Interventions For Children With Dyslexia A Review On Current Intervention Methods
Interventions For Children With Dyslexia A Review On Current Intervention Methods
Interventions For Children With Dyslexia A Review On Current Intervention Methods
Nurul Anis Mohd Yuzaidey1, Normah Che Din, PhD2, Mahadir Ahmad, PhD2, Norhayati Ibrahim, PhD2, Rogayah
A. Razak, PhD3, Dzalani Harun, PhD4
Biomedical Science Programme, School of Diagnostic and Applied Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2Health Psychology Programme, School of Healthcare Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 3Speech Sciences Programme, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 4Occupational Therapy Programme, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Science,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Introduction: Dyslexia is a neurobiological impairment that
difficulties with precise and articulate word identification
during the time frame of six years starting from 2000 until
working memory and processing speed.7
interview with parents or teachers. The diagnostic criteria are
based on the Diagnostic Statistical Manual Fifth Edition
Intervention study, dyslexia, cognitive deficits, review, children (DSM-5). The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for SLD requires that
the child fulfill the following four criteria: a) the child had at
least six symptoms of learning difficulties during the period
of at least 6 months despite the provision of extra help or
Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) with impairment in reading, targeted instruction, b) the child with SLD usually have
or more commonly known as dyslexia, is a type of difficulties in literacy and mathematical skills such as
neurodevelopmental disorder. Individuals with SLD have reading single word, reading comprehension, writing and
This article was accepted: 9 August 2018
Corresponding Author: Normah Che Din
Email: [email protected]
spelling, arithmetic calculation, and mathematical development in intervention for children with dyslexia in
reasoning c) the deficits in keystone academic skills lead to Malaysia and other countries. The search produced about
poor academic achievement and they tended to lag far 300 articles but only 13 articles met the inclusion criteria. The
behind in age and intellectual ability from their peers and d) inclusion criteria were that the articles must be (a) about
the lag in academic achievement are not due to intellectual intervention programmes, (b) with full-text English journal,
disabilities, other mental or neurological disorders, visual or (c) participants must be primary school children with reading
auditory problems or poor or inappropriate academic disorder, (d) experimental study or single-case study was
instruction.13 employed and (e) the articles was published from 2000 to
2016. The exclusion criteria is the presence of comorbidity
such as dyscalculia and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD).
It is obvious that the difficulties due to the disorder have
affected children with dyslexia in many aspects. Thus, it is This narrative overview summarizes the contents of each
vital to have structured intervention plans in place to cater to article. In conducting narrative review, some researchers
their needs. To date, there are limited module or intervention suggested that a proper overview should critically critique
programmes being conducted in Malaysia for children with each study while others disagree.25,26 This type of review does
dyslexia. In fact, there is currently no standardised module not describe the methodological approach that would permit
for dyslexia class in Malaysian public school. The teachers in reproduction of data nor answer to specific research
schools mainly focus on improving literacy skills such as questions. In contrast, the systematic literature review “is a
reading and writing skills among students with dyslexia but well-planned review to answer specific research questions
less emphasis is placed on cognitive skills training. Since using a systematic and explicit methodology to identify,
teachers tended to use traditional methods in teaching these select and critically evaluate results of the studies included in
children to overcome their difficulties in the classrooms, their the literature review.”27,28 As this is a narrative review paper,
outcomes were found not to be encouraging and were not we do not appoint any experts to evaluate the articles or to
successful in overcoming their difficulties in reading.14 evaluate the intervention designs. Papers were selected as
According to Brownell15 the traditional way of learning is not long as they met the inclusion criteria i.e the articles were full
effective for children with dyslexia because it tended to be texts, were focused on the intervention of phonological skills
stereotypical, teacher-centered and passive. Irwin proposed and cognitive function of children in the primary school age
that teachers emphasize on the multi-sense teaching and group.
learning method.16 In addition, intervention studies to
improve the cognitive functions in children with dyslexia in The literature search was done using the following keywords:
this country is rather limited.14,17,18 Quite a number of intervention study, dyslexia, cognitive deficits, review,
researchers had designed computerized interactive children. We also use combination of keywords such as
multisensory programmes to help students recognize words “developmental dyslexia” AND cogniti* AND “intervention
and reading.19,20,21 However, not much work has been done on strateg*” AND “phonological skills.”
modules to enhance cognitive skills such as attention,
memory, and executive function.
