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P E F C R Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) : September 22, 2016

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Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)


Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Version: 1.7
September 22, 2016

Participating Organizations:

Link to Wikipage: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=61835546

Contact person: Christophe Garnier, Schneider Electric
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 18 32 50
Mobile: +33 (0)6 75 65 71 02
Email: [email protected]
Address: 140 av Jean Kuntzman, 38334 Saint Ismier, France
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
2 General information about the PEFCR......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Technical Secretariat ............................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Consultation and stakeholders .............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Date of publication and expiration ......................................................................................... 6
2.4 Geographic region ................................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Language(s) of PEFCR ........................................................................................................ 6
2.6 Methodological inputs and compliance ................................................................................. 6
3 PEFCR review and background information ................................................................................ 7
3.1 PEFCR review panel ............................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Review requirements for the PEFCR document.................................................................... 7
3.3 Reasoning for development of PEFCR ................................................................................. 7
3.4 Conformance with the PEFCR Guidance .............................................................................. 7
4 PEFCR scope .............................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Unit of analysis ..................................................................................................................... 8
5 Representative product(s) ............................................................................................................ 9
5.1 Category of products covered ............................................................................................... 9
5.2 Product classification (NACE/CPA) ..................................................................................... 15
5.3 System boundaries – life-cycle stages and processes ........................................................ 15
5.4 Impact categories indicators ............................................................................................... 21
5.5 Additional environmental information .................................................................................. 22
5.6 Assumptions/limitations ...................................................................................................... 22
6 Resource use and emission profile ............................................................................................ 23
6.1 Screening step.................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Data Needs Matrix .............................................................................................................. 23
6.3 Data quality requirements ................................................................................................... 26
6.4 Requirements regarding foreground specific data collection ............................................... 28
6.5 Requirements regarding background generic data and data gaps ...................................... 28
6.6 Data gaps ........................................................................................................................... 28
6.7 Use stage ........................................................................................................................... 28
6.8 Use scenario....................................................................................................................... 28
6.9 Life Span ............................................................................................................................ 30
6.10 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 30

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

6.11 Transport scenarios ............................................................................................................ 31

6.12 End-of-life stage ................................................................................................................. 31
6.13 Requirements for multifunctional products and multiproduct processes allocation .............. 34
7 Benchmark and classes of environmental performance ............................................................. 34
8 Interpretation ............................................................................................................................. 34
The information in this section shall be a succinct understanding of the accuracy of the results to
determine if they meet the goal of the study. This can be accomplished by identifying the data inputs
with significant contribution to each impact category, evaluating the sensitivity of these significant
data, assessing the completeness & consistency of the data and study, and drawing conclusions and
recommendations based on a clear understanding of the conditions to conduct the LCA and the
influence in the results. ..................................................................................................................... 34
9 Reporting, Disclosure and Communication ................................................................................ 34
9.1 PEF external communication report .................................................................................... 35
9.2 PEF performance tracking report ........................................................................................ 35
9.3 PEF Declaration ................................................................................................................. 35
9.4 General information ............................................................................................................ 35
9.5 Constituent materials .......................................................................................................... 36
9.6 Additional environmental information .................................................................................. 36
9.7 Environmental impacts ....................................................................................................... 38
10 Reference literature ................................................................................................................ 38
11 Supporting information for the PEFCR ................................................................................... 39
11.1 Open stakeholder consultations .......................................................................................... 39
11.2 PEFCR Review Report ....................................................................................................... 39
11.3 Additional requirements in standards not covered in PEFCR .............................................. 39
11.4 Cases of deviations from the default approach ................................................................... 39
12 List of annexes ....................................................................................................................... 40
12.1 Annex I – Examples of UPS types ...................................................................................... 40
12.2 Annex II – Supporting studies ............................................................................................. 41
12.3 Annex III – Benchmark and classes of environmental performance .................................... 42
12.4 Annex IV – Upstream scenarios (optional) .......................................................................... 43
12.5 Report describing upstream scenarios and processes as a result of the 1st virtual
consultation. .................................................................................................................................. 43
12.6 Annex V – Downstream scenarios (optional) ...................................................................... 43
12.7 Report describing downstream scenarios and processes as a result of the 1st virtual
consultation. .................................................................................................................................. 43
12.8 Annex VI – Table 15 Normalisation factors ......................................................................... 43

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.9 Annex VII – Table 16 Weighting factors .............................................................................. 44

12.10 Annex VIII – Foreground data ......................................................................................... 45
12.11 Annex X – EOL formula application ................................................................................. 46
12.12 Annex XI – Background information on methodological choices taken during the
development of the PEFCR ........................................................................................................... 49
12.13 Annex XII – Data Quality Assessment Tool ..................................................................... 50
12.14 Annex XIII- Charts for reporting of the assessment results .............................................. 50
13.1 Intended application and target audience ........................................................................... 53

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

1 Introduction
The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Guide1 developed by the European Commission provides
detailed and comprehensive technical guidance on how to conduct a PEF study. PEF studies may be
used for a variety of purposes, including in-house management and participation in voluntary or
mandatory programmes.
This Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) shall be used in parallel with the PEF
Guide. Where the requirements in this PEFCR are in line with, but at the same time more specific
than those of the PEF Guide, such specific requirements shall be fulfilled.
The use of the present PEFCR is optional for in-house PEF studies; it is recommended for external
applications without comparison/comparative assertions, while it will be mandatory for external
applications with comparisons/comparative assertions after the PEF pilot phase.

2 General information about the PEFCR

2.1 Technical Secretariat
This PEFCR was developed by a consortium of several UPS manufacturers, an EPD program
operator specialized on electronic products and a LCA consultant within the EU EF pilot phase. The
following table presents the members of the Technical Secretariat of the project:
Logo Name Activity Website
Schneider Electric UPS manufacturer
EATON UPS manufacturer http://www.eaton.com
SOCOMEC UPS manufacturer http://www.socomec.com

Legrand UPS manufacturer http://www.legrand.com

European trade association

CEMEP of UPS manufacturers http://www.gimelec.org
represented by Gimelec
EPD programme operator of
PEP ecopassport http://www.pep-ecopassport.org
PEP ecopassport®

SGS LCA consultancy http://www.sgs.com

Table 1: Members of the Technical Secretariat

2.2 Consultation and stakeholders

The procedure for the development of a PEFCR according to the “Guidance for the implementation of
the EU PEF during the EF pilot phase” considers a number of steps that have been followed by this
Technical Secretariat, namely:
 Definition of PEF product category and scope of the PEFCR

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

 Definition of the product “model” based on representative product(s)

 PEF Screening
 PEFCR v.1.7
 PEFCR supporting studies
 Confirmation of the benchmark(s) and determination of performance classes
 Final PEFCR
A first physical consultation with stakeholders took place in February 2014 where the definition of
PEF product category, the scope of PEFCR and the definition of the representative product were
presented and commented.
The TS invited a wide range of stakeholders including SMEs, environmental organizations and
consumer associations. In total, close to 80 representatives registered as stakeholders.

11 Goverment
IT Sector

11 Recycler
Trade Associations
16 UPS Manufacturers
15 Verifiers

Figure 1: Stakeholder distribution

The document hereby constitutes the PEFCR, which is the deliverable required by the EU COM after
the completion of the PEF Screening step (including the critical review of the PEF screening report
and model by the European Commission and a neutral Review Panel).
This first PEFCR has been submitted to virtual consultation in April 2015 and this version includes the
amendments made further to the comments made by the stakeholders.

2.3 Date of publication and expiration

 Version number: PEFCR version 1.7
 Date of publication/revision: 09 022 2016
 Date of expiration: 4 years after the date of publication

2.4 Geographic region

The PEFCR is valid for Europe 28 and EFTA countries.

2.5 Language(s) of PEFCR

The present original is in English (GB). It supersedes translated versions in case of conflicts.

2.6 Methodological inputs and compliance

This first PEFCR has been prepared in conformance with:

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

 European Commission, 2014, Environmental Footprint Pilot Guidance document, - Guidance

for the implementation of the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) during the
Environmental Footprint (EF) pilot phase, v. 5.1, September 2015.
The Technical Secretariat identified an existing PCR that was developed and is currently used by
some members of the technical secretariat. The corresponding PCR is a reference document from
the PEP Ecopassport program. The PEP Ecopassport association is the program operator. The PCR
V3 was recently published. It is completed with specific rules for UPS. The documents can be
downloaded using the following link:
The analysis of those documents was carried out in order to check the similarities and differences
respect to the PEFCR Methodologies and recommendations. The conclusions of the analysis were
presented by the UPS PEF TS to the EF Steering committee, who approved them.
The relevant methodological inputs from these existing PCRs were considered during the screening
study and the preparation of this PEFCR.

3 PEFCR review and background information

3.1 PEFCR review panel
Name Contact information Affiliation
Other members
Other members

3.2 Review requirements for the PEFCR document

3.3 Reasoning for development of PEFCR

The current PEFCR aims at providing means to evaluate the environmental impacts of UPS
equipment used in the EU plus EFTA, applying a harmonised approach for any UPS manufacturer, in
order to have the possibility to compare results.
A large number of UPS manufacturers are already engaged in an EPD program named PEP
Ecopassport. An existing PCR was published in 2014 and the goal of this PEFCR is to align the
practices with the requirements of the PEF guide.

3.4 Conformance with the PEFCR Guidance

This first PEFCR has been prepared in conformance with the PEF Guide and the Guidance Products

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

4 PEFCR scope
4.1 Unit of analysis
Although there are different UPS sizes ranges only one unit of analysis was defined, as UPS
commonly share the function, application and technology. Based on the definition of the
representative product (see chapter 5) the unit of analysis was defined as follows:
To ensure the supply of power without interruption to equipment
with load of 100 watts for a period of 1 year,
including a backup time of 5 minutes during a power shortage.

