Miocarditis y Covid-19

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CJC Open 2 (2020) 278e285

COVID-19 and Myocarditis: What Do We Know So Far?
Ashar Pirzada, MD, MSc,a Ahmed T. Mokhtar, MBBS, FRCPC,a,b and
Andrew D. Moeller, MD, MASc, FRCPCa
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Department of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health La COVID-19 a e  te
e pande mie mondiale par l’Organisation
Organization and is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths Mondiale de la Sante  et elle est responsable de centaines de milliers
worldwide. COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, and common clinical de decès dans le monde. La COVID-19 est cause e par le SARS-CoV-2,
symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, headache, and fatigue. et les symptômes cliniques courants sont la fièvre, la toux, le mal de
Myocardial injury is relatively common in patients with COVID-19, ac- gorge, les maux de tête et la fatigue. Les le sions myocardiques sont
counting for 7%-23% of cases, and is associated with a higher rate of quentes chez les patients atteints de la COVID-19,
relativement fre
morbidity and mortality. There is a discrepancy in the literature about representant 7 à 23 % des cas, et sont associe es à un taux de

COVID-19 has been declared as a global pandemic by the review was to examine the most updated literature sur-
World Health Organization.1,2 COVID-19 is a clinical rounding COVID-19 and myocarditis.
syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2. The hallmark of
COVID-19 is respiratory involvement, ranging from mild
upper respiratory symptoms to acute respiratory distress What Pathophysiologic Mechanisms Are
syndrome (ARDS).2 However, severe COVID-19 imparts Involved in COVID-19-Associated Cardiac
multiorgan involvement, with several observational case Disease?
series showing a significant proportion of cardiac involve- The exact pathophysiology of severe COVID-19 disease
ment among hospitalized patients.3,4 In addition, cardiac is still elusive. However, a consistent observation is the
injury has shown disproportionate rates of mortality, with presence of a proinflammatory surge, the so-called “cyto-
rates approaching 51% when cardiac involvement has been kine storm.” This is thought to be central to the patho-
established.3 COVID-19 has a wide spectrum of cardio- genesis of the acute lung injury-acute respiratory distress
vascular complications, including acute-onset heart failure, syndrome spectrum that amplifies the immune response of
arrhythmias, acute coronary syndrome, myocarditis, and alveolar tissue.9-11 This phenomenon is thought to be a
cardiac arrest.3,4 Myocarditis is a potentially lethal contributory factor to myocardial injury, observed in other
complication, observed among cases of the current and forms of viral infections, such as H1N1.12 Huang et al.9
previous outbreaks of other coronaviridae, such as showed this among a cluster of 41 patients with
MERS.5-8 Because of the relative novelty of COVID-19, COVID-19. Patients who required intensive care (n ¼ 13)
the data surrounding the association between COVID-19 showed higher plasma concentrations of cytokines and
and myocarditis are still being published. The aim of this chemokines, including GCSF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1A, and
tumour necrosis factor a. However, it is unknown if
myocarditis is the actual cause of the troponin increase in
this case series, because the authors did not report data
Received for publication April 26, 2020. Accepted May 20, 2020. showing correlative cardiac outcomes or demonstration of
Ethics Statement: This research has adhered to the relevant ethical left ventricular dysfunction.
guidelines. Chen and colleagues also had a similar observation, with
Corresponding author: Dr Ahmed T. Mokhtar, Division of Cardiology, elevation of interleukin (IL)-2R, IL-6, IL-10, and tumour
Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, 1796 Summer St, Room
2132, Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3A7, Canada. Tel.: þ1-
necrosis factor a among the cohort of severe COVID-19
902-473-7044; fax: þ1-902-473-2434. patients in a single-centre retrospective study.11 Cytokine
E-mail: [email protected] storm is not unique to severe COVID-19, because MERS-
See page 283 for disclosure information. CoV and SARS-CoV have shown cytokine surge syndrome

