Weekly Lesson Plan: Unit 2 Tall Tales

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Weekly Lesson Plan: Unit 2 Tall tales

Week of: 05.10.2020-09.10.2020

Teacher: Maria Barbulescu
Year: 7
Key Vocabulary: cautionary tales, past tense, irregular verbs, parts of speech

Day Unit/Topic Lesson Objectives Lesson Outcomes Procedure Differentiation s
Warm-up: T asks Ss what a tale is,
then ss try to come up with as many
types of stories as they can (mind
map on the board)
  By the end of the
lesson, the Ss will Reflection/Assessment: T reads the
  Learning about have understood cautionary tale from the book (SB p
 Short quiz
 Unit 2 morals of stories the role of a 13) and discusses the tale together
Mon Cautionary (cautionary tales) cautionary tale with Ss after each stanza. Ss and T SB p 13-15
meaning of
tales Learning new and will have will also talk about the unknown
vocabulary practiced past words in the text, trying to figure out
tense irregular the meaning (SB p 15 ex 3).
*Ss will take the parts of speech quiz
at the start of the second period

Homework: none
   Focusing on using  By the end of the Warm-up: T discusses together with  Weak level: SB p 15
Unit 2 direct speech in lesson, the Ss will the Ss the importance of using direct WB p 9 ex 2a SB p 13
tales and revising have practiced the speech in tales than always using
parts of speech use of direct “said”. (SB p 15 ex 5c) Medium level:
tales and
(turning a word into speech in stories WB p 10 ex 3
turning WB p 9-11
a different part of and turning a part Reflection/Assessment: Ss read the
parts of
speech) of speech into text in the SB again (page 13) and Strong level:
another (e.g. from highlight the use of direct speech in WB p 11 ex 4
into other
verb to noun). the text. Then, they focus on verbs to
parts of
be used following direct speech and
do ex 2a from WB p 9 and ex 3 from
Wed  Unit 2  Ss will practice their  By the end of the Warm-up: T will check HW and then  Differentiation  Worksheet with
Past tense use of past tense lesson the Ss will will put up on the board a few past done through past tense simple
irregular irregular verbs and have practiced tense verbs and will ask Ss to say the worksheet exercises
verbs they will learn about their use of infinitive form of each verb (different types Worksheet with
the structure of a irregular past of exercises for past tense simple
past tense sentence tense verbs and Reflection/Assessment: Ss will do the weak, medium irregular verbs
(positive and will have learnt exercises from the worksheet and and strong Ss)
negative) how to use them they will try to figure out the rule for
correctly. using the past simple tense.

Homework: T will give Ss a worksheet

with all the past tense irregular verbs
they must learn; Ss will have to learn
23 verbs by the next day (different
Warm-up: Ss will have a short quiz; Ss
will then have a short revision on the
use of past tense
 By the end of the
lesson the Ss will Reflection/Assessment: T will revise
have practiced with the Ss the rules of the past  Worksheet
Short quiz
some of their past tense and they will also study about with past tense
 Unit 2  Ss will learn about Worksheet with
Thur tense irregular the structure of questions in past which will
Past tense past tense structure past tense -
s verbs and they tense. They will then do exercises contain
questions and use of questions questions
will also have from a worksheet – past tense differentiated
learnt how to ask questions – structure, formation, exercises
questions using usage.
the past tense
Homework: Ss will have to learn 25
verbs by the next day (-rn group, -en
Fri  Unit 2  Ss will have a  By the end of the Warm-up: Ss will have a short quiz; Ss   Worksheet  Short quiz
Past tense revision on past lesson, the Ss will will then have a short revision on the with Worksheet with
- revision tense and they will have had more use of past tense (T will write 3 differentiated past tense –
be forming practice using the sentences on the board and Ss will exercises for positive, negative
sentences in past past tense and have to identify the verbs that are each level and interrogative
tense on their own they will have missing). Ss write (revision)
learnt how and sentences
when to use it. Reflection/Assessment: Ss will about the
proceed to do the exercises from the video
worksheet. Then, T will play a video
with a short story and the Ss will
have to write 5 things that happened
in the video.

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