Sub-Section 4.1. RW No.1 - Expert's Witness Report - Claim No.117-Rev01

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Bar – Boljare Highway,

Section Smokovac – Uvač – Mateševo

Gravity Retaining Wall No. 1 / Gravitacioni
potporni zid br. 1
LK 31+705 – LK 31+820
Expert’s Witness Report on Unforeseeable Physical
Condition under the Sub-Clause 4.12 / Stručni nalaz
o nepredvidivim fizičkim uslovima prema
potklauzuli 4.12

September 2020
Supervision of Design and Works
Nadzor nad Projektovanjem i Izgradnjom
Revision 01
Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Document Control Sheet

Client: Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs

Project: Supervision of Design and Works on the Bar - – Boljare Highway

Section Smokovac – Uvač – Mateševo

Title: GRW No.l on LK 31+705 – LK 31+820; Expert’s Witness Report on Unforeseeable

Physical Condition under the Sub-Clause 4.12-Rev01. September 2020 / Gravitacioni
potporni zid br. 1 na LK 31+705 – LK 31+820; Stručni nalaz o nepredvidivim fizičkim
uslovima prema potklauzuli 4.12-Rev01

Revision History

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

ORIGINAL Darko Muza Jan Lorange Jan Lorange


DATE Rev00 11 September 2020 12 September 2020 12 September 2020

DATE Rev01 19 September 2020 19 September 2020 19 September 2020

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –


1. INTRODUCTION / UVOD................................................................................................................................3
2. CLAIM EVENT / DOGAĐAJ POTRAŽIVANJA.......................................................................................... 3
DOKUMENTACIJE IZVOĐAČA RADOVA .....................................................................................................6
3.1. GENERAL COMMENTS / OPŠTI KOMENTARI..........................................................................................6
3.2. TECHNICAL COMMENTS / TEHNIČKI KOMENTARI........................................................................... 13
3.3. TECHNICAL CONCLUSION / TEHNIČKI ZAKLJUČAK .................................................................. 15
4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION / OPŠTI OPIS.................................................................................................. 17
5. PRELIMINARY DESIGN / IDEJNI PROJEKAT....................................................................................... 21
8. FINAL CONCLUSION / KONAČAN ZAKLJUČAK................................................................................. 38

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –


Due to Contractor's claim for unforeseeable Zbog Izvođačevih potraživanja za nepredvidive

geological conditions in occasions of changed geološke uslove u slučaju izmjenjenih geoloških
geological conditions, and accordingly activation uslova, i sukladno tome pojave klizišta koja je
of the landslide which brought to already dovela do izmjene već odobrenog Glavnog
approved Main Design change with significantly projketa sa značajno izmjenjenim elementima
changed elements (piles, prestressed anchors), (šipovi, prednapregnuta sidra), Inženjer
herewith the Engineer is providing our expert dostavlja svoje stručno mišljenje kako slijedi. U
witness opinion below. This particular Report ovom konkretnom Izvještaju dajemo mišljenje o
shows our opinion on the Contractor's Claim No. Izvođačevom potraživanju br. 117, koje je
117, described in chapter 2 of this Report; and opisano u poglavlju 2 ovog Izvještaja; i odnosi
related to Sub-Section 4.1 – Main Design change se na Poddionicu 4.1 – izmjena Glavnog
of the Gravity Retaining Wall on chainage LK projekta gravitacionog potpornog zida br. 1 i
31+685 – LK 31+835. kosina na stacionaži LK 31+685 – LK 31+835.


In Contractor’s submitted Fully Detailed U dostavljenom Izvođačevom potpunom

Overall Claim – The Description of ERE detaljnom sveobuhvatnom potraživanju –
Under Claim No. 117, Contractor stated as Opis ERE shodno Potraživanju br. 117,
follow: Izvođač je izjavio slijedeće:

Background Pozadina

“On construction Site of 4.1 subsection, the „Na gradilištu podeskcije 4.1 Izvođač se susreo
Contractor encounter a change in the geological sa promjenom geoloških uslova na dijelu
conditions at the part of open route, so THE otvorene trase, pa se pristupilo izmjeni
Main Design for Gravity retaining wall 1 and Glavnog projekta gravitaciono potpornog zida
slope has been modified. 1 i kosine.

The Contractor considers theses adverse Izvođač smatra da su ovi nepovoljni fizički
physical conditions to have been Unforeseeable, uslovi Nepredvidivi, stoga, u skladu sa PK 4.12
therefore in accordance with SC 4.12 of the Ugovora o projektovanju i izgradnji Autoputa
Design and Build Contract for Bar-Boljare Bar-Boljare, Izvođač je obavijestio Inženjera
Highway, the Contractor informed the Engineer dopisom RB-BBH/ 23/CD-P3 datiranim
that we encountered unforeseeable physical 07.01.2019. godine (Prilog 2) da smo se susreli
conditions on the construction site via letter RB- sa nepredvidivim fizičkim uslovima na
BBH/ 23/CD dated on 07.01.2019 (Enclosure 2). gradilištu.

Having in mind that theses changed geological Imajući u vidu da su ovi promijenjeni geološki
conditions led to a variation of the scope of uslovi doveli do varijacije obima Radova, stoga
Works, therefore pursuant to the Sub-clause 13.9 je u skladu sa Podklauzulom 13.9 Nepredvidivi
Unforeseeable Works, the Contractor asked the radovi, Izvođač je zatražio od Inženjera da
Engineer to apply the required Variation primijeni neophodnu Proceduru o varijaciji u
procedure in accordance with Contract Sub- skladu sa Potklauzulama 13.1 i 13.3 Ugovora.
clauses 13.1 and 13.3.
Gorenavedeni Nepredvidivi fizički uslovi - su
The abovementioned Unforeseeable Physical evidentirani u sljedećim dokumentima:
Conditions - are all recorded in the following Izmjena Glavnog projekta zbog promjene u
documents: geološkim uslovima (prilog 4)
Main Design change due to changes in Građevinski Dnevnik (priolog 5)

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

geological conditions (Enclosure 4)

Site Diary (Enclosure 5) Međutim, Inženjer je odbio zahtjev Izvođača
putem dopisa IG/10369/VM datiranog
However, the Engineer rejected the Contractor’s 22.02.2019. godine (Prilog 3) smatrajući da
request via its letter IG/10369/VM dated on geološki uslovi koje je konstatovao Izvođač bez
22.02.2019 (Enclosure 3) on the basis that the sumnje ne predstavljaju nepredvidive radove u
geological conditions reported by the Contractor skladu sa Podklauzulom 13.9.
are undoubtedly not unforeseeable works under
Sub-clause 13.9. Izvođač se ne slaže s ovim mišljenjem i podnio
je obavještenje o potraživanju za vrijeme i
The Contractor disagrees with this opinion and troškove preko svog dopisa RB-BBH/1716/CD-
submitted a notice of claim for time and cost via P3 datiranog 20.05.2019. godine.
its letter RB-BBH/1716/CD-P3 dated on
20.05.2019. U poglavlju ANALIZA TROŠKOVA
(ŠTETE) Izvođač je izjavio:
Contractor stated: Zbog raspoređivanja dodatnih sredstava za
kompletiranje Nepredvidljivih radova, Izvođač
Due to the allocation of additional resources in ima pravo na sledeće troškove:
order to complete Unforeseeable works, the
Contractor is entitled to the following costs:

Design change
No. Items unit unit
quantity total price
Excavation for wall foundations into the
1 m3 49101.00 8.67 425,705.67
ground Ⅲ-Ⅳ category
Deformed steel bar B500B for retaining 790665.8
2 Kg 1.30 1,027,865.66
walls. As per specification. 9
Protection of slopes by hanging steel wire
3 nets.Systematic anchorage with 12m long m2 9945.00 141.16 1,403,836.20
IBO anchors in raster 2x2 m
4 Prestressing anchors, L=23m Pcs 42.00 1668.95 70,095.90
5 Prestressing anchors, L=28m Pcs 37.00 1939.84 71,774.08
Concreting of underlayer for the beam of
6 m3 66.46 350.24 23,276.95
pile cap,MB20
Concreting of piles, L=16m to L=26m,
7 m3 4488.86 400.36 1,797,159.99
8 Concreting for the beam of pile cap,MB30 m3 1195.32 380.05 454,281.37
9 Concreting of dithes, MB30 m3 616.00 219.78 135,384.48
Concreting of underlayer for
10 m3 343.00 219.78 75,384.54
11 Protous concrete between piles m3 120.00 284.71 34,165.20
12 Geotextile m3 600.00 11.82 7,092.00
13 Water stop M 670.00 14.78 9,902.60
14 Shotcreting m3 57.00 248.80 14,181.60
15 Concreting of retaining wall in-between m3 120.00 284.71 34,165.20

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

16 Installation of wiremesh for ditches,Q188 m2 4511.48 64.05 288,960.29
Installation of drainage pile for the
17 M 606.00 82.17 49,795.02
seepage ditch, DN400
18 Land acquisition m2 9900.00 4.00 39,600.00
19 Top soil removal and cutting trees m2 9900.00 3.00 29,700.00
10% of management cost 599.232.67
  Total       6.591.559,42


3.1. General comments 3.1. Opšti komentari
The Contractor is refering for a change in the Izvođač se poziva na promjenu geoloških
geological conditions on the part of the open uslova na dijelu otvorene trase, uslijed koje se
route, as a result of which the Main Design of pristupilo izmjeni Glavnog projekta
the gravity retaining wall No. 1 and the slope gravitacionog potpornog zida 1 i kosine.
was changed. At the same time, not any of the Istovremeno, ne prilaže nikakve Geološke
Geological reports from the site wasn’t izvještaje sa terena, koji bi ukazali na

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

attached, which would indicate the fact that the činjenicu da geološka struktura terena ne
geological structure of the terrain does not odgovara predviđenoj u sklopu Idejnog, a
correspond to the one envisaged within the kasnije i Glavnog projekta.
Preliminary and later the Main Design.
Stoga, u nastavku donosimo detalje iz
Therefore, below are the details from the Geološkog izvještaja za Usjek otvorene trase
Geological Report for the Cut of the Open (LK 31+685 – LK 31+835), izrađenog
Route (LK 31 + 685 - LK 31 + 835), prepared 28.11.2017.; koji se odnosi na drugi nivo
on 28.11.2017; which refers to the second level kosine od stacionaže LK 31+706,33 –
of the slope from the chainage LK 31 + 706.33 - 31+828,03.
31 + 828.03.
The Geological Report states:
U Geološkom izvještaju navedeno je:
“With engineering-geological mapping of the
„Inženjersko-geološkim kartiranjem II etaže
II level, open route LK 31 + 706.33 - 31 +
otvorene trase LK 31+706,33 – 31+828,03
828.03, it is ascertained that geological
konstatovano je da geološka građa i
material and engineering-geological
inženjersko-geološki uslovi iskopa odgovaraju
conditions of the excavation correspond to the
prikazanom u Geotehničkom elaboratu za
Geotechnical Study for the open route 4.1…
otvorenu trasu 4.1...
…This slope is built from quaternary
...Data kosina izgrađena je od kvartarnih
sediments that are very widespread and
sedimenata koji su veoma rasprostranjeni i
developed in the form of deluvial slope
razvijeni u vidu deluvijalnog padinskog
material, basically it is a gravel woth
materijala, u osnovi to je zaglinjena drobina
fragments od flysch decay, consisting a
sa komadima flišne raspadine, koju čine
medium to large pieces of sandstone,
srednji do krupni komadi pješčara, alevrolita i
alevrolite, claystone with interlayers of clay
glinaca sa proslojcima gline debljine i do
with thickness up to several cm, the
nekoliko cm, učešće drobine je promjenjivo.
participation of the fragments is variable. The
Debljina deluvijalnog nanosa je različita i
thickness of the dilluvial coating is different
kreće se od 2-4 m.Ispod površinskog
and ranges from 2-4 m. Beneath the surface
padinskog materijala primjećuje se eluvijalna
slope, the elluvial decay of flysch sediments,
raspadina flišnih sedimenata, kredno-
cretaceous-paleogenic age are observed, and
paleogene starosti, a predstavljena je paketom
it is presented wth a package of claystone,
glinaca, alevrolita i pješčara izmješanih sa
alevrolite and sandstone mixed with clay,
glinom, tektonski srednje do jače degradirani
tectonically medium to heavily degraded and
i oštećeni....
...Elemente zaštite kosine izvesti kao u
…Slope protection elements should be
Glavnom projektu.“
performed as in the Main Design.”
Inženjer je odobrio ovaj Izvještaj uz pisani
The Engineer approved this Report with
komentar: „Podsjećamo Izvođača da pomno
comment: “We are reminding the Contractor
prati kosinu i u slučaju bilo kakve lokalne
to closely monitor the slope and in case of
(globalne) nestabilnosti obavijesti
any local (global) instability inform a
Projektanta i preprojektuje te primijeni
Designer and re-design and apply additional
dodatne mjere zaštite kosine.
slope support measures.
Takođe, Izvođač bi trebao ponovno
Also, Contractor should re-consider hydro
razmotriti hidro sjetvu kako bi izbjegao
seeding in order to avoid errosion (ASAP – in