2589-790X/Ó 2020 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Pirzada et al. 279
COVID-19 and Myocarditis

myocarditis as the etiology of myocardial injury in patients with COVID- morbidite  et de mortalite plus e
leve. Il existe des divergences dans la
19; although many anecdotal reports of myocarditis have been noted, rature de
litte crivant la myocardite en tant qu’e tiologie de le sions
there are only a handful of case reports in the literature about myocardiques chez les patients atteints de la COVID-19; bien que de
myocarditis related to COVID-19. In this review we summarize the nombreux rapports anecdotiques de myocardite aient e  te
 rapportes, il
most up to date literature around the association between COVID-19 n’y a qu’un nombre limite  de rapports de cas dans la litte rature con-
and myocarditis and provide clinicians a practical framework about cernant des myocardites lie es à la COVID-19. Dans cette revue de
the clinical manifestations, diagnostic tools, and treatment options rature, nous re
litte sumons la bibliographie la plus re cente sur l’asso-
currently available. Importantly, this review will heighten suspicion for ciation entre COVID-19 et myocardite et fournissons aux cliniciens un
myocarditis as an etiology of myocardial injury in COVID-19 patients, cadre pratique sur les signes cliniques, les outils de diagnostic et les
therefore improving clinical outcomes and encouraging shared clinical options de traitement actuellement disponibles. Il est important de
decision-making. This will also open the door for further research to noter que cette revue augmentera la suspicion de myocardite comme
build around this review. Emergent treatment options for COVID-19 are tiologie de le
e sions myocardiques chez les patients atteints de la
in clinical trials and might be of benefit to COVID-19 patients with COVID-19, ame liorant ainsi le pronostic clinique et encourageant une
myocarditis in addition to current guideline-based recommendations. prise de de cision clinique partage e. Cela ouvrira e galement la voie à
d’autres recherches qui pourront s’appuyer sur cette e tude. De nou-
velles options de traitement de la COVID-19 sont en cours d’essais
cliniques et pourraient être be  ne
fiques aux patients atteints de la
COVID-19 qui pre sentent une myocardite, tout en e tant conside re
pour les recommandations actuelles base es sur les lignes directrices.

among the spectrum of coronavirus disease.13,14 Whether this Wuhan University, 82 patients (19.7%) had cardiac injury.
phenomenon is the main cause of fulminant myocarditis still Mortality among the myocardial injury group was signifi-
uncertain (Fig. 1). cantly higher (51.2% vs 4.5%; P < 0.001). Cardiac involve-
It is currently unknown whether the response is purely ment among this cohort of patients showed a hazard ratio of
related to inflammation, autoimmunity, or a combination of 4.26. Ruan et al. reported a multicentre, retrospective review
both as seen in other types of viral myocarditis.15 of 150 patients with confirmed COVID-19.20 Sixty-eight
Another potential cause of myocarditis is direct viral patients died, with 5 patients (7%) dying of heart failure
involvement. SARS-CoV-2 uses the angiotensin-converting and 22 patients (33%) dying of respiratory and heart failure.
enzyme 2 via its S-spike to bind and anchor to the re- The cohort with a higher rate of death consistently had higher
ceptors, hence an entry point to the cell.16,17 Hence, it is levels of troponin and myoglobin. The authors speculate that
reasonable to consider viral inclusion or associated myocardial some of these patients died of COVID-19-induced fulminant
inflammation as the pathogenesis of myocarditis. This direct myocarditis, but no reports on autopsies or biopsies were
myocardial involvement was seen in MERS, with one report provided.
showing evidence of subepicardial late gadolinium enhance-
ment, consistent with myocarditis.6 In this case, the distri-
bution of late gadolinium enhancement in the subepicardial What Are the Symptoms of Myocarditis Among
region is consistent with myocarditis. COVID-19 Patients?
So far, there are limited reports showing pathological evi- Myocarditis can have a variety of clinical presentations,
dence that COVID-19 directly invades the heart.18 Sala et al. ranging from mild symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, and
showed viral particles with the morphology and size of coro- palpitations to life-threatening presentations such as cardio-
naviruses in interstitial macrophages, however, there was no genic shock or sudden cardiac death associated with ventric-
SARS-CoV-2 genomic material in the myocardium. In ular arrhythmias (Fig. 2).21 Classically, myocarditis has a viral
another study, Xu et al. reported pathological postmortem prodrome including fevers, myalgias, and respiratory/gastro-
biopsies from a patient who succumbed to COVID-19. There intestinal symptoms but this can be exceedingly variable, with
were only a few interstitial mononuclear inflammatory in- ranges of 10%-80%.22,23 Myocarditis is more common in
filtrates, but no other substantial damage in the heart tissue.4 men, with a male/female ratio between 1.5:1 and 1.7:1.24
COVID-19 patients predominantly present with fever,
cough, and dyspnea.23 A meta-analysis of 10 studies including
How Common Is Cardiac Involvement in 1995 COVID-19 patients showed that common symptoms
Patients With COVID-19? were fever (88.5%), cough (68.6%), myalgia or fatigue
Outside of published case reports, the exact incidence of (35.8%), expectoration (28.2%), and dyspnea (21.9%); mi-
myocardial involvement or myocarditis among hospitalized nor symptoms included headache or dizziness (12.1%), diar-
COVID-19 patients is unknown. However, several observa- rhea (4.8%), and nausea and vomiting (3.9%).23 Other
tional studies have reported cardiac injury among hospitalized infrequent symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation,
COVID-19 patients.3,19,20 In most reports myocardial injury chest pain, palpitations, chills, and anorexia accounted for
is defined as detectable serum troponin level above the 99th 7%-42% of presentations altogether.21
percentile of the upper reference limit. So far, the largest study A cohort study from Wuhan, China involving 416 hos-
to examine the association between cardiac involvement and pitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection
COVID-19 was performed at the index epicentre in China.3 showed that chest pain accounted for 3.4% of presentations.3
From a cohort of 416 patients at the Renmin Hospital of Hospitalized patients with an increase of troponin level were
280 CJC Open
Volume 2 2020

