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Grade-4 Math

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Achievement First Elementary Math

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Practice Workbooks - Achievement First
Elementary Math – Grade 4
Workbook A.................................................................................................................................... 4
4.OA.A.1 – Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison and represent verbal
statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 x 7
as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7, and 7 times as many as 5................................... 4
4.OA.B.4 – Using whole numbers in the range 1-100, find all factor pairs for a given whole
number, recognize that a given whole number is a multiple of each of its factors, determine
whether a given whole number is a multiple of a given one-digit number, and determine
whether a given whole number is prime or composite................................................................ 8
4.OA.C.5 – Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent
features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. .................................................. 14
Workbook B .................................................................................................................................. 19
4.NBT.A.1 – Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. Recognize
that in a multi-digit whole number less than or equal to 1,000,000, a digit in one place
represents ten times what it represents in a place to its right. ................................................... 19
4.NBT.A.2 – Read and write multi-digit whole numbers less than or equal to 1,000,000 using
base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit whole
numbers based on the meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record
the results of comparisons. ........................................................................................................ 28
4.NBT.A.3 – Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers, less than or
equal to 1,000,000 to any place. ................................................................................................ 34
Workbook C .................................................................................................................................. 39
4.NBT.B.4 – Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers, with sums less than or
equal to 1,000,000, using the standard algorithm. .................................................................... 39
Workbook D.................................................................................................................................. 45
4.NBT.B.5 – Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit number, and
multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of
operations and explain the calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area
models. ...................................................................................................................................... 45
4.NBT.B.6 – Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to 4-digit dividends and
one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 1

the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by
using equation, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. ........................................................... 51
4.MD.A.1 – Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including ft,
in; km, m, cm, g; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express
measurement in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a
conversion two-column table. (Conversions are limited to one-step conversions.).................. 56
4.MD.A.3 – Apply the area and perimeter formula for rectangles in real-world and
mathematical problems. ............................................................................................................ 61
Workbook E .................................................................................................................................. 67
4.NF.A.1 – Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using
visual fraction models with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even
though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and
generate equivalent fractions. (Denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.) 67
4.NF.A.2 – Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g.
by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing to a benchmark fraction
such as ½. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same
whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions,
e.g. by using a visual fraction model. (Denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and
100.)........................................................................................................................................... 72
4.NF.B.3b – Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more
than one way, recording each decomposition in an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g. by
using a visual fraction model. Examples 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8, 3/8 = 2/8 + 1/8 (Denominators
are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.) ......................................................................... 77
4.NF.B.3c – Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g. by replacing each
mixed number with an equivalent fraction and/or by using properties of operations and the
relationship between addition and subtraction. ......................................................................... 81
4.NF.B.4a – Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b. ................................................... 86
4.NF.B.4 – Multiply a fraction by a whole number. ................................................................ 89
4.NF.B.4b – Understand a multiple of a/b as a multiple of 1/b, and use this understanding to
multiply a fraction by a whole number. .................................................................................... 89
Workbook F .................................................................................................................................. 92
4.NF.C.5 – Express a fraction with a denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with a
denominator 100 and use this technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10
and 100. ..................................................................................................................................... 92
4.NF.C.6 – Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100......................... 96
4.NF.C.7 – Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize
that comparisons are valid only when two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results
of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions e.g. by using a visual
model. ...................................................................................................................................... 101
Workbook G................................................................................................................................ 107

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 2

4.G.A.1 – Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures........................... 107
4.G.A.3 – Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the
figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-
symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry. ..................................................................... 112
Workbook H................................................................................................................................ 117
4.MD.C.6 – Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of
specified measure. ................................................................................................................... 117
4.MD.C.7 – Recognize angle measure as additive. When an angle is decomposed into non-
overlapping parts, the angle measure of the whole is the sum of the angle measure of the parts.
Solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram in real-world
and mathematical problems, e.g., by using an equation with a letter for the unknown angle
measure.................................................................................................................................... 122

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 3

Workbook A
4.OA.A.1 – Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison and represent verbal
statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations, e.g., interpret 35 =
5 x 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7, and 7 times as many as 5.

1. Which shows 5 times as many as 4?

a. 4 + 5 = _____ b. 4 ÷ 5 = _____ c. 4 x 5 = _____ d. 4 – 5 = _____

2. 32 is four times as many as ______________.

3. Which set of equations shows 2 times more than 15?

2 ÷ 15 = b 2 x 15 = b 2 ÷ b = 15
15 ÷ 2 = b 15 x 2 = b 15 x b = 2

Solve to find b: ___________________

4. What is 6 times as many as 30? _______________________

5. Which equation below shows 4 times as old as 7?

d. 4 x 7 = A e. A x 4 = 7 f. 7 ÷ A = 4 g. 7 ÷ 2 = A

6. Which equations show a way to represent 3 times as many as 10? Circle all
equations that could represent this problem.

a. 10 ÷ 3 = _________ b. 3 x _________ = 10 c. 10 x 3 = _________

d. _________ ÷ 3 = 10 e. _________ ÷ 10 = 3 f. 10 ÷ _________ = 3

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 4

7. Which two equations represent the statement “56 is 8 times as many as 7?” Select
the two correct answers.

a. 56 = 8 + 7 b. 56 = 8 x 7 c. 56 = 8 x 8 d. 56 = 7 + 8 e. 56 = 7 x 8

8. 81 is 9 times as many as _________.

9. Which equation shows how to find 8 times as many as 4?

a. 8 ÷ 4 = 2 b. 8 – 4 = 4 c. 4 x 8 = 32 d. 4 + 8 = 12

10. Which statement is represented by the equation: 20 x 3 = 60

a. The number 20 is 3 less than 60.

b. The number 60 is 20 more than 3.

c. The number 20 is 3 times as much as 60.

d. The number 60 is 3 times as much as 20.

11. 3 times as much as 6 is ________.

12. Which equation can be used to determine 6 times as many as 30?

a. 30 – 6 = ? b. 30 ÷ 6 = ? c. 30 x 6 = ? d. 3- + 6 = ?

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 5

13. Write an equation that represents the statement “56 is 8 times as many as 7.”


14. Which statement is represented by the equation: 30 x 6 = 180?

a. The number 180 is 6 less than 30.

b. The number 180 is 30 more than 6.

c. The number 30 is 180 times more than 6.

d. The number 180 is 6 times more than 30.

