Aramco Radiation Safety Proceudre SAEP-1141 (2019 Rev) PDF
Aramco Radiation Safety Proceudre SAEP-1141 (2019 Rev) PDF
Aramco Radiation Safety Proceudre SAEP-1141 (2019 Rev) PDF
1 Scope ................................................................. 3
2 Conflicts and Deviations ..................................... 3
3 Applicable Documents........................................ 3
4 Implementation of ALARA .................................. 4
5 Contacting Inspection Department Radiation
Protection Officer (ID-RPO) .............................. 4
6 Radiation Risk Assessment ................................ 4
7 Personnel ........................................................... 4
8 Permits ............................................................... 8
9 Radioactive Source Storage Facilities .............. 10
10 Equipment and Materials .................................. 13
11 Dose Limits....................................................... 20
12 Restricted Access to Radiation Areas for
Radiography.................................................... 21
13 Transportation .................................................. 24
14 Protection of Radioactive Sources ................... 26
15 Handling Sealed Sources ................................. 28
16 Emergency Procedure ...................................... 29
17 Requirements Specific to Contract Radiographic
Services .......................................................... 32
18 Violations and Incidents – Administrative
Response ........................................................ 33
Previous Issue: 8 May 2019 Next Revision: 12 July 2021
Contact: KHASAWSA Page 1 of 59
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19 Records ............................................................ 36
20 Record Responsibility....................................... 37
21 ID-Personnel Duties and Responsibilities ........ 38
Appendix 1 - Terminology ...................................... 46
Appendix 2 – ID-Radiation Organizational
Structure ......................................................... 50
Appendix 3 – Units Conversions ............................ 51
Appendix 5 – Requests for Temporary Radioactive
Source Storage Permit .................................... 53
Appendix 6 – Personal Radiation Exposure
Record ............................................................ 54
Appendix 7 – Utilization and Tracking Log............. 55
Appendix 8 – Saudi Aramco Temporary Radioactive
Source Storage Pit .......................................... 56
Appendix 9 – Radiation Incident Notification
Industrial Radiography .................................... 57
Appendix 10 – Radiation Incident Preliminary
Report ............................................................. 58
Document History .................................................. 59
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1 Scope
This procedure covers the minimum requirements for safe use, handling, storage, and
transport of ionizing radiation producing equipment and materials used for industrial
radiography or non-destructive testing using ionizing radiation in compliance with the
requirements of GI-0150.003 and shall be applicable to all organizations and personnel
using ionizing radiation sources on company projects for the purpose of industrial
radiography inspection.
The requirements contained herein are subject to change based on revisions and
clarifications issued by the Regulatory Authority, King Abdullah City for Atomic and
Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE). For the purposes of this procedure, the title
“Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)” is herein after referred to as “Radiation Protection
Officer (RPO)”. With regard to this procedure and compliance with national
regulations, the titles, RSO and RPO are identical in all respects including duties,
responsibilities, and obligations.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 Applicable Documents
The following are Saudi Aramco documents and industrial standards that have been
mentioned within this procedure:
3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents
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4 Implementation of ALARA
For the application of ALARA principle (see definitions) the user of this procedure is
advised that any unnecessary radiation dose is not acceptable and that it is the
responsibility of all those working with or handling sources of radiation to work in a
manner that limits exposure to radiation to themselves and to others. Every reasonably
achievable means to reduce radiation exposure shall be taken. Under no circumstance is
urgency to complete a task justification not to take reasonable measures to reduce
radiation dose. The user of this procedure should contact the ID-RPO any time he feels
that demands compromise obligation to meet the concepts of ALARA.
In the event that the assignment involves techniques not normally encountered by the
technicians, the technician is to be provided with additional information (verbal or in
writing) related to the risks.
7 Personnel
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The duties of the RPO mimic those of the RPO at a field level and are
defined in GI-0150.003 and Section 21 of this document.
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Equipment/Material Crew
Gamma Ray with all sources other than Co-60 2 technicians
Gamma Ray using Co-60 4 technicians *
X-Ray ( 350 KV) 2 technicians
X-Ray – ( 350 KV) Min 4 technicians
* At least one member of the radiographic crew using Co-60 shall have authorization for
Co-60 on the Radiographer's permit.
