The document outlines a rubric for evaluating digital photography projects based on requirements in several categories. It provides descriptions for scoring levels of "Not Yet Successful", "Successful", "Highly Successful", and "Outstanding" for each requirement. The rubric assesses elements such as proper exposure, focus, color/value, creativity, composition, and how well the photograph communicates its intended message. Scores range from 0 points for "Not Yet Successful" to 10 points for an "Outstanding" photograph that fully meets all of the project requirements.
The document outlines a rubric for evaluating digital photography projects based on requirements in several categories. It provides descriptions for scoring levels of "Not Yet Successful", "Successful", "Highly Successful", and "Outstanding" for each requirement. The rubric assesses elements such as proper exposure, focus, color/value, creativity, composition, and how well the photograph communicates its intended message. Scores range from 0 points for "Not Yet Successful" to 10 points for an "Outstanding" photograph that fully meets all of the project requirements.
The document outlines a rubric for evaluating digital photography projects based on requirements in several categories. It provides descriptions for scoring levels of "Not Yet Successful", "Successful", "Highly Successful", and "Outstanding" for each requirement. The rubric assesses elements such as proper exposure, focus, color/value, creativity, composition, and how well the photograph communicates its intended message. Scores range from 0 points for "Not Yet Successful" to 10 points for an "Outstanding" photograph that fully meets all of the project requirements.
The document outlines a rubric for evaluating digital photography projects based on requirements in several categories. It provides descriptions for scoring levels of "Not Yet Successful", "Successful", "Highly Successful", and "Outstanding" for each requirement. The rubric assesses elements such as proper exposure, focus, color/value, creativity, composition, and how well the photograph communicates its intended message. Scores range from 0 points for "Not Yet Successful" to 10 points for an "Outstanding" photograph that fully meets all of the project requirements.
Successful Outstanding Not Met Successful Successful 6 pts 10 pts 0 pts 4 pts 8 pts
Project Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
Requirements s Not Met Successful Successful Image shows Image shows Photograph little choices Image shows obvious choices Goals and does not relfect and thought some clear and thought objectives the intended behind the choices and behind the element, photograph to thought behind photograph to principle, or reflect the the photograph to reflect the technique. intended reflect the intended Assignment element, intended element, element, goals were not principle, or principle, or principle, or met. technique. technique. technique.
Exposure/Cont Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
rast s Not Met Successful Successful Tonal quality is Image is Image is grossly Tonal quality is fair; little Tonal range is excellent with Camera exposure, over exposed or flat; very little contrast in color good overall; good contrast correct f/stop and under exposed contrast in color and neutrals. some parts of the and range of shutter speed, rendering the and neutrals image could use light to dark photoshop/editing image makes the focal more contrast. tones to unidentifiable point blend into enhance the the background. focal point.
Focus Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
s Not Met Successful Successful Fair detail in Excellent detail Clean focus or Subject matter Photograph is image; proper Good detail in in highlights, creative use of is not defined very pixelated use of depth of image; proper shadows & depth-of-field due to complete and/or blurry; field could use of depth of midtones makes lack of focus. image was enhance some field will enhance a good, clear obviously parts of the parts of the image. Initial photographed image. image. photo was incorrectly OR obviously taken Photoshop tools with proper were used camera settings incorrectly. selected.
Color/Value Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
s Not Met Successful Successful Fair range of Excellent range The color/value An obvious color color tones; Good range of of color tones; completely cast or unusual photograph color tones; colors work well distracts from color tone in would benefit photograph might together based the subject some parts of from changes in have benefited on color scheme matter making the image ruins color in one or from a change in theories; no the image the quality or more areas. color in one area distracting ineffective. distracts from but is still OK colors to take the focal point. overall. away from focal If image is point. If image B&W, a full is B&W, a full range of values range of values is not is represented. represented. Creativity Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding s Not Met Successful Successful Fair Image Imagination, Photograph Minimal representation Good demonstrates a expression, does not show a representation of assigned representation of very creative creative approach creative of assigned objectives; assigned approach to the approach to the objectives; lacks some creative objectives. The assignment; assignment. originality and intent and student has student has shows no shows little explored creative expanded on evidence of evidence of solutions to the the basic trying anything trying anything assignment. requirements. It unusual. unusual. is clear that the student explored several choices/solution s to the assignment.
Composition Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
s Not Met Successful Successful Photograph Photograph Photographic Subject is not Photograph demonstrates Photograph demonstrates guidelines, eye well defined. does not little visual demonstrates exceptional movement, space demonstrate interest and some visual visual interest usage, visual interest creativity in interest and and creativity in organization of and creativity in composition, creativity in composition, image composition, balance, camera composition, balance, camera balance, camera angle, and balance, camera angle, and angle, and subject matter. angle, and subject matter. subject matter. subject matter.
Communicativ Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
e Properties s Not Met Successful Successful Work shows Shows obvious No visual impact There is little, if effort with There is adequate evidence of Visual impact, any evidence of moderate sense and successful thinking skills. emotional reaction, successful visual of visual visual Addresses fairly mood, etc. communication communication communication. complex visual with the viewer. Photo engages or conceptual the viewer. ideas. The image effectively communicates with the viewer.
Technical Requirement Not Yet Successful Highly Outstanding
Qualities s Not Met Successful Successful Technique a bit Excellent Inappropriate Poorly executed, weak with little Most technical quality, use of Photoshop: use of editing little regard for sense of aspects are tools, and dodging, burning, techniques quality challenge successful attention to cropping, clean detail presentation, etc.