15. Write an equation that matches the statement below.

The number 90 is 3 times more than 30.


16. Fill in the blanks to make the statements truei.

a. 4 times as much as 3 is _______.

b. 10 times as much as 9 is _______.

17. Fill in the blank to complete the comparisonii.

_____________ is 2 times as large as 7.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 6

18. Fill in the blanks to make the statements trueiii.

a. 2 times as much as 4 is _______.

b. 10 times as much as 4 is _______.

19. Which statement represents the given equation, 24 = 4 × 6?

a. 24 is ¼ of 6
b. b. 24 is 4 less than 6
c. c. 24 is 4 times greater than 6
d. d. 4 is 6 times greater than 24

20. The number 28 is 4 times as large as 7.

Write this comparison as a multiplication equation.


21. 64 is 8 times as many as ___________.

22. Fill in the blank to complete the comparisoniv.

20 is _____________times as large as 4.

23. Write the multiplication equation that matches this statement: “16 is two times
greater than 8.”


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 7

24. Which equation represents this statement:

six times as much as twelve

a. 12 ÷ 6 = ?
b. 6 + 12 = ?
c. 6 x ? = 12
d. 6 x 12 = ?

25. 5 times as much as 6 is _________.

26. 27 is 9 times as many as ____________.

4.OA.B.4 – Using whole numbers in the range 1-100, find all factor pairs for a given whole
number, recognize that a given whole number is a multiple of each of its factors,
determine whether a given whole number is a multiple of a given one-digit number, and
determine whether a given whole number is prime or composite.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 8

1. Which of these numbers is a multiple of 6?

a. 16 b. 41 c. 30 d. 25

2. Which factor of 80 is NOT a factor of 16?

a. 1 b. 4 c. 8 d. 10

3. Find all of the factor pairs for 49. Then decide if it is composite or prime.

Factors: ____________________________________

Composite or Prime? __________________________

4. Which of these is NOT a multiple of 7?

a. 15 b. 21 c. 35 d. 56

5. Decide which numbers are factors of 15. Cross out the numbers that are NOT factors.
Then, list the factor pairs.

Possible Factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15

Factor Pairs: ______________________________________________

6. Create a factor rainbow for 45. Then list all the factors on the line below.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 9


7. Circle all of the numbers below that are factors of 15 and 24.

a. 1
b. 24
c. 15
d. 3
e. 0

8. Which of these is a multiple of 4? Circle all possible answers.

a. 12 b. 16 c. 4 d. 18

9. What are all of the factor pairs for 32?


10. Find all of the factor pairs for 39. Then decide if it is composite or prime.

Factors: ____________________________________

Composite or Prime? __________________________

11. List five multiples of 8:

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

12. Which numbers are factors of both of 32 and 48? Circle all that apply.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 10

1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 48

13. In a through d, write whether each number is prime or composite. Prove your
answer by listing the factors pairs of the given product.

Number Factor Pairs Prime or


a. 34

b. 46

c. 53

d. 83

14. Select the correct equation.

a. 35 ÷ 7 = 5 b. 45 ÷ 5 = 8 c. 3 x 8 = 32 d. 4 x 7 = 21

15. Which group of numbers lists factors of both 24 and 48?

a. 0, 3, 4, 48

b. 3, 6, 8 16

c. 1, 2, 16, 48

d. 3, 4, 12, 24

16. Find an odd number greater than 2 and less than 20 that is composite.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 11


17. Find four numbers that are factors of both 56 and 62.

________ ________ ________ _______

18. Find all of the factor pairs for the number 72. Circle One: Prime Composite


19. Find a number that is a multiple of 7 and 8.


20. Find all the common factors of 56 and 64. There are 4.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

22. How many factor pairs does the number 90 have?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 12

23. What is a number that is both a multiple of 6 and a multiple of 7?


24. What are two common factors of 63 and 72?


25. Find all of the factors for the number 40.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 13

4.OA.C.5 – Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify
apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself.

Determine the rule, and complete the pattern.

1. 7, 14, ______, 28, ______, 42, _________

Rule: ___________________________________

2. 3, ______, 12, 24, _______, 96, ________

Rule: ___________________________________

Hours 4 6 7 9 12
Bricks Laid 120 180 210 360

Rule: ___________________________________

4. 7, ______, 11, 13, _______, 17, ________

Rule: ___________________________________

5. 42, 38, _______, _______, 26, ______

Rule: ___________________________________

Input 2 3 4 6 7

Output 3 6 10 21

Rule: ___________________________________
Input Output
3 0
4 1
5 2
Rule: ___________________________________

Input Output
1 6
2 7
3 8

Rule: ___________________________________
Input Output
4 40

Rule: ___________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 15

10. 7, 12, ______, 22, 27, _______

Rule: ___________________________________
11. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, ______, _______

Rule: ___________________________________

12. 118, 106, 94, _______, 70, ______, _______

Rule: ___________________________________

13. 37, ______, 55, 64, 73, _____, 91 ______

Rule: ___________________________________

14. 30, 27, _____, 21, ______, _______, _________

Rule: ___________________________________

Input 48 45 42 39 36

Output 46 42 40 37

Rule: ___________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 16

Input Output
2 4
4 8
6 12
8 16
10 20

Rule: ___________________________________

17. 6, 12, ______, 24, ______, 36, _________

Rule: ___________________________________

18. 2, ______, 14, 20, _______, 32, ________

Rule: ___________________________________

Input 4 6 7 9 12
Output 32 48 56 96

Rule: ___________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 17

20. 7, ______, 15, 19, _______, 27, ________

Rule: ___________________________________

21. 46, 37, _______, _______, 10, ______

Rule: ___________________________________

Input 2 3 4 6 7
Output 3 6 10 21

Rule: ___________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 18

Workbook B
4.NBT.A.1 – Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number less than or equal to 1,000,000, a digit in
one place represents ten times what it represents in a place to its right.

1. The number 567 is multiplied by 100. Which statement is true about the 6 in the

a. The value of the digit 6 in the product is 6.

b. The value of the digit 6 in the product is 60.

c. The value of the digit 6 in the product is 600.

d. The value of the digit 6 in the product is 6000.