This unit of analysis answers to the following questions:

 The function(s) / service(s) provided: “what”: a UPS to ensure power supply to an electrical
 The magnitude of the function or service: “how much”: supply 100 W to the equipment for 5
minutes. 5 minutes is the most frequent UPS backup time for small and large UPSs.
 The amount of service provided over the life time: “how long/ how often”: 1 year
 The expected level of quality: “how well”: without interruption
The reference flow is the amount of product that satisfies the intended function as quantified by the
functional unit.
In this screening study, the reference flow is defined as the “fraction of UPS” that is needed to fulfill
the functional unit. It is calculated by the following formula:

 PO = output power of UPS in watts
 L = life time of UPS in years
Formula 1: Calculation of the reference flow

How to use this unit of analysis

 Load: Divide the load of the studied UPS to have a 100 W load. For instance, for a 3 kVA
UPS, divide the impacts by 30.
 Lifespan: Divide the total impact of the product by the lifespan of the product in years to
reduce it to 1 year. For instance, for a product < 1.5 kVA, divide the results by 5. The
coefficients are given in Table 9.
 Backup time: The backup time is directly linked to the battery size. The only impacts that
need to be adjusted are the impacts of the battery. For instance, a 10 min backup time UPS,
the study shall consider the same UPS but with a battery configuration of 5 min. If such
product is not available and the amount of battery is unknown, an approximation using
Generic provided in this document must be done.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5 Representative product(s)
5.1 Category of products covered
The product category covered by this PEFCR is “Uninterruptible Power Supply” (UPS). The main use
of a UPS is to provide backup time in case of power failure.
There are UPSs for private and professional use in different size ranges (see chapter 3). Basically, all
types UPSs fulfill the same function and have the same components. In addition, they have the same
application. However, they vary, for example, in size, used topologies and life time. Annex I gives
some examples of different UPSs.
The following UPSs are excluded from the scope of this PEFCR:
 UPSs with no backup time
 Rotary UPSs
 UPSs for special application (e.g.):
o UPSs exposed to extreme temperatures, excessive dust, moisture, vibration,
flammable gasses, corrosive, or explosive atmospheres
o UPSs in vehicles, on board of ships or aircrafts, in tropical countries, or at elevations
higher than 1000m
o UPSs in electrometrical applications with the UPS located within 1.5m of the patient
o UPSs in systems classified as emergency power systems by an authority having

5.1.1 UPS definition

An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is a “combination of convertors, switches and energy
storage devices (such as batteries) constituting a power system for maintaining continuity of load
power in case of input power failure.”2 It acts as an interface between the power mains and the
sensitive applications. A UPS supplies the load with continuous, high quality electrical power
regardless the status of the mains.
Power distribution systems, both public and private, theoretically supply electrical equipment with a
sinusoidal voltage of fixed amplitude and frequency (e.g. 400Vrms, 50Hz on low voltage systems). In
real-life conditions however, utilities indicate the degree of fluctuation around the rated values.
Because digital equipment (computers, telecom systems, instruments, etc.) use microprocessors that
operate at frequencies of several mega or even gigahertz, i.e. they carry out millions or even billions
of operations per second, a disturbance in the electrical supply lasting just a few milliseconds can
affect thousands or millions of basic operations. This results for instance in malfunctions or loss of
data with dangerous (e.g. airports, hospitals) or costly consequences (e.g. loss of production).
UPS Technologies:
Most common UPS technologies are stand-by or backup UPSs, line interactive UPSs or online UPSs.
Even if the architecture of the UPSs may vary, the main function remains the same.

Definition from IEC 62040-3:2011.3.1.1

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.1.2 UPS size ranges

There are different UPS size ranges. They are defined based on the apparent output specified in kVA
or W. In this project the following four UPS sizes ranges from the ErP Lot 27 are used:
 UPSs below 1.5 kVA
 UPSs between 1.5 kVA and 5.0 kVA
 UPSs between 5.1 kVA and 10 kVA
 UPSs between 10.1 kVA and 200 kVA.3
There are also larger UPSs, i.e. bigger than 200 kVA, but in most cases they are made of several
smaller ones.

5.1.3 UPS components

UPSs generally contain the following components:
 transformers (if incorporated inside the UPS)
 electrolytic capacitors (if incorporated inside the UPS)
 semi-conductors: IGBT / THYRISTOR, etc.
 circuit boards
 housing
 fans and / or cooling systems
 switches
 relays
 breaker
 lead-acid battery, if included inside the UPS (In some specific cases, other types of batteries
are used.)
 wires

5.1.4 UPS topologies

Depending on the protection to apply and the characteristic (voltage or frequency or both) that is it
necessary to control, there are three different UPS topologies:
 At the stand by topology: voltage and frequency depends from the main, it is also the
maximum energy saving mode (VFD). The normal mode of operation consists on supplying
the load from the primary power source.
 The line interactive topology allows the voltage independence (VI), during the normal mode
of operation the load is supplied with conditioned AC input power at the input frequency.
 The double conversion topology provides the highest power conditioning (VFI), output
voltage and frequency are independent of input conditions.
The functioning of these topologies is shown in Annex II.
The topology has a high impact on the electricity consumption of the UPS. Typical UPSs´
architectures for different UPS sizes are given in Annex III.


Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Type Size Manufacturer Model Image

Back UPS Pro

Schneider Electric

Smart UPS

B2C 1 kVA – 10 kVA




Schneider Electric Symetra PX

50 kVA – Eaton 93 PM
200 kVA


This part introduces the representative products which have been defined to calculate the
environmental impacts of the batteries in each application.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.1.5 Representative product as basis of the PEF screening study

A PEF analysis has been run on the representative products of each application: the screening study.
The objective of the screening is to pre-identify the following key information: - Most relevant life cycle
stages; - Most relevant processes; - Preliminary indication about the most relevant life cycle impact
categories; - Data quality needs; - Preliminary indication about the definition of the benchmark for the
product category/subcategories in scope. For the screening study, one representative products have
been defined, this representative product is virtual.

5.1.6 Assumptions regarding the production of raw and basic materials

Assumptions in regard with the production of raw and basic materials are summarized in the table

Parameter Assumption Source

In the baseline scenario it is assumed that the EPS is blown with
Blowing technique of the
HFC-134a. As the production of HFC-134a has significant ozone conservative
EPS contained in the
depletion potential other EPS blowing techniques with HFC-152 and assumption
carbon dioxide are analysed in the sensitivity analysis.
Origin of raw and basic As far as available global market mixes were applied to take the
Expert judgment
materials global supply chain of electronics into account.


plastic film




LDPE 80% 15% 5% 0% 0% 0%

Processing of plastics
HDPE 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Industry + expert
contained in the BOM of
the UPSs PVC 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0%
ABS 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
PA6 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
PC 80% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0%
PMMA 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Epoxy 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
 50% of the powder coating is used for aluminium parts Industry + expert
Powder coating
 50% of the powder coating is used for steel parts assumptions
Loss of material during Industry + expert
A generic loss of 2% was assumed for all materials.
processing assumptions
Production region of Industry + expert
Global, mainly Asia
components assumptions

Table 2: Assumptions regarding the production of raw and basic materials

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.1.7 Assumptions regarding the production of the main product

Assumptions that were taken for the assembly phase are summarized in the following table:
Parameter Assumption Source
Assembly location for small UPSs (groups 1 – 3) Final assembly takes place in Asia. Industry sources
Assembly location for large UPSs (group 4) Final assembly takes place in Europe. Expert judgment

Table 3: Assumptions regarding the assembly of UPSs

5.1.8 Assumptions in the distribution phase

Assumptions with regard to the distribution phase are specified in the table below:
Parameter Source
< 1.5 kVA ≥1.5– 5 kVA ≥5.1– 10 kVA ≥10.1-200 kVA

Needed palette space

0.015625 0.057240411 0.377510332 1 Expert judgment
(p) for 1 UPS
Storage time (weeks) 2 2.5 3 4 Expert judgment
4 P.E.P. Association
Transport distance (km) 19,000 km by ship and 1,000 km by lorry 0
Vehicle class Lorry > 32t, EURO 4 Expert judgment
The average loading factors and number of empty runs
Loading factor and Spielmann et al.
included in the ecoinvent datasets were applied as no specific
empty runs (2007)
data for the UPSs were available.

Table 4: Assumptions regarding the UPS distribution

5.1.9 Assumptions in the use phase

The following assumptions were made for the use phase:
Parameter Source
< 1.5 kVA ≥1.5– 5 kVA ≥5.1– 10 kVA ≥10.1-200 kVA
Transport distance
20 500 500 500 Expert judgment
to the client (in km)
Means of Passenger
Van < 3.5 t Van < 3.5 t Lorry <16t Expert judgment
transportation car
Travel of a
Further needed May need some equipment to carry the
professional to
processes for the UPS and batteries from truck to final Expert judgment
install the UPS
installation destination.
of 500 pkm
Electricity ErP Lot 27 (2013), confirmed
consumption (in 377.7 1,929.4 3,120.75 42,839.69 with manufacturer-specific
kWh) information
ErP Lot 27 (2013), confirmed
Average power
0.54 2.87 6.25 94.5 with manufacturer-specific
output (in kVA)
Life time (in a) 5 8 10 15 P.E.P. Association (2014)
Table 5: Assumptions regarding the installation phase

Large UPSs are assembled in Europe for the European market. They are produced just in time, so that the UPSs are only
transported to the client (this transport is included in the use phase).

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Further, for the maintenance of the UPSs within in the use phase the following assumptions were
defined, the table below described the number of components that will have to be replaced during the
life of the product.

Typical lifetime Components replaced during the use phase

UPS size
in years Capacitor Fan Power supply Battery
< 1.5 kVA 5 No maintenance
≥ 1.5 kVA – 5 kVA 8 1 1 1 1
≥ 5.1 kVA – 10 kVA 10 1 2 1 1
≥ 10.1 kVA – 200 kVA 15 2 3 2 2

Table 6: Assumed maintenance frequencies - Source: P.E.P. Association (2014)

5.1.10 Assumptions in the end of life phase

Assumptions with respect to the end of life phase are listed in the table below:

Parameter Assumption Source

EoL treatment per fraction (in %)






EoL treatment of Re-use 1 1 1 0 0 1 EUROSTAT

packaging waste (2013)
Material recycling 25 94 94 68 68 36
Recovery 34 0 0 14 14 10
0 0 0 13 13 48
without recovery
Landfill 40 5 5 5 5 5
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
UPS component Treatment
Entire UPS is 100% sent to WEEE compliant treatment Assumption
Metal parts are melted
PWBs including ICs,
are melted
diodes, ports, etc.
EoL treatment of UPSs are dismantled manually and separated in Interview with
metal parts, plastic parts German
are shredded mechanically and separated recycling
Power supply unit
in metal parts, plastic parts and PWBs company
Plastic parts are shredded, sorted, and sold
Battery specific treatment
LCD module specific treatment
Table 7: Assumptions regarding the EoL phase

The representative product PEF results can be used to benchmark products having the same
boundaries, same use phase and EoL scenarios, and similar assumptions for the background data
(such as raw materials datasets, OEM components datasets, etc.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.2 Product classification (NACE/CPA)

Based on the product category, provide the corresponding Classification of Products by Activity
(CPA) (minimum two-digit, based on the latest CPA list version available). Where multiple production
routes for similar products are defined using alternative CPAs, the PEFCR shall accommodate all
such CPAs. Identify the sub-categories not covered by the CPA, if any
The Eurostat guidance indicates that the manufacture of UPS is covered by Prodcom class 27.90. A
review of the codes for this class indicates there is no specific code associated with UPSs. The most
potentially appropriate code, which covers electrical machines and apparatus, having individual
functions is:
 Machines with translation or dictionary functions, aerial amplifiers and other
electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, not specified or included
elsewhere in HS 852 (excluding sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment)
In addition, a review of other Prodcom codes suggests that UPSs could also potentially be covered by
the following code:
 Power supply units for telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing
machines and units thereof
These definitions are very broad and will include products other than UPSs.

