Final Examination Personal Identification
Final Examination Personal Identification
Final Examination Personal Identification
Final Examination
Personal Identification
Name:________________________________ Score: _________
Course and yr. and block: ____________ Time: ______ Date:_______
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE . Choose the best answer from the choices given. Shade properly the box
opposite of the letter of your chosen answer.
1. The following fingerprint patterns has a numerical value in the primary classification, EXCEPT:
a. A c. C
b. W d. X
2. What fingerprint patterns that has no numerical value in the primary classification?
a. Arches & Loops c. Whorl
b. Loops d. Whorl and Loops
3. The answer of the Primary Classification, if the patterns appearing in right five fingers are loops while left
five fingers are whorls.
a. 29/25 c. 7/3
b. 25/29 d. 8/4
4. The highest possible numerical value of the Primary classification is?
a. 33/33 c. 32/32
b. 24/24 d. 31/31
5. If the answer written in the Primary classification line is 1/1, the possible patterns appearing on the chart
are _______?
a. All patterns are arches c. A combination of arch and loops
b. All patterns are loops d. all of the above
6. What are the patterns involved in secondary classification in small letter group?
a. art c. tar
b. rat d. all of these
7. How many fingers are involved in Sub-secondary classification?
a. 3 c. 8
b. 6 d. 10
8. It is the total number of ridges intervening between delta and core.
a. Ridge counting c. Ridge tracking
b. Ridge tracing d. ridge formation
9. It is the tracking or trailing commencing from the right delta to the right delta.
a. Ridge counting c. Ridge stepping
b. Ridge tracing d. None of this
10. What fingerprint patterns done in ridge counting in sub-secondary classification?
a. Arches c. Whorls
b. Loops d. Whorls and loops
11. What fingerprint patterns are included in ridge tracing in sub-secondary classification?
a. Arches c. Whorls
b. Loops d. Whorls and loops
12. What fingerprint patterns are represented by a dash in the classification line in sub-secondary division?
a. Arches c. Whorls
b. Loops and Arches d. Whorls and loops
13. In ridge counting, subsidiary ridge is counted as:
a. 1 ridge c. dash
b. 2 ridges d. zero
14. In ridge tracing, what symbol is to be used in the sub-secondary classification if the result of tracing is 2
in-front of the right delta is:
a. I c. O
b. M d. S
15. In ridge tracing, what ridge will be used to follow the tracking when it forks the ridge into two branches?
a. The upper branch c. the lower branch
b. The sub-branch d. both of the branch
16. What is the symbol to be used in sub-secondary classification if the result of counts in middle finger
is eleven (11).?
a. I c. O
b. L d. S
17. What is the answer in Sub-Secondary Classification if the result of count is 14 in the ring finger?
a. I c. M
b. L d. O
18. What symbol is to be used in Sub-Secondary Classification line, if the result of tracing is two in-front the
right delta?
a. I c. M
b. L d. O
19. What is the symbol to be used in Sub-Secondary Classification if the result of tracing is four outside the
right delta?
a. I c. M
b. L d. O
20. What is the symbol to be used in SSC if the result of count in the ring finger is 13?
a. I c. M
b. L d. O
21. What is the numerical value of a loop pattern appearing in the left middle finger?
a. 1 c. 8
b. 2 d. 0
22. What is the numerical value of the Primary Classification if the fingerprints appearing in the five fingers
of the right hand are loops while five fingers from the left hand are arches?
a. 1/1 c. 8/4
b. 7/3 d. 3/7
23. What is the highest possible numerical value of the Primary classification?
a. 33/33 c. 32/32
b. 24/24 d. 35/35
24. If the answer written in the Primary classification line is 1/1, the possible patterns appearing on the card
are _______?
a. All patterns are arches c. A combination of arch and loops
b. All patterns are loops d. all of the above
25. What fingerprint pattern involved in the Secondary classification under small letter group?
a. art c. tar
b. rat d. all of these
26. What fingerprint patterns are represented by a dash in the classification line in sub-secondary division?
a. Arches c. Whorls
b. Loops and Arches d. Whorls and loops
27. What is the numerical value of the Primary Classification if the fingerprint patterns appearing on the
chart are plain whorl in left thumb and other 9 fingers are Radial loop?
a. 6/1 c. 5/1
b. 1/6 d. 1/5
28. For the purpose of classification and filing, what is the classification of the finger if it is amputated?
a. It is given a classification identical with that of the opposite finger
b. It is given a classification identical with that of the right neighboring finger
c. It is given a classification identical with that of the left neighboring finger
d. It is given a classification identical with that of the common pattern in the 10
sets of fingerprint
29. If two amputated fingers are opposite to each other, both are given the classification
a. whorls with meeting tracing c. whorls with inner tracing
b. whorls with outer tracing d. whorls with small tracing
30. As a rule, what is the classification to be written as answer in the classification line if all 10 fingers are
amputated or missing at birth?
