Group #4: Unit Task #1 (Nursing Research I)
Group #4: Unit Task #1 (Nursing Research I)
Group #4: Unit Task #1 (Nursing Research I)
2. Create a group consisting of 5 members and determine the group leader.
Most students suffered from emotional stress because of too many school works
especially those nursing students in Our Lady of Fatima University. As a nursing student, I chose
this topic because I encountered a lot of individuals who suffered from emotional stress and I
want to gain more understanding about views about this topic.
- Vaccines reduce disease by directly protecting the vaccine and by indirectly protecting non-
immune people. It is important to study this kind of topic to improve the vaccination programs
especially in poor area.
3. Perspective of 1st Year Nursing Student of Our Lady of Fatima about Online Class
- This pandemic made a lot of changes in our daily lives and all of the student postpone their
studies in their schools to avoid being infected by the virus. Since the COVID-19 cases are
increasing, it is still impossible to have a face to face class and the only option we had is the
online class. The reason why I choose this topic is to know their perspective about online class
and how it affects their studies.
- Most district hospitals in the Philippines doesn’t have enough medical equipment to treat
their patients that why their only option is to transfer them in big hospitals who has more high
quality equipment and reliable doctors. The reason why I choose this topic is to become
familiarize with latest developments in order to be able to control technology and not the other
way round.
- Patients know their fear is excessive and they cannot control it. Anxiety helps us to identify
and respond to ‘fight or flight’ mode. But there is another side to anxiety especially to those
people who has some illnesses.
- Depression is serious topic nowadays especially to the youth, since we don’t usually go out
and make some fun. I want to study this topic because I want to know more the cause or why
did people experience this kind of mood disorder.
- This topic may be helpful for nurses or student who experiences this kind of disorder.
- I choose this topic to know whether using technology is more effective in the nursing
profession in the near future.
9. The Problem of the shortage of Nurses in the Philippines and how to deal with this
- The purpose of this study is to determine the problem of every nurse who chooses to go
abroad than staying here in the Philippines to work.
10. The stress effects of night shifts in some hospitals in Cabanatuan City.
- Every hospital and state is a little different, but there is no denying that the night shift
differential plays a big role in why night shift nurses stay on nights. Being a night shift also has a
negative impact on your mental health.
1. Becoming a Registered Nurse in the Philippines: A Praxis Analysis
I am keen to learn about the trends in nursing education in the Philippines. I am also
looking for real reason and searching for answers about how Filipinos are pursuing this kind of
career and fascinated to go to developed countries. What kind of motivations does the Filipinos
willing to sacrifice in order to drive them outside our borders bringing all the knowledge and
skills they gained.
Nursing students commonly view and considers Nurses and Doctors as professionals and
skillfully sound, traits and values unparalleled, but I am also one of those students who want to
enlighten all about opportunities and relationship of these two professions.
I wanted to learn about how many medical workers we have and if these numbers can
still provide the quality of nursing needed in the province. Since the opportunities and are still
growing in the global arena for young and competitive Filipino nurses, how many more are
choosing to stay and provide services to our “kababayans”.
As many controversial cases regarding Patient’s Rights I want to learn if there are
impacts on how they choose their health provider. Patients must be fully aware that the main
objective of many medical practitioners is the patient’s welfare. How the patients reacts
regarding their right, are they not willing to continue the services if they not get their
preferences of either male/female or LGBTQA++?
5. Controlling Mental and Physical Health of Novo Ecijanos to “New Normal”
All people around the world are greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and as I
keenly observing all activities of human beings I cannot help but wonder how does people
manage and cope up with their activities physically and mentally while adjusting to our “New
I want to know if Cabanatuan City residents are ready for telemedicine. There are some
reasons that telehealth consultations can be more accessible in a way that patients can easily
book and make appointments on top of it this can be more affordable compare to clinic visit.