5.3 System boundaries – life-cycle stages and processes

As described in the PEF Guide, all processes and activities to be considered in the Resource Use
and Emissions Profile shall be included in the screening step. Any exclusion of supply-chain stages
will be explicitly justified and their influence on the final results will be discussed.
The system boundary is defined based on the cradle-to-grave principle. It includes all life cycle stages
of the UPS from raw material extraction through processing, production, distribution, storage, to use
and end of life treatment.
The raw material acquisition and pre-processing phase includes all processes needed for the
provision of, for example, plastic granulates, metals casts, or printable paper, including mining
processes, transports and processing. A global production mix was assumed as the production
location for raw and basic materials, if available in the LCA database, the further processing of the
raw and basic materials, as for instance, the bending of steel, the injection moulding of plastic
granulates, or the production of electronic components is also covered in the life cycle phase. 5 The
process location of these processes is Asia and Europe.
The production of the main product covers the final assembly of the UPSs. While the assembly of
the small UPSs (≤ 10 kVA) takes places in Asia; the assembly of the large UPSs for the European
market takes place in Europe.
In the distribution phase the small UPSs are transported to a retail store, the large UPSs are
transported directly to the clients in Europe.
The use phase includes the installation of the UPSs, the use as well as the maintenance of the
UPSs. For small UPSs no specific processes are necessary for the installation – the UPS is
unpacked and plugged (plug-and-play). Large UPSs are installed by an expert, so that the travelling
of the professional to the location of use is included in the product system. The use covers the
electricity consumption of the plugged UPSs and their maintenance. That is the production and
mounting of spare parts as well as disposal of replaced components. As the use phase takes place in
the EU an average European electricity mix was used based on data available in the LCA database.

Due to loops in the ecoinvent LCA database it was not always possible to group the processes in the product
systems. Based on the origin of the main environmental impacts the processes were either considered
in the group “production of raw and basic materials” or “production of UPS and packaging components”.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

The disposal of the packaging waste is also included in this life cycle stage. An average end of life
scenario for EU 27 was defined based on statistics from EUROSTAT6.
The end of life phase comprises the collection, sorting, transportation and treatment of the wasted
UPSs, the metal parts of the UPSs are melted and the plastic parts of the UPSs are shredded.
Printed Wiring Boards (PWBs) with mounted Integrated Circuits (ICs), diodes, capacitors, etc. are
also melted as a whole. Some UPS components, as for example the Power Supply Unit (PSU) or
fans, are shredded or manually dismantled and metal parts, plastic parts and PWBs are separated.
All processes in the product system were divided into foreground and background processes.
Foreground processes are core processes in the product life cycle for which direct data access is
available; background processes are those processes in the life cycle for which no direct access to
information is possible. Due to the composition of the TS of the UPS pilot only the assembly of the
UPSs is defined as foreground process, the UPS manufacturers do not produce the UPS components
but purchase all parts and only final assembly is done by the manufacturers.

5.3.1 System diagram

Provide a system diagram clearly indicating the processes that are included in the product system.
Provide a second diagram indicating the organizational boundary, to highlight those activities under
the control of the organization, indicate with more detail the processes that are on the interface of the
investigated product system (processes that are included) and other product systems (excluded
processes) or the environment
Figure 1: Stakeholder distribution provides a global system boundary diagram. For a clearer view not
all flows, materials and processes are illustrated, as for instance waste flows not directly linked to the
UPSs or the packaging of the UPSs and transport processes.

Metals Raw material acquisition

and pre-processing Use and maintenance Use phase

Copper wire Production of the main

product Material recycling End of Life phase

Retail Distribution phase


Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Figure 2: Stakeholder distribution

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.3.2 System boundaries - upstream processes/scenarios

The manufacturing of UPS consists of the assembly of parts and components usually sourced from
suppliers. UPS manufacturers control the design and the assembly of the equipment. Upstream
processes consist of the production of the raw material constituting the parts and components and the
manufacturing of these parts and components. The parts and components are then shipped to the
assembly location of the manufacturer.
The following diagram gives an overview of the organisation of the UPS supply chain:

Figure 3: Overview of the supply chain of a UPS

The supply chain of electrical and electronic equipment such as UPS can involve several hundreds of
suppliers and manufacturing locations (all tiers included). Some intermediate brokers of materials and
components are usually involved. This multi stakeholders’ chain reduces the likelihood of obtaining a
complete mapping of the full supply chain. Usually the UPS manufacturers don’t have any control on
the operations of the suppliers, making the supply chain of each component included in a UPS very
complex. If the company applying the PEFCR does not run a process and has no possibility to obtain
(company) specific data for a process, then the manufacturer shall use PEF complaint/approved
secondary data sources. Manufacturers shall list the activity data to be declared and the level of
influence for each process in its supply chain. Use supply-chain specific PEF compliant datasets for
electricity-mix and transport for sub-processes.
Figure 3 gives an example of the supply chain of a semiconductor used in a logic circuit board of a
UPS. This graphic shows that only one component has multiple processes and components, adding
to the complexity of the UPS’s supply chain.
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Figure 4: Overview of the supply chain of one component in composition of the UPS

The major upstream processes are listed below:

Raw material production phase
The raw material production phase includes the following processes:
 Production (extraction, treatment, transformation, etc.) and transportation of raw materials
 Manufacturing of parts (plastics, metals, packaging, etc.), electrical and electronic sub-
assemblies (electronic boards, batteries,…) and utilities (electricity, detergents, etc.)
Manufacturing phase
The manufacturing phase includes the following processes:
 Production of components, sub-assemblies and utilities (heat, compressed air, etc.)
 Reuse of sub-assemblies from end of life UPSs
 Transport of components and sub-assemblies from the supplier's place of manufacturing to
assembly site(s) on the producer's premises
 Manufacturing of the packaging
 Assembling of the UPS
 Transporting of the UPS from the assembly site to the producer's last logistic platform

5.3.3 System boundaries - downstream processes/scenarios

Distribution phase
The distribution phase includes the following processes:
 Transporting of UPS from the producer's logistic platform to the distributor or retailer
 Storage of the UPS
 Retail
 Transporting of the UPS from the distributor's site or retailer to the place of use

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Installation phase
The installation phase includes the following processes:
 Installation of the UPS
 Use of a crane for large UPSs
 Presence of a professional for the installation of large UPSs
Use phase
The use phase of the UPS takes into account the operation of the product under normal conditions of
use as well as the maintenance of the product as well as a reuse phase. The following processes are
included in the use phase:
 Use of the UPS (electricity production and distribution)
 Reuse of the UPS (de-installation, transport to second user, second installation, reuse)
 Maintenance of the UPS during the entire life time (production and transport of spare parts
and elements required for operating, servicing and maintaining the product, as specified by
the manufacturer and not supplied with the product)
End of life
The end of life phase comprises the following processes:
 Transport from the user or reuser to the recycling and waste treatment facility
 Waste treatment (recycling, incineration, landfilling, etc.)
The minimum company-specific information to be collected by manufacturers includes:
 The energy consumed in the assembly of the UPS
 Transport of the final product to the distribution port or storage
 Product specific information (materials and manufacturing processes).
The most relevant processes shall cover the stages and information described in the table below.

Life cycle stage Relevant processesData collected

 Data of the materials of the components

Raw material and  International transport from production to Assembly plant
manufacturing Manufacturing loss for materials of at least largest mechanical
components by weight

Assembly of final UPS  Energy consumed in the assembly of the UPS

Intracontinental transport of final UPS to storage or distribution

Use + maintenance Energy at the consumer and replacement parts
Transport of decommissioned UPS to recycling facility
End of Life
Treatment of waste at recycling centers

Additional important processes shall include:

 Transport of manufacturing loss to treatment facilities
 Treatment of waste at recycling centers
 Transport of technician delivering or installing the UPS (add this process to distribution)
 Replacement parts transport and disposal treatment

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

5.4 Impact categories indicators

This section shall document the impact assessment method and tool used to run the assessment.
The assessment method shall be selected based on the levels of classification from the ILCD
 Classification of the methods performed in the ILCD Handbook “Recommendations for Life
Cycle Impact Assessment in the European context”, JRC, 2011 The recommended characterization
models and associated characterization factors are classified into three levels according to their

Level I recommended and satisfactory

Level II Recommended, but in need of some improvements
Level III recommended, but to be applied with caution

The impact indicators can be reported in two groups, mandatory and optional. The required indicators
are based on characterization of the results of supporting studies that show the dominant impacts are
Climate Change, Ozone Depletion and Water Depletion.

Mandatory impact categories Unit

Climate change kg CO2 eq

Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq
Water depletion m water eq

Table 8: List of required impact categories

Optional ILCD Impact Category Unit

Human toxicity, cancer effects CTUh

Human toxicity, non-cancer effects CTUh
Particulate matter/Respiratory
kg PM2.5 eq.
Ionizing radiation, human health kBq U235 eq. (to air)
Photochemical ozone formation,
kg NMVOC eq.
human health
Acidification mol H+ eq.
Eutrophication terrestrial mol N eq.
Eutrophication freshwater kg P eq.
Eutrophication marine kg N eq.
Land use kg C deficit
Ecotoxicity freshwater CTUe
Resource depletion, mineral, fossils
kg Sb eq.
and renewables

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Normalization of the results is optional if the tools allow this step. If the results are normalized the
mandatory indicators are the three listed below. In addition, the optional indicators of the table above
can be reported.
 Human toxicity - carcinogenic effect
 Freshwater eutrophication
 Resource depletion- mineral, fossil

5.5 Additional environmental information

In addition to the calculation of the environmental footprint, it is recommended to include the following
information about the product:
 Calculation of the recyclability of the equipment using the IEC TR 62635:2012 “Guidelines for
end-of-life information provided by manufacturers and recyclers and for recyclability rate calculation of
electrical and electronic equipment

