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Zoning Regulations: Deals With The Uses of Land And/or Buildings

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ZONING REGULATIONS: The byelaws are generally uniform in character, covering the

 Deals with the uses of land and/or buildings entire city.

It is the corporation or the municipality which forms the
 Zoning is defined as the creation by law, of the
building byelaws as per the Corporation Act or Municipality
sections or zones such as residential, commercial,
industrial, recreational etc. in which the
regulations prevent the misuse of land and
These byelaws are generally passed by the corporation or
buildings and limit their height and densities of
municipal council and then finally approved by the
population in different zones.
government, which then becomes a regulation to be enforced
 Zoning is classified as: on all buildings, whether constructed by the government, local
 Use zoning bodies or private persons, agencies etc.
 Main principle is to divide city into
different sections or zones and utilize To unify the building regulations throughout the country, the
each of the zone for the right purpose Bureau of Indian Standards has published National Building
and in correct location w.r.t. others so Code (NBC)
as to avoid encroachment of one zone
upon another. It is a single document in which, like a network, the
information contained in various Indian Standards is woven
into a pattern of continuity and cogency with the
 Different use zones are:
interdependent requirements of sections carefully analyzed
 Residential and fitted in to make the whole document a clear continuous
 Commercial volume
 Civic
Due to increasing demand for plots for erection of houses,
 Institutional
factories and other structures, the owners of agricultural and
 Recreational vacant lands outside the built up areas of cities subdivide their
 Height zoning lands into plots and streets and sell them.
 Helps to control the height and volume Subdivision regulations give local authorities powers to
of the building. exercise control over this land subdivision.
 Density zoning In India, powers for control over land subdivision are available
under the Municipal Act.
 Helps to control density and thereby prevents over-
Subdivision regulations includes the details with regard to
crowding. road widths
minimum plot sizes
 While building by laws and rule division regulation payment of security deposit etc.
impose uniform standards over all parts in a The basic philosophy underlying subdivision control is that the
municipal area, the zoning law prescribes different owner of the land who subdivides it as house sites and streets
standards of development control for different should bear the responsibility for forming the streets in the
localities in a manner appropriate to them. prescribed manner and for setting apart the required public
 For instance the front set back for buildings sites for the community facilities.
could be more in a new developing suburb The local body should not incur expenditure in this regard
than with in the old build up area of the city. from its general funds. It should not be responsible for their
 The master plan may show an area for low maintenance.
destiny residential use while the zoning law
will allow shops or a school with in that area There is an obligation normally under the Municipal Act
and also specify appropriate standard for it. requiring that if any owner of land utilizes or sells sites for
At times zoning orders may be issued for a specific building, he should lay down streets giving access to the sites.
purpose e.g.: air port zoning where in the height of He is required to prepare a proper layout plan showing plots
structures and trees in the vicinity of air port may and streets to the local authority and obtain its approval
before he sells of plots.
be regulated. If the land in question falls within the limits of a planning
scheme notified under the Town Planning Act, then the
BUILDING BYELAWS: Municipal Council will take into consideration the scheme
 Regulate the construction aspects of building proposals and scheme bylaws while scrutinizing the layout
 The importance of enforcing building byelaws is application.
evident from the fact that unless prevented by law, It is also necessary that subdivision layout plan should be
the house owners will construct residences without within the broad framework laid down by the master plan with
necessary amenities and proper health conditions. regard to land use, density and road proposals.
 Their main focus will be on profit gained. Thus
affluent people will prey upon poor people in the
absence of byelaws.

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