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Digital Worksheet Design Based On STEAM To Develop Students' Problem-Solving Skill Dhea Andryos Yuntiaji, Hamidah Suryani Lukman, Aritsya Imswatama

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ISSN : 2579-5724

Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)

Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

Digital Worksheet Design Based on STEAM to Develop Students' Problem-Solving


Dhea Andryos Yuntiaji, Hamidah Suryani Lukman, Aritsya Imswatama

Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
e-mail: [email protected]

The low ability of students to solve problems in solving problems, especially math
problems, needs to be a concern for all. This study aims to produce a STEAM-based
digital worksheet design to develop students' problem-solving abilities. The research
method used is R&D research with the ADDIE development model which is limited
to the design stage. The design process of this student worksheet through two stages,
namely the analysis (analyze) which includes (1) needs analysis, (2) analysis of student
characteristics, (3) curriculum analysis aims to determine students' abilities, determine
the limitations of the material, and whether or not to develop this worksheet. The
second stage is the design (design), the researcher designs the digital worksheets after
the worksheets compilation map is carried out, the preparation of the LKS content
design, and also the collection of references. The result of this design is the design of
the presentation of problem-solving problems in the form of problem themes that
contain mathematical concepts with the stages of the problem-solving process using
the STEAM approach aimed at meeting problem-solving indicators.
Keywords : Design, Digital Worksheet, STEAM, Problem Solving

The 21st century or known as the knowledge age era is an era in which efforts to
fulfill the needs of society are based on knowledge. Efforts to meet this need can be found
in the fields of education, economy, human resource development, and industry (Wijaya
et al., 2016). Changes in the pattern of human life in the 21st century as science and
technology require people to have skills, one of which is learning and innovation skills so
that they are able to participate in the development of the era in this 21st century. Based
on the formulation of The Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skill (ATC21S)
Project, the framework for thinking skills which is a necessary competency in the 21st
century consists of problem-solving, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, and
decision making (Haryono, 2017).
In Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016, it is explained that the purpose of learning
mathematics is one of which is to encourage students to have problem-solving abilities
through observing, asking, trying, reasoning, presenting, and creating (BSNP, 2016).
Problem-solving is the ability to find an answer to solve a problem. Bransford and Stein
(Himmatul, 2016) state that indicators in problem-solving ability are IDEAL problem
solving which consists of (1) identifying problems, (2) defining objectives, (3)
investigating problem-solving strategies, (4) implementing problem-solving strategies, (5)
review and evaluate the impact of the effect of the determined problem-solving strategy.
Students' problem-solving ability is also important because they are capable of high-level
intellectual skills of students (Rosiani et al., 2019). In addition, it is able to hone thinking

ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

skills, accustom students to have a diligent attitude, self-confidence, and curiosity when
faced with situations in everyday life (Naimnule et al., 2018).
Based on the mathematics performance results obtained from PISA data, there is
a decrease in the average score in the average ability of Indonesian students in learning
mathematics from 386 in 2015 to 378.5 in 2018 (OECD, 2019). In addition, in the results
of the analysis of the results of the national examination, the mean score of national
examination scores for students, especially at the national, provincial, district/city levels,
and education units for SMP / MTs levels are still below the average passing standard
score of 55. The cause of the decline in the average score This average is due to the
students' low problem-solving abilities (Fauziah et al., 2018). Based on the results of
interviews at one of the state junior high schools in Sukabumi, there are still students who
have not been able to meet several indicators of problem-solving, namely identifying
problems and determining goals. Lack of habituation in solving analytical problems and a
lack of student motivation in working on questions are other factors that cause students to
have low problem-solving abilities.
One of the materials in mathematics that is still considered difficult by students is
the circle, especially in the sub-material of the elements of circles, the area and
circumference of the circle, and the relationship between the angles. The reason students
find it difficult to solve problems related to circles, one of which is that students still cannot
understand the problems that are presented in the questions. Another research that supports
this is research by Hesty Narwani Siregar at SMP Negeri Pekanbaru, where there are still
many students who have not been able to exceed the problem-solving indicators in this
circle material (Siregar, 2019).
The learning approach that can be used as a means of developing problem-solving
abilities in circle material is the STEAM approach. STEAM is an approach that
emphasizes "Education that shapes students" in order to be able to motivate, encourage
understanding of science and technology and foster literacy in the STEAM field based on
science and technology and solving problems in the real world (Thuneberg et al., 2018).
The concept of the STEAM approach is education based on scientific technology and
problem-solving abilities in the real world, especially in mathematics and science (Kofac,
2018). The stages in the STEAM approach consist of (1) Context Presentation, namely
understanding the problem, (2) Creative Design, namely creative problem-solving design,
and (3) Emotional Touch, which is giving motivation in the form of evaluation and
drawing conclusions (Kofac, 2018).
With technological developments and the increasing number of competencies that
students need to have, a learning process is needed in accordance with this. One way to
overcome this problem is by holding e-learning (Situmorang, 2016). E-learning has its
own advantages, especially for students, namely with e-learning learning, students will
find it easy to carry out the learning process anywhere and anytime (Wardani et al., 2018).
However, in the implementation of e-learning learning, teaching materials are needed that
are easy to access and also effective for e-learning. One of the teaching materials that are
generally used in schools is LKS.
Trianto explained that the student worksheet (LKS) is a guide for students to carry
out problem-solving activities (Prabawati & Herman, 2019). In general, the worksheets
used in schools are still in the form of printed worksheets, and only contain a summary of
the material, examples of questions and practice questions used as enrichment materials
ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