SARS-COV2 entry How Can Myocarditis Among COVID-19 Patients

with active
replication Be Diagnosed?
Significant serum troponin elevation has been observed
Activation of Activation of
Presentation of
Viral Antigen
Cellular Immunity Humoral among several cases of severe COVID-19, which might
indicate cardiac involvement.25 A study by Zhou et al. showed
Direct Viral Entry?
Cytokine Storm
IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, CCL2, CCL3, TNF
that high-sensitivity troponin I levels were significantly greater
by day 4 in COVID-19 nonsurvivors vs survivors (8.8 pg/mL
vs 2.5 pg/mL). Myocardial injury is a predictor of mortality
Multiorgan Damage and more severe illness in COVID-19-confirmed patients.26
However, troponitis in isolation is not diagnostic of myocar-
ditis and requires other supplementary findings and in-
vestigations. Furthermore, troponin elevation in the setting of
Distributive Shock Pneumonia
Fulminant Myocarditis
Arrhythmias severe COVID-19 could be a reflection of supply demand
mismatch, rather than overt myocardial injury.27 Other bio-
COVID Cardiomyopathy

markers, such as natriuretic peptides are not sensitive or

Figure 1. Mechanisms of pathogenesis and systemic effects of specific in diagnosing myocarditis.21
COVID-19 leading to multiorgan damage. ARDS, acute respiratory Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are usually abnormal in pa-
distress syndrome; CCL2, C-C motif chemokine ligand 2; CCL3, C-C tients with myocarditis, however, specific abnormalities on
motif chemokine ligand 3; IL, interleukin 1; SARS-COV2, severe acute
ECG lack sensitivity and specificity.28 Dynamic ECG changes
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TNF, tumour necrosis factor a.
have been documented in critically ill COVID-19 patients.29
In 2 cases reported by He et al., dynamic ECG changes were
noted when hospitalized COVID-19 patients clinically dete-
more likely to present with chest pain than those without an riorated.29 In one case, a patient’s baseline ECG was sinus
increase of troponin level (11 of 82 patients [13.4%] vs 3 of rhythm with first-degree atrioventricular (AV) block, which
334 patients [0.9%]; P < 0.001). Established myocarditis is a progressed to high-grade AV block before returning to base-
relatively rare sequelae of COVID-19 infection. In the re- line within 2 days. It was undetermined if these patients had
ported COVID-19 cases with myocarditis in the literature, myocarditis. Nevertheless, dynamic ECG changes in COVID-
clinical presentations have varied (Table 1). There is potential 19 patients might be a harbinger of clinical deterioration and
overlap in symptomatology in patients with primary COVID- should be recorded in all hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
19 infection and COVID-19 patients with clinically suspected Echocardiography is an important first-line noninvasive
myocarditis. test in the workup for myocarditis. Transthoracic

•Acute chest pain

•ST/T wave changes
(1) Acute coronary •With or without normal global or regional LV and/or RV dysfunc on on
echocardiography or CMR
syndrome-like •With or without increased TnT/TnI that may have a me course similar to
acute myocardial infarc on or a prolonged and sustained release over several
weeks or months

