GEC 201-Module PDF
GEC 201-Module PDF
GEC 201-Module PDF
Colleen Templa
Thank you!
R. C. B.
L. P.
R. B.
C. M
M. C. C.
G. R.
Global Experiences
Some Description of Globalization
Activ ity 1.1: Share a story
Activ ity 1.2: The Pros and Cons of Globalization
Activ ity 1.3: Select and Reflect
Mastery Test
Population Growth
The Global Village and Cultural Imperialism
Critiques of Cultural Imperialism
Social Media and the Creation of Cyber
Activ ity 6.1: I llustrate I t
Activ ity 6.2: Video I t
Mastery Test
This lesson should concentrate on the different factors of
globalization process, with a strong emphasis on economics and politics.
While it highlights the facts that we observe globalization on an
“everyday” basis, one must always remember that there are vast
organizations that are making huge shifts. This lesson will assess the
various aspects of globalization and offer perspective as to how we see it.
Let’s Elaborate
What is Globalization?
Global Experiences
Perhaps understanding that globalization Filipino’s own identity and way of life
is happening is essential and it does not are starting to fade away. It may or may
affect everybody in the same way. There not be for the greater good; however, it is
are countries with their language, culture still a dying culture. Social media helps
music and even their way of life that the spread of globalization a lot faster
influence others. Technically speaking, since its platforms are not based in the
English as a language can be considered Philippines. Although social media
as the greatest influence Americans have provides no limits on communication,
provided towards globalization. That people should be aware of its positive
being said, the use of English language is and negative impact.
widely observed throughout our country.
Products coming from foreign countries
Similarly, South Korean K-Pop music
such as gadgets and clothing just seem to
and K-Drama are rampant not just in
be more reliant here in the Philippines.
Asian countries but globally.
We are embracing other countries'
You may not be aware but, due to the cultures and ways of life.
impact of social media on our youth,
Let’s Connect
Directions: In 250-300 words, narrate a personal life experience in which you encountered
globalization and discuss your thoughts whether it is a positive or a negative
experience. Write your answer in the space provided below.
____________________________________________________________________________________ ________
________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Activity 1.2 The Pros and Cons of Globalization
Directions: Cite positive and negative scenarios of globalization in each given area and then
decide which scenario affects you most. Below the table decide which of the given
scenarios affects you most.
Activity 3. Select and Reflect
Directions: List at least 5 products that are being used; or scenarios that are happening in your
school and local governments then explain why these products or scenarios fall to
Local Government
Web Link
Suggested Videos:
The Global Economy
Directions: Discover how a pair of Niké Shoes is created. Using the link, complete
At the end of the the data needed on the table below.
lesson, you will be
Name of International
able to: Niké Inc.
• Identify the actors
that facilitate Leading Manufacturer (4)
globalization; Polyester –
• Trace the
development of Rubber –
global market
integration in the Eva Foam –
twentieth century; Raw Materials Producer
and Cotton –
• Articulate your Synthetic Leather –
stance on global
economic Leather –
Write at least three statements about your realization from the creation of a Niké
What is meant by global economy? According to United Nations, global
economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities
that take place between multiple countries. The International International
Monetary Fund (IMF) characterized it by the increasing
integration of economies around the world through the
movement of goods, services, and capital across borders. Finance
Let’s Elaborate
The Global Economy
The Early International Trading System with the establishment of Galleon Trade, that
connected Manila in the Philippines and
The oldest known international trade route
Acapulco in Mexico. This was the first time
was Silk Road(130 BCE – 1453 BCE) –a
that the Americans were directly connected to
network of pathways in the ancient world that
Asian trading routes. This trade was part of
spanned from China to what is now the
the age of mercantilism.
Middle East and to Europe. It was called such
because one of the most profitable products In 1867, a more open trade system emerged,
traded through this network was silk. Gold Standard –a monetary standard which
However, Silk Road was not truly global established
because it had no ocean routes that could common basis for Mercantilism: A system of
reach other continent (Claudio, et al., 2018) currency prices global trade which imposed
and a fixed high tariffs with multiple
The historians Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo
exchange rate restrictions.