to complement the material in the textbook (Nurmiwati, 2020). With the characteristics of
these worksheets, it has not been effective in being able to develop students' skills,
knowledge, and attitudes (Gazali, 2016).
One way to develop these teaching materials, especially to develop problem-
solving skills in circular materials using the STEAM approach, is the development of
digital worksheets. With the rapidly developing information technology and also the
implementation of distance learning by e-learning, the development of digital worksheets
is one of the strategies that teachers and students can use. In addition to containing a
collection of activities or tasks that students can do with the internet and the sophistication
of technological devices, students can carry out activities in the LKS wherever and
whenever. Given the above background, this study aims to be able to produce digital
worksheets with the STEAM approach to develop students' problem-solving abilities.

The research method used in this research is the R&D development research
method with the ADDIE model. The stages in the ADDIE research model consist of the
analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the
evaluation stage. In the discussion in this article, the research is limited only to the
planning stage (design) which aims to produce designs from digital worksheets with the
STEAM approach for developing students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. When
this research was conducted in February until June 2020. Based on the results of a
preliminary study conducted previously, the student's solving ability was still low, so this
study used the research subjects of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Sukaraja in the
even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year.
In the analyze stage, the researcher carried out direct observation using
unstructured interview techniques to mathematics subject teachers and students to obtain
some data, namely (1) needs analysis, the data obtained from the results of this analysis
were in the form of analyzing the availability of teaching materials in schools, analyzing
the characteristics and circumstances of the student worksheets used (2) analyzing student
characteristics, the data obtained from this analysis were data on students' problem-solving
abilities (3) curriculum analysis, the aspects analyzed were Core Competencies, Basic
Competencies, and Competency Achievement Indicators according to the circle material
as a reference for the worksheets being developed. The instrument used in this stage is to
use an interview guide. So that the data obtained from this analysis stage is qualitative
data in the form of respondents' answers to the questions asked by the researcher. The next
stage is the planning (design) of researchers to design digital worksheets after the
preparation of the worksheets map, preparation of the content design of the worksheets,
and also a collection of references.


The process of developing STEAM-based digital student worksheets to develop
students' problem-solving abilities consists of the analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation stages. However, the discussion in this article is limited
to the analysis and design stages which aim to produce designs or designs from digital

ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

worksheets with the STEAM approach to develop students' problem-solving abilities.

Furthermore, it will be continued at the development, implementation, and evaluation
stages. This worksheet was developed to help train students with low levels of ability in
problem-solving skills specifically for math problems. So that when students are given
problems related to mathematics students are able to solve these problems.
In previous research conducted by Haifaturrahmah, the results of the analysis
showed that the teaching materials or worksheets used to study circle material at school
were still in the form of printed worksheets or books. Then the LKS design is less
attractive, lacks variation in design colors, material that is still general in nature, then, and
the questions presented include structured questions (Khadijah et al., 2020). This is in
accordance with the results of the needs analysis carried out by researchers where the LKS
design is still less varied, then there is still no digital form of learning materials available.
Based on the results of interviews conducted with mathematics subject teachers in schools,
it is known that students' problem-solving abilities are still low, this is supported by
research conducted previously by Fauziah (Fauziah et al., 2018).
The curriculum analysis carried out by researchers aims to identify the circle
material used in schools. The curriculum used by schools uses the K-13 curriculum. Based
on Permendikbud number 37 of 2018, it explains that the core competencies and basic
competencies which are in accordance with the circle material based on these regulations
are as follows:
Basic Competence in Circle Material

No Core Competencies Basic competencies

1 Appreciate and live up to the teachings of his -


Appreciate and live honest behavior, discipline, -

2 responsibility, care (tolerance, mutual cooperation),
courteous, self-confidence, in interacting effectively
with the social and natural environment within the
range of association and existence.