a. M 32 W MMM c. W 32 W MMM
M 32 W MMM W 32 W MMM
b. M 1 W MMM d. I 32 W MMM
M 1 W MMM I 32 W MMM
31. What is the classification of a “tip amputation” or one which has less than half of the first joint
a. Whorl c. Loop
b. Arch d. As it appear in the said finger
32. What is the ideal size of a fingerprint roller to be used in spreading the ink in a thin even coating on an
inking plate?
a. 4 “ long and 2” diameter c. 5 “ long and 3” diameter
b. 6 “ long and 2” diameter d. 7 “ long and 4” diameter
33. Which of the following become a problem in recording fingerprints that result in smears, blurs and false
appearing patterns?
a. Mechanical operation c. Illegible Inked prints
b. Temporary disabilities d. Permanent disabilities
34. As a rule, what is the classification of a fingerprint that is so marked by a scar that the general pattern
type is unrecognizable and the ridge-counting and ridge tracing cannot be determined?
a. The impression should be given the same pattern interpretation and
sub- classification with the corresponding finger of the other hand.
b. The impression should be given the same pattern interpretation and
sub- classification with the right neighboring finger of the same hand
c. The impression should be given the same pattern interpretation and
sub- classification with the left neighboring finger of the same hand
d. The impression should NOT be given the same pattern interpretation and
sub- classification with the corresponding finger of the same hand
35. What is the classification as to fingerprint of a partially scarred and the general pattern type can be
a. Whorl c. Loop
b. Arch d. As it appear in the said finger
36. When a fingerprint is scarred beyond its general pattern type recognition and the ridge counting and
tracing cannot be determined with reasonable accuracy, and it so happened that the corresponding finger of
the other hand is also scarred, both patterns are arbitrary interpreted as ____________?
a. meeting whorls c. inner whorls
b. outer whorls d. all of the above
37. It is a kind of latent print that is formed in objects such as soap, pomade, butter, fat, paste and the
a. Visible print c. Invisible print
b. Smudge print d. Plastic prints
38. It is a basic instrument in taking prints that is usually placed in a flat table designed to prevent the
movement of the card in the curse of taking fingerprint.
a. Ink Slab c. Ink Roller
b. Card holder d. fingerprint card
39. What portion of the fingerprint card is known as the center of the card and receives the inked fingerprint
a. Ink Slab c. Block portion
b. Card holder d. fingerprint card
40. The following are the ante-mortem fingerprint of a person that can be used to compare with the
postmortem to determine the identity of the departed person, EXCEPT:
a. impression on residence certificate c. NBI fingerprint file
b. PNP fingerprint file d. Official Transcript of Record
41. Which of the following should be taken or recorded by the FBI for identification purposes in
instances where the subject’s hands are amputated or missing at birth.
a. Palm print c. fingerprint
b. footprint d. shoe print
42. It is the appropriate number of competent person/people whose signature are appearing on
the back of latent print as a requirement before lifting developed prints.
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 5
43. It is the process of developing latent prints by employing vapors or liquid though smoke.
a. casting of latent prints c. Fuming of latent prints
b. Developing d. Fixation
44. It is the process of pouring a synthetic material for prints found in dust, flour, and any other
finely powdered materials to acquire a positive mold of such print.
a. casting of latent prints c. Fuming of latent prints
b. Developing d. Fixation
45. What method of latent print comparison is made when in marking of the point of identity,
designated by numbers, arranged in consecutive order and in clockwise direction?
a. Ordinary method c. Osborn method
b. Seymour method d. Pricking method
46. What method of latent print comparison when it makes an enlargement of the same size of the
chance impression and the suspect standard print, placed the photograph of the standard print over
the photograph of the chance impression in the same position and then cut the identical points to
determine if they coincide with one another?
a. Ordinary method c. Osborn method
b. Seymour method d. Pricking method
47. What method of latent print comparison made by placing the chance and standard together by
holding them near a reflector or side light or projector?
a. Ordinary method c. Osborn method
b. Seymour method d. Pricking method
48. What method of latent print comparison is made when two enlarge photograph are divided into
squares, both exactly alike with the squares occupying the identical positions, examining them in
their order, square for square, and designating the identical points in each square.
a. Ordinary method c. Osborn method
b. Seymour method d. Pricking method
49. What is the suggested pattern (procedure) in an ordinary method of marking the point of
identity and after which it is drawn to the margin of the latent print and standard prints designated
by numbers arrange in consecutive order?
a. Clockwise c. Counter clockwise
b. Zigzag pattern d. Pricking method
50. What section of Rule 128 of the Philippine Rules of Court provides that evidence is admissible
when it is relevant to the issue and is not excluded by the law of these rules?
