar
Butanol 0.97 0.11 and Dofar showed the medium potential against E. coli at all applied
Methanol 38.7 13.91
concentrations. However, water banana extract from Dofar did not
Water 0.82 3.85
show any potential against H. influenza and S. aureus of any applied
The values are means ± SD of three replicates. concentrations. The chloroform extract from Sohar also did not show
any potential at any prepared concentrations against S. aureus (Code
fan at normal temperature for 5 days. The dried samples were made 207). Similarly, the highest potential was obtained in the chloroform
into coarse powdered. extract which was collected from Sohar against E. coli (Code 337) and
the lowest in the hexane banana extract against S. aureus. Most of the
3.1. Preparation of banana extracts ripe banana extracts collected from both places gave the moderate
potential against E. coli at all prepared concentrations. However, almost
The banana extract was obtained from the powdered ripe banana of the prepared extract at various concentrations gave the minimum
with methanol by using a maceration method for five days. The extract potential against the applied H. influenza, S. aureus and S. pneunoniae
was fractioned and separated individually by various solvents to give strains (Table 2). All banana extracts collected from Sohar gave the
corresponding hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol, methanol lower potential against S. aureus compared to the Dhofar banana ex-
and water extract (Table 1). tracts. The butanol, methanol and water banana crude extract from
Sohar did not give any potential against H. influenza (Table 2). Due to
lack of reference data, we are unable to compare our results. The an-
3.2. Antimicrobial potential
timicrobial potential of the banana extracts depends on various factors
such as chemical compounds, doses of extracts and the sensitivity of the
The antimicrobial potential of six extracts of both ripe banana was
specific bacterial strains. The experimental results also showed that all
determined by disc diffusion method with modification against clini-
banana extracts gave minimum potential that means all extracts from
cally isolated (+ and -) bacterial strains [18,19]. The antimicrobial
both bananas contains less concentration of bioactive compounds
potential of six banana extracts was determined through the disc dif-
which is responsible for antimicrobial potential. Previous studies re-
fusion method against S. aureus (Code no. 207) and S. pneunoniae (Code
lated to the antimicrobial potential of banana extract from other
no. 257) and negative E. coli (Code no. 337) and H. influenza (Code no.
countries and different varieties showed that the extracts from the ba-
236) culture bacterial strains. Four different concentrations of each
nana are active against some the Gram (+ and -) bacterial strains
banana extract of both ripe bananas were used to determine the anti-
[6,21,22,15]. Our experimental results also showed that all bananas
microbial potential. Most of the extracts from both ripe bananas showed
crude extracts are not significantly active against the applied bacterial
potential antimicrobial activity against the applied microbes and the
strains. On the other hand, each banana extract was killed all shrimp
results were presented in Table 2.
larvae (percent mortality 100%) at the highest concentration of 500 ug/
ml. The percent mortality (%) for all extracts of ripe banana at all
3.3. Cytotoxic potential concentrations was given in Table 3. The highest cytotoxic activities
were shown in the butanol extract from Sohar and the water extract
Four concentrations of each polarities extract from the Sohar and from Dhofar banana. However, the lowest potential was in the ethyl
Dofar cities showed significant cytotoxic potential against the brine acetate of both ripe bananas. Moreover, there was an increase in the
shrimp larvae [20]. The percentage of mortality (%) was found in dif- mean percentage of mortality with the increase in concentrations of the
ferent polarities extracts of Sohar and Dofar’s ripe banana extracts extract. In our antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential results showed low
shown in Table 3. potential its also depend on the chemical compounds in the extract and
the dose applied. These results are contrary to what has been reported
4. Discussion for the cytotoxic potential of bananas extract collected from elsewhere
[23,24,12]. This variation of cytotoxicity value could be due to the
Globally, people are using various traditional medicines as primary methodologies of sample collection, extraction and preparation of
health care therapy to treat different ailments. The Omani people are samples; however, the same study used the same BST assay by other
also used all those various therapies to treat diseases. But, there is no investigations.
scientific evidence of this used therapy to treat diseases. Recently, sci-
entists/researchers are working on those traditionally available thera- 5. Conclusion
pies to find out the biologically active ingredients including anti-
microbial and anticancer agents through the plants including Omani The antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential of Sohar and Dhofar ripe
medicinal plants. The banana is one of the major economical agri- banana were evaluated by disc diffusion and BSL biassays. Both ripe
cultural crops which is available worldwide. It has unlimited medicinal banana samples collected from both cities showed significant anti-
benefits. In Oman, people are using banana to treat digestion, con- microbial potential against the selected isolated culture Gram (+ and -)
stipation, and diarrhea. For this medical ground, we are intended to bacteria. In addition, the prepared ripe banana extracts also showed
design our present study to evaluate the antimicrobial and cytotoxic good cytotoxic potential against brine shrimp method. The highest
potential of different types of locally grown ripe bananas. The potential ripe banana extracts might be used as a natural safe medicine

L.R.A. Al-Mqbali and M.A. Hossain

Table 2
Antimicrobial potential of different crude extracts from Sohar and Dhofar ripe banana samples.
Bacteria Extract Hexane Chloroform Ethyl acetate Butanol Methanol Water

