Specification For Microbiology Lab Equipments
Specification For Microbiology Lab Equipments
Specification For Microbiology Lab Equipments
Table of contents
Laminar Air Flow
10. HEPA Filters The filters should have
• Size: 30” x 18” x 3”
• Type: Separator less type, Mini-Pleats HEPA Media
• Media: Ultra clean glass fiber paper
• Retention: 0.3 Micron
• Efficiency: 99.997% or better
• Initial Pressure: 16 mm WG
• Grade : H13 rating
11. Pre Filters • Size : 600 x 300 x 65 mm
• Media : Synthetic, non-woven polyester
• Casing : Epoxy painted GI frame
• Retention : 10 Micron & above
• Efficiency : 90%
• Initial Pressure: 6 mm WG
• Grade : F7 rating
12. Particle Retention • 0.3 Micron
13. Noise level < 60 dBA±5
14. Power Supply • Power supply should have 220-230 V, 50 Hz. And all
components UL listed and CE marked
15. Illumination • Externally mounted illuminating lamp with separate
switch to illuminate the work area.
16. Light • High intensity, low wattage >800 lux
• It should be 15 Watts, ,1½ Feet length,– 1 No. each
17. UV lamp • Pre-mounted UV lamp (30 W) with separate switch
with UV light hours run indicator.
18. Other accessories • Two gas outlet in the working area, one on each side wall
• Leveling Screws & Castor Wheels
• DOP test port
• Easily changeable pre-filters
• Fitted with UV Germicidal lamp for sterilization.
• Pre-installed pressure gauge for Measurement of HEPA
Filters Choking system.
• Ensure noiseless operation and anti-vibration construction
provides efficient working environment.
• Audible or highly visual alarm for filter replacement
19. Electrical sockets • Side mounted switches for minimum three (15/5 amp)
or Pass Through electrical sockets for ancillary equipment operation or
Ports • Convenient rear-wall pass through ports for safe routing
of instrument cords, cables and leads for 15/5 amps
multiple socket with switches on the wall,
20. Standards •
Performance specifications and construction must meet
Compliance or exceed OSHA, ANSI and relevant international
standards to assure operator safety
21. Certification • Test Certificate for Mini-Pleat HEPA Filters
required for sign • Calibration Certificate for Pressure Gauge
off • Calibration Certificate for Air Velocity Anemometer,
• Warranty Certificate for 24 months after satisfactory
installation and working
22. Spares • Spare compatible UV lamp– 2 Nos
• A spare HEPA filter for chamber – 1 No
• Gas burner (Bunsen burner) – 2 Nos
23. Operation and The supplier will have to carry out successful installation
maintenance at our laboratory premises (where ever the system has to
training be installed) and provide on – site comprehensive training
component for scientific personnel operating the system and support
services till customer satisfaction with the system.
24. Warranty Warranted for 2 years after satisfactory installation and
working excluding consumable parts and accessories.
25. Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of the equipment supplied,
Maintenance installed, commissioned for 60 months after 2 year
Warranty/Defects Liability Period. This will include
yearly calibration start-up / commissioning routine
servicing, regular maintenance, preventive maintenance of
equipment and components and break down repairs as and
when occurring, ensuring that system does not remain out
of service for a period more than 24 hours in case of major
breakdowns and 6-8 hour in the case of minor breakdowns
due to any unforeseen break down. The institution will
provide Water / Electricity power, etc. for maintenance
work. The successful tenderer shall keep the essential
spares at site during the Contract Period to avoid the delay
in attending faults / maintenance
26. Service contract List of all spares and accessories (including minor) with
clauses, including part numbers and price, required for maintenance and
prices repairs in future after guarantee/warranty period should be
27. Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-copy) of:-
service manuals, • User, technical and maintenance manuals to be supplied in
other manuals English language along with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures required for local
calibration and routine maintenance;
• Service and operation manuals (original and copy) to be
• Advanced maintenance tasks documentation;
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
28. Certificates • Should be FDA/CE/BIS approved product.
Performance and • Manufacturer and Supplier should have ISO 13485
safety standards certification under ISO 9001for quality standards.
(specific to the • Electrical safety conforms to the standards for
device type);Local electrical safety IEC 60601- General requirements(or
and/or international equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC 61010-1, IEC
61010-2-40 for safety
29. Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
30. Service Support • Contact details of manufacturer, supplier and local
Contact details service agent to be provided; Any Contract
(Hierarchy Wise; (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be declared by the
including a toll manufacturer;
31. Recommendations • Any warning signs would be adequately displayed
or warnings
32. Payment Payment only after installation, validation and
performance demonstration
Bio Safety Cabinet Class II Type B2 (Total Exhaust)
< 3530 particles/M³ of air at both at Rest &
• Operation Condition as per ISO 14644(ISO 5
replaces Class 100
• US-FS 209 E) Conforming to NSF/ANSI 49,
USA & En12469 standards.