Giraldez trace real globalization back to 1571
system –all based
The Global Economy 16
on the value of gold. Thus it compelled economic infusions of capital at times of
countries to back their currencies withh fixed economic slowdown.
gold reserves.
In general, the Bretton Woods system has
five key elements.
Great Depression: An economic
crisis beginning with the stock This system had First element is the expression of currency in
market crash and mass collapsed as a terms of gold or gold value to establish a “par
unemployment which was largely result of World value” (Boughton, 2007). For example, The
caused by the gold standard. War I, Great united states pegged its 35 U.S dollar per
Depression and ounce of gold, is the same as 175 Nicaragua
World War II, cordobas per ounce of gold.Therefore, the
making it impossible to return a pure Gold exchange rate between the two currencies
Standard. was five cordobas for one dollar.
Today, the world economy operates using the Second, the official monetary authority in
Fiat Currency –currencies whose value is each country (a central bank or its equivalent)
determined by their cost relative to other would agree to exchange its own currency for
currencies. those of other countries at the established
exchange rates, plus or minus a one - percent
The Bretton Woods System
margin ” (Boughton, 2007). This made
After the two world wars, world leaders international trade possible at or near the
believed that to achieve a long-lasting global exchange rate for the currencies of the
peace calls to set up a network of global countries involved without the need for any
financial institutions that would promote outside intervention.
economic interdependence and prosperity.
The focus of the planners was on reducing
"Par Value"
trade barriers, on creating condition
necessary for the free flow of money and
investment and financial stability around the Currency exchange
globe.This brought the establishment of the
Bretton Woods system.
The Bretton Woods system embraces the Exchange rate overseer
global Keynesianism –founded by John
Maynard Keynes who believed that economic
crises occur not when a country does not Eliminating trade restriction
have enough money, but when money is not
being spent, and thereby not moving. Thus,
Government should reinvigorate market with
US dollar as global currency
The Global Economy 17
Shortly after Bretton Woods, various countries
also commited themselves to further global
Third, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
economic integration.
was created (Babb, 2007) (was the forerunner
of the World Bank) to establish, stabilize, and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
oversee exchange rates. Forty states became (GATT)established in 1947 – aims to reduce
IMF members in 1946 and were required to tariffs and other hindrances to free trade.
deposit some of their gold reserves with the GATT was a forum for the meeting of
IMF. The IMF was empowered to approve the representatives from 23 member countries. It
par values of currencies and member states conucted mutlinational trade agreement
could not change that value by more than 10 “rounds” of negotiation. In th Uruguay Round
percent. If a currency was destabilized, the (1986-1993), an agreement was reached to
IMF was prepared to lend member states the create the World Trade Organization (WTO).
money needed to stabilize their currency.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Fourth, the member states agreed to headquarters is located in Geneva
eliminate, at least eventually, “ all restrictions Switzerland with 152 member states as of
on the use of its currency for international 2008 (Trachtman, 2007). WTO is an
trade” (Boughton, 2007). independent multilateral organization that
became responsible for trade in services,
Finally, the entire system was based on the
non-tariff-related barriers to trade, and other
US dollar (at the end of WW II the US had
boarder areas of trade liberalization.
about three - fourths of the world’s gold
supply and accounted for over one - fifth of The Organization of Economic
world exports). The US agreed to make the Cooperation and Development (OECD) is
dollar convertible into other currencies or gold the most encompasing club of the richest
at the fixed par value. The dollar became, in countries in the world. It has 35 member
effect, a global currency. states as of 2016, with Latvia as its lastest
member. It is highly influential despite the
The Bretton Woods created two financial
group having little formal power. This
institutions: 1. International Bank for
emanates from the member countries’
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or
resources and economic power.
World Bank) – responsible for funding
postwar reconstruction projects. Its main goal In 1960, the Organization of Petroleum
revolved around the eradication of poverty Exporting Countries (OPEC) was originally
and it funded specific projects that help them comprised of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran
reach their goals 2. International Monetary and Venezuela, which are still major oil
Fund (IMF) – served as a lender or a last exporters today. It was formed because
resort for countries which needed financial member countries wanted to increase the
assistance. To this day, both institutions price of oil, which in the past had relatively
remain key players in economic globalization. low price and had failed in keeping up with
The Global Economy 18
inflation. Today, the United Arab Emirataes, classical liberalism’s commitment to individual
Algeria, Libya, Qatar, Nigeria and Indonnesia liberty with neo-classical economics devoted
are also included as members. to the free market and opposed to state
intervention in that market.