Conc. Sohar Dofar Sohar Dofar Sohar Dofar Sohar Dofar Sohar Dofar Sohar Dofar

E. coli 2 11 ± 0.12 10.5 ± 0.56 13 ± 0.14 9 ± 0.42 9 ± 0.12 7.5 ± 0.55 7 ± 0.15 9 ± 0.20 7 ± 0.12 8 ± 0.17 7 ± 0.13 7.5 ± 0.07
(Code no. 337) 1 11 ± 0.43 10 ± 0.23 8 ± 0.11 8.5 ± 0.33 8 ± 0.10 7 ± 0.18 7 ± 0.43 8.5 ± 0.07 8 ± 0.23 7.5 ± 0.10 6 ± 0.90 7 ± 0.21
0.5 9.5 ± 0.89 7 ± 0.78 8 ± 0.09 6.5 ± 0.41 7.75 ± 0.11 6.5 ± 0.23 7 ± 0.55 8 ± 0.65 7.15 ± 0.15 6.5 ± 0.15 7 ± 0.10 6.5 ± 0.57
0.25 9 ± 0.15 6.5 ± 0.23 7 ± 0.16 6 ± 0.10 9 ± 0.07 6 ± 0.32 7 ± 0.08 7 ± 0.14 7 ± 0.10 nd 6 ± 0.19 6 ± 0.16
Control 3 12 ± 0.32 8 ± 0.47 30 ± 0.10 25 ± 0.16 11 ± 0.23 29 ± 0.21 10 ± 0.25 9 ± 0.18 7 ± 0.10 nd 9 ± 0.12 22 ± 0.13
H. influenza 2 7 ± 0.76 8 ± 0.28 8 ± 0.19 7.5 ± 0.19 8 ± 0.15 7.5 ± 0.10 8 ± 0.18 7.5 ± 0.15 8 ± 0.32 8.5 ± 0.09 9 ± 0.15 nd
(Code no. 236) 1 6 ± 0.19 7.5 ± 0.26 6 ± 0.22 7 ± 0.31 8 ± 0.78 7 ± 0.19 8 ± 0.42 7.15 ± 0.11 7 ± 0.42 8.15 ± 0.54 9 ± 0.08 nd
0.5 nd 7 ± 0.55 8 ± 0.41 6.5 ± 0.64 7.5 ± 0.52 6.5 ± 0.11 7 ± 0.08 7.15 ± 0.17 7 ± 0.12 8 ± 0.22 6 ± 0.10 nd

0.25 nd 7 ± 0.16 8 ± 0.23 6.5 ± 0.55 7 ± 0.10 6.5 ± 0.45 6 ± 0.09 7 ± 0.19 nd nd 6 ± 0.54 nd
Control 3 33 ± 0.18 26 ± 0.21 28 ± 0.32 27 ± 0.14 27 ± 0.10 27 ± 0.56 28 ± 0.23 27 ± 0.09 29 ± 0.15 33 ± 0.32 30 ± 0.87 25 ± 0.23
S. aureus 2 6 ± 0.90 8 ± 0.12 nd 9 ± 0.17 6 ± 0.55 10 ± 0.23 8 ± 0.27 nd 8 ± 0.10 10 ± 0.10 8 ± 0.10 nd
(Code no. 207) 1 0 ± 0.39 7 ± 0.82 nd 8.5 ± 0.29 nd 9 ± 0.91 6 ± 0.14 nd 6 ± 0.35 8 ± 0.15 7 ± 0.10 nd
0.5 0 ± 0.55 7 ± 0.29 nd 6.5 ± 0.18 nd 9 ± 0.12 6 ± 0.17 nd 6 ± 0.34 7.5 ± 0.19 nd nd
0.25 0 ± 0.72 6 ± 0.65 nd 6 ± 0.15 nd 9 ± 0.16 6 ± 0.19 nd 6 ± 0.18 nd nd nd
Control 3 24 ± 0.15 31 ± 0.34 26 ± 0.17 29 ± 0.10 29 ± 0.23 29 ± 0.10 27 ± 0.10 25 ± 0.89 27 ± 0.13 nd 29 ± 0.16 29 ± 0.13
S. pneunoniae (Code no. 257) 2 8 ± 0.82 7.5 ± 0.41 7 ± 0.34 7.5 ± 0.06 7 ± 0.11 8 ± 0.22 nd 7 ± 0.10 8 ± 0.21 7 ± 0.11 nd 7 ± 0.09
1 7 ± 0.24 7 ± 0.23 7 ± 0.14 7 ± 0.18 6 ± 0.18 6.5 ± 0.10 nd 6.75 ± 0.22 7 ± 0.19 7 ± 0.10 nd 6.5 ± 0.10
0.5 6 ± 0.12 6.5 ± 0.24 6 ± 0.10 6 ± 0.52 6 ± 0.25 6 ± 0.09 nd 6.5 ± 0.37 7 ± 0.10 nd nd nd
0.25 0 ± 0.12 6.5 ± 0.27 nd 6 ± 0.21 6 ± 0.72 0 ± 0.65 nd 6 ± 0.13 nd nd nd nd
Control 3 31 ± 0.12 27 ± 0.56 27 ± 0.18 34 ± 0.32 33 ± 0.12 40 ± 0.15 31 ± 0.22 34 ± 0.17 26 ± 0.12 30 ± 0.17 30 ± 0.12 26 ± 0.19

nd = not detected; Each value is a mean of three biological replicates.

Toxicology Reports 6 (2019) 1086–1090
L.R.A. Al-Mqbali and M.A. Hossain Toxicology Reports 6 (2019) 1086–1090

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