•New onset or progressive heart failure over 2 weeks to 3 months

(2) New onset or worsening •Impaired systolic LV and/or RV func on, with or without an increase in wall
heart failure in the absence thickness, with or without dilated LV and/or RV on echocardiography or CMR
•Symptoms possibly started a er a respiratory or gastrointes nal infec on, or
of CAD and known causes of in the peri-partum period
heart failure •Non-specific ECG signs, bundle branch block, AV-block, and/or ventricular

•Heart failure symptoms (with recurrent exacerba ons) of >3 months dura on
(3) Chronic heart failure in •Fa gue, palpita on, dyspnea, atypical chest pain, arrhythmia in an ambulant
the absence of CAD and pa ent
•Impaired systolic LV and/or RV func on on echocardiography or CMR
known causes of heart sugges ve of DCM or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
failure (see point 2 above) •Non-specific ECG signs, some mes bundle branch block and/or ventricular
arrhythmias and/or AV-block

(4) ‘Life-threatening
•Life-threatening arrhythmias and aborted sudden death
condi on’, in the absence of •Cardiogenic shock
CAD and known causes of •Severely impaired LV func on
heart failure comprising

Figure 2. Clinical presentations of patients with biopsy-proven inflammatory heart muscle disease. AV, atrioventricular; CAD, coronary artery dis-
ease; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ECG, electrocardiogram; LV, left ventricular; RV, right ventricular; TnI,
troponin I; TnT, troponin T. Modified from Caforio et al.21 with permission from Oxford University Press.
COVID-19 and Myocarditis
Pirzada et al.
Table 1. Published literature highlighting clinically suspected myocarditis in COVID-19 patients
Study Case Clinical Troponin NT-proBNP ECG TTE CMR EMB Outcome
Inciardi et al. 53 M Cough Troponin 5647 pg/mL Minimal diffuse ST segment LVEF 40% Short tau inversion recovery N/A Clinical improvement
Fatigue T: 0.24 ng/mL elevation (more prominent and T2 mapping sequences
Fever in inferolateral leads) and ST showing biventricular
depression with T wave myocardial interstitial
inversion in lead V1 and edema. Inversion recovery
aVR sequences showing
biventricular wall diffuse
Zeng et al.5 63 M Chest pain Troponin 22,600 pg/mL Sinus tachycardia, no ST LVEF 32% N/A N/A ECMO as a bridge to
Cough I: 11.37 g/L elevation clinical recovery
Hu et al.8 37 M Chest pain Troponin 21,025 ng/L ST segment elevation in LVEF 27% N/A N/A Clinical recovery
Diarrhea T: > 10,000 ng/L lead 3, aVF
Tavazzi et al.18 69 M Cough Troponin N/A N/A LVEF 34% N/A CD68þ macrophages with viral Death from bacterial
Dyspnea I: 4331 ng/L particles noted. No virus in sepsis
Weakness cardiac myocytes
Sala et al.36 43 F Chest pain Troponin 512 pg/mL Atrial ectopic rhythm, mild ST LVEF 43% Basal and mid-LV hypokinesis Diffuse T-lymphocytic Clinical recovery
Dyspnea T: 135 ng/L segment elevation in V1, V2, with diffuse myocardial inflammatory infiltrates with
aVR; reciprocal ST edema. LGE showed interstitial edema and
depression in V4-V6 absence of scar and necrosis limited necrosis. No viral
genome in myocardium
Doyen et al.37 69 M Cough Troponin N/A Criteria for left ventricular LVEF > 50% Subepicardial LGE of the apex N/A Clinical recovery
Diarrhea I: 9002 ng/L hypertrophy and diffuse and inferolateral wall
Dyspnea inverted T waves
Coyle et al.38 57 M Cough Troponin 1300 pg/mL Sinus tachycardia, no ST-T LVEF Diffuse biventricular and N/A Clinical recovery
Diarrhea I: 7.33 ng/mL wave changes 35%-40% biatrial edema with a small
Dyspnea area of LGE
Luetkens et al.39 79 M Dyspnea Troponin 1178 pg/mL Normal LVEF > 50% Diffuse interstitial myocardial N/A Clinical recovery
Fatigue T: 63.5 ng/L edema with an increased T2
Syncope signal intensity ratio. T2
mapping showed diffuse
myocardial inflammation
Kim et al.40 21 F Cough Troponin 1929 pg/mL Nonspecific interventricular LVEF < 35% Diffuse high signal intensity in N/A N/A
Diarrhea I: 1.26 ng/mL conduction delay and the LV myocardium on T2
Dyspnea multiple premature short tau inversion recovery
Fever ventricular complexes image, and myocardial wall
Sputum edema. Extensive transmural
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiogram; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenator; F, female; EMB, endomyocardial biopsy; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVEF,
left ventricular ejection fraction, M, male; N/A, not available; NT-proBNP, N terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.

