Strengthening Using SikaWrap

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CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

Tee Section Cross section properties

1000 mm f’c = 27.6 Mpa AS = 3 277 mm²

fy = 414 MPa h = 600 mm
100 mm d = 550 mm hf = 100 mm
b = 1 000 mm AV = 142 mm²
600 mm bw = 300 mm L = 8.00 m
s = 230 mm

#3 Stirrup @ 230 mm 35 mm
300 mm Loads
4 # 10
wD = 24 kN/m wL = 27 kN/m

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

Assume simple support : MD = wD l²/ 8 = 192 kN.m ML = wL l²/ 8 = 216 kN.m

Shear at d from the support : VD = wD l/ 2 - wD d = 82.8 kN

VL = wL l/ 2 – wL d = 93.2 kN

Factored Loads : 1.4 wD + 1.7 wL = 79.5 kN/m

Mu = 1.4MD + 1.7ML = 636 kNm

Vu = 1.4VD + 1.7VL = 274.3 kNm

1.2(VD + VL) = 211.1 kN

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

Check Unstrengthened Section

Neutral axis falls within the flange depth  Strengthening using SikaWrap possible

Concrete and steel contributions :

 d   550 
iVni  i 0.166 f ' c bw d  Av f y  0.85  0.166  27.6  300  550  142  414 
 s   230 
 

i Vni = 241.8 kN > 1.2 (VD + VL) = 211.1 kN OK

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

Strengthening using SikaWrap

cVc+sVs+LVL ≥ 1.4VD+1.7VL = Vu
 cVc  c 0.166

f ' c bw d   122.3
 kN

 sVs  s Av f y s  119.4 kN

 V  Vu  cVc  sVs  274.3  122.3  119 .4  32.6 kN


CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

SikaWrap Hex-230C Characteristics

Tensile Strength Modulus of Thickness of the Elongation at

Fabric of the fibers elasticity of the fibers break of the fibers
[MPa] fibers [MPa] [mm] [%]

SikaWrap Hex-230C 3 500 230 000 0.13 1.5

Required nominal shear strength : L VL = 2 tL EL L hc cot

V   cVc   sV s 32.6
t  u   0.05 mm of fibers
L 2E  hc cot 2  230000  0.004  341 cot 45

Try using 1 layer SikaWrap Hex-230C (fibers area : 0.13 mm)

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

1.Check Nominal Shear Strength Based on Concrete Bond Strength

Lc VL = Lc 2 vb Ab = 0.5  2  0.91  (f’c)1/2  hc Lb cot

Lc VL = 163 kN > 32.6 kN OK

2.Check Nominal Shear Strength Based on Tensile Strength of FRP

L VLLc VL = L 2 fLu tL hc cot = 0.45  2  3 500  0.13  341 cot 45°

Lc VL = 139.6 kN > 32.6 kN OK

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

3.Check Nominal Shear Strength Based on Shear Strength of


La La VL = La 2 Ab fa = 0.40  2  341  100 cot 45° 15

LaVL = 409.2 kN > 32.6 kN OK

4.Check the Overall Contribution by Steel and SikaWrap Hex-230C

V V  2/3 f 'c bwd


119 .4 163 2 2
V V    466.5 kN f ' c bwd  27.6  300  550  577.9
S L 0.85 0.5 3 3

CarboDur® Structural Strengthening Systems

5.Check no Brittle Failure in Compression Struts in Concrete

According to Eurocode 2, V V  f bw0.9d (1  cot )
R Rd 2 2 cd

1 27.6
V    300  0.9  550  1366 kN
Rd 2 2 1.5

122.3 119 .4 163

V  Vc  Vs  V     618.4 kN OK
R L 0.85 0.85 0.5

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