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

respect to weather conditions)!“ eroziju (HITNO - s obzirom na vremenske

Furthermore, we refer to the
LK 31+820 first stage, where in the chapter 1 KOSINE NA KM LK 31+705 DO LK
Introduction states:” Based on the Contract 31+820 prva faza, gdje je u poglavlju 1 Uvod
between the Employer (CRBC) and Geological navedeno: „Na osnovu ugovora između
Contractor (Geoprojekt ltd.), supplementary Naručioca (CRBC) i izvođača geoloških
geotechnical investigations were carried out istraživanja (Geoprojekt d.o.o. Podgorica)
so as to, by using findings of earlier izvedena su dopunska geotehnička
investigations, develop the Elaboration on istraživanja, kako bi se, uz korišćenje ranije
detalied geotechnical conditions for izvedenih istraživanja, izradio Elaborat o
rehabilitation and monitoring of left slofe from detaljnim geotehničkim istraživanjima za
km LK 31+705 to LK 31+820, for level of the potrebe sanacije i monitoringa lijeve kosine
Main Construction Design for Bar – Boljare na km LK 31+705 do LK 31+820, za nivo
Highway, Section Smokovac – Matesevo. Glavnog građevinskog projekta na autoputu
Bar – Boljare, dionica Smokovac –Mateševo.
The complementary geotechnical
investigations for monitoring and recovery of Dopunska geotehnička istraživanja za potrebe
the field in area of open route from LK monitoringa i sanacije terena u zoni otvorene
31+705 to LK 31+820 were targeted at trase od LK 31+705 do LK 31+820 su
grooves detected at the hinterland of the slope urađena zbog registrovanih ožiljaka u zaleđu
as well as at undulating slope’s face, whereas kosine kao i lica kosine koje je valovito dok su
certain bolts were pulled out together with the pojedini ankeri počupani sa masom...
mass… Instabilities were detected during Nestabilnosti su registrovane u toku izvođenja
construction of the slope during winter 2017- kosine u zimskom periodu 2017-2018
2018.” godine.“

In chapter 3.3 Engineering-geological

composition of the zone of unstable slope
U poglavlju 3.3 Inženjerskogeološka građa
stated: “This open-route area is built of flysch
terena u zoni nestabilne kosine navedeno je:
sediments of Cretaceous-Paleogenic age
„Ova zona otvorene trase je izgrađena od
(Figure 8). The thickness of these sediments is
flišnih sedimenata kredno-paleogene starosti
about 500 m.
(slika 8). Debljina ovih sedimenata je oko 500
Geological structure of the field in this area is m.
thoroughly defined by subject exploratory
Geološka građa terena u ovoj zoni je detaljno
works as well as by exploratory works
definisana predmetnim istražnim radovima uz
performed in design stage for this section of
uvid i u istražne radove koji su izvedeni i u
the Highway.
fazi projektovana ovog dijela autoputa.
As shown at drawings atatched to this paper,
Kao što je i prikazano u grafičkim prilozima
ground is made of deluvial-elluvial
ovog dokumenta teren je izgrađen od
Quaternary cover with thickness ranging
deluvijalnoeluvijalnog kvartarnog pokrivača
between 2.50 and 7 m, and basic rock mass is
debljine od 2.50 do 7 m, dok osnovnu stijenku

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

made of sandstone and alevrolite. masu izgrađuju pješčari i alevroliti.

Detailed investigations showed that the rock Detaljnim istraživanjima je utvrđeno da
mass is in investigated depth totally stijensku masu do dubine istraživanja u cjelini
represented by units 2d and 2e, i.e. by zones predstavljaju jedinice 2d i 2e tj. da se radi o
wherein ratio between sandstone and zonama gdje je odnos pješčara i alevrolita
alevrolite is equal to certain extent as well as donekle podjednak kao i o zonama gdje
by zones wherein alevrolite is predominant alevrolit dominira u odnosu da pješčar.
over sandstone. There are also isolated zones Takođe se javljaju uglavnom izolovane zone i
and interlayers of unit 2c – represented by proslojavanja jedinice 2c koja je
sandstone as a predominant lithological unit. predstavljena pješčarom kao dominantnom
This unit includes those portions of the field litološkom jedinicom. Ova jedinica
that are the best in terms ofmechanics. It predstvalja mehanički najbolje djelove terena.
occurs till depth of 18-20 m, and deeper it is a Ona se izolovano javlja do dubine od oko 18
clearly defined thicker zone until drilling do 20 m, a nakon toga predstavlja jasno
depth… definisanu deblju zonu do dubine bušenja...
… Investigations detected the failure and ... Istraživanjem je utvrđena polomljenost i
degradation till substantial depth (cca 20m) degradiranost do znatne dubine (oko 20 m)
which is a consequence of, in addition of što je pored egzodinamičkih uticaja svakako i
exodinamic influence, intense tectonic posledica jake tektonske poremećenosti. Na
disturbance. On exposed outcrops at the otvorenim izdancima na licu kosine pored
slope's face, beside very broken rock mass, it jako polomljene stijenske mase mogu se
is also possible to follow plicative and rupture pratiti plikativni i rupturni elementi, koji
elements which are indicators of folding and ukazuju na naboranost i mikronaboranost
micro-folding of rock mass and fault structure. stijenske mase i rasjedne strukture.

In chapter 3.4 Landslide stated: “Flysch U poglavlju 3.4 Prikaz klizišta navedeno je:
sediments this Highway section will be passing „Flišni sedimenti kroz koje prolazi ovaj dio
through are "eligible" for formation of autoputa predstavljaju vrlo »pogodne« terene
landslides. Of course this is, and will be, most za formiranje klizišta. Naravno ovo je, i biće
pronounced in open-route zones, as is the najviše izraženo u zonama otvorenih trasa kao
case, as well as portals of the tunnel. što je ovaj slučaj kao i portalnim djelovima
The Quaternary cover (deluvial-eluvial
material)is sliding over the base rock, however Uglavnom kliza kvartarni pokrivač
it is not rarely that the landslide also affects (deluvijalnoeluvijalni materijal) preko
the strong alteration and degradation zone of osnovne stijene dok nije rijedak slučaj da
the base rock (F category). Likewise, sliding klizištem bude zahvaćena i zona jake
may take place through the sound rock mass in alteracije i degradacije osnovne stijene (F
the case of unfavorably - oriented plicative kategorija). Isto tako može doći do klizanja
formation of rock. kroz zdraviju stijensku masu u slučaju
nepovoljno orijentisanog plikativnog sklopa
After reviewing the data regarding the subject
landslide, it could be said that the Quaternary
as well as very degraded parts of the base rock Na osnovu analize podataka za predmetno
have been in motion. klizište se može reći da je došlo do pokretanja
kvartarnih i jako degradiranih dijelova
Certainly, in the stage of the Main civil design

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

it is impossible to review each slope planned osnovne stijene.

for side-cut as a potential landslide, so as to
Svakako da u fazi glavnog projekta autoputa
design greater number of surveys at that stage
nije moguće razmatrati svaku padinu u kojoj
and have a better insight into EG structure.
se planira zasjek kao potencijalno klizište, da
Finally, anthropogenic impact has certainly bi se u toj fazi projektovao veći broj
the greatest effect on activation of these istraživanja i samim tim imao bolji uvid u IG
landslides where the terrains are even in građu terena.
natural conditions with relatively low safety
Na kraju, antropogeni utical ima svakako
najveći efekat za aktivaciju ovih klizišta gdje
In chapter 3.4.2 Inclinometric measurements su tereni čak i u prirodnim uslovima sa
stated: “During the stage of Main desing, relativno niskim faktorima sigurnosti.
inclinometers were also installed in two
U poglavlju 3.4.2 Inklinometarska mjerenja
boreholes LZK025 and LZK026. These
navedeno je: „U fazi glavnog Projekta za
inclinometers were installed in the slope area
autoput u dvije bušotine LZK025 i LZK026 su
and were destroyed quickly after installation.
takođe ugrađeni inklinometri. Ovi
There were 3 measurements (zero, first and
inklinometri su bili izvedeni u zoni kosine te
second). These measurements were performed
su samim tim vrlo brzo uništeni nakon
every 2 month in the period August -
instalacije. Na njima su određena 3 mjerenja
November - December 2015. After that, the
(nulto, prvo i drugo). Ta mjerenja suizvedena
Investor did not continue observations
na razmaku od oko 2 mjeseca u periodu
although it was proposed. The slope was
avgust-novembar-decembar 2015.godine.
started in summer2017.
Nakon toga Investitor nije nastavio sa
In chapter 3.4.4 Causes of the Landslide osmatranjima iako je to bilo predloženo.
stated: “As usual, formation of landslides has Izvođenje kosine je početo u ljeto 2017
been influenced by many factors, and the main godine.
cause of the sliding is anthropogenic influence,
U poglavlju 3.4.4 Uzroci stvaranja klizišta
i.e. construction of through-cut and inadequate
navedeno je: „Kao i obično, na formiranje
security of the slope.
klizišta uticalo je dosta faktora od čega je
When removing a large amount of material, as potrebno izdvojiti glavni uzrok klizanja a to je
it was the case during the construction of antropogeni uticaj tj. izgradnja dijela usjeka i
throughcut, the stress state is disturbed due to neadekvatno osiguranje istog.
the fact that one piece of ground is removed
Prilikom uklanjanja velike količine materijala
and part of back-up is threby lost in
kao što se to ovdje desilo prilikom izgradnje
usjeka remeti se naponsko stanje iz razloga
In addition, excavating the entire level (even što se jedno parče terena uklanja i samim tim
two levels in some parts) without successive se teren u zaleđu gubi dio potpore.
anchoring and security is unacceptable in
Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
these terrains (Figure 31). It is also
djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
unreasonable for the slopes to remain
ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
unsecured for a longer period of time.
ovim terenima (slika 31). Takođe je
Anchors used for this slope are SN anchors. neprihvaljivo da kosine ostanu ne osigurane
These anchors are unacceptable for this type duži vremenski period.
of terrain that is dominated by the F category
Ankeri koji su korišćeni na ovoj kosini su SN
of rock mass. They can not be adequately
ankeri. Ovi ankeri su neprihvatljivi za ovaj tip

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

incorporated into this category of rock mass so terena u kome dominira F kategorija stijenske
the function of this security measure is mase. Njih nije moguće adekvatno ugraditi u
questionable. There is no data on possible ovu kategoriju stijenske mase tako da je
pull-out tests. upitna funkcija ove mjere osiguranja.
Podataka o eventualnom testiranju ankera na
The state of boundary equilibrium is
čupanje nema.
considered to occur at the first greater inflow
of storm water and even groundwater. Major Smatra se da je stanje granične ravnoteže pri
deformations occurred in the winter period prvom velikom prilivu atmosferskih a samim
2017-2018. tim i podzemnih voda. Glavne deformacije su
se i dogodile u zimskom periodu 2017-2018
There was a surface drainage channel (depths
up to 1 m) at the top of the slope, not far from
the top of the vice, but it itself had no function Na vrhu kosine je postojao površinski
in eliminating the adverse groundwater but drenažni kanal (dubine do 1 m), nedaleko od
only eliminating the surface water washing the vrha škarpe, ali on sam po sebi nema funkciju
face of the slope during higher precipitation. u eliminsanju nepovoljnih podzemnih voda
već samo eliminisanje površinskih voda koje
It would be more important that waters
spiraju lice kosine prilikom većih padavina.
occurring in a ravine at the frontal groove had
been removed. The frontal groove practically Ono što bi bilo bitnije da su se eliminisale
formed in one part on the ravine (Figure 32). vode koje se javljaju u vododerini na uz čeoni
This ravine has a southwest-northeast ožiljak. Čeoni ožiljak je praktično formiran
direction and gravitates toward a transversal jednim dijelom po vododerini (slika 32). Ova
large ravine at the northern end of the slope. vododerina ima pravac jugozapad-
sjeveroistok i gravitira ka poprečnoj velikoj
It formed at higher parts of the terrain, and
jaruz na sjevernom kraju kosine.
following the ravine uphill (Figure 33) it is
obvious that the water head is not low and that Formira se na višim djelovima terena i prateći
there is plenty of water in the rainy season. jarugu uz brdo (slika 33) vidi se da energija
vode nije mala i da u kišnom periodu ima
This means that besides the groundwater in the
dosta vode.
rainy season there is also smooth inflow of
surface water in the body of landslides directly To znači da pored podzemnih voda u kišnom
from the occasional flow. periodu postoji i nesmetan uliv površinske
vode u tijelo klizišta direktno iz povremenog
All the above, together with EG composition of
the slope presented in the previous chapters,
results in landsliding. Sve gore navedeno, uz nepovoljnu IG građu
padine, što je prikazano u prethodnim
poglavljima, rezultuje klizištem.