Note: For all Saudi Aramco Projects and Operation facilities, all radiographic work
on pipe racks, vessels, tanks, heaters, congested and confined spaces
required minimum of three men per crew with valid Radiation Protection
Permit (RPP).
8 Permits
Only Hot Work permits shall be used unless all equipment including the Survey
Meter is certified intrinsically safe.
Note: Electronic equipment such as survey meters, electronic dosimeters, etc., are
not typically classed as intrinsically safe.
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8.3.1 Radiation Protection Permits are valid for three years and remain the
property of Saudi Aramco and must be surrendered when the
individual no longer works in the capacity of a Radiographer or upon
request by the ID-RPO or his designated representative.
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The design of all radioactive storage facilities (permanent and temporary) must be
approved by RPU/EPD. Design for temporary storage pit is standardized and have been
pre-approved by RPU/EPD (Appendix 8 – Saudi Aramco Temporary Radioactive
Source Storage Pit). The location of permanently installed facilities and storages must
be pre-approved by RPU/EPD. When a standardized storage pit is used, the USER
must comply without exception to the RPU/EPD pre-approved design. Any storage pit
not meeting the requirements of the standard pre-approved design shall be considered as
unique and requires specific approval of RPU/EPD.
Prior inspection and approval by ID-RPO or designated representative is required for all
facilities used to store radioactive material provided by the Inspection Department or for
Contractor temporary facilities on company property. Radiation warning signs (in
Arabic and English) should be displayed on all doors, cover of the pit and fences of all
types of the storage facilities and include the emergency contact information.
Note: The use of radioactive source storage pits require the provision of handling
devices such as rope & hook, chain & hook, or pole & hook to enable
personnel insert and remove radiographic exposures devices to avoid
potential personal injury.
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9.2 Temporary Radioactive Source Storage Permit (Isotope Storage Pit Permit)
Utilized by Contractor providing radiographic services for company projects.
9.2.1 The Contractor shall maintain a utilization log with format approved
by the ID-RPO as part of the review and approval of the Contractor's
Radiation Protection Procedure. The log shall be kept at the storage pit
and shall show as a minimum provided date, time, source serial
number, projector number, destination, Issuer/receiver name,
technicians name and contact number and who a source was issued to,
where it is located at all times, and when returned and by whom.
9.2.4 Permits for temporary storage facilities are issued to the NDT
contractor who will utilize radioactive material on Saudi Aramco
property for Saudi Aramco projects. This contractor shall be held
accountable for all activities involved, conditions, and circumstances
associated with the storage facility regardless of who installed it.
Storage of radioactive material by another contractor in the same
storage pit is not permitted unless the initial contractor to whom the
permit is issued agrees, in writing, to assume full responsibility in
accordance with his procedure and this document.
9.2.5 Permits for temporary storage facilities are issued for a period not to
exceed 6 months subject to renewal and must be posted along with the
approved radiation protection procedure on the surrounding fence.
9.2.6 The temporary storage pit shall be removed and the area restored to
pre-installation condition on or before expiration of the permit.
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9.2.7 Temporary storage pit is necessary if the jobsite is more 100 km from a
permanent storage facility. This distance allows radiographers to
travel to a jobsite complete a reasonable amount of work and return
safely to their base on the same day. Any project work outside of this
radius requires an approved pit to be provided at site for safe overnight
source storage and according to the specification shown in Appendix 8.
9.2.8 The following actions by the ID-RPO, or the Area RPO or their
designated representatives may be taken for radiographic exposure
devices found stored on Saudi Aramco property without a valid permit
or the facilities deemed unsafe for storage of radioactive material. The storage facilities shall be locked by the RPO, and the
contractor allowed access to the radiographic exposure
device(s) only for the purpose of removal and transport
off site.
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Each individual radiation worker shall have in his possession and in use:
TLDs, and Electronic Pocket Dosimeters shall be worn on the trunk of the body
(preferably at chest level).
