Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation

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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No.

5, 2019, 4818-4823 4818

Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive

Maintenance Implementation

Muhammad Adeel Munir Mansoor Ali Zaheer Mustafa Haider

Department of Mechanical, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Manufacturing and Mechatronics The University of Sargodha, Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
Engineering, University of Engineering Sargodha, Pakistan University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
& Technology, Lahore, Pakistan [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Muhammad Zeeshan Rafique Muhammad Anas Rasool Muhammad Saad Amjad

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Total productive maintenance (TPM) is at the competition between different companies is increasing every
forefront of the maintenance strategies which brought about a day. The emphasis is not only to gain maximum production but
paradigm shift from repair-maintenance strategy to proactive also product quality. The main purpose of TPM technique is to
maintenance. The philosophy of TPM entails the facets of cost develop coordination between maintenance and production
reduction and increased productivity. However, it has been departments for continuously improving the manufacturing
observed that many manufacturing enterprises have made process. The main philosophy of TPM is no breakdown of
unsuccessful attempts at its adoption. In order to detect and machines, which ultimately leads to minimization of the
overcome a qualitative research methodology has been employed production loss, whilst efficiently using human resources. It is
and a survey has been carried out identifying the barriers and a common narrative that the best quality machines produce the
categorizing them to strategic, managerial, departmental,
best quality products. The production department should take
financial, and social regimes through rigorous data analysis. It
was observed that strategic constraints are primarily detrimental responsibility of seemingly trivial tasks as lubrication of
to the success of TPM due to the lack of defined strategies for machines, cleaning of the work area and machines, followed by
workers by management. Moreover, the departmental regular checkups. Machine operators should be motivated and
constraints are present due to misalignment between TPM and empowered for small tasks, while the maintenance department
departmental objectives, in addition to the lack of training for should give full attention to the improvement of machinery and
workers in the system for TPM implementation. Moreover, there all the tasks that require skilled human resources. TPM was
are managerial and financial constraints due to the lack of incepted by a Japanese organization Nippondenso, a subsidiary
information visibility and finances, social constraints due to gap of Toyota Motors that introduced the concept of autonomous
between top management authorization and worker mentality. maintenance which implies that performing daily maintenance
Finally, a proper strategy has been proposed to address the issues tasks is a responsibility of the operators. This helped in saving
affecting TPM implementation. a lot of time and reaping economic rewards. The maintenance
Keywords-total productive maintenance; Cronbach’s alpha; department was mandated to improve the overall equipment
correlation analysis; one way ANOVA effectiveness (OEE) by using TPM. The common benefits of
TPM include employee involvement, performance
I. INTRODUCTION improvement and quality production. By making an operator
Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a technique the stakeholder of maintenance tasks, the skill level increases
employed to improve the performance of a plant and its assets. which results in positive social performance.
For its successful implementation, organizations require There are several factors that play an important role in
unequivocal top management support and commitment, successful implementation of TPM. Ground realities for each
whereas employees should be highly motivated and country should be taken into context while its implementation,
empowered. Also, there should be a common conception keeping in mind that TPM is a gradual process. There should
among top management that TPM is a gradual process that be a structured training for TPM coordinators and team
demands patience and determination to achieve positive results. members aided by financial resources. A system that measures
Due to the new production technology and techniques, the performance and economic benefits should be developed. The

Corresponding author: Muhammad Zeeshan Rafique Munir et al.: Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, 4818-4823 4819