a. Section 2 of Rule 128 c. Section 3 of Rule 128
b. Section 4 of Rule 128 d. Section 5 of Rule 128
51. A fundamental layer of the skin known as the inner skin is refers to:
a. Stratum corneum c. epidermis
b. Dermis d. stratum mucosum
52. Which of the following is a cause of permanent destruction of fingerprint?
a. Doing manual works c. warts
b. Burns d. scars
53. DNA carries the genetic information in cells and some viruses, consisting of two long chains of
nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases
adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. DNA stands for:
a. deoxyribonucleic acid c. deoxirybonuclic acid
b. deoxyrivonuleic acid d. none of the above
54. A fundamental layer of the friction skin known as the outer skin.
a. Stratum corneum c. epidermis
b. Dermis d. stratum mucosum
55. A division of fingerprint pattern that has two deltas and one core refers to:
a. whorls c. arches
b. loops d. double loop whorl
56. A division of fingerprint pattern that commonly appears to about 30 to 35 % of human being refers to:
a. whorls c. arches
b. loops d. accidental loop whorl
57. A division of fingerprint pattern that commonly appears to about 5 % as fingerprint of human being
refers to:
a. whorls c. arches
b. loops d. accidental loop whorl
58. A fingerprint pattern in which the ridges starts from one side then it flows and ends toward the other
side with no delta and core.
a. Plain arch c. arches
b. Tented arch d. accidental loop whorl
59. A classification of fingerprint pattern which refers to a combination of two patterns, such as loop and
plain arch.
a. Plain arch c. arches
b. loop d. accidental loop whorl
60. A division of fingerprint pattern that commonly appears to about 60 to 65 % t of a human being.
a. whorls c. arches
b. loops d. accidental loop whorl
61. Who among the contributor on the study of fingerprint who wrote that if 12 points (Galton's Details)
were the same between two fingerprints, it would suffice as a positive identifications.
a. Edmund Lucard c. Edward R. Henry
b. Juan Vucetich d. Francis Galton
62. These are the depressed portions or canal that usually found between the ridges.
a. pores c. furrows
b. ridges d. islands
63. These are tiny elevation of hill like structures found on the epidermis of the skin containing sweat-pores.
a. pores c. furrows
b. ridges d. islands
64. These are the lines, tracings and designs on the fingers, palm and sole of the foot.
a. Friction ridges c. friction skin
b. dermatoglyphics d. friction patterns
65. A classification of phalange that is covered with friction skin, having all the different types of fingerprint
patterns and it is located near the tip of the finger.
a. distal phalange c. intermediate phalange
b. basal phalange d. metacarpal phalange
66. It is a forensic investigation technique that deals with identification of humans based on lips traces.
a. chiroscopy c. podoscopy
b. poroscopy d. cheiloscopy
67. It is the scientific study of the arrangement of the sweat pores.
a. chiroscopy c. podoscopy
b. poroscopy d. cheiloscopy
68. Which among the following phalange in a finger is missing in the thumb?
a. distal phalange c. intermediate phalange
b. basal phalange d. metacarpal phalange
69. It is known as the largest organ of the human being.
a. buttocks c. chest
b. friction skin d. skin
70. It is sometimes known as friction ridge skin on the palmar side of the hand and plantar side of the feet.
a. volar skin c. phalanges
b. epidermis d. dermis
71. It is a layer of the friction skin that separate the epidermis and dermis which serves as a filter of all the
nutrients, oxygen, waste and chemical signals and fro the epidermis.
a. upper membrane c. middle membrane
b. basement membrane d. tissue membrane
72. Which of the following sub-divisions of epidermis produces cells to replace those being shed in the
exposed superficial layer and the deepest layer, parallel to basement membrane.
a. stratum corneum c. stratum lucidum
b. stratum basale d. stratum spinusum
73. It is a single cell on the epidermis that has individual pores which when connected and well developed
resembled into a ridge characteristics.
a. dot c. unit
b. furrows d. minutiae
74. Which of the following fingerprint patterns considered unusual due to irregular volar pad or regression?
a. Plain arch c. Radial Loop
b. Plain whorl d. Accidental loop whorl
75. Friction skin ridges or also known as minutiae of a toddler inside the womb of a mother is completely
and permanently set on _____?
a. 4th to 8th weeks c. 10th to 12 weeks
b. 14 to 16 weeks
d. 17th to 24 weeks
76. What is the proper delta to be chosen, when the choices are short ridges and dot?
a. the nearest bifurcation to the core
b. the nearest among the choices to the core
c. the nearest bifurcation that opens towards the core
d. the nearest bifurcation whether it is open towards the core or not
77. What rule in selecting delta to be applied, when the nearest bifurcation open towards the core is
a. rule # 1 c. Rule # 3
b. rule # 2 d. rule # 4
78. What ridge characteristic is chosen known as the priority in selecting proper delta?
a. Dot c. bifurcation
b. Island d. short ridge
79. Which of the following is the proper delta, when there are two or more bifurcations that open towards
the core in front of the divergence of the type lines?