5.6 Assumptions/limitations
Availability of reliable data sets
Main limitation of the study is associated with the low availability of relevant data for electronic
components and batteries in common databases like ELCD or Ecoinvent. Manufacturers will not be
able to collect specific data for the production of these components; therefore the quality of the PEF
will be a function of the availability of reliable inventories in LCA databases.
In order to overcome this limitation, it is recommended to use databases containing a more complete
set of data for the production of electronic components such as the Gabi database, the EIME
database or private data such as the SGS database.
This PEFCR includes a list of datasets that shall be used to model the product. The list includes
primary and secondary modules from different sources (see Annex VIII). The list will enable the
benchmark with the reference studies and increase the robustness of the life cycle assessment.
End of life formula
The EOL WG recommends a simplified end of life approach given the complexity of the composition
of a UPS and the availability of end of life data. It is recommended to collect the following information
that is readily available to manufcaturers:
The inputs and outputs associated with the following aspects shall be included in the end-of-life
1. Required transportation to collect the end-of-life product and transport it from the installation
site to the final treatment site.
2. Treatment processes (landfilling or incineration without waste-to-energy recovery), including
depollution treatment of items (for example items covered by WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU) to
be sent to special end-of-life product treatment centers, up to final treatment.
System expansion is not allowed at end-of-life stage (i.e. environmental benefits from energy
recovering and recycling are excluded).
NOTE: The end-of-life of the product under study therefore corresponds to a disposal and/or storage
process in the case of waste recovery.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

6 Resource use and emission profile

6.1 Screening step
A robust assessment shall have as much primary data that reflects the company operations and
production of the product. The PEFCR indicates when primary data is mandatory and when
secondary data can be used. The use of secondary data has been harmonized by providing amounts
to be used for the assessment. These amounts are based on industry data. For the context of this
PEFCR primary and secondary data are defined as follows:

Primary data refers to specific processes within the supply chain of the company. Such
data may take the form of activity data or direct elementary flows collected by the
manufacturers via meter readings, direct monitoring, engineering models, or other
Primary data methods to obtain site specific information. For instance the amount and type of metal
contained in a UPS.
Secondary data refers to non-process specific data within the supply chain of the
company. These data are not directly measured, estimated, monitored from the supply
chain but sourced from industry averages from commonly used LCA databases, LCA
studies, articles and industry associations. In this particular case PEFCR provides product
Generic data category data for typical activities of the industry to cover data gaps. For example the
transport values in the PEFCR and datasets (see section 6.6)

6.2 Data Needs Matrix

Availability of data depends in many cases on the situation of the manufacturing of the product. There
are instances in which data is not at all available to a manufacturer because parts are sourced from
suppliers. To identify when data may not be available, the data needs matrix (Table 4) from the PEF
Guideline v 5.1, shall be used to identify the level of data collection possible, the limitations and when
secondary data sources can be used. All limitations and assumption shall be listed in the final report.

 Situation 1: the process is run by the company applying the PEFCR v 1.7
 Situation 2: the process is not run by the company applying the PEFCR but it is possible to
have access to (company-) specific information.
 Situation 3: the process is not run by the company applying the PEFCR and this company has
no possibility to have access to company- specific information.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Table 4 Data needs matrix

Most relevant process Other process
Provide company-specific data (as Provide company-specific data (as

Option 1
Situation 1: process

applying the PEFCR

run by the company

requested in the PEFCR) and create a requested in the PEFCR) and create a
company specific dataset partially company specific dataset partially
disaggregated at least at level 1 (DQR disaggregated at least at level 1 (DQR ≤1.6).

Use default secondary dataset, in


aggregated form (DQR ≤3.0)

Provide company-specific data (as

Option 1
Situation 2: process not run by

(company-)specific information

requested in the PEFCR) and create a

PEFCR but with access to
the company applying the

company specific dataset partially

disaggregated at least at level 1 (DQR
Starting from the default secondary
dataset provided in the PEFCR, use
company-specific activity data for
Option 2

transport (distance), and substitute the

sub-processes used for electricity mix and
transport with supply-chain specific PEF Use default secondary dataset, in
compliant datasets. The newly created aggregated form (DQR ≤4.0)
dataset shall have a DQR ≤3.0.
Situation 3: process

company applying

without access to
the PEFCR and
not run by the

Option 1

Use default secondary dataset, in

aggregated form (DQR ≤3.0)

After identifying the data level situation, use the table below to guide your selection of data sets,
whether primary or genric/secondary by life cycle stage and process. the The table below is a tool
intended for the classification and qualification of primary and secondary data. This table shall be
used to classify the data as primary or generic. In Annex IX, Background datasets, this PEFCR
provides guidance on values and datasets to be used for the secondary/generic data (blue cell in
table 4).

7 The underlying sub-processes shall be based on PEF-compliant secondary datasets.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Material/Component Manufacturing Process Transportation

Life Cycle Stage Process Quantit Data Quantit Data Data Justification/Comment
Type Type Quantity Type
y source y source source
Productions of raw &
Included in subsequent stages
basic materials
Production of primary Material in Does not contribute significantly
Primary Primary Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic
packaging composition to the impacts.
Production of second. & Does not contribute significantly
Excluded from the score
tertiary packaging to the impacts.
Production of materials Material in Contributes significantly to the
Primary Primary Generic Primary Primary Generic Generic Primary Generic
used in UPS composition impacts.
Printed Circuit Boards Primary Primary Generic Primary Primary Generic Generic Primary Generic
Semiconductors Primary Primary Generic Included in component Included in component Contributes significantly to the
Production of
Batteries Primary Primary Generic Included in component Included in component impacts. Not possible to collect
Cables Primary Primary Generic Included in component Included in component specific data.
Other Primary Primary Generic Included in component Included in component
UPS assembly & Does not contribute significantly
Primary Primary Generic Primary Primary Generic
customization to the impacts.
Transport to Does not contribute significantly
Production of UPS Primary Primary Generic
distribution center to the impacts.
Storage at distribution Does not contribute significantly
Excluded from the scope
center to the impacts.
Transport to point of Does not contribute significantly
Generic Primary Generic
sale to the impacts.
Product Distribution
Does not contribute significantly
Consumer transport Generic Generic Generic
to the impacts.
Installation Only relevant for UPS > 5 kVA
Installation of UPS Primary Primary Generic Generic Primary Generic Primary Primary Generic
(Only for large UPSs) Only relevant for UPS > 5 kVA
Installation processes Generic Primary Generic Generic Primary Generic
Contributes significantly to the
Electricity Primary Primary * Generic
Use of UPS Market life span to use as default
Life span Generic Primary Generic
Replacement parts Primary Primary Generic Primary Primary Generic Only relevant for large UPSs
Transport (waste Does not contribute significantly
Generic Generic Generic
End of Life of the collection) to the impacts. Not possible to
product Waste treatment collect specific data.
Generic Generic Generic
(landfill. etc.)
* i.e. Region of electricity production
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

6.3 Data quality requirements

Data quality assessment of datasets can be performed preferably on all data (materials and
processes) when information of Table 9: Data quality requirements (PEF Guide), table on next page,
If the information is not available for all data, the assessment shall include at least the material and
processes that the information on the six criteria is available.
When selecting datasets for the life cycle assessment it is important to keep in mind that data older
than 10 years will provide poor data quality rating because data may be outdated, not cover the
relevant impact indicators, or have significant technological differences compared to most recent
data. Based on the Data quality requirements of Table 5, a complementary excel tool for this PEFCR
was developed to facilitate rating of data sets (Annex XII and find the Quality Data Rating excel tool in
the Wiki page).
The table organizes the processes and material based on life cycle phases and score the data based
on the DQR of the PEF method Table 3, page 33. Processes shall only be rated once even if present
multiple times in different life cycle stages. Materials assessed shall at least cover 95% of the weight
of the product. Processes shall include manufacturing, distribution, electricity and disposal. After
scoring each criteria based on the information in the software or database, the table in the Annex
tabulates the results and generates the single score to be reported in this section. In particular, three
parameters shall be adapted by the applicant: time representativeness, technological
representativeness and geographical representativeness. All the other parameters in the DQR
formula shall remain as quantified in the original data set.
The semi-quantitative assessment of the overall data quality of the dataset is calculated
summing up the achieved quality rating for each of the quality criteria and dividing by the total
number of criteria. The Data Quality Rating (DQR) goes from1 to 5 with 1 being the best
quality. The semi-quantitative assessment of the overall data quality of the dataset requires
the evaluation (and provision as metadata) of each single quality indicator. This evaluation
shall be done according to formula of the PEF method [1]:

TiR  TeR  GR  C  P
DQR  [1]

• DQR : Data Quality Rating of the dataset

• TeR: Technological Representativeness
• GR: Geographical Representativeness
• TiR: Time-related Representativeness
• C: Completeness;
• P: Precision/uncertainty;
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Complete Technology Geographical Precision/
Quality level representa-
-ness representativeness representativeness uncertainty
< 3 year- data from technology
Very good 1 > 90% data from area under study ≤ 10%
old data under study
data from average
technology-mix of the average data from a larger
> 80 – 3 – 5 year-
Good 2 country in which the area in which the area 10 – 20%
90% old data
applied technology is under study is included
data from average
5 – 10 technology-mix of the data from area with similar
> 70 –
Fair 3 year-old region or typical environmental legislation 20 – 30%
data technology applied in and production conditions
the region
data from area with
10 – 15
> 50 – average technology different environmental
Poor 4 year-old 30 – 50%
70% for similar products legislation and production
data from area with very
≥ 15 year- different environmental
Very poor 5 < 50 % other technology > 50%
old data legislation and production

Table 9: Data quality requirements (PEF Guide)

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

6.4 Requirements regarding foreground specific data collection

Foreground data refers to the information from the activities happening at the manufacturing sites
owned by the manufacturer where parts for the UPS are produced plus the final assembly sites
controlled by the company. The assembly phase accounts for a small portion of the overall impact
categories. However, as it is common within UPS manufacturers it can be the only foreground
process. Therefore, electricity consumed at the assembly location shall be reported and added to the
electricity of manufacturing. The electricity can be allocated by weight.

6.5 Requirements regarding background generic data and data gaps

Background data shall cover processes and activities not controlled by manufacturers. These data
include raw materials extraction, processing and manufacturing of the components supplied to the
final assembly company. In addition, transport of components to the final assembly site, transport of
technician to the user location and transport of the product to the recycling facility. Other activities
covered under background data are the end of life treatment for generic material in the product
(metals, plastic, inert, electronics and packaging).

6.6 Data gaps

This PEFCR provides a list of preferred secondary datasets for processes when no primary data is
available. The chosen set shall follow the format of the table below. However, the choice of
geographical location can vary according to the company situation. If there are additional data gaps
for processes or materials that are not in the table below it is expected that manufacturers consult
other sources of information to fill data gaps with industry averages, data from literature, other
sources. Secondary datasets for the modelling shall be chosen from the tables in Annex IX.

6.7 Use stage

PEF Guidelines for the Use Phase
Analyse and declare separately the use phase following the instruction in this section.

Is the use stage process…? Actions taken by the TS:

(ii) Product (iii) Most Use stage
processes Modelling Reporting
dependent? relevant?
Modelled as main function
Electricity at approach. In the PEF
Yes Yes
consumer Default data provided (total report
energy use).