involvement of top management and their communication with TPM and how it is utilized in manufacturing sector was
all levels of employees is an essential requirement for TPM studied in [2]. Industries were categorized based on their region
implementation. Firstly, managers have to establish a and type and the tools used for the implementation of TPM
consolidated strategy for the effective utilization of all were analyzed. Maintenance is considered as the strategy for
employees. There should be clear policies and plans for the success [3]. There should be a reliable maintenance system and
implementation of TPM in a company. Higher management managers should consider the importance of equipment
should establish a separate department in which a dedicated efficiency and reliability. The quality of products depends on
manager could control the process and evaluate performance. the condition of the machines and quality leads the competition
The successful TPM implementation may include cultural in a global scale. There is high competition, so the maintenance
change, alignment of company’s goals with TPM goals, system should be considered as an integral part of the
provision of appropriate financial resources for TPM, high company. Teamwork in maintenance leads to the success of the
level of cooperation among production and maintenance industry [4]. The TPM is a technology-oriented concept and its
department, proper training and skill improvement, and failures are due to organizational problems, the style of
removal of the barriers for its implementation. The success of management, lack of coordination between production and
TPM is highly dependent on the effectiveness of employees, so maintenance, and the lack of autonomy of the team which
multi-skilled employee training is of paramount importance, implements the TPM. Firm competitiveness depends upon how
which should not be confined to developing technical expertise efficiently is managed in its resources and culture, and how its
but stretches to character and behavior improvement. Through objectives are gained for better achievements [5]. Due to
proper training and effective utilization of employees, higher globalization and open trade, the firms are working in a highly
productivity and high quality standards can be met as the competitive environment. By using competitive maintenance
defects will be minimized and the breakdown frequency will be techniques, medium and small sized industries reached global
reduced by reducing the defects and breakdowns. Rewards and competition. Business improvement occurs due to the
compensation in salary should be provided based on the implementation of TPM and total quality management (TQM)
success in the implementation of TPM. The results of in manufacturing sector [6].
employee’s evaluation should be shared with them so they can
be motivated. The performance should be improved by focus In [7], it was found that the success of maintenance
improvements and there should be a proper system to get techniques can be achieved by the involvement of employees,
cultural change, and continuous improvement. TPM and TQM
feedback from the employees in order to be able to overall
improve the system. are basic maintenance techniques for improvement and growth
in business. If companies adopt preventive maintenance
II. LITERATURE REVIEW approach, it will reduce the costs from 2% to 16%, but there is
a prevalent culture of parts’ replacement after they are worn
Many years ago, Japanese companies revealed that the out. Due to downtime of machines, the expenditure of
performance of machines can not only be improved by the companies’ increases but the losses due to human laziness are
system but also by the people working on that machine. The more than the losses due to downtime. This could be improved
term TPM was first time used by Nippondenso. They first time by effective use of human power, continuous training and
discussed getting more output by using the employees change of culture. The factors which effect the successful
effectively. Later, Nakajima implemented TPM in Japanese implementation of TPM in Indian manufacturing companies
plants. The main idea was that the basic responsibilities of the were examined in [8]. It was found that the basic problems in
maintenance team should be given to operators. Operators have the implementation of TPM were insufficient management
more knowledge about machines, and they can continuously support and lack of training. Companies implemented the
improve them by extensive involvement and autonomy. The program and did not give time for performance measurement.
intensity of barriers in implementation of TPM was evaluated There were no properly defined objectives for the TPM. TPM
through graph theoretic approach [1]. The barriers for objectives must be aligned with the business plan because TPM
successful implementation of TPM were identified. Barriers is holistic in nature, its objectives are not limited to production
may differ from organization to organization. They were only. In Indian manufacturing industry, maintenance is treated
grouped into categories that were behavioral barriers, human as needless and generally, no attention is paid to it. It is
and cultural barriers, strategic barriers, operational barriers and considered as a reactive problem which has expenses that
technical barriers. Behavioral barriers were found to be the cannot be minimized, since rework is considered a part of the
most effective and intense. This category includes top manufacturing process. Lack of motivation, rigid unions,
management failure, lack of vision, fear of job security, and inconsistency, and absence of planned maintenance are key
poor cooperation between maintenance and production factors for the failure of TPM. There was no recognition, no
department. Quality of products and program cannot be reward, and a lack of trust from the maintenance department to
increased without the involvement of top management which the production regarding their ability to take the responsibility
involves operational barriers, including the lack of standard of small maintenance tasks. An efficient TPM program can
operating procedures, improper maintenance schedule, bad solve all the maintenance related problems. Many companies
working conditions and lack of performance measurement. achieved improvements in their business by using the TPM
Human and cultural barriers entail the lack of motivation, approach. The issues related to the maintenance which effect
recognition and empowerment. Technical barriers can be the improvements in organization and create barriers at the
handled by providing quality training for all employees. initial stage of TPM were recognized in [9]. It was observed Munir et al.: Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, 4818-4823 4820