Wagner and Torgesen categorized three linguistics-cognitive The review focused on two main themes: intervention for
functions: phonological awareness, phonological working language skills and intervention for cognitive skills. Many
memory and rapid automized naming which are strongly previous local interventions studies were targeted at
associated with reading and writing abilities.22 At the same improving the reading difficulties rather than the cognitive
time, visual skills, motor coordination and visual motor skills of children with dyslexia. Table I contains a summary
coordination are also vital in the writing process.23 Gomes in of 13 intervention studies from Malaysia and other countries
his study found that children with dyslexia have insufficient that met the inclusion criteria. Three of the studies were done
fine motor skills which affected their calligraphy and letter on Malaysian children, while others were studies from
drawing in the copying task.24 More research is needed to find countries such as China, Germany, Iran, Brazil, Italy and
an effective training module to remediate the cognitive United Kingdom. The studies mainly focused on interventions
functions among children with dyslexia. for cognitive skills1,29 but there are a few studies which focused
on linguistic aspects such as phonological awareness skills,30
The aim of this paper is to review the interventions available morphological skills,31 word mastery and identification,21
for children with dyslexia in Malaysia and elsewhere in order reading comprehension and writing skills.14,32
to identify common techniques used to intervene cognitive
functions, and to identify the more frequent cognitive Most research used experimental designs in their studies
functions domains that were frequently used in intervention although some of them did not mention the type of study
studies. design that they used. There was only one study by Lee32 who
recruited Annie, a 9-year old girl as a subject for a single case
between 8 to 15 years old. Some of the authors stated grades finally the Davis Reading Exercises to help her in word
and years of schooling of the participants.31, 34 recognition.
In terms of group’s sample size, there is one study which used Nourbaksh et al. conducted a study to examine the effects of
a single-case method.32 Most of the researchers recruited cognitive (cognitive skills training) and developmental
between 5 to 62 participants in their studies. Arnbak and intervention (sensory-perceptual skills training) on the
Elbro31 stated that the smaller the group, the larger were the performance and reading ability of children with dyslexia in
gains. The researchers believed that smaller groups sizes Tehran, Iran.1 There were 60 third grade students who were
would enhance the intervention result. They stated that divided into three groups including 20 students as the first
subjects were working more intensively with the experimental group (E1), 20 students as the second
morphological awareness training programme, resulting in experimental group (E2), and 20 students as the control
better morphological analysis skills. Since the morphological group (C). Both E1 and E2 groups were given 16-session
awareness training was primarily oral, it may have been intervention and their abilities were measured using Reading
difficult for the experimental students in the bigger groups to and Dyslexic test (RTD), Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
focus on the oral training, especially when training dealt (BVMGT) and Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF).
with less comprehensible, abstract mor-pheme units. Besides, The findings revealed that RDT, BVMGT, and ROCF
remedial teaching of this kind is more gainful for students performance were significantly improved after intervention.
with dyslexia in small groups because the teachers could give The cognitive interventions did not increase the performance
maximum support.31 Since all of the studies generated are of the students compared to the control group. This study
intervention-based studies, the reason above is applicable combined both intervention for reading and cognitive skills,
and could be the cause of smaller size groups other than strict however, there were no clear description of the activities that
inclusive criteria. were carried out each week. The study also did not include
activities to improve executive functions.
There were a few studies that applied multimedia training in
their intervention program. Luo et al.29 and Kast et al.34 Luo et al. focused on working-memory training, including
utilised computer-assisted training while Franceschini et al.35 training in visuospatial memory, verbal memory, and central
used video games in their remedial intervention. Qian and Bi executive tasks among 30 children with dyslexia aged 8-11
adopted Magnocellular deficit theory in their treatment years in China.29 They were trained for forty minutes per day,
plan.36 There were also a few studies that used multisensory for five weeks. The findings showed that the working-memory
teaching in their studies.1,14,21,33,34 training has improved visuospatial, verbal domains and
central executive tasks in children with developmental
Some participants went through standard diagnostic dyslexia. The visual rhyming task and reading fluency task
procedures using International Statistical Classification of were also significantly enhanced after the training. Although
Diseases and Related Health Problems (Tenth Revision, ICD- the researchers of this study have selected working memory to
100)28 and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). be treated in this study, the visual rhyming task and reading
Some researchers used standard psychological tests, such as fluency task were also improved by the training. The author
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (BVMGT) and Rey Osterrieth suggested that working memory can help the children to
Complex Figure Test (ROCF)1, 21 to screen their participants become more proficient in reading. However, the study did
while some researchers used their own local version of not include other cognitive or phonological skills.