2. What is ten times less than 300?


3. Which statement explains how the value of the 6 in the numbers 360 and 3600
are different?

a. 360 is 100 times less than 3600

b. 360 is ten times greater than 3600
c. 3600 is 100 times greater than 360
d. 3600 is ten times greater than 360

4. 8 thousands = ______ hundreds

a. 8000 b. 8 c. 800 d. 80

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 19

5. In the number 4,043, the 4 in the tens place is __________ times less than the 4 in
the thousands place.

6. What is ten times less than 3,500?

a. 35
b. 350
c. 3.5
d. 3,490

7. Use whatever strategy helps you solve the problem.

3 tens x 100 = ______ tens = ____________

8. What is 10,000 times more than 2?

a. $20,000
b. $200
c. $2,000
d. $210,000

9. Anita is ten times older than her little sister. Her little sister is 3 years old. How old is


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 20

10. The number 348 is multiplied by 10. What is the value of the digit 4 in the

a. The value of the digit 4 in the product is 4.

b. The value of the digit 4 in the product is 40.

c. The value of the digit 4 in the product is 400.

d. The value of the digit 4 in the product is 4000.

11. The value of the digit 5 in the number 52,789 is 10 times the value of the digit 5 in
which number?

a. 36,563

b. 45,642

c. 27,971

d. 502,622

12. Write a number that has a 3 that represents a value a hundred times less than
the value represented by the 3 in the number 34,972.


13. In the number 48,789 how many times greater is the digit in the thousands place
than the digit in the tens place?

14. The number 257 is multiplied by 1,000. What is the new value of the digit 5 in
the product?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 21

15. The number 234 is multiplied by 10. Which statement is true about the digit 2 in the

a. The value of the digit 2 in the product is 20.

b. The value of the digit 2 in the product is 200.

c. The value of the digit 2 in the product is 2,000.

d. The value of the digit 2 in the product is 20,000.

16. The number 147,976 has the digit 7 in two different places. How many times greater
is the value represented by the 7 in the thousands place then the value of the 7 in the
tens place?


17. The value of the 6 in 306,278 is 10 times the value of the 6 in which number?

a. 21,637

b. 360,541

c. 412,016

d. 521,367

18. The value of the digit 4 in the number 42,780 is 10 times the value of the digit 4 in
which number?

a. 146,703

b. 426,135

c. 34,651

d. 10,400

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 22

19. 24,000 is _____ times more than 2,400.

a. 100 b. 10 c. 1,000 d. 10,000

20. 4,000 is _____ times less than 400,000.

a. 100 b. 10 c. 1,000 d. 10,000

21. Fill in the blank to make the statement true.


The 4 in the thousands place is _______ the value of the 4 in the ones place.

22. The number 324 is multiplied by 100. Which statement is true about the 2 in the

a. The value of the digit 3 in the product is 30.

b. The value of the digit 3 in the product is 300.

c. The value of the digit 3 in the product is 3,000.

d. The value of the digit 3 in the product is 30,000.

23. Fill in the blank to make the statement true. 324,312

The 3 in the hundred-thousands place is _______ the value of the 3 in the hundreds

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 23

24. Write a number in which the value of the digit 4 in the number 41,792 is 10 times the
value a digit 4 in your number.


25. The value of the 7 in 173,891 is 1,000 times the value of the 7 in which number?

a. 319,702 b. 267,865 c. 420,379 d. 721,451

26. Write a number in which the value of the digit 7 in the number 52,729 is 10 times the
value a digit 7 in your number.


27. The value of the 5 in 520,379 is 1,000 times the value of the 5 in which number?

a. 315,702 b. 267,568 c. 263,591 d. 751,461

28. The value of the digit 6 in the number 62,789 is 10 times the value of the digit 6 in
which number?

a. 31,643

b. 46,342

c. 27,961

d. 602,322

29. Write a number that has a 3 that represents a value a hundred times less than the
value represented by the 3 in the number 304,254?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 24

30. In the number 29,631 how many times greater is the digit in the thousands place
than the digit in the tens place?


31. The number 863 is multiplied by 1,000. What is the new value of the digit 6 in the


32. The number 765 is multiplied by 10. Which statement is true about the digit 7 in the

a. The value of the digit 7 in the product is 70.

b. The value of the digit 7 in the product is 700.

c. The value of the digit 7 in the product is 7,000.

d. The value of the digit 7 in the product is 70,000.

33. Write a number in which the value of the digit 2 in the number 52,729 is 10 times the
value a digit 2 in your number.


34. The value of the 6 in 263,591 is 1,000 times the value of the 6 in which number?

a. 615,702 b. 267,518 c. 520,679 d. 751,461

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 25

35. The value of the digit 7 in the number 62,789 is 10 times the value of the digit 7 in
which number?

a. 376,643

b. 46,372

c. 27,961

d. 602,722

36. Write a number that has a 4 that represents a value a hundred times less than
the value represented by the 4 in the number 436,251?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 26

4.NBT.A.2 – Read and write multi-digit whole numbers less than or equal to 1,000,000
using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit
whole numbers based on the meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and <
symbols to record the results of comparisons.

1. Write 261,905 in expanded and written form.

Expanded: ______________________________________________________

Written: ________________________________________________________

2. Write 16 ten-thousands + 5 thousands + 64 tens in standard form.


3. Show two different ways to express 506,182 using written and expanded form:

Expanded: ______________________________________________________

Written: ________________________________________________________

4. Do the following show 12,325? Write Yes or No for each.

a. 10,000 + 2,000 + 300 + 20 + 5

b. 123 thousands + 325 ones

c. 1 thousand + 2 hundreds + 325 ones

d. 10 thousand + 23 hundreds + 325 ones

e. 5,000 + 7,000 + 300 + 25

f. 12,300 + 20 + 5
5. Fill in the table below:

Standard Expanded Written

Six hundred seventy-two
thousand sixty-seven

6. Write each number in standard form:

52 tens and 3 ones ___________________________

7. Fill in the table below:

Standard Expanded Written

500,000 + 60,000 + 1,000 + 900 + 30 + 4

8. Fill in the table below:

Standard Expanded Written


9. Which number makes the comparison true? Circle one.

_________ > 145,987

154,987 145,978

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 29

10. Arrange these numbers from least to greatest.

354,792 453,927 453,729


11. Write a 4 digit number that is greater than 9,904, but less than 11, 321.


12. Rewrite the following numbers in standard form.

200,000 + 70,000 + 4,000 + 500 + 4 _____________________

2,000 + 800 + 10 _____________________

1,000 + 300 + 40 + 8 _____________________

200,000 + 30,000 + 2,000 + 70 + 4 _____________________

60,000 + 6,000 + 500 + 20 _____________________

5,000 + 600 + 50 + 2 _____________________

13. Compare the numbers using < or >.

a. 10,525 ______ 10,255 e. 73,022 ______ 7,477

b. 21,120 ______ 20,121 f. 14,010 ______ 14,001
c. 57,775 ______ 75,557 g. 49,919 ______ 94,491
d. 65,065 ______ 65,065 h. 80,404 ______ 80,044

14. What is the expanded form of 50,201?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 30

15. Which expression can be used to show 270,240 written in expanded form?

a. 200,000 + 7,000 + 200 + 4

b. 200,000 + 7,000 + 200 + 40

c. 200,000 + 70,000 + 200 + 40

d. 200,000 + 70,000 + 200 + 4

16. Tell whether each statement is true or false.

True False
4581 > 4000 + 800 + 50 +1
40 hundreds + 50 tens + 81 ones = 4,581
4 thousands + 8 hundreds + 1 ten + 5 ones > 4,581

17. Compare the two numbers using < or >.

36,594 ______ 56,493

44,062 ______ 44,260
291,974 ______ 219,979

18. Arrange these numbers from greatest to least. Re-write them in standard form.

300,000 + 5,000 + 60,000 ___________________________________

Three Hundred Six Thousand Two Hundred __________________________

30 + 300,000 + 70,000____________________________________________


19. What is the expanded form of 50,201?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 30

20. Select True or False for each comparison.

True False
5,418 > 5,000 + 800 + 40 + 1
50 hundreds + 40 tens + 81 ones = 4,581
5 thousands + 8 hundreds + 1 ten + 4 ones < 5,418

21. Read the unit form and write the number in standard form.

a. 8 thousands 9 hundreds 4 ones = ____________________________________

b. 20 thousands 9 tens 4 ones = ____________________________________

c. 3 ten thousands 2 hundreds 4 tens 9 ones = ______________________________

22. Write 206,345 in unit form.


23. Write 21,879 in unit form.


24. Write 670,348 in unit form.


25. Write each number in unit form:

763,802: _________________________________________________________

70,298: _________________________________________________________

309,185: _________________________________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 31

26. Which is another way to write 8 ten thousands 3 thousands 7 ones 4 tens 5

a. 38,457 b. 83,754 c. 803,574 d. 83,547

27. Which is another way to write 3 thousands 2 ten thousands 7 tens 1 hundred 8

a. 23,718 b. 23,178 c. 32,871 d. 32,781

28. Write 345,206 in unit form.


29. Write 97,219 in unit form.


30. Write 804,670 in unit form.


31. Write 10,016 in word form.


32. Write a number that is greater than 34, 789


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 32

33. Rewrite the following number in standard form:

30,000 + 4,000 + 90 + 2


34. Compare the following numbers with <, >, or =.

14, 617 ______ 10,000 + 4,000 + 600 + 20

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 33

4.NBT.A.3 – Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers, less than
or equal to 1,000,000 to any place.

1. What is 355 rounded to the nearest 10? ____________________________

2. What is 641 rounded to the nearest 100? ____________________________

3. Which numbers round to 400, when rounded to the nearest hundred? Circle all
that apply.

445 290 356 501 425 330 469

4. The table below shows the amount of money that was made at the fundraiser
carwash each day last weekend.

On which day does the amount of money made round to $200 when rounded to
the nearest hundred?

Answer: ______________________________

5. What is 561 rounded to the nearest ten? _________________

What is 561 rounded to the nearest hundred? _________________

6. Jay rounded a number to the nearest ten and got 480. What could his original
number have been?


7. Sally rounded a number to the nearest hundred and got 600. Which number
could be Sally’s original number?

a. 643

b. 400

c. 522

d. 701

e. 562

8. Aiden rounded a number and got 340. Which below number could have been
his original number?

336 347 350


9. Write 3 numbers that round to 50,000 when rounded to the nearest 10,000.

_____________ _____________ _____________

10. Round 664,418…

To the nearest ten: ______________

To the nearest hundred: ______________

To the nearest thousand: ______________

To the nearest ten thousand: ______________

To the nearest hundred thousand: ___________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 35

11. Which number rounds to 120,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

a. 125,678
b. 116,034
c. 112,625
d. 20,789

12. Round each number to the nearest hundred-thousand:

6,532 _______________98,324______________ 834,239 ______________

13. Jequan rounds 175,231 to 175,200; what place value was he rounding to?


14. Round each number to the nearest ten-thousand.

3,976 ______________ 14,568_______________ 747,867 _________________

15. To what place value would you be rounding if you rounded the number 117,290
to 120,000?

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 36

16. Which two numbers round to 300,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred

a. 306,999
b. 352,384
c. 399,999
d. 245,678
e. 289,653

17. Write a number that could be rounded to 340,000 when rounded to the nearest
ten thousand.


18. Which two numbers could be rounded to 430,000 when rounded to the nearest ten

a. 328,782

b. 437,651

c. 435,826

d. 432,198

e. 424,307

19. What is 478,901 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?


20. What is the largest number that can be rounded to 2,500 when rounded to the
nearest ten?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 37

21. What is 34,541 rounded to the nearest thousand?


22. Find the smallest number that rounds to 400 when rounded to the nearest


23. Find all of the numbers that round to 340 when rounded to the nearest ten.


24. A is an unknown number. When you round A to the nearest thousand, you get
21,000. When you round A to the nearest hundred, you get 20,500.

Write A in the box that shows its location on the number line.

25. Round 869,907 to the nearest hundred.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 38

Workbook C
4.NBT.B.4 – Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers, with sums less than or
equal to 1,000,000, using the standard algorithm.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 39

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 40
Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 41
1. Find the difference. 51,348 and 22,122. _________________

2. Use the standard algorithm to solve.

3. 2,265 + 15,426 _________________

4. Use the standard algorithm to solve.

5. Use a strategy that makes sense to you to solve.

71,543 + 13,921 = _______________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 42

6. Use a strategy that makes sense to you to solve.

59,637 – 34,721 = _______________

7. 462,722 - 208,519 = _____________________

8. 786805 – 505817 = __________________________

9. 56432 – 33224=__________________

10. 34246+54231=__________________

11. 506, 999 + 1, 287 = __________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 43

12. 1,000 – 456 = _____________________

13. 3434+443+2=__________________

14. 7+5251+375=__________________

15. 67,800 – 9, 893 = ___________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 44

Workbook D
4.NBT.B.5 – Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit number, and
multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties
of operations and explain the calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or
area models.

1. Solve.

12 x 9 = ______ 22 x 41 = _______

92 x 33 = ______ 17 x 82 = _______

15 x 12 = _______ 51 x 15 = _______

19 x 63 = ______ _______ = 11 x 18

_______ = 29 x 17 _______ = 34 x 26

_______ = 36 x 49 47 x 14 = _____

27 x 56 = _______ _______ = 18 x 32

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 45

2. Find the product.

3 x 900 = ____________

3. Use a place value array to solve.

4 x 534 = ______

4. Find the product.

6 x 2,452 = ______

5. Find the missing factor.

2 x ________ = 1,800

6. Find the product.

3,025 x 6 = ________

7. Find the product.

5 x 600 = ____________

8. Solve.

32 x 21= __________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 46

9. Solve.

21 x 93 = ______ 52 x 43 = _______

19 x 23 = ______ 27 x 52 = _______

5 x 120 = _______ 53 x 25 = _______

9 x 632 = ______ _______ = 11 x 185

_______ = 296 x 7 _______ = 348 x 2

_______ = 3,643 x 4 472 x 4 = _____

7 x 5,631 = _______ _______ = 8 x 329

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 47

10. Fill in the missing partial products. Then solve.

32 x 26 = _________

11. Find the missing factor.

30 x ______ = 900

12. Find the product.

6 x 2,304 = ___________

13. Find the product.

8 x 300 = ______

14. Calculate the product of 64 x 35.

15. 32 x 24

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 48

16. 481 x 9

17. Fill in the partial products and then solve.

18. 29 x 41 = _____

19. 5,607 x 7 = __________

20. Find the area.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 49

21. Write an equation that matches the area model.


22. 2,546 x 6 = ________

23. 34 x 22 = ________


25. 705 x 2

26. 54 x 16

27. 8,901 x 3

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 50

4.NBT.B.6 – Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to 4-digit dividends
and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and
explain the calculation by using equation, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

1. Stephanie solved a division problem using the area model. What division
problem did she solve?


2. 5,082 ÷ 6 =

3. Solve using the area model to finding missing side length.

1,071 ÷ 3 = ______________________________

4. 308 ÷ 7 = ____________

5. Solve 46 ÷ 3 using an area model.

6. 448 ÷ 3 = ____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 51

7. Solve.

8. 2031 ÷ 8 = ____________

9. 462 ÷ 7 = ____________

10. 28,000 ÷ 7 = _____________

11. 508 ÷ 3 = ______________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 52

12. 1,010 ÷ 9 = _____________

13. 576 ÷ 6 = _____________

14. What is the missing number? 5,600 ÷ 8 = _________

15. Solve.

16. 1,600 ÷ 40 = ____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 53

17. Solve.

18. 432 ÷ 4 = ____________

19. Solve. 640 ÷ 80 = _____________

20. 504 ÷ 6 = _____________

21. 1,832 ÷ 3 = ______________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 54

22. Find the length of the side that is missing.

23. 2,008 ÷ 4 = ___________

24. 1,709 ÷ 3 = ____________

25. 972 ÷ 6= ___________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 55

4.MD.A.1 – Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including
ft, in; km, m, cm, g; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement,
express measurement in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement
equivalents in a conversion two-column table. (Conversions are limited to one-step

1. Circle the best unit of measurement.

2 meters or 20 centimeters

2. Fill in the conversion table. Liters Milliliters


3. Jorge wants to measure the height of his dinner table. Which tool would be best for
Jorge to use?

A. ruler B. yardstick C. thermometer D. tablespoon

4. A spoon holds:

A. Less than a cup

B. 1 cup
C. 1 quart
D. 1 pint

5. 5 gallons 3 quarts = __________ quarts

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 56

6. Fill in the conversion table. Meters Centimeters

7. Which unit of measure would be best to use to measure the mass of a car?

A. meters B. kilograms C. grams D. ounces

8. Which unit of measure would be best to measure the length of a bus?

a. Inches b. ounces c. feet d. miles

9. Complete the table.

Gallons Quarts

10. Which unit of measure would be best to measure the capacity of a coffee mug?

a. Ounces b. Liters c. Teaspoons d. Cups

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 57

11. Complete the table.

Quarts Pints

12. Circle the correct response. A pool holds…

30 gallons or 3,000 gallons

13. 7 gallons 2 quarts = __________ quarts

14. 3 quarts 1 pint = __________ pints

15. Fill in the conversion table.

Yards Feet

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 58

16. 9 pints 3 cups = __________ cups

17. Circle one. 2 cups 2 quarts

18. Answer true or false for the following statement. If it is false rewrite one side to make
it true.

1 gallon < 5 quarts __________________

19. Fill in the conversion table.

Pounds Ounces

20. Answer true or false for the following statement. If it is false rewrite one side to make
it true.

4 liters = 4,000 milliliters __________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 59

21. Answer true or false for the following statement. If it is false rewrite one side to make
it true.

15 pints < 28 cups __________________

22. Feet Inches


23. 5 feet 7 inches = ___________ inches

24. 13 yards 6 feet = __________ feet

25. 6 liters 893 mL = ____________ milliliters

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 60

4.MD.A.3 – Apply the area and perimeter formula for rectangles in real-world and
mathematical problems.

1. Find the perimeter of the shape below.

Perimeter ____________

2. What is the area and perimeter of a square that has side lengths that are all 8
inches long?

Area________________ Perimeter____________

3. What is the area of the shape below?

Area ______________

4. What is the area of the shape?

Area _______________

5. Find the area and perimeter of rectangle A, which has a length of 4 feet and a
width of 2 feet.

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 61

6. What is the area and perimeter of a shape that is 5 inches wide and 9 inches

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

7. Find the perimeter of the shape below.

Perimeter _____________

8. A rectangular flowerbed in the city park has an area of 12 meters. The width of
the flowerbed is 3 meters. What is the length of the flowerbed?


9. A rectangle is 6 meters wide. The length is 2 meters more than its width. What is
the area and perimeter of the rectangle?

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

10. What is the length of the missing side?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 62

11. What is the perimeter of this shape?

Perimeter _____________

12. Find the area and perimeter of a shape that has a length of 7 feet and a width
of 10 feet.

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

13. Find the area of the shape.


14. What is the perimeter of the shape?

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 63

15. What is the area and perimeter of a square that has a side length of 13 ft?

Area____________ Perimeter ____________

16. Find the area of the shape.


17. What is the perimeter of the shape below?


18. What is the perimeter of the shape below?


19. What is the area of the shape below?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 64

20. What is the area and perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 10 ft. and a width
of 24 ft.?

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

21. What is the area of the shape below?


22. What is the area and perimeter of a square with a length of 15 inches?

Area____________ Perimeter _____________

23. What is the perimeter of the shape below?

Perimeter _____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 65

24. How many meters of fencing would you need for the garden shown below?


25. What is the area of the garden above?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 66

Workbook E
4.NF.A.1 – Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using
visual fraction models with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even
though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize
and generate equivalent fractions. (Denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
and 100.)

1. Find the missing digit to make the expression true:

2. Write two equivalent fractions to describe this picture.

____________ and _____________

3. Which fraction is equivalent to 3/4 ?

a. 8/12 b. 7/8 c. 9/12 d. 3/8

4. The figure below has 2/3 of its whole shaded gray.

Decide if each fraction is equal to 2/3. Select Yes or No for each fraction.

Yes No



Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 67

5. Which digit belongs in the numerator to make the expression true?

a. 9
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8

6. Write two equivalent fractions to describe the picture below:

____________ and ______________

7. Use multiplication to find an equivalent fraction for .

8. Find two equivalent fractions for the fraction shown in the model below.

____________ and ______________

9. Which of these is an equivalent fraction for 1/3 ?

a. 1/6
b. 3/6
c. 2/3
d. 3/9

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 68

10. Which fractions is equivalent to the shaded picture below:

a. 3/5

b. 4/10

c. 8/15

d. 6/20

11. Use the number line to find an equivalent fraction for the one shown in the


12. Partition a number line from 0 to 1 into fourths. Decompose 3/4 to show two
different equivalent fractions.

______________ and ________________

13. Vera wants to find how many twelfths are equal to ½. Which tape diagram
below could she use to find her equivalent fraction?

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 69

14. Write two fractions that are equivalent to 1/3

____________ and ___________

15. Which fraction is equal to 2/5?

A. 1/10
B. 2/10
C. 4/10
D. 5/10

16. Find two equivalent fractions for

____________ and ___________

17. Write two equivalent fractions for the picture shown below:

____________ and ___________

18. Write two equivalent fractions for

____________ and ___________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 70

19. Write an equivalent fraction for the model shown below:


20. Write two equivalent fractions for

____________ and ___________

21. Write two equivalent fractions for

____________ and ___________

22. Write an equivalent fraction for the one shown in the model below:


23. Write two equivalent fractions for the one shown in the
model below:

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 71

____________ and ___________

4.NF.A.2 – Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators,
e.g. by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing to a benchmark
fraction such as ½. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions
refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and
justify the conclusions, e.g. by using a visual fraction model. (Denominators are limited to
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.)

1. Select True or False for each comparison.

True False

2. Which fraction is greater than ¾ ?

A 6/9 B 3/6 C 5/8 D 9/10

3. Compare:

4. Compare the following fraction by using <, >, or =.

2/6 of a gallon of paint ______ 2/6 of a teaspoon of paint

5. Compare the following fractions by using <, >, or =.

2/4 of a pencil bag _______ 2/4 of a back pack

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 72

6. On the lines below write an X next to all the fractions that are more than ½.

a. ¾ _________ b. 5/12 _________ c. 2/5 _________

7. Put the following fractions in order from least to greatest:

6/6, 2/5, 5/10, 5/8, 8/6


8. Compare using <, >, or =.

4 2
10 3

9. Compare using <, >, or =.

3 3
10 8

10. Mr. Liu asked the students in his fourth grade class to measure their heights. Here
are some of the heights they recorded:

Sarah 4 2/3 feet J’dah 4 ¼ feet Andy 4 ½ feet Hassan 4 ¾ feet

List the four students from tallest to shortest.


11. A recipe uses 3/5 cups butter, 3/4 cups sugar, and 1/2 cup light brown sugar.
Order the ingredients from least to greatest.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 73


12. Compare using <, >, or =.

½ ______

13. Mary, Edna, and Lucy ran these distances on Saturday:

* Mary ran 5/8 mile.

* Edna ran 2/3 mile.

* Lucy ran 3/4 mile.

Who ran the longest distance?


14. On the lines below write a X next to all the fractions that are more than ¾.

a. 6/8 _________ b. 5/12 _________ c. 4/5 _________

15. Write these fractions in order from greatest to least: ½, 2/5, 6/10, ¼.


16. Write a fraction in the box to make the statement true.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 74

17. Fill in the circle with <, >, or = to make a true statement.

18. Fill in the circle with <, >, or = to make a true statement.

19. Which fraction is greater than 2/5?

a. 1/10
b. 2/10
c. 4/10
d. 5/10

20. Write two different fractions that could replace the question mark.

_______________ and _________________

21. Write a fraction in the box to make the statement true.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 75


22. Write two fractions greater than ½ on the lines below.

_______________ and _________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 76

4.NF.B.3b – Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in
more than one way, recording each decomposition in an equation. Justify
decompositions, e.g. by using a visual fraction model. Examples 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8, 3/8
= 2/8 + 1/8 (Denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.)

1. Write 7/8 as the sum of three fractions.

2. Write two different addition sentences to represent the model:

__________________________________ and _________________________________

3. Draw and label tape diagrams to model the decomposition.

4. Record this fraction’s decomposition into addition number sentences.


5. ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = ________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 77

6. Write an expression that shows 3/5 as a sum of unit fractions.

7. Record this fraction as a decomposition of unit fractions using addition.


8. Record this fraction as a decomposition of unit fractions using addition.


9. Record this fraction as a decomposition of unit fractions using addition.

= ________________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 78

10. 1/8 + 3/8 + 2/8 = _____________________________

11. Write 5/6 as a sum of unit fractions.

12. Write 7/12 as a sum of unit fractions.

15. Write 4/6 as a sum of three fractions..

16. 1/5 + 3/5 + 2/5 = _____________________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 79

17. Add.
3 2 4
+ + = ________
10 10 10

18. Add.

5 2
+ = _____________
12 12

19. Write 7/10 as a sum of 3 fractions.


20. Write 5/8 as a sum of two fractions.


21. Decompose 4/6 in two different ways using addition.

____________________ and _______________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 80

4.NF.B.3c – Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g. by replacing
each mixed number with an equivalent fraction and/or by using properties of operations
and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
1. Find the sum.