that TPM implementation improved the system by increasing [12], industries were divided in three levels. The ones that
productivity and quality, and decreasing cost. TPM avoids the claim to have implemented TPM and carry the structure to
equipment related losses and continuously improves implement it, the ones that claim that they implemented TPM,
performance. When the performance of the equipment is but they have not the necessary structure, and the ones who
optimized, there will be fewer breakdowns and better employee have implemented it, but just to satisfy audits. Managers and
performance. TPM improves the relation between maintenance administration who do not understand the real philosophy of
and other departments of the manufacturing industry, which TPM are the main reasons for its failure. Audits show that they
improves the reliability and at the end OEE. have implemented everything positively but there is not actual
improvement in the process and OEE. There is a negative
There are many challenges which are raised at the initial attitude by companies including the decrease of budget for
stage of TPM implementation [10]. The performance TPM by considering it as waste of time, selection of
measurement system was divided into three stages. The first incompetent personnel, unscheduled maintenance, lack of
stage was the design to measure the performance, the second
commitment, etc. There are two types of maintenance. Time
was its implementation and the third its analysis by using based maintenance (TBM) and condition based maintenance
feedback. Without the full commitment of employees, no (CBM) [13]. CBM is more realistic than TBM but there is a
issues can be solved. OEE only cannot measure the need for improvement in CBM. The CBM uses the fact that the
performance and effects TPM because it measures the internal
99% of failures can be predicted by machine and equipment
factors and ignores external performance. To measure the condition.
performance improvement, both internal and external factors
should be considered. External factors include the satisfaction III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
of customers, on time delivery, after sales service and quality
of products. The maintenance performance measurement A questionnaire was designed with five possible answers
(MPM) model was devised which measured losses due to poor for each statement: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and
equipment performance. The health and safety system was also strongly disagree. The questionnaire was distributed among the
considered. The only support between the planning and people with different work positions, e.g. managers, assistant
execution of maintenance is the availability of spare parts, tools managers, supervisors, and workers in 3 different companies.
and manuals which increase performance. One of the most The questionnaire consisted of 27 questions which covered
important facets is the trained personnel. Unskilled personnel seven basic factors which cause the failure of TPM. The factors
act as a demotivating factor. It was observed that when the (strategically constraints, managerial constraints, departmental
problem in any maintenance system arises, the main issue is its constraints, financial constraints, social constraints, insufficient
reporting. There should be proper and planned structure for its training, and lack of workers’ commitment and lack of
reporting and how to solve it. MPM measures all the factors workers’ commitment) were given numbers from 1 to 7
and provides proper estimation for the maintenance part in respectively (Table I). The questionnaire was distributed in
business. The philosophy of TPM was used in timber three different companies labeled as Companies “A”, “B”, “C”.
companies in the initiation and implementation of the A total of 93 responses were returned, 9 responses from
maintenance of machines before breakdown occurs, by using managers, 26 from assistant managers, 18 from supervisors,
quality training and improvement of the process [11]. Problems and 39 responses from workers. They showed that the strategic
and complexities are found when one tries to change the culture issue is the most effective regarding the failure of TPM,
and employees’ involvement in the process. Management followed by departmental, insufficient training, managerial,
should adopt a participative way and should keep in mind that financial, and social and lack of workers commitment.
TPM will take long time to bring its benefits. Despite the
difficulties in implementing the program, this program is
necessary in the competitive market. All the departments Factor Number
including top management, maintenance, and production will Strategic constraints 1
have to participate and facilitate PM implementation. Managerial constraints 2
Participation of all personnel is a key factor in the Departmental constraints 3
Financial constraints 4
implementation of TPM. The commitment and involvement of Social constraints 5
workers is used to align the objectives of TPM with the Insufficient training 6
organizational objectives. For any type of improvements, there Lack of workers’ commitment 7
should be a search for all the areas which require improvement.
There should be a proper structured team which must be able to
find all those areas and they should actively participate to IV. RESULTS
identify the problems and their solutions. The employees In order to check the reliability of data, the Statistical
should be given responsibilities of their own interest. Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to ensure that
no falsification took place while filling the questionnaire,
When there is an implementation program in any company,
employing Cronbach’s alpha. If the significance value is less
researchers should observe the process and find the difference
than 0.05 then both factors have different means and their
between the academic and the actual process. Standard
effect on TPM is different. If their value is more than 0.05 then
operating procedures may be created, keeping in mind the
they have the same mean and their effect on failure of TPM is
ground realities. The main reason for failure of TPM is the lack
the same. Post hoc analysis was performed in SPSS. The value
of coordination between production and maintenance [12]. In Munir et al.: Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, 4818-4823 4821