10.1.1 TLD
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved. Anytime there is reason to believe that the TLD has been
exposed to radiation other than normal usage (e.g.,
accidentally dropped in an exposure area), all work will
cease immediately, equipment secured and returned to
storage and concerned personal of high exposure are
ceased from work. The TLD along with a report detailing
the circumstances of the abnormal dose shall be submitted
immediately to the ID-RPO and through him to
RPU/EPD. The individual will not resume duties
associated with radioactive material until cleared to do so
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved. All Radiation survey meters issued for use shall have
been calibrated within the past six (6) months, or when
repairs or adjustments are made. Calibration shall be
performed by an approved, independent agency. A
calibration label shall be affixed to the instrument
showing the calibration agency and date and record of
calibration and maintenance maintained.
Sealed radioactive sources used for Industrial Radiography shall comply with
ISO 2919:1999 Radiation protection - Sealed radioactive sources - General
requirements and classification.
(Note: Cs-137 sources are acceptable as control sources for X-ray pipeline crawlers.)
10.2.2 NDT service providers shall contact the ID-RPO or assistant ID-RPO
for information on current approved manufactures of sealed radioactive
10.3 Approval of radiation sources for industrial radiography other than Ir-192,
Se-75, and Co-60.
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11 Dose Limits
The following establishes the maximum personnel dose limits. The limits established
below do not imply that reaching dose limits is acceptable. In accordance with ALARA
principle it is the responsibility of the individual to reduce the dose level anywhere
Notes: The official documents for reference to radiation dose limits are GI-0150.003
and the KACST regulations.
11.1 Occupational
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Annual Limit
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The Supervised Area is based on an estimated distance where the dose level
averaged over one hour will not exceed 2.5 µSv/hr (0.25 mRem/hr). Though it
is not required to establish a barrier at this limit, it is the responsibility of the
radiation worker to maintain observation of this area to assure that workers do
not enter the controlled area.
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13 Transportation
13.1.1 Vehicles used for the transport of radioactive material used for
industrial radiography shall be equipped with a storage compartment
designed for that purpose. The storage compartment SHALL be
securely affixed to the vehicle by bolts, welding, or industrial cargo
straps* to retain the contents in the event of a vehicle accident and
shall be equipped with lock(s) to prevent unauthorized removal of the
contents or the box. Such compartments shall be subject to inspection
by the ID-RPO or designated representative and RPU/EPD.
* Use of industrial cargo straps for radiographic exposure device transport shall
be considered as a temporary measure and requires the specific approval of
the ID-RPO or assistant ID-RPO.
13.1.3 Radioactive sources and X-ray generators shall be secured by lock and
key to prevent (as reasonable as possible) unauthorized removal.
13.1.5 Vehicles used for industrial radiography shall be open bed pick-up
trucks ¼ ton or greater. Transport boxes to be mounted towards the
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13.1.10 Two vehicles equally equipped are required for the transport of
Cobalt-60 radiographic projectors.
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13.2.3 The Pilot may, at his discretion, decline to permit the transport of
radioactive sources, regardless of regulatory and/or procedural
compliance. In the event that this occurs, the ID-RPO may be
contacted to assist in arrangements for next available transportation
and determine justification for declining the transport. Radioactive
material shall be secured at all times.
13.3.2 Transport container shall be secured in such a way that in the event of
a disaster the container will remain with the boat. Securing is at the
discretion of the boat Captain, load master, or personnel responsible
for stowage.
13.3.3 A survey shall be conducted such that the maximum radiation dose at
occupied areas of the boat will not exceed 7.5 µSv/hr (0.75 mRem/hr).
Additional lead may be added to further reduce radiation levels.
14.1 Storage
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14.2.1 The issue and receiving of ionizing radiation producing equipment and
material (e.g., radiographic projectors, X-ray machines, etc.) must be
logged in the equipment utilization log clearly identifying the
responsible radiographic crew (see Appendix 7 – Utilization and
Tracking Log). On-site transfer of radiographic projectors between
crews is not permitted. On-site transfer of equipment other than
radiographic projectors may be permitted and is subject to approval by
the ID-RPO.
