Amercoat: Amerlock 400AL/AL WN
Amercoat: Amerlock 400AL/AL WN
Amercoat: Amerlock 400AL/AL WN
Amerlock 400AL/AL WN
High Solids Epoxy Coating
Product Data/
Application Instructions Physical Data
Finish ..................................... semi-gloss
• Amerlock 400AL is a surface tolerant maintenance coating Colour .................................... aluminium
which can be applied to mechanically cleaned surfaces
• Amerlock 400AL WN Wintergrade version can be applied at Components .......................... 2
temperatures down to 0°C
Mixing ratio (by volume)
• Gives performance superior to conventional coatings resin .................................... 1 part
when applied over mechanically cleaned surfaces cure ..................................... 1 part
• Contains special ingredients which wet the surface and
penetrate any traces of existing rust Curing mechanism ................ solvent release and chemical
• Can be applied over most existing coatings and can be reaction between components
topcoated with a wide range of topcoats
Volume solids
• High solids, VOC compliant 400AL ................................. 85% (ASTM-D2697 modified) *
• Compatible with prepared damp surfaces 400AL WN .......................... 79% (ASTM-D2697 modified) *
Typical Uses 400 AL
Amerlock 400AL is most often used in those areas where blasting EC SED 1999/13/EC ........... 157 g/kg (196 g/l)
is impractical or impossible. Uses include steel structures in UK PG6/23(92) Appendix 3 . 150 g/l (1.3 lbs/gal)
industrial facilities, bridges, tanks, marine weathering, oil tanks,
piping, roofs, water towers and other exposures subject to high VOC**
humidity and moisture. Amerlock 400AL has good resistance to 400AL WN
splash/spillage and fumes of acids, alkalies. solvents and fresh and EC SED 1999/13/EC ........... 197 g/kg (240 g/l)
salt water. Amerlock 400AL can be applied over damp substrates. UK PG6/23(92) Appendix 3 . 145 g/l (1.2 lbs/gal)
For immersion in potable and seawater, abrasive blasting to Sa 2½
is required. For cold climates a special wintergrade version, Dry film thickness .................. 125 µm per coat
Amerlock 400AL WN is available for use in temperature between 0-
20°C (32-68ºF) Number of coats .................... 1-2
Calculated coverage
Outstanding Characteristics 400AL ................................. 6.8 m²/l at 125 µm
Amerlock 400AL is a high performance coating, which can be 400AL WN .......................... 6.3 m²/l at 125 µm
applied to mechanically cleaned surfaces. Adhesion is excellent to
Allow for application losses, surface irregularities, etc.
a wide variety of substrates. Amerlock 400AL has excellent
application characteristics. It can be applied by brush, roller, Specific gravity
conventional and airless spray equipment. 400AL ................................. 1.31 kg/l (mixed product)
400AL WN .......................... 1.23 kg/l (mixed product)
Approvals and Certificates Flash points (Closed Cup) ..... 400AL 400AL WN
Amerlock 400AL may be used for the transport of grain, as certified
by the North of England Industrial Health Service. ºC ºF ºC ºF
Complies with COT 16.75 and CCOT 17.09 (specifications for resin .................................... 51 124 23 73
epoxy primer and sealer). cure ..................................... 24 75 43 109
Amercoat 9HF ..................... 26 79 26 79
Amercoat 12 ....................... 24 75 24 75
Drying Times
Application Equipment (in hours) ºC/ºF 5/41 10/50 20/68 30/86
The following equipment is listed as a guide and suitable dry to touch
equipment from other manufacturers may be used. 400AL NR 16 6 4
400AL WN 9 7 2 NR
Adjustments of pressure and change of tip size may be ‘X’ cure NR NR 16 6
needed to obtain the proper spray characteristics. dry through
AIRLESS SPRAY - Standard airless spray equipment, such 400AL NR 72 24 10
as Graco, DeVilbiss, Nordson-Bede, Spee-Flo or others 400AL WN 18 14 4 NR
having a fluid tip with a 0.48 mm (0.019 inch) orifice or ‘X’ cure NR NR 36 16
dry to recoat/topcoat
larger. 400AL NR 24 16 8
CONVENTIONAL SPRAY - Industrial equipment such as 400AL WN 24 16 8 NR
DeVilbiss MBC or JGA gun with 78 or 765 air cap and "E" ‘X’ cure NR NR 24 16
fluid tip and heavy mastic spring or Binks No. 18 or 62 with NR = Not Recommended
a 66 x 63 PB nozzle setup. Separate air and fluid pressure
Maximum recoat time*............... extemded
regulators and a mechanical pot agitator are recommended.