2. Solve.
3 1
5 −1
8 8

3. Solve.


4. Solve.

5. Solve.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 81

6. Solve.

7. Solve.

8. Solve.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 82

9. Solve.

10. Solve.

11. What value can you write to make the statement true?


12. The shaded parts of the fraction strips below represent two fractions. What is the sum
of the two fractions?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 83

3 4
13. 3 5 + 7 5 = ______

1 7
14. 8 9 – 1 9 = _______




Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 84




21. What value makes the equation true?



Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 85

4.NF.B.4a – Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b.

1. Solve.

2. Complete the multiplication sentence.

2 1
2𝑥 = 𝑥
11 11

3. Solve.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 86

4. ¼ x 5 = ___________

5. Complete the multiplication sentence.

3 3

6. Complete the multiplication sentence.

6 1

8. 𝑥5

9. Is each product less than 1, equal to 1, or greater than 1? Place each product in
the correct box.
1 1
𝑥3 4𝑥
4 2

Less than 1 Equal to 1 Greater than 1

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 87

10. 12 x ¼ = _________________

11. 5 x 1/6 = _________________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 88

4.NF.B.4 – Multiply a fraction by a whole number.
4.NF.B.4b – Understand a multiple of a/b as a multiple of 1/b, and use this understanding
to multiply a fraction by a whole number.






Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 89

6. ¾ x 12 = ________________

7. _______ x 4 = 10

8. 8
x 4 = _______________

9. ½ x 10 = ______________

10. ¼ x 5 = _______________

11. _______ x 6 = 12/10


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 90





Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 91

Workbook F
4.NF.C.5 – Express a fraction with a denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with a
denominator 100 and use this technique to add two fractions with respective
denominators 10 and 100.



3. Write an expression that is equal to 120/100.

4. Add:
2 32
10 100

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 92

5. Write the equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.

10 100


7. Write the equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.

8. Add.

9. Subtract.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 93





4 13
14. + =
10 100

9 35 2
15. 100 + 100 + 10 =

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 94

50 5
16. 100
+ 100 =

17 60
17. 100
+ 100 =

67 5
18. 100 + 10 =

24 8
19. 100 + 10 =

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 95

4.NF.C.6 – Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100.

1. Rewrite as a decimal.


2. 0.8 =


= 0.9

4. Rewrite as a decimal.


5. Rewrite as a decimal.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 96

6. 0.09 =

7. Select whether the equations are true or false.

True False

8. Five students had to write the number 31 5/100 as a decimal. Circle the
student(s) that were incorrect.

Sam Justin Marcus Tina Nikki

31.500 31.05 31.005 31,050 31.050

9. Write the fraction in decimal format.

10. Convert the following to a decimal.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 97

11. Convert the following to a decimal.

12. Convert the following to a decimal.

13. Which fraction is equal to 0.02?

a. 2/10 b. 2/100 c. 20/100 d. ½

14. Rewrite the sum as a decimal.


15. Write the amount of money with a dollar sign and a decimal point.

4 dollars + 8 dimes + 6 pennies


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 98

16. Write 0.89 as a fraction with a denominator of 100.

17. Rewrite 0.99 as a fraction.


18. Write 3/10 as a decimal number.


19. Write 35 9/10 as a decimal number.


20. Represent 15/100 of a dollar in decimal form, using a dollar sign.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 99

21. Write 1.19 as a mixed number.

22. Write 100 as a decimal.


23. Write the amount below in expanded form using decimal place value.


24. Write 12.04 as a mixed number.

25. Write 5 as a decimal.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 100

4.NF.C.7 – Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize
that comparisons are valid only when two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the
results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions e.g. by
using a visual model.

1. Which comparison is correct?

a. 0.5 meter > 0.05 meter b. 0.05 meter > 0.4 meter
c. 0.2 meter < 0.04 meter d. 0.4 meter > 0.54 meter

2. Which decimal is less than the fraction shaded in the grid?

a. 0.46

b. 0.50

c. 0.36

d. 0.40

3. Shade the decimal amount on the given grids and plot them on the number line.
Then use the model to compare the decimals using <, > or =.
0.5 _______ 0.67

4. Compare using <, >, or =.

0.19 _______ 0.2

5. Compare using <, >, or =.

0.89 _______ 0.8

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 101

6. Which three comparisons are correct?

A) 0.3 inch > 0.03 inch

B) 0.03 inch > 0.2 inch

C) 0.2 inch < 0.4 inch

D) 0.4 inch > 0.54 inch

E) 0.76 inch > 0.50 inch

F) 0.54 inch < 0.03 inch

7. Place each decimal on the number line; then write an inequality to compare.

0.34 ______ 0.28

8. Which number has the greatest value?

a. 0.63 b. 6.30 c. 0.03 d. 0.60

9. Shade the decimal amount on the given grids and plot them on the number line.
Then use the model to compare the decimals using <, > or =.
1.9 _______ 0.9

10. Compare using <, >, or =.

0.8 _______ 0.80

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 102

26. Fill in the blanks with <, >, or = to make the comparisons true.

0.2 _____ 0.31 0.35 _____ 0.19

0.09 _____ 0.11 0.64 _____ 0.6

27. Place each decimal on the number line; then write an inequality to compare.

0.04 _____ 0.08

13. Write the decimals in order from least to greatest.

0.7 0.4 0.18 1.9


14. Fill in the blanks with <, >, or = to make the comparisons true.

0.55 _____ 0.64 0.39 _____ 0.37

0.41 _____ 0.14 0.71 _____ 0.65

13. Compare using <, >, or =.

1.18 __________ 1.3

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 103

14. Write the row of decimals in order from least to greatest.

2.34 1.98 5.77 1.35


15. Write the decimals in order form greatest to least.

0.98 0.8 1.1 0.09


16. Write the decimals in order from greatest to least.

7.35 7.27 8.68 7.79


17. Which decimal is less than the one shown in this diagram?

0.90 0.96 0.95 0.94

18. Compare using <, >, or =.

0.27 ______ 0. 3

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 104

21. Which decimals are less than the one shown in this diagram?

0.18 0.1 0.22 0.23

22. Put these numbers in order from greatest to least.

5.77 4.33 4.9 4.07


23. Which decimal is less than the one shown in this diagram?

0.4 0.52 0.8 0.6

24. Compare using <, >, or =.

13.32 ________ 13. 44

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 105

25. Write two decimals that are greater than the one shown in the diagram.

___________ and ___________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 106

Workbook G
4.G.A.1 – Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

1. Use the following directions to draw a figure in the box to the right.

a. Draw two points: 𝐴 and 𝐵.

b. Use a straightedge to draw ray 𝐴𝐵 .

c. Draw a new point that is not on ray 𝐴𝐵 . Label it 𝐶.

d. Draw 𝐴𝐶.

