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PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (BDDDC) and Highly Efficient Boost Converter For Electric Vehicles

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PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (BDDDC)

and Highly Efficient Boost Converter for Electric Vehicles

Remon Das Md. Ashraf UddinChowdhury
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
International Islamic University Chittagong International Islamic University Chittagong
Shitakundu, Chittagong, Bangladesh Shitakundu, Chittagong, Bangladesh
[email protected] [email protected]

combination of an IGBT and a MOSFET. It is also known as the

Abstract - Due to the constraint of the fuel, the electric vehicle “Mixed Parallel Operation” [2].Here IGBT reduces the turn on
is designed for the modern world. Bidirectional DC to DC loss of MOSFET and MOSFET reduce the turn-off loss of
converters (BDDDC) has significantly enlarged the interest in IGBT. The efficiency of the new device is highly comparable
Electric vehicle applications. A bidirectional DC to DC converter with the typical boost converter.[3]
for Electric Vehicle (EV) for driving a DC motor is the aim of this
present work. In a bi directional converter (conventional) PWM
(Pulse Width Modulation) pulse is castoff for the generation of
triggering pulse of the switches. We use PI and PID controller for
triggering the IGBTs of DC to DC converter. A comparison is done
between the three types of bidirectional dc to dc converter. Then a
boost converter is designed over conventional boost converter by
using parallel combinations of IGBT and MOSFET for electric
vehicle applications.
Index Terms - PI Controller, Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter,
Mixed parallel operation, Regenerative braking.
I. INTRODUCTION Fig 3: Circuit diagram of parallel IGBT-MOSFET switch boost converter.
Recently in most of the electric vehicle batteries are used as
primary energy-storage devices including solar cars. There are
so many advantages such as: noble transient operation, certain
load levelling, nearly zero discharge and energy recovering
during braking operation electric drive by battery fed are used
Voltage (V)

for electric vehicle application. A highly efficient Bi directional

converter with power flow capabilities in both way and a boost
converter are mandatory to connect the accumulator (battery) of
the motor drive system to the dc link [1].
The block of electric vehicle is as follows:
Time (S)

Fig 4: Output Voltage Curve.

Figure 4 shows the output voltage curve of the projected
Fig 1: Battery Discharging Mode (Normal or Motoring Operation). boost converter for 48 volt input. The peak output voltage is 450
volt. The curve is shown for 2s. In 2s the curve goes into the
stable position and at that time the voltage is 450 volt. The
proposed boost converter is taken 2s for going its stable

Fig 2: Battery Charging Mode (Regenerating Operation). TABLE I


Getting higher efficiency is a race for improving the product. Boost Input Input Output Output Efficiency
Converter Voltage Current Voltage Current (%)
For innovative power conversion products, innovative (V) (A) (V) (A)
topologies play an important role for the development. By using 48 139.6 333 11.1 55%
two novel properties of IGBT and MOSFET are low ON state Conventional 24 69.71 166.3 5.543 55%
Voltage and fast switching characteristic respectively, a new 48 113.5 450.7 9.014 74%
device is developed which is achieved by the parallel 24 56.08 222.7 4.453 74%

978-1-5090-2906-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE iCEEiCT 2016

Figure 6 shows the the Output waveform of conventional
From the above table it is seen that, for both 24V and 48V BDDDC (boost mode) where the output voltage is 110 Volt DC
input voltage the conventional boost converter efficiency is 55 for 48 volts input. The output voltage curve is shown for 2s.
% and for proposed boost converter the efficiency is 74%. That From starting to 1s some noise are added with the curve. It is
means higher efficiency is obtained for the boost converter by able to update the output curve with less noise by using more
mixed parallel operation then the typical boost converter. stage RC filter.
2) Buck Mode:
A BDDDC is a dc to dc converter where the power can
flows is in both the directions as supply end to load end and also
load end to supply end. It has two modes of operation, buck

Voltage (V)
mode & boost mode [4].

A. Conventional BDDDC

Time (S)

Fig 7: Output Voltage Curve for Buck mode.

Figure 7 shows the Output waveform of conventional

BDDDC (buck mode) where the peak voltage is 32 volt DC for
380 volts input. The curve is shown for 2s. Before going to the
1s the curve is gone in stable condition.

B. PI Controlled BDDDC
Fig 5: Conventional Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter.

Figure 5 represents a typical/conventional BDDDC.

Basically there are two parts of the conventional BDDDC. One
is high power side and another is low power side. A transformer
between high power side and low power side which is transform
power from high power to low power side and vice versa. In
buck operation receiving end voltage became lower than the
supply end voltage. And in boost operation receiving end
voltage become higher than supply end voltage. The triggering
pulse of IGBTs is supplied from two different PWM generators.
The output voltage curve is shown below for both boost mode
and buck mode.
Fig 8: PI Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter.
1) Boost Mode:
Figure 8 represents the BDDDC controlled by PI controller.
In this converter there is also two parts, high power (HP) side
and low power (LP) side. Transformer between the HP and LP
side transform the power from HP side to LP side and vice
Voltage (V)

versa. Controlled pulses from PI controller are supplied to the

IGBT instead of PWM generator used in conventional one. The
proposed converter is also worked in two mode, boost mode and
buck mode. In buck operation receiving end voltage became
lower than the supply end voltage. And in boost operation
receiving end voltage become higher than supply end voltage.
Time (S)

Fig 6: Output Voltage Curve for Boost mode.

1) PI Controller: Figure 11 shows the Output waveform of PI controlled BDDDC
(buck mode) where the output voltage is 48 Volt DC for
380volts input. The curve is shown for 2s. It is also seen that the
output curve is more stable than the conventional BDDDC and
less noisy voltage curve is also observed.

C. PID Controlled BDDDC

Fig 9: PI Control Circuit.

For increasing the working efficiency PI controller is used. The

PI controller is used to provide the pulse to the IGBT’s. Firstly
PI controller takes the value of output voltage. Secondly
compare it with the required output voltage. Thirdly Set the
value and provides trigger signal to obtain a fixed value of
output voltage through the input voltage of the converter is
2) Boost Mode:
Fig 12: PID Controlled Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter.

Figure 12 represents the PID controlled BDDDC. In this

converter there is also two parts, HV side and LV side.
Transformer between the HV and LV side transform the power
Voltage (V)

from HV side to LV side and vice versa. Controlled pulses from

PID controller are supplied to the IGBT instead of PI controller
and PWM generator. The proposed converter is also worked in
two mode, boost mode and buck mode. In buck operation
receiving end voltage became lower than the supply end voltage.
And in boost operation receiving end voltage become higher
Time (S)
than supply end voltage.
Fig 10: Output Voltage Curve for Boost mode.
1) Boost Mode:
Figure 10 shows the Output voltage waveform of PI
controlled BDDDC (boost mode) where the output voltage is
380 Volt DC for 48 volts input. The curve is shown for 2s. The
curve has gone to the stable condition very quickly and less
noise is visualized in the curve.
Voltage (V)

3) Buck Mode:
Voltage (V)

Time (S)
Fig 13: Output Voltage Curve for Boost mode.

Figure 13 shows the output curve of boost condition for 48 volt

input. The Output voltage is 350 volt. The curve is shown for 2s.
The curve has gone to the stable condition very quickly but
output voltage is less than the PI controlled BDDDC.
Time (S)

Fig 11: Output Voltage Curve for Buck mode.

2) Buck Mode: V. APPLICATION
Now this parallel IGBT-MOSFET switch boost converter
and the proposed PI controlled BDDDC are used for the electric
vehicle. Basically three different modes namely: Normal Mode,
Acceleration Mode and Regenerative Mode. The power flows
from battery to motor during acceleration and normal mode but
Voltage (V)

during regenerative mode the kinetic energy of the motor

converted into electrical energy and charged the battery. [5]

Time (S)

Fig 14: Output Voltage Curve for Buck mode.

Figure 3.15.4 shows the output curve of buck operation, for

380 volt input. The output voltage is 44 volt. The curve is shown
for 2s. Initially the curve is more trembling.



TABLE II Fig 15: Regenerative Mode of Electric Vehicle.

CONTROLLED BDDDC (BOOST MODE) FOR DIFFERENT INPUT VOLTAGES Figure 15 represents the regenerative mode of electric
vehicle where both proposed boost converter and PI controlled
Bi- Directional DC-DC Converter BDDDC is used. Firstly here DC machine is used as a DC
Input generator (in the time of regenerative mode). But it creates a low
(V) Conventional PI Controlled PID Controlled voltage. In the second stage this low voltage are boosted by the
Output (V) Output (V) Output (V) proposed boost converter. Then in the next stage the boosted
power are converted to a nominal level (buck mode) by which
45 105 379 340
voltage the battery will be charged.
48 110 380 351
50 118 381.5 360
1) Battery Discharging Mode or Normal Mode

Bi- Directional DC-DC Converter

Voltage (V)

(V) Conventional PI Controlled PID Controlled
Output (V) Output (V) Output (V)

375 30 46 43
380 32 47.5 44
385 33.5 48.5 46 Time (S)

Fig 16: Output Voltage Curve of Normal Operation.

From the above tables, for the different input voltages less
variation in output voltage is found in case of PI controlled
BDDDC. Which output voltages are effectively comparable with Figure 16 shows the Output waveform during motor is on load
the output voltage of PID controlled BDDDC. And also the where the motor is running for 48 volts input. The battery supply
output voltages are higher in case of PI controlled bi-directional 48 V then the BDDDC in boost mode which is boosted the low
DC-DC converter compare to other two. voltage to the higher voltage. Again the boost converter
enhanced the output of BDDDC voltage to a great extent. Then ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the motor will run.
Firstly, we express our gratefulness to almighty God as we
have completed our dissertation successfully by His mercy.we
2) Battery Charging Mode or Regenerative Mode
also would like to express our endless gratitude to our supervisor
Engr. Md. Mizanur Rahman for his enormous support and
careful guidance.

Voltage (V)

[1] Chan, C. C., Alain Bouscayrol, and Keyu Chen, “Electric, hybrid, and
fuel-cell vehicles: Architectures and modeling," IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, 59, no. 2 (2010): 589-598.
[2] Heeral P. ShethAnkit M. Adesara, “Paralleling of IGBT and MOSFET for
High Power Applications," ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012.
[3] Klaus F. Hoffmann, Jens Peter Kiirst, “High Frequency Power Switch-
Time (S) Improved Performance by MOSFETs and IGBTs Connected in Parallel”.
Annual IEEEConference and Exposition on Applied Power Electronics, pp.
Figure 17: Output Voltage Curve of Boost Converter.
1079-1084, ISBN 978-1-4244-1873-2 Austin, Texas, USA, February 24-28,
Figure 17 shows the Output voltage curve of boost [4] Zhang, Junhong. “Bidirectional DC-DC Power Converter Design
converter. It steps up the voltage and this voltage generated by Optimization, modeling and Control.” Diss. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
the regenerative action of motor during regenerative braking. and State University," 2008.J.-G. Lu, “Title of paper with only the first word
capitalized,” J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.
The peak input voltage is 380 volt DC.
[5] Emadi, Ali, Young Joo Lee, and KaushikRajashekara, “Power electronics
and motor drives in electric, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55, no. 6 (2008):
Voltage (V)

Time (S)

Fig 18: Output Voltage Curve of Regenerative Operation

Figure 18 shows the Output voltage curve of BDDDC for

regenerative mode where the output voltage is 48 Volt DC. This
output shows for 2s.This voltage further recharges the battery.
This voltage supply 48V stable voltage.
The main treats of environment and human life is pollution
and a large extent of pollution is done by the use of huge number
of automobile in the world. Especially global warming and the
rapid depletion of the earth’s petroleum resources are in extreme
level. In the near future conventional vehicle will be replaced by
electric vehicle. So that we aims to design and efficient PI
controlled BDDDC and high efficient boost converter for
Electric Vehicle. There are some reasons for selecting the PI
controlled BDDC. Firstly, less noisy output curve are found in
PI controlled BDDDC rather than conventional and PID
controlled converter. Secondly PI BDDDC provides more high
voltage than conventional and PID controlled BDDDC.

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