screening test.30,34
Capellini et al. conducted a research to verify the efficacy of
The majority of the studies targeted language or literacy a perceptual and visual-motor skill intervention programme
components such as writing skills, reading skills, word and for students with dyslexia.37 The participants, aged from 8 to
alphabet mastery as the outcome of the study.14,21,30,31,33,34 Many 11 years old, were distributed into two groups. The first group
researchers in other countries carried out intervention or consisted of 10 students diagnosed with developmental
training based on specific impaired cognitive function1,29,35,36,37 dyslexia while the second group comprised of 10 students
such as visual-motor intervention and working memory with good academic performance. The reason for selecting
training. In other words, they have chosen a specific difficulty this control group of students was that they were students
to be treated in their intervention. This type of treatment are without learning disabilities but may have poor quality of
more focused and easier to analyse. For example, handwriting. The perceptual and visual motor intervention
Franceschini et al. targeted attentional skill as a function to was applied to both groups. The result showed group 1
be improved using action video games.35 increased the average of correct answer in Test of Visual-
Perceptual Skills (TVPS-3) and improved quality of
Several studies have investigated the efficacy of intervention handwriting. The comparison of group I and group II was not
strategies using combination of language and cognitive appropriate as group II have discrepancies in academic
functions.32,38 For example, a single case study by Lee used the performance.
Davis Model to intervene perceptual problems and word
recognition in a Malaysian child with dyslexia.32 The Davis Franceschini et al. conducted a research on action video
Model consists of three main components. The first is the games on two matched group of children with dyslexia.35 The
Davis Orientation Counselling procedure to correct her visual subjects underwent action or non-action video games for nine
perceptual problem, while the second is the Davis Symbol sessions of 80 minutes per day. The reading, phonological,
Mastery procedure to help her with problems of reversals and and attentional skills in both groups were tested before and
after they played the video games. The findings suggested after intervention, while non-trained dyslexics did not show
that playing games could improve their reading speed and inprovement.
also attention skill. However, the method of study was not
described adequately. Majzub et al. also applied a multisensory programme on
students with dyslexia and observed its effectiveness on the
Faramarzi et al. did a study on the effect of phonological identification and mastery skills of the alphabet.21 The
educational intervention on the reading performance of subjects were 8 and 9 years old primary school children who
students with developmental dyslexia.30 The aim of the study in attending remedial education classes from 12 schools in
was to observe the effectiveness of phonological educational the District of Hilir Perak. The quasi experimental design was
intervention on the reading performance of students with used in this study. The overall results showed that there were
developmental dyslexia. Sixteen third grade female students significant differences for alphabet identification and
with dyslexia were randomly assigned to one experimental alphabet mastery after the implementation of the
and one control groups respectively. The experimental group programme.
showed a significant improvement in reading performance
compared to the control groups. The limitations of this study Subramaniam, Mallan and Che Mat did a study on multi-
were that only female participants took part in the study and senses explication activities in words mastery among five
also the method focused on the auditory recognition, motor, children with dyslexia aged 8 and 9 years old in a primary
tactile senses abilities without other cognitive skills such as school in Malacca.14 The sample size used was too small to
executive functions or memory being tested. generalize the results. The study aimed to apply the multi-
senses explication activities and language game in the words
A study by Ho et al.33 aimed to compare the effectiveness of mastery of the subjects. The data collected employed survey
multisensory and traditional approach in teaching students via using questionnaires, interview sessions and observation
with dyslexia. The participants were 36 Chinese children with method. The findings revealed that the multi-senses
dyslexia of grade 3 to grade 5. The result revealed that the explication activities could provide the learning mode on the
multisensory training group showed greater improvement in mastery of words among the subjects. The activities also
reading, writing and understanding trained and non-trained managed to create a fun learning experience for the students
materials compared to the traditional group. The duration of and managed to capture their attention in learning the
the intervention i.e 5 weeks was quite short and this might Malay language subject.
have affected the outcomes.