a. the nearest bifurcation to the core
b. the farthest bifurcation open towards the core
c. the nearest bifurcation open towards the core
d. The nearest of all the choices in front of the delta
80. Which of the following is the proper delta, when in front of the divergence of the type lines has two
short ridges, one dot and two bifurcation?
a. the nearest bifurcation to the core
b. the farthest bifurcation open towards the core
c. the nearest bifurcation open towards the core
d. The nearest of all the choices in front of the delta
81. What rule in selecting delta to be applied, when there is no among the bifurcation is open toward the
core, and the nearest bifurcation to the core is selected?
a. rule # 1 c. Rule # 3
b. rule # 2 d. rule # 4
82. What ridge that cannot continue forming arch, circuiting and looping ridge in the pattern area.
a. ridge end c. convergence
b. divergence d. abrupt end
83. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains no ending ridge/s as high as the shoulder, the core is
placed at the _____________.
a. end of the center rod c. shoulder of a loop
b. upper shoulder of a loop d. nearest shoulder to the delta
84. When the innermost sufficient recurve has no ending ridge, the core is place at the______:
a. end of the center rod c. shoulder of a loop
b. upper shoulder of a loop d. nearest shoulder to the delta
85. When the core is placed at the end of the further one of the two center rod, the rule applied is:
a. Rule # 1 c. Rule # 3
b. Rule # 2 d. Rule # 4
86. The following are the fingerprint patterns that need to identify the proper delta and core for the purpose
of ridge counting or tracing, EXCEPT:
a. T c. X
b. D d. R
87. Which of the following statement below is NOT true in selecting proper core?
a. when the innermost sufficient recurs contains no ending ridge, the core is place at the
shoulder of a loop further from the delta
b. When the innermost sufficient recurs contains even number or rod rising as high as the
shoulder, the core is place at the end of further one of the two center rod.
c. When the innermost sufficient recurs contains an even number or rod rising as high as
the shoulder, the core is place at the end of the center rod either it touches the looping
ridge or not.
d. When the innermost sufficient recurs contains un even number or rod rising as high as
the shoulder, the core is place at the end of the rod.
88. Which of the following fingerprint patterns that has no core?
a. X c. R
b. U d. A
89. The following ridges characteristics are possible delta to be selected as guide in ridge counting, EXCEPT:
a. rod c. bifurcation
d. short ridge d. dot
90. The following has 2 ridge counts when they actually touch to the imaginary line from delta to the core,
a. bifurcation c. island
b. ending ridge d. meeting of ridges
91. In ridge counting, which of the following is NOT included in the count?
a. short ridge c. bifurcation and island
b. Core and delta d. dot and rod
92. Which the following has two ridge counts when it touches by imaginary line between core and delta.
a. crossover c. bifurcation
b. island d. All of the above
93. A kind of ridge tracing in which the left delta is located below the right delta.
a. Ridge tracing outside the right delta
b. Ridge tracing in front the right delta
c. Ridge counting in front the right delta
d. Ridge counting below the left delta
94. What kind of fingerprint impression is created when fingers are impressed by mere incident without any
intention to produce it?
a. Plastic Impressions c. Latent Impressions
b. Chance impressions d. Real impressions
95. What method of producing fingerprint impressions is used when the inked fingers will be properly
rotated in the fingerprint card?
a. Real method c. Rolled method
b. Chance method d. Plain method
96. What is the main purpose of using plain impression in recording/taking fingerprints?
a. For reference purposes c. To check whether oily fingers or not
b. For compliance purposes d. To confuse the examiner
97. It is the ideal size of a fingerprint card.
a. 6 X 6 inches c. 8 X 8 inches
b. 5 X 5 inches d. 10 X 10 inches
98. The main purpose of properly rotating the thumb and fingers on printing card is _____?
a. So that the core will be taken c. so that both deltas were taken
b. So that it shows the creases d. so that it will be properly recorded
99. What is the proper rotation of both of the thumb during the practical printing of fingerprints?
a. Rolled inward to the body of the recorder
b. Rolled inward to the body of the person fingerprinted
c. Rolled outward to the body of the person fingerprinted
d. Rolled outward to the body or the recorder
100. The following are the ante-mortem fingerprint of a person that can be used to compare with the
postmortem to determine the identity of the departed person, EXCEPT:
a. Impression on residence certificate c. NBI fingerprint file
b. PNP fingerprint file d. Official Transcript of Record