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In the same article done by the group

of Choudhury, Saha, and Verma (2016), the

earthquake is one in many kinds of the most
Tabobo, George N. dangerous or most destructive natural
calamities that are caused by the movement of
Science, Technology, Engineering, and the plate tectonics in the earth surface. An
Mathematics earthquake can destroy everything, not just a
big building or other structure. Earthquake
Earthquake Risk and Preparedness of
does not affect only human beings but also the
the Constituents of the Informal Settlers way of living of one person.
of Barangay Pembo
According to the United Nations
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR),
Keywords: Earthquake, Informal Settlers, many effects may occur when an earthquake
Risk and Preparedness. hits. Liquefaction, landslides, fire, and tsunami
is the effects that may cause big destruction.
ABSTRACT Most earthquakes are affected at boundaries
where plates congregate, sheer or shift beyond
Earthquake as a movement of plate each other. The massive quantity of seismicity
tectonics on the earth surface, and that is happens in regions where lithospheric plates
caused by the sudden releasing of energy convene.
in the outer layer of the earth that causes
Pacific Ring of Fire is a chain of
some seismic waves. (Choudhury et. al volcanoes and another active system of the
2016). Earthquakes causes a huge world and also the home of most volcanoes
destruction on everything. To congregate and earthquakes. Ring of Fire lies on the edges
all the data needed, the researcher uses of the Pacific Ocean. So the places near the
interview method. The researchers Pacific Ocean is in the Pacific Ring of Fire.
conducted this study to provide the
The Philippine Disaster Risk
perception of the informal settler in Reduction and Management Act of 2020, or
Barangay Pembo regarding Earthquakes. some may know as the Republic Act 10121
Data from interviews with the selected pushed through at the exact date of May 27,
informal settlers shows that informal 2010. The publication of this law then gave
settlers have a knowledge about rise to the phenomenon of the Disaster Risk
earthquakes, it is also pointed the Reduction and Management or "DRRM"
precautionary measures they must take and which is a process involving the use of
that their local government will also take administrative directives, organizations, and
an important role in making their operational skills and capacities to then input
strategical planning and innovative way to
constituents safe.
cope within the said situation for the result of
INTRODUCTION fewer impacts due to hazards and chances of
Choudhury, Saha and Verma (2016)
describes earthquake as a movement of plate National Disaster Response Plan
tectonics on the earth surface, and that is (NDRP) is a plan that gives all the information
caused by the sudden releasing of energy in needed for each sector and networks that have
the outer layer of the earth that causes some a connection when it comes to disaster risk
seismic waves. reduction and management. In addition, the
Philippines’ “multi-hazard” response plan is
more commonly known as The NDRP. As and Preparedness for the informal settlers of
stated within the NDRRM Act of 2010 Barangay Pembo. At this stage, the Earthquake
Emergency management is the ability to Risk and Preparedness as the central
organize and manage resources addressing and phenomenon will be generally defined as
in compliment with all aspects or severity of always related in some disaster focusing on
any given emergency as well as readiness to Earthquake and the knowledge of the students
respond and cope from any given catastrophe. when a disaster specifically Earthquakes
In conclusion, an Earthquake is the
shaking of the ground which releases energy The study will provide the perception of
that creates seismic waves. A lot of the informal settlers regarding Earthquake
researchers and scientists studied about Risk and Preparedness. This
earthquakes, and research shows how much phenomenological study is beneficial to the
devastating an earthquake is. The Philippines informal settlers since it contains information
lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, home of that will help broaden the knowledge of the
several plate boundaries and a site of Seismic student about earthquakes. It will also help the
activities, Earthquakes and Volcanic informal settlers to improve their preparedness
Eruptions. Countless earthquakes have when the grounds shake.
occurred in the country, minor and major The study will provide the perception of
magnitude. Casualties and Damage to the informal settler in Barangay Pembo
properties may occur if people would not be regarding Earthquakes. It aims to determine
prepared for an Earthquake. Informing people the knowledge and preparedness of the
about Earthquakes would raise their awareness students about the Earthquake.This study will
regarding the proper preparedness to the also talk about the perception of the informal
occurrence of Earthquakes. If people are settlers when it comes to earthquake. The
knowledgeable about Earthquakes, then researcher will not tackle the countries or
casualties and damages would be lessened. places here in the Philippines that always
Previous disasters must be a lesson to experiencing earthquake. It will not also talk
everyone. With proper knowledge and about the difference between magnitude and
preparation, safety will be acquired in events intensity.
like Earthquake.
The researcher will interview a minimum
Since the Philippines lies along the of ten (10) informal settlers that will serve as
Pacific Ring of Fire, which causes the country the respondents of the study.
to have frequent seismic and volcanic activity.
This research aims to discuss and present the METHODOLOGY
Earthquake Risk and Preparedness of the This chapter presents the procedures and
informal settlers of Barangay Pembo. strategies in identifying sources for the needed
The researcher will attempt to answer the information on the analysis of the Perception
following questions: of the informal settlers in Barangay Pembo
regarding Earthquakes. It shall give an outline
1. What is the perception of the informal of research methods and processes that were
settlers regarding earthquake? followed in the study, who the participants are
2. What are the preparations need to be and how they were sampled. This chapter will
done by the barangay officials? show how the necessary data will be collected.
The purpose of this phenomenological It will also show how the researchers will
study is to discover and understand the analyze and present the information. The area
phenomenon study regarding Earthquake Risk where the study will be conducted and the
sample will be described. Reasons and The researcher will conduct a pre-survey for
justifications for the research design, research him to know who will be qualified as the
instruments, data sources, data collection respondents for the study.
techniques, data presentation techniques and
analytical techniques used are given.
The researcher will have a one on one
Research Design
interview with the respondents for him to ask
The researchers will be using them the questions in the questionnaire and to
qualitative research in conducting the study to add some follow up questions.
gather data. The data needed in this research
study are the ones that are subjective and
based on the respondents’ understanding and The answers will be record through voice
preference. The research design used by the recording in the cellular phones then used as a
researchers was phenomenology research type basis for the data.
to understand the perception of the students,
particularly on Earthquakes. It consists of one- Categorizing
on-one interviews with the chosen informal -The answers will be categorizing the different
settlers who are knowledgeable to answer. perceptions of the respondents.