The North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) is a trade pact between the United The neoliberal theory came to be most
States, Mexico and Canada cretaed on associated
January 1, 1994 when Mexico joined the two with the US
and the The term Washington Consensus:
other nations as trading partners. NAFTA
Washington - was coined by, and is associated
helps in developing and expanding world based global with the work of John Williamson
trade by broadening international cooperation. organizations (1990a, 1990b, 1993; Cavanagh
it exerted
Neoliberalism and Its Discontent and Broad, 2007).
great control
The high point of global Keynesianism came over (the IMF
in mid-1940s to early 1970s. during this and the World Bank are prime examples,
Plehwe, 2007). In fact, neo - liberalism
period the government poured money int their (Campbell and Pederson, 2001; Harvey,
economies, allowing people to purchase more 2005) is often referred to as the
goods and, in the process, increase for these “Washington Consensus” (Serra and
goods. As demand increased, so did the Stiglitz, 2008) because of its linkage to the
prices of these good but this increased price political and economic position of the US
was embraced by many economies since this andthe physical location of such organizations
in that nation’s capital.
was also accompanied by general economic
growth and reduced unemployment. The Washington Consensus dominated gobal
economic policies from the 1980s until the
In 1973-1974, the stock markets crashed after early 2000s. Its advocates pushed for minimal
the Unted States stopped linking the dollar to government spending to reduce government
gold, efectively ending the Bretton Woods debt. They also calledfor the privatization of
System. With this, along with the sharp rose government-controlled services like water,
of oil prices results into a phenomenon called power, communications, and transport,
stagflation. believing that the free market can produce the
best results. Finally, they pressured
Around this time, a new form of economic governmtents, particularly in the developing
thinking labeled neoliberalism emerged. The world, to reduce tariffs and open up their
economies, argueing that it is the quickest
term neoliberalism involves, in David
way to progress.
(2005) view, a Despite the initial success of neoliberalism,
Stagflation: a decline in the defects of the Washington Consensus
combination of
economic growth and became immediately palpable.
employment (stagnation)
alongside a sharp increase
in prices (inflation).
The Global Economy 19
Global economic integration is not a new phenomenon. Some communication and trade took place
between distant civilizations even in ancient times. Since the travels of Marco Polo seven centuries
ago, global economic integration—through trade, factor movements, and communication of
economically useful knowledge and technology—has been on a generally rising trend. This process
of globalization in the economic domain has not always proceeded smoothly. Nor has it always
benefited all whom it has affected. But, despite occasional interruptions, such as following the
collapse of the Roman Empire or during the interwar period in this century, the degree of economic
integration among different societies around the world has generally been rising. Indeed, during the
past half century, the pace of economic globalization (including the reversal of the interwar decline)
has been particularly rapid. And, with the exception of human migration, global economic
integration today is greater than it ever has been and is likely to deepen going forward.
Guide Questions
1. How do economic forces facilitate the deepening of globalization?
3. What are the difference and similarities of the original Bretton Woods
System and with those of the Washington Consensus?
Web Link: The Global Economy 22
Activity 3: Tell Me
Directions: From the learning you acquired from your readings on the different international financial
institutions, write an essay on your views/opinions with regard to global economic
integration. Do you think Philippines should or should not participate in such
organizations? Why? Why not?
The Global Economy 23
Learning Pretest
At the end of the Direction: In three to five sentences, write your own understanding about
lesson, you will be
able to:
international organization. Write your sentences on the space provided.
• Interpret
international _________________________________________________________
organization _________________________________________________________
functions and _________________________________________________________
• Demonstrate the
as a government _________________________________________________________
and its existence; _________________________________________________________
• Appreciate the _________________________________________________________
rich history of
An international organization refers to public or intergovernmental
organizations, in contrast to private or non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) such as Amnesty International or the Red Cross. While they
can appear in a variety of forms, international organizations typically
Institutions established by a treaty – sometimes denominated as a
“charter” which serves as the constitution of the organization;
(search TREATY for more comprehension)
or Air Force the members of the League
international organizations created shall severally contribute to the armed
after the First World War. It was forces to be used to protect the covenants
established after the Paris Peace of the League.