4 Working area • Minimum 4 x 2 x 2 Ft (w x d x h)
• Interior work area to be from a single piece of
IS304 grade stainless-steel with large radius
(joint free) corners to simplify cleaning.
• The cabinet work area must have s no welded
joints, which collect contaminants or rust.
5 Work table It should have Removable type tabletop, made of
perforated IS 304 Stainless Steel with satin finished.
• Type: Separator less type, Mini-Pleats HEPA
• Media: Ultra clean glass fiber paper
• Retention: 0.3 Micron
• Efficiency: 99.997%
• Initial Pressure: 12 mm WG
• Grade : H14 rating
• Real-time display panel for remaining Filter lif
• Should have Audible alarm to warn the
operator if the window is raised above the
recommended height
20 Certification required • Test Certificate for Mini-Pleat HEPA Filters
• Calibration Certificate for Pressure Gauge
• Calibration Certificate for Air Velocity
• Warranty Certificate
equipment and components and break down
repairs as and when occurring, ensuring that
system does not remain out of service for a period
more than 24 hours in case of major breakdowns
and 6-8 hour in the case of minor breakdowns due
to any unforeseen break down. The institution
will provide Water / Electricity power, etc. for
maintenance work. The successful tenderer shall
keep the essential spares at site during the
Contract Period to avoid the delay in attending
faults / maintenance
30 Service contract clauses, • List of all spares and accessories (including
including prices minor) with part numbers and price, required for
maintenance and repairs in future after
guarantee/warranty period should be attached;
31 Operating manuals, service Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-copy) of:-
manuals, other manuals • User, technical and maintenance manuals to be
supplied in English language along with machine
• List of equipment and procedures required for
local calibration and routine maintenance;
• Service and operation manuals (original and
copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks documentation;
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
32 Payment Payment only after installation, validation and
performance demonstration
Vertical Autoclave
standards (specific to • Manufacturer and Supplier
the device type);Local should have ISO 13485
and/or international certification under ISO 9001for
quality standards.
• Electrical safety conforms to
the standards for electrical
safety IEC 60601- General
requirements(or equivalent BIS
• Certified to be compliant with
IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40
for safety
15 Supplier/ Manufacturer • Must be ISO certified for
16 Service Support • Contact details of
Contact details manufacturer, supplier and
(Hierarchy Wise; local service agent to be
including a toll provided; Any Contract
free/landline number) (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
declared by the manufacturer;
17 Recommendations or • Any warning signs would be
warnings adequately displayed
18 Warranty • Warranted for 2 years after
satisfactory installation and
working excluding consumable
parts and accessories.
19 Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of the
maintenance equipment supplied, installed,
commissioned for 60 months after 2
year Warranty/Defects Liability
Period. This will include start-
up/commissioning routine servicing,
regular maintenance, preventive
maintenance of equipment and
components and break down repairs as
and when occurring, ensuring that
system does not remain out of service
for a period more than 24 hours in
case of major breakdowns and 6-8
hour in the case of minor breakdowns
due to any unforeseen break down.
The institution will provide Water /
Electricity power, etc. for maintenance
work. The successful tenderer shall
keep the essential spares at site during
the Contract Period to avoid the delay
in attending faults / maintenance
20 Service contract • List of all spares and accessories
clauses, including (including minor) with part
prices numbers and price, required for
maintenance and repairs in future
after guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
21 Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and
service manuals, other soft-copy) of:-
manuals • User, technical and maintenance
manuals to be supplied in English
language along with machine
• List of equipment and procedures
required for local calibration and
routine maintenance;
• Service and operation manuals
(original and copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and
22 Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
Incubators: 1) Ambient to 70 °C and 2) 5 °C to 50°C
safety standards 13485 certification under ISO 9001for quality
(specific to the standards.