Arnbak and Elbro conducted a research on the effects of
A research on computer-based multisensory learning among morphological awareness training on the reading and
children with developmental dyslexia was conducted by Kast spelling skills among young dyslexics.31 The participants were
et al.34 The aim of the study was to examine whether 33 students with dyslexia in grades 4-5. They received 36
establishing a multitude of visuo-auditory associations might lessons of morphological training for about 15 minutes for
help to mitigate errors among the participants. After three each session. The training centered on the semantic aspects
months of training, the participants showed significant of morphemes. The outcome of the study suggested that the
improvement in writing skills. However, this study did not experimental group were able to do better in
include other cognitive skills such as executive functions and reading,comprehension and in spelling morphologically
phonological skills. complex words. The control group, together with
experimental group made similar accomplishments on
Lee carried out a single study on Annie, a nine-year old girl measures of phonological awareness, phoneme
diagnosed with dyslexia.32 The subject was found to have discrimination and picture naming. The results also proposed
major deficit in visual perceptual skill, which affected her that it is possible to develop morphological awareness task
reading and writing skills. The researcher aimed to for children with dyslexia.
investigate whether Davis model was effective to improve her
symptoms of dyslexia. The finding revealed that the Davis Lorusso et al. did a research to examine effects of visual
method has helped Annie to identify and correct her hemisphere-specific stimulation versus reading-focused
problems with reversals, helping her in word recognition and training in children ranging in the ages of 7-15 years old and
also with her visual perceptual problems. However, the diagnosed with dyslexia.38 Test of phoneme awareness and
findings could not be generalized to other children with test of memory and learning were used in the research. The
dyslexia in Malaysia. specific intervention used was Visual-Hemisphere Specific
Stimulation (VHSS). The result of the study suggested
Qian and Bi conducted a Magnocellular-based visual-motor improvement in reading accuracy was greater in VHSS
intervention on Chinese children with developmental memory phonemic skills among the participants.
dyslexia (DD) in order to examine the relationship between
Magnocellular deficit and Chinese DD.37 The intervention
method comprised of coherent motion detection, visual
search, visual tracking and juggling which are related to the To date, there are multiple treatments or intervention
Magnocellular function. The findings revealed that the programmes available to ameliorate dyslexia symptoms in
Magnocellular function and phonological awareness of children.39-41 Snowling reiterated that an understanding of the
training of the dyslexics group have improved their reading aetiology of a disorder is important in the setting up of an
abilities to a normal level as age-matched normal children intervention program.42 He added that aiming for particular
ii Luo et al. Working-memory Wuhan, China. 30 children with Dyslexia checklist for Working Cognitive Working memory
(2013) training improves dyslexia aged 8-11 Chinese children, memory intervention. training improved
developmental recruited in the Stroop task, Visuospatial working memory
dyslexia in Chinese double-blind, corsi span task, working memory in children with
children. paired design study. Wechsler intelligence task, visual developmental
scale (digit span). verbal working dyslexia.
memory task,
central executive
task using
iii Capellini Efficacy of a Marilia, 20 students with Test of Visual Cognitive The result showed
et al. (2014) perceptual and Sao Paulo, developmental visual-perceptual perceptual intervention. the GI group
visual-motor Brazil. dyslexia aged skills (TVPS-3), and motor Exercises that (students with
skill intervention from 8-11 years dysgraphia scale. skill. involve linguistic developmental
program for involved in this stimuli. dyslexia) increased in
students with experimental-design performance, the
dyslexia. study. average of correct
answers in TVPS-3
and improved
quality of
iv Franceschini Action video Lecco, Italy. 20 children with Not stated in Attentional Cognitive Attentional abilities,
et al. (2013) games make dyslexia took part the study. skill. intervention. reading speed has
dyslexic children in the experimentally Training using improved during
read better. design study. action video action video game
games. training.
cont.... pg 316
Interventions for children with dyslexia: A review on current intervention methods
contd from.... pg 315
Table I: Summary of reviewed articles
No Author Title Location of Method Psychological Type of Themes Outcome
the studies tests used functions Type of
Original Article
to be improved intervention
v Faramarzi The effect of phonological Iran. 16 3rd grade female The dyslexia Reading Language The experimental
et al. (2014) educational intervention dyslexic students symptoms form performance. intervention. group showed a
on the reading performance participated in the adapted by Phonological significant
of students with experimentally design Bazrafshan (1997), educational improvement in
developmental dyslexia. study. The 3rd grade intervention. reading
reading test, performance
Rion’s Intelligence compared to control
Test. groups.
vi Ho et al. The effectiveness of Beijing, China. 36 children with Raven’s standard Reading and Language Training Group, as
(2009) multisensory training in dyslexia from Grade progressive matrices, writing Chinese intervention. compared to the
improving reading and 3-5 took part in this word reading, word script Multisensory Traditional Training
writing skills of Chinese experimental-study dictation, Training training using Group, showed
children with dyslexia. design. reading and dictation stimuli like pictures greater
of passage in Chinese. and verbal improvement after
questions. The training in reading,
traditional writing and
training involve understanding of
copying exercises the trained and non-
and reading aloud. trained materials.