Conference of 1919 which was organized
by the victors of the WWI to negotiate b. The League was generally weak
peace treaties between the Allied and because even the military sanctions
Associated Powers and the defeated that may be taken pursuant to the
Central Powers. The covenant establishing second sentence of the Article 16
the League was part of the Treaty of were not considered to be legally
Versailles. The League of Nations formally binding obligations.
came into existence on January 10, 1920 c. Difficulty of the council in enacting
with Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. resolutions because of the required
Its organizations included the council, the unanimous vote of all its members,
Assembly and the Secretariat. Autonomous so conclusive and effective action
but closely connected to the League of was difficult, if not imposable.
Nations were the Permanent Court of The League was officially dissolved
International Justice (ICJ) and International itself at a meeting of its Assembly in 1946.
Labor Organization (ILO). Its services, mandates, and property were
transferred to the United Nations. “THE
LEAGUE IS DEAD, long live the United
Nations!” this was the famous comment of
The Contemporary World 26
Lord Robert Cecil, one of the Architects of security; 2) to develop friendly relations
the League of Nations on the dissolutions among nations, 3) to cooperate in solving
of the League. international problem and in promoting
respect for Human Rights; 4) to be a center
THE UNITED NATIONS for harmonizing the actions of nations.
In the event of conflict between the
obligations of the members of the United
Nations under the Charter and their
obligations under any other international
agreement, their obligations under the
Charter shall prevail (UN Charter, Art.
103). This is known as the PRINCIPLE OF
SUPREMACY, which places the United
Guide Question: Nations Charter at the apex in the
hierarchy of international law norms,
WHAT IS THE UNITED giving it a status on the international plane
NATIONS roughly comparable to that of a national
ORGANIZATIONS? constitution in national law.
An amendments to the Charter shall
come into force when they have been
adopted by a vote of two third of the
members of the General Assembly and
ratified in accordance with their respective
constitutional processes by two third of the
members of the United Nations, including
all the permanent members of the Security
he United Nations is a public Council.
The Contemporary World 30
Activity 3.2 Elucidate It
Directions: Write in 350 words, elucidate the essence of the existence of the United Nations and its
purposes. Make sure to reflect the basic parts of an essay: Introduction, Body and
Conclusion. Use the space provided below.
Title of your essay
The Contemporary World 32
Reflection Sheet
Directions: In 30-50 words, write a reflection expressing your personal insights on ---
significant key points by writing your personal insights in 30-50 words for each number.
Title of your essay
Directions: Portray how you are influenced (manner of dressing, getting-up, motion and
others by other nationality or culture by posting your personal 5x3 picture. Then explain the
picture in 2-3 sentences.
The Contemporary World 42
Mastery Test
Matching Type
Directions: Match the definition in column A with the word being defined in column B. Write the letter
of your choice in the space provided.
Multiple Choice
1. _____ How do media, globalization, and ICT interact in the creation of a global village?
a. Through interconnectedness and global awareness.
b. Via broadcasting global vents in the social media.
c. By using advance technology at home and work.
2. _____ What scenario that shows the impact of media in the daily lives of humanity?
aA women’s organization fighting for their rights.
b. A young person imitating manner of motion and grooming of a K-pop star.
c. Atechnomania who is always into latest models
3. _____ Which among the pictures clearly portray the evidence of global village?
a. b. c.
Learning Pretest
Direction: Choose one of the many cities of the world and give brief description
At the end of the according to the following indicators. Use the table below. Remember to write your
lesson, you will source at the bottom of the table.
be able to:
Name of the City: :________________________________
• Design a
graphical Indicator Description
illustration on
the attributes of
a global city; and 1. Business Activity
• Create and
design a chosen
city that serves 2. Human Capital
as an engine of
3. Information Exchange
4. Cultural Activities
5. Political Engagement
If you had the chance, would you move to New York, Tokyo? How about Sydney?