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Picture 1: Main Design – Landslide on left slope of open route on km LK 31+705 – LK 31+820 - EG map
with positions of the designed exploratory works; DWG No. 1; Design code: BBC122TR***GL03
Slika 1: Glavni projekt – Klizište na lijevoj kosini otvorene trase na km LK 31+705 – LK 31+820 – IG
karta sa položajem projektovanih istražnih radova; Crtež br. 1; Šifra projekta: BBC122TR***GL03

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Picture 2: Landslide on left slope of open route on km LK 31+705 – LK 31+820 - EG section 1-1ʹ; DWG
No. 2.1; Design code: BBC122TR***GL03
Slika 2: Glavni projekt – Klizište na lijevoj kosini otvorene trase na km LK 31+705 – LK 31+820 – IG
presjek1-1ʹ; Crtež br. 2.1; Šifra projekta: BBC122TR***GL03

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

3.2. Technical comments 3.2. Tehnički komentari

Described “Unforeseeable geological Opisani „Nepredvidivi geološki uslovi“
condition” is manifested mostly as a change in manifestuju se uglavnom kao promjena
the geological conditions on the part of the open geoloških uslova na dijelu otvorene trase,
route, as a result of which the Main Design of uslijed koje se pristupilo izmjeni Glavnog
the gravity retaining wall No. 1 and the slope projekta gravitacionog potpornog zida 1 i
was changed. kosine.
During the excavation and protection of slopes,
the Contractor did not follow the
Izvođač tokom izvođenja radova na iskopu i
recommendations of the Designer, so the
zaštiti kosina nije se pridržavao preporuka
Projektanta, te je projektant ELABORATA O
KM LK 31+705 TO LK 31+820 first stage
concluded following: “As usual, formation of
31+820 prva faza konstatovao slijedeće: „Kao
landslides has been influenced by many factors,
i obično, na formiranje klizišta uticalo je dosta
and the main cause of the sliding is
faktora od čega je potrebno izdvojiti glavni
anthropogenic influence, i.e. construction of
uzrok klizanja a to je antropogeni uticaj tj.
through-cut and inadequate security of the
izgradnja dijela usjeka i neadekvatno
osiguranje istog.
In addition, excavating the entire level (even
Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
two levels in some parts) without successive
djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
anchoring and security is unacceptable in these
ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
terrains (Figure 31). It is also unreasonable for
ovim terenima (slika 31). Takođe je
the slopes to remain unsecured for a longer
neprihvaljivo da kosine ostanu ne osigurane
period of time.
duži vremenski period.
Anchors used for this slope are SN anchors.
Ankeri koji su korišćeni na ovoj kosini su SN
These anchors are unacceptable for this type of
ankeri. Ovi ankeri su neprihvatljivi za ovaj tip
terrain that is dominated by the F category of
terena u kome dominira F kategorija stijenske
rock mass. They can not be adequately
mase. Njih nije moguće adekvatno ugraditi u
incorporated into this category of rock mass so
ovu kategoriju stijenske mase tako da je upitna
the function of this security measure is
funkcija ove mjere osiguranja.
Na vrhu kosine je postojao površinski drenažni
There was a surface drainage channel (depths
kanal (dubine do 1 m), nedaleko od vrha
up to 1 m) at the top of the slope, not far from
škarpe, ali on sam po sebi nema funkciju u
the top of the vice, but it itself had no function
eliminsanju nepovoljnih podzemnih voda već
in eliminating the adverse groundwater but
samo eliminisanje površinskih voda koje
only eliminating the surface water washing the
spiraju lice kosine prilikom većih padavina.
face of the slope during higher precipitation.
Sve gore navedeno, uz nepovoljnu IG građu
All the above, together with EG composition
padine, što je prikazano u prethodnim
of the slope presented in the previous
poglavljima, rezultuje klizištem.“
chapters, results in landsliding.”
The Engineer’s comments on the approved

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Geological Reports are fully in line with above

entioned comments of the Designer of
Takođe, komentari Inženjera na odobrenom
approved Geotechnical Final Report – part of
Geološkom izvještaju u potpunosti su u liniji
the Main Design: “We are reminding the
sa gore navedenim komentarima Projektanta
Contractor to closely monitor the slope and in
odobrenog Geotehničkog elaborata – dijela
case of any local (global) instability inform a
Glavnog projekta: „Podsjećamo Izvođača da
Designer and re-design and apply additional
pomno prati kosinu i u slučaju bilo kakve
slope support measures.
lokalne (globalne) nestabilnosti obavijesti
Also, Contractor should re-consider hydro Projektanta i preprojektuje te primijeni
seeding in order to avoid errosion (ASAP – in dodatne mjere zaštite kosine.
respect to weather conditions)!“
Takođe, Izvođač bi trebao ponovno razmotriti
hidro sjetvu kako bi izbjegao eroziju (HITNO
- s obzirom na vremenske uslove)!“

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

3.3. Technical conclusion 3.3. Tehnički zaključak

In the supporting documents, the Contractor U pratećim dokumentima, Izvođač je objasnio
explained the unforeseeable geological nepredvidive geološke uslove kao posljedice:
conditions as a consequence:
 promjena geoloških uslova na dijelu
 change of geological conditions on the part otvorene trase, uslijed koje se pristupilo
of the open route, as a result of which the izmjeni Glavnog projekta gravitacionog
Main Design of the gravity retaining wall 1 potpornog zida 1 i kosine.
and the slope was changed.
Osnovno pitanje u takvim geološkim uslovima
The main issue in such geological conditions (Uglavnom kliza kvartarni pokrivač
(mainly sliding of the Quaternary cover (deluvijalnoeluvijalni materijal) preko osnovne
(deluvial-eluvial material) over the base rock, stijene dok nije rijedak slučaj da klizištem bude
while it is not uncommon for the landslide to zahvaćena i zona jake alteracije i degradacije
affect the zone of strong alteration and osnovne stijene (F kategorija).) je odabir
degradation of the base rock (F category)) is the elemenata zaštite kosina, kao i sukcesivno
selection of slope protection elements excavated podgrađivanje otkopane kosine što je prije
slopes as soon as possible - as defined by the moguće – kako je definisano Glavnom
Main Design. projektom.
The impact of water (surface and groundwater) Utjecaj vode (površinske i podzemne vode)
reduces the natural stability of the slope, and it is umanjuje prirodnu stabilnost kosine, te je
necessary to eliminate the negative impact of the potrebno sistemom drenaže eliminirati navedeni
drainage system. The Contractor did not perform negativni utjecaj. Izvođač nije izveo drenažu, pa
drainage, thus not eliminating this negative time nije eliminirao ovaj negativan utjecaj.
Takođe, nejasan je razlog zbog kojeg u fazi
Also, the reason why the Contractor did not izvođenja radova Izvođač nije prilagodio
adjust the slope protection elements to the actual elemente zaštite kosina stvarnim geološkim /
geological / geotechnical conditions is unclear. geotehničkim uslovima. Isti elementi zaštite
The same elements of slope protection are kosina primjenjuju se na kosinama u
applied on slopes in limestone formations, as krečnjačkim formacijama, kao i u flišnim
well as in flysch formations covered with formacijama prekrivenim kvartarnim
Quaternary sediment (deluvial-eluvial material). sedimentom (deluvijalnoeluvijalni materijal).
In addition, excavating the entire level (even two Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
levels in some parts) without successive djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
anchoring and security is unacceptable in these ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
terrains. It is also unreasonable for the slopes to ovim terenima. Takođe je neprihvaljivo da
remain unsecured for a longer period of time. It kosine ostanu ne osigurane duži vremenski
is also unreasonable for the slopes to remain period.
unsecured for a longer period of time.
In the design phase of the Main Design for the
U fazi projektovanja Glavnog projekta za
highway (geotechnical investigations),
autoput (geotehnička istraživanja) u dvije
inclinometers were also installed in two
bušotine LZK025 i LZK026 su takođe ugrađeni
boreholes LZK025 and LZK026. These
inklinometri. Ovi inklinometri su bili izvedeni u
inclinometers were performed in the slope zone
zoni kosine te su samim tim vrlo brzo uništeni
and were therefore destroyed very quickly after

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

installation. 3 measurements were performed nakon instalacije. Na njima su određena 3

(zero, first and second). These measurements mjerenja (nulto, prvo i drugo). Ta mjerenja su
were performed at an interval of about 2 months izvedena na razmaku od oko 2 mjeseca u
in the period August - November - December periodu avgust – novembar – decembar
2015. After that, the Contractor did not continue 2015.godine. Nakon toga Izvođač nije nastavio
with the monitoring, although it was proposed by sa osmatranjima iako je to bilo predloženo od
the Subcontractor for Geotechnical strane Podizvođača za geotehnička istraživanja
investigations (Designer of the Final (Projektanta Geotehničkog elaborata – dijela
Geotechnical Report - part of the approved Main odobrenog Glavnog projekta). Izvođenje kosine
Design). The construction of the slope began in je početo u ljeto 2017 godine. Kontinuiranim
the summer of 2017. With continuous monitoringom (inklinometarska mjerenja)
monitoring (inclinometer measurements), there postojala je mogućnost očitanja pomjeranja po
was a possibility of reading the displacement dubini, pa je postojala mogućnost definisanja
along the depth, so there was a possibility of klizišta prije početka izvođenja radova.
defining the landslide before commencement of
the works.

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –


We refer to the STUDY ON DETAILED Pozivamo se na ELABRAT O DETALJNIM
SECTION: "UVAČ - MATEŠEVO", and in „UVAČ – MATEŠEVO“, a u nastavku
the following section general description of donosimo generalne opise dionice Uvač –
Section Uvač – Mateševo is given: Mateševo:
Engineering geological properties of isolated Inžinjerskogeološka svojstva izdvojenih
environments and terrains sredina i terena
The separation of engineering geological Izdvajanje inženjerskogeoloških sredina je
environments was mainly performed within uglavnom vršeno u okviru litogenetskih tipova
lithogenetic types in Quaternary sediments. In kod kvartarnih sedimenta. Kod Durmitorskog
the Durmitor flysch, the media are distinguished fliša sredine su izdvojene po litološkom
by their lithological composition, structure and sastavu, strukturi i stepenu površinske izmjene.
degree of surface change.
Kvartarni sedimenti
Quaternary sediments
Deluvijalne tvorevine
Deluvial formations
Razdvojene su deluvijalne tvorevine debljine do
Diluvial formations up to 2 m thick and thicker 2 m i veće debljine. Deluvijumi do 2 m debljine
are separated. Deluviums up to 2 m thick are su dalje rasčlanjeni prema osnovnoj stijeni u
further dissected according to the base rock in čijoj povlati se nalaze, pa tako razlikujemo
which they are located, so we distinguish deluvijum preko flišnih sedimenata i deluvijum
deluvium over flysch sediments and deluvium preko krečnjaka.
over limestone.
Deluvium in flysch coating (DR, P, G) d / LC,
Deluvijum u povlati fliša
PS, GC; appears as a layer of variable thickness,
(DR,P,G)d/LC,PŠ,GC; javlja se kao sloj
which does not exceed 2 meters. It is composed
promenljive debljine, a koja ne prelazi 2 metra.
of debris, sand and clay, subordinated to dust.
Sastavljena je od drobine, pijeska i gline,
The participation of individual fractions varies in
podređeno prašine. Učešće pojedinih frakcija
different percentages. The color of the unit
varira u različitom procentu. Boja jedinice
varies in all shades of yellow and brown. The
varira u svim tonovima žute i smeđe boje.
environment is unevenly consolidated and
Sredina je neravnomerno konsolidovana i
unevenly compressible, and it varies from very
neravnomerno stišljiva, a ista varira od vrlo do
to medium compressibility. It is present on
srednje stišljivosti. Prisutna je skoro na čitavoj
almost the entire route. It is subject to errosion
trasi. Podložna je spiranju i kliženju, naročito
and sliding, especially on steeper parts of slopes
na strmijim djelovima padina i u slučaju
and in case of inadequate cutting.
neadekvatnog zasijecanja.
Deluvial sediments (DR, P, G)d; this
Deluvijalni sedimenti (DR,P,G)d; ova sredina
environment occurs locally on the slopes. The
se javlja lokalno na padinama. Debljina sredine
thickness of the medium is variable and ranges
je promjenljiva i kreće se u rasponu od 2.0 pa
from 2.0 to 7.5 m. The composition of this unit

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

includes: sandy clay of variable plasticity, do 7.5 m. U sastavu ove jedinice učestvuje:
brown-reddish color; sand medium-grained to pjeskovita glina promjenljive plastičnosti,
fine-grained, brown in color; and debriss of braon-crvenkaste boje; pijesak srednjezrn do
marlstones, sandstones, marly limestones, and sitnozrn, smeđe boje; i drobina od laporaca,
sandy marlstones. The size of the fragments pješčara, laporovitih krečnjaka i pjeskovitih
ranges from 0.5 to 10 cm. Due to the variable laporaca. Veličina odlomaka kreće se u rasponu
mineralogical-petrological and granulometric od 0.5 do 10 cm. Zbog promjenljivog
composition, the physical-mechanical properties mineraloško-petrološkog i granulometrijskog
of the environment are also variable. The sastava, promjenljiva su i fizičko-mehanička
compressibility is very high to medium. Steeper svojstva sredine. Stišljivost je vrlo velika do
parts of the environment are subject to erosion srednja. Strmiji djelovi sredine podložni su
and sliding. spiranju i kliženju.
Cretaceous-Paleogene "Durmitor flysch"
Kredno-paleogeni „Durmitorski fliš“
The two flysch facies are different in terms of
engineering geological properties.
Dvije facije fliša su različite u pogledi
Sandstones, siltstones, marlstones, claystones inženjerskogeoloških svojstava.
and subordinate limestone breccias (PS, LC,
Pješčari, alevroliti, laporci, glinci i podređeno
GC); represent a sandy-marly flysch facies. They
krečnjačke breče (PŠ,LC,GC); predstavljaju
are located in the base of Quaternary sediments,
pjeskovito-laporovito faciju fliša. Nalaze se u
ie the entire terrain. The general dip of the strata
podlozi kvartarnih sedimenata, odnosno
is to the north and northeast at angles of 30 to
cjelokupnog terena. Genaralni pad slojeva je
500. The strata mostly fall into the hill. Cracks
prema sjeveru i sjeveroistoku pod uglovima od
generally occur in two systems, mutually
30 do 500. Slojevi uglavnom padaju u brdo.
perpendicular and perpendicular to the layers.
Pukotine se generalno javljaju u dva sistema,
Numerous decomposition cracks of different
međusobno upravne i upravne na slojeve. U
orientations also occur in the surface zone. With
površinskoj zoni javljaju se i brojne pukotine
interlayer cracks they divide the rock mass into
raspadanja, različite orjentacije. Sa
blocks usually cm to dm in size. The thickness of
međuslojnim pukotinama dijele stijensku masu
the zone of physical and chemical change ranges
na blokove obično cm do dm dimenzija.
from 15 to 20 m.
Debljina zone fizičko-hemijske izmjene kreće
The dominant representation in the series are se od 15 do 20 m.
sandstones and siltstones, followed by
Dominantnu zastupljenost u seriji imaju
marlstones and claystones, so they generally
pješčari i alevroliti, zatim laporci i glinci, pa
conditioning the engineering geological
oni generalno uslovljavaju inženjerskogeološke
characteristics of this environment.
karakteristike ove sredine.
Sandstones appear in the series as laminar and
Pješčari se u seriji javljaju kao pločast i slojevi,
layered, rarely banked, 3-5-10 to 70 cm thick.
ređe bankoviti, debljine 3-5-10 do 70 cm. Boja
Their color is yellow and gray. They are fine-
im je žuta i siva. Sitnozrni su do srednjezrni.
grained to medium-grained. They cracked
Ispucali su po sistemu subvertikalnih pukotina,
according to the system of subvertical cracks,
upravnih na slojeve, hrapavih zidova, obloženih
perpendicular to the layers, rough walls, lined
limonitom, a neke su ispunjene kalcitom.
with limonite, and some were filled with calcite.
Marlstones are gray, black and green. They are