3 Understand and apply knowledge (factual, 3.7. Describe the center angle, perimeter,
conceptual, and procedural) based on his curiosity arc length and area of the circle, and their
about science, technology, art, culture related to relationship.
visible phenomena and events
3.8. Describe tangents to outer and
communion in two circles and how to paint

4 Processing, presenting, and reasoning in the realm of 4.7. Solves problems related to the center
the concrete (using, parsing, arranging, modifying, angle, perimeter, arc length, and area of the
and making) and the abstract realm (writing, circle and its relationship.
reading, counting, drawing, and composing) are
appropriate. 4.8. Solve problems related to the tangent
of the outer community and the
partnership in two circles.

(source: Kemendikbud, 2018)

ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

The Competency Achievement Indicators in accordance with the circle material

and Basic Competence above are deriving the formula related to the circumference, area
of the circle, tangent to the inner and outer communion of the circle, determine the
relationship of the center angle to the arc length and area of the circle, find the formula for
the commonality in two circles, solve problems related to the central angle, perimeter, area
and tangent to the inner and outer communion of the circle (As’ari et al., 2017).

Figure 1. Example display of STEAM-based digital worksheets to develop students' problem-

solving abilities

The next stage is the design stage, the researcher compiles and designs digital
worksheets with the STEAM approach to develop students' problem-solving abilities by
modifying, adapting, and collaborating on existing worksheets and workbooks with the
STEAM approach published by the Korean Foundation For The Advancement Of Science
And Creativity packaged in the form of digital worksheets that can be accessed via a
browser. Student Worksheets (LKS) are sheets containing assignments or projects that
must be done by students (Sagita, 2016). In this LKS presents questions that are divided
into several themes that are able to motivate and increase students' knowledge of several
applications of circle material in everyday life. This is adjusted to the learning model based
on the STEAM approach where there are two main fields of science that are highlighted,
namely mathematics and science, which include the fields of technology, engineering, and
art. STEAM is an approach that is one way to be able to develop students' abilities to
understand problems, describe designs for problem-solving related to the STEAM field of
science so that students can get a thorough understanding of the learning experience in the
21st century (Hadinugrahaningsih et al., 2017). In addition, in accordance with the
provisions of the LKS making, this LKS also contains the LKS Title, the LKS Identity,
the Instructions for Use, and also the learning objectives. An example of the display of
STEAM-based digital worksheets to develop students' problem-solving abilities can be
seen in Figure 1.
In general, LKS only contains enough questions and sample questions for students
to work on and complete the material in the textbook (Nurmiwati, 2020). In the
development of these worksheets, the tasks or problems presented are divided into several
main themes containing each predetermined KD and GPA as seen in Figure 2. Each theme
has different Competency Achievement Indicators, according to the objectives of the
learning contained in Basic Competencies as in the first theme, Ain Dubai. The Ain Dubai
theme contains KD 3.7 and 4.7 where the purpose of learning in this theme is that students
are expected to be able to explain and solve problems related to the center angle, the
perimeter, the arc length, and the area of the circle and its relationships. Then in a theme,

ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

there will be two sub-sciences that are different but have a relationship with the theme
raised, these sub-sciences are the sub-sciences and mathematics.

Figure 2. Display Design of Main Themes of STEAM-Based Digital Worksheets to Develop

Students' Problem Solving Ability

Figure 3.Examples of Presenting Problems in the Ain Dubai Theme in Science Sub Material.