6.8 Use scenario

6.8.1 Operating profiles

The electricity consumption of a UPS is related to its load. To calculate the total electricity
consumption of a UPS, it is required to know:
 The energy efficiency of the product at different load. These values are specific for each
 The typical usage profile of a UPS is shown in the table below:
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Proportion of time spent in each load

UPS size Topology
25% 50% 75% 100%
< 1.5 kVA VFD 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30
1.5 kVA – 5.0 kVA VI or VFI 0.00 0.30 0.40 0.30
5.1 kVA – 10 kVA VFD, VI or VFI 0.00 0.30 0.40 0.30
10.1 kVA – 200 kVA VFD, VI or VFI 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.00
Table 10: Operating profiles for different UPSs
Source: Energy STAR® Program Requirements, Criteria Version 1.0

How to read the table: A UPS below 1.5 kVA is working 20% (0.2 in the table) of its time at 25%
load, 20% of its time at 50% load, 30% of its time at 75% load and 30% of its time at 100% load.

6.8.2 Calculation of electricity consumption

As presented in chapter 0 numeral 5, UPSs can use different topologies. Some UPSs just have one
operating mode (single mode) and some more sophisticated UPSs can have several operating
modes and are able to switch between them during usage. The operating mode influences the
electricity consumption of the UPS considerably. How to calculate the energy efficiency is explained
in the following sub-chapters:

6.8.3 Energy efficiency calculation in case of a single mode UPS

To calculate the average efficiency of a UPS take the operating profile from Table 10: Operating
profiles for different UPSs and the specific energy efficiency at these different loads (values are
different for each UPS and each manufacturer). Then calculate the energy consumption using
Equation 1:

average efficiency = [t] 25% xEff 25% + [t] 50% xEff 50% + [t] 75% xEff 75% + [t] 100% xEff 100%

Equation 1: Calculation of energy efficiency for a single mode UPS

 [t]25% is the amount of time the UPS is running at 25% load as indicated in Equation 1:
Calculation of energy efficiency for a single mode UPS
 xEff25% is the energy efficiency of the UPS at 25% load. Only the manufacturer knows this value.
If the equation 1 is entered in Table 11: Calculation of electricity consumption in single mode , it gives
the following table:

UPS size Topology Equation 1 (average efficiency)

< 1.5 kVA VFD 0,2xEff 25% +0,2xEff 50% +0,3xEff 75% +0,3xEff 100%

1.5 kVA – 5.0 kVA VI or VFI 0,3xEff 50% +0,4xEff 75% +0,3xEff 100%

5.1 kVA – 10 kVA VFD, VI or VFI 0,3xEff 50% +0,4xEff 75% +0,3xEff 100%

10.1 kVA – 200 kVA VFD, VI or VFI 0,25xEff 25% +0,5xEff 50% +0,25xEff 75%

Table 11: Calculation of electricity consumption in single mode

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

6.8.4 Energy efficiency calculation in case of a multimode UPS

Calculate the average efficiency according to equation 1 for both modes, then apply Equation 2:

average efficiency = 0,75xEff1 + 0,25xEff2

Equation 2: Calculation of energy efficiency for a multimode UPS

 Eff1 is the average loading-adjusted efficiency in the lowest input dependency mode (i.e. VFI or VI),
as calculated per Equation 1.
 Eff2 is the average loading-adjusted efficiency in the highest input dependency mode (i.e. VFD), as
calculated per Equation 1.

6.9 Life Span

The life span of the UPS shall be defined based on the power output of the UPS as established in
Table 12.

UPS size
in years
< 1.5 kVA 5
1.5 kVA – 5.0 kVA 8
5.1 kVA – 10 kVA 10
10.1 kVA – 200 kVA 15
Table 12: Typical lifetimes of different UPSs
Source: UPS PCR from PEP ecopassport

6.10 Maintenance
The use stage includes all activities and products that are needed for a proper use of the product
during its lifetime. Manufacturing, distribution and waste of materials needed for maintenance, repair
or refurbishment (e.g. spare parts needed to repair the product, the coolant production and waste
management due to losses). The waste of the product in use (e.g., food waste, packaging, or the
product left at its end of use) is excluded from the use stage and is part of the end of life stage of the
Some UPSs may require to be maintained to reach the expected lifetime. A non-exhaustive list of
typical UPS components to be maintained is:
 Electrolytic capacitors
 Fans
 Batteries if incorporated in the UPS
The amount of each component needed during the lifetime of the UPS has to be taken into account in
the life cycle assessment, as defined in the following table:

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Maintenance frequency
Typical lifetime Power
UPS size Lead-acid
in years Capacitor Fan supply
< 1.5 kVA 5 No maintenance
1.5 kVA – 5.0 kVA 8 1 1 1 1
5.1 kVA – 10 kVA 10 1 2 1 1
10.1 kVA – 200 kVA 15 2 3 2 2

Table 13: Maintenance frequency

Source: UPS PCR from PEP ecopassport

6.11 Transport scenarios

Transport-specific data should be taken into account for transportation stages (kilometres covered,
types of transport). Data shall be justified and documented in the LCA report.
If no specific data are available, the following generic data shall be taken into consideration for all the
stages, from manufacturing to end-of-life:
 International transport: 19,000 km by boat plus 1,000 km by lorry
 Intracontinental transport: 3,500 km by lorry
 Local transport: 1,000 km by lorry.
The LCI datasets in the ELCD database should be used for these scenarios:
 Lorry: the latest available version of the "Articulated lorry transport" dataset Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
mix; 40 t total weight, 27 t max payload" dataset for "RER" location and non-parameterised; •
 Ship: The latest available version of the "Ocean-going container ship; technology mix; 27.500
dwt pay load capacity" dataset for "RER" location and non-parameterised. Any special means
of transport necessary shall be taken into consideration.
Consumer transport (from retailer to consumer home) is excluded from the use stage and shall be
included in the distribution stage: 500km by car “Car; for passenger transport; technology mix; petrol;

6.12 End-of-life stage

The following treatment scenarios shall be considered for all elements during the life cycle and
documented in the LCA report:
 The quantity going for treatment shall equal to the product weight as it is expected that the
whole product is sent to the treatment facility where components will be dismantled.
 Product/material disposal processes (incineration without waste-to-energy recovery, landfill)
If the product disposal treatment is known and/or the data are available, the impacts related to
these processes shall be taken into account. The types of treatment used shall be described
and documented in the LCA report.
If distance data to the disposal site are not known, it shall be considered by default the
transport by lorry of the considered product aver 1,000 km.
 Product/material recovery (reuse, recycling or incineration with waste-to-energy recovery).
In this case, the end-of-life treatment does not lead to waste disposal. The stage ends in the
storage of the materials, which obtain the status of end-of waste. Environmental benefits and
loads relating to secondary material, secondary fuel or recovered energy going out the product
system shall not be included.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Processes ending in waste storage shall be included in the scope of the analysis of the
product that generates the waste.
Processes enabling stored resources to be used shall be included in the scope of the study of
the product that uses the resources.
If distance data to the disposal site are not known, it shall be considered by default the
transport by lorry of the considered product aver 1,000 km.
The system boundaries (and in particular the location of the stored materials) shall be clearly
explained and documented in the LCA report.
If the treatment is unknown or the data are not available, it shall be considered by default the
transport by lorry of the end-of-life product over 1,000 km and the disposal in landfill site by identified
waste constituting material family. The following ELCD LCI dataset shall be used:
 Ferrous metals - Data set: Landfill of ferro metals (03.00.000) (source: Landfill of ferro metals;
landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pretreatment; at
landfill site),
 Plastics - Data set: Landfill of plastic waste (03.00.000) – (source: Landfill of plastic waste;
landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment and without collection, transport
and pre-treatment; at landfill site),
 Inert waste - Data set: Landfill of glass/inert waste (03.00.000) – (source: Landfill of ferro
metals; landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pre-
treatment; at landfill site).

Table 14: Required Data sets

The datasets for the modelling of the life cycle of the product shall be selected from the table below.
Any dataset not in this table and use in the design, shall be identified in the report, including its
source, year and location and reason to use a module outside the indicated set of this PEFCR.

Required Data Set Source Year
Materials production
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene granulate (ABS);production mix, at plant ELCD 3.2 2006 RER
Aluminium sheet;primary production;production mix, at plant;aluminium semi-finished sheet ELCD 3.2 2011 RER
product, including primary production, transformation and recycling
Copper wire;technology mix;consumption mix, at plant;cross section 1 mmy ELCD 3.2 2009 EU-
Lead primary and secondary mix ;technology mix;production mix, at producer;primary 46% / ELCD 3.2 2011 EU-
secondary 54% 27
Steel hot dip galvanized ELCD 3.2 2005 GLO
Polypropylene, granulate Ecoinvent ROW
Polyethylene, high density, granulate Ecoinvent ROW
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Injection moulding {RoW}| processing | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Blow moulding {RoW}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Extrusion, plastic film {RoW}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Thermoforming, with calendering {RoW}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent GLO
Calendering, rigid sheets {RoW}| production | Alloc Def Rece
Solder, paste, Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, for electronics industry {GLO}| Ecoinvent Rece GLO

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Extrusion of aluminium; technology mix, at plant; RER
Bending of steel parts; from pre-shaped materials; technology mix, at plant; NE
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Capacitor, tantalum-, for through-hole mounting {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Capacitor, electrolyte type, > 2cm height {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Capacitor, film type, for through-hole mounting {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Integrated circuit, logic type {GLO}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
LCD module, at plant/GLO
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Light emitting diode {GLO}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Connector, PCI bus, at plant/GLO
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Diode, glass-, for surface-mounting {GLO}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Printed wiring board, for surface mounting, Pb free surface {GLO}| production | Alloc Def
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Resistor, SMD type, surface mounting, at plant/GLO
Ecoinvent Rece GLO
Resistor, metal film type, through-hole mounting, at plant/GLO
Ecoinvent Rece CN
Power supply unit, at plant/CN
Pine wood;timber;production mix, at saw mill;40% water content Rece DE
Paper; production mix, at plant; with deinking, 100% recycled, from wastepaper; RER CODDE Rece
Packaging film, LDPE, at plant/RER U CODDE Rece
Corrugated board, recycling fibre, double wall, at plant/RER U CODDE Rece
Extrusion, plastic film/RER U CODDE Rece
PET film (production only) CODDE Rece
Replacement parts
Lead-acid battery Ecoinvent Rece
Lead acid battery, valve regulated; production mix, at plant; GLO CODDE Rece GLO
Articulated lorry transport;Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 mix;40 t total weight, 27 t max payload ELCD Rece RER
database 3.2 nt
Lorry transport;Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 mix;22 t total weight, 17,3 t max payload ELCD Rece RER
database 3.2 nt
Small lorry transport;Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 mix;7,5 t total weight, 3,3 t max payload ELCD Rece RER
database 3.2 nt
Container ship ocean;technology mix;27.500 dwt pay load capacity ELCD Rece RER
database 2.0 nt
Rail transport;technology mix, electricity driven, cargo-GLO ELCD Rece GLO
database 2.0 nt
Rail transport;technology mix, diesel driven, cargo-RER ELCD Rece RER
database 2.0 nt
Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV;AC;consumption mix, at consumer;1kV - 60kV ELCD Rece EU
database 3.0 nt
End of Life