device type);Local • Electrical safety conforms to the standards for
and/or electrical safety IEC 60601- General
international requirements(or equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC 61010-1, IEC
61010-2-40 for safety
9 Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
10 Service Support • Contact details of manufacturer, supplier and
Contact details local service agent to be provided; Any Contract
(Hierarchy Wise; (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be declared by the
including a toll manufacturer;
11 Recommendations • Any warning signs would be adequately
or warnings displayed
12 Warranty • Warranted for 2 years after satisfactory installation
and working excluding consumable parts and
13 Service contract • List of all spares and accessories (including minor)
clauses, including with part numbers and price, required for
prices maintenance and repairs in future after
guarantee/warranty period should be attached;
14 Operating Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-copy) of:-
manuals, service • User, technical and maintenance manuals to be
manuals, other supplied in English language along with machine
manuals diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures required for local
calibration and routine maintenance;
• Service and operation manuals (original and copy)
to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks documentation;
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
15 Payment Payment only after installation, validation and
performance demonstration
Digital colony counter
IEC 60601- General
requirements(or equivalent BIS
• Certified to be compliant with
IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40
for safety
6 Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
7 Service Support • Contact details of manufacturer,
Contact details supplier and local service agent
(Hierarchy Wise; to be provided; Any Contract
including a toll (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
free/landline number) declared by the manufacturer;
8 Recommendations or • Any warning signs would be
warnings adequately displayed
9 Warranty • Warranted for 2 years after
satisfactory installation and
working excluding consumable
parts and accessories.
Lab Blender (Paddle type)
system till customer satisfaction
12 Certificates Performance • Should be FDA/CE/BIS
and safety standards approved product.
(specific to the device • Manufacturer and Supplier
type);Local and/or should have ISO 13485
international certification under ISO
9001for quality standards.
• Electrical safety conforms to
the standards for electrical
safety IEC 60601- General
requirements(or equivalent
BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with
IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40
for safety
13 Supplier/ Manufacturer • Must be ISO certified for
14 Service Support Contact • Contact details of
details (Hierarchy Wise; manufacturer, supplier and
including a toll free/landline local service agent to be
number) provided; Any Contract
(AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
declared by the manufacturer;
15 Recommendations or • Any warning signs would be
warnings adequately displayed
16 Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after
satisfactory installation and
working excluding consumable
parts and accessories.
(original and copy) to be
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and
20 Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
Serological Water Bath
S.no Specification Requirement Yes/No
1 Application The water bath is for routine use in
microbiology protocols as well for
solubilisation with precise temperature
2 Material of • Rounded, seamless stainless steel bath
construction to preventing rust, chemical damage and
• Powder coating like epoxy coating
exterior for easy cleanup
• corrosive resistant stainless steel
Gabled drip free lid
3 Unit • Microprocessor controlled digital
• Instrument should have lift up drip free
bath cover;
• Carrier racks should be given for flasks
and test tubes racks.
• Convenient water bath drains.
• Water bath protective media should be
there to prevent contamination and
formation of algae.
• Easy cleaning
4 Temperature • Temperature Range: +20°C to 99°C
• Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.2 °C at 37
• Temperature Uniformity: ± 0.5 °C at 37
• Digital LED display for operating status
• Over-Temperature Cut-Off
• Temperature calibration function
5 Alarms • Audible warning safety signals should
be there for high/low temperature
• Low liquid level
6 Calibration • Certificate from a ISO 17025 accredited
lab for 3 different temperature points
7 Operation and • The supplier will have to carry out
training successful Installation at the laboratory
component premises (where ever the system has to be
installed) and provide on – site
comprehensive training for a minimum of
two scientific personnel operating the
system till customer satisfaction
8 Certificates • Should be FDA/CE/BIS approved
Performance and product.
safety standards • Manufacturer and Supplier should have
(specific to the ISO 13485 certification under ISO
device type);Local 9001for quality standards.
and/or international • Electrical safety conforms to the
standards for electrical safety IEC
60601- General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC
61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40 for safety
9 Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
10 Service Support • Contact details of manufacturer,
Contact details supplier and local service agent to be
(Hierarchy Wise; provided; Any Contract
including a toll (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be declared by
free/landline the manufacturer;
11 Recommendations • Any warning signs would be adequately
or warnings displayed
12 Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after satisfactory
installation and working excluding
consumable parts and accessories.
13 Service contract • List of all spares and accessories (including
clauses, including minor) with part numbers and price,
prices required for maintenance and repairs in
future after guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
14 Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-copy)
service manuals, of:-
other manuals • User, technical and maintenance manuals to
be supplied in English language along with
machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures required
for local calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals (original and
copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
15 Payment Payment only after installation, validation
and performance demonstration
Analytical Balance
5. Accessories • All necessary accessories
should be provided with
6. Certificate from a ISO 17025
Calibration certificate accredited lab for 3 different
7 Operation and training • The supplier will have to carry
component out successful Installation at the
laboratory premises (where ever
the system has to be installed)
and provide on – site
comprehensive training for a
minimum of two scientific
personnel operating the system
till customer satisfaction
8 Certificates Performance and • Should be FDA/CE/BIS
safety standards (specific to the approved product.
device type);Local and/or • Manufacturer and Supplier
international should have ISO 13485
certification under ISO
9001for quality standards.