The researcher will use the Purposive

Sampling as the respondents, since it will be
based on the following criteria: The formalizing of conclusion based on the
1. The respondents must be an informal data gathered from the different answers of the
settler that is living in the Barangay respondents.
Pembo; and
2. The respondents must have an enough
knowledge about the Earthquake Risk RESULTS
and Preparedness.
Perceptions of the Informal Settlers regarding
Instrument Earthquake
The researchers will conduct an
A. Insight of the Informal Settlers
interview to the informal settlers of Barangay
Pembo and has prepared a set of questions as a When the respondents were asked about
guide while conducting the interview. The their perception on Earthquake, 5 out of 11
researchers will use an interview for the study respondents answered that it some natural
because it is the most effective technique in phenomena that is most likely unpredictable
gathering data when knowing the perception of but even so, we must always be prepared when
the informal settlers regarding Earthquake an earthquake occurs in our place, a reason
Risk and Readiness. why there are earthquake drills that are held in
school campuses ad even in the barangay. 2
out of 11 respondents answered that
The step by step process are the following: earthquake is a big destruction where it
damages people's belongings and lives, a
reason why it must be feared. 2 out of 11
respondents answered that it is the movement
of the earth's tectonic plates wherein it causes
your surroundings to shake. While the use to determine whether an earthquake would
remaining 2 respondents answered that occur in their place or not for them to be able
earthquakes it could be either the nature's to prepare. Also, if there are some causes that
punishment to the humankind because of not the earthquake occurs. 1 out of 11 respondents
taking a good care to our mother nature or it answered that they want to know about the
could be the nature's alarm for a catastrophic geological hazards such as what are the
event such as the coming of the tsunami or the possible effects of the earthquake to our
likes. country and to the others.