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Landfill of ferro metals;landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and ELCD Rece EU-
pre-treatment;at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Landfill of glass/inert waste;landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport ELCD Rece EU-
and pre-treatment;at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Landfill of municipal solid waste;landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment, ELCD Rece EU-
without collection, transport and pre-treatment;FR, GB, IE, FI, NO technology mix, at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Landfill of paper waste;landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment and without ELCD Rece EU-
collection, transport and pre-treatment;at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Landfill of plastic waste;landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment and without ELCD Rece EU-
collection, transport and pre-treatment;at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Landfill of untreated wood;landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment and ELCD Rece EU-
without collection, transport and pre-treatment;at landfill site database 2.0 nt 27
Waste incineration of ferro metals;average European waste-to-energy plant, without collection, ELCD Rece EU-
transport and pre-treatment;at plant database 2.0 nt 27
Waste incineration of glass/inert material;average European waste-to-energy plant, without ELCD Rece EU-
collection, transport and pre-treatment;at plant database 2.0 nt 27
Waste incineration of glass/inert material;average European waste-to-energy plant, without ELCD Rece EU-
collection, transport and pre-treatment;at plant database 2.0 nt 27
Waste incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW);average European waste-to-energy plant, ELCD Rece EU-
without collection, transport and pre-treatment;at plant database 2.0 nt 27
Waste incineration of plastics (unspecified) fraction in municipal solid waste (MSW);average ELCD Rece EU-
European waste-to-energy plant, without collection, transport and pre-treatment;at plant database 2.0 nt 27

6.13 Requirements for multifunctional products and multiproduct processes

Not applicable for this product category

7 Benchmark and classes of environmental performance

Benchmarking was completed for comparison of the outcomes of the supporting studies against the
screening studies. The benchmark confirmed that the application of the PEFCR resulted in results
comparable to the reference/screening study.
The environmental performance shall be developed based on the Commissions guidance, it was not
done for the supporting studies.

8 Interpretation

The information in this section shall be a succinct understanding of the accuracy of the results to
determine if they meet the goal of the study. This can be accomplished by identifying the data inputs
with significant contribution to each impact category, evaluating the sensitivity of these significant
data, assessing the completeness & consistency of the data and study, and drawing conclusions and
recommendations based on a clear understanding of the conditions to conduct the LCA and the
influence in the results.

9 Reporting, Disclosure and Communication

Use the official PEF template for the reporting of the study.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

9.1 PEF external communication report

This report is a short version of the study without confidential information. Remove section 5 or
provide non-confidential information that informs about the product and modify the outcomes of the
assessment as needed. The results shall specify the life cycle impacts, the most relevant life cycle
phase, the most significant impact categories, the most relevant processes and elementary flows.

9.2 PEF performance tracking report

To be developed

9.3 PEF Declaration

As a reminder from guidance section 3.14.3. “The PEF profile can be communicated through a PEF
declaration which is intended to be either publicly available or not.” and “the characterised results for
all impact categories shall be available to the public through freely accessible information sources.”
The PEF declaration is designed to be communicated in a B2B context.
The PEF declaration shall be based on a specific PEF study covering all the life cycle stages.
The PEF declaration shall contain the information described in the following sections regarding:
 General information
 Constituent materials
 Additional environmental information
 Environmental impacts
NOTE: The Company is free to use the template and graphics according to internal marketing

9.4 General information

Name of the document
The term “PEF declaration” shall be included in the declaration.
Information regarding the document
The information shall include:
 The date of publication and the validity period,
 The identification of the applicable "PEF Guidance" document and its version,
 The identification of the applicable "Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules"
(PEFCR) document and its version,
 The text: "The PEFCR review was conducted by an expert panel chaired by <name and
organisation of the chair of the review panel>" ,
 The text: "The content of this PEF declaration cannot be compared with content based on
another life cycle assessment method",
 The verification text: "Independent verification of the declaration and data, according to PEF
Guide specifications from the European Commission.",
 The verifier’s name and organisation.
Information regarding the company publishing the PEF declaration
The information shall include:
 The company details (name, web site),
 The details of a legal contact in the company (e.g. create a specific email address).

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Product and methodology

The PEF declaration shall indicate:
 The name of the product ,
 An illustration of the product,
 Information that unambiguously identifies the product: trade reference, etc.,
 The functional unit used to draw up the PEF study ,
 Intended use of the product,
 Where appropriate:
o The product category to which the product belong,
o The list of eligible entities.

9.5 Constituent materials

 The total mass of the product, packaging and additional elements supplied with the product by
the manufacturer shall be indicated.
 For the following categories, indicate their distribution in percentage of the total mass of the
product, packaging and elements supplied with the product:
o Plastics,
o Metals,
o Others.
 Materials can be also further listed by material groups or by base materials as defined in IEC
62474 in its latest edition:
o Example of material groups: copper and alloys, thermoplastics,
o Example of base materials: copper, zinc, lead, polycarbonate, talc, dye.
 Beyond appearing in 15 material groups or basic materials, they shall also be listed under
 Distribution data for materials shall be expressed as a % of the product mass with 1 digit after
the decimal point and ranked in descending order of mass if it is presented in the form of a
 The materials shall cover the entire reference product, packaging and elements supplied with
the product.
 The value of substances and materials with a mass lower than 0.1 % shall be given as
 Plastics can be identified in conformity with the relevant current standards.
 Some components (e.g.: electronic circuit boards, cells and batteries,…) can be listed with
their mass in the material balance without a description of the constituent materials, except for
hazardous substances such as those listed in the following sections.

9.6 Additional environmental information

Certain relevant aspects should be specified in the PEF declaration:
 Additional environmental information shall be specific, accurate and not misleading. They shall
be based on information that is substantiated and verified, in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 14020 and ISO 14021, clause 5.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

 Additional environmental information shall only be related to environmental issues. It may

include data on product performance, if environmentally significant. Information and
instructions on product safety unrelated to the environmental performance of the product shall
not be part of a PEF declaration.
 Although the additional information cannot generally be related to a functional unit, it shall be
provided for the same product as the product to which the environmental part of the PEF
declaration applies.
 All additional environmental information shall be justified and documented in the LCA report
and readily available on request and verifiable if it is disclosed:
 Where relevant, references shall be made to recognized measurement methods defined in
PEFCR or to the standards in force.
 By default, measurement methods used to justify the additional environmental information
shall rely on test report documented in LCA report.
Actions to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing activities such as any environmental
management systems or a regulatory monitoring device can be mentioned, with a statement on
where an interested party may find details of the system.
The additional environmental information may include information on absence or level of presence of
a material that is considered of environmental significance in certain areas [see ISO 14020 and ISO
14021, 5.7 (r)]. It shall not refer to the absence of substances or features that are not or have never
been associated with the product category.
The hazardous substances specified in the various regulations (REACH, RoHS, etc.) or standards
(IEC 62474, etc.) in force in the countries concerned and used in the composition of the reference
flow can be mentioned as additional information.
For example, the following hazardous substances specified in the RoHS Directive can be declared
when present in the homogeneous materials of the product:
 Lead,
 Mercury,
 Cadmium,
 Hexavalent chromium,
 Polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) ,
 Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE).
If the quantity of a hazardous substance is indicated, it shall be expressed as specified by the
regulations in force.
Actions to reduce the environmental impact of the distribution stage such as the establishment of
specific logistic processes can be mentioned.
Actions to reduce the environmental impact of the installation process can be mentioned.
Actions to reduce product pollution and its impact on the environment according to the characteristics
of the product and consistent with the product use can be mentioned.
The following aspects can be provided, when relevant:
 Instructions and limits for efficient use,
 Noise level, when considered by the applicable standards,
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

 Electromagnetic emissions, when considered by the applicable standards.

A product may reduce, through its main function, the environmental impact of a system with which it
interacts or it monitors.
In this case, claimed environmental impact reduction may be mentioned in the use phase section in
the PEF declaration and shall be clearly calculated, justified and documented in the LCA report.
End of life
Actions to reduce the end-of-life impact of the product on the environment should be mentioned, such
as participation in recycling or recovery programs, provided that details of these programs are readily
available to the purchaser or user and contact information is provided.
For products submitted to end-of-life treatment regulations, the presence and mass of any
components or subassemblies that have to be sent to specific treatment centres should be mentioned
(e.g. Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
The quality of design of the product with respect to end of life can be mentioned. In this case, it can
be measured with a recyclability rate indicator. The recyclability rate represents the recycling potential
of the product in terms of its design: technology and input materials. The recycling method and
potential values shall be compatible with the relevant standards. Document IEC/TR 62635 should be
used for electrical and electronic equipment. Other methods shall be mentioned and documented in
the PEF declaration and justified in the LCA report.

9.7 Environmental impacts

The PEF declaration shall specify:
 The table of environmental impacts in numerical values, expressed in the corresponding units
with three significant figures (and in option as a percentage) for all the environmental impact
categories, for each stage of the life cycle, and the total for each indicator of the complete life
cycle assessment,
 The name and version of the LCA software and database,
 The product category and the use scenario specifying:
o The expected service life time,
o The description of the product use scenario,
 Where appropriate, the applicable product standards,
 For the installation phase, the installation elements taken into account,
 The product maintenance scenario and the consumables used during the expected service life
time of the product,
 Information on the geographical and technological representativeness of the PEF declaration,
 The energy model used to determine the impacts of the manufacturing, installation, use and
end-of-life stages.
NOTE: For a given indicator, a life cycle stage can be considered to be negligible if it represents less
than 0.01% of the total life cycle of the reference flow. In this case, it shall be shown as 0* in the
environmental impacts table for this stage and this indicator and "represents less than 0.01% of the
total life cycle of the reference flow" shall be inserted under the table.