A moisture and oil trap in the main air supply line is * Amerlock 400AL/WN has an extended maximum overcoating time.
essential. Surfaces to be overcoated must be clean and dry. Any contamination
MIXER - Use power mixer powered by an air motor or an must be identified and adequately removed. Particular attention must be
paid to surfaces that have been exposed to heat and/or sunlight and
explosion proof electric motor. where chalking may be present. A degree of surface cleaning will be
BRUSH/ROLLER - Use clean, short bristled brush or required. Your PPG representative can advise on suitable cleaning
medium nap roller. Brush or roller application may result in methods.
a duller or less uniform aluminium colour. Application by
brush or roller will require at least 2 coats to achieve the NOTE: potlife and drying times are dependent on air and steel
temperature, applied film thickness, ventilation and other environmental
specified 125 µm dry film thickness. conditions. Times are proportionally shorter at higher temperature and
longer at lower temperatures. Prior to recoating/topcoating ensure the
surface is clean. Maximum recoating/topcoating time intervals are
Repair dependent on temperature, degree of weathering, type of topcoat, and
Spot blast or power tool clean bare substrate to the service conditions of the complete coating system. Consult your PPG
requirements shown under surface preparation. Feather representative for specific recommendations.
edges of intact coating. Remove dust, dirt and
Thinner ..................................... Amercoat 9HF
contamination before recoating.
Cleaner ..................................... Amercoat 12
Application Procedure
Amerlock 400AL is packaged in the proper mixing Shipping Data
proportions of resin and cure.
Packaging (400AL and 400AL WN) 20 l
Resin 10 l in 20 l can
resin ............................... 10 l in 20 l can
Cure 10 l in 10 l can
cure ................................ 10 l in 10 l can
1. Flush equipment with recommended cleaner before use. Shipping weight ................ 400AL 400AL WN
2. Stir each of the components prior to mixing to an even resin ............................... ± 13.9 kg 13.3 kg
consistency with a power mixer. cure ................................ ± 15.7 kg 14.5 kg
3. Add cure to resin, and continue stirring for 10 minutes.
NOTE: since the potlife is limited and shortened by high
temperatures, do not mix more material than will be Packaging (400AL and 400AL WN) 5 l
used within the potlife period. resin ............................... 2.5 l in 5 l can
4. For conventional spray, thin only as needed for cure ................................ 2.5 l in 2.5 l can
workability with no more than 10% of recommended
thinner. Thinning is normally not needed for airless Shipping weight ................ 400AL 400AL WN
spray. resin ............................... ± 3.6 kg 3.4 kg
NOTE: for Amerlock 400AL WN a maximum of 20 % cure ................................ ± 3.5 kg 3.3 kg
thinning is allowed when necessary for workability.
5. Stir during application to maintain uniformity of material.
Apply a wet coat by even, parallel passes. Overlap each
pass 50% to avoid bare areas, pinholes or holidays. Shelf life 1 year from shipment date when
6. Double coat all welds, rough spots, sharp edges and stored indoors in unopened, original containers at 5- 40°C
corners, rivets, bolts, etc. (41-104ºF)
7. Application at 150 µm of Amerlock 400AL wet film
thickness will normally provide 125 µm dry film. With
Amerlock 400AL WN a wet film thickness of 160 µm is
required to provide a dry film thickness of 125 µm.
Maximum dft per coat -when measured- should not
exceed 250 µm per coat.
8. Check thickness of dry coating with a non-destructive
dry film thickness gauge, such as Mikrotest or
Elcometer. If less than specified thickness, apply
additional material as needed.
9. Small damaged or bare areas and random pinholes or
holidays can be touched up by brush. Repair larger
areas by spray.
10. In confined areas ventilate with clean air during
application and drying until all solvents are removed.
Temperature and humidity of ventilating air must be
such that moisture condensation will not form on
11. Clean all equipment with recommended cleaner
immediately after use or at least at the end of each
working day or shift. When left in spray equipment,
Amerlock 400AL will cure and cause clogging.