for Company A, B, and C was found to be 0.713, 0.680, and the failure of TPM. The second factor on which all people
0.75 respectively. The overall value for Cronbach’s alpha was agree is the financial factor, with a value of 0.05. Moreover,
0.79 which shows that the data were reliable (Table II). The correlation defines the effect of one variable on another. Table
ANOVA technique was performed in mathematical software to V shows that the most effective relation is between the social
find the most effective factors that cause failure of TPM and issues and the lack of workers’ commitment, having a value of
the turkey test was performed. Table III shows the subsets. 0.616.
There are 3 subsets of factors and each subset has the same
mean value and the same effect on TPM. In Figure 1, we can TABLE III. POST HOC ANALYSIS IS SPSS
see that the strategic issue is the most effective in failure of Subset for alpha = 0.05
TPM. Factors N
1 2 3
1 94 1.78989362
6 94 2.12127660
Factors Mean 95% Confidence interval
2 94 2.20638298 2.20638298
difference Std. Error Sig. Lower Upper
I J 4 94 2.21276596 2.21276596
(I-J) bound bound
5 94 2.25177305 2.25177305
2 -0.416489362* 0.090305867 0.000 -0.68357675 -0.14940198
7 94 2.40070922
3 -0.308510638* 0.090305867 0.012 -0.57559802 -0.04142325
Sig. 1.000 0.617 0.324
4 -0.422872340* 0.090305867 0.000 -0.68995973 -0.15578495
1 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
5 -0.461879433* 0.090305867 0.000 -0.72896682 -0.19479205
6 -0.331382979* 0.090305867 0.005 -0.59847037 -0.06429559
7 -0.610815599* 0.090305867 0.000 -0.87790299 -0.34372821
1 0.416489362* 0.090305867 0.000 0.14940198 0.68357675
3 0.107978723 0.090305867 0.896 -0.15910866 0.37506611
4 -0.006382979 0.090305867 1.000 -0.27347037 0.26070441
5 -0.045390071 0.090305867 0.999 -0.31247746 0.22169732
6 0.085106383 0.090305867 0.965 -0.18198100 0.35219377
7 -0.194326238 0.090305867 0.324 -0.46141362 0.07276115
1 0.308510638* 0.090305867 0.012 0.04142325 0.57559802
2 -0.107978723 0.090305867 0.896 -0.37506611 0.15910866
4 -0.114361702 0.090305867 0.867 -0.38144909 0.15272568
5 -0.153368794 0.090305867 0.617 -0.42045618 0.11371859
6 -0.022872340 0.090305867 1.000 -0.28995973 0.24421505
7 -0.302304961* 0.090305867 0.015 -0.56939235 -0.03521757
1 0.422872340* 0.090305867 0.000 0.15578495 0.68995973 Fig. 1. Ordering of all factors
2 0.006382979 0.090305867 1.000 -0.26070441 0.27347037
3 0.114361702 0.090305867 0.867 -0.15272568 0.38144909 TABLE IV. COMPARISON BETWEEEN PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT
5 -0.039007092 0.090305867 1.000 -0.30609448 0.22808029
6 0.091489362 0.090305867 0.951 -0.17559802 0.35857675 Sum of Degree Mean
7 -0.187943259 0.090305867 0.365 -0.45503065 0.07914413 F Sig.
squares of square
1 0.461879433* 0.090305867 0.000 0.19479205 0.72896682 Between groups 4.456 3 1.485 7.703 0.000
2 0.045390071 0.090305867 0.999 -0.22169732 0.31247746 1 Within groups 17.162 89 0.193
3 0.153368794 0.090305867 0.617 -0.11371859 0.42045618 Total 21.618 92
4 0.039007092 0.090305867 1.000 -0.22808029 0.30609448 Between groups 12.634 3 4.211 35.079 0.000
6 0.130496454 0.090305867 0.777 -0.13659093 0.39758384 2 Within groups 10.685 89 0.120
7 -0.148936167 0.090305867 0.650 -0.41602355 0.11815122 Total 23.320 92
1 0.331382979* 0.090305867 0.005 0.06429559 0.59847037 Between groups 4.071 3 1.357 7.605 0.000
2 -0.085106383 0.090305867 0.965 -0.35219377 0.18198100 3 Within groups 15.881 89 0.178
3 0.022872340 0.090305867 1.000 -0.24421505 0.28995973 Total 19.952 92
4 -0.091489362 0.090305867 0.951 -0.35857675 0.17559802 Between groups 8.489 3 2.830 4.637 0.005
5 -0.130496454 0.090305867 0.777 -0.39758384 0.13659093 4 Within groups 54.307 89 0.610
7 -0.279432621* 0.090305867 0.033 -0.54652001 -0.01234523 Total 62.796 92
1 0.610815599* 0.090305867 0.000 0.34372821 0.87790299 Between groups 13.817 3 4.606 10.187 0.000
2 0.194326238 0.090305867 0.324 -0.07276115 0.46141362 5 Within groups 40.236 89 0.452
3 0.302304961* 0.090305867 0.015 0.03521757 0.56939235 Total 54.053 92
4 0.187943259 0.090305867 0.365 -0.07914413 0.45503065 Between groups 1.253 3 0.418 1.851 0.144
5 0.148936167 0.090305867 0.650 -0.11815122 0.41602355 6 Within groups 20.076 89 0.226
6 0.279432621* 0.090305867 0.033 0.01234523 0.54652001 Total 21.329 92
* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Between groups 8.836 3 2.945 7.519 0.000
7 Within groups 34.865 89 0.392
A comparison was made between the people of different Total 43.701 92
posts such as managers, assistant managers, supervisors and
workers. We see from Table IV that the significance value of It is a general perception that workers resist change.
insufficient training is greater than 0.05 so all people from all Worker unions resist change as they think that TPM will give
designations agree that insufficient training is a basic cause for more burdens to the workers so there is a strong correlation
between the workers and social issues, such as job security, Munir et al.: Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, 4818-4823 4822

