They Filled The Stage With Bright Lights: It Feels Warm Today, But I Always Keep A Light Jacket in My Saddle Bags

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I. On terms (15 points).

A. Use the given terms in a univocal manner 5. Light

1. Ruler They filled the stage with bright lights.
Ruler is a 12 inch measuring instrument. It feels warm today, but I always keep
Mary bought a ruler in the mall. a light jacket in my saddle bags.
2. President
Rodrigo Roa Duterte is our 16th
President. C. Use the given terms in an analogous manner
We vote for the right President. 1. Head
3. Hard My head is located at the top of my
It’s so hard to tell. body.
I’m so lonely in the midst of my hard My father is the head of our family.
moment. 2. Fruits
4. Astronaut There are a lot of fruits in the kitchen.
I want to be an astronaut someday. The fruits of her wrong doings are
Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut punishment.
who landed on the moon. 3. Heart
5. School I could feel my heart beating
School is a second house of the People who are criminal have no
students. heart.
Sam to go school every day. 4. Foot
The man is walking using his foot
B. Use the given terms in an equivocal manner Our house is built at the foot of the
1. School mountain
There are many students in the school 5. Hard
near our house. I had a hard time solving a math
There are vast school of fishes in the problem.
sea. I was consumed by hard feelings.
2. Ruler
I ask my mom to buy me a ruler.
I don’t like strict corrupt and demanding
3. Close
Me and my sister are very close.
I already close the gate.
4. Charge
I charge my low battery mobile.
My mother was in charge of the cub
II. On Propositions (15 points)

Instructions: Identify what type of proposition each statement given below. Write only the
symbols (A, E, I, or O).

1. All men are immortal – A

2. Every NORSU student is not studious. – O
3. Some politicians are honest - I
4. Few apples are not sweet. – O
5. Japan is not the largest country in the world. – E
6. Smartmatic Company was the maker of the voting machines to be used in the Philippines 2010
election. –A
7. Some wall St. Gnomes are not accurate forecasters. - O
8. The Philippine government does not have the highest rate of corruption in Asia. –E
9. Few political candidates have the capacity to become responsible leaders. – I
10. Sen. Mar Roxas is the presidential bet of the administration. – A
11. All Filipinos aging 17 years old and below are not allowed to exercise their right to vote. – E
12. Some supporters of Sen. Bongbong Marcos are disappointed with the election results. – O
13. Every nation’s success is dependent on people’s collective efforts. - A
14. Each student is not a cheater. – I
15. All herbal plants have curative values. – A
III. On Education (24 points – 2 points each)
Instructions: Formulate propositions based on the kinds of eduction required by each item.

A. Give the simple conversion of the following propositions.

1. All men are not immortal – all immortal are not men
2. Some Filipinos are suffering from extreme poverty. – Some people suffering from extreme poverty
are Filipinos.
3. All atheists are not believers of life after death. – All believers of life after death are not atheists.
4. Few religious people are in favour of the SOGIE bill. - Few people who are in favor of the SOGIE
bill are religious.
B. Give the partial conversion of the following propositions.
1. All men are mortal. - Some mortal are men
2. Every student of NORSU is not fond of studying logic. –Some who are fond of studying logic is not
a student of NORSU.
3. Each political candidate in the past 2019 elections is not responsible leader. – Some responsible
leader in the past 2019 election is not a political candidate.
4. All animals are four – legged creatures. – Some four-legged creatures are animals.
C. Give the obversion of the following propositions.
1. All hospitals must have clean and sanitized rooms. – All hospitals must have unclean and
unsanitized rooms.
2. Some human diseases are curable. – Some human diseases are incurable
3. All priests are not in favor of death penalty. – All priests are unfavourable of death penalty.
4. Some teachers do not agree with the “no uniform policy.” – Some teachers disagree with the “no
uniform policy.”

IV. On Categorical Syllogisms (20 points).

Instructions: Formulate the conclusion of the given premises, reduce the syllogism into its logical form, and
identify its figure and mood.
Syllogisms Logical Forms Figures Moods

1. All men are mortal; Mu a Tp

but Socrates is a man; ts a Mp 1 Barbara
ergo, Socrates is mortal. ts a Tp

2. All informative things are useful; tu a Mp

but some websites are not useful; tp o Mp 2 Baroco
ergo, some websites are not informative. tp o Tp

3. Some mugs are beautiful; Mp i tp

but all mugs are useful; Mu a tp 3 Disamis
ergo, some useful things are beautiful. tp i Tp
4. All buildings are not constructed well. tu e Mu
but some objects constructed well are nice Mp i Tp Fresison
to look at; tp o Tu 4
ergo, some buildings are nice to look at.

5. All horses have hooves; Tu a Mp

but all humans have no hooves; tu e Mp 2 Camestres
ergo, all human are not horses. tu e Tp

V. On Fallacies (5 points).
Instructions: Identify which type of fallacy the following propositions have made.
1. I passed the board exam wearing a red shirt. Therefore, if you wear something red during your exam,
you will definitely pass.
False cause
2. Do not believe what she says because she is a poor person.
Argumentum ad hominem
3. I swept the floors last night and now bad things are happening to me. I am telling you to never sweep
your floors at night because bad things will definitely happen to you the day after.
False cause
4. I include your children when baking cookies.
5. Sir, please let me pass this subject. Have pity on my parents who are struggling every day just to
support my studies. I already need to graduate so that I can help them, please let me pass sir.
Argumentum ad misericordiam

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