282 CJC Open
Volume 2 2020

• Symptoms sugges ve of COVID-19: Cough, Fever, Dyspnea.

• Acute-onset heart failure or cardiogenic shock
• Iden fica on of COVID-19 on tes ng
Presenta on • ECG Changes: Sinus tachycardia, T wave abnormali es, ST-segment eleva on.

• Elevated serum troponin and BNP

• Elevated inflammatory markers: IL-6, C-reac ve protein, Pro-calcitonin
• Echocardiography: Reduced EF, Diffuse wall mo on abnormali es +/- apical sparing,
Diagnos c pericardial effusion
Approach • CMR: Myocardial edema, LGE (Lake Louise Criteria)

• Suppor ve care
• Consider Immunomodula on:
• Systemic cor costeroids
Management • IL-6 inhibitors: Tocilizumab

Figure 3. Summary of clinical approach of published cases of myocarditis associated with COVID-19. BNP, B type natriuretic peptide; CMR, cardiac
magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiogram; EF, ejection fraction; IL, interleukin; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement.

echocardiography (TTE) can help rule out other causes of et al. were the first to report interstitial mononuclear in-
heart failure such as myocardial infarction and valvular heart flammatory infiltrates in a postmortem biopsy of a COVID-
disease.30 TTE findings can include global left ventricular 19 patient.4 In another histopathologic study involving 3
hypokinesis, regional wall motion abnormalities, and dilated patients, all patients had small amounts of lymphocyte,
and/or hypertrophic ventricles.31 In the case reports of sus- monocyte, and neutrophil infiltration in heart tissue but po-
pected myocarditis in COVID-19 patients (Table 1), all TTEs lymerase chain reaction did not detect COVID-19 in
revealed reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Given the myocardial tissue.41 A case reported by Sala et al. showed
need for close contact to obtain images, the Canadian Society diffuse T-lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrates (CD3þ > 7/
of Echocardiography recommends that among COVID-19- mm2) with interstitial edema, but no COVID-19 genome in
positive or suspected patients, point-of-care ultrasound the myocardium.36Furthermore, Tavazzi et al. showed viral
should be highly considered as an initial screening test.32 particles typical of coronavirus involving interstitial macro-
Subsequently the initial findings would determine whether a phages and their surroundings, but not within the cardiac
definitive TTE is required. myocytes.18 Myocarditis can be an incidental finding in au-
In typical circumstances, before the COVID-19 pandemic, topsy studies of patients who died from a noncardiac cause.
cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is an integral test Therefore, the implication of finding myocardial inflamma-
in the diagnosis of myocarditis, especially if endomyocardial tion should always be interpreted in the context of specific
biopsy (EMB) is not pursued or cannot be obtained.33 CMR clinical scenarios.19 To date, EMB evidence of direct viral
using the Lake Louise criteria has a specificity of up to 91% invasion into myocardium has not been shown in cases of
and a sensitivity of 67% for diagnosing myocarditis.34 CMR is suspected COVID-19 myocarditis, which is limited by a
not indicated in unstable patients who present with severe paucity of published pathologic data.
heart failure, circulatory shock, ventricular arrhythmia, or To summarize, there is no single test or exam that allows
high-grade AV block and an EMB should be obtained.34 If for diagnosis of myocarditis, because the diagnosis requires a
CMR is available and there are no contraindications to testing, combination of clinical findings, biomarkers, imaging, and
CMR can safely be used as a first-line diagnostic tool in the pathology when indicated.
workup of myocarditis associated with COVID-19.35 This is
documented in the current literature, because several authors
have used CMR imaging to fulfil the Lake Louise criteria for How Can Myocarditis Be Treated Among
diagnosing patients with myocarditis associated with COVID- Patients With Severe COVID-19?
19.7,18,36-40 Clinical reasoning should drive the pursuit of There are some randomized controlled trial (RCT) data
definitive investigations when COVID-19 myocarditis is regarding management of myocarditis patients, and guideline
suspected. recommendations are on the basis of expert consensus.42 Pa-
EMB is recommended, but is not required, in certain tients with suspected myocarditis due to COVID-19 should
clinical situations to aid in the diagnosis of myocarditis.24 be treated according to current guideline recommendations
Histologic analysis typically reveals inflammatory infiltrates for heart failure and arrhythmia.21,33,42 Heart failure is com-
with myocyte degeneration and nonischemic necrosis.21 Xu mon (> 20%) in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and it is
Pirzada et al. 283
COVID-19 and Myocarditis

unclear whether this is primarily due to deterioration of pre- support (MCS) and/or consideration of heart trans-
existing left ventricular function, new-onset myocarditis, or a plantation.33 MCS as a bridge to recovery has been successful
combination of factors.26 in fulminant myocarditis.48 Zhang et al. reported the first case
The routine use of steroids and other immunosuppressive of fulminant myocarditis requiring MCS with extracorporeal
strategies in all patients with myocarditis is not recom- membrane oxygenator as a successful bridge to recovery in a
mended.33 The Myocarditis Treatment Trial is the largest COVID-19 patient.45 Heart transplantation would not be an
RCT to study immunosuppression in patients with myocar- option for patients with COVID-19-associated myocarditis
ditis, which randomized 111 patients with EMB-proven because of their active and ongoing infection.33
myocarditis to prednisone with azathioprine, prednisone
with cyclosporine, and placebo.43 There was no statistical
difference in the primary end point of left ventricular ejection Summary and Future Directions
fraction at 28 weeks. Myocardial injury is common in patients with COVID-19,
Systemic steroids and immunosuppression are not accounting for 7%-23% of reported cases in Wuhan,
currently recommended for COVID-19 patients because it China.9,49,50 Among COVID-related myocardial injury, eti-
might exacerbate COVID-19-associated lung injury.44 A ologies vary and are can include myocarditis, myocardial
subset of these patients present with cytokine storm, and infarction, sepsis-related myocardial injury, and/or stress-
emerging data show that immunosuppression might be induced cardiomyopathy.51 Further prospective cohort and
beneficial in these patients.10 There are ongoing clinical trials case series data are needed to better characterize the exact
with options including steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, mechanism of injury in myocarditis related to COVID-19.
selective cytokine blockade (eg, anakinra or tocilizumab), and Because of the low prevalence of disease, this will most
JAK inhibition (ChiCTR2000029765).45 Although the cases likely require multisite collaboration and endeavours.
of COVID-19 patients with myocarditis were treated with Clinically suspected myocarditis is a rare cause of
steroids, it is unclear the incremental benefit these therapies myocardial injury, has heterogeneous clinical presentations,
might have provided over supportive care. There is insufficient and is likely underdiagnosed in critically ill patients with
evidence to recommend systemic immunosuppression for COVID-19. Because of the potential for rapid deterioration
suspected COVID-19 myocarditis at this time. in COVID-19 patients with myocarditis, it is imperative to be
Antiviral therapy has been used previously in patients with aware of myocarditis as a sequela of COVID-19 and a
viral myocarditis. However, RCTs of these therapies have not multidisciplinary team should be formed for all COVID-19
established myocarditis-causing viruses, such as enterovirus or patients with clinically suspected myocarditis. Further
adenovirus, as therapeutic targets.46 For example, the Beta- studies are needed to better recognize and understand the
feron in Chronic Viral Cardiomyopathy (BICC) trial ran- association of myocarditis and COVID-19.
domized patients with EMB-confirmed viral cardiomyopathy
to receive placebo or interferon-B. Viral clearance was not
Funding Sources
enhanced in all virus subtypes. Antiviral therapy is under
The authors have no funding sources to declare.
investigation for the treatment of COVID-19. Lopinavir/ri-
tonavir is a combination antiviral agent, primarily used for
treatment of HIV, which is undergoing clinical trials for Disclosures
COVID-19. One RCT did not show any benefit in mortality The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
compared with placebo, and lopinavir/ritonavir can be asso-
ciated with long QT interval.47 To date, there is no antiviral
therapy that is known to be of benefit to COVID-19 patients.
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myocarditis. 4. Xu Z, Shi L, Wang Y, et al. Pathological findings of COVID-19 asso-
Patients with myocarditis can clinically deteriorate or ciated with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Lancet Respir Med
develop end-organ dysfunction despite standard heart failure
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