• Electrical safety conforms
to the standards for
electrical safety IEC 60601-
General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant
with IEC 61010-1, IEC
61010-2-40 for safety
9 Supplier/ Manufacturer • Must be ISO certified for
10 Service Support Contact details • Contact details of
(Hierarchy Wise; including a manufacturer, supplier and
toll free/landline number) local service agent to be
provided; Any Contract
(AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
declared by the
11 Recommendations or warnings • Any warning signs would
be adequately displayed
12 Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after
satisfactory installation and
working excluding
consumable parts and
13 Service contract clauses, • List of all spares and
including prices accessories (including minor)
with part numbers and price,
required for maintenance and
repairs in future after
guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
14 Operating manuals, service Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and
manuals, other manuals soft-copy) of:-
• User, technical and
maintenance manuals to be
supplied in English language
along with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and
procedures required for local
calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals
(original and copy) to be
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and
15 Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
Upright Frost Free Vertical Deep Freezer (-25 °C)
Racks for 75 mm boxes (incl.
7 Voltage Suitable and compatible voltage
stabilizer stabilizer
8 Calibration Certificate from an ISO 17025
accredited lab for 3 different
temperature points.
9 Operation and training • The supplier will have to carry
component out successful Installation at the
laboratory premises (where ever
the system has to be installed) and
provide on – site comprehensive
training for a minimum of two
scientific personnel operating the
system till customer satisfaction
10 Certificates Performance • Should be FDA/CE/BIS
and safety standards approved product.
(specific to the device • Manufacturer and Supplier
type);Local and/or should have ISO 13485
international certification under ISO
9001for quality standards.
• Electrical safety conforms to
the standards for electrical
safety IEC 60601- General
requirements(or equivalent
BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with
IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-
40 for safety
11 Supplier/ Manufacturer • Must be ISO certified for
12 Service Support Contact • Contact details of
details (Hierarchy Wise; manufacturer, supplier and
including a toll local service agent to be
free/landline number) provided; Any Contract
(AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
declared by the manufacturer;
13 Recommendations or • Any warning signs would be
warnings adequately displayed
14 Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after
satisfactory installation and
working excluding consumable
parts and accessories.
15 Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of
Maintenance the equipment supplied, installed,
commissioned for 60 months
after 2 year Warranty/Defects
Liability Period. This will include
yearly calibration start-up /
commissioning routine servicing,
regular maintenance, preventive
maintenance of equipment and
components and break down
repairs as and when occurring,
ensuring that system does not
remain out of service for a period
more than 24 hours in case of
major breakdowns and 6-8 hour
in the case of minor breakdowns
due to any unforeseen break
down. The institution will provide
Water / Electricity power, etc. for
maintenance work. The
successful tenderer shall keep the
essential spares at site during the
Contract Period to avoid the delay
in attending faults / maintenance
16 Service contract clauses, • List of all spares and accessories
including prices (including minor) with part
numbers and price, required for
maintenance and repairs in future
after guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
17 Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and
service manuals, other soft-copy) of:-
manuals • User, technical and maintenance
manuals to be supplied in English
language along with machine
• List of equipment and procedures
required for local calibration and
routine maintenance;
• Service and operation manuals
(original and copy) to be
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and
18 Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
Specifications of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
14. Photometric Absorbance = -4.5 to 4.5 Abs or better.
Range Transmittance & reflectance 0 to 80000 % or
15 Photometric 0.5 A: ± 0.004A; 1A: ± 0.006A; 2A: ± 0.010A;
Accuracy (440 nm; traceable neutral density filters)
16 Stray Light Max. 0.005% (220 nm NaI) or better, Max.
0.005% (340,370 nm NaNO2) or better Max. 1%
(198 nm KCI) or better
17. Noise 0.00005 Abs RMS (500nm) or better
18. Drift < 0.0005 A/hr (500 nm, 1 hour warm-up)
19 Baseline flatness ± 0.0005 Abs or better
20 Application Compatible Software should be user friendly &
Software simple for data handling with feature like easy to
use report publisher, online help and answer
wizard, GLP & audit trail and fully compatible
with Windows.
