Pelton Turbine: Department of Mechanical Engg Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Pelton Turbine: Department of Mechanical Engg Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Pelton Turbine: Department of Mechanical Engg Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Pelton Turbine
Dr. Shibayan Sarkar
Department of Mechanical Engg
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Pelton wheel Available power
(1889) is γ(Q)H
Flow Q Available power is γ(Q-q)H Bucket power is γ(Q-q)Hr Shaft Power
Head H Qa=Q-q, H Q-q, Hr=H- Δh Mechanical
Head losses losses , friction
Leakage q in runner Δh ηm=P/(γQaHr)
ηv=Qa/Q ηh=Hr/H=ρQa(Vw1+Vw2)/(γQaH)
≈ 0.97-0.99
volume of water actually striking the runner power delivered to runner power at shaft of turbine
ηv = ηh = ηm =
volume of water supplied to the turbine power supplied at inlet power delivered to runner
vw2 u2
Angle of β v φ
vf2 2
Deflection vr2
outlet =2
Vr= φ
Inlet =1
Relative velocity
experienced by
plate at inlet and
outlet are same.
for pelton wheel... * Fx ρ aV [ (V − u ) + (V − u ) cos=
= φ ] ρ aV (V − u ) [1 + cos φ ]
For pelton wheel
=Fx ρ a (V )1 [ (V − u )1 + (V − u ) 2 cos φ ]
Work done by the jet on plate per second
In connection to the fig of pelton bucket and * Where water coming out of the nozzle is
velocity triangle, always in contact with the blade/bucket/plate, if
V1 – u1=Vr1=, Vw2 Vr2 cos φ − u2 all plates are considered. Hence mass of water
v1 (jet velocity)= vw1 = u1+vr1 striking the plate is ρaV.
Fx ρ aV1 [ (V − u )1 + (V − u ) 2 cos
= = φ ] ρ aV1 [Vr1 + Vr2 cos
= φ ] ρ aV1 [ (Vw1 − u1 ) + (Vw2 + u2 ) ]
Fx ρ aV1 [ (Vw1 + Vw2 ) ] As u1 = u2
From velocity triangle:
= Vw2 Vr2 cos φ − u2
Force exerted by water by the jet of water in the direction of motion: = Fx ρ aV1 (Vw1 + Vw2 )
(since β is acute angle, + sign), a=area of jet
Work done by the jet on the runner per second = = Fx × u ρ aV1 (Vw1 + Vw2 )u Nm/s
Power given by the jet = = Fx × u ρ av1 (Vw1 + Vw2 )u /1000 kW
Work done per unit weight of water striking = ρ aV1 (Vw1 + Vw = 2 )u 1
(Vw1 + Vw2 )u
ρ aV1 g g
Energy supplied by the jet at inlet in the form of K.E. = 1/2mV2
Friction factor K = Vr2/Vr1
1 1
K.E. of jet per second = 2 ( ρ aV1 )V1 = 2 ( ρ Q)V1
2 2
ηh =2( ρ ′ − ρ ′2 )(1 + K cos φ )
ρ aV1 (Vw1 + Vw2 )u 2(Vw1 + Vw2 )u 2(V1 − u )[1 + cos φ ]u
Hydraulic efficiency = ηh = =
1 2 ( ρ Q)V12 V12 V12
Hydraulic efficiency is
vw2 u2 maximum when
Angle of β v φ d V
(ηh ) = 0 or u = 1
vf2 2 du 2
Deflection vr2
ηh max= (1 + cos φ ) 2