Chances are many would like to move to these major cities. And if not, you would
probably like to visit them anyway. Some of you might have already traveled to these
cities as tourists or temporary residents. You may have relatives living there who have
described buzzing metropolises, with forests of skyscrapers and train lines that zigzag
on top of each other (Claudio, L. E., & Patricio, A. N. (2018). The Contemporary
World (2018 ed.). Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing).
Time to Connect
Direction: Make slide presentation using power point, illustrating the key point attributes of a global
city. The presentation should not exceed 10 slides. Paste the slides on this sheet or send
it via email.
Direction: Choose three global cities which are considered as the engine of globalization. Exhibit
each city according to: A. Business Activity; B. Human Capital; Information Exchange; D.
Cultural Activities; and E. Political Engagement. Then, present them by doing a video
presentation not exceeding 5-minutes. Include musical background appropriate to your
presentation. Finally, published the video in the Facebook Group page.
Mastery Test
Multiple Choice
Global relating to the whole world; worldwide, demography is the statistical study of
populations, especially human beings. Demography encompasses the study of the size,
structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial or temporal changes in them in
response to birth, migration, aging and death. This lesson focuses on the interconnections
among population growth and its component. It also talks about the effect of the world’s
population and the other effect like depletion of natural resources, negative effects on
environment and many others.
The Contemporary World 53
Let’s Elaborate population growth was 1.4% (or 14 per
1000). For every 1,000 people in the
world, 14 more are being added per year.
(3G E-Learning, 2018).
The World in Data This lengthy discussion brings back ideas
of British Scholar Thomas Malthus who
warned in his 1978 “An Essay on the
Principle of Population” that population
growth will inevitably exhaust world food
supply by the middle of the 19th century.
Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne, wrote
“The Population Bomb, which argued that
overpopulation in the 1970s and the 1980s
will bring about global environmental
disasters that would in turn, lead to food
shortage and mass starvation (Claudio &
Dream Abinales, 2018).
The amount of products and services
are certain in number. When the
population increases, more demand would be present then supply. Hence, the prices
of products and services would increase.
As many people use vehicles, the air
pollution has increased. Also, many 5.Conflicts and wars
industries let out harmful chemicals in air
and water which pollutes the environment.
Rise in carbon dioxide and methane levels
emitted from cars, cement production etc.
lead to increase in overall temperature of
earth’s atmosphere. This in turn leads to
melting of ice caps and rise in sea level.
This phenomenon is known as global
3. Rise in unemployment Overpopulation will put pressure on
government to use more resources
available. There have been conflicts over
water to meet need of water among
Activity 5.1
Direction: Write 200-250 word expository essay about your thoughts on the three biggest impact of
population growth in the modern era. Write on the space provided
The Contemporary World 59
Activity 5.2 Illustrate It
Direction: Illustrate the concepts of the components of population growth by using a graphic
presentation. Use the space provided.
Mother (using
Father her maiden
Direction: Identify the correct answer. Write your answer in the blank provided each number.
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it’s a false statement. Place your answer in
the blank provided each number.
__________1. Historically, the most dangerous mortality ages where infancy and old age.
__________2. As many people use vehicles, the air pollution has increased.
__________3. If there are many deaths, the world population will grow faster or can even
__________4. When the population increases, less demand would be present than supply.
__________5. Today’s global population has reached 7.4 billion.
Direction: View the pre-recorded video of a Filipino immigrant. Listen to how s/he
migrated and worked; length of stay; number of relatives that are reliant to the
At the end of the migrant. Also, look at the architecture of homes abroad, the way of dressing,
lesson, you will vehicles, etc. After viewing, give your brief impressions in 3-5 sentences. Use the
space provided below.
be able to:
• describe the __________________________________________________________________
different reasons __________________________________________________________________
for migration;
• .expound why
states control
migration; and __________________________________________________________________
• .explain the
impact of global __________________________________________________________________
migration in __________________________________________________________________
terms of
This lesson will discuss on the effects of global migration both the sending
and receiving countries. Current migration flows have placed the issue of
migration high on the international agenda. Although, there is nothing
moral or immoral about moving from one country to another and should
not considered as a problem. Instead for looking at the negative side of it,
treat it as a complex social phenomenon The thatContemporary
exists even World
before 63
contemporary globalization.