2. Draw a shape that has at least one set of parallel lines and one set of
perpendicular lines.

3. Identify at least two of perpendicular lines for the shape.

_____________and ________________
4. Draw a set of parallel lines.

5. Draw an acute angle.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 107


7. Draw an obtuse angle.

8. Identify a set of parallel lines. _______________

9. Draw a right angle.

10. Write if each is a point, line segment, line, or ray.

_____________ ____________ _____________

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 108

11. What type of lines are these?


12. Label each figure as a point, line segment, line, or ray.

__________________ _______________ ______________

13. Draw a set of parallel lines.


28. Draw a shape with one set of perpendicular lines and one acute angle.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 109

16. What type of lines are shown below?



18. Draw a line segment; label it BC.

19. Draw a ray. Label it AB.

20. Draw a shape with 1 obtuse angle.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 110


22. Draw a set of perpendicular lines.


24. Draw a shape with 1 set of parallel lines.

25. Draw an acute angle.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 111

4.G.A.3 – Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the
figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-
symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.

1. Draw a line of symmetry through the shape below.

2. How many lines of symmetry does the shape below contain? Draw them and
write the number on the line.


3. How many lines of symmetry does the shape below contain? Draw them and
write the number on the line.


4. Draw a shape with at least two lines of symmetry.

5. How many lines of symmetry does the shape below contain? Draw them and
write the number on the line.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 112

6. Half of the figure below has been drawn. Use the line of symmetry represented
by the dotted line, to complete the figure.

7. Draw a shape with at least two lines of symmetry.

8. Draw all the lines of symmetry for this shape.

9. Draw a shape with 0 lines of symmetry.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 113

10. Tell whether the dotted line on each shape represents a line of symmetry. Write
yes or no on the line next to the shape.

11. Draw all lines of symmetry for the shape below.

12. Is the dotted line a line of symmetry?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 114

13. Draw lines of symmetry on the shape below.

14. How many lines of symmetry does this shape have?


15. True or false: The shape below has one line of symmetry.


16. Is the line below a line of symmetry?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 115

17. Draw a shape with two lines of symmetry.

18. How many lines of symmetry does this shape have? Draw them.


19. Draw a shape with no lines of symmetry.

20. Draw all the lines of symmetry for this shape.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 116

Workbook H
4.MD.C.6 – Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of
specified measure.

1. Use a protractor to find the measure of the angle below; then write it on the line.


2. Draw an angle that measures 65°.

3. Draw a right angle.

4. Draw an angle that measures 120°.

5. Use a protractor to find the measure of the angle below; then write it on the line.


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 117

6. Use a protractor to find the measure of the angle below; then write it on the line.


7. Draw an obtuse angle. Use a protractor to find and record its measurement on
the line.


8. Use a protractor to find the measure of the angle below; then write it on the line.


9. Draw an acute angle. Use a protractor to find and record its measurement on
the line.


10. Draw an angle that is exactly half as big as a right angle.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 118

11. Use a protractor to measure the angle.


12. Draw an angle that measures 50°.

13. Use a protractor to measure the angle.


14. Draw an obtuse angle. Use a protractor to record its measurement on the line.


15. Draw an angle that measures 145°.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 119

16. Which choice best represents ∟ABC?

A. 67º
B. 142 º
C. 100 º
D. 15 º

17. Draw an angle that measures 25°.

18. What is the angle measurement of Angle UVW?


19. Draw an acute angle. Use a protractor to record its measurement.


20. Draw an angle that measures 105°.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 120

21. Use a protractor to measure the angle.


22. Draw a right angle.

23. What is the angle measurement of Angle GHI?


24. Draw an angle that measures 165°.

25. Draw an angle that measures 53°.

Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 121

4.MD.C.7 – Recognize angle measure as additive. When an angle is decomposed into non-
overlapping parts, the angle measure of the whole is the sum of the angle measure of the
parts. Solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram in
real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by using an equation with a letter for the
unknown angle measure.

1. Find the measurement of Angle A


2. Circle the pair of angles that are supplementary angles.

3. Write an equation, and solve for the unknown angle measurements numerically.

________º + _________º + _________º = __________º

cº = _________º

4. Two angles add up to 65°. What could their measurements be?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 122

5. Find the missing angle.

6. What is the value of A?


7. Write and equation and solve for the unknown angle measurements numerically.

________º + _________º + _________º = __________º

dº = _________º

8. Two angles are complementary. What could their measurements be?

9. Two angles add up to 87°. What could their measurements be?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 123

10. Find the measurement of Angle A.


11. What is the measurement of angle X?


12. Two angles add up to 145°. What could their measurements be?


13. What is the value of A?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 124

14. Write an equation and solve for the unknown angle measurements numerically.

________º + _________º + _________º = __________º

dº = _________º

15. Angle ABC is complementary. If angle AB measures 13°. What is the

measurement of angle BC?

16. Angle JKL is supplementary. If angle JK measures 97°. What is the measurement
of angle KL?


17. The total of Angle SJ is 75°. What is the measurement of angle J?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 125

18. Angle a measures 23° and Angle b measures 15°. What is the total of angle ABv?


19. What is the total of angle ABDvi?


20. What is the measure of angle X?


Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 126

“Grade 4 Module 3” by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY-NC-
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Multiplicative Compare Problem by Khan Academy, 2018. Achievement First does not own the copyright in
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“Grade 4 Module 3” by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY-NC-
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Multiplicative Compare Problem by Khan Academy, 2018. Achievement First does not own the copyright in
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Grade 4 Math Practice Workbook: Achievement First Elementary Math 127

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