System built in features such as real time display
of concentration, time scan, photometric mode,
single/multi-wavelength , capability for event
recording (e.g., addition of reagents)
Software should have built in
a. Methods:
• Absorbance with one or more
• Scans, Nucleic acids, Proteins, OD
• Evaluation: via factor, standard and
calibration curve
• Dual wavelength with subtraction and
division evaluation
b. Method dependent evaluation:
• Absorbance, concentration via factor
and standard
• Concentration via standard series
using Linear regression, Nonlinear
regression with 2nd and 3rd degree
• Spline analysis,
• Linear interpolation (point to point
• Absorbance allocation via subtraction
and division
• Ratio 260/280, 260/230, Molar
concentration and total yield for
nucleic acids.
The software should be 21CFR part 11
21 Accessories and • One pair each of of 0.5, 1 and 3 ml quartz
spares cuvettes 10 mm path length
• One pair each of of 0.5, 1, and 3 ml glass
cuvettes 10 mm path length
• Cuvette holder
• Deuterium Lamp
• Halogen lamp
• Holmium oxide glass filters for
wavelength calibration.
• NIST traceable Potassium dichromate
22 Computer and Latest configuration factory set branded PC
printer system with 22-23’’ Full HD Monitor with
printer –B/W – duplex- laser-legal,A4 -
1200dpi-up to 21 ppm –capacity with network
23 UPS Suitable UPS with 60 mins backup power
29 Service Support • Contact details of manufacturer, supplier
Contact details and local service agent to be provided;
(Hierarchy Wise; Any Contract (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
including a toll declared by the manufacturer;
30 Recommendations • Any warning signs would be adequately
or warnings displayed
• Advanced maintenance tasks documentation;
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
Binocular Microscope
• 10 and 40 objectives should have
numerical apertures of 0.25 and 0.65
• 100should have numerical aperture
of 1.25 and should be of oil
• Unbreakable containers to be
provided for storing the objectives.
• All objectives should be wide field,
achromatic and par focal.
9. Sub-stage • The system should have a build-in
illuminator variable light source (Illuminator).
• This light source should have a 20 W,
6 V Halogen lamps.
• The system should be provided with
a step down transformer and an on-off
switch and intensity control.
• The lamp should be provided with a
lamp socket which has the facility for
easy replacement of the bulb
10. Power supply & • Voltage 220 V AC, 50Hz. should
protection have one on-off power switch
• A plano-concave mirror in fork
mounting should be supplied which
would be attachable to the base for
field use when power is not available.
• Should have over-charging cut-off
with visual symbol
11 Battery backup • Minimum 1 Hour
12 Operating and • Capable of operating continuously in
storage ambient temperature of 10 to 50 ° C
conditions and relative humidity of 15 to 90% in
ideal circumstances.
• Storage condition: Capable of being
stored continuously in ambient
temperature of 0 to 50 °C and relative
humidity of 15 to 90%
13 Manual • Working manual should be provided
Accessories with each microscope.
• Immersion oil 25 ml 2
• lens tissue paper 2 rolls or boxes)
• Lens cleaning solution (100 ml)
• One anti-static cleaning brush.
• The unit shall be capable of being
stored continuously in ambient
temperature of 0 -50 deg C and
relative humidity of 15-90%.
14. Digital • 5 megapixel scientific grade (even at
camera dim light) colour CCD camera along
with image capture and analysis
software and c-mount adapter.
Resolution at least 2448 x 1920
effective pixel (4 x 4 binning and 2 x
2 binning) and 10 bit digitization.
• Microscope should come along with
PC (i5 6200U processor, 6 GB RAM,
1 TB HDD, DVR R/W, LED 20”).
With UPS (minimum offline backup
of 30 minutes).
15 Certificates • Should be FDA/CE/BIS approved
Performance and product.
safety standards • Manufacturer and Supplier should
(specific to the have ISO 13485 certification under
device type);Local ISO 9001for quality standards.
and/or • TVU Cert
international • Electrical safety conforms to the
standards for electrical safety IEC
60601- General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC
61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40 for safety
16 Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
17 Service contract • List of all spares and accessories
clauses, including (including minor) with part numbers and
prices price, required for maintenance and
repairs in future after guarantee/warranty
period should be attached;
18 Operating Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-
manuals, service copy) of:-
manuals, other • User, technical and maintenance manuals
manuals to be supplied in English language along
with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures
required for local calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals (original
and copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
19 Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after satisfactory
installation and working excluding
consumable parts and accessories.
