Nurses Notes Date Focus Data Action Response: Subjective
Nurses Notes Date Focus Data Action Response: Subjective
Nurses Notes Date Focus Data Action Response: Subjective
Surname First Name M.I. Age Sex Civil Status Admission No. Attending Physician
Diagnosis Room/Ward
Date Focus Data Action Response
Aug.19, Loose Bowel Subjective: Vital signs taken and noted (T- Fever not noted;
2020 Movement Patient verbalized, 37.5C, RR- 17bpm, PR- 82bpm, BP- Patient was able to
“ga sakit man 90/70mmhg); Bedside care given; rest in a comfortable
7:30 AM – gyapon akon tiyan Assisted patient from going to the position; Replace
9:30 AM kag kaduwa gd ko bathroom; Encouraged to increase fluid lost from
ma mus-on” fluid intake; Assessed for abdominal diarrhea
discomfort, pain, cramping,
Objective: frequency, urgency, loose or liquid
Received patient stools, and hyperactive bowel
awake; IVF #4 PNSS sensations.
1L at 30gtts/min
with remaining
solution of 400cc,
bottle 8; had LBM
twice; Afebrile
Vital signs:
T- 37.5
RR- 17
PR- 82
9:30 AM Vomiting Subjective: Measured the patient’s urinary Patient’s urinary
Patient verbalized, output every 2 hours. Measured the output maintained at
“Nd ko gyapon ka patient’s intake and output every 12 least 30 cc/hr.
untat suka ” hours. Instructed the patient to Patient tolerated
store her stool in a bedpan and his clear liquids without
Objective: vomitus in a plastic; Bedside care vomiting; Patient will
Lethargic; Vomited given; Assisted patient to a reported he is feeling
2x to a 10cc whitish comfortable position. less lethargic
saliva; Patient is
shows facial
11:00 AM – Abdominal Pain Subjective: Assessed pain; Repositioned the Patient was relieved
12:00 PM Patient verbalized, patient; applied hot compress to of pain and was able
“Ga sakit gd ya alleviate the pain; administered to relax; pain scale of
gyapon akon tiyan medications 5/10
Shows facial
grimace; guarding
behavior; Pain
scale of 6/10
1:30 PM Health Teaching: Subjective: Gave Health Teaching to the patient Patient was
Pain Management Patient verbalized, on basic breathing exercises and responsive of the
“Nag ayo2 akon pain management health teaching and
palanakit sa tiyan” immediately applied
the teachings
Patient shows little
behavior of pain
being felt
2:30 PM Taking of Vital Endorsed vital signs
Signs and
Endorsement T- 37 C
RR- 19 bpm
PR- 70 bpm