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

layered, thin-layered, exfoliated and strongly Laporci su sive, crne i zelene boje. Slojeviti su,
shaly. In the surface part, they underwent a tankoslojeviti, listasti i jako uškriljeni. U
physico-chemical change, so they decomposed površinskom dijelu pretrpjeli su fizičko-
into small clay debris, exfolias and flakes. hemijsku promjenu pa su raspadanjem
Therefore, they are prone to intense erosion. pretvoreni u sitnu glinovitu drobinu, listiće i
They cracked on the systems of subvertical, ljuspice. Zbog toga skloni su intezivnom
subhorizontal (interlayer) and oblique cracks. spiranju. Ispucali su po sistemima
Compressed cracks appear and those with a gap subvertikalnih, subhorizontalnih (međuslojnih)
of 1 to 3 mm. The distance between the cracks is i kosih pukotina. Javljaju se stisnute pukotine i
1-3-5 to 10-30-50 cm. Vitoper cracks in the one sa zijevom od 1 do 3 mm. Rastojanje
rough walls also occur. The filling of the cracks između pukotina je 1-3-5 do 10-30-50 cm.
consists of calcite wires 2 to 3 mm wide and Javljaju se i vitoperne pukotine grubih zidova.
limonite. Limonite scraps are secreted between Ispunu pukotina čine žice kalcita širine 2 do 3
the stratification surfaces. They are dilapidated mm i limonit. Između površina slojevitosti
(especially in the overlying parts), they easily izlučene su skrame limonita. Trošni su (naročito
split on the layers. With depth, the strength u povlatnim djelovima), lako se cijepaju po
increases. površinama slojevitosti. Sa dubinom povećava
se čvrstoća.
Claystones appear as interlayers, in marlstones, 5
to 50 cm thick. They are dilapidated, shiny,
easily split on shale surfaces and represent
Glinci se javljaju kao proslojci, u laporcima,
weakened zones and zones in which larger
debljne 5 do 50 cm. Trošni su, uškriljeni, lako
amounts of water can flow.
se cijepaju po površinama škriljavosti i
Modern geodynamic processes and predstavljaju oslabljene zone i zone u kojima je
phenomena moguć dotok većih količina vode.
From modern geodynamic processes and Savremeni geodinamički procesi i pojave
phenomena in the road corridor appear:
Od savremenih geodinamičkih procesa i pojava
- planar erosion of the terrain u koridoru puta javljaju se:
- line erosion of watercourses - planarno spiranje terena
- sliding and falling - linijska erozija vodotoka
Planar erosion is characteristic of a surface cover - kliženje i odronjavanje
composed mainly of deluvial deposits. It is
Planarno spiranje je karakteristično za
especially pronounced on bare terrains and
površinski pokrivač sastavljen pretežno od
terrains with a higher steep of the slope.
deluvijalnih naslaga. Posebno je izraženo na
Line erosion is very pronounced in the entire ogoljenim terenima i terenima sa većim
research area. The ravines are numerous, of nagibom.
different lengths and depths. In them, the surface
Linijska erozija je jako izražena na kompletnom
cover and exposed shoots are usually taken away
području istraživanja. Jaruge su brojne,
in the upper part, while the deluvial-proluvial
različitih dužina i dubina. U njima je obično u
material in the form of cones and fans has
gornjem dijelu odnesen površinski pokrivač i
accumulated in the lower part. In addition to
otkriveni izdanci, dok je u donjem akumiliran
dredging as a product of line erosion, the
deluvijalno-proluvijalni materijal u vidu konusa
abrasion of the Tara river bank as well as the
i lepeza. Osim jaružanja kao produkti linijske
migration of the riverbed in a relatively short
erozije značajni su i abrazija obale rijeka Tare

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

period of time are also significant. Migration and kao i migracija korita rijeke u relativno kratkom
is particularly pronounced in the lower reaches vremenskom periodu. Migracija je posebno
of the Tara river. The Tara riverbed has been izražena u donjem dijelu toka rijeke Tare.
changed in several places over a period of Korito Tare je na više mjesta promijenjeno u
several years. After the flow shifts, old troughs periodu od nekoliko godina. Nakon pomjeranja
remain, partially flooded with water, and dead toka ostaju stara korita, djelimično zaplavljena
ends are most often formed. vodom i najčešće se formiraju mrtvaje.
Landslides are mostly shallow and involve the
deluvial cover and the crumbling part of the
Klizišta su uglavnom plitka i zahvataju
bedrock. Deeper landslides also occur in some
deluvijalni pokrivač i raspadnuti dio osnovne
stijene. Na nekim mjestima se javljaju i dublja
Landslides are also present, and occur from steep
cliffs. A larger landslide in combination with
Odronjavanje je takođe prisutno, a javlja se sa
landslides and landslides is present at the
strmih litica. Veći odron u kombinaciji sa
location of Lazi Radevića.
kliženjem i osipanjem masa je prisutan na
lokaciji Lazi Radevića.

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –


We refer to the STUDY ON DETAILED Pozivamo se na ELABRAT O DETALJNIM
Separate for open route. otvorenu trasu.
THE TERRAIN, subchapter TERENA, potpoglavlju
COMPOSITION OF THE TERRAIN states TERENA navedeno slijedeće:
the following:
“According to the geological structure of the
„Shodno geološkoj građi terena, u skladu sa
terrain, in accordance with the lithological
litološkim sastavom, u okviru sedimenata
composition, within the sediments of
kredno-paleogene starosti, Durmitorskog fliša
Cretaceous-Paleogene age, Durmitor flysch, we
razlikujemo sledeće inžinjerskogeološke
distinguish the following engineering-geological
- Pješčare i alevrolite (PŠ), predstavljene
- Sandstones and siltstones (PS), represented by
pjeskovito-glinovitom facijom fliša;
a sandy-clayey flysch facies;
- Krečnjake i laporce (K,Lc), predstavljene
- Limestones and marls (K, Lc), represented by
karbonatno-laporovitom facijom fliša i
carbonate-marly flysch facies and
- Krečnjake (K), izdvojene kao poseban dio
- Limestones (K), isolated as a special part of
karbonatno-laporovite facije fliša.
the carbonate-marly flysch facies.
The engineering geological environment of
sandstones and siltstones (PS) is built of Inžinjerskogeološku sredinu pješčara i
laminar, layered to bank sandstones and alevrolita (PŠ) grade pločasti, slojeviti do
siltstones, subordinated by claystones, extremely bankoviti pješčari i alevroliti poodređeno
subordinated by sandy limestones. glinci, izuzetno poodređeno pjeskoviti
They are building the researched area to Pajkov
vir, ie chainage km 2+050-2+100. Grade istraživano područje do Pajkovog vira,
tj. stacionaže km 2+050-2+100.
The sandstones are with gradation and rough
horizontal lamination. They are mostly medium- Pješčari su sa gradacijom i grubom
grained and coarse-grained. horizontalnom laminacijom. Većinom su
srednjezrni i krupnozrni.
The siltstones are also laminated. They can be
exfoliated to interlayered. Exfoliated siltstones Alevroliti su takođe sa laminacijom. Mogu biti

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

have a clayey and laminar silicate cementation. listasti do pločasti. Listasti alevroliti imaju
glinovito, a pločasti silikatno vezivo.
The ratio in the mutual representation of
sandstones and siltstones ranges from 80-20% in Odnos u međusobnoj zastupljenosti pješčara i
favor of sandstones, with the most common ratio alevrolita se kreće od 80-20% u korist
being 60: 40%. Sandstones and siltstones have a pješčara, sa najčešćim odnosom 60:40%.
relatively slight dip (225 / 15,250 / 15,280 / 25), Pješčari i alevroliti imaju relativno blag pad
with no noticeable creases. They are (225/15,250/15,280/25), bez zapaženih
characterized by 3 systems of cracks at cm- nabornih oblika. Karakterišu ih 3 sistema
distance mutually perpendicular. The size of the pukotina na cm-rastojanju međusobno
crack distance is dictated by the stiffness of the upravnih. Veličina rastojanja pukotina
engineering geological unit and the thickness of diktirana je krutošću inžinjerskogeološke
the layers. jedinice i debljinom slojeva.
Siltstones represent a weaker engineering
geological unit subject to faster surface
Alevroliti predstavljaju slabiju
degradation, and dominantly determine the
inžinjerskogeološku jedinicu podložnu bržoj
conditions for performing engineering works in
površinskoj degradaciji, te dominantno
the surface part of the terrain. The terrain
određuju uslove izvođenja inžinjerskih radova
surface itself is covered with a shallow surface
u površinskom dijelu terena. Sama površina
decay 0.3-0.5 m thick, while the surface impacts
terena je prekrivena plitkom površinskom
are estimated at about 10.0 m.
raspadinom debljine 0,3-0,5m, dok se
Within the Quaternary sediments, we distinguish površinski uticaji procjenju na oko 10,0m.
the following engineering geological
U okviru kvartarnih sedimenata razlikujemo
sledeće inžinjerskogeološke sredine:
Deluvial sediments (DR, P, G) d;
Deluvial-proluvial sediments (DR, P, G) dpr;
Deluvijalne sedimente (DR,P,G)d;
Terrace sediments (Š, P, G) t1 i
Deluvijalno - proluvijalne sedimente
Alluvial sediments (W, L) al (DR,P,G)dpr;
Terasne sedimente (Š,P,G)t1 i
The engineering geological environment of Aluvijalne sedimente (Š,P)al
-Deluvial sediments (DR, P, G) d has been
Inžinjerskogeološka sredina -Deluvijalnih
isolated in a thickness of over 2.0 m. It occurs
sedimenta (DR,P,G)d je izdvojena u debljini
locally on the slopes of the terrain built of
preko 2.0m. Javlja se lokalno na padinama
carbonate-marly flysch facies, which is
terena izgrađenog od karbontno-laporovite
characterized by a greater thickness of surface
facije fliša, koja se karakteriše većom
debljinom površinske raspadine.
In a narrow area of research, it was found in the
Na uskom području istraživanja je
vicinity of chainage from Ch 3+080-3+160, ie
konstatovana u okolini stacionaža od st.
3+060-3+150, and 14+100-14+190. The
3+080-3+160, tj 3+060-3+150, i 14+100-
composition of this environment includes: sandy
14+190. U sastavu ove sredine učestvuje:
clay of variable plasticity, brown-reddish color;
pjeskovita glina promjenljive plastičnosti,
sand medium-grained to fine-grained, brown in
braon-crvenkaste boje; pijesak srednjezrn do
color; and debris of marlstones, sandstones,
sitnozrn, smeđe boje; i drobina od laporaca,

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

marly limestones, and sandy marlstones. The pješčara, laporovitih krečnjaka i pjeskovitih
size of the fragments ranges from 0.5 to 10 cm. laporaca. Veličina odlomaka kreće se u
Due to the variable mineralogical-petrological rasponu od 0.5 do 10 cm. Zbog promjenljivog
and granulometric composition, the physical- mineraloško-petrološkog i granulometrijskog
mechanical properties of the environment are sastava, promjenljiva su i fizičko-mehanička
also variable. The compressibility is very high to svojstva sredine. Stišljivost je vrlo velika do
medium. The environment is water saturated. srednja. Sredina je vodozasićena. Strmiji
Steeper parts of the environment are subject to djelovi sredine podložni su spiranju i kliženju.
erosion and sliding.
Deluvijalni sedimenti koji nisu izdvojeni kao
Deluvial sediments that have not been singled posebna inžinjerskogeološka sredina su manje
out as a special engineering geological debljine od pomenute i prosječno se kreće oko
environment are smaller in thickness than 1.0m. Sobzirom na njenu malu debljinu,
mentioned and average around 1.0m. Due to its povratno se zaključuje, a što je i kartiranjem
small thickness, it can be concluded, and what utvrđeno, da je ona jače prašinasta, te niže
was determined by mapping, that it is dustier plastičnosti, a navedene niže vrijednosti težina
and lower plasticity, and the lower weight values su posljedica nemogućnosti adekvatnog
are due to the inability to adequately take a soil uzimanja uzorka tla, koji u sebi sadrži
sample, which contains an increased amount of povećanu količinu drobinskog materijala.
debris material.
Deluvijalno - proluvijalni sedimenti
Deluvial - proluvial sediments (DR, P, G)dpr; (DR,P,G)dpr; granulometrijski sastav
the granulometric composition of the proluvial- proluvijalno-deluvijalnog nanosa čini: drobina,
deluvial sediment consists of: debris, sand and pijesak i prašina sa varijatetima ovih jedinica.
dust with varieties of these units. The clay U poodređenom odnosu učestvuje glinovita
component participates in a certain relationship. komponenta. Debljina sredine u okolini
The thickness of the environment around the projektovane trase se kreće do 6m.
designed route is up to 6 m.
U neposrednoj okolini trase, na mjestu
In the immediate vicinity of the route, on the site projektovanih vijadukata lijeve i desne trake
of the designed viaducts of the left and right 5+900, 6+219 i 6+349 debljina sredine
lanes 5+900, 6+219 and 6+349, the se kreće do 4m, kao i u predjelu Jasenovačkog
thickness of the environment is up to 4 m, as well potoka, gdje je projektovana otvorena trasa.
as in the area of Jasenovački potok, where an
open route is projectedesigned.
U granulometrijskom sastavu učestvuje:
The granulometric composition includes: debris
drobina (pješčara, laporaca, glinaca,
(sandstone, marlstone, claystone, limestone,
krečnjaka, breča) veličine od 0.5 do preko 10
breccia), size from 0.5 to over 10 cm; fine-
cm; pijesak sitnozrn do grubozrn, smeđe i
grained to coarse-grained sand, brown and
zelenkaste boje; i glina smeđebraon boje, jače
greenish in color; and brown clay, more sandy.
pjeskovita. Promjenljiv mineraloško-petrološki
The variable mineralogical-petrological and
i granulometrijski sastav uslovljava
granulometric composition conditions the
promjenljiva fizičko-mehanička svojstva
variable physical-mechanical properties of the
sredine, a koja su generalno posmatrano
environment, which are generally considered
povoljna. Sredina je dobro konsolidovana, vrlo
favorable. The environment is well consolidated,
do srednje stišljiva.“
very to medium compressible. "
U potpoglavlju GEOTEHNIČKO
In sub-chapter GEOTECHNICAL

