1.1 Background
1.1 Background
1.1 Background
1.1 Background
The price of share is highly influenced by the company’s dividend policy and the
dividend decision itself is also affected by other financial variables as well the
expected dividend of a company paying higher dividend is higher eventually the price
of share of the company goes up but contradiction, a company paying higher cash
dividends can suffer from the scarcity of funds for financing the corporate growth as a
result the share price comes down. The effect of dividend policy on stock price is
developed stock market has also been widely suited by finance scholars. They have
stressed on the important of dividend behavior by corporate firms. So need has been
felt to study and understand corporate dividend behavior and practices of corporate
Dividend policy being one of the major decisions to be taken by firm has not become
financial community. No matter how many studies have been conducted in this regard
the effect of dividend policy on a corporation’s market value has remained a subject
of long standing controversy. The focus of the study is to deal with the following
1.3 Objectives
The major objective of the study is to obtain the depth knowledge about the impact of
dividend policy adopted by the firms to its market price of share as well as the overall
valuation of the firm. The following are the specific objectives of this study.
To know the prevailing policies and practices regarding dividend in the Nepalese
To know if there is any uniformity in DPS, EPS, MPS and DPR of the sample
1.4 Rationale
The dividend is most sensitive element in the area of investment in the common stock.
If the market does not receive its expected dosage, stock price will suffer. Dividend
payout of course reduce the amount of earning retain in the firm and affect the total
amount of internal financing. The study may deliver crucial information for those
respective commercial banks are made. The main significance of study is as follows;
The study aims to provide important and useful information to the investor.
It will useful for stockbroker, financial agencies, policy makers and various
This study helps to formulate dividend policy to the policy maker while making
It is the first part of review of literature. This review consists of theoretical review
from textbook, reference books and practice in dividend policy and its impact on
market prices of stock. "The functions of finance involve three major decisions a
company must make: the investment decision, financing decision, and the dividend
combination of the three will create value" (James S. Van Horne, 1929).
shareholders to compensate them for the use of and risk to their investment. The
earnings are the most significant sources of financing the growth of the firm. On the
other hand, dividends may be considered desirable from shareholders' point of view,
as they tend to increase their current wealth. Dividend policy refers to the policy,
determines the ratio of earnings to be retained and pay out. As the dividend payment
and retained earnings have inverse relationship, all the problems regarding dividend
dividend policy. Higher dividend payout reduces the retention amount, which affects
the internal financing on the other hand lower dividend payout affects market, price of
stock. The decision regarding dividend payment depends upon the objective of the
"Most of the investors expect dividend to continue in each year as well as to receive
price when they sell the stock." The expected final stock price includes the returns of
the original investment plus a capital gain. If the stock is actually sold at price above
its purchase price, the investor will receive a capital gain as such the shareholders
expect an increase in market value of the common stock over time. At the same time,
they also expect firm's earning in a form of dividend. So the shareholders may satisfy
with dividend or capital gain. "Financial Manager is therefore concerned with the
activities of corporation that affect the well being of stockholders. That well being can
be partially measured by dividend received but a more accurate measure is the market
Chawala and Srinivasan (2011) in his Articles, “Impact of Dividend and Retention on
Share Price.” They took 18 Chemicals and 13 sugar companies and estimated cross
section relationship for the year 1969 and 1973. The basic objectives of the study
were to set a model to explain share prices, dividend and retained earnings
relationship, to test the dividend and retained earnings hypothesis, to examine the
structural changes in estimated relations over time and to achieve above mentioned
Puckett in 1964).
Ojha (2012), in his articles “A study on Dividend policy of Commercial Banks”. The
main objectives of his research were to study and examine the difference of financial
performance and stock prices, to examine the relationship of dividends and stock
Williams (2013), In his Journal has defended “The Dividend Model” on the reasoning
that the part of earnings which are not paid out as dividends are reinvested in the
business and which ultimately would produce more dividends through growth. "If
earnings not paid out in dividends are all successfully reinvested at compound interest
for the benefit of the stockholder, as critics imply, then these earnings should provide
1.6 Methodology
Research Methodology indicates the methods and processes employed in the entire
aspect of the study. In other words, research methodology refers to the various
problem. Therefore, it is the methods, steps, and guidelines, which are to be followed
in analysis, and it is a way of presenting the collected data with meaningful analysis.
The research design of this study follows the impact of dividend on stock price. In
other words, this research is designed so as to find out the impact on the market price
of common stock of a company when dividend is paid to the shareholders and how
the market price of stock responds when dividend is not paid to the shareholders. In
other words, the study is closely related to the impact of dividend on market price of
common stock and wealth position of shareholders. Therefore, the descriptive as well
as the analytical approach design are adopted here to make the analysis more
effective, financial tools, statistical tools and testing models are also used.
Out of 28 Commercial banks that are operating their activities in Nepal, researcher
has selected only one commercial banks for this study. Therefore, we are going to
analysis only one commercial banks about their operating activities as a sample.
These Banks are selected due the oldest establishment, market reputation, huge
This study is based on the secondary data. The data relating to the dividend decision,
which are directly obtained from commercial bank. Annual reports, balance sheet,
profit and loss account of commercial banks are main source of data. Beside the data
are also collected from various journals, articles, newspapers and magazines
2. Data are collected for the year 2012/13 to 2016/17 as five years data are
1.6.4 Instrument
While processing data in tables and charts both statistical as well as mathematical
tools were applied, while presenting the data, tables and diagrams were followed, with
respect to statistical tools, ratio etc. were used. However, talking about mathematical
tools percentage was followed. By the help of these tools, analysis of data was far
Various Financial and Statistical tools will be used to analyze the data of this study.
1. Financial Tools
Financial tools are those, which help to study the financial position of the firms. The
ways. The income of per share is calculated by dividing the earning available to
The higher earning indicates the better achievements in turns of profitability of the
bank by mobilizing their funds and vice versa. In other words, the Earning per share
company. How much per share the dividend is distributed to common shareholder’s
can be known from this ratio. The dividend distributed among the common
Generally, the higher DPS creates positive attitude of the shareholders toward the
bank is common stock, which consequently helps to increase the market value of the
shares and it works as the indicator of better performance of the bank management.
The purpose of calculating this ratio is to know the portion of dividend distributed out
of total earning. This ratio shows the relation between the returns belonging to equity
The higher the dividend payout ratio, the lower will be the proportion of retained
Market values of share are one of the variables, which are affected by the dividend per
share and earnings per share of firm. Therefore, the MPS is that value of stock, which
can be obtained by a firm from the market. If the EPS and DPS are high, the MPS will
also be high. In this study, MPS can be obtained from capital market and it is the
1.7 Limitations
This study will be carried out within certain limitations, which are as follows
This study is based on especially on secondary data like annual reports of the
banks under review. The study is concerned only at the dividend policy of selected
The study only concentrate on dividend policy, it does not cover several other
The data of Nabil Bank Limited firms analyze with the use of limited tools and
The whole study is divided into three different chapters. They are:
Chapter- I: Introduction
imperials works, research design, population and sample, source of data, data
This chapter deals with the various analysis and interpretations of data and finding of
the study.
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..............................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives.................................................................................................................2
1.4 Rationale..................................................................................................................2
1.6 Methodology............................................................................................................5
1.6.4 Instrument.......................................................................................................7
1.7 Limitations...............................................................................................................9