Let’s Elaborate least six months in a year).
3. Illegal Migrants – workers
Global Migration probably does not harm the
economy of the receiving countries
but denied the protection of the law
and defenseless.
4. Petitioned Migrants – whose
families petitioned them to move to
the destination country.
5. Refugees – they are also known as
asylum-seekers. Unwilling to return
to their country because of fear of
oppression on account of race,
religion, nationality or political
What is Migration? opinion.
According to the report of
There are two types of migration:
International Organization for Migration
internal migration and international
(IOM), an estimated of 272 million of
migration. Internal migration refers to
migrants globally as of 2019 (3.5% of the
people moving from one place to another
world’s population), an increase of 51
within a country. International migration
million since 2010. The top three countries
refers to people moving from the resident
of migrants living abroad are India (17.5
country to another country.
million), Mexico (11.8 million) and China
As shown in Figure 7.1., international (10.7 million). The top destination country
migration has five classification: remained the United States of America
with an estimated international migrants of
1. Immigrants – those who moved
permanently to another country. 50.7 million.
2. OFW – workers who stay in another
country for a fixed period of time (at
Petitioned Migrants
Illegal Migrants
Immigrants The Contemporary World 64
Figure 7.1 Classifications of Immigrant
As of 2018, global refugee
population reached to 25.9 million. There
Table 2. Top 10 Countries Receiving
were 20.4 million refugee population under Remittances, 2018 (current USD billions)
the supervision of United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Top Countries 2018
5.5 million of them under the United India 78.61 billion
Nations Relief and Works Agency for China 67.41 billion
Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the near Mexico 35.66 billion
East. Among all the global refugees, 52% Philippines 33.83 billion
was under 18 years old. Egypt 28.92 billion
France 26.43 billion
50% of global migrants moved to Nigeria 24.31 billion
the developing countries of the world and Pakistan 21.01 billion
contribute from 40 to 80 percent of their Germany 17.36 billion
labor force. Migrants have contributions to Vietnam 15.93 billion
sociocultural, civic-political and
economics in origin and destination
countries and as an agents of change in a The arrival of migrants has led to an
range of sectors. Once settled, they argument whether they are assets or
contribute extremely to raising the liabilities to national development. Groups
productivity of their host countries. who are not in favor of migrants argued
that government should control legal
immigration and put an end to illegal entry
Table 1. Top 10 Countries Receiving of foreigners. Many of these anti-
Sending Remittances, 2017 (USD billions) immigrant groups are influencing the
political leaders on their beliefs and
Top Countries 2017
reversing the existing pro-immigration and
United States of 67.96 billion
refugee-sympathetic policies of their
states. Few years back, President Donald
United Arab Emirates 44.37 billion
Trump attempted to issue a ban travel to
Saudi Arabia 36.12 billion
people from majority – Muslim countries,
Switzerland 26.60 billion
even those who have completed their
Germany 22.09 billion
Russian Federation 20.61 billion
China 16.18 billion These government actions has been
Kuwait 13.76 billion consistently contradict the data. The 2013
France 13.50 billion report on government welfare spending by
Republic of Korea 12.89 billion Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) shows that
1. What are the contributions of the migrants in your communities? Does it give impact to your
2. How those relatives cope when immigrants returned or visit their hometown?
3. Are there any changes among the immigrants when they return or visit home?
_____________1. What is the third largest criminal activity worldwide according to the United
_____________2. This refers to people moving from one place to another within a country.
_____________3. What do you call those people who moved permanently to another country?
_____________4. This refers to people moving from the resident country to another country?
_____________5. It refers on getting the qualified and skilled people in one country to another due
• describe the and the voices of a number of Disney characters singing voices.
concept of _____________2. Lydia de Veyga was considered as Asia’s fastest woman in the
global 1980s.
_____________3. Arnel Pineda is the lead singer of the American rock band
_____________4. Onyok Velasco is regarded as one of the greatest professional
boxers of all time winning eight division world championship in the history of boxing.
_____________5. Pia Wurtzbach is the first Filipina to win the title of Miss World.
_____________6. Gloria Diaz is the first Filipina to win the Miss Universe title.
_____________7. Maureen Wroblewitz is the first Filipina to win Asia’s Next Top
_____________8. Jaclyn Jose is the first Filipina to win the Best Actress Award at
the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.