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

following: slijedeće:
The engineering-geological composition and Inžinjerskogeološki sastav i svojstva terena u
properties of the terrain in cooperation with the sadejstvu sa planiranim inžinjerskim zahvatima
planned engineering interventions predetermine predodređuju geotehničko zoniranje, tj
the geotechnical zoning, ie terrain modeling. modeliranje terena.
Considering the engineering geological
composition, general geotechnical models have
S obzirom na inžinjerskogeološki sastav,
been separated, which sporadically have
izdvojeni su opšteni geotehnički modeli, koji
subvariants depending on the narrow local
sporadično imaju podvarijante u zavisnosti od
properties of the terrain and the specifically
uskih lokalnih svojstava terena i konkretno
planned engineering intervention.
planiranog inžinjerskog zahvata.
Within flysch sediments, engineering geological
U okviru flišnih sedimenata,
environments of sandstones and siltstones (Pš) is
inžinjerskogeološke sredine pješčara i
singled out:
alevrolita (Pš) izdvojen je:
consists of four geotechnical environments.
Geotechnical environments are separated within GEOTEHNIČKI MODEL 1 (GTM-1); čine ga
sandstones and siltstones, and the fourth is četiri geotehničke sredine. Geotehničke sredine
represented by deluvial or proluvial sediments su izdvojene u okviru pješčara i alevrolita, a
with a max-thickness of 0.5 m, as shown in četvrta sredina je predstavljena deluvijalnim ili
Figure 1. proluvijalnim sedimentima max-debljine 0,5m,
kao što je prikazano na skici 1.
Geotechnical environments "A, B, C" within
sandstones and siltstones (Pš), were isolated on
the basis of physicochemical degradation. Poor
wrinkled and tectonic fracture of sediments, as Geotehničke sredine „A,B,C“ u okviru pješčara
well as the dominant participation of i alevrolita (Pš), izdvojene su na osnovu
sandstones, determined the isolation of this fizičkohemijske degradacije. Slaba ubranost i
geotechnical model. It is characterized by a GSI- tektonska polomljenost sedimenata, kao i
geological strength index of 15-37, according to dominantno učešće pješčara, odredili su
the Hoek-Brown classification. izdvajnje ovog geotehničkog modela.
Karakteriše ga GSI-geološki indeks čvrstoće od
In chapter C. ANALYSIS OF 15-37, po Hoek-Brown klasifikaciji.
Separate for the Open Route it is stated: AUTO-PUTA BAR-BOLJARI DIONICA:
Geotechnical terrain modelling UVAČ – MATEŠEVO; u okviru Separata za
otvorenu trasu navedeno je:
"Engineering-geological composition and
properties of the terrain in cooperation with the Geotehničko modeliranje terena
planned engineering interventions predetermine „Inžinjerskogeološki sastav i svojstva terena u
geotechnical zoning, ie terrain modeling. sadejstvu sa planiranim inžinjerskim zahvatima

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Along the open route of the previously predodređuju geotehničko zoniranje, tj

mentioned geotechnical models, the following modeliranje terena.
are represented (the order is given according to
Duž otvorene trase od ranije navedenih
their position in the field along the route):
geotehničkih modela zastupljeni su sledeći
- GEOTECHNICAL MODEL 1 (GTM-1); (redosled je dat shodno njihovom položaju u
terenu duž trase):
of four geotechnical environments (A, B, C and - GEOTEHNIČKI MODEL 2 (GTM-2);
E), and is represented along the section from
GEOTEHNIČKI MODEL 1 (GTM-1); čine + 000 to + 130 (on the right
četiri geotehničke sredine (A, B, C i E), a
axis), or 2 + 312 (on the left axis).
zastupljen je duž dionice od do
Remark: mentioned chainages are related to the (po desnoj osi), odnosno 2+312
Section Uvac – Matesevo from the Preliminary (po lijevoj osi).
Design and corresponds to location of
Napomena: navedene stacionaže odnose se na
Contractor’s Claim No. 117.
dionicu Uvač – Mateševo iz Idejnog projekta i
Geotechnical environments are separated within korespondiraju lokaciji Izvođačevog
sandstones and siltstones, and the fourth is Potraživanja br. 117.
represented by deluvial or proluvial sediments
Geotehničke sredine su izdvojene u okviru
with a max-thickness of 0.5 m, as shown in
pješčara i alevrolita, a četvrta sredina je
Figure 1.
predstavljena deluvijalnim ili proluvijalnim
Geotechnical environments "A, B, C" within sedimentima max-debljine 0,5m, kao što je
sandstones and siltstones (Pš) were isolated on prikazano na skici 1.
the basis of physicochemical degradation. Poor
Geotehničke sredine „A,B,C“ u okviru pješčara
wrinkling and tectonic fracture of sediments, as
i alevrolita (Pš), izdvojene su na osnovu
well as the dominant participation of
fizičkohemijske degradacije. Slaba ubranost i
sandstones, determined the isolation of this
tektonska polomljenost sedimenata, kao i
geotechnical model.
dominantno učešće pješčara, odredili su
Stability of natural slopes and existing slopes izdvajnje ovog geotehničkog modela.
The slope sides where the open route passes are
less exposed in relation to the valley sides of
Stabilnost prirodnih padina i postojećih
watercourses and streams, so the process of
planar denudation in these parts of the terrain is
weaker. Padinske strane kuda prolazi otvorena trasa su
slabije ogoljene u odnosu na dolinske strane
In technogenic surface interventions, the Terrain
vodotoka i potoka, pa je time i proces planarne
Model (GTM-1; middle C, B, A) represents a
denudacije u ovim djelovima terena slabiji.
relatively stable terrain (cuts for the needs of
local forest roads). The sliding of small pieces is
from the "C" environment, and less frequent
landslides of larger pieces along the slopes Pri tehnogenim površinskim zahvatima Model
where the sandstones are layered to bank (photo terena (GTM-1; sredine C,B,A), predstavlja
no. 8). The environment "B" is followed by a relativno stabilan terene (zasjeci za potrebe

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

small sliding. As the stratification and bankiness lokalnih šumskih puteva). Osipanje sitnih
of sandstones is rare, with an estimated komada je iz sredine „C“, a ređa odronjavanja
probability of occurrence of 15%, the possibility većih komada duž kosina gdje su pješčari
of landslides of larger pieces is reduced to the slojeviti do bankoviti (fotografija br.8.).
lowest possibility. Sredinu „B“ prati sitno osipanje. Kako je
slojevitost i bankovitost pješčara rijetka, sa
In technogenic surface interventions, the Terrain
procijenjenom vjerovatnoćom javljanja od
Model (GTM-3; environments C2, B2, A2)
15%, to se i mogućnost odronjavanja većih
represents a conditionally stable to unstable
komada smanjuje na najnižu mogućnost.
terrain. Stability, in addition to falling, is
endangered by sliding. Sliding most often occurs
due to inadequate engineering interventions, by
Pri tehnogenim površinskim zahvatima Model
cutting the foot of the slope covered with
terena(GTM-3; sredine C2,B2,A2), predstavlja
deluvial sediments (thickness 2.3 and more m.).
uslovno stabilan do nestabilan teren. Stabilnost
In that case, the environment "E" (deluvial
je pored osipanja i odronjavanja, ugrožena
deposits), often water-saturated, slides along the
kliženjem. Kliženje se najčešće javlja uslijed
environment "C2". Such an example of sliding
neadekvatnih inžinjerskih zahvata,
was found to the left of the entrance portal of the
podsijecanjem nožice padine koja je prekrivena
left tunnel axis of tunnel No. 3, where a
deluvijalnim sedimentima (debljine 2,3 i više
deluvium up to 1.5 thick slid towards the road.
m.). U tom slučaju sredina „E“ (deluvijalne
Remark: Tunnel No. 3 – Cestogaz – not existing naslage), često vodozasićena klizi po sredini
in the Main Design „C2“. Takav primjer kliženja je konstatovan
lijevo od ulaznog portala lijeve tunelske ose
In technogenic surface interventions, this terrain
tunela br.3., gdje je deluvijum debljine do 1,5
model (GTM-2; environments C1, B1, A1)
klizao prema putu.
represents conditionally stable to unstable
terrain. Stability is, in addition to falling and Napomena: Tunel br. 3 – Čestogaz – ne postoji
landslides, endangered by possible sliding of the u Glavnom projektu
environment "E" in the conditions of inadequate
Pri tehnogenim površinskim zahvatima, ovaj
cutting of slopes, and in the way already
model terena (GTM-2; sredine C1,B1,A1),
described in tunnel no.4. The presence of small
predstavlja uslovno stabilne do nestabilne
debris scattering and less frequent erosion of
terene. Stabilnost je pored osipanja i
larger pieces is present along the notches in the
odronjavanja, ugrožena mogućim kliženjem
environment C1 and B1.
sredine „E“ u uslovima neadekvatnog
In any case, for these mountainous areas, it is podsijecanja padina, a na način kako je već
a general statement that instabilities along the opisano kod tunela br.4. Prisustvo osipanja
subvertical to vertical slopes of the cut in the sitne drobine i ređe odronjavanje krupnijih
form of sliding, shedding and subordinate komada je prisutno duž zasjeka u sredinama C1
landslides are present, which must be taken i B1.
into account when designing the highway
U svakom slučaju za ove planinske predjele
section. Also, due to the easy movement of the
opšta je konstatacija da su nestabilnosti duž
deluvial debris (thickness over 2 m), the
izvedenih subvertikalnih do vertikalnih kosina
inclination of the executed slope (max. 1: 0.5)
zasjeka u vidu kliženja, osipanja i podređeno
and its protection must be taken into account.
odronjavanja prisutna o čemu se mora voditi
The chapter Geotechnical conditions for the računa prilikom projektovanja dionice
construction of cuts and walls states: autoputa. Takođe se zbog lakog pokretanja
deluvijalne drobine (debljine i preko 2m) mora

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

"Until the chainage km 2+312.00, the cuts are in voditi računa o nagibu izvedene kosine (max
the environment, which is built by sandstones 1:0,5) i njenom osiguranju.
and siltstones, and subordinately by claystones
U poglavlju Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje
and sandy limestones. The coating is a deluvial
usjeka, zasjeka i zidova navedeno je:
material of small thickness (0.5-0.7 m). There
are calculated parameters according to the „Do stacionaže km 2+312.00 zasecanja su u
geotechnical model GTM-1. sredini koju grade pješčari i alevroliti i
podređeno glinci i pjeskoviti krečnjaci. U
Remark: mentioned chainages are related to the
povlati je deluvijalni materijal male debljine
Section Uvac – Matesevo from the Preliminary
(0.5-0.7m). Tu su računski parametri po
Design and corresponds to location of
geotehničkom modelu GTM-1.
Contractor’s Claim No. 117.
Napomena: navedene stacionaže odnose se na
The remaining part of the open route is in the
dionicu Uvač – Mateševo iz Idejnog projekta i
environment formed by the marly-carbonate
korespondiraju lokaciji Izvođačevog
flysch facies, which is characterized by
Potraživanja br. 117.
increased thickness of surface decay and
increased thickness of deluvial and deluvial-
proluvial (2-3m) sediments. The calculated
parameters are according to the geotechnical Preostali dio otvorene trase je u sredini koju
models GTM-2 and GTM-3. gradi laporovito-karbonatna facija fliša, koju
karakteriše povećena debljina površinske
Cutting is mostly in a zone that is significantly raspadine i povećana debljina deluvijalnih i
physico-chemically altered. The thickness of this deluvijalno-proluvijalnih (2-3m) sedimenata.
zone ranges from 10m (geotechnical Računski parametri su po geotehničkim
environments B + C in the GTM-1 model) to modlima GTM-2 i GTM-3.
over 18m (geotechnical environments B2 + C2
in the GTM-3 model). Layer orientation is Zasjecanje je najvećim dijelom u zoni koja je
generally favorable in all zones (mostly falling značajnije fizičko-hemijski izmijenjena.
uphill). The joints are steeply sloping, Debljina ove zone se kreće od 10m
perpendicular to the layers. (geotehničke sredine B+C u modelu GTM-1) do
preko 18m (geotehničke sredine B2+C2 u
In general, it can be accepted that according to modelu GTM-3) . Orjentacija slojeva generalno
the geotechnical model GTM-1, the slopes are je povoljna na svim zonama (uglavnom padaju
made in the inclination 1.5: 1 to 2: 1 in the u brdo). Pukotine su strmog pada, upravne na
geotechnical environment B and 2: 1 to 3: 1 in slojeve.
the geotechnical environment A. In the surface
part in the geotechnical environment C in the
slope 1 : 1 to 1: 1.5.
Generalno se može prihvatiti da po
The general inclination of the cut slopes geotehničkom modelu GTM-1, kosine izvesti u
according to the geotechnical model GTM-2 and nagibu 1.5:1 do 2:1 u geotehničkoj sredini B i
GTM-3, execute in the inclination of 2:1 2:1 do 3:1 u geotehničkoj sredini A. U
geotechnical environment B1 / B2 and 3:1 površinskom dijelu u geotehničkoj sredini C u
geotechnical environment A1 / A2. In the surface nagibu 1:1 do 1:1.5.
part in the geotechnical environment C1 / C2 in
the inclination 1:1 and in the environment E
with the inclination 1:1.5. Generalni nagib kosina zaseka po
geotehničkom modelu GTM-2 i GTM-3, izvesti
On parts of the cuts where a satisfactory u nagibu 2:1 geotehnička sredina B1/B2 i 3:1