10 Reference literature
DIN EN 15804 (2012): Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations –
Core rules for the product category of construction products, version EN 15804:2012.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

ecoinvent Centre (2013): Overview and methodology – Data quality guideline for the ecoinvent
database version 3, ecoinvent report No. 1 (v3), St. Gallen.
ErP Lot 27 (2013): Uninterruptible Power Supplies. Task 5 – Definition of Base Cases, report for the
European Commission, issue number 1.
Hellweg. S./Frischknecht. R. (2004): Evaluation of Long-Term Impacts in LCA, in: International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 9 (5) 2004, pp. 339.
Joint Research Centre (2014): Normalisation method and data for Environmental Footprints, JRC
technical report EUR 26042, European Union. Luxembourg.
Joint Research Centre (2013): Background analysis of the quality of the energy data to be considered
for the European Reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD), JRC technical report EUR 26431,
European Union. Luxembourg.
ÖGUT (2011): Kennzahlen zum Energieverbrauch in Dienstleistungsgebäuden, Wien, online
available at http://www.oegut.at/downloads/pdf/e_kennzahlen-ev-dlg_zb.pdf.
P.E.P. Association (2012): PCR Product Category Rules of the PEP ecopassport PROGRAM –
Product Environmental Profile For Electrical, Electronic and HVAC-R equipments, PEP-PCR-ed 2.1-
EN-2012 12 11, Paris.
P.E.P. Association (2014): PEP ecopassport Program PSR - Specific rules for Uninterruptible Power
Supply, PSR-0010-ed1-EN-2014 02 11, Paris. http://www.pep-ecopassport.org/fileadmin/webmaster-
Spielmann. M. Bauer. C.. Dones. R.. Tuchschmid. M. (2007): Transport Services, ecoinvent report
No. 14, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf.

11 Supporting information for the PEFCR

11.1 Open stakeholder consultations
[A link to a web-page]

11.2 PEFCR Review Report

11.3 Additional requirements in standards not covered in PEFCR

[If a PEFCR is designed to be compliant with more than one standard, list requirements for any claim
that intends to be compliant with these standards]

11.4 Cases of deviations from the default approach

[Where deviations from the default approach (as given in the PEF or in this PEFCR) is made,
justification, results, interpretation and recommendation to the European Commission and the PEF-
practitioner should be included.]

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12 List of annexes
12.1 Annex I – Examples of UPS types
Life time EU-27 Sales Market share
UPS size
(in years) (in Million units) (in %)
< 1.5 kVA 5 0.99 69.23
≥ 1.5 kVA – 5 kVA 8 0.40 27.97
≥ 5.1 kVA – 10 kVA 10 0.03 2.10
≥ 10.1 kVA – 200 kVA 15 0.01 0.70
1.43 ~ 100%

The stand by topology: is the maximum energy saving mode (VFD). The normal mode of operation
consists on supplying the load from the primary power source.
The line interactive topology allows the voltage independence (VI), during the normal mode of
operation the load is supplied with conditioned AC input power at the input frequency.
The double conversion topology provides the highest power conditioning (VFI), output voltage and
frequency are independent of input conditions.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.2 Annex II – Supporting studies

Four PEF supporting studies were carried out in compliance with the latest version of the PEF guide -
Version 5.0 (August 2015) and with current PEFCR V 1.7. The studies were performed on UPS of
3kVA, 10kVA and 200 kVA. The PEFCR generic data harmonized the studies if no distribution data is
available, sets up a use phase scenario with data sometimes unknown for manufactures that scenario
considers transport of the product, transport of the technician, energy consumption and life time. In
addition, the PEFCR list of generic secondary datasets guided the selection of modules while doing
the life cycle assessment. The studies support the conclusions of the screening study v 2.3 in that the
outcomes shows the same life cycle impact dominates, the same processes and components. The
difference is in few elementary flows that changed based on the dataset and tool used for the
assessment. In general the results of the studies and the screening report are similar.
Use of the PEFCR to identify dominant life cycle phase and impacts
The result of applying the PEFCR shows that for the four UPS products, small and large size, the use
phase is the dominant life cycle phase.

This outcome demonstrates that the rules of the UPS PEFCR can be applied to a diverse range of
UPS. The outcomes of the assessment of all UPS products showed that climate change and water
resource depletion were the most relevant impact categories. Depending on the size of the product
water depletion could be higher for small size UPS and climate change larger for big size UPS. Note
that not all impact indicators were available for the assessment of all four products, given the different
indicators in the assessment tools. As the assessment tools are out of the control of the
manufacturers less than 50% of the indicators were assessed for 3 of the four studies. Considering
the limitation on impact categories, it is unknown If other indicators would change the outcomes of the
most significant environmental impacts.
For all products, manufacturing phase dominated abiotic depletion regardless of the difference in
datasets. Thought the modules selection somewhat influenced the percentage contribution, it did not
change the percentage more than 1%.
Normalization was not applied for all studies as not all the tools allow this step in the assessment.
Only users of SimaPro normalized the results using the PEF normalization factors. For the remaining
studies, the results were presented by the highest contribution or result of the assessment.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.2.1 Use of the PEFCR to identify contributing processes and elementary flows
Contributing processes were selected for all life cycle phases, sometimes similar processes where
identified for different stages but with a different percentage contribution, the results were reported by
life cycle phase. A summary table of the main process contributing to each life cycle phase sorted
from the most dominant phase to the least significant, showed electricity and energy sources
dominate process contribution. The same procedure applies to contribution from elementary flows,
which were identified by life cycle phase plus reported by highest to lowest elementary contribution.

12.2.2 Complementing analysis

The hot spot analysis reported contributions from components and processes with more than 50%
contribution to impacts. The results for the studies showed that electricity and electronics are the
main hot spots. Following closely was end of life treatment of batteries.
The uncertainty analysis was only completed for one study that used the results straight from the
software assessment tool. The usefulness of this step is unclear because the tool’s procedure to
report uncertainty in unclear. To minimize uncertainty, data quality assessment was performed using
an excel tool that allows rating the data quality by using recorded data information and expert
judgement. This is a more efficient way of determining uncertainty and identifying data quality issues.
The results showed that for materials, data is at least 10 years old though it has a large sample size.
In the case of electronics data is as old as 6 years but depending on the software tool there can be
more or less data available for the data source assessment. In general, the studies use datasets of
good quality though older.

12.2.3 Comparative Benchmark

The environmental performance benchmark can help double check the assessment results and the
significance of the environmental impacts against reference point. If the indicators and tool to perform
the life cycle assessment are the same for the reference product and the study, the results are
expected to be similar and the benchmark can then be useful. It was less significant for the studies
that could only compare 50-% of the indicators against the expected set of impacts. The benchmark
of the product assessing the full set of indicators showed that there is a significant difference between
the percentage contribution of the reference product (from the screening study) and the product under
assessment for human toxicity indicators, marine eutrophication and particulate matter. For the
studies for which the full set of expected indicators was not available, the benchmark was done by
taking the difference between the same indicators of the corresponding product of the screening
study and the actual product assessed.

12.2.4 Comparative Benchmark

The end of life assessment was an alternative to the formula recommended by the PEF Guideline.
The supporting studies reported difficulty in collecting end of life data for all the parameters of the
formula for all the main materials of the product. End of life data is out of manufacturers reach,
making the use of the formula useless. All pilots followed the recommendation of the screening of a
simplified approach that used data available to manufacturers. The alternative approach
demonstrated that the information used for the Screening study was readily available to

12.3 Annex III – Benchmark and classes of environmental performance

To be developed

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.4 Annex IV – Upstream scenarios (optional)

12.5 Report describing upstream scenarios and processes as a result of the 1st
virtual consultation.

12.6 Annex V – Downstream scenarios (optional)

12.7 Report describing downstream scenarios and processes as a result of the

1st virtual consultation.

12.8 Annex VI – Table 15 Normalisation factors

Global Global
(2010 or (2010 or
ILCD Impact Category Unit (2010), per
2013), per 2000), per
person person
1.1 1.2 1.3
Climate change kg CO2 eq. 9.22E+03 7.07E+03 8.10E+03
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq. 2.16E-02 1.22E-02 4.14E-02
Human toxicity, cancer effects CTUh 3.69E-05 1.24E-05 5.42E-05
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects CTUh 5.33E-04 1.55E-04 1.10E-03
Particulate matter/Respiratory
kg PM2.5 eq. 3.80E+00 5.07E+00 2.76E+00
Ionizing radiation, human health kBq U235 eq. (to air) 1.13E+03 2.41E+02 1.33E+03
Photochemical ozone formation,
kg NMVOC eq. 3.17E+01 4.53E+01 5.67E+01
human health
Acidification mol H+ eq. 4.73E+01 5.61E+01 4.96E+01
Eutrophication terrestrial mol N eq. 1.76E+02 1.64E+02 1.15E+02
Eutrophication freshwater kg P eq. 1.48E+00 6.54E+00 6.20E-01
Eutrophication marine kg N eq. 1.69E+01 3.04E+01 9.38E+00
Land use kg C deficit 7.48E+04 5.20E+06 2.36E+05
Ecotoxicity freshwater CTUe 8.74E+03 3.74E+03 6.65E+02
Resource depletion water m3 water eq. 8.14E+01 6.89E+01 2.97E+01
Resource depletion, mineral, fossils
kg Sb eq. 1.01E-01 1.93E-01 3.13E-01
and renewables

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.9 Annex VII – Table 16 Weighting factors



Distance to target Damage oriented Damage oriented (2 AoPs and 2 midpoint)
oriented Panel
Mid-to- - 2 Endpoint indicators (Human health, Ecosystem
based 3 Endpoint indicators (Human health,
Policy targets Planetary boundaries endpoin health) and 2 Midpoint indicators (Water
Ecosystem health, Resource)
t Depletion, Resource Depletion)
based on: Ponsioen & Goedkoop
based on: Humbert 2015
Castella Castella EDI Ponsioe Hupp 2015
ni et al. ni et al. P Bjørn&Hausc n& es et
to et al.
2015 2015 200 hild 2015 Goedko al. Human Human Water
2012 Ecosystems Resources Ecosystems Resources
WFsA WFsB 3 op 2015 2012 health health scarcity

Spreadsheet 2.A.1 2.A.1
2.A.3 2.A.4 2.A.5 2.A.6 2.B.1 2.B.1 2.B.1 2.B.2 2.B.2 2.B.2 2.B.2