B. Knowledge that Informal Settlers have D. Preparations that would possibly done

When the respondents were asked about When the respondents were asked about
the pre-knowledge they have, 6 out of 11 the preparations they would do, 3 out of 11
respondents answered that earthquake is the respondents answered that they would prepare
movement of the tectonic plates below the their ready to go bags that contains emergency
earth's surface that causes the sudden kits, and ready to eat foods so that when the
movement of the ground or causes the ground earthquake occurs, they could easily and move
to shake. 4 out of 11 respondents answered fast to go into some evacuation areas in their
that earthquakes brought disasters and bad place. 2 out of 11 respondents answered that
effects to the humankind that could led to they would possibly keep in their minds about
different casualties such as the destruction of the duck, cover and hold. 2 out of 11
their properties and belongings, and some respondents answered that they would join an
natural resources, also earthquakes bring emergency planning and management for a
humans fears that could led humankinds to get better preparation for the earthquake or join
traumatized. The remaining 1 respondent said some activities in their Barangay so that they
that earthquake is the Earth's way of releasing could know the circumstances and the actions
energy, and that it can bring unpredictable they must take when the earthquake occurs. 1
danger to the humankind and even to the out of 11 respondents answered that it is what
animals. they want to know, that s/he doesn't know a lot
about earthquakes. 1 out of 11 respondents
C. Information that want to know answered that they would look for the possible
When the respondents were asked about evacuation areas so that when the earthquake
the knowledge or information they want to occurs, they would not cram finding places to
know about earthquakes, 5 out of 11 go. 1 out of 11 respondents answered that they
respondents answered that they further want to will keep their selves updated for their safety.
know about the precautionary measures that And the remaining 1 respondent answered that
must be taken before, during, and after the s/he would try to learn a self-protection so that
earthquake. 3 out of 11 respondents answered s/he could save her/himself or even his family.
that they want to know about the seismic E. Reactions of the informal settlers
understanding such as about seismology and during earthquake
seismograph. They want to know why does the
earthquake occurs, how does it happen and When the respondents were asked about
why should it happen. Also, they want to know their reactions during the earthquake, 6 out of
some additional information about earthquakes 11 respondents answered that they would
and if there is a machine or a tool that could remain calm and would pray because panic
determine the earthquake and its elements. 2 would cause trouble. 2 out of 11 respondents
out of 11 respondents answered they they want answered that they would probably panic but
to know about the possible signs they could will do the duck, cover and hold, because they
say that it is natural for the humans to panic
when they would experience such calamity. 2 expected that they could learn about
out of 11 respondents answered that they still seismology ad seismograph, an apparatus to
don't know, they would not know until they measure and record vibrations within the earth
experience one. 1 out of 11 respondents and of the ground. It had been also tackled that
answered that s/he would probably get preparation is one of the keys to be safe when
shocked because of the sudden calamity. an earthquake occurs (Dalte 2013). Some of
the preparations they may do are to prepare a
Preparations that should be done by the
ready to go bags so that they wouldn't be
Barangay Officials
caught off guard when an earthquake had
When the respondents were asked occurred, it would also be a big help for them
about the preparations of the Barangay if they would remain updated through listening
officials must done, 9 out of 11 respondents to their radios or watching the news from their
answered that their Barangay officials must television. It is also advised to the people to
have an emergency plan. Evacuation areas if remain calm during earthquakes, though it is
their Barangay would be greatly affected, and inevitable to panic, it would help them to think
should have Emergency kits that contains fast and clearly if they are calm, and during
medicines and first aid, and food supplies. 1 earthquakes, it is advisable to do the duck,
out of 11 respondents answered that their cover, and hold. The local government will
Barangay must have community control, they also take an important role in making its
must guide everyone to keep calm and alert in constituents safe. If an advisory has been said
case of some aftershocks. The remaining 1 to them that an earthquake might happen soon,
respondent answered that their Barangay or if there are some signs that an earthquake
officials must perform drills at least once would happen, they must prepare packs
every quarter on how to evacuate and what beforehand. They could also conduct seminars
things should be done during this calamity. for additional information about earthquakes.
They could also engage their constituents in
DISCUSSIONS drills for them to practice proper action to be
Summary held during the catastrophic event.

Based on the results inferred from the Conclusion

study, it had shown that informal settlers To aggregate it all, everyone needs to
already had their cognizance regarding have a piece of knowledge about earthquakes.
earthquakes. An earthquake is the result of a As mentioned above, an earthquake is the
sudden release of stored energy in the Earth's sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust
crust that creates seismic waves. Also, it had that causes the movement on the Earth's
been stated that the earthquakes are surface. Earthquake is an unpredictable natural
unpredictable by nature and could bring a phenomenon that creates a vast amount of
catastrophic disaster to the world, it damages damage, affecting communities and their
the properties of humankind, steals lives, and environment (Uma, 2010). It is also a
even damages our natural resources that affect catastrophic event that damages properties,
the life of the animals and even to the bring casualties and the likes, and it would be
humankind. Informal Settlers also have necessary to be updated about the latest news
implied that they want to learn about the about earthquakes especially if your place is
seismic understanding for them to understand along or near the fault line because it could
more of the earthquake. Seismology is a bring a lot more danger to everyone. To reduce
science that deals with earthquakes and with the effects of such hazards, frameworks like
artificially produced vibrations of the earth building resilience have emerged (Yawale,
(Carnegie 2011). Through seismology, it is 2014). Second, it would be good if the local
government will go and make an action even
they have not experienced one, because we
will never know when will it come. Strategies
to mitigate the impact of future earthquakes
should include improvements to the built
environment and a focus on populations most
vulnerable to mortality and injury (Shannon
Doocy, et. al 2013). They could conduct some
events like seminars or a simple film showing
how disastrous earthquakes can be for their
constituents to be alarmed and would take
things seriously. Also, it would be a great help
to conduct drills so that they could know what
to do during this disastrous event and for them
to be safe. Lastly, we should always keep in
our minds the 'duck, cover, and hold' because
it could somehow save lives.


To the local government and its

officials, who fear the force that could bring
by the earthquake in their place, the researcher
recommends conducting seminars or programs
in their barangay for the safety of everyone. It
would also be great if they could at least be in
the connection with the agency who does
researches about earthquakes such as
Philippine Volcanology and seismology to be
updated about the possible coming of the
earthquakes. To the constituents who wish to
be safe when this disastrous event happens,
please cooperate with the officials, participate
well in activities regarding the earthquake and
drills. Research about the additional
information about earthquakes always keeps
calm when it happens to think clearly and take
things seriously because we will never know
what would likely happen. To the Philippines
Volcanology and Seismology keep on
providing such reliable information that the
citizens might use to prepare on earthquakes.

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