difficulty in working, complicated working conditions, intricate the mindset of employees. The machine operators should be
processes, etc. Table V shows the strong relationship between empowered and they should do basic maintenance repairs. The
strategic and social issues. responsibilities of operators should include cleaning and small
maintenance tasks. Financial resources are key factors for the
TABLE V. CORRELATION ANALYSIS successful implementation of TPM. The benefits of TPM are
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
obtained after a long time, so top level management should be
P 1 0.549** 0.441** 0.255* 0.572** 0.152 0.421** patient. If the production department takes the responsibility of
1 S 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.145 0.000 simple maintenance tasks, then the maintenance team will find
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 more time to improve the system. Employees must be rewarded
P 0.549** 1 0.380** 0.467** 0.501** 0.202 0.418** for their good performance. TPM includes higher productivity,
2 S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.051 0.000 low cost, high quality of products, safety in all factory areas,
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 healthy relations between employees and their work. The
P 0.441** 0.380** 1 0.061 0.419** 0.035 0.296**
3 S 0.000 0.000 0.561 0.000 0.739 0.004
training for all employees should be provided at an initial stage.
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 New skills about TPM are an important part for its successful
P 0.255* 0.467** 0.061 1 0.361** 0.497** 0.391** implementation. Statistical techniques can boost up the process
4 S 0.013 0.000 0.561 0.000 0.000 0.000 towards success. TPM coordinators will provide training to
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 management and shop floor employees. Support for TPM
P 0.572** 0.501** 0.419** 0.361** 1 0.310** 0.616** coordinators from the top management (including financial
5 S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 resources and involvement in process) will guarantee their
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 success. A clear plan and strategy should be defined. An inside
P 0.152 0.202 0.035 0.497** 0.310** 1 0.202
0.145 0.051 0.739 0.000 0.002 0.051
analysis of the company should be conducted including
6 S
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 business details, financial condition, and strength. Weak areas
P 0.421** 0.418** 0.296** 0.391** 0.616** 0.202 1 should be analyzed preferably via this procedure rather than to
7 S 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.051 depend on external analysis of other companies. The first step
N 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 is to form a highly skilled team which should be highly
P: Pearson Correlation, S: Sig. (2-tailed) educated and would be responsible for the implementation of
TPM. In order to increase the involvement of employees, there
Strategically operators and supervisors should be should be a structured communication system between
empowered but there is a lack of trust between the upper management and employees. The most difficult step in TPM
management and supervisors and there is no proper two-way implementation is to bring change in workers’ mindset, as
communication between them, so we can conclude that due to employees usually resist change. They are hesitant to take the
social barriers, the strategy to implement TPM can fail. The responsibility but in the case of TPM, they play a vital role. By
correlation between strategic and managerial issues can be providing clear objectives and by empowering the employees
explained in that way for the implementation of TPM. Its value by providing incentives, they may take part in the growth of
is 0.549. There should be dedicated managers to implement company.
policies, strategies, and goals. In the absence of dedicated VI. CONCLUSION
managers, there will be a lack of strategy that will lead to
failure of TPM implementation in the company. Similarly, the TPM is an effective strategy for process improvement but
value of correlation between managerial and social issues is there are many constraints and barriers affecting its
0.501. If the management is effective, they will develop a implementation. The first constrain that affects the system is
strategy that will decrease social barriers. Moreover, they will the strategic constraint that plays the most important part in
work to form proper communication channels between workers TPM failure, because there are no proper goals, guidelines and
and higher management which will build mutual understanding strategies defined by the management for workers due to which
and trust between them. Another relationship exists between some workers get overloaded and some are not properly
the financial constraints and insufficient training. Its value is involved, which leads to resistance against TPM. The second
0.497. Due to financial constraints, proper education and constrain was the departmental constraint because the
training including information technology and experienced objectives of a department were not aligned with the objectives
work force are not available. of TPM e.g. the department demands 24-hour operational
machines to get maximum production without considering
V. DISCUSSION preventive maintenance and proper cleaning which are
TPM is a gradual and continuous improvement process essential parts of TPM. TPM demands proper structure and a
which involves all employees and departments and the entire team that is usually not provided by the department. The third
upper, middle and lower level management. Its main purpose is constraint is insufficient training, agreed upon by all
to increase machine productivity and administration efficiency. respondents. Management emphasizes on initial training but
Most organizations usually spend their resources in repairs of with the passage of time, they do not provide structured
machinery and after breakdowns. TPM focuses on pre- training, although TPM is a continuous process. Ground reality
scheduling maintenance and preventive measures to save time must be considered while providing training. The use of
and money. Top management is responsible to create favorable customized information technology in a proper way will boost
environment to implement TPM. They have to bring change in success. Managerial constraint refers to the lack of
communication between top management and employees. Top Munir et al.: Problems and Barriers Affecting Total Productive Maintenance Implementation
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 9, No. 5, 2019, 4818-4823 4823

management wants to get immediate benefits without

considering that TPM is a very long process, and it is
incumbent upon them to provide healthy working environment.
Financial constraints are another hurdle since the
organization’s top management is unsure about the Return On
Investment (ROI) and Cost-To-Benefit Ratio (CBR) in TPM
implementation. It is a widespread narrative that TPM will
exert financial burdens and the production quantity will be
affected. Last examined was the social constraint which is
caused by the authoritarian behavior of management, due to
which there is a gap between top management and workers. In
the future, research can be conducted regarding the economic
benefits of TPM and the related social impacts from worker’s,
management and organizational points of view.
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