20 Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of the
Maintenance equipment supplied, installed,
commissioned for 60 months after 3year
Warranty/Defects Liability Period. This
will include yearly calibration start-up /
commissioning routine servicing, regular
maintenance, preventive maintenance of
equipment and components and break
down repairs as and when occurring,
ensuring that system does not remain out
of service for a period more than 24 hours
in case of major breakdowns and 6-8 hour
in the case of minor breakdowns due to
any unforeseen break down. The
institution will provide Water / Electricity
power, etc. for maintenance work. The
successful tenderer shall keep the
essential spares at site during the Contract
Period to avoid the delay in attending
faults / maintenance
21 Operation and The supplier will have to carry out
maintenance successful installation at our laboratory
training premises (where ever the system has to be
installed) and provide on – site
comprehensive training for scientific
personnel operating the system and
support services till customer satisfaction
with the system.
22 Payment Payment only after installation, validation
and performance demonstration
Howard Mold Counter (Proprietary)
Refrigerated Centrifuge
3. Temperature • -5ºC to 40 ºC
4. Speed • Maximum speed: 15000 rpm (20000
RCF) with 8 50 mL Fixed angle
rotor or better
5. Rotors 1. Fixed Angle Rotor for 850 ml Falcon
tube with 8 adapters for 15 mL conical
bottom culture tubes/falcon/oak ridge
2. Rotor for 1.5-2.0 mL Eppendorf tubes (24
places or better) and adaptors for 0.2 and
0.5 mL tubes
3. Deep-well micro plates rotor (Four 96
well plates
4. Swing out rotor:
• Should have at least 4 100 ml of
capacity Maximum RCF produced
should be 3200 x g or above
• Four buckets should be provided
(either round or rectangular buckets) •
Adapters for 15 ml conical bottom
centrifuge tubes & 50 ml conical
bottom centrifuge tubes should be
provided (two adapters for 6 or 8 15
ml and two adapters for 2 or 450 ml)
• Rotor and buckets should be
All rotors should be autoclavable
6. Centrifuge • Suitable 15 mL auto-clavable screw
tubes capped tubes -24 Nos
• Suitable 50 mL auto-clavable screw
capped tubes -24 Nos
7. Power • 220 v to 240 v -50 Hz If a voltage
requirement stabilizer is required, it should be
supplied along with the unit
8. Voltage • Suitable voltage stabilizer to be
stabiliser provided
9. Certificates • Should be FDA/CE/BIS approved
Performance product.
and safety • Manufacturer and Supplier should
standards have ISO 13485 certification under
(specific to the ISO 9001for quality standards.
device • Electrical safety conforms to the
type);Local standards for electrical safety IEC
and/or 60601- General requirements(or
international equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC
61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40 for safety
10. Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
11. Service contract • List of all spares and accessories
clauses, (including minor) with part numbers and
including prices price, required for maintenance and repairs
in future after guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
12. Operating Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-copy)
manuals, service of:-
manuals, other • User, technical and maintenance manuals
manuals to be supplied in English language along
with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures required
for local calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals (original
and copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
13. Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after satisfactory
installation and working excluding
consumable parts and accessories.
14. Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of the
Maintenance equipment supplied, installed,
commissioned for 60 months after 3year
Warranty/Defects Liability Period. This
will include yearly calibration start-up /
commissioning routine servicing, regular
maintenance, preventive maintenance of
equipment and components and break
down repairs as and when occurring,
ensuring that system does not remain out
of service for a period more than 24 hours
in case of major breakdowns and 6-8 hour
in the case of minor breakdowns due to
any unforeseen break down. The
institution will provide Water / Electricity
power, etc. for maintenance work. The
successful tenderer shall keep the essential
spares at site during the Contract Period to
avoid the delay in attending faults /
15. Operation and The supplier will have to carry out
maintenance successful installation at our laboratory
training premises (where ever the system has to be
installed) and provide on – site
comprehensive training for scientific
personnel operating the system and support
services till customer satisfaction with the
16 Payment Payment only after installation, validation
and performance demonstration
BOD Incubator
battery backup and auto charging of
9. Air circulation • With two completely in built motors
along with fan to keep the
temperature uniform throughout the
10. Heat up time & • 30 min. up to 60 ° C without load.
Cool Down time • 40 min. up to + 5 ° C without load
11. Timer • 0 to 24 hrs X 7 days cyclic ON / OFF
timer for illuminating port
12. Safety Alarms Provision for audio-visual alarm to
• Door opening after 2 min.
