PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (BDDDC) and Highly Efficient Boost Converter For Electric Vehicles
PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (BDDDC) and Highly Efficient Boost Converter For Electric Vehicles
PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (BDDDC) and Highly Efficient Boost Converter For Electric Vehicles
Getting higher efficiency is a race for improving the product. Boost Input Input Output Output Efficiency
Converter Voltage Current Voltage Current (%)
For innovative power conversion products, innovative (V) (A) (V) (A)
topologies play an important role for the development. By using 48 139.6 333 11.1 55%
two novel properties of IGBT and MOSFET are low ON state Conventional 24 69.71 166.3 5.543 55%
Voltage and fast switching characteristic respectively, a new 48 113.5 450.7 9.014 74%
device is developed which is achieved by the parallel 24 56.08 222.7 4.453 74%
Voltage (V)
mode & boost mode [4].
A. Conventional BDDDC
Time (S)
B. PI Controlled BDDDC
Fig 5: Conventional Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter.
3) Buck Mode:
Voltage (V)
Time (S)
Fig 13: Output Voltage Curve for Boost mode.
Time (S)
(V) Conventional PI Controlled PID Controlled
Output (V) Output (V) Output (V)
375 30 46 43
380 32 47.5 44
385 33.5 48.5 46 Time (S)
Voltage (V)
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Figure 17: Output Voltage Curve of Boost Converter.
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Voltage (V)
Time (S)