Perhaps it is also time manageable for people having trouble making appointments and
Teenage pregnancy affects 5.99 percent of Filipino girls which is the second highest rate
in Southeast Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood Report (2019). An estimated
538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers every single day, according to Philippine
Statistical Authority (2017). As a mother, this is alarming for me and other families out there
thinking that they cannot safeguard their children because we cannot always be there 24/7 to
watch them. Comprehensive Sexuality Education may be the answer for us to help guide our
children and educate them with proper teaching inside the schools.
We are prepared for the global pandemic and no one does. We have to adjust mainly to
secure our health and safety of our lives. One reason for so many concerns is our food, how do
we eat and what do we eat? Staying fit and healthy comes along not just with exercise but with
healthy diet that is why I chose this topic.
We are still battling with this COVID-19 and dealing with fear and anxiety for this virus we have
to recreate and rekindle the lost space and time for our family and love ones. I personally
wanted to have a research on this to share blessing in disguise that brought to us by this
pandemic. Family will always be family and to enable us to jump out of this hurdle again is for
us to stay strong along with the support of our love ones.
I generally chose these topics mainly for my personal concerns. Being a returning
student at the age of 35 years old, wife and a mother at the same time leaves me nothing but
fear and piling of responsibilities. More importantly that frightens me is the uncertainty amid
the COVID-19 pandemic. My 10 topics will surely help me to cope up in my current situation to
make adjustments and act reasonably. I will use all the outputs and data of these researches to
educate people with similar experiences that will serves us guide and to contribute to other
students, readers, and researchers for future endeavors.
1. Bad Habits and Illnesses by gadgets
- One of the fastest and most useful things on earth is technology and gadgets, we find this tool
as a hobby or we use this in our job I find this topic interesting because many children are
addicted to this kind of technology many of the, suffer from illnesses.
2. How effective online learning for nursing and other medical courses here in the
- Many students struggle to learn because of pandemic how will the government provide
quality education especially to those future medical front liners who struggle to learn online.
3. Strategies Used by Government to Finance Healthcare System
- This is one of the interesting topics how can the government manage to finance the poor
people who don’t have the power to pay their bills or give them a proper healthcare treatment.
- We experience the pandemic how can we provide medical care to the patient by not going to
the hospital because it is so dangerous to go outside because of the virus.
- As a nurse, we must educate teenagers that mostly addicted to alcohol and cigarettes we have
to educate them to ensure that they are not wasting their lives and illnesses that may get on
this kind of addiction.
- The purpose of this study is to determine the reliability of the information spreading around
social media platform regarding to COVID-19 cases here in Cabanatuan city.
7. The impact of online class for medical related courses here in Cabanatuan City
-The Purpose of this study is to determine what are the struggle of students and how effective
this online learning system to those studying medical related course and also to determine how
can we adapt the practice of procedure and apply it in hospital setting.
-The purpose of this study is to determine the quality practice of caring senior citizen and the
quality of any health care promotion, activities, diet and nutrition, exercise and lifestyle and it
also determine the significant differences in the extent of practice of health promotion
activities of senior citizens according to age, gender, educational attainment, economic status,
and civil status.
-The purpose of this study is to determine what are the struggle facing of a obese person and
also what are the quality health care promotion that we can provide to those struggling obese
10. Elderly homes vs. home care: Why the elderly prefer to stay with their family
The purpose of this study is to determine why elderly prefer to stay with their family rather
than going to elderly homes and also determine the significant differences of elderly homes vs
home care.
1. Shortages among Nursing Front liners
- Being a nurse nowadays is very stressful, in this matter we have to choose whether we have to
help others to survive in this pandemic or to choose to save themselves and their family from
preventing of having virus.
-This topic focuses on the individual who is not yet being positive to COVID-19, on how they
cope with the new normal for us to know on how to prevent this virus.
-Teenage this topic is very rare nowadays because of increasing numbers of teenage pregnancy
on how they cope with parenting roles in their younger age does they need a lot of counseling
or decide on their own.