• Self -diagnosis function including
• Prevention and overcurrent
13. Computer RS 485 / RS232 interface for multiple &
Interface single communication port
14. Voltage stabilizer Automatic Stabilizer, 4 KVA with TDR
(3minutes) electronic type
15. Documents • Should be FDA/CE/BIS approved
Certificates product.
Performance and • Manufacturer and Supplier should
safety standards have ISO 13485 certification under
(specific to the ISO 9001for quality standards.
device type);Local • Electrical safety conforms to the
and/or standards for electrical safety IEC
international 60601- General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant with IEC
61010-1, IEC 61010-2-40 for safety
• Complete with IQ, OQ, PQ,
Documents, Operations and
Maintenance manuals
16. Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for quality
17. Service contract • List of all spares and accessories
clauses, including (including minor) with part numbers and
prices price, required for maintenance and
repairs in future after guarantee/warranty
period should be attached;
18. Operating Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and soft-
manuals, service copy) of:-
manuals, other • User, technical and maintenance manuals
to be supplied in English language along
with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and procedures
required for local calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals (original
and copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
• Certificate of calibration and inspection
19. Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after satisfactory
installation and working excluding
consumable parts and accessories.
20. Comprehensive Comprehensive Maintenance of the
Maintenance equipment supplied, installed,
commissioned for 60 months after 3year
Warranty/Defects Liability Period. This
will include yearly calibration start-up /
commissioning routine servicing, regular
maintenance, preventive maintenance of
equipment and components and break
down repairs as and when occurring,
ensuring that system does not remain out
of service for a period more than 24
hours in case of major breakdowns and
6-8 hour in the case of minor breakdowns
due to any unforeseen break down. The
institution will provide Water /
Electricity power, etc. for maintenance
work. The successful tenderer shall keep
the essential spares at site during the
Contract Period to avoid the delay in
attending faults / maintenance
21. Operation The supplier will have to carry out
maintenance& successful installation at our laboratory
training premises (where ever the system has to
be installed) and provide on – site
comprehensive training for scientific
personnel operating the system and
support services till customer satisfaction
with the system.
22. Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
Micro Filtration Unit
Digital pH/mV meter
record maximum and minimum
• RS.232C output and supply
Data connector cable.
15. Documents Certificates • Manufacturer and Supplier
Performance and safety should have ISO 13485
standards (specific to certification under ISO
the device type);Local 9001for quality standards.
and/or international • Electrical safety conforms
to the standards for
electrical safety IEC 60601-
General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant
with IEC 61010-1, IEC
61010-2-40 for safety
• Complete with IQ, OQ, PQ,
Documents, Operations and
Maintenance manuals
16. Supplier/ Manufacturer • Must be ISO certified for
17. Service contract • List of all spares and
clauses, including accessories (including minor)
prices with part numbers and price,
required for maintenance and
repairs in future after
guarantee/warranty period
should be attached;
18. Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and
service manuals, other soft-copy) of:-
manuals • User, technical and
maintenance manuals to be
supplied in English language
along with machine diagrams;
• List of equipment and
procedures required for local
calibration and routine
• Service and operation manuals
(original and copy) to be
provided; ;
• Certificate of calibration and
Payment Payment only after installation,
validation and performance
UV Viewing Cabinet
Anaerobic jar
Hot Air Oven
required for smooth functioning
e.g. voltage stabilizers should be
8. Accessories • Should have all the accessories
required for the functioning of
the equipment.
9. Certificates • Should be FDA/CE/BIS
Performance and approved product.
safety standards • Manufacturer and
(specific to the device Supplier should have ISO 13485
type);Local and/or certification under ISO 9001for
international quality standards.
• Electrical safety
conforms to the standards for
electrical safety IEC 60601-
General requirements(or
equivalent BIS Standard)
• Certified to be compliant
with IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-
2-40 for safety
10. Supplier/ • Must be ISO certified for
Manufacturer quality
11. Service Support • Contact details of
Contact details manufacturer, supplier and local
(Hierarchy Wise; service agent to be provided;
including a toll Any Contract
free/landline number) (AMC/CMC/adhoc) to be
declared by the manufacturer;
12. Recommendations or • Any warning signs
warnings would be adequately displayed
13. Warranty • Warranted for 3 years after
satisfactory working excluding
consumable parts and accessories.