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

stability factor is not achieved, it is possible to geotehnička sredina A1/A2. U površinskom

change the geometry of the slope, but by dijelu u geotehničkoj sredini C1/C2 u nagibu
decreasing of the inclination and the berm, a 1:1 a u sredini E sa nagibom 1: 1.5.
large width of the cut is reached. Therefore,
consider the possibility of construction of
stabilization structure. Na djelovima usjeka gde se ne postiže
zadovoljavajući faktor stabilnosti moguća je
The stability analysis showed that the safety
promjena geometrije kosine, ali se
factors in most of the route are significantly
ublažavanjem nagiba i bermom dostiže velika
higher than 1.50. The problem is the protection
širina usjeka. Zbog toga razmotriti i mogućnost
of slopes during exploitation from surface
izgradnje stabilizacione konstrukcije.
decomposition, which leads to small landslides
and scattering of materials. A road mesh is Analiza stabilnosti je pokazala da su faktori
proposed as protection on all slopes. Secure the sigurnosti u najvećem dijelu trase značajno
high slopes in the lower part with concrete veći od 1.50. Problem je zaštita kosina u toku
retaining walls and the upper ones with nets. In eksploatacije od površinskog raspadanja koje
zones with limestone, repair individual unstable dovodi do sitnog odronjavanja i osipanja
blocks by anchoring. materijala. Na svim kosinama se kao zaštita
predlaže putarska mreža. Visoke kosine u
The excavation of the material in the flysch is
donjem dijelu osiguravati sa obložnim
mechanical. Blasting will be required in the
betonskim zidovima a gornji sa mrežama. U
zonama sa krečnjacima pojedinačne nestabilne
Retaining walls are planned on parts of the blokove sanirati sidrenjem.
route: cut+ wall (4 zones, 150m), embankment +
Iskop materijala u flišu je mašinski. U
wall (1 zone, 13 m). ZZ-1 from ch. km 1 +
krečnjacima će biti potrebno miniranje.
865.00-1 + 916.80 belongs to geotechnical
model GTM-1, and ZZ-2 from ch. km 2+144.00-
2+180.00, ZZ-3 from ch. km 2+185.00-
2+226.00, ZZ-4 from km 2+350.00-2+371.00 Potporni zidovi su planirani na dijelovima
and NZ-1 from km 2+ 337.00-2+350.00 belong trase: zasjek+zid (4 zone, 150m), nasip+zid (1
to the geotechnical model GTM-2. In the zona, 13 m). ZZ-1 od st. km 1+865.00-
geotechnical model GTM-2, the thickness of the 1+916.80 pripada geotehničkom modeli GTM-
deluvium (geotechnical environment E) is about 1, a ZZ-2 od st. km 2+144.00-2+180.00, ZZ-3
2 m. The walls should not be founded in a od st. km 2+185.00-2+226.00, ZZ-4 od st. km
geotechnical environment E. " 2+350.00-2+371.00 i NZ-1 od st. km
2+337.00-2+350.00 pripadaju geotehničkom
Remark: mentioned chainages are related to the modelu GTM-2. U geotehničkom modelu GTM-
Section Uvac – Matesevo from the Preliminary 2 debljina deluvijuma (geotehnička sredina E)
Design and corresponds to location of je oko 2m. Zidove ne treba temeljiti u
Contractor’s Claim No. 117. geotehničkoj sredini E.“
Napomena: navedene stacionaže odnose se na
dionicu Uvač – Mateševo iz Idejnog projekta i
korespondiraju lokaciji Izvođačevog
Potraživanja br. 117.

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Picture 3: Elaborate of detailed geotechnical Investigations for the preparation of the Preliminary Design;
Section: Uvač-Mateševo - Separate for the Open route; Enclosure C4.1 – Engineering-geological map CH
km from 0+000-0+483,50 – right axe; 0+000 to 0+515 – left axe
Slika 3: Elaborat detaljnih geotehničkih istraživanja za izradu Idejnog projekta; Dionica: Uvač-Mateševo
– Separat za otvorenu trasu; Prilog C4.1 - Inženjerskogeološku karta st. km od 0+000-0+483,50 – desna
os; 0+000 do 0+515 – lijeva os

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Picture 4: Elaborate of detailed geotechnical Investigations for the preparation of the Preliminary Design;
Section: Uvač-Mateševo; Enclosure C4.1.1I – Forecasted engineering-geological longitudinal profile open
route CH km from 0+000 to 0+515 – left axe
Slika 4: Elaborat detaljnih geotehničkih istraživanja za izradu Idejnog projekta; Dionica: Uvač-Mateševo;
Prilog C4.1.1I - Prognozni inženjerskogeološki presjek terena otvorena trasa st. km 0+000 do 0+515 –
lijeva os



Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Taking into account the main purpose of the Uzimajući u obzir glavnu svrhu Idejnog
Preliminary Design to provide input data for the projekta da obezbijedi ulazne podatke za
Design and Built Contractor; by relatively low, izvođača radova na projektovanju i izgradnji;
but sufficient level of geotechnical relativno niskim, ali dovoljnim nivoom
investigations, the appearance of a geotechnical geotehničkih istraživanja, pojave geotehničkog
model defined as GEOTECHNICAL MODEL 1 modela definisanog kao GEOTEHNIČKI
(GTM-1), and is represented along the section MODEL 1 (GTM-1), a zastupljen je duž
from + 000 to + 130 (on the dionice od do (po
right axis), or 2 + 312 (on the left axis), are desnoj osi), odnosno 2+312 (po lijevoj osi),
described in the Geotechnical Study. opisane su u Geotehničkom elaboratu.
consists of four geotechnical environments. četiri geotehničke sredine. Geotehničke sredine
Geotechnical environments are separated within su izdvojene u okviru pješčara i alevrolita, a
sandstones and siltstones, and the fourth one is četvrta sredina je predstavljena deluvijalnim ili
represented by deluvial or proluvial sediments proluvijalnim sedimentima max-debljine 0,5m.
with a max-thickness of 0.5 m.
Napomena: navedene stacionaže odnose se na
Remark: mentioned chainages are related to the dionicu Uvač – Mateševo iz Idejnog projekta i
Section Uvac – Matesevo from the Preliminary korespondiraju lokaciji Izvođačevog
Design and corresponds to location of Potraživanja br. 117.
Contractor’s Claim No. 117.
Also, as part of the Report, the following is
Takođe, u sklopu Elaborata navedeno je
stated: " In any case, for these mountainous
slijedeće: „U svakom slučaju za ove planinske
areas, it is a general statement that instabilities
predjele opšta je konstatacija da su
along the subvertical to vertical slopes of the cut
nestabilnosti duž izvedenih subvertikalnih do
in the form of sliding, shedding and subordinate
vertikalnih kosina zasjeka u vidu kliženja,
landslides are present, which must be taken into
osipanja i podređeno odronjavanja prisutna o
account when designing the highway section.
čemu se mora voditi računa prilikom
Also, due to the easy movement of the deluvial
projektovanja dionice autoputa. Takođe se zbog
debris (thickness over 2 m), the inclination of the
lakog pokretanja deluvijalne drobine (debljine i
executed slope (max. 1: 0.5) and its protection
preko 2m) mora voditi računa o nagibu
must be taken into account. "
izvedene kosine (max 1:0,5) i njenom
The mentioned Geotechnical Study is an integral osiguranju.“
part of the Preliminary Design and was available
Navedeni Geotehnički elaborat je sastavni dio
to the Contractor in the tender phase of the
Idejnog projekta i bio je dostupan Izvođaču u
tenderskoj fazi Projekta.
We also refer to the statement of the Designer of
Takođe, pozivamo se na navod Projektanta
LK 31+820 first stage where he stated the
LK 31+820 prva faza gdje je konstatovao
following: “Certainly, in the stage of the Main
slijedeće: „Svakako da u fazi glavnog projekta
civil design it is impossible to review each slope
autoputa nije moguće razmatrati svaku padinu
planned for side-cut as a potential landslide, so
u kojoj se planira zasjek kao potencijalno
as to design greater number of surveys at that
klizište, da bi se u toj fazi projektovao veći broj
stage and have a better insight into EG

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

structure.” If this is not possible in the Main istraživanja i samim tim imao bolji uvid u IG
Design phase, even less consideration is given in građu terena.“ Ukoliko to nije moguće izvesti
the Preliminary Design phase. u fazi Glavnog projekta, jož je manje
razmatranje istog u fazi Idejnog projekta.
Expected reaction of the world-renowned
Contractor, taking into account the data available Očekivana reakcija svjetski priznatog
at the time of the Bid on the existence of a Izvođača, uzevši u obzir podatak dostupan u
geotechnical environment in which flysch vrijeme Ponude o postojanju geotehničke
sediments are covered with deluvial cover (note sredine u kojoj su flišni sedimenti prekriveni
that no exploratory boreholes were not drilled at deluvijalnim pokrivačem (napominjemo da na
the site – the data were given by geological navedenoj lokaciji nisu rađene istražne bušotine
mapping of the terrain, what is usually, having in u okviru Idejnog projekta – podaci su dobijeni
mind the Design level - Preliminary Design) and geološkim kartiranjem terena, što je uobičajeno,
the complexity of the designed structure (gravity imajući na umu nivo Projekta – Idejni projekt) i
retaining wall with high and prety steep slopes kompleksnosti projektovane konstrukcije
above) would be a more detailed investigation in (gravitacioni potporni zid sa visokim i prilično
order to obtain confirmation of the Main Design. strmim kosinama iznad) bila bi detaljnije
However, although there were two inclinometer istraživanje u svrhu dobivanja potvrde Glavnog
structures on the said slope, the main role of projekta. Međutim, iako su na navedenoj kosini
which was to analyze the depth displacement in postojale dvije inklinometarske konstrukcije,
order to confirm the potential landslide, the čija je glavna uloga analiza pomjeranja po
Contractor by his decision stopped the dubini u svrhu potvrđivanja potencijalnog
monitoring. This is the main purpose of klizišta, Izvođač je samoinicijativno prekinuo
geotechnical investigations for the level of the sa monitoringom. To i je glavni smisao
Main Design, which does not necessarily end geotehničkih istraživanja za nivo Glavnog
with the approval of the Main Design. projekta, koja nužno ne završavaju odobrenjem
Glavnog projekta.
Bearing in mind all the above, as well as the fact
that the above information is considered Imajući na umu sve gore navedeno, kao i
sufficient for the level of Preliminary Design, as činjenicu da se pomenute informacije smatraju
well as the fact that the Contractor is an dovoljnim za nivo Idejnog projekta, kao i
experienced and world-renowned Contractor, činjenicu da je Izvođač radova na projektovanju
with prior knowledge of similar works in a i izgradnji iskusan i svjetski priznat Izvođač, sa
similar environment, the Engineer’s opinion is prethodnim poznavanjem sličnih radova u
that the mentioned geological conditions cannot sličnom okruženju, mišljenje Nadzornog organa
be treated as unforeseeable geological je da se pomenuti geološki uslovi ne mogu
conditions. tretirati kao nepredvidivi geološki uslovi.


Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

In this Expert's Witness Report we have also IZVOĐAČA RADOVA

analysed Contractor's Claim No. 128, 132 and
U ovom Stručnom Izvještaju Inženjera smo
132/1 for Additional Payment (AP) (under SC
analizirali Potraživanje izvođača br. 117 za
20.1). Our clarification is follow:
dopunsko plaćanje (pod SC 20.1). U nastavku
donosimo naše pojašnjenje:
In Contractor’s submitted Fully Detailed Claim U dostavljenom Izvođačevom potpunom
– The Description of ERE Under Claim No. detaljnom sveobuhvatnom potraživanju –
AP 117, Contractor stated as follow: Opis ERE shodno Potraživanju br. AP 117,
Izvođač je izjavio slijedeće:
“On construction Site of 4.1 subsection, the
Contractor encounter a change in the geological „Na gradilištu podeskcije 4.1 Izvođač se susreo
conditions at the part of open route, so THE sa promjenom geoloških uslova na dijelu
Main Design for Gravity retaining wall 1 and otvorene trase, pa se pristupilo izmjeni
slope has been modified.” Glavnog projekta gravitaciono potpornog zida
1 i kosine.“
Description of Employer's risk event:
Unforeseeable Physical Condition – changes Opis slučaja rizika za poslodavca:
of the geological condition nepredvidivo fizičko stanje – izazvano
promjenama u geološkim uslovima
The Engineer’s Statement
Izjava Nadzornog organa
By comparing the Preliminary Design, we
conclude that the forecasted geotechnical Poređenjem Idejnog projekta, zaključujemo da
environment defined within the Preliminary prognozna geotehnička sredina definisana u
Design fully corresponds to that found during okviru Idejnog projekta u potpunosti odgovara
the excavation. We refer to the STUDY ON zatečenoj tokom iskopa. Pozivamo se na
MATEŠEVO" - Separate for open route.; „UVAČ – MATEŠEVO“ – Separat za
Enclosure C4.1 – Engineering-geological map otvorenu trasu; Prilog C4.1 -
CH km from 0+000-0+483,50 – right axe; Inženjerskogeološku karta st. km od 0+000-
0+000 to 0+515 – left axe, as well as Enclosure 0+483,50 – desna os; 0+000 do 0+515 – lijeva
C4.1.1I – Forecasted engineering-geological os (slika 3), kao i Prilog C4.1.1I - Prognozni
longitudinal profile open route CH km from inženjerskogeološki presjek terena otvorena
0+000 to 0+515 – left axe (Figure 4). trasa st. km 0+000 do 0+515 – lijeva os (slika
Remark: mentioned chainages are related to the
Section Uvac – Matesevo from the Preliminary Napomena: navedene stacionaže odnose se na
Design and corresponds to location of dionicu Uvač – Mateševo iz Idejnog projekta i
Contractor’s Claim No. 117. korespondiraju lokaciji Izvođačevog
Potraživanja br. 117.
Also, in the textual part of the Study, an
unambiguous description of the geotechnical Takođe, u tekstualnom dijelu elaborata dat je
model 1 (GTM 1) located on the part of the open nedvosmisleni opis geotehničkog modela 1
route to which this Contractor's Claim refers is (GTM 1) lociranog na dijelu otvorene trase na
given. Along with the description of the model, koji se odnosi ovo Potraživanje Izvođača. Uz

