Islamiat 2011 To 2018

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Q.2 To follow an ideal is very necessary for the progress of nation. In your view what
are basic characteristic of ideal and how Islamic ideology of life affects the individual and
communal life with reference to basic characteristic of Islamic ideology? Elucidate.

Q.3 what is meant by civilization and culture and how it effects collective life and also
analyzes the foundation of modern civilization and highlights the problems caused by it?

Q.4 Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of woman from Islamic point of view while
analyzing the law against veil in France.

Q.5 it is necessary to establish priority of law for the development of society. What is
your point of view that today Islamic punishments are regarded as Savagery? While
discussing the Islamic philosophy of the reward and punishment also describe the basic
characteristic of Islamic concept of punishments. 

Q.6 it is the period of basic human rights. What is meant by human rights and what is a
western concept of human right, discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon
of Hajjatul Widah.

Q.7 In the present period the Muslim Ummah is facing different problems and for the
solution of these problem “ijtehad” is necessary, so point out such an institution that can
offer solution of the new problems with the help of Ijtehad.

Q.8 Discuss in detail the importance of Akle-Halal form Islamic pint of view and explain
how unfair resources can be checked in the light of Islamic teachings?

Q.9 In the present era, Muslim Ummah has all the resources, but it is the victim of
disunity, while analysis the reasons of disunity, suggest measures to maintain unity
amount the Muslim Ummah.

Q.2. What is meant by Day of Judgement? What are its impacts on human life?

Q.3. In the light of 'Inna-as-Salata-tanha-un-al-fahshai-wal-munkir', Describe the

advantages and effects of prayer?

Q.4. The political system of Islam guarantees the prosperity of State. Discuss.

Q.5. Describe the concept of modern civilization and its effects on Muslim Ummah.

Q.6. Islam is a complete code of life. Discuss.

Q.7. Discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Wida.

Q.8. Explain the economical rules of Islam in the light of Social Justice.

Q.9. Describe the necessity and importance of religion for man and its effects on human

Q.10. What do you mean by Shariah? Elaborate the different sources of Shariah.

Q.11. Discuss in detail the collection and compilation of Quran.

Q.No.2. What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognized it and what efforts have
been adopted to maintain the superiority of man? (16)

Q.No.3 Describe the importance and philosophy of Fasting (SAUM). Also explain its
individual and collective benefits? (16)

Q.No.4. Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance

and its effects on human life? (16)

Q.No.5. What is the significance of “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are
its kinds, principles and conditions? (16)

Q.No.6. Define and explain Judicio-Political System of Islam? (16)

Q.No.7. write down in detail the problems of “Ummah” in the contemporary world.

Q.No.8. Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of women from Islamic point of view
while analyzing the law against veil in France. (16)

Q.No.9. The Holy Quran is the fountain-head at all kind of knowledge. Discuss (16)


2: Discuss the possibilities of establishment of an Islamic

state under the present Political system of democracy.

3: Describe the Islamic concept of peace in the light of

Quran and Sunnah

4: Describe tje wisdom of gradual revealation of Quran for

Islamic Law

5: Describe the limitation of Co-existence and

contradiction in the islamic and western social system

6: Describe the status and aim of Islamic Ummah in the

light of ‫انتم اال علوں ان کنتم مومنین‬ 

7: Give comparitive review on the role of woman in islam

and modern society 

8: Good combination of the reason (intellect) and

Revelation can resolve today's issues of humankind.
9: In the presence of interest based global financial
system, discuss the possibility of interest free Islamic
Financial system

2: Explain concept & structure of Muslim

Ummah and give suggestions for its revival.

3: What is differnce between Jihad and

Fasaad? Discuss the possibility of practical
application of Quranic concept of Jihad in
current international scenario.

4: The entire faith in Prophethood is

unacceptable without faith in finality of the
Prophethood. Discuss in the light of Quran &

5: Highlight the importance of Zakaat and

prove that economic stability of a society can
be ensured through its effective

6: Write a comprehensive note on the

importance of sunnah in interpretation and

7: Argue for supremacy of "Wahi" as the

solution of human problems against other
sources of knowledge.

8: Stability of modern society depends upon a

strong family system in the light of islamic
principles. Discuss 

9: Give comparison of Islamic Ideology and

modern Western thought about the present
trends of individuality.
Q.2 Who is entitled to receive Zakat according to the Quran? Elucidating social impact of
Zakar, clarify how can poverty be alleviated with its distribution in Islamic Society?

Q.3 Write a comprehensive note on the right of inheritance granted to women by Islam.

Q.4 How were the Rightly Guided Caliphs elected? To what extent their system of
government be regarded as democratic?

Q.5 Elucidate how the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon HIM) exemplified him as the
greatest peace maker in the world by making reconciliation with pagans, Jews and

Q.6 Explain the concept of self-purification in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah and its
impact on society.

Q.7 Enumerate the reasons of extremism in Pakistan and suggest solutions to eradicate
it in the light of Islamic teachings.

Q.8 Define Ijma' (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlights its importance in
the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.


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