14. Service contract • List of all spares and accessories
clauses, including (including minor) with part numbers
prices and price, required for maintenance
and repairs in future after
guarantee/warranty period should be
15. Operating manuals, Should provide 2 sets(hardcopy and
service manuals, soft-copy) of:-
other manuals • User, technical and maintenance
manuals to be supplied in English
language along with machine
• Service and operation manuals
(original and copy) to be provided;
• Advanced maintenance tasks
16. Payment Payment only after satisfactory
performance demonstration
Micropipettes (*6 No’s)
Accessory Tips, Tip boxes
5 Certificate from NABL
Calibration accreditated lab for 3 points
6 Warranty 2 years
Carbon dioxide Incubator
Capacity 150-200 Litres
Display LCD/LED (minimum 5”)
Processor microprocessor
Heating type Air/water/Gel (microcomputer control)
No. of shelves 3-5 minimum
Temp. control range 0 - 80oC
Ambient temp. range 20-40oC
Temp. control accuracy ± 0.1
Temp. uniformity ± 0.3
CO2 sensor IR sensor
CO2 control range 0-20%
CO2 stability ± 0.1%
CO2 recovery time 0-10 min
CO2 tank switch/alarm Yes
Temp. recovery 5-15 min
O2 control system Yes
O2 Range 0-20%
O2 accuracy ± 0.2%
O2 sensor yes
Humidity 95±5%
Humidity recovery 10-20 min
Alarm Audio & visual
Stacking Possible
Cylinders CO2 cylinders (2 nos.); Capacity- 9-10kg; Purity-
Communication port Yes
Power AC 230V/6A, 50Hz
Power consumption 500-600W (max.); 50-100W at 37oC
Disinfection Multiple will be preferred
Certificate from NABL accreditated lab for 3 points
Warranty 5 years with user manual
Frost free Two Door (side by side) Refrigerator
S.No. Specifications
Material Stainless steet
1 Capacity Approx. 500 liters and above
2 Adjustable Tempered glass shelves 05 No.
3 Temperature Digital display and temperature controls
Range Refrigerator +2o to +8oC
Freezer -20 oC
Audio alarm Alarm is door is ajar for long
4 Inner body Rust Free Material
5 Refrigerant CFC / HCFC Free
6 Frost Free
7 Door Lock & Interior light
8 Same Temperature: Top to Bottom ‘
9 Microprocessor based Temperature Controller with Digital
10 In builtVoltage Stabilizer High/Low cut with timer delay
11 Door Glass Heater for special heated front glass that enhances
visibility and prevents unhygienic condensation
12 Warranty 3years and Life time on motor
1 Acetate Agar
2 Baird Parker Agar
3 Bismuth Sulphite Agar
4 Brain Heart Infusion Broth
5 Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth 2%
6 Bromocresol Purple Carbohydrate Broth
7 Buffered Peptone Water
8 Butterfield's Buffered Phosphate Diluent
9 Cooked Meat Medium
10 Carbohydrate Utilization Broth
11 Czapek Yeast (Autolysate) CYA agar
12 Decorboxylase Test Medium (Lysine, Ornithine, Arginine provide separtely)
13 Dextrose Tryptone Agar
14 EC Broth
15 Egg Yolk Tellurite Supplement
16 Frazer Broth
17 L- EMB Agar
18 Gelatin Phosphate Salt Broth
19 Gram Negative Broth (GN)
20 Hektoen Enteric Agar
21 Hough & Liefson Medium
22 Half Frazer Broth
23 Klinger Iron Agar
24 Koser's Citrate Broth
25 Lactobacillus MRS Agar
26 Lactose Broth
27 Lactose Gelatin Medium
28 Lauryl Tryptose Broth
29 Liver Broth
30 Lysine Iron Agar
31 Macconkey agar
32 Malonate Broth
33 Malt Agar
34 Motility Test Medium
35 MRVP Broth
36 MYP Agar
37 Modified Oxford Agar
38 MY-40 Agar
39 Nitrate Broth
40 Nutrient Broth
41 Nutrient Agar
42 Peptone Water Diluent
43 Plate Count Agar
44 Phenol Red Carbohydrate Broth
45 Potato Dextrose Agar
46 Pseudomonas Presumptive Test Broth
47 Psuedomonas confirmation medium (Skim Milk Agar)
48 Palcam Agar
49 Phosphate Buffered peptone water
50 Selenite Cystine Broth
51 Sheep Blood Agar
52 Sulphite Agar
53 Tetrathionate Broth
54 Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile Salts-Sucrose Agar (TCBS)
55 T1 N1 Agar
56 Thioglycollate Agar
57 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
58 Triple Sugar Iron Agar
59 Tryptone Broth
60 Trypticase Soy Broth
61 Tryptose-Sulfite Cycloserine (TSC) Agar
62 Urea Broth
63 Violet Red Bile Agar
64 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD)