They Filled The Stage With Bright Lights: It Feels Warm Today, But I Always Keep A Light Jacket in My Saddle Bags
They Filled The Stage With Bright Lights: It Feels Warm Today, But I Always Keep A Light Jacket in My Saddle Bags
They Filled The Stage With Bright Lights: It Feels Warm Today, But I Always Keep A Light Jacket in My Saddle Bags
Instructions: Identify what type of proposition each statement given below. Write only the
symbols (A, E, I, or O).
V. On Fallacies (5 points).
Instructions: Identify which type of fallacy the following propositions have made.
1. I passed the board exam wearing a red shirt. Therefore, if you wear something red during your exam,
you will definitely pass.
False cause
2. Do not believe what she says because she is a poor person.
Argumentum ad hominem
3. I swept the floors last night and now bad things are happening to me. I am telling you to never sweep
your floors at night because bad things will definitely happen to you the day after.
False cause
4. I include your children when baking cookies.
5. Sir, please let me pass this subject. Have pity on my parents who are struggling every day just to
support my studies. I already need to graduate so that I can help them, please let me pass sir.
Argumentum ad misericordiam