_____________9. Drew Arellano was the First Filipino to climb the Seven Summits
(mountains in the world).
The Contemporary
_____________10. Efren Reyes is a world renowned World pool
Filipino professional 71
player, the first player to win world championships in two different pool disciplines.
Let’s Elaborate
In today’s era, every people’s over $51 billion into the country’s
lives are already tied and affected by national coffers.
globalization and its processes.
Filipino’s are clearly no exemption and
continuously rose from time to time as
Filipinos can be very good in adopting
changes. In the aspects of the Philippine
economy, it depends largely on incomes
from jobs with global connections. The
first is migrant labor.
In 2015, the Department of Labor
and Employment reported that the The third source of the national is
number of Filipinos leaving the country comprised of exports. The Philippine
to work overseas rose to 4,018 in 2010 exports machinery, semiconductors,
to 6,092 in 2015, a 51 percent increase wood, cars, export crops and fruits,
in the span of five minerals (gold and copper), ships, and
years.1 vehicles to other Asian
Rappler published a report countries, Europe, and
In 2016, there that OFWs sent back North America. According
were 2.4 million $25.8 billion in 2015, to Workman, D. 2017 in
Filipinos leaving roughly 8.5 percent of the 2016, these exports earned
and/or working country’s gross domestic $56.3 billion. The fourth
outside of the product. largest source of income in
country according to the country is tourism,
the Philippine Statistical Authority. An which reached about $6.05 billion by
article by Rappler published a report the end of 2016 according to World
that OFWs sent back $25.8 billion in Bank. Added to the $51 billion from
2015, roughly 8.5 percent of the OFW and BPO earnings, the total
country’s gross domestic product. The revenue of $113.35 billion makes the
second is business process outsourcing Philippines the 36th largest economy in
(BPO) that the Philippine provides for the world.
foreign clients. According to Agcaoili,
L. 2017 in 2015, BPO operations Out from all these export
yielded $24 billion. Combined, these products, rice is the only left. The
two economic activities have plowed Philippines is the 8th largest rice
The Contemporary World 72
producer in the world. But, the country These consist of the informal economy
is also one of the biggest importers of of the country which still survives
rice as basic staple. because of its regional and global
connections. Drugs, guns, illegal
Historically, there has never been
immigrants, and drugs flowed between
a time in the long life of the Philippines
the south of the Philippines, linked to
that existed in isolation from the Asian
Borneo, Sabah, Singapore, and southern
region as well as the world. History
China. Many powerful countries like
records have shown that communities
the colonial powers and the postwar
in the archipelago were engaged in
republics wanted to end these illegal
extensive and lucrative trade with other
activities of these network but failed
neighboring countries in most of
Southeast Asian countries,
China, and other countries in
Asia in the pre-colonial era.
The country became a
colony of two empires, Spain
and the Americans, as the
same with neighboring
countries. Japan had also
extended its new found
power at that time and
extended their reach in Asia.
When the Philippines
become independent, the country sided and continue to persist today.
with the United States during the Cold
In that sense, the global
War against the USSR or the Union of
connections of the Filipino cannot be
Soviet Socialist Republic.
easily deterred. Despite the warnings of
In the 1960s, when the United the nationalist Filipinos on the effects
States intervened in the Vietnam War, of the influence of the foreign culture
the Philippines helped formed the anti- especially the Western culture, the
communist regional body, the Southeast Filipinos continue to hold the West in
Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), high regard without realizing the
created by the American hegemon to corrupting influence of the West.
“contain” the alleged spread of English is the other official language of
communism in the region. Even the the country aside from Filipino, by
underground trades agreements which, English is largely spoken lingua
between countries are still rampant. franca in the country. The American
From left:
2. When you hear the word “Overseas Filipinos”, what comes in your mind? Cite examples
to support your answer.
3. What do you mean by Filipino community? How relevant this community is outside the
5. What could be the impact to the country having many Filipinos outside the Philippines?
Is it advantageous or disadvantageous to the Philippines? Why or Why not?
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Lanilyn Pepito
Mercybelle Capitanea
Geraldine E. Rivera