Dealing With The Rejection and Praise of Man
Dealing With The Rejection and Praise of Man
Dealing With The Rejection and Praise of Man
VIII. Chapter 8 – How Daniel handled the Praise of Man – Daniel 6:3
A. Daniel was told twice that he was “Greatly B________________ by God.
1. Daniel 10:11, 19
B. Daniel – the semi retired “Secretary of State” of Babylon, the “has been”
for the former King Nebuchadnezzar’s cabinet, only remembered by two
people - God and Queen Mother…turned down all offers by King
Belshazzar…The “Out to Pasture” menial task government worker
avoided being S_________ by the King’s honors, refused all
R_____________ and prestigious advancements! Thankfully, his
discernment was still very much intact…the King and his court would be
dead by morning.
C. Daniel was safe, because he lived only for the honor of G______ could
D. When God has a man like Daniel, who is not touched by the praise of
men, He is able to A___________________ His purposes in the earth.