Articulos Sensorial-2020-2

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Semestre 2020-2

Práctica Artículo
Introducción Sidel J.L.& Stone H. 1993. The role of sensory evaluation in the
food industry. Food Quality and Preference 2:65-73.
Umbral de Gustos y Olores ORIGINS OF FLAVOUR. FS&T VOL 17. ISSUE 1. pp 62-63

Un enfoque psicofísico del sabor.

Livermore, A. & Laing, D.G. 1998. Influence of odor type on the

discrimination and identification of odorants in multicomponent
odor mixture. Physiology &Behavior, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp 311-320.

Larson-Powers, N. y Pangborn, R. 1978. Paired comparison and

time intensity measurements of the sensory properties of
Equidulzura beverages and gelatins containing sucrose or synthetic
sweeteners. Journal of food Science.

Stone, H y Oliver, S. 1969. Measurement of Relative

sweetness of selected sweeteners and sweetener mixtures.
Journal of Food Science 34(2)215-222

Descriptive analysis of the sensory properties of beverages and

Pruebas discriminativas Roessler, E.B.; Pangborn, R.M., Sidel J.L. and Stone H. 1978.
Expanded Statical tables for estimating significance in paired-
preference, paired-difference.Journal of Food Science

Bressan, L.P., Behling, Ronald W. 1977. The selection and

training of judges for discrimination testing. Food Technology,
31(11) 62-67
Pruebas cuantitativas Meilgaard M., Civille G. V., Carr B. T. Sensory evaluation
techniques. Impr. Boca Ratón, Florida: CRC Chapter 5
Measuring Responses (1999).

A note on multiple comparison procedure for analysis of ranked

QDA Murray, J.M.; Delahunty, C.M.; Baxter, I.A. 2001. Descriptive
sensory analysis: past, present and future. Food Research
Pruebas Afectivas Guinard, J.X. 2001.Sensory and consumer testing with
children. Trends in Food Science and Technology

Otra mirada a las pruebas de preferencia

Comparación de la escala hedónica de 9 puntos

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