vii Kast et al. Computer-based German. 43 children with Salzburger-Lese und Writing skills. Literacy Three-month visual-
(2007) multisensory learning in developmental Rechtschreibtest SLRT intervention. auditory multimedia
children with developmental dyslexia and 37 and Z¨urcher Computer-based training strongly
dyslexia. carefully matched Lesetest ZLT writing training. improved writing
normal reading (local test). skills in children with
children participated developmental
in this dyslexia and
experimental-study non-dyslexic
design. children.
viii Lee (2010) The Davis Model of Malaysia. A 9-year-old girl, Davis Perceptual Visual Combination The Davis strategies
Dyslexia Intervention: Annie participated Ability Assessment. perceptual intervention has helped to correct
Lessons from one child. in this single-case problem, (cognitive and Annie dyslexia
study. reversals literacy). symptoms.
problems and Davis orientation
word counselling
recognition. procedure, Davis
symbol mastery
procedure, and
Davis reading
cont.... pg 317
x Rohaty et al. Effects of a multisensory Perak, 62 students with Dyslexia checklist (ISD) Alphabet Language There were
(2012) programme on dyslexic Malaysia. dyslexia aged 8-9 years developed by the recognition and intervention. significant
students: identification and old took part in this Ministry of Education, alphabet Multisensory differences for
mastery of the alphabet. Quasi-experimental Dyslexic Malay mastering skill. method and alphabet
study. Language Reading Traditional method. identification and
Test and Jordan oral Details of the alphabet mastery
screening test. training were not through using
stated. multisensory
xi Subramaniam, Multi-sense explication Selangor, 5 aged 8-9 years old Not stated in the Word mastery Language The multi-sense
Mallan & activities in word mastery Malaysia. primary school students study intervention. application activities
Che Mat among children with diagnosed with Multisensory could provide the
(2013) dyslexia Dyslexia participated in method using language learning
the study. The study stimuli like clays mode, especially on
design is and sand paper. the mastery of the
not mentioned. Language games suitable words based
involve informal on the mind of
language questions. children with
cont.... pg 318
Interventions for children with dyslexia: A review on current intervention methods
contd from.... pg 317
Table I: Summary of reviewed articles
No Author Title Location of Method Psychological Type of Themes Outcome
the studies tests used functions Type of
Original Article
to be improved intervention
xii Arnbak & The effects of morphological Copenhagen, 33 students with An extensive test Morphological Language Experimental group
Elbro (2000) awareness training on the Denmark. dyslexia in Grade 5-6 battery of 17 awareness and intervention. progressed
reading and spelling skills took part in the different tests such reading and Morphological significantly more
of young dyslexics. experimentally design as Passage spelling awareness training. than the control
study. Comprehension Test performance. group in reading
and Tests of Oral comprehension and
Linguistics Abilities. in spelling of
complex words.
xiii Lorusso et al. Effects of visual Bergamo, Italy. 25 children with Test of phoneme Reading Combination Improvements in
(2006) hemisphere-specific developmental dyslexia awareness and Test performance, intervention. reading accuracy
stimulation versus ranging in age of Memory and spelling abilities, Visual-hemisphere greater in memory
reading-focused training in between 7-15 years old. Learning. phonemic specific stimulation. phonemic skills,
dyslexics children. awareness and based on VHSS
verbal memory. memory.
defective process is helpful in deciding the content and design methods. There are no studies which employed the
of the intervention programme. comprehensive method of combining the intervention of
cognitive functions and linguistics-literacy deficits.
Thomson stated that effective teaching methodologies for Researchers in Malaysia often focused on literacy and
dyslexia must consider the content of teaching and also the linguistic skills only. It is imperative that researchers in
process of teaching.43 For example, the key best features of Malaysia go beyond literacy skills and take into
best practice for content teaching includes: i) explicit training consideration the underlying cognitive functions which
in phonological awareness, ii) strong focus on phonological contribute to the specific reading and writing performance of
decoding and word-level work, iii) supported and children with dyslexia. This comprehensive combined model
independent reading of progressively more difficult texts, and of intervention might bring about better ways of
iv) practice of comprehension strategies while reading texts. management with better outcomes for Malaysian children
Some key points of best practice for teaching process should with dyslexia.
incorporate a few approaches such as phonetic, multisensory,
cumulative and sequel.34
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