-Being criticize on your own job is very stressful all you want is to help but they are judging you
that you will bring virus to your place. People nowadays are fault for causing virus but they
don’t see a better reason why our nurses do this. But our front liners continue to fight in terms
of those who criticize them.
- Being a student nurse who has a few experiences in the hospital I encounter some patients
that is so demanding. Or I say over acting about their situation. But as nurse we must do our job
and never compliment even though we are the one who is truly know their cases.
-there are some nurses that I know that are suffering through mental issues, not only ordinary
people should get the attention also our modern heroes the nurses, that’s why ive come up
with this topic.
-one of the important reason I have for this topic is the pandemic, being clean nowadays really
matter because we can avoid the corona virus if we avoid germs and I think of the germ phobia
people their pros and cons.
-they say that practicing physically is important rather than memorizing the cycle that’s why I
what to do this topic and I want to know if that really works.
- Caring for patients as being nurse is a job but there’s a question for me that I need to find the
true answer on what is the characteristics of being a good nurse.
- Objective in this topic is to properly know and do a research about the role in the aspect of
communication within the patient and health care providers and their safety.
7. Critical care nurses’ role with families of the patient of Nueva Ecija Doctors
- Objective of this research is to explore the topic of families of critical care nurse’s perspective.
8. Work stress and burnout among nurses, role of the work environment and working
conditions at Nueva Ecija Doctors
- There have been so much previous reports about nurses suffering stress and depression the
objective of this research I to know the reason of it from the perspective of the nurses.
9. Nurturing and nourishing the nurses role in the nutritional care at Nueva Ecija
- The aim of this research is to develop a policy defining how nurses could support their
patients’ nutritional care.
10. Nurses role in pain management of the patients at Nueva Ecija Doctors
- Objective of this search is to develop a plan on how to have a unique approach to critical
patients and help them to manage the pain they are experiencing
B. Among the 10 topics of interest choose top 3 topics. Along with the
justification/rationale state your objectives of the study.
Being criticize on your own job is very stressful all you want is to help but they are
judging you that you will bring virus to your place. People nowadays are fault for causing virus
but they don’t see a better reason why our nurses do this. But our front liners continue to fight
in terms of those who criticize them.
1) The study aims to address the levels of anxiety that nursing front liners experiencing.
2) To help the nursing front liners to manage their anxiety levels.
3) To promote programs on how to develop and improve comprehensive health care plans
for nursing front liners.
Teenage pregnancy affects 5.99 percent of Filipino girls which is the second highest rate
in Southeast Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood Report (2019). An estimated
538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers every single day, according to Philippine
Statistical Authority (2017). Filipinos are known for being a family-oriented individuals, this is
alarming especially families out there thinking that they cannot safeguard their children
because we cannot always be there 24/7 to watch them. Comprehensive Sexuality Education
may be the answer for us to help guide our children and educate them with proper teaching
inside the schools. This study aims to give benefits to both parents and students because
having taught in schools by licensed and professional teachers about the topics of sexuality can
greatly educate the students and provide them proper knowledge in this area where they can
be most vulnerable by not having the right mindset and learning.
1) This study aims to increase and improve the young people and their parents how
important the knowledge, behaviors, and attitude towards our sexual and reproductive
2) Promote Sexuality education in the most impact place when school-based programmes
are complemented with the involvement of parents and teachers, training institutes and
youth-friendly services.
Homeschooling or on-line classes are being a trend nowadays and I am eager to share
the future outputs of this study because previous studies and researches have already share
results that homeschooling or on-line classes benefits the students with ADHD while majority
of the students without ADHD are having trouble coping up with the new system we are using
for the “New Normal”.
1) This study aims to discover the behavioral problems associated with ADHD that
can also cause problems such as difficulties with relationships and social
2) Related conditions in students and adults with ADHD
3) Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)