In the sub-science that is presented in this LKS in the form of story questions with
included pictures that are adjusted to the themes provided. An example is like the first
theme in Figure 3. The topic that is the main theme of the Ain Dubai theme is about the
giant Ferris wheel named Ain Dubai so that the questions presented are in the form of
physics concepts found in Ain Dubai. This science problem is presented to help attract
students' curiosity or interest in learning before solving math-related problems, as well as
to provide new information to students for examples of applying math and science
concepts in everyday life.
In general, the presentation of the questions contained in the worksheets is only in
the form of examples of questions and questions that students must work on without
determining the stages in each structured problem-solving (Khadijah et al., 2020). In
accordance with the stages of the STEAM approach used, the presentation of this problem
is divided into three stages. The first stage in presenting the problems in this LKS is
understanding the problem (Context Presentation) which aims to meet the problem-
ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

solving indicators in the IDEAL problem-solving model, namely knowing the problems
presented and the objectives of the problem.
The sub-mathematics presented in this worksheet is presented in various ways, one
example is in Figure 4. The questions presented are in the form of short field questions
using the comic strip concept to describe the problems that will be solved by students on
this theme. The mathematical concept carried out in this sub-mathematics is the concept
of the arc length and also the area of the circle's circle

Figure 4.Examples of Presenting Problems in the Ain Dubai Theme Stage of Understanding the
Problem (Mathematics)

Presentation of the problem-solving process in mathematical material is usually

seen in working on a problem. There is no clear division regarding the structured problem-
solving process (Sholekah et al., 2017). The second stage of presenting the problem
according to the STEAM stage is the problem-solving design (Creative Design). This
stage aims to meet the problem-solving indicators in the IDEAL problem-solving model,
namely investigating problem-solving strategies and also implementing problem-solving
strategies according to the results obtained in the first stage. In figure 5, the questions
posed at this stage are in the form of short questions designed by applying the relationships
of the concepts from the circle related to the derivation of the formula that can be used to
solve problems according to the results of the first stage.

Figure 5.Problem Solving Design Process Presentation Design (Mathematics)

The last process contained in a worksheet is the evaluation process. The existence
of this evaluation fulfills the criteria for a good indicator in the development of an LKS
(Sagita, 2016). The final stage in the worksheets using the STEAM approach is emotional
touch (Emotional Touch) which contains the evaluation of problem-solving results. This
stage is still connected with the previous stages. The purpose of this stage is to meet the
last indicator in student problem-solving in the IDEAL problem-solving model, namely
reviewing and evaluating the impact of the effect of the specified problem-solving
strategy. The design of the presentation of this stage is in the form of evaluation questions
ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

to find out how students understand the concepts that have been used in the first and
second stages then students are directed to determine what conclusions are obtained from
the problems that have been solved.

Figure 6.Display Design of the Ain Dubai Theme Emotional Touch Stage (Mathematics)

In this study, the design of teaching material, namely digital student worksheets
with the STEAM approach, is used to develop students' problem-solving abilities that can
be used by grade VIII students who at the next stage will enter the development stage
which includes the stage of being validated by a validator (expert), implementation
(implementation), and evaluation (evaluation).
The stages of the LKS development process are the analysis stage which includes
(1) needs analysis, (2) student characteristic analysis, (3) curriculum analysis. also whether
or not the development of this LKS is necessary. The next stage is planning (design)
researchers design digital worksheets after a map of the preparation of worksheets is
carried out, preparation of the content design of the worksheets, and also a collection of
The presentation of questions or problems in this worksheet is in the form of a
problem packaged in a theme that contains one application of mathematical concepts in
everyday life. From this concept, the problem is divided into two parts, namely the sub-
science, which aims to attract students' interest and curiosity in continuing learning before
solving problems in the mathematics sub-mathematics and the second part is the
mathematics sub.
In the presentation of questions in sub-mathematics, the presentation of the
problem is presented in a variety of ways either using comic strips, stories, or image
analysis. In the problem-solving process, it is divided into three stages according to the
STEAM approach used, these stages consist of the stage of understanding the problem
(Context Presentation) which aims to meet the problem-solving indicators of the IDEAL
problem-solving model, namely understanding problems and determining problem
objectives, the second stage designs. Problem-solving (Creative Design) which aims to
investigate problem-solving strategies and implement problem-solving strategies. The
final stage of this stage is evaluation and conclusion (Emotional Touch) which aims to
review and evaluate the impact of the effect of the specified problem-solving strategy. The
ISSN : 2579-5724
Mathematics Education Journals ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/MEJ

types of questions presented are in the form of short questionnaires containing questions
based on the objectives of each stage presented in the LKS. It is hoped that there will be
more research on the development of STEAM-based teaching materials and it is hoped
that there will be further research related to STEAM-based development.

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