Impact of GST On Manufacturing Sector

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Impact of GST on Manufacturing Sector

GST is an acronym used for Goods and Services Tax. This tax brought a revolutionary
change in the field of taxation. The impact can be seen on various industries, how
tremendously it changed the business structure and taxation regime in India. In this article
focus has been placed on the ‘manufacturing sector’. The benefits which this sector has
reaped from the GST implementation are discussed in detail.

Make In India & Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector in India contributes a mere 16% to the overall GDP. However, the
potential to make this a high-growth and high-GDP sector is huge. The “Make in India”
campaign by Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes this possibility real, by giving impetus to
the sector.

Removal of multiple valuations will create simplification:

GST will usher in an era of transaction-based valuation, making calculation of tax much
simpler for the manufacturer.

Entry tax sub summation will reduce cost of production:

The subsuming of the entry tax for inter-state transfers is a key reason for reducing cost of
goods and services.

Improved cash flows:

Under the new tax laws, manufacturers can claim input tax credit on input goods, which
seems to be a positive sign for cash flow. SMEs are keenly observing the time difference
between input tax credit and the credit being available.

Single registration process will provide ease of registration:

The old regime required manufacturers to register each manufacturing facility separately,
even those in the same state. GST will simplify the plant registration process by allowing
single registration for all manufacturing entities within the same state.

Removal of cascading will lead to lower cost-to-consumer:

The unified GST regime will eliminate multiple taxes and thus lower cost of production; this,
in turn, will mean lower pricing for the consumer.
Restructuring of supply chain:
To align with the GST law, businesses will be required to realign their supply chains. With a
single tax regime, this will change, and supply chain structures will focus on driving business

Therefore, it can be concluded that GST has benefited the manufacturing sector in a number
of way. It has helped the sector to grow and flourish, hence contributing to the economy of
the country. The advent of GST will help the country to grow as a whole as it also helps to
detect the tax evasion by various tax payers.

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