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

it is unequivocally stated that in these flysch opis modela nedvosmisleno je navedeno da se u

formations with a Quaternary cover built of ovim flišnim formacijama sa kvartarnim
deluvial sediment, sliding of material can be pokrivačem izgrađenim od deluvijalnog nanosa
expected, and anthropogenic influences are može očekivati klizanje materijala, a kao
stated as the main cause: Sliding most often osnovni uzrok navedeni su antropogeni uticaji:
occurs due to inadequate engineering „Kliženje se najčešće javlja uslijed
interventions, by cutting the foot of the slope neadekvatnih inžinjerskih zahvata,
covered with deluvial sediments (thickness 2, 3 podsijecanjem nožice padine koja je prekrivena
and more m)." deluvijalnim sedimentima (debljine 2,3 i više
Podsjećamo da je Izvođač izvodio geotehnička
We are reminding that the Contractor performed
istraživanja na navedenoj lokaciji tokom 2015.
geotechnical investigations at the specified
godine, kada su u bušotinama LZK025 i
location during 2015, when inclinometers were
LZK026 ugrađeni inklinometri. Ovi
installed in boreholes LZK025 and LZK026.
inklinometri su bili izvedeni u zoni kosine te su
These inclinometers were performed in the slope
samim tim vrlo brzo uništeni nakon instalacije.
zone and were therefore destroyed very quickly
Na njima su određena 3 mjerenja (nulto, prvo i
after installation. 3 measurements were
drugo). Ta mjerenja su izvedena na razmaku od
determined on them (zero, first and second).
oko 2 mjeseca u periodu avgust – novembar –
These measurements were performed at an
decembar 2015.godine. Nakon toga Izvođač
interval of about 2 months in the period August -
nije nastavio sa osmatranjima iako je to bilo
November - December 2015. After that, the
predloženo od strane Podizvođača za
Contractor did not continue with the monitoring,
geotehnička istraživanja (Projektanta
although it was proposed by the Subcontractor
Geotehničkog elaborata – dijela odobrenog
for Geotechnical Investigations (Designer of the
Glavnog projekta). Izvođenje kosine je početo u
Final Geotechnical Report - part of the approved
ljeto 2017 godine. Kontinuiranim
Main Design). The works of the slope began in
monitoringom (inklinometarska mjerenja)
the summer of 2017. With continuous
postojala je mogućnost očitanja pomjeranja po
monitoring (inclinometer measurements), there
dubini, pa je postojala mogućnost definisanja
was a possibility of reading the displacement
klizišta prije početka izvođenja radova.
along the depth, so there was a possibility of
defining the landslide before the commencement Izvođač tokom izvođenja radova na iskopu i
of works. zaštiti kosina nije se pridržavao preporuka
Projektanta, te je projektant ELABORATA O
During the excavation and protection of slopes,
the Contractor did not follow the Designer’s
recommendations, so the Designer of
31+820 prva faza konstatovao slijedeće: „Kao
i obično, na formiranje klizišta uticalo je dosta
faktora od čega je potrebno izdvojiti glavni
LK 31+820 first stage concluded following: As
uzrok klizanja a to je antropogeni uticaj tj.
usual, formation of landslides has been
izgradnja dijela usjeka i neadekvatno
influenced by many factors, and the main cause
osiguranje istog.
of the sliding is anthropogenic influence, i.e.
construction of through-cut and inadequate Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
security of the slope. djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
In addition, excavating the entire level (even two

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

levels in some parts) without successive ovim terenima (slika 31). Takođe je
anchoring and security is unacceptable in these neprihvaljivo da kosine ostanu ne osigurane
terrains (Figure 31). It is also unreasonable for duži vremenski period.
the slopes to remain unsecured for a longer
Ankeri koji su korišćeni na ovoj kosini su SN
period of time.
ankeri. Ovi ankeri su neprihvatljivi za ovaj tip
Anchors used for this slope are SN anchors. terena u kome dominira F kategorija stijenske
These anchors are unacceptable for this type of mase. Njih nije moguće adekvatno ugraditi u
terrain that is dominated by the F category of ovu kategoriju stijenske mase tako da je upitna
rock mass. They can not be adequately funkcija ove mjere osiguranja.
incorporated into this category of rock mass so
Na vrhu kosine je postojao površinski drenažni
the function of this security measure is
kanal (dubine do 1 m), nedaleko od vrha
škarpe, ali on sam po sebi nema funkciju u
There was a surface drainage channel (depths eliminsanju nepovoljnih podzemnih voda već
up to 1 m) at the top of the slope, not far from samo eliminisanje površinskih voda koje
the top of the vice, but it itself had no function in spiraju lice kosine prilikom većih padavina.
eliminating the adverse groundwater but only
eliminating the surface water washing the face
of the slope during higher precipitation. Sve gore navedeno, uz nepovoljnu IG građu
padine, što je prikazano u prethodnim
All the above, together with EG composition of
poglavljima, rezultuje klizištem.“
the slope presented in the previous chapters,
results in landsliding.” Tokom izvođenja radova i Inženjer je aktivno
upozoravao Izvođača o mogućim negativnim
During the execution of the works, the
posljedicama u vidu lokalnih i globalnih
Engineer actively warned the Contractor about
nestabilnosti, pa se pozivamo na pisani
possible negative consequences in the form of
komentar Inženjera na Geološkom izvještaju,
local and global instabilities, so we refer to the
nakon pojave prvih lokalnih nestabilnosti:
written Engineer’s comment on the Geological
„Podsjećamo Izvođača da pomno prati
Report, after the first local instabilities were
kosinu i u slučaju bilo kakve lokalne
observed: “We are reminding the Contractor
(globalne) nestabilnosti obavijesti
to closely monitor the slope and in case of
Projektanta i preprojektuje te primijeni
any local (global) instability inform a
dodatne mjere zaštite kosine.
Designer and re-design and apply additional
slope support measures. Takođe, Izvođač bi trebao ponovno razmotriti
hidro sjetvu kako bi izbjegao eroziju (HITNO
Also, Contractor should re-consider hydro
- s obzirom na vremenske uslove)!“
seeding in order to avoid errosion (ASAP – in
respect to weather conditions)!“ Sve gore navedeno dovodi do zaključka da se
ovo klizište može posmatrati prema Podklauzuli
All of the above mentioned leads to the
7.1 Način izvođenja Uslova Ugovora u kojoj je
conclusion that this landslide can be observed
definisano: - Izvođač se obavezuje da
according to Subclause 7.1 Manner of
proizvede Postrojenje, proizvede i izradi
Execution where defines as: The Contractor
materijale i izvede sve ostale Radove:
shall carry out the manufacture of Plant, the
production and manufacture of Materials, (a) na način predviđen Ugovorom (ako
and all other execution of the Works: je predviđen),
(a) in the manner (if any) specified in the (b) stručno i pažljivo, u skladu sa
Contract, priznatom dobrom praksom, i

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

(b) in a proper workmanlike and careful (c) koristeći propisnu opremu i

manner, in accordance with recognised good bezopasne materijale, ukoliko nije drugačije
practice, and predviđeno Ugovorom. a ne nepredvidivo
fizičko stanje – izazvano promjenama u
(c) with properly equipped facilities and
geološkim uslovima, uzimajući u obzir navode
non-hazardous Materials, except as otherwise
o geološkoj strukturi terena i potencijalnim
specified in the Contract and not
rizicima koji iz nje proizlaze, navedene u
unforeseeable physical conditions - caused by
changes in geological conditions, taking into
account the allegations about the geological
structure of the terrain and potential risks arising
from it, listed in the STUDY ON DETAILED
„UVAČ – MATEŠEVO“ – Separat za
otvorenu trasu.
Takođe, pozivamo se na navode Projektanta
Separate for open route.
Also, we refer to the statements of the GEOTEHNIČKIM ISTRAŽIVANJIMA ZA
CONDITIONS FOR REHABILITATION LK 31+820 prva faza, koji je konstatovao
AND MONITORING OF LEFT SLOPE AT slijedeće: „Kao i obično, na formiranje klizišta
KM LK 31+705 TO LK 31+820 first stage, uticalo je dosta faktora od čega je potrebno
who stated the following: “As usual, formation izdvojiti glavni uzrok klizanja a to je
of landslides has been influenced by many antropogeni uticaj tj. izgradnja dijela usjeka i
factors, and the main cause of the sliding is neadekvatno osiguranje istog.
anthropogenic influence, i.e. construction of
Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
through-cut and inadequate security of the
djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
In addition, excavating the entire level (even two ovim terenima (slika 31). Takođe je
levels in some parts) without successive neprihvaljivo da kosine ostanu ne osigurane
anchoring and security is unacceptable in these duži vremenski period.“
terrains (Figure 31). It is also unreasonable for
Navedena izjava u sklopu odobrenog Glavnog
the slopes to remain unsecured for a longer
projekta potvrđuje da radovi nisu izvođeni
period of time.
stručno i pažljivo, u skladu sa priznatom
The above mentioned statement within the dobrom praksom, te je ovo klizište nastalo
approved Main Design confirms that the works izvođenjem radova suprotno odobrenom
were not performed in a proper workmanlike Glavnom projektu i odobrenoj Tehnologiji
and careful manner, in accordance with izvođenja radova.
recognised good practice, and this landslide
Izvođač nije uzeo u obzir prijedlog Projektanta
was caused by the execution of works contrary
Geotehničkog elaborata, te je izvođenjem
to the approved Main Design and the approved
pripremnih radova uništio inklinometarske
Method Statement.
konstrukcije, i na taj način onemogućio
The Contractor did not take into account the geotehnički monitoring kosine u geološkim
proposal of the Designer of the Geotechnical uslovima u kojima je moguće formiranje

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

Report, and by performing preparatory works, he klizišta.

destroyed the inclinometer structures, and thus
disabled geotechnical monitoring of the slope in
geological conditions in which landslides are Nadzorni organ je uzeo u obzir stvarne fizičke
possible. uslove uočene na lokaciji tokom događaja
opisanih u ovom potraživanju Izvođača,
The Engineer took into account the actual
tehnologiju izvođenja radova na iskopu i
physical conditions observed at the site during
ugradnji elemenata trajne zaštite kosine
the events described in this Contractor’s claim,
(sukcesivno ugrađivanje elemenata zaštite i ne
the technology of execution of the works on
ostavljanje nezaštićene iskopane kosine duži
excavation and installation of permanent slope
vremenski period), kao i dokaze o fizičkim
protection elements (successive installation of
uslovima koje Izvođač može predvidjeti
protection elements and not leaving unprotected
prilikom podnošenja ponude – na raspolaganju
excavated slope for a long time period), as well
as evidence on the physical conditions that the
Contractor may anticipate when submitting the Po mišljenju Nadzornog organa, Idejni projekat
offer- available to the Contractor. - svi gore navedeni djelovi koji se odnose na
dio otvorene trase na Poddionici 4.1 (u sklopu
In the opinion of the Engineer, Preliminary
tada definisane dionice Uvač-Mateševo) su
design - all the above parts related to the part of
validni dokumenti, poznati Izvođaču radova
the open route on Sub-Section 4.1 (within at that
prilikom dostavljanja ponude. Takođe,
time defined section Uvač-Mateševo) are valid
prekrivenost osnovne stijene (flišnih formacija
documents, known to the Contractor when
pješčara i alevrolita u različitim omjerima)
submitting the offer. Also, the coverage of the
kvartarnim pokrivačem (deluvijalne naslage)
base rock (flysch formations of sandstone and
mogla se uočiti prilikom obilaska trase u fazi
siltstone in different proportions) with
pripremanja Ponude.
Quaternary cover (deluvial deposits) could be
observed during the tour visit of the route in the Navedena Dokumentacija, koja je dio Idejnog
phase of preparation of the Offer. projekta, na osnovu izvedenih Geotehničkih
istraživanja (GI) za okvir Idejnog projekta daje
Above mentioned Documentation, part of the
preliminarne ulazne geološke i geotehničke
Preliminary Design, based on executed
podatke Izvođaču definisanjem opštih
Geotechnical Investigations (GI) for the frame of
predviđenih geoloških uslova, pa donosimo
the Preliminary Design is providing preliminary
slijedeći konačan zaključak:
input geological and geotechnical data to the
Tenderer by defining a general forecasted
geological conditions and please find final
conclusion as follow:


Engineer's conclusion on Preliminary Design Zaključak Nadzornog organa o činjenicama u
facts is following: vezi sa Idejnim projektom je sljedeći:

 Mentioned Geotechnical elaborate was  Navedeni Geotehnički elaborat je urađen u

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

done for the purpose of providing an cilju obezbjeđivanja elementarnih

elementary Geotechnical data for the stage geotehničkih podataka za fazu Idejnog
of the Preliminary Design; projekta;
 Data were based on detailed Engineering –  Podaci su zasnovani na detaljnom
geological mapping of the area, inženjersko - geološkom istraživanju
Hydrogeological mapping and next onsite područja, hidrogeološkom kartiranju i
Geotechnical investigation works: narednim geotehničkim istražnim
Geoelectrical sondage and geophysical radovima: Geoelektrična sondaža i
reffraction together with compressive and geofizička refrakcija zajedno sa provjerom
tensile strength checking – as per the tlačne i vlačne čvrstoće – prema
Engineer's point of view sufficient for the Nadzornom organu dovoljnoj za fazu
stage of the Preliminary Design; Idejnog projekta;

Contractor's description of this Claim event is: U obrazloženju ovog događaja potraživanja
“On construction Site of 4.1 subsection, the Izvođač navodi: “„Na gradilištu podeskcije 4.1
Contractor encounter a change in the geological Izvođač se susreo sa promjenom geoloških
conditions at the part of open route, so THE uslova na dijelu otvorene trase, pa se
Main Design for Gravity retaining wall 1 and pristupilo izmjeni Glavnog projekta
slope has been modified. gravitaciono potpornog zida 1 i kosine.

The Contractor considers theses adverse Izvođač smatra da su ovi nepovoljni fizički
physical conditions to have been Unforeseeable, uslovi Nepredvidivi, stoga, u skladu sa PK 4.12
therefore in accordance with SC 4.12 of the Ugovora o projektovanju i izgradnji Autoputa
Design and Build Contract for Bar-Boljare Bar-Boljare, Izvođač je obavijestio Inženjera
Highway, the Contractor informed the Engineer dopisom RB-BBH/ 23/CD-P3 datiranim
that we encountered unforeseeable physical 07.01.2019. godine (Prilog 2) da smo se susreli
conditions on the construction site via letter RB- sa nepredvidivim fizičkim uslovima na
BBH/ 23/CD dated on 07.01.2019 (Enclosure gradilištu.”
We are reffering to the STUDY ON
Pozivamo se na ELABORAT O
„UVAČ – MATEŠEVO“ – Separat za
MATEŠEVO" - Separate for open route.;
otvorenu trasu; Prilog C4.1 -
Enclosure C4.1 – Engineering-geological map
Inženjerskogeološku karta st. km od 0+000-
CH km from 0+000-0+483,50 – right axe;
0+483,50 – desna os; 0+000 do 0+515 – lijeva
0+000 to 0+515 – left axe, as well as Enclosure
os (slika 3), kao i Prilog C4.1.1I - Prognozni
C4.1.1I – Forecasted engineering-geological
inženjerskogeološki presjek terena otvorena
longitudinal profile open route CH km from
trasa st. km 0+000 do 0+515 – lijeva os (slika
0+000 to 0+515 – left axe (Figure 4).
Also, in the textual part of the study, an
Takođe, u tekstualnom dijelu elaborata dat je
unambiguous description of the geotechnical
nedvosmisleni opis geotehničkog modela 1

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

model 1 (GTM 1) located on the part of the open (GTM 1) lociranog na dijelu otvorene trase na
route to which this Contractor's Claim refers is koji se odnosi ovo Potraživanje Izvođača. Uz
given. Along with the description of the model, opis modela nedvosmisleno je navedeno da se
it is unequivocally stated that in these flysch u ovim flišnim formacijama sa kvartarnim
formations with a Quaternary cover built of pokrivačem izgrađenim od deluvijalnog nanosa
deluvial sediment, sliding of material can be može očekivati klizanje materijala, a kao
expected, and anthropogenic influences are osnovni uzrok navedeni su antropogeni uticaji:
stated as the main cause: Sliding most often „Kliženje se najčešće javlja uslijed
occurs due to inadequate engineering neadekvatnih inžinjerskih zahvata,
interventions, by cutting the foot of the slope podsijecanjem nožice padine koja je
covered with deluvial sediments (thickness 2, 3 prekrivena deluvijalnim sedimentima (debljine
and more m)." 2,3 i više m.).“
Uzevši u obzir navedene dijelove
By taking into consideration mentioned parts of
„UVAČ – MATEŠEVO“ – Separat za
otvorenu trasu; zaključak Inženjera je da je
dostavljeni Idejni projekt u fazi Tendera, na
Separate for open route, the Engineer’s
osnovu kojeg je pripremljena ponuda pruža
conclusion is that delivered Preliminary
Izvođaču dovoljnu informaciju na osnovu
Design in the Tender phase, base for the
koje je mogao predvidjeti stvarne geološke
Offer preparation, providing enough
information to the Contractor to forseen
exact geological conditions. Takođe, nejasnan je razlog iz kojeg se Izvođač
odlučio na prekid monitoringa inklinometarskih
Also, the reason why the Contractor decided to
konstrukcija nakon završetka geotehničkih
stop monitoring inclinometer structures after the
istraživanja u svrhu pripreme Glavnog projekta,
completion of geotechnical investigations for the
iako je uobičajena praksa da se navedeni
preparation of the Main Design is unclear,
monitoring nastavlja tokom faze izgradnje, kao
although it is common practice to continue this
i tokom operativne faze autoputa – naravno, sa
monitoring during the construction phase and
drugačijom frekvencijom očitanja. Na taj način
during the operational phase of the highway - of
onemogućen je uvid u pomjeranja u dubini, a
course with a different frequency of readings. In
posredno je onemogućeno uočavanje klizišta
this way, the insight into the displacements in
prije početka izvođenja građevinskih radova.
depth is disabled, and indirectly the detection of
landslides before the start of construction works
is disabled.
Prema našem mišljenju, smisao kontinuiranog
In our opinion, the purpose of continuous geotehničkog monitoringa ja dobivanje
geotechnical monitoring is to obtain measurable mjerljivih podataka o pomjeranjima, a samim
data on displacements, and thus control the time i kontrola pretpostavki Glavnog projekta, a
assumptions of the Main Design, which was not što ovdje nije bio slučaj.
the case here.
Mišljenje Inženjera je da se dogodio propust u
The opinion of the Engineer is that there was an Načinu izvođenja - stručno i pažljivo, u
omission in the Manner of Execution - in a skladu sa priznatom dobrom praksom, a što

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

proper workmanlike and careful manner, in dokazuju upozorenja u sklopu Idejnog projekta
accordance with recognised good practice, as i navodi iz ELABORATA O DETALJNIM
evidenced by the warnings within the GEOTEHNIČKIM ISTRAŽIVANJIMA ZA
Preliminary Design and statements from the POTREBE SANACIJE I MONITORINGA
GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS FOR LK 31+820 prva faza, koji je konstatovao
„Kao i obično, na formiranje klizišta uticalo je
LK 31+820 first stage, which stated the
dosta faktora od čega je potrebno izdvojiti
following: “As usual, formation of landslides
glavni uzrok klizanja a to je antropogeni uticaj
has been influenced by many factors, and the
tj. izgradnja dijela usjeka i neadekvatno
main cause of the sliding is anthropogenic
osiguranje istog.
influence, i.e. construction of through-cut and
inadequate security of the slope. Pored toga iskop cijele etaže (a u pojedinim
djelovima i dvije etaže) bez sukcesivnog
In addition, excavating the entire level (even two
ankerisanja i osiguranja je neprihvatljivo u
levels in some parts) without successive
ovim terenima (slika 31). Takođe je
anchoring and security is unacceptable in these
neprihvaljivo da kosine ostanu ne osigurane
terrains (Figure 31). It is also unreasonable for
duži vremenski period.“
the slopes to remain unsecured for a longer
period of time. Mišljenje je Inženjera da je do propusta došlo
izvođenjem radova u kojima nije praćen
The Engineer’s opinion is that the omission
propisani redoslijed radova. Iskop kosina u
occurred due to the execution of works in which
geotehničkim sredinama potvrđenim na lokaciji
the prescribed sequence of works was not
potrebno je voditi horizontalno i vertikalno na
followed. The excavation of slopes in
način da se iskopani dio kosine može zaštititi
geotechnical environments confirmed on the site
odgovarajućim elementima zaštite kosina u
should be conducted horizontally and vertically
jednom danu.
in such a way that the excavated part of the slope
can be protected by appropriate elements of Odmah nakon iskopa potrebno je ugraditi
slope protection in one day. odgovarajuće elemente zaštite kosina, čije je
parametre potrebno potvrditi propisanim
Immediately after the excavation, it is necessary
ispitivanjima što je prije moguće.
to install the appropriate slope protection
Napominjemo da su na kosini ugrađivana SN
elements, the parameters of which must be
sidra za koja je propisano ispitivanje nosivosti
confirmed by the prescribed tests as soon as
čupanjem sidara, a isto ispitivanje nije
possible. Please note that SN anchors were
izvršeno prije pojave klizišta. Pozivamo se na
installed on the slope, for which the load-bearing
pisani komentar Inženjera u sklopu
capacity test by pull-out the anchors was
odobravanja (uz komentare) Izvođačevog
prescribed, and the same test was not performed
Geološkog izvještaja: „Podsjećamo Izvođača
before the landslide occurred. We refer to the
da pomno prati kosinu i u slučaju bilo kakve
written comment of the Engineer as part of the
lokalne (globalne) nestabilnosti obavijesti
approval (with comments) of the Contractor's
Projektanta i preprojektuje te primijeni
Geological Report: “We are reminding the
dodatne mjere zaštite kosine.
Contractor to closely monitor the slope and in
case of any local (global) instability inform a Takođe, Izvođač bi trebao ponovno razmotriti
Designer and re-design and apply additional hidro sjetvu kako bi izbjegao eroziju (HITNO
slope support measures. - s obzirom na vremenske uslove)!“
Also, Contractor should re-consider hydro

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

seeding in order to avoid errosion (ASAP – in

respect to weather conditions)!“
Izbor SN sidara u heterogenim flišnim
The choice of SN anchors in heterogeneous formacijama sa deluvijalnim prekrivačem je
flysch formations with deluvial cover is upitan, pa se pozivamo na navode iz
questionable, so we refer to the statements from ELABORATA O DETALJNIM
OF LEFT SLOPE AT KM LK 31+705 TO LK 31+820 prva faza, koji je konstatovao
LK 31+820 first stage, which stated the slijedeće: „Ankeri koji su korišćeni na ovoj
following: Anchors used for this slope are SN kosini su SN ankeri. Ovi ankeri su
anchors. These anchors are unacceptable for neprihvatljivi za ovaj tip terena u kome
this type of terrain that is dominated by the F dominira F kategorija stijenske mase. Njih nije
category of rock mass. They can not be moguće adekvatno ugraditi u ovu kategoriju
adequately incorporated into this category of stijenske mase tako da je upitna funkcija ove
rock mass so the function of this security mjere osiguranja. Podataka o eventualnom
measure is questionable. There is no data on testiranju ankera na čupanje nema.“
possible pull-out tests.”
Obzirom na navode o SN ankerima, uz
evidentan način izvođenja u suprotnosti sa
pkl 7.1 Ugovora, moguća je i Greška u
Considering the statements about SN anchors,
projektu – u skladu sa Podklauzulom 5.8
with obvious method of executing is contrary
Uslova Ugovora - Ukoliko se u
to Sub-Clause 7.1 of the Contract, Design
dokumentaciji Izvođača utvrde greške,
Error is also possible - in accordance with Sub-
propusti, dvosmislenosti, neadekvatnosti i
Clause 5.8 of the Contract Conditions - If
ostale manjkavosti, ona i Radovi podležu
errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies,
korekcijama o trošku Izvođača, bez obzira
inadequacies or other defects are found in the
na bilo koju saglasnost ili odobrenje koje je
Contractor’s Documents, they and the Works
bilo dato u skladu sa ovom klauzulom.; koju
shall be corrected at the Contractor’s cost,
je nemoguće dokazati / odbaciti, uzevši u
notwithstanding any consent or approval
obzir izvođenje radova suprotno priznatoj
under this Clause; which is impossible to
dobroj praksi. Istu je nemoguće potvrditi (niti
prove / reject, taking into account the
odbaciti), obzirom na Način izvođenja; u
performance of works contrary to recognized
suprotnosti sa priznatom dobrom praksom,
good practice. It is impossible to confirm (or
odobrenim Glavnim projektom i odobrenom
reject), given the Manner of execution; contrary
Tehnologijom izvođenja.
to recognized good practice, approved Main
Design and approved Method Statement. Uspješna evakuacija vode sa kosine nije
izvedena na propisan način, te je
Successful evacuation of water from the slope
procjeđivanjem površinske vode kroz
was not performed in the prescribed manner, and
nedovršeni obodni drenažni kanal došlo do
the seepage of surface water through the
negativnih posljedica degradacije flišnih
unfinished peripheral drainage channel had
formacija, kao i izravnog smanjenja faktora
negative consequences by degraddition of flysch
sigurnosti kosine, a što je ubrzalo stvaranje
formations, as well as a direct reduction of slope
safety factors, which accelerated the forming of
By comparison of above mentioned Engineer's Poređenjem gore navedenih zaključaka

Supervision of Design and Works
on the Bar – Boljare Highway,
Section Smokovac – Uvač –

conclusions with Sub-Clause Nadzornog organa sa podtačkom

Unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable Nepredvidivo predstavlja nešto što iskusni
by an experienced Contractor by the date for Izvođač razumno nije mogao da predvidi do
submission of the Tender; the Engineer's vremena podnošenja Ponude; Inženjer je
determination is that Experienced Contractor utvrdio da Iskusni Izvođač treba da predvidi sve
should foresee all available geotechnical / raspoložive geotehničke / geološke podatke do
geological data provided by the date for datuma za podnošenje ponude (što je glavna
submission of the Tender (what is a main svrha isporučenog Idejnog projekta, prema
purpose of Delivered Preliminary Design, as per mišljenju Nadzornog organa) i da ga uzme u
the Engineer's opinion) and took it into obzir u narednim fazama projekta projektovanja
consideration in further stages of the Design & i izgradnje.
Built Project.
Nadalje, uzimajući u obzir pod-klauzulu 13.9
Furthermore, taking into account Sub-Clause Posebnih uslova, gdje su nepredvidivi radovi
13.9 of Particular Conditions, where radovi koji se odnose na promjenu opsega
Unforeseeable works are the works that relate to radova zbog promijenjenih geoloških,
variation of the scope of work due to changed hidrogeoloških i ekoloških uslova u odnosu na
geological, hydrogeological and ecological isporučeni idejni projekat, određivanje
conditions in relation to the delivered vrednovanja Nadzornog organa da se pomenuti
Preliminary Design, the Engineer's valuation is radovi ne mogu tretirati kao nepredvidivi
that mentioned works cannot be treated as radovi, uz obrazloženje da radovi mogu biti
unforeseeable works, with an explanation that predviđeni od strane iskusnog izvođača
the works can be foreseen by an experienced radova iz dostavljenog Idejnog projekta.
contractor from the submitted Preliminary


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