Magic 1 English Clasa I
Magic 1 English Clasa I
Magic 1 English Clasa I
AN SCOLAR 2016-2017
Vocabulary and
Skills Hours/
Module Unit Lesson Grammar Types of Activities
Structures General Specific
1. Welcome! Greetings, 1. 1.1 Introductions, 1
Names 1.3 Answers to greetings,
“I am.....” 2. 2.1 Matching exercise, 12-16.09
Listen and repeat
Unit 1. 2. How are Moments of the day, 1. 1.2 Verbal (yes/no) answers 1
Hello, I like you? Expressing simple 1.3 to simple questions,
you feelings 2. 2.2 Pantomime, 19-23.09
“How are you?” 2.3 Matching exercise,
“I am.....” 3. 3.1 Chain dialogue
MODULE 3. Pink is my Numbers, 2. 2.1 Rhymes, 2
I colour! Colours 2.2 Put the numbers in order,
The verb “ to be” (1) 4. 4.1 Matching exercise, 26.09-7.10
4. I’m Casper, Hobbies, 1. 1.1 Listen and repeat, 3
I’m a ghost! “I like/I don’t like”, 1.2 Matching exercise,
Agreeing with “too”, 2. 2.2 Maze,
Unit 2. Disagreeing with True-False exercise 10-28.10
Hello “don’t”
(ween)! Prepositions:
“inside”, “in front
5. It’s Specific vocabulary 1. 1.3 Rhymes,
Halloween! and sounds, 2. 2.1 Matching exercise,
Halloween rhymes 2.3 Listen and repeat,
The verb “to be” (2) 4. 4.1 Multiple choice
6. Let’s play! Toys, 1. 1.1 Following instructions, Autumn holiday:
Instructions, 1.2 Finding the right word, 29.10-6.11
Directions (“left”, 1.3 Matching exercise,
“right”, “up”, 2. 2.1 Pantomime,
“down”) Learning a poem
Verbs: “to go”, “to
sit”, “to stand”, “to
jump”, “to come”
Revision and 1
Evaluation 7-11.11
7. This is My Rooms, 1. 1.2 Guessing and matching, 1
House Materials, 1.3 Labelling,
Objects in the house, 2. 2.1 Identifying 14-18.11
Unit 3. Adjectives (“big”, 2.2