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15.1 General
15.1.1 All sealed sources used for industrial radiography by Saudi Aramco
radiographic personnel shall be housed in approved; remote operated,
or shielded projector type devices. Any available natural shielding
shall be utilized and a tungsten collimating device shall be used at all
times with the exception of panoramic exposures.
15.1.3 In no case should the levels of radiation for the surveys noted above
exceed the following limits:
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Note: Source surveys should always be made before, during, and after each
exposure and when loading and/or unloading a radiographic projector.
16 Emergency Procedure
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16.4.1 Notification
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The final report shall also contain both immediate causes and root
causes. The investigation team shall determine root causes using a
structured root cause analysis technique; refer to the Loss Prevention
Department for methodology.
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16.6 The ID-RPO or designee shall be responsible for compliance with the
requirements of GI-0150.003 for notification of industrial inspection related
incident on company property or involving company employees working outside
of company property.
The contractor shall maintain full compliance with the national radiation
protection regulations and current revisions thereto and subsequent requirements
issued by the Saudi Arabian government regulatory authority.
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17.4.2 The contractor shall submit and receive Plant Access approval for the
contractor's RPO(s) for each site where the contractor's radiation
workers will be assigned.
Violations and incidents occurring on Saudi Aramco property may, at the discretion of
the ID-RPO, RPU/EPD Representative, or Inspection Department Manager, warrant
administrative response and/or action depending on the severity of the situation and
circumstances. Primary response to violations preserving safety standards should be
supported and counseling to avoid unnecessary interruption to work and to preserve and
salvage individuals that may otherwise be a benefit to the company.
Incidents are typically the result of violations. In addition to the response required for
the incident as defined in this procedure, action taken in response to the violation may,
depending on the severity of the incident, warrant stricter response.
Caution must be exercised when taking punitive action. Assessor must keep in mind
that Industrial Radiography is, for the most part, an unsupervised activity and that
technicians may be inclined to attempt to conceal the occurrence of an incident to avoid
punitive action. For this reason, all rumors or indications of a possible incident must be
fully investigated. When taking action, it must be fair and constructive to be perceived
that the action is for the best interest of the technicians and general public.
18.1 Violations by Individual Technicians
Incidents are typically the result of violations. Some of typical violations are
expired radiation safety permit, failure to control radiation area, failure to use
survey meter, insufficient safety awareness of technicians and procedures errors
especially the safety procedures of contractor provided radiography and NDT
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18.1.1 Record of the violation and action taken be included in the individual's
permanent data record.
18.1.3 Suspension of the RPP with the period of suspension depending on the
severity of the violation and the judgment of the ID-RPO.
18.1.7 Action and/or disposition of the individual and the RPP shall be as
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19 Records
The following records shall be maintained and secured in such a manner to rule out
alteration, omissions or additions. The records shall be entered in the format, contain
the data and maintained for the duration specified by the Saudi Government regulatory
authority (KACARE). These records are:
Record of equipment producing ionizing radiation, sealed and unsealed
radioactive sources
Records showing the receipts and transfers of sealed sources and devices using
DU for shielding shall be maintained and retained for 10 years after it is made.
Records must include the date, the name of the individual making the record,
radionuclide, activity Bq. (or Ci) or mass (for DU), and manufacturer, model,
and serial number of each sealed source and/or device, as appropriate.
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20 Record Responsibility
The following defines the responsible organizations and retention for maintaining
records. While subject to change from time to time, the general rule for record retention
Dose Data: 30 years
Summary Data: 30 years
Equipment Data: 10 years
Calibration Data: 10 years
(Refer to KACST regulations for details) Records are to be kept in active files (not
archived) in a manner that will assure ready access, security from loss, fire, and mishap,
and clearly identifiable.
20.1 Inspection Department (ID)
ID shall maintain relevant records as defined above for work under the control
and direction of ID, for technicians employed by ID (employee or contractor)
and for all equipment and sources (owned or hired) and used by ID or issued to
Any organization that has radiation sources (gamma or X-ray) whether secured
independently or through the Inspection Department and/or technicians
classified, as radiation workers must maintain relevant records defined above.
