TECHUB ICT Strategy Paper 2017-2021
TECHUB ICT Strategy Paper 2017-2021
TECHUB ICT Strategy Paper 2017-2021
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 5
FEATURED PROJECTS......................................................................................................................................... 17
ICT - 02 NOSIAKADEMIA.......................................................................................................................... 20
ICT - 03 WEBLAB...........................................................................................................................................25
The Strategic Plan for Sustainable The PEDS was conceived using a
Development (PEDS, using the Portuguese participatory and inclusive approach
acronym) sets out, in programmatic and with great efforts being made to ensure
operational terms, the vision and objectives the involvement of not only the central
of the Government of Cabo Verde and administration and local governments and
establishes 39 ambitious development other national entities and institutions, but
targets for the period 2017-2021 for the carefully including a range of civil society
sustainable development of Cabo Verde. organisations, the private sector, and Cabo
But the PEDS strategy for the short term Verde’s development partners.
is underpinned by a longer-term vision for
Cabo Verde’s sustainable development for The strategy and objectives of the PEDS
the period 2018-2030 that is aligned with are conceived on the basis of the reality
the 2030 sustainable development agenda of the national and the global context in
and the sustainable development goals as which Cabo Verde is situated and presents
means to build a better future for all Cabo a profound analysis of the country’s
Verdeans. development in 2016.
Government Programme
Vision and Objectives
Situation 2016
Vision 2030
Goals 2030
2017 – 21
in sustainable tourism, strengthening
its link with the country’s productive
value chain through agribusiness 2017-21
and domestic industry and export
promotion, while safeguarding
environmental sustainability; The overall objective of
3. Ensure social inclusion and reduce the PEDS is ‘sustainable
inequalities through improving
education and professional training, development with full
health and social safety nets, youth employment’ that will be
and gender equality; achieved through exploiting
4. Strengthen democracy, justice Cabo Verde’s geo-strategic
and international diplomacy, and
engage the diaspora in the country’s position to create a “Mid-
development. Atlantic Hub Economy”
The PEDS foresees the need to promote
investment in key strategic and
transformative areas such as the maritime OBJECTIVE 1: TRANSFORMING
economy, renewable energy and water and CABO VERDE INTO A
sanitation, which will have a catalytic impact
on the wider economy and particularly
on sectors such as tourism, agriculture,
industry and commerce. The PEDS strategy identifies the
development of 7 priority hubs, or platforms,
Each of these objectives are linked to a set on which the country’s future economic
of country specific outcome indicators with growth will be based:
a baseline value and annual targets up to
TOURISM PLATFORM Inclusive tourism that benefits all islands and takes advantage of
Cabo Verde’s natural environment, history and culture
AIR TRANSPORT HUB For passengers and freight in all countries bordering the Atlantic
MARITIME PLATFORM Supplying and providing services to freighters, cruise ships, and
other vessels
ETHNIC & CULTURAL Promoting investment by the diaspora and ethnic tourism
To achieve this, Government recognises investment environment
that profound reforms and structural
• Introducing new models for
adjustments will be required to make Cabo
financing development and the
Verde more competitive and to reduce
business costs in order to take advantage
of its endogenous resources. These will • Investment in transportation and
include: Infrastructure
• Investing in renewable energy and
1. Placing Cabo Verde in the top rankings
reducing electricity cost
in relation to international indicators
for doing business, good governance The PEDS recognizes the significance
and economic freedom and developmental value of Cabo Verde’s
2. Fundamental reforms in the environmental resources, adopting
development of human capital in four integrated environmental policies to ensure
areas: their sustainable management, enhancing
the value of the environment as an asset and
• Strengthening scientific and key factor in economic competitiveness,
pedagogical capacities whilst recognising the need to maintain a
• Exploiting opportunities for the use balance between meeting current needs
of ICT, video-imaging and distance and the expectations of future generations.
• Adapting curricula to the needs of
the market
• Institutional development
OBJECTIVE 2: PEDS strategies include:
1. Improving the living conditions of
SUSTAINABILITY 2. Promoting social inclusion
The PEDS strategy for promoting economic 3. Developing education of excellence
and environmental sustainability has three 4. Increase access to quality housing
5. Creating decent employment and
1. Consolidating tourism development, strengthening the relevance of
ensure its sustainable and inclusive vocational training
growth; 6. Improve the conditions for youth
2. Promoting domestic production and 7. Increase the national health system
exports particularly in the following and access to social security
8. Promote gender equality
• Fisheries
9. Promote culture and sport
• Agriculture
• Light industry OBJECTIVE 4: STRENGTHEN
• Creative Industries DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE AND
3. Implementing Structural Reforms (to INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY
reduce factor costs) through:
• Reform and modernisation of the The PEDS strategy is to:
public administration
1. Strengthen Democracy;
• Improving the business and
2. Enhance a culture of peace, human PILLAR 3, Sovereignty: programmes that
rights and justice will develop a new state model for the
strengthening of sovereignty, creating
3. Reinforce security
value in democracy and orientation of
4. Strengthen territorial defence diplomacy to the challenges of the country’s
5. Strengthening foreign policy and development.
use diplomatic resources to mobilise
Each pillar is linked to a subset of the
strategic partnerships and the Cabo
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Verdean diaspora
For every programme an objective and
Gender equality, ensuring that that women a budget has been defined, and links to
and girls, as well as men and boys, have the PEDS indicators and the SDGs are
the same opportunities to participate in presented.
and benefit from the development process,
is a fundamental principle of sustainable Fig. 2: The logic of the PEDS Strategy:
development and is integrated as a cross
cutting issue in the PEDS. Through the
execution of the PEDS Government will
ensure measures are taken to address
gender inequalities in different sectors to
promote justice and social inclusion in the PEDS Objectives
country’s sustainable development.
Cabo Verde is a country of regional
asymmetries and inequalities with its insular
nature making universal access to basic
The 35 PEDS programmes are grouped
services challenging, and compromising
into 3 cross-cutting pillars designed to
the creation of economies of scale. Thus,
achieve the objectives set, within the time
the regionalization of the PEDS is a firm
horizon 2017-2021 and contributing to the
Government commitment.
realization of the long-term vision for the
future of Cabo Verde. The situation analysis that underpins the
PEDS incorporated an analysis of the
PILLAR 1, Economic Growth: programmes
different regions of the country, where the
that will promote a new model of economic
specificities of development dynamics and
that will introduce reforms and restructure
challenges were addressed, weighted and
the economic sectors
used in the definition of regional targets
PILLAR 2, Social Development: aimed at exploiting the potential and
programmes that will develop the value of each island and their endogenous
country’s human capital, quality of life and resources to reduce regional asymmetries
combat inequalities and asymmetries. and to ensure that nobody is left behind.
CHARACTERISTICS OF and relevant locally-produced content create
further barriers and are key enablers to mitigate
THE SECTOR inequalities and build a strong digital economy.
The absence of infrastructure for open data,
In the realm of digital government, Cabo a building block of the digital economy and
Verde has made significant progress in the innovation, imposes further constraints. And
use of digital technologies to promote internal difficulties in the development and growth
efficiency, simplify government procedures of ecosystems for digital entrepreneurs exist
and improve public services. This has been due to inadequate public support, regulatory
particularly important in allowing Cabo Verde barriers, and lack of digital and entrepreneurial
to overcome the geographical discontinuity, skills.
remoteness, exclusion, and in offering economic
Cabo Verde as an International players in the sector to contribute to
the development of human resource
services centre for ICT development in ICT;
Cabo Verde foresees the development of a tech • Attract Foreign Direct Investment from
park to serve as hub for services, connectivity mature markets interested in establishing
and certified capacity building that will: ICT based services in a politically, social
and economically stable country in Africa;
• Facilitate private investment in ICT related and
activities and make the ICT sector a • Leverage other strategic clusters such
generator of export revenue as maritime and air transport, finance
• Promote mobile services and solutions for and tourism by promoting efficiency
different business areas (e-governance, improvements in these sectors.
financial sector and e-education); Access to open, affordable and secure
• Foster technological innovation and an broadband connectivity and digital
entrepreneurial eco-system; infrastructure including the necessary
regulatory framework
• Accomplish partnerships with reference
Increasing the global connectivity of Cabo with the establishment of the Amilcar Cabral
Verde by adding additional fiber optic cables submarine cable link to the Ecowas sub-region.
providing internet services. This will supplement
the current links by Atlantis II and WACS cables, This will allow a robust response to the growing
the former being near the end of its life, through demand for broadband with low latency in Cabo
the new EllaLink connection in Cabo Verde Verde and in the sub-region.
(on route from South America to Europe) and
Digital literacy and digital skills digital economy market needs;
• Digital user skills – allowing the public to
The reform of the education and training systems properly use digital technologies;
and the introduction of digital skills at secondary
• Digital complementary skills – spreading a
education level is particularly important for
ensuring a digital literacy that corresponds to digital mindset in the public administration.
the needs of the economy, namely:
• Digital professional skills – create capacity The Government will seek Public-Private
at the high-school, vocational training Partnerships in providing support to address
and university level training to support the lack of digital skills in the human workforce.
the intake of digital skills oriented to the
Digital solutions can significantly contribute to a Enabling open government data portals
more transparent and rules-based business and will provide another pillar in supporting
entrepreneurship, making government open for innovation and the development of new
data make available and accessible and services and products by the private sector.
fostering its reuse by both the public and
private sectors and creating opportunities
REASONS TO INVEST • Cabo Verde Human Development
Indicators 2018: Index - 0.654 – Ranking
• New high-speed links to the international
internet submarine cable EllaLink by 2020; • Expected GDP growth of 4.5 - 5.5%;
• Political, economic and social stability • Tax benefits for investments in the ICT
prevail in Cabo Verde. sector;
• Most Free Country in Africa - Freedom • 48.2 % of the population using the internet;
House index. • 62% of the households have access to the
• 2nd most democratic country in Africa - internet;
Democracy index • Link the sub-region with the Amilcar
• 3rd place transparency ranking in Africa - Cabral submarine cable;
Corruption perceptions index 2017- 2018
China E-government project phase 2 13.1M
Antonio Fernandes,
Santiago, Cabo Verde, Tel: +238 516 59 24 / 333 62 67,
[email protected]
Cabo Verde has substantially improved its
connectivity and use of ICT over the past decade,
Type of Public Private Partnership leading to relatively high levels of broadband
Opportunity: adoption, extent of use by the government, and
availability of local online services. The country
Resources € 80M has benefitted from its geographic location and
Required: is already served by two cables. Cabo Verde
ranks 4th among African countries along the ICT
Promoter: NOSI (Operational Nucleus Development Index (IDI). However, Bandwidth
for the Information Society) per Internet user is relatively low at 17,000 bits
per second, and one of its two cables is currently
Seeking: International Development at full capacity. The EllaLink cable from Brazil to
Partners Portugal (scheduled to enter service by the end
of 2019), is planned to connect to Cabo Verde.
Location: All Islands
MACH is a network of submarine fibre optics
Status: Programme designed and cables running though Cabo Verde territorial
budgeted waters which will upgrade internet and telcom
services for Cabo Verde with inter-island
Duration: 3 years, 2019 - 2021 submarine cables, and the launch of new
Beneficiaries: 7M directly, up to 300M submarine fibre optical cables to neighbouring
capitals (Nouakchott, Dakar, Bissau, Conacry,
indirectly in the ECOWAS Freetown, Monrovia)
For More António Fernandes, CEO
Information: NOSI, Santiago, Cabo Verde,
Tel:+238 516 59 24/ 333 62 67
E-mail: antonio.j.fernandes@
Nosi Website:
Investment will result in: • Support Cabo Verde’s Digital strategy -
the TECHUB - in its various components
• IIncreased international broadband • Supplement the current links by Atlantis II
connectivity in the region by adding and WACS cables and the future EllaLink,
additional fibre optic cables providing in its route from South America to Europe,
internet services, matching the growing providing additional redundancy and
demand for broadband with low latency securitization of the current submarine
cables as well as wholesale telco services.
TRANSFORMATIVE HIGH: Given Cabo Verde’s geographical configuration, greater connec-
POTENTIAL tivity will significantly improve business efficiency, the delivery of public
services and open Government
EFFICIENCY AND HIGH: improved connectivity will bring significant efficiency gains
SUSTAINABLE HIGH: national and local SDG orientated programming and monitoring
DEVELOPMENT will underpin inclusive and sustainable development contributing to the
achievement of all of the SDGs
RECIPIENT NEEDS HIGH: Although Cabo Verde has performed well in terms of connectiv-
ity and the use of ICT, further investment is required to create opportu-
nities for transformative change.
The programme is developed in partnership with and / or qualifying young workforce currently
DGEFPEP (General Direcotare for Empolyment) existing in Cabo Verde;
and IEFP, aiming to fill the gaps of ICT The NOSIAkademia programme is designed to
professionals in the market and to stimulate the foster and prepare skills for the ICT market in
potential of professional retraining of qualified the following Internship Areas
TRANSFORMATIVE HIGH: Achieving Cabo Verde’s vision of becoming a digital hub and
POTENTIAL digitising public services will require a critical mass of skilled personnel
in ICT
EFFICIENCY AND HIGH: Growth in the number of local youths with relevant ICT skills will
EFFECTIVENESS have significant efficiency gains
SUSTAINABLE HIGH: Creating a skill base in ICT will support economic growth, job
DEVELOPMENT creation and greater efficiency in the delivery of public services contrib-
uting to SDGs 1, 8, 9, 10 &16
RECIPIENT NEEDS HIGH: Cabo Verde needs to create a critical mass of skills in ICT if the
sector is to become a key pillar in the country’s development strategy.
Government recognises the urgent need to
modernise the public administration for the
Type of Public Private Partnership more effective and efficient delivery of public
Opportunity: services and to underpin Cabo Verde’s the
management of Cabo Verde’s transition to a
Resources € 25M hub-based economy. The strategic use of digital
Required: technologies becomes increasingly relevant to
Promoter: NOSi (Operational Nucleus build strong, effective and efficient institutions
favouring more inclusive forms of governance
for the Information Society) and greater social well-being.
Seeking: International Development
The Governments seeks to design services
Partners, Private Sector centered on user needs. This implies not only
Investors having the correct set of skills to engage with
citizens in order to inform public decision making,
Location: All islands but also to develop a technical infrastructure that
leverages existing e-government advances.
Status: Programme designed and
budgeted A key component in this process is the upgrading
of the use of ICT to promote e-governance and
Duration: 2019 - 2021
the delivery of services on-line as a means of
Beneficiaries: All users of government overcoming the major constraints that result
from Cabo Verde geographic dispersion.
For More António Fernandes, CEO
Information: NOSI, Santiago, Cabo Verde,
Investment will result in:
Tel:+238 516 59 24/ 333 62 67
E-mail: antonio.j.fernandes@ • The upgrade of the architecture of the IGRPWEB Platform to ensure
interoperability, security and ease of
development of WEB and MOBILE
• Training of market actors in the use
of IGRPWEB and dissemination of the
• The upgrading IGRPWEB for all existing
• Construction of an API Store (PDEX) for
the secure provision of the e-GOV data
base to the ICT market players;
TRANSFORMATIVE HIGH: Create a new paradygm in the delivery of public services
EFFICIENCY AND HIGH: Major efficiency gains in the delivery of public services
SUSTAINABLE HIGH: E-governance will increase efficiency in the delivery of public ser-
DEVELOPMENT vices, particularly in remote areas and to poor communities, potentially
contributing to the achievement of all SDGs but particularly 1, 3, 4, 5, 8,
9, 11 &16
RECIPIENT NEEDS HIGH: Cabo Verde’s geography presents significant challenges and
costs to the delivery of public services
Cabo Verde has substantially improved its
connectivity and use of ICT over the past decade,
Type of Public Private Partnership leading to relatively high levels of broadband
Opportunity: adoption, extensive use by the government, and
availability of local online services. The country
Resources € 9.3M has benefitted from its geographic location
Required: and is already served by two submarine cables.
Promoter: NOSi (Operational Nucleus Cabo Verde ranks 4th among African countries
along the ICT Development Index (IDI). However,
for the Information Society) Bandwidth per Internet user is relatively low
Seeking: International Development at 17,000 bits per second, and one of its two
cables is currently at full capacity. The EllaLink
Partners, Private Sector cable from Brazil to Portugal (scheduled to
Investors enter service by the end of 2020), is planned to
connect to Cabo Verde.
Location: All islands
However, advances in technology and in the
Status: Programme designed and
digital world are not accessible to all. Digital
budgeted exclusion exists and contributes to the broader
problem of social exclusion. There is also a gap
Duration: 2019 - 2023
between the needs and expectations of young
Beneficiaries: All users of government people regarding technology, and the content
of the school curricula. Government is seeking
to close this gap by implementing WebLab in all
For More António Fernandes, CEO secondary schools in partnership with leading
Information: NOSI, Santiago, Cabo Verde, technology companies.
Tel:+238 516 59 24/ 333 62 67
WebLab is an initiative that will contribute to the
E-mail: antonio.j.fernandes@ reduction of digital exclusion, providing access to equipment, connectivity, knowledge and use
Nosi Website: of technologies. Furthermore, it will teach young
people and train them in the construction and
development of ICTs.
through the use of e-government solutions
By introducing IT learning in build with IGRPWeb;
• The Strategic Plan for Sustainable
Development (the PEDS) envisages Cabo
Verde becoming a logistics/services hub-
centered economy in which development
of the digital and nanotechnological
economy (Digital Platform and Innovation)
will be an important component
TRANSFORMATIVE HIGH: will transform the delivery of public services
EFFICIENCY AND HIGH: Major efficiency gains in the delivery of public services
SUSTAINABLE HIGH: E-governance will increase efficiency in the delivery of public ser-
DEVELOPMENT vices, particularly in remote areas and to poor communities, potentially
contributing to the achievement of all SDGs but particularly 1, 3, 4, 5, 8,
9, 11 &16
COUNTRY HIGH: Reform and modernisation of the public administration including
OWNERSHIP the introduction of e-governance across all sectors is a high priority for
the Government
RECIPIENT NEEDS HIGH: Cabo Verde needs to create a critical mass of skills in ICT if the
sector is to become a key pillar in the country’s development strategy.