[DALY [species.y [species.y [kg Sb [m3

ILCD Impact Category Unit dimensionless (%) [US$/kg] [DALY]
] ear] ear] eq.] eq.]
23.2 9.28E- 2.55E-
Climate change kg CO2 eq. 7.1% 5.4% 2% 10% 25% 44% 4.57E-09 NA 3.67E-09 NA NA
% 07 07
87 5.31E- 1.05E-
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq. 6.4% 4.9% 8% 1% 0% 3.6% NA NA NA NA NA
% 04 03
1.25E 1.30E+
Human toxicity, cancer effects CTUh 6.9% 5.2% 2% NA NA 1% 6.5% NA NA NA NA NA
+01 01
2.70E 1.30E+
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects CTUh 6.2% 4.7% 2% NA NA 4% 4.1% NA NA NA NA NA
+00 00
7.00E- 1.80E-
Particulate matter/Respiratory inorganics kg PM2.5 eq. 7.4% 5.6% NA NA NA 8% 6.6% NA NA NA NA NA
04 03
kBq U eq. 7.94E- 2.10E-
Ionizing radiation, human health 6.1% 4.6% NA NA NA 0% 6.5% NA NA NA NA NA
(to air) 08 08
kg NMVOC 3.90E- 1.28E-
Photochemical ozone formation, human health 7.8% 5.9% 2% NA 34% 0% 5.4% NA NA NA NA NA
eq. 08 06
Acidification mol H+ eq. 7.2% 5.5% 2% 8% 1% 0% 4.2% NA 3.72E-09 NA NA 9.29E-11 NA NA
Eutrophication terrestrial mol N eq. 7.0% 5.3% 2% 28% 1% 0% 2.3% NA 0.00E+00 NA NA 1.59E-08 NA NA
Eutrophication freshwater kg P eq. 6.2% 4.7% 1% 7% 9% 0% 2.3% NA 5.62E-08 NA NA 2.75E-08 NA NA
Eutrophication marine kg N eq. 6.9% 5.2% 2% 28% 1% 0% 2.3% NA 0.00E+00 NA NA 2.28E-12 NA NA
Land use kg C deficit 6.4% 5.3% NA 6% 25% 19% NA 8.88E-09 NA NA 1.66E-09 NA NA
Ecotoxicity freshwater CTUe 6.1% 5.1% 0% NA 2% 0% NA 1.08E-12 NA NA 4.32E-13 NA NA
Resource depletion water m3 water eq. 6.1% 29.6% NA 5% 1% 3% 5.1% 2.35E-08 9.60E-01 NA NA NA 1.00
Resource depletion, mineral, fossils and renewables kg Sb eq. 6.1% 3.0% 0% NA NA 19% 6.9% NA NA 4.52E+04 NA NA 1.00 NA
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.10 Annex VIII – Foreground data

12.10.1 Table 17 Overview of the types of data sources to be used in the PEF
Material/Component Manufacturing Process Transportation
Life Cycle Stage Process Quantit Data Quantit Data Data Justification/Comment
Type Type Quantity Type
y source y source source
Productions of raw & basic
Included in subsequent stages
Production of primary Section Section Section Does not contribute significantly to
Material in composition Primary Primary Table 11 Primary Table 11 Table 11
packaging 6.7 6.7 6.7 the impacts.
Production of second. & Does not contribute significantly to
Excluded from the score
tertiary packaging the impacts.
Production of materials Section Section Contributes significantly to the
Material in composition Primary Primary Table 11 Primary Primary Table 11 Primary
used in UPS 6.7 6.7 impacts.
Section Section
Printed Circuit Boards Primary Primary Table 11 Primary Primary Table 11 Primary
6.7 6.7
Contributes significantly to the
Semiconductors Primary Primary Table 11 Included in component Included in component
Production of component impacts. Not possible to collect
Batteries Primary Primary Table 11 Included in component Included in component
specific data.
Cables Primary Primary Table 11 Included in component Included in component
Other Primary Primary Table 11 Included in component Included in component
UPS assembly & Does not contribute significantly to
Primary Primary Table 11 Primary Primary Table 11
customization the impacts.
Transport to distribution Section Does not contribute significantly to
Production of UPS Primary Primary
center 6.7 the impacts.
Storage at distribution Does not contribute significantly to
Excluded from the scope
center the impacts.
Transport to point of Section Does not contribute significantly to
Table 12 Primary
sale 6.7 the impacts.
Product Distribution
Section Section Does not contribute significantly to
Consumer transport Generic
6.7 6.7 the impacts.
Section Only relevant for UPS > 5 kVA
Installation components Table 12 Primary Table 11 Table 12 Primary Table 11 Primary Primary
Installation of UPS 6.7
(Only for large UPSs) Section Section Only relevant for UPS > 5 kVA
Installation processes Table 12 Primary Table 11 Primary
6.7 6.7
Contributes significantly to the
Electricity Primary Primary * Table 11
Use of UPS Market life span to use as default
Life span Table 12 Primary Table 11
Replacement parts Primary Primary Table 11 Primary Primary Table 11 Only relevant for large UPSs

Transport (waste Section Does not contribute significantly to

1000km Lorry
collection) 6.8 the impacts. Not possible to collect
End of Life of the product
Waste treatment Section Section Section specific data.
(landfill. etc.) 6.8 6.8 6.8
* i.e. Region of electricity production

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)


Parameter Source
< 1.5 kVA ≥1.5– 5 kVA ≥5.1– 10 kVA ≥10.1-200 kVA

Transport distance to the

20 500 500 500 Expert judgment
client (in km)
Means of transportation Passenger car Van < 3.5 t Van < 3.5 t Lorry <16t Expert judgment
Travel of a
Further needed
May need some equipment to carry the UPS and professional to
processes for the Expert judgment
batteries from truck to final destination. install the UPS of
500 pkm
ErP Lot 27 (2013),
confirmed with
Electricity consumption
377.7 1,929.4 3,120.75 42,839.69 manufacturer-
(in kWh)
ErP Lot 27 (2013),
confirmed with
Average power output (in
0.54 2.87 6.25 94.5 manufacturer-
P.E.P. Association
Life time (in a) 5 8 10 15
Table 17: Generic data use phase

12.11 Annex X – EOL formula application

R  Q  R
1    EV  1  Erecycled  2   ErecyclingEoL  E V  S   3  EER  LHV  X ER , heat  ESE, heat  LHV  X ER ,elec  ESE,elec   
 R1  R * 
 2  2 2  QP 2 

Note: This Annex only demonstrates the attempt to use the EOL formula but the difficulty of
implementing that formula in the assessment of a UPS. This section only shows the work done to try
to use the formula and the examples of how is was apply to just a few materials.
Implementation of the EOL formula shall be done using product specific data for values of R2, R3,
LHV, Qs/QP, XER_heat or XER_elec. If all values/data are known the EOL formula can be applied
manually to the largest materials by weight. The limitation of manual implementation is the formula
will be applied to a few single materials without accounting for the various input resources that are
contained in that material.
If the values are unknown the formula can be applied to the model created in the software by
implementing the formula in each module. The limitation is that a material contains multiple
resources for which the formula shall be applied. In addition there are resources that already include
recycled content and that is not identified in the modules. This PEFCR applied the formula to a metal
material for demonstration of how to use of the formula.

Example: Cast iron

1. Open “Cast iron {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def, U” and check iron inputs. 2 iron
inputs are found:
a. Cast iron {RER}| production | Alloc Def, U
b. Cast iron {RoW}| production | Alloc Def, U
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

2. Open “Cast iron {RER}| production | Alloc Def, U” and “Cast iron {RoW}| production
| Alloc Def, U” and check iron inputs. 2 iron inputs are found:
a. Pig iron {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def, U
b. Iron scrap, sorted, pressed {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def, U
3. Copy both processes and change amounts for iron inputs:

 Copy “Cast iron {GLO}| market for | Alloc Def, U” and change inputs:

 Change cast iron input process for UPS:

 Use of different EoL treatment processes (combination of incineration, landfill, material

recycling, etc) are only possible with the use of “waste scenarios”. Waste scenarios can only
be used by product stages, e.g. assemblies, not by processes. Therefore, for each material for
which the EoL formula needs to be applied a separate assembly has to be defined.
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

 To implement the EoL formula unit processes have to be used. However, there is a process
network of 10.000 processes for ecoinvent v3 and the calculation of results is very slow
(several minutes per calculation).
 Analyse the impact of the EoL. For the Cast iron example the EOL impact is so small that the
processes are still not fully visible with a cut-off of 0,05%, but with a lower cut-off the networks
becomes unclear.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

If manual application is chosen the following data can be used if not primary values are known.
Values not in table shall be calculated.

Parameter Assumption Source

EoL treatment per fraction (in %)





Scenarios Re-use 1 1 1 0 0 1 (2013)
Material recycling 25 94 94 68 68 36
Recovery 34 0 0 14 14 10
0 0 0 13 13 48
without recovery
Landfill 40 5 5 5 5 5
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
UPS component Treatment
Entire UPS is 100% sent to WEEE compliant treatment Assumption
Metal parts are melted
PWBs including ICs,
are melted
diodes, ports, etc.
are dismantled manually and separated in Interview with
EoL treatment of UPSs Fan
metal parts, plastic parts German
are shredded mechanically and separated recycling
Power supply unit
in metal parts, plastic parts and PWBs company
Plastic parts are shredded, sorted, and sold
Battery specific treatment
LCD module specific treatment
Quality metals* 1
Quality plastics* 0.4

EOL formula implementation in the PEF screening studies, Technical Helpdesk, March 2016

12.12 Annex XI – Background information on methodological choices taken

during the development of the PEFCR
The methodology developed is intended to facilitate the use of a PEFCR broadly in industry. In
addition the supporting studies are provided with a format that can be continuously used for different
product just completing the chart with new results and analysis. The main guide was the PEF
Guideline provided by the EPF Program, the PEP Ecopassport approach for the end of life, the
selection of datasets based on quality and completion and report mechanisms to help fill in charts
with sets of results for multiple products becoming a template internal use.

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

12.13 Annex XII – Data Quality Assessment Tool

Data Quality
Assessment Tool

12.14 Annex XIII- Charts for reporting of the assessment results

Example of table for Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials
Material family Material declared Total %
Aluminum x %
Metal Copper x %
Steel x %
Paper x %
Polyethylene film x %
Wood x %
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene x %
Diverse Thermossetting Plastics x %
PA Polyamide x %
PC Polycarbonate x %
PPS Polyphenylene sulfure x %
Cables and connectors x %
Elastomer x %
Various Electrolytic capacitor x %
Electronic cards x %
LCD screen x %
Assemblies Missing data x 0.00%
Total x 100.00%
Example of table for Main process contribution to impacts
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Example of table for Flows contribution to impacts

Contribution to
Impact category Flow category Elementary flow impact category
result (in %)
Resources from ground lead 97
Abiotic depletion (elements)
Total 97
Resources from ground hard coal 34.50
Resources from ground natural gas 29.97
Abiotic depletion (fossils)
Resources from ground brown coal 20
Total 85.18

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Example of table for benchmark

Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

13 Goal of the study

13.1 Intended application and target audience

The intended application of the screening study is the development of the PEFCR for UPSs. As
described in the PEF Guide, the objective of the screening steps is to obtain an approximate
estimation of each environmental impact for the default EF impact categories.

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