The Wise Shall Understand

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The document covers various topics related to the books of Daniel and Revelation including their structures, prophecies, and interpretations. It also discusses Ellen White's role in prophetic studies.

The main topics covered include the structures of Daniel and Revelation, similarities between the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, Ellen White's interpretations of certain biblical passages, and lessons on specific chapters/verses in Daniel and Revelation.

The charts included are used to illustrate similarities between the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, their structures and progression, and salvation history as portrayed in Scripture. They help the reader visualize and compare the prophetic messages.

Table of Contents

Titles Page #
1. The Structure of Daniel 1-7 (Chart) 3
2. Four Prophetic Outlines of Daniel (Chart) 4
3. Lesson #1: Daniel’s Little Book 5
4. The Structure of the Great Controversy and Early Writings as

compared to Daniel 11 Revelation (Chart) 11

5. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 1-5 (Chart) 12
6. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 1-3 (Chart) 13
7. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 4-5 (Chart) 14
8. Lesson #2: Ellen White’s View of Daniel 11 15
9. Lesson #3: Daniel 11:44-12:1 and the Close of Probation 23
10. Lesson #4: The Sanctuary and the Book of Revelation 31
11. Salvation History and the Sanctuary in Revelation (Chart) 36
12. Lesson #5: Pivotal Texts in Revelation: Intros, Bridges,

Foretastes and Flashbacks 37

13. The Literary Structure of Revelation 12-22 (Chart) 44
14. Chronology of Revelation 10 (Chart) 45
15. The Literary Structure of Revelation 11:1, 2 46
16. An Overview of the Seven Trumpets (Chart) 47
17. Lesson #6: Notes on Revelation 12 49
18. Lesson #7: The Battle of Armageddon: The Importance of

Structure in the Study of Typology, How Ellen White Interprets

Biblical Typology 81
19. Lesson #8: Decoding the Mysteries of Revelation 17:

A Contextual Study 91
20. Leviathan (Graphic) 112
21. The Imagery Behind Revelation 17 (Graphic) 113
22. The Millennium in Five Sources (Chart) 114
23. Lesson #9: The Importance of Literary Structure in the Study of

Bible Prophecy: Revelation’s Millennium 117

24. Lesson #10: The Role of Ellen White in Prophetic Studies 129

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Fall of Babylon and Its Leaders THE STRUCTURE OF DANIEL 1-7 Chapter 1:
Introduction Chain Prophecies Crisis Over Worship and Obedience 2 7 3 6 4 5 The Wise
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Review the chiastic structure of Daniel 1-7
Review Daniel 7 with the emphasis on the sequence of powers
Daniel 7:9, 10, 13, 14: The sequence of powers indicates that the judgment would begin
sometime after 1798. The idea that the judgment would take place in two stages (investigative
in heaven and executive on earth) was not understood before 1798
"I watched till thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was
white as snow and the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its
wheels a burning fire; 10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand
thousands ministered to Him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was
seated and the books were opened. 13 "I was watching in the night visions and behold, One like
the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days and they
brought Him near before Him. 14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that
all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.”
Daniel 12:4:
"But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run
to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
This book was sealed in the days of Daniel to be opened in the time of the end. The book which
was sealed until the time of the end (Daniel 12:4, 9) is not the ENTIRE book of Daniel but rather
the portion that has to do with the 2300 days and the judgment hour message. We know this for
at least four reasons: The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr |
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Reason #1:
There is evidence that Daniel, chapters 1-7, was understood to a great degree long before the
“time of the end”. Notice the words of the church father Hippolytus who wrote in the third
century A. D.
“In speaking of a ‘lioness from the sea’, he [Daniel] meant the rising of the kingdom of Babylon
and that this was the ‘golden head of the image’ . . . Then after the lioness he sees a second
beast, ‘like a bear’, which signified the Persians. For after the Babylonians the Persians obtain
the power. And in saying that ‘it had three ribs in its mouth’, he pointed to the three nations,
Persians, Medes, and Babylonians, which were expressed in the image by the silver after the
gold. Then comes the third beast, ‘a leopard’, which means the Greeks; for after the Persians,
Alexander of Macedon had the power, when Darius was overthrown, which was also indicated
by the brass in the image. And in saying that the beast ‘had four wings of a fowl, and four
heads’, he showed most clearly how the kingdom of Alexander was parted into four divisions.
For in speaking of four heads, he meant the four kings that arose out of it. For Alexander, when
dying, divided his kingdom into four parts. Then he says, ‘the fourth beast (was) dreadful and
terrible: it had iron teeth, and claws of brass’. Who, then, are meant by this but the Romans,
whose kingdom, the kingdom that still stands, is expressed by the iron? ‘for’, says he, ‘its legs are
of iron.’” L. E. Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, volume 1, p. 272
“Let us look at what is before us more carefully, and scan it, as it were, with open eye. The
‘golden head of the image’ is identical with the ‘lioness’, by which the Babylonians were
represented. ‘The golden shoulders and arms of silver’ are the same with the ‘bear’, by which the
Persians and Medes are meant. ‘The belly and thighs of brass’ are the ‘leopard’, by which the
Greeks who ruled from Alexander onwards are intended. The ‘legs of iron’ are the ‘dreadful and
terrible beast’, by which the Romans who hold the empire now are meant. The ‘toes of clay and
iron’ are the ‘ten horns’ which are to be. The ‘one other little horn springing up in their midst is
the ‘antichrist’. The stone that ‘smites the image and breaks it in pieces’, and that filled the
whole earth, is Christ, who comes from heaven and brings judgment on the world.” L. E. Froom,
The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, volume 1, p. 272
It will be noticed that Hippolytus understood everything about Daniel 7 except the investigative
pre-Advent judgment.
Even some portions of Daniel 8-12 that were fulfilled before the time of the end could be
understood before that time. Certainly the meaning of the Ram and the he-goat of chapter 8
were understood before the time of the end as was the prophecy of the seventy weeks. Much of
the earlier portions of Daniel 11 could be understood before the time of the end. In fact, the
pagan philosopher, Porphyry, argued to the church father Tertullian that the first half of Daniel
11 described so precisely Greek and Roman history that it had to have been written in the
second century. But there is one aspect of Daniel 8-12 that could not be understood by anyone
until the time of the end. The message concerning the 2300 days and the judgment were sealed
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until the time of the end.
Reason #2:
Ellen White explicitly states more than once that the book which was sealed until the time of
the end was not the totality of the book of Daniel but rather the PORTION or PART of the book
that has to do with the judgment as depicted in the 2300 day prophecy.
“In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book
of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was sealed is not the
Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel
commanded, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the
end." Daniel 12:4.” AA, p. 585
“The message of salvation has been preached in all ages; but this message is a part of the gospel
which could be proclaimed only in the last days, for only then would it be true that the hour of
judgment had come. The prophecies present a succession of events leading down to the opening
of the judgment. This is especially true of the book of Daniel. But that part of his prophecy which
related to the last days, Daniel was bidden to close up and seal "to the time of the end." Not till
we reach this time could a message concerning the judgment be proclaimed, based on the
fulfillment of these prophecies. But at the time of the end, says the prophet, "many shall run to
and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4.” GC, p. 355
“The words of the angel to Daniel relating to the last days were to be understood in the time of
the end. At that time, "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." "The
wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
understand." Daniel 12:4, 10” DA, p. 234
“The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time.” 1MR, p. 99
“Honored by men with the responsibilities of state and with the secrets of kingdoms bearing
universal sway, Daniel was honored by God as His ambassador, and was given many revelations
of the mysteries of ages to come. His wonderful prophecies, as recorded by him in chapters 7 to
12 of the book bearing his name, were not fully understood even by the prophet himself; but
before his life labors closed, he was given the blessed assurance that "at the end of the days"--in
the closing period of this world's history--he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and
place. It was not given him to understand all that God had revealed of the divine purpose.
"Shut up the words, and seal the book," he was directed concerning his prophetic writings; these
were to be sealed "even to the time of the end." "Go thy way, Daniel," the angel once more
directed the faithful messenger of Jehovah; "for the words are closed up and sealed till the time
of the end. . . . Go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end
of the days." Daniel 12:4, 9, 13 PK, p. 547 The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 8 of 139
Reason #3:
The internal evidence that is found in Daniel 8-12 proves beyond any doubt that this is the little
book that was sealed until the time of the end. Let’s take these chapters, one by one to see how
their content is related to the 2300 days and the judgment:
Daniel 8:
In this chapter the 2300 day prophecy is introduced. The chapter begins in the time of the
kingdom of Persia continues with Greece, the four divisions of Greece, pagan and papal Rome
all the way down to the conclusion of the 2300 days when the process of cleansing the
sanctuary will begin.
Notice that there are four differences between the prophecy of Daniel 8 and those of Daniel 2
and 7:
 First, while in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 the prophetic series begins with the kingdom of Babylon
(the gold and the lion) in Daniel 8 there is no symbol for the kingdom of Babylon. The usual
argument given for this difference is that the kingdom of Babylon is about to pass away. But the
date given for this chapter indicates that the kingdom of Babylon would not pass away for
another twelve years.

 Second, in contrast to Daniel 7, the beasts that are used in Daniel 8 are domestic sanctuary
animals. The ram was used in the daily service while the he-goat was used in the yearly service.
This strongly hints that the central theme of Daniel 8 is the daily and yearly services of the

 Third, there is only one symbol in Daniel 8 for both pagan and papal Rome, a little horn. The
horn first spreads out horizontally [east, south, glorious land] and then vertically to heaven. In
other words, it first extends politically and then religiously. It is rather clear that the
introduction of another beast into Daniel 8 to represent pagan Rome would have spoiled the
symmetry of the chapter which emphasizes the two beasts of the sanctuary service.

 Fourth, there is no reference in Daniel 8 to the establishment of Christ’s everlasting kingdom.

This is due to the fact that Daniel got sick before Gabriel was able to explain the entire vision
(Daniel 8:26, 27). This is the reason why Gabriel came back in Daniel 9-12 to explain the things
that had remained unexplained in chapter 8.

Daniel 9:
Daniel 8 mentions the 2300 day prophecy but does not provide a starting point. In chapter 9 the
starting point for the 2300 days is given. The seventy weeks constitute the first 490 years of the
2300 day prophecy and those years begin during the kingdom of Persia. This is the real reason
why the kingdom of Babylon is not mentioned in Daniel 8 The Wise Shall Understand by
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Daniel 10:
In order for the prophecy of the 2300 days to be fulfilled (especially the 70 weeks), it was
necessary for the kings of Persia to give certain decrees for Israel to go back to their land and
rebuild their temple, city, walls and to restore a functioning Hebrew theocracy.
Satan (the prince of Persia) knew this and therefore he worked on the minds of the Persian
kings to try and prevent them from allowing Israel to return to their land. If Israel did not
return, if the temple, the city and the walls were not rebuilt, if the theocracy was not
reestablished, the prophecy of the 2300 days could not begin to be fulfilled and God’s plan
would be frustrated. But in the end, Michael came to help Gabriel and the prophecy of the 2300
days began right on schedule.
Daniel 11:1-12:3:
 Now that which was begun and not finished in Daniel 8 will be completed in chapter 11.
 As in Daniel 8, the vision of Daniel 11 begins during the kingdom of Persia (not Babylon).
 It continues with Greece, its first king and the four divisions.
 It continues with pagan and papal Rome in both its stages (1260 years and end time).
 But instead of taking us merely from the time of the kingdom of Persia to the end of the 2300
days in 1844 when the judgment begins, Daniel 11 takes us all the way from Persia to the end
of that judgment and the close of probation (Daniel 12:1: the standing up of Michael).
 Finally, Daniel 12:2, 3 takes us to the time when God’s people will resurrect and inherit the
everlasting kingdom and the righteous will shine as stars forever and ever.

Daniel 12:4:
The book about the 2300 days and the judgment is then sealed until the time of the end
Daniel 12:5-13: This section of Daniel does not begin a new vision but is rather to be
understood as the epilogue of the book. These verses provide a summary and review of the key
time periods that were mentioned in Daniel 7-12.
Reason #4:
The opening of the little book in Revelation 10 is a clear reference to the unsealing and opening
of the book that was sealed in Daniel 12:4 because there is only one book in the Bible that was
sealed to be opened at the time of the end. Notably, the little book of Revelation 10 is opened in
the period of the sixth trumpet at the very end of history immediately before Jesus takes over
the kingdom at the time of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15-18) The Wise Shall
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We shall find in our next study that no chapter in the Bible explains in a clearer way the origin,
message, mission and destiny of God’s end-time remnant people.
It is no coincidence that the central message of the Millerites who preached at the beginning of
the time of the end was drawn from Daniel 8:14 and Revelation 14:6, 7.
The eating of the little book in Revelation 10 clearly describes the judgment hour preaching of
the Millerite movement and its subsequent disappointment. After the disappointment John was
told to prophesy again and then he was commanded to measure the temple. In other words,
after the disappointment God’s people were called upon to present another message from the
book of Daniel and that message had to do with the measuring of the heavenly temple which is
the investigative judgment.
Concerning the unsealing of the little book, Ellen White remarks:
“It was the Lion of the tribe of Judah who unsealed the book and gave to John the revelation of
what should be in these last days. Daniel stood in his lot to bear his testimony, which was
sealed until the time of the end, when the first angel's message should be proclaimed to our
world. These matters are of infinite importance in these last days, but while "many shall be
purified, and made white, and tried," "the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked
shall understand." . . . The book of Daniel is unsealed in the revelation to John, and carries us
forward to the last scenes of this earth's history. 18MR, p. 15 The Wise Shall Understand by
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Ellen White’s Use of Daniel 11
To my knowledge there are only three primary Ellen G. White references to Daniel 11 (except
for the one in A Word to the Little Flock Scattered Abroad to which we will make reference
later). Two of these references are general in nature but one is quite specific. Only in the
specific reference does Ellen White quote any verses from the chapter. Unfortunately she never
quotes nor does she even allude to the language of verses 40-45.
This silence on verses 40-45 has led some to conclude that Ellen White had nothing to say about
them. We therefore ask: Did Ellen White have anything to say about these verses or does her
silence indicate that their meaning would only be understood in the end time after her death? In
this paper we will seek to answer this question.
Here are the three quotations (all bold type is mine unless specified):
“The light that Daniel received from God was given especially for these last days. The visions he
saw by the banks of the Ulai [Daniel 8:2] and the Hiddekel [Daniel 10:4], the great rivers of
Shinar, are now in process of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon come to pass.”
Testimonies to Ministers, p. 112 (Letter 57, 1896)
“The world is stirred with the spirit of war. The prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel has
nearly reached its complete fulfillment. Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies
will take place.” Testimonies for the Church, volume 9, p. 14 (1909)
“We have no time to lose. Troublous times are before us. The world is stirred with the spirit of
war. Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place. The prophecy in the
eleventh of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfillment. Much of the history that has
taken place in fulfillment of this prophecy will be repeated. In the thirtieth verse a power is
spoken of that "shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant:
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so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy
covenant." [Verses 31-36, quoted.] Scenes similar to those described in these words will take
place.” Manuscript Releases, volume 13, p. 394 (Letter 103, 1904)
An Analysis of Ellen White’s Use of Daniel 11
Several things need to be said about the three quotations above:
The quotation from TM 112 (1896) provides two key items of information: First, the prophecies
of Daniel eight and eleven are parallel and second, they were in the process of fulfillment
though she does not specify at which stage the prophecy was in its fulfillment when she wrote.
The quotation in 9T 14 (1909), adds some very valuable information: When Ellen White wrote,
the prophecy of Daniel 11 had nearly reached its complete fulfillment. This means that in 1909
the process of fulfillment of Daniel 11 was toward the end of the chapter.
The quotation from 13MR 394 (1904) contains some significant information not found in the
other references.
Here Ellen White explains that much of the history that has taken place in the fulfillment of this
chapter will be repeated.
The critical question is this: Which history was she referring to? Fortunately we don’t have to
guess because she immediately quotes verses 30-36. Then, right after she quotes verses 30-36,
she again repeats the thought that much of the history that has occurred in fulfillment of these
verses will be repeated when she says: “Scenes similar to those described in these words will
take place.”
Clearly Ellen White understood that verses 30-36 (as well as verses 37-39 which she does not
quote) were fulfilled in the past. It must be then that the similar scenes that will be fulfilled in
the future are to be found in verses 40-45.
It is important to realize that Ellen White is not saying that these verses have a dual fulfillment.
What she is saying is that much of the history that fulfilled these verses will be repeated. In
other words, it is not the prophecy that will be fulfilled again but rather the history which
fulfilled the prophecy.
A Repetition of History
And why will history be repeated? Simply because the power that is described in verses 30-39
(the Roman Catholic papacy) received a deadly after it ruled for 1260 years but its deadly wound
will be healed (Revelation 13:3) and it will once again behave as it did in the past. Thus the
history of the past papal oppression will be repeated in the future. The Wise Shall Understand
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In summary: Ellen White believed that Daniel 11:30-36 was fulfilled in the past (and also verses
37-39 though she does not quote them). She also believed that much of the history described in
these verses would be repeated in similar fashion. If verses 30-39 had already been fulfilled in
the past in Ellen White’s day then the future repetition of the history of these verses must be
found in verses 40-45.
Notice the following three quotations on the past and future role of the papacy:
“The influence of Rome in the countries that once acknowledged her dominion is still far from
being destroyed. And prophecy foretells a restoration of her power. "I saw one of his heads as it
were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after
the beast." Verse 3. GC, p. 579
“When our nation shall so abjure the principles of its government as to enact a Sunday law,
Protestantism will in this act join hands with popery; it will be nothing else that giving life
[which means that it must have been dead] to the tyranny which has long been eagerly
watching its opportunity to spring again [which means that the active despotism must have
existed before] into active despotism.” 5T 712
“When the land which the Lord provided as an asylum for his people, that they might worship
him according to the dictates of their own consciences, the land over which for long years the
shield of Omnipotence has been spread, the land which God has favored by making it the
depository of the pure religion of Christ,--when that land shall, through its legislators, abjure the
principles of Protestantism, and give countenance to Romish apostasy in tampering with God's
law,--it is then that the final work of the man of sin will be revealed. Protestants will throw their
whole influence and strength on the side of the Papacy; by a national act enforcing the false
Sabbath, they will give life and vigor [which means that the corrupt faith of Rome must have
been dead for a period] to the corrupt faith of Rome, reviving [which means that her tyranny
and oppression of conscience were dead for a while] her tyranny and oppression of conscience.
Then it will be time for God to work in mighty power for the vindication of his truth.” ST June 12,
Ellen White’s View of Daniel 12:1, 2
Though Ellen White never quoted or even alluded to the language of Daniel 11:40-45 in the
book The Great Controversy, she did quote Daniel 12:1. I believe that her quotation of Daniel
12:1 contains the key which unlocks her understanding of verses 40-45.
Notice the quotation from GC, p. 613:
"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy
people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to
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that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found
written in the book." Daniel 12:1. When the third angel's message closes, mercy no longer
pleads for the guilty inhabitants of the earth.” GC, p. 613.
Because Ellen White did not quote or allude to verses 40-45 we cannot work inductively to
determine how she understood their meaning. What we must do then is work deductively from
Daniel 12:1, 2 backwards.
Let’s take a look at Daniel 12:1, 2:
"At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your
people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to
that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in
the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to
everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.”
The bold type indicates that there are four consecutive events described in Daniel 12:1, 2:
1. The standing up of Michael
2. The time of trouble
3. The deliverance of God’s people
4. The special resurrection

Now let’s notice how Ellen G. White developed these four events in The Great Controversy but
in reverse order beginning with the special resurrection:
 GC 637: She quotes Daniel 12:2 on the special resurrection

“Graves are opened, and "many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth. . . awake, some to
everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2.”
 GC 635: She titles the chapter ‘God’s People Delivered’ and then states:

“The people of God--some in prison cells, some hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the
mountains--still plead for divine protection, while in every quarter companies of armed men,
urged on by hosts of evil angels are preparing for the work of death. It is now, in the hour of
utmost extremity that the God of Israel will interpose for the deliverance of His chosen.”
It will be noticed also that Ellen White concluded the previous chapter with the following words:
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“Glorious will be the deliverance of those who have patiently waited for His coming and whose
names are written in the book of life.” GC 634
 GC 616: Ellen White begins her description of the time of trouble through which God’s
people will go:

“The people of God will then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress described by
the prophet as the time of Jacob's trouble.”
 GC 613: Notably, Ellen White begins the chapter on the ‘Time of Trouble’ by quoting Daniel
12:1 and then amplifies the meaning of the standing up of Michael.

“Then Jesus ceases His intercession in the sanctuary above. . . When He leaves the sanctuary,
darkness covers the inhabitants of the earth. In that fearful time the righteous must live in the
sight of a holy God without an intercessor.”
Summary of Ellen White’s Comments on Daniel 12:1, 2:
 GC 613: The standing up of Michael
 GC 616: The time of trouble
 GC 635: God’s people delivered
 GC 637: The special resurrection

It will be noticed that Ellen White develops the events of Daniel 12:1, 2 in their proper order.
Ellen White’s View of Daniel 11:40-45
It is extremely important to realize that Daniel 12:1, 2 cannot be understood independently of
its context. Daniel 12:1, 2 is actually a continuation of the flow of events that transpired in the
previous verses. This is clearly indicated by the fact that Daniel 12:1 begins with a time
reference, “at that time.” This time reference links Daniel 12:1 with what occurred previously in
verses 40-45.
Now the key question is: Where would we expect to find Ellen White’s comments about what
takes place before Daniel 12:1? The answer is unmistakable: It must be in the pages that
immediately precede the chapter on the time of trouble.
The Literary Structure of Daniel 11:44b-45 and 12:1
Now let’s look carefully at the literary structure of Daniel 11:44b-45 as it relates to Daniel 12:1 in
order to ascertain to what event the expression “at that time” refers to. A comparison of these
two passages reveals that they are describing the same events in the same order but The Wise
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with a different terminology and emphasis.
Daniel 11:44b-45:
A. The King of the North goes out to destroy and annihilate many (11:44b)
B. The King of the North Sets up the tents of his palace between the sea and the glorious holy
mountain (11:45a)
C. The King of the North Comes to his end with none to help him (11:45b)

Daniel 12:1
A. Michael stands up to defend His people (parallel to 11:44b)
B. A time of trouble such as never was (parallel to 11:45a)
C. God’s people delivered (parallel to 11:45b)

Daniel 11:44b-45 and 12:1 are precisely parallel but they portray a different emphasis. Whereas
Daniel 11:44b-45 highlights the activities of the king of the north and its destiny for oppressing
God’s people, Daniel 12:1 focuses on the jeopardy of God’s people at the hand of the king of the
north and their deliverance by God.
Thus, when the king of the north goes “out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many”
(11:44b), Michael will stand up to protect and defend them (12:1a). When the king of the north
places the tents of his palace in a strategic location to deliver the final death blow against God’s
people (11:45a; vividly described in GC 635), they will go through a terrible time of trouble
(12:1b), but the king of the north will “come to his end with none to help him” (11:45b) when
God intervenes to deliver His people who are written in the book (12:1c). The expression “at
that time” thus links Daniel 11:44b-45 with Daniel 12:1.
But what about Daniel 11:44a? This phrase explains the reason why the king of the north will go
out and attempt to destroy and annihilate many: “But news from the east and the north shall
trouble him [the king of the north]; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and
annihilate many.” What is this news from the east and the north that so infuriates the king of
the north? We must go to the book of Revelation for the answer.
Revelation 7:2 describes an angel who ascends from the east having the seal of the living God.
This angel comes to seal the faithful of God upon their foreheads. In contrast, the land beast will
impose the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:15, 16).
Revelation 18:1-5 portrays a powerful angel who descends from heaven (the north according to
Isaiah 14:13) and gives a clarion call for God’s people to reject the mark of the beast and to get
out of Babylon before she is destroyed. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 21 of 139
Thus the tidings from the north and from the east are identified by the book of Revelation as the
message of the sealing and the call to come out of Babylon.
Ellen White concurs with this Biblical view. The chapter immediately preceding the one on the
time of trouble (GC 613) is titled “The Final Warning.” Ellen White begins this chapter in GC 603
by quoting Revelation 18:1, 2, 4, 5. In perfect accordance with Revelation 7:2 she describes the
issue that will divide the world:
“While the observance of the false sabbath in compliance with the law of the state, contrary to
the fourth commandment, will be an avowal of allegiance to a power that is in opposition to
God, the keeping of the true Sabbath, in obedience to God's law, is an evidence of loyalty to the
Creator. While one class, by accepting the sign of submission to earthly powers, receive the
mark of the beast, the other choosing the token of allegiance to divine authority, receive the
seal of God.” GC 605
Ellen White then goes on to describe the anger that this message will cause in the religious
“The power attending the message will only madden those who oppose it.” GC 607
“The power attending the last warning has enraged the wicked; their anger is kindled against all
who have received the message, and Satan will excite to still greater intensity the spirit of
hatred and persecution.” GC 614, 615
We have covered in this paper only the events from Daniel 11:44 to Daniel 12:1. But if we
continue moving backwards in The Great Controversy we will find, in reverse order, that she
expounds upon each phrase of Daniel 11:40-45 ending with the chapter on “The Bible and the
French Revolution” where the deadly wound of Daniel 11:40a is described (GC 265-288).
Ellen G. White and Islam
It is simply amazing how Ellen White vividly describes the events of Daniel 11:40-45 without
ever quoting the verses or alluding to the language. The question begs to be asked: Why didn’t
she just come out and quote the verses and then comment on them? There is a clear historical
The original view of the pioneers was that the king of the north represents the Roman Catholic
papacy. This is the clear view expressed in the pamphlet A Word to the Little Flock Scattered
Abroad, coauthored by James and Ellen White in 1847. But in the early 1870’s Uriah Smith (who
was the highly respected editor of the Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald) changed the view
of the pioneers by reinterpreting the king of the north as Turkey. You see, in Smith’s day Turkey
was prominent in the news so he changed the traditional view to fit current events. The Wise
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James White was flabbergasted by Smith’s new view and accused him of removing one of the
landmarks of the Advent Movement. Things started getting nasty and members began taking
sides. In this context, Ellen White instructed her husband to desist of his criticism. She knew that
an understanding of Daniel 11:40-45 was not a matter of life and death at that time. Her main
concern at the moment was to preserve the unity of the church. If Ellen White had quoted the
verses of Daniel 11:40-45 and offered a view contradictory to Uriah Smith’s, she would have
been accused of nepotism so she commented on these verses without quoting them or alluding
to the language knowing full well that some day someone would discover her view of the
Significantly, in the last half of The Great Controversy, Ellen White does not mention Islam, even
once, as fulfilling Bible prophecy in the end time. It appears that Ellen White saw no prophetic
significance to the rising of radical Islam.
Ellen White’s silence on the role of Islam in Bible prophecy has puzzled some Seventh-day
Adventist scholars who have concluded that Ellen White simply did not have all the light on end
time events. Some of these scholars have even reached the conclusion that Ellen White was
wrong in her interpretation of the little horn as a symbol of the papacy and have reinterpreted it
as Islam.
I am not saying that Islam might not play a role in the precipitation of end time events as they
are described in The Great Controversy. It is true that Islam might precipitate the fulfillment of
Bible prophecies concerning the United States and the papacy, but the rising power of militant
Islam is not contemplated directly by prophecy itself.
That is to say, radical Islam does not fulfill any specific end time prophecy but very well could
serve as the catalyst for the fulfillment of prophecy. After all, radical Islam has brought the
United States to prominence, it has made the curtailing of our civil and religious liberties easier
and it has also misdirected the eyes of Christians (and even a few Seventh-day Adventists) to the
Middle East for the fulfillment of prophecy.
Time has proven that Uriah Smith’s reinterpretation of the king of the north was wrong. Will we
learn from his mistake? Will we ever learn that the best way to understand prophecy is not to
read the newspapers or to watch CNN but rather to study our Bibles? The Wise Shall
Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 23 of 139
The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
LESSON #3 – DANIEL 11:44-12:1 & THE
The prophetic portions of the Bible describe in different ways the last human power that will
rule over the earth just before Jesus comes again. It is spoken of in two ways in Daniel and two
ways in Revelation:
 Past: The little horn (Daniel 7, 8)
 Future: The king of the north (Daniel 11)
 Past: The beast: Revelation 13
 Future: The Harlot: Revelation 17

Other places in Scripture refer to the same power with different names:
 The abomination of desolation (Matthew)
 The antichrist (epistles of John)
 The Man of Sin (Paul)
 These are different ways of describing the last human power to rule the world before Jesus

A Vital Principle
What is literal and local in the Old Testament is to be understood as symbolic and universal in
New Testament times. That is, when we move into New Testament times the geographical and
ethnic limitations of Old Testament prophecy are removed and the persons and places become
global and symbolic. Louis Were expressed it well:
“When passing over into the Christian era there is an automatic transition from literal to The
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spiritual Babylon; from literal to spiritual Jerusalem; from the literal lands of Israel and Babylon
to their spiritual antitypes.” (Louis F. Were, The King of the North at Jerusalem, p. 75)
This means that Israel in the Old Testament is literal and local while in the end time Israel is
spiritual and global and the enemies of God’s people are spiritual and global. With this in mind,
let’s go to Daniel 11.
Background leading up to verses 44 and 45:
Daniel 11:31-39 describes the career of the papacy during the 1260 years under the symbol of
the king of the north
Verse 40 refers to the moment when secularism (the king of the south) gave the papacy its
deadly wound at the conclusion of the French Revolution
Verses 41-43 describe how the papacy will recover from its wound and overwhelm these
secular powers and overflow the world as a devastating flood.
Speak about his geographical progression from the Euphrates to the north countries, down the
holy land all the way down to Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia. In other words, he has overwhelmed
the world of that day and age
Verse 44 (first part): At the apex of his success some mysterious tidings from the north and
east trouble or alarm the king of the north. Remember that at the time the king of the north
hears these tidings he is in northern Africa which is south and west of Jerusalem. That is to say,
Jerusalem is north and east of Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya
What are these tidings that trouble and enrage the king of the north? The book of Revelation
has the answer:
The loud cry is from heaven in the north and the sealing angel comes from the east:
“But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great
fury to destroy and annihilate many. 45 And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the
seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.”
Revelation 7:1-4: From the East
“After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four
winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. 2
Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he
cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 25 of 139
3 saying: "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our
God on their foreheads."
Revelation 18:1-5: From the north
“After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and
the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying:
"Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for
every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of
the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with
her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury."
And I heard another voice from heaven saying: "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in
her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
The events of verses 44, 45
This disturbing message enrages the king of the north and he goes out with great fury to
destroy God’s people
He places himself in a strategic place to deliver the final death blow between the seas and the
glorious holy mountain. Ellen White vividly describes this moment:
“When the protection of human laws shall be withdrawn from those who honor the law of God,
there will be, in different lands, a simultaneous movement for their destruction. As the time
appointed in the decree draws near, the people will conspire to root out the hated sect. It will be
determined to strike in one night a decisive blow, which shall utterly silence the voice of dissent
and reproof.
The people of God--some in prison cells, some hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the
mountains--still plead for divine protection, while in every quarter companies of armed men,
urged on by hosts of evil angels are preparing for the work of death. It is now, in the hour of
utmost extremity that the God of Israel will interpose for the deliverance of His chosen.
With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of evil men are about to rush upon
their prey, when, lo, a dense blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon the
earth. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne of God, spans the heavens and
seems to encircle each praying company. The angry multitudes are suddenly arrested. Their
mocking cries die away. The objects of their murderous rage are forgotten. With fearful
forebodings they gaze upon the symbol of God's covenant and long to be shielded from its
overpowering brightness.” GC 635, 636
But instead of wiping out God’s people he comes to his end with none to help him. The people
who have been deceived turn against this wicked system and it no longer has any helpers. This is
described vividly by Ellen White in The Great Controversy, pp. 655, 656 The Wise Shall
Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 26 of 139
“The people see that they have been deluded. They accuse one another of having led them to
destruction; but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. Unfaithful
pastors have prophesied smooth things; they have led their hearers to make void the law of God
and to persecute those who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these teachers confess
before the world their work of deception. The multitudes are filled with fury. "We are lost!" they
cry, "and you are the cause of our ruin;" and they turn upon the false shepherds. The very ones
that once admired them most will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them. The very
hands that once crowned them with laurels will be raised for their destruction. The swords which
were to slay God's people are now employed to destroy their enemies. Everywhere there is strife
and bloodshed.” GC 655
We find three stages here:
 The giving of the tidings
 The persecution of God’s people
 The destruction of the king of the north

The Close of Probation

But where is the close of probation? We must go to Daniel 12:1 for the answer:
Review of Daniel 11:44-45:
 Daniel 11:44A: Tidings from the north and the east trouble the king of the north
 Daniel 11:44B: Therefore the king of the north goes out to destroy God’s people (time of
 Daniel 11:45: the hour of utmost extremity
 Daniel 11:45: the king of the north comes to his end with none to help him

“At that time”

Daniel 12:1: The expression “at that time”
Notice that the expression “at that time” is used twice in Daniel 12:1 just like the expression
“until” is used twice in Matthew 24.
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the
days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the
day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so
also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr
| | Page 27 of 139
The first time the expression is used refers to the close of probation and the second refers to
the deliverance of God’s people from the hand of the king of the north at the second coming.
“At that time [when the king of the north goes out to destroy and annihilate many] Michael
shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall
be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that
time [at the end of the time of trouble] your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found
written in the book.”
The first time the expression “at that time” is used takes us back to the events of the previous
chapter. Not merely to the last event (coming to his end) but to the last three events.
It is rather obvious that the king of the north cannot come to his end before the time of trouble
because the king of the north actually causes the time of trouble.
Daniel 11:44, 45 and 12:1
Now let’s look carefully at the literary structure of Daniel 12:1 as it relates to Daniel 11:44b-45
in order to ascertain to what event the expression “at that time” refers to. A comparison of
these two passages reveals that they are describing the same events in the same order but with
a different terminology and emphasis.
I have found in my studies of Daniel and Revelation that even more important that interpreting
individual symbols is the correct understanding of the literary structure.
Daniel 11:44b-45:
When tidings come from the north and east:
A. The King of the North goes out to destroy and annihilate many (11:44b)
B. The King of the North sets up the tents of his palace in a strategic position between the sea
and the glorious holy mountain (11:45a)
C. The King of the North comes to his end with none to help him (11:45b)

Daniel 12:1
A. Michael stands up to defend His people (parallel to 11:44b)
B. A time of trouble such as never was (parallel to 11:45a)
C. God’s people delivered those who were written in the book (parallel to 11:45b)
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Two complimentary passages
Daniel 11:44b-45 and 12:1 are precisely parallel but they portray a different emphasis.
Daniel 11:44b-45 focuses on the activities of the king of the north and his destiny for
oppressing God’s people.
Daniel 12:1 on the other hand, focuses on the jeopardy of God’s people at the hand of the king
of the north and their deliverance by God.
Thus Daniel 11:44b-45 focuses on the king of the north and Daniel 12:1 focuses on God’s
When [1] the king of the north goes “out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many”
(11:44b), [1] Michael will stand up to protect and defend them (12:1a)
[2] When the king of the north places the tents of his palace in a strategic location to deliver the
final death blow against God’s people (11:45a; vividly described in GC 635), [2] they will go
through a terrible time of trouble (12:1b)
[3] But the king of the north will “come to his end with none to help him” (11:45b) when [3] God
intervenes to deliver His people who are written in the book (12:1c). The expression “at that
time” thus links Daniel 11:44b-45 with Daniel 12:1.
Daniel 12:1 contains the element that is missing in Daniel 11:44, 45, the close of probation. And
where is the close of probation in Daniel 12:1?
The expression “stand up” means “begin to rule”. The identical expression is used in Daniel
11:2, 3:
“And now I will tell you the truth: Behold, three more kings will arise [‘stand up’] in Persia and
the fourth shall be far richer than them all; by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all
against the realm of Greece. 3 Then a mighty king shall arise [‘stand up’], who shall rule with
great dominion, and do according to his will.”
This must mean that Jesus will change His priestly garments to His kingly garments immediately
before the time of trouble begins. Notice how Ellen White describes this moment:
“Then I saw Jesus lay off His priestly attire and clothe Himself with His most kingly robes. Upon
His head were many crowns, a crown within a crown. Surrounded by the angelic host, He left
heaven.” EW, p. 281 The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr |
| Page 29 of 139
The three stages of Revelation 22:10-12
“And he said to me, "Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.
11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is
righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." 12 "And behold, I am
coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work. 13 I am
the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."
What distinguishes the two groups?
Who will go victoriously through this time of trouble? The answer is given at the end of verse
Daniel 12:1: Names must have been retained in the book of life and others must have been
In this context it is interesting that there are some who live during the time of the beast whose
names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Study Revelation 20:12, 13 and explain the relationship between the words ‘books’ and ‘book’.
Will your name be written in the book? Your works will show if your name really should be
Revelation 22:14, 15:
“Blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life,
and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”
Revelation 12:17: What awakens the rage of Satan against the end time remnant?
“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her
offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Revelation 3:5
“He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the
Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”
Revelation 21:27
“But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but
only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.” The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
Stephen Bohr | | Page 30 of 139
Revelation 21:7, 8
“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But
the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all
liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second
Revelation 19:6
“And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the
sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! 7 Let us be
glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has
made herself ready." 8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright,
for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
Why according to works? Works prove if faith is genuine or not. Words are cheap! Jesus said:
“If you love me you will keep my commandments.”
Only those who are willing to die rather than be disloyal will be found faithful.
“When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is most despised, then
should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in
defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord
when champions are few--this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the
coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason.” 5T 136
Call: Death will close our probation The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 31 of 139
The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
(to be used with the chart: The Sanctuary in Revelation at the end of this chapter)
The Four Places of the Sanctuary
 The camp

 The court
 The holy place

 The most holy place

The Sanctuary Services

 The daily service (work performed in the court and in the holy place)
 The yearly service (work performed in the most holy place)
 The book ofRevelation was given for the Church. The emphasis of the book falls upon the work
that Jesus performs for His Church (Revelation 1:9-11)

The Court
The Altar of Sacrifice and the Laver in Revelation
 Revelation 1:5: Jesus loved us and washed us in His blood (verbs are in the past)
 Revelation 1:17, 18: Jesus died and resurrected (see Titus 3:5)
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The Holy Place
The Seven Candlesticks in Revelation (1:1-3:22)
 Revelation 1:12, 13: Jesus walks in the midst of the seven candlesticks
 Revelation 2 and 3: The seven candlesticks represent the seven churches and the seven
churches represent seven consecutive historical stages of the universal church
 Leviticus 24:1-4: The high priest was to trim the lamps and make sure that there was a
constant supply of oil
 The oil represents the Holy Spirit and the light represents the witness that the church presents
to the world
 Jesus makes sure that the oil never runs out so that His church can be the light of the world
 During the Dark Ages the light of the church was on the brink of going out
 “Christ is spoken of as walking in the midst of the golden candlesticks. Thus is symbolized His
relation to the churches. He is in constant communication with His people. He knows their true
state. He observes their order, their piety, their devotion. Although He is high priest and
mediator in the sanctuary above, yet He is represented as walking up and down in the midst of
His churches on the earth. With untiring wakefulness and unremitting vigilance, He watches to
see whether the light of any of His sentinels is burning dim or going out. If the candlesticks were
left to mere human care, the flickering flame would languish and die; but He is the true
watchman in the Lord's house, the true warden of the temple courts. His continued care and
sustaining grace are the source of life and light.” AA 586
 Ellen White wrote about the seven candlesticks as proof that Jesus is in the Holy Place and
she also uses them to prove that He is on earth with His church. Is Ellen White speaking out of
both sides of her mouth?

Not any more than Jesus who said that He was going to heaven (a literal place) but then
promised that He would be with His church until the end of the world. Jesus is literally in heaven
but spiritually on earth through the Holy Spirit.
The Table of the Showbread in Revelation (4:1-8:1)
 The bread represents the Word of God (Deuteronomy 8:3, 4; Matthew 4:3, 4; John 6:63)
 Jesus guarantees the bread is never lacking in His church
 During the period of Papal dominion the Word of God was scarce but it never totally
disappeared because Jesus made sure that there was bread on the table
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 The table of showbread represents the throne of God in the Holy Place for the following

The throne of God is in the sides of the north (Isaiah 14:12-14)

“Bread of the presence” is a better translation of the Hebrew expression lachem panim. The
Word panim means “person, face o presence” (Lamentations 4:16; Proverbs 7:15; II Samuel
The table of showbread was the only item of furniture that was surrounded by two crowns
(Exodus 37:10-12). The altar of incense and the Ark of the Covenant had only one crown.
There were two stacks of bread on the table. This reflects the fact that when Jesus ascended to
His Father He sat with Him on His throne (Revelation 3:21)
During the third seal there was famine for bread which led to death under the fourth seal
(Revelation 6:5, 6).
Ellen White makes it very clear that the Father and the Son were both seated on a throne in the
holy place until 1844. The only piece of furniture in the holy place that can be interpreted as the
throne is the table of the showbread (Early Writings, pp. 54-56)
The Altar of Incense in Revelation (8:2-11:18)
 Jesus receives the prayers of His people (Luke 1:8-10)
 During the period of Papal dominion people prayed to Mary and the saints
 The people of God lost sight of Jesus as the intercessor (Daniel 8 calls this the “daily” that the
little horn took away from Jesus)

The Most Holy Place

The Most Holy Place Opens and the Ark of the Covenant is seen (Revelation 11:19)
 The Ark of the Covenant contained the Law of God
 The Day of Atonement transpired in the most holy place
 Revelation 14:6, 7: On earth the announcement is made that the hour of God’s judgment has
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 Revelation 14:6, 7 announces on earth the event that is described as taking place in heaven
in Revelation 11:19.

The Ministration in the Most Holy Place Closes (Revelation 15:5-8)

 No one can enter the temple until the seven last plagues have been poured out
 During this period God’s people will live without an intercessor
 The temple is opened so that the angels can come out, not so that people can go in. The
parallel with Noah’s day is impressive: Preaching with the power of the Holy Spirit, the closing of
the door, the time of trouble and testing, destruction, Satan bound on a desolate planet and a
world cleansed from sin and sinners

The Great Tribulation after the Close of Probation in Revelation (16:1-18:24)

 The great tribulation and the outpouring of the plagues from the most holy place
 In ancient Israel the Ark of the Covenant sent plagues when it fell into the hands of the
uncircumcised Philistines

God’s People in Heaven

 Revelation 19:1-10: God’s people victorious in heaven after the plagues (the anticlimax of this
passage is found in Revelation 19:11-21)
 The people of God are clean because they have been cleansed on the Day of Atonement
(Revelation 19:7, 8)

The Azazel Ceremony

 Revelation 20:1-3: The Azazel ceremony takes place on earth (see Leviticus 16:7).
 Clearly God’s people are in heaven during the millennium and Satan is on earth

The Consummation
 Revelation 21, 22 presents God’s people in the New Jerusalem in the earth made new

Revelation presents in their proper chronological order four stages of the ministry of Jesus in
the sanctuary:
 Sacrifice (1:5, 17, 18)
 Intercessory priest (4:1-8:1)
 Judge (12-20)
 King (21-22)
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It must be remembered, however, that The Desire of Ages pp. 19-697 portrays the work of Jesus
in the sanctuary camp, on pp. 698-828 we have His work in the court fully developed and then
on pp. 829-836 you have the ascension of Jesus to the holy place. In Revelation 1:5, 17, 18 we
have a brief allusion to the court followed by a description of the work of Jesus in the holy place
of the heavenly sanctuary.
It is vital here to connect John 14:1-3 (actually chapters 14-17) with Revelation. In Revelation
and Hebrews the emphasis falls upon the heavenly work of Jesus to prepare a place for His
people. In John 14-17 the emphasis falls upon the work that the Holy Spirit does for God’s
people on earth in order to prepare them for heaven. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Revelation is a tricky book. It is filled with intros, bridges, foretastes, flashbacks. Though it
follows the order of the Hebrew sanctuary the various passages were not written in strict
chronological order.
The literary structure of Daniel and Revelation constitutes the skeleton that holds the books
together. It is vitally important to understand how the various parts of the book were put
together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Not understanding the literary structure has led
students to misplace events in the flow of prophetic time.
For example, a lack ofunderstanding of the literary structure has led some Seventh-day
Adventist scholars to extract the trumpets from their legitimate historical context and to project
them into the future. The literary structure is to Daniel and Revelation what the skeleton is to
the body. It is illegitimate to take the trumpets out of the holy place context and put them into a
most holy place context at the end of time.To extract the trumpets from their legitimate holy
place context and place them in the future is like taking the skull and placing it where the hip
bone should be!
It is vitally important to realize that the book of Revelation follows the precise order of events of
Jesus as He moves through the Hebrew sanctuary.
Literary Matters Relating to Revelation’s Seven Churches
The Importance of the Seven Churches
The seven churches of Revelation 2-3 represent seven consecutive stages of the history of the
Christian church from the days of the apostles till the end of time: The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 38 of 139
“The names of the seven churches are symbolic of the church in different periods of the Christian
Era. The number 7 indicates completeness, and is symbolic of the fact that the messages extend
to the end of time, while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church at different periods
in the history of the word.” AA, p. 585
The Seven Churches
 Ephesus: The apostolic church
 Smirna: Persecution during the period of imperial Rome
 Pergamum: Paganism penetrates the Christian church in the times of Constantine
 Thyatira: The church becomes a harlot during the period of papal supremacy
 Sardis: The church refuses to advance under Protestantism
 Philadelphia: The church before which is placed the open door to the most holy place
 Laodicea: The church of the judgment

But the seven churches not only represent seven consecutive stages of church history. They also
provide the historical framework for the rest of the book. That is to say, the seven churches
provide the historical sequence within which the events of the rest of the book of Revelation
find their proper place. Let’s take as an example, the churches of Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia
and Laodicea.
At Closer Look at the Church of Thyatira
Revelation 2:20-23
“Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you [the church of Thyatira] allow that
woman Jezebel [the beast of Revelation 13 and harlot of Revelation 17], who calls herself a
prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality [fornication, union
of Church and state] and eat things sacrificed to idols [idolatry]. And I gave her time [1260
years] to repent of her sexual immorality [fornication], and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast
her into a sickbed [the deadly wound], and those who commit adultery with her into great
tribulation [the French Revolution], unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children [the
apostate Protestant churches] with death, and all the churches [all seven of them] shall know
that I am He who searches the minds and hearts [the investigative judgment]. And I will give to
each one of you according to your Works [the moment when the reward is given to the harlot
and her lovers].
Revelation 3:1-6: The period of the Protestant Reformation when the Protestant churches that
were born from Roman Catholicism became stagnant by refusing to restore all of the truth
Revelation 3:7-12: The church of the Great Advent Movement who is invited to enter through
the open door into the most holy place The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 39 of 139
Revelation 3:14-21: The church of the judgment in the most holy place
Literary Matters Relating to the Trumpets
Textual Location of the Three Woes
Revelation 8:12: Describes the end of the fourth trumpet (period of papal dominion)
Revelation 8:13: After the fourth trumpet has passed, three woes are announced
Revelation 9:1-11: The events of the fifth trumpet are the first woe (French Revolution)
Revelation 9:12: When the events of the fifth trumpet conclude we are told that the first woe
has come to an end
Revelation 9:13-21: The sixth trumpet is described but when it concludes in verse 21 there is no
reference to the second woe passing (this seems to indicate that chapters 10 and 11 will have
more to say about the period of the sixth trumpet).
Revelation 10:1-11:13: This passage will further amplify certain aspects of the periods of the
fourth, fifth and sixth trumpets:
 Revelation 11:-2-6 takes us back to period of the 1260 years (538-1798: the fourth trumpet)
 Revelation 11:7-10 describes the French Revolution when the two witnesses were killed
(1793-1797: the fifth trumpet and the first woe)
 Revelation 11:11-12 describes the resurrection of the two witnesses after the French
Revolution. They no longer testify in sackcloth but rather enjoy great power and prestige. This
miraculous resurrection of the Bible not only describes the establishment of multiple Bible
societies in the aftermath of the French Revolution. It also portrays the great Advent Awakening
in the renewed study of Bible prophecy because the little book of Daniel was opened at the time
of the end and knowledge of prophecy increased.
 Revelation 11:13 introduces the two groups that will exist in the end time: (1) the enemies of
the two witnesses (who have been identified in the previous context as the Gentiles and the
beast from the bottomless pit). The word ‘enemies’ is used only twice in Revelation and both
references are in chapter 11:5, 12. In the first instance the enemies persecuted the two
witnesses during the 1260 years while in the second they killed the two witnesses at the end of
the same period) and (2) the remnant who fear God and give glory to Him, a clear literary link to
the three angels’ messages (Revelation
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14:7; Luke 7:16; Acts 2:43; Acts 13:16; 19:17, 18; II Corinthians 7:1; Revelation 11:18; 15:4).
 Revelation 11:14: After the resurrection of the Bible and the mention of the enemies and the
remnant we are told that the second woe is past.
 The sixth trumpet is to be understood as the negative side (the perspective of the enemies) of
end time events while Revelation 10 should be seen as the positive side (the perspective of the
remnant) of the same time period. Expressed another way, the sixth trumpet describes the
attitude of the enemies of the two witnesses in the end time while Revelation 10 describes the
attitude of the faithful remnant during the same period.
 The sixth trumpet carries us from 1844 all the way to the close of probation when the mystery
of God is finished (Revelation 10:7). We know this because the seventh trumpet describes the
close of probation and Jesus taking over the kingdoms of the world.

Revelation 12 provides a recapitulation and further amplification of the periods of the fourth,
fifth and sixth trumpets
 This chapter begins with the 1260 year period (the fourth trumpet)
 The chapter continues with the period when the earth helped the woman (the period during
which the deadly wound is kept in place by the civil powers of the world)
 The chapter ends up by describing the same two groups that were briefly introduced in
Revelation 11:13: the enemies and the remnant
 The remnant of the woman’s seed (the remnant of Jesus) keeps the commandments of God
while the other group (the enemies) manifests the wrath of the dragon (Revelation 12:17)
 Revelation 12:17 is a further description of the period of the sixth trumpet

Revelation 13 provides a further amplification of the fourth, fifth and sixth trumpets:
 Revelation 13:1-8 provides a description of the 1260 years (the fourth trumpet) when the
beast persecuted the saints of the Most High (notably described as 42 months thus linking it
with Revelation 11:2)
 Revelation 13:9 portrays the deadly wound that was given to the papacy with the sword
beginning in 1793 and culminating in 1798 (the fifth trumpet and the first woe)
 Revelation 13:11-18 then describes the end time conflict between those who worship the
beast and his image and receive his mark (the enemies) and those who
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receive the seal of God (those who fear God and give Him glory, the 144,000 of Revelation 14:1-
5 who are in contrast to the apostate worshipers in the previous chapter). This is the period of
the sixth trumpet that will culminate in the second woe.

In Revelation 14:6-13, the fourth and fifth trumpets have faded from view. The emphasis now
will fall upon the message that will be proclaimed by the remnant during the time when the
sixth trumpet is blowing. This is the ‘prophesying again’ of Revelation 10:11.
 That is to say, Revelation 14:6-13 takes us back to the time when the first angel’s message
began to be proclaimed to the world (in the 1830’s and early 1840’s) after the fifth trumpet and
fifth woe ended in 1798.
 This is the period when the two witnesses resurrected and no longer gave their testimony in
 The sixth trumpet polarizes the world into two groups: those who have the seal of God and
those who receive the mark of the beast (Revelation 14:9-11) ending with the two groups (the
enemies and the remnant) once again in Revelation 14:9-11.
 When the two groups have been gathered, the seventh trumpet sounds and the mystery of
God is finished. This is described in Revelation 14:14-20 where both the harvest and the grapes
of the earth are ripe. The remnant is to be found in spiritual Jerusalem while outside the city are
the enemies who are intent on destroying the remnant (Revelation 14:18-20; see the
background of Joel 3)
 Notably, the negative side of this is shown in Revelation 16:14 where three counterfeit angels
go to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them in apostasy against God for a
final battle against God’s people! Thus the sixth trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21) describes the
gathering of the wicked forces against God’s people and Revelation 10 and 14:6-13 describes
the gathering of God’s people by the three angels’ messages.

Understanding the Location of Revelation 11:19

Revelation 11:19 (first part): The temple opens in 1844 and the sixth trumpet begins the
gathering of the righteous and the wicked. When the temple closes there will be voices,
thunder, lightning, a great earthquake and great hail.
Revelation 11:19 (second part); 15:5-8: The temple closes and the seven plagues fall
culminating with the seventh plague where the same phenomena of Revelation 11:19 are
described. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 42
of 139
Revelation 11:19 is not the conclusion of chapter 11 but rather the introduction to chapters 12-
14. In other words, Revelation 11:19 brings us to the same climax as Revelation 11:1 does in
chapter ten. Thus Revelation 11:1 speaks about the beginning of the judgment in heaven after
the great disappointment and Revelation 11:19 reaches the same climax again. Notice the
following sequence of events in Revelation 11:
 The beginning of the investigative judgment in 1844 (Revelation 11:1)
 The persecution of the two witnesses for 42 months or 1260 days (Revelation 11:2-6)
Revelation 11:1 presents the climax of the judgment and then verses 2-6 go back in time to the
1260 years. This proves that my translation of Revelation 11:1 was correct. The measuring of the
temple comes after the 1260 years.
 The conclusion of the 42 months with the French Revolution and the deadly wound
(Revelation 11:7-13)
 In the aftermath of the French Revolution there is a remnant that fears God and gives glory to
Him (Revelation 11:13). This is actually the prolepsis of the climax that will be reached again in
Revelation 14:6, 7
 The close of the investigative judgment and Christ takes over the kingdom (11:15-18)
 Revelation 11:19: Takes us back to the point of time of Revelation 11:1 and then Revelation
12, 13 backtracks to the 1260 years to provide a framework for the beginning of the judgment in
Revelation 14:6, 7

Structural Matters Relating to Revelation 11:19-15:8

 The beginning of the investigative judgment in 1844 introduces a new cycle. Revelation 11:19
begins in the very same place as Revelation 11:1
 “As foretold in the Scriptures, the ministration of Christ in the most holy place began at the
termination of the prophetic days in 1844. To this time apply the words of the Revelator, "The
temple of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his
testament." [REV. 11:19] The ark of God's testament is in the second apartment of the
sanctuary. As Christ entered there, to minister in the sinner's behalf, the inner temple was
opened, and the ark of God was brought to view. To those who by faith beheld the Savior in his
work of intercession, God's majesty and power were revealed. As the train of his glory filled the
temple, light from the holy of holies was shed upon his waiting people on the earth.” 4SP 273
 “In the ministration of the earthly tabernacle, which served "unto the example and shadow of
heavenly things," the holy of holies was opened only upon the great day of atonement, the
typical day of judgment, set apart for the cleansing of the sanctuary. Therefore the
announcement, "The temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was
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seen in his temple the ark of his testament," points to the opening of the most holy place of the
heavenly sanctuary, at the end of the twenty-three hundred days,--in 1844,--as Christ entered
there to perform the closing work of the atonement. Those who by faith followed their great
High Priest, as he entered upon his ministry in the most holy place, beheld the ark of the
testament.” RH, November 9, 1905
 It is important to realize that the introductory scene of Revelation 11:19 presents two
moments of time: When the temple opens and later on when there is thunder and lightning.
 Revelation 11:19 depicts the beginning of the judgment and Revelation 15:5-8 describes its
 Between Revelation 11:19 and 15:5-8 the central focus falls upon the events that transpired
between the beginning and the ending of the judgment.
 Of course Revelation 12 and 13 provide reference points previous to 1844.
 Revelation 12:1-5, 7-12 describes the dragon’s persecution of Jesus and the victory of Jesus
during this period.
 After briefly mentioning the beasts of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 begins with the moment that
pagan Rome (the dragon) handed off the baton to Papal Rome (the beast). Clearly both
Revelation 12 and Revelation 13 begin with pagan Rome.
 Revelation 12:6, 13-15 describes the papal persecution during the 1260 years, a period of
respite when the earth helps the woman (12:16) and climaxes with the final persecution against
God’s people (Revelation 12:17).
 After describing the handing off of the baton from pagan to papal Rome, Revelation 13:3-8
describes the 42 months of persecution against the saints. It then mentions a period of respite
while the beast recovers from a deadly wound (Revelation 13:9, 10). The chapter climaxes with
a portrayal of the final persecution of God’s remnant (13:11-18).
 Revelation 14:1-5 describes those who are victorious in the final conflict
 Revelation 14:6-12 has the messages that warn about the beginning of the judgment and to
beware of the powers that will play important roles in the end time crisis.
 At the conclusion of the three messages the whole world will have been divided into two
groups (Revelation 14:14-18)
 As the wicked gather around the city to destroy God’s people, Jesus and his angels come to
trample the winepress (Revelation 14:19, 20)
 In Revelation 15:2-4 God’s people stand victorious again at the end of the vision
 Revelation 15:5-8 portrays the moment when the door of probation will close and the plagues
will be poured out.
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Three Centers of Focus
 Revelation 12:1-5 amplified in 12:7-12: The Child
 Revelation 12:6 amplified in 12:13-16: The Woman
 Revelation 12:17 amplified in chapter 13: The Remnant

In Daniel 7 and Revelation 13:1-10 the center of focus is on the earthly powers that Satan used
to persecute God’s people. But in this chapter we see the real enemy of God’s people, Satan.
There are three Old Testament contexts that form the background of this chapter:
 Genesis 3:15
 The exodus of Israel from Egypt
 The story of Elijah

The Genesis 3:15 Backdrop

“And I will put [1] enmity between [2] you and the [3] woman and between your seed and her [4]
Seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel."
Notice the four elements of Genesis 3:15:
 Enmity
 Serpent
 Woman
 Two seeds
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The primary enmity is between the serpent and the woman’s Seed. Then the enmity extends
against the woman and finally against the remnant of the woman’s Seed.
 Enmity against the woman’s Seed
 Enmity against the woman
 Enmity against the remnant of the woman’s Seed

The Exodus Backdrop

Prophecy: God's Old Testament bride is compared to a beautiful woman (Jeremiah 6:2;
Jeremiah 31:32). God married Israel in the Old Testament. The woman is God's bride and the
Father implanted Jesus in the womb of Mary.
Fulfillment: Revelation 12:1: God's bride is the Church. Jesus was the Seed of Abraham and
David. Jesus once said that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22, 25). In other words, Jesus was
born from the lineage of the Jewish nation, that is, from the Old Testament Church.
Prophecy: God’s people were crying out in travail because of the bitter bondage to cruel
taskmasters (Exodus 1:13-14; 2:7, 12-14. Israel was longing for the birth of a deliverer (Exodus
2:23-25). God’s people were in bondage in a strange land. If they were not delivered, the
promise of the Seed could not be fulfilled.
Fulfillment: When Jesus was about to be born into this world, the whole of humanity was in
bondage to sin (John 8:32-34; Hebrews 2:14-15). Revelation 12:2 depicts the woman in travail,
longing for a deliverer.
Prophecy: Israel was enslaved by Pharaoh, the great dragon (Ezekiel 29:3)
Fulfillment: God’s people were enslaved by the accuser of the brethren, the great dragon, the
ancient serpent, the devil and Satan (Revelation 12:3, 4, 9)
Prophecy: A deliverer was born of a woman whose name was Moses (Exodus 2:1-2).
Fulfillment: A man child was born of the woman (Revelation 12:5; Matthew 2). The woman at
this stage represents the Jewish Church. Jesus was the seed of Abraham and of David. This
means that Jesus was born from the Old Testament Church. For this reason Jesus said to the
Samaritan woman that salvation is of the (John 4:22, 25; see also Romans 9:4, 5).
Prophecy: Pharaoh fears to lose his throne to the deliverer (Exodus 1:22).
Fulfillment: Herod fears to lose his throne (Matthew 2:13).
Prophecy: Pharaoh kills the infants in order to get rid of the deliverer but Moses is protected in
Egypt (Exodus 1:22)
Fulfillment: All the infants killed by Herod to get rid of the deliverer (Matthew 2:16)
Prophecy: God called Moses and Israel out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1)
Fulfillment: Jesus was protected in Egypt from where he was called out (Matthew 2:15) The
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Prophecy: The death of the lamb marks the deliverance (Exodus 12:21-23)
Fulfillment: Jesus is presented by John as the Lamb of God before his baptism and Paul tells us
that Jesus is our Passover (John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7, 8).
Prophecy: Israel was baptized in the Red Sea (I Corinthians 10:1-4)
Fulfillment: Jesus baptized in the Jordan river (Matthew 3:16-17)
Prophecy: Moses fasted for 40 days on the mountain in the wilderness (Exodus 34:28)
Fulfillment: Jesus goes into the wilderness and fasts for forty days and is taken up on a high
mountain (Matthew 4:2)
Prophecy: God gave Israel a law from a mountain through Moses (Exodus 34:32)
Fulfillment: Jesus explains the law of the kingdom of His Father in the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5:1, 17, 21-22, 28).
Prophecy: The face of Moses shone on the mountain as he spoke with God (Exodus 34:29-34)
Fulfillment: The face of Jesus shone upon the Mount of Transfiguration as he heard the voice of
God (John 1:14; Matthew 17:1-3). Interstingly, Moses was present on the Mount.
Prophecy: Moses intercedes for his people offering his own life (Exodus 32:30-32)
Fulfillment: Jesus is the great intercessor in favor of his sinful people (I Timothy 2:5; I John 2:1)
Prophecy: Moses brings water from a rock (Exodus 17:1-6), brings manna from heaven (Exodus
16), and raises up a serpent that saves Israel from death (Numbers 21:9).
Fulfillment: Jesus is the rock from whom water springs (John 4:13-14; 7:37-39; Matthew 21:42-
44). He is also the manna from heaven (John 6:41), and the serpent raised in the wilderness
(John 3:14)
Prophecy: Moses organized the 12 tribes (Exodus 24:4) and established 70 (Exodus 24:1) to
carry on the work of Israel.
Fulfillment: Jesus chose 12 and sent out 70 to carry out His work (Revelation 12:1; Matthew
10:1; Luke 10:1, 17).
Prophecy: Moses was tested by the constant opposition of the Jewish leaders and the people.
Fulfillment: Jesus was opposed constantly by the leaders and His people.
Prophecy: Moses died, was buried by God, was resurrected by Christ and ascended to heaven
(Deuteronomy 34:5, 6; Jude 9; Matthew 17:3).
Fulfillment: Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected and ascended to heaven (Revelation 12: 5)
Prophecy: Deuteronomy 18:15-18 promised one greater than Moses
Fulfillment: Jesus is the prophey greater than Moses (Acts 3:22-26) The Wise Shall Understand
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Summary: Literal Moses brings literal deliverance to literal Israel from Literal bondage in literal
Egypt, by offering a literal lamb, took them across a literal desert. Brings literal water from the
literal rock and literal manna from heaven and raises up a literal serpent to prevent literal death,
and leads literal Israel to the borders of literal Canaan. It is clear that the story of Moses was
fulfilled on a larger scale in Jesus.. It is obvious that what was literal and local with Old
Testament Israel is to be understood in a spiritual and worldwide sense today.
Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1-5
Revelation 12:1 Element # 1: The Woman
“Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her
feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.”
What stage of the Church are we talking about here? Is it the Old Testament Church or the New
Testament Church? It must be the Old Testament Church because the child had not been born
yet and the child is Jesus.
It would be good to remember that in the Old Testament we have many women and many
seeds who prefigure THE woman and THE Seed of Genesis 3:15.
What is represented by the sun that clothes the woman and the moon that she stands on? The
answer is determined by the meaning of the greater light and the lesser light.
 The sun is the greater light and the moon is the lesser light (Genesis 1:16)
 The sun: Represents Jesus Christ, the greater light (Psalm 84:11; Matthew 17:3; Revelation
1:16; Malachi 4:1)
 The moon: the lesser light is the Bible which gives witness to Jesus (John 5:35, 39, 46, 47)

Only one woman: There is only one woman before Jesus was born, when Jesus was born, when
the Church was persecuted for 1260 years and when the final remnant is persecuted. God has
only one true Church in all ages. Dispensationalists are totally wrong when they say that God
has two mutually separable peoples. There is only one Messiah and only one people of the
Messiah. The same dragon is also active in all of the stages.
The twelve stars:
They represent the twelve sons of Jacob. They are the founders which later form the twelve
tribes of Israel, (Génesis 37:9, 10; Genesis 49:28). The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
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The twelve stars also represent the twelve apostles who are the founders of the New Testament
Church: (Mark 3:14). Notice the number of times that the apostles are addressed as 'the twelve'
(Matthew 10:1, 2, 5, 11:1; 20:17; 26:20).
“As in the Old Testament the twelve patriarchs stood as representatives of Israel, so the twelve
apostles stood as representatives of the gospel church.” AA, p. 19
“The Old Testament portrayed faithful Israel (or Judah or Jerusalem) as a virgin or God's bride
but their unfaithful equivalent as a prostitute; thus the tale of two cities that contrasts the
heavenly Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) and Babylon the prostitute (17:5).” IVB Bible Background New
Testament on Revelation 12:1.
The significance of the events of Acts 1:16, 26. Why such an urgency to name the twelfth apostle
before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost?
Notice the number of times that the apostles are addressed as 'the twelve' (Matthew 10:1, 2, 5,
11:1; 20:17; 26:20).
Acts 1:16-26: "Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke
before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested
Jesus; 17 for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry." 18 (Now this man
purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle
and all his entrails gushed out. 19 And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so
that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, that is, Field of Blood.) 20 "For it is written
in the Book of Psalms: 'Let his dwelling place be desolate, and let no one live in it'; and, 'Let
another take his office.' 21 "Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us all the time that
the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John to that day
when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection."
23 And they proposed two: Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. 24
And they prayed and said, "You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two
You have chosen 25 to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by
transgression fell, that he might go to his own place." 26 And they cast their lots, and the lot fell
on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles.”
There were twelve stones in the breastplate of the high priest (Exodus 28:15-30).
Jesus was inaugurated as the high priest upon His ascensión and he needed to have twelve
apostles because the breastplate had twelve stones (Hebrews 8:1, 2).
There is only one city with the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles: Revelation 21:12;
Revelation 21:14.
There is this myth that the disciples rushed to name a successor of Judas and chose Matthias
when it was God's plan to make Saul of Tarsus # 12. But this is an unwarranted assumption and
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pure speculation.
Notice what Ellen White had to say:
"Two men were selected, who, in the careful judgment of the believers, were best qualified for
the place. But the disciples, distrusting their ability to decide the question farther, referred it to
One that knew all hearts. They sought the Lord in prayer to ascertain which of the two men was
more suitable for the important position of trust, as an apostle of Christ. The Spirit of God
selected Matthias for the office." 3SP, p. 264
Revelation 12:2: Element # 2: The woman’s Seed
“Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”
 The Seed has not been born at this point so the woman must represent the Church of the Old
 The Seed is Jesus as can be seen clearly in Revelation 12:5

Revelation 12:3: Element # 3: The seven-headed dragon with ten horns

“And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and
ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.”
“The line of prophecy in which these symbols are found begins with Revelation 12, with the
dragon that sought to destroy Christ at His birth. The dragon is said to be Satan (Revelation
12:9); he it was that moved upon Herod to put the Saviour to death. But the chief agent of Satan
in making war upon Christ and His people during the first centuries of the Christian Era was the
Roman Empire, in which paganism was the prevailing religion. Thus while the dragon, primarily,
represents Satan, it is, in a secondary sense, a symbol of pagan Rome.” GC, p. 438
Revelation 12:4: Element # 4: Enmity against the woman’s Seed
“His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood
before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.”
Revelation 12:4 presents the entire sweep of the controversy between Christ and Satan from
the origin of sin in heaven till Jesus died on the cross. He first gives a flashback into what
happened in heaven and then goes right to the birth of Jesus. In verse 9 once again he gives a
flashback to heaven and then deals with events after the ascensión of Jesus. So verses 7-10 take
us a little further forward than verse 3 and verse 5.
Satan attempted to destroy the Seed by two methods: Persecution and infiltration. Genesis 3:15
begins its preliminary fulfillment in the story of Cain and Abel. Eve was not THE WOMAN of The
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Revelation 12:1 and Abel was not THE SEED.
 The enmity is primarily between the serpent and the woman’s Seed
 There is a conspiracy behind history as exemplified by the stories of Cain and Abel, Ruth, the
flood, Joseph, David, and Esther. See also Revelation 2:10.

Revelation 12:5: The ascensión of Jesus took place during the period of the Roman Empire
“She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught
up to God and His throne.”
The Rest of the Story in Revelation 12:7-12
The structure of Revelation 12:3, 4 and 12:7-12 is to be understood in the following manner:
Focus on Christ’s birth:
Flashback: Before creation the dragon fought against Michael (Jesus) and swept away one third
of His angels by his lies (tail)
Historical Event: Satan stood before the woman when Jesus was about to be born
Focus on Christ’s victory at the cross:
Flashback: Satan was originally cast out of heaven with his angels (which were originally
Michael’s angels)
Historical Event: Satan was conquered by Jesus at the cross
The heavenly celebration because of the victory of Jesus: Revelation 12:7-12 with John 12:31-33;
Luke 10:18, 19
The accuser of the brethren is illustrated by the story of Job and by Zechariah 3.
It is common in the book of Revelation to present the broad sweep of events and group them
together. Notice for example Revelation 13:11 (there is a period of time between horns like a
lamb and speaking like a dragon), Revelation 13:3—deadly wound and healing spoken of as
happening quickly; Revelation 12: the braod sweep of the woman’s history; Revelation 11:19:
Two events spoken of as happening quickly. We should not be surprised that John jumps from
the original event to the cross.
“And war broke [aorist] out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought [aorist] with the dragon;
and the dragon and his angels fought [aorist], 8 but they did [aorist] not prevail, nor was a place
found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was [aorist] cast out, that serpent of
old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives [present participle] the whole world; he The Wise
Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 56 of 139
was [aorist] cast to the earth, and his angels were [aorist] cast out with him.”
“It was the highest sin to rebel against the order and will of God. All heaven seemed in
commotion. The angels were marshaled in companies with a commanding angel at their head.
All the angels were astir. Satan was insinuating against the government of God, ambitious to
exalt himself, and unwilling to submit to the authority of Jesus. Some of the angels sympathized
with Satan in his rebellion, and others strongly contended for the honor and wisdom of God in
giving authority to his Son. And there was contention with the angels. Satan and his affected
ones, who were striving to reform the government of God, wished to look into his unsearchable
wisdom to ascertain his purpose in exalting Jesus, and endowing him with such unlimited power
and command. They rebelled against the authority of the Son of God, and all the angels were
summoned to appear before the Father, to have their cases decided. And it was decided that
Satan should be expelled from heaven, and that the angels, all who joined with Satan in the
rebellion, should be turned out with him. Then there was war in heaven. Angels were engaged in
the battle; Satan wished to conquer the Son of God, and those who were submissive to his will.
But the good and true angels prevailed, and Satan, with his followers, was driven from heaven.
1SG 17
The tenses of the verbs clearly indicate that this is a past event that is being looked at from the
perspective of the present. Verses 10-12 will now describe the consequences of the past event.
Christs victory is amplified in Revelation 12:10-12. There we are told that the heavenly host
“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,"Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of
our God, and the power of His Christ have come [aorist], for the accuser of our brethren, who
accused [aorist] them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame
[aorist] him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not
[aorist] love their lives to the death.”
Even though Satan was cast out of heaven when He rebelled against God, he still represented
this world in the heavenly council (Job 1; John 14:30; Moses’ body; Zechariah 3). Satan was
always there accusing God’s people. But now the heavenly inhabitants can rejoice because the
pest is gone from heaven.
Jacob: “Satan had accused Jacob before the angels of God, claiming the right to destroy him
because of his sin; he had moved upon Esau to march against him; and during the patriarch's
long night of wrestling, Satan endeavored to force upon him a sense of his guilt in order to
discourage him and break his hold upon God. Jacob was driven almost to despair; but he knew
that without help from heaven he must perish. He had sincerely repented of his great sin, and he
appealed to the mercy of God. He would not be turned from his purpose, but held fast the Angel
and urged his petition with earnest, agonizing cries until he prevailed.” GC, p. 618
Blood of the lamb: Justification The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 57 of 139
Word of their testimony: Sanctification
“When Cain, moved by the spirit of the wicked one, saw that he could not control Abel, he was
so enraged that he destroyed his life. And wherever there are any who will stand in vindication
of the righteousness of the law of God, the same spirit will be manifested against them. It is the
spirit that through all the ages has set up the stake and kindled the burning pile for the disciples
of Christ. But the cruelties heaped upon the follower of Jesus are instigated by Satan and his
hosts because they cannot force him to submit to their control. It is the rage of a vanquished foe.
Every martyr of Jesus has died a conqueror. Says the prophet, "They overcame him ["that old
serpent, called the devil, and Satan"] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:11, 9. PP 77
But when Christ died on the cross the prince of this world was cast out (John 12:30-33). This is
what Jesus meant when He said, AI saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18). Jesus,
as the second Adam, gained the victory where the first Adam failed (see Romans 5:12-21) and
the world now belongs to Jesus legally. The only thing that remains is to see who will choose to
be on the side of the winner.
“The casting down of Satan as an accuser of the brethren in heaven was accomplished by the
great work of Christ in giving up His life.” 7BC, p. 973
“Satan saw that his disguise was torn away. His administration was laid open before the
unfallen angels and before the heavenly universe. He had revealed himself as a murderer. By
shedding the blood of the Son of God, he had uprooted himself from the sympathies of the
heavenly beings. Henceforth his work was restricted. Whatever attitude he might assume, he
could no longer await the angels as they came from the heavenly courts, and before them
accuse Christ's brethren of being clothed with the garments of blackness and the defilement of
sin. The last link of sympathy between Satan and the heavenly world was broken.” DA, p. 761.2
“Like the apostles, the seventy had received supernatural endowments as a seal of their mission.
When their work was completed, they returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the devils are
subject unto us through Thy name." Jesus answered, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from
heaven." The scenes of the past and the future were presented to the mind of Jesus. He beheld
Lucifer as he was first cast out from the heavenly places. He looked forward to the scenes of His
own agony, when before all the worlds the character of the deceiver should be unveiled. He
heard the cry, "It is finished" (John 19:30), announcing that the redemption of the lost race was
forever made certain, that heaven was made eternally secure against the accusations, the
deceptions, the pretensions, that Satan would instigate. Beyond the cross of Calvary, with its
agony and shame, Jesus looked forward to the great final day, when the prince of the power of
the air will meet his destruction in the earth so long marred by his rebellion. Jesus beheld the
work of evil forever ended, and the peace of God filling heaven and earth. DA, p. 490 The Wise
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“When Christ cried, "It is finished," God's unseen hand rent the strong fabric composing the veil
of the temple from top to bottom. The way into the holiest of all was made manifest. God bowed
His head satisfied. Now His justice and mercy could blend. He could be just, and yet the justifier
of all who should believe on Christ. He looked upon the victim expiring on the cross, and said, "It
is finished. The human race shall have another trial." The redemption price was paid, and Satan
fell like lightning from heaven (MS 111, 1897) 5BC, p. 1150
“Heaven marked the insult and mockery that He received, and knew that it was at Satan's
instigation. They marked the work of counteragencies going forward; Satan constantly pressing
darkness, sorrow, and suffering upon the race, and Christ counteracting it. They watched the
battle between light and darkness as it waxed stronger. And as Christ in His expiring agony upon
the cross cried out, "It is finished" (John 19:30), a shout of triumph rang through every world and
through heaven itself. The great contest that had been so long in progress in this world was now
decided, and Christ was conqueror. His death had answered the question whether the Father
and the Son had sufficient love for man to exercise self-denial and a spirit of sacrifice. Satan had
revealed his true character as a liar and a murderer. It was seen that the very same spirit with
which he had ruled the children of men who were under his power, he would have manifested if
permitted to control the intelligences of heaven. With one voice the loyal universe united in
extolling the divine administration.” PP, pp. 69, 70
“In this choice the principles of Satan were made manifest; and the hosts of heaven, and all the
worlds that God had created, judged that Satan was an accuser of the brethren, a liar, and a
murderer. In heaven and among the unfallen worlds the question of Satan's deceiving power, of
his malignant principles, was settled, and the perfect purity and holiness of Christ, who was
bearing the test and trial in behalf of fallen man, was forever proved. Through the development
of Satan's character and principles, he was forever uprooted from the affection of the unfallen
worlds, and the controversy concerning his claims and the claims of Christ was forever settled in
heaven.” ISM, p. 348
“Satan exults over the sins which he has induced souls to commit, and he makes the most of all
these failures and sins. He rehearses them to the angels of God, and taunts them with these
weaknesses and failures. He is in every sense an accuser of the brethren, and exults over every
sin and wrong which God's people are beguiled to commit.” 2T, p. 106
Christ did not yield up His life till He had accomplished the work which He came to do, and with
His parting breath He exclaimed, "It is finished." John 19:30. The battle had been won. His right
hand and His holy arm had gotten Him the victory. As a Conqueror He planted His banner on the
eternal heights. Was there not joy among the angels? All heaven triumphed in the Saviour's
victory. Satan was defeated, and knew that his kingdom was lost. To the angels and the unfallen
worlds the cry, "It is finished," had a deep significance. It was for them as well as for us that the
great work of redemption had been accomplished. They with us share the fruits of Christ's
victory. DA, p. 758, The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | |
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Reaction in heaven and on earth: “12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having
great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time." This rage is described in verse 6 and
verses 13-15.
I Peter 5:8: "Satan again counseled with his angels, and with bitter hatred against God's
government told them that while he retained his power and authority upon earth their efforts
must be tenfold stronger against the followers of Jesus. They had prevailed nothing against
Christ but must overthrow His followers, if possible. In every generation they must seek to
ensnare those who would believe in Jesus. He related to his angels that Jesus had given His
disciples power to rebuke them and cast them out, and to heal those whom they should afflict.
Then Satan's angels went forth like roaring lions, seeking to destroy the followers of Jesus. EW,
pp. 191, 192
"Satan did not then exult as he had done. He had hoped to break up the plan of salvation; but it
was laid too deep. And now by the death of Christ he knew that he himself must finally die, and
his kingdom be given to Jesus. He held a council with his angels. He had prevailed nothing
against the Son of God, and now they must increase their efforts and with their power and
cunning turn to His followers. They must prevent all whom they could from receiving the
salvation purchased for them by Jesus. By so doing Satan could still work against the
government of God. Also it would be for his own interest to keep from Jesus as many as possible.
For the sins of those who are redeemed by the blood
of Christ will at last be rolled back upon the originator of sin, and he must bear their punishment,
while those who do not accept salvation through Jesus will suffer the penalty of their own sins".
EW, p. 178
“The signs of Christ's coming are fast fulfilling. Satan sees that he has but a short time in which
to work, and he has set his agencies to work to stir up the elements of the world, that men may
be deceived, deluded, and kept occupied and entranced until the day of probation shall be ended
and the door of mercy be forever shut.” CT, p. 414
As we near the close of time, Satan comes down with great power knowing his time is short.
Especially upon the remnant will his power be exercised. He will war against them, he will seek
to divide and scatter them, that they may grow weak and be overthrown. The people of God
should move understandingly; their efforts should be united. They should be of the same mind,
of the same judgment; then their efforts will not be scattered, but will be of force, and tell in the
upbuilding of the cause of present truth.” 4bSG, p. 45 The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
Stephen Bohr | | Page 60 of 139
Revelation 12:6 amplified in 12:13-15
 The devil first persecuted the child, he wanted to get rid of the child (12:1-5, 7-12).
 When the child escapes, then he goes after the mother (12:6, 13-15). How do you think the
child feels about someone mistreating his mother? Is there anything we love more than our
mother? He who touches mother, touches the child or son.
 When God provides refuge for the woman to escape the ire of the serpent, the serpent goes
after the remnant of her Seed (12:17).

Three Old Testament contexts form the backdrop of Revelation 12:6, 13-15:
 Genesis 3:15 (which we have already studied)
 Daniel 7 (the little horn; the time period and persecution of the saints is the same)
 The Elijah story (the most important backdrop)

“Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who
gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she
might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a
time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a
flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.”
Revelation 12:6
Revelation 12:6 introduces several elements that are repeated and amplified in verses 13-15:
 Woman
 Serpent
 Wilderness
 Place prepared
 Nourished
 1260 days

Commentary: Revelation 12:6 merely introduces the next stage in the drama but does not tell
us why the dragon is now enraged with the woman. In order to know the reason we must go to
the amplification in verses 13-15.
A comparison of Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 12:6, 14 reveals three things:
 The woman represents the saints of the Most High
 The power behind the little horn is the dragon, the ancient serpent, the devil and Satan
 The 3.5 times is the same as the 1260 days
The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 61 of 139
“The forty and two months are the same as the “time and times and the dividing of time,” three
years and a half, or 1260 days, of Daniel 7,—the time during which the papal power was to
oppress God's people. This period, as stated in preceding chapters, began with the
establishment of the papacy, A. D. 538, and terminated in 1798.” GC, p. 439
Revelation 12:13-15
Verse 13: We now discover the reason why the dragon is enraged with the woman and went to
make war with her. The dragon was angry because he had been cast down to the earth at the
Verse 14: The eagles’ wings bring to mind the exodus of Israel from Egypt. In Exodus 32:10-14
we find the imagery of the Eagle rescuing Israel in the wilderness. The Eagle is a swift, powerful
fowl that flies high and protects its young like the apple of its eye. This is the same way that
Jesus feels about His persecuted people. He feeds them, he places them upon His wings and
protects them from the enemy. In Exodus 19:4 (see also Isaiah 40:31). God says that he took
Israel upon eagles’ wings when He delivered them from bondage to pharaoh, the great dragon.
We now discover that the dragon and the little horn represent the same power and the woman
and the saints of the Most High are the same.
Verse 15: Even though the dragon/serpent had seven heads, only one head is spewing water
out. This indicates clearly that only one head rules at a time. At this time we do not know which
head is spewing out the water but the matter will be explained in Revelation 17:15.
The meaning of the waters: Isaiah 8:7, 8; Psalm 69:1, 2, 14, 15; Daniel 9:26; Isaiah 57:20; Psalm
68:21, 22; Psalm 89:9, 10; Jeremiah 51:36 (river=sea), Habakkuk 3:8, 15
The waters are not just any old waters, they are the river Euphrates.
In Joshua 24:2, 3, 14, 15 the Euphrates River is described under the euphemism of “the Flood.”
Genesis 15:18 depicts the Euphrates as “the great River” (see also Isaiah 8:7, 8; 17:12, 13;
59:19). Thus in Revelation 12 we are to understand the River (with the definite article in the
Greek) or Flood that the dragon spews out his mouth as the river Euphrates.
Even though the Greek word translated “flood” and “river” in the New Testament are the same,
many contemporary Bible versions have seen the relationship between “the flood” and “the river”
and thus use them interchangeably. Notice only one example of many, the English Standard
Version (ESV):
“The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with
a flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth.” The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 62 of 139
In order to fully comprehend Revelation 12:6, 13-15 we must go to the Elijah story in the Old
The Elijah Typology in Revelation 12
Foundational Principle:
The Seven churches, seven seals and seven trumpets cover the same basic historical events from
different perspectives. The churches actually form the skeletal foundation of the chronological
sequence of the rest of the book of Revelation.
 The first church, seal and trumpet describe the apostolic church
 The second church, seal and trumpet describe the period of imperial Rome
 The third church, seal and trumpet describe the period when paganism penetrated the
Christian church
 The fourth church, seal and trumpet describe the period of papal supremacy when the Bible
and the work of Christ were eclipsed

The Meaning of the Seven Churches

“The names of the seven churches are symbolic of the church in different periods of the Christian
Era. The number 7 indicates completeness, and is symbolic of the fact that the messages extend
to the end of time, while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church at different periods
in the history of the word.” AA, p. 585
Hal Lindsey and Dave Hunt say the churches represent Eras of Christian Church history.
Jezebel must therefore not be literal but symbolic because during this period literal Jezebel was
already dead.
Ephesus – The apostolic church
Smyrna: The persecuted church under the Roman emperors
Pergamum: The compromising church under Constantine
Thyatira: The apostate church of the middle Ages
Hal Lindsey and Dave Hunt agree that the seven churches represent consecutive periods of
Christian Church history. They also agree that the fourth church represents the period of papal
supremacy. Jezebel in the church of Thyatira must therefore not be literal but symbolic because
during this period literal Jezebel was already dead and because Jezebel did not live 1260 years.
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Analysis of the Church of Thyatira
Revelation 2:20-23
“Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you [the church of Thyatira] allow that
woman Jezebel [the beast of Revelation 13 and harlot of Revelation 17], who calls herself a
prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality [fornication, union of
Church and state] and eat things sacrificed to idols [idolatry]. And I gave her time [1260 years]
to repent of her sexual immorality [fornication], and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her
into a sickbed [the deadly wound], and those who commit adultery with her into great
tribulation [the French Revolution], unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children
[the Protestant churches] with death, and all the churches [all seven of them] shall know that I
am He who searches the minds and hearts [the investigative judgment]. And I will give to each
one of you according to your Works [the moment when the reward is given to the harlot and
her lovers].
The Elijah Story
In the Old Testament story Jezebel the pagan priestess introduced the apostasy into Israel.
In Revelation Thyatira is a period of history when the Christian church blended paganism
and Christianity and acted like Jezebel
“Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD more than all who were before him.
And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians and
he went and served Baal and worshiped him.” (I Kings 16:30, 31)
Revelation 2:20
“Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls
herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat
things sacrificed to idols.” (Revelation 2:20)
Jezebel was an adulteress mother who had an illicit relationship [fornication] with the king
and she was involved in the occult
“Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before
him. And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the
Sidonians; and he went and served Baal and worshiped him.” (I Kings 16:30, 31)
“Now it happened, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, "Is it peace, Jehu?" So he answered,
"What peace, as long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many?"
(II Kings 9:22) The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | |
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“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me,
"Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the
kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with
the wine of her fornication. . . And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY,
THE EARTH." (Revelation 17:1, 2, 5)
“For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were
deceived.” (Revelation 18:23)
The issues in the conflict involved the law of God, worship and the Gospel
“Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD more than all who were before him.
And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; and
he went and served Baal and worshiped him.” (I Kings 16:30, 31
“So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast,
saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4)
“Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah that Ahab said to him: "Is that you, O troubler of
Israel?" And he answered, "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house have, in
that you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD and you have followed the Baals.” (I
Kings 18:18, 18)
“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most
High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a
time and times and half a time.” (Daniel 7:25)
II Thessalonians 2 refers to the man of sin and the mystery of lawlessness
Tearing Down the Gospel Sanctuary Truth
Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come near to me." So all the people came near to him. And
he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. And Elijah took twelve stones,
according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had
come, saying, "Israel shall be your name". . . And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of
the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, "LORD God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and
that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may
know that You are the LORD God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again." (I
Kings 18:30, 31, 36, 37) The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 65 of 139
“He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were
taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down.”(Daniel 8:11)
No rain during the period of apostasy:
“And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD God of Israel
lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word." (I
Kings 17:1)
“These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy.”
(Revelation 11:6)
Notice the reason for the scarcity of rain:
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send
pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble
themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”(II Chronicles 7:13, 14)
Where there is no rain there is famine for the word of God
"Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD, "That I will send a famine on the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. They shall
wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the
LORD, but shall not find it.” (Amos 8:11, 12)
The length of the famine was three years and six months
“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it
did not rain on the land for three years and six months.” (James 5:17)
The Jezebel of the middle Ages was given time to repent of her fornication. How much time
was given to her? “Time, times and the dividing of time”, a period that reached from 538 to
“And I gave her time [chronos] to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.”
(Revelation 2:21)
Revelation 11:3: The 1260 days are years (if the 1260 days are really years then Elijah cannot
be a literal person but a group of people who live like Elijah and proclaim the message of
“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred
and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 66 of 139
Daniel 7:25: The 1260 days are equal to three and a half times
“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most
High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a
time and times and half a time.”
There was a faithful remnant within the apostate church
“Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and
every mouth that has not kissed him." (I Kings 19:18)
“Now to you I say, and to the rest [loipos, the remnant] in Thyatira, as many as do not have this
doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will put on you no other burden.
But hold fast what you have till I come.” (Revelation 2:24, 25)
Elijah was blamed for the calamities and he was sought out everywhere
“As the LORD your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my master has not sent
someone to hunt for you; and when they said, 'He is not here,' he took an oath from the kingdom
or nation that they could not find you.” (I Kings 18:10, 17)
“Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah that Ahab said to him: "Is that you, O troubler of
Revelation 12:6: The faithful remnant was sought out everywhere. The Waldensians are a
prime example. Crusades were organized against them.
“Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God that they
should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.” (Revelation 12:6)
Elijah fled to the wilderness
"Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the
Jordan.” (I Kings 17:3)
“Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they
should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days. . . But the woman was given two
wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished
for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.”(Revelation 12:6, 14)
The faithful were nourished by God
“And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed
you there." (I Kings 17:4) The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 67 of 139
“The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening;
and he drank from the brook.” (I Kings 17:6)
“Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God that they
should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days. . . But the woman was given two
wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished
for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.”(Revelation 12:6, 14)
Jezebel was a murderer of God’s prophets
“For so it was, while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah had taken one
hundred prophets and hidden them, fifty to a cave, and had fed them with bread and water.” (I
Kings 18:4)
“Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, "So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I
do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time." And when he saw
that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his
servant there.” (I Kings 19:1, 2)
“I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.” (Revelation 17:6)
The False prophets of Baal were fed by Jezebel
“Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty
prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table."
Revelation 16:13: The harlot has the false prophet who does her bidding
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the
mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.”
Revelation 17:5: The harlot has daughters
“And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER
Revelation 2:23: Jezebel had children who were born from her toward the end of the 1260 years
who will do her bidding
“I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches
the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.” The Wise
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A continuation of Elijah at the end of time
Malachi 4:1-3: The Elijah of the middle Ages was not the final Elijah. The conclusion of the
story has not been written. Jezebel was not slain, the false prophets were not slain, the great
and terrible day of the Lord did not come and the church was not translated. We are to expect
the final Elijah to complete the story
"For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly
will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up," Says the LORD of hosts, "That
will leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness
shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You
shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do
this," says the LORD of hosts.”
Revelation 6:9-11: The post apostolic church has two stages of existence because the harlot has
two stages of existence.
“When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for
the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice,
saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who
dwell on the earth?" 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them
that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their
brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”
Revelation 13:3: The harlot has two stages of existence and so Elijah, the children of the harlot
and Ahab must also have two stages of existence.
“And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was
healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.”
Revelation 2:22: She was cast into her sickbed and those who committed fornication with her
into the great tribulation of the French Revolution.
“Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great
tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.”
Elijah broadens from Israel to Western Europe to the world at the end of time.
Revelation 12:17: After the three and a half times God will raise up a people who will keep
the commandments of God, have the gift of prophecy, preach true worship to the creator,
restore the gospel, denounce Babylon, lead the world to take a stand for the seal of God or the
mark of the beast. This will be the end time Elijah with the power from heaven which will
enlighten the world with its glory (Revelation 18:1) The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
Stephen Bohr | | Page 69 of 139
Revelation 12:16, 17
Review of the literary structure of Revelation 12
 Flashbacks to heaven
 Israel in the Old Testament period denoted by the 12 stars
 The birth of the child
 Ascension of the child
 Victory celebration in heaven
 Wrath of the dragon against the woman
 Persecution for 1260 years
 The earth helps the woman
 Final war against the remnant

This is historicism at its best! It gives us a broad sweep of history from the rebellion of Lucifer in
heaven till the final war against God’s people.
Identity of the dragon
The dragon is the main antagonistic protagonist of Revelation 12.
Though not directly called a dragon in Daniel 7, the fourth beast is nevertheless a dragon which
represents the Roman empire. But Revelation 12 amplifies the meaning of Daniel 7 by explaining
that the power behind the nondescript beast of Daniel 7 was Satan. Thus we see that the fourth
beast is the visible kingdom (the Roman empire) through which Satan works to attempt to kill
the child.
In Daniel 7 the nondescript beast then sprouts a Little horn that persecutes the saints for 1260
years. We know that the Little horn is Roman because it rises from the head of the fourth beast
among its ten horns. But Revelation 12 takes us behind the scenes to show us that the real
power behind the little horn (papal Rome) is the dragon which persecutes the woman for 1260
years. Thus Satan persecuted the woman through the instrumentality of Rome. Notably, we are
told in Revelation 13:2 that the dragon gave his seat, authority and power to the beast.
But we are also told that the dragon will persecute the remnant at the end of time (Revelation
12:17). It is the same dragon that persecuted the child and the woman and therefore it must
represent Satan working through Rome. In fact, Revelation 13 will show that the beast from the
earth does everything to impress the first beast, commanding all to worship it, to make an
image of and to it and imposing its mark. Thus the beast from the earth continues the legacy of
Rome because it speaks like a dragon (Revelation 13:11). The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
Stephen Bohr | | Page 70 of 139
In all stages it is Satan working through Rome. Dragon persecutes the child then hands off the
baton to the beast (Revelation 12) and then the beast from the earth speaks like a dragon.
Ellen White explains how the United States will speak not only like Satan but also like Rome:
“God's word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the
Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to
escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in
legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive
structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily
and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall
come for her to strike. All that she desires is vantage ground, and this is already being given her.
We shall soon see and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman element is. Whoever shall
believe and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution.” GC, p. 581
“By this first beast is represented the Roman Church, an ecclesiastical body clothed with civil
power, having authority to punish all dissenters. The image to the beast represents another
religious body clothed with similar powers. The formation of this image is the work of that beast
whose peaceful rise and mild professions render it so striking a symbol of the United States.
Here is to be found an image of the Papacy.” LDE, p. 381
Revelation 12:15, 16: “So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the
woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the
woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had
spewed out of his mouth.”
Where was the woman being persecuted during the 1260 years? The answer is, in Europe.
Because the dragon which persecutes the woman represents Rome and the little horn came
from the head of Rome and among the ten divisions of Rome.
What came to the rescue of the woman who was being persecuted in Europe? The answer is the
earth. The earth must be a different place because all of the beasts of Daniel 7 came from the
sea including the fourth beast. What is represented by the earth? It represents the territory of
the United States. At this point the nation had not yet come forth from the earth. The territory
provided refuge for the woman beginning in 1620 and the nation arose from this territory
around 1798 in harmony with Revelation 13:11.
In Revelation 12:13-15 we find a description of the persecution of the woman by the dragon for
1260 years. Then in verse 16 you have the earth helping the woman. The earth helps the woman
before the 1260 years come to an end. How do we know this? The answer is, by the sequence of
events in The Great Controversy. In the The Great Controversy, p. 265 Ellen White begins the
chapter on the French Revolution which culminates the 1260 year period. But in the very next
chapter Ellen White goes back in time to describe how the territory of the United The Wise
Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 71 of 139
States provided refuge for those who were persecuted in Europe. This is very similar to the
order of Revelation 12 where in verse 14 the woman is persecuted for 1260 years and then in
verse 16 we have the earth helping the woman.
Ellen White describes the fulfillment of the 1260 years:
“The periods here mentioned--"forty and two months," and "a thousand two hundred and
threescore days"--are the same, alike representing the time in which the church of Christ was to
suffer oppression from Rome. The 1260 years of papal supremacy began in A.D. 538, and would
therefore terminate in 1798. (See Appendix note for page 54.) At that time a French army
entered Rome and made the pope a prisoner, and he died in exile. Though a new pope was soon
afterward elected, the papal hierarchy has never since been able to wield the power which it
before possessed.” GC, p. 266
She then goes back in history and expounds upon the pilgrims who came to the territory of the
United States in the early 1600’s:
“It was the desire for liberty of conscience that inspired the Pilgrims to brave the perils of the
long journey across the sea, to endure the hardships and dangers of the wilderness, and with
God's blessing to lay, on the shores of America, the foundation of a mighty nation.” GC, p. 292
It was from persecution by the dragon that the woman escaped. This does not mean that during
the Colonial period religious liberty was always respected. There was religious persecution in
the colonial period but it was not the dragon who was doing the persecuting. In fact, the
colonists were very suspicious of the papacy.
“What nation of the New World was in 1798 rising into power, giving promise of strength and
greatness, and attracting the attention of the world? The application of the symbol admits of no
question. One nation, and only one, meets the specifications of this prophecy; it points
unmistakably to the United States of America. Again and again the thought, almost the exact
words, of the sacred writer has been unconsciously employed by the orator and the historian in
describing the rise and growth of this nation. The beast was seen ‘coming up out of the earth;’
and, according to the translators, the word here rendered ‘coming up’ literally signifies ‘to grow
or spring up as a plant.’ And, as we have seen, the nation must arise in territory previously
unoccupied. A prominent writer, describing the rise of the United States, speaks of ‘the mystery
of her coming forth from vacancy,’ and says: ‘Like a silent seed we grew into empire.’ G. A.
Townsend, The New World Compared with the Old, page 462. A European journal in 1850 spoke
of the United States as a wonderful empire, which was ‘emerging,’ and ‘amid the silence of the
earth daily adding to its power and pride.’ The Dublin Nation” GC, p. 440
Who is the remnant of the woman’s Seed in Revelation 12? The woman’s seed has already been
identified as Christ in the first five verses of the chapter so the remnant of her Seed must be the
remnant of Jesus. In other words this would be the Seed’s seed. Both Jesus (John 12:24) The
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and the apostle Paul developed this idea (Galatians 3:16, 28, 29). This last remnant is not the
remnant of the woman but rather the remnant of her Seed!
The Dragon’s Rage
Earlier in the chapter we noticed that the dragon was enraged against the woman because the
child was caught up to God’s throne. But at the end of the chapter the rage is due to the fact
that the remnant keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Let’s
talk a little about the commandments of God.
References to the Commandments of God in Revelation
The expression “keep the commandments of God” is used in three places in the book of
Revelation: 12:17; 14:12 and 22:14.
Reference #1:
Revelation 14:12: “[in contrast to those who worship the beast and his image and receive the
mark]: “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep [tereoo] the commandments
of God and the faith of Jesus.”
Reference #2:
Revelation 22:14 [we will deal with the disputed translation of this verse later]: “Blessed are
those who do [poieoo] His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and
may enter through the gates into the city.”
The text does not say that they believe in the commandments or have the commandments or
teach the commandments or preach them but they keep them.
So I guess if you teach that no one can keep them you are making God a liar!
What does the word ‘keep’ mean? The Word “keep” means ‘to guard’, ‘to observe.’ It is used in
with Revelation 16:15 to describe those who guard their robes. It is also used in John 9:16 where
Jesus is accused of not ‘keeping’ the Sabbath. It is further used in James 2:10 and Matthew
19:17 to describe the keeping of the Ten Commandments.
Reference #3:
Revelation 12:17: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war
with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ.” The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page
73 of 139
Satan, the Law and the Origin of Sin
Why does Satan hate the commandments of God and those who keep them? In order to answer
this question we must pay a visit to heaven as it was before this world was created.
Satan sinned in heaven:
Ezekiel 28:16: "By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and
you sinned; therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed
you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones.”
Satan has sinned from the beginning:
John 3:8: “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this
purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
Sin is transgression of the law and therefore Satan must have broken the law:
I John 3:4: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness [or:
‘transgression of the law’].”
Satan attempted to sell his lies in heaven. Notably, even today we use comercial terms to
metaphorically refer to lying. For example, we say, “I don’t buy it”; you “can’t sell me that
Ezekiel 28:16: "By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and
you sinned; therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed
you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones.”
Ezekiel 22:9: “In you are men who slander to cause bloodshed; in you are those who eat on the
mountains; in your midst they commit lewdness.”
Leviticus 19:16: “You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a
stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord.”
John 8:44: “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He
was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth
in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of
Revelation 12:3: “His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.” The
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Isaiah 9:15, 16: “The elder and honorable, he is the head; the prophet who teaches lies, he is
the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err and those who are led by them are
Satan deceived a third of the angels a to rebel against God with him:
Revelation 12:9: “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and
Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out
with him.”
Ellen White provides a profound glimpse into the issue involved when Satan began his attack
against the law of God:
“Leaving his place in the immediate presence of the Father, Lucifer went forth to diffuse the
spirit of discontent among the angels. He worked with mysterious secrecy, and for a time
concealed his real purpose under an appearance of reverence for God. He began to insinuate
doubts concerning the laws that governed heavenly beings, intimating that though laws might
be necessary for the inhabitants of the worlds, angels, being more exalted, needed no such
restraint, for their own wisdom was a sufficient guide.” PP, p. 37
“He reiterated his claim that angels needed no control, but should be left to follow their own
will, which would ever guide them right. He denounced the divine statutes as a restriction of
their liberty and declared that it was his purpose to secure the abolition of law; that, freed from
this restraint, the hosts of heaven might enter upon a more exalted, more glorious state of
existence.” GC, p. 499
Sin Enters Planet Earth
All the principles of the Ten Commandments were contained in the command of Genesis 2:15-
17. Satan led Eve to disobey God’s commands. Whe Eve disobeyed the one she was actually
disobeying them all (see James Even more notably, Satan used the first post-modern argument
in human history. He convinced Eve that she could be her own source of ethical and moral
decisions that she could rely on her own definition of right and wrong without ddpending on
God’s objective definition. Let’s take a closer look at Genesis 3:1-5.
Genesis 3:1-5: “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord
God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree
of the garden'?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the
garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall
not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'" 4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will
not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you
will be like God, knowing good and evil." The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 75 of 139
The question is: Who defines good and evil? Does each individual human being provide his/her
own definition from inside or does God provide an objective definition from outside? The
answer is that God, in His law provides the absolute definition of good and evil. God is the
absolute definer of good and evil.
Which Commandments?
Can we be sure that the expression “keep the commandments” in Revelation refers specifically
to the Ten Commandments?
After instructing the rich young ruler to keep the Commandments Jesus then quoted the last six
of the ten:
Matthew 19:17-22: “So He said to him: "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One,
that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments." He said to Him,
"Which ones?" Jesus said, "'You shall not murder,' 'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You shall not
steal,' 'You shall not bear false witness,' 'Honor your father and your mother,' and: 'You shall
love your neighbor as yourself.'" The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept from
my youth. What do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you
have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But
when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”
The women who came to the tomb rested on the Sabbath (the fourth) according to the
Luke 23:56: “Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the
Sabbath according to the commandment.”
The expression “commandment of God” is used to refer to the fifth commandment:
Mark 7:9, 10: “He said to them, "All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you
may keep your tradition. 10 For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who
curses father or mother, let him be put to death.'
The word ‘commandment’ is a reference to the tenth commandment
Romans 7:7-12: “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would
not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless
the law had said, "You shall not covet." 8 But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment,
produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart from the law sin was dead. 9 I was alive once
without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. 10 And the
commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. 11 For sin, taking occasion by
the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me. 12 Therefore the law is holy, and the The
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commandment holy and just and good.”
Paul wrote that we must keep the commandments of God
I Corinthians 7:19: “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the
commandments of God is what matters.”
Are the words “law” and “commandments” used interchangeably in Scripture?
Exodus 16:28: “And the Lord said to Moses, "How long do you refuse to keep My
commandments and My laws?”
Exodus 24:12: “Then the Lord said to Moses: "Come up to Me on the mountain and be there;
and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that
you may teach them."
God wrote the Ten Commandments but in Deuteronomy we are told that God gave them a fiery
law so commandments and law are interchangeable:
Deuteronomy 4:13: “So He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform,
the Ten Commandments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone.”
Deuteronomy 33:2: "The Lord came from Sinai and dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth
from Mount Paran and He came with ten thousands of saints; from His right hand came a fiery
law for them.”
Romans 7:7-12: “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would
not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless
the law had said, "You shall not covet." But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment,
produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart from the law sin was dead. I was alive once
without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. And the
commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. For sin, taking occasion by the
commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me. Therefore the law is holy, and the
commandment holy and just and good.”
Romans 13:8-10: “Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another
has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not
murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not bear false witness," "You shall not covet," and if
there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall love your
neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the
law.” The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 77 of
“For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For He
who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." Now if you do not commit
adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so do as
those who will be judged by the law of liberty.
How did Jesus feel about the commandments?
John 14:15, 16: "If you love Me keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He
will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.”
John 15:10: “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My
Father's commandments and abide in His love. “
1 John 2:3-5: “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 He
who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in
John 5:3: “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His
commandments are not burdensome.”
Antichrist Meddles with the Law
One thing stands clear in the Bible. Satan hates the Ten Commandments and he has led the
Christian world to attempt to change them. The Little horn thought he could change the law of
God (Daniel 7:25). This system is also called the man of sin and the lawless one (II Thessalonians
2:4, 9). This change can be seen in the changes taht sare made in Roman Catholic Catechisms.
Notably, the little horn who ruled for 1260 years thought he could change the law but at the
very end of this period God raised a remnant who would keep them (Revelation 12:14-17).
II Thessalonians 2:3-8: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes
and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the
temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with
you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in
his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will
do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord
will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.”
Daniel 7:25: “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of
the Most High and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his
hand for a time and times and half a time.” The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen
Bohr | | Page 78 of 139
Revelation 12:13-16: “Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he
persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two
wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is
nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. . . And the
dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Keeping the commandments is in antithesis with the third angel’s message so keeping the
commandments must be the opposite of receiving the mark of the beast.
Rev 14:11-12: “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest
day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his
name." 12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of
God and the faith of Jesus.”
The book of Revelation describes in vivid detail who will be in the city and who will be outside.
Inside are the commandments keepers and outside are the commandment breakers:
Revelation 22:14, 15: “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the
right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs
and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and
practices a lie.”
The translation of this verse has been disputed. The King James translates: “keep the
commandments”and most modern versions translate “wash their robes.” Which is the correct
translation? The book of Revelation elsewhere uses both expressions. Notice the following texts:
Revelation 7:9, 13, 14; Revelation 19:6-8; Revelation 3:5; 3:18
Revelation 21:7-8: “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall
be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral,
sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death."
It is as clear as the noon day sun that those inside the city overcame sin while those outside led
sinful lives.
How do the saints keep the commandments?
Revelation 14:1 says that God’s end time people have the name of the Father in the forehead.
The name represents the character and the character of God is revealed in His law. They follow
the lamb wherever He goes, no lie in our mouths, without spot before the throne of God. This
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is not legalistic keeping of the commandments. Writing His law means that he writes his
character and we love righteousness and hate iniquity and the law is in our hearts (Psalm 40:6-
Revelation 14:1: “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one
hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father's name written on their foreheads.”
“In biblical thought a name is not a mere label of identification; it is an expression of the
essential nature of its bearer. A man’s name reveals his character. Adam was able to give names
to the beasts and birds (Gen. 2:20) because, as Milton says, he understood their nature.”
Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, volume 3, p. 500-501
Genesis 27:36: “And Esau said: "Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these
two times. He took away my birthright, and now look, he has taken away my blessing!"
I Samuel 25:25: “Please, let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal. For as his name is, so is he:
Nabal is his name, and folly is with him!”
Gen 27:36
And Esau said: "Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times. He
took away my birthright, and now look, he has taken away my blessing!"
1 Sam 25:25
Please, let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal. For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his
name, and folly is with him!
Ex 33:18-19
And he said, "Please, show me Your glory." 19 Then He said, "I will make all My goodness pass
before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will
be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
Ezek 36:26-28: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart
of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and
cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.”
Ps 40:6-8: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering
and sin offering You did not require. 7 Then I said, "Behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is
written of me. 8 I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart."
Jeremiah 31:31-34: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new
covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—32 not according to the
covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out
of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says The
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the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,
says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their
God, and they shall be My people.”
It does no good to have them posted in courtrooms if they are not engraved on the heart.
Righteousness comes from inside out and not from outside in. Force creates martyrs of
hypocrites. Big debate as to whether this is a Christian nation. It sure doesn’t look like it. The
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
The Importance of Structure in the Study of Typology
How Ellen White Interprets Biblical Typology
Tips for the Study of Armageddon
 Look for the pattern or the broader picture and how the pieces fit together. Don’t merely look
for events but rather for the sequence or order of events. For example, the Elijah passages of
the Bible.
 Learn the Old Testament story well because it is the foundation for the typological application.
 Don’t assume that Ellen White will quote the verses or even necessarily use their language.
 Learn to ask questions about the passage. For example, I asked the question: Why does
Revelation 15 say that the 144,000 will sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb? What will the final
deliverance have to do with Moses? Is it possible that the final deliverance will follow the same
pattern as the events of the Exodus?

The book of Revelation describes seven devastating plagues that will fall upon planet earth after
the door of human probation closes (Revelation 15:5-8). These plagues will partially return the
earth to the condition that it was in before creation week—without form and void and in
darkness (Jeremiah 4:19-27). In our study today I would like us to study the final three of these
We will do our study of this subject from three different perspectives and look for parallels in
the thematic structure: (1) Revelation 16:10-21; (2) Exodus 14 and 15 and (3) the book The
Great Controversy, pp. 635-637 The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 82 of 139
Model #1: Revelation 16:10-21
Fifth Plague
Revelation 16:10, 11: Central theme: Darkness on the kingdom of the beast and sores and
gnawing the tongue
“Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became
full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God
of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds.”
Important questions about the fifth plague:
 Who is the beast?

This is the same beast of Revelation 13 and the little horn of Daniel 7 that spoke blasphemies
against the Most High, persecuted the saints of the Most High, thought it could change times
and law and ruled for 1260 years.
 The throne is the center of government where the beast rules from. This plague falls on the
governing authority of the beast. His center of power is in Vatican City within the confines of the
ancient city of Rome.
 The kingdom over which the beast rules is worldwide.

Revelation 13:3: “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly
wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.”
Revelation 13:7: “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And
authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.”
Revelation 17:1, 2: “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked
with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on
many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of
the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."
Rev 17:15: “Then he said to me: "The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples,
multitudes, nations, and tongues.”
Notice that there is a clear distinction between the ruling authority and his kingdom
 Darkness (this is a supernatural global darkness because the beast’s kingdom is global)
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 They gnaw their tongues in pain and God sends them a panic that will lead them to kill one
another with the weapons they were going to use to destroy God’s people

Zachariah 14:12, 13: “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people
who fought against Jerusalem. Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes
shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths. It shall come to
pass in that day that a great panic from the LORD will be among them. Everyone will seize the
hand of his neighbor, and raise his hand against his neighbor's hand.”
 No room for repentance—this is after the close of probation

Sixth Plague
Revelation 16:12-16: Central themes: Waters of the Euphrates dries up thus preparing the way
for the arrival of the Kings from the East
“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried
up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.”
Important Questions about the sixth plague:
 What is represented by the great river Euphrates? (hint: Isaiah 8:7, 8; 17:12, 13)
 What is meant by the drying up of its waters?
 Who are the kings from the east (‘the rising sun’) and how is the way prepared for their

The Old Testament Background

In order to answer these questions we must study the story of the fall of ancient Babylon. The
story is found in Daniel 5, Jeremiah 50 and 51 and Isaiah 41 and the descriptions given by the
historians Xenophon and Herodotus.
 The Euphrates river was the greatest asset of Babylon and also its greatest potential liability
 Babylon was practicing idolatry and drinking wine the night of its fall
 Cyrus came with his armies from the north and from the east
 He dried up the riverbed of the Euphrates by diverting it to the channels that had been built
outside the city
 Cyrus and his armies entered the city and Babylon fell
 God’s people were delivered
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This entire scenario is applied symbolically and globally in Revelation chapter 17
Questions about Revelation 17:
 Which of the seven angels speaks to John in Revelation 17:1?
 What does a harlot represent in Scripture (Ezekiel chapters 16 and 23)
 What does prophecy mean when it says that she fornicates with the kings of the earth?
 What is the name of the harlot woman?
 What are the waters upon which the harlot sits?
 What will the kings end up doing with the harlot?

Revelation 17:1, 2: The harlot woman sits on many waters

“Then one of the seven angels [which one?] who had the seven bowls came and talked with me,
saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,
with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were
made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’”
Revelation 17:5: Name of the woman is Babylon.
“And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF
Revelation 17:15: The waters represent the kingdom of the harlot because she sits on them like
the beast sits on the throne.
“Then he said to me, "The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes,
nations, and tongues.”
Revelation 17:16: The kings will hate the harlot and make her desolate, naked and burn her with
“And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate
and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.”
Seventh Plague
Revelation 16:17-21: Central themes God’s voice saying “it is done” followed by an earthquake,
thunder, lightning, terrific precipitation and the disappearance of mountain ranges and islands
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“Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the
temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, "It is done!" 18 And there were noises and
thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great
earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided
into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before
God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. 20 Then every island fled
away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And great hail from heaven fell upon men, each
hailstone about the weight of a talent. Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail,
since that plague was exceedingly great.”
Model #2: Exodus 14, 15
The fall of Babylon in the days of Belshazzar is the in the background of the fifth, sixth and
seventh plagues. But I want to suggest that there is another story in the Old Testament that also
stands in the background—the story of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt.
The Captivity and Flight
 Israel was captive in Egypt
 God said to Pharaoh “Let my people go.”
 Captivity was made difficult because the people wanted to keep the Sabbath
 God’s people came out

Shut in and no Escape

 Exodus 14:3: After God’s people came out they shut in and there appeared to be no escape
 Exodus 14:5-9: Pharaoh prepares to attack

The Fifth Plague: Darkness

 Exodus 14:19, 20: Darkness upon the Egyptians and light upon God’s people

The Sixth Plague: Waters dry up or divided and then slay the Egyptians
 Exodus 14:21: Waters divided and dry up
 Exodus 14:26-28: Waters slay the Egyptians

Seventh Plague: Natural Calamities

 Psalm 77:16-20: Notice the phenomena that accompanied this event.
 Exodus 14:23-25: A great panic falls upon the Egyptians
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 Exodus 14:17, 18: The glory goes to God
 In fighting the people of God they were fighting the God of the people. This must be
understood in the context of the covenant.
 Saul on the road to Damascus
 Matthew 25: If you have done it to them you have done it to me
 Suzerain/vassal
 Shepherd/sheep
 Head/body
 Husband/wife

They sang the Song of Moses after the victory over Pharaoh and his armies (Exodus 15)
Model #3: The Perspective of Ellen G. White
As is frequently her custom, Ellen White does not quote the verses for the fifth and sixth plagues
but she interprets the symbols in matter of fact language and follows the same literary
An example Revelation 4 and 5:
 One on the throne (not identified by name)
 Four living creatures (presented in symbolic terms)
 24 elders (symbolic language)
 Seven lamps (symbolic language)
 Lamb as though it had been slain (symbolic language)

In The Desire of Ages, pp. 833-835 Ellen White interprets the symbolic language of Revelation 4
and 5:
 The one on the throne is the Father
 The four living creatures are cherubim and seraphim
 The 24 elders are the representatives of the worlds that never sinned
 The seven lamps of fire represent the Holy Spirit
 The Lamb as though it had been slain is Jesus Christ

Ellen White does the same thing with Daniel 11:40-45. She never quotes these verses or even
alludes to the language. Yet she comments on this passage in The Great Controversy with luxury
of detail.
Let’s notice how Ellen White interprets the fifth, sixth and seventh plagues in matter of fact
language. I have added explanatory remarks in brackets: The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
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The Great Controversy, p. 635:
“When the protection of human laws shall be withdrawn from those who honor the law of God,
there will be, in different lands, a simultaneous movement for their destruction [similar to
Pharaoh who gathers his armies to attack Israel]. As the time appointed in the decree
[Revelation 13:15; Esther 3:8] draws near, the people will conspire to root out the hated sect. It
will be determined to strike in one night a decisive blow, which shall utterly silence the voice of
dissent and reproof.
The people of God--some in prison cells, some hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the
mountains--still plead for divine protection [like Israel did at the edge of the Red Sea], while in
every quarter companies of armed men, urged on by hosts of evil angels are preparing for the
work of death [Pharaoh and his armies come and there is no escape]. It is now, in the hour of
utmost extremity that the God of Israel [notice the allusion to ancient Israel] will interpose for
the deliverance of His chosen.
. . With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of evil men are about to rush [the
Euphrates is at flood stage: See the meaning of the word rush in Isaiah 17:12, 13 and 8:7, 8]
upon their prey, when, lo, a dense blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon
the earth [the fifth plague of darkness]. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne
of God, spans the heavens and seems to encircle each praying company [light for God’s people].
The angry multitudes [symbolically represented as the ‘waters’ upon which the harlot sits] are
suddenly arrested [the waters of the Euphrates are dried up]. Their mocking cries die away. The
objects of their murderous rage are forgotten. With fearful forebodings they gaze upon the
symbol of God's covenant and long to be shielded from its overpowering brightness. . .”
In the next chapter (‘The Desolation of the earth’) Ellen White comes back to describe
this climactic moment but adds some very important details:
“The people see that they have been deluded. They accuse one another of having led them to
destruction; but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers [who are
the leaders of the harlot and her daughters]. Unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things
[this is why the fifth plague afflicts the tongue]; they have led their hearers to make void the
law of God and to persecute those who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these teachers
confess before the world their work of deception. The multitudes [the waters of the Red Sea and
the Euphrates] are filled with fury [they withdraw their support and then avalanche
themselves against the apostate system]. "We are lost!" they cry, "and you are the cause of our
ruin;" and they turn upon the false shepherds. The very ones that once admired them most will
pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them. The very hands that once crowned them with
laurels will be raised for their destruction. The swords which were to slay God's people are now
employed to destroy their enemies [Zechariah 14:12, 13 is fulfilled when the swords turn upon
the religious leaders]. Everywhere there is strife and bloodshed. GC, p. 655, 656 The Wise Shall
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"And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought
against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them;
and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against
the hand of his neighbor." Zechariah 14:12, 13. In the mad strife of their own fierce passions,
and by the awful outpouring of God's unmingled wrath, fall the wicked inhabitants of the earth--
priests, rulers, and people, rich and poor, high and low. "And the slain of the Lord shall be at that
day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented,
neither gathered, nor buried." Jeremiah 25:33.” GC, p. 657
At the bottom of page 636 and top of 637 Ellen White comments on the seventh
“In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the
voice of God like the sound of many waters, saying: "It is done." Revelation 16:17.
That voice shakes the heavens and the earth. There is a mighty earthquake, "such as was not
since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." Verses 17, 18 The
firmament appears to open and shut. The glory from the throne of God seems flashing through.
The mountains shake like a reed in the wind, and ragged rocks are scattered on every side. There
is a roar as of a coming tempest. The sea is lashed into fury. There is heard the shriek of a
hurricane like the voice of demons upon a mission of destruction. The whole earth heaves and
swells like the waves of the sea. Its surface is breaking up. Its very foundations seem to be giving
way. Mountain chains are sinking. Inhabited islands disappear. The seaports that have become
like Sodom for wickedness are swallowed up by the angry waters. Babylon the great has come in
remembrance before God, "to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath."
Great hailstones, every one "about the weight of a talent," are doing their work of destruction.”
Verses 19, 21
In The Great Controversy, pp. 648, 649 explains that the 144,000 sing the Song of Moses and the
Lamb, the song of their deliverance from Babylon.
Final question: What will determine whose side you are on in this great battle?
Revelation 16:15: "Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his
garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame."
Revelation 3:18-19: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich;
and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be
revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.” The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 89 of 139
Revelation 22:10-15: “And he said to me, "Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book,
for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy
still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." "And
behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his
work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." Blessed
are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may
enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral
and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” The Wise Shall
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Introductory matters
The book of Revelation is saturated with exotic imagery. This imagery, known as apocalyptic,
was part of the lingua franca of that day. In order to comprehend this bizarre imagery, we must
walk in the shoes of the people of that time. That is, we must understand the symbols as they
did and not as we would in the twenty-first century.
Revelation 17 is one of the most complex and intellectually challenging chapters in the book of
Revelation. It contains vivid symbols, mysterious numbers and strange expressions. It is like a
giant jigsaw puzzle with each symbol being a piece of the puzzle. Before we can put the puzzle
together we must first carefully analyze the shape of each piece to see where it fits within the
puzzle as a whole. Fortunately for us, the first part of the vision (verses 1-8) is explained in great
detail by the interpreting angel in the second part (verses 9-18).
Signs and Wisdom
We are told in Revelation 1:1 that the book of Revelation was signified to John. The root word
behind the verb ‘signified’ is ‘sign’. This indicates that the book of Revelation was given to John
in sign language and sign language is symbolic language. This means that the symbols must be
decoded or deciphered in order to ascertain the book’s message.
In order to understand the symbolic language of Revelation 17, we must have wisdom
(Revelation 17:9) and wisdom comes only from God (James 1:5). It is not enough to study
Revelation 17. We must pray that God will give us supernatural wisdom from on high to
understand it. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page
92 of 139
The Angel of Revelation 17
Revelation 16 describes seven angels who pour out the seven last plagues upon the earth. The
vision in Revelation 17 was given to John by one of those seven angels who had the seven
plagues (Revelation 17:1; 16:12). The question that begs to be asked is: Which of the seven
plague angels in Revelation 16 comes back to speak with John in Revelation 17?
The answer to this question is not hard to find. The harlot of Revelation 17 is described as a
woman sitting upon many waters (17:1) and on her forehead is found the inscription:
“MYSTERY: BABYLON THE GREAT” (17:5). She is also said to be that “great city which reigns
over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:18). That is to say, the ‘harlot’ and the ‘city’ are
interchangeable terms.
What was the name of the river that ran through the ancient city of Babylon? The answer to
this question is provided by a geographical study of the region as well as by Scripture. The
ancient city of Babylon sat upon the many waters of the river Euphrates (Jeremiah 51:12, 13).
This means that we must look for the bowl angel who refers to the river Euphrates and that
bowl angel is the sixth (Revelation 16:12). In other words, the angel who poured out the sixth
plague upon the river Euphrates in Revelation 16:12-16 came back to John in chapter 17 and
further explained and expanded the meaning of that same plague in Revelation 17. In short,
Revelation 17 is an explanation and amplification of Revelation 16:12-16.
The Harlot Woman (17:1)
The harlot woman is the main protagonist in the story of Revelation 17. She sits on the waters,
on the dragon beast and on the heads. She fornicates with the kings of the earth. She gives
wine to the nations. She sheds the blood of the saints. She has dominion over the nations and
she is eventually hated by the ten kings who are described as being on the seventh head of the
dragon beast. So, what does this harlot woman represent?
In the Old Testament a harlot woman was a symbol of apostate Israel (Ezekiel 16:15, 16). Ellen
White explains that the harlot of Revelation 17 symbolizes an apostate church—the Roman
Catholic papacy.
“In Revelation 17 Babylon is represented as a woman --a figure which is used in the Bible as the
symbol of a church, a virtuous woman representing a pure church, a vile woman an apostate
church.” GC, p. 381.
The harlot woman of Revelation 17 represents apostate religion which has climbed on the back
of the civil powers of the world with the purpose of using them to persecute God’s faithful
people. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 93 of
The harlot woman at the stage in which she appears in Revelation 17 represents the apostate
Roman Catholic system. But the meaning of the symbol is broader. We shall find that apostate
religion actually allied itself with seven consecutive world civil powers beginning with
Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon and ending with a resuscitated Papacy after the deadly wound is
Her Fornication (17:2; 18:3)
If the harlot represents apostate religion, then her fornication with the kings of the earth must
mean that she joins church and state. As much is confirmed by Ellen White:
“It was by departure from the Lord, and alliance with the heathen, that the Jewish church
became a harlot; and Rome, corrupting herself in like manner by seeking the support of worldly
powers, receives a like condemnation.” GC, p. 382
“Whenever the church has obtained secular power, she has employed it to punish dissent from
her doctrines. Protestant churches that have followed in the steps of Rome by forming alliance
with worldly powers have manifested a similar desire to restrict liberty of conscience.” GC, p.
The act of sitting (17:1)
The Babylonian harlot is said to sit on many waters (17:1, 15), on a scarlet beast (17:3) and on
the seven mountains (17:9). How is it possible for the harlot to sit upon all three of these at the
same time? We shall answer this very important question a little later on in our study.
This act of sitting means that the harlot not only rules over the kings of the earth (17:18), but
also over every tribe, tongue and nation (13:7).
The Waters (17:1)
The waters upon which the harlot sits are clearly identified as ‘multitudes, nations, tongues and
peoples’ (17:15). Later on in this study we will find that the body of the dragon beast upon
which the harlot sits is actually composed of waters over which she rules.
According to the prophet Isaiah the nations make a noise like the noise of the seas and a
rushing like the rushing of many waters (Isaiah 17:12, 13)
Waters Dried up
A careful comparison of Revelation 12, 13, and 17 reveals that the persecuting waters upon
which the woman sits were dried up once in the past (when the fifth head was wounded in
1798) and they will be dried up once again in the future (when the seventh head is wounded at
the time of the sixth plague). Let’s take a look at these two occasions. The Wise Shall
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The Perspective of Revelation 12: The waters were dried up toward the end of the 1260 years
of persecution against the woman.
 In Revelation 12:15 we are informed that the dragon spewed water out of its mouth (singular)
for 1260 days/years with the intention of drowning the woman. But Revelation 12:16 states
that the persecuting waters were dried up by the earth.
 After a time of respite during which the waters are dry, persecution ceases. However, we are
told that the dragon will be enraged with the woman once more and will spew waters out of its
mouth against the remnant of the woman’s Seed, that is, against the remnant of Jesus
(Revelation 12:17).

Note: In Joshua 24:2, 3, 14, 15 the Euphrates River is described under the euphemism of “the
Flood.” Genesis 15:18 depicts the Euphrates as “the great River” (see also Isaiah 8:7, 8; 17:12,
13; 59:19). Thus in Revelation 12 we are to understand the River (with the definite article in the
Greek) or Flood that the dragon spews out his mouth as the river Euphrates.
The Perspective of Revelation 13:1-10: The Beast is wounded at the end of the 42 months of
persecution against the woman.
 Revelation 13 depicts a similar scenario to the one that we found in Revelation 12. Revelation
13:7 describes a sea beast that persecutes the saints for 42 months (the same period as the
1260 days/years). At the end of this period the beast received a deadly wound with the sword
(Revelation 13:10) and persecution against the woman ceased for a season.
 According to Romans 13:4, the sword belongs to the civil rulers. After a period of
convalescence, the deadly wound of the sea beast is healed (the waters flow again) and the
whole world wonders after the beast (Revelation 13:3, 11-18).

Note: Some wonder whether the beast was actually killed or only mortally wounded. The
expression “as it were wounded to death” (13:3) is identical to the description of Jesus as a
Lamb “as it had been slain” (5:5). No one would sustain that Jesus was not killed! Revelation
13:10 leaves no doubt that the beast was killed with the sword (13:10). It is very important to
remember that when the head is dead, the beast is dead but when the head is alive, the beast
is alive (cf. Revelation 13:12, 14).
Revelation 16: The final drying up at the end of the Time of Trouble:
 As stated above, when the deadly wound is healed and the papacy is released from her
prison, the persecuting waters of the symbolic Euphrates will inundate once more (Revelation
13:3) with the intention of drowning God’s remnant people.
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 We found a similar scenario in Revelation 12. After the earth helps the woman by drying up
the persecuting waters, the dragon is enraged with the remnant of her seed and launches a
deadly persecution against them (Revelation 12:17).
 But we are told in Revelation 16:12 that the raging waters of the Euphrates will be dried up,
that is, the beast will once again receive a final deadly wound when the seventh head is
 And Revelation 17 explains that the kings over whom the harlot ruled will hate her and make
her naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire (Revelation 17:16). Once again, the sword of civil
power that the harlot used to kill God’s people will turn against her repeating events globally
that will be similar in character to the French Revolution.

The Perspective of Daniel 11:40-45

Though this passage falls outside the immediate scope of our present study, a few remarks
might be helpful.
 Daniel 11:31-39 describes the king of the north persecuting the saints and doing his will for
[1260] ‘days’ (11:33).
 But when the ‘days’ are over (at the time of the end in 1798) the king of the south rises against
him and wounds him (11:40).
 The king of the north then recovers from his wound and rises like a mighty tempest to flood
and overflow the world (11:40-44).
 But at the apex of his power he comes to his end and has no one to help him (11:45). This is
another way of saying that the waters which helped the king of the north will dry up on him!

It does not take much of an imagination to see the link between Daniel 11 and Revelation 12, 13
and 17. Notice the following comparison:
The waters flowed during the 1260 days/42 months/time, times and dividing of time:
 Revelation 13:5, 7 depicts the beast [the King of the North] persecuting the saints and ruling
for 42 months.
 Revelation 12:13-15 describes this same period of persecution but with different symbolism.
The dragon spews flood waters out of his mouth to overflow the woman (the faithful church)
for 3.5 times.
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The waters were dried up at the end of the 1260 days, 42 months/time, times and dividing of
 At the time of the end, the beast [the King of the North] received a deadly wound (Revelation
 Toward the end of the 1260 days/years, the dragon’s persecuting flood waters were dried up
(Revelation 12:16). The drying up of the waters represents the same event as the deadly wound.

The waters will flow again and will be dried up for the last time:
 After a period of respite, the beast’s deadly wound is healed and the floodwaters flow once
more thus threatening the very existence of God’s remnant people (12:17; 13:11-18).
 Finally, when the spiritual Euphrates is at flood stage, God will dry it up and deliver his people
(Revelation 16:12-16; see also Daniel 12:1).

In summary, the sequence in Daniel 11 and Revelation 12, 13 and 17 is as follows:

 Flood (1260 or 42 months of papal dominion: 538-1798).
 Waters dried up (Papacy loses the support of the state in 1798 and the wound is kept in
place by the United States).
 Flood (deadly wound healed: The papacy gains the support of the state through the agency of
the United States).
 Waters dried up (Papacy loses world support during the sixth plague).

The Harlot’s Name

The harlot’s name is Babylon and she is the mother of harlots (17:5)
If the harlot is the mother of harlots, then she must have daughters that were born from her at
some point in the past. Her daughters are also described as the false prophet or the lamb-
horned beast (Revelation 13:11; 16:13. Compare with the story of Elijah in the Old Testament
and the story of the martyrdom of John the Baptist).
The Protestant churches that were born from Roman Catholicism in the sixteenth century failed
to fully sever their relationship with their harlot mother. Instead of completing the Reformation,
they fell into an ever deeper apostasy, teaching many of their mother’s false doctrines. The
book of Revelation clearly teaches that the daughters will be as anxious to join church and state
as did their mother. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | |
Page 97 of 139
“Babylon is said to be "the mother of harlots." By her daughters must be symbolized churches
that cling to her doctrines and traditions, and follow her example of sacrificing the truth and the
approval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance with the world.” GC, pp. 382, 383
At Vatican Council II Pope John XXIII and Paul VI referred to the Catholic Church as the Mother
and the Protestant churches as her alienated children:
Words of John XXIII at the opening of Vatican Council II (1962-1965):
“. . . She [the Roman Catholic Church] to be an affectionate, kind and patient mother, she is
moved by compassion and goodness towards her alienated children.” (Ernesto Balducci, John:
The Transitional Pope, transl., Dorothy White [New York: Hill Book Company, 1964], p. 269.
Words of Pope Paul VI during the council:
“Because of their position, separated brethren are the object of deep and tender affection on the
part of the Mother Church. . . It is a love that feels grief and sadness, the love of a heart
wounded by estrangement, because the estrangement prevents our brethren from enjoying so
many privileges and rights, and makes them lose so much grace. But perhaps for this very
reason its love is all the deeper and more burning. . .” Cardinal Augustin Bea, The Unity of
Christians, ed., Bernard Leeming [New York: Herder and Herder, 1963], p. 140
Thus Revelation 17 describes a wicked three-fold alliance between the harlot, her daughters
and the kings of the earth. This trilogy is described in Revelation 16:13 as the dragon, the beast
and the false prophet.
In another extremely significant statement Ellen White explains:
“I saw that the two-horned beast had a dragon's mouth, and that his power was in his head, and
that the decree would go out of his mouth [very interesting in the light of Revelation 12:15].
Then I saw the Mother of Harlots; that the mother was not the daughters, but separate and
distinct from them [this seems to indicate that Catholicism and Protestantism cover the period
of two separate heads on the beast of Revelation 17]. She has had her day, and it is past
[during the 1260 years], and her daughters, the Protestant sects, were the next to come on the
stage and act out the same mind [notice the allusion to Revelation 17] that the mother had
when she persecuted the saints [during the 1260 years]. I saw that as the mother has been
declining in power, the daughters had been growing, and soon they will exercise the power once
exercised by the mother [this can be seen clearly today].
I saw the nominal church and nominal Adventists, like Judas, would betray us to the Catholics to
obtain their influence to come against the truth. The saints then will be an obscure people, little
known to the Catholics; but the churches and nominal Adventists who know of our faith and
customs (for they hated us on account of the Sabbath, for they could not refute it) will betray
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the saints and report them to the Catholics as those who disregard the institutions of the people;
that is, that they keep the Sabbath and disregard Sunday.
Then the Catholics bid the Protestants to go forward, and issue a decree that all who will not
observe the first day of the week, instead of the seventh day, shall be slain. And the Catholics,
whose numbers are large, will stand by the Protestants. The Catholics will give their power to
the image of the beast. And the Protestants will work as their mother worked before them to
destroy the saints.” Ellen G. White, Spaulding Magan Collection, pp. 1, 2.
In this remarkable statement, Ellen White clearly affirms that Protestants will make overtures
and seek to gain the influence of the Catholics and then the Catholics will tell Protestants to go
ahead and proclaim a Sunday law. The present efforts of the religious right to enlist Catholics in
the fight against abortion, gay marriage, pornography, poverty and other social evils will come
back to haunt them. And the liberal fringe will fall into the trap as well by seeing in Sunday
observance a way to save the environment, the family and to help the poor.
In a related statement, Ellen White gives her understanding (actually, God’s understanding) of
Revelation 17:1-4:
“In the seventeenth of Revelation is foretold the destruction of all the churches [these are the
apostate Protestant churches] who corrupt themselves by idolatrous devotion to the service of
the papacy, those who have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. [Rev. 17:1-4
Thus is represented the papal power [the harlot], which with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness, by outside attraction and gorgeous display, deceives all nations; promising
them, as did Satan our first parents, all good to those who receive its mark, and all harm to
those who oppose its fallacies. The power which has the deepest inward corruption will make
the greatest display, and will clothe itself with the most elaborate signs of power. The Bible
plainly declares that this covers a corrupt and deceiving wickedness. "Upon her forehead was a
name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the
What is it that gives its kingdom to this power? [Notice that the United States under the
dominion of apostate Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are two separate powers and the
United States will give its kingdom to the papacy] Protestantism, a power which while
professing to have the temper and spirit of a lamb and to be allied to Heaven, speaks with the
voice of a dragon. It is moved by a power from beneath.” (Letter 232, 1899) Ellen G. White, The
Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, volume 7, p. 983 The Wise Shall Understand by
Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 99 of 139
Names of Blasphemy
The harlot has names of blasphemy on her forehead (17:5). Blasphemy is defined as when a
mere man claims to exercise the powers and prerogatives of God on earth (John 10:30-33) such
as claiming to have the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:7)
The Harlot’s Attire
Purple and scarlet are the colors of royalty (John 19:5; Matthew 27:28) and the harlot sits or
reigns as queen over multitudes, nations, tongues and people.
The harlot is attired with gold, silver, precious stones and pearls. This indicates that this is a very
rich and ostentatious power. Notably, in the Old Testament, Israel clothed herself with all this
paraphernalia to entice the kings of the surrounding nations to fornicate with her.
“The purple and scarlet color, the gold and precious stones and pearls, vividly picture the
magnificence and more than kingly pomp affected by the haughty see of Rome.” GC, p. 382.
It is significant that the Roman Catholic clergy’s colors are purple and scarlet. It is also worthy of
note that the garments that are used by the papal clergy do not include blue! In Scripture, blue
is a symbol of God’s holy Law (Numbers 15:37-41)
The Golden Cup with Wine
The golden cup in the harlot’s hand contains the wine of Babylon. The wine is identified as her
abominations and the filthiness of her fornication (Revelation 17:4)
This wine is given to all nations, that is to say, to all the inhabitants of the earth (17:2; 18:3). It is
not the choice of the nations to drink this wine. Drinking the wine is not optional because we
are told that Babylon has made all nations drink of the wine and that all nations were made
drunk with it (14:8; 17:2)
The wine is called ‘the wine of the wrath of her fornication’. That is, drinking the wine causes
wrath against those who are not willing to drink (14:8; 18:3).
The cup is full of wine but the wine is composed of the harlot’s abominations. Thus the words
‘wine’ and ‘abominations’ are interchangeable. The harlot’s abominations include several
 Idol worship (Deuteronomy 7:25, 26)
 Spiritualism or attempting to speak to and with the dead (Deuteronomy 18:9-13)
 Refusing to hear God’s law (Proverbs 28:9)
 Spiritual adultery (Ezekiel 23:35-45)
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 Eating unclean meats (Deuteronomy 14:3)
 Shedding innocent blood (Ezekiel 22:2)
 Sun worship (Ezekiel 8:16)

Ellen White clearly identified the meaning of the wine:

“The fallen denominational churches are Babylon. Babylon has been fostering poisonous
doctrines, the wine of error. This wine of error is made up of false doctrines, such as the natural
immortality of the soul, the eternal torment of the wicked, the denial of the pre-existence of
Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem, and advocating and exalting the first day of the week
above God's holy and sanctified day. These and kindred errors are presented to the world by the
various churches, and thus the Scriptures are fulfilled that say, 'For all nations have drunk of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication.' It is a wrath which is created by false doctrines, and when
kings and presidents drink this wine of the wrath of her fornication, they are stirred with anger
against those who will not come into harmony with the false and satanic heresies which exalt
the false Sabbath, and lead men to trample underfoot God's memorial. Testimonies to Ministers,
pp. 61, 62
Later in this study we will see that these multitudes and rulers who have swallowed the
poisonous doctrines of these apostate ministers will awaken from their drunkenness and
destroy them.
In the above statement Ellen White blames, the churches for giving the rulers of the world the
wine of Babylon. But in a statement in The Great Controversy, p. 389 she is more specific: It is
the ministers, the men of learning of the apostate churches, who are guilty of the spiritual
intoxication of the world:
“When faithful teachers expound the word of God, there arise men of learning, ministers
professing to understand the Scriptures, who denounce sound doctrine as heresy, and thus turn
away inquirers after truth. Were it not that the world is hopelessly intoxicated with the wine of
Babylon, multitudes would be convicted and converted by the plain, cutting truths of the word of
God. But religious faith appears so confused and discordant that the people know not what to
believe as truth. The sin of the world's impenitence lies at the door of the church.”
After quoting Revelation 17:1-4 Ellen White clearly identifies this harlot as the Roman Catholic
“In the seventeenth of Revelation is foretold the destruction of all the churches who corrupt
themselves by idolatrous devotion to the service of the papacy, those who have drunk of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication. [Rev. 17:1-4 quoted.] The Wise Shall Understand by
Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 101 of 139
Thus is represented the papal power, which with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, by
outside attraction and gorgeous display, deceives all nations; promising them, as did Satan our
first parents, all good to those who receive its mark, and all harm to those who oppose its
fallacies.” Ellen G. White, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, volume 7, p. 983.
God’s Faithful People
In all three chapters (12, 13, 17) where the seven-headed beasts are found, they are at war with
the people of God.
 God’s people in Revelation 12:13, 15 are referred to as a woman whom the dragon attempts
to drown with the waters it spews out of its mouth.
 In Revelation 12:17 God’s people are called the “remnant of her Seed.” The dragon goes out
to make war with them.
 In Revelation 13:7 God’s people are called the saints. The beast persecutes them.
 In Revelation 17:6 God’s people are called the saints and the martyrs of Jesus. The harlot, by
using the waters upon which she sits, attempts to drown God’s people.

Note that Ellen White applies Revelation 17:6 to the career of the Roman Catholic papacy:
“The power that for so many centuries maintained despotic sway over the monarchs of
Christendom is Rome. . . And no other power could be so truly declared "drunken with the blood
of the saints" as that church which has so cruelly persecuted the followers of Christ. Babylon is
also charged with the sin of unlawful connection with "the kings of the earth." GC, p. 382.
The Seven Headed Scarlet Dragon
John N. Andrews, perhaps the ablest scholar in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
had this to say about the seven headed scarlet dragon of Revelation 17:
“The seven heads are seven forms of civil power which successively bear rule. These seven
heads belong alike to the dragon of Revelation 12, the beast of chapter 13, and that of
Revelation 17. This shows conclusively that the dragon and these two beasts are symbols of the
same power under different heads; for there are not three sets of seven heads, but it is evident
that the heads are successive forms of its power, one of them bearing rule at a time, and then
giving place to another (Revelation 17:9, 10). The proper period of each seems to be this: The
dragon before the 1260 years, the beast of chapter 13 during that period, and the beast of
chapter 17 since the deadly wound and captivity at the close of that period.” (J. N. Andrews, The
Three Messages of Revelation XIV, 6-12, pp. 77, 78.
It will be noticed that the seven heads of the dragon beast are also described as seven
mountains. In Bible prophecy mountains represent kingdoms, not individual kings (Daniel 2:34,
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35, 44; Jeremiah 51:25; Micah 4:1; Revelation 17:9 in the light of Daniel 2:38, 39; 7:17, 23). This
means that the seven heads must represent seven kingdoms that have ruled upon the earth
and have been controlled by the harlot or apostate religion.
The River Dragon
In order to comprehend the meaning of the seven headed dragon upon which the harlot sits, we
must first understand how the ancients perceived river dragons.
The ancients believed that mountains were heads of a great cosmic river serpent/dragon.
According to their world view, the mountains/heads would spew out waters (headwaters)
which would flow down into the valley. As river twisted and turned tortuously in the valley it
looked like the body of a great river serpent/dragon. According to their view, when the river
was at flood stage it overflowed its banks and sprouted wings (Isaiah 8:7, 8).
It is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that Revelation 12:15-16 and 17:15, 9, 15 is
drawing on this ancient concept. But in Revelation the river dragon takes on a symbolic
meaning. The mountains symbolize kingdoms and the waters represent multitudes, nations,
tongues and peoples. It is important to understand that the nations, multitudes, tongues and
peoples actually form the body of the dragon beast. This is the reason why the harlot is
described as sitting on a scarlet beast as well as on the waters. In other words, the waters and
the scarlet beast are interchangeable. And the waters/dragon are scarlet because it is filled with
the blood of God’s people (17:6).
The reliability of this ancient view as it applies to Revelation 17 is seen in the fact that the seven
heads are identified also as seven mountains. As we have already seen, in antiquity, the
mountains were conceived as the heads of a dragon beast.
It is crucially important to realize that while the heads/mountains are spewing out waters, the
dragon beast is alive. When the heads/mountains, however, cease to spew out waters, the
dragon beast is dead. Thus the beast is alive or dead depending on whether the harlot is able
to use the head to persecute God’s people. That is to say, when the harlot commands the kings
to order their multitudes to persecute God’s people, the dragon beast is alive. When the civil
powers uphold democratic principles and keep aloof from the church, the dragon beast is dead!
Three Seven-headed Beasts
The three seven-headed beasts [all representing successive stages of Rome] originate in
different places:
 When the seven headed dragon attempted to slay the man child, a sign was seen in heaven
(Revelation 12:1).
 The seven headed beast of Revelation 13:1 arose from the sea.
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 The seven headed scarlet beast of Revelation 17:8 will arise from the abyss.

Parallels between Revelation 12, 13 and 17

Seven heads and ten horns (12:3; 13:1) Seven heads and ten horns (17:3)
Names of blasphemy (13:1) Names of blasphemy (17:3)
Woman (12:1) Woman (17:1)
Call for wisdom (13:18) Call for wisdom (17:9
Nations, tongues, peoples (13:7) Nations, tongues, peoples (17:15)
Persecution (12:6, 13-15) Persecution (17:6)
Waters (12:15) Waters (17:1)
Waters dried up (12:16) Waters dried up (16:12)
Was (1260 years—12:6; 13:5) ‘Was’ (1260 years—17:8)
Is not (deadly wound—12:16; 13:3) ‘Is not’ (deadly wound—17:8)
Wound healed (12:17; 13:3) ‘Shall be’ (wound healed—17:8)
Beast & false prophet (13:1-18) Harlot and daughters (17:5)
From the Abyss
This dragon beast ascends from the abyss (Revelation 17:8). The abyss is the abode of the dead:
Romans 10:7: “Or, who shall descend into the deep [abyss in Greek]? (that is, to bring up Christ
again from the dead.)”
In Revelation 20:1 Satan is cast into the abyss when his wicked followers are dead and he is
released once more when they are raised from the dead (Revelation 20:5, 7-9).
Seven Heads
The seven heads represent seven kings (17:10), but the word ‘kings’ in Bible prophecy is
interchangeable with ‘kingdoms’ (17:10; Dan. 7:17, 23; 2:37-39). The seven heads are actually
seven successive kingdoms.
Some have thought that Egypt and Assyria are the first two heads of the scarlet beast. In this
scenario the seven heads would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medes and Persians, Greece, Rome,
Papal Rome and resurrected Papal Rome (the eighth kingdom). The problem with this concept is
that Egypt and Assyria are not found in any of the lines of prophecy in Daniel or Revelation.
Daniel 2, Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 all begin with Babylon as the first kingdom and Daniel 8
and 11 begin with the kingdom of Persia.
Are the Seven Heads Seven Popes?
Others have thought that the seven heads represent the successive popes who have ruled since
1929. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 104 of
In this scenario, as of 2005, the five heads which had fallen since 1929 were:
 Pius XI (1922-1939)
 Pius XII (1939-1958)
 John XXIII (1958-1963)
 Paul VI (1963-1978)
 John Paul I (1978)

The head who is (or sixth head) would be John Paul II (1978-2005) and the one who is to come
and will rule a short time is Benedict XVI (the seventh head) who served as pope from 2005-
But Benedict resigned his post as of February 28, 2013 so the present pope, Francis I, is # 8 in
the series of popes since 1929. So, as the speculation goes, Francis I will be the last pope
because Revelation 17:11 refers to an eighth and Pope Francis I is the eighth pope since 1929!
But this view can be discarded because Pope Francis I, is not one of the seven previous ones as
is required by the prophecy of Revelation 17:11.
In summary, this is what the list of popes would look like:
#1: Pius XI (1922-1939)
#2: Pius XII (1939-1958)
#3: John XXIII (1958-1963)
#4: Paul VI (1963-1978)
#5: John Paul I (1978)
#6: John Paul II (1978-2005)
#7: Benedict XVI (2005-2013)
#8: Francis I (2013-?)
A novel interpretation was put forth before the election of Benedict XVI. It was suggested that
the eighth in the series would be a demon disguised as John Paul II because the prophecy states
that the eighth is of the seven. This view can be discarded for two reasons: First, at this point a
demon disguised as Pope John Paul II would be # 9 in the series. Second, it did not happen!!
Francis I is already the eighth pope since 1929, not a demon disguised as John Paul II.
Before the election of Francis I, evangelicals and even some Adventists had referred to a
prophecy by St. Malachy to the effect that the next pope would be the last, that he would be
black (a euphemism for the head of the Jesuit Order who is called the ‘black pope’) and his
name would be Petrus Romanus. None of these things are true of Francis I. All of this The Wise
Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 105 of 139
speculation detracts from the power of this prophecy.
The fact is that this prophecy has nothing to do with individual popes. The seven heads are not
seven individuals but rather seven kingdoms. All this speculation about the seven heads should
be discarded for the following reasons:
First of all, it comes pretty close to setting specific dates for the final prophetic movements. In
this scenario, the successor of Pope Benedict XVI would be the last pope. Is this not setting a
definite time frame for end time events?
Second, these speculative views sever Revelation 17 from the previous prophetic lines of Daniel
7 and Revelation 12 and 13. As we have seen above, Revelation 12, 13 and 17 are indissolubly
linked! Ellen White understood the common thread between Revelation 12, 13 and 17:
“God has warned His people of the perils before them. John beholds the things which will be in
the last days and he sees a people working counter to God.” Then she says: “Read Revelation
12:17; 14:10-13, and chapters 17 and 13.” Manuscript Releases, volume 17, p. 18
Third, although the seven heads of this dragon beast are said to be seven kings, the words
‘kings’ and ‘kingdoms’ are used interchangeably in prophecy (see Daniel 2:39; 7:17, 23). In
prophecy ‘mountains’ represent kingdoms, not individual rulers. The popes on the list above are
actually not rulers of seven distinct kingdoms but rather leaders of the same kingdom.
Finally, there is little or no evidence that 1929 should be chosen as the beginning date for the
sequence of the seven heads. As I have clearly shown in another place, the deadly wound was
not healed in 1929 because in Revelation 13:11-18 we are explicitly told that the United States
will be instrumental in the healing of the deadly wound, not Italy.
The Beast’s Three Final Stages
The beast (notice that it is not the harlot who has three stages but rather the beast) has three
consecutive stages of existence:
 It “was [past] and is [present] not and shall be [future]” (17:8)
 It “was and is not and yet is [better translation is: “shall be present”] (17:8)
 These same time periods are described as “five are fallen [past], one is [present] and the
other is not yet come [future]” (17:10)
 The time periods are also explained as the beast who “was [past], and is not [present], even
he is the eighth [future]” (17:11).

Note: The beast “was” during the 1260 years of Papal dominion. It “is not” because the beast
presently has a deadly wound. It “shall be” because the deadly wound will be healed and the
whole world will wonder after the beast. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 106 of 139
The heads of the dragon beast do not rule simultaneously but rather consecutively. The heads
are wounded one by one. We know this for at least two reasons:
 First, archeological digs in ancient Tell Amar

Note: A cylinder seal from Tell Amar in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) depicts a seven-headed
dragon engaged in conflict with two deities, one before him and the other behind. Four of the
heads, pierced by a spear, are shown drooping and are no longer in conflict. But the other three
heads are still erect, maintaining the struggle.
 Second, the testimony of Revelation 12:15 and 13:3, 5, 6 where we are told that only one
mouth is spewing out waters at any given time.

The Meaning of the Seven Heads

To the best of our present knowledge, the seven heads represent the following kingdoms:
 #1: Babylon
 #2: Medes and Persians
 #3: Greece
 #4: Roman Empire
 #5: Civil powers of Europe under the control of the Papacy
 #6: The civil power of the United States under apostate Protestantism
 #7: Resurrected Papal Rome allied with the kings of the whole world

It will be observed that in this scenario three of the last four heads of this scarlet beast are
Roman (and even the United States will become an ally of the dragon or Rome because she will
speak like a dragon; see the material on Matthew 24 for the connection between the United
States and its fascination with Rome). The question that begs to be asked is: Why would three of
the seven heads apply to Rome? Isn’t one head enough to represent the various stages of
The answer to these questions is quite simple. The books of Daniel and Revelation themselves
take up the three stages of Rome separately. In Daniel 2 the legs of iron [imperial Rome] are
distinguished from the feet of iron and clay [divided Rome and papal Rome]. In Daniel 7:23, 24
we find a clear distinction between the dragon ruling by itself, and the dragon ruling with the
ten horns and the dragon with the little horn.
Furthermore, Revelation 12 portrays a dragon in heaven as a symbol for Pagan Rome,
Revelation 13 uses a composite beast from the sea to represent Papal Rome during the 1260
years and Revelation 17 employs yet a third beast from the abyss to represent the papacy when
its deadly wound is healed. If three beasts which arise in three different places are used to
represent the different stages of Rome, then it should not surprise us that separate heads The
Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 107 of 139
are used to depict those same stages. It is important to underline that the sixth head (the
United States under apostate Protestantism) is symbolized by a separate beast and is related to
Rome because it speaks like a dragon and the dragon represents Satan working through Rome.
Ellen White clearly identifies the last three persecuting powers in their proper historical
“Under the symbols of the great red dragon, a leopard-like beast, and a beast with lamblike
horns, the earthly governments which would be especially engaged in trampling upon God's law
and persecuting His people were presented to John. Their war is to be carried on till the close of
time. The people of God, symbolized by a holy woman and her children [Revelation 12:6, 17),
are represented as greatly in the minority. In the last days, only a remnant still exists. John
speaks of them as those that ‘keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus
Christ.’ Signs of the Times, February 8, 1910
Regarding the last head in the sequence of seven, Ellen White has stated:
“As we approach the last crisis, it is of vital moment that harmony and unity exist among the
Lord's instrumentalities. The world is filled with storm and war and variance. Yet under one
head--the papal power--the people will unite to oppose God in the person of His witnesses.”
Testimonies for the Church, volume 7, p. 182
“When the land which the Lord provided as an asylum for his people, that they might worship
him according to the dictates of their own consciences, the land over which for long years the
shield of Omnipotence has been spread, the land which God has favored by making it the
depository of the pure religion of Christ,--when that land shall, through its legislators, abjure the
principles of Protestantism, and give countenance to Romish apostasy in tampering with God's
law,--it is then that the final work of the man of sin will be revealed. Protestants will throw their
whole influence and strength on the side of the Papacy; by a national act enforcing the false
Sabbath, they will give life and vigor to the corrupt faith of Rome, reviving her tyranny and
oppression of conscience. Then it will be time for God to work in mighty power for the
vindication of his truth.” Signs of the Times, June 12, 1893.
Some have wondered about the eighth head of the dragon beast. The simple fact is that this
beast does not have eight heads—it has only seven but the seventh head counts as an eighth;
that is to say that head number 7 bears the number 8.
Time and again Revelation 17 tells us that there are only seven heads on the dragon beast (17:3,
7, 9, 10). Louis Were has shown in his book, The Woman and the Resurrected Beast, eight is the
number of the resurrection. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 108 of 139
Dragon Wings
Though Revelation 17 does not use the symbolism of wings, it would be well to notice that in
Isaiah 8:7, 8 the invasion of King Sennacherib into the land of Judah is compared to the flooding
of the mighty river Euphrates. The river at flood stage is compared to a dragon with wings:
“Now therefore, behold, the Lord brings up over them the waters of the River, strong and mighty
—the king of Assyria and all his glory; he will go up over all his channels and go over all his
banks. 8 He will pass through Judah, he will overflow and pass over, he will reach up to the
neck; and the stretching out of his wings will fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel.”
The Ten Horns
The ten horns are found on the head of the dragon beast of Revelation 12, on the head of the
sea beast of Revelation 13 and on the head of the scarlet beast of Revelation 17. Whereas the
seven heads are consecutive, the ten horns are contemporaneous. This is made clear by the
fact that all ten horns will rule (when they receive the kingdom) simultaneously on the seventh
head when the beast resurrects from its death wound (Revelation 17:12)
The ten horns are symbolic of ten kings (17:12). The ten kings represent ‘the kings of the earth
and the whole world’ (16:14; see also 17:18). During the 1260 days/years, the ten toes and the
ten horns of Daniel 2 and 7 represented the nations of Western Europe but at the end the ten
toes and ten horns represent the kings of the earth and the whole world.
These kings will have one mind until the words of God are fulfilled (16:17; 17:17). The kings
represent the rulers of the Christian world who, under the leadership of apostate Protestantism
and Roman Catholicism, will influence the state to enact and enforce a Sunday law. When this
happens, they will all be on the same page.
Are we to understand that there will be just ten nations in this universal union? No. The number
10 is symbolic of ‘all’. This can be seen in several Biblical texts:
 Genesis 24:10: Ten camels are symbolic of all of Abraham’s goods
 Luke 19:13: Ten servants are symbolic of all of Christ’s professed followers
 I Samuel 1:8: Ten sons
 Ecclesiastes 7:19: More than ten rulers of the city
 Daniel 1:14, 15: The young men were tested for ten days
 Daniel 1:20: The young men were ten times better
 Matthew 25:1: Ten virgins represent all of God’s professed people
 When we return 10% of our income we are confessing that all belongs to God
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 The Ten Commandments express the whole duty of man. The whole law and prophets are
summarized in the ten. God added no more to them (Deuteronomy 5:22; Ecclesiastes 12:13;
Matthew 22:40)

They give their power, authority and kingdom to the beast (17:12, 13).
“The so-called Christian world is to be the theater of great and decisive actions. Men in
authority will enact laws controlling the conscience, after the example of the papacy. Babylon
will make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Every nation will be
involved. Of this time John the Revelator declares: [Rev. 18:3-7; 17:13, 14, quoted]. "These have
one mind." There will be a universal bond of union, one great harmony, a confederacy of
Satan's forces. "And shall give their power and strength unto the beast." Thus is manifested the
same arbitrary, oppressive power against religious liberty--freedom to worship God according to
the dictates of conscience--as was manifested by the papacy, when in the past it persecuted
those who dared to refuse to conform with the religious rites and ceremonies of Romanism.”
Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, volume 3, p. 392
They will be kings with the beast for one hour (17:12).
They will make war with the lamb (19:19; 16:14) in the person of His witnesses:
“As we approach the last crisis, it is of vital moment that harmony and unity exist among the
Lord's instrumentalities. The world is filled with storm and war and variance. Yet under one
head--the papal power--the people will unite to oppose God in the person of His witnesses. This
union is cemented by the great apostate.” 7T, p. 183
In Matthew 25 Jesus said to His faithful followers: “In that you have done it unto one of these
the least my brothers you have done it unto me.” And when Jesus spoke to Saul of Tarsus He
said: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Jesus will overcome the kings of the earth and the whole world because He is the King of kings
and Lord of lords (17:14; 19:19-20).
Those who are allied with Jesus are called, chosen and faithful (17:14).
The ten kings will not always have a love affair with the harlot who controls them. The kings will
hate the harlot and turn against her (17:15-16). Not only will the kings turn against the religious
leaders but the multitudes which composed these kingdoms will turn against the harlot. The
kings will hate her and the waters will dry up on her. A scene similar to the French Revolution
will be witnessed but on a global scale.
Ellen White describes the time when the waters of the great River Euphrates will dry up (16:12)
“With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of evil men are about to rush upon
their prey, when, lo, a dense blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon the The
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earth. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne of God, spans the heavens and
seems to encircle each praying company. The angry multitudes are suddenly arrested. Their
mocking cries die away. The objects of their murderous rage are forgotten. With fearful
forebodings they gaze upon the symbol of God's covenant and long to be shielded from its
overpowering brightness.” GC, pp. 635, 636
“The people see that they have been deluded. They accuse one another of having led them to
destruction; but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. Unfaithful
pastors have prophesied smooth things; they have led their hearers to make void the law of God
and to persecute those who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these teachers confess
before the world their work of deception. The multitudes are filled with fury. "We are lost!" they
cry, "and you are the cause of our ruin;" and they turn upon the false shepherds. The very ones
that once admired them most will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them. The very
hands that once crowned them with laurels will be raised for their destruction. The swords which
were to slay God's people are now employed to destroy their enemies. Everywhere there is strife
and bloodshed. GC, p. 656.
 We are told in Revelation 17:11 that the beast will go to perdition.
 In II Thessalonians 2:3 we are told that the man of sin will go to perdition.
 In John 17:12 Judas Iscariot is called the son of perdition.

The Final Drying up of the Waters

The seven headed dragon of Revelation 17 is reminiscent of Leviathan. There are three key
passages in the Old Testament which depict this seven-headed monster: Psalm 74:10-14; Job 41
and Isaiah 27:1. We discover several interesting details about leviathan in these passages:
 Leviathan is a sea creature with multiple heads. He rules over the waters.
 Leviathan is also called the fleeting serpent and the great dragon. In fact, the Hebrew word
“Leviathan” means “twisted, coiled.”
 Leviathan is at enmity with God and His people.
 Leviathan is the king of the children of pride.
 Ultimately God will pull out Leviathan from its natural habitat, cast it onto dry land and crush
its heads

Though the book of Revelation does not use the name “Leviathan” it is clear that the dragon
beast of Revelation 12 and the scarlet beast of Revelation 17 is Leviathan. All of the details
about Leviathan in the Old Testament coalesce in the portrait of Revelation.
After the millennium the waters will revive once again—because the wicked from all the ages
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will resurrect from the dead (Revelation 20:5, 7-9). Satan will reign for a season over the
multitudes. Satan will entice them to surround the New Jerusalem and they will be like the river
Euphrates at flood stage (this is the imagery behind Psalm 46). As they are about attempt to
drown the city, the final drying up of the waters will take place. Notice how Ellen White
describes this final drying up of the waters after the millennium:
“He [Satan] rushes into the midst of his subjects and endeavors to inspire them with his own fury
and arouse them to instant battle. But of all the countless millions whom he has allured into
rebellion, there are none now to acknowledge his supremacy. His power is at an end. The wicked
are filled with the same hatred of God that inspires Satan; but they see that their case is
hopeless, that they cannot prevail against Jehovah. Their rage is kindled against Satan and those
who have been his agents in deception, and with the fury of demons they turn upon them.” GC,
p. 671. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 112 of
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Tips for the study of the millennium passage:
 Learn to ask the passage questions of the passage.
 Why does the lake of fire appear three times in Revelation 20:1-21:8? Are there three lakes of
 Why does the city appear to be on the earth in one passage when the wicked surround it
(Revelation 20:7-9) while in another passage the wicked seem to be destroyed before the city
descends? (Revelation 20:14-21:1).
 In Revelation 20:12 we are told that the dead stand before God. How can dead people stand in
the presence of God?
 Why does Revelation 20:5 give the impression that the wicked will resurrect in the first

In our present lesson we will study the thousand years of Revelation 20. We will seek to answer
several important questions:
 Will the millennium be spent in heaven or on earth?
 What will be the condition of the earth during this period?
 What will God’s people be doing during this time?
 Why is there a white throne judgment after the millennium?
 What does Revelation mean when it refers to the second death?
 What is meant by the ‘binding’ and ‘unbinding’ of Satan?
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 Is it even important to know what will happen during this time?

Millennium’s Beginning and Structural Matters

Revelation 19:11-21 describes the Second Coming of Jesus. By this time the plagues will have
decimated the population of the planet. What happens at the very culmination of the Second
“And the _________ were _______________ with the sword which proceeded from the mouth
of Him who sat on the horse.” (Revelation 19:21).
Note: The Millennium is described in Revelation 20:1 - 21:8. The events in these chapters are
not in strict chronological order but rather run in cycles. We know this because the identical
climax is reached four times. Though the events are repeated four times each repetition has a
different center of focus or emphasis:
 Revelation 20:1-3. Center of Focus: Satan and the Earth.
 Revelation 20:4-10. Center of Focus: The Saints in Heaven.
 Revelation 20:11 - 21:1: Center of Focus: The Judgment of the Wicked on Earth.
 Revelation 21:2-8. Center of Focus: Life in the Holy City

View #1: Satan and the Earth (20:1-3)

The angel who comes down from heaven has the key to the __________________ pit
(Revelation 20:1).
Note: The translation ‘bottomless pit’ is unfortunate. The Greek word is abussos from where we
get the English word ‘abyss’.
In Genesis 1:2 we are told that the earth was without ____________ and ___________ darkness
was on the face of the _____________.
The word ‘deep’ in the Greek Old Testament (LXX) is the same as the one that is found in
Revelation 20:1. This word describes a planet in a chaotic pre-creative state. It is noteworthy
that the plagues of Revelation 16 actually reverse creation and return the earth in some degree
to pre-creation chaos. The very things which God made during creation are afflicted by the
plagues: The earth is broken up, the sun, moon and stars are moved from their places (Early
Writings, p. 41; Matthew 24:29), all the vegetation is destroyed by the intense heat of the sun,
the seas are filled with blood, all the fish die and the planet returns to darkness and all human
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beings die!
The prophet Jeremiah was permitted to see the earth during the millennium. He heard the
sound of the _______________, the alarm of ___________. He then beheld the earth and
indeed it was without ______________ and ______________; and the heavens, they had no
_____________. He also saw that the mountains _____________. Jeremiah beheld and indeed
there was no ___________ and all the birds of the heaven had __________. The fruitful land
had become a _______________ and all the ____________ were broken down at the presence
of the LORD, by His fierce ____________ (Jeremiah 4:19-26).
Note: In spite of the incredible desolation caused by the wrath of God, we are told that at this
time God would not make a ___________ end (verse 27).
In Jeremiah 25:30-38 we have a powerful description of the coming of Jesus. We are told that
the LORD will __________ from on high, and utter His ___________ from his holy habitation, he
will give a ___________ as those who tread the _____________. On that day the ___________
of the LORD will be from one end of the _____________ even to the other. They shall not be
__________________ or gathered or ___________.
Isaiah adds that when Jesus comes He will make the earth ____________ and make it
____________. The land will be entirely ______________ and utterly plundered. The
inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are ___________ (Isaiah 24:1-6).
The powerful angel from heaven binds Satan and casts him into the abyss for one thousand
years. The result of his binding is that he can ________________ the nations no more until the
thousand years are _________________ (Revelation 20:1-3).
Note: Satan is bound to an earth which has returned to pre-creation chaos. How could human
beings live on the planet when the seas and the fresh waters are all blood, the air has the stench
of the dead, the planet is in total darkness and there is no plant or animal life? The binding of
Satan means that he cannot deceive the nations because there are no nations left to deceive.
But after the millennium Satan will be loosed for a little while. The punishment of Satan reminds
us of the fate of the scapegoat on the Day of Atonement. He was bound by the High Priest and
then taken to the wilderness where there we no inhabitants (see, Leviticus 16:21, 22). The Wise
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Questions that remain after studying the first outline:
 What happened to the righteous during this period?
 Were they on earth or in heaven?
 What did the righteous do during the thousand years?
 What do “bind” and “unbind” mean?
 What happened to the wicked persons who were destroyed at the second coming?
 What did Satan deceive the nations to do after the thousand years?
 What happened to Satan after he was released for a little while?

View #2: The Saints (20:4-10)

When Revelation 20:1-3 ends we are left with several questions: What happened to the
righteous as the millennium began? What do the words ‘bind’ and ‘unbind’ mean? What
happened to the wicked persons who were destroyed at the Second Coming? What did Satan
deceive the nations to do after the thousand years? What happened to Satan after he was
released a little while? These questions will be answered in the succeeding verses.
At the beginning of the thousand years the righteous dead are raised to life. We know this
because Revelation 20:4 says that they ______________ and reigned with Christ for a thousand
years. This resurrection is called the _______________ resurrection and the righteous and holy
are resurrected in it (verse 6).
The apostle Paul explained that the dead in Christ would rise______________. Then those who
are alive and remain shall be caught ___________ together with them [the dead in Christ] in
the______________ to meet the Lord in the ___________ (I Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Jesus promised to take his people to His Father’s ______________. The Father’s house is in
heaven because Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Our Father which art in heaven’ (John 14:1-3).
Note: A strict reading of Revelation 20:4-10 does not reveal that the saints will be in heaven
during the thousand years. However, we will see that Revelation 21:2 does point out this fact,
very clearly!
The saints were given thrones and they ______________ with Christ for a thousand years
(Revelation 20:4). The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | |
Page 121 of 139
__________________ was committed to them [the righteous] (Revelation 20:4).
Note: The question is: Who are the righteous going to judge? It is obvious that they will not
judge the righteous because they will all be in heaven. And it cannot be the holy angels because
they do not need to be judged. This must mean that they will judge Satan and his angels and the
wicked which were left behind dead on earth!
The apostle Paul told the Corinthians: “Do you not know that the saints will judge the
_____________? Do you not know that we shall judge ________________?” (I Corinthians 6:1-
The righteous will not be subject to the ____________ death (Revelation 20:6).
The ___________ of the dead will not come to life again until the thousand years are
_______________ (Revelation 20:5).
Note: All beings in this world experienced a first birth and life. At the beginning of the
millennium those who died in Christ will resurrect to their second life never more to die. The
wicked, on the other hand, will resurrect to their second life after the thousand years, will be
judged and then will suffer second death.
There is a punctuation problem in Revelation 20:5. The original New Testament manuscripts did
not have punctuation marks so the translators placed them where they felt they belonged. New
King James translators should have placed parentheses around the following phrase: ‘But the
rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.’ In effect, the New
International Version does this very thing. This parenthetical statement breaks the flow of
thought in order to explain what will happen with the wicked which were left behind at the
beginning of the thousand years.
At the end of the thousand years Satan will be ______________ from his prison and he will go
out to deceive the nations once again (Revelation 20:7).
Note: If all the wicked are dead during the thousand years, then Satan will have no one to
deceive. When the wicked resurrect at the end of the thousand years, Satan will have his power
base back and will be able to deceive once again. Thus the binding and unbinding of Satan is
explained by the condition of the wicked: When they are dead, Satan is bound; when they
resurrect, Satan is unbound!! Revelation 20:5 contains the key that explains the binding and
unbinding of Satan. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | |
Page 122 of 139
Notice that the host of the wicked will be innumerable, like the sand of the sea, and they will
come from the four corners of the earth! The cards seem to be stacked in favor of the wicked
and the righteous appear to be in jeopardy.
The wicked surrounded the _____________ of the saints and the beloved _______________
(Revelation 20:9).
Note: What happened to God’s people all over the earth before the millennium (Revelation
14:20) now happens to God’s people all gathered in one place. Jerusalem before the millennium
is worldwide, where two or three gathered in Christ’s name. But after the millennium, all God’s
people are gathered in a literal place, in the literal New Jerusalem. They were gathered there at
the Second Coming of Jesus (see Matthew 24:31).
Satan, his angels and the wicked will be unable to conquer the city. They will all be cast into the
___________ of fire and __________________ where the beast and false prophet had been
cast (Revelation 20:8-9).
Note: Revelation 20:9 reaches the climax of events after the millennium. But several questions
remain unanswered:
 Why were those inside the city saved and those outside lost?
 What is the name of the city the wicked surrounded?
 Were the wicked ever convinced that they were wrong and God was right?
 When did the saints enter the city?
 What was the judgment process during the one thousand years like?

View #3: The Wicked (20:11 - 21:1)

Revelation 20:11-21:1 goes over the same ground as the previous two outlines but the central
concern is with the judgment of the wicked after the millennium.
After the thousand years the rest of the_____________ live ___________ (Revelation 20:5).
At the Second Coming of Jesus a ______________ throne appears. We are told in Revelation
20:11: “Then I saw a great white _____________ and Him who sat on it, from whose face the
______________ and the ______________ fled away. And there was found no place for them.”
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Note: The events of Revelation 20:11 take place at the second coming at the beginning of the
millennium. Notice this event as described in Revelation 6:14-17: “then the sky receded as a
scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And
the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every
slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and
said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the
throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is
able to stand?"
Revelation 20:12 then describes the _____________ standing before God. Books are opened
and another book is opened which is the _____________ of life and the ____________ were
judged according to the things that were written in the books according to their
Note: This verse is describing events that take place during the millennium. It is obvious that
dead people cannot stand before God personally. The text explicitly states that the wicked stood
before God through the record of their lives. In the fourth outline we will notice that those
whose works condemn them will be deleted from the book of life. Revelation 20:12 is describing
the judgment of the wicked dead during the millennium.
The first part of Revelation 20:13 is a description of the resurrection of the wicked dead after
the millennium because we are told that “the sea _________ up the dead who were in it, and
Death and ____________ delivered up the dead who were in them.”
According to the second part of Revelation 20:13, after the wicked dead resurrected, they were
________________, each one according to his works.”
Note: We know that this judgment is takes place on earth because according to verses 7-9 the
wicked surrounded the Holy City on earth.
The books [plural] contain the _____________ of the wicked, and they are judged according to
things which were written in the books (Revelation 20:13).
Note: Though we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), our works reveal whether
our faith is genuine. In the judgment it will be seen that many of the wicked said ‘Lord, Lord’ but
their lives were filled with lawlessness. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 124 of 139
The Book of Life contains the_______________ of all those who will be saved (Revelation 3:5;
13:8; Philippians 4:3; Exodus 32:32; Daniel 12:1).
The Book of Life is brought forth in this judgment to show the wicked that their _____________
were not found in it (Revelation 20:15).
Note: The names of the lost will not be in the Book of Life because of the record of their lives
which was written in the books. At this point we do not know what those works were. It is
remarkable that God will not destroy the wicked until they are convinced that God dealt justly
with them!
After the judgment of the wicked, they will be cast into the lake of fire and will suffer
_____________ death (Revelation 20:14-15).
Note: Revelation 20:14-15 reaches the same climax as had previously been reached in
Revelation 20:8-9. After all, there are not two lakes of fire where the wicked will be cast!
After Satan and his angels, the wicked, death and the grave have been cast into the lake of fire,
God will make a new _______________ and a new ________________ because the first heaven
and earth had passed away (see, II Peter 3:10-13).
Note: The chapter division at the end of verse 15 is unfortunate. Chapter divisions were not
established by the original authors; they were added for our convenience. Revelation 21:1 really
belongs to chapter 20. In other words, after Satan, his angels, the wicked, the grave and death
have been consumed, God will make a new heaven and a new earth. In short, Revelation 21:1 is
really the conclusion of chapter 20, not the introduction to chapter 21!
Questions that remain after studying the third outline:
 Why were the righteous allowed into the city?
 What was in the books which condemned the wicked?
 Were the righteous in heaven during the one thousand years? (it is obvious that if the saints
judge and reign for 1000 years but the city does not descend till after the 1000 years then the
saints must have been in heaven in the holy city during the 1000 years).
 What will life be like in the holy city after sin and sinners have been eradicated?
 What will God be like?

These questions are answered in the last outline of millennial events. The Wise Shall
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View #4: God and the Holy City (Revelation 21:2-8)
Revelation 21:2 begins the final outline of post-millennial events. This outline begins when John
sees ‘the holy ___________, New Jerusalem, coming down out of _______________ from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.’
Note: In Revelation 20:7-9 we are told that the New Jerusalem was on the earth when the
wicked surrounded it. This means that the New Jerusalem descended from heaven to the earth
before the wicked surrounded it and before they were cast into the lake of fire. This being the
case, Revelation 21:2 takes place chronologically before Revelation 21:1. Notice here that the
city is identified by name!
There can be no doubt that the righteous are in the city when it descended. This is true for at
least three reasons: 1) Texts such as I Thessalonians 4:16-17 explain that Jesus will take His
people to heaven when He comes so they must come back with Him when the city descends, 2)
When the wicked surround the city after the millennium, the righteous are inside, 3) The
millennial condition of the earth would make it impossible for God’s people to live here.
John heard a voice from heaven saying that the ‘__________________ of God is with men, and
they shall be His ________________. God Himself will be with them and be their God’
(Revelation 21:3).
Before the destruction of the wicked God promises to wipe away every ___________ from the
eyes of His people and assures them that there will be no more ______________, nor sorrow,
nor ________________. There shall be no more _____________ (Revelation 21:4).
God also promises to give of the fountain of the ______________ of life _____________ to him
who thirsts (Revelation 21:6).
Note: We can even now spiritually drink of the fountain of the water of life freely (John 4:13-
14). But then we will be able to literally drink the water of the river of life.
Those who _________________ will inherit ________ things and God promises: ‘I will be His
God and he shall be My son’ (Revelation 21:7).
We now find out what was written in the records of the wicked: ‘But the cowardly, unbelieving,
abominable, _________________, sexually immoral, sorcerers,_________________, and all The
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liars shall have their part in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the
_______________ death’ (Revelation 21:8).
The contrast between those inside and outside can be more clearly seen in Revelation 22:14-15:
‘Blessed are those who do his ___________________ that they may have the right to the tree of
life and may _________________ through the gates into the __________________. But
_________________ are the dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and
idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.’ Those inside are law keepers while outside are
the law breakers!
The Perspective of Isaiah 24:21-23
At the Second Coming (verses 18-20), God will punish on __________ the ___________ of
exalted ones and on _____________ [he will punish] the kings of the earth (verse 21).
The high ones and the kings of the earth will be gathered together as _________________ in
the pit and will be ____________ up in _______________ (verse 22).
The high ones and the kings of the earth will be punished after many ______________ (verse 22).
After the ‘many days’ the moon will be ________________ and the sun __________________
because the LORD of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his elders
gloriously (verse 23).
Note: Revelation 21:23 explains why the moon disgraced and the moon is ashamed: ‘The city
had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The
Lamb is its light.’
Revelation 21:27 states that nothing which _________________ will enter the Holy City. Jesus
said: ‘Blessed are the ____________ in heart for they shall see God’ (Matthew 5:8).
Everyone who has the hope of seeing Jesus as He is must ______________ Himself even as
Jesus is pure (I John 3:3).
And the apostle Paul exhorts us to pursue ________________ without which no one will
__________ the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 127 of 139
The way to cleanse our life is by hiding the ____________ of God in our hearts that we might
not _________ against Him (Psalm 119:11).
The Importance of this Subject
The fundamental reason why many Bible expositors teach the rapture doctrine is because they
believe that the millennium will be a period of peace and prosperity on earth. Their argument
goes something like this: 1) Jesus promised to come and take His people to heaven. 2) But He
also promised that He would set up His kingdom on earth. 3) The only way Jesus can fulfill both
promises is if He comes to rapture His church to heaven seven years before the millennium and
then returns with the church seven years later to set up His millennial kingdom on earth.
But there is another way Jesus can fulfill both promises: He can take His people to heaven for a
thousand years and then return to earth with them at the end of the thousand years to set up
His everlasting kingdom.
By teaching that Jesus will set up His kingdom on earth at the Second Coming, the church is
leaving itself wide open to accept the counterfeit Christ! The Bible teaches that when Christ
comes the second time, He will not touch the earth. But if Christians are expecting Jesus to
come back to earth to set up His millennial kingdom then Satan could walk up and down the
earth, speak many of the things Jesus spoke, perform many of the miracles Jesus performed and
thus deceive those who are expecting Jesus to come in this way! The Wise Shall Understand
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The Wise Shall Understand
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Introduction: The story of ‘What Jesus Said’
 Present the full SDA message from the Gospels and the book of Acts
 Because many say they are New Testament Christians
 Finding all our teachings was actually quite easy, except one: The gift of prophecy. After much
prayer and reflection on the Word of God, I finally found the key and I want to share it with you

Satan’s Rage against the Remnant

Revelation 12:17: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war
with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ.”
In order to better understand the expression “testimony of Jesus” we must go back to the days
of John the Baptist.
The Life and Work of John the Baptist
Great religious revival at the end of the 70 week prophecy
Matthew 3:5-6: “When Jerusalem, all Judea and all the region around the Jordan went out to
him 6 and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.” The Wise Shall
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John was asked if he was the prophet and he said no
John 1:19-21: “Now this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from
Jerusalem to ask him, "Who are you?" 20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, "I am
not the Christ." 21 And they asked him, "What then? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I am not." "Are
you the Prophet?" And he answered, "No."
John was the messenger of the Lord
Luke 7:27: “This is he of whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My messenger before Your face who
will prepare Your way before You.'
Prepare a people to receive Jesus at His first coming
John 1:23: “He said:"I am 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Make straight the way of
the Lord,"' as the prophet Isaiah said."
Matt 3:1-3: “In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 and
saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" 3 For this is he who was spoken of by
the prophet Isaiah, saying: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the
Lord; make His paths straight.'"
Luke 1:16, 17: “And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. 17 He will
also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for
the Lord."
Restore all things. Elijah is the great restorer
Matthew 17:11-13: “Jesus answered and said to them, "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will
restore all things. 12 But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him
but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise [if you reject the Lord’s messenger you will end
up rejecting the Lord as well] the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands." 13 Then the
disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.”
John was more than a prophet
Luke 7:26: “But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a
John performed no miracle but what he said about Jesus was true
John 10:41, 42: “Then many came to Him and said, "John performed no sign, but all the things
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that John spoke about this Man were true." 42 And many believed in Him there.”
John had the testimony of Jesus
John 5:31-33: "If I bear witness [testimony] of Myself, My witness [testimony] is not true. 32
There is another who bears witness [testimony] of Me, and I know that the witness [testimony]
which He witnesses [testifies] of Me is true. 33 You have sent to John, and he has borne witness
[testimony] to the truth.”
John was not the greater light but was a lesser light
John 1:6-8: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 This man came for a
witness [testimony], to bear witness [testimony] of the Light that all through him might believe.
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness [testimony] of that Light.”
John 5:35: “He [John the Baptist] was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing for a
time to rejoice in his light.”
John 5:36: “But I have a greater witness than John's; for the works which the Father has given
Me to finish — the very works that I do — bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me.”
“John was the lesser light who was raised up to guide men and women to the greater light “The
prophet John was the connecting link between the two dispensations. As God's representative
he stood forth to show the relation of the law and the prophets to the Christian dispensation.
He was the lesser light, which was to be followed by a greater.” DA, p. 220
The Scriptures are also a lesser light
John 5:39-40: “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these
are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.”
John 5:45-47: “Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you-
Moses, in whom you trust. 46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote
about Me. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?"
Why two lesser lights?
So you have two lesser lights: The Scriptures and John the Baptist. One of the lesser lights is
canonical and the other is non-canonical.
The question that begs to be asked is this: If the people had a canonical lesser light, why did
they need a non canonical one? The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 132 of 139
Or even a more pointed question: Why would they even need a lesser light if they would soon
have the Greater Light in their midst?
Let me ask another question: Could the Jews have discerned Jesus as the Messiah simply by
studying the written Scriptures? The answer is a resounding yes.
Every event of the life of Jesus was previously choreographed in the Scriptures:
 He would be born in Bethlehem: Micah 5:2
 He would be born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14
 His birth would be announced by a star: Numbers 24:17
 Children would be massacred when He was born: Jeremiah 40:1
 He would be called from Egypt: Hosea 11:1
 He would be baptized or anointed when the 69th week of Daniel 9 ended: Daniel 9:25
 He would perform marvelous works and be a powerful preacher: Isaiah 61:1-4
 The Jews would reject His message: Isaiah 6:9, 10
 The Jews would only serve him with their lips: Isaiah 29:13
 He would enter Jerusalem on a donkey in the midst of great acclamation: Zachariah 9:9
 He would cast the money changers out of the temple: Jeremiah 7:11
 Zeal for God’s house would consume him: Psalm 69:9
 He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver: Zachariah 11:13
 His disciples would all forsake Him: Zachariah 13:7
 He would die a vicarious death: Isaiah 53:3-6
 He would say on the cross: ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me’: Psalm 22:1
 His hands and feet would be pierced: Psalm 22:16
 Lots would be cast upon His garments: Psalm 22:18
 His heart would be poured out like water: Psalm 22:14
 His enemies would spit in His face: Isaiah 50:6
 His enemies would dare Him to come down from the cross: Psalm 22:8
 None of His bones would be broken: Exodus 12:46
 On the cross He would say: ‘I thirst’: Psalm 22:15; 69:21
 His passion would last for three days and three nights: Jonah 2:1
 His burial would be with the rich: Isaiah 53:9
 He would resurrect from the dead on the third day: Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:9-11
 He would ascend to heaven: Psalm 24
 He would sit on the Father’s right hand: Psalm 110:1, 4
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I ask once again: Could the Jews have been ready to receive Jesus as the Messiah simply by
studying the written Scriptures? The answer is a resounding yes!
The people were in darkness
The problem is that they were misinterpreting the Scriptures especially the prophecies
according to the desires of their selfish hearts. In fact, during the period between the
testaments the people came to be under great darkness:
Matt 4:16: “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in
the region and shadow of death Light has dawned."
Luke 1:78-79: “Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high
has visited us; 79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide
our feet into the way of peace."
 The people needed a lesser light to guide them to the greater light
 Use the example of the flashlight I used in the tape room
 The role of John was not to bring new light but rather to turn the attention of the people to
the light already given. He was to awaken interest in the study of Old Testament prophecy.
 After all, John fit perfectly with the description of the forerunner who would prepare

the way for the Messiah. People should have gone to the Scriptures then to find details on how
to expect the Messiah to come
You see, those who claimed to be God’s people and boasted of having the Old Testament were
violating every principle of the Word of God. They professed to be waiting for the Messiah.
They professed to love God. They claimed to have a close relationship with Him and yet they
would crucify Christ because they misunderstood the Old Testament and rejected the
clarification by the lesser light.
The Jews said: “We have Moses.” But they did not understand Moses because they did not see
Jesus in His writings (II Corinthians 3: explain the veil if I have time). They boasted of their
knowledge of the Scriptures and yet did not understand them at all. John was called to attract
their attention to the Scriptures already given. By seeing John dressing like Elijah, eating like
Elijah, speaking like Elijah, living in the desert like Elijah their attention would be attracted to
the prophecy of Malachi 3 and 4 and they would have searched the Scriptures to know more
about the coming of the Messiah.
John lighted up the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. He presented Jesus as the
Lamb of God, a clear reference to the sanctuary sacrifice and the prophecy of Isaiah 53. He took
from the Old Testament and showed how it was fulfilled in Jesus. He exalted the Old The Wise
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Testament and made it vivid, alive, present truth. He rebuked, reproved, corrected. He was a
fly in the ointment, a pain in the neck, a speck in the eye. He was no pushover.
The role of John was to prepare a people for the first coming of Jesus (Luke 1:17). For this he
needed to restore the truth. By revival (repentance) and reformation (bearing fruit) the people
were to wait expectantly for their bridegroom. John was the liaison or go-between, between
Jesus Christ (the groom) and Israel (the bride). He was to prepare the way for the wedding (John
3:28-30). In New Testament times, the friend of the bridegroom was responsible for making all
the preparations for the wedding so that all was ready when the groom should come. The
friend of the bridegroom was not to take the glory for himself. The glory was for the groom who
was marrying the bride. The best man does not want all eyes centered on himself at the
wedding. He decreases so that the bridegroom can increase! In other words, he blends into the
woodwork so that all can see the bridegroom. He was the restorer of all things and the one to
prepare a people for the Lord.
The Old Testament had prophecies about the coming of the bridegroom to marry his bride. The
matchmaker (John the Baptist) has come to set up all the arrangements. Yet the bride rejected
her husband. By rejecting the work of the matchmaker, they rejected the bridegroom as well.
Let’s see how John the Baptist was treated.
John was rejected by God’s own people
Matthew 11:18: “For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.'”
John was rejected by the leaders
Luke 7:29, 30: “And when all the people heard Him, even the tax collectors justified God, having
been baptized with the baptism of John. 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of
God for themselves, not having been baptized by him.”
They knew Him not (same expression as John 1:10-11). Because they did with John as they
pleased, they also did with Jesus as they pleased. And these were the people who claimed to go
by the Scriptures!! By rejecting the lesser light, they rejected the greater light!!
Matthew 17:12, 13: “But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him
but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their
hands." 13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.”
John grew in understanding
Prophets are not omniscient or infallible. They were human. They grew in their understanding
of truth. John, for example, thought there would only be one coming of the Messiah (Matthew
3:7, 10, 12). When Jesus did not appear to measure up to his preaching, he sent a message to
The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 135 of 139
Jesus asking whether He was the one to come or whether they should expect another
(Matthew 11:1-3).
“During the weeks that followed [the baptism of Jesus], John with new interest studied the
prophecies and the teaching of the sacrificial service. He did not distinguish clearly the two
phases of Christ’s work,--as a suffering sacrifice and as a conquering king,--but he saw that His
coming had a deeper significance than priests or people had discerned.” DA, pp. 137, 137
Was John a false prophet because he did not fully understand the work of the Messiah? Was
his work as a prophet any less trustworthy because his knowledge and understanding were
limited? After Jesus healed the sick, etc., John finally understood!!
Now let’s compare the life and work of Ellen G. White
At the end of the 2300 day prophecy there was a great revival (Daniel 8:14; Revelation 10, 14:6,
No claim to being a prophet
“During the discourse [given in Battle Creek on October 2, 1904], I said that I did not claim to be
a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as much is being said in regard to it, I
will make an explanation. Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never assumed that
title. I have not felt that it was my duty thus to designate myself.” ISM, p. 36
“When I was last in Battle Creek, I said before a large congregation that I did not claim to be a
prophetess. Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, ‘I do not
claim to be a prophetess.’ If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had
in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess.” ISM, p. 35
Ellen White was the Lord’s messenger
“But my work has covered so many lines that I cannot call myself other than a messenger sent
to bear a message from the Lord to His people, and to take up work in any line that He points
out.” 1SM, p. 34
“Early in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded, I am
the Lord’s messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made no claim to
this title. My Savior declared me to be His messenger.” 1SM, p. 32
Accused of not performing miracles
“Some declare their unbelief in the work that the Lord has given me to do because, as they
say,'Mrs. E. G. White works no miracles.’ But those who look for miracles as a sign of divine The
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guidance are in grave danger of deception.” 2SM, pp. 53, 54
Ellen White had the Testimony of Jesus (Revelation 12:17; 19:10; 22:9)
Revelation 12:17: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with
the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus
Revelation 19:10: “And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me: "See that you do not
do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus.
Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Revelation 22:8, 9: “Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell
down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9 Then he said to
me: ‘See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant and of your brethren the
prophets and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.’”
The work of Ellen White was far greater than that of a conventional prophet
“. . . my work includes much more than the word "prophet" signifies.” 1SM, p. 32
“My commission embraces the work of a prophet, but it does not end there. It embraces much
more than the minds of those who have been sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend.”
1SM, p. 36
“My work includes much more than this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger,
entrusted by the Lord with messages for His people.” 1SM, p. 36
Ellen White was a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light, Jesus Chris
“Little heed is given to the Bible and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to
the greater light.” 3SM, p. 30
“The religion of the Jews, in consequence of their departure from God, consisted mostly in
ceremony. John was the lesser light, which was to be followed by a greater light. He was to
shake the confidence of the people in their traditions, and call their sins to remembrance, and
lead them to repentance; that they might be prepared to appreciate the work of Christ.” Review
and Herald, volume 41, number 17, April 8, 1873
Two lesser lights
As with John, two sources give witness to Jesus, one canonical (the Bible) and the other non-
canonical (the writings of Ellen G. White). As with John, the purpose of her writings is to bring
attention to the written Scriptures which had been trampled upon and misinterpreted during
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the dark ages. If God’s people had studied the Word of God with the sincere desire to obey it,
Ellen White would never have been called by God.
“You are not familiar with the Scriptures. If you had made God’s word your study, with a desire
to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian perfection, you would not have needed the
Testimonies. It is because you have neglected to acquaint yourselves with God’s inspired Book
that He has sought to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, calling your attention to the
words of inspiration which you had neglected to obey, and urging you to fashion your lives in
accordance with its pure and elevated teachings.
"The Lord designs to warn you, to reprove, to counsel, through the testimonies given, and to
impress your minds with the importance of the truth of His word. The written testimonies are
not to give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already
revealed. Man's duty to God and to his fellow man has been distinctly specified in God's word,
yet but few of you are obedient to the light given. Additional truth is not brought out; but God
has through the Testimonies simplified the great truths already given and in His own chosen way
brought them before the people to awaken and impress the mind with them, that all may be left
without excuse.” 5T, pp. 664, 665
Why Ellen White if we have the Bible? For the same reason that the Jews needed John even
though they had the Old Testament. They did not understand or obey it so God, in His mercy,
gave them a helping hand by simplifying and amplifying the truths already given. Ellen White
is not a source of new light but rather one who amplifies and simplifies the old light. Ellen White
amplifies, magnifies, explains, clarifies, corrects, enlightens, simplifies.
Around the same time and place that God raised up Ellen White, another person also arose who
claimed to be a prophet. He purportedly found some gold plates in Palmyra, New York written
in ancient Egyptian which he translated into English. This document is known as The Book of
Mormon. This book is referred to as ‘another Testament of Jesus Christ.’ [why not in
contemporary English and why no manuscript trail?] It is considered a supplement to the Word
of God (along with the Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants). In other words, they
unapologetically affirm that these books contain truths which cannot be found in the Bible.
When the Latter Day Saints pay a visit, their first task is to try and convince the prospective
student that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. As the studies continue, the Book of Mormon
and the Bible are used together.
With Seventh-day Adventist the process is reversed. The student is taught the truth from
Scripture alone and once all the doctrines have been clearly presented from Scripture, then the
Spirit of Prophecy is presented last as a complement (not supplement) of the Bible. This is not
done because the Spirit of Prophecy is of secondary importance but rather because the function
of the writings of Ellen White is not to supplement Scripture but rather to complement it! Ellen
White magnifies, explains, amplifies simplifies and highlights the great truths of The Wise
Shall Understand by Pastor Stephen Bohr | | Page 138 of 139
Scripture but does not add any new truth!! Ellen White is like a telescope or a microscope. The
telescope does not create stars but rather helps us see them more clearly.
Is it just possible that many in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today who say: “I don’t need
Ellen G. White, because I have the Bible,” are really violating every principle of God’s holy
Word? The fact is that Ellen G. White is despised by many within the church as much as was
John the Baptist.
Former pastors write books such as The White Lie and Ellen G. White: Prophetess of Health and
certain internet sites lambast Ellen White with vitriolic hatred, all under the pretense that
because we have the Bible, we do not need Ellen G. White!! Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Ellen White foresaw all of this. Notice her words in II SM 48. If this is Satan’s very last deception,
then we must be close to the end because we are seeing this hatred now!!
“The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of
God. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ (Proverbs 29:18) Satan will work ingeniously,
in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant
people in the true testimony.” 1SM, p. 48 (written in 1890)
I found out something long ago and it is this: I never form an opinion of a person or a church on
the basis of what its enemies say (because the enemies distort what they believe) or even on
the basis of what their friends say (because they often embellish the truth). If you want to know
the truth about Ellen White, go directly to the source, read her writings for yourself. Get your
information first hand!!
Ellen White was not perfect, infallible or omniscient. She grew in her understanding. If you
compare Early Writings and The Great Controversy you can see her phenomenal growth.
The fact is that God has raised up Ellen White to prepare God’s people for the Second Coming
as John was to prepare a people for the first coming. Will there be as few faithful ones prepared
for the Second Coming as there were for the first coming?
The book The Great Controversy is meant to map out all the dangers we must face as we
prepare to enter the heavenly Canaan. Ellen White describes a group of Adventist who are
found without shelter in the time of trouble.
Examples of Ellen White’s exposition of prophetic passages: The 24 elders, Daniel 11:40-45. The
Great Controversy is an interpreted book of Revelation. The Wise Shall Understand by Pastor
Stephen Bohr | | Page 139 of 139
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