This shall include, but not necessarily limited to, receipt, return and daily
utilization of sources, daily dosimetry records, instruments and calibration data
for survey instruments issued to purchased and used by the Proponent
Organization, and radiation surveys of work location.
The NDT contract organizations under contract to Saudi Aramco for the purpose
of providing manpower, equipment, materials and services are required as a
Licensee to the Government Regulatory Authority to maintain all records
relevant to the manpower (radiation workers), equipment (exposure devices,
associated equipment, dose monitoring & alarm, radiation survey, etc.) and
sources independent from those that may be kept by Saudi Aramco.
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NDT service providers licensed by the regulatory authority for the possession
and use of radiation sources are required to maintain all reporting and records as
an issue between the licensee and regulatory authority. In addition, any NDT
service provider who works on Saudi Aramco property shall make available all
records of the licensee for audit/assessment. This includes all radiation
protection related records regardless if the records pertain to actual work on
Saudi Aramco property or not as a matter of evaluating the NDT Service
Providers' Radiation Protection Program.
When a NDT service provider works on Saudi Aramco property during any
calendar year, said NDT service provider shall provide quarterly summary
reports to the Saudi Aramco ID-RPO on or before the 15th of the month
following each quarter that includes:
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21.2.1 Supervises directly or through the Area RPO indirectly all activities
involving the use, transportation, handling, and storage of ionizing
radiation producing material and/or equipment.
21.2.4 Ensures compliance with this procedure and the Division procedures
for the inspection and maintenance of exposure devices.
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21.2.11 Directly or through the Area RPO, implements the necessary measures
to prevent and/or stop any activity which could lead to potential
overexposure of the radiation worker or general public.
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21.2.14 Training
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21.3.1 Under the direct supervision of the ID-RPO. Assists in the daily
fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities of the ID-RPO.
21.4.5 Under the direction of the ID-RPO implements the necessary measure
to prevent and/or stop any activity which could lead to potential
overexposure of the radiation worker or general public.
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21.5.1 Under the direct supervision of the Area RPO, assists in the daily
fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities of the Area RPO.
21.5.2 Under the direction of the Area RPO, conducts Radiation Protection
Assessments of field operations.
21.6.1 Together with the radiographic crew, performs the daily equipment
21.6.5 Together with the radiographic crew, performs the daily inspection of
the projector.
21.6.6 Receives the projector from the radiographic crew after use.
21.6.8 Stores the projector in the appropriate cell/pit with the radiographer.
21.7 Radiographer
21.7.2 Dosimetry
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Appendix 1 - Terminology
EPD Environmental Protection Department
EAD Electronic Alarming Dosimeter
FQD Fiber Quartz Dosimeter
LPD Loss Prevention Department
NDT Nondestructive Testing
OID Operations Inspection Division
PD Pocket Dosimeter
PMT Project Management Team
RPO Radiation Protection Officer
RPP Radiation Protection Permit (radiographer permit)
RPU Radiation Protection Unit of Environmental Protection Dept.
RSO Radiation Safety Officer
RT Radiographic Testing
TI Transport Index
TLD Thermolumeniscence Dosimeter
TIS Technical Inspection Services (contract)
ALARA: Acronym for “As Low As Reasonably Achievable” which means making
every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to ionizing radiation as far below the dose
limits as practical, consistent with the permitted utilization of the radiation source, taking
into account the state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to the
state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to the benefits to public
health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic considerations, and in relation to
utilization of radiation based technologies in the company's interest.
Authorized Radiographer: An individual specifically authorized by the ID-RPO to
perform Industrial Radiography for or on behalf of Saudi Aramco.
Becquerel (Bq): SI unit of the disintegration rate (activity) of radioactive nuclei.
One Becquerel equals one disintegration per second.
Collimator: A radiation shield made of lead or other heavy metal which is used to limit
size, shape and direction of the primary radiation beam. Note: For application of Ir-192
gamma-ray radiography, only Tungsten Collimators shall be used unless specifically
approved by the ID-RPO or his Assistant.
Contamination: The deposition of unwanted radioactive material on the surfaces of
structures, areas, objects, or people. It may also be airborne, external, or internal (inside
components or people)
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Manager Manager
EPD Inspection Dept.
874-7236 874-6600
EPD Assistant
Inspection Dept.
Radiation Inspection Dept.
Protection Unit RPO
873-6428 872-0415
873-5561 05-5584-2960
Area RPO Area RPO Area RPO Area RPO Area RPO
Ras Tanura Abqaiq Dhahran Riyadh Ref Jeddah Ref
673-7818 572-2483 872-0233 01-285-1510 02-427-3533
Area RPO
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Sv to rem rem to Sv
1 Sv = 0.1 mrem 1 mrem = 10 Sv
1 mSv = 100 mrem 1 rem = 10 mSv
1 Sv = 100 rem
Activity Units
Units: prefixes
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Useful Formulas
A= גN e – â t
A= A0 2 – t /T 1/2
Units of Activity :
1 Ci = 3.7 X 10 10 Bq
Where :
T ½ = ln 2 / â = 0.693 / â
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Fax: 872-0233
Project Title:
Project Location:
Contact Name
Phone: Fax:
Expected Duration:
Prime Contractor:
Contact Name
Phone: Fax:
Storage Location:
NDT Contractor:
1st Emergency Contact
Phone: Alt:
2nd Emergency Contact
Phone: Alt:
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Warning Sign
Entrance Gate
with lock
Warning Sign
4 ft.
Storage Box for
Safety Procedure
& Source Utilization
10 ft.
Seal Welded
Warning Sign
Maximum Content: 3 Projectors with a combined maximum source activity of 200 Ci.
Sand Barrier: Physical barrier 2 ft. high affixed directly to the fence around the
full perimeter including gate.
Cover Plate: With 2” seal welded lip to minimize sand ingress into pit
Coating: Primer coat and top coat both inside and outside.
Security: Heavy duty hinges welded between cover and pipe. Hinge pin
should be non removable. Keys maintained only by authorized
Radiographic Technicians with valid permits. Pit shall be located
in a secured area unless otherwise specifically approved.
Warning signs: Radiation warning signs to be in both Arabic and English
Location Guidelines: Temporary radioactive storage pit shall be located in a restricted
area, at least 100 ft (30.5 m) from plant facilities, located
crosswind, away from vehicular traffic, in a fenced and locked area
within Saudi Aramco facilities.
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Description of
Description of
Incident Action
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Inspection Department
Inspection Department Radiation Protection Officer
Operations Inspection Division / NDT Unit
Tel: 872-0415/ 872-0233 Fax: 872-0123
Incident date: Time: Area:
Type of Practice: Industrial Radiography Nuclear Gauges
Well Logging Medical
Other (Specify): ___________________________________________________________
Incident Type: Personal Radiation Exposure Source Stuck (Hang-up)
Source Disconnect Malfunction
Damaged Exposure Device (Projector) Damaged Radiation Monitoring Equipment
Lost Fire
Vehicle Accident while transporting a radioactive source
Source Data: Type: Activity: S/N Sealed Unsealed
Licensed To:
RPO in Charge Name: Phone:
SA Proponent Name: Phone:
Organization (If Contact: Fax:
different than owner) Org Code:
Projector data: Type: S/N
Personnel Involved
Name: ID: Emp: Dose
Name: ID: Emp: Dose
Name: ID: Emp: Dose
Name: ID: Emp: Dose
Contamination Area
(If occurs)
Brief Description of
Brief Description of
Action Taken
Name: ID: Phone:
Notification by:
Employer/Org: Date/Time
Instructions: Fax Report within 2 Working Days to: Inspection Department Radiation Protection Officer 872-0233
Radiation protection Unit of EPD : 876-0330
Inspection Dept: [email protected]
Radiation protection Unit of EPD: [email protected]
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Document History
15 October 2019 Editorial revision to extend next plan update.
8 May 2019 Editorial revision to comply content confirmation removal request.
10 June 2018 Editorial revision to change standards committee from Environmental to
Health Protection.
12 July 2016 Major revision to include comments from VE study carried out in 2008.
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