Cumberland Case Study Solution
Cumberland Case Study Solution
Cumberland Case Study Solution
Group B03
If the reports from Professor McCormack proved the same assumptions in savings of time
can lead value realisation of $7520
Keeping these calculations under consideration, CMI can charge in the range of $3000 to
$4000 per pad if it would want to skim the market initially on account of its cost savings
and then reduce the price later.
Or it can charge somewhere around $1000 to gain a better market share straightaway.
2. How big is the market? What kind of opportunity does it give us?
Ans. According to the Construction Engineering magazine report; there were 13000
hammers owned currently in addition to the range of leased hammers of 6500-13000
which took the estimated total of functioning hammers in the industry to 19500-26000
hammers. The hammers were designed to be used for 30 hours per week and 20 feet per
hour considering the time to change the pads which amounted to 290-390 Mn
feet/annum. Set of curled metal would work for 10000 hours. The market for cushion
pads was quite unorganised when CMI got involved into it. Most of the cushion pads
were unbranded and paid very little attention to. There were no major players in the
cushion pad market; which provided CMI with the unique opportunity to CMI to position
its product and become a potential market leader due to the various advantages over the
current available pads. In order to promote the CMI metal cushion pad; the company on
3 major influencers. Firstly, pile hammer distributing or renting companies as they had a
significant influence over the as they were the suppliers and hence in the direct contact
of the construction company. Second was the promotion in the ‘Piletalk’ seminar headed
by one of the industry suppliers held in various cities hosting designers, contractors and
equipment developers. Thirdly, was through Professor R. Stephen whose work